ROBBERY^ IN THE NAME OF tHE LAW!!* · Issued by the Jhty. Regional Coccittee of the S.A. Congress...

ROBBERY^ IN THE NAME OF tHE LAW!!* ^Wben German Nazis proclaimed anti-Jewish laws and seized Jewish property, they sent the dispossessed first to ghettos, later to gas-chambers. And vultures fattened on the spoils of the wealth they had taken “in the name of the law." We, too, have our laws that mean open robbery and ruination of many to enrich the pockets of a few. 22.000 Indians are to be “removed" from Pagevicw and surrounding areas, and dumped on a piece of land called Lenasia, 22 miles from Johannesburg.. This is what the Group Areas proclamation in the Western. Areas means: LOSS in some caaes up to 85% of properly investments of several million pounds. DISPLACEMENT of tens of thousands of non-whites — Africans. Indians, Coloureds Malays, Chinese. . ,. DESTRUCTION of all social and cultural institutions of non-whites in affected areas. UPROOTING of home*, established after years of toil and sacrifice. ELIMINATION of about 750 Indian traders, their employees and dependents, deprivation of their means of livelihood, destruction of commercial interests of several million pounds.

Transcript of ROBBERY^ IN THE NAME OF tHE LAW!!* · Issued by the Jhty. Regional Coccittee of the S.A. Congress...


    OF tH E L A W ! ! *

    ^Wben German Nazis proclaimed anti-Jewish laws and seized Jewish property, they sent the dispossessed first to ghettos, later to gas-chambers. And vultures fattened on the spoils of the wealth they had taken “in the name of the law."

    We, too, have our laws that mean open robbery and ruination of many to enrich the pockets of a few.

    22.000 Indians are to be “removed" from Pagevicw and surrounding areas, and dumped on a piece of land called Lenasia, 22 miles from Johannesburg..

    This is what the Group Areas proclamation in the Western. Areas means:

    LOSS in some caaes up to 85% of properly investments of several million pounds.

    DISPLACEMENT of tens of thousands of non-whites — Africans. Indians, Coloureds Malays, Chinese. . , .

    DESTRUCTION of all social and cultural institutions of non-whites in affected areas.

    UPROOTING of home*, established after years of toil and sacrifice.

    ELIMINATION of about 750 Indian traders, their employees and dependents, deprivation of their means of livelihood, destruction of commercial interests of several million pounds.


    Lcnasia is a privately-owned township of ̂600 *

    t e , ”" fcc !»« * * , p rice',, ,he ^ ^H»w k » .he M f c * !uppow | “ “ ,*l‘ “ “ “ :

    »l «..> land, this i„huma„ pUn ^ i, “ ■ Th“ * « •» « * • « - . no ^ i f e ,

    — a „ d < „ , * * h „ ^ :T:Tum>" * - * ■ * “‘ ^ " Wlde*y^«®rri«8 political views?

    The ^ .c a U o n of fie d e v Area, t h r o w n the m , ,sequ' nc“ A e national economy F m f i J m Z * . . ' * " " h" e * > + * " < « -

    •* *— w * « « „ * * „ n ' " r I f ■ * *■ SfciiP*op/ fiat fie Crxmp Area, A ct k nafitma ^ •. ».Jtpnoe non-European, — p *tic*larly M ian, — 0i thar - * * “ * * toLena,,a «, . « satisfactory as ,/ U(mlJ be if the mfmtltnnh / H /A-i. ^ * " *«c/Vav A/„w • • °y p«» **«,«, rcmo(W (0

    I*. J. U m U*. a - ™ . J u« TW. Ub-I p*,.

    One of fie most callout acts m*. i_ ,> • ., i . e0en * "*e hutorg o f this f r r i i n. i" " 7 * ■ " * • * * * « . / w < w I ? . ~J

    ™ » , W ^ ^ t c w |

    th e provision, of these Jn-lnr^t

    Mr. A.J. C„,,„. C„, Councillof „

  • The Government proposes to move the 60,000 inhabitants of Sophiatown, Martindale and Newclare to a piece of bart- veld 7 miles uw^y. The majority of City Caincillore in Johanresburg ar*- supporting this scheme.There will tes

    BC -no^ensaticn fcr lci>8 of property ■D alternative housing (site and service only)HO alternative freehold landST rw*l*c«wnt of facilities» hospitals, schools, churches, cinemas, shops.

    C~)____ Th* Authorities say that the Western Areas are a "Black*pot", but* . V ________J ______a X*___A \ y. I k f i O A a - T A Q a fftrn . d /•> j . s> fl/~\ T C’ Norv-Buropeans have enjoyed freehold rights in these areas for half

    ( j l H L X & I ( / ! £ > A oantury. Is it fair to tell than to move now? - bacause Europeans ---------

  • T

    TO M A R C H W IT H FREE WORLD O P IN IO N , and restore South A frica to a place o f respect and friendship amongst nations. Tha S.A.C.O.D. works " to secure for all South A fricans regardless o f race, creed or colour, the rights la id down in the Universal Declaration o f Human Rights adopted by the General Assembly o f the United Nations Organisation."

    TO UPHOLD THE RIGHTS OF M A N against all South A frican practices which underm ine them.

    The S.A.C.O.D. opposes "a ll forms o f inequality and discrim ination , and repudiates as false the doctrines o f racial inequality, o f white supremacy, o f apartheid, trusteeship and segregation."

    TO EXTEND THE DEMOCRATIC W A Y OF LIFE to all fie lds o f South A frican life , and all institutions.

    The S .A.C.O.D. works to secure fo r all South A fricans "the r igh t to vote in and stand fo r elections to state and local law-making bodies on the basis o f Universal d ire c t and equal adu lt suffrage."

    TO AVERT A FULL-FLEDGED POLICE STATE by upholding c iv il liberties against all threats to extinguish them.

    The S.A.C.O.D. works to secure fo r a ll South A fricans "Equal c iv il liberties — freedom o f thought, speech and press, freedom of movement and assembly, freedom o f organisation and re lig ion ."

    TO C O M BAT E C O N O M IC INJUSTICE, which closes the door to an advance in standards o f life fo r most South Africans.

    The S.A.C.O.D. works fo r "equal economic opportunities w ithout discrim ination based on race or colour, to qua lify fo r and engage in all trades, crafts, occupations and professions; to acquire and own land and property, and to free ly form , join and administer Trade Unions."

    TO OPEN THE DOOR OF OPPORTUNITY fo r all the races and peoples o f South A frica to advance as they are able..

    The S.A.C.O.D. works fo r equa lity o f status "in every fie ld o f state and adm inistration, pub lic activ ity , education and recreation, and fo r the preservation o f fam ily life w ith no interference which would lead to its d is in teg ra tion ."

    TO SERVE THE CAUSE OF IN TER N ATIO N AL PEACE which is threatened by conflic ts arising from racial con flic t and national oppression.

    TO JO IN HANDS W ITH O U R FELLOW SOUTH AFRICANS, in a sp irit o f harmony and friendship fo r achieving the common weal.

    The S.A.C.O.D. co-operates closely, harmoniously with the fo re most organisations amongst the Non-European peoples — The A frican National Congress, the South A frican Indian Congress and the South A frican Coloured Peoples' O rganisation— whose democra tic aims and objects are almost iden tica l to S.A.C.O.D.'s„

    •TO C A M P A IG N IN UNITY with other South A frican democrats

    o f all races, fo r the good life fo r all.

    The S.A.-C.O.D. is an active, cam paigning body o f people d iffe ring perhaps on many things, but united " to advocate the principles o f equa lity and the brotherhood o f men, to strive fo r the maintenance o f world peace and the ending o f national discrim ination and oppression and to ge t South A frica to support a programme o f extensive righ ts and liberties fo r all our people ."

    TO MAKE SOUTH A FR IC A A BETTER PLACE TO LIVE, a place where harmony and friendship replaces today's dark conflic ts and bitterness; a place where lib e rty and justice has ousted oppression, inhumanity and reaction.

    Such a land is not bu ilt by thinking o f it. I t has to be worked for, by men and women o f courage.


  • SACOD PAMPHLETSYou Should Read

    WHERE THE DEVIL DRIVESAn explanation o f the 'Verwoerd' Laws — the Resettlement A ct, the Bantu Land and Trust Am endm ent A c t, the Urban Areas Am endm ent A c t.

    •EDUCATING FOR IGNORANCEThe real facts about the Bantu Education A c t -— as Governm ent o ffic ia ls have explained it.

    PRICE 3d. EACH.

    O bta inab le from :S.A. CONGRESS OF DEMOCRATS,

    Box 4088, Johannesburg.


    I ivould like to join the S.A. Congress oj Democrats.

    N a m e ____________________________________________A d d re ss__________________________________________

    Post this Form to Box 4088, Johannesburg.t PROMPT--- It/M

    r-P 3 . L



    -------- '5ACo£_____ A................

    0t,"> ..........

    N O T E S F O RVerwyain^ N o ....3.A'S P E A K E R S .

    These notes are suggestions of how you should elaborate Congress of Democrats policy. The final fnrm 0f your speech you must work out yourself, depending *n the typo of audience* you are addressing. The notes contain too much material for one speech: it Is left to you to select and arrange it,SUGGESTED INTRODUCTIONS:

    THE NATIONALIST THREAT TO DEMOCRACY.^turned this year with an even

    i^EI? L BBioplt£ than ln 1948‘ The pattern of their totalitarian Chriscian-National state and their record isthreat to civil liberties and the democratic

    system (such as it is) in South africa. what is their 1948- 1953 record ? - their attacks on the rule of law and the FkI!6?8*.? i f courts; the seizure of dictatorial powers by th£ I S Public Safety Act of the last session) and

    SrJv! e by decree» proclamation andn5 Si-I than through parliament. Attacks on freedomsn a a*fembly on the trade unions, bannings of- ^ d^viduals» censorship of the books and newspapers South Africans may read; Christian National Education, the

    language ordinance in the Transvaal and so on. The Draft Republican Constitution sets the pattern for the Nationalist

    of’th i Malan in 1941 "When we have the Republic the say of the inimical and un-national elements in our national affairs must be obliterated." This ia the ascent to power of an extreme Afrikaner nationalism br.nt not only on muzzling its political opposition (start with the most unpopular elements l_ke progressives and Non Europeans, but the process does not end there), but also on eliminating anda n U J ^ 6 Fiva^3 Afrikaner business (Loaw’s Natal episode one example of this.)The designs of the Nationalists abhorrent to all civilised men and principles. S.A. becoming ah outcast from world oj>lon„

    Can the Nationalists be defeated at the pons ? Nationalists have white-antedparliamentary democracy : manoeuvring oflilmrles^ Srnth^w ^ government the supreme advanteger JIv in’. * ! ! J West seats giving South West inhabitants

    S ? all proportion to their numbers; Attempts rob Coloured voters of their vot.*, the Separate Representation of Voters’ Act, th> High Coirt of PaKiaLnt Act and the *hole constitutional crisis; Delimitation - and ihe weighting or rural versus urban seats and'delimitations

    * i? favour the Nationalists; the use of the guillotine in the House o stifle the voice of the Opposition. The unseating of Kahh and Bunting. Nationalist alms not hidden: disfranchisement ot.ier sections possible, further rieeine electoral machinery. 66 *

    Parliament no „onger able to defend democracy, even the White man s democracy. ̂ What does the anti-nntionallst do now ?There is the will to get rid of the Nationalists. But election defeat has sown defeatism and confusion. Spate of new parties an index of this. Bie Questions nf tnrtnv i« h/m* to defeat the Nationalists. °* 1S


    Jh.mS£L!5. obvlous t0 '‘J1 ® new approach to the solution of the Non-European question* must be found. Recent political campaigns of the Non-Europeans, culminating in the 1952 Defiance campaign, have put South African politics in an

    Non~Europeans are demanding their rignts, in line with developments elsewhere in Africa, Asia. Indeed throughout the world where the Declaration of Human Rights has become the goal of all peoples. The Nationalist Government answer is repression : use the police, the army, the might of the government to crush Non-European movements! to ban their leaders, to repress their activity for rights.But one cannot repress grievances born of wretched conditions, and conditions that are steadily w /sening. South Africans must see there are two alternatives s further repression that w i,breed greater discontent, more racial tension, even open

    k F i u ProsPect for *ho live in South Africa. Possibility of the country having to 'shoot-the-issue' as in Kenya ? ORabandon the old ways of dealing with the question and face squarely up to the reality that a peaceful way must be found along the lines of race co-operation . And realise that any attempt to suppress the liberties and rights of the Non- Europeans must eventually mean that Whites will themselves lose rights for democracy is indivisible, and a government that takes to itself dictatorial powers lo crush any section struggling for rights can use these powers against all sections Act) peop (ASaln the "lde powers of the Public Safety

    only solution not full democracy, and the granting of 52 }}CS rights of Non-Europeans, so giving them a stake in -he fight for a democratic South Africa, and finding great new allies in the struggle to defeat the Nationalists ?Relevant Quotation:

    "Why should you fear the exercise of the franchise*? This is a delicate question but it must be touched upon. I do not hesitate to say that I would rather meet the Hottentot at the hustings voting for his representative than meet him in the wilds with his gun on his shoulder. Is it not better to disarm them by granting them the privileges ^ ^ C o n s t i t u t i o n ? Xf you now blast all their hopes and tell them th*t they shall not fight their battles constitutionally, do you not yourselves apply to them the stimulus to fight their battles unconstitutionally?«

    William Porter in the Cape Colony legislative Council,1852 March 9.

    An ECONOSOC nPPRjACH:Baaic fear of White South Africans is that by granting the Non-European rights they will lost their own economic security.Yet tne c a,verse Is tru< . JOnly by destroying th*- industrial colour-bar, permitting non- Europeans to increase their purchasing power and so creating a stable market will the o ;nomlc security of the Europeans be guaranteed. Th^ present system is leading to economic collapse; viz a limited market, uneconomic use of labour force etc. TJ.P. supporter * eouli sccept with equanimity the proposa. of 5*^00,00' "mv,3 rants and didn’t regard them as as an economic threat. Wny then art; the Non-Europeans an economic threat ?

    ... V


  • Seeking thus for-a new anproach (to defeat the Nationalists ond their policies which are leading to fascism; or to find an economic approach that will spell not retardation and a restriction on our economic development, but expansion and greater national prosperity) what do^s the democrats do ?THE UNITED PARTY. A, history of compromise leading now to disintegration. U.P. throughout its five years in opposition has made persistent attempts to out-nat the Nats. ' Early start on slippery path towards compromise with Nationalist policy. Apparent conflict between the N ts and U.P. grew more and more superficial. Tragically demonstrated in last parliamentary session; martial law measures. Squabble: who first thought of apartheid ? Claim Apartheid is really the traditional policy of segregation (Strausa In Hansard) Strauss Cape Speech in which ne accepted apartheid legislation. Railway apartheid case on eve of election: U.P. plea to be returned to power so it could perfect this apartheid law. Finally threadbare and ludicrous reason for accepting Sw^rt pattern for fascism by constitutional means : the Martial Law Bills. U.P. trick to rob the Nats, of their election advantage via these Bills. Step by step abandonment of every principle.

    Xalan's eve-of-the-election broadcast put the issue of the election and the If.P. accepted it as such: election was ^South Africa’s last chance as a white man’s country.” "Keep the black man in his place^.Apartheid or segregation mayb* , but really White Domination. On issue of keeping the t>laok man down the Nats had snown they were -prepared to use the most brutalmeans of repression. U.P. leader followed with an imitative squeak of camps for tsotsis, agitators and non-European intellectuals. But people who are in favour of apartheid and keening the blaok man in his place voted for the Stronger apartheid police---Every agt of tftg U.rP-i-J^oqyflaitlffn ftonjfirmed iffiffi^stroral 'gSvernSSnt5! ŝhpolicy of the Nats, was the act o f a strops KPverrcaent. ablfi •ven the Opposition could not encounter with an alternativepolicy*Results t*f"me-tooism" policy. U.P. defeated Itself by these means. True with years of compromise background U.P. might not have won 1953 election with more progressive policy, but a courageous fight against the Nat. threat to democracy would at least not have lost the U.P. its principles as well as the election. Might have been left with principles, and a following geared for the next battle. Instead extreme right wing U.P. gained the upper hand: more sell-outs to be expected* Disillusionment set in.TORCH COIBiaNDO.Its birth sent surge of hope through democrats when feeling

    again it Nat. actions was high. Torch Conuando forced during struggle to stop abolition Coloured Vote and violation of constitution. But from the beginning it sowed the seeds of its future collapse: Defended the Coloured Vote not on the principle but on the grounds of the unconstitutional action of the Government in trying to get its Bill through without a two- thirds majority.' The first compromise : But still a hopeful future.

    First Torch rallies culminated in gigantic peoples' demonstrations Indicating will of people to take part in actions to save democracy: to use methods to get away from the party- political steam-rollering of the caucus room.

    ntfr&yr i ‘t * A • * - J %■ ■ t o & f f l f i s frazil •jiia

  • But as support flocked to the Commando, the leadership lire* timid. Slowly it dampened the spirit and courage of its rank and file supporters. It faltered with its own internal colour bar. Th- n attacks on Communism, though hardly the issue of the day I Fear of ruch action as general strike, alienation of leadership fron Gommartdo members, l^rfe^ted only an electip_n ■*nd tc-uhiiicb\ machine, forgot the principles which originally brought it to life.

    ' Final capitulation on Public Safety and Criminal Law ammendment Acts. Torch deputation went to Cape Town to demand opposition to the measures, but in the interests of the election, capitulated to already-decided United Party policy.

    Torch Connando membership became disheartened, dispirited; has fallen away. T> ns of thousands 'of democrats left in the lurch.THE FEDERAL F«KTY. Born of dosperatism of the advance of the Mats, but at the same time a retreat from the anti-Nat fight by advocating a retreat and withdrawal froip the Union and establishment of a nev; state. Scheme totally unrealistic from the point of view of the possibilities and chances of.survival of an independent Natal; from the point of yiew of the effect the Federals are aiming at, the scheme having on the country. In contrast to unity of democratic fordes this is a splitting of them. Is a symptom of the rise cf of a counter to reactionary Nat/ republicanism in the form of an English lingo movement for an independent State. The "enlightened" native policy will sink more and more into oblivion as wild cat scheme for unrealistic federal constitutions and new African State alliances are developed in clubs and sitting-rooms.THE LABOUR PaRTY. Historically a party of the privileged white labour aristocracy protecting itself from tne challenge of black labour in a country where artificial barriers in industry have . not only proved a restriction on the country’s rapid industrialisation and growing prosperity, but have tended over the years to slacken and relax. As a major political party disappeared years ago till today’s splinter group. Pressure of events in South Africa have brougTTt about adoption for progressive non- European policy, so today its programme much akin to Liberals. Labour Party has of late taken courageous stand against Nationalists in fight to preserve democratic rights of citizens but has proved unable to make complete break with tradition of regarding the White mas as trustee of civilisation and skill and Joining their struggle for democracy and against the Nats* with that of the non-European movements.The LIBERkL PARTY. Formation of this party a recognition of the right of Non-Europeans to be included in political calculations in South Africa and a recognition of the need to strike j away from the old ’native policies’ leading to disaster. But Liberals can never become a political force till they.gain the co-operation of the Non-Europeans and they will not gain this co-operation till they accept that the N6n-Europeans are determined to become full partners not only in the State but also in political movements in the country.

    European political forces in South Africa inclined to fix their eyes on Parliament as the place where changes will • be planned if they are to com---! at all. But political change can only be brought about where the country and the government and Parliament respond to popular, organised pressure in the country as a whole. This pressure must come not only from the recognised European opposition perties but from another even

  • ® ** # •

    more important and powerful force : the organised Non- Europeans.

    The illusions of the Liberal party are to believe that Europeans will win rights for the Non-Europeans, and that will not be the active, full partner in effecting these changes; and in advocating a compromise policy on such questions as the franchise which will alienate Non-European organisations because they are only/ftoncessions and do not depart froji the basic White supremacy.

    More detailed analysis of Liberal ra>'tv policy:-The party advocates a limited, qualified,

    franchise for Non-whites, using the argument that all Non- Europeans are not ready tor the vote, that European public opinion is not ready to concede it, that given time and education white South Africa will become more tolerant towards extending the vote to greater numbers of Non-Europeans as they advance, in the scale of civilisation

    1. Does education necessarily fit the man for the vote? German workers in 1933 were probably among the best educated and most cultured in the world, yet they returned to power the Hitler Government.

    2, Illiteracy proving no barrier to the extension of the vote to colonial peoples in other countries. Examples of India, the Gold Coast,China.

    3* The Liberal argument is thqt the Non-Europeans will qualify for the vote as they become better educated. But who is to extend their education services to make this policy truly effective? The Nationa?ists ? History has proved that social and education services for the working people and the underprivileged remain limited and restricted until that group is in a position to legislate effective improvements for itself.

    4. The arguments that the Non-Europeans are nnot ready for the vote” not unique to South Africa. The same argument used in Britain in the last century ag'Inst the granting of universal suffrage.

    5. The argument that the Liberal franchise policy of qualifications is not one that discriminates but is equalitari ,.n is one that leni

  • - *> -

    *) Ittropeans are more disposed to giving it. But as nr'1*2the non-European advances au! raore end more qualify the so-called black menace is used to scare the white

    • • electorate into ging back on its promises. The “non-European "advancing in the scale of civilisation" becomes a greater economic threat to entrenched interests and the white ruler becomes less and less benevolent.

    7. Is a policy that advocates more than the limited franchise running too far ahead of public opinion.. True, a policy of full rights for non-Europeans runs . ahead of white public opinion today. But a public opinion, perverted by State propaganda of a reactionary government is not the Judge of wisdom of any policy.The Whites, by their shortsightedness have had a near- fascist government Imposed on them just because their democracy is so ljmited and vulnerable to attack.Groups that see further ahead and understand the forces of history must not allow themselves to be held back by a prejudiced community. Europeans, as all people, are capable of radical and rapid changes in their thinking if influences are allowted to play on them — - but no progress will be made if the most advanced thinkers in Society are afraid to strike out for change.The Liberal party advocates campaigning only by parliamentary unconstitutional means.

    . (i) Nats are steadily whittling away Parliament’s powers and the constitutional rights of the individual.(2) This attitude rules out possibility of Liberals fully supporting the struggle of the vast bulk of the people who have no parliamentary powers and can’t oaapaign by constitutional means.Effect of this Liberal principle although they recognise the legitimate grievances of the Non-Europeans and the A.N.C. as one of their representative bodies, is the relegation of the Party’s Non-European members to the status of onlookers while white Liberals are engaged in the mission of converting more White Liberals to the idea that non-Whites must share in citizenship rights.

    ‘ * Thus confinement of political campaigning to the Europeans again. Illusions that the European will bring eman cipatlon to the non-Europeans. Failure to face the reality that the non—Europeans can only emancipate themselves. Will this result in the Liberals preaching patience to non-Europeans, urging no precipitate action which will prejudice the electorate ?

    Our thinking has for too long been moulded into a pattern which follows the lines that the Europeans have to ’do’ something for the non-Europeans (help them, educaU- them, liberate then, keep them in their place etc.) instead of acc^p^ing the concept that we must work with them for our mutual salvation. *sk the aadience to accept the concept (revolutionary in South nfrican thi^kingO that democracy is indivisible arid it is impossible to have justice if we have any limitations, either social, economic or political.Use this definition of democracy as a yardstick in analysing th< existing political parties.THIS IS THE POLICY OF I;S CONGEES Or DEHCV-KATS.1. Democracy can’t be limited to a privileged White group, Surest

    way to entrench democracy is to extend it. This is the only alternative to the Nationalist Government, their brand of fascism or any other.


    2. Non-Europeans have greatest interest in defeating theNationalists : are a tremendously powerful potential ally.Policy of repression can not work : can't have armed camps in any society without succumbing to complete fascism. Non- Europeans have be1 n first victims of Nationalists but wc will all follow•

    4, We advocate tho UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF IIUMA-I RIGHTS. Quote from this declaration (which will be our constitution in all likelihood) Whole world trend is towards the attainment these rights.

    5. What have Europeans to fear from policy of co-operating with Non-European democratic forces to effect political change

    JHE NON-EUROPEANS kNP THEIR POLITICkL ORGANISATIONS AND ChMPaINE..1. Show how conditions of Non-Europeans are worsening. Nation

    alist nolicy quite clear : Dr-. Malan a to Dr, Moroka'•The Nationalist Government has no intention of repealing discriminatory laws." The Non-Europeans can look forward thus to no lightening of their burden and to a future in which they are doomed ever to occupy a subservient position.

    2. Through the years the Non-Europeans have tried to obtain improvements in their conditions; they have used all types of political campaigning: deputations and representations to authorities; the N.R.C. and advisory boards which were abolished or Ignored when they represented the views of the Non-Europeans: mass campaigns and conferences to draw attention to their grievances. All these methods no different from the methods of political campaigning used by peoples in other countries throughout the centuries. (Use parallels of Chartists in Britain, suffraggettes, struggle for independence in India and 3o on and so on)

    3. The African and Indian Congresses are not anti-White movements . They stand for democracy for all, for race cooperation uni have- alv.ays b*-*n r' jnni11ed to such pjjlicif’S.The Nationalists usf th vs'.*. * *y •• 1 - -sh moiH unrestrainedand violent sr sneni

    TO SI) Id UP:1. If Europeans are tntwr -sted - in their wn s^lf-lntorest. and

    on humanitarian rounds and fr^n recognition of. political inevitabilities - in fighting th, Nationalists and having^atrue deapproa

    emocracy in South Africa th y must turn to a new political ch, that of the CONGRESS Or tfELuOCRxj^.

    We cannot afford t reject allies. The Non-Europeans are most

  • powerful allie3. But democrats of ill colours must act before it-is too late. The Nationalists, not stopped, will turn South Africa into a prison for all democrats. The*policy of the Nationalists is aggravating race tensions to a degree where £he interests of all demand they be stopped.♦

    The way to stop then is by building a mighty political alliance of all who want democracy, on the basis of* the policy


  • T O T H E V O T E R S O F H I L L B R O W tL-jO&JL-

    Z*MrTHE REAL ISSUEThe By-Election in Hillbrow presents the Electorate wi h an opportunity of

    protesting not only against the equivocation of the United Party on the Coloured Vote but also against its failure to meet the challenge of Nationalist Party fascism by mobilising the people in genuine and effective opposition.

    A vote for Friedman is a protest against the U .P.’s failure to organise the people in effective action against the Suppression of Communism Act, the Public Safety Act, the Senate Act, and the host of measures which have robbed us of our democratic freedoms and have brought us to the threshold of a fascist republic.

    A vote for Friedman is a protest against the U.P.’s failure to organise the people in effective action against the various apartheid measures of the Nationalist Government through which crimes against humanity, paralleled in Nazi Germany, are being perpetrated against our non-white population.

    A vote for Friedman is a protest against the U.P.’s failures and a vote for the U.P. is an acceptance of those failures.

    WE SAY : Make your protest — Vote for Friedman !

    B U T — (and it is a very big but) —

    Your vote in this election, one way or the other, has no more significance than a p ro te s t!

    It will not halt the Nationalist Party’s march towards a fascist republic.

    Is this assessment too harsh? Let us examine the situation. _ It is time that the political realities should be brought out into the open and that the illusions harboured by the white opposition should be exposed.


    These are the most important facts in today’s situation:—(a) The Nationalist Party with the aid of the most backward and reactionary

    section of the white electorate and the acquiescence, by default, of the U.P., is rapidly imposing a fascist republic on South Africa.

    (b) The Nationalist Party has entrenched itself in Parliament by devious constitutional means to the extent where it can scarcely be removed by the electorate in a General Election or by any constitutional or conventional methods.

    The Nationalist Party is reaping the benefits of the electoral system, which allows for the loading of urban constituencies and the offloading of rural ones so that it can be returned to power in a general election by as little as 33% of the votes. This is less than the number which constitutes the hard disciplined core of the Nationalist Party whose allegiance to the party cannot be shaken by anything that the Party or the opposition may do.

    (c) The Nationalist Party is using its Parliamentary power and control of the State to terrorise the electorate and to make illegal any form of opposition other than Parliamentary and which, in the circumstances, must be ineffectual.

    (d) The Nationalist Party is using this power and control to consolidate its power and the time can come when even this token opposition of Parliamentary and electoral contests will be abolished. An example of this is the manner in which the Senate was reconstituted to become a tool of the political party in power.

    (e) The Nationalist Party can mobilise less than a fifth of the total population in support of its government and its programme.

    If we are concerned with the future of democracy in South Africa, if we are to secure our own survival and that of our children, if we are to have any future for ourselves and our children, we must accept the objective factors of the situation, we must recognise them for what they are, the political realities as opposed to the political illusions perpetuated by the political parties — and we must take appropriate action.

    We must recognise that democracy is indivisible ! All have it or none. We have the choice on the one hand of a fascist republic wherein no man has any rights and only such privileges as may be accorded him by the whim of a Minister, or on the other hand, of a People’s Democracy, wherein all, white and non-white, have equal political, economic and social rights, guaranteed by the Constitution. There is no middle course, no half way ! The Nationalist Party’s programme cannot be arrested by the white electorate alone ! It cannot be halted by constitutional or electoral activity of the white electorate, nor by their unaided efforts at extra-parliamentary action.

  • The situation urgently requires the mobilisation of the vast majority, representing more thart four-fifths of the population who are opposed to the Nationalist Party, and the organisation of that majority in the extra-parliamentary struggle for the replacement of the Nationalist government and its police state by a government representing all the people and a constitution guaranteeing equal fundamental rights to all people.


    To fulfil this need, there has come into existence in the past years the Congress Movement, consisting of the African National Congress, the S.A. Indian Congress, the S.A. Coloured Peoples’ Organisation, the S.A. Congress of Democrats, and the S.A. Congress of Trade Unions, each of which is pledged in terms of its constitution to equal rights for all people, and to democratic principles and practices.


    The Congress Movement sponsored the Congress of the People which took place at Kliptown on the 25th and 26th June. More than 3,000 delegates participated. They were elected by people of all races from the towns, the villages and the countryside of South Africa, and they assembled at Kliptown to discuss and adopt a “ Freedom Charter.”

    The Articles of the Charter are based on the thousands of resolutions discussed and adopted by hundreds of meetings which took place throughout South Africa prior to the Congress of the People.

    The Congress of the People was organised despite widespread and persistent police intimidation and interference, and it took place despite active police attempts to prevent delegates from attending. More than 100 delegates' were arrested in various parts of the country and held on trivial charges to prevent them from participating.

    The Charter itself was adopted in the presence of 300 armed police and in the face of active measures to provoke the delegates to action which would give the police an opportunity to resort to force to break up this assembly.

    The Freedom Charter has the support of the Congress Movement. It represents the aspirations of our multi-racial people. It is the only basis on which we can hope to build a prosperous South Africa, free from racial conflicts, and with security guaranteed to the different minority groups.


    These are aims worthy of democrats and this is a movement capable of achieving these aims.

    This is the only way in which the Nationalist Party and its plans for a fascist republic can be defeated.

    We ask you to examine the Freedom Charter and to make it yrur own. We ask you to sign your name to it as a token of your acceptance of it. We ask you to take your stand in the Congress Movement by joining the S.A. Congress of Democrats.

    For further information about the South African Congress of Democrats, complete this form and post it to P.O. Box 4088, Johannesburg.

    I should like to receive further information about the SO U TH

    A F R IC A N C O N G R E SS O F D E M O C R A T S .

    Name .............................................................................................................

    Address .............................................................

    Published by the S.A. Congress of Democrats, Somerset House, Johannesburg

    Printed by M iller & Bond (P iy.) L td ., 195 Main Street, Johannesburg

  • *1

    Fellow CitltenaJThis Senate Bill le the final step towards the Nat

    ionalists creation of a fascist state.

    loading in o W ^ « W S K i n ' gno? s&tisfi^d « T ia .r^ iJ 5 S , “V tBt-*roli f 1-mS M S . : the .V01KS.11' o n the ^ I t j r of^the people^fsm u; o? *«&.* m aCourt which they have already loaded.

    Bear In mind too, that they hav? a i r ^ ^the police, powers of search ^ ^ r l p h t ’ to shoot'on sight,private meetings and gathering wide cowers that they havsl * M r t1,,t5S:i;:l.4:m «*who oppose them in their plans)


    m mFF-HTUT 13 ALL TTIT" U H 3TATE?

    No effective opposition to the Nationalists' creed of one party one Ideology, one » . t » “ % " t unite°withr'a^l1whoahate^Tt^«lth all who suffer u n d ^ l t s yoKe,the yoke of: :

    Passport restrictions population Registration •Locations in the Sky Western Areas Removal Bantu Education and Christian National Education Passes and Deportations.

    We must unite with the Coloureds w h < vJ>J*hw& J betaken away, with the * P ^ ana JJ mor** than ever before, is theAfrican «ho has no J1#**8' , : inV & riiiment and in the Courts, time for us to Jn Vn unity with ALL. hut also in mass demonstrations, m uu j

    fascism m m the c r a g g i y . g g ^ , raESroM CAK °NL" .“ *!»

    Issued hy the Cor*r«.» of Democrats, Bo* 4008, JO H A N N E S B U R G ,

  • ©1 8 ! " ‘ 1 I 0 I I U 6 I S - C A N ' -

    B E S T O P P E D


    a convention at which ALL the people of 'this country! u } -,lay th® foundations of a South Africa free from such legislation as the Senate Act.

    ' > >

    2IILX the unit/ of ALL the people of South Africa, white and non-white,, can ensure real demoeracJy ifl our country,

    ty uniting ALL the people and all the groups of South Africa can we the polioies of the Nationalist

    - policies whjch are based on the false soeceptthe'diJnnifC n f ° ? and Which depend for their success onthe disunity of South Africans.

    Democracy Is Indivisible. Either all have It, .r none.

    0 0

    ssued by the S.A. Ccngresr of Democrats, P.O. B.x 4088,Johannesburg.

    T H E N A T I O N A L I S T S C A N B E S T O P P E D

    BUTONLY a convention at which A ^ the people of this countrvfrnr1*?preSentudn Wil1 lay the foundations of a South Africa free from such .legislation as the Senate Act.

    aIiYn ^ euhU?!ty 0f ^ the Pe°Ple of South Africa, white nd n n-white, can ensure real democracy in our country.

    ?}i;Lby uniting ^ the people and a11 the groups of South fVvftrnn/’9? ff6? the .rt0llcies of the Nationalist nf 1 , n ?xes which are based on the false concept

    X c a n s ' d*»*»d for thelr •«— « »«

    Democracy Is Indivisible. Either all have It, or non..

    Issued ty the S.A. Congress of Democrats, P.O. Box 4088,Johannesburg.

  • M W

    ji&t rikWfMfe


    • * V ;:̂ K<


    Do you'feel that yon are unaffected by Rationalist legislation?

    is only the Non-European who has restrictions on his rights and lite^ties?

    imagine that the nenr-fascist laws being churned out of by them? aI*6 y°Ur nel,it' or that ”ou will be unharmed

    peopl® thought on such lines — thov tolerated Hitler nothing6froro^istory?°Wer±>Ul for them to **«». Have we learnt

    Do you realise how far this country has travelled on the road to a police state?

    Are you aware that, of 10 human rights listed in the Uritpd vnn nr.f s ° w ? s „ « s ? haif5ic8;Ir f*;#r t h a r - 7 5 viaola?er 3

    I — . . . . .

    Are you prepared to accept this situation?

    Perhaps you quarrel with our interpretation of it?

    iIssued by the Bellevue Branch of the S. A. Congress of Democrats

    T ? **'— E r — -pv «r ■«!>*'-> •fa?! / v J •*. ■

    j@L.' '- * X * -

    ______ ; - ___

  • r\

    L E W L E E -

    W A R D E N' B w * md V'faa.A M * * - .



    STELLENBOSCHk a v a m a n d j l o c a t i o n

    THURSDAY, NOV. 4th1»S4 AT ( p.H> — *=

    DEMAND—* o d Volet t „ ALL-NOW

    " — I— «* > M . o( „ c—

    ★ Removal of Ban* oa oar Leaden!

    ★ Freedom in M r U f c ^ t f

    De*l Aaslker BIrw i« Swart Hila« 9> TanwtnJ! Support fkt PtopU's Camtyaie f

  • '---------P — m m — "** • •;jv: ■ jg?• -« :!rV *r*nr ■♦>■■; *■ : * " .>•-.* * ’

    CALLING MR. OR MRS. XYZ/23456 A I f . * * ■ THIS MEANS YOU! &

    Do YOU want to carry a pass?

    WHY? Why must you he photographed and registered? “For your protection” says thr government. But so said the Nazi leaders to the German people 20 years ago.

    WHEN? When must you produce your “pass**? “At any time.” says the government, and . . “Heavy penalties if you fail to produce it on request.”

    TO WHOM? The police?- Is this your future? “Waar's jou pas. jong?” or “Your pass, please madam What, no pass?Then come with me.”

    WHERE? To the police station.

    IN WHAT? The pick-up van?

    “It can’t happen here" you say? But it can and does — to black South Africans. And it may happen to YOU.

    THAT is what population registration really means.

    It is not an offence to refuse to have your photograph taken. All citizens can legally protest against registration and refrain from being photographed.


    BECAUSE the motives which lie behind it are rightly suspected.

    BECAUSE population registration is a known fascist technique, which destroy* human individuality and builds up a card index nation.

    BECAUSE it will destroy freedom of movement. For the population registration to be efficient, all changes of occupation or address must be recorded. And the next step to notification of movement is restriction of movement

    BECAUSE it is none other than a pass system. And the pass system does not keep down crime, it breeds crime Every year thousands of Africans, law abiding peaceful citizens, are thrown into goal for petty pass offence* and omissions, where they associate with criminals, become criminals. Must the pass system and all its evils be extended? No! Democratic people must strive for its abolition.

    BECAUSE it will introduce a caste system for racial grouping, which can not only cause humiliation and indignity, but which may perpetuate injustice and suffering from one generation to another.

    BECAUSE it is not true to say that population registration is necessary to identify a person unconscious or dead after an accident! How many people have been unidentified? Must an obnoxious system be inflicted on a whole nation on this account?

    BECAUSE it creates a vast and costly administrative machine for which we, the taxpayers, must foot the bill. We shall become a nation of civil servants; one third of the population may be required to keep check of the other two-third*Yet we need manpower for really useful purposes.

    BECAUSE it adds nothing to the routine five-yearly census. We need vital statistics but a population register is not essential for their provision.

    And what of your children? Must they grow up into a nation of index numbers? Are YOU going to agree that they shall be educated for regimentation?


    Sign a petition against the Identity Card system and demand the repeal of the Population Registration Act and the repeal of all Past Laws.

    lu u ed b|T >n« S K C on grna of O cm oc ran •>omer4#| H o u n , Johannnburg. and p»mt«d by T h * Lincoln P 'n t (Pty ) Ltd., Siwnvrt Road loKfnnaaburs

  • *SK£s£?Hh»«*■» ^« «

    L E N L E E -

    W A R D E Ns * «

    ^ A-oci«tioo.>WILL ADDRESS A



    THURSDAY, OCT. 21st1*54 AT 6 P.M.

    D E M A N D -

    * L q»al Ri*ht» wm* v »**s for A L L — N O W !* An c«Mi to Tmm L«wt, K * * Dtecrimtarf1** * « •

    Potfc* T errori^ '.* Iinnu-dbatc r«p«l of ^ p m w . ®< Cummmlm■

    Art!^ Ketnovai o l Eaii» on our L f id f n .

    ^ Frer̂ ooi is •• life-*!«*•! !Deal Another Bl«w to Sw ari Malan StWerwoerd!

    Support the People'* Candid**! > - r - r ^ T

    ■i&Trj V '


    •• A fiZ «* - », Drturesque" title for JDdm°Dt B‘» • “a pie-

    WT»nU hom ^fllts0 « S °b \lj5 r* £ * iS it,i;0f Afrio*n domertlo "~*U« then OB a r i o u t X 2 ? J w it'm>pe*n *»dwit* water, sanitary and s i * oth~ J T ? 4 ■ **> MP ^ of Native Affairs or hla d J T aD M ln ^ L ^ 0** “ Ue Ml«“«Ur

    The Bill has m a n V o L T u lu cn-vingthe ritk ^ to .utkoriM * ” 'U ™ It-orvants to one building. «**iu*ory »um b« f five

    AUTOORm r WASI N O T O E ? n n S fIT# i I ™ E LOCAL, , r D ~ w i t h d r a w S S Ti g ^ * m » .

    . » - • » « , < « » , ^ l v H domestic servants be a l l o ^ T Johannesburg. Should there will (m the words U1 “ J buildingNatives" to* be i L £ S Z S i * " * * ' b* 10 " « « 5

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    lire to be houHo

  • Collection Number: AD1812


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