Roaring Twenties

Roaring Twenties


Roaring Twenties. Warren G. Harding. Thought he lacked the intelligence to be president Teapot Dome Scandal gov’t official received bribes for allowing private interests to lease lands containing US Navy oil reserves. Calvin Coolidge. Became president when Harding died - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Roaring Twenties

Page 1: Roaring Twenties

Roaring Twenties

Page 2: Roaring Twenties

Warren G. Harding

A.Thought he lacked the intelligence to be president

B.Teapot Dome Scandal1. gov’t official received

bribes for allowing private interests to lease lands containing US Navy oil reserves

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Calvin Coolidge

A.Became president when Harding died

B.Aligned himself & gov’t with big business1. Gov’t should not

interfere with business

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Producing Great Quantities of GoodsA.By 1920’s:

1. The U.S. was the dominant economic power in the world

2. The automobile was an accepted part of life3. New morality glorified personal freedom

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Producing Great Quantities of GoodsB. Installment plan

1. Most Americans purchased with creditC.Henry Ford

1. Assembly Line: enormously increased manufacturing efficiency by dividing the job into simple tasks

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ProhibitionA.18th Amendment (1920):

prohibited alcoholB.Volstead Act: reinforced

18th AmendmentC.Speakeasies: Illegal bars


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ProhibitionD.Organized Crime

1. Al Capone- gangster in Chicago 2. Bootlegging- illegal production & distribution of

liquorE. 21st Amendment

1. Repealed prohibition

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Fundamentalist MovementA. Rejected the bible being free from errorsB. Scopes Trial

1. John Scopes put on trial for teaching evolution

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FlappersA.Women who bobbed their hair and drank

prohibited liquor (2:25)

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Charles A. LindberghA.Made first solo transatlantic flight

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Writing in the 1920’s

A.Ernest Hemmingway1.A Farewell to Arms

Portrayed war’s meaningless violence through a different kind of hero

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Harlem RenaissanceA.The blossoming of African American arts


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A.Jazz Age1. Louis Armstrong

Introduced early form of Jazz

B.Movies1. Charlie Chaplin

Silent films2. First talking movie

The Jazz Singer