Road Trip Excerpt

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  • 8/8/2019 Road Trip Excerpt


  • 8/8/2019 Road Trip Excerpt


  • 8/8/2019 Road Trip Excerpt


    Jo Lynn Crozier


    Gulp. What did He say?

    What? I asked, trying to making sure this wasnt my imagi-nation.

    My plan for you is ministry, He said again.

    Um, LordI know its early, but I think You have me con-

    fused with that nice Lily Jacobs. You know, the soft-spoken, sweet

    lady around the corner. Shes the one who teaches nursery school

    at the big Baptist church down the road. Or perhaps Youve mis-

    taken me for CharleneYou know, she is very involved with the

    Bible study group south of here.

    I know exactly who Im talking to, Liz, and my plan for you

    is ministry, He insisted.

    Lord, I have a sense of humor, and I know You certainly do,

    but this is little old me were talking about. How in the world can

    I be in ministry? For heavens sake, I cant even create a business

    plan without helpand lots of it. As funny as You are at times,

    this is one time I would love nothing more than to hear You laugh-

    ing right now. Ha, ha, ho, ho.Are You kidding me?How? Why?

    I asked frantically.

    When the time comes, He said, I will help you. I am going

    to get you out of debt, and you need to put up stores for your-


    Lord, Im a banker, not a I said, trying to reason my


    I know exactly what you are, and I am going to use you.Who, me? I replied in utter amazement.

  • 8/8/2019 Road Trip Excerpt


  • 8/8/2019 Road Trip Excerpt


  • 8/8/2019 Road Trip Excerpt


    The Road Trip


    I really thought I was giving an outstanding argument. I really

    thought I was getting somewhere with Him, until He said, Didyou ever consider that I dont want to hurry? I want you to have

    the whole, my dear, takes time. So I suggest you

    pull yourself together and load up in that sidecarnow! He gave

    me a stern look, then smiled and opened the sidecar door for me

    to step inside.

    As I was saying, Lord, Ill just strap on this nice little helmet,

    I said.

    All too often, we, as busy people, get hung up. Whether its

    with households or careers, we get hung up on the destination

    rather than the journey. Understand this: life itself is just one big

    journeya wonderful, adventurous journeyyou never arrive at

    the destination. But, being the emotional, illogical creatures we

    are, we stress over and fret about all the stops we have to makealong the way. We fret because we lose focus on who is actually

    driving. Jesus came so He could, in itself, should be so

    liberating for us, and heres why:

    We dont have to worry about where were going

    thats His job.

    We dont have to stress about knowing the direc-

    tionsHes got the map.We dont have to think about lodging, food, clothes,

    etc.thats His Fathers job.

    ats why Jesus says, erefore I tell you, do not worry

    about your life, what you will eat or drink, or about your

    body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than

    food, and the body more important than clothes? Look at the

  • 8/8/2019 Road Trip Excerpt


    Jo Lynn Crozier


    birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in

    barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you notmuch more valuable than they?

    Matthew 6:2526 (New International Version)

    Isnt that glorious? All we have to do is hush, be still, and

    listen.en we can sit back and just experience the ride. And re-

    member, if you break down along the way, Jesus can fix anything,

    so dont worry!

    Bon voyage and buckle upyour sidecar leaves in the
