Road Map for Returning to Work - Biocom...Veolia North America 107 South Motor Ave. Azusa, CA 91702...

Road Map for Returning to Work Prepared by: Veolia North America 107 South Motor Ave. Azusa, CA 91702 (626) 334-5117

Transcript of Road Map for Returning to Work - Biocom...Veolia North America 107 South Motor Ave. Azusa, CA 91702...

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Road Map


Returning to Work

Prepared by:

Veolia North America 107 South Motor Ave.

Azusa, CA 91702 (626) 334-5117

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Table of Contents

1. Minimizing Risk to Your Employees & Visitors………………………………………………………………….3

2. What To Do in the Event of a Confirmed Covid-19 Case at Your Site…………………………….….4

3. Sample Procedure for Managing Risk at Your Site…………………………………………………………...4


Appendix A – Fit for Duty Form Template………………………………………………………………………..5-6

Appendix B – Covid-19 Screening Notification Letter Template………………………………….…...7

Appendix C – Covid-19 Case Tracking Process Map…………………………………………………...…...8

Appendix D – Covid-19 Case Close-out / Return to Work Process Map..………………….….....9

Appendix E – Sample Corporate Procedure – Pandemic Coronavirus Plan……………….….….10-18

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Veolia’s Road Map for Navigating Covid-19 Cases

& Returning to Work Safely

Minimizing Risk to Your Employees

1. Ongoing confirmation that anyone who may potentially enter your workplace has not been

exposed to or potentially contracted the virus in order to protect the Health & Safety of all of

your employees.

a. Employees – Must complete Fit for Duty Form prior to reporting to work EVERY DAY

i. This requirement only applies to employees who must report to an Operating

Location for work, or whose work requires a visit to an off-site facility, customer,

vendor, regulatory meeting or similar work-related activity. Operating locations

include but are not limited to process units, plant sites, customer facilities,

laboratories, warehouses and maintenance facilities.

ii. This daily monitoring requirement does not apply to personnel who are “work-

from-home” or otherwise working remotely unless their work requires a visit to an

operations process unit, plant site, off-site facility, customer location, vendor,

regulatory meeting or similar work-related activity.

iii. The Fit for Duty Form Template that you can customize for use at your workplace

can be found in Appendix A of this form.

b. Visitors, Vendors, Contractors, Suppliers, etc. – Must complete Screening Notification

Letter prior to being granted access to your facility.

i. The Screening Notification Letter Template that you can customize for use at your

workplace can be found in Appendix B of this form.

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What to do if you have an employee with a confirmed case of Covid-19 at your site

2. The Veolia North America (VNA) Covid-19 Reporting Process Map provides guidance on how to

manage an employee with a confirmed (or suspected) case of Covid-19.

a. The process map can be used to help determine the proper steps to take for:

i. An employee who may have been exposed to the virus while outside the


ii. An employee who begins to exhibit symptoms while at the workplace.

b. The VNA Covid-19 Report Process Map can be found in Appendix C of this form.

3. The Veolia North America (VNA) Covid-19 Case Closing / Clearance Process Map provides

guidance on how to safely return employees to work after a confirmed (or suspected) case of


a. The process map can be used to help determine the proper steps to take when

authorizing an employee to return to work.

i. Ensures that the employee does not present a risk of exposure to the rest of your

personnel when they return to the work place.

ii. Ensures that the proper steps are being taken with regard to reviewing the

necessary regulatory guidelines before authorizing a return to work.

iii. Ensures that proper communication is being performed with all of your personnel

including the employee who may have been infected.

b. The VNA Covid-19 Case Closing / Clearance Process Map can be found in Appendix D of

this form.

Standard Operating Procedure for Managing Risk

4. It has never been more crucial for companies to manage risk to their employees both in and out

of the workplace. The sample procedure provides a framework for companies to customize their

own procedure for the management of risk to their employees with regard to pandemics now

and in the future.

a. The sample procedure provides guidance on how to implement the management of

prevention and awareness techniques for employees, supply management, staffing

accommodations, communication and training.

b. The Corporate Procedure: Pandemic Coronavirus Plan can be found in Appendix E of this


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Appendix A – Fit for Duty Form Template


COVID-19 Fit for Duty Employee Personal Monitoring Requirement

General: Applicable to all [Company Name] Employees Purpose: Provide [Company Name] Employees with direction regarding daily monitoring for COVID-19 Symptoms prior to reporting to work. Applicability: Daily self-monitoring for symptoms of COVID-19 disease is now required by all employees before reporting to [Company Name] Operating Locations, an off-site facility, customer, vendor, regulatory meeting or similar work-related activity. This procedure applies to all employees who must report to a [Company Name] Operating Location for work, or whose work requires a visit to an off-site facility, customer, vendor, regulatory meeting or similar work-related activity. [Company Name] Operating Locations includes but is not limited to process units, plant sites, customer facilities, laboratories, warehouses and maintenance facilities. This daily monitoring requirement does not apply to personnel who are “work-from-home” or otherwise working remotely unless their work requires a visit to an operations process unit, plant site, off-site facility, customer location, vendor, regulatory meeting or similar work-related activity. Procedure: All [Company Name] Employees shall be required to complete the attached form on a daily basis and bring with them to work each day when reporting to a [Company Name] Operating Location, or visiting a customer, vendor, regulatory meeting, or similar work-related activity. Employees shall be expected to monitor themselves for the following symptoms as recommended by Public Health Authorities to reduce the risk of spread of COVID-19 Disease:


Persistent Cough

Discomfort or tightness of the Chest

Muscle Aches/Pains

General “Flu-Like” Symptoms Employees shall complete the [Company Name] Daily Self-Monitoring Form and retain a copy of the completed form for their own records, and provide a copy of this form to their supervisor daily. Do not come to work if you answer “YES” to any questions or have a fever above 100

oF. In cases where you answer “YES” to any

question, immediately contact your medical provider for direction and notify your supervisor.

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Appendix A (cont.)


[Company Name] Employee Daily Self-Monitoring Form

Please respond to the following questions:

1. Do you have a fever? YES NO

If you have a fever, what is the temperature? oF.

2. Do you have any of the following symptoms: YES NO

Persistent Cough

Discomfort or tightness of the Chest

Muscle Aches/Pains

General “Flu-Like” Symptoms

3. To your knowledge, have you had close contact* within the past 14 days with a person who has been diagnosed COVID -19? YES NO

If you answered YES, please describe the contact:

*Close contact means having cared for, having lived with, or having had close physical contact with someone known to have been diagnosed with the coronavirus/COVID-19 (including contact by having taken the same plane or train, etc.).

If you start to experience symptoms listed above while at work, call your supervisor immediately and go directly home, avoiding direct contact with others. Name: Signature: Date: [Company Name] Operating Division, and Operating Location:


Social Distancing = Maintain >6 ft. separation from others & refrain from shaking hands

Minimize touching your face (eyes, mouth, nose)

Frequently wash hands (for at least 20 seconds) / use hand sanitizer

Cover mouth & nose with tissue or sleeve (not hands) when coughing

Get plenty of rest, exercise and maintain a healthy diet

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Appendix B – Covid-19 Screening Notification Letter Template


Screening Notification Letter

To All Visitors/Vendors/Suppliers/Contractors:

In view of the growing COVID-19 outbreak, [Company Name] is reviewing our protocols for visitors and employees at our locations.

First, we are asking whether a visit to our site is business critical. If we agree it is, the [Company Name] hosts are requiring all visitors

to complete a health status questionnaire before authorizing access to our site(s).

For the purpose of infection control, [Company Name] hosts will review the declaration and reserve the right to restrict access or

entrance to our site(s).

Please respond to the following questions:

1. Do you have a fever? YES NO

2. Do you have one or more respiratory symptoms including: cough, shortness of breath or breathing difficulty?


If YES, please explain

3. To your knowledge, have you had close contact* within the past 14 days with a person who has been diagnosed with


If YES, please explain

*Close contact means having cared for, having lived with, or having had close physical contact with someone known to have

been diagnosed with the coronavirus/COVID-19 (including contact by having taken the same plane or train, etc.).

4. Have you been in a country or an area with known risk of/reported cases of COVID-19 or travelled by public transportation

(bus, train, plane, etc.) within the past 14 days, within or from that area.


If YES, please explain

We appreciate your cooperation in response to these questions. Our goal is to protect the Health and Safety of our Employees,

Visitors, and Suppliers. Thank you in advance for your compliance and understanding.

[Company Representative]

Visitors Name Visitors Signature Date

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Appendix C – Covid-19 Case Tracking Process Map

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Appendix D – Covid-19 Case Close-out / Return to Work Process Map

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Appendix E – Sample Corporate Procedure – Pandemic Coronavirus Plan

[Company Logo Here]


Corporate Procedure:

Pandemic Coronavirus Plan





March 12, 2020



Health & Safety Manager SUPERSEDES:


PURPOSE: The objective of the Pandemic Coronavirus Plan is to ensure that [Company Name] is prepared to respond in the

event of a pandemic virus. This plan is intended to provide measures that will protect employee health and safety as well as limit the negative impact to our business.

Complete o Needs Review o In-Process


CDC is closely monitoring an epidemic of respiratory illness (COVID-19) caused by a novel (new) coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) that was first detected in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China. Chinese health officials have reported tens of thousands of illnesses with COVID-19 in China and the virus is spreading from person-to-person in many parts of that country. Cases of COVID-19 are also being reported in a growing number of international locations, several of which are experiencing sustained community-level or widespread person-to-person transmission. Cases of COVID-19 without direct links to travel have been reported in the United States and sustained transmission is occurring in some US communities. This new type of Viral outbreak (COVID-19) has emerged and has reached Pandemic Proportions. While not especially virulent at this point, [Company Name] must be prepared in the event the Pandemic becomes more serious in the United States. Employers will play a key role in protecting employee’s health and safety as well as in limiting the impact on the economy and society. Employers will likely experience employee absences, changes in patterns of commerce, and interrupted supply and delivery schedules. [Company Name] can be protected against such losses by deploying practical, preventive health measures. This document has been prepared to address primary and secondary prevention:

• Primary Prevention: Avoiding Employee Infection • Secondary Prevention: Minimizing Transmission

This preparedness plan will address these principles through basic flu prevention tips to more advanced organizational health protocols. This plan will be updated as the result of changing conditions, lessons-learned, and medical advances related to pandemic influenza planning and control.

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2.1 Scope and Applicability

This Plan establishes the minimum expectations for [Company Name] in the event of an influenza pandemic. Portions of this Plan may apply to contractors as well as all individuals performing work under the contractors’ control, including employees of the contractor and subcontractors who have been retained by the contractor.

2.2 Exceptions

Exceptions from the requirements established in this Plan and requests to change the requirements must be approved and documented by the corporate Safety & Health Director. It is anticipated that such requests will be granted only in exceptional circumstances.


Pandemic – a global outbreak of a disease that occurs when a new virus appears or emerges in the human population, causes serious illness, and then spreads easily from person-to-person or continent-to-continent. A new influenza virus has either low or no pre-existing immunity in the human population. The emergence of such a virus is the first step toward a pandemic. Crisis – any unexpected accident, incident or situation that could draw negative attention to the organization or potentially damage the reputation, revenue or credibility of the company, such as a serious human accident, industrial accident, labor movement or action by public or regulatory authorities.


4.1 Employees

Understand and embrace the requirements of this plan to ensure compliance that we are prepared in the event of a viral pandemic.

Actively observe and practice flu prevention and take steps to minimize transmission.

4.2 Management

Ensure that adequate resources are committed to implement the plan in the event of a viral pandemic.

Ensure that proper notifications and communication are taking place.

Schedule and allocate the time and resources necessary to ensure that the Plan is being effectively executed.


5.1 Primary Prevention – Avoiding Employee Infection

One of the most simple and cost effective methods for avoiding business interruption caused by a potential pandemic is to educate employees about basic viral prevention. Proactively encouraging employees to observe and practice virus & disease prevention is the first and foremost line of defense in guarding against the crippling effects of a pandemic.

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5.1.1 Awareness Campaign and other Infection Avoidance Activities

Using materials provided by [Company Name], the United States Public Health Service, and Center for Disease Control, the World Health Organization (WHO) [Company Name] will continue an awareness campaign. As part of the communication strategy for this campaign, all [Company Name] locations will receive communication materials such as information brochures that will be used as an employee handout for [Company Name] employees. Other infection avoidance activities to be implemented at [Company Name] locations:

Provide anti-bacterial soap at wash-up areas Provide anti-bacterial wipes for remote sites/activities where wash-up

facilities are not readily available. Promote the use of cleansing cloths to clean common work surfaces

(phones, desks, doorknobs, keyboards and mice, etc.) Include routine virus & disease prevention messaging during tailgate,

toolbox, or other formal and informal safety briefings.

5.1.2 Respiratory Protection and Workplace Stockpiling

Use of respiratory protection is a component of a comprehensive plan to prepare for an influenza pandemic. The United States Department of Labor (DOL) “Proposed Guidance on Workplace Stockpiling of Respirators and Facemasks for Pandemic Influenza” was used as guidance to determine stockpiling needs for [Company Name] locations. [Company Name] employee risk of occupational exposure to Coronavirus during a pandemic has been determined to be Low to Medium Exposure Risk (See OSHA Occupational Risk Pyramid). During a pandemic situation, we may consider upgrading protective measures beyond what would be suggested by the Lower Exposure Risk category due to the necessity of such services for the functioning of society as well as the potential difficulties in replacing key resource employees (for example, those with extensive training or licensing requirements). The Medium Exposure Risk determination is based on the fact that [Company Name] jobs do not typically require close proximity to people potentially infected with the pandemic Coronavirus (such as doctors, nurses, EMTs, etc.) and employees are not required to have repeated or extended contact with individuals or groups (such as schools, high volume retail, etc.). According to the DOL proposed guidance, the vast majority of American workplaces are likely to be in the medium or lower exposure risk groups. [Company Name] differs from many workplaces in that we currently stock and use a wide variety of respiratory protection at our operating locations. This may allow us more options for providing respiratory protection in the event of a pandemic, as we will have various options of respiratory protection on hand and available. The following recommendations presented in Table 1 are for stockpiling respirators for use in a pandemic, in addition to the current inventory of respiratory protection we have on hand. Assumptions include the following: Community mitigation interventions are effective at reducing the pandemic illness rate

in communities. More cases of COVID-19 are likely to be identified in the United States in the coming days, including more instances of community spread. It’s likely that at some point, widespread transmission of COVID-19 in the United States will occur. Widespread transmission of COVID-19 would translate into large numbers of people needing medical care at the same time. Schools, childcare centers, and workplaces,

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may experience more absenteeism. Mass gatherings may be sparsely attended or postponed. Public health and healthcare systems may become overloaded, with elevated rates of hospitalizations and deaths. Other critical infrastructure, such as law enforcement, emergency medical services, and sectors of the transportation industry may also be affected. Healthcare providers and hospitals may be overwhelmed. At this time, there is no vaccine to protect against COVID-19 and no medications approved to treat it. Non-pharmaceutical interventions would be the most important response strategy.

If a pandemic vaccine is available and used, an employee’s vaccination status will not modify recommendations for the use of respirators and facemasks because vaccines may not be completely effective and will not be available in large supply at the start of the pandemic.

Respirators will only be used by employees during pandemic waves in their local

community/state and not between pandemic waves, and only during work tasks where they might be exposed to people who are or might be ill with pandemic.

OSHA – Occupational Risk Pyramid for Pandemic Influenza

The OSHA Occupational Risk Pyramid indicates the various categories of risk depending on whether the job requires repeated or extended contact with known or suspected sources of pandemic Coronavirus, such as coworkers, the general public, outpatients, school children or other such individuals or groups. Very High and High exposure occupations are generally, medical care providers or laboratory workers with a high potential for contact with the virus. Medium exposure occupations include jobs that require frequent, close contact (within 6 feet) exposures to known or suspected sources of pandemic influenza virus. Low Risk occupations are those that do not require contact with people known to be infected with the pandemic virus, nor frequent close contact (within 6 feet) with the public. Almost all [Company Name] employees will fall into the Low Risk category with occasional specific situations placing a few in a Medium Risk category. Since [Company Name] provides necessary public services, management may consider upgrading protective measures beyond what would be suggested by their exposure risk due to the necessity of such services for the functioning of public health and potential difficulties in replacing them during a pandemic.

Very High



Lower Risk (Caution)

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Table 1. Stockpiling Estimates for [Company Name]*

Occupational Setting


Number of respirators per employee per

work shift

Number of respirators per employee for a pandemic (120

work days)

Medium Risk Employees (a)

Employees with extensive training and/or licensing requirements (e.g.

drivers, helpers, equipment operators, laborers and maintenance personnel)

Key Resource employees (e.g. CEO, CFO, COO, VPs, Facility

Managers, support positions, etc.)

(2) N95 Filtering



(1 )reusable elastomeric respirator

+ 3 sets of filters

(240) N95 Filtering



(1) reusable elastomeric respirator

+ 3 sets of filters

Lower Risk Employees

Employees who have minimal occupational contact with the

general public and other employees (e.g. office employees)

Not recommended Not recommended

(a) Represents additional protection for employees that would normally be classified as “Lower Risk”

categories that may be upgraded to “Medium Risk” protection during a pandemic outbreak.

*TABLE NOTES: Disposable N95 filtering facepiece respirators may be the most convenient solution, but

reusable elastomeric type respirators and/or powered air purifying respirators (PAPR) may be substituted to allow for more options and availability during the event of an actual pandemic. If elastomeric type particulate filters or PAPRs are used in an environment where pandemic influenza is the sole air contaminant of concern, then the particulate filters should last a long time if they are not physically damaged or soiled and are handled appropriately to control risk of contamination. Two to three filter sets should last for the duration of the pandemic.

When available, PAPR units are acceptable for medium exposure risk work environments. All respiratory protection listed above must be fit-tested to assure full protection and cannot be

worn with facial hair that interferes with the seal between the face and respirator. N95 filtering facepieces are available with an exhalation valve. The exhalation valve is

designed to make it easier to exhale and reduces moisture buildup inside the facepiece compared to other filtering facepiece respirators. However, a filtering facepiece with an exhalation valve should not be used when others must be protected from contamination by the wearer.

For Medium and Lower Exposure Risk workplaces, FDA-cleared facemasks may be used instead of N95 filtering facepieces. However, facemasks do not provide protection against the risk of airborne influenza transmission. Facemasks protect employees from sprays of potentially infectious liquid droplets (from talking, coughing, or sneezing)

For security and allocation purposes, all respirators stockpiled for pandemic influenza planning should be stored in a secure and locked location until a site-specific or geographic need is recognized. When stockpiling items, be aware of each product’s shelf life and storage conditions. Stockpiles of supplies should be placed in clean, secure, temperature-controlled

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environments to prevent damage or contamination of the supplies. Where possible, incorporate product rotation into the stockpile management system (e.g. consume oldest supplies first).

5.1.3 Vaccination

Although there is not currently a vaccine for the Coronavirus, medical experts often recommend that employees receive flu shots from their personal physicians. By having been immunized against the more common strains, it may be easier to associate any future flu-like symptoms to a newer virus to which the individual has not been vaccinated. Influenza vaccinations are associated with reductions in influenza-related respiratory illness, physician visits among all age groups, hospitalization and death among persons at high risk, and work absenteeism among adults.

5.2 Secondary Prevention – Minimizing Transmission

Once the primary prevention goals have been implemented, secondary prevention efforts that minimize transmission must be deployed. These activities should focus on social distancing. Social distancing means reducing the frequency, proximity, and duration of contact between people (both employees and customers) to reduce the chances of spreading pandemic Coronavirus from person-to-person. As part of the [Company Name] pandemic Coronavirus Plan, the following activities/actions will be taken:

Reinforce symptom identification training to prevent ill employees from coming to work.

Require sick employees to stay home.

As part of social-distancing, where appropriate, encourage and allow key management personnel to work from home where laptop computers, Internet access, and telephone provisions are available. There may come a time where the highest-ranking official in a particular office/location declares the office “closed” for illness or precautionary reasons.

As part of social-distancing, all non-essential partial or full-plant meetings shall be postponed. Meetings should be held on a temporary basis by way of electronic mail, conference call or intercom communications. Any mandatory (OSHA) safety training should be rescheduled or presented in another format (i.e.; handouts only, conference call, on-line training, etc.).

Company meetings should be postponed or switched to conference call or video-conferencing when feasible. Avoid handshaking.

Reinforce guidelines on sick leave policy. Senior Management will evaluate the magnitude of the situation to determine if a provision for compensating employees absent due to quarantine is warranted. A review of leave policies and administrative procedures to extend leave for infected employees to minimize exposure to other employees, provide family leave for caregivers, and compassionate leave for immediate family shall be conducted.

Consider establishing a specific, unique code for Coronavirus absences and the specific reason for that absence (i.e.; ill, exposed, caregiver, bereavement, etc.)

Discontinue non-essential travel to affected areas.

Establish voluntary quarantine, such as home confinement, for healthy but recently exposed employees.

5.3 [Company Name] Pandemic Coronavirus Task Force

To facilitate decision-making and communication in a pandemic Coronavirus outbreak, a task force will be formed consisting of corporate S&H, HR, Communications, and Environmental representatives and the corporate management team. This task force will communicate as

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information becomes available and will report in daily (initially) via scheduled conference call to discuss current situations and as a result, determine action items (policy exceptions, resource requirements, communication issues, etc.).

5.4 Staffing

Workforce shortages associated with the loss of experienced employees across the organization can be expected from illnesses, caring for sick family members, fear of exposure, school closures, and potential travel ban. It can be anticipated that Facility Managers will be looking to corporate support personnel for guidance. A delicate balance and well-thought out decision making process will need to be implemented to address site-by-site needs. For example, if travel restrictions are in place where Coronavirus has been reported, does it make sense and is it wise, responsible, or even possible to send healthy replacements into the affected area? These decisions cannot all be covered in a preparedness plan and must be addressed based on environmental, health, safety, and security concerns for each unique situation. The [Company Name] Pandemic Coronavirus Task Force will be involved in staffing decisions. Some staffing suggestions are provided below:

Increased cross-training at all locations. Where collective bargaining agreements prohibit such an approach, local management teams should address a pandemic scenario early-on with bargaining agents as an influenza pandemic was probably not covered or imagined during routine labor talks. Unique circumstances often require unique, temporary/emergency exceptions and flexibility. Close communication with documentation should be maintained with the regulatory authority or labor union throughout the pandemic.

Consider going to minimal coverage or shift changes at regulated facilities where regulators will allow as interim, emergency operation.

Discuss the possibility of any (written) waivers from regulatory agencies.

Consider alternate schedules for maximum use of resources (i.e. extended shifts or consolidation of route schedules, service day changes, etc.).

Discontinue non-essential tasks such as grounds maintenance tasks, painting, preventive maintenance cleaning, etc., to reduce staffing drain.

Close communication with documentation should be maintained with the customers regarding reduction in non -essential services and schedules.

Identify outside contractors (mechanical, electrical, general) to assist with key operations and maintenance tasks that have been hindered by staff shortages.

5.5 Communication

Communication is vital during a pandemic influenza situation, and the lack of communication may instill unnecessary concern and worry. Employees will likely rely on [Company Name] for credible, accurate alerts, updates, and advice not only about working conditions, policy issues, and other directives, but also about the progress of the disease, health risks, public safety, and other personal concerns. [Company Name] will strive to be a conduit of accurate information to our employees and our customers.

As described in section 5.1, [Company Name] will communicate with employees using an awareness campaign entitled “Protecting Ourselves to Protect Others”. Additional communication materials might include a general presentation in PowerPoint format and a Q&A Document, both developed and provided by [Company Name].

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During an influenza pandemic, the following communications are necessary:

Ill employees should call in sick as soon as they become aware that they are infected and will not be able to work. This is typically no later than 2 hours prior to the start of their shift. General Managers should stress the site-specific call-in procedure, emphasizing the importance of calling in as early as possible during this emergency situation so that appropriate staffing plans can be made. Employees that are too ill to call-in should instruct a family member on the process prior to falling ill.

Managers shall communicate with corporate management team. Initial communication will be initiated through the [Company Name] Crisis Communication process and on a daily basis thereafter, as directed, to provide an operations and staffing update. This level of communication is necessary to make sure that the information gets conveyed to all relevant personnel.

[Company Name] will use a “Safety Alert” program, e-mail communications and conference calls as primary communication tools for promoting Coronavirus awareness and prevention during a non-pandemic and pandemic period. In the event of an actual pandemic, additional communications (verbal and written) will be provided on an as needed basis in the most effective manner possible (electronic mail, letters sent to job sites and/or homes, client communications, CDC fact sheets and other governmental agency announcement, etc.) Safety personnel will maintain contact with CDC, OSHA, WHO and other sources of credible information and guidance on a continual basis to keep the Task Force and employees informed and to maintain the most up-to-date facts, directives, and guidance information.

5.6 Additional Considerations

All [Company Name] employees must realize that a Coronavirus pandemic may have far reaching effects. Employees may become depressed and/or distracted from their work as the result of family, friend, or co-worker illness or fatality due to the pandemic. Some suggestions for dealing with employee issues are as follows: Human Resource representatives shall assist employees as required in regard to

employee “leave” programs and shall be proficient in communicating and processing short-term and long-term disability claims, as well as survivor benefits for worst case scenarios.

Employees can use an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) for professional counseling and assistance with personal, family, or job related stress/matters.

For those that must travel, hotel staff shortages may result in a lack of rooms, lack of housekeeping, or a delay in check-in. Lack of staff and service personnel would likely affect the airline, train, bus, and subway transit systems. Employees should avoid public transportation, hotel rooms, restaurants, public restrooms, etc. in affected areas whenever possible. Some suggestions are as follows: Cancel all non-essential travel to and from infected areas. Consider a more private rental car over otherwise more convenient modes of

transportation such as subways, buses, trains, and planes. Travel with anti-septic wipes for use in public restrooms, hotel rooms, rental cars,

etc. Travel with your own personal set of linens for hotel stays.

Page 18: Road Map for Returning to Work - Biocom...Veolia North America 107 South Motor Ave. Azusa, CA 91702 Visit us at our website: Page 3 of 18 Veolia North America –Covid-19 Road Map

Veolia North America 107 South Motor Ave. Azusa, CA 91702

Visit us at our website: Page 18 of 18 Veolia North America – Covid-19 Road Map for Returning to Work

Other services to likely be affected include fuel and chemical delivery. In accordance with existing Emergency Action Plans and other contingency plans – at least one alternate source/vendor should be identified (with a pre-established line of credit/account) for back-up purposes.

A Coronavirus pandemic will cause shortages and delays in vaccines and antiviral medications. Furthermore, outbreaks will cause an increased burden on hospitals and outpatient care systems. For these reasons, employees should practice all of the primary prevention practices outlined in Section 5.1 of this document.


The following table describes the required training and training frequencies for employees.

Course Description Method – Initial

Method – Refresher

Competency Verification

Trainer – Qualification

Required Attendees

Pandemic Coronavirus Awareness

Awareness training on pandemic

Coronavirus and precautions to

protect employees.


Providing handout


Providing handout

Class attendance

and participation

Trainer familiar with pandemic Coronavirus

and precautions.

All employees


World Health Organization (WHO) – Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) outbreak:

Center for Disease Control and Prevention- Coronavirus Disease 2019:

Health Canada – Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19):

United States Environmental Protection Agency- List N: Disinfectants for Use Against SARS-CoV-2: