ROAD (0.15 Ha) CREEK CROSSING (0.56 Ha)...Reference: Google Earth, 05-02-2016. Wheal Ellen Site...


Transcript of ROAD (0.15 Ha) CREEK CROSSING (0.56 Ha)...Reference: Google Earth, 05-02-2016. Wheal Ellen Site...

Page 1: ROAD (0.15 Ha) CREEK CROSSING (0.56 Ha)...Reference: Google Earth, 05-02-2016. Wheal Ellen Site Northampton, WA Northampton Temporary Stockpile Facility – Summary Report TSF FEATURES
Page 2: ROAD (0.15 Ha) CREEK CROSSING (0.56 Ha)...Reference: Google Earth, 05-02-2016. Wheal Ellen Site Northampton, WA Northampton Temporary Stockpile Facility – Summary Report TSF FEATURES

Wheal EllenCree



Job No: 52798

Client: Department of Lands


Drawn By: BC

Date: 08-Jun-2017

Checked By: RD


Coor. Sys. GDA 1994 MGA Zone 50


0 30 60


Lot 1146

Temporary TSF Site (6100m²)

Sediment Pond (300m²)

Topsoil Stockpile (800m²)

Proposed Contractors Site Office &Facilities

Extent of Works

Existing Site Access Road

Proposed Site Access & Haul Road(1500m²)

Ephemeral Watercourse (ApproximateAlignment)

File Name: 52798_04Reference: Google Earth, 05-02-2016.

Wheal Ellen SiteNorthampton, WA

Northampton Temporary StockpileFacility – Summary Report





Note: All locations indicated are approximate.











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AREA (0.13 Ha)


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Ludwig, Sheri-lynn

From: Weighell, Simon <[email protected]>

Sent: Monday, 27 March 2017 11:42 AM

To: Ludwig, Sheri-lynn

Cc: Wong, Grace; Bramwell, Emma

Subject: RE: Clearing enquiry - Northampton Lead Tailings Project

Follow Up Flag: Follow up

Flag Status: Flagged

Hi Sheri-lynn

It appears that the only clearing exemption that may be available in this case is regulation 5, item 1 of the

Environmental Protection (Clearing of Native Vegetation) Regulations 2004. An excerpt for this exemption from our

guide to the exemptions is included below.

Key things to note are:

• The exemption doesn’t allow clearing of riparian vegetation and based on the map and photos supplied

there is a watercourse running through the property with riparian vegetation present

• The comment/explanation box below provides guidance regarding what a building is in relation to a

transportable building

• An engineered containment cell is likely to be considered a structure

Any other general earthworks across the site are unlikely to be exempt.

After consideration of the above, if there is any clearing unlikely to be exempt you should include this in the works

approval/licence application form (provide a clear map of the area, size, purpose of clearing etc.).

Once received, the Industry Regulation section of DER will refer the clearing component to us (Clearing Regulation)

and we will assess and provide a recommendation back to Industry Regulation for the final decision (if everything

was proposed to be approved you would be granted a works approval/licence with conditions allowing the clearing

of native vegetation).

Let me know if you have any further questions.



Simon Weighell

Senior Clearing Regulation Officer

Department of Environment Regulation

Ph 9333 7492 | [email protected]

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From: Ludwig, Sheri-lynn [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Thursday, 23 March 2017 10:32 AM


Subject: Clearing enquiry - Northampton Lead Tailings Project


The next phase of the Northampton Lead Tailings Project (NLTP Phase 2 Part A) will include the removal of lead

tailings and tailings impacted soil from a number of residential properties within the townsite of Northampton, WA.

All tailings removed from the townsite will be temporarily placed in stockpiles at the former Wheal Ellen minesite

(Reserve 52194, Lot 1146 on DP 321889), located off Drage Road (please refer to Attached site figures and photos).

The stockpiled material will be placed within a temporary Category 62 disposal facility in accordance with a technical

specification. To establish this facility, some infrastructure will be established at the site (site office, amenities,

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bunded stockpiling pad and associated infrastructure). Final disposal of all tailings waste will be in an engineered

containment cell (Category 65), which will require establishment of more infrastructure and significant earthworks.

A site selection study completed in 2015, identified the Wheal Ellen site as the most suitable site for the

containment cell to contain all tailings generated from the NLTP remedial works. A large portion of the site is already

disturbed from historical mining activities, with large stockpiles of unmanaged tailings and abandoned

infrastructure. It is proposed that the temporary stockpiling facility is situated in an already disturbed area of the

site. Any clearing of native vegetation will be well under 5 hectares.

The vegetation in the less or non-disturbed areas of the site is sparse and intact, but not interconnected. The 2015

site selection study included a desktop review and some site investigation which identified several National and

State flora and fauna receptors were present on the site (no EPBC threatened species). Further flora and fauna

environmental surveys required, and at this stage it is proposed that these surveys will take place prior to temporary

stockpiling works.

Given the above information, we are seeking clarification as to whether the temporary stockpiling works may fall

under a limited clearing exemption (infrastructure)? Also, can you please advise on next steps – particularly with

respect to the DER Licensing Works approval and Licence application for the Category 62 temporary stockpiling

facility. We are planning on submitting a concurrent application but we are not sure whether the application should

include a clearing permit.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any queries or require any further information.

Kind Regards, Sheri-lynn Ludwig | Project Manager, Northampton Lead Tailings Project | LAMS Department of Lands | Level 2, 140 William Street | Perth, WA 6000 T 08 6552 4442 | F (08) 6552 4417 | M 0472 872 051 E [email protected] | W

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The Department of Lands has a new Post Office Box. PO Box 1221 West Perth WA 6872. Please update your records accordingly. Thank you DISCLAIMER: The information contained in this email (including attachments) is intended only for the use of the person(s) to whom it is addressed as it may be confidential and contain legally privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient you are hereby notified that any perusal, use, distribution, copying or disclosure is strictly prohibited. If you have received this email in error, please immediately advise us by return email and delete the email document. This email and any attachments to it are also subject to copyright and any unauthorised reproduction, adaptation or transmission is prohibited. This notice should not be removed.

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Ludwig, Sheri-lynn

From: ORMSBY, Warren <[email protected]>

Sent: Monday, 18 May 2015 3:39 PM

To: Cramer, Jonathan; MORRIS, Paul

Cc: Ruther, Eduardo; HALL, Charlotte

Subject: RE: Proposed Containment Cell Location - NLTP

Attachments: Wheal Ellen_V1.pdf; Wheal Ellen_Xsection.pdf

Hi Jon,

My group has had a good look at the Wheal Ellen option with a view to finding out whether the remediation of the

existing tailings and addition of other material at the same site would be an issue for any future exploration or

mining at the site – refer to the attached map and cross section.

We did not know about and have not assessed the ‘Commonage’ site.

We also understand that the Wheal Ellen site needs remedial work, thus preference for this site rather than a new

one elsewhere that could require relocation of these tailings.

For example, the southern and easternmost parts of adjoining reserve R7671 and all of R263 is well away from the

previous mining and there would be no issues in locating tailings in these areas from an exploration/mining


We found that if in the future mining was to resume at Wheal Ellen, that it would most likely be underground due to

the nature of the mineralization and the near-surface mining that has already taken place. Provided the tailings do

not backfill the existing underground workings, these could be accessible for re-opening. We also considered likely

drilling locations for future deeper exploration beneath the existing workings. From this we found that any deeper

drill holes are most likely to be sited further to the west of the existing tailings area.

So our finding was that we would have no serious exploration/mining access issues with continuing to use the

existing tailings site at Wheal Ellen provided the existing workings are not backfilled or in jeopardy and the area

occupied is not substantially larger than the existing tailings footprint..

However, we note that this area (and probably the ‘Commonage’ site as well) now lies within a current exploration

licence (E66/87), held by Buxton Resources Ltd.

We recommend consultation with the exploration licence holder before proceeding.


Warren Ormsby | Manager Land Use Geoscience | Resources, Geological Survey

Department of Mines and Petroleum

Tel: +61 8 9222 3571 | Mob: 0457 780 869 | [email protected]

From: Cramer, Jonathan [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Monday, 18 May 2015 2:31 PM

To: MORRIS, Paul; ORMSBY, Warren Cc: Ruther, Eduardo

Subject: RE: Proposed Containment Cell Location - NLTP

Hi Paul and Warren,

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Im just chasing up whether there has been any formal assessment of the below request and what DMP’s

recommendations/ findings may be on this matter?

Just so you are aware, DoL has recently put out a tender to have a site suitability assessment and a preliminary

design with costs estimations for the containment cell undertaken by engineering consultants focusing on two

preferred sites in Northampton; one being the Wheal Ellen Site and the other being a large unmanaged reserve to

the west of the town known as the Commonage site. Both house tailings. The tender has not been awarded yet.

Obviously any information that DMP can provide as part of the below assessment will form an important piece of

information (possibly identify show stoppers) regarding the suitability of the Wheal Ellen site for building a

containment cell.

Kind regards,


Jonathan Cramer | Manager | Contaminated Sites Department of Lands | Level 2, 140 William Street | Perth WA 6000 T (08) 6552 4684 | F (08) 6552 4417 | M 0477 301 906 E [email protected] | W

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From: MORRIS, Paul [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Thursday, 9 April 2015 7:28 AM To: ORMSBY, Warren; FLINT, Don

Cc: Cramer, Jonathan; Cramer, Jonathan; ROGERSON, Rick; TYLER, Ian; GRIFFIN, Tim Subject: FW: Proposed Containment Cell Location - NLTP

Hi Warren

As you may know, the assessment phase of the Northampton lead tailings investigation (NLTI) has been completed,

and subsequent phases involving remediation of affected properties is being planned. A part of this is the

construction of a containment cell for tailings removed from the townsite. At a recent meeting of the NLTI

committee, there was some discussion about the location of the cell, and the site of former mining in the area

(Wheal Ellen) was suggested. I commented that before any decision was made on any location of the cell, DMP (and

more specifically, GSWA) should be contacted to ensure that any cell location did not effectively sterilize an area

with mineralization potential: I have, therefore, forwarded Jon Cramer’s email (below) to you for comment.



Paul Morris | Chief Geochemist | Geoscience Mapping, Geological Survey

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Department of Mines and Petroleum

Tel: +61 8 9222 3345 | [email protected]

From: Cramer, Jonathan [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, 8 April 2015 4:50 PM

To: MORRIS, Paul

Subject: Proposed Containment Cell Location - NLTP

Hi Paul,

I picked up on a comment made by you and reported in the latest NLTP steering committee minutes (which I wasn’t

able to attend) regarding the need to speak with DMP about the proposed location of the containment cell to

determine if there was a desire from DMP to keep that area unencumbered for future resource deposit


The preferred site to be investigated is the former mine site Wheal Ellen. Ive attached a map and some

photos. There are several open shafts on the site that appear to follow a linear formation suggesting they were

targeting/following a seam running through the site.

Can you please let me know how you would like to work through this “approval” or whatever format it may be

required to be Ok’d by DMP?

Thanks mate,


Jonathan Cramer | Manager | Contaminated Sites Department of Lands | Level 2, 140 William Street | Perth WA 6000 T (08) 6552 4684 | F (08) 6552 4417 | M 0477 301 906 E [email protected] | W

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Ludwig, Sheri-lynn

From: LAURITSEN Natalie <[email protected]>

Sent: Monday, 15 May 2017 4:04 PM

To: Ludwig, Sheri-lynn

Subject: RE: Northampton Lead Tailings Project - Bed and Banks

Attachments: Access road and stream crossing 20170510.pdf

Hi Sheri-lynn,

The Bowes River and its tributaries occur in the Northampton area and would be the systems that may be affected

by the Northampton Lead Tailings Project. The Bowes River is not a proclaimed surface water area under the Rights

in Water and Irrigation Act 1914, so I can confirm no permit is required for any of the works you have

described. The only circumstance when a permit may be needed is if a person wanted to take water from the river

or tributaries.

DoW does support appropriately engineered design for alterations of bed or banks, and the use of best

management practices when working in or around watercourses, and can provide advice in these areas if required.

Kind regards, Natalie

Natalie Lauritsen

Natural Resource Management Officer

Midwest Gascoyne Region Ph: 9965 7418 l Fax: 9964 5983

94 Sanford St, Geraldton l PO Box 73, Geraldton WA 6531

[email protected]

Work days: Monday to Thursday

From: Ludwig, Sheri-lynn [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Monday, 15 May 2017 2:52 PM

To: LAURITSEN Natalie <[email protected]>

Subject: Northampton Lead Tailings Project - Bed and Banks

Hi Natalie,

Thank you for speaking with me today regarding the Northampton Lead Tailings Project (NLTP). As we discussed, we

are currently in the planning stages for Phase 2 of the project which will consist of the remediation and

management of lead tailings and impacted soil on residential properties within the townsite of Northampton. All

tailings and impacted soil removed from the townsite will be transported to the former Wheal Ellen mine site, which

is located at Lot 1146 on Deposited Plan 231889. The site is a now Reserve for Government Purposes

(Reserve 52194). Initially all tailings material will be stockpiled into a temporary tailings storage facility until final

disposal in an engineered containment cell. It is proposed that the temporary tailings storage facility will be situated

within the same footprint as the final containment cell, which will be located in the south-east portion of the site. In

order to access this area, we will require a crossing across an ephemeral creek line which runs east-west through the

site. A culvert is proposed at the approximate location as shown on the attached Figure 1.

As we discussed, given the level of disturbance proposed and as the site is not located in a proclaimed surface water

area, can you confirm that a Permit to Interfere with Bed and Banks is not required in this scenario?

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Additionally, there are a couple of the townsite properties which require remediation where tailings and tailings

impacted material are present in the adjacent creek bed/drainage lines and surrounding banks. The remedial

Contractor will need to disturb the bed and banks in order to excavate the tailings and tailings impacted material at

these locations. Can you advise if a Permit to Interfere with Bed and Banks is required for this scenario?

Thank you very much for your assistance. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any queries or if you require

further information.

Kind Regards, Sheri-lynn Ludwig | Project Manager, Northampton Lead Tailings Project | LAMS Department of Lands | Level 2, 140 William Street | Perth, WA 6000 T 08 6552 4442 | F (08) 6552 4417 | M 0472 872 051 E [email protected] | W

The Department of Lands has a new Post Office Box. PO Box 1221 West Perth WA 6872. Please update your records accordingly. Thank you DISCLAIMER: The information contained in this email (including attachments) is intended only for the use of the person(s) to whom it is addressed as it may be confidential and contain legally privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient you are hereby notified that any perusal, use, distribution, copying or disclosure is strictly prohibited. If you have received this email in error, please immediately advise us by return email and delete the email document. This email and any attachments to it are also subject to copyright and any unauthorised reproduction, adaptation or transmission is prohibited. This notice should not be removed.

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