RNs – RNGs Thomas Risse Why? Generating Random · PDF fileGenerating Random Numbers a...

RNs – RNGs Thomas Risse IIA, HSB, Germany Why? How? DRNGs TRNGs Quality Generating Random Numbers a quick overview Thomas Risse Institute of Informatics & Automation, IIA Faculty E & I, Hochschule Bremen University of Applied Sciences [email protected] LSBU, February 21 st 2014

Transcript of RNs – RNGs Thomas Risse Why? Generating Random · PDF fileGenerating Random Numbers a...

RNs – RNGs

Thomas RisseIIA, HSB, Germany





Generating Random Numbersa quick overview

Thomas RisseInstitute of Informatics & Automation, IIA

Faculty E & I, Hochschule BremenUniversity of Applied Sciences

[email protected]

LSBU, February 21st 2014

RNs – RNGs

Thomas RisseIIA, HSB, Germany






1 Why Generating Random Numbers?

2 How to Generate Random Numbers?

Deterministic RNGs

True Physical RNGs

3 Quality

The generation of random numbers is too important to be leftto chance – Robert R. Coveyou

RNs – RNGs

Thomas RisseIIA, HSB, Germany





Why Generating Random Numbers?

’Random number generation is the Achilles heel ofcryptography.’1 ’Good random numbers are fundamental toalmost all secure computer systems!’2

cryptography is the most important application area:• sessionIDs are random numbers: if

guessable one can impersonate a person• zero knowledge authentication• SSL, HTTPS, one-time-pads, . . .

simulation etc randomized algorithms (Las Vegas or MonteCarlo methods), testing

No wonder, e.g. every compiler library provides randomnumber generators.




RNs – RNGs

Thomas RisseIIA, HSB, Germany





How to Generate Random Numbers?

Random number generators, RNGs, fall in two classes:

(Pseudo-)RNGs, Deterministic RNGsgenerating chance by algorithms, typicallyset seed, specify some internal state;

from both: generate first random number

iterate: from actual internal state

and from last random number

generate next random number

True RNGs, Physical RNGsharvesting chance from physical phenomenalike thermal or atmospheric noise, radioactivedecay, jitter etc. possibly followed bypostprocessing to adjust symbol frequencies

From a 0-1-random number generator one can construct anyother generator of uniformly distributed random numbers!

RNs – RNGs

Thomas RisseIIA, HSB, Germany





Deterministic RNGsTypical is some initialisation (seed) and computation of thenext random number based on the last random number(s).

• John von Neumann’s middle-square method from 1946:take any number (seed), square it, remove the middledigits of the resulting number as the ’random number’,then use that number as the seed for the next iteration.

• Linear congruential generators [5]:choose seed xo and compute xk+1 = a xk + c mod mfor k = 0, 1, . . . and suitable parameters a, c and mhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linear_congruential_generator

• Linear Feedback Shift Registers, LFSRs:choose some initial state and run hardware, for example

next bit p(x) = x16 + x14 + x13 + x11 + 1 in GF2

RNs – RNGs

Thomas RisseIIA, HSB, Germany





Deterministic RNGs’

• Mersenne3 twister algorithm [7]:choose N = 624 seeds, Y1, ... YN . Compute Yi for i>Nby h := Yi−N − Yi−N mod 231 + Yi−N+1 mod 231

Yi := Yi−227 ⊕ bh/2c ⊕ ((h mod 2) · 9908b0dfhex)Postprocessing then guarantees uniform distribution:x := Yi ⊕ bYi/211c; y := x ⊕ ((x · 27) ∧ 9d2c5680hex);z := y ⊕ ((y · 215) ∧ efc60000hex); Zi := z ⊕ bz/218cPeriod is 219937 − 1 ≈ 4, 3·106001. Improvements see [8]

• Blum-Blum-Shub generator [2]:choose n = pq for suitable primes p and q, seed s withgcd(s, n) = 1, compute s0 = s2 mod n and for i = 0, 1, ...si+1 = s2

i mod n.If desired, get random bits by bi = si mod 2 or similar.Choose n > 10200, 2 < p/q < 1000 etc.

3M. Mersenne (1588-1648) www-history.mcs.st-andrews.ac.uk/Biographies/Mersenne.html

was the first to examine integers of the form 2n − 1. Some are prime! see GIMPS

RNs – RNGs

Thomas RisseIIA, HSB, Germany





Examples of True Physical RNGs

Utilizing diode noise [4] . . .A proposal for: Functionality classes for random number generators

18 September 2011 AIS 20 / AIS 31 page 117

Figure 9: Basic design of RNG with noisy diodes

443 The circuit for AC coupling, the negative feedback to the operational amplifier, the stabilization of the power supply and the temperature compensating effects are not shown in this figure. A drift of the noisy voltages or the operational amplifier output results in impulses that are too long or too small, causing a biased digitised noise signals. Therefore, the digitised random signal shall be passed to a Neumann/Peres unbiasing control. Clearly, long-term aging effects may be neglected here.

Variant of RNG Design with noise diodes

444 The advanced variant of the basic design outputs the number of Schmitt trigger impulses (caused by 0-1-crossings) modulo 2 as the digitised noise signal.

445 Figure 10 illustrates the advanced design.

Figure 10: Variant of the basic design of RNG with noisy diodes


tot test online test






tot test online test









tot test online test






tot test online test










RNs – RNGs

Thomas RisseIIA, HSB, Germany





Examples of True Physical RNGs

Harvesting jitter of diode ring oscillators [13] . . .

3. TRNG Ring Design and Interaction

Figure 14: Two rings XOR'ed

Similar to the two rings, several rings with different ring lengths, namely 7-11, 11-13, 13-17 etc.,

can be used as the noise source of the TRNG.

3.3.3 Design with Multiple Rings

A multiple ring-based design was developed with several ring oscillators with different ring lengths.

The rings were designed with the lengths of 7,11,13,17,19 inverters each. Each ring was replicated

40 times amounting to a total of 200 rings. The 200 rings are XORed together to generate the output

signal. The rings are asynchronous to each other, and thus they are not clocked in this part of the

design. Figure 15 shows the multiple ring design. Symbol 'I' represents the length of the ring

according to the number of inverters and 'k' represents the number of rings in total. The period

usually depends on the number of inverters used and the delay of each inverter. The jitter generated

by each oscillator accounts for the randomness of the signal. The output from the XOR would be an

analog signal. It should be sampled, clocked to convert it to a digital signal. The output signal

consists of the periodic transitions of all the included 200 rings. The XOR output will oscillate in

the range of 150 to 200 MHz. The design was coded in VHDL and implemented on the Spartan 3-E

FPGA evaluation board. The output was driven through the I/O pins on the evaluation board and

measured on a Tektronix Oscilloscope.


Output Sequence

Exploiting bistable semiconductor ring lasers [12] . . .

Ring laser




B2CW output

CCW output

Fig. 2. A schematic of a SRL device with spontaneous emission noise sources B1 and B2.

between the bidirectional and bistable regimes: First, the injection current to the SRL is adjustedso that the SRL operates in the bidirectional regime. In this case, the state of the system alwaysrelaxes to the stable point B in the phase space of the bidirectional regime (see Fig. 1 (a)). Itis important to note that the stable point B corresponds to a point on the stable manifold of thesaddle point S in the bistable regime. This means that when the injection current is suddenlyincreased so that the SRL operates in the bistable regime, the state is lain on the stable manifoldof the saddle point S in a bistable regime, as indicated by open circle in Fig. 1 (b). However,since the spontaneous emission noises are always coupled to the counter-propagating modes,the fluctuation of the state of the system due to the noises is amplified by the unstable manifoldof the saddle point S. Consequently, the state of the system relaxes to either of UCW or UCCW .The resetting of the final lasing state can be achieved by again decreasing the injection to thebidirectional regime and relaxing to stable point B. Accordingly, the stochastic mode-selectionis repeated by the modulation of the injection current between the bidirectional and bistableregimes, so that a random optical pulse train can be emitted in the CW and CCW directions.

2.3. Control of spontaneous emission noises

However, in the actual SRL devices, the spontaneous emission will not be isotropic due tomaterial non-uniformities, and they will not be equally coupled to the CW and CCW modes.Thus, actual SRL devices have a preferred direction, and the dominant output direction is repro-ducible [5]. For achieving the random operation with the equal probability of the appearanceof the CW or CCW lasing state, the amounts of the spontaneous emission noises coupled tothe CW and CCW modes should be controlled so that the asymmetry of the coupling is re-duced. We show that this is achieved by using two spontaneous emission noise sources. Figure2 shows a schematic of a SRL device with two spontaneous emission noises sources B1 andB2. The noises emitted from B1 and B2 are injected into a ring laser part in the CCW and CWdirection via a weakly coupled waveguide used as a directional coupler. For example, when B1is active, the amount of the spontaneous emission coupled to the CCW mode can be enhanced.A similar method for the control of the amounts of the spontaneous emission has been used forachieving the switching operation from CW (CCW) mode to CCW (CW) mode [1].

3. SRL device: design and fabrication

In order to implement the random optical pulse generation scheme mentioned in the previoussection, a SRL device was designed and fabricated in a InP/InGaAsP material system with anactive-passive integration. Figures 3 (a) and (b) show the schematic and picture of the fabricated

#140122 - $15.00 USD Received 23 Dec 2010; revised 28 Feb 2011; accepted 9 Mar 2011; published 4 Apr 2011(C) 2011 OSA 11 April 2011 / Vol. 19, No. 8 / OPTICS EXPRESS 7444

Using atmospheric noise etc

RNs – RNGs

Thomas RisseIIA, HSB, Germany





Examples of True Physical RNGs

INTEL uses a metastable latchwhose output eventually settlesto 0 or 1, depending on thermalnoise. [3], [11]

RNs – RNGs

Thomas RisseIIA, HSB, Germany





to conclude: QualityOne would like to be able to guarantee

• unpredictability (Markov chain with unbounded memory)

• uniform distribution, e.g. by histogramming or χ2 test

• independence of random variables(Ri)

i∈N, i.e.independence of any subset against any other disjointsubset, e.g. by χ2 test

• test suites, e.g. Diehard test [6], NIST test suite [10] ofNIST, USA, AIS20/31-test suite [4] of BSI, Germany

Necessarily, there is a good deal of degrees of freedom inspecifying test suites [9]

• which test to include? which to exclude?

• which parameter settings to use?

• which error probabilities to assign?

which almost surely cannot exist, unfortunately!

RNs – RNGs

Thomas RisseIIA, HSB, Germany






[1] BSI: Anwendungshinweise und Interpretationen (zum Schema), AIS;https://www.bsi.bund.de/DE/Themen/



[2] Lenore Blum, Manuel Blum, Michael Shub: A Simple UnpredictablePseudo-Random Number Generator; SIAM Journal on Computing,Vol 15, Nr. 2, 364-383, May 1986

[3] M. Hamburg, P. Kocher, M. Marson: Analysis of Intel’s Ivy BridgeDigital Random Number Generator; http://www.cryptography.com/public/pdf/Intel_TRNG_Report_20120312.pdf

[4] Wolfgang Killmann, Werner Schindler: Functionality Classes andEvaluation Methodology for Random Number Generators; s. [1] 2011AIS31_Functionality_classes_for_random_number_generators.pdf

[5] Derrick H. Lehmer: Mathematical methods in large-scale computingunits; Ann. Computing Lab., Harvard Univ. 26 (1951), 141-146

RNs – RNGs

Thomas RisseIIA, HSB, Germany






[6] George Marsaglia: The Random Number CDROM including theDiehard Battery of Tests of Randomness;http://www.stat.fsu.edu/pub/diehard/

[7] M. Matsumoto, T. Nishimura: Mersenne Twister – A 623-dimensionallyequidistributed uniform pseudorandom number generator; ACM Trans.on Modeling and Computer Simulation Vol. 8, No. 1, January (1998)3-30 http://www.math.sci.hiroshima-u.ac.jp/~m-mat/MT/


[8] François Panneton, Pierre L’Ecuyer, Makoto Matsumoto: ImprovedLong-Period Generators Based on Linear Recurrences Modulo 2;ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, Vol. 32, No. 1, 2006,1-16 http://ir.lib.hiroshima-u.ac.jp/metadb/up/


[9] Thomas Risse: Quality of PRNGs in MATLAB and SAGE; 31st Int.Conf. Science in Practice, Hochschule Bremen, October 27th − 29th,2013 www.weblearn.hs-bremen.de/risse/papers/SiP31

RNs – RNGs

Thomas RisseIIA, HSB, Germany






[10] Andrew Rukhin et al: A Statistical Test Suite for Random andPseudorandom Number Generators for Cryptographic Applications;National Institute of Standards and Technology, NIST April 2010http://csrc.nist.gov/publications/nistpubs/


[11] Boris Škoric: True random number generation; TU Eindhoven 2003http://security1.win.tue.nl/~bskoric/physsec/files/


[12] Satoshi Sunada, Takahisa Harayama, Kenichi Arai, KazuyukiYoshimura, Ken Tsuzuki, Atsushi Uchida, Peter Davis: Random opticalpulse generation with bistable semiconductor ring lasers;http://www.opticsinfobase.org/oe/viewmedia.cfm?uri=


[13] Prassanna Shanmuga Sundaram: Development of a FPGA-basedTrue Random Number Generator for Space Applications; LinköpingInstitute of Technologyhttp://liu.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:
