RNI NO: MAHENG/2017/75666 ARITIME...

RNI NO: MAHENG/2017/75666 Vol. 2 Issue 6 April-2019 Page 40 Price - ` 100 MARITIME DESTINATION www.maritimedestination.com MSC Spreads Social Consciousness Thought and Theme of ‘Honouring The Authors’, well appreciated

Transcript of RNI NO: MAHENG/2017/75666 ARITIME...

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RNI NO: MAHENG/2017/75666

Vol. 2 Issue 6 April-2019 Page 40 Price - ` 100

MARITIME DESTINATIONwww.maritimedestination.com

MSC Spreads Social Consciousness

Thought and Theme of ‘Honouring The Authors’, well appreciated

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Thought and Theme of ‘Honouring The Authors’, well appreciated




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CONTENTS Volume 2 Issue 6 April 2019

•All rights reserved. Reproduction without prior permission of the publisher is expressly prohibited. The publisher makes every effort to ensure that the magazine’s contents are correct. However, we accept no responsibility for any error or omission and accept no responsibility for any loss or damage caused as an effect thereof. The opinion expressed by experts are their own and in no way reflect that of the publisher.

Published by Mr. Gagan Kumar Pandey,   Printed by Mr. Gagan Kumar Pandey, Owner’s Name Mr. Gagan Kumar Pandey.  Printed at Kiran Enterprises at Opp. Amber Apartment, Bhagat Kanwarram Chowk, Ulhasnagar-421003, Dist. Thane (M.S.). Published From: 1001, Tower No.A-1, Godrej River Side, Godrej Hill, Village-Barave, Near Police Commissioner Office, Kalyan (West), Dist. Thane (M.S.) 421301.  Editor: Mr. Gagan Kumar Pandey.

MARITIME DESTINATIONCorrespondence Address: Office No-110, 1st floor, Shankar Palace, Chikanghar, Near Chatri Bungalow, Opp Mangeshi Sahara, Kalyan West -421301, Dist. Thane, Maharashtra Tel.: 9223281773Email: [email protected]@gmail.comwww.maritimedestination.com

RNI NO: MAHENG/2017/75666


MSC spreads social consciousness

35Wedding bells for Pratap Singh & Anjali Singh


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EDITORIAL The industry takes a bow to its unsung heroes, Authors of Maritime Text Books

When the seedlings of an idea of honouring the

authors of text books came in our minds, we were unaware that the industry would give such an overwhelming response to our brainchild. Its awe-inspiring acceptance of the suggestion boosted our morale to move ahead with the idea.

Our initial discussion with Capt Navin Passey, Chairman of FOSMA, wherein he was not only excited by the idea but thought it to be a noble and fantastic one, was what prompted us to make an attempt to proceed a little further towards this end. The idea was further entrenched in our minds when we broached this subject to Capt Mahesh Yadav, Director Marine Education and Training, FOSMA and received an equally enthusiastic response. He is one of the people who helped in making the event a grand success. From drafting the concept note to the culmination of the event he helped in ensuring that it became a memorable experience for all.

In fact, almost all the stalwarts of the shipping & maritime world – and the industry, in toto – came together to support this event which brought these unsung heroes of the industry into the limelight.

The authors, on their part, were overwhelmed by the industry’s appreciation of their efforts in promoting education, to enable the Indian seafarer maintain his lead in the global preferred seafarers’ list.

Maritime Destination is aware that only ideas cannot make an event successful. It has to be backed by financial support, which we have thankfully received from the industry. It is mainly the shipping fraternity’s support and blessings which have enabled us to make the occasion a grand success. We are thankful to D G officials, Associations (FOSMA, MASSA, INSA, ICCSA) and Unions (NUSI and MUI) for their support and efforts in ensuring the presence of their members at the event. We are especially grateful to all the

authors who made it a point to be present on the occasion. They were, truly, the stars that shone the brightest!

It must be remembered that writing of instructional material for maritime books is more difficult as they have to be designed to raise students’ proficiency, competency, and skills, to monitor their assimilation of information, and to contribute to the over-all progress and development.

Their job becomes all the more difficult as they have to be constantly on the alert to incorporate new developments taking place in the industry in a lucid manner, which the students will be able to understand instantly. Besides this they also have to keep the students abreast of the new rules and regulations that are changing constantly. An onerous task indeed!

So let’s take a bow for these unsung heroes!

EditorGagan Kumar Pandey

[email protected]: 9619454580

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Thought and Theme of ‘Honouring The Authors’, well appreciated

March 8, 2019 will be a remembered as a red letter day in the annals of shipping industry as legends of the maritime industry gathered to pay their respect to

the unsung heroes of the industry who have helped the Indian seafarers become the ‘most favoured’ ones, globally. We are talking about the authors of the text books which are being followed by the training institutes to enable Indian seafarers to attain – and retain – this covetous position.

Almost all dignitaries of the industry and trade were present at the event, “Honouring the Authors” organized by Maritime Destination. Among the luminaries on the stage were the chief guest, Capt. J. C. Anand, Chairman Emeritus, Indian Register of Shipping and Guests of Honour Capt. Navin Passey Chairman of FOSMA; Capt Prashant Rangnekar, Chairman of MASSA; Mr.Anil Devli, Chief Operating Officer of INSA; Capt. Rakesh Singh, Hon. Secretary ICC Shipping Association; Mr. Amar Singh Thakur, General Secretary, MUI and Mr. Abdulgani Y Serang, General Secretary, NUSI.

Capt. Sanjay Maini, Country Head, IRI Maritime and Corporate Services Pvt Ltd, welcoming the guests, said, “It is with great honour that I welcome you all to this felicitation function ‘Honouring the Authors’. As far as I know this, perhaps, is the first ever function wherein we have all the literary Giants of the Indian Maritime World under one roof. I extend a very warm welcome to all of you,

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sirs. I am sure the esteemed authors have been felicitated earlier individually in many a forum but this function

where the very theme is “Honoring the Authors” is the first of its kind and I feel specially privileged this evening to be a part of it, albeit in a small way. The other day I was watching a documentary of a writer who said that

everyone has ONE book within him. But putting on paper even one book is a herculean task and takes incredible amount of patience and sacrifice, as I am sure you will all agree.

“I don’t think I will ever write a book but playing a small part in this function is my humble tribute to these literary greats

Capt. J. C. Anand

Capt. Sanjay Maini

(L-R) Shri. Anil Devli, Capt. Rakesh Singh, Shri Amar Singh Thakur & Capt. Prashant Rangnekar

(L-R) Shri. Abdulgani Y Serang, Capt. J.C. Anand & Capt. Navin Passey

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They have played the most important role, one can play, in building careers for Indian seafarers and have made them one of the most sought after seafarers in the world. Just to give you an idea Indians are the 2nd largest nationality among those who work on Marshall Island flagged vessels.”

Capt J.C. Anand, the Chief Guest stated, “It is not only heartening but also a privilege to be a part of this function to recognise and honour the men of letters who have written their thoughts on maritime industry & Indian shipping. I wish to congratulate the organisers and the guests of honor who have shared the dais for supporting this wonderful initiative and function. I would like to say that the industry without note book is like body without the soul”.

Capt. Anand urged the people present from the maritime sector and intellectuals to revive and upgrade their knowledge and encourage more authors to write and share their knowledge which will benefit the shipping fraternity. He further said it was nice to have all heads of the Associations as guests of honour, on the same platform who have taken the lead in organising this event,

and expect them to continue to support the next-gen authors”. Capt. Navin Passey, Chairman of FOSMA and Chairman of Wallem Ship Management , thanked the guests for their honourable presence at this event. He stated that he was not only privileged but also humbled to be part of this august gathering. “At the risk of inviting criticism and antagonism, I may state that

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I believe Gagan, the organizer, has gone awry in the seating arrangement. Apart from the chief guest, Capt. J.C Anand, we are all sitting on the wrong side of the room. It is the authors, the people who have written books – which has enabled the Indian seafarers to reach the covetous position of being the most sought after – who should be over here on the manch (stage).

Capt Passey thanked everybody for taking time out to be present at the function for paying a tribute to people who taken pains to ensure that students aspiring to be able seamen are able to understand the intricacies of the job they will undertake. He said “I am reminded of the quote: ‘One good teacher, one good tutor, one good author, can educate an entire nation, and educate the entire world.’ It is indeed

surprising that while we honour business people, politicians, sports people, for their contribution in individual capacity, one forgets the authors whose contribution goes way beyond.” He concluded by urging the authors to keep their pens alive.

Anil Devli, CEO of INSA, stated, “I don’t believe I have anything to add. Capt. Passey has said it all.”

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Capt. Rakesh Singh, said that he fully agreed with Capt. Passey about the seating arrangement. “I feel very humble & very embarrassed, in fact, sitting here on the stage when I see likes of Capt. Subramaniam seated in the auditorium.” He added “When I was walking in I saw the amazing display of books and recalled that when we started our career there were only few writers like Capt T.K.Joseph and Late. Capt. Rewari , or Capt. Subramaniam writing on stability and almost on every subject on nautical side. But today there is an array of books on display covering the entire gamut of subjects from maritime legislation to

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engineering. And all these have been written by Indian authors! It is indeed a proud moment!”

Capt. Prashant S Rangnekar, COO – India Operations, Elegant Marine Services Pvt. Ltd. stated, “You are doing something very unique and something which was very

necessary but never thought of before by anyone.” He wished the event great success.

Abdulgani Y Serang, General Secretary, National Union of Seafarers of India, reminiscing on his early life confessed that he felt guilty at not having visited his school for over 30 years, though he stayed close to the institution. He stated “I am fortunate to be part of this programme which pays tribute to the teachers and the authors of the books that have enabled us to be a success.”

He added “after you die only three things remain: (1)The institution which you built to benefit people, (2) Your

children, who will pray for you and (3) A memoir or book that you have written through which they can benefit.”

He complimented the writers in the Maritime field, for sharing their knowledge, which will be helpful for

thousands mariners for many years to come.

Mr. Amar Singh Thakur, General Secretary, Maritime Union of India appreciated the unique and thoughtful concept of the organisers to honor the Indian authors who provide professional knowledge through their books.

A special issue marking the occasion of Woman’s Day titled “Saluting the Spirit of Champions” published by BSN was released by Capt J.C. Anand, Chairman Emeritus,

Indian Register of Shipping & Capt. Navin Passey Chairman of FOSMA & Wallem Ship Management Chairman.

Mr. Mohit Kapoor, proposed a Vote of Thanks

The Authors who were felicitated and honoured, with plaques, on the occasion were:Capt.T.K. Joseph, Capt. S.S.S. Rewari, Capt. S.K.Puri, Capt. P.M. Sharma, Capt. H. Subramaniam, Mr. K.R. Bhandarkar, Capt. Edrich Fernandes, Capt.Errol Fernandes, Capt. Mohan Naik, Capt. C.L. Dubey, Capt. S.S. Choudhary, Capt. Yashwant Chhabra, Capt.KSD.Mistry, Capt. Satyajit Warty, Mr. J.K.Dhar, Capt. J.L.Dinger, Mr. N. Nanda, Mr. Ajoy Chatterjee, Mr. Vikaram Gokhale, Capt.A.G. Bhatia, Dr. Hariharan, Capt. Sanjiv Verma, Mr. S.K. Sinha, Mr.D.K.Sanyal, Mr.Gokaran, Mr.Jagbandhu Majumdar, Mr.A.S. Tambwekar, I.N. Bose, Mr.B.K.Sharma, Elastan Fernandes.

Brief details of the authors are given on the following pages:

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Capt.T.K. JosephBooks: 1. Principles of Navigation

2. Stability, Trim and Cargo Calculation on MV Hindship and oil Tankers

3. Ship's Magnetic Compass

Career Highlights After pre-sea training at Dufferin,

he joined Sindia Steam Navigation Company Ltd. as a cadet and rose through the ranks to obtain Masters Certificate in 1959. He was awarded the SCI Medal for the best performance in that year. He was thus promoted as a Master in 1960

In 1962, he came ashore to take up maritime education as a vocation by joining LBS Nautical and Engineering College.

He then obtained Extra Master Certificate in the UK in 1967. He was awarded the RSA medal for the best performance throughout the commonwealth and has the distinction of being the first Indian to achieve this high honor.

He was promoted as Vice Principal of the College in 1974.

In 1983, he was appointed as Captain Superintendent of the Training Ship “Rajendra”. where he upgraded the one year course on board to a two year course.

He rejoined LBS Nautical and Engineering College, as Principal, in 1985. Under his leadership, it became the largest institution of its kind in the world, with an annual student enrollment of over ten thousand, including students from eight other countries.

He was responsible for introducing the first simulator courses in the country- the Radar and Navigation Simulator, ARPA courses and Radar Observers courses in the Institute.

He also succeeded in starting, for the first time in India, all modular courses required by STCW Convention

After retiring from LBS Nautical and Engineering College, he was appointed Director Training by FOSMA. Simultaneously, he was also appointed Consultant on Maritime Education by the IMO.

Capt.T.K. Joseph


(L-R) Capt. Philip Mathews & Capt. Mahesh Yadav

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1. Principles of Navigation

2. Stability ,Trim and Cargo Calculation on MV Hindship and Oil Tankers

3. Ship's Magnetic Compass

Career Highlights He was the Founder of Applied Research


He dedicated his life to the Indian seafarer from large maritime forums to simple, individual interactions.

He was a guru, guide and guardian to his students.

His association with the marine community began with the completion of his pre-sea training from T.S. 'Dufferin' in the ’53 – 54’ batch, where he secured an Extraordinary First Class.

Capt. Rewari began his career, spanning nearly five decades, as an active seafarer and progressed through a series of remarkable academic roles that have changed the face of marine education in India.

He received numerous academic honours including, in 1958, the highest marks in the Radar Observations Course examination.

Capt. Rewari was awarded the President’s Gold Medal in 1962 standing first in the country in the Master Mariners Examination. He completed his Extra Master’s from Sir John Cass College, U.K. in 1968.

In addition to gaining the highest marine professional qualifications, throughout his career Capt. Rewari was dedicated to continuous learning.

Captain Rewari’s sparkling career as an educationalist began in 1962 at LBS CAMSAR (Lal Bahadur Shastri College of Advanced Maritime Studies and Research,

Late Capt. S.S.S. Rewariformerly LBS Nautical & Engineering College) in Mumbai

During his 8 year tenure as Vice-Principal, LBS College he was instrumental in the commencement of some key courses for the first time in India: STCW tanker course, Extra First Class and Extra Masters.

In 1987 Capt. Rewari took the helm as Captain Superintendent of T.S. Rajendra (Now T.S. Chanakya). His years there will be best remembered for pioneering a full fledged degree program (BSc. Nautical Sciences), affiliated to Mumbai University.

Capt. Rewari returned to LBS in mid 1991 as Principal where he revolutionized the institution through sweeping changes such as modernizing the curriculum; completely renovating the campus; installing a Full Mission Bridge Simulator and Cargo Simulator, and arranging procurement of a Full Mission Engine Room Simulator.

After retiring from LBS, he assumed the post of Director, Marine Education and Training, FOSMA and moved to New Delhi

Capt Rewari then embarked on what was to become the final stroke in a glorious professional innings – the establishing of Applied Research International (ARI).

In 2001 Capt. Rewari was presented with the Fellowship of the Nautical Institute in honour of his lifelong contribution to marine education. He was Chairman, Northern and Eastern Branch of the Nautical Institute and had served many times as a member of the UPSC Selection Board.

The greatest honour concurred upon Capt. S.S.S. Rewari was the Varuna Award, posthumously awarded to him in 2004. This highest honour by the Ministry of Shipping, Government of India marked the contribution of Capt. Rewari in maritime education and training throughout his lifetime.

Late Capt. S.S.S. Rewari

(L-R) Mrs. Naomi Rewari, Ms. Natasha Rewari & Capt. Navin Passey


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Capt. H. SubramaniamBooks1. Marine Meteorology

2. Nautical Watch-keeping

3. Practical Navigation

4. Ship borne Radar & ARPA

5. Ship Stability at the Operational Level

6. Ship Stability at the Management Level

7. Bridge Equipment & Charts Publication

8. Spherical Trigonometry

Career Highlights

He has about 10 years at sea, including Command of merchant ships.

He holds an Extra Masters Certificate granted by the UK.

He has over 50 years’ experience in maritime training.

He has headed three prestigious institutions – TS ‘Rajendra’, TS ‘Chanakya’ & LBS College in Mumbai. – for over 12 years.

He led the Indian delegation to United Nations (IMO) on two occasions.

He has served as a Nautical Assessor in an international ship collision case.

He has served as External Examiner of Masters & Mates for over 30 years.

Has been the Chief Examiner of Extra Masters of India for two years.

He has been the ‘Master of the Company of Master Mariners of India’

He has been the Chairman of the ‘Nautical Institute India (West) Branch’.

After retirement from Govt service, he sailed in command of a ship again from India to Europe and back to prove to himself that he is able to practice what he teaches.

He then served for five years as General Manager Training, Bernard Schulte Ship Management, which operated about 100 merchant ships.

He then served for two years as a Maritime Training Consultant with Executive Ship Management Company, Singapore.

He is currently:

Maritime Examinations Consultant with Marshall Islands Ship Registry;

Visiting lecturer in various maritime training institutes.

He is recipient of several awards.

Among them being ‘Man of the year Award’ in 2001 by Sailor Today magazine, ‘Lifetime Achievement Award’ in 2002 by Marine World magazine, ‘Literary Distinction Award’ by Marex Bulletin in 2006, ‘Lifetime contribution to Maritime Training Award’ by GlobalMet in 2007, ‘Individual Innovation Award 2007’ by Sailor Today Magazine, ‘Outstanding Contribution to Maritime Education & Training Award’ by the Govt. of India on National Maritime Day, 5th April 2013, ‘Outstanding contribution & Yeoman Service to the Maritime Industry Award’ by FOSMA (Foreign Owners Representatives & Ship Managers Association) in 2014 and ‘Distinguished Academic Contribution' to Narottam Morarjee Institute of Shipping' at their 38th Convocation

(L-R) Capt. H. Subramaniam & Capt. M.P. Bhasin


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Book1. Auditing the ISM – a guide for ISM Auditors

Career Highlights

He holds Marine Engineer Officer Extra First Class Engineer Certificate of Competency from D.O.T. UK.

Sailed as Engineer Officer on various Ocean Going ships for 12 years (Six years as Chief Engineer Officer).

He is a Chartered Engineer and Fellow of Institution of Engineer (India), Institute of Marine Engineers, India and London

He is the former Chief Surveyor cum Additional D.G with the Govt. of India and Chief Examiner of Engineers, Directorate General of Shipping from where he superannuatedon 31st.December 2008 after more than 25 years of service in Indian Maritime Safety Administration including as Examiner of Engineers for Certificates of Competency which included paper setting and written and oral examination of all grades.

During service with the D.G. Shipping he was privileged to lead several Indian delegations to the International Maritime Organization (IMO), London for IMO Meetings and Conferences and was the elected Vice- Chairman of Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) at IMO from 2004 to 2008.

He was appointed as Country Focal Point for India in IMO/UNDP/GEF GloBallast Project (2002 to 2005).

Invited by IMO, London in 2010-11 as a member of Group of Experts in

Mr. Ajoy Chatterjee

Scientific Aspects of Marine Pollution (GESAMP) for evaluation of Ballast water treatment systems confirming to Ballast water management Regulations performance standards, D2

He is a Member of South Asia Technical Committee (SATC) of Lloyds Register of Shipping(LRS) and Technical Committee ofClass NK and IRS.

He was IMO ‘ Competent person’ for STCW ‘ 95 Evaluations 1997 to 2008

He has been in IMO’s Working Group for drafting the Ship Recycling Convention (HKC, 2009) and served as member of the ‘expert group’ of the Supreme Court in original framing the ‘Ship Recycling Code’.

He is Member of Executive Council and the Academic Council of IMU, Chennai

He was the Principal and Head of the Great Eastern Institute of Maritime Studies, Lonavala (a division the Great Eastern Shipping Co. Ltd. Mumbai), from January 2010 to December 2018.

He has now been retained as Maritime Advisor to a group of Engineering Colleges in Mumbai being established for Maritime Training Courses.

Concurrent to his present position, he is also engaged by the International Maritime Organisation (IMO), London as Consultant for: (1) IMO Member State Audit Scheme (IMSAS) (2) Developing training material and delivered of lectures at “ sub-regional and National workshops in East Asian Countries to raise awareness of GHG emissions from International shipping” (3) Sub-regional training programme on ships Ballast Water Management, compliance monitoring and enforcement.

(L-R) Mr. Ajoy Chatterjee & Capt. Rajesh Tandon


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Books 1. Watch keeping for Marine Engineers.

2. Safety of Ships and Marine Environment Protection.

3. Notes on Marine Diesel Engines.

4. Naval Architecture and Ship Construction.

Career Highlights

He was felicitated by –

The National Maritime Day celebration committee, Goa in April 1994.

The Institution of Engineers (India), at the National Convention of Marine Engineers, in September 2007 in recognition of ‘Eminence and Contribution to the profession of Marine Engineering’.

Mr. Achyut Shriniwas Tambwekar The Institute of Maritime Studies,

Goa, in December 2007 for ‘Outstanding Contribution in Formation and Establishment of the Institute’.

National Award for ‘Outstanding Contribution to Maritime Education and Training’ was conferred by the central committee of the National Maritime Day Celebrations Committee, on 5th April 2011.

In appreciation of the continued valuable contribution to the field of Marine Engineering, the Institute of Marine Engineers (India) conferred the “LIFE TIME ACHEVEMENT AWARD” upon him on 23rd September 2017.

Goa Marine Engineers and Deck Officers Group in recognition of exemplary contribution and outstanding leadership towards promoting Maritime Education and Maritime Industry, on 16th December 2017.

Books 1. Know your Radio Electronics for ship mates

2. Marine Radar

3. Radar & Log (to avoid collision)

4. Control Systems on Merchant Ships

5. Rule of the Road

Career Highlights He passed the Radio Operators

Course in 1952

Mr. K.R. Bhandarkar After ailing for a few years with Scindia

Steamships Navigation, he came ashore and joined LBS Nautical and Engineering College as a lecturer. He was amongst the first lecturers at the LBS College of Maritime Studies

In 1965, during his sailing days, he had presented a set of Photographs of Radar Screen of the Karachi Harbour. For this he received a commendation letter from the Indian Government.

He was bestowed recognition by the Government of India for his inventions by the Inventions board and has several patents to his credit. One of them being Collirigraph.

He was the pioneer in the maritime sector to author books on Radar, Electronics etc and start a publication house, Bhandarkar

Publications, in 1975. It has published books by several Indian authors like Capt.T.K.Joseph, Late Capt.S S Rewari, Late Capt.Dinger and Late Capt.Sarma.

(L-R) Capt. Mahesh Yadav, Mr. Ajay Tambwekar, Mr. Ashish Wankhede

Mr. Achyut Shriniwas Tambwekar

(L-R) Mrs. Subramaniam & Mrs. Bharati Vivek Bhandarkar


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V.Ships India, VGG India & Selandia Crew Management (India)

we have shifted to our new premises in MumbaiFrom10th December 2018

Windsor Corporate Park,Oshiwara, Goregaon (West)

Mumbai - 400102022 6827 7000



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V.Ships India Pvt. Ltd. – RPSL-MUM-082 Valid till 28 – Dec - 2021

VGG India Pvt.Ltd. – RPSL-MUM-098 Valid till 30 – Nov - 2021

Selandia crew management (India) Pvt. Ltd. – RPSL-MUM-093 Valid till 24 – Nov – 2021

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Books1. Maritime Legislation and Shipboard Management2. Chartwork & Passage Planning

Career Highlights Started his career as a Cadet at the GESCO

Academy‘s T. S. Jawahar in 1976, Capt. Naik is an Extra Master. He is a LLB from the Mumbai University (First Class) and an LLM in Maritime law (Distinction) from the London Metropolitan University.

Having a sailing experience of 18 years, which includes handling oil tankers as well as dry bulk carriers as a Master on Indian and foreign owned ships, Capt. Mohan Naik is the Director of Dynacom Tankers Management Pvt. Ltd, a company which manages over 120 ships which include Dry cargo vessels of all types, Oil tankers and LNG Carriers.

Capt. Mohan Naik He is now, also, a part time teacher

at MMTI Mumbai. He was also teaching at The Lal Bahadur Shastri College of advanced Maritime Studies and Research, Mumbai between 1990 and 1993.

His interests in the realm of maritime legislation include being an Assessor under the Merchant Shipping Act 1956 in cases involving grounding, collision, fire etc. He has also acted as an expert witness in admiralty cases, ship arrests/ release. He has also been actively involved in ship sale and purchase, ship registration, third party and oil major vetting, insurance/ reinsurance and Protection & Indemnity matters for his Company.

He has been a key speaker, panel member on various seminars on trends in the maritime industry

He is a Fellow of the Indian Council of Arbitration New Delhi as a Maritime Expert and has handled several Arbitration cases under ICA as an Arbitrator.

He is a member of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators. He is also a Fellow of the Nautical Institute, Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers, a Director of FOSMA and Fellow / warden of the Company of Master mariners of India.

Books1. Chart Work for Deck Officers

2. Basic Stability for Marine Officers

3. Advanced Ship Stability for Marine Officers

4. Celestial Navigation for Deck Officers

5. Maritime Legislation & Ship Board Management for Deck Officers

6. Nautical Chemistry for Deck Officers

7. Emergency & Safety Notes For Deck Officers

8. Radar Observer’s Course – Examination Papers

9. Practical Navigation Workbook

10. Tides and its calculation

11. Past Question Papers for NWKO (NCV), 2nd Mate Foundation Course, Chief Mate Phase I & II.

Capt. C.L. DubeyCareer Highlights

Completed pre-sea training from TS Rajendra, 1972 - 74 batch.

Joined SCI and completed apprenticeship and 2nd Mate Exam & Certification in 1977. Obtained Chief Mate (FG) certificate in 1980.

Sailed on various foreign shipping companies, notably Univan Ship Management and Denholm Ship Management Hong Kong.

The urge to teach brought him to LBS College of Advanced Maritime Studies and Research. During his 6 year tenure, he completed and obtained his Extra Master Certificate. His topic of dissertation was “Merchant Ship Financing”.

Started his own Maritime training institute, “Mumbai Maritime Training Institute” (Partnership firm) in 1998.

He has the distinction of being (i) External Examiner for Masters & Mates (ii) Fellow of CMMI (iv) Member of Governing board of ADU Academic India Chennai (v) paper setter & moderator for Mumbai University & D.G.Shipping

In April 2017, he received the “Outstanding Contribution to Maritime Education & Training” Award from D.G.Shipping, Govt. of India, at the time of National Maritime Day celebration.

(L-R) Mr. Ashish Wankhede & Capt. Mohan Naik

Mr. Ashish Wankhede , Capt. Mohan Naik & Capt. C.L. Dubey


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Books1. Bridge Equipment and Watchkeeping Notes.

2 . Ship Construction

3. Advanced Electronic Navigation.

Career Highlights

An academician from the beginning he did his Extra Master Certificate in his own time and cost. As part of his dissertation he wrote his first book “Cargo Work For Ships’ Officers” in 1993, while he was teaching at the Lal Bahadur Shastri Nautical &Engg College, to fulfil a need for a textbook on Cargo Work by an Indian author which until then was not available. This was prescribed by the Directorate General of Shipping as a textbook for pre-sea courses for Deck officers and for the syllabus for 2nd. Mate’s F.G. and NWKO

Late Capt. Edrich Fernandes

courses. The success of this book led him to write more books.

His books are extensively used by sea farers on the deck side

Highly dedicated to the teaching profession, he taught at the Nautical

College Sewree for about 15 years.

He was highly dedicated to his teaching and to his students .

Books1. Safety, Emergency And Environmental Protection

2. Cargo Work for Ship’s Officers

3. Rules & Practice Of Ship Construction

4. Cargo Work & Maintenance

Career Highlights During his Extra Masters Certification, he wrote his first

book, in 1993, “Cargo Work for Ships’ Officers” as part of his dissertation, while he was teaching at the Lal Bahadur Shastri Nautical & Engg college as it was known then.

After an illustrious sea carrier from Cadet to Master in Indian and foreign shipping companies he settled into a shore job as a Maritime Lecturer.

This book was prescribed by the Directorate General of Shipping as a textbook for pre-sea courses for Deck officers and for the syllabus for 2nd. Mate’s F.G. and NWKO courses.

He has acquired immense knowledge having passed the qualifying exams leading to Member of the Institute of

Capt. Errol Fernandes

Chartered Shipbrokers, been an expert witness in an arbitration case as well as his teaching and sailing experience.

His experience in dry-docking and taking over new deliveries, is evident in his writings and his lecturers which are most appreciated by his students.

With his 27 years of teaching experience, he continues to lecture, till date, at the Indian Maritime University – Mumbai Port Campus.

(L-R) Mrs. Chatterjee & Mrs. Cheryl Fernandes

(L-R) Commodore Ashok Bhal & Capt. Errol Fernandes

Late Capt. Edrich Fernandes


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Mr. Naresh NandaCareer Highlights

A Marine Engineer from DMET Mumbai/Kolkata, he has a vast sea experience

Besides seagoing experience as C/E, his shore experience includes extensive experience as Project Manager and Chief Engineer with ITC Welcomgroup Sheraton Hotels

Presently, he is serving with The Lal Bahadur Shastri College of Advanced Maritime Studies & Research, Mumbai for the past 23 years

He is a Special Executive Officer (Government of Maharashtra)

Career Highlights A Marine Engineer, from DMET

1981-85, he has sailed on almost all types of Merchant ships, both Indian & Foreign-Flag.

He took up his first assignment ashore as Technical Manager with New Sulzer Diesel in Mumbai.

However, feeling the urge to use his creative abilities more effectively in the teaching field, he joined LBS College of Advanced Maritime Studies & Research, Mumbai in 1995

He was Deputy General Manager with Univan and also Program Head with Anglo-Eastern.

He is presently Deputy Director with the Institute of Marine Engineers, Nerul, where he conducts Simulator training as well as Competency courses.

Books1. Knowledge for Masters & Mates

2. Marine Engineering Knowledge for Junior Engineers

3. Advanced Marine Engineering Knowledge-Volume 1

4. Advanced Marine Engineering Knowledge-Volume 2

5. Questions & Answers (Operational & Management)-Volume 3

8. Ship Safety and Environmental Protection-Volume 4

9. Advanced Shipboard Management-Volume 5

10. Advanced Shipboard Management-(Q & A)-Volume 6

11. Marine Electro-technology & Electronics

12. Naval Architecture & Ship Construction

13. Marine Engineering Practice

14. Automation & Control Systems

(L-R) Capt. S.S. Naphade & Mr. Naresh Nanda

(L-R) Capt.S.S. Naphade & Mr. Vikram Gokhale


Mr. Vikram Gokhale

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Books1. Containerisation, MultIMOdal Transport

& Infrastructure Development In India.

2. Shipping Business in India

3. Commercial & Legal Aspects of Shipping Documents

Career Highlights

A renowned Maritime Academic & Historian, he was the key architect of NMIS, who developed its course and facilitated recognition.

He remained closely connected with the Institute for more than 45 years from

Late Dr. K.V.Hariharan

its inception in 1969 till he left us on 14.05.2016

He was awarded “Life Time Achievement Award” by NMIS in its Convocation ceremony held on 8th Feb. 2014.

He was awarded “Life Time Achievement Award” by NMIS in its Convocation ceremony held on 8th Feb. 2014.


1. Basic tankerwork.

2. Safe Oil tanker operations.

3. Safe Gas tanker operations.

Career highlights Started teaching career with LBS

Nautical College

Founder Principal of Anglo Eastern Maritime Academy

Mr. B.K. SharmaBooks 1. Safe Oil Tanker Operations

2. Safe Gas Tanker Operations

Career Highlights Served Jayanti Shipping C0.

Ltd from 1964 to 1971. Rose from the rank of Jr. Engr to second Engr.

Served in foreign flag shipping cos from 1972 to

1982 in Sr. Ranks & of these 8 years was on board tankers as Chief Engr.

Served with Mackinon & Machenzie Shipping Co as suptd. engr for 4 yrs upto 1986.

Lecturer in LBS Nautical & Engg college for 31 years – from 1986 to 2017.

Head of tanker courses in ANGLO Eastern maritime training centre.

External Examiner for Masters and Mates for D. G. Shipping Mumbai

Presented papers to IOC / BPC personnel on loss prevention and on LNG transportation to IPQC, Singapore in Korea

He was involved in training Shore Port / Terminal representatives of the oil, chemical and Gas Industry in India

Capt. K.S.D. Mistree

(L-R) Mrs. & Mr. Vishwanath Hariharan & Mr. Sanjay Shesh

Late Dr. K.V. Hariharan

(L-R) Capt.A.S. Khuman, Capt KSD Mistree & Mr. B.K. Sharma

(L-R) Capt. A.S.Khuman & Capt KSD Mistree


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Books1. Energy Efficiency and Ships

2. Guide to Data Collection System – Reduction of GHG Emission from Ships

Career Highlights As Advisor at The Great Eastern

Shipping Co. Ltd., he is responsible for monitoring and enhancing fuel efficiency of fleet vessels and reduction of GHG Emission. He was the Designated Person and Head of QST Department (2007 – 2014) and was responsible for quality, safety, occupational health and environment protection standards of the company and training of floating staff. He is a Member of the Governing Board and Chairman of the Academic Council of Great Eastern Institute of Maritime Studies.

He is holder of Extra First Class Certificate of Competency from Department of Trade, U. K.,

He has been representing Government of India at Marine Environment Protection Committee and Diplomatic Conferences of International Maritime Organization for over two decade and has been contributing in the development of various marine environment protection measures

Mr. I. N. BOSE

including reduction of GHG emission from ships at national and international forums as representative of Indian National Shipowners’ Association.

He has contributed in many IMO Correspondence and Working Groups on various maritime issues for over two decades.

He was Vice President – Statutory Services in Indian Register of Shipping. During his tenure with IRS he was a Member of Human Element Working Group and Statutory Panel of International Association of Classification Societies.

He has contributed significantly in implementation of IMO Codes and Conventions in IRS classed vessels and assisted the national maritime administration in implementation of International Safety Management Code, International Ship and Port Facility Security Code etc.

He is currently Vice Chairman of Technical Committee of Indian Register of Shipping.

He is the current Chairman of Technical Committee of Indian National Shipowners’ Association.

(L-R) Capt. Pradeep Correa & Mr. I.N. Bose


Late Capt. S.K. Puri

Books 1. Chartwork For Mariners

2. Survival In Lifeboat & Liferaft

3. Manual Of The Rule Of The Road

Career Highlights Joined T S Dufferin in 1953-54

Sailed with Scindia Steamship until 1966

Teacher at T .S. Dufferin and T. S. Rajendra for 16 Years

Head of Pre-sea Training and subsequently Head of Post-sea Training at the Maritime Academy of Malaysia from 1983 - 2000 (L-R) Capt. Mohan & Capt. Navin Passey

Late Capt. S.K. Puri

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Books1. Marine High Voltage Technology

2. Marine Control Technology

3. Competency In Marine Electrical Engineering

Career Highlights

He is a Chattered Engineer, FIE is certified trainer for High Voltage and Automation courses.

He has completed his Electrical Engineering from Institute of Engineers (I)

He has sailed in various types of naval vessels for 10 years and another 15 years on merchant ships as an Electrical Engineer

Before joining International Maritime Training Centre (IMTC), 14 years ago, he served as senior lecturer in Tolani Maritime Institute and as training faculty at Mitsui OSK Lines (MOL) at Manila for 6 years in the field of Marine Electrical Technology and Automation.

Mr. Jagabandhu Majumder

Mr. Elstan FernandezBooks1. Marine High Voltage Technology

2. Marine Control Technology

3. Marine Electrical Technology

4. Competency In Marine Electrical Engineering

Career Highlights

Received Promising Indian of the Year Award in 2017 (among other Global Indians)

Celebrating 25 years as an Author in the field of Marine Electrical and Control Engineering

Considered as World’s # 1 author based on the fact that he has Most Copyrighted Books and subsequent Editions with ISBNs published – Individually authored or co-authored, in Marine Electrical and Control Engineering, for the purpose of education in

Maritime Institutions across the world.

He is, since 2014, the Electrical Officer and Course In-charge at the Samundra Institute of Maritime Studies (Executive Ship Management, Singapore). Earlier he taught at Tolani Maritime Institute (1998 to 2006), Great Eastern Institute of Maritime Studies (2006 to 2008), Philippines

for MOL Japan (2008), Shanghai Maritime University (2004)

He was in the Global Leadership Team for Bloom Energy Corporation, USA, for 5.5 years

19 Years’ in the Indian Navy (4 years initial education + 15 years as a submariner)

(L-R) Capt. Shiv Halbe & Mr. Jagabandhu Majumder

(L-R) Capt. Shiv Halbe & Mr. Elstan Fernandez


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Books1. Chart Work – Pre-sea, Second Mate & Phase I

2. Complete Celestial Navigation - Pre-sea, Second Mate, Phase I

3. Complete Ship Stability for Pre Sea, Second Mate, Mate Phase I & Ph II.

4. Legal Knowledge for Mate Ph II.

5. Advanced Shipboard Management- ASM

6. Bridge Equipment, Navaid- Second Mate & Phase II

7. Cargo Work- Pre-sea, Second Mate & Phase I

8. Naval Architecture- MEO Class II

9. Bridge Watchkeeping, Ship Handling & Emergencies- Phase II

10. Shipboard Safety, Management & Emergencies- Phase I

11. Safety, Environmental Protection, Bridge Watchkeeping & Emergencies- Second Mate

12. Ship Construction 2- Phase II

13. Ship Construction 1- Second Mate & Phase I

Capt. S. S. Chaudhari

Career Highlights Sailed with Scindia Steam Navigation Co. Ltd., for 7 years

Commanded foreign ships from 1989 to 1994

Has been in the educational fields since the last 24 years

He has been faculty for Extra Master since 2012.

He has been Principal MMTI since 2014.

Capt. Anil Kumar Bhatia


1. Modern Electronic Navigation Aids

2. Container Crimes and Preventive Measures

3. Rediscover your life with NLP (e-book)

Career Highlights He was on panel for designing Ship

Maneuvering course when it started in 1994. This course later became mandatory for those obtaining certificate of competence as Master of a foreign going and home trade ship.

His dissertation 'Container Crimes and Preventive Measures' used as a reference book by UK and International Maritime Bureau, London

After completing LLB, took up classes on admiralty jurisdiction at Mumbai University.

He is also an NLP Practioner and Trainer.

He started the You Tube Channel,. aptly called ‘The Captain’s Channel’ which has contains simple explanations and practical advise on application of ‘International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea.’

(L-R) Capt. S. S. Chaudhari & Capt. Sandeep Kalia

(L-R) Capt. Anil Kumar Bhatia & Capt. Rajesh Tandon


Mr. J. K. Dhar

Book1. Basic Marine Engineering

Career Highlights

Graduate from DMET , FIMarE, MIE, Master in Financial Management (JBIMS) Extra First Class Engineer

FORMER DIRECTOR – Indian Maritime University – Mumbai Campus ,India

Ex. PRINCIPAL – Lal Bahadur Shastri College of Advance Maritime studies & Reasearch ,Mumbai,India

Ex. DEPUTY Director– MERI

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Capt. Yashwant ChhabraBooks1. A Mariners Guide to Preventing Collisions, published in 2011.

2. A Mariner’s Guide to Navigational Watches, published in 2018.

Career Highlights Starting on TS Rajendra in 1976, he has

over 42 years’ experience in the maritime field of which 22 years have been in a variety of senior shore-based functions, majorly in higher level maritime training / education, specialising in many areas especially navigation, QHSE/Risk and Resourse management activities including audits and review/revisions to Q/SMS, incident investigations and related activities of corrective actions.

He was elected “Fellow” of the Company of Master Mariners of India in 2013 and of The Nautical Institute in 2016.

He has been actively involved with two start up maritime training centres; Wallem Maritime Training Centre, which he started from scratch in December 1994 and headed till 2004; and Samundra Institute of Maritime Studies.

He is a qualified simulator instructor, Workshop Leader for the Maritime Resource Management training, Accident Investigator, a Lead Auditor for Quality/Safety Management systems and a MLC Trainer and Inspector certified by ILO.

He developed and commenced many senior level maritime courses in India for the first time, like BTM & BRM and an exclusive navigational workshop with focus on navigational activities, general safety, efficacy of shipboard operations, management systems, MLC and behaviour-based safety training etc.

He is actively involved in accident investigations, especially navigational, followed by planning and execution of corrective actions.

Received an award as ‘Outstanding Asian Educator & Trainer’ at Singapore on 12th August 2015.

To keep himself updated with the practical work and latest developments, he has always advocated and practiced sail at regular intervals as master. This is both to practice what he preaches but more so to bring back real time experiences into training and education to keep them aligned to real time practical realities.

He has presented papers in several Indian and International conferences, his articles have been published by the Company of Master Mariners of India, The Nautical Institute and GLOBALMET.

Mr. R.P. Gokarn BookBasic Ship Propulsion

Career Highlights

He obtained a first class B.Tech (Hons) degree in Naval Architecture from IIT Kharagpur in 1962 and joined the Department of Naval Architecture, IIT Kharagpur the same year, becoming a Professor in 1972.

He was awarded a Commonwealth Scholarship for post-doctoral studies at the University of Newcastle upon Tyne in 1974-75.

He was Dean (Post-graduate Studies and Research) from 1993 to 1996 and Member

of the Board of Governors of IIT Kharagpur during 2000-01.

Guiding Ph.D. research, he developed and modernised the Ship Hydrodynamics Laboratory of the Department, and carried out several sponsored research and consultancy projects.

After retiring from IIT Kharagpur in 2002, he then joined the Ocean Education and Research Centre (OERC), Mumbai.

His special interests include Ship Design, Experimental Ship Hydrodynamics, Ship Production and High Speed Marine Craft.

(L-R) Capt. Prashant Rangnekar & Capt. Yashwant Chhabra

Mr. Gokarn with his wife


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Sr. No.

Course Duration Charges Available dates

1 P.S.S.R. 14700/- Every Monday2 P.S.T. Every Monday3 E.F.A. Every Monday4 F.P.F.F. Every Monday5 P.S.T. (Ref) 1 Day 2500/- Every Saturday6 F.P.F.F. (Ref) 1 Day 3500/- Every Thursday7 SMS 5 Days 20000/- Alternate Monday8 LCHS 5 Days 15000/- Alternate Monday9 High Voltage Course (O) 1 Day 8000/- Every Monday

10 High Voltage Course (M) 5 Days 28000/- Every Monday11 Basic Training for Oil &

Chemical Tanker Course (OCTC) course

6 Days 6000/- Every Monday

12 M.F.A. 4 Days 3000/- 2nd Monday of the month13 M.F.A. (Refresher) 1 Day 2300/- With MFA14 Medical Care 10 Days 9000/- 3rd Monday of the Month15 Medicare (Refresher) 1 Day 3500/- 27/02, 27/03, 24/04, 29/05,

26/06, 24/07, 28/08, 25/09, 30/10, 27/11, 25/12.

16 STPOTO (TASCO) 10 Days 11000/- 1st Monday of the Month17 STSDSD 1 ½ Days 3000/- Every Monday & Thursday18 Chief Mate Revalidation 08 Days 28000/- 1st & 3rd Tuesday19 2nd Mate Revalidation 05 Days 17000/- 1st & 3rd Tuesday20 Master Revalidation 11 Days 28000/- 1st & 3rd Tuesday21 Liquefied Gas Tanker FAM 5 Days 4500/- Every Monday22 NWKO (NCV) 4 Months 37,500/- 15/02, 15/04, 15/6, 15/8,

15/10, 15/12,23 First Mate-Phase I 3 Months 63,500/- 15/3, 15/06, 15/9, 15/12, 15/324 First Mate-Phase II 3 Months 65,500/- 15/1, 15/4, 15/7, 15/1025 2nd Mate Foundation 2 Months 27,000/- 01/02, 01/04, 01/06, 01/08,

01/10 & 01/12,.26 2nd Mate Function 4 Months 45,000/- 15/02, 15/04, 15/6, 15/8,

15/10, 15/1227 Master (F.G.) ASM 1 Month 38000/- 1/1, 1/3, 1/5, 1/7, 1/9, 1/11,28 MEO CLASS II 4 Months 24000/- 1st / 3rd Monday29 GMDSS 2 Weeks 23000/- 06/05, 03/0630 GASCO 9 ½ Days 11000/- Every 1ST Monday31 RANSCO 6 Days 9500/- 2nd Monday32 CHEMCO 10 Days 11000/- 3rd Monday33 ECDIS 5 Days 12000/- Every Monday34 ROC 2 Weeks 12000/- 3rd Monday35 ARPA 1 Week 6500/- 1st Monday36 SSO 3 Days 6500/- Every Monday 37 SSO (REFRESHER) 1 Day 3000/- Every Wednesday

G. P. RatingC. C. M. C.

6 Months6 Months

2.20 Lacs1.10 Lacs

Jun’18 & Jan’2019Jun’18 & Jan’2019

Sr. No.

Course Duration Charges Available dates

1 TRANSAS ECDIS 2 Days 14000/- + 18% GST On Demand2 CONSILIUM / SPERRY /


2 Days 30000/-+ 18% GST On Demand

3 ESE (Enclosed Space Entry) Course

1 Day 4000/-+ 18% GST On Demand

4 BTM / BRM 5 Days3 Days

18000/-+18% GST 13000/-+18% GST

Every Monday

5 BTM / BRM / SMS 3 Days 9000/-+18% GST Every Monday / on demand

6 MCA – ECDIS 5 Days 70000/- + 18% GST Every Monday7 MCA – HELM (O) 3 Days 20000/- + 18% GST Every Monday8 MCA – HELM (M) 5 Days 30000/- + 18% GST Every Monday9 Ice Navigation (Value

added)1 Day 6000/-+ 18% GST Every Saturday

10 Maritime English 5 Days 3000/-+ 18% GST Every Monday11 AB Watch Keeping

Engine Room Watching (Motorman)

10 Days 8000/-+ 18% GST 3rd Monday

12 Ship Maneuvering Simulator (SMS) (Value added)

5 Days3 Days

25000/-+ 18% GST9000/-+ 18% GST

Every Monday

13 MLC 2006 1 day 6000/-+ 18% GST Monday / Saturday

14 HUET 1 day 2500/-+ 18% GST Every Saturday15 ISM Code 2 Days 3000/-+ 18% GST Every Monday16 Advance Safety

Management (Value added)2 Days 4000/-+ 18% GST Every Monday

17 Crude Oil Washing (Value Added)

1 Day 5000/-+ 18% GST With TASCO Course

18 Accident Investigation (Value Added)

1 Day 5000/-+ 18% GST On demand

19 Oil Major vating (Value Added)

2 Days 7000/-+ 18% GST On demand

20 Leadership Management Training (Value Added)

2 Days 7000/-+ 18% GST On demand

21 Shipboard Safety Office / Ship Safety Officer (Value Added)

2 Days 6000/-+ 18% GST On demand

22 Oil Record Book Course (value added)

1 Day 6000/-+ 18% GST On demand

23 Tank Inspection Course (value added)

1 Day 6000/-+ 18% GST On demand

24 Ship Handling with Narrow Channel Course (value added)

2 Days 12000/-+ 18% GST On demand

25 LSHC (Value Added) 3 Days5 Days

13000/-+ 18% GST18000/-+18% GST

Every MondayEvery Monday


E-mail : (For UK) [email protected]

UK – Chief Mate COC MMTI LLP – Rs.1,77,000/- + FNC (£) 6545

UK – 2nd Mate COC MMTI LLP – Rs.1,77,000/- + FNC (£) 6380

Fees payment procedure:1. No cash acceptance for “Mumbai Maritime Training Institute”,

(Pay by Cheque / NEFT / RTGS/Debit-credit card).2. For Value added/UK courses – Please pay fees in the name of


MUMBAI MARITIME TRAINING INSTITUTENew Excel House, 41 – B, Azad Nagar Road No. 2, Veera Desai Road, Andheri (West), Mumbai – 53Ph. No.: 022-26731362 / 26733165 Tele Fax: 022-26731359Whats app No.: 8097008862 E-mail: [email protected] / [email protected]: www.mmti.co.in Facebook: mmti.mumbaiMMTI



BSST 14700/- Every Monday

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Books 1. Navik Gyan

(HindiVersion) of Seamanship Primer

2. Seamanship

Mr. D.K.Sanyal

BookPrinciple & Practice of Marine Diesel Engines

Late Capt. P M Sharma

Books1. Theory Of marine Gyro


2. Principles of Navigation

3. Ship Magnetism and Magnetic compass

Late Capt. Styajit Warty

BooksChartwork & Passage Planning

Books1. Simple Meteorology For Mariners

2. Simple Steps To Adjust The Magnetic Compass

3. Simple Explanation Of Rules Of The Road

4. Simple Ship Handling

5. Simple Ship Stability

Career Highlights He started his career as a cadet aboard

Great Eastern Shipping Co in 1976.

In 1986 he passed his Master’s exams from the United Kingdom. He has sailed on almost all types of merchant ships and has commanded Liquefied Gas, Chemical, Crude and Product tankers.

He entered educational field from 1996 onwards and though he was selected

Capt. Sanjiv Verma

by UPSC as a nautical surveyor, he preferred to continue teaching instead.

In 2006 he was promoted to vice principal of FOSMA New Delhi, ----- and while at FOSMA he was made in charge of INDoS number allocation to seafarers from North India , B.Sc Nautical Science programme for Deck Cadets, issuance on Seamans Indentification Documents in the new format and in setting up of a full fledged examination

centre for merchant navy competency exams in New Delhi.

Since 2008, as Director- Training and Education of Oceans XV Nautical Services he has set up a training centre which conducts several courses which include Dynamic Positioning, GMDSS and ECDIS. He has also been an external examiner for oral exams in MMD, Delhi.

He has been elected Fellow of the Nautical Institute U.K. in 2012 and The Company of Master Mariners of India in 2015.

(L-R) Capt. S.S.Naphade & Capt. Mohan Naik


Capt. Sanjiv Verma

Late Capt. J.L. Dinger

(L-R) Mrs. Suniti Bala & Capt. Rajesh Tandon

Mr. S K SinhaBookModern Electronic Navigation AIDS

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Chandigarh : +91 1724647015 Chennai : +91 44 22504730

Delhi : +91 01244690400 Patna : +91 612 2206788

Kochi : +91 04844063666 Kolkata : +91 33 40566100

Vizag : +91 8912749775 Lucknow: +91 522 4024685

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Mr. Pratap Singh, son of Mr. R.C. Singh (Chairman of B.P. Marine Academy) and Mrs. Rajkumari Devi was married to Ms. Anjali Singh, daughter of Mr. Indrapal Singh and Mrs. Sangita Devi on February 13, 2019. The nuptials were held with aplomb at Hotel Taj Vivanta Lucknow.

The reception, held with grandeur, at J.W. Marriott Mumbai, was attended by family and friends of Mr. R.C. Singh,who is a well known dignitary in the maritime industry. His son Pratap Singh, who is following in his footsteps is a Second Engineer in the Marchant navy and is aspiring to become a Chief Engineer soon. His wife, Ms. Anjali Singh is M.A. in sociology.

Maritime Destination wishes both of them a long and happy wedded life.

Wedding bells for Pratap Singh & Anjali Singh


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MSC, which is on a mission to spread awareness of keeping the environs clean and green, organized a “Clean, Green Environment” drive on March 7, 2019 in Mumbai.

The drive, involved cleaning of the roads around the organisation’s Andheri office, painting of the various plant pots on the road as well as distribution of free plant saplings. Everybody from the MSC office, including Capt M.P. Bhasin, Managing Director of the Company, participated in this environment awareness programme.

Plants like Tulsi, Neem and other healthy flora were avidly grabbed by all and sundry who were appreciative of the idea of keeping the city clean and green.

MSC spreads social consciousness

The mission of keeping the environs clean and healthy has been an endeavour of the company

since the last several years and it has been conducting such drives on a regular basis at different places.


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DELHIPIC: Dr. Anil Kumar Pandey

E-Mail: [email protected] Tel: +91 11 65686995

Home Town Repatriation (To and Fro) for Senior Officers. Modern, Diversified & hi-Tech sophisticated fleet. Flag state licenses & CBT, CES are paid by company.



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Tel.: +91 -22- 27560024 / 25 / 61201700, Fax: + 91 27560026. E-mail: [email protected] PIC: Ms. Swati Dhadve, Mrs. Trupti Nerlekar, Mr. Rahul Sinha and Ms. Komal Bele

PATNAPIC: Mr. Chandan Kumar

E-Mail: crewingpatna@ pentagonmarine.com Tel: +91 8652666444, 8652777710

KOLKATAPIC: Ms. Priyanka

Tel: +91 33 2498 8398 / 2498 8417 E-Mail:[email protected]


We thank Directorate General

Shipping Govt.of India, regulatory

authoties and well wishers.



LNG Familiarisation 5days Every MondayBTRM 5days Every MondayERM 3days Every MondaySteering test 1day Every TuesdayBRM 3days Every MondayOPA-90 1day Every TuesdayRAM 1day Every ThursdaySSO(Safety officer) 2days Every FridayIce Navigation 2days on RequestIILP 1day Every WednesdayHACCP 2days Every FridayVOC 1day Every SaturdayH2S 1day Every TuesdayMARPOL/PP 1day Every Monday

Pentagon Maritime Training & Research Institute, Pentagon House,CIDCO Service Industries, Plot-60, Sector-1, Shirwane, Nerul (East), Nearest Railway Station Jui Nagar, of Harbor Line (400 metres from Jui Nagar Station) Navi Mumbai-400706.Tel.: +91-22 27711012, 27708711 Fax: 91-22 27727744 E-mail: [email protected] / [email protected] / [email protected]. Website: www.pmtri.edu.inDisclaimer: we don’t have any branches,any representatives or any associates at other places of India or abroad.

We Impart Quality Maritime Training as per Latest Regulatory Requirement & Industry Requirement.ISO 9001-2015 Certified Organisation by American Bureau of Shipping (ABS)

HAZMAT Course 1days Every MondayBTM 3days Every ThursdayFRAMO 2days On RequestISA(Vetting Course) 2days Every Monday/FridayBTM Refresher Course 1day Every FridayBRM Refresher Course 1day Every WednesdayMaritime English 3days Every MondayCOW & IGS 1day On RequestAMOS 1day On RequestAdvance Ship Handling 2days On RequestLarge Ship Handling 2days On RequestCrane Operator Course 1day Every FridayEngine Room Familiarisation 1day DailyCrew Safety Course 1day Every Monday

Living up to a Vision of Excellence & serving the Nation

MLC 2006 Course For Ratings -1 Day, For Management -2 Days.STSDSD Every Monday

Member of GlobalmetInstitute awarded by Ex. Union Shipping Minister “Shri G.K.Vasan” for exemplary contribution to

MET in India by World Shipping Forum in Chennai.

PMTRI is approved by Maris (Norway) to conduct type specific

ECDIS Training on Maris 900 Consilium ECIDS-1 Day course.

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Conducted every [email protected].

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Faster promotion to deserving candidate. Career prospect ashore. Salary & working conditions at par with Best in Industry. All foreign flag vessels are ITF affiliated.


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OPENING SHORLTY AT PATNA (BIHAR) PMTRI, Branch at Bihta, Patna Opp. IIT Patna, Gate No. 2 , Approx 1.25Km from Bihta Raiway Stn. Near Lai, Patna RoadFOR COMPLETE MARITIME EDUCATION(ALL POST SEA & PRE SEA COURSE)

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