Rm Final Word Grp 1

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  • 8/2/2019 Rm Final Word Grp 1






    Anuj Nirban 01Minu Anthony 02Antony Paulson 03Steffi Arem 04Sachin Bangera 05Akshay Bhagat 06








    ACADEMIC YEAR 2011-12

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    We, students studying in the First Year of Masters inManagement Studies course in the academic year 2011-12

    at Pillais Institute Of Management Studies and Research,

    hereby declare that we have completed the project titled, IllEffects of Mobile Phones on Human Body as a part of thecourse requirements of Masters in Management Studies of

    University of Mumbai.We further declare that the information presented in

    this project is true and original to the best of my knowledge.


    Place: New Mumbai

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    IMrs. Suchitra hereby certify thatthese students studyingin the First Year of Masters in Management Studies course

    at the Pillais Institute Of Management Studies &

    Research, New Panvel have completed a project on IllEffects Of Mobile Phones On Human Body, under myguidance in the academic year 2011-12.

    I further declare that the information presented in this

    project is true and original to the best of my knowledge.


    Place: New Panvel Mrs. Suchitra

    College Seal PRINCIPAL

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    We would like to express our gratitude and sincere thanks

    to our Project Guide Mrs. Suchitra, Pillais Institute Of

    Management Studies & Research for instilling confidence in us tocarry out this study and extending valuable guidance and

    encouragement from time to time, without which it would not

    have been possible to undertake and complete this project.

    We also wish to extend our appreciation, specially to our

    Director Dr.Vijay Raghvan, for his kind co-ordination and

    support. Last but not the least our colleagues for their valuable

    comments and suggestions for making this a cherishable

    experience for us.

    Group 1

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    1 Introduction

    1.1 Objectives of the study

    1.2 Limitations

    1.3 Literature review

    1.4 Summary

    2 Industry profile

    3 Research methodology

    3.1 Research design

    3.2 Data Collection

    3.3 Sample

    3.3.i Sample Unit

    3.3.ii Sample Size

    3.3.iii Sample Procedure

    3.3.iv Sample Profile

    4 Data analysis

    5 Suggestion/ Findings

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    Most media reports would have you believe that research studies on the negative health

    effects of cell phones use are few and far between. This article will provide several

    studies on the different health effects to illustrate that the information is out there, and

    has been out there for years. In fact, many reports on the health risks of cell phones

    have been published over the last few decades.

    Researchers have found some of the researched health consequences of the microwave

    radiation we are exposed to though cell phone use: Electromagnetic waves alter

    [electric activity of the brain] and cause disturbance in sleep ; cause difficulty in

    concentration, fatigue, and headache ; and increase reaction time in a time-dependent

    manner .They increase the resting blood pressure and reduce the production of

    melatonin .They are also implicated in DNA strand breaks. In addition, the use of cell

    phones has also been related to Alzheimers Disease and Cancer.

    A study by Swedish researchers suggests the link between cell phone use and

    Alzheimers Disease: [Cell] phones damage key brain cells and could trigger the early

    onset of Alzheimers disease. Researchers have found that radiation from cell phone

    handsets damages areas of the brain associated with learning, memory and movement.

    Researchers have found that people who used cell phones are two and a half times more

    likely to have a temporal brain tumor on the side of the head where they held their

    phone. In the case of tumors of the auditory nerve, which connects the ear to the brain,

    the risk increased to more than three times for cell phone users.

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    The relationship between cell phone use and diseases like Alzheimers and cancer are

    controversial, but discussed more as different research continues to conclude that the

    link between cell phone use and Alzheimers/cancer exists. On most news broadcasts

    we are told to not worry since more research is needed because the results are not

    conclusive. In my opinion, more research is always needed, and scientific results are

    never conclusive to everybody due to the very nature of science.

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    Every coin has two sides similarly invention of mobile phones too has gained lot

    of importance in todays 21st

    century. But at the same time it has been affecting the

    health of many users. Today mobile has become our best companion. It has made our

    life much simpler and easier to access anything and anywhere.

    The main objectives of this project is to study the ill effects of mobile phones on human


    Health risks from the use of mobile phones

    To explore the controversial aspects of a new social phenomenon

    Cellphones: Modern mans nemesis

    Effecting male infertility

    Effects on children

    Over dependent on mobile phones.

    To check the awareness about the ill effects among the mobile users

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    The sample size of the survey was very large and tedious to be survey

    The time taken to survey each mobile user was more since they had to be first

    explained everything and had to be dealt with patience.

    The mobile phone users opinion at times was very biased due to lack of interest

    in filling the questionnaire.

    The time frame given to us was not enough to cover a larger of sample size.

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    Bettener M et al,(2000) has conducted a research on increasing public interest in health

    risks of mobile phone use. Although there is a vast body of material on the biological

    effects of the radiofrequency fields, current risk assessment is still limited.

    Experimental investigation suggest that radiofrequency field are not tumor initiators

    and that they are related to carcinogenicity, this would be by tumor initiators and that if

    they are related to carcinogenicity, this would be by tumor promotion or by increasing

    the uptake of carcinogens in cells. Few epidemiological studies are available on the use

    of mobile phones on the radiofrequency exposure and the development of cancer. Most

    of these studies have no or little quantitative exposure data and they are limited by the

    same number of observation.

    Repacholi MH (2001) had studied the rapid growth of mobile telecommunication that

    there were about one billion mobile phone users before 2005, thus if there is any impact

    on health from mobile telephones, it will affect everyone in the world. The world health

    organization (WHO) established the international EMF project in 1996 to evaluate the

    signs recommend research to fill any gaps in knowledge and to conduct formal health

    risk assessments of RF exposure once recommended research had been completed.

    Cancer has been suggested as an outcome of exposure to mobile telephones by some

    scientific reports

    Roorli M et al (2003), has conducted a recent literature on the health effects of

    exposure to mobile phone base stationed (MPBS) radiation. They performed a

    systematic review of randomized human trials conducted in laboratory settings and of

    epidemiological studies that investigated the health effects of MPBS radiation in every

    day environment. They included in the analyses 17 articles that they met their basic

    quality criteria, 5 randomized human laboratories trails and 12 epidemiological studies.

    The evidence for a missing relationship between MPBS exposure up to 10m volts per

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    meter and acute symptom development can be considered strong because it was based

    on randomized, blinded human laboratory trials.

    Khalil S et al (2006), have conducted research on the mobile phone which have a

    detrimental impact on auditory function. The widespread use of mobile telephone has

    given rice to concern about the penitential influence of electromagnetic fields (EMFs)

    on human health. The effects of EMFs on human beings are as under investigation.

    Anatomically, the ear is in close proximity to the mobile phone telephone during use.

    The effects of mobile phone on auditory functions have already been studied. The aim

    of this review is to determine if there is evidence that mobile phone have a detrimental

    effect on the auditory function.

    Wood AW (2006) has conducted a research on how dangerous are mobile phones,

    transmission and electricity pylons. Electrical power and mobile communication deliver

    enormous benefits to the society, but there are concerns whether the electricity and the

    magnetic field (EMF) emissions associated with the delivery of the benefits are linked

    to cancer and other health hazards this article reviews the strength of the available

    epidemiological and laboratory evidence and notes that this falls short what s normally

    required to establish a causal link. However because of scientific uncertainty a caution

    approach is often advocated, but there may be a tendency to judge. These risks more

    harshly than those in other areas with similar strength of evidence.

    Derias EM et al (2006), has studied the growing concern about the possible hazards of

    electromagnetic waves emitted by mobile phones on human health. One of the biggest

    concern is there possible association with increased risk of cancer and there possible

    effect on cellular DNA. Electromagnetic waves can inflict their results through thermal

    and non- thermal effects. There are many animal studies that show that.

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    Electromagnetic waves have a wide range of damaging effects on the male reproductive

    system and sperm parameters. However similar studies are quite limited in humans, and

    the studies should be interpreted with caution when considering their application to


    Makker K et al (2009), the use of mobile phone has increased significantly, however

    with every technological development comes some elements of health concern, and cell

    phone are no exception. This is a comprehensive, up to the minute overview of the

    effects of cell phone exposure on human health. The type of cell phone and cell phone

    technologies currently used in the world are still in an attempt to improve the

    understanding of the technical aspects, including the effects of cell phone exposure on

    the cardiovascular. System, sleep, and cognitive function, as well as localized and

    general adverse effects, genotoxicity potential, neurohormonal secretion and tumor

    indication. A novel study is described, which is looking at changes in semen parameter,

    oxidative stress makers and sperm DNA damage in the samples exposed in vitro to cell

    phone radiation.

    Kapdi M et al (2008), the mobile phone industry has been one of the fastest growing

    industry in the modern history, today India has one million mobile phone users and

    mobile phone account for 88% of all telecommunication users. The rural sector

    accounts for more than 25% of wireless phone users and this proportion is bound to

    grow as affordability of mobile phone continues to increase. In 2008 the telecom

    commission adopted the emission guidelines prescribed by the international

    commission on non protection. Studies have demonstrated that usage behaviors, such as

    duration of usage and predominant, one side use of mobile phones are some of the chief

    risk that the increased likelihood of hazards resulting from mobile use. This article

    attempts present the basic biophysics of this device and explain the hazard of

    electromagnetic radiation exposure in terms of thermal and non thermal effects. They

    also present some preventive measures that can reduce the risk of these hazards.John

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    Jinks (2009) has conducted a research on the excessive cell phone usage among the

    teenagers who are the majority of the worlds cell phone users. While 75% of north

    American teen own a cell phone, about 96% of 16-17 years old students in Japan also

    own their own cell phone.most teen are willing to fork out extra money to ensure that

    their phone has full keypad functionality for text messaging, a built in camera, gaming

    option, media play back and internet access. Parents have seen their children become

    paranoid whenever they would miss a call or text message. Many teenagers counter

    additional problems at their school, at their work or at home because of their cell phone

    usage. Not everyone is ready to refer to this problem as a diseases, just yet. However

    the number of clinics who are willing to treating this problem as they would to

    alcoholism or drug addiction has increased.

    S Murray (2010) has conducted a research on the dependency of human o the mobile

    phone. Initially the mobile phone were bulky and expensive items that were available to

    the rich and more often business. As the technology has advanced and handsets and

    calling plans have become cheaper and more accessible to mass market, then the

    problem of dependency has grown and now ranges from teenagers through to adults.

    Tow good examples of mobile phone dependency can help to explain the problem

    further. The first issue is addiction to texting, something that is more common in the

    young users, also extends to adult users. Secondly is the curse of email where email

    enabled phones such as those from markers blackberry, can dominate a users life. It has

    been observed that it adds to another way to become more dependent on their mobile is

    a real risk for the health of human bodies.

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    During recent years, the use of mobile phones has increased substantially and has been

    paralleled by a growing concern about the effects on health attributed to exposure to

    the electromagnetic fields produced by them and their base stations. Demonstrating that

    radiation causes adverse effects on health would signal a widespread public health


    Today, mobile phones have become popular to everybody since they are convenient.

    The most advantage of having a mobile phone is you can communicate to your family,

    your friends, and your business no matter what where you are.

    In summary, mobiles are a great invention but they still have many issues. You have to

    protect yourself from the bad effects of mobiles if you choose to have one.

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    The cell phone industry is one of the fastest growths besides the Internet. Cell phones

    have gone through a huge change and its market has expanded globally. Since 1994,

    the cell phone industry has increased from 24 million to about 182 million in wireless

    phone and related devices operating in the United States with some 162-million mobile-

    phone users in the United States alone.

    The cell phone market is increasing very fast with todays ever-emerging technology

    and innovation in improving cell phones. Today, society is living with advance

    technology and everyone wants to keep pace with the new technologies. Cell phone

    industry is growing larger because it has become a necessity. Parents are getting

    mobile phones for their teens because they want to communicate in case of an

    emergency and the wireless carriers have made it easy to add users to their existing

    plans. And carriers are becoming successful in getting parents to expand their plans to

    include their teens. This increases buyers and increases market size worldwide.

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    Research design used:

    Exploratory Research:

    The research work was Exploratory in nature and was meant to provide the basic

    information required by research objectives. A preliminary study and findings can be

    further consolidated after detailed conclusion study has been carried out.




    Descriptive Causal



    Define a


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    Data Collection Sources:

    Research Approach: Survey

    A survey is a research technique used to gather information from a sample of

    respondents by employing a questionnaire. Normally surveys are carried out to obtain

    primary data.

    Data Collection Instrument: Questionnaire

    A questionnaire is a set of structured questions to be asked from respondents in a

    particular order with appropriate instructions. A questionnaire serves four functions

    enables data collection from respondents, lends a structure to interviews, provides

    standard means for writing down answers and help in processing the data collected.





    survey observation







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    Type of questionnaire used: Structured Non-disguised

    Structured-The questions used were not open- ended and respondents had to

    answer from the given options given.

    Non-disguised-The questions asked did not mean to offence any person. The

    questions openly discusses the ill effects of mobile phones in the questionnaire.

    Sampling Unit:



    Harbour Line Central line Western line

    Areas New Panvel and

    Cotton Green

    Thane Vasai

    Sample Size:- 100 mobile users

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    Sampling Procedure:

    The sampling procedure used in the survey we conducted was Simple random

    sampling as the sample for conducting the survey was picked up at random.



    Simple Random

    Systematic Random

    Stratified Sampling

    Cluster Sampling

    Non probabilistic






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    Sample Profile : Questionnaire

    Name: Date


    Telephone No :

    Sex Male Female

    Age. 18-22 23-27 28-35 More than 35

    Q.1) Do you have a mobile phone?

    a) Yes b) No

    Q.2) How long do you use your mobile phone?

    a) 1hr-2hr b) 3 hr -5 hr c) 6 hr- 8hr d) more than 8hr

    Q.3) Do you consider using mobile phone while driving is risky?

    a) No b) Probably C) Yes D ) Dont Know

    Q.4) Are you loosing command over your language? Due to S.M.S. language?

    a) Yes b) No c) May Be

    Q.5) Are you facing any health problems since you bought your phone?

    a) Headache

    b) Sleep deprivation

    c) Vague memory

    d) Chest pain

    e) Otherf) None

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    Q.6) Do you easily get distracted when your mobile phone rings?

    a) Yes b) No c) Sometime d) Never

    Q.7) Are you over dependent on your phone

    a) Yes b) No

    Q.8) Do you think the usage of phone is affecting your social life?

    a) Yes b) No

    Q.9) Have you experienced any effect on your auditory function?

    a) Yes b) No

    Q.10) Do you panic or get hyper tensed when your mobile is missing?

    a) Yes b) No

    Q.11) Do you feel psychological comfortable to communicate over the phone to a

    person rather face to face?

    a) Phone b) Face to face

    Q.12) Have you become aggressive since you are started using your mobile?

    a) Yes b) No

    Q.13) Are you aware of male infertility? Because of excess usage of mobile phone ?

    a) Yes b ) No

    Q.14) Do you feel usage of mobile phone has effected the grasping power of human


    a) Yes b) No

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    Q.15) You use your mobile phone frequently for:-

    a) Calling b) Texting c) Internet browsing

    d) Playing games e) Listening to music

    Q.16) Do you get nervous when your mobile doesnt ring when it is expected?

    a) Yes b) No

    Q.17) There is any prestige issue which has lead to psychological effects.

    a) Yes b) No

    Q.18) Do you think you can improve your health by reducing the usage of mobile


    a) Yes b) No

    Q.19) While sleeping do you keep your mobile phone near or below the pillow

    a) Yes b) No

    Q.20) Are you aware of the fact that you shouldnt put your mobile close to your ears

    until the reception answers?

    a) Yes b) No

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    Ho: Mobile phone has no effect on the human body.

    H1: Mobile phone has an effect on the human body.


    Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative



    Yes 98 98.0 98.0 98.0

    no 2 2.0 2.0 100.0

    Total 100 100.0 100.0

    Interpretation: Every person uses a mobile phone.

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    Frequency Percent Valid Percent CumulativePercent


    1hr-2hr 31 31.0 31.0 31.0

    3hr-5hr 30 30.0 30.0 61.0

    6hr-8hr 20 20.0 20.0 81.0

    more thane8 hr 19 19.0 19.0 100.0

    Total 100 100.0 100.0

    Interpretation: Among 100 people surveyed , most of them use mobilefor phones for 1hr to 2hrs followed by 3 to 5hrs.

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    Frequency Percent Valid Percent CumulativePercent


    NO 8 8.0 8.0 8.0

    probably 10 10.0 10.0 18.0

    Yes 81 81.0 81.0 99.0

    Don"t know 1 1.0 1.0 100.0

    Total 100 100.0 100.0

    Interpretation: Majority of the users feel using mobile phone is risky

    while driving.

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    Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative



    Yes 19 19.0 19.0 19.0

    NO 56 56.0 56.0 75.0

    May Be 25 25.0 25.0 100.0

    Total 100 100.0 100.0

    Interpretation: Most of them do not agree of losing the command due to

    S.M.S language.

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    Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative



    Headache 29 29.0 29.0 29.0

    sleep deprivation 19 19.0 19.0 48.0

    Vague memory 10 10.0 10.0 58.0

    Chest pain 1 1.0 1.0 59.0

    other 22 22.0 22.0 81.0

    None 19 19.0 19.0 100.0

    Total 100 100.0 100.0

    Interpretation: Majority of people have headache followed by other(eye

    irritation n etc) due to excess usage of mobile phone.

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    Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative



    Yes 29 29.0 29.0 29.0

    No 25 25.0 25.0 54.0

    Sometimes 41 41.0 41.0 95.0

    Never 5 5.0 5.0 100.0

    Total 100 100.0 100.0

    Interpretation: Most of the get distracted sometimes when mobile phone


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    Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative



    Yes 43 43.0 43.0 43.0

    No 57 57.0 57.0 100.0

    Total 100 100.0 100.0

    Interpretation: Most of them do not agree when asked whether they are

    over dependent on their phone.

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    Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative



    Yes 26 26.0 26.0 26.0

    No 74 74.0 74.0 100.0

    Total 100 100.0 100.0

    Interpretation: Of 100 samples 74% do not feel that, their life is being

    affected by excess usage of mobile phone.

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    Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative



    Yes 11 11.0 11.0 11.0

    No 89 89.0 89.0 100.0

    Total 100 100.0 100.0

    Interpretation: It is found that very few peoples auditory function has

    been effected by using mobile phones.

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    Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative



    Yes 57 57.0 57.0 57.0

    No 43 43.0 43.0 100.0

    Total 100 100.0 100.0

    Interpretation: Most of them agree of being panic or hyper tensed when

    their mobile phone goes missing.

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    Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative



    Yes 30 30.0 30.0 30.0

    No 70 70.0 70.0 100.0

    Total 100 100.0 100.0

    Interpretation: Most of them feel psychologically comfortable to

    communicate face to face rather on phone.

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    Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative



    Yes 21 21.0 21.0 21.0

    No 79 79.0 79.0 100.0

    Total 100 100.0 100.0

    Interpretation: Majority do not agree of being aggressive while using

    mobile phone.

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    Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative



    Yes 39 39.0 39.0 39.0

    No 61 61.0 61.0 100.0

    Total 100 100.0 100.0

    Infertility: Majority of people are not aware of male infertility due to

    excess usage of mobile phone.

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    Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative



    Yes 51 51.0 51.0 51.0

    No 49 49.0 49.0 100.0

    Total 100 100.0 100.0

    Interpretation: 51% of the people agree that the grasping power of human

    mind decreases due to being addicted to mobile phone.

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    Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative



    Calling 49 49.0 49.0 49.0

    Texting 31 31.0 31.0 80.0

    Internet browsing 7 7.0 7.0 87.0

    playing games 5 5.0 5.0 92.0

    listening to music 8 8.0 8.0 100.0

    Total 100 100.0 100.0

    Interpretation: Most of them use mobile phone for calling and texting.

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    Frequency Percent Valid Percent CumulativePercent


    Yes 46 46.0 46.0 46.0

    No 54 54.0 54.0 100.0

    Total 100 100.0 100.0

    Interpretation: Majority people have answered that they do not get

    nervous when their mobile phone doesnt ring .

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    Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative



    Yes 33 33.0 33.0 33.0

    No 67 67.0 67.0 100.0

    Total 100 100.0 100.0

    Interpretation: Many of them do not agree of having any prestige issue

    related to the model which others or they are using.

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    Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative



    Yes 49 49.0 49.0 49.0

    No 51 51.0 51.0 100.0

    Total 100 100.0 100.0

    Interpretation: 51% of people do not think that they can improve their

    health by reducing the usage of mobile phone.

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    Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative



    Yes 63 63.0 63.0 63.0

    No 37 37.0 37.0 100.0

    Total 100 100.0 100.0

    Interpretation: 63% of the population keep their mobile phone near or

    under their pillow while sleeping.

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    Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative



    Yes 58 58.0 58.0 58.0

    No 42 42.0 42.0 100.0

    Total 100 100.0 100.0

    Interpretation: Majority of people are aware of the fact, that oneshouldnt keep the mobile phone close to their unless the receipent receives

    the call.

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    Mobile phones have been in extensive use for a relatively short period of time, and their

    technology has progressively changed, from analogue to digital systems. Mobile

    phones and base stations emit radio frequency or microwave radiation. Exposure to

    such a radiation could affect health directly. The use of mobile phones also results in

    indirect effects, such as car accidents and interference with health equipment.

    Experimental research on the effects of radio-frequency radiation is very broad and

    heterogeneous. It includes both studies of cell cultures and tissues (in vitro) and of

    laboratory animals (in vivo), as well as of people (volunteers). On one hand, these

    studies focus on functional changes in the brain and the resulting effects on cognition,

    and (to some extent) well-beingthat is, the influence of exposure to radiation on the

    head. On the other hand, these studies focus on the possibility of a relationship between

    mobile phone use and carcinogenic processes, reproduction and development, the

    cardiovascular system and longevitythat is, exposure of the whole body. These

    studies found very small and reversible biological and physiological effects that do not

    necessary lead to diseases or injuries. Also, the research findings on the changes at the

    molecular level associated with the development of cancer are inconsistent and


    Epidemiological studies in general populations, such as communities, concentrate on apossible causal relationship between mobile phone use and the occurrence of brain

    tumours, acoustic neuromas, tumours of the salivary glands, and leukaemia and

    lymphomas. Although weak and inconclusive, most of the evidence available does not

    suggest that there are adverse effects on health attributable to longterm exposure to

    radio-frequency and microwave radiation from mobile phones. However, recent studies

    have reported an increased risk of acoustic neuroma and some brain tumours in people

    who use an analogue mobile phone for more than 10 years. Also, no data is available on

    the reproduction of these effects when digital mobile phones are used. Finally, there is

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    good evidence that the use of mobile phones while driving translates into a

    substantially increased risk of an accidental collision.