rl ClURICI Gt 1 JACKSON I East Kentucky Correspondence I...

Gt t140tllWorUiNbUIINiPttIWYa rl II 1 ltlOl90f0 I East Kentucky Correspondence I News You Get Nowhere Else i i I I ao eone peB4 nee yibUki4 ulNi il<aid la oil by the wittit Tile same 0- I li net lot publletMoi but M M rrMiM el rood faith Writs pUlnly o- oaoooootae o11eosoo olootthoAooof JACKSON BOUNTY ISAACS Isaacs Jan 3 Christmas passed oUI very quietly except for a little IngWe have been having real wit ter for tho past week Mr Tom Drew er and Miss Annie Willis wore quietly married a few days ago and have moved to the John Willis farm on Pigeon Roost Mr Bud Truett andI Miss Nlnnle Hacker were quietly mar rledMr Ted Brewer and daughterI have been visiting friends and 10 latlves in this vicinity for the past week Messre J L and R L Davl havo sold their steam mUlRev A B Gabbard Is holding a holinessI meeting at Pigeon Roost Mrs Nan nlc Allen Is complaining very badly of rheumatism Mr R H Johnson closed his school at Pigeon Roost I 24 It was Mr Johnsons first school and he won a good report as teach orMr and Mm Jerry York and Miss Susie Watson were tho guests of Mr and Mrs George Davis Monda night Miss Laura Isaacs has clos- ed her school at Bethel and la homoi again Mr Preston Shepherd bought the Jane Balls place and mov ed to itMr C B Davdlson of Dls putanta was thru here on a business trip last week Mr Henry Riley has moved to Black Lick The infant son of Mr II C Davis is not very well OHKEN1IAIL Greenhall Jan 3W N Hughe and wife who havo been visiting In I the north for several weeks wUl return homo soon Hubert Wilson will go to Berea with his brothe Clark this week to enter schoolThe Hickory Flat school closed Frlda with ono of the tit entertainment that have ever been given by a SChOOl in this part The teacher Mr Hardei Long returned to his home at Berei SaturdayJ P Wilson and Walker I Flanery are at Richmond with a drove of cattleWe have had some of the coldest weather for the last two weeps that has been in two yearsI Bud Thomas and W H talking ot enlisting in the army Boon Luther Plereon is doing BomS re- pairing on his dwelling J N Smith i and Company are invoicing their goods this week Greenhall Jan 10 Married Jan 5th Leonard Plerson and Mlsa Mln nle Lynch May their life be one of aiIready public highways and disturbing pub mootjagain week winding up with a heavy sleet and snow leaving the timber haveI with cycles The small streams been fuller than they have for years J N Smith and Company have beer Invoicing their stock of merchandise i tho past week one of the the junior partner Is making arrangeI- ments to go west about the reI March W N Hughes and turned from Ohio and other placesI in the north and west where they had been for several weeksFranb Smith has returned to Hamilton O where he will work this yearDaleI Minter will enter school at Brush Creek In a few dnylsJ N Smith Is offering tor sale at bargains two good mare mules 6 year old well matched if not sold by the first Monday In February they will beI put on tho Richmond market Jim nile Flanery and family have had they household goods loaded several preparatory to moving to Kings ¬ ton Madison County but they have been held up by the bad weather Wo are sorry for Mr Flanery to leave us Andy MInter D C J C C Is assisting Grant Collier In his work at McKee during Circuit Court llLIIItEII Mildred Jan 10W F Jones went to East Bernstadt on business rldayI W M Dunlgan had a nice enter talnment at the dose of his school Saturday A large crowd was present A good many from this neighbor ¬ hood attended circuit court at Mc ¬ Kee last Monday Messrs Fred Jones and Luther Bowles have gone to Lou ¬ don to enter the S B M S this wlnterW M Dunigan is talking ol teaching a winter school at Tyner W F Tlncher has moved Into tho old aunt Mary Patent house owned by W M Dunlg There was the larg ¬ est tide In Laurel Fork Creek that has been this year Thursday James H Morris was on the sick list last week Preston Dunlgln is sick with stomach trouble Thomas Morris has moved to Morgan Nedys property at Gray Hawk and Morgan has moved to McKee to run business for Mr Messier PAIIROT Parrot Jan nMr Robert Sum- mers ¬ has purchased a farm from W r t t J M Gabbard Mr W M Adidas and wlfo are on tho sick list The mat has been delayed for four days on account of high waters Misses Molls Morris and friend Dollio Colo visit- ed Mrs John Wilson Saturday night Mr Sam Settle and sisters Mini are on the sick list this week Miss Fanny Parker will teach a subsorlp tlon school at the old Ben school- house this winter Mrs Coeby Colt expects to visit friends and relative Hamilton 0II5S Laura Lear of Carlco Is still very sick Miss Dolly Cole started for Rockcastlo County to stay the rest of the winter Mrs Susie Hellard of Oklahoma Is at her 11Parker Letter Box Is out Saturday Jan 15 with a good entertainment SAND GAP IIIn a while ot Horse Lick Is again a wel come citizen of this place His son inlaw Mr Rose is also a late citizen here Sand Gap is rapidly growing regardless of Its many citizens moving IScitizens Among them being Hiram Harrison Patrick and Harvey fleece Aunt Jane Durham who has been so seri- ously ill Is to the delight of hei many friends slowly convalescing Charley the little son of Mr anti Mrs L N McGuire Is slowly recovering from a serious case of pleurlsjv We 1 were sorry to hear of the brief sick I ness and untimely death of Maudk Hale and greatly sympathize with the bereaved relatives Mrs J n Durham Is oa the sick IIstJ II Durhams school closed rldayThe postoff Ice at this place which was kept at the A P Gabbard old stand was RlchaZdlI ham and wife visited his parents Sunday Married the 24th ult Fred ¬ erick the son and youngest child or Rev and Mrs G V Clemmons of his place to a Miss Turner of Rock LlckAter a brief tour among re- latives at Pearsonvllle they returned a the home of his parents whore hey will reside Their many friends wish them much happiness VOVIILELICKe Doublellck Jan 9Mr Grover Drew of Eglon and Miss Beat Hale of Hugh wore qultely married Jan I ith at tho home of tho bride Mr lewls Morris who went to Florida last March for his wifes health expects to move back to his homo at alley View In the spring Mr and j Mrs Bert Philips are rejoicing over a fine boyMrs Maud Jackson is tatting her sister in Beroa John i Vltt and wife visited John Philips md family last week Mr W JI Dougherty of Valley View is coming to Jackson to sell his farm on Clov er Bottom CLOVER JIOTTOM Clover Bottom Jan 10 Measles till rage in this community George I Wilds four children are still very I low with a relapse of measles Quite placeI I I were Thos Hays and Jack Gilbert charged with the murder of Walter J Jmbree which case was continued and illberts bond being reduced from 5000 to 2000 which he filled and was released from janAlso the- me of Jack Gilbert charged with ierjury which was tried and a verdict j of not guilty The case of Martha lyatt charged with grand larency set for Monday M H Smith and Joss Lu nsfor d made a business trip to McKee Saaturday Tho trial of toxle White charged with breaking Into Gent Roses house and steal ng things therefrom resulted In a erdict of not gulltyW S Brockma DillItrlct lesday Grover Drew to Miss Beat I rice Hale We wish them a long and irosperous life- ROCKGASUE COUNT JlbONK Boone Jan lOThe Rev C son failed to flU his regular appointI moot at Fairview church Saturday and Sundayi Mr Curt Kldwell re1 ently moved to this place Mlsa tie Poyntcr who Is attending school In Berea visited home folks hero Saturday Mr Spence of Berea was In this city ono day last weekMr- B Chasteon Is on the sick list Mr and Mrs James Lambert were the guests of Mr and Mrs Joss Wren laturday Mlos Nettle Oldham of Bo rea visited home folks here Eater day and Sunday Mr Wm Gadd r < in Boron Saturday Miss Mettle Godd and Mrs Nora Wren were vlsltln In Berea a few days last week nOOK OlV Rockford Jan 10Mr and Mr Robert Bowman recently moved noor this place Miss fettle McCollui visited friends at this place Sunda Mr and Mrs James Dalton move to Berea last week There has beenI lots of cold and grip in this prtI Tho Sunday school at Scaffold Cane 1st progressing nicely Mr J J 1IarI tins family who has been down with lIamUtonI went to Bcroi last week to enter school Leonard Hamilton expects to return to Illinois soon- imrUTANTA Dlsputanta Jan 10 Col die Easter tho three weeks old baby of Mr aud Mrs S P Hammond died Jan 6th and was burled at the Shearer grave yardMr G V Owen who has been attending court at Mt Vernon has roturned home Mr James BallingI er of near Rockford has forImers Pennlngton of near Wlldie Mr TayI lor Anglin who has been visit friends at Climax han returne Berea to tintey school Mossn Oscar Chasteon and Stanley Payne of place have gone to heron to en ter scllOOlC B Davidson of Da vie Branch Is planning to go westI Mr Will Jones and wife Ella Doole and Mary Jonoc of Goochland Ssed thru here on their way to Bcrca t- schoolMr K T Payne and ell visited Mr and Mrs O M Payne Sat urday night WIL1HK Wild Ie Jan 10Mr FlA Burdet began a subscription school at Mot enl Spring Monday Jan 3Mr Wit Stewart of Knott County vlsito friends at this place last weokT Stewart Is on the sick listA nut ber of young people enjoyed a nla time at a party given by Miss Katie Parsons Saturday night Born to the wife ot Mr William Brannaman i fine boy Jan 3rd both mother ant baby are doing wellMr James Cof- fey who has been at Flanagan op crating Is with home folks this week Born to the wire of Mr W R Bar- nett a fine girl Jan 1Mr Granvl Mink son of Mr T J Mink diet with typhoid fever and was burner it the Maret graveyard MADISON COUNTY MOTH Mute Jan 9Mr Wiley Burns ono Of our moot substantial farmers and nest excellent citizen died Monda > night of dropsy at his home at thli place He was about seventyfive year > f age He Is survived by his wife and several children The deceased lived an honorable life and will be wldelj t nissed by his friends and his family its remains wet laid to rest at Pilot Knob church WednesdayMn James Murray Is very low with pneumonia Ir George Burns was kicked by his mule last Monday night and Is dangerously illMr Lawrence Garret who has been very sick is able to be out again Mr Joe Creekmoro Is cry 111 at this writing Mr Harmar Uusher who was hurt very badlj Christmas week is ablo to be out < B Lewis Is quite sick at this vrltlng Miss Mary Robinson who LOB been co low with appendicitis b- Low some better Miss Mary Hart our school teacher at Kingston spent ast week with her father and mother near Lexington Mr Bob Roberta ol Oklahoma has been visiting his bro her Mr M V Roberts of this place Mrs G w Moody spent lost weoH vMh her parents at Paint Lick 1110 lULL Big Hill Jan 10 Misses Orna and Beta Harp of Lexington visited last week with Miss Lucy Hayes illss Hayes gave a social in their honor New Years night with about wenty guests Games wore played dude on the organ and graphophone were given Songs were sung by the tarp girls who are excellent singers Philip Hayes who has been sick IIIr betterMrs Joo fleece Is on he sick listDr J D Settle Is get Ing a great deal of practice this old weather I JIIIKYFUS Dreyfus Jan 9Mr and Mrs leek of Richmond took dinner with 1111 and Mrs M Jones Sunday Mlse Dora Bongo and Miss Zculah Davis Pent Sunday with Miss Leha Klmber LinMr Ben Puckett left Tuesday to enter school at Berea Miss Alma and Lizzie Lake are planning to at- tend school at Richmond this winter Mrs Mollle Hale and children are visiting her brother Mr Crls Wink ¬ leI and Mrs Sheben Winkler spent one day last week with their broth Mr Tom and Frank Winkler Mi Mrs James R Baker spent 1ers last week with relatives at this Mr Jan young and daughter 10011 made a business trip to Rich nond Monday Mr Luther Klmber lain made a business trip to W R lenges Saturday Mrs Addle Coylo oturned home Saturday from Berea where she has been for the past two- s I months 1 SILVKIl ClURICI Silver Creek Jan 10Thero was a call meeting at the church Saturday tho Stli and a lot of business was transacted Tho Roy C M Nash wns called fo the yearMrs J W Bratc er is visiting her sister in LaFollolU TennMr and Mrs Hubert Tie of Ohio havo bought property and move our townJ W Bratchcr and Pleasant Evans are selling somo- nlcoshoals and going to deliver tc- dayWo are having an interostlni Sunday school at Silver Creek CLAY COUNTY 1IUUNING SlUINOS Burning Springs Jan 7 Goorgi U Thompson from Manchester was visiting Ills parents at this Sunday Tho Rev Blackburn of LIVI ingston Is expected to begin a traded meeting hero on tho 15th otI this month Miss Virgle Hart Is tho week with her sistei Mrs Chas Thompson W B Horns iby who Is attending tho Medical Col liege at Louisville spent Chrlstmai home folksJesso Maggard wlu has been In the west for tho pas two years has returned ho noMr R P Rawling who has been in Oklahoma for some time for his health has re- turned and Is very low with consump tlon Harrison Thompson one ot our brightest young men Is going tb star for California In a few days to be gone for several years Misses tary Chasteen Llllle and Hernia Bake were calling on Mrs W M Hubban Thursday afterncon Mr and Mrs S R Clarkston Vpent Sunday with Ir and Mrs Jas Smith Mr Elijah liar who Is attending State Normal at Richmond was visiting his parents onI Gutons Creek during the holidays Miss Verna Carmook tail and spralt ed her ankle and Is unable to be In III Spring Creek Jan ITho schoo on Spring Creek closed today The teacher Thos HounoheU Is now on his way to Richmond where he wll inter school = Henderson Bakeri child died a few days ago Christ mas went off quietly hero Thomo Hosklns of Leslie County Is vlsltlni Ills parents In Clay County this week Dr Rlokotts is visiting his patient on Spring Creek today Miss Lull Wagers daughter of John Wagers ot Double Crook was married to liar Awls last Saturday VINK I Vine Dec 30 Christmas is over svorybody had a Jolly time Mlnnl tad Lee Mathews took ChristmaS with M L Ferguson and children Mr EI G Campbell gavo the young folks t t Tandy party Christmas night All en- joyed themselves flnoWo are sorry io hear ot tho death ot Uncle Henry Ponder lie has been a Christian for several years Mr John Bray was thi welcome guoct of MlsaJullaForgugoc 3hrlstmas Wo ore glad to have Jim neighborIhood nearly completed his new dwelling use Llzzlo Wilsons school was out t Dec 24Mlsa Lizzie Ferguson enter ained a large crowd Christmas Mr loin Parker who has been ill is go- Ing about again Mies Alice Hurley Is visiting relatives at London Mr W M Hurley ot East Bernstadt has noved to lug Sexton where he will nako his homo Tho little Infant laughter of Mr Howell Cloyd died Doc 23 Her remains wore laid to rest In near hereI SEXTONS GIIKKK Sextons Creek Dec 28 School is Progressing nicely at this place with Ur W N Burch as teacher Henry told gave an entertainment and il- l christmas tree at his school at Cra die Dow tho 24th All report a good time splendid order and lots ot nice presentsMIUard Peters of 6toI ton Camp Nannie Spence Henry teld Minnie and Lucy Noo Dan Ab icr Luther Byrd and others were tho guests of Ella Wood Christmas dayIr L S B Rowlo t son and hrto daughters of Fnyctto County pent Christmas at Nathan Sparks Shelby Abner was the guest of Miss tannle Banks the 24th and 25tlLA- cam ran away with Douglas Wood 10 ently tho Injuries are bad but not utalWe hope ho will bo able to be whoI has decided not to go back for tho winter dormMr Robert Spence of Laurel County grassed thru this place last week In the Interest of Beret College He called to see his aunt Rachel Spence who Is visiting at her brothers J T Woods 1GARRARD LICK COUNTY 1Paint Lick Jan 9The Rev Tussoy his regular appointment at Vallaces Chapel Saturday and Sun day nlghtR II Soper and family IIare moving to the Grunt Creech pro ¬ perty on White Lick Sam Edon has roved into the Stuvlo Halcomb pro crty recently occupied bye Gilbert offeeMr and Mrs Luclan Cade have returned from Oklahoma op oc count of1 Mrs Cades health Most everybody are dono stripping and have sold their tobacco In this local ¬ I yHenry Lawson has returned to JACKSON COUNTY BANK Report of the condition of the Jackson County Bank doing busi- ness at the town of McKee county of state of Kentucky at the close of business on the 28th day of Decembeffigog RESOURCES > t s Loans and Discounts with one or more cndors nif suretyJ53o963g4 Real Estate Mortgages ifWT 238100 Call Loans on Collateral v 0000 Time roans on Collateral i 219500 US Bonds oooo Other Stocks Bonds Etc 0000 Due from NationalBanks 2131440 Due from State Banks and Bankers 806000 Trust 4 oooo 552800United Specie Checks and other cash items oooo Exchange for Clearing House 0000 Overdrafts secured cooo Overdrafts unsecured 43187 Taxes 0000 Current Expenses Paid 83682 Real EstateBanking IIouse 100000 Other Real Estate 0000 Furniture and Fixtures 161200 Other Assets not included under any of above heads oooo Total 57584921 LIABILITIES Capital Stock paid in in cash 850000 Surplus Funds 0000 Undivided Profits 196170 S 1 Fund to pay Taxis 0000 Deposits subject to check on which interest is not paid 5488751 Deposits subject to check on which interest is paid 1050000 Demand Certificates of Deposit on which interest is paid 0000 Time Certificates of Deposit on which interest is paid 0000 Savings Deposits on which interest is paid 0000I 0000 Certified Banks r oooo Due National Due State Banks and Bankers oooo Due Trust Companiesoooo Cashiers Checks Notes and Bills rediscounted t oooo Unpaid Dividends 0000 faxes due and unpaid 9000 6000 Bills Amount of unclaimed deposits on hand 0000 of tho above heads oooo Other Liabilities not included under any I Total 7584921 STATE OF KENTUCKYSet County of Caxhlor of tho nbovo namud Ilnnk do Holomnly nwoar I J 11 above statement is trite to tho bust of my knowlodpe and belief the that J K HAYS Cnfthlor CorrectAttestSub and xworn to bcforo me this 6th dayof January 1010 expires January IU 1912 My CoimnlHHlon H K M1NTKU Notary Public J D HAYS 11 M 1J11ADSHAW n O COLLIKH DlrnctorH his homo in Illinois Mr and Mrs O L Gabbard were the guests of Mr and Mrs C C Blanton lllt Saturday and Sundayairs Ebb Brockman ww tile guest of her mother lost Saturday and Sunday Mr Lows Baker is very 111 with typhoid fever at the home ot his grandfather Mr Jim I 1ESTILL COUNTY I IOCU8TII1U CII 10The win ¬ Locust Branch Jan tel school begins hero Monday morn lug with Miss Rhoda Land of Irvine as teacher Mr Henry Calvin tho mill man who has boon spending tho holidays with his children in Indiana polls Ind Is back and will start tho mill soon as the weather moderates Mr Jno A Blcknoll purchased a tine black squirrel waddle hones last week Wilson Coyly McKinley Flor ¬ ence and Elbert Hymor of tills place entered school at Berea last week Logsdonland lug school at Boron this winter Mrs John A BIcknell is quite 111 at this writing Raleigh Oglesby was mar ¬ ried to Miss Lula McGee lost woe- kIC W Logsdon bought an adjoining farm from P G logsdon and P GI Ixigsdon purchased a farm from Chas McGee Mr McGee wit move to Sta- tion ¬ Camp Mr Early Illckncll who Is visiting relatives In this place contemplates going back to Illinois about tho 20th of February I OWSLEY COUNTY I MTUltOIONI Sturgeon Dec 30 Christinas went off quietly at this place with a nice cUrlntnias tree at Big SpnlngB A good entertainment two good sermons were preached Joseph Anderson was tho welcome visitor of Dr Moliaffcy during Christmas Bill Wilson wont to McKee today on business Mr Theopholus Wilsons children will start to Buck Creek to school the third of JanMiss Dora Wilson Is going to Cow Creek to school this winter J B Minter and wife visit ¬ ed Andy Strong and wife Friday nigh Abort Hoaklna went thru Sturgeon last Tuesday moving to Clark County where ho expects to make his homo Mr Frank Smith has returned from Ohio where ho stayed twelve months Lewis Conrad and wife Frank Con ¬ rad and wife visited their grandfath- er at Maulden Friday night Quito a lot of moving will take place In a few I days seven families are going to move around In this partF Hurd Is carrying the mall from Boonevlllo to Tyner Mr James Hoskins gave up hte mall route to Robert Wllbon Mr Hosklna is to move to Clark County Mr Riley Simpson and Miss Mattie Frost both of Maulden married r the Mrd We wlwh them a peaceful and happy life Lexington Neb Lexington Xeb Jan 3We are having a hard winter here The ground has been covered with snow over since the 12th of Nov with tilt exception of 3 or 4 days the tint week in December with the temperA- ture ¬ close to zero and some times as low as 19 degrees below Mr Albert Continued on fourth fII ge e We Buy FURSHides Wool Fulbe TtHow BcMwti Cimenp- ColJDSesI YUrltc4MatAnvla Wild doter ale WAN dlnl nulthai l856Om Ul a d1u1J 4- Louui2tadtaadobtLerIr ycu ln tent or uaaimou mrrckuU Ktlmatr n nel U Lniin3t Writ Ior wrtU Jffc lid saJ JUpfint Up M Sabol < Sons 229 G Harttt St LOUISVILLE KY RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS WANTED The Government pays Railway Mall Clerks 000 to 1200 and other em ployees up to 250O annually n U Undo Stun will hold KjirliiK ox nmlllntlou8 throughout tho country for Railway Mall Clerks Custom HOUHU Clerks Stom grnpliorn llook kueperH Dopartmentnl Clerks and other flovurnmunt 1oHltions Thou muulH of uppolntmuntH will bo madu Any man or woman over 18 In City or Country can got Instruction and free Information by writing at once to the Bureau of Instruction 250 0 Hamlin Building Rochester N Y Very Serious It is a very serious matter to ask for one medicine and have the wrong one given you For this reason wo urge you in buying to be careful to get the genuine BLACKD DRAUGHT liver Medicine I of this old relia ¬ ble medicine for constipation in- digestion ¬ and liver trouble ta firm ¬ ly established It does not Imitate other medicines It is better than others or It would not be the fa¬ vorite liver powder with a sale than all otheR combined- SOLD t IN TOWN vz

Transcript of rl ClURICI Gt 1 JACKSON I East Kentucky Correspondence I...

Page 1: rl ClURICI Gt 1 JACKSON I East Kentucky Correspondence I ...nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt72fq9q363m/data/0443.pdfGt t140tllWorUiNbUIINiPttIWYa rl II 1 ltlOl90f0 I East Kentucky Correspondence

Gt t140tllWorUiNbUIINiPttIWYa rl II 1 ltlOl90f0

I East Kentucky CorrespondenceI News You Get Nowhere Else i

iI I ao eone peB4 nee yibUki4 ulNi il<aid la oil by the wittit Tile same 0-

I li net lot publletMoi but M M rrMiM el rood faith Writs pUlnly o-

oaoooootae o11eosoo olootthoAooofJACKSON BOUNTY


Isaacs Jan 3 Christmas passed oUIvery quietly except for a littleIngWe have been having real witter for tho past week Mr Tom Drew

er and Miss Annie Willis wore quietly

married a few days ago and havemoved to the John Willis farm on

Pigeon Roost Mr Bud Truett andIMiss Nlnnle Hacker were quietly mar

rledMr Ted Brewer and daughterIhave been visiting friends and 10latlves in this vicinity for the past

week Messre J L and R L Davlhavo sold their steam mUlRev A

B Gabbard Is holding a holinessImeeting at Pigeon Roost Mrs Nan

nlc Allen Is complaining very badly

of rheumatism Mr R H Johnson

closed his school at Pigeon Roost I24 It was Mr Johnsons first school

and he won a good report as teach

orMr and Mm Jerry York and

Miss Susie Watson were tho guests of

Mr and Mrs George Davis Monda

night Miss Laura Isaacs has clos-

ed her school at Bethel and la homoiagain Mr Preston Shepherdbought the Jane Balls place and mov

ed to itMr C B Davdlson of Dls

putanta was thru here on a businesstrip last week Mr Henry Riley has

moved to Black Lick The infant son

of Mr II C Davis is not very well

OHKEN1IAILGreenhall Jan 3W N Hughe

and wife who havo been visiting In I

the north for several weeks wUl

return homo soon Hubert Wilsonwill go to Berea with his brotheClark this week to enter schoolTheHickory Flat school closed Frldawith ono of the tit entertainmentthat have ever been given by a SChOOl

in this part The teacher Mr HardeiLong returned to his home at BereiSaturdayJ P Wilson and Walker I

Flanery are at Richmond with a droveof cattleWe have had some of thecoldest weather for the last twoweeps that has been in two yearsIBud Thomas and W H

talking ot enlisting in the army Boon

Luther Plereon is doing BomS re-

pairing on his dwelling J N Smith i

and Company are invoicing theirgoods this week

Greenhall Jan 10 Married Jan5th Leonard Plerson and Mlsa Mln

nle Lynch May their life be one of

aiIreadypublic highways and disturbing pub

mootjagainweek winding up with a heavy sleetand snow leaving the timber

haveIwith cycles The small streamsbeen fuller than they have for years

J N Smith and Company have beerInvoicing their stock of merchandise i

tho past week one of thethe junior partner Is making arrangeI-ments to go west about the

reIMarch W N Hughes andturned from Ohio and other placesI

in the north and west where theyhad been for several weeksFranbSmith has returned to Hamilton O

where he will work this yearDaleIMinter will enter school at BrushCreek In a few dnylsJ N Smith Isoffering tor sale at bargains twogood mare mules 6 year old wellmatched if not sold by the firstMonday In February they will beIput on tho Richmond market Jimnile Flanery and family have had

they household goods loaded severalpreparatory to moving to Kings ¬

ton Madison County but they havebeen held up by the bad weatherWo are sorry for Mr Flanery toleave us Andy MInter D C J C CIs assisting Grant Collier In his workat McKee during Circuit Court

llLIIItEIIMildred Jan 10W F Jones went

to East Bernstadt on business rldayIW M Dunlgan had a nice enter

talnment at the dose of his schoolSaturday A large crowd was present

A good many from this neighbor ¬

hood attended circuit court at Mc ¬

Kee last Monday Messrs Fred Jonesand Luther Bowles have gone to Lou ¬

don to enter the S B M S thiswlnterW M Dunigan is talking olteaching a winter school at TynerW F Tlncher has moved Into thoold aunt Mary Patent house owned byW M Dunlg There was the larg ¬

est tide In Laurel Fork Creek thathas been this year Thursday JamesH Morris was on the sick list lastweek Preston Dunlgln is sick withstomach trouble Thomas Morris hasmoved to Morgan Nedys propertyat Gray Hawk and Morgan has movedto McKee to run business for MrMessier

PAIIROTParrot Jan nMr Robert Sum-



has purchased a farm from W

r t tJ

M Gabbard Mr W M Adidas andwlfo are on tho sick list The mathas been delayed for four days onaccount of high waters Misses MollsMorris and friend Dollio Colo visit-

ed Mrs John Wilson Saturday nightMr Sam Settle and sisters Mini

are on the sick list this week Miss

Fanny Parker will teach a subsorlptlon school at the old Ben school-

house this winter Mrs Coeby Coltexpects to visit friends and relative

Hamilton 0II5S Laura Lear ofCarlco Is still very sick Miss DollyCole started for Rockcastlo Countyto stay the rest of the winter MrsSusie Hellard of Oklahoma Is at her

11ParkerLetter Box Is out Saturday Jan 15

with a good entertainmentSAND GAPIIIna while ot Horse Lick Is again a wel

come citizen of this place His soninlaw Mr Rose is also a late citizenhere Sand Gap is rapidly growingregardless of Its many citizens moving

IScitizensAmong them being Hiram HarrisonPatrick and Harvey fleece AuntJane Durham who has been so seri-

ously ill Is to the delight of heimany friends slowly convalescingCharley the little son of Mr anti MrsL N McGuire Is slowly recoveringfrom a serious case of pleurlsjv We 1were sorry to hear of the brief sick I

ness and untimely death of MaudkHale and greatly sympathize withthe bereaved relatives Mrs J nDurham Is oa the sick IIstJ IIDurhams school closed rldayThepostoff Ice at this place which was keptat the A P Gabbard old stand was

RlchaZdlIham and wife visited his parentsSunday Married the 24th ult Fred ¬

erick the son and youngest childor Rev and Mrs G V Clemmons ofhis place to a Miss Turner of Rock

LlckAter a brief tour among re-

latives at Pearsonvllle they returneda the home of his parents whorehey will reside Their many friendswish them much happiness

VOVIILELICKeDoublellck Jan 9Mr Grover

Drew of Eglon and Miss Beat Haleof Hugh wore qultely married Jan I

ith at tho home of tho bride Mrlewls Morris who went to Floridalast March for his wifes healthexpects to move back to his homo atalley View In the spring Mr and j

Mrs Bert Philips are rejoicing over afine boyMrs Maud Jackson is

tatting her sister in Beroa Johni

Vltt and wife visited John Philipsmd family last week Mr W JIDougherty of Valley View is comingto Jackson to sell his farm on Clover Bottom


Clover Bottom Jan 10 Measlestill rage in this community George I

Wilds four children are still veryI

low with a relapse of measles Quite

placeI I


were Thos Hays and Jack Gilbertcharged with the murder of WalterJ Jmbree which case was continued andillberts bond being reduced from5000 to 2000 which he filled and

was released from janAlso the-me of Jack Gilbert charged with

ierjury which was tried and a verdict j

of not guilty The case of Marthalyatt charged with grand larencyset for Monday M H Smith andJoss Lu nsfor d made a business tripto McKee Saaturday Tho trial oftoxle White charged with breakingInto Gent Roses house and stealng things therefrom resulted In aerdict of not gulltyW S Brockma

DillItrlctlesday Grover Drew to Miss Beat Irice Hale We wish them a long andirosperous life-


Boone Jan lOThe Rev Cson failed to flU his regular appointImoot at Fairview church Saturdayand Sundayi Mr Curt Kldwell re1ently moved to this place Mlsatie Poyntcr who Is attending schoolIn Berea visited home folks heroSaturday Mr Spence of Berea was

In this city ono day last weekMr-B Chasteon Is on the sick list

Mr and Mrs James Lambert werethe guests of Mr and Mrs Joss Wrenlaturday Mlos Nettle Oldham of Bo

rea visited home folks here Eaterday and Sunday Mr Wm Gadd

r <

in Boron Saturday Miss Mettle Godd

and Mrs Nora Wren were vlsltlnIn Berea a few days last week

nOOK OlVRockford Jan 10Mr and Mr

Robert Bowman recently moved noorthis place Miss fettle McColluivisited friends at this place Sunda

Mr and Mrs James Dalton move

to Berea last week There has beenIlots of cold and grip in this prtITho Sunday school at Scaffold Cane1st progressing nicely Mr J J 1IarItins family who has been down with

lIamUtonIwent to Bcroi last week to enterschool Leonard Hamilton expects toreturn to Illinois soon-

imrUTANTADlsputanta Jan 10 Col die Easter

tho three weeks old baby of Mr audMrs S P Hammond died Jan 6thand was burled at the Shearer grave

yardMr G V Owen who has beenattending court at Mt Vernon hasroturned home Mr James BallingIer of near Rockford has

forImersPennlngton of near Wlldie Mr TayIlor Anglin who has been visit

friends at Climax han returneBerea to tintey school Mossn

Oscar Chasteon and Stanley Payne ofplace have gone to heron to en

ter scllOOlC B Davidson of Davie Branch Is planning to go westIMr Will Jones and wife Ella Dooleand Mary Jonoc of Goochland Ssedthru here on their way to Bcrca t-

schoolMr K T Payne and ellvisited Mr and Mrs O M Payne Saturday night


Wild Ie Jan 10Mr FlA Burdetbegan a subscription school at Motenl Spring Monday Jan 3Mr WitStewart of Knott County vlsitofriends at this place last weokT

Stewart Is on the sick listA nutber of young people enjoyed a nlatime at a party given by Miss KatieParsons Saturday night Born tothe wife ot Mr William Brannaman i

fine boy Jan 3rd both mother antbaby are doing wellMr James Cof-

fey who has been at Flanagan opcrating Is with home folks this week

Born to the wire of Mr W R Bar-

nett a fine girl Jan 1Mr GranvlMink son of Mr T J Mink dietwith typhoid fever and was burner

it the Maret graveyard



Mute Jan 9Mr Wiley Burns onoOf our moot substantial farmers andnest excellent citizen died Monda >

night of dropsy at his home at thliplace He was about seventyfive year

>f age He Is survived by his wife andseveral children The deceased lived

an honorable life and will be wldeljt

nissed by his friends and his family

its remains wet laid to rest at PilotKnob church WednesdayMn JamesMurray Is very low with pneumonia

Ir George Burns was kicked by

his mule last Monday night and Isdangerously illMr Lawrence Garret

who has been very sick is able to be

out again Mr Joe Creekmoro Iscry 111 at this writing Mr HarmarUusher who was hurt very badljChristmas week is ablo to be out

< B Lewis Is quite sick at thisvrltlng Miss Mary Robinson who

LOB been co low with appendicitis b-

Low some better Miss Mary Hartour school teacher at Kingston spentast week with her father and mother

near Lexington Mr Bob Roberta olOklahoma has been visiting his broher Mr M V Roberts of this place

Mrs G w Moody spent lost weoH

vMh her parents at Paint Lick1110 lULL

Big Hill Jan 10 Misses Orna

and Beta Harp of Lexington visited

last week with Miss Lucy Hayes

illss Hayes gave a social in theirhonor New Years night with aboutwenty guests Games wore played

dude on the organ and graphophonewere given Songs were sung by thetarp girls who are excellent singers

Philip Hayes who has been sickIIIr betterMrs Joo fleece Is on

he sick listDr J D Settle Is getIng a great deal of practice thisold weather I


Dreyfus Jan 9Mr and Mrs

leek of Richmond took dinner with1111 and Mrs M Jones Sunday Mlse

Dora Bongo and Miss Zculah Davis

Pent Sunday with Miss Leha KlmberLinMr Ben Puckett left Tuesdayto enter school at Berea Miss Almaand Lizzie Lake are planning to at-

tend school at Richmond this winterMrs Mollle Hale and children are

visiting her brother Mr Crls Wink ¬

leI and Mrs Sheben Winkler spentone day last week with their broth

Mr Tom and Frank Winkler Mi

Mrs James R Baker spent1ers

last week with relatives at thisMr Jan young and daughter

10011 made a business trip to Richnond Monday Mr Luther Klmberlain made a business trip to W Rlenges Saturday Mrs Addle Coylo

oturned home Saturday from Bereawhere she has been for the past two-



SILVKIl ClURICISilver Creek Jan 10Thero was a

call meeting at the church Saturdaytho Stli and a lot of business wastransacted Tho Roy C M Nash wnscalled fo the yearMrs J W Bratcer is visiting her sister in LaFollolUTennMr and Mrs Hubert Tie ofOhio havo bought property and move

our townJ W Bratchcr andPleasant Evans are selling somo-

nlcoshoals and going to deliver tc-

dayWo are having an interostlniSunday school at Silver Creek


Burning Springs Jan 7 GoorgiU Thompson from Manchester wasvisiting Ills parents at thisSunday Tho Rev Blackburn of LIVIingston Is expected to begin atraded meeting hero on tho 15th otIthis month Miss Virgle Hart Is

tho week with her sisteiMrs Chas Thompson W B Horns

iby who Is attending tho Medical Col

liege at Louisville spent Chrlstmaihome folksJesso Maggard wlu

has been In the west for tho pastwo years has returned ho noMr R

P Rawling who has been in Oklahomafor some time for his health has re-

turned and Is very low with consumptlon Harrison Thompson one ot ourbrightest young men Is going tb starfor California In a few days to begone for several years Misses taryChasteen Llllle and Hernia Bakewere calling on Mrs W M HubbanThursday afterncon Mr and MrsS R Clarkston Vpent Sunday with Irand Mrs Jas Smith Mr Elijah liarwho Is attending State Normal atRichmond was visiting his parents onIGutons Creek during the holidays

Miss Verna Carmook tail and spralted her ankle and Is unable to be InIIISpring Creek Jan ITho schooon Spring Creek closed today Theteacher Thos HounoheU Is now onhis way to Richmond where he wll

inter school =Henderson Bakerichild died a few days ago Christmas went off quietly hero ThomoHosklns of Leslie County Is vlsltlniIlls parents In Clay County this week

Dr Rlokotts is visiting his patienton Spring Creek today Miss LullWagers daughter of John Wagers otDouble Crook was married to liarAwls last Saturday


Vine Dec 30 Christmas is oversvorybody had a Jolly time Mlnnltad Lee Mathews took ChristmaS withM L Ferguson and children Mr EIG Campbell gavo the young folks tt

Tandy party Christmas night All en-

joyed themselves flnoWo are sorryio hear ot tho death ot Uncle HenryPonder lie has been a Christian forseveral years Mr John Bray was thiwelcome guoct of MlsaJullaForgugoc3hrlstmas Wo ore glad to have Jim

neighborIhoodnearly completed his new dwellinguse Llzzlo Wilsons school was out t

Dec 24Mlsa Lizzie Ferguson enterained a large crowd Christmas Mrloin Parker who has been ill is go-Ing about again Mies Alice HurleyIs visiting relatives at London MrW M Hurley ot East Bernstadt hasnoved to lug Sexton where he willnako his homo Tho little Infantlaughter of Mr Howell Cloyd diedDoc 23 Her remains wore laid to restIn nearhereISEXTONS GIIKKK

Sextons Creek Dec 28 School is

Progressing nicely at this place withUr W N Burch as teacher Henry

told gave an entertainment and il-


christmas tree at his school at Cradie Dow tho 24th All report a goodtime splendid order and lots otnice presentsMIUard Peters of 6toIton Camp Nannie Spence Henry

teld Minnie and Lucy Noo Dan Abicr Luther Byrd and others were

tho guests of Ella Wood ChristmasdayIr L S B Rowlo t son andhrto daughters of Fnyctto County

pent Christmas at Nathan SparksShelby Abner was the guest of Misstannle Banks the 24th and 25tlLA-cam ran away with Douglas Wood 10

ently tho Injuries are bad but notutalWe hope ho will bo able to bewhoIhas decided not to go back for tho

winter dormMr Robert Spence ofLaurel County grassed thru this placelast week In the Interest of BeretCollege He called to see his aunt

Rachel Spence who Is visiting ather brothers J T Woods


1Paint Lick Jan 9The Rev Tussoyhis regular appointment at

Vallaces Chapel Saturday and Sunday nlghtR II Soper and family

IIare moving to the Grunt Creech pro ¬

perty on White Lick Sam Edon hasroved into the Stuvlo Halcomb procrty recently occupied bye GilbertoffeeMr and Mrs Luclan Cade

have returned from Oklahoma op occount of1 Mrs Cades health Mosteverybody are dono stripping andhave sold their tobacco In this local ¬

I yHenry Lawson has returned to

JACKSON COUNTY BANKReport of the condition of the Jackson County Bank doing busi-

ness at the town of McKee county of state of Kentucky atthe close of business on the 28th day of Decembeffigog


Loans and Discounts with one or more cndors nifsuretyJ53o963g4Real Estate Mortgages ifWT 238100Call Loans on Collateral v 0000Time roans on Collateral i 219500US Bonds ooooOther Stocks Bonds Etc 0000Due from NationalBanks 2131440Due from State Banks and Bankers 806000

Trust 4 oooo552800UnitedSpecieChecks and other cash items ooooExchange for Clearing House 0000Overdrafts secured coooOverdrafts unsecured 43187Taxes 0000Current Expenses Paid 83682Real EstateBanking IIouse 100000

Other Real Estate 0000Furniture and Fixtures 161200

Other Assets not included under any of above heads oooo

Total 57584921


Capital Stock paid in in cash 850000Surplus Funds 0000Undivided Profits 196170 S 1

Fund to pay Taxis 0000Deposits subject to check on which interest is not paid 5488751Deposits subject to check on which interest is paid 1050000Demand Certificates of Deposit on which interest is paid 0000Time Certificates of Deposit on which interest is paid 0000Savings Deposits on which interest is paid 0000I0000Certified

Banks r ooooDue NationalDue State Banks and Bankers ooooDue Trust CompaniesooooCashiers ChecksNotes and Bills rediscounted t ooooUnpaid Dividends 0000faxes due and unpaid 9000

6000BillsAmount of unclaimed deposits on hand 0000

of tho above heads ooooOther Liabilities not included under anyI

Total 7584921


Caxhlor of tho nbovo namud Ilnnk do Holomnly nwoarI J 11

above statement is trite to tho bust of my knowlodpe and beliefthethat J K HAYS Cnfthlor

CorrectAttestSub and xworn to bcforo me this 6th dayof January 1010

expires January IU 1912My CoimnlHHlon H K M1NTKU Notary Public


his homo in Illinois Mr and Mrs

O L Gabbard were the guests of Mr

and Mrs C C Blanton lllt Saturday

and Sundayairs Ebb Brockman ww

tile guest of her mother lost Saturday

and Sunday Mr Lows Baker is

very 111 with typhoid fever at the

home ot his grandfather Mr JimI



10The win ¬

Locust Branch Jantel school begins hero Monday morn

lug with Miss Rhoda Land of Irvineas teacher Mr Henry Calvin tho

mill man who has boon spending tho

holidays with his children in Indianapolls Ind Is back and will start tho

mill soon as the weather moderates

Mr Jno A Blcknoll purchased a

tine black squirrel waddle hones lastweek Wilson Coyly McKinley Flor¬

ence and Elbert Hymor of tills place

entered school at Berea last week

Logsdonlandlug school at Boron this winter Mrs

John A BIcknell is quite 111 at thiswriting Raleigh Oglesby was mar¬

ried to Miss Lula McGee lost woe-

kIC W Logsdon bought an adjoining

farm from P G logsdon and P GIIxigsdon purchased a farm from ChasMcGee Mr McGee wit move to Sta-



Camp Mr Early Illckncll whoIs visiting relatives In this placecontemplates going back to Illinoisabout tho 20th of February I


MTUltOIONISturgeon Dec 30 Christinas went

off quietly at this place with a nice

cUrlntnias tree at Big SpnlngB A good

entertainment two good sermons

were preached Joseph Anderson was

tho welcome visitor of Dr Moliaffcy

during Christmas Bill Wilson wont

to McKee today on business MrTheopholus Wilsons children will

start to Buck Creek to school thethird of JanMiss Dora Wilson Is

going to Cow Creek to school thiswinterJ B Minter and wife visit¬

ed Andy Strong and wife Friday nigh

Abort Hoaklna went thru Sturgeon

last Tuesday moving to Clark County

where ho expects to make his homoMr Frank Smith has returned from

Ohio where ho stayed twelve monthsLewis Conrad and wife Frank Con ¬

rad and wife visited their grandfath-

er at Maulden Friday night Quito alot of moving will take place In a few

I days seven families are going tomove around In this partF HurdIs carrying the mall from Boonevllloto Tyner Mr James Hoskins gaveup hte mall route to Robert WllbonMr Hosklna is to move to ClarkCounty Mr Riley Simpson and MissMattie Frost both of Maulden married


the Mrd We wlwh them a peacefuland happy life

Lexington Neb

Lexington Xeb Jan 3We arehaving a hard winter here Theground has been covered with snowover since the 12th of Nov with tiltexception of 3 or 4 days the tintweek in December with the temperA-ture


close to zero and some times aslow as 19 degrees below Mr Albert

Continued on fourth fII ge e

We Buy


WoolFulbe TtHow BcMwti Cimenp-ColJDSesI YUrltc4MatAnvlaWild doter ale WAN dlnlnulthai l856Om Ul a d1u1J 4-

Louui2tadtaadobtLerIr ycu lntent or uaaimou mrrckuU Ktlmatrn nel U Lniin3t Writ Ior wrtU

Jffc lid saJ JUpfint UpM Sabol < Sons



WANTEDThe Government pays Railway Mall

Clerks 000 to 1200 and other employees up to 250O annually

n U

Undo Stun will hold KjirliiK oxnmlllntlou8 throughout tho countryfor Railway Mall Clerks CustomHOUHU Clerks Stom grnpliorn llookkueperH Dopartmentnl Clerks andother flovurnmunt 1oHltions ThoumuulH of uppolntmuntH will bo maduAny man or woman over 18 In Cityor Country can got Instruction andfree Information by writing at onceto the Bureau of Instruction 250 0Hamlin Building Rochester N Y

Very SeriousIt is a very serious matter to ask

for one medicine and have thewrong one given you For thisreason wo urge you in buyingto be careful to get the genuine

BLACKD DRAUGHTliver Medicine I

of this old relia ¬

ble medicine for constipation in-digestion

¬and liver trouble ta firm ¬

ly established It does not Imitateother medicines It is better thanothers or It would not be the fa¬vorite liver powder with asale than all otheR combined-