rJ Jt 1DERMTM Change Comfor Health e · THE SUN THURSDAY AUGUST 1903 infill rJ Jt rn o rrri r <...

THE SUN THURSDAY AUGUST 1903 infill rJ Jt rn o rrri r < RAID 1DERMTM OUTFIT 1tHICK TlKK DAXIELS A CO 0- fML STIIEET TO TIlE TOVK5 head of Hx OIW TII N m tt tiro nnnlels la yw Arrested In lh Pluw HplMtm liulerwrttlnx to Or- der Ilrimp Send a Dcpoftlt- t mlTwritinK vrns what Daniels A Co bankers n l tnvpntmont necnrlUr 0- VaJI Micot advrrtifwjlo do Tim wholo outfit wn iirrorMwl yesterday by the police n warrant H isciird at Tninlitt court Tlioni I 1aninls to POII nf the late i Tinrlps TXinWsof Buffalo of the Supreme Court wns thE head of tlio- rnnntm Thf otlipf priwwr unit they worn Wisht CnlilwiOl of 57 West Twjntye- vprith root Iwl ndvtoer of tlio firm Hlrhliril Woods who SB Id hfl lived in ho Kim rou with rnldw ll John W Avery f 145 rasl UHth street Snmiicl R Bullock M Qninrv ctrpet Brooklyn Chnrlps C RrnwiiMiil to bi abrotltfrinlavrof Daniels- ivini Wst 1r fwt and Alfred C f rt Columbia HrMits Brooklyn Ml iliPW rxotit HIwell and Woods are ruivil in h Mipnrtnorfhlp directory as lartncr- Panicls broke down after he hod boon arraigned i ho Ontro street iwlico court and held in 2000 bail for examination noxt IlicHilny charge of grand larceny Ho rid a loft tlio court room nnd ho almost liHil to bo carried ncroftp tho Bridge i f Sislio to i ell in the Tombs With tho- r iptinn of Oddwell tile other prisoners ir hold in JIOOO each Caldwell ware ined on thn recommendation of Assistant tAtt rni y K repel who xM ho win Millififd that Mr Caldwell wn a lawyer of inns ctimdinK arid was simply the legal idviser f I IIP firm nnd in the office in that nrtiiiiiy whon tho raid wan made In portor McChiHky nays that Cnldwell is ono f the imrorporators of Daniels V Co which wns turned into a corporation lant June When Mr Caldwell was taken to roliuol- leudqiliirterH with the othern h threatened HJ brine dumngti All right wild iwpeetor McCliu ky lock him up nd- givnhitn a chance to make Rood Tht Fii ifio complaint againwt tho firm made by Edwin E Collins of Odor Kapid- Is lost 808 There are I wo- tlieriiimplalnantBDaniel Evnnsnnd Aiwtln- Dimv of Rochester and Inspector Mcilusky says that lie expects to havo others In his complaint Collins says that tho inn agreed to finance the Union Land and Trust Company of Cedar Itapids which iu was trying to float The firm demanded i deposit he says and hn put up 105 Thou hn was told that his securities were tiufwitis- lactory and he was asked for 150 more which ho sent Collins says that ho sent additional sums hut got no return and his securities werE not floated Then he came Now York and after fruitless attempts o see Daniels went to tho police who are always In By the Investigation made by Detective Sergeants McConville Peabody and Clark Jnspoctor McClusky says ho In convinced hat tho company would agree to finance underwrite or fix up for Incorporation anything that came along Tho proonoctus the company saya Supplied Stock Com- panies Organized In Stocks Bonds Underwritten or Sold Under Guarantee or under Com- mission Good Investments Marketed V- iwrimtefl both Principal and Interest fciaranteed Stock will Guarantee your Slock If you have a Meritorious Propo- sition One part of the prospectus says We supply the capital for public iwd power companies nt am and pntentu Industrial enterprises nf rnerlt tn such iiinos wo an siihsciibe for the total Issue It is announced in the circular that No Duplication will be considered unless a for tISO 1 deposited with us at the iiue of Rending tire to which k added in another part of the prospectus following V return your corporation a responsible iinl ilenl 14 accepted within thirty days after Clinsf the of fees tc shall b refused Vn- irninh personal introduction to ur tho boiidlnac of the so Introduced We do not accept ill applications that are received Tim sH tnu f reputable and tho inanatv- nt a well When tho their inventi- nioti Detective Peabody went to tho- hrtns cilices antI ho had valuable eiriMii properties In tho West He asked o HIM to a company llnanced iijipears that was suBijected- nd he WBH told to come around ngin fin always tniwod Dinieln when he went to- e Twn days ago Peabody accompanied went to tIll offices rid whin tn three entered there was a ntivrul iiish from tho iuldnt SM anybody nt that day but l c i nvi n anti the next inn n cilii ho complained in the office f having ben hall by two nun who wanted to know lila business riien lu wrui told not to scared that everything was oil right nod that ho had iictterrjill nfjnln hadtime- HP had limo vesterdny and vhnn th three with i squad f pnlifHiiinii invaded the ofliciM the seven pew rite girls who thought they were t he went into n Rut ir the other lot of seven that lie police took Them is a whole row of finely furnWied Tlioy aro on the fth flnor Peabody got a letter Woods wax tearing up It won from a woman who Mid HIO hadnt received money li firm had promwed to nciul The phouo bell rung and Peabody answered ML says he got this rneiMige from n man in Coon I nvo brett taking your advice for vTtil months and I you are playing i skin gamn When will Mr The pollen took several ledgers and hii ip tor McCliirtky got vtrnl letters from customers f tii firm One dncutiumt lulLs in a noto fur 48 dated F1 13 payable to T P Daniels nt Daniels a IT WiLts On the hack the indoiwment T P Tanlt l for ipetlon and underneath that i this itiornrKlunv- Ilvmunt1 refused as yon Indebted h worklni us out several hundred lonirs liv smooth unit artistic work II WlTTK- Hiiriiils it Co uroordlnK to Inspector Mot liwliy was incorporated 24 with a capital of 30000 in 10 shares Ma S Caldwell arid Albert E Caldwoll Mi now concern was to take over the busi less of Daniels A Co which firm was formed ItMKi Daniels was onco employed by Henry Voorcq peculiar complaint against Daniels v r romes from a man named J A More iiua of Irinia a that Daniels V Co advertised to buy postage in bulk at 10 p r cent II says ho sent firm stamps 1174 and never got any money reporter who naked ono of iii thin transaction was told tire Its tiobodyH busineHH We understand fwc wore stolen only ono of the prisoners released rn Tombs lost was Avery if luther gave hail for him I nt Sprngno avenue Staten iiiiil when h has n homo tii r KownbiM Will for tire miMh if net ion at all wn- oi aiiinst prisoners it should be a- lit Thn firm what contracted to do ho said and then i nothing criminal against it llii Juii ash tim who wai jist ic ii FuR t OIl H tics tit n cult i Il ho says I hat 11I I tate r 4 water nia utnco pu tiin olico all wueI was t iliqIuiry 7 rHnt t see 1dm t I are to- E 6 ne were Thomas P Dmuiela In More laIlI iIrflpe tim postage out a I rut hun irulsornu iil I lint I Ire I rforr risc han t I < ° ° ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ > < < > GOSStP OF WALL STREET Brokers commented upon the fact that notwithstanding the disappearance of cnl- Rupportlnc orders there wan always mnrkut for anythlnv they had to sell and In any amount For that reason some critics said they should riot call It a demoralized market Support apparently was extended with th object of preventing abrupt declines without mutations thn result belnil to preserve a market This has been characteristlo of the entire Iodine When n market Is really demoralized It Is a market in name only values conntinc for naught The attitude of one ximimny toward tin several firms I hut have recently fuller Is much pommnntPd upon In each instance it alone uinonR tire bankinir creditors ban insisted upon sacriflclni collateral out o loans irrespective of the market conditions wt the moment It has forced to a sain tock for which there wan n limited market at severe price rnncemloiiH notably II and 0 preferred It linn been M llliiK Virginia Carolina Chemical this week Other trust companies and the hunks ns well hove shown every Possible consideration for limit whoso collateral had to he lIquidated maklnt the attitude of that one mill DIP more A nonsplc- uA house whose name has been appearing In rumors is lendlni money on the floor of thf Stock Kxclianuc rind has been for cevernl A great dual of sympathy wits expressed yesterday for Messrs Slmri Bryan whc personally wore well liked by everybody with whom th y had had business relullons The annnnncnment of tliolr suspension received in a manner different from that In which the news of the Taylor still Stow failures wan received It elTerl upon the market was also very different Upon the announcement of the suspension ol- Talbol Taylor Co and V I Stow A Co the market rallied violently Yesterday thf Sharp V Aryan failure only stiinulnlpil th- CillillC It is floured that sevontysevfii stock renched new low prices yesterday for thif downward movement Koine of these were actual new low records the Stfel shares exiinipU declining to tire lowest pricis al winch they have ever sold llrokors ire heard to roniment upon the fact that tIre struck market has been a snle ever since the day the new Stock Kxclmncc- WIIN openpifc A lino of short stock put out then would never have shown n loss to the seller the pronounced wi aknc n exhibited in th Gould stocks socalled notably Missouri Papule St Ix ula Southwestern anil Wiibash- wns rather surprising In view o the support for whirls they had previously beer conspicuous Mlasour Pnplflc had been taker continuously until yesterdnjr on scale orders That buying evidently was Incklnar when th stock broke from Mi to 80 It recovered only 1 per cent On every little rally yesterday tIre vol- ume of trading declined sharply Sentiment was unfavorably influenced in the last hour by the acute weakness of Krie common the pressure upon which stsenud suddenly to increase The stock had beer attracting attention nil day for the volume it showed Determined efforts apparently were made to hold It at IS The selllnc finally broke through the support It was reported that the stock was beIng sold out of a large loan There was a rood demand in the loan de- partment last nIght for BiichstocksuRMissouri- Pacltlc Atchison lnlon Pacific New York Central and Canadian Pacific The tock IBM named loaned at a premium of 137 Most other stocks loaned nt the prevailing Interest rate with the notable exception of Sugar tire demand for which wa so urgent and the supply so limited ns to cause tha stock to lend at a flat ratn Thero h sup posed to bo a Inreo short Interest unreflected In tholonn crpwil the proportions of wliloh may only be t The apparent Indifference of the Rock island party to the criticism raised in Wall Street aiealnsl its juIce ncheme of finance Involving i JlSOMiVlOOO bond Issuer l i charac tensile The loaders of the party have dl reKanlil Wall Street opinion from the outset Thiy served notice upon the community that Its advice was riot wanted when they forced the original Rock h land deal through at then culmination of the hull market a year ago Hilt even lh Rock Islands friend mere iiHtonishcd tied the present should bo deemed ri propitious time for announcing so a bond trannacllon Tho present appe- tite for bonds is exceedingly small and what there I of It is capricious It it pointed out that the Hock island party must linvo known that the broaching of so pretentious a piece of financing could not fill at this tlmo to affect wntlment unfavorably After having fupprlntendwl tire details of making the an- nouncement Mr Keld xtho wa the only member of the party In Vail Street at the time went off on a yacht cruise It is tpliined authoritatively though not officially that the Rock Island bond issue contemplates reiniburalnc the companys treasury for enormous expenditures for now construction Ac tinning the post two years Thero Is in the Rock Island system 8K miles of new out of treasury rinds at i cost of SlflOOOOOO This It tree of bonded debt The purchtifw of the St boulit- Kimwis City and Colorado from exGov Francis and iris a 4oclat and the cost of complptlue 105 mileM of tlut road into Kan- sas City toolc 20noo000 out of the treaaury Bock Islands onehalf Interest In the Rock IslandLake Shore piaxeniror station at Chicago amountinic to l8I nou WHS paid out of the treasury arid strops lit iMallne- costinc Jl500000 being lonstructpil with funds Besides this treasury out- lay of approximately S400uoono thurp are I OODOOO Frisco oolUteral bond subject to call at 102 at any period J70000000 Choctaw collateral s sub- ject to call at 101 and Rock Island Is amount ins to Jl2WXMXX which will mature In a few years It Is intimated fnrthnr that the management desires to anticipate an acita In corn Western States for a law to restrict the power of railroads to Increase bonded Indebtedness The break in flucar was said to bo due principally to the specuUtive operatloni of an outsider Thn market position of thn tack In bollevtxl to be very strong Tho floating supply anyway Is an by this tact of n compara- tively moderate short Interest caused the tock to lend at a lint rate in the bran de partnipnt yesterday It appears that the process of rlosini out traded under thn villa liar iiComn obso- lete The results obtained privately more natlufnctory to all concerned A broker roes into tin crowd and announces that ho- Is buyitiB or sellinc for this account of thu firm that huts failed cnlllnc two members to witness that the prices at which ho makes thu transaction are fair Stocks are inmost invariably nacriftced when put up at unction under the rule There wore no transac- tions under the rule yiMterday Morley brokers say sly months funds uo- nPitRlfiK at PIT cent Commission lioiifos not only nn well supplied prosper live riiiulreniints but are In o sold out i condition that they huvo very Tittlecol lateral left on which to borrow The old lino commission houses us a ruin are com- fortably situated A margin of 20 per ucut- DII their loans with prices at this level N a much safer margin than 10 tier cent would ben a yrnr nn with prices anywhere from W to 100 points dither The heavy Helllnir of Consolidated TobmWli- ondM and break In Continental Tobacco ir fiTred which sold nt par caused rnn poniment of 11 conjectural tir A ralher curious Ihlnz wn the up- Ijpiirino1 of n denuilid Tor tho- lonils In tine lom which eavp the impression that the selling hurl created a trust the diis j ice altogether 1 fir guessed large road built mileage urn ntstandinr Interest Ion heir limuul ted eho urn that reiuilrCrneflts rim it gil hoist mire this Irlerui blur chin ra r iron owing urea I bert Interest < < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ IT SAFETY APPLXAXCKS- Roula Seek for Another Extraulon of th- Tlinn Limit WASHINQTON Aug 5 An Importani hearing was begun before the Interstat Commerce CommIssion today In tho matte of eitendlng the time limit fixed by Htntuti under which time railroads must comply with the terms of the safety appliance act Tim date set for this compliance has beer already advanced several times by order of tho commission and a recent request for u further postponement was refused The roads thereupon asked for a hearing In thn matter which was grunted IVlesfl the commission grants tIre present request those roads not fully equipped by Oct 1 must forfeit a penalty Among time prominent railroad men nrefl- nt at todays hearing worn the following Henry Rarllett Hoston and Maine Alfred Iovel and A R Browne Atchison Topoku nod Santa Vf Theodore V Norfolk and Western WnlliH Iw and Ij E Johnson Norfolk and Western J Maine JT Cham- berlain Boston and Maine F J Gownn Pennsylvania WllllnmI Kelly Erie J C Stuart Erie G W Creighton A W Gibbs n M Patterson and A C Shawl Pennsylvania and W N Jlnnnnrd Baltimore There were also P H Morrtosey Grand of the Brotherhood of Loco motive Trainmen John J Hanahan Grand- Master of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen Frank T Master of thin Switchmens Union of North America and A B Gawtnon Grand Chief of the Order of Railway Conductors HtVK MEiaiKtt OTKn- pw flank nt Comniercp Stock to Ilnj the Wester National Then stockholders of time National Bank of ConimercH and tho Western National Bank npprovwl yesterday tire plan for th- niprger of limo two institutions The stock holders of the Nntlonnl Bank of Commerce voted to increase thEn capital stock from 110000000 to 125000000 and use 12500C shares to tho assets mad businew- of the Western National Bank after thin capital of the latter hind l een increased to i500UOO arid its not assets to T 000OOC over anti nlxivn the increased capital block mid mull liabIlities It was voted that time residue of the new stock or 25000 sliaren 1 offered to share- holders of the Batik of Commerce to the extent of 25 cent of their holdings nt 110 a share The number of it was voted should not be less than 0 nor tnoru than 48 one stockholder who represented 2 shares voted against the Thus directors of the National Batik ol Commerce alter the stockholders meeting voted to proceed with the steps for tho completion of the consolidation TO SlK TIlE n 11 Nearly a llumlrnl Patrons to Test Its Ietal- IlRtit to Chare Extra Fares The law firm of McCloskey Belfer J Flash of Brooklyn borough have beer retained by nearly a hundred peraons t bring suits against tho Brooklyn RapId Transit Company to test the legal right of the company to charge a double fare on the ordinary cars the city limits and to run parlor cars in which patrons must 2S cents for a sent In a com- munication to Borough President Swan strom the suggest that the B H T refer the to the Corpora- tion Counsel for his opinion They that do not doubt under the provisions of the statutes street surface railroad companies from charging more than a fivecent one continuous ride over their own roads or any road leased or controlled by them the Brooklyn Rapid Transit Company olin be held for damages an appropriate action at law Tiiinn nATL nuns ironOMvr- owtmr Complete flrcnlt and Renders Him Iricoimcloiis A gang of men were doing some repairing on the Third avenue elpvated structure at 172d last evening when ono of them let a crowbar fnll across tim power rail Ono end of the crowbar fell against ono nf the tracks and a loud explosion rind n display of electrical followed A shower of fell on an open trolley- car below and It scooted for safety railroad people said that nobody wits hurt but two or a gang of the workmen brought one of their number downstairs and put him in a The mans face and hands wore badly burned Ho refused to tell a policeman his name that if hn did lose his jot The man later became un- conscious and Wits taken away in a carriage Former Dinkier In Bankruptcy with l- 5tn2i2 Debts James Livingston formerly n builder has flied a petition in bankruptcy with liabilities Slr 40202 and no assets Of tIme liabilities 140702 are secured by bonds and on property formerly owned by him rind Jintfl4 are unsecured Me built many lluu houses on the Wool Side Anioni- th creditors who are fully secured by mort rages are tho Herman Savings Hank IlMooo Life IiiHuranco Company Savings Hank Sioootxi Mutual LIfe Insurance Company IIOpoo New York Insurance Compunr S541X10 North River Insurance Coiapany I230io estate of KliTa- betli M J70000 Mary F Moore llcrnuiii KertHcher J40i 0 und Leh- man Ilornhrlmtr JNIOO lames K arid John S Spencer Jumps K A Co of 15 hiv filed a petition In bankruptcy with liabilities J5n73 no assets Amontf the mditori are thin Chatham National Bank ii000 cured bv on and plant of thin Spencer Optical Manufacturing Com of Nassau Hunk 107I3 Bunk of Brooklyn 4oOo A rrwdltors petition has been filed Mar Cohen Cohen Brosl manufacturers of tea owns and wrappers nt IflO rind IH2 Wooster street John M Mflmn and John Q Sloan iMechtn Sloanl niunufiwtuiers flowers and feathers at 31 and I7 Hotid street niudo an- a yesterday to Jdward W Fox Wheat Prices I rop In fliluaeoC- HICAOO Aug a In sympathy with the heavy breik in HtockK in Wall Street coupled with the prediction that the spring wheat Htnte would harvest a of riot liw than 200000000 bushels the price of wheat fell of a cent Most of the wheat of JH said to mayo been the property of Wall Street who were to hold it longer In time face of thin tock markets mind bear from all parts of Northwest Three More oltou Mills to Shut BOSTON Aug 5 Instructions have been forwarded to the managers of the cotton mills of tire China Webster and Pembroke manufacturing companies nt Sunoook- N H to shut mills next Saturday until Aug 21 The action was decided upon because of tho high cost of cotton Thn three corporations employ about 1300 lit fur llvlriilille TriMl Ctinipaiiy Stock At nn auction sale of stocks and bonds la the Now Vork Heal Estate Salpproom- refltcrday 100 shares of stock of tIre Trust Company of tire Republic were bid in by the at 30 after n wait for nn offer higher than 35 Lnwt full struck sold ns high us 300- K n nii Crop IOOOOOOOO IlusheKK- AKHAR Mo Aug r The thiw of t he Kansas wln al crop has progrewsod far enough to show thtr the total yield will rot lull short of 100000000 bushels H1 front 2iX millorn and dealers show a total of 0M20000 bushels I Hietr Iiosiniu mid island nor Master Assistant T street sotmhrl HUSIXESS TRll7XLIVS Mostly eet1riul mortgages this unit Mechanics n c news tier I Ion t t hit heat try rig rites ¬ ¬ > > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ TRUST C03IPANI North American and Trust Company o America Asrcc on Terms Tim executive committees of the True Company of America and the North Amen can Company have agreed to mcrgu the two xmpani under limo name of th Trust Company of America lime merge in KUbjecl of course to the approval of tIn bonnlrt of directorn which will meet 01 Aug IB and to tine vole of tutu stock hnldpTH Thy capital of time wil- Iw 2500iwo Ha Biirphw 7500000 and un dividiKi profits 000000 It was estlmatci thnl deposits of the new would l ii0X 000 The stock is to Iw divldd In tin proportion of 13000 shares to luildcrs of of Americn stuck nnd 11400 eharcf to holders of Nortb Ainr rloan Trust Com- pany wtock Tho Muck of th North Ameri- can Company nt MOO a fharn and ili Trunt Company ol- Aiii riiii at J2HS 11 unbar A foj time lmH not yrt been W Tl rno is priHident of the Nonli Anurlfnn Trust and Ashb P Fiuh of thin Trust of America The now will oo tim North American companys build- ing nt llfi Broadway KX l HSIOVN- u tTiift TIT 1 I y L leuvc FOOT SJI ST North Illvrr 000 lim- 1lxi II isil M uo IMS sxi 313 00 m- iH007iKiKOiili iiI M- Lrarr Pier tvi ui Half Leave XIW IKON lIK roHV ISLAND 10MO 114 A M 1311 I 10 2 d 32 410 4M 51- 0norMi TKI THKirrs ss CENTS AOKKIl MItlltVII 4 CONDITS LIOLOns tKiAIIS servnt tinder company maimccment YACHT RACES Reliance Shamrock III The limits nf the Iron Steamboat Company liar e cluing Ilinsea and will accompany the yacht all tIn FAKH KA II RA Ii 83011 EACH SfKillllOAT tVIII lIE I1MJIED- Tltkits for rlther rvni ran and should he se- iured at They ean In hut at the rompanyii- ffli Uniin i T MniiilHny Y The New York Worlds Fair AttrnitlunsfroniAllpaiUol- of the world Interesting iw novelllea Exhloltlo- ueMraordlnaryalland of Uenulno ierts maKnircent foliage mart planu- horilculturol won- ders un eoua lied minacerlc museum and ALL FltKK DelUhtliilnall- on Mvllt Htvatnvrsi- len Island clum twke- lllnners a la rarteMcInD- eutsehland Tnt Dairy Boatlnr millaids rinhlnc TIME TABLE sVlUBlT TO tilNOK LISAYE Street Pier woo llW A M- iJIWslffi A a for cortnd Street only A M for 3M stmt nnl Ilrook lyn 120ii M and 110 P M for Cnrtliimll Strrft only 3 Sffl fltti 700 ami Kan P M for nil Undlngs Extra l aM on Sundays and holtdaj- sKxrnwiox niNTsI- nrliulln niliiilvslim to all Attractions COOKS VACATION TOURS Ml lxpin rs InrliidiHl BERMUDA Un nrinn Trips 15 211 t n- TIII rSiM ISLANDS S- ItKNCK and KAIIDS IO TIIKA- Iurrunc NOVA SCOTIA nnn fiioit r SAIL loda trip MSIMI 1 iday rip sso A K S in- Auir Ii- Auir 7 21 Anil many otuer tleasoni Summer Tourn- liulriipiidenl ravel tn nil Slimmer Kc orti l Fare Proirramiiis aiul pnrtl ulars from TIKIS rilOK A SON ni ami u Uroaiuis NW Vork Via New Jersey Central August 9 Special train from foot Liberty St A M Sou h Kerry A M i OCEAN- GOING S STEAMERS Genl Slocum Grand Republic Vauilcvlllc Atterna bout Vc t Ulilli St fl A M West 52il St i I0l A M lli P M Hatlcry Lil u WHO A M 211 P M Leave Hockiiway 11 A M j 15 P M- itotM ruir oc- lloatlnj tool i ori ci nr T exrept Fri WEST PONT NEWBURGH- POUGHXEEPSIE i PTHK PliTi HKsgmirnsoNi- rand Dalit nsnpt Sunday Itv Iron Day Line Steamers NKW VnilK and Al IjAM From Kulton St iby Anner 800 AM New York Iieshrauet Kt Pier fc40 West 23d St IVr poe West inith St Pier H50 Hue in w YoVi 5KI P M- MOIMNi XM CONCERTS AFTEHNOON IOAT ST t MAIn IOWEM LONG ISLAND RAILROAD THE WAY TO THE SEA MAMI AlTA N llliACII Leave 3Hli 15 H N Y wrelc days S30 040 740 nn ilmi A M I2li I in 140 710 20 SIO- 3MO 4 0 Slf 100 flW 710 710 R10 840 080 M Linve Knst N Y 21 tnlnutrs after iltliit time HOCUAWAY hEAth tave sub it I H N V week diiya 640 a 0 to HiW A XL 121 150 2rrf 4 7VO iCU 020 1030 M Additional trains Saturday ifl 880 ISO 9ro P M- RETU1N SUNLAYS 41OU u Ni isi vD u H it irit crr 01 Clsrcit fr in ircinpurtIj I IT ml iii it VhW I Ii l luilfnril j Tiflrt i ill ell I I II H llrltil olllcrs J- roniniriirliiK 01 Irlilnvs Ftlirht is t to poitium niirsinii anil riiliim tnms s- Staternoins aural Ac rifrrslimintsiin stinitiir C- ATTBN I 1NEK- ir ION not ASIMKV AM nvriv sue AM HACK HOC Highland Beach Pleasure lay AM ii iiiY isi itis iirs- LV W I3TM ST NV Tl A M 2 HI I1 M- iv mai IIJH A M si r M LV IOMi MHANfll ll M l II P M- TIIK wixi TD Tv IN scllKrt STIMKH till if snvniinali will K i ll nilii IHITS- 4ICIOAN TIMKHS DOMINION LiNEffiSSSvri Him nn Juv ii tiHn llirrpmilM- ayflirtvir i winir la nr uii iSint in II AUK 7 Cilnmbui Sept 17- iw lnirlin I Silit nmraoiiivialui scii ji- Monlrenl in NI mv- Soiithwnrk Auc n KiiiMnirtim- unaili irr iiuirlnliin Srpt 5- IIOSTON Mediterranean sntvui Azores s ile ionini- rUIIHIOM VN Sat Aim Sept II Oct31- VANCIirviIII SH tug llDrt Niivl l Iliiw iiliHinl il IIAV Im nlin P mlilnv DOMIXIOS llDSroN nr II lisa llrimrtivay N V WHITE STAR LINE MW VOKN yiKiNsTowN IIYKIIPOOL Arable Auir i P MlVdllc AilltMOAMl- ivrnianleAiiir 12 noon tug ID noon Pier It Oillceu Uiiiadwny Mw MERGED Trust Ill t inn i uurrt I ru 1st st i I tie Tier loch erl taInt igim I hue I rIl2laln t I < > North tImer f our hunter 11111 740 i40 no IC t 1 M ann oil neil run jumeurlers iranul eon r A ortlandt 1mu i 30 5 341 015 1 M- lirklini I lock Iurton irry ttriuokiQ rrmtnu loO- ltO It Ot imut 0u ij iOU I tt- 1ast 12th Street Dsn mOfku 010 1045 A M rae 5l 1 iuur ii 10 si Trot nhInc I net li Iii Mug r tttw ns hIS mnt tnm i AIoA- 5day tnlp sasro 1 Inkeu a ton LAKE HOPATCONO excURsIoN 100 tan k5 C inn ul rOn I stair tin umriimn r ire i nut ifl u- iri re 1 If- N EP tn t I uu n iris haul tl Irruuiuiuu s2lr AuI resell u1 hUnt tIt I tt1 All tJuilii liv ii ito i yule until Iii IiW Its tijuiail tuu In Ii tluruu tOur s run sTir yOur runs TIN lisu I Olsi rustle urtil gums < ¬ ¬ ¬ < > > > > > > > > < > < > < > < > OCEAN 8TEASIEHS Comfor e sT- AKE Old Dominion Lin DAILY TO NORFOLK OLD POINT COMFOR VIRGINIA BEACH OCEAN VIEW RICHMOND VA AND WASHINGTON DC Tickets anti Stateroom Reservations a Pier 2 North River OLD DOMINION LINE rot Old Point Comfort Norfolk Portsmouth Jlnn rs Point and News V cunncptlne for Ietcrsburj Richmond Virginia Bracb Wa h harden 1 C and entire South Wot passcnzcr steamers suit from N H font M J- II U WALKISH VlcePresldtnt TratMo Manager JAPANCHINAHa- waii and Philippine Islands PACIlIC MAll S S CO OCCIDENTAL AND ORIENTAL S S CO TOYO RISEN KAISIIA Between San FrancIsco Honolulu Yokohama Kobe Natrasakl Shanghai rind Hone Kong Steamers leave San Francisco at 1 P Siberia Aur 81 American MaruAug 20 Coptic AUK It Korea Stilt 3 For frrlKht arid Infnnnatlou apply tit J49 Broadway or 1 Broadway Wash- ington DlUir and 2S7 Broadway N Y City JfamburgAmarican For PLVMOUTHCHERnOURG HAMBnin- TvrlnScrew Express and Passenger Serrlce- MollUe Aug 610 AM 16AM AVictoriaAiiit2710AU PalrlclaAuii21llO AM- liluccherAujZO 10 AM Moltke Sept 310AM- riASIllUlUIAMEKK AN LINE Offices 3 37 Hroadway Piers llnhoken NJ NORTH GERMAN LLOYD S S CO PAST KXPRKSS SKUVICK- PLYMOtTH ClIKItnoUKCt IIRBMEN- Kronprlnz Aur 117 AM I KronprlnrSept8 AM 11 AUK25730A M K Win 11 Sept AM Kaiser Sept I II AM Raiser Kept 28 10 AM- OELRICHS CO 6 BROADWAY NY AMERICAN LINE NKW YORK SOUTHAMPTONLONDO- NPMIaAllit 12 10 A M New YnrkAtlifMlO AM- StLouls Aug ID 10 AM I Pnlla Sept 2 10 AM RED STAR LINES NHW YORKANTWERP PARtS Zetland tug 8 10 A M VadcrlandAu 2210AM- Tlnland Ann 15 M i KroonlandAUK2910AM Piers H and 15 N R omen 73 Hroadway N Y- HQLLANDAMERICA LINE Sew Twin Screw Steamers ot IfOfl Tons NEW YOUKROTTKKDAM via BOtLOCJNE- Sdllnif IDA M Statcndam Alan 12 Rotterdam Sept 2- Uymlam Aui lit Potsdam Sept o- Noordam AUK 29 Statcndam Kept U- IltllaiidAinerlra Line ill llrciadw N Y- v Mallory S S Lines From N Y ocean voyages to ports VV ofTexasOeorKla to nil resorts In Texas Ciilomdo- 7j Mexico California Florida Ac Special Tales lint Sprlnes Ark Tourist lleUets a specialty Send Postal for BookSomlicrn r If MALLORY A CO Pier 2n 15 H S Y- OtlfMAPn I I IMP TO LIVERPOOL via u n town Krom Ilrri ii 5V Vorlli River LiirtuilA Aug 1 3 IM CampaniaAugK STM- Ktrurla Auir ls in AM CmhrlaAu vu 10 AM KXTHA SKHVICR- Auranla V ir u 1 KM 11 PM irrvlMff sTund nnil Ililrd class only VBnvu II CO Aitus Kw- ayANCHOR LINE KiimfMiIii AUK noon I ColumbiaAuic22 B AM Astoria Auir 10 noon I Auif 0 noon First saloon 150 tu JHK- Scrnnd cabin 131 neal up third rliiss 150 and up For new llluMralrd liiujk lit Toun appl to 1IKNDK11SOX UlluTHlIKS 17 and 11 Dway X Y- ATIAN114 TKAVSPORT LINK MW YORK UkNItON DIKIUT- MrnomltHeAucSi AM MInnetonlaAuc22BAM- MesobnAiiit 13 l AM Mlirpnlls 3D 10 AM Only first lais passengers inrriod VOId RATIiS ETC APPLY 1 HIIOADWA- YJ IN NEW ENGLAND PALI ICIVli LINK for Fall River Huston and all liaitern anil Northern Points Steamers PH1SC1ILA and PI K1TAN Orclieslra- arh Liavc liar 111 N R foot Warren St week tiara nina Sundays at 580 P M- IHOYIDHNfK llNK nor Providence Hoston North and KWI suainers PIYMOITII and CON MKTICLT nrrnsira on inch Leave Pier 18 N H font Murray St wcelf days only nt n P M- HTOMWIi IIMC for Wotcli Hill Pier noston and Kast Stfamrrs- MA INI tumid NKW IIAMPSIIIRF Leave ruler 40 N U fiwirinrksun St iek days only at I P M- NOinvlCII lINE ion New London Mshers Island lilork lslanil nrUch Worcester Koston North and KII Steameri CITY OK LOW1ILL iind CITY CIFWlHClsTIlt Leave Pler40N H non St wiMk day only 530 P M tit I1AYFN for New Haven Hartford Snrlnzlirlil and North Week days Steamer hint AlU PKCK leaves Pier 40 N 200 P XL loot Slst St K If 30H p M Steamer CHESTER W CIIAILN leaves lien 40 N 11 1IW Sundays Strainer RICHARD PECK leaves Pier U 030 A M toot 31st St K II 1015 A M rtturnluir due New York 0n P M- TIClCITrs ANI NTATKIIOOMS all Lines at 1117 261 173 I US 1331 llroadivny 3 park Place 21 tnlon Square 4 Coluirhus Avenue 273 W loath Siren 1KI r I75IH street urIc 4 Court fKo Fultim Street 390 Urondivny Brooklyn nod at Piers CATSKILL EVENING LINE For CntiUlll and tntsklll Mountatn Points Hudson and the IlerksUres CoisacKle nOd way lamUnci Steamer ICAATKHSICILL or every week dny from Pier 13 N R al 0 p M and from Vest isiltli st at 7 P X- IKxtra leant ONTKOIlAi Saturdays 180 P XL from Plfr 11 180 from W I2tth St for Catsklll Hudson by iinnct rOil Maiden Coimeetlons Oilsklll Mountain noston4 Albany mind Albany Hudson trains for Cairo Palenvllle OtIs Sum- mit Unities Corners nnd Tannersvlllci- iliiljiff Rooms on Deck Oejcrlpllve Polder Mulled Tree PEOPLES LINE FlIrt AIIA V- ADIIIDXDACK oit DKAN uciuioMti- iaves Iler N K toot Cnnnl St al 0 P XL nick days iouneitlne with express tralna for SlM- XIIH orlli Cast rind Went Saturday nlulit stcntmr roiinicts with Sunday morning train for MIIAUDN SPIHNliS SAHATO1 NOKTi- IrHIUlimil steamer on lAKlitilOHOI Summer Dxcurilon trunk free Orchestra on steamers TROY LINE Mciinw or Iliy of Troy leave W null reeL plrr II M cancel Sutnrdav- M MAV STIAMMIIS AIIIAN- VIlint rnllionil ioimrctlnn M Troy Our nit irsortjI- Viirii guru lAst icur liini trim SSno S IIIIK MfiO- Uinintroon on Main Dick Searchlight Display hrnil fur llnnklrt Kriir l Tniirs JOY ONLY S200 New York to Providence PintClass Service 1iist Ilpxant stPiiniiTs leave NIJW i orlt daily Sunday nt 1 I M from Iiir 3 IvKl ltlvi r of Ilioim- MH Crrliiinl OrchrMru on ivioh str aiturI- IL4ILX ISLAM 4llir 4iiiM llt snrinit ISLAND AVUSAI- IIAIlllOlt IIUATS leave Pier 11 K It N V mar Wall st Wend lays rveiit SaturdaysS P M Saturdays I P XI KXTIIA THIP M A XI jOlt IIIKKN AND SAO I2IKI KXCl HARTFORD LINE liuin i i r M ti liaM niny sunlit Sun iln ni i M lllvir corn fur SprtiKltelil llulvnl e Noriiilield nnd all ViW England iiljils Send lorlliistriid MIHHAIK IIOTON IOIM- IIKILK ISLAM 1iinur risE St Faint tills 24i- Saiunlajs P M Ucekman St 213 P M Change Health nun PIn 28 every eek at 3 P 3t muIieniure Mug p t lilA ci11 slid I IIOu lAY flhit0 du ron ilaigow and 1 U SIE3iiiEit- lSOSO AND POINTS 0 ta itirt in foot Clark so- N Nit 0 ft asir roads Mini n 12 0 Sum ruungut nIii i I rot ii ti nun L nut Si tIp ntYs Pu ItT II nIl 1111 Its ION illS ur cur oiiireiIIniil eutiii tattler slut isi I tin nr ¬ > ¬ > > < > > > STFASIBOATS Hudson Diver b Daylight Palatial Strainers Slav YORK and ALIIANY- of thus Hudson niver Lluc taunt and lliiesl river b ms In this world Leave llrnoklyn Fulton St by Amifi 800 A M- Desbrmsri si Iitt 840 A M- WfwtXMKt 0iO M West 120lh St 130 A M Landing at Yonkers Point Ncwlmnch Hudson anti Albany Dally except Sunday Special to Catsktll Otto revolts Saratoga ensy connections to nil taintS East North nnil Vest Through ticket anil cheetah at offlcis of N Y Transfer Co Most dcllKhtful one day online to West Iolut Newburcli or Poughkrepsle returning ouilownlioftt Ilcstaurant iipen MINIC STEAMER MARY POWELL liv hrcisHes Si at M Sans l4B KX W 22d St 330 1 M Snts P M 1211th St on Saturdays and Holiday only mall P M Im Highland Falls West Cornwall Newbiiruh New llamtiiinrh Milton Pokeepsle Kun Klmrston Orchestra on hoard ON TIlE FAST MODERN STKAMSI1IPS OK Till MAINE STEAMSHIP C- Ot TUB MOST nKIHJIITKlL SEA TKIF Of 1 OF MW YOKK Fait modern Sironuihlni STAR an I1OHATIO HAM rail Jlnnilurs Tn il yi- iThnroilarii and Salarilari Dlrrrt route to thi White llounlnlns liar Harbor Ijikr all tile Cannons Extern vi t arid Inlnni Summer Knorls- An iinstirpa sed sea voyage of tirnrly eight bun dreil rallrs Send for llliiMnitrd descriptive boOklet nmllci train OttlcM SM Pkr Neal y East Tllver Npn Vork Tclitiliorc li Orchard IIAIMIOADS CENTRAL- S R THE FOURTRACK TRUNK LINE VIA NIAGARA FALLS Trains arrive nnil depart mann Grand Central Station 43d Strert la below North timid wrstbuimd trains rirrit those Grand Central Station at 831 1130 A U 243 83 015 1130 I M win stop at 125th street to re- ceive ten minute after leaving Grant Central Station All southbound trains except the 20th Century the Empire State HHIKAS and Noi 38 10 will stop at 121th st tInt minute before their tune at Grand CVntrul Station 12 ID A M 1 MIONIiHT EXPRESSDue Albany S55 A M Troy l40 A M 7 rjf A M TADIRONIUCK THOUSAND ISLANDS ANt MONTKKAL SPECIAL 7 Kl A W SVHAClTsu LOCAL Stops a null Important stations B 30 A M tEMPMIE STATE EUHESS Most famous train In time world Dm- Uilffalo445 Niagara rnlls53l P if- O AK AM l ASTMAIL3t Chicago- An A XI tSAUATOCiA AM JIONTREAL SPECIAL Ifl 31 A II slIM EXPHKSS Make local 3lop IUTaIo 115 A M 11 30 A M mrTLANn KXHHIWSDUD Rutland 745 P M 19 Qfl PM lllPKAIO LIMITED Due Our trio 111X1 I M NIoKarn Full I1SS P M inn M LIM1TKI ciuclnnutl 10S i lnrtl tmpolls 1130 A M St Lout 045 P M next slay 1 flfl I M CIIICAliO L1MITKD24 hours to Lake Shorn 24H via M C- I Rfl 1 MSARATOOA LIMITED Saturday only thin Sarntoja 5in P M- PMThe 2UII1 CKNTfHY LIMITED 30hour train lo Chicago via Lake Shore Electric lights and Tans 320 I MSAIUTOUA LIMITEDUxtept Saturday and Sunday due Saratoga 710 330 MTAlUANV AND TROY ILYEII 1 llc Albany 8HO Troy 70 P M 34D M ALrtANY luCY EXPRESS Loral stopi 400 I M DKTI101T GRAND RAPIDS and CHICAGO SPECIAL 5 3D MLAKE SHORE LIMITED 73U lunar train to Chicago All Pullman cars Due Cleveland 7Ti A M Clrtlnnatl 130 3in ChIcago 4dO St Louis i4S P M next day t- R Oil I EXPRESS hours lo Chlrizo via both L S lund M C 7 OH p MMONTREAL iXPRESSVla D ft II or Rutland ADIROVnACK AND MONTREAL IOU FXPIKSSt- fl nn P u ISL ANDS ANt TORONTO SPECIAL i P MSPECIAI MAIL LIMITED Sleeping ear only tar Ilnehrste- r9pn O r WEST Ii R N S PE CfAL 9 on P t PAnnr KTPRKSS Chicago 31 hours by MIchlRiiii Central 33 tours by LalCf Shore MHI1K Adll TIIVniB IIJJ ritvr vtnctnt OTilfinburit Dillliilo Tie troll Chlearo and St Ix uls Dally TEicept Sunday 1Fiicpt Monday HARIn DIVISION 0w A M SSW P M except Sunday to- Plttadrld and North Aclnras Sntutdayn only 2M- PM Sunday at 930 AM- Pullinau cars all tlirnush traIns Tralni ItKmlnatcd with Ilntieb light Tickets nt tEll 3 11 II and 17IB lln dw i 35 Union Si V 275 ColumbtiN av 133 1251h- At Crand Central Station 125th st station and lS th t station New York J1S anti 72 Fulton M and lilt Broadway E I Telephone Hdrt 38th Rtrett for New York Cen- tral ab Service Haannirc checked from hotel or residence by ViVsUnlt Expn s Cnrnni tiy NEW YORK CENTRAL ROUTE NEW YORK BOSTON AND NcW ENGLAND Via Springfield and the IIOSTON AMI AIIIAM IIAITIIOAD New York Central arid Hudsoi River II R I weet Trains leave Ornnd Central Station Fourth avenue Ud strict New York as follows 1004 A M tlIKI noon 400 P M lUllO P XI arrive Boston li3o P M 510 P M l jo p ji toil A M Leave Boston 0flfl A M 10 noon IM P M- I1OOP M arrive at New York 330 P M5 OPM 1001 P M flJI A M Tickets at Sew York Central ticket armies IH7 418 and 1510 llrnndwny imd at Grand mini Rintlon A II SMITH IKOIlCii It DANIKIS- Ufnl Manager Jenl PitHsr Went WEST SHORE RAILROAD New York Central nail Hudson KlverH R Lessee Trains leave rranklln St Stition New York s Fellows and 11 OlIn loOt foot Wesi 42d st N R 710 A M Fur Intcrm polnu to Albany DiiA XI ill Ciutlilll Mln 1la XI Snritiiga anil MohnwU Hjpress- TK45P XI ill Rip Van Wnkle llyer- li P M Chlcairo Kipnsv- r21 P XL COD Llni for Dun Chi St Ifluls- nJSP Tlster to Cnt llll Mfns Mir P MMI for Hudson Hirer points It Albany 100 P MFor Itmh lluflalo rkverd A riilcsjo- l i0n P XI For Roeh Iliifrulo 4 Stlxiuls- H15 P M ForSyra loch Tails lletiCli Dally f Dally except Sunday Leave Hroofe lyn Annm at A M 21 nt 1045 A M 131 at I3IO P M I nt T241 P M Leave City Pcnn H II Stir ut I7 A M at I120- A lit t200 P M 4 nt t11S P M Tlmo- tnbliw at principal hotel nnd olllcei lligtnca checked from or residence by Wostrutt K A SMITH OinI Manager r i LAMBERT Cenl Iassr Agent New York and Boston ill Rail N Y N If A II II II connections From firml Station Leave way of line ittflOAXL Hartford VlllanianMc 9OolM SiiniiBllelil anil Wornster i30PMI- IIM w Ixiudon antI lrovllnueSoo j- HOU2 AM New txiiuluii and ProvlilLncc iflnpM1- 2iKM and Worcester 540 PM- IWPMffNf Utndoii Pnivl lincelWio PM 102 PM Kew Ilnlou anti Provldenei 701 PM- 2WPM llnrlford unfit K00 PM 3 Lnmlon anl Pravlileree MO PM- liKipM sirlijril ld and Wonestcr lOttOPM- JI PM vew and Provlilence lUni PM Ham PM Mirtnirieli Worcisiir rtJ5AMI- 2W P M v Lonilnn anil Provldiiicr US7 AM- U 2 AM New Londun Pnivldrucv 057 AM Dally Incluclluic Sumli at I25tll Limited all parlor cars tnre New York unit BovUin parlor ruin seat Throuith tiirlor and sleeplnit cnN by each train Return service samo hours by snmn route c T iiiMpTe ien IMV AIHIII Lackawanna Railroad liax iu t n fji rircUy null turiiiijplicr- ls tniMi M Iur lllnihiinitoii and Nyraruse- HIIKIA M Fur dilcairo antI St Louis 140 P M ion initial ChlrntoI- KI si Ifiiiini t IHH M Iur MTiinton ami P M For Iliilfnlii ami Chliaico- I1P M Dsurirn tiiinra Murtalo- 2On M joe Clilcatro M rperi 9 P M lintel at 4211 N Y J38- ullnn st UrooUlyn rally Sunday Thtirsilayx lrldays and Saturilii- isWYORKONTARIOWESTERNRy Kriinklln St 1 M Lvs t1i St Way Twin 930 A X- L7IRA May to nli AM Llliirty ExpriK- tll4 A M LlbiTty I Nnnn t Norwich IMI p M tn IMHilanrlI- INI p M Kllrnvlllr Klnitsuui P M Kxnrivt to jVlu P M WiMerti illlllrlls only IDally- 1ntlor Car teats nt 4SS llroadwar only A M- n15 A M Noon 12111 P M- ll P M- 3IS P M 141 P M- OM P ii g est train nut mia i h dout and BYSEA TO MAINE nORTH and sw leav- Ing amid ant burma to lui Ru ITunlo 710 NIagara Ialls 8M7- O Rime I SOiThIW10SIrrtN Dun S ChIcago viii a 5 I 0 IM tNP 0 U n TRAIN ann ninth ill riChes OVert flrTnnrOtON and Fs press n 0 I in ruth tOil Trrsy tt tat lreus II tutu unIt rat nIt A Ii AOl I J h hut Vl lit nisotir I 0 yew mud a rid Si- S lou r S 1 iruciuul log rind 0 0 I iii flu Is I truth t I I ti nun tIn ill NIl lsnl ii mouth itt a lieu I mElT I mst it vs u ant 12151 5rl It miamI hUh ta laclula rid o I > > < > < < < < > < < > RAILROADS STATIONS toot ol WKST TWKNTYnHUD- CTIIKBT stud DES5nOSSKS and COHTLANUT- STItKLTS IVThe leaving tlmn from Prslirosiin Cortlundt Streets Is flee nilnnlix later thun- thut gIven tivlow for Slreei- Mtiillon except where utlicrnlsn noted 7J A SI PAST MAILPnrlor anti hinting Curs For chlcaico Inuluiapolls and Louisville NS A M ST LOIIS LlillTIU Pullman Sleep and Observation Cars Cincinnati Indianapolis St Iotili liming Car lSi A M PUNNSYLVANIA UMITEnPull man Sleeping tilnlns Smollrir and Observation Cars ion Chicago Cleveland Toledo SOul Detroit lSS P II CHICAliO AND ST LOP1S EXPRESS For Toledo Nashville via Clnclnnall and Louis- ville Indlaunpolls ChlcaKO SI Louis Dining Car 4 5 P II CHICACO LIMITKDPullman Sleep Inc Smoldnir and Observation Cars CM- raco Toledo and Cleveland Car KR5 P M ST Lons KXPHLSSKor Pitts bunt Clnclnnall IndIanapolis Louljvllle St tonI Dirlnc U Va ivu- Shcnnndoah Valley flouter 585 P M WKSTKHN KXPRESS For Chicago For Toledo Saturday Dlnlns Car 753 P si PACIFIC ESPIlKSSFor Plttsburj stud Chlrairo For Knoxvllle dally via Shennti- ilnah Valley Houtc connects Cleveland incept Saturiby- N3S P SI CLKVKLAM AND CINCINNATI EX Plttsburir CIcvTland Cincinnati IndlanapnlN and St Louis WASHINGTON ANt TIII SOITII 71 823 l2ri lUlnlnit Carl 101 Drsbn sses arid Cortlanrtt Sirens lu20 illnln Carl 10M Din n m l2FMninlni Carl Coil Ccrtlandt Streets 22ti 121 CongressIonal Limited aim Parlor mind Dining Cars 325 Din lug Can 425 DIning Carl 4J5 Dlnlnit Car i25 p iu I2lo nlcht Sunday 829 i23 Dlnlnii Cern 10f 5 I lnlnir Cars a m 1285 iDlnlni SM Consrewlonal Limited all Parlor Dlnlnir Cars Sl Can 425 DIalog Car 4Vi Ixsbrnssci and Corllandt Streets 5IW- Dlnlne Carl li2f p m 1210 nIght SOUTIIEHN 425 p m 1110 night daily ATLANTIC COAST LlNEEjprcss 92J n ns and 023 p in dally AlIt LINE nAILWAYExpreAt 1355- n in mid 1210 nIght dally NOKIOLK AND AVKSTEI1N HAILWAYror MemphIs SOil New Orleans 32S n m dally CllKSAPEAKI AND OHIO a m weekdays and ISJ n in loll OLD POINT COMPORT AND NOTtFOLK- 7W a m weekdays and 055 p m dally ATLANTIC CITY0 n m 255 p in week- days Sundays 7S a m Throuith Vestlbuleil trains lluirci Parlor Cars and Standard Coaches weeUdiiys Parlor Himklnif Car Parlor Car and Standard Coaches on Sundays CAPH MAY12M m weekdays For points on New York and Long llranch Itallrnad from Twentythird Street Station 741- MA ii m 1210 110 Saturdays only 225 2A- 18214lo 153 and ll5r p m Sundays 7M 021 n m 151 p m from Desbrosses unit Cortlanilt Streelsi 7Vi m 1220120 Snt- unlays only 2ai 310 140 420 510 and 70 p m WKckdays Sundays 011 913 a tn B00 m Krom Orsbrossns Street only 330 a in- Cortlamlt Street only 141 a m weekdays FOt IMIHAIirLPIIIA 03 725 755 75 DIning Carl 823 835 021 Din Carl 855 St louts Llmlleit 1010 Deabro- ssesanOrtliiiiltSlreetj 10201 Penna Llmllidi 1055 ninlilE Carl 1155 a m 1255 Carl 155 lUlnlne Csr 210 Dns- bnissca and Cortlandt Streets 2201 255 n25- Illnlnc Cart 35 423 421 Cnr 451- Dlnlnit Can 4V Limited for Gem maatown Jet only 55 bluing Car OM 755- X21 i55 025 m 1210 night weekday Sundays 603 755 i Dlnlni Car hSS i25 lln lay Cars lir Units Limited 1155 102i- Penna Limited to55 Car a m 125- iDlnlne Can Dlnlni Cart 125 DlnhiK Carl 1453Chlcaico Ltmttei for Cennantown let only 455 Dlnlnit Car 553 Ulnlne Carl 753 325 835 uZJ p til 121 night Ticket offices 1351 113 and 281 Broadway 182 Fifth avenue below 23d St 213 Fifth avenui 29th St 1 Astor House West Twenty third Street Slattern and stations foot of brosses and Cortlandt streets I Court Street MK Fulton Strcrt 3KP Hroadway and Pcniisyl- anla Annex Station Station Jersey City The New York Transfer Company will nail for nnd rhrck hnireairc from resi- dences Telephone UU KlichUeiitliStreet for Pennsylvanl Hill Cub Service TV W ATTKKIILUY J It WOOl General Xlanaicr PavVr Tr mc Manager lEO W nOYD Central Passenger Aecnk- A271003 READING SYSTEM NEW JERSEY CENTRAL R R Liberty Street arid South Terry RIme from South Ferry rOve minutes earlier than shown below KASTON IIKTHMIIIRM AlLENTOWN AND MA 1CII lIUMiMUtt 715 EastOn Only 0l A JI 40 OWJ 545 Kestou only J SllllclBJH IA IS A M lIX 500 P M AM SCrtANTONz400 flfl A M i l P M Sundays zi25 A M 101 P M- IAKHVOO lAKKIirilST TOMS RIVEr AND llAllMCrAT rlW RIO A M 120 I31- Ijikewooil and Liknhnnt onl 130 P f un days Hir A M- ATIAXTH irr t 40 A M t3 p M t o P M Snurdays- VINEI l ANI niIII nTON 400 A M ION illlAWH ASIIIIRY IAKK OCEAN CltdVr IMIINT IlliASANT AND SEA SIIOKI 1iiivTS zcoo Km 1130 A M m onli 1iS 1 l 153 415 S3i note I1SO Wednesday to Ahury Park mill Satur- days tn Point Pleasant P M Sundays except Ocean irove 15 A M 180 400 P M- lIIILAI iillHA illKADINO TLRMINAI1- 7 t 0 t0 1101 A M tl2- lmi J1 SIHI tllH M0i 50 16O T73H 900 P M li Mdt- S4T1I ANT CHIISTNIH STREETS1 f83- 0tn0 1115 A M M00 lS40 tOS3 P M I21S Mdt HAiiKisiirRO TOITSVIIXKANO tSUO I1J10- 10r i lltKl A M Rmdlne only miW lil2i- t P M Hemline Puttsvllle Ilarrlsbure only tlW MM P M SANDY HOOK HOI KFrom ft Rector St Pier 8 Atlantic Ilhamls tieabrlKht Mon ronutli hunch anti LiiK Branch Asbury Park Tolut Pleasant fliK 10i A M Ifi0 SfKi 4 300 1101 Mm Iailc P M Sundays mono A M 101 400 800 P M From Liberty Street only Dally tDnlly except Sunday Sunday only JParlor cars only Via Tomnipm lImes Liberty st Ferry South Ierry fl AjtorI- lOTise in7 01 434 tOO I3M Hronriuay t 2 Slur av 21 Inlnn Rqnnre Wes 1M Faust St 3 West rSti S liColumbus Av New York 4 Court St 314 win 1iiltnn St Hrnoklyii S90 DrosdKay- VlllliiiTislurB New York Transfer Co calls for tOut Iherlif buiririee to leAtlnutlon- W HKKlFH C II lirilT- VIcePreH antI Oen Mirr Ceo Iassr Act ROYAL BLUE LINE xiw initsrY CFNTHAI it it PIIILAI IL- Illli AVI ICKAIMMi KV and IIALTI- MOHK AM 4110 I K- lavi Souih lerrj Llbertv SI Ter- rllaltiiWMhlnglnn S2B AM ts30 AM Hu r- ItaltiiWiOiliiKton IOi AM 1030 M i llalloIVnililnittiin mla AM llli Ml Dr- llnltoWii hliiirlnn 12MPXI fins llnrnl lliilted 185 PM Min PXt lUltoWuhlnistnn 455 IM M0n PM Dln r- l llinltllllK on 1151 IM 7iOPXI Bllfft- IlnltKWaililnitlon 12 ISntSlerpen Dally holly exeent Sunlin Sunday rOles Liberty St Kirn Smitb Ferry Astrr louse in M 1 l 13i 13M itrril ay Itt Vii nyc Inloii square Wisi IM Kast 12ilh M 271 Vtst St Ai New Yorli 4 rnurt St 314 smi Fulton St UrooUlyn way Wllllimsburit New Trmnir Co fills for iiiu1 rlierlu tn il BALTIMORE OHIO RAILROAD Lv New York City fioiiili Ferry Ilbsrty Ml M210 n MSIS in- hl u o iliiiiirin u A pn 1110 pm Pln r- rittilniru 1levilanil 8 M pn 14i pm Llmd- PIIHIiiirK llinltrd ii 5 pOur Dui- Ttlncliinnll Si l iil 12 Ifi nun l r IMIUIIII st l nil in m Dlr r ini Iniull Si Inun i iin innnpi liufTi- Dallv DilH rw sn Offices KlTWl l11 M Inlon Sciiiiirr V Mil Oranii Si Street UrifliiV Siih mi- li taii ihni il I rum hri uc rril- tlon Sunday nV- UroariMiivn Astor S Y JiltF- nliLEHIGH VALLEY troll of WnitilSd A riirtlanit ml PwlnjwuBtf n Dull t Micepi Suinliiy t imiHy cimnsi dlJ elin Munch Chunk Local Iliilkln ine BUCK nunuMi M iiliih sml llotilnn A Serai m l m Ration Liuil Lv NY- t l t7lliM- kuliirrc la T5- Hcwift TormiinVeMliiiHEip ns- in rrtlo iiitfi w- Tlckei unit nillmnn ucen- Vti IJI mid wi irftlw v iiiiniiitjittiini m 1H fVO PM- is 4fl r im IM- N V Vi Kul- tonatskifi Mountains Cutiklll llnuntaln and Catsklll Tan niTsvllle ltilhiiln- iltln direct ciinnerilons ulin iin New York Cen nil trains lenvlnz N Y at TM A M alsi I P M dally LMLI Stinila s v1ib Parlor nnd Ilulnir i ars iipiliho- l Sluin Irnln leaving ui 7ID and 11 20 M- ilsii Ciininiilal Llmlliil leiivlnir t J25 P M- Uso dlrit ciinnertlont with the KIYKII DAY LINK and tIle CATSKllL EVENING LINE ileamcrvVurcliu TlckiU l 4 t VI1L P ennsyIvanaL- zzaIL p 1 0 ann d 1w enutIhlrd t 4 I I i ar S mnrss For C lug Can f anal 1101 0 u nun I 0 I I End a ut 0 I 0- I s 0 Cot tOi if htj i Ji i I tNt 10 Car 300 120 Nun lEt I hO tie o f l tin nlustlnmnh nun lt J I l tsi 1 I tI zt23 tn ii t t flEA iniss 1 t an d 1 r 5 27 E C t t Tim tOur POt flu I 12115 lit cub I rI mOO 0 lois 0I fOilS S runt tsr Sri Ce ifluii sin i t hag Ill nbi rut 7 1 pun i or I 1020 sun oh tuurfistk t I In 1111 Trier OIl ttiurnn SIred is lu ni Ii 0 u w e8 0 uu aIriness nit h sd mo Au mild Lust a i v 4i2 IC cc nm ms iIi is 5 tutu n It 1 nun tt 14 utuuiuuunm Or 51 3 Mimi 34 ilruuut aiS intl lu Foil ii iiruoklyuu 7 0 Trsnfer C will call Our ard diatom hagutgs irn mill luilflis iii lime dIn tc Cud I oils on Ill IiSO 5 p t ii tt tt 1 t 4v a ruS a > > > > < > > < < < < < > > < °

Transcript of rJ Jt 1DERMTM Change Comfor Health e · THE SUN THURSDAY AUGUST 1903 infill rJ Jt rn o rrri r <...

Page 1: rJ Jt 1DERMTM Change Comfor Health e · THE SUN THURSDAY AUGUST 1903 infill rJ Jt rn o rrri r < RAID 1DERMTM OUTFIT 1tHICK TlKK DAXIELS A CO 0- fML STIIEET TO TIlE TOVK5 head of Hx


o rrrir





head of Hx OIW TII N m tt

tiro nnnlels l a yw Arrested In lhPluw HplMtm liulerwrttlnx to Or-

der Ilrimp Send a Dcpoftlt-

t mlTwritinK vrns what Daniels A Co

bankers n l tnvpntmont necnrlUr 0-

VaJI Micot advrrtifwjlo do Tim wholo

outfit wn iirrorMwl yesterday by the police

n warrant H isciird at Tninlitt court

Tlioni I 1aninls to POII nf the latei Tinrlps TXinWsof Buffalo

of the Supreme Court wns thE head of tlio-

rnnntm Thf otlipf priwwr unit theyworn Wisht CnlilwiOl of 57 West Twjntye-

vprith root Iwl ndvtoer of tlio firm

Hlrhliril Woods who SB Id hfl lived in ho

Kim rou with rnldw ll John W Avery

f 145 rasl UHth street Snmiicl R Bullock

M Qninrv ctrpet Brooklyn Chnrlps C

RrnwiiMiil to bi abrotltfrinlavrof Daniels-

ivini Wst 1r fwt and Alfred C

f rt Columbia HrMits Brooklyn

Ml iliPW rxotit HIwell and Woods areruivil in h Mipnrtnorfhlp directory as

lartncr-Panicls broke down after he hod boon

arraigned i ho Ontro street iwlico courtand held in 2000 bail for examination noxtIlicHilny charge of grand larcenyHo rid a loft tlio court room nnd ho

almost liHil to bo carried ncroftp tho Bridge

i f Sislio to i ell in the Tombs With tho-

r iptinn of Oddwell tile other prisoners

ir hold in JIOOO each Caldwell wareined on thn recommendation of Assistant

tAtt rni y K repel who xM ho winMillififd that Mr Caldwell wn a lawyer of

inns ctimdinK arid was simply the legalidviser f I IIP firm nnd in the office in thatnrtiiiiiy whon tho raid wan made In

portor McChiHky nays that Cnldwell is ono

f the imrorporators of Daniels V Co

which wns turned into a corporation lant

JuneWhen Mr Caldwell was taken to roliuol-

leudqiliirterH with the othern h threatenedHJ brine dumngti All right wild

iwpeetor McCliu ky lock him up nd-

givnhitn a chance to make Rood

Tht Fii ifio complaint againwt tho firmmade by Edwin E Collins of Odor Kapid-

Is lost 808 There are I wo-

tlieriiimplalnantBDaniel Evnnsnnd Aiwtln-

Dimv of Rochester and InspectorMcilusky says that lie expects to havo

othersIn his complaint Collins says that tho

inn agreed to finance the Union Landand Trust Company of Cedar Itapids whichiu was trying to float The firm demandedi deposit he says and hn put up 105 Thouhn was told that his securities were tiufwitis-

lactory and he was asked for 150 morewhich ho sent Collins says that ho sentadditional sums hut got no return and hissecurities werE not floated Then he came

Now York and after fruitless attemptso see Daniels went to tho police who are

always InBy the Investigation made by Detective

Sergeants McConville Peabody and ClarkJnspoctor McClusky says ho In convincedhat tho company would agree to financeunderwrite or fix up for Incorporationanything that came along Tho proonoctus

the company sayaSupplied Stock Com-

panies Organized InStocks Bonds Underwritten

or Sold Under Guarantee or under Com-mission Good Investments Marketed V-

iwrimtefl both Principal and Interestfciaranteed Stock will Guarantee

your Slock If you have a Meritorious Propo-sition

One part of the prospectus saysWe supply the capital for public

iwd power companies nt am andpntentu Industrial enterprises

nf rnerlt tn such iiinos woan siihsciibe for the total Issue

It is announced in the circular that NoDuplication will be considered unless a

for tISO 1 deposited with us at theiiue of Rending tire to whichk added in another part of the prospectus

followingV return your corporation a responsible

iinlilenl 14 accepted within thirty days afterClinsf the

of fees tc shall b refused Vn-

irninh personal introduction to urtho boiidlnac of the

so Introduced We do not acceptill applications that are received Tim

sH tnu f reputable and tho inanatv-nt a well

When tho their inventi-nioti Detective Peabody went to tho-

hrtns cilices antI ho had valuableeiriMii properties In tho West He askedo HIM to a company llnanced

iijipears that was suBijected-nd he WBH told to come around ngin

fin always tniwod Dinieln when he went to-eTwn days ago Peabody accompanied

went to tIll officesrid whin tn three entered there was antivrul iiish from thoiuldnt SM anybody nt that day butl c i nvi n anti the nextinn n cilii ho complained in the officef having ben hall by twonun who wanted to know lila businessriien lu wrui told not to scared that

everything was oil right nod that ho hadiictterrjill nfjnln hadtime-

HP had limo vesterdny andvhnn th three with i squadf pnlifHiiinii invaded the ofliciM the seven

pew rite girls who thought they weret he went into n

Rut ir the other lot of seven thatlie police took Them is a whole row of

finely furnWied Tlioy aro on thefth flnor Peabody got a letter Woods

wax tearing up It won from a womanwho Mid HIO hadnt received money

li firm had promwed to nciul Thephouo bell rung and Peabody answered

ML says he got this rneiMige from n man inCoon

I nvo brett taking your advice forvTtil months and I you are playing

i skin gamn When will Mr

The pollen took several ledgers andhii ip tor McCliirtky got

vtrnl letters from customersf tii firm One dncutiumt

lulLs in a noto fur 48 datedF1 13 payable to T P Daniels nt Daniels

a IT WiLts On the hackthe indoiwment T P Tanlt l for

ipetlon and underneath that i thisitiornrKlunv-

Ilvmunt1 refused as yon Indebtedh worklni us out several hundredlonirs liv smooth unit artistic work

II WlTTK-Hiiriiils it Co uroordlnK to Inspector

Mot liwliy was incorporated 24with a capital of 30000 in 10 shares

Ma S Caldwell arid Albert E CaldwollMi now concern was to take over the busiless of Daniels A Co which firm was formed

ItMKi Daniels was onco employed byHenry Voorcq

peculiar complaint against Danielsv r romes from a man named J A Moreiiua of Irinia a thatDaniels V Co advertised to buy postage

in bulk at 10 p r centII says ho sent firm stamps

1174 and never got any moneyreporter who naked ono of

iii thin transaction was told tire

Its tiobodyH busineHH We understandfwc wore stolen

only ono of the prisoners releasedrn Tombs lost was Averyif luther gave hail for him

Int Sprngno avenue Staten

iiiiil when h has n homotii r KownbiM Will for tire

miMh if net ion at all wn-oi aiiinst prisoners it should be a-

lit Thn firm whatcontracted to do ho said and then

i nothing criminal against it

llii Juii



who wai jist ic








cult i


ho says I hat 11I












t iliqIuiry

7 rHnt t see 1dm

t I

are to-E


ne were Thomas P Dmuiela


More laIlI

iIrflpetim postage


a I rut

hun irulsornu

iil I lintI Ire

I rforr rischan



< ° °












Brokers commented upon the fact thatnotwithstanding the disappearance of cnl-Rupportlnc orders there wan always mnrkutfor anythlnv they had to sell and In anyamount For that reason some critics saidthey should riot call It a demoralized marketSupport apparently was extended with thobject of preventing abrupt declines withoutmutations thn result belnil to preserve a

market This has been characteristlo ofthe entire Iodine When n market Is reallydemoralized It Is a market in name onlyvalues conntinc for naught

The attitude of one ximimny towardtin several firms I hut have recently fullerIs much pommnntPd upon In each instanceit alone uinonR tire bankinir creditors baninsisted upon sacriflclni collateral out oloans irrespective of the market conditionswt the moment It has forced to a sain tockfor which there wan n limited market atsevere price rnncemloiiH notably II and 0preferred It linn been M llliiK VirginiaCarolina Chemical this week Other trustcompanies and the hunks ns well hove shownevery Possible consideration for limitwhoso collateral had to he lIquidated maklntthe attitude of that one mill DIP more



house whose name has been appearingIn rumors is lendlni money on the floor of thfStock Kxclianuc rind has been for cevernl

A great dual of sympathy wits expressedyesterday for Messrs Slmri Bryan whcpersonally wore well liked by everybodywith whom th y had had business relullonsThe annnnncnment of tliolr suspensionreceived in a manner differentfrom that In which the news of the Taylorstill Stow failures wan received It elTerlupon the market was also very differentUpon the announcement of the suspension ol-

Talbol Taylor Co and V I Stow A Cothe market rallied violently Yesterday thfSharp V Aryan failure only stiinulnlpil th-


It is floured that sevontysevfii stockrenched new low prices yesterday for thifdownward movement Koine of these wereactual new low records the Stfel sharesexiinipU declining to tire lowest pricis alwinch they have ever sold

llrokors ire heard to roniment upon thefact that tIre struck market has been a snleever since the day the new Stock Kxclmncc-WIIN openpifc A lino of short stock put outthen would never have shown n loss to theseller

the pronounced wi aknc n exhibited in thGould stocks socalled notably MissouriPapule St Ix ula Southwestern anil Wiibash-wns rather surprising In view o thesupport for whirls they had previously beerconspicuous Mlasour Pnplflc had been takercontinuously until yesterdnjr on scale ordersThat buying evidently was Incklnar when thstock broke from Mi to 80 It recoveredonly 1 per cent

On every little rally yesterday tIre vol-

ume of trading declined sharply

Sentiment was unfavorably influenced in

the last hour by the acute weakness of Kriecommon the pressure upon which stsenudsuddenly to increase The stock had beerattracting attention nil day for the volumeit showed Determined efforts apparentlywere made to hold It at IS The selllnc finallybroke through the support It was reportedthat the stock was beIng sold out of a largeloan

There was a rood demand in the loan de-

partment last nIght for BiichstocksuRMissouri-Pacltlc Atchison lnlon Pacific New YorkCentral and Canadian Pacific The tockIBM named loaned at a premium of 137Most other stocks loaned nt the prevailingInterest rate with the notable exception ofSugar tire demand for which wa so urgentand the supply so limited ns to cause thastock to lend at a flat ratn Thero h supposed to bo a Inreo short Interest unreflectedIn tholonn crpwil the proportions of wlilohmay only be t

The apparent Indifference of the Rockisland party to the criticism raised in WallStreet aiealnsl its juIce ncheme of financeInvolving i JlSOMiVlOOO bond Issuer l i charactensile The loaders of the party have dl

reKanlil Wall Street opinion from the outsetThiy served notice upon the communitythat Its advice was riot wanted when theyforced the original Rock h land deal throughat then culmination of the hull market a yearago Hilt even lh Rock Islands friendmere iiHtonishcd tied the present should bodeemed ri propitious time for announcing so

a bond trannacllon Tho present appe-tite for bonds is exceedingly small and whatthere I of It is capricious It it pointed outthat the Hock island party must linvo knownthat the broaching of so pretentious a pieceof financing could not fill at this tlmo toaffect wntlment unfavorably After havingfupprlntendwl tire details of making the an-

nouncement Mr Keld xtho wa the onlymember of the party In Vail Street at thetime went off on a yacht cruise

It is tpliined authoritatively though notofficially that the Rock Island bond issuecontemplates reiniburalnc the companystreasury for enormous expenditures for nowconstruction Ac tinning the post two yearsThero Is in the Rock Island system 8K milesof new out of treasury rinds at icost of SlflOOOOOO This It tree ofbonded debt The purchtifw of the St boulit-

Kimwis City and Colorado from exGovFrancis and iris a 4oclat and the cost ofcomplptlue 105 mileM of tlut road into Kan-

sas City toolc 20noo000 out of the treaauryBock Islands onehalf Interest In the RockIslandLake Shore piaxeniror station atChicago amountinic to l8I nou WHS paidout of the treasury arid strops lit iMallne-

costinc Jl500000 being lonstructpil withfunds Besides this treasury out-

lay of approximately S400uoono thurp areI OODOOO Frisco oolUteral

bond subject to call at 102 at anyperiod J70000000 Choctaw collateral s sub-

ject to call at 101 and Rock Island Is amountins to Jl2WXMXX which will mature In a fewyears It Is intimated fnrthnr that themanagement desires to anticipate an acita

In corn Western States for a law torestrict the power of railroads to Increase

bonded Indebtedness

The break in flucar was said to bo dueprincipally to the specuUtive operatloni ofan outsider Thn market position of thntack In bollevtxl to be very strong Thofloating supply anyway Is an

by this tact of n compara-

tively moderate short Interest caused thetock to lend at a lint rate in the bran de

partnipnt yesterday

It appears that the process of rlosini outtraded under thn villa liar iiComn obso-

lete The results obtained privatelymore natlufnctory to all concerned A brokerroes into tin crowd and announces that ho-

Is buyitiB or sellinc for this account of thufirm that huts failed cnlllnc two membersto witness that the prices at which ho makesthu transaction are fair Stocks are inmostinvariably nacriftced when put up at unctionunder the rule There wore no transac-

tions under the rule yiMterday

Morley brokers say sly months funds uo-

nPitRlfiK at PIT cent Commission lioiifos

not only nn well supplied prosper

live riiiulreniints but are In o sold outi condition that they huvo very Tittlecollateral left on which to borrow The oldlino commission houses us a ruin are com-

fortably situated A margin of 20 per ucut-

DII their loans with prices at this level N amuch safer margin than 10 tier cent would

ben a yrnr nn with prices anywherefrom W to 100 points dither

The heavy Helllnir of Consolidated TobmWli-

ondM and break In Continental Tobaccoir fiTred which sold nt par caused rnn

poniment of 11 conjecturaltir A ralher curious Ihlnz wn the up-

Ijpiirino1 of n denuilid Tor tho-

lonils In tine lom which eavp theimpression that the selling hurl created a










road builtmileage





limuul ted eho urn

that reiuilrCrneflts


it gil hoist



Irlerui blur chin ra r

iron owingurea I

bert Interest















Roula Seek for Another Extraulon of th-

Tlinn LimitWASHINQTON Aug 5 An Importani

hearing was begun before the InterstatCommerce CommIssion today In tho matteof eitendlng the time limit fixed by Htntuti

under which time railroads must complywith the terms of the safety appliance actTim date set for this compliance has beeralready advanced several times by orderof tho commission and a recent requestfor u further postponement was refusedThe roads thereupon asked for a hearingIn thn matter which was grunted IVlesflthe commission grants tIre present requestthose roads not fully equipped by Oct 1

must forfeit a penaltyAmong time prominent railroad men nrefl-

nt at todays hearing worn the followingHenry Rarllett Hoston and Maine AlfredIovel and A R Browne Atchison Topokunod Santa Vf Theodore V

Norfolk and Western WnlliH Iw

and Ij E Johnson Norfolk and WesternJ Maine JT Cham-

berlain Boston and Maine F J GownnPennsylvania WllllnmI Kelly

Erie J C Stuart Erie G WCreighton A W Gibbs n M Pattersonand A C Shawl Pennsylvania and W NJlnnnnrdBaltimore

There were also P H MorrtoseyGrand of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Trainmen John J Hanahan Grand-Master of the Brotherhood of LocomotiveFiremen Frank T Master ofthin Switchmens Union of North Americaand A B Gawtnon Grand Chiefof the Order of Railway Conductors

HtVK MEiaiKtt OTKn-

pw flank nt Comniercp Stock to Ilnjthe Wester National

Then stockholders of time National Bankof ConimercH and tho Western NationalBank npprovwl yesterday tire plan for th-

niprger of limo two institutions The stockholders of the Nntlonnl Bank of Commercevoted to increase thEn capital stock from110000000 to 125000000 and use 12500C

shares to tho assets mad businew-of the Western National Bank after thincapital of the latter hind l een increasedto i500UOO arid its not assets to T 000OOC

over anti nlxivn the increased capital blockmid mull liabIlities

It was voted that time residue of the newstock or 25000 sliaren 1 offered to share-holders of the Batik of Commerce to theextent of 25 cent of their holdings nt

110 a share The number ofit was voted should not be less than 0

nor tnoru than 48 one stockholderwho represented 2 shares voted againstthe

Thus directors of the National Batik olCommerce alter the stockholders meetingvoted to proceed with the stepsfor tho completion of the consolidation

TO SlK TIlE n 11

Nearly a llumlrnl Patrons to Test Its Ietal-IlRtit to Chare Extra Fares

The law firm of McCloskey Belfer J

Flash of Brooklyn borough have beerretained by nearly a hundred peraons tbring suits against tho Brooklyn RapIdTransit Company to test the legal right ofthe company to charge a double fare onthe ordinary cars the city limitsand to run parlor cars in which patronsmust 2S cents for a sent In a com-munication to Borough President Swanstrom the suggest that the B H T

refer the to the Corpora-tion Counsel for his opinion Theythat do not doubt under theprovisions of the statutesstreet surface railroad companies fromcharging more than a fivecent onecontinuous ride over their own roads orany road leased or controlled by themthe Brooklyn Rapid Transit Companyolin be held for damagesan appropriate action at law

Tiiinn nATL nuns ironOMvr-owtmr Complete flrcnlt and Renders

Him IricoimcloiisA gang of men were doing some repairing

on the Third avenue elpvated structureat 172d last evening when ono ofthem let a crowbar fnll across tim powerrail Ono end of the crowbar fell againstono nf the tracks and a loud explosionrind n display of electricalfollowed

A shower of fell on an open trolley-car below and It scooted for safetyrailroad people said that nobody wits hurtbut two or a gang ofthe workmen brought one of their numberdownstairs and put him in a

The mans face and hands wore badlyburned Ho refused to tell a policemanhis name that if hn didlose his jot The man later became un-conscious and Wits taken away in acarriage

Former Dinkier In Bankruptcy with l-

5tn2i2 DebtsJames Livingston formerly n builder has

flied a petition in bankruptcy with liabilitiesSlr 40202 and no assets Of tIme liabilities140702 are secured by bonds and

on property formerly owned by him rindJintfl4 are unsecured Me built many lluuhouses on the Wool Side Anioni-th creditors who are fully secured by mortrages are tho Herman Savings Hank IlMooo

Life IiiHuranco CompanySavings Hank Sioootxi Mutual

LIfe Insurance Company IIOpoo New YorkInsurance Compunr S541X10 North River

Insurance Coiapany I230io estate of KliTa-betli M J70000 Mary F Moore

llcrnuiii KertHcher J40i 0 und Leh-man Ilornhrlmtr JNIOO

lames K arid John S Spencer Jumps KA Co of 15 hiv filed

a petition In bankruptcy with liabilitiesJ5n73 no assets Amontf the mditoriare thin Chatham National Bank ii000cured bv on and plantof thin Spencer Optical Manufacturing Com

of Nassau Hunk 107I3Bunk of Brooklyn 4oOo

A rrwdltors petition has beenfiled Mar Cohen CohenBrosl manufacturers of tea owns andwrappers nt IflO rind IH2 Wooster street

John M Mflmn and John Q Sloan iMechtnSloanl niunufiwtuiers flowers and

feathers at 31 and I7 Hotid street niudo an-

a yesterday to Jdward W Fox

Wheat Prices I rop In fliluaeoC-

HICAOO Aug a In sympathy withthe heavy breik in HtockK in Wall Streetcoupled with the prediction that the springwheat Htnte would harvest a of riotliw than 200000000 bushels the price ofwheat fell of a centMost of the wheat of JH said tomayo been the property of Wall Street

who were to hold itlonger In time face of thin

tock markets mind bear from all partsof Northwest

Three More oltou Mills to ShutBOSTON Aug 5 Instructions have been

forwarded to the managers of the cottonmills of tire China Webster and Pembrokemanufacturing companies nt Sunoook-N H to shut mills nextSaturday until Aug 21 The action wasdecided upon because of tho high cost ofcotton Thn three corporations employabout 1300

lit fur llvlriilille TriMl Ctinipaiiy Stock

At nn auction sale of stocks and bondsla the Now Vork Heal Estate Salpproom-

refltcrday 100 shares of stock of tIre TrustCompany of tire Republic were bid in bythe at 30 after n wait for nn offerhigher than 35 Lnwt full struck sold nshigh us 300-

K n nii Crop IOOOOOOOO IlusheKK-

AKHAR Mo Aug r The thiwof t he Kansas wln al crop has progrewsod

far enough to show thtr the total yield will

rot lull short of 100000000 bushels H1front 2iX millorn and dealers

show a total of 0M20000 bushels


Hietr Iiosiniu mid









Mostly eet1riul



unit Mechanicsn



I Ion

t t














North American and Trust Company oAmerica Asrcc on Terms

Tim executive committees of the TrueCompany of America and the North Amencan Company have agreed to mcrguthe two xmpani under limo name of thTrust Company of America lime mergein KUbjecl of course to the approval of tInbonnlrt of directorn which will meet 01

Aug IB and to tine vole of tutu stockhnldpTH

Thy capital of time wil-Iw 2500iwo Ha Biirphw 7500000 and undividiKi profits 000000 It was estlmatci

thnl deposits of the newwould l ii0X 000 The

stock is to Iw divldd In tin proportionof 13000 shares to luildcrs of

of Americn stuck nnd 11400 eharcfto holders of Nortb Ainr rloan Trust Com-pany wtock Tho Muck of th North Ameri-can Company nt MOO a fharnand ili Trunt Company ol-

Aiii riiii at J2HS 11 unbar A fojtime lmH not yrt been W

Tl rno is priHidentof the Nonli Anurlfnn Trustand Ashb P Fiuh of thin Trustof America The now will oo

tim North American companys build-ing nt llfi Broadway


u tTiift TIT 1 Iy L

leuvc FOOT SJI ST North Illvrr 000 lim-1lxi II isil M uo IMS sxi 313 00 m-iH007iKiKOiili iiI M-

Lrarr Pier tvi u i HalfLeave XIW IKON lIK roHV ISLAND 10MO

114 A M 1311 I 10 2 d 32 410 4M 51-


tKiAIIS servnt tinder company maimccment

YACHT RACESReliance Shamrock IIIThe limits nf the Iron Steamboat Company liar

e cluing Ilinsea and will accompany the yachtall tIn

FAKH KA II RA Ii 83011


Tltkits for rlther rvni ran and should he se-

iured at They ean In hut at the rompanyii-ffli Uniin i T MniiilHny Y

The New York Worlds FairAttrnitlunsfroniAllpaiUol-

of the world Interestingiw novelllea Exhloltlo-

ueMraordlnaryallandof Uenulno

ierts maKnircentfoliage mart planu-horilculturol won-ders un eoua liedminacerlc museumand ALLFltKK DelUhtliilnall-

on Mvllt Htvatnvrsi-len Island clum twke-

lllnners a la rarteMcInD-eutsehland Tnt Dairy

Boatlnr millaids rinhlncTIME TABLE sVlUBlT TO tilNOK LISAYE

Street Pier woo llW A M-

iJIWslffi A a for cortndStreet only A M for 3M stmt nnl Ilrooklyn 120ii M and 110 P M for Cnrtliimll Strrftonly 3 Sffl fltti 700 ami Kan P M for nilUndlngs Extra l aM on Sundays and holtdaj-

sKxrnwiox niNTsI-nrliulln niliiilvslim to all Attractions


TOURSMl lxpin rs InrliidiHl

BERMUDAUn nrinn Trips

15 211 t n-



nnn fiioit r SAIL

loda trip MSIMI1 iday rip sso

A K S in-

Auir Ii-

Auir 7 21

Anil many otuer tleasoni Summer Tourn-liulriipiidenl ravel tn nilSlimmer Kc orti l Fare

Proirramiiis aiul pnrtl ulars fromTIKIS rilOK A SON

ni ami u Uroaiuis NW Vork

Via New Jersey CentralAugust 9

Special train from foot Liberty St A M

Sou h Kerry A M



Genl SlocumGrand Republic

Vauilcvlllc Atterna boutVc t Ulilli St fl A M

West 52il St i I0l A M lli P MHatlcry Lil u WHO A M 211 P MLeave Hockiiway 11 A M j 15 P M-

itotM ruir oc-lloatlnj tool i ori ci nr T exrept Fri


i PTHK PliTi HKsgmirnsoNi-rand Dalit nsnpt Sunday

Itv Iron Day Line SteamersNKW VnilK and Al IjAM

From Kulton St iby Anner 800 AMNew York Iieshrauet Kt Pier fc40West 23d St IVr poeWest inith St Pier H50

Hue in w YoVi 5KI P M-




Leave 3Hli 15 H N Y wrelc days S30 040740 nn ilmi A M I2li I in 140 710 20 SIO-3MO 4 0 Slf 100 flW 710 710 R10 840 080

MLinve Knst N Y 21 tnlnutrs after iltliit time

HOCUAWAY hEAthtave sub it I H N V week diiya 640 a

0 to HiW A XL 121 150 2rrf 47VO iCU 020 1030 M Additional

trains Saturday ifl 880 ISO 9ro P M-


u Ni isi vD u H it irit crr01 Clsrcit fr in ircinpurtIj I IT

ml iii it VhWI Ii l luilfnril

j Tiflrt i ill ell I I II H llrltil olllcrs J-

roniniriirliiK 01 Irlilnvs Ftlirht is

t to poitium niirsinii anil riiliim tnms s-

Staternoins aural Ac rifrrslimintsiin stinitiir C-



AM nvriv sueAM HACK HOC

Highland Beach Pleasure layAM ii iiiY isi itis iirs-LV W I3TM ST NV Tl A M 2 HI I1 M-

iv mai IIJH A M si r MLV IOMi MHANfll ll M l II P M-

TIIK wixi TD Tv IN scllKrt STIMKH tillif snvniinali will K i ll nilii IHITS-


DOMINION LiNEffiSSSvriHim nn Juv ii tiHn llirrpmilM-

ayflirtvir i winir la nr uii iSint inII AUK 7 Cilnmbui Sept 17-

iw lnirlin I Silit nmraoiiivialui scii ji-Monlrenl in NI mv-

Soiithwnrk Auc n KiiiMnirtim-unaili irr iiuirlnliin Srpt 5-

IIOSTON Mediterranean sntvuiAzores s ile ionini-

rUIIHIOM VN Sat Aim Sept II Oct31-VANCIirviIII SH tug llDrt Niivl

l Iliiw iiliHinl il IIAVIm nlin P mlilnv DOMIXIOS

llDSroN nr II lisa llrimrtivay N V


Arable Auir i P MlVdllc AilltMOAMl-ivrnianleAiiir 12 noon tug ID noonPier It Oillceu Uiiiadwny Mw




t inn

i uurrt

I ru 1st

st i I tie

Tierloch erl taInt igim I hue

I rIl2laln

t I <


North tImer f our hunter

11111 740 i40 no IC t 1 M


oil neil


jumeurlers iranul eonr


ortlandt1mu i 30 5 341 015 1 M-

lirklini I lock Iurton irry ttriuokiQ rrmtnu loO-ltO It Ot imut 0u ij iOU I tt-

1ast 12th Street Dsn mOfku 010 1045 A M

rae 5l 1

iuurii 10


Trot nhInc

I net li IiiMug r tttw

ns hISmnt tnm i

AIoA-5day tnlp sasro

1 Inkeua ton


excURsIoN 100






I stair

tin umriimnr ire i


ifl u-

iri re 1


N EP tnt


uu n

iris haul tlIrruuiuiuu s2lr AuI

resell u1

hUnt tItI tt1

All tJuilii

liv ii itoi

yuleuntil Iii IiW

Its tijuiailtuu In

Ii tluruu tOurs


sTir yOur

runs TINlisu

I Olsi rustleurtil gums








>> >

> >


< >



< >





e sT-

AKEOld Dominion Lin





WASHINGTON DCTickets anti Stateroom Reservations a

Pier 2 North River

OLD DOMINION LINErot Old Point Comfort Norfolk PortsmouthJlnn rs Point and News V cunncptlnefor Ietcrsburj Richmond Virginia Bracb Wa hharden 1 C and entire South Wot

passcnzcr steamers suit fromN H font M


II U WALKISH VlcePresldtnt TratMo Manager

JAPANCHINAHa-waii and Philippine Islands


TOYO RISEN KAISIIABetween San FrancIsco Honolulu YokohamaKobe Natrasakl Shanghai rind Hone KongSteamers leave San Francisco at 1 P

Siberia Aur 81 American MaruAug 20Coptic AUK It Korea Stilt 3

For frrlKht arid Infnnnatlouapply tit J49 Broadway or 1 Broadway Wash-ington DlUir and 2S7 Broadway N Y City

JfamburgAmaricanFor PLVMOUTHCHERnOURG HAMBnin-

TvrlnScrew Express and Passenger Serrlce-MollUe Aug 610 AM

16AM AVictoriaAiiit2710AUPalrlclaAuii21llO AM-

liluccherAujZO 10 AM Moltke Sept 310AM-riASIllUlUIAMEKK AN LINE

Offices 3 37 Hroadway Piers llnhoken NJNORTH GERMAN LLOYD S S CO


Kronprlnz Aur 117 AM I KronprlnrSept8 AM11 AUK25730A M K Win 11 Sept AM

Kaiser Sept I II AM Raiser Kept 28 10 AM-OELRICHS CO 6 BROADWAY NY


NPMIaAllit 12 10 A M New YnrkAtlifMlO AM-StLouls Aug ID 10 AM I Pnlla Sept 2 10 AM


Zetland tug 8 10 A M VadcrlandAu 2210AM-Tlnland Ann 15 M i KroonlandAUK2910AMPiers H and 15 N R omen 73 Hroadway N Y-

HQLLANDAMERICA LINESew Twin Screw Steamers ot IfOfl Tons


Statcndam Alan 12 Rotterdam Sept 2-

Uymlam Aui lit Potsdam Sept o-

Noordam AUK 29 Statcndam Kept U-

IltllaiidAinerlra Line ill llrciadw N Y-

v Mallory S S Lines From N Y

ocean voyages to portsVV ofTexasOeorKla

to nil resorts In Texas Ciilomdo-7j Mexico California Florida Ac

Special Tales lint Sprlnes ArkTourist lleUets a specialty SendPostal for BookSomlicrn

r If MALLORY A CO Pier 2n 15 H S Y-

OtlfMAPn I I IMP TO LIVERPOOLvia u n town

Krom Ilrri ii 5V Vorlli RiverLiirtuilA Aug 1 3 IM CampaniaAugK STM-Ktrurla Auir ls in AM CmhrlaAu vu 10 AM

KXTHA SKHVICR-Auranla V ir u 1 KM 11 PM

irrvlMff sTund nnil Ililrd class onlyVBnvu II CO Aitus Kw-

ayANCHOR LINEKiimfMiIii AUK noon I ColumbiaAuic22 B AMAstoria Auir 10 noon I Auif 0 noon

First saloon 150 tu JHK-

Scrnnd cabin 131 neal up third rliiss 150 and upFor new llluMralrd liiujk lit Toun appl to

1IKNDK11SOX UlluTHlIKS 17 and 11 Dway X Y-


MrnomltHeAucSi AM MInnetonlaAuc22BAM-MesobnAiiit 13 l AM Mlirpnlls 3D 10 AM

Only first lais passengers inrriodVOId RATIiS ETC APPLY 1 HIIOADWA-


PALI ICIVli LINK for Fall RiverHuston and all liaitern anil Northern PointsSteamers PH1SC1ILA and PI K1TAN Orclieslra-

arh Liavc liar 111 N R foot Warren Stweek tiara nina Sundays at 580 P M-

IHOYIDHNfK llNK nor Providence HostonNorth and KWI suainers PIYMOITII and CONMKTICLT nrrnsira on inch Leave Pier 18N H font Murray St wcelf days only nt n P M-

HTOMWIi IIMC for Wotcli HillPier noston and Kast Stfamrrs-

MA INI tumid NKW IIAMPSIIIRF Leave ruler 40N U fiwirinrksun St iek days only at I P M-

NOinvlCII lINE ion New London Mshers Islandlilork lslanil nrUch Worcester Koston Northand KII Steameri CITY OK LOW1ILL iind CITYCIFWlHClsTIlt Leave Pler40N Hnon St wiMk day only 530 P M

tit I1AYFN for New Haven HartfordSnrlnzlirlil and North Week days Steamer hintAlU PKCK leaves Pier 40 N 200 P XL lootSlst St K If 30H p M Steamer CHESTER WCIIAILN leaves lien 40 N 11 1IWSundays Strainer RICHARD PECK leaves Pier

U 030 A M toot 31st St K II 1015 A Mrtturnluir due New York 0n P M-

TIClCITrs ANI NTATKIIOOMS all Lines at 1117

261 173 I US 1331 llroadivny 3 park Place 21 tnlonSquare 4 Coluirhus Avenue 273 W loath Siren1KI r I75IH street urIc 4 Court fKo FultimStreet 390 Urondivny Brooklyn nod at Piers


For CntiUlll and tntsklll Mountatn Points Hudsonand the IlerksUres CoisacKle nOd way lamUnciSteamer ICAATKHSICILL or everyweek dny from Pier 13 N R al 0 p M and fromVest isiltli st at 7 P X-

IKxtra leant ONTKOIlAi Saturdays 180 P XLfrom Plfr 11 180 from W I2tth St for CatsklllHudson by iinnct rOil Maiden

Coimeetlons Oilsklll Mountain noston4 Albanymind Albany Hudson

trains for Cairo Palenvllle OtIs Sum-mit Unities Corners nnd Tannersvlllci-

iliiljiff Rooms on DeckOejcrlpllve Polder Mulled Tree


ADIIIDXDACK oit DKAN uciuioMti-iaves Iler N K toot Cnnnl St al 0 P XLnick days iouneitlne with express tralna for SlM-XIIH orlli Cast rind Went Saturdaynlulit stcntmr roiinicts with Sunday morning trainfor MIIAUDN SPIHNliS SAHATO1 NOKTi-IrHIUlimil steamer on lAKlitilOHOI SummerDxcurilon trunk free Orchestra on steamers

TROY LINEMciinw or Iliy of Troy leave W

null reeL plrr II M cancel Sutnrdav-M MAV STIAMMIIS AIIIAN-VIlint rnllionil ioimrctlnn M Troy Our nit irsortjI-Viirii guru lAst

icur liini trim SSno S IIIIK MfiO-

Uinintroon on Main Dick Searchlight Displayhrnil fur llnnklrt Kriir l Tniirs

JOY ONLY S200New York to Providence

PintClass Service1iist Ilpxant stPiiniiTs leave NIJW i orlt

daily Sunday nt 1 I M from Iiir3 IvKl ltlvi r of Ilioim-MH Crrliiinl OrchrMru on ivioh str aiturI-

IL4ILX ISLAM 4llir 4iiiM lltsnrinit ISLAND AVUSAI-

IIAIlllOlt IIUATSleave Pier 11 K It N V mar Wall st Wend laysrveiit SaturdaysS P M Saturdays I P XI


HARTFORD LINEliuin i i r M ti liaM niny sunlit Suniln ni i M lllvir corn

fur SprtiKltelil llulvnl e Noriiilield nnd allViW England iiljils Send lorlliistriid


1iinur risE St Faint tills 24i-Saiunlajs P M Ucekman St 213 P M



nun PIn28 every eek at 3 P 3t

muIieniure Mugp






flhit0 du ron

ilaigow and

1 U



0 ta itirt


foot Clark



Nit 0

ft asir roads

Mini n



Sum ruungutnIii i I

rot ii ti




tIp ntYsPu ItT I I nIl 1111 Its ION

illS urcur oiiireiIIniil


slut isiI tin nr











Hudson Diver b DaylightPalatial Strainers Slav YORK and ALIIANY-

of thus Hudson niver Lluc taunt and lliieslriver b ms In this worldLeave llrnoklyn Fulton St by Amifi 800 A M-

Desbrmsri si Iitt 840 A M-

WfwtXMKt 0iO MWest 120lh St 130 A M

Landing at Yonkers Point NcwlmnchHudson

anti Albany Dally except Sunday Specialto Catsktll Otto revolts Saratoga ensyconnections to nil taintS East North nnil VestThrough ticket anil cheetah at offlcisof N Y Transfer Co Most dcllKhtful one dayonline to West Iolut Newburcli or Poughkrepslereturning ouilownlioftt Ilcstaurant iipen


STEAMER MARY POWELLliv hrcisHes Si at M Sans l4B KX

W 22d St 330 1 M Snts P M 1211th St onSaturdays and Holiday only mall P M ImHighland Falls West Cornwall NewbiiruhNew llamtiiinrh Milton Pokeepsle Kun

Klmrston Orchestra on hoard



OF MW YOKKFait modern Sironuihlni STAR an

I1OHATIO HAM rail Jlnnilurs Tn il yi-iThnroilarii and Salarilari Dlrrrt route to thiWhite llounlnlns liar Harbor Ijikr

all tile Cannons Extern vi t arid InlnniSummer Knorls-

An iinstirpa sed sea voyage of tirnrly eight bundreil rallrs

Send for llliiMnitrd descriptive boOklet nmllcitrain OttlcM SM Pkr Neal yEast Tllver Npn Vork Tclitiliorc li Orchard




VIA NIAGARA FALLSTrains arrive nnil depart mann Grand Central

Station 43d Strert la belowNorth timid wrstbuimd trains rirrit those

Grand Central Station at 831 1130 A U 24383 015 1130 I M win stop at 125th street to re-ceive ten minute after leaving GrantCentral Station

All southbound trains except the 20th Centurythe Empire State HHIKAS and Noi 38

10 will stop at 121th st tInt minute before theirtune at Grand CVntrul Station

12 ID A M 1 MIONIiHT EXPRESSDueAlbany S55 A M Troy l40 A M


7 Kl A W SVHAClTsu LOCAL Stops anull Important stations

B 30 A M tEMPMIE STATE EUHESSMost famous train In time world Dm-Uilffalo445 Niagara rnlls53l P if-

O AK AM l ASTMAIL3t Chicago-


Ifl 31 A II slIM EXPHKSS Make local3lop IUTaIo 115 A M

11 30 A M mrTLANn KXHHIWSDUDRutland 745 P M

19 Qfl PM lllPKAIO LIMITED Due Ourtrio 111X1 I M NIoKarn Full I1SS P M

inn M LIM1TKIciuclnnutl 10S i lnrtl tmpolls 1130

A M St Lout 045 P M next slay1 flfl I M CIIICAliO L1MITKD24 hours

to Lake Shorn 24H via M C-

I Rfl 1 MSARATOOA LIMITED Saturdayonly thin Sarntoja 5in P M-

PMThe 2UII1 CKNTfHY LIMITED30hour train lo Chicago via Lake Shore

Electric lights and Tans320 I MSAIUTOUA LIMITEDUxtept

Saturday and Sunday due Saratoga 710

330 MTAlUANV AND TROY ILYEII1 llc Albany 8HO Troy 70 P M

34D M ALrtANY luCY EXPRESSLoral stopi


5 3D MLAKE SHORE LIMITED 73Ulunar train to Chicago All Pullman carsDue Cleveland 7Ti A M Clrtlnnatl 130

3in ChIcago 4dO St Louisi4S P M next day t-

R Oil I EXPRESS hourslo Chlrizo via both L S lund M C

7 OH p MMONTREAL iXPRESSVla Dft II or Rutland



Sleeping ear only tar Ilnehrste-r9pn O r WEST Ii R N S P E


9 on P t PAnnr KTPRKSS Chicago31 hours by MIchlRiiii Central 33 tours byLalCf Shore

MHI1K Adll TIIVniBIIJJ ritvr vtnctnt OTilfinburit Dillliilo Tietroll Chlearo and St Ix uls

Dally TEicept Sunday 1Fiicpt MondayHARIn DIVISION

0w A M SSW P M except Sunday to-Plttadrld and North Aclnras Sntutdayn only 2M-PM Sunday at 930 AM-

Pullinau cars all tlirnush traInsTralni ItKmlnatcd with Ilntieb lightTickets nt tEll 3 11 II and 17IB lln dw i

35 Union Si V 275 ColumbtiN av 133 1251h-At Crand Central Station 125th st station andlS th t station New York J1S anti 72 Fulton Mand lilt Broadway E I

Telephone Hdrt 38th Rtrett for New York Cen-tral ab Service Haannirc checked from hotelor residence by ViVsUnlt Expn s Cnrnni tiy



IIOSTON AMI AIIIAM IIAITIIOADNew York Central arid Hudsoi River II R I weetTrains leave Ornnd Central Station Fourth

avenue Ud strict New York as follows1004 A M tlIKI noon 400 P M lUllO P XI

arrive Boston li3o P M 510 P M l jo p jitoil A M

Leave Boston 0flfl A M 10 noon IM P M-

I1OOP M arrive at New York 330 P M5 OPM1001 P M flJI A M

Tickets at Sew York Central ticket armies IH7 418and 1510 llrnndwny imd at Grand mini Rintlon

A II SMITH IKOIlCii It DANIKIS-Ufnl Manager Jenl PitHsr Went


New York Central nail Hudson KlverH R LesseeTrains leave rranklln St Stition New York s

Fellows and 11 OlIn loOt foot Wesi 42d st N R710 A M Fur Intcrm polnu to AlbanyDiiA XI ill Ciutlilll Mln

1la XI Snritiiga anil MohnwU Hjpress-TK45P XI ill Rip Van Wnkle llyer-

li P M Chlcairo Kipnsv-r21 P XL COD Llni for Dun Chi St Ifluls-nJSP Tlster to Cnt llll Mfns

Mir P MMI for Hudson Hirer points It Albany100 P MFor Itmh lluflalo rkverd A riilcsjo-

l i0n P XI For Roeh Iliifrulo 4 Stlxiuls-H15 P M ForSyra loch Tails lletiCli

Dally f Dally except Sunday Leave Hroofelyn Annm at A M 21 nt 1045 A M

131 at I3IO P M I nt T241 P M LeaveCity Pcnn H II Stir ut I7 A M at I120-A lit t200 P M 4 nt t11S P M Tlmo-tnbliw at principal hotel nnd olllcei lligtncachecked from or residence by Wostrutt K

A SMITHOinI Manager

r i LAMBERTCenl Iassr Agent

New York and Boston ill RailN Y N If A II II II connections

From firml StationLeave way of lineittflOAXL Hartford VlllanianMc 9OolM

SiiniiBllelil anil Wornster i30PMI-IIM w Ixiudon antI lrovllnueSoo j-

HOU2 AM New txiiuluii and ProvlilLncc iflnpM1-2iKM and Worcester 540 PM-IWPMffNf Utndoii Pnivl lincelWio PM102 PM Kew Ilnlou anti Provldenei 701 PM-2WPM llnrlford unfit K00 PM3 Lnmlon anl Pravlileree MO PM-liKipM sirlijril ld and Wonestcr lOttOPM-

JI PM vew and Provlilence lUni PMHam PM Mirtnirieli Worcisiir rtJ5AMI-2W P M v Lonilnn anil Provldiiicr US7 AM-U 2 AM New Londun Pnivldrucv 057 AM

Dally Incluclluic Sumli at I25tllLimited all parlor cars tnre New

York unit BovUin parlor ruin seatThrouith tiirlor and sleeplnit cnN by each trainReturn service samo hours by snmn route

c T iiiMpTe ien IMV AIHIII

Lackawanna Railroadliax iu t n fji rircUy null turiiiijplicr-

lstniMi M Iur lllnihiinitoii and Nyraruse-HIIKIA M Fur dilcairo antI St Louis140 P M ion initial ChlrntoI-

KI si Ifiiiinit IHH M Iur MTiinton ami

P M For Iliilfnlii ami Chliaico-I1P M Dsurirn tiiinra Murtalo-

2On M joe Clilcatro M rperi 9 P M

lintel at 4211 N Y J38-

ullnn st UrooUlyn rally SundayThtirsilayx lrldays and Saturilii-


1 MLvs t1i St

Way Twin 930 A X-L7IRA May tonli AM Llliirty ExpriK-

tll4 A M LlbiTtyI Nnnn t NorwichIMI p M tn IMHilanrlI-

INI p M Kllrnvlllr KlnitsuuiP M Kxnrivt to

jVlu P M WiMertiilllllrlls only IDally-

1ntlor Car teats nt 4SS llroadwar only

A M-

n15 A M

Noon12111 P M-

ll P M-

3IS P M141 P M-

OM P ii





mia ih

dout and






amid ant

burma tolui Ru ITunlo 710 NIagara Ialls 8M7-



I SOiThIW10SIrrtNDun

S ChIcago viii

a 5







ann ninth





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unIt rat

nIt A IiAOl I J



Vl lit nisotirI 0 yew


a ridSi-

S lou rS 1 iruciuul log



0I iii flu Is I

trutht I I ti nun tIn ill NIl lsnl

ii mouthitta lieu

ImElT I mst it

vs u



5rl It miamIhUh

ta laclula rido
















STItKLTSIVThe leaving tlmn from Prslirosiin

Cortlundt Streets Is flee nilnnlix later thun-thut gIven tivlow for Slreei-Mtiillon except where utlicrnlsn noted7J A SI PAST MAILPnrlor anti

hinting Curs For chlcaico Inuluiapolls andLouisvilleNS A M ST LOIIS LlillTIU Pullman Sleep

and Observation Cars CincinnatiIndianapolis St Iotili liming CarlSi A M PUNNSYLVANIA UMITEnPullman Sleeping tilnlns Smollrir and Observation

Cars ion Chicago ClevelandToledo SOul Detroit

lSS P II CHICAliO AND ST LOP1S EXPRESSFor Toledo Nashville via Clnclnnall and Louis-

ville Indlaunpolls ChlcaKO SI Louis DiningCar

4 5 P II CHICACO LIMITKDPullman SleepInc Smoldnir and Observation Cars CM-

raco Toledo and Cleveland CarKR5 P M ST Lons KXPHLSSKor Pitts

bunt Clnclnnall IndIanapolis Louljvllle SttonI Dirlnc U Va ivu-Shcnnndoah Valley flouter

585 P M WKSTKHN KXPRESS For ChicagoFor Toledo Saturday Dlnlns Car

753 P si PACIFIC ESPIlKSSFor Plttsburjstud Chlrairo For Knoxvllle dally via Shennti-ilnah Valley Houtc connects Clevelandincept Saturiby-

N3S P SI CLKVKLAM AND CINCINNATI EXPlttsburir CIcvTland Cincinnati


71 823 l2ri lUlnlnit Carl 101 Drsbn sses aridCortlanrtt Sirens lu20 illnln Carl 10M Din

n m l2FMninlni CarlCoil Ccrtlandt Streets 22ti 121 CongressIonalLimited aim Parlor mind Dining Cars 325 Dinlug Can 425 DIning Carl 4J5 Dlnlnit Cari25 p iu I2lo nlcht Sunday 829 i23 DlnlniiCern 10f 5 I lnlnir Cars a m 1285 iDlnlniSM Consrewlonal Limited all Parlor

Dlnlnir Cars Sl Can 425 DIalog Car4Vi Ixsbrnssci and Corllandt Streets 5IW-Dlnlne Carl li2f p m 1210 nIght

SOUTIIEHN 425 p m 1110night daily

ATLANTIC COAST LlNEEjprcss 92J n nsand 023 p in dally

AlIt LINE nAILWAYExpreAt 1355-n in mid 1210 nIght dally

NOKIOLK AND AVKSTEI1N HAILWAYrorMemphIs SOil New Orleans 32S n m dally

CllKSAPEAKI AND OHIO a mweekdays and ISJ n in

loll OLD POINT COMPORT AND NOTtFOLK-7W a m weekdays and 055 p m dally

ATLANTIC CITY0 n m 255 p in week-days Sundays 7S a m Throuith Vestlbuleiltrains lluirci Parlor Cars and Standard Coaches

weeUdiiys Parlor Himklnif Car ParlorCar and Standard Coaches on

SundaysCAPH MAY12M m weekdaysFor points on New York and Long llranch Itallrnad

from Twentythird Street Station 741-MA ii m 1210 110 Saturdays only 225 2A-18214lo 153 and ll5r p m Sundays7M 021 n m 151 p m from Desbrosses unitCortlanilt Streelsi 7Vi m 1220120 Snt-unlays only 2ai 310 140 420 510 and 70p m WKckdays Sundays 011 913 a tn B00

m Krom Orsbrossns Street only 330 a in-

Cortlamlt Street only 141 a m weekdaysFOt IMIHAIirLPIIIA

03 725 755 75 DIning Carl 823 835 021 DinCarl 855 St louts Llmlleit 1010 Deabro-

ssesanOrtliiiiltSlreetj 10201Penna Llmllidi 1055 ninlilE Carl 1155 a m

1255 Carl 155 lUlnlne Csr 210 Dns-bnissca and Cortlandt Streets 2201 255 n25-

Illnlnc Cart 35 423 421 Cnr 451-Dlnlnit Can 4V Limited for Gem

maatown Jet only 55 bluing Car OM 755-X21 i55 025 m 1210 night weekdaySundays 603 755 i Dlnlni Car hSS i25 llnlay Cars lir Units Limited 1155 102i-Penna Limited to55 Car a m 125-

iDlnlne Can Dlnlni Cart 125DlnhiK Carl 1453Chlcaico Ltmttei

for Cennantown let only 455 Dlnlnit Car553 Ulnlne Carl 753 325 835 uZJ p til 121night

Ticket offices 1351 113 and 281 Broadway182 Fifth avenue below 23d St 213 Fifth avenui

29th St 1 Astor House West Twentythird Street Slattern and stations foot ofbrosses and Cortlandt streets I Court StreetMK Fulton Strcrt 3KP Hroadway and Pcniisyl-

anla Annex Station Station JerseyCity The New York Transfer Company willnail for nnd rhrck hnireairc from resi-

dencesTelephone UU KlichUeiitliStreet for Pennsylvanl


General Xlanaicr PavVr Tr mc ManagerlEO W nOYD

Central Passenger Aecnk-A271003

READING SYSTEMNEW JERSEY CENTRAL R RLiberty Street arid South Terry RIme from

South Ferry rOve minutes earlier than shownbelow

KASTON IIKTHMIIIRM AlLENTOWN ANDMA 1CII lIUMiMUtt 715 EastOn Only0l A JI 40 OWJ 545 Kestou only JSllllclBJH IA IS A M lIX 500 P M

AM SCrtANTONz400 flflA M i l P M Sundays zi25 A M 101 P M-

IAKHVOO lAKKIirilST TOMS RIVErAND llAllMCrAT rlW RIO A M 120 I31-Ijikewooil and Liknhnnt onl 130 P f undays Hir A M-

ATIAXTH irr t 40 A M t3 p M t o

P M Snurdays-VINEI l ANI niIII nTON 400 A M


onli 1iS 1 l 153 415 S3i noteI1SO Wednesday to Ahury Park mill Satur-

days tn Point Pleasant P M Sundays exceptOcean irove 15 A M 180 400 P M-

lIIILAI iillHA illKADINO TLRMINAI1-7 t 0 t0 1101 A M tl2-

lmi J1 SIHI tllH M0i 50 16O T73H


0tn0 1115 A M M00 lS40 tOS3P M I21S Mdt


10r i lltKl A M Rmdlne only miW lil2i-t P M Hemline Puttsvllle Ilarrlsbureonly tlW MM P M

SANDY HOOK HOI KFrom ft Rector StPier 8 Atlantic Ilhamls tieabrlKht Monronutli hunch anti LiiK Branch Asbury ParkTolut Pleasant fliK 10i A M Ifi0 SfKi4 300 1101 Mm Iailc P M Sundaysmono A M 101 400 800 P M

From Liberty Street only Dally tDnllyexcept Sunday Sunday only JParlor cars only

Via TomnipmlImes Liberty st Ferry South Ierry fl AjtorI-

lOTise in7 01 434 tOO I3M Hronriuay t 2 Slur

av 21 Inlnn Rqnnre Wes 1M Faust St 3

West rSti S liColumbus Av New York 4 CourtSt 314 win 1iiltnn St Hrnoklyii S90 DrosdKay-

VlllliiiTislurB New York Transfer Co calls fortOut Iherlif buiririee to leAtlnutlon-

W HKKlFH C II lirilT-VIcePreH antI Oen Mirr Ceo Iassr Act



lavi Souih lerrj Llbertv SI Ter-rllaltiiWMhlnglnn S2B AM ts30 AM Hu r-

ItaltiiWiOiliiKton IOi AM 1030 M i

llalloIVnililnittiin mla AM llli Ml Dr-llnltoWii hliiirlnn 12MPXI finsllnrnl lliilted 185 PM Min PXt

lUltoWuhlnistnn 455 IM M0n PM Dln r-l llinltllllK on 1151 IM 7iOPXI Bllfft-IlnltKWaililnitlon 12 ISntSlerpen

Dally holly exeent Sunlin SundayrOles Liberty St Kirn Smitb Ferry Astrrlouse in M 1 l 13i 13M itrril ay Itt Viinyc Inloii square Wisi IM Kast 12ilh M271 Vtst St Ai New Yorli4 rnurt St 314 smi Fulton St UrooUlynway Wllllimsburit New Trmnir Co fillsfor iiiu1 rlierlu tn il


Lv New York City fioiiili Ferry Ilbsrty Ml

M210 n MSIS in-

hl u o iliiiiirin u A pn 1110 pm Pln r-

rittilniru 1levilanil 8 M pn 14i pm Llmd-PIIHIiiirK llinltrd ii 5 pOur Dui-

Ttlncliinnll Si l iil 12 Ifi nun l r

IMIUIIII st l nil in m Dlr rini Iniull Si Inun i iin innnpi liufTi-

Dallv DilH rw snOffices KlTWl l11

M Inlon Sciiiiirr V Mil Oranii SiStreet UrifliiV Siih mi-

li taii ihni il I rum hri uc rril-tlon

Sunday nV-

UroariMiivn AstorS Y JiltF-

nliLEHIGH VALLEYtroll of WnitilSd A riirtlanit ml PwlnjwuBtf n

Dull t Micepi Suinliiy t imiHy cimnsi dlJelin

Munch Chunk LocalIliilkln ineBUCK nunuMiM iiliih sml llotilnn

A Serai m l mRation Liuil

Lv NY-t l t7lliM-

kuliirrc laT5-

Hcwift TormiinVeMliiiHEip ns-

in rrtlo iiitfi w-

Tlckei unit nillmnn ucen-Vti IJI mid wi irftlw v

iiiiniiitjittiini m 1H

fVO PM-is 4fl r

im IM-

N V Vi Kul-

tonatskifi MountainsCutiklll llnuntaln and Catsklll Tan

niTsvllle ltilhiiln-iltln direct ciinnerilons ulin iin New York Cennil trains lenvlnz N Y at TM A M alsi

I P M dally LMLIStinila s v1ib Parlor nnd Ilulnir i ars iipiliho-

l Sluin Irnln leaving ui 7ID and 11 20 M-

ilsii Ciininiilal Llmlliil leiivlnir t J25 P M-

Uso dlrit ciinnertlont with the KIYKIIDAY LINK and tIle CATSKllL EVENING LINEileamcrvVurcliu TlckiU l 4 t VI1L

PennsyIvanaL-zzaIL p



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