r~j:~ ;d'i~iti;~w · The refinery's . refinery is Maralhon's second largest refinery. Catlellsburg...

download r~j:~ ;d'i~iti;~w · The refinery's . refinery is Maralhon's second largest refinery. Catlellsburg supplies Ihe Midwesr markers. Capacity: 226,000 BPCD . 6 . GARYVILLE Garyville is

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Transcript of r~j:~ ;d'i~iti;~w · The refinery's . refinery is Maralhon's second largest refinery. Catlellsburg...

  • largest crude States


    Iii Marathon Brand Supply Terminals

    iii iii



    iii iii


    iii iii

    5 CATLEnSBURG Maralhon's Callellsburg refinery is

    localed in northeastern Kentucky on the Big Sandy River's western bonk. The Callellsburg


    t' acquired from U.S. producers, 14 pen: Canada, and the remainder from intemational sources.

    Marathon's seven-refinery system is managed as a single refining, transportation and marketing entity.


    ~ in the Midwest, Marathon Petroleums refining, market_ - transportation operations are strategically located to

    ""==,,,,"_'~""""'T ets. The seven-plant refining network currently has 'Ilion bpd of crude oil throughput capacity.

    UL PARK Pork refinery processes predominantly Canadian crude. Located near Minneapalis/

    ~ one of only two refineries in Minnesola. Sf. Paul Pork supplies markets in .-:!:J!5][: mYf!salrlsin. Capacity: 74,000 BPCD

    sDetroit refinery is the only petroleum refinery operaling in the state of Michigan. In June .;:..w'J


    ..._ .., began a $2.2 billion heavy oil upgrode at Ihe Delroit refinery. The refinery has been i!!!!::I::I:ElmllJf MKhigan OSHA to receive the Michigan VPP in 2009, Capacity: 102,000 BPCD

    ·....I.Il.L.bu;.;llW i1 easlem Ohio in the ........... u,:u. Cmrton supplies markets in

    '.fiEI&:sl refiJery ~ amoderale conver· _ j:J:t ~:D,prell to run heavy sour crudes ''l!:.!!1 ~iEli!II mns. Capacity: 78,000 BPCD

    'ROI!Df!lON ~ .l£:D'J'lII ~ry is local~~ i~ th~ s~alllown of Ro~~.s~~,.I!S~n.:a.s~rn.lllinais. The refinery's

    refinery is Maralhon's second largest refinery. Catlellsburg supplies Ihe Midwesr markers. Capacity: 226,000 BPCD

    6 GARYVILLE Garyville is the last major grassroots refinery built in the United Slales and the largesl single

    train refinery. Localed on the Mississippi River between New Orleans and Baton Rouge, la., Garyville supplies Ihe Soulheast markets. When compleled in 4th quarter 2009, a $3.7 billion expansion will increase capacity to 436,000 BPCD.

    The Garyville refinery earned Ihe designation as on OSHA VPP STAR site.

    7 TEXAS CITY The Texas City refinery is localed south of Houston, Texas, on Galveston Bay, jusl off the

    enlrance 10 the Houston Ship Channel. Texas City's production is generally sent north 10 supply Midwest markets. Capacity: 76,000 BPCD

  • eI Refining


    'or Expansion (GME) activities are for a fourth quarter 2009 start

    man I,200 of I,250 mechanical :c:.::prnem items are on order. Pile driving to

    it foundations continued on schedule 12,000 out of 17,700 piles having

    . en.The expansion will create approxi200 permanent full-time positions and

    ximately 75 to 80 permanent full-time a positions at the refinery.

    2008, Marathon began construction at ':3 ::>erroit refinery.The projected $2.2

    investment will increase heavy oil procapacity by approximately 80,000 BPD crude refining capacity by 15 percent complete the project will add more

    400,000 gallons per day of clean transdon fuels to the marketplace.

    ning completed another successful year - erms of environmental compliance.There

    re 50 Designated Environmental Incidents EI) in 2008, which compares to the previs record of 55 set in 2007.

    Transportation * Marathon has the ability to blend ethanol

    at 63 equity terminals and has also introduced recreational gasoline at 31 equity/third-party terminals through July 2009.

    * In August of 2009, American Commercial Lines Inc. recognized Marathon Petroleum Company with the Marine Environmental Stewardship Award for safely handling (via barge) more than two billions gallons of chemicals and sharing the company's commitment to safety and environmental stewardship.

    * Marathon's product distribution facilities include:.

    - 65 owned and operated light product terminals, 22 owned/operated asphalt terminals and II leased heavy oil/asphalt terminals in 18 states in the Midwest and Southeast

    - Nearly 150 owned transport trucks and and more than 250 transport loading racks

    - 15 inland waterway towboats and nearly 200 barges

    - Approximately 2,500 ownedlleased railcars .--

    Alternative Fuels * Product Quality continues to provide

    important oversight for the organization. There were no major quality incidents during 2008.

    * Champaign, Robinson and Kramer's Lane (Louisville) were modified and are currently equipped to sell biodiesel in addition to our St. Paul Park, Minnesota, terminal.

    * Marathon, through its partnership in The

    Anderson's Marathon Ethanol LLC, has ownership interest in two 110 million gallons per year ethanol plants in Greenville, Ohio, and Clymers,lnd.

    *The Company invested $10 million in a company that will identify, patent and deploy microbes and low-cost processes producing cellulosic ethanol from a range of feedstocks.


    offers biodiesel blended fuel at four terrnina~ , Kentucky and Minnesota.

    Marathon's Detroit Refinery expansion project


    2800 I Citrin Drive TERRITORY Romulus, MI 48174

    4,577 Stations (as of 12/31/2008)1-800-482-7755

    Eastern District Office 4125 Fisher Road Columbus, OH 43228Marathon 1-800-772-1 125Petroleum Company LLC

    Based in Findlay, Ohio, Marathon Petroleum

    Company LLC is the nation's fifth largest Western

    transportation fuels refiner with over I District Office million barrels-per-day capacity in its 1304 Olin Ave.

    Indianapolis, IN 46222seven-refinery system. Marathon's brand 1-800-627-2846

    marketing system comprises more than

    4,500 locations in I 7 states. Marathon serves the Midwest, Southeast and Upper

    Great Plains as a petroleum products marketer,

    owning or operating 87 light product and asphalt Southern District Oft

    terminals and accessing about 9,700 miles of 3475 Corporate Way

    pipeline. Marathon's roots reach into the early Suite B Duluth, GA 30096years of the oil industry. Its vision stresses: 1-800-847-9409Success through efficiency;

    efficiency through innovation; innovation through people.

    For more information on Marathon Petroleum Company LLC