Rivulet november 2013 issue



The Rivulet November issue...... read to know about the Rotary Foundation and its activities to do good to the world. Congrats Rotary for eradicating Polio from India.

Transcript of Rivulet november 2013 issue

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Follow ing news From the rotary club oF panaj i r i v i era

November 2013

The RotaryFoundation


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November is designated as The Rotary Foundation Month.

Certainly everyone knows that the greatest and the most fundamental of The Rotary Foundation is PEACE. Peace for a better quality of life, good health and prosperity for all. Peace which bridges the gap between the rich and poor and between different countries. And we truly believe that The Rotary Foundation has the ability to contribute to this quest for Peace.

The mission of The Rotary Foundation is to enable the Rotarians to advance world understanding, goodwill and peace through the improvement of health, the support of education and alleviation of poverty. It is a mission worthy of the greatest service organization on earth.

All we need to do is plan bigger projects, and contribute generously to the Rotary Foundation, so as to ensure that The Rotary Foundation continues its great work….

Rotary Club of Panaji Riviera had the privilege of hosting one of the biggest events in the Rotary calendar The Rotary Foundation (TRF) Seminar for District 3170 on the 23rd of November at Hotel Fidalgo. The Chief Guest for this function was Rotary International Director P.T.Prabhakar and the Guest of Honor was EMGA Rtn. Dr. Ravi Vadlamani from Hyderabad, in the presence of the District Governor for District 3170- Rtn Mohan Mulherkar, PDGs, Incoming DGs, Assistant Governors, Presidents, Secretaries, TRF Chairmen and distinguished guests.

We also had a record-breaking registration (in the last few years). 230 Rotarians from 127 clubs from the District (Part Maharashtra, part Karnataka and Goa) came together for this grand evening.

I particularly wish to thank R. I Director Rtn. P. T. Prabhakar and EMGA Rtn. Dr. Ravi Vadlamani for their presence for the TRF seminar. And I would like to express my sincere gratitude to our DG Rtn. Mohan Mulherkar for entrusting us with this event.

Special thanks to Mr. Deepak Bandekar for a generous contribution made by the family of Late Anant Rajaram Bandekar and the family of Late Fenellon and Albertina Rebello, to The Rotary Foundation, towards Endowment Fund each amounting to US $ 25,000 (total US $ 50,000 and Rs. 30,50,000/- in Indian rupees).

Besides this, November has been a very fulfilling month for us at Riviera. May it be the super specialized cataract operations conducted on 11 patients, or the donation of spectacles to 71 needy people, or lunch for the inmates of Santa Margarita Old Age Home. None of this would be possible without the support of our sponsors Rtn. Kalyani Laad, Rtn. Angad Singh, Friend of Rotary Mrs. Roxanne Pereira and of course our sponsors for the specialized cataract operations - Damodar Mangalji Charitable Trust, who have donated Rs. 3,00,000/- and have a clear objective of performing as many cataract operations to the needy as possible. Your generosity will enable us to bring about a huge change in the lives of many.

Lets continue to move forward in the true spirit of Rotary to make a difference with peace and harmony and Engage Rotary to Change Lives.

Thank you!

Yours in Rotary,

Rtn. Madhavi Bandekar Shetye

P R E S I D E N T ’ S M E S S A G E

2 nov 2013

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S E C R E T A R Y ’ S R E P O R T

1. International trip for members

Rotary Club of Panaji Riviera plans a foreign trip every year...

and this year it was to Bali, Indonesia, from the 12th to the

20th of November. 11 members of our club had a super

gala time at one of the fun destinations. We had it all… may

it be some fantastic site seeing places, amazing cuisine,

finest artifacts, good people, fun party spots, reasonable

shopping, and of course not to miss the spa treatments…

all in all a great place to be!

This entire trip was well coordinated and planned by Rtn.

Prasad Pawar, making it very comfortable for all of us to

have a pleasant trip.

2. Guest Speaker

On 28th November our club invited

Ms. Nivedita Dempo as our guest

speaker for our weekly meeting.

She spoke on the Importance of

Fitness and Exercise. She spoke

on the various facts and fictions

associated with fitness. Ms. Dempo

rtn. meghana Sawardekarsecretary 2013-14

Secretary’sReport forNovember 2013

nov 2013 3

Club No. : 65754

R.I. District : 3170

Charter date : 16/6/2004

Meeting day : Thursday

Time : 7 p.m.

Venue : Goa Marriott Resort, Miramar

Email : [email protected]

Website : www.rotaryclubpanajiriviera.org

Fcbk : rotary club of panaji riviera

PresidentRtn. Madhavi Bandekar ShetyeRoshan Mahal, 1st floor, Swatantra Path, Vasco-da-Gama, Goa.+91 [email protected]

SecretaryRtn. Meghana Sawardekar21 /F-2, Kamat Kinara,Miramar, Caranzalem, Goa.+91 [email protected]

Rtn. Ron Burton - RI President 2013-14Rtn. Mohan Mulherkar - District Governor (dist. 3170)

EditorRtn. Paresh [email protected]

INDEX2 : President’s Message3 : Secretary’s Report7 : Club Diary8 : Nilesh Amonker’s Blog

10 : You may wanna know12 : Answering life’s questions13 : Straight from the Lounge14 : Horoscope : December 201315 : Editor’s Message

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emphasized that fitness and exercise is the only way of

avoiding different ailments and diseases and stressed on

the point that each one must exercise everyday for atleast

half an hour to one hour. Hoping that our members take this

very seriously and get on the threadmill asap!

3. Release of the club bulletin

Our monthly club magazine The RIVULET October issue

was released by our AG Rtn. Nitin Kenkre in the presence

of our members and Bulletin editor Rtn. Paresh Sawardekar

at our weekly meeting. It’s the Vocational Month issue.

4. Attended the pre pets-sets on 24th November

Rtn. Pallavi Salgaoncar – Secretary Elect and Rtn. Rajesh

Salgaonkar- Assistant Governor Elect attended the pre pets

sets organized by Rotary Club of Margao on the 24th of




1. Ration to National Association for the Blind

Friend of Rotary Mrs. Roxanne Pereira on behalf of Rotary

Club of Panaji Riviera on 19th November gave the ration to

National Association for the Blind.

2. Spectacles donated to the needy

On 6th October an eye camp was organized by our club

in association with Damodar Mangalji Charitable Trust at

S E C R E T A R Y ’ S R E P O R T


Nearly 200 patients were checked at the camp, and few

patients were prescribed spectacles. So 71 needy people

were handed over spectacles as prescribed on the 6th of

November by Rtn. Madhavi Shetye on behalf of Rotary Club

of Panaji Riviera.

3. Super specialized Cataract operations conducted

Damodar Mangalji Charitable Trust in the memory of Shri

Damodar Juthalal Rajani - the Founder of Damodar Mangalji

& Co and Rotary Club of Panaji Riviera had an eye camp

for the detection of cataract patients, at Aldona, the 6th of

October. Nearly 200 patients were checked at the camp,

and 27 people were detected for cataract, of which 17

people have bilateral cataract.

The health check-ups such as ECG, blood checks required

for the cataract operation were done at Campal Clinic and

the cataract operations on 11 patients (1st group) were

conducted on 9th November, by Dr. Chandrakant & Dr.

Madhavi Goankar of MY EYE Hospital, Nuvem.

These cataract operations were super specialized surgeries

conducted by Topical Phacoemulsification with foldable

4 nov 2013

B E s t w I s h E s f r o mWith Best Compliments from

Rtn. Amit Palekar& Family

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IOL Implant. Each of the patient underwent detailed pre-

operation evaluation to decide the fitness of cataract. The

evaluation included : evaluation of visual activity; Tonometry

(IOL measurement); A-Scan biometry (calculation of IOL

Power); Slit Lamp examination; dilated fundus examination

(indirect ophtholmoscopy) and detailed pre-operative


Damodar Mangalji Charitable Trust & Rotary Club of Panaji

Riviera both have plans on having such projects in various

villages of Goa, thus benefitting the Old belonging to lower

income groups.

4. Lunch for the inmates of Santa margarita old Age


Rtn. Kalyani Nath Laad for her dad Mr. Vishwasrao Dempo’s

70th birthday gave lunch to the inmates of Santa Margarita

old age home on behalf of RC Panaji Riviera. This old age

home is in Diwar island, and Sister Monica is in charge

of the home and it is the first home which seems to have

happy inmates..

5. Donation to NAB

A donation box is kept at our member Rtn. Sandeep

Kenkres hospital Campal Clinic. The box once filled is given

to National Association for the Blind. This is a permanent

feature of our club…


1. Hosted tRF Seminar

Celebrations were the order of the day when Rotary Club

of Panaji Riviera put up a great show for THE ROTARY

FOUNDATION (TRF) Seminar for District 3170 on the 23rd

of November at Hotel Fidalgo. The Chief Guest for this

function was Rotary International Director P.T.Prabhakar and

the Guest of Honour was EMGA Rtn. Dr. Ravi Vadlamani

from Hyderabad, in the presence of the District Governor

for District 3170 - Rtn. Mohan Mulherkar, PDG Rtn. Raju

Doshi, PDG Rtn. Mahesh Raikar, PDG Rtn. Avinash Potdar,

DGE Rtn. Ganesh Bhatt, DGN Rtn. Srinivas Malu, Assistant

Governors, Presidents, Secretaries, TRF Chairmen and

distinguished guests

S E C R E T A R Y ’ S R E P O R T

5nov 2013

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1. Diwali Celebrations for the inmates of National

Association for the Blind

Rotary Club of Panaji Riviera had a diwali celebration for

the inmates of NAB. Planned, executed and sponsored

by Rtn. Angad Singh. Inmates were treated with Dominos

pizza and coke and were also gifted t-shirts as a part of the


Rtn. Meghana SawardekarSecretary 2013-14

S E C R E T A R Y ’ S R E P O R T

230 rotarians from 127 clubs from the District (Part

Maharashtra, part Karnataka and Goa) came together for

this grand evening.

2. Endowment Funds of US $ 25,000 each

The TRF Seminar was hosted by RC Panaji Riviera,

and making the evening extra special, was a generous

contribution made by the family of Late Anant Rajaram

Bandekar and the family of Late Fenellon and Albertina

Rebello, to The Rotary Foundation, towards Endowment

Fund each amounting to US $ 25,000 (total US $ 50,000).

Both these cheques were presented by Mr. Deepak

Bandekar, on behalf of the family. These permanent funds

made by the families will ensure and contribute in keeping

the people of Goa safe and healthy for years to come. RC

Panaji Riviera has 2 more permanent funds to its list and we

are very proud.

6 nov 2013

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7nov 2013

Meeting Diary7th nov - Regular Meeting

14th nov - Had the weekly meeting at Bali, Indonesia

21st nov - Discussed TRF Seminar hosted by our Club

28th nov - Guest Speaker Nivedita Dempo spoke on Importance of Exercise and Fitness

Sunshine Box collection : Y1,500/-

b o a r d o f d i r e c t o r S 2 0 1 3 - 1 4

rtn. madhavi bandekar Shetye - president

rtn. meghana Sawardekar - secretary

rtn. Pallavi Salgaoncar - treasurer

rtn. Sidharth Zantye - i.p.p.

rtn. vishnu tarcar - vice president

rtn. clare d’Souza - president elect

rtn. Shivanand Naik - president nominee and public relation chairman

rtn. clayton de Souza - sergeant-at-arms

rtn. dr. Sunil Kenkre - club service Director - 1

rtn. Sanil Shirvaikar - club service Director - 2

rtn. dr. mahesh Pai - vocational service Director

rtn. dr. Shekhar Shirwaikar - community service Director 1

rtn. raja melvani - community service Director 2

rtn. angad Singh - international service Director

rtn. Prasad Pawar - new generation Director

rtn. veronica velho - service project chairperson

rtn. Paresh Sawardekar - club administration chairman

rtn. abhijeet Shetye - trF chairman

rtn. Yogish Kulkarni - membership Development chairman

Celebrations!Birthdays in December

1st Dec - Rtn. nataline vaz

3rd Dec - Rtn. Shripad Adwalpalkar

7th Dec - Rtn. Bhakti Dempo

18th Dec - Rtn. Sneha Bhandare

19th Dec - (Ann) Rtn. virgilio velho

22nd Dec - Annette Samairah (d/o Rtn. Sneha & Raj Bhandare)

23rd Dec - Annette Kavish (s/o Rtn. Raja & Sheetal Melvani)

27th Dec - Rtn. clayton De Souza

28th Dec - Rtn. Sanil Shirvaikar

Anniversaries in october

4th Dec - Rtn. vishnu & Ann Shradha Tarcar

9th Dec - Rtn. Kanika & Ann vivek Dempo

9th Dec - Rtn. Madhavi & Rtn. Abhijeet Shetye

12th Dec - Rtn. Shivanand & Ann Shivani naik

13th Dec - Rtn. Siddharth & Ann vinaya Zantye

17th Dec - Rtn. Pradip & Ann Kalpana Dhuri

17th Dec - Rtn. Dr. Sandeep & Ann Dr. Ashwini Kenkre

20th Dec - Rtn. nataline & Peter vaz

25th Dec - Rtn. Pravin & Ann neelam Zantye

28th Dec - Rtn. Pallavi & (Ann) Rtn Sagar Salgaocar


100% AttendanceRtn. Abhijeet Shetye

Rtn. Angad Singh

Rtn. Denzil Xavier

Rtn. Madhavi Shetye

Rtn. Nitin Kenkre

Rtn. Paresh Sawardekar

Rtn. Prasad Pawar

Rtn. Dr. Shekhar Shirwaikar

Rtn. Dr. Sunil Kenkre

Rtn. Vishnu Tarcar

Rtn. Yogish Kulkarni

gratitude... Friends of RotaryDamodar Mangalji Charitable Trust in thememory of Shri Damodar Juthalal Rajani - the Founder of Damodar Mangalji & Co Rs. 3,00,000/-

Mr. Deepak Bandekar for a generouscontribution of Rs. 30,50,000/- to theRotary Foundation, in the memory of Late Anant Rajaram Bandekar and the familyof Late Fenellon and Albertina Rebello.

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N I L E S H A M O N K E R ’ S B L O G


“Fitness – if it came in a

bottle, everybody would

have a great body”. While

Cher scored her point and scored it well with respect to

fitness, the same principle applies to most things in life.

Success in any form, whether it’s a great career, a

profitable business, financial stability, a healthy body

or a trusted relationship requires effort and you have to

be willing to pay the price for it. In this age of instant

gratification, we often tend to lose sight of this and look

for quick-fixes. Sadly though, in real life, there is no

Getafix, no Asterix and no Magic Potion! Behind every

success, there are thousands of hours of focused effort

in learning, practicing and perfecting an art or a skill or

in nourishing and nurturing a relationship. Shah Rukh

Khan, the Badshah of Bollywood recently remarked in

an interview: “It took me years and years of hard work

and tireless effort to become an overnight success”.

Success then, does not come from finding any easy

shortcuts; neither does it come from blatant opportunism

and nor does it come from sporadic efforts or intermittent

bursts of activity. It comes from the cumulative effect

of consistent and disciplined effort directed tirelessly

towards a chosen goal.

The farm offers a great metaphor for this fundamental

life principle:

The farmer starts by deciding what crop he wants to

grow. Having done that he gets on with the plowing and

Cut shortthe shortcuts!

tilling of the farm and preparing it for sowing the seeds

of the crop he wishes to grow. He then tends to his farm

while the seeds germinate and take root. He waters it,

fertilizes the soil and removes the weeds from time to

time and nurtures the farm. He uses pesticides to keep

insects and other pests at bay and fences it to keep the

animals from mowing down his crop thereby protecting

it. When the crop matures, the farmer wastes no time in

harvesting it. Clearly, the harvest he reaps is proportional

to the effort and resources he uses on the farm.

At the dawn of each morrow, the farmer is ready to

get back and tend to his farm doing what needs to be

done. He does not waste his time looking for shortcuts

because he knows that in the long term, they simply

don’t work. Can you imagine the farmer snoozing away

his days and then cramming up all the activities in the

last few weeks to reap a bumper harvest? Or going

a couple of weeks without milking the cow and then

trying to get it all out in a day? Or for that matter, can

you imagine nitpicking on your wife all year round and

then one fine morning professing your undying love and

expecting her to be all hearty eyes and totally in love?

Sounds totally ridiculous, right? And yet, that’s what we

tend to do!

In the context of the farm or in agriculture, it is easy to see

and accept the natural laws and principles that govern

work and determine the harvest. However in a social or

a personal (or even a corporate) context, we often try

to dismiss these natural laws, cheat the system and still

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N I L E S H A M O N K E R ’ S B L O G

expect to come out with flying colours. These wrong

expectations take root and get ingrained in our psyche

very early in our lives. In school, we tend to fool around

for the entire term, then grab notes from classmates at

the eleventh hour, cram all night before the big test and

still manage to score well. We do the same with our

friends and family; we ignore relationships for weeks on

end and then on some occasion we go shower them

with attention and gifts and assume that everything will

be hunky dory. Slowly but surely, we start believing that

this quick-fix approach works and we carry forward this

conditioning into our adult life.

However, truth be told, there is no alternative to the

natural principles that apply on the farm. First, as a

farmer decides which crop to grow the person needs

to set realistic and meaningful goals; if you want to

reap a harvest of wheat you wouldn’t plant corn seeds,

would you? Then as he plows land, the person must be

prepared for success by doing the required spadework.

The weeds of negative thinking need to be cleared away

and the mind has to be fertilized with positive thoughts

and with an attitude of expecting successful outcomes.

Then the person needs to sow the seeds for a successful

crop which are the actions that the person must take

which will move him towards his goal. Necessary skill-

sets and resources may need to be engaged much the

same way as the farmer uses fertilizers. He needs to be

mindful of competition just as the farmer is of pests and

other animals that damage the crop and finally when the

time is right the crop needs to be harvested.

Success comes not from taking shortcuts but only

through taking full advantage of opportunities as and

when they arise and the only sure path is to follow the

principles that work on the farm. These natural principles

are like compasses that are always pointing in the right

direction - and if you learn how to read them, you will

never get lost or fooled by conflicting values or have to

make any ethical or moral compromises.

Sure, we have places to go; but remember, there are no

shortcuts to any place worth going!

nov 2013

1 Is it the tRUtH?

2 Is it FAIR to all concerned?

3 Will it build GooDwILL and


4 Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?

The Four-Way


T: +91-832-2720800, 2720801E: [email protected]

Page 10: Rivulet november 2013 issue


Y O U M A Y W A N N A K N O W …

Who Knew Preventing Kidney Stones Was this Easy

Kidney stones can be one of the most excruciatingly painful conditions you can experience. About 10-15 percent of adults get diagnosed with a kidney stone in their lifetime.

Family genetics can increase your risk. And the younger you are when you have your first attack, the greater your risk of recurrence.

Records of kidney stones can be found since the beginning of civilization.

If you are a man, your risk for kidney stones is four times greater than if you are a woman.

In the Middle East, kidney stone rates are nearly double as compared to cooler places due to the warmer climate.

Kidney stones can range in size from a grain of sand to larger than a golf ball. If a stone fails to pass, permanent damage to your urinary tract can result.

This is not something to ignore - not that you could easily ignore such a painful episode.

The number of cases of adult kidney stones appears to be on the rise, most likely as a result of modern diets. And now, kidney stones are being seen in children in unprecedented numbers.. just one more sad result of our modern dietary habits.

Fortunately, 90 to 95 percent of kidney stones pass within a number of days or weeks, without any intervention at all. And, even better news -- the best remedy is also the best prevention, and also happens to be the least expensive: simply drink more water.


Your kidneys are responsible for removing excess

fluid from your body and filtering out unneeded electrolytes and wastes from your blood, resulting in the production of urine.

Kidney stones form when the minerals and acid salts in your urine crystallize, sticks together, and solidify into a mass. This happens when your urine contains more crystal-forming substances, such as calcium and uric acid, than the available fluid can dilute. This can happen when urine is highly acid or highly alkaline.

The conditions allowing kidney stones to form are created by problems in the way your body absorbs

and eliminates c a l c i u m and other subs tances . S o m e t i m e s the underlying cause is a m e t a b o l i c disorder or kidney disease.

Many times, it is a combination of factors that create an env i ronmen t f a v o r a b l e to stone formation.




•Pain“waves”radiatingfromyoursideandback,toyour lower abdomen and groin





•Fever and chills (indicates an infection is alsopresent)

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Y O U M A Y W A N N A K N O W …

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The pain is a result of distention of the tissues above the stone, since it is blocking the passage of urine, rather than from the pressure of the stone itself.


The number one risk factor for kidney stones is not drinking enough water. If you aren’t drinking enough, your urine will simply have higher concentrations of substances that can form stones.

How do you know if you are drinking enough water?

You want your urine to be a light yellow. Every person’s water requirement is different, depending on your particular system and activity level, but simply keeping your urine light yellow will go a long way toward preventing kidney stones. Remember to increase your water intake whenever you increase your activity, and when you’re in a warmer climate.

If you happen to be taking any multivitamins or B supplements that contain vitamin B2 (riboflavin), the color of your urine will be a very bright nearly fluorescent yellow and this will not allow you to use the color of your urine as a guide to how well you are hydrated.

Waiting until you feel thirsty is often too late. Thirst usually signifies dehydration.


Another risk factor is being sedentary. You’re more prone to kidney stones if you’re bedridden or very sedentary for a long period of time, partly because limited activity can cause your bones to release more calcium.

High blood pressure doubles your risk for kidney stones.

Digestive problems also increase your risk, since changes in the digestive process affect your absorption of calcium and other minerals.

A diet high in sugar can set you up for stones, since sugar upsets the mineral relationships in your body by interfering with calcium and magnesium absorption.

Diets high in processed salt are also bad news. Salt increases the amount of calcium and oxalate in your urine. And processed foods are extremely high in salt.

Not surprisingly, there also appears to be a connection between childhood obesity and kidney stones. Children are notorious for not drinking enough water, adding to the problem.

Consumption of soy can predispose you to developing kidney stones due to high levels of oxalate present in many varieties of soybeans. One more nail in the coffin for non-fermented soy!

And finally, caffeine has been linked to kidney stones. In one study, caffeine was given to people with a history of kidney stones, after which their urine was examined. The subjects showed elevated urine calcium, putting them at higher risk for kidney stones.

Busting the Myth That High Protein Diets Lead to Kidney Stones

In the 1990s when the Atkins diet reached huge popularity, critics claimed that high protein intake leads to kidney stones. This turned out to be a complete myth, but the misinformation is still being circulated.

Although protein restricted diets are helpful for people who already have kidney disease, eating meat does not cause kidney problems. Furthermore, the fat-soluble vitamins and saturated fat found in animal foods are pivotal for the proper functioning of your kidneys.

“Don’t Do Something -- Just Sit There!”

As with most things, the best approach is the safest and simplest--letting the stone pass on its own. This might take days, or weeks in some cases, but the key is to drink enough water -- NOT soda -- to decrease the concentration of solids in your urine to the point that the stone will be dissolved.

Avoid drinking tea since it is high in oxalates.

In summary, a few lifestyle modifications will go a long way toward preventing a painful kidney stone attack:

• Asdiscussedpreviously,staywellhydrated

• Eatadietbasedonyourbody’suniquenutritionaltype

• Avoid taking prescription drugs that harm morethan they heal

• Avoid sugar, soy, caffeine, excess salt, andprocessed foods

• Getplentyof exercise tokeepyourbody’s fluidsmoving

• Make sure you’re getting adequate magnesiumand vitamin B6 in your diet, which have both been suggested to help prevent kidney stone formation

Lifestyle changes always take some effort and might seem inconvenient at first. But compared to the painful process of passing a kidney stone, a few lifestyle changes are a cinch!

Source: Rotary Club of HK Northwest, Dist: 3450

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Everyone has a drug of choice- people smoke, drink, take drugs, gamble, womanise, write about irrelevant stuff in the Rotary Rivulet magazine, shop, spend time on Facebook and so on; mine is eating Zantye’s cashew nuts! I need them as soon as I wake up; I need them in the day to keep me going; I need them before a meal and after a meal and during snack time. Yes, I confess I’m a cashew addict.

They have been with me through thick and thin, since I was born! They even helped me make new friends. During my school days everyone in my class knew that I was the boy who had 2 boxes for lunch - one with the boring contents and one with cashews. They befriended me but little did I know then they wanted me for my cashews and not for my company! During my University days whether I had food on the table or not I knew I always had a cashew pack tucked away somewhere. I

carried on living a double life- outwardly smiling to the world but inwardly feeding my addiction.

Somewhere along the line, I married. I even asked for dowry in cashews but my father-in-law saw through me. He knew I wasn’t exactly in demand in the marriage market and refused to pay the dowry. “Take it or leave it, Salil; people know of your addiction and no one will offer their daughter to you!!” I accepted my fate and went ahead with the only girl who saw me as a person beyond my addiction.

I even managed to have two daughters. My elder one, I could easily fool by giving her other dry fruits from the supermarket but my second one slowly started consuming my precious Zantye’s cashews. I was secretly enraged but pretended not to show it in front of my wife but all was not well on the family front. My own flesh and blood wanted to take away from me what was most precious to me- my cashews! How could this two-year old could be so evil and selfish, I thought to myself! Wonder where she gets it from!!!

The time had come for me to act. It was either me or her; both of us could not live under the same roof. I could see that she was self-obsessed and focussed on self-gratification. She ate cashews right in front of me enjoying them and smacking her lips. I finally decided to do the unthinkable….. go to the supermarket and buy cashews.

That’s something I’d never done in my life; I had never ever purchased cashews! I realised I had been a free-loader all my life but I had to do something now. I chose an auspicious day; I was nervous and hardly slept the previous night. It was a day that I never thought would arise but I had to do it. It was my child’s birth right to eat cashews and it was my birth right to hide my cashews. The conflict almost killed me but I braved it. My years of yoga practice finally paid off and I meditated for an hour before setting off to the shop.

I entered the supermarket and went to the corner that I’d never been before- it said cashew nuts. I had no idea whether they were costly or cheap, I had no idea whether they were good or bad. I had been cocooned all my life. I was like Siddharth being confined to my palace before I stepped out into the outer world and gained knowledge to become Gautam Buddha. Please note, any reference to Siddharth Zantye here is purely coincidental.

I pretended to be calm on the outside and then slowly picked a packet up. It said ‘Made in Vietnam’; I would not have cared if it had said ‘Made in Timbaktu or Zanzibar’! I wanted to just get this over and done with as quickly as possible. I went to the counter and the sales woman asked me .. .. Is it only this one packet? Only if she’d known the historic event that she was about to be involved in- first time in 40 years, I’d purchased cashews!

I took the packet home and then broke open the packet, called out to my two- year old who could barely talk and said to her that I’d opened another packet of Zantye’s cashews for her. She had two cashews before frowning and going away saying she didn’t like them. I chased her offering them to her whereas normally it was always the other way round where she was chasing me for Zantye’s cashews. She would not budge. She had seen through my lie; she could not eat a non-Zantye cashew nut. I had failed miserably in my venture- all my effort gone to waste. What an ungrateful person, she was! What was worse is that now I would have had to share my own stock with her! What must my grandfather, Narayan Ganesh Prabhu Zantye, be thinking as he looked down on me from the heavens! Had I stooped down so low in life that I was trying to trick my own daughter?

Addiction does strange things to people!! I had gone through such great lengths to get my stock of cashews. People get spices, food, exotic clothes from India when they go overseas but I only get cashews. I even make arrangements to pick Goan cashew nuts from different parts of the world. Once in the US, I tricked my cousin Sangeeta to part ways with one packet. When I went to Europe, I managed to pick up a whole new stock. The customs official at the Australian airport could not exactly figure out why and how I only had Goan cashews in my bag when I flew directly from Spain to Australia.

I am now trying to turn over a new leaf- I’ve tried cold turkey treatment before- the same approach that they have for heroin addicts where the drug is totally stopped; that didn’t work. I have tried to wean myself off it slowly and am waiting for cashew patches to be introduced in the market like nicotine patches. I’ve tried psychologists and psychiatrists who refuse to accept cashew addiction as a valid medical condition!

Till then, I have to admit I’m an addict and my maternal uncles are fuelling my need! They provide me with the drug as and when I need it and my body craves for it.

I am amazed at how openly the Zantyes carry on their business. They even have agents officially called ‘cashew dealers’ (like ‘drug dealers’). I should have seen through this before succumbing to my addiction. I know the tunnel is dark and long but I want to beat my addiction someday, till then I’ll have the cashew nuts that define quality!

Salil lives in Australia and blames his maternal uncles - Umesh and Suresh Zantye for their unlimited supply of Zantye’s cashews all of his life, for his addiction. Salil is presently deviously scheming to ensure that the cashew supply is not cut off and even fantasises about getting free Zantye’s almonds. He has not been paid or bribed to write this article.

A N S W E R I N G L I F E ’ S q U E S T I O N S

12 nov 2013

Page 13: Rivulet november 2013 issue

13nov 2013


mEtHoD1. Take a huge pitcher. Add 500 ml apple juice, 250 ml orange

juice, juice of 2 lemons, 2 apples finely chopped, 2 oranges deseeded and finely chopped along with the rind, 1 lemon finely chopped along with the rind.

2. I added 1 cup of tea decoction (boil tea leaves in water and then strain the leaves, cool it and add) for additional flavor and some color.

3. You can add sugar or water to balance the taste. Refrigerate the drink for atleast 2 hours before serving.

4. You can serve this drink with ice and also add soda for extra fizz.

Feel free to add other juices like cranberry juice to the drink.

Sangria likeMocktail


(Sweta’s Recipe)

Page 14: Rivulet november 2013 issue

ARieS March 21 - April 20

Despite trying to have an open-mind about other people’s points of view. and despite spending a lot of time meditating

and reflecting on the most peaceful and balanced way to approach your career, reputation, boss, father, or a high profile client, you and one of your partners or rivals end up in a huge battle over your professional life or an authority figure in your life. it could be that a rival chooses now to try to smear your good name or it could be that a partner is aggressively disagreeing with your approach to your reputation, career, boss, etc. you have to stand up for yourself, but you also have to be smart and do not do anything that will sabotage your career or your relationships with people that are important to you.

TAuRuS April 21 - May 21

your friends, teammates, colleagues, and partners are all happy to join you as you get involved in religious, political, cultural, academic, travel, and/or media related projects.

unfortunately, your job is not cooperating at all with your plans. even if you try to take time off from work to avoid the dramas unfolding there, they will probably find a way to contact you while you are away on holiday and make sure that you are fully involved in whatever occurs. lucky, you still have a lot of love and support coming your way, so you will be able to figure it out

GemiNi May 22 - June 21

your career and your finances are still humming along beautifully. however, your social life, internet activities,

and/or desire to be a good team player are still having a negative effect on your love life, finances, parenting, and/or playtime efforts. it would be easy to understand if you decided to stop having a social life all together until after the first of the year. it would give you time to focus on loved ones, hobbies, your career, and simply enjoying yourself now and then.

CANCeR June 22 - July 22

your public life and private life are clashing and a partner or rival is letting you know how upset they are about your role in things. there are a number of times this month

when your career is really doing well so it is only natural that you would be putting a lot of your focus in that area of your life. and there are quite a few opportunities for you and your partner to have fun together, travel, explore other cultures, expand your horizons together, etc. mostly, you just need to find creative ways to juggle everything and everyone.

Leo July 23 - August 23

the holidays are making it difficult to get much of anything accomplished at work. or is it your job that is making it

difficult to get much of anything done before the holidays arrive? either way, you are feeling stressed out and having a hard time juggling your time and priorities. even if you gave in to your desire to run away for an exotic holiday away from the dramas at work, your co-workers and clients would probably hunt you down and drag you back into the conversation. the good news is that profits are up and you are still in a playful, adventurous, and open-minded frame of mind despite everything going on around you.

ViRGo August 24 - September 22

by mid-month you are starting to have some financial troubles. hopefully, you completed all of your holiday shopping over the last couple of months. you and a partner

still have plenty of ideas about how to make the holidays special, but your children might be complaining about not receiving enough or you might be upset because you really wanted to splurge more on your loved ones. you just

H O R O S C O P E : D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 3

need to work on bargain hunting and finding inexpensive ways to spread the holiday spirit without destroying your budget.

LibRA September 23 - October 23

During much of this year, your partner (or rival) has been battling with your roommates, parents, houseguests, private life, home-improvement projects, etc. as you try to focus on

home and family over the holidays, you and your partner are arguing about this same person or event that has been making your home life so challenging. the good news is that your professional and financial activities are still helping to ease the situation. you are actually succeeding at your financial, professional, and residential goals despite what your partner or rival thinks about it.

SCoRpio October 24 - November 22

you have some excellent opportunities to bargain hunt and find great deals on holiday gifts, vacations, date nights, playtime activities, etc. you will need to be careful though;

because you are finding so many great deals that you are going to blow your budget if you are not careful. your financial efforts have been paying off lately and it is easy to feel as if you can be as generous as you would like to be. but you still need to make a budget and then force yourself to stick to it.

SAGiTTARiuS November 23 - December 21

you have all kinds of fun and charming opportunities to socialize and experience the joys of the holiday season. you

are either going to spend way too much money while enjoying the holidays or you are going to be upset because you cannot afford to splurge and to be as generous as you would normally like to be. the good news is that you are creative and can find plenty of inexpensive ways to have fun and to let loved ones know how much they mean to you.

CApRiCoRN December 22 - January 20

once again, you are stuck in a tug-of-war between your home and your career. and like before, your social life is in a very

happy place. you are able to enjoy shopping, negotiating, running errands, spending time with relatives, neighbors, or local community members, working on writing, singing, or public speaking projects, and you could be enjoying playing with electronics, technology, and other computer-related activities together. it is also a great time for making commitments, bargains, and agreements. and your friends, teammates, colleagues, and internet activities are in sync with your efforts to have fun.

AquARiuS January 21 - February 18

you still have some lovely positive growth occurring in your professional life. however, you are dealing with some big

dramas involving travel, cultures, politics, academics, bureaucracies, and/or dysfunctional viewpoints. holiday gatherings could be fraught with travel problems, addictions, cultural dramas and/or political or religious arguments. luckily, these issues are not going to last very long.

piSCeS February 19 - March 20

Friends, teams, clubs, committees, professional associations, networking, and/or group activities are

causing financial problems for you and they could also be creating trust issues for you and your lover. you are a great friend and team player, so it is not surprising that they want you to join in. but you really need to make sure that your love life and your bank account do not come anywhere near these people or activities this month. you could also be having a really good time learning, exploring, and opening your mind to the way that others view the world.

14 nov 2013

Page 15: Rivulet november 2013 issue

November month was indeed a happening month for our club with all around activities and we managed to do full justice to the month designated as The Rotary Foundation month.

The Rotary Foundation being an essential part of Rotary with its mission to support the efforts of Rotary International, we always believed in working towards the purpose of the Rotary Foundation. It was the hard work of our President Rtn. Madhavi and TRF Chairman Rtn. Abhijeet. With the assertion of this lovely couple and the philanthropist endeavor of our beloved friend and now our honorary member Shri Deepak Bandekar we were able to get a generous contribution of USD 50,000/- to the Rotary Foundation.

TRF plays an important role in the fulfillment of the object of Rotary, Rotary’s mission, and the achievement of world understanding and peace through

local, international humanitarian, education, and cultural programs. And our club has always worked towards doing our bit in that direction.

I am sure we can do wonders, if we continue to work with such dedication. The Raffle ticket is also a wonderful tool for us to come closer to this goal and I believe we all do take Every Rotarian Every Year initiative very seriously. Considering the total strength of Rotarians standing at 1.2 million worldwide, if each member contributes USD 100 per annum, Rotary will have an additional amount of USD 125 million on an annual basis to fund a broad range of educational and humanitarian programs world wide.

Coming back to my editors duty, I thank all my friends who have taken all the trouble of sharing their time, thoughts and skills to pen down the beautiful articles for this magazine.

I also take the opportunity to appeal to all the readers and Rotarians and my Club members to continue their support and mail their articles, jokes, recipes, poems, etc. to me [email protected] Thanks!

Paresh Sawardekar

Editor, RC Panaji Riviera

E D I T O R ’ S M E S S A G E


Free FlowConnect same colors to create a flow. Pair all colors and cover the entireboard with pipes to solve the puzzle. Pipes can’t cross or overlap each other.

nov 2013

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