ESPE-L The psychedelic trip of the Algonquin: Children of the tribe of the Algonquin, near Quebec, Canada, have a rite of passage to adulthood (and into masculinity) special in which a drug known as wysoccan used. The active ingredient of the drug using the Algonquin contains datura, a highly dangerous hallucinogenic substance. It is 100 times more powerful than LSD. The effects of this drug are also hallucinations, tachycardia, amnesia and hypothermia. The aim of such martyrdom is supposedly provoke a state of amnesia for the adult once and forget all the experiences as a child. Unfortunately, the effect of the drug not only erase the embarrassing memories, but everyone, including his family, how to talk and even his own name. If by chance the boy shows signs of remembering anything after spending three weeks in the cage drugged, then return and applies a second treatment.

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The psychedelic trip of the Algonquin:

Children of the tribe of the Algonquin, near Quebec, Canada, have a rite of passage to adulthood (and into masculinity) special in which a drug known as wysoccan used. The active ingredient of the drug using the Algonquin contains datura, a highly dangerous hallucinogenic substance.

It is 100 times more powerful than LSD. The effects of this drug are also hallucinations, tachycardia, amnesia and hypothermia.The aim of such martyrdom is supposedly provoke a state of amnesia for the adult once and forget all the experiences as a child. Unfortunately, the effect of the drug not only erase the embarrassing memories, but everyone, including his family, how to talk and even his own name.

If by chance the boy shows signs of remembering anything after spending three weeks in the cage drugged, then return and applies a second treatment.