rItee Again! Old Schoo - library.ubc.ca · p ki'tar";;tfie'drItee h Rules Again! Old Schoo SCENE:...

p k i 'tar" ;;tfie' d rItee h Rules Again! Old Scho o SCENE : Victoria Conservative Club .' Fothering,Ham is conversing with Colone l Brockiitg-Ton, LORD ; I see by the Times whale the Unioerai~>~ of British Columbi a - is . going to . adopt a school tie . COLONEL 'B . : (straightening his Ox - ford double-blue, Sacrilege, By Jove . , COLONEL B : Horrid, By Jove . , . * * * LORD F : But .)ust think, Colone l Brocktg,Ton, just think what this mean s to the ' Dinah . UBC leads the way . Soon . every Canadian university ' will have a school tie, Canada will again become a n integral phat of the Empah . The British Em- pah will regain its lost glory—the spirit o f Nelson and brake will again rule th e world .' . ie Return s ' * * * LORD F : And soon, cricket will becom e Canada's national sport Think of it, Brock- ing-Ton, can't you just hear thousands of ° people in Toronto's Varsity stadium mutter- ing "well Played" as UBC meets U . ofT. i n the annual Canadian university cricket test , matched . COLONEL B : Inspired, by Jove . *, * * The radio is turned on y a young Tor y from Nanaimo.. , "And at UBC, the talk is all about Can- adian football . The University of British , Columbia will definitely enter the Western Inter-university football union . They wil l play their first game against the Saskatche- wan Huskies in Saskatoon next Octobe r 12 " - , LORD F : Humph . COLONEL B : (Morosely fingering hi s LORD F . : Blue and Gold is the colo r scheme they have *healt h MOO AMS CARDS LI E UNCI A IM ED IN AMS OWIC E Nearly 1'000 UBC studefits are passing 'up a chance t o see downtown shows at a discount . AMS cards, which entitle holders to student tickets I n all Famous Players theatres, are still lying around unclaim- ed at the AMS office . VANCOUVER, B .C., FRIDAY, JANUARY 25, 195 2 I r So if you, have not picked up your card yet, do so soon . EDUCATIQN SEJtIE S Varsity Student s Must Take Actio n By LES ARMOU R Ubyssey Editor-in-chie f It is simple enough to take random pot-shots at obviou s evilac .Th ,, . r10 waitarts when' the wreaks. .hlathe & shot away and a positive program must be put in its place . In this, the last of our six-article series on educational prob- lems, we shall endeavor to give some direction to our comments , tie our attacks together, and suggest a tenable goal for academi c endeavor, t 1 Junk The Chrome Big Show To Brin g 50,000 To Campu s By DANNY GOLDSMIT H "The most extensive Open House ever' organized in Canada ' That's the way Ivan Feltham describes the "Big Show" that the UBC Open House committee wil l, produce when Marc h 8 arrives. . a spla A M 1 I' to stave off the global, cataclys m which threatens to shove us ham : into the' stone age. That means that we will have t o junk some of the gleamtng chrom e drastically pare our vocational ed- ucation programs, demand that ' the ltd of Secrecy which shrouds muc h of our research in the physica l sciences be torn oft, and stimulat e our itimanists, our philosphere, an d our social scientists to action . The time is short, we must hav e eyed at once with a minimum o f technical difficulty : . 1 . The exam system can be clean ed up. Replacement of the present ion . Student protests got UBO move d to Point Grey ;• student action fore- ed the university ahead to Its pree ent point of development . Studen t protest can clean out the earl s and put our university back on th e rails . Team lest Is more than an .tale phrase . It bas been a slogan backed b y action for the last 35 years. Remember, if you don't act no . body will . XXXIV ,PLAY RAMS 'MO *MO M Graduates who want to pre pare for next springs oonvo cation ceremonies may plo k up a few hints at 10 :30 nex t POeOxv, la! , . QvS,IGBII , (00 kes, ) Even If they don't, they'r e sure to be In for a few laughs , trio Nlool'e nay play, "'Laugh - ing .Matter" will be broadcas t at that time. Bellingha m Invasio n cancelle d KickJLpoos announced today that the Betingham Invasion ha s had to be cancelled Ibecattse i t clashed with the Farmers' Froli c being held to the armouries tha t .night . Since the Farmers' Frolic 1 3 very definitely a major event o f the year there is no hope of hold - ing the Invasion this year . Kickapoo officials said butt the y hoped that the students would ge t oat and support the Frolic . "It is definitely a party well worth ste t porting," they said , , There is sail hope of a n Mee - thin year . Posts Indictaterl that they "hope to chyrter planes t o carry students to the 21 annua l bed 'bug races to be held in Le s Armour's gybed, ' NOTIC E No ' applications for fligh t cadets will be accepted (fo r men and, women universit y flight reserve) after Januar y 29 . Some students third year i n force will be going to State s and Europe for summer train - ing . Better keep your ha i r comb ed and your seams straight , gaols, so you won't miss th e chance to be . ."Miss i'iimsac o f 1962 . " !Starting net week, Walt Su e set, ace Ubyssey photographer , will roam the campu s , lookin g for pretty co-eds . He will ptc k out the most beautiful girl f o r earl : week whose picttI P will "We. coeteervattvely estimat e that 50,000 people will come to se e the University on dts,play," say s Feltham, "They'll get a chance t o view a compre h ,enerve range o f UBC actirLty, " BEST YE T With '2,000 students actively engag - ed in putting on the display, ant i with university faculty and de - GETS SCROLL, /inter Lewi s Rec!ve s (LU Awar d By PETER RE W Garnett Sedgewick Award , given each year to the perso n who has done the most for Brit - ish Columbia civil liberties, wil l be presented to Hunter Lewi s at 12 :30 this Friday • In Engi- neering 200 . Honorary chairman of th e Civil Liberties Union, I)r . Bar - nett Severe, will present th e scroll to Professor Lewis i n recognition of his effort to se e changes made in the India n Act. Professor Lewis, a member o f the UBC English Departmen t is the third to receive this aw- ard . Other winners were Jac k Scutt, Vancouver columnist len d Reverend A . E . Cook . CLU Invites students and fac - ulty members to attend the pre - sentation .. he printed in the llltiyssey i n the new "Beauty on the Spot ' feature . The lucky ghe will he prss - enated with a free pass to th e current Ftlutsoc movie and wil l be entered in the "Alias i llmsn, ' contest . * * * Ni lei Ilse end of the term parttnen'ts giving "outstwaiding cooperation" Feltham expects 'tha t this year's Open House wlIl b e even better than the one .held i n 1949 . Displays will cover, a wide rang e of university activity .' The com- pleted Vu'n de Graff generator wil l typify atomic research ; an auto- matic irrigation system, agricul - ture ; gravlttydefying liquid hel l um, pure science ; the Fraser Rive r project, applied science . SMALL SAMPL E "'These displays are onhy a small sample of the -Me rang e of coverage that Open House wil l give the pubitc," Feltham stated , "Without having given any publi - city, we've already . received en- quIries from as far away as th e bartbou, " Giving Open House full shppor t is President N. A. M . MacKen- zie . "Open House is an excellen t idea, end I am very grateful t o students and .metiubea's of the fee - ulty ,for working so hard on it " N FC U Meet s On Exchang e ' Question of exchanging student s with the USSR will be considere d at a meeting to be held in Ottaw a soon, NFCU;S executive committe e announced . I iiuosoc wlh pick "The Girl W e Could 'Most Lke to be Ina Pro - jeedinn Booth With", alias Film - so .• . The grand winner \\Il l hart : her picture entered in a Cauada•wide beauty contest , Don't let this' great ('hai a (or Wait Saw-wilt pass you by , girls! Senate Okays School of PA1 . For Universit y Intorcoll o 0-t - glot, 'Murals Controlle d UBC is going to have a, school of physical education . The Senate and the Bout a t Governors have , a approved a pr o. gram establishing a School of Phi steal Education on the campus . ' BOTH UBC AND AM S Function of the new school wil l be to integrate and supervise th e various phases of physical educe tion at UBC including both eithe r. sity and Alma Meter activities. The School will be responsibl e for degree courses as well as th e IthYeicel education programs re quired for men and women in thef t first and second years . Intramural end inter•colleg+lalbe sports event s will be among those responslbiil ties . While the School will have mor e freedom and a greater degree o f control it still comes under the ad - ministrative turiseition of the Dea n of the Faculty of Arts and Science . CONSIDERATION S Its actions will be stebject to cot e sideration by a Council conelstin g el' 3 representatives from variou d faculties and departments . Filmsoc Show s Free Premie r Of '51 Serie s h'titnsoc wiill score another great first whoa they present the Brit . ish Columbia Premier of the 105 1 World Series this Monday in th e Auditorium , The film lust arrived in Canad a Islet Wednesday but Flmsoc, than - ugh the courtesy of Mel Hendee - son, Is able to living it to the st a. 'lent so soon . It is the first tim e that Film .soc has presented a .,x' e mice . Since admssion is aibsotutal y tree, no student should miss thi s big film scoop , Pre-Med Film s Pre-Mods present two films, V t . slon at Night, and Process a t Dental Caries . They will be shawl , !ill PM-a'4 202 at 12 :30 tetlay . Forthright intellectual leadership action . 1f necessary we must ris e is immediately necessary if we ar e leadership' In protest and see to it that curren t administrators a r e replaced by men of more insight and courage, me n of open manna and men who ar e not afraid to ru n ufavorable scream smack into th e of popular opin e Need For ' Reform . Some of tho reforms can be ache sidered in dispensing them . 4 . Students can protest agains t intellectual fiddling and timidit y in the classroom simply by getting up in class and taking the tnstruc - parrot system by a system wnlch'i for to task . No professor will re would foster thought instead of fuse us a hearing . etititng it can be soldered simply it f, . Students can organize a mas s by a stroke of the pen ; march . on Victoria to demand a 2 . Students can demand more bigger share of the provincial bud - seminar courses and the adrninis get A goveruttteut 'faced With a u tration could triple the present !election will be very ready ` to Its - number without in the least up . , ten . setting the present program . 3. The scholarship problem ca n be settled once and for all . Whe n the schotarseips provided by th e new federal grant are made avail - able, students can demand that par- ticipation hi atudeut affairs be con - KICKAPOOS TO BOO K STARRY TRUMPET PLAYE R The Kickapoo club announced today that they are try - ing to get Louis Armstrong out on the Campus for thei r Pep Meet to be held on Tuesday the 29 of Febuary at neo n in the Armouries . Poo officials announce that they have made fair progres s so far but that they wouldn't know definitely whethe r they will be able to get the popular trumpet playing ban d leader until some time Sunday . s e Committee felt that because o f the Intportattce of the nutter it . cannot he considered ,hy mail . The y propose to, review the whole sit u atlen in the light of recent tier- elopments . FOR FILMSO C Sussel Hunts Cute Co-eds P u e

Transcript of rItee Again! Old Schoo - library.ubc.ca · p ki'tar";;tfie'drItee h Rules Again! Old Schoo SCENE:...

Page 1: rItee Again! Old Schoo - library.ubc.ca · p ki'tar";;tfie'drItee h Rules Again! Old Schoo SCENE: Victoria Conservative Club.' Fothering,Ham is conversing with Colonel Brockiitg-Ton,


ki'tar" ;;tfie'drItee

h Rules Again! Old SchooSCENE: Victoria Conservative Club.'

Fothering,Ham is conversing with ColonelBrockiitg-Ton,

LORD ; I see by the Times whale theUnioerai~>~ of British Columbi a - is .going to .adopt a school tie .

COLONEL 'B .: (straightening his Ox-ford double-blue, Sacrilege, By Jove .

,COLONEL B : Horrid, By Jove.

, .



*LORD F: But .)ust think, Colone l

Brocktg,Ton, just think what this mean sto the ' Dinah. UBC leads the way. Soon .every Canadian university ' will have aschool tie, Canada will again become a nintegral phat of the Empah. The British Em-pah will regain its lost glory—the spirit o fNelson and brake will again rule theworld .' .

ie Returns'




LORD F: And soon, cricket will becomeCanada's national sport Think of it, Brock-ing-Ton, can't you just hear thousands of ° •people in Toronto's Varsity stadium mutter-ing "well Played" as UBC meets U . ofT. inthe annual Canadian university cricket test ,matched .

COLONEL B: Inspired, by Jove .*,



The radio is turned on y a young Tor yfrom Nanaimo. .


"And at UBC, the talk is all about Can-adian football. The University of British ,Columbia will definitely enter the WesternInter-university football union . They wil lplay their first game against the Saskatche-wan Huskies in Saskatoon next October12 "



LORD F: Humph .

COLONEL B: (Morosely fingering his

LORD F.: Blue and Gold is the colorscheme they have *health


UNCI A IM ED IN AMS OWICENearly 1'000 UBC studefits are passing 'up a chance to

see downtown shows at a discount.

AMS cards, which entitle holders to student tickets I nall Famous Players theatres, are still lying around unclaim-

ed at the AMS office .




So if you, have not picked up your card yet, do so soon .


Varsity StudentsMust Take Action

By LES ARMOURUbyssey Editor-in-chief

It is simple enough to take random pot-shots at obviou sevilac.Th ,, . r10 waitarts when' the wreaks. .hlathe& shotaway and a positive program must be put in its place.

In this, the last of our six-article series on educational prob-lems, we shall endeavor to give some direction to our comments ,tie our attacks together, and suggest a tenable goal for academi cendeavor,

t 1

Junk The Chrome

Big Show To Bring

50,000 To Campus

By DANNY GOLDSMITH"The most extensive Open House ever' organized in Canada 'That's the way Ivan Feltham describes the "Big Show"

that the UBC Open House committee wil l, produce when Marc h8 arrives.








to stave off the global, cataclys m

which threatens to shove us ham:

into the' stone age.

That means that we will have t o

junk some of the gleamtng chrom e

drastically pare our vocational ed-

ucation programs, demand that ' the

ltd of Secrecy which shrouds muc h

of our research in the physica l

sciences be torn oft, and stimulate

our itimanists, our philosphere, an d

our social scientists to action .

The time is short, we must have

eyed at once with a minimum of

technical difficulty :

. 1. The exam system can be clean •

ed up. Replacement of the present

ion .

Student protests got UBO move d

to Point Grey ;• student action fore-

ed the university ahead to Its pree•

ent point of development. Studen t

protest can clean out the earls

and put our university back on th e

rails .

Team lest Is more than an .tale

phrase .

It bas been a slogan backed by

action for the last 35 years.

Remember, if you don't act no .body will .




Graduates who want to pre •pare for next springs oonvo•cation ceremonies may plokup a few hints at 10 :30 nex tPOeOxv, la! ,. QvS,IGBII,(00 kes, )

Even If they don't, they'resure to be In for a few laughs ,trio Nlool'e nay play, "'Laugh -ing .Matter" will be broadcastat that time.




KickJLpoos announced todaythat the Betingham Invasion ha shad to be cancelled Ibecattse i tclashed with the Farmers' Froli cbeing held to the armouries tha t.night .

Since the Farmers' Frolic 13very definitely a major event o fthe year there is no hope of hold -ing the Invasion this year .

Kickapoo officials said butt the yhoped that the students would getoat and support the Frolic . "It isdefinitely a party well worth stetporting," they said ,, There is sail hope of a nMee- thin year. Posts Indictaterlthat they "hope to chyrter planes t ocarry students to the 21 annualbed 'bug races to be held in Le sArmour's gybed,


NOTIC ENo ' applications for flight

cadets will be accepted (fo rmen and, women universit yflight reserve) after Januar y29 .

Some students third year i nforce will be going to State sand Europe for summer train -ing .

Better keep your hai r comb •ed and your seams straight ,gaols, so you won't miss th echance to be. ."Miss i'iimsac o f1962 . "

!Starting net week, Walt Su eset, ace Ubyssey photographer ,will roam the campus , lookingfor pretty co-eds. He will ptc kout the most beautiful girl fo rearl : week whose picttI P will

"We. coeteervattvely estimat ethat 50,000 people will come to se ethe University on dts,play," say sFeltham, "They'll get a chance toview a compreh ,enerve range o fUBC actirLty, "

BEST YETWith '2,000 students actively engag -ed in putting on the display, antiwith university faculty and de -


/inter Lewis


(LU Award


Garnett Sedgewick Award ,given each year to the personwho has done the most for Brit -ish Columbia civil liberties, wil lbe presented to Hunter Lewi sat 12 :30 this Friday • In Engi-neering 200.

Honorary chairman of th eCivil Liberties Union, I)r . Bar -nett Severe, will present th escroll to Professor Lewis inrecognition of his effort to se echanges made in the IndianAct.

Professor Lewis, a member o fthe UBC English Departmen tis the third to receive this aw-ard . Other winners were Jac kScutt, Vancouver columnist lendReverend A. E. Cook.

CLU Invites students and fac -ulty members to attend the pre -sentation . .

he printed in the llltiyssey i nthe new "Beauty on the Spot 'feature .

The lucky ghe will he prss -enated with a free pass to th ecurrent Ftlutsoc movie and wil lbe entered in the "Alias i llmsn, 'contest .



*Ni lei Ilse end of the term

parttnen'ts giving "outstwaiding co•operation" Feltham expects 'tha tthis year's Open House wlIl b eeven better than the one .held in1949 .

Displays will cover, a wide rang eof university activity .' The com-pleted Vu'n de Graff generator wil ltypify atomic research ; an auto-matic irrigation system, agricul -ture ; gravlttydefying liquid hel lum, pure science ; the Fraser Rive rproject, applied science .

SMALL SAMPL E"'These displays are onhy a

small sample of the -Me rang eof coverage that Open House wil lgive the pubitc," Feltham stated ,"Without having given any publi -city, we've already . received en-quIries from as far away as th ebartbou, "

Giving Open House full shppor tis President N. A. M. MacKen-zie. "Open House is an excellen tidea, end I am very grateful tostudents and .metiubea's of the fee -ulty ,for working so hard on it "

N FC U Meets

On Exchange

' Question of exchanging studentswith the USSR will be considere dat a meeting to be held in Ottaw asoon, NFCU;S executive committeeannounced .

I iiuosoc wlh pick "The Girl W eCould 'Most Lke to be Ina Pro -

jeedinn Booth With", alias Film -so.• .

The grand winner \\Il lhart: her picture entered in aCauada•wide beauty contest ,

Don't let this' great ('haia(or Wait Saw-wilt pass you by ,girls!

Senate Okays

School of PA1 .

For University


0-t- glot,

'Murals Controlled

UBC is going to have a, schoolof physical education

. The Senate and the Bout a tGovernors have ,a approved a pro.gram establishing a School of Phi•steal Education on the campus . '

BOTH UBC AND AM SFunction of the new school will

be to integrate and supervise thevarious phases of physical educe •tion at UBC including both either.sity and Alma Meter activities.

The School will be responsiblefor degree courses as well as theIthYeicel education programs re •quired for men and women in theftfirst and second years . Intramuralend inter•colleg+lalbe sports event swill be among those responslbiil •ties .

While the School will have mor efreedom and a greater degree ofcontrol it still comes under the ad -ministrative turiseition of the Deanof the Faculty of Arts and Science .

CONSIDERATION SIts actions will be stebject to cote

sideration by a Council conelstingel' 3 representatives from variou dfaculties and departments .

Filmsoc Shows

Free Premier

Of '51 Series

h'titnsoc wiill score another greatfirst whoa they present the Brit.ish Columbia Premier of the 105 1World Series this Monday in theAuditorium ,

The film lust arrived in Canad aIslet Wednesday but Flmsoc, than-ugh the courtesy of Mel Hendee -son, Is able to living it to the st a.'lent so soon . It is the first timethat Film.soc has presented a .,x' emice .

Since admssion is aibsotutal ytree, no student should miss thisbig film scoop ,

Pre-Med Films

Pre-Mods present two films, V t .slon at Night, and Process atDental Caries . They will be shawl,

!ill PM-a'4 202 at 12 :30 tetlay .

Forthright intellectual leadership action . 1f necessary we must rise

is immediately necessary if we ar eleadership'

In protest and see to it that current

administrators a re replaced by men

of more insight and courage, men

of open manna and men who are

not afraid to ru n

ufavorable scream

smack into the

of popular opine

Need For ' Reform .Some of tho reforms can be ache sidered in dispensing them .

4 . Students can protest against

intellectual fiddling and timidity

in the classroom simply by getting

up in class and taking the tnstruc -

parrot system by a system wnlch'i for to task . No professor will re •

would foster thought instead of fuse us a hearing .

etititng it can be soldered simplyit

f, . Students can organize a mas sby a stroke of the pen ;

march . on Victoria to demand a2. Students can demand more bigger share of the provincial bud -

seminar courses and the adrninis get A goveruttteut 'faced With a utration could triple the present !election will be very ready `to Its -number without in the least up . , ten .

setting the present program .

3. The scholarship problem ca n

be settled once and for all . When

the schotarseips provided by the

new federal grant are made avail -

able, students can demand that par-

ticipation hi atudeut affairs be con-


STARRY TRUMPET PLAYERThe Kickapoo club announced today that they are try-

ing to get Louis Armstrong out on the Campus for thei rPep Meet to be held on Tuesday the 29 of Febuary at neo nin the Armouries .

Poo officials announce that they have made fair progres sso far but that they wouldn't know definitely whethe rthey will be able to get the popular trumpet playing bandleader until some time Sunday .


Committee felt that because o fthe Intportattce of the nutter it.cannot he considered ,hy mail . The ypropose to, review the whole sit uatlen in the light of recent tier-elopments .


Sussel Hunts Cute Co-eds



Page 2: rItee Again! Old Schoo - library.ubc.ca · p ki'tar";;tfie'drItee h Rules Again! Old Schoo SCENE: Victoria Conservative Club.' Fothering,Ham is conversing with Colonel Brockiitg-Ton,

Pipe Two

rat ttrrastr

Friday, January 25; 1952


444 ' eet

Editor, the Ubygeey t

Can you tell me why fanati-del poliN'cd groups such as thefolntiaunfets, Technocrats bnqSocial Creditors find it impel, .sible to flourish on the Un4veh•site campus? Is it because th eprogressive and rational intelle. ' 'Meat ttieel' of out age held et '

our 'university) is , such thatthese 'aforementioned gropesare automatically recognized ai lridiouloua? :


Perhaps this Progressive aatdrational level also explains thedifficulty the, nConservative sfind in preserving their organiczatlon. Is this factor that prodsthe CCF to such extremes inrabble rousing?

0,4 Mite .

Agfhoriaed as second else's mall by the Pnbt Oftic'e Ds*.tlltelths; Eatd ea~ist "deft eteeeeription'e $1 .20' per year (included in AMS tees) ; tlti

t tit*. `2,00 per year, Single copies five cents . Published thjl"


Mudetit Publication't nlveraity year by thes Board of the Ahheh'flboiety, University of British Columbia, Editorial epithelia eherein are those of the editprial staff of tho Ubyssoy, and not'there of the Alma Mater Society or of the University ,

For dish nPhone Adana 1624

. Phone ALAS


Executive Editor—Allan Goldsmith, Managing Editor—Aft ItFadGlihlvi'it :y

,Nees Editor, V . Fred Edwards ; City Editor, Mike Ryan ; CUP

tdr ;11 tia Kearns ; Women's hater', Florence McNeil ; Mite Mt- `,

John Brookington; Copy'Wdttor, Jean Smith ; Director of PUhOtoettipty

g theii Jaffray ; Senior Editors . Shelia Kearns, Elsie Gorlrnt, thigh 111Bitce:ilet'Waters : . Joe Schlesinger, Chuck Coon and Dbt Aileldtlfell;

{; r 1e leg Eafller *I *V be rs$teTteed to 1160 wordh hhth. W> "

rte the right to cut letters and cannot Otranto* top lllh allIstterg realised.


NER liquor plebiscite is in the offing,Attorney-General Gordon Wismer announced upon his

return ftthth London this week their vobafr'w°

' be, given a

.. ohanoe to vote out present archaic at. hoe laths in the

fertig0migg. -provtfleial eleetoins .

The, stews must be accepted with reserve. We all well re-

,r past sueeesaful, attempts of the "dry," to . have plebia w

she questions' posed he such a way as to confront the voter

with the alternatives of either condoning the status quo, or

sanctioning what amounts to mass alcoholism

e question should be divided into aeveriil points .

The first point, the first step forward, would be to alloweating establishments to serve drinks with food . These license

ed restaurants should then not only be checked for strict tathesion tothe ' liquor laws, but eouldhlo lie used as a-wedge ina 'cwampaign to Oise the hygenic and *unitary standards ofRAC; restaurants at large .

The Liquor poard could do a lot if it issued these licensesaith the strict provision that the establishme,serve ,foodand drinks and not lush mite booze and sling hash .

The Mold point wotld be the establl 'fidntt o1` deft ,airy, comfortable ' and cheery 'cocktail bars . We tits net wanta 'copy of the dubious beer parlor NllespetMe .

Aa for Sunday drinking; this 'could well be left to sep-arate Loird 's DDY plebiscite .

Let 's have a plebiscite by all means, bii't' let's be sensibl eaft it for a change,

Wanted: A Head

WE now shall with a kingdom dea l

(Not a dominion, but a kingdom real. )Its throne 'was vacant. The King was dead ,The crown awaiting a size twenty head .

Two score prophets the land did searchfor a ntan on whose head a drown, to perch .At last they found the outsize craniumFar North, prospecting for uranium .

Tlhey' brought him southward, all truased' and tiedAnd took his squaw along for the ride .Ales, t'was then the cries of anguish rosefor flee ladies a squaw was too strong a dose .

The ladies refused to perform le "dip,"or allow their husbands to bow from the hip .They snubbed the man and his native bride ,And the throne stay's vacant — out of pride .

And so Back North they went to work and freeze .'Th'e prophets, scoured, searched the Southern Seasfor a'King naive, if you wish, a foolThey could kick back to his South Sea Pool .

So on and on continues the row .The crown still awaits the Massi (v)e brow.

More Thinking, Please

R Mac Corkindale seems to have taken it upon himsel fM to condemn the action of a public spirited citizen with -out having knowledge of facts that any mother of school-agechildren finds second nature .

Mr. Supervisor, the consumption of milk, not only in cit yschools, but also here on Campus, has dropped remarkably ,and not because we are drinking less chocolate milk .

The truth is, Mr. MacCorkindale, that it hurts to pay 1 0cents for a half-pint of milk, especially when the Fraser Valle yis renowned as , a Dairying area .

But we are not questioning the price of milk, sir, w'e ar emerely remarking that it appears that you, as ah elected civi lservant, should take the public weal more to heart .

Your accusation of 'opportunist' might be reflective .

O While per-014- the ' rte vapapers of

other C

a '1)nitterge .

ties, f was strttdd'' ,;1 . theingenious slege vAeteiimisty of them' tile' in their 'rineadl

I rim tlithitct the retainwe fatted to win any 'aW*I' fi' 'tlYe ''sMt ihttt U it'sity' Pesos'ocaeteres*trer title year was thenWe Seto a , stogeth

1aerlia$s, soitteifhing Iik'e' "theVoice of the Far West Coast"'would look impressive on the ,•maa'se. Or maybe "The onlycollege 'trl-weekly in BritisheCo1eetbia," Or even "'the tellyCauittien newspaper, that oftMahe lank spacer as' istie t-ing as printed wordd" woulddo.

Think it ever, Boss. I thinkwe. can win the Southern orBracken` trophies next year .,Better get a Megan before Itstoo late.

* * *

Dear Editor Torente Varsity :I noticed in y0ut stiff ' lineupon the editorial page you lis ta Staff Mortician . Does thismean that the Toronto Smogis so had that you need an un•dertaker on the start to min-ister to your pubaters whenthey seeding} to the. hazy pot-sou?

Or perhsps yoer Mott Mont e-ith writes all the oby tttarie s forthe ewer .

Asyiwaet 1 wish raid givehim another title bdoctaee I can.not believe that the Matt which

turns out such a lively eras the Varsity will need a mar -*tan for a long time, yet.

Also note you have two Us •haha correspondents . What has'General Motors to do with U .of T . ?

Would appreciate an explan-ation of Ohio phenomena .




Dear John : According to th eMcMaster Silhouette, I see theaward for thou beet collegeweek newspaper went to theMcMaster Silhouette.

As Managing Editor of theSII, I would like to congratu-late you. That is you are , th eManaging Editor of the Sit . Iam not . Congratulatlond .

I got year letter yesterday .I doubt if I am going to be inVarreou4' foe the sentinel' . Es -pecially if Yon were solidu sshoot toite'ittng me' for a smal lloan whets yod ante *est.

I am broke.

In fact I am so broke, I can -not even afford a four teatstamp to melt you a regula rletter.

Do you think you see you rway clear to . , .

* * *

Dear Pauilhe: I see yon' areone of the two'New's Editors o fthe Queen's Journal .

That is the first time I everheard of a college newspaperwith two news editors.

Maybe you have so matchnews at Queens that you nee dtwo eds to handle it . Or may-be there are too many edi-tors and, not enough editoria lpositions.

Here at the IJihyssey we settl -ed that problem by creating allkinds of editorial positions . Wehave eighteen eds inclu'd'ingsFine Arts, Features, Woman's ,City, News, Sports, Executive ,Managing, Issue, Copy, CU Pand three ed writers .

Let me know it you need an yextra positions . We have lots .We would accept a couple o freporters in return .

Se far the results of such ee tintelleotual level seeds to b onothing but beneficial . One sob-ering foot even the Liberals arehaving a, hard time. Why? \Per• ,


Yie the yadnciltles ofranter . have' kept , up with

on? age, sett' the people havebhhan to cake such principle s

. ter granted.

Canada's inability to main 'tale an intellectual alertnes sanal progressiveness may see arenewed vigor shown by theoOF, the Conservatives, the So •alai Creditors, the Technocrat sand the Communists .

D.D. Steinson, Presiden t 'Student Liberal Club r

FEB.'17' -1' •

.' #hlotberhood with reign onthe 'damrpus daring the AMEedtloes this year . The -mintpatgnr„ will he in their finalphases when Dr. Norman Mac-Kenzie proclaims February 1 1to 24 as Brotherhood Week o nthe campus .

A bo•ordtnating committee 'has been set up by the StudentCouncil to arrange a specia lprogram for the took . Most o rthe religious, national and in-ternational groups on the cam .pea are co-operating .

Under the slogan "Mother -hood, like .charity, begins a thome," one of the cc n:mttttee'smain proects will be to baveinternational students visa Ca tnadian students' homes asguests for an evening or week-4end . The undergraduate eocie-ties are distributing registrartion forms this week to al lstudents to give them the op-portunity of inviting a foreign'student to their home . 'its soonas the forms are returned, ar -rangements can he .made," Bor-is Steiman, committee chai rman, sold .

The main public event Ber-ing the week will be a Mother -hood Night . Folk dancing, . apanel discussion and a short ,informal daece are scheduled .

.Brotherhood Week's an inter -national eveet,t but this is th efirst time dt has been observe don the camepus .et_


t gip CPSS Is refusing t o

J . supply a boat for the Vie -'torte Invasion, the B.C. Elm-tit announced today they wil l!o. letterer 'allow' UPC student sto ride .on their buses.

The CPSS said that the UB Cstudents 'would be a "nuisafCE .4a the rest of the passengers . "~1te,B.C. Elastic said ghat hBCstudents take up too much themln'•tke so-celled buses which Pietrod the boulevard . A companyptflalal told the Ubyssey thatduring ,tire war they packed 13 2standing customers in one o ftheir Leaping hones. Now theycan barely squeeze 96 insidetheir four-wheeled reducing m a. .chines .

• The official placed the blameentireiy' on the students. Hesaid. "It used to be that UBCstudents came to school ,carrytog one garlic sandwich and aracing forte. Bnt' Wont they car•ry a tour-course' meal in thei rlunch bags and tote enoug hbooks to restock the north wingof the library . "

"You'd thnk they were try.Ing to pass or something," h econcl'ude'd .`

Illustrating has point, the B .C .

Elastic Withal pointed to throePhys Eds Who were trying toget A baskebbell backboard, aserinhboard and a boxing rin ginto a vehicle at the bee atop .

The mu'scteabound boys wereasked the reason for their be -heeler .

"That Pomitret gives too darn 0(this adjective was originall ydamn but was changed to darnat Flo McNeil's request) muchhomework," they replied a sthey finally smashed in threewindows and squeezed in th ebackboard .

Cleoft Kiddie, a fourth-yea rAggie student, was asked wha the thought of the bus serviceas he prepared to load a 23110pound Ayrshire cow on a bus ,

Weeping his pet firmly by

the tail, Kiddie sate. ,"Oh Stenot had, except that Reese her ousually has to Mt in the sameseat with an Engineer. Andthis is no bull."

Commenting on the oftictnd' scharge that UBC stttdefts F aredeltberately trying to pees,Cha7'les B. Wood, registrar's in-dignantly replied . "There is'ah-

solu'bdly no truth in thet state-ment. Anyone who says a thinglike -that," he fumed, "Is' justtrying to start trouble. And I'vegot the Tactility to back me


Next person to make a 'state-ment regarding the has centre -verse was I . M. "Punchy" Doub•leftolutch, a B.C: Elastic driver."I've been delving buses fo rnight onto 40 years." said Mr .Doubleclu'tch, stuffing his straitjacket in his hip pocket .

And what is your comment 'real:Ming UDC students ?

gflflixoo®& . . . .II)! ;

Thank you, Punchy Double-eh:toh ,

Last person to be questionedwas Charles Racoon, prominen tsportsman who recently organs-zed the Varsity Indoor Clttb ,Chuck was intercepted as b ewas boarding the bus carryingall 36 volumes of the Encyclo-pedia, Btittanika.

Not to'be stymied Whinge ofcancellation of the Victoria In-vasion, Chuck mounted thesteps of the bus, dropped vol .ume 13 In the ticket box andsat down to formulate finalplans for a Brock Lounge In.vasion by his Varsity OutdoorClub.






3 Lessons $5 .00.10 Lesso'n's $15 .ot

Frances MurphyDance School

Alma Hall

3679 W .,Broadwa y

Cho ears

IA S42t



.4 9084r- ri4 c

us .a

Page 3: rItee Again! Old Schoo - library.ubc.ca · p ki'tar";;tfie'drItee h Rules Again! Old Schoo SCENE: Victoria Conservative Club.' Fothering,Ham is conversing with Colonel Brockiitg-Ton,

P4'tday, Jbl they 25 ; 1.651 THE UNMET



an Culture SumedUp

Page', E. J. Pratt, Morley Cailag• Ohan, Mary Leery Ross, Ralph Al -

l en , ben Petersen, Lister Slnch .ir Jazzoc • Sponsors .and Rohdneofi Dairies ..

Phatrle writers included is theFret Concert Ks' 'e°

professors survey were James Rea.

.ney; Paull Hdebert, and W . O. Mil

A Jas=Soo concert, fleet of


1952, will be presented nextDr; Birney advised those pros- Wednesday, January 30, at

eat to have a browsing acquaint-

noon' in the auditorlrm .ante also with French Canadian Doug "Doe" Randle and hi swriter Louis Hornell, : poets Ian- modern quartet will lead a pro-belly Crawford, Bliss Outman, Sir gram featuring the famousCharles G. D. Roberts, Archibald JOhnny Armstrong .Lamypmast, Dunstan Scott, William This hour-long concert, hel dHenry Drtultntond and prose writ- In cen juotlon with the LSffere T. C . Heldburton, Stephen Lea- wilt take place at 12:30 andeach and P', P . Grove .

will cost only 28 cents.

Capp' C4nda '

Monday., Jan. 28—Mock Parliament, Brock Lounge, 7:30 p.m .

Tuesday., Jan. 29—Kickapoo's Pep Meet, Armouries, 12:30 p.m.

Filmsoc Production, "A11' the King's Men, :'

Auditorium, 12:30 p .m.!Wednesday, An, 3-here" Initiate*, . Brock , IlowEse;


Thursday, Jan, 31—WU5 Talent Show, AUditorium,11'r*20!1.Friday, Feb. 1+—Farriers Froltc, Auditorium, evening* N rlmae

Pre-Med Mixer; Brock Lounge, evening*

' , .


Canada's literary culture wa sdildflttl'ad Qp" lby Dr; Earle BlrneyThursday when he told studentsattending Canadian " Orientatio nparties bat 'Canada Ines morewheat thena poems and more fishthan prose . "

Pointing out Canada neverth eless does have 'same 'tort' of heeltage ft Canadian' literature, th ewell-known poet and author M"Ttcnvey" gave new Canadians alist of over $6 literary figurerwith which they should be famil •far in hits appraisal of the literaryfield,

Eight Brftlah Co4ambfltns, among

them UBC graduates were includ •ed in the Canadian iiterautre sur-vey, Pacific coast writers men-tioned by Dr. Btrbey included Eth .el Wilson, Malcolm Lowry, Doriothy Livesay, Roy Datt!iells, Bii dMcConnell, Eric Nicol, Bruce Hut•ohinson, Edward Mean and EmilyCarr .

'From the Maadtimes, Dr. Sir-

ney drew on malt proeninemt nam-es as Thomas Raddall, Roger Lem•ellfl, Minn*, Gabrielle Rey, HughMaacaLennen, 4lwetha1yn Graham ,A. Klein and F. R. Scott ,

Moving west to Ontario, the Plug•lish professor hated resilient writ-ers and poets there such as P. K,

$p4e9 CIa444kd Classes GivenSOCIETY OF MiCe~I wit be revived a

meeting in Werbroake 100'at 12;30 oa'Tesday>' 29thahsniADVANCE NOTICig is givens tot

at 12;80 in Brook Dom Oematdt~LOSTWOULD THE PERSON *HO tookthe grey raincoat by Militate fromoutside of Chem. 300 , please re•tarn same to Lost and Found o rphone CD 2701. 46—3TRANSPPle 'ATION'RIDE WANTED PROM VIOINIT Yof nth and Oak for 8 :30'e . PhoneLes at FR 8846 .ROOM AND BOAR DROOM' AND BOARD FOR ONE

, 4435 West 12t'h Avet Pb ,AL 00'16, 31—3TUTORIN GMCGILL GRADUATE MA DIBwee, 1st and 2nd year Engl4elt. KE7760L, 30.20WWN'Tt dYOUNG' MAN'S TUXEDO SIZE 4p ,tall in good co'aditlon. ICE 29015L.

89.3ROOM AND BOARD.FOR RENT — WARM, FURNISH •ed staging roam with irrtvate en-trants (stet in basement), >ilreak •

• fast optional . Phone AL 1547 .35--8

TYPIN GHLOTS'E' STRTIET, YTO. 1 DAL-housfe Apte, AL 0655R . Typing,essays, that*, Mitred, notes; A 'specialty. We keep our deadline.University area campus rates. 49TYPING 1t'Y EXPERIENCED . ORA-duate, Accurate and' reasonable .Onehalf block from UDC bus ter•

mind; 4633 West Eighth Ave. AL3242E


TYPING DONE BY EXPERIENC-ed typist in English and German .Between 9 and 12 a,m, PA 1708 ,

32—4 4TYPING DONE AT HOME, REA $onably and accurately . CE 9778 ,

32—5TYPEWRITING, EXPIDRIENCED ,fast and accurate . Call Mrs, Ed,wards, B.A., new address, corner4th at-1960 Waterloo, CH 0264 ,


NOTICE STHE ANNUAL MX P.W, BAS -keibal1 gams* and dance is elatedfor ,Prrlday the 26th. All grads takenotice the' game at 7;SO, danceat9 ,WOMEN'S SWIM TEAM PRACTI •tee Tues . 1 :30 to 5 :30 pmt. Thurs .1 to 2 p,m, Please turn out as soonas you can .WOMEN'S S1YIM TEAM SPEEDcompetition Jan. 24th against Y MCA team. Please phone MargCross, West 297L if interested ,200 DANCING GIRLS AT TH E

'~Ittrsea} 1ledviled mixer Frids..y,deb, 1, Brack Hall, 60 cents. Eaeryone welcome.YOU WILL BE P1tDV D`TO STUB.mill any essay or thesis we typefor you. A. O. Robinson, 4150 W .11tIi Ave ., AL 09158.

Ing for both beginners and ad-ranted students sponsored by theVisual Arts club will be resume dunder the' expert instruction o!B .C . Binning and Lionel Thomas .

WELL KNOWNBoth Instructors are well-know n

in Canadian art circles and haveoften been the centre oft ontrovaerslat discureion as a . result of thei rprog'res'sive method*, and styles' .

The classes begin at 2 :80 andlast as long as the student u menergy and initiative to continu eworking. Models are often supplied,but materials are self-purchased .

March 3 to 9 the Visual artsclub will sponsor an exhibition o fstudent work in the Library gal•lety . They extend an Invitation toall students to participate .

Also proposed is an exchange or


Needs Secretary

A student with typing and short •hand ability is urgently neededby the Open Hafts Oommittee todo pftrtsttme work. A suitable sal-,ary will be arranged ,

Those interested Should leave amespage' in the AMS Office forIvan Fe1'tham as' soon as posetble,

all students ad German that t1teGerman Film "MALE" will beshown for students at the AlperClub, 4876 Viotorla Drive to van'couver on Wednesday, Jatrawry.30th, at 7 pm, The ftimr said to befirst-rate, features Walter Gloss aking playing Beethsv n , atadi bit*choral work et the boy's eh* 01Thotnasklrche In Leldpelsr Gera! ay

* * *

MRS. MARJORIE I.AIP$ TV,Alasodiate award Beeireitary . of theCant;dtan SCM, will lead owlsession today at 13 :30 In the BOMroam on, ..What is Worship '

* * 4rFILMSOC and, VCF are oo•

sponsoring the movie "HiddenTreasures" then the cooperationof the Moody BPble Institute Tues.day noon in the auditorium—N 'admisison writ be charged.

* *' *, MUM. Mutt

presents Symphony No, 38 by Mot-art and the overtures to "theThieving Magpie" and "The Silke nLadder" in Monday January 28,

tee' Roam



0k •T'Klt M$1' 0U—MA t1 Apresentation of ellseY taturillitymorning trap be 1 -hauls 's .Olub ram of the . BraeX. ABltaiMb .who nt:lntor!eetedease stIMMONa ,

* *114 ' A41t' 4l F -411i.eUtti0t, oat 2 n t

prropa.etionf' '' wal ,st ►1, b $rG. Deft* pN/retrOttib wtitae

n ;Mal Gait Beei.ty+, TMat pillbe in HfelO, 309''at 12'alMnoe,10rf 'day,'J&anesy 28

Cat !tam Red

Mi1ez1t11El" •• (Bpeert4)"'— Exc

ecutive committee of the, Univer-sity of California hat tba nnsdi Ilh ;arils of the, M6roorr tplrf dntagaihhte "Newts!' ban , rite 1vomit), book store,

The -'oont mittde also-hammed asp 'pubHCeI1ons Mitch were "o'IdaeICommunist propoganda .

rrtSeE,a :

The basement workshop in U,BC's Library houses some

very interesting goings-on Thursdays at 2 :30.Beginning on Thursday January t

.31 classes in sculpture and paint• exhibits with *Master .

All that the student needs ispaper and charcoal, or a twentycent bag of c1ey—the baking oast'Is supOfied, r

Mr, Btnnings will conduct hisclasses in hut L 12, and Mr. Themeas's . sculpture clans will meet i nthe Library workshop, Everyone iswelcome .



What to wear Saturday night? Why not one of EATON 'S new wool jersey

dresses—with a flip of pleats for the skirt, a neckline that can be worn open

or closed . In wonderful colours--winter white, coral, chartruese . These are

American imports .

Dress Department, Second Floo r

Modelled by Bobs Blame'

Copy by Jbon

Heraldic Jewellery—earrings

and pins, necklets and bra •

celcts . In gold or slitter col-

oured finish, some with col' ,

oured enamel designs. Very

good looking, and at such

nice prices .

1 .00 to 4.00

Costume Jewetllery, tdhltl' Plo wLtgfhte cf the cabin madeMysterious shapes of th eSnow•ladb'n land, and theSilent woods eahaed th ePeace of mind .Ai hneh'of eats tency preceded th ePas'h forward IntoOblivion :

iAnd as the witted skis knifed into

the white lands'eaipeAhd as the world shot by with

gatithe?lng mmeenttrinThe wind found the disturber o f

the night andBreathed a mated warning


Snowflakes bit at his fairelint the flight downward continue d

An ecstatic sweep intoThe nigh t

With reality up on the hil l

And the infinite, the infinite

Around the corner .


P#emJVL•{ , . ,hided Amy eyes'

Ifrom your youth

lnto ,the lake of salaeona

Into the greeneta4ned reachOf trees

Love . , .Drove down tones of pai nThrough the liquor of hand ant d

lipsThPmtgh the dread and poised

beautyOf the bedAnd the breath•born splendour

Of the MM .

Love . . .Bitter ecstas yCraze for substanc eSofter . , .Warm as etch flameBlom from the bearing candleBreaking into folds of black . .EmptinessTorturePangs wrenched from the wom bOf nightThe howets of day , . ,The terror in a, sinking dream

Tecctibing even tram the shapeThe !phantomof this forked furyOf my lov eAnd there . . .I .ythg in my eyesLies he . . .Lifting his teariborn arm sTowards my griefMy slee pAnd my love•grown grave .

C. H. Jatlitson3rd Veen' Ant s

Linton' Reminds

Jack Llntott, AM'S co•ardlnator ,reminds all campus organization sthat beforb sweltering a. speakerthey must obtain per►nlssiotf fromthe co-ordinator at least one weekbefore the schednlecl date .

This regnintlon la' In the AM S

constitution .

Night's mystic spirit beckone d

him ; his soulWas quick to answer. From his

grassy bed ,In one brief glance, he Bret sur-

veyed the ,whol eVast universe. With earthly band -

age shed,

And the delving thumbs of sand .He leapt to life . His ardent foot-

steps spedAlong the solver corridors of space .A radia'nt path of stare was his t o

tread,And all' the blazing meteors to

chase .Beyong the sfioutng galaxies he

raced ,To plttmb new nebttduae, wh'os' e

depth were fraugh tWith myriad unborn worlds . Than

home' he paced,Transcending i1glat•yewrb in a sin-gle thought :"1 stnk to rest still maryetllhg tha t

HeWho gtttdes the stars once died

for lure of me,"

.Oliver A . Stevens

3ry1 Year Arts

Page 4: rItee Again! Old Schoo - library.ubc.ca · p ki'tar";;tfie'drItee h Rules Again! Old Schoo SCENE: Victoria Conservative Club.' Fothering,Ham is conversing with Colonel Brockiitg-Ton,


Friday, January 25, 195 2Page Four


Assistant Editors—CHARLIE WATT and BRIAN WHAR F


Walt Sussel has been busy with his

Monday noon in the auditorium. And what's more, there i scamera. This time Walt has caught the mood of baseball

no admission price. That's Monday in the Auditorium .

fans wlio will have chance to see world series baseball filime

—Photo by Walt Sussel

Swim Enthusiasts He act SouthFor First Meet Of New Season

But ring or no ring Rolbdnett feels that 23 students who indicate d

their willingness to learn the art of pugilism show a boxing trend a t

the Point Grey establishment.

"When we get our ring set up in the new gym, " said ttobinett ytster-

day," it will be a bi g boost to local amateur boxing as well as colle-

giate . At present amateur boxers in Vancouver have no place to go

when they climb to the tap of the local heap . When we get our club ,

going they'll have a chance to go to UDC and compete against top

collegiate mixers ."

ir. /s ose


Tough One

Varsity Gals Early lead

Eclipsed BY late Rally

Wednesday night at John 011 -verdra gym Varsity Thundesion ~lyds

Tanglerupped a heart breaking decisio n

to a power packed squad from Kit -


Twice OverThe Varsity gals took an early

8-2 lead, but, in the second quar-ter Kits began to roll and man -aged

W k ato pull into a 16-all tie at

the half way mark . During thi sfirst half, Eleanor Cave was th esharp shooter on the floor, andcontinued to score consistentl ythroughout the second halt . Elea-nor finished up with- nearly 2 0points Which almost eclipsed th eseason's record .

During the latter canto, the tw oteams matched each other poin tfor point with the Kits coming ou ton the tap end of a 3'8.36 score .MEARNIE TOO

Messrnie (Summers, perennialstar with the Eilers who is cur-rtntly plying for Kfts,'w'as verygood during the latter hell of th egame and emerged as the top scor-er for the apposition .

Sheila Moore can vouch for thelaxness at the referee}( ' as - shecame out with an injured armwhich is now encased fir a` mic ewhite sling. However, with coac hJoan MattArthur running the girl sthrough two practices each weekresults are bound to improve .GRUDGE MATCH

Tonight the gale go against B .M. Olarke in which- should be abasketball game 1de Mite . .Eac htime these two 'Subs tangle, thereare fireworks—and this is as goo da reason as any to come out an dsupport the gals .



pp/nt/H, service



4436 West 10th Avenue

ALma 3233

Printers of "The Ubyssey"

For Ubyssey Display Ads Phone ALma 325 3


Ring Or Not, RobbieAfter UBC Boxing

Although the Evergreen Conference shuns the sport, Ath-letic Director Robert Robinett firmly believes boxing willhave to be reckoned with in the near future at UBC .

And Mr. Robinett holds to this opinion despite the fact that hi s

embryo boxing club has been held back from making its intitlal star t

t) lack of ring facilities .

By ALEX MacGILLIVRAYAlthough they have lost som e

of their lettermen from last year ,they atilt have, through the addi-tion ,of some new talent, all th ematerial far a tremendous season .

Starting off the roster, returnh llettermen Don Smyth captatns theteam, assisted by eo•eaiptan GordPatter, also a letterman . Other re -turning lettermen are Peter Intsz•tig and Max Bertram . Also carry-ing a, large part of the load wil lbe three new Swedish swimmer swho Peter brought back with hi mWhen he returned home for a visi tlast summer : Palle Carden, Tor -


'Bird Swim Team . Holds

UBC's Only Cup; Open Season


Follow the Birds to victory . Yes, the Thunderbird Swim

Team, holder of the conference cup for three years in a row ,makes it's debut this season down at Everett, Washington, to -night, where they , tangle with Everett Junior College in a n

Inter-Collegiate Swim Meet .sten Bengston and Olaf Olsen .

Handling the diving aastgumentswill he veteran divers Al Borthwick and Dick Clayton, who havebeen working out regularly . Teamcoach Doug Whittle feels quite con-fident about his teams success in

1'52 ; and why not, there is onl yone Conference ,Cup residing i nthe showcases of the MAI), andthat is for swimming, won thre eyears in a, row .

The J .V.'s start off their sche-dule by meeting the YMCA o nSaturday . The team will be cap-tained by Milt Skye who, to dalte,has shown the best times .

Robinett commended fthe action of local boxer Len Kupchak wh ospurned a scholarship at the North West's top boxing boxing college ,Gonzaga, in favor of entering URC next term .

"We've heard so much about local boys making good abroad . Nowwe'll be able to see a local kid make good at home ." ,

"if more local athletes like Len decided to stay at home and

attend URC our athletic standards will certainly improve, "Robinett admitted the Evergreen Conference has generally look-

ed down upon hexing owing to the much publicized injuries resultin gfrom the sport .

'But," ho added, "that viewpoint isn't too sound . Why in my stu-dent days more people were injured from skiing than boxing ."

VOC Hold OpenHouse Sunday

On Sunday, Jan . 27th the Vasaslty Outdoor Club will hold theirsecond antlual Open House at the inew $13,000 cabin up Mt . Seymour .

At 11 :30 the traditional steeple-e.haase will start from the secon dPeak of Mt . Seymour. The courseis ' 4 miles long.

Square dancing and skiing de -plays will be held after the rac efor visitors, .

Further information may be ob -

tained trom Pat Duffy at C r. 52~!16 ,


Here Are UBC Rowersin order to acquaint '[1BC sport s

fans with one oR the university' :;lesser known major sports A .ibentPlant Vi)e'1r siddentofMitotic prepared thethumbnail sketches o fing Chub .

Stroke — Dic kIlse, a three yea rVan(ryuver

7 Man — Harry Castlllon 6' 18 5Ibs„ original organizer of CR CRa4titug Chub, and the (leers pas t

President ; this year he i-1 vice •captain—probably most experit'U (ed mau on the team, rowed fo rVRC 8's and is and also hig hschool rowhug .

6 Man — Malcolm Matteson — I . '19( th•„ Ihr,llgtt I101' In Ills slfn' ;

Rowing Club double . ,

Karria . rVarsity, 8

the Men's 5 Man — John Drinnan 6'4" 19 0following 11)s ., secretary treasurer of UB C

the Row . Rowing ('lob for the past two sea -1 sons, and has clone much to or .gauize rowing oti the campus .

4 Man Doug A. Hallbrook — 6 '185 lbs., 1 year Varsity 8 man--has improved rapidly and ,shoul dbe one al' the squad 's mainstaysthis season .

9 ;rttn(1

3 Man Andrew Small — 5' 11 "

rowed past two years for Varsit yand Jayvees 8--s thought to b ;cue of the most promising on Pre *sent team ,

is considered excellent prospect ,('towel last 2 year& tor the Jayvee ,Varsity and VRC 8 .

four years with the Varsity 8 an d4—rowed for VRC and during Hig hSchool .

1 Man John Warren 6' 160 lbs . ,creaw captain and club president ofU11C for two years—has rowe don UBC squad for 4 straig•.i r yens ,was awarded small block at con-clusion of last year ,

Cox Jerry Savory 5'6" 1't0 lbs „coxswain of ,both the URL' and .l'a vvoe squads far the past two years .

Cox Jerry Rendell 5'6'' 130 lbs . ,coxed the ayvees part lime las tyear and also VRC—Rowed dur-ing high school .

Manager Jim Patterson — ha sdare extl''euely well so far th!r,year in organizing crew and cal tip•

2 Man Bob Falconer —

ISO Ih ;, natal,

UBC Thunderbirds tanglewith Whitworth tonight in a

Evergreen Conference basket-ball' game at Spokane and their

chances of winning a confer,ence game aren't too high .

Why ?

, Simply +ecause the Whitwort hclub has been consistently winnin ggames this year while the Thunder•birds have been doing the opposite;

Saturday night 'Birds meet East -ern Oregon at a Spokane and thei rchances of a win are quite high .

The Thunderbirds haye boat 20games this year while winning one.Eastern have lost their last 13 con etests.



Block Speake r

D . BLACK will give the lastin the International House Orienta-tion Series in Arts 100 today. Dr.Black, a member at the deplt, o fpsychology will speak on ' , Canadi-an Oltlzenehip ."




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, A1Ukf S• Non-.chafing foe - )'all grout eyelet .

Saentihc fool fitting 1a 0• tong wearing crepe J .r~ign rrunol e

- Healthful -- Hyyrenir