Risk Assessment Workbook TEMPLATE

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  • 8/12/2019 Risk Assessment Workbook TEMPLATE


    Internal A

    Risk Level 1 to 3 1 to 3

    F/S Risk

    Factors Area Review




    and Regu


    Weight 20% 5%

    Information Systems System Implementations 3 1

    Legal Department Lit igat ion Management & Accrual 3 3

    Finance & Accounting Billing 3 3

    Customer Management Customer Technical Support 3 1

    Customer Management Call Center Management 3 1Legal Department Tariff Protection 3 3

    Finance & Accounting Payroll 1 2

    Human Resources Employee Benefits Mgt - Third Party Administration 2 2

    Finance & Accounting Treasury - Debt Management (Covenant Compliance ) 2 3

    Sales & Marketing Advertising & Promotions 1 1

    Information Systems Data Security (Privacy) 2 2

    Finance & Accounting Capital Management 3 2

    Customer Management Customer Retention 3 1

    Finance & Accounting Financial Close & Reporting 1 3

    Finance & Accounting Line Cost 1 3

    Customer Management Customer Credits/Adjustments 2 3

    Information Systems Disaster Recovery/Business Continuity Plans 3 2

    Finance & Accounting Revenue Recognition 1 3

    Operations Inventory Mgt - CPE/Huntsville WH 2 1

    Human Resources Employment Regulations 3 2

    Sales & Marketing Contract Sales 3 2

    Sales & Marketing Sales Branch Office 2 1

    Operations Inventory Mgt. - Network Parts/Anniston W H 2 1

    Finance & Accounting Treasury - Cash Management & Banking 2 3

    Information Systems Help Desk & User Services 2 1

    Sales & Marketing Sales Operations 3 1

    Human Resources Recruiting 3 1

    Sales & Marketing Customer Premise Equipment (CPE) Sales 1 2

    Finance & Accounting Sales Commissions 2 2

    Finance & Accounting Fixed Assets 1 2

    Finance & Accounting Accounts Receivable 1 3

    Information Systems IT Strategy/ Planning 3 1

    Information Systems IT Network Administration 3 1

    Operations Network Management, Provisioning, Grooming, etc. 3 1

    Legal Department Government/Regulatory/Industry Affairs 3 2

    Management & Board Mergers & Acquisitions 3 2

    Human Resources Compensation 3 1

    Finance & Accounting Accounts Payable 1 2

    Operations Procurement 1 2

    Finance & Accounting External Financial Reporting 1 3

    Customer Management Field Support - Trouble Reporting & Tickets 2 1

    Operations Network Operations - Switch Management 2 1

    Operations Research & Development 2 1Sales & Marketing Product Development 2 1

    Sales & Marketing Marketing Management & Plans 2 1

  • 8/12/2019 Risk Assessment Workbook TEMPLATE


    Internal A

    Risk Level 1 to 3 1 to 3

    F/S Risk

    Factors Area Review




    and Regula


    Weight 20% 5%

    Management & Board Corporate Governance - (Authority/Approval Matrix, Disclosure

    Controls, Policy Management) 2 2

    Finance & Accounting Credit & Collections 1 2

    Management & Board Incentive Compensation Plans 2 2

    Information Systems Software Licensing 1 3

    Information Systems IT Applications - ADP Enterprise 1 3

    Finance & Accounting Treasury - FX/Derivatives 1 1

    Finance & Accounting Travel & Entertainment 1 1

    Finance & Accounting Budgeting, Forecasting, Strategic Planning 2 1

    Management & Board Company Communications 2 1

    Operations Engineering 2 1

    Information Systems Contract Management - Service Level Agreements 1 2

    Operations Safety 1 2

    Information Systems Wireless Networks 1 1

    Operations Network Operation Center Mgt. 1 1

    Operations Energy Cost & Management 1 1

    Operations Engineering Systems & Transport 1 1

    Legal Department Securities Management & Stock Options Procedures1 3Human Resources Policies 1 2

    Human Resources Terminations 1 2

    Human Resources Worker Compensation 1 2

    Human Resources Employee Relations 1 2

    Legal Department Intellectual Property 1 2

    Legal Department Contract Management 1 2

    Legal Department Reconds Management 1 2

    Legal Department Whistle Blower - Hotline 1 2

    Management & Board Risk Management (General Liability,Officers & Directors,

    Business Interruption) 1 2

    Management & Board Risk Management - Workers Compensation 1 2

    Management & Board Risk Management - Property Insurance 1 2

    Management & Board SOX Program Management 1 2

    Management & Board Investor Relations 1 2

    Management & Board Governance Agreement 1 2

    Operations Real Estate - Lease Management 1 2

    Operations Fleet Management 1 2

    Finance & Accounting Management Internal Reporting 1 1

    Human Resources Employee Benefits Mgt - Enrollments 1 1

    Human Resources Employee Performance Feedback 1 1

    Human Resources Employee Communications - Feedback, Surveys 1 1

    Human Resources Staffing Analysis/Workforce Management 1 1

    Human Resources Training & Development 1 1

    Human Resources Employee Loans 1 1

    Management & Board Charitable Contributions 1 1

    Management & Board Political Contributions 1 1Operations Facility Management & Physical Security 1 1

    Management & Board Executive Travel & Entertainment 1 1

  • 8/12/2019 Risk Assessment Workbook TEMPLATE














    % of Total Risks by Risk Focus Areas

  • 8/12/2019 Risk Assessment Workbook TEMPLATE



    Sales and Marketing Contact Name Operations Contact Name Finance & Accou

    Contract Sales Supply Chain Ops/Purchasing Accounts Payables

    Sales Op Review Planning Accounts Receivables

    Retail Quality Billings

    Wholesale Construction Line Cost

    Carrier Supplies, Materials and Services Invoice Auditing

    Enterprise Vendor Management (i.e.: competitive

    bidding, preferred suppliers)


    Equipment Fleet Management Credit & Collections

    Finance Review Lease Management Placement, Write-offs & Pl

    Legal Review Testing and Control Credit Management

    Engineering Review Network Reliability Collections

    Operations Review Provisioning Capital Budgeting & Plan

    Product Marketing Regulatory Compliance (i.e.. OSHA) Capital Expenditure Appro

    Product Development Inventory Management Records, Depreciation & R

    Sales Commissions Accounting and Valuation Non-capital purchases

    Storage and Distribution

    Call Center Fixed Assets

    Network Operations Budgeting and Forecasti

    Operator Services Closing the Books

    Account Reconciliation

    Account Analysis


    Internal Reporting

    External Reporting

    Tax Management

    Federal Income Tax

    State & Local Tax

    Tariff Protection

    Sales & Use

    ResearchTravel and Expense Repo


  • 8/12/2019 Risk Assessment Workbook TEMPLATE


    Audit Universe

    Debt/Financial Structure

    Cash Management


    Banking Relationships

  • 8/12/2019 Risk Assessment Workbook TEMPLATE


    Risk Categories

    Risk Assessment Category Risk Category Definition Weighting

    1 Consequences Severity of Consequence from Non-Compliance 5%

    2 Prior Audit Prior Audit Findings 5%

    3 SOX Findings Prior SOX Findings

    4 Mgmt Concern Management Interest & Concern 20%5 Mgmt. Team Management Team 5%

    6 Turnover Employee Turnover 25%

    7 System Changes Systems Changes 10%

    8 Financial Risk Size Revenue /Expense Size in Dollars 25%

    9 Time Time Since Last Audit 5%


    Scale from 1 to 3 1 2


    Severity of Consequence from


    Considers the quantity and complexity

    of legislative mandates and guidelines

    that govern the audit subject under

    review, as well as mandates and

    guidelines governing the business unit

    as a whole.

    This includes:

    Regulatory (PUC/FCC)


    Areas where deficiencies would likely produce little or no

    recourse from regulatory, legal or governmental agencies.

    Areas where deficiencies would likely result in minimal or no

    financial statement exposures.

    Areas where deficiencies could p

    repercussions from regulatory, g

    This would include fines or pena

    and/or short-term restrictions to

    Areas wh

    2 Prior Audit Findings

    Considers the significance and number

    of findings as well as theimplementation of corrective action.

    Taken from Audit Project Reports and

    SOX Observations.

    No significant findings and few findings. There has been full

    implementation of all corrective actions.

    One or zero significant findings

    andThere has been at least 90 perce


    3 Management Interest & Concern

    Considers the level of management

    interest and/or concern that was

    obtained from the Business Risk

    Assessment - SOX Management

    Questionnaire completed in late 2009.

    Management believes this issue warrants little interest or


    Management believes this issue


    4 Management Team

    Considers the amount of time that a

    management team has been in place for

    the area based on Internal Audit


    Management has been in place over three years. Management has been in place m

    than three years

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    Risk Categories

    Risk Assessment Category Risk Category Definition Weighting

    1 Consequences Severity of Consequence from Non-Compliance 5%

    2 Prior Audit Prior Audit Findings 5%

    3 SOX Findings Prior SOX Findings

    4 Mgmt Concern Management Interest & Concern 20%5 Mgmt. Team Management Team 5%

    6 Turnover Employee Turnover 25%

    7 System Changes Systems Changes 10%

    8 Financial Risk Size Revenue /Expense Size in Dollars 25%

    9 Time Time Since Last Audit 5%


    Scale from 1 to 3 1 2

    5 Turnover

    Considers the level of turnover based

    actual 2009 data from Human


    Area employee turnover is great

    25 percent.

    6 Systems Changes

    Considers any significant automated or

    manual system changes and/or

    upgrades and the number of issues

    based on IA's knowledge. This will be

    enhanced for the 2009 audit planning

    using IT's annual plan.

    No significant system changes and/or upgrades and no

    outstanding issues.

    One significant and/or several sy

    and few outstanding issues.

    7 Revenue /Expense Size in Dollars

    Considers the annual revenues or

    expense and volume transactions

    initiated or processed through an area

    based on actual 2008 and 2009

    financial data.

    Less than $15 million annual revenue or less than $1 million


    Between $15 million and $50 m

    between $1 million and $10 mil

    8 Time Since the Last Audit

    Considers when the last

    financial/operational audit was

    performed based on Internal Audit


    Less than two years since the last audit. More than two years but less tha


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    REF GradingCategories

    Description Min Max Wei

    1 Dollar Amount Other things being equal, large dollar amounts, either

    flowing through a system or committed to an activity

    or project, increase audit interest. As a means of

    establishing a common frame of reference, use gross

    revenue of the audit customer's entity as the base for

    determining relative size.

    Relatively Low Relatively High 9

    2 Public Disclosure


    Other things being equal, the prospect of significant

    adverse notoriety, as a consequence of either acts of

    commission or omission, serves to increase audit


    Noncontroversial Highly Controversial 1

    3 Internal Control The design and past performance of an internal

    control system is important in judging the probability

    of errors in the system. Other things being equal,areas with weak internal control are of greater audit


    Strong Weak 7

    4 Executive



    Other things being equal, expressed or implied

    concern relating to an activity or project by a

    responsible member of operating company

    management increases audit interest. If there is no

    basis for assessing management interest, arbitrarily

    assi n a three.

    Strong Weak 10

    5 Results in Prior

    Audit Other things being equal, significant adverse findings

    in a prior audit increase audit interest. If there is no

    prior experience, arbitrarily assign a three.

    No significant


    Serious deficiency



    6 Changes in


    Other things being equal, a dynamic environment in

    terms of personnel or procedures increases theprobability of errors and inefficiency occurring, and

    consequently increases audit interest.

    Static Dynamic 5

    7 Complexity of


    Other things being equal, as the operating complexity

    of an area increases, information and control systems

    tend to become more complex. This complexity

    increases both the probability of error and the effort

    re uired to monitor the s stem.

    Simple Complex 4

    8 Time Since Last


    As the time since the last audit lengthens, the value of

    a new audit is likely to increase. The beneficial effects

    of an audit are greatest immediately before and after

    a project.

    Recently Audited Never Audited or Not

    Recently Audited


    9 Deviations from

    Budget/PlanSignificant unfavorable variances from established

    plans increase audit interest in an activity or project.

    No significant variances Significant variances 3

    10 Character of


    Infrequent or unusual activities or projects are more

    likely to result in error or inefficiency and are of

    greater audit interest.

    Routine and/or frequent Unusual and/or



  • 8/12/2019 Risk Assessment Workbook TEMPLATE





    Categories Points Weight Score Points 0 - 3 Points 4 - 6

    1Management and

    Staff Competence8 0.12 0.97

    Lack of understanding of basic

    accounting principles. Unqualified

    Rudimentary understanding of C

    Policies and GAAP. Improveme

    required in the area of staff train

    2Corporate Policy

    Compliance9 0.15 1.36

    Significant non compliance of corporate


    Non compliance to corporate po

    without any compensating contr


    3 Asset Management 9 0.12 1.09

    Control structure exhibits major

    weaknesses which could result in

    material loss of company assets and/or

    misstatement of revenue/expense

    Weaknesses in controls could re

    loss of assets or misrepresentat

    profits / losses. Reliance is plac

    mitigating controls

    4Prior Audit

    Recommendations10 0.10 1.01

    Less than 50% implementation 50% to 74% implementation

    5 Information Systems 8 0.10 0.81Locally developed and supported

    accounting systems are poorly


    Partially or fully implemented Gl

    Applications with a high number

    issues related to deployment an


    Procedure and


    Documentation7 0.12 0.85

    Few to no processes have been

    documented. Not familiar or not

    compliant to global standard procedures

    Global standard procedures are

    implemented or consistent with c

    standards. No documentation e

    7Financial Reporting

    Integrity9 0.10 0.91

    Financial reports are unreliable and

    need immediate attention

    Reliability of financial reporting r

    improvement. Material or multip

    immaterial adjustments are requ


    Balance Sheet

    Accounts Supporting

    Detail8 0.12 0.97

    Reconciliations or Listing of Account

    Details are not performed. Material

    adjustments are not properly


    Reconciliations or Listing of Acc

    Details are not performed on a r

    basis for all majoraccounts.

    Reconciling items are not cleare

    timely basis

  • 8/12/2019 Risk Assessment Workbook TEMPLATE





    Categories Points Weight Score Points 0 - 3 Points 4 - 6


    Requirements Met9 0.06 0.55

    Deadlines (Corporate and Internal) are

    not met. Insufficient and/or

    unmeaningful information is distributed

    Significant reporting requirements a

    continuously not met

    TOTAL SCORE: 8.52




    Average:Less than 7.00

    Average: 7.00 to 8.49


    8.50 to 10.00


    1 Management identifies high potential individuals and assigns work that will provide a broad depth of experience, as well as benefiting the compan

    2 Policies are followed and transactions are executed properly the first time without having to correct transaction mistakes.

    3 Management actively seeks, identifies, and executes ways to reduce local capital, while maintaining high levels of customer service. Specific go

    4 A focused effort exists to implement prior audit recommendations to improve the organizational financial integrity, process/policy compliance and

    5 Aggressively working towards global system solutions with low levels of customization through process modification and government communica

    6 Implementation of standard global processes including the quotation to collection cycle. Associates routinely spend time analyzing results and fo

    7 Seek ways to improve the integrity of financial results, and enhance the forecasting process with more disciplined ties to the funnel.

    8 Completed reconciliations that are useful tools to conduct true analysis of business issues.

    9 Actively seeking ways to reduce the time necessary to close the books. Seek ways to evaluate the profitability of individual customers and order

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    Risk Factors(from 200x Form 10-K)

    Risk Factor # Risk Factor Description Audit Area from Universe














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    Risk Factors(from 200x Form 10-K)

    Risk Factor # Risk Factor Description Audit Area from Universe










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