Risk Assessment 323232

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  • 7/30/2019 Risk Assessment 323232



    Safety StatementIncluding

    Risk Assessment

    Health and Safety Authority

    16th March 2012

  • 7/30/2019 Risk Assessment 323232


    Health & Safety Policy

    I / We of Geraldam / are committed to working in accordance with the provisions of the

    Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005 and other associated legislation. I / weare fulfilling our statutory obligations to manage and co-ordinate workplace safety and

    health and commit to as far as is reasonably practicable to ensuring that:

    Work activities are managed so as to ensure the safety, health and welfare of my/ our employees.

    Our Safety Statement is maintained, updated and written risk assessments arecarried out and reviewed as required and brought to the attention of allemployees at least annually.

    Identified protective and preventive measures are implemented and maintained. Improper conduct likely to put an employees safety and health at risk is

    prevented. A safe place of work is provided, which is adequately designed and maintained. A safe means of access and egress is provided. Safe plant and equipment is provided. Safe systems of work are provided. Risks to health from any article or substance is prevented. Appropriate information, instruction, training and supervision are provided. Suitable protective clothing and equipment, where hazards cannot be eliminated,

    are provided. Emergency plans are prepared and revised. Welfare facilities are provided and adequately maintained. Competent personnel to advise and assist in securing the safety, health and

    welfare of my / our employees are employed when required.

    Signed: __________________________________

    Date: __________________________________

    Position: __________________________________Managing Director / Owner

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    Roles and Responsibilities

    Employers responsibilities include:

    A commitment to managing and conducting our work activities in order to protectyour health and safety.

    Providing a safe place of work which is adequately designed and maintained Providing safe means of access and egress to and from the place of work Providing safe plant, equipment and machinery Providing safe systems of work, e.g. operating procedures Preventing improper conduct likely to put an employees safety and health at risk Preventing risk to health from any article or substance (including plant, tools,

    machinery, chemical substances and equipment) as applicable to the place ofwork

    Providing appropriate information, instruction, training and supervision, takingaccount of the employees capabilities, when an employee begins work or istransferred to new tasks, and when new technology is introduced

    Providing suitable protective clothing and equipment where hazards cannot beeliminated

    Preparing and revising emergency plans Designating staff to take on emergency duties as necessary Providing and maintaining welfare facilities for example toilets, changing rooms,

    canteen area etc Providing, where necessary, a competent person to advise and assist us in

    securing the safety, health and welfare of all of our employees.

    Note: Other Responsibilities included in Appendix I

    Employees responsibilities include:

    Complying with relevant health and safety legislation. Ensuring that you are not under the influence of an intoxicant while working as

    this could endanger your safety, health and welfare or that of others Ensuring that you do not engage in improper conduct or other behaviour that is

    likely to endanger your safety, health and welfare orthat ofothers Co-operating with youremployerand any other person to help us and any other

    person to comply with their legal duties. Use in such a manner so as to provide the protection intended, any suitable

    appliance, protective clothing, convenience, equipment or other means provided(whether for your use alone or for use in common with others) for securing yoursafety, health and welfare while at work.

    To report to your employer or immediate supervisor, without unreasonable delay,any defects in plant, equipment, place of work or system of work that mightendanger safety, health or welfare at work of any employee or that of any otherperson of which you become aware.

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    No person(s) shall intentionally or recklessly interfere with or misuse anyappliance, protective clothing, convenience, or equipment provided in pursuanceof any of the relevant statutory provisions or otherwise, for securing the safety,health and welfare of persons arising out of work activities.

    Attend training as may be required or as may be prescribed relating to safety,health and welfare at work or relating to work carried out by you.

    Note: Other Responsibilities included in Appendix I

    Contractors responsibilities include:

    [A contractor is a person or organization who signs a contract to do certain work withina specified time for payment.]

    All contractors involved in work activity on our premises are expected to comply with ourpolicy for safety, health and welfare and must ensure that their own safety statement is

    made available while the work is being carried out.

    Contractors are required to provide us with details on any potential hazards that mayimpact on the wellbeing of our employees while work is being carried out in ourworkplace. To ensure compliance with the legislation we will provide the contractor withthe relevant sections of our safety statement to ensure that they are aware of thehazards in our workplace.

    Contractors must report to the designated person on arrival at our workplace

    Note: Other Responsibilities included in Appendix I

    Visitors responsibilities include:

    [A visitor is a person other than an employee or contractor]

    All visitors to our premises are to be made aware of our safety procedures and wherepossible must be accompanied by an employee at all times. Visitors are required toconduct themselves in a safe manner at all times. Visitors are required to observe thefire policy and in the event of an emergency they should identify themselves to anemployee and they shall be escorted to the designated assembly point.

    Note: Other Responsibilities included in Appendix I

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    Consultation and Participation

    We recognise that employee involvement in health and safety is an integral part of oursafety management system. We are committed to providing adequate and appropriateconsultation and we welcome the views of all our employees on issues relating tohealth and safety.

    In particular should we change, update, or modify the manner, the location or the waywe carry out a work activity, including the introduction of any new machines,procedures, materials and substances, we will consult with all our relevant employees.

    Furthermore, should any of our employees raise any matters relating to their health andsafety connected in any way to our work activities we will consider such matters and wewill endeavor to take any necessary action that we consider necessary or appropriate todeal with the matters raised.

    Note: Other arrangements included in Appendix I

    Safety Representative (where appointed)

    Our employees will be facilitated if they wish to decide on, select and appoint a safetyrepresentative. Where appointed the safety representative may make representationsto us on safety, health and welfare matters relating to the employees in the workplace.We will consider these representations, and act on them if necessary.

    The person selected as our safety representative who accepts any of our proposals todeal with safety or health issues cannot be held legally accountable for putting theproposal into effect.

    The functions of our safety representative include:

    The Safety representative may be involved in investigations of accidents anddangerous occurrences.

    A safety representative, having given reasonable notice to the employer, has theright to inspect the workplace at a frequency or on a schedule agreed betweenhim or her and the employer, based on the nature and extent of the hazards inthe place of work.

    The safety representative shall be given access to information that relates to thesafety, health and welfare of employees and the powers to investigate accidentsand dangerous occurrences subject to any limitations as outlined in thelegislation.

    The safety representative shall be given the opportunity to receive appropriatehealth and safety training.

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    The safety representative should be informed when an inspector from the Healthand Safety Authority (HSA) visits the premises and may accompany an inspectoron an inspection.

    The safety representative shall not suffer any disadvantage through undertaking thesefunctions.

    Our Safety Representative is____________________________________________________

    Note: Other arrangements included in Appendix I

    Persons responsible for performing tasks

    The persons who are assigned responsibilities for carrying out health and safety tasksin particular are listed in the Appendix II

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    Welfare Facilities Requirements

    Welfare facilities are provided and maintained in a clean hygienic state for the use ofour employees and visitors. A sample list of welfare facilities given in Appendix III

    Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

    For all our work activities we will endeavor to ensure that all our employees areadequately protected and where it is not reasonably practicable to reduce or eliminatethe risk, then as a last resort we will provide PPE appropriate to the task / workenvironment.

    As required we will ensure:

    Provision of adequate and suitable PPE. Ensure PPE is maintained used and replaced as recommended by the

    manufacturers instructions. Record information of supply and training in use of PPE as required

    Having received the appropriate PPE we will expect our employees to:

    Use PPE properly whenever it is required. Report any defects in or damage to the PPE immediately. Participate in any training or instruction we provide on PPE. Inform us of any medical conditions they have that might be affected by the use

    of the PPE provided to them. A sample PPE register is given in Appendix III

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    First Aid

    Based on the type of hazards that exist in our work place we will ensure that we haveprovided adequate first aid equipment and facilities. Furthermore an Occupational First

    Aider will be provided should specific hazards in our workplace be identified through ourrisk assessment as requiring a trained First Aider. A sample list of first aidarrangements is given in Appendix III.

    Pregnant Employees

    There are specific regulations dealing with pregnancy at work which we will apply whenany of our employees informs us that they are pregnant, has recently given birth or isbreastfeeding and who provides us with an appropriate medical certificate. As theearliest stages of pregnancy are the most critical ones for the developing child it is inour employees best interest to let us know she is pregnant as soon as possible.

    We will carry out a specific risk assessment for that employee. We will particularly takeaccount of any medical advice our employee has received. If a risk cannot beeliminated or reduced to an acceptable level we will: adjust the working conditions or hours of work or both. Ifthis is not possible,

    we provide alternate work and if this is not possible we will facilitate granting the employee health and safety leave.

    When carrying out such a risk assessment we will identify hazards in the workplace thatcould pose a health and safety risk to the new and expectant mothers and takeappropriate action to remove or reduce the risk. We will keep this risk assessmentunder review and update as necessary.

    Furthermore we will ensure that pregnant, post natal or breastfeeding employees havea suitable place to rest.

    Note: Other arrangements included in Appendix I

    Young Workers

    There are specific regulations dealing with young persons at work which we will complywith in the event of a person under 18yrs of age entering employment with us. Inparticular;

    If the young person is under 16yrs old we will obtain written permission from theirparent or guardian.

    We will not exceed the recommended working hours for young persons We will assess the risk to the safety and health of the young person arising from

    their lack of experience, maturity or awareness of risk any work activity likely to involve a risk of harmful exposure to physical,

    biological or chemical agents the physical and psychological capacity of the young person

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    and put in place all required control measures

    Work Related Stress and Dignity at Work

    As your employer we will as far as reasonably practicable ensure that; No employees workload is so high that he or she will have to consistently work

    overtime. No employee will be subjected to harassment or degrading behavior from

    colleagues or managers and that everyone in the workplace treats others withrespect and courtesy even if they do not get along.

    No employee has to work in an environment which is unsafe and in which theywould be worried about accidents.

    Employees are trained so they can do their jobs effectively and safely Everyone knows what their core job is There is in place a Dignity at Work Policy outlining our procedures with regard to

    addressing bullying and harassment at work, this is in keeping with the HSACode of Practice on the Prevention and Resolution of Bullying at Work.

    Emergency Procedures

    Emergency refers to any event that may require an evacuation of the premises (e.g.gas leak, fire,

    bomb threat, etc.). On hearing the alarm all employees, visitors and customers arerequired to:

    GO IMMEDIATELYto the emergency exits, closing all doors as you leave.

    DONT wait to find out whats happening.

    DONT stop to collect personal items.

    GO at once to your assembly point and wait for further instruction.

    DO NOT re-enter the building until authorised to do so by the emergency services.

    A sample list of Emergency Contacts is given in Appendix III

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    Our Risk Assessments

    In carrying out our risk assessments and in consultation with our employees we havereviewed our workplace and work practices, we have both identified the hazards that

    exist and made an assessment of the risks arising from these hazards.

    Where additional controls are required to avoid or reduce the risk these havebeen identified on the risk assessment and action list and will be implemented bythe responsible person.

    We will make every reasonable effort to give priority to the implementation ofoutstanding controls for those hazards of most concern.

    Where we are of the opinion that the necessary competence to carry outparticular risk assessments is not available in house additional expertise will be


    All our risk assessments will be reviewed and revised if required at least annuallyormore often if something arises which could affect the risk assessments.

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    Hazard Current Controls Additional Controls(See Action List)

    Employee Consultation

    Default Actions that must be

    carried out on all RiskAssessments.

    Bring the risk assessment andsafety statement to theattention of your employees


    Contact with electricalinstallations or electricalequipment can cause burns,electrocution and otherserious injuries to employeesand/or visitors.

    All new electrical installationsand all extensions are testedand certified as safe, by acompetent qualified electrician

    Electrical installations arechecked regularly by acompetent qualified electrician

    Testing, certifying and repairs

    are carried out in accordancewith appropriate E.T.C.I.standards

    Enclosures/covers are inplace to prevent contact withlive electrical equipment/parts

    Damaged extension leads arerepaired or removed from use

    Means of cutting off power to

    electrical installations andequipment are provided andemployees are aware of theirlocations

    Work on live electricalequipment is avoided wherereasonably practicable

    Fire extinguishers that aresuitable for fighting electricalfires are provided

    All circuits supplying socketoutlets are protected by anRCD

    Operation of the RCD istested regularly inaccordance with themanufacturers instructions

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    Where electrical portableappliances are subject toongoing wear and tear, theyare inspected and tested

    Any scorch marks associatedwith an electrical appliance orelectrical wiring is checkedurgently by a competentperson


    Fire can cause smokeinhalation, burns and otherserious injuries to employees

    and/or visitors

    Sources of ignition arecontrolled and waste isremoved daily

    Fire alarm and smoke

    detectors are in place, kept ingood working order andtested regularly

    Emergency exits are clearlymarked and kept clear

    Emergency lights are installedand tested regularly

    Fire extinguishers areaccessible and inspectedregularly

    Employees are trained in theuse of fire extinguishers

    Emergency evacuationprocedures are in place

    Fire drills are held regularly


    Unsafe maintenance activitiescan cause cuts, lacerations,eye injuries, amputations andother serious injuries toemployees and/or visitors.

    Only trained and authorised

    employees carry outmaintenance work

    Maintenance employees aretrained in the use of fireextinguishers, hot workpermits and confined spaceentry as appropriate

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    Where maintenance workmay involve disturbingasbestos, all possible typesand locations of asbestos areidentified by a competentperson and suitable controlmeasures put in place beforework commences

    Maintenance employees areaware of all external gas,water and electricity cut offpoints

    Machines are isolated fromelectric, hydraulic andpneumatic power suppliesbefore maintenance workcommences

    Guards are only removed tothe extent that work requiresand replaced as soon asmaintenance is complete

    Adjustments to machineswhen parts are moving areonly carried out bymaintenance employees andonly when machine is at slowspeed or under hold-to-runcontrol

    Work areas are cordoned offto exclude unauthorisedaccess where necessary

    Workshop or storage areasused by maintenanceemployees are adequately lit,free from trip hazards anditems are stored properly

    Hazardous areas are lockedwhen not in use e.g. highvoltage switch room

    Appropriate PersonalProtective Equipment is wornby maintenance employeesand they have received

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    training in its use

    External maintenance workersreport to designated person

    Tools used for maintenanceare in good working order andproperly guarded wherenecessary

    Manual Handling

    Manual Handling means thelifting, putting down, pushing,pulling, carrying or moving ofa load which involves risk ofinjury due to risk factors such

    as:Load is too heavy, large,awkward or is carried awayfrom the body. Load islifted too high or carried toofar/too often or involvesbending and/or twisting.

    Inadequate space,uneven floor or steps/ramps

    Task is organised to allow theuse of mechanical aids toavoid/reduce the need formanual handling

    Task is organised to ensurehandling is carried out

    between waist and shoulderheight

    Heavy or large/unwieldy loadsare broken down into moremanageable weights or arelifted by 2 people

    Work is planned to preventhandling over long distancesor frequent repetitions

    Workplace is organised toensure adequate room toprevent bending, twisting,and/or unstable posture

    Each manual handling taskhas been assessed using therisk factors and wherenecessary, control(s) put inplace.

    Employees receive relevantmanual handling trainingwhere necessary

    Slips, Trips and Falls

    Slips, Trips and Falls due tospills, inadequate materialsstorage, inadequate lighting

    Adequate lighting is provided

    Spill kit and warning signageare available

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    can cause injuries to you,your employees and/orvisitors

    Spills are cleaned upimmediately

    Mats are properly fitted andsecured

    Trailing cables and leads arere-routed, removed orsecured

    Good house-keepingpractices are in place and aremaintained

    Changes in levels arehighlighted e.g. steps, slopes

    Slip resistant footwear isprovided and worn

    Work at Height

    Work at height and fallingobjects can cause fractures,head injuries, death and otherserious injuries to employeesand/or visitors

    Work at height is avoidedwhere possible

    Appropriate work equipmente.g. scaffolding, mobileworking platforms, scissorslifts, are used to prevent fallswhere work at height cannotbe avoided

    Where falls cannot beprevented, work equipmente.g. safety nets, bean bags,airbags are used

    Equipment that protects allemployees who work at heightis used instead of equipmentthat only protects oneemployee at a time e.g. safetynets instead of safetyharnessess

    Work at height activities areplanned and supervised

    Training is provided foremployees who work at height

    Safe access to work at height

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    area is provided

    Work equipment is inspectedregularly and any defectsfound are repaired

    Work areas at height arestable, strong and have a 1mhigh parapet or doublehandrails

    The use of ladders is avoidedor they are used only for lightwork of short duration

    Personal ProtectiveEquipment e.g. safetyharness is provided andemployees are trained in itsuse

    Heavy objects are stored onlower racks/shelves

    Materials stored at height aresecured

    Work areas at height are keptclear of loose materials andmaterial fall preventionsystems are in place e.g.toeboards

    Racks/shelves are inspectedregularly and any defects aredealt with promptly

    Racks/shelves are notoverloaded with maximumsafe working load displayedand supports are protectedfrom impact


    Exposure to chemicals cancause fires, explosions, skinand eye irritation, cancer, illhealth and other seriousinjuries to employees and/or

    A list (inventory) of allchemicals used in theworkplace has been prepared

    Chemical labels and SafetyData Sheets are available foreach chemical and the

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    visitors. associated hazards of eachchemical has been identified

    Employees are trained in thesafe use of chemicals

    The number of employeesand the exposure tochemicals is assessed andminimised

    Less hazardous chemicalsare used where possible

    Adequate ventilation isprovided

    A wash hand basin, soap anddisposable towels/hand dryerare available

    All chemicals are used, storedand disposed of inaccordance with the SafetyData Sheet or supplierrecommendations

    Eye, skin and respiratoryprotection is provided andworn where appropriate andin accordance with the safetydata sheet

    Workplace Transport

    Contact betweenpeople/property and movingvehicles, vehiclesoverturning/collapsing, peoplefalling from vehicles orcollisions can cause damage,

    crush injuries and otherserious injuries to employeesand/or visitors

    Entry to the workplace isdirected and controlled

    All pedestrian and vehicleroutes, crossing points,parking, loading and vehicleonly areas are clearly markedand signposted

    All routes are kept free ofobstructions. Permanentobstructions are marked andprotected as necessary

    People and vehicles are keptapart

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    Vehicle reversing iseliminated, where possibleand All work areas are well lit

    All work areas are well lit

    Loading and unloading iscarried out in a designatedarea away from overheadobstructions

    High visibility vests/jacketsare provided and worn bypeople who work nearvehicles

    Visitors are accompanied anda safe area is provided forvisiting drivers during loadingand unloading

    Speed limits and speedramps/rumble strips etc. areused to control speed, asneeded

    A person is appointed tosupervise vehicle activities onsite

    Vehicles are maintained ingood condition by acompetent person as per themanufacturers instructions

    All works vehicles haveworking amberbeacons/hazard lights andreversing alarms

    Dangerous parts of vehiclese.g. exhaust pipes, PTOs areguarded

    Raised vehicle bodies areadequately and securelypropped using a propdesigned to carry the vehicleweight

    Vehicles are suitable for the

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    work and the load. Vehiclesare not overloaded and allloads are secured

    Forklifts and tailboard goodslifts are tested every 12months

    A defect reporting system is inplace and defects are dealtwith promptly

    Drivers check vehicles dailybefore use and report anyproblems

    Keys are not left inunattended vehicles

    Working at height on vehiclesis avoided where possible,proper access equipment (forvehicles & work at height) isprovided and maintainedwhere required

    Stop blocks or chocks areused when tipping materials

    Drivers are carefully selectedand supervised by anominated person

    All drivers are instructed,trained and authorised todrive workplace vehicles

    Driver's handbook is provided

    Driver operates vehicle atappropriate speed

    Seatbelts (where provided)are worn at all times

    Forklift truck drivers aretrained

    Display Screen Equipment An assessment of individualworkstations is carried out

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    Poor workstation set up,prolonged Display ScreenEquipment (DSE) use andprolonged poor seatingposture at DSE workstationcan cause neck, back,shoulder or arm strain, eyestrain or fatigue to youremployees

    Work tasks are varied toensure that staff are notworking at their computers forlong periods of time

    Employees are giveninformation and training onthe hazards associated withcomputer use and the stepsthey can take to minimise theeffect of these hazards

    Employees who usecomputers are made aware oftheir right to eye tests

    Bench Circular Saw

    Contact with a bench circularsaw, or ejected materials cancause cuts, lacerations,amputation and other seriousinjuries to employees and/orvisitors

    Safety guards are providedused and maintained inaccordance with themanufacturers manual andwarning signs are in place

    Machine is fitted with anemergency stop and in theevent of power supplyinterruption, automatic restartis prevented

    Where operation prevents theuse of fixed guards thenanother type is used e.g.presence sensors

    Reported defects are dealtwith promptly

    Machine adjustments are notmade while moving parts arein motion

    Machine is mounted securely,safe operational areas aremarked out and sufficientwork space is provided

    Employees are trained andsupervised in the use ofmachinery and operatorsmanual is available

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    Loose clothing, danglingjewellery and unsecured longhair are avoided when usingthe bench circular saw

    Eye/face/hearing protection isprovided and worn

    Sharp Objects

    Contact with sharp objectscan cause cuts, lacerationsand amputations toemployees and/or visitors

    Use of sharp objects isminimised and they are storedsafely after use

    Safe procedures for the useand cleaning of sharp objectsare in place and employeesare trained in these



    Loading or unloading vehiclescan cause crush, head andother serious injuries to you,your employees and/orvisitors

    A designated, clearly marked,flat area is used for loadingand unloading vehicles andaccess is restricted

    Vehicles are braked, chockedand/or stabilised to preventmovement duringloading/unloading

    Loads are spread evenly,vehicles are not overloadedand all loads are secured

    Lifting equipment used forloading/unloading is certifiedand the operator of liftingequipment is trained

    Pallets and cages arechecked for defects and if

    damaged are taken out of use

    Loading bays are designedand located to ensure safeaccess

    A designated safe area isprovided for drivers duringloading/unloading

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    Refuse skips are locatedaway from overhead electricalpower lines

    Loading and unloading on aconstruction site is doneunder site supervision

    Roadside loading orunloading is carried out in asafe manner ensuring suitableprecautions are taken withregard to pedestrians androad traffic movements

    Office Equipment

    Working with officeequipment/furniture e.g.photocopiers, shredders,guillotines, filing cabinets maycause cuts, burns and otherserious injuries to employeesand/or visitors

    Office equipment is used in

    accordance with themanufacturers manual

    Power sockets are notoverloaded

    Power supply is turned offwhen clearing shredder jamsand emptying bags

    Loose clothing, danglingjewellery and unsecured longhair should be avoided whenusing shredders

    Guillotine is only used whenthe guard is in place

    Guard is engaged whenguillotine is not in use

    Cabinet drawers and doorsare kept closed when not inuse

    Only one filing cabinet drawercan be opened at a time toprevent tipping

    Shelves are not overloaded

    Adequate lighting, ventilationand heating are provided

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    Power Hand Tools

    Contact with a poweredelectrical/hydraulic hand tool,

    ejected materials or possibleimpact from machine or workpiece movement can causeburns, entanglement,fractures, lacerations,amputation and seriousinjuries to employees and/orvisitors

    Safety guards are provided,used and maintained inaccordance with themanufacturers manual and

    warning signs are in place

    Machine is fitted with anemergency stop and in theevent of power supplyinterruption, automatic restartis prevented

    Machine adjustments are notmade while moving parts arein motion

    Machine is mounted securelyand clamps are in place toensure that work pieces aresecured where necessary

    Employees are trained andsupervised in the use ofmachinery and operatorsmanual is available andsufficient work space isprovided

    Care is taken with looseclothing, dangling jewelleryand unsecured long hair whenusing hand tools

    Eye/face/hearing protection isprovided and worn

    Powered hand tools orelectrical equipment ofgreater voltage than 110 voltsare not used in external ordamp locations

    Before use a visual check iscarried out

    Vibration dampening isprovided on powered handtools where appropriate

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    Angle Grinder

    Contact with a poweredelectrical/hydraulic hand tool,or ejected materials or

    possible impact from machineor work piece movement cancause burns, entanglement,fractures, lacerations,amputation and seriousinjuries to employees and/orvisitors

    Safety guards are provided,used and maintained inaccordance with themanufacturers manual andwarning signs are in place

    The abrasive/grinding wheelis mounted by a trained andcompetent person only

    Clamps are in place to ensurethat work pieces are securedwhere necessary

    Machine adjustments aremade only while moving partsare not in motion

    No angle grinder of greatervoltage than 110 volts is usedin an external or damplocation

    Before use a visual check iscarried out

    Vibration dampening isprovided where appropriate

    Employees are trained andsupervised in the use ofmachinery and operatorsmanual is available andsufficient work space isprovided

    Loose clothing, danglingjewellery and unsecured longhair should be avoided whenusing the angle grinder

    Eye/face/hearing protection isprovided and worn

    Manually Operated Hand


    Contact with manuallyoperated hand tools can

    Bench vice is provided andused

    Good level of lighting isprovided over workbenches

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    cause cuts, lacerations andother serious injuries toemployees and/or visitors

    Gloves are provided and worn

    Wood Dust

    Contact with wood dust cancause a potentially explosiveatmosphere in the workplaceand can cause irritation toeyes and nose, dermatitis,asthma, bronchitis and otherserious injuries to employeesand/or visitors

    Exposure to wood dust isreduced as far as possible

    e.g. by ventilation extraction

    The number of employeesexposed to wood dust isreduced as far as possible

    Employees are informed ofthe risks associated withwood dust

    Weekly cleaning is carried outusing industrial vacuum


    Health surveillance isprovided for employees thatmay be exposed to wood dust

    Respiratory protection isprovided and worn asrequired

    Site Visits

    Visits to construction sites canresult in accidents causingcrushing, cuts and otherserious injuries to employees

    Contact is made with the site

    manager/site office on arrival

    Site rules and safety signs arealways obeyed

    Suitable personal protectiveequipment is provided andworn as required

    Employees are made awareof the dangers encounteredon sites

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    Our Action List

    Following the completion of the risk assessment this action list was generated. This listis comprised of controls we indicated during the risk assessment process that are required tobe implemented in order to reduce the risk of accident/ill-health in our workplace.

    Note:You can complete this action list by printing and filling it out by hand or you can return toManage Action List and complete online.

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    Hazard Additional Controls


    Action by Whom To be completed by Completed

    Employee Consultation

    Default Actions that must becarried out on all RiskAssessments.

    Bring the risk assessmentand safety statement tothe attention of youremployees


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    Appendix I

    Responsibilities and other Arrangements

    List any other arrangements of responsibilities that are specific to your workplace here

    Area of Responsibility Additional responsibility or arrangements if not already






    Consultation and


    Pregnant Employees

    Work related Stress

    and Dignity at work

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    Appendix II

    List the persons Identified as being responsible for Health & Safety tasks

    No. Tasks (Non-Exhaustive) Responsible Person

    (Where Required)


    1. Ensuring our Safety Statement isaccessible and available to all

    2. Person responsible for managing &coordinating work activities.

    3. Ensuring records are maintainedsuch as training and provision ofPPE.

    4. Ensuring forms & registers arecollected and filled out as required.

    5. Ensuring Safety Data Sheets are

    filed and appropriate controlmeasures implemented asrequired.

    6. Ensuring accidents areinvestigated, reported and remedialmeasures implemented to preventre-occurrence.

    7. Ensuring risk assessments arecarried out and updated asnecessary.

    8. The upkeep and maintenance ofour welfare facilities.

    9. The upkeep of our First Aid Boxand ordering of our first aidsupplies.

    10. Coordinating and managing ourtraining requirements.

    11. Upkeep and maintenance of thepremises. Coordinating contractorsactivities

    12. Management and coordination ofemergency equipment andprocedures including provision offire extinguishers, fire drill,evacuation planning etc

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    Appendix III

    Sample registers and forms

    a. Welfare Facilities

    Welfare Facilities Give detail as necessary

    Adequate number of suitable toilet facilities

    Adequate washbasins with hot and coldrunning water

    Separate use of lavatories or washbasins formen and women, if so required

    Suitable washing facilities will include hot andcold running water, soap and clean towels orother suitable means of cleaning or drying.

    May depending on the nature of the work orfor health reasons include separate showersfor men and women.

    Suitable and adequate accommodation totake meals (canteen) including: ability to boilwater; clean table surfaces; seats with backsupports; adequate lighting and heating

    Provision of drinking water

    Suitable arrangements so that facilities areadequately maintained and kept clean

    Facilities to take shelter from the elements

    (relates to outdoor workstations), if requiredProvision of suitable means to dry clothingthat have become damp due to the nature ofthe work

    b. PPE Register

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    Protective Personal Equipment RegisterNo. Name PPE Received Date Signature

    c. Location of First Aid Facilities

    Give detail as appropriate

    Location of First Aid Box(es)

    Location of Emergency Numbers ondisplay

    Contents of our First Aid Box areappropriate for the size of our businessand the hazards arising and will beregularly checked and replenished asnecessary by

    Location of First Aid room (if required)

    Occupational First Aider (if required)

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    d. Emergency Arrangements

    Your Assembly Point is located at

    Emergency Telephone NumbersOccupational First Aider

    Nearest Hospital / A&E

    Local Doctor

    Emergency Services


    Fire Brigade


    Garda Station

    ESB Networks 1850 372 999

    Bord Gis 1850 205 050

    Eircom 1901

    Health & Safety Authority 1890 289 389

    Other (specify)

    Other (specify)