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Page 1: Ridge alterations following flapless immediate implant placement with or without immediate loading. Part II: a histometric study in the Beagle dog

Ridge alterations followingflapless immediate implantplacement with or withoutimmediate loading. Part II:a histometric study in theBeagle dog

Blanco J, Linares A, Perez J, Munoz F. Ridge alterations following flapless immediateimplant placement with or without immediate loading. Part II: a histometric study inthe Beagle dog. J Clin Periodontol 2011; 38: 762–770. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-051X.2011.01747.x.

AbstractObjective: To assess the effect of immediate loading on ridge alterations followingimplants placed into fresh extraction sockets in a dog model.

Material and Methods: Six Beagle dogs were used. Four implants were placed intopost-extraction sockets in the lower jaw immediately after the removal of premolars 3and 4. In the control side, two implants remained without occlusal loading, and in thetest side, they received an immediate prosthesis with occlusal contacts (involvingimplant sites). Extraction sockets without implants were used as a test in non-involvedimplant sites. Three months later, the dogs were sacrificed.

Results: Vertical distance from implant shoulder to bone crest (BC) was similar forboth groups. BC at the buccal aspect was located 3.66 mm apical to the shoulder in thetest group and 4.11 mm in the control group. This difference was not statisticallysignificant. Buccal bone resorption was more pronounced in the premolar 3 area thanin the premolar 4 area. In edentulous sites, the buccal bone crest was located 0.97 mmapical to the lingual counterpart.

Conclusion: Immediate implant placement with or without immediate loading doesnot prevent the amount of bone resorption that occurs following tooth extractionwithout immediate implant placement.

Key words: flapless surgery; immediateimplants; immediate loading; ridge alterations

Accepted for publication 15 May 2011

Several experimental and human studieshave shown that alveolar bone dimen-

sions are reduced following toothextraction (Johnson 1963, 1969, Pietro-kovski & Massler 1967, Schropp et al.2003, Araujo & Lindhe 2005).

Schropp et al. (2003), in a prospectiveclinical study, showed that about 50% ofthe bucco-lingual width of the alveolarbone was lost 12 months followingsingle tooth extraction. An importantfinding was that two-thirds of this lossoccurred within the first 3 months.

Paolantonio et al. (2001) suggestedthat the placement of implants into post-extraction sockets could maintain theoriginal shape of the alveolar ridge.Moreover, the survival rates of implantsplaced into post-extraction sites aresimilar to those implants placed inhealed sites (Chen & Buser 2009).

However, experimental models haveshown that following immediate implantplacement, a process of bone resorption

Juan Blanco1, Antonio Linares1,Javier Perez2 and Fernando Munoz3

1Department of Stomatology, School of

Medicine and Odontology, University of

Santiago de Compostela, Santiago de

Compostela, Spain; 2Department of Surgery,

School of Veterinary of Lugo, University of

Santiago de Compostela, Santiago de

Compostela, Spain; 3School of Veterinary of

Lugo, University of Santiago de Compostela,

Santiago de Compostela, Spain

Conflict of interest and sources offunding statement

The authors declare no conflicts of interestin this study.This study was supported by StraumannCompany (Straumann, Basel, Switzer-land).

J Clin Periodontol 2011; 38: 762–770 doi: 10.1111/j.1600-051X.2011.01747.x

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occurs, mainly on the buccal aspect(Araujo et al. 2005, Araujo et al.2006a, b, Blanco et al. 2008). Theamount of resorption in the pre-clinicalmodels of immediate implants is incon-sistent and it may be affected by implantlocation (Caneva et al. 2010b), implantdiameter (Caneva et al. 2010a), implantsurface (Vignoletti et al. 2009), socketdimension and thickness of the buccalbone plate (Araujo et al. 2006a, b), andthe surgical approach (Blanco et al.2008, Caneva et al. 2010c).

On the other hand, experimental stu-dies evaluating the hard tissue healing ofimmediate implants in humans (Botti-celli et al. 2004, Sanz et al. 2010) haveshown a similar amount of horizontalbone resorption to that observed at sock-ets that heal spontaneously after toothextraction (Schropp et al. 2003).

Some authors have suggested thatcertain loads may increase the amountof mineralized bone at the bone-to-implant interface and in the peri-implantbone area (Wehrbein et al. 1998, Got-fredsen et al. 2001). Immediate implantloading may stimulate bone formationand may thus influence the early stagesof osseointegration (Romanos et al.2002, 2003). Moreover, immediatelyloaded implants present survival ratessimilar to implants loaded in a delayedprotocol (Esposito et al. 2009).

The combination of immediateimplant placement and loading showssurvival rates that are slightly lower thanthose of immediate loading of implantsplaced in healed sites. However, thebimodal approach showed favourablemarginal bone changes after 1 year(Atieh et al. 2009).

A recently published minipig studyshowed that the amount of bone resorp-tion was similar in immediate implantswith immediate loading as immediateimplants with delayed loading, in non-splinted implants (Linares et al. 2011).

The objective of the present investi-gation was to assess the effect ofimmediate loading on ridge alterationsfollowing implants placed into freshextraction sockets in a dog model.

Material and Methods

Once approval from the Ethics Commit-tee of the University of Santiago hadbeen given, this research was carried outusing six Beagle dogs. They were pro-vided by the School of Veterinary Stu-dies at the University of Cordoba and

were installed in the Animal Experimen-tation Service facility at the VeterinaryTeaching Hospital Rof Codina of Lugo.The animals were maintained in indivi-dual kennels in a 12:12 light/dark cycle(lights on at 07:00 hours) and 22 � 21C,with regular chow and tap water. Allexperiments were performed accordingto the Spanish Government Guide andthe European Community Guide foranimal care.

Experimental Study

Surgical procedure

The experimental model used in thisstudy was reported recently (Blanco etal. 2010). Six Beagle dogs, about 2 yearsold and 20 kg in weight, were enrolled inthe study. During the surgical proce-dures, the animals were pre-medicatedwith acepromacine (0.05 mg/kg intra-muscularly) and morphine (0.2 mg/kgintravenously). Immediately after, theywere subjected to general anaesthesia byan injection of propofol (2 mg/kg intra-venously). Isofluorane (1.5–2%) and O2

(100%) were used as inhalated anaes-thetics.

In total, 24 implants were placed insix dogs. All implants were 8 mm long,3.3 mm in diameter with a standard neckheight (2.8 mm), Straumann DentalImplant System (Institute Straumann,Basel, Switzerland). All the implantshad a sand-blasted and acid-etched(SLA) surface. The implants wereplaced into fresh extraction sockets andbone augmentation procedures were notattempted.

The lower premolars 3 and 4 werecarefully removed, separating the rootsby means of tooth hemisectioning usinga fissure bur and extracting them indi-vidually with elevators and forceps (Fig.1a and b). After the extraction, immedi-ate implants were placed into the centreof the distal socket of each tooth (Fig.1d–g). Four implants were placed ineach dog (two in each hemimandible)according to the manufacturer’s proto-col (Straumanns Dental Implant Sys-tem, Basel, Switzerland). The implantswere placed so that the marginal level ofthe SLA-coated surface was flush withthe buccal bone crest. In order toachieve this, the buccal soft tissueheight was measured using a periodontalprobe immediately before implantinstallation and keeping in mind thatthe smooth surface of the implant hada height of 2.8 mm (Fig. 1c). Before

implant placement, the socket diameterwas measured using a periodontal probe.The mean bucco-lingual width was3.5 � 0.3 and 3.9 � 0.3 mm for the pre-molars 3 and 4, respectively. Thus, afterimplant placement, a small gap o1 mmwas present between the inner part ofthe socket and the implant surface. Nografting procedures or suturing wereperformed.

After implant installation, the experi-mental groups were randomly selected.Two implants of one side (test group)received an immediate loading restora-tion by means of provisional abut-ments for bridges (Straumanns DentalImplant System). The provisionalprosthesis splinted the implants by anacrylic stent that remained with occlusalcontacts with the antagonist teeth. Theocclusion was checked again at sacri-fice. Short healing caps (1.5 mm height)were connected to the implants inthe contra-lateral side (control group)aiming at a non-submerged healingapproach without loading (Fig. 1hand i).

The mesial sockets of premolars 3and 4 were left to heal without implantplacement and served as a test in non-involved implant sites. The second man-dibular premolars in both the quadrantswere not involved in the surgical proce-dures and were used as controls in thenon-involved implant sites.

During the first week after surgery,the animals received amoxicillin (500 mg,twice daily) orally and meloxicam(0.1 mg/kg, once a day) orally. Through-out the experiment, the animals werefed a pellet diet. They were placedon a plaque control regimen thatincluded tooth and implant cleaningthree times per week using a toothbrushand dentifrice.

After 3 months of healing, the ani-mals were euthanized with an overdoseof sodium pentobarbital through thecephalic veins and a histometric analysiswas performed to evaluate the mainvariables in each group.

Histological preparation

The mandibles were removed and blockbiopsies of each implant were dissectedusing an oscillating saw (Donath 1993).The samples were fixed for 1 week in10% formol. Next, the samples weredehydrated in different graded ethanolseries (70–100%) and infiltrated withfour different graded mixtures of etha-nol and infiltrating resine, glicometacri-

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late (Technovit 7200s, VLC – HerausKulzer GMBH, Werheim, Germany),with 1% of benzoyle peroxide (BPOs,Heraus Kulzer GMBH). The last infil-tration was performed with pure infil-trating resine under vacuum. Thesamples were then polymerized, firstunder low-intensity UV light for 4 h,followed by a polymerization underhigh-intensity UV light for 12 h andfinally by keeping the samples heated for24 h to ensure complete polymerization.

The samples were glued to a sampleholder. Longitudinal sections in thebucco-lingual direction of 200mm werecut with a band saw and mechanicallypolished (Exakt Apparatebau, Norder-stedt, Germany) using 1200 and 4000grit silicon carbide papers (Struers,Copenhagen, Denmark) until a samplesthickness of 70 mm was obtained and allsections were stained with Levai–Lacz-ko tintion for histometric analysis.

Histometric analysis

The samples on the permanent portswere observed using the Olympuss

SZX9 microscope (Olympus, Tokyo,Japan). By means of the Olympuss

DP12 digital camera (Olyumpus), the

images were captured and transferred tothe computer. With the Microimages

program, the points of interest wereidentified from the digital histologicalimages in order to measure the dis-tances, which were expressed in milli-metres.

Implant site

A line was traced along the digitalimage parallel to the implants’ long-itudinal axis. The following markswere then marked on both the vestibularand the lingual side of each implant(Fig. 2a):

� S: implant shoulder.� PM: peri-implant mucosa margin.� IC: most coronal contact point of the

bone with the implant.� BC: bone crest.

From each point, a perpendicular linewas traced towards a parallel line alongthe implants longitudinal axis and thefollowing measures (expressed in milli-metres) were taken:

� S–BC: distance from the implantshoulder to the bone crest.

� S–IC: distance from the implantshoulder to the most coronal boneimplant contact.

� BCb–BCl: vertical distance betweenthe buccal and the lingual bonecrest.

Tooth site

At tooth sites (premolar 2), the follow-ing marks were identified at the buccaland lingual side (Fig. 2b):

� CEJ: cemento-enamel junction.� BC: bone crest (buccal/lingual).� GM: gingival margin.

From each point, a perpendicular linewas traced towards a parallel line alongthe tooth longitudinal axis and the fol-lowing measurements (expressed inmillimetres) were taken:

� GM–BC: distance from the gingivalmargin to the bone crest.

� GM–CEJ: distance from the gingi-val margin to the cemento-enameljunction.

� CEJ–BC: distance from the cemen-to-enamel junction to the bone crest.

Fig. 1. Clinical photographs illustrating the experimental surgery. (a) Hemisectioning premolars 3 and 4. (b) Tooth extraction. (c) Buccalbone sounding to locate the top of the buccal alveolar crest. (d–g) Flapless immediate implant placement in distal sockets. (h) Immediateloading with a resin provisional screw-retained bridge in the test group. (i) Photograph illustrating the experimental groups.

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Edentulous site

At the edentulous sites, the height of thecortical bone walls was determined inthe following way according to Araujo& Lindhe (2005) (Fig. 2c): a line paral-lel to the long axis of the centre of thesocket was drawn (C–C) to separate thebuccal and lingual compartments. Sub-sequently, horizontal lines (LC and BC)perpendicular to C–C were drawn toconnect the most coronal portions ofthe buccal and lingual bone crest to C–C. The vertical distance between thebuccal and the lingual intersectionswith C–C was measured and expressedin mm (LC–BC).

Statistical analysis

The statistical analysis was performedusing the Sigma-Stats statistics program.

Descriptive statistics were taken foreach of the variables and groups (meanvalues and standard deviation).

To compare the implant groups ineach variable for test and control andimplant position (premolar 3 or 4),Student’s t-test for paired observationswas used.

The dog was used as a unit for analysis(n 5 6), using average results acrosssimilarly treated implants in the samedog and then compared. p-Values o0.05were considered statistically significant.


Clinical observations

In total, 24 implants were immediatelyplaced following tooth extraction; 12 of

them were immediately loaded and theother 12 remained without loading in anon-submerged healing approach. Atthe end of the experimental period,none of the implants and prosthesiswas lost. At the time of sacrifice, allrestorations were still in service andthe occlusal contacts remained in theprovisional bridge; however, all restora-tions showed abrasion of the occlusalaspects.

Histological observations

Implant sites

The histological study showed that thebuccal and lingual mucosa in eachimplant of both groups was covered bya keratinized oral epithelium that con-tinued from the peri-implant marginalmucosa with the barrier epitheliumfacing the implants. Apical to thisepithelium was an area of fibre-richconnective tissue, with fibres orientedparallel to the implant surface.

Tooth sites

The GM was located coronal to theCEJ at the buccal and lingual aspectof each tooth. The bone wall was mark-edly wider at the lingual than at thebuccal aspect of the teeth. The buccalBC was located at a longer distancefrom the CEJ than the correspondinglingual BC.

Edentulous sites

The mucosa covering the healed socketwas lined by an oral epithelium that

harboured a well-keratinized surfacelayer. The underlying, connective tissuewas characterized by its densely packedcollagen fibres and the lack of infiltratesof inflammatory cells. A newly formedhard-tissue bridge covered the entranceof the extraction socket. This marginalridge was mainly made up of wovenbone, although small areas of lamellarbone could also be observed. The newlyformed hard-tissue bridge extended avarying distance into the extractionsocket. Apical of the bridge, the eden-tulous region was comprised of cancel-lous bone dominated by its bonemarrow. The marginal termination ofthe original buccal bone wall waslocated apical of its lingual counterpart.

Histometric Results

Implant sites (Table 1 and Figs 3 and 4)

Distance between S and BC

No significant differences were foundbetween groups. Considering that theimplant neck is 2.8 mm long, the bonecrest at the buccal aspect was roughly0.86 mm apical to the SLA border and0.50 mm coronal at the lingual one inthe test group. In the control group, thebone crest was located 1.3 mm apical tothe SLA border at the buccal and at thesame level as the SLA border on thelingual aspect.

Distance between S and IC

No significant differences were foundbetween groups. The most coronalbone-to-implant contact was located








PM & S







a b c


Fig. 2. Landmarks used for histometric measurements. (a) Implant site; PM, peri-implant mucosa margin; S, implant shoulder; BC, marginalbone crest; IC, most coronal bone to implant contact. (b) Tooth site; GM, gingival margin; CEJ, cement–enamel junction; BC, bone crest. (c)Edentulous site; BC, buccal crest; LC, lingual crest. Levai–Laczko staining method. Original magnification � 1.6.

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1.27 mm apical to the SLA surfaceand 0.30 mm at the lingual aspect.Again, these distances were similar in

the unloaded group: 1.70 mm at thebuccal and 0.37 mm at the lingualaspect.

Vertical distance between buccal andlingual bone plate at implant sites

The mean vertical distance betweenbuccal and lingual bone crest was simi-lar in both groups. The difference wasnot statistically significant. The buccalbone crest was always located apical tothe lingual counterpart.

Distance from the implant shoulder (S)to the most coronal bone-to-implantcontact (S–IC) and to the bone crest(S–BC) comparing implants from thepremolar 3 region with implants fromthe premolar4 region (Table 2 andFig. 5)

The mean S–IC (buccal) distance in allimplants of the premolar 3 region was4.67 � 0.83 and 3.87 � 0.34 mm in thepremolar 4. This difference was statisti-cally significant (p 5 0.026). In the lin-gual aspect, the difference was notsignificant. The mean S–BC (buccal)distance in the premolar 3 region was4.4 � 0.82 and 3.33 � 0.33 mm in thepremolar 4. This difference was statisti-cally significant (p 5 0.004). Again,there was no difference between premo-lars 3 and 4 in the lingual aspect.

Tooth sites (Table 3)

The mean distance between the GM andthe BC was 3.02 � 0.38 (buccal) and2.57 � 0.34 mm (lingual), while the cor-responding distance between GM andCEJ was 2.24 � 0.34 (buccal) and1.98 � 0.39 mm (lingual). The BC waslocated on average 0.77 � 0.19 (buccal)and 0.53 � 0.07 mm (lingual) apical tothe CEJ.

Edentulous sites

The mean vertical distance between thebuccal and the lingual bone crest was0.97 � 0.63 mm. The buccal bone crestalways remained apical to the lingualcounterpart.


The present investigation was designedto assess the impact of immediateimplant placement and loading in termsof ridge alterations in the Beagle dogmodel. This experimental model con-firms the results shown in similar animalmodels of immediate implant placement(Araujo et al. 2005, 2006a, Blanco et al.2008, Vignoletti et al. 2009, Caneva

Table 1. Results of histometric measurements in mm (mean and SD) describing the distancebetween landmarks in the implant sites


Buccal Lingual Buccal Lingual

Immediate loading (N 5 6) 4.07 � 0.67 3.10 � 0.29 3.66 � 0.44 2.28 � 0.55 1.38 � 0.51No loading (N 5 6) 4.50 � 0.78 3.17 � 0.33 4.11 � 1.04 2.77 � 0.72 1.34 � 0.87p-Value NS NS NS NS NS

S–IC, distance from the implant shoulder to first bone-to-implant contact; S–BC, distance from the

implant shoulder to the bone crest; BC–LC, vertical distance between buccal and lingual bone crest.







PM & S




a d



Fig. 3. Buccal–lingual section representing one test implant site after 3 months of healingand loading. B, buccal aspect; L, lingual aspect; I, implant; A, abutment. (a) Note the locationof the margin of the PM, peri-implant mucosa apical to the implant shoulder, S. (b) Note thatthe presence of an intra-bony defect due to the bone crest (BC) is coronal to first bone-to-implant contact (IC). (c) Osseointegration at the mid part of the implant in the buccal aspect.(d) Location of the margin of the PM, peri-implant mucosa at the same level of the implantshoulder. (e) Presence of a larger intra-bony defect as compared with the buccal due to thebone crest (BC) is coronal to first bone-to-implant contact (IC). (f) Osseointegration at themid part of the implant in the lingual aspect. Levai–Laczko staining method. Originalmagnification � 1.6 and insets � 16.

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et al. 2010a, b, Linares et al. 2011). Thismeans that a process of bone resorptionoccurs after tooth extraction, even whenan implant is placed immediately in apost-extraction socket. The presentstudy has also evaluated the potentialeffect of immediate loading in immedi-ate implant placement. No differenceswere found between the immediateloading group and the unloaded group.These means that the immediate loadingprotocol did not affect the process ofridge alterations of implants placed

immediately after tooth extraction, andthis is in agreement with a recentlypublished minipig study (Linares et al.2011). The amount of buccal boneresorption showed in that study(0.7 mm test and 0.8 mm control) issimilar to the results of the presentinvestigation (0.8 mm test and 1.3 mmcontrol). Several pre-clinical investiga-tions have shown higher amounts ofbuccal bone resorption. Araujo et al.(2005), in a similar model but withoutloading, showed 2.6 mm of buccal bone

resorption after 3 months of healing ofimmediately placed implants. In anotherstudy, the same group showed, at 2months of healing, 2.1 mm of buccalbone resorption (Araujo et al. 2006a).This difference could be related to thefact of raising a flap in those studies, butprobably more to the implant size, sincea 4.1 mm implant was used in thosestudies in contrast to a 3.3 mm implantused in the present investigation. In fact,a recently published study in the Labra-dor dog showed almost double boneresorption with a 5 mm implant com-pared with a 3.3 mm implant (Caneva etal. 2010a). In the present study, theresorption process was more pro-nounced at the buccal aspect and in thepremolar 3 area. The mean distancefrom the SLA border to the bone crestat the buccal aspect in the premolar 3area was three times longer than that inthe premolar 4 region. The bone crest inpremolar 3 was located 1.6 mm apical tothe coronal level of the rough surface,and in the premolar 4 area, the bonecrest was situated 0.5 mm apical to thesame landmark. This is in agreementwith the results of a similar study byVignoletti et al. (2009), who showedthat with a 3.25 mm diameter implantthe amount of buccal bone resorptionwas significantly higher in the premolar3 area in comparison with the premolar4 area. Moreover, Araujo et al. (2006b),in a similar model but using two differ-ent socket sizes, found more boneresorption in the socket of reduced dia-meter in comparison with the larger one.In the premolar area, the mean distancefrom shoulder to first bone-to-implantcontact was 2 mm; however, in themolar area, it was 0.8 mm. This maybe due not only to the size of the socketbut also the thickness of the buccal boneplate. The authors stated that the thinnera bone wall, and the closer the implant isplaced to this wall, the higher the risk ofcompromised healing and the occur-rence of bone dehiscence. However, itshould be considered that the presenceof an adjacent tooth to an implant maycounteract the bone resorption processfollowing tooth extraction. The implantin the premolar 4 area had an adjacenttooth (molar 1), but the implant in thepremolar 3 area did not. Therefore, thissituation could have an impact on thefinal results.

Thus, from this study and previousanimal models, it seems that the size ofthe socket, thickness of the buccal boneplate and implant diameter may play an

















Fig. 4. Buccal–lingual section representing one control implant site after 3 months of healingwithout loading. B, buccal aspect; L, lingual aspect; I, implant. Note that the level of thebuccal bone crest is far apical in comparison with the lingual plate. (a and d) Note the locationof the margin of the PM, peri-implant mucosa apical to the implant shoulder, S. (b) Note theapical termination of the barrier epithelium, aBE, and well-keratinized oral mucosa. (c) Bonecrest (BC) is coronal to first bone-to-implant contact (IC) forming an intra-bony defect that ismore pronounced in lingual (e). (f) Excellent level of bone-to-implant contact. Levai–Laczkostaining method. Original magnification � 1.6 and insets � 16.

Table 2. Results of histometric measurements in mm (mean and SD) describing the distancebetween landmarks in the premolar 3 and premolar 4 regions comparing all implants


Buccal Lingual Buccal Lingual

Premolar 3 (N 5 6) 4.67 � 0.83 3.18 � 0.34 4.4 � 0.82 2.67 � 0.76Premolar 4 (N 5 6) 3.87 � 0.34 3.08 � 0.26 3.33 � 0.33 2.33 � 0.53p-Value 0.026 NS 0.004 NS

S–IC, distance from the implant shoulder to first bone-to-implant contact; S–BC, distance from the

implant shoulder to the bone crest.

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important role in terms of buccal boneresoption after immediate implant pla-cement.

A small intra-bony defect was detectedin most of the implants at the end ofthe experiment, as the distance fromimplant shoulder to bone crest wasshorter than the distance from shoulderto the first bone-to-implant contact. It isunclear whether, after longer healingperiods, these defects tend to disappearafter a process of bone remodelling.

On the other hand, the present inves-tigation found that the mean verticaldistance between the buccal and the

lingual bone crest was 0.97 mm at eden-tulous sites. At implant sites, this dis-tance was longer: 1.38 mm in the testgroup and 1.34 mm in the control. Thus,almost 0.5 mm more buccal boneresorption was found in the implant sitesthan in the edentulous sites. Araujo et al.(2005) showed in a similar study theamount of bone resorption followingextraction of premolars 3 and 4 with orwithout immediate implant placement.After 3 months of healing, the amount ofbuccal bone height reduction (in com-parison with lingual bone alteration)was similar at implant sites and edentu-

lous sites. The vertical distance betweenthe buccal and the lingual bone crestwas 2.2 mm in edentulous sites and2.4 mm in implant sites. Thus, theamount of buccal bone resorption inthe edentulous sites shown by Araujowas more than double that observed inthe present investigation. This could beexplained by the surgical approach per-formed in the Araujo study (raising aflap) in comparison with this study(flapless approach). It must be empha-sized that this surgical trauma (flapelevation), implying the separation ofthe periosteum and its disconnectionfrom the underlying bone surface, willcause vascular damage and an acuteinflammatory response, which in turnwill mediate the resorption of theexposed bone surface (Wilderman1963, Staffileno et al. 1966, Wood etal. 1972). Recently, two experimentalstudies in the Beagle dog have evaluatedthe impact of elevating a flap for toothextraction on the dimensional altera-tions of the ridge. Fickl et al. (2008)compared alveolar bone healing follow-ing tooth extraction with or without flap

3rd premolar


a c e g

b d f h



Fig. 5. Buccal–lingual section representing specimens of implant groups at premolar 3 and 4 regions after 3 months of healing. (a–d) Fourimplants of one animal. (a) Control implant in the premolar 3 region. (b) Control implant of the premolar 4 region. Note the difference inbucccal bone resorption comparing (a) and (b). (c) Test implant of the premolar 3 region and (d) test implant of the premolar 4 region. Again,the amount of bone loss of the buccal bone plate is more pronounced in the premolar 3 implant than in the 4 area. (e–h) Four implants ofanother animal. (e) Control implant in premolar 3. (f) Control implant in premolar 4. (g) Test implant in premolar 3. (h) Test implant inpremolar 4. Note that the amount of bone loss is more pronounced in the buccal aspect and in the premolar 3. Levai–Laczko staining method.Original magnification � 1.6.

Table 3. Results of histometric measurements in mm (mean and SD) describing the distancebetween landmarks in tooth sites


Buccal Lingual Buccal Lingual Buccal Lingual

2.24 � 0.34 1.98 � 0.39 0.77 � 0.19 0.53 � 0.07 3.02 � 0.38 2.57 � 0.34

GM–CEJ, distance from the gingival margin to the cemento–enamel junction; CEJ–BC, distance

from the cemento–enamel junction to the bone crest; GM–BC, distance from the gingival margin to

the bone crest.

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elevation. Plaster casts were takenbefore, 2 and 4 months after the extrac-tions. Volumetric bone changes wereanalysed using specially designed soft-ware. The results showed an increase of0.7 mm of volumetric shrinkage of bothhard and soft tissues in the flap withrespect to the flapless group. Later,Araujo & Lindhe (2009), in a similarexperimental model but with a longerfollow-up (6 months), showed that theresorption of the alveolar crest was notinfluenced by the technique for toothextraction (flap or flapless). Recently, anexperimental study in the Labrador dog(Caneva et al. 2010c) showed no differ-ence in terms of bone resorption forpost-extraction implants with a flaplessor a flap approach. Thus, it seems that inshorter healing periods, the impact offlap elevation may have an effect onearly bone resorption, but in longerhealing periods, the amount of resorp-tion may be equal when performingtooth extraction with or without flapelevation.

The use of a bone graft, filling thebuccal void that may result after im-plant installation into fresh extractionsockets, could prevent bone resorption;however, conflicting data exist on thisissue (Araujo et al. 2011, Hsu et al. inpress).

In summary, it can be concluded fromthe results of the present study that theplacement of immediately loadedimplants into fresh extraction socketsdoes not prevent bone resorption thatmainly occurs at the buccal bone plate inthe normal remodelling process.


Araujo, M. G. & Lindhe, J. (2005) Dimensional ridge

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Juan Blanco

Department of Stomatology

School of Medicine and Odontology

University of Santiago de Compostela

C/Entrerıos s/n. 15705

Santiago de Compostela


E-mail: [email protected]

Flapless immediate implants and loading 769

r 2011 John Wiley & Sons A/S

Page 9: Ridge alterations following flapless immediate implant placement with or without immediate loading. Part II: a histometric study in the Beagle dog

Clinical Relevance

Scientific rationale for the study:There is an increasing interest inimmediate implant placement andimmediate loading protocols. Froma biological point of view, ridgealterations and alveolar bone resorp-tion must be clarified before recom-

mending this technique in dailypractice. The present study showsthe results in terms of ridge altera-tions following flapless immediateimplant placement with or withoutimmediate loading.Principal findings: In this animalmodel, ridge alterations always

occurred irrespective of the loadingprotocol applied to the immediatelyplaced implants.Practical implications: Buccal boneresorption always occurred and thismay compromise the aesthetic out-come of post-extraction implant pla-cement in the anterior area.

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