Riders Helping Riders - National Highway Traffic Safety Administration · At the end of class,...


Transcript of Riders Helping Riders - National Highway Traffic Safety Administration · At the end of class,...

Page 1: Riders Helping Riders - National Highway Traffic Safety Administration · At the end of class, students are asked to sign a pledge to do their best to help an impaired rider live



Page 2: Riders Helping Riders - National Highway Traffic Safety Administration · At the end of class, students are asked to sign a pledge to do their best to help an impaired rider live

TECHNICAL REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE 1. Report No. 2. Government Accession No. 3. Recipient’s Catalog No. DOT HS 810 908

4. Title and Subtitle 5. Report Date Impaired Motorcycle Operation, Final Report Volume III: Riders Helping Riders Student Manual

August 22, 2007

6. Performing Organization Code

7. Author(s) 8. Performing Organization Report No. A. Scott McKnight and Les R. Becker 9. Performing Organization Name and Address 10. Work Unit No. (TRAIS) Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation 11720 Beltsville Drive, Suite 900 Calverton, MD 20705 Phone: 301-755-2700 Fax: 301-755-2799

11. Contract or Grant No. DTNH22-03-H-05133

12. Sponsoring Agency Name and Address 13. Type of Report and Period Covered National Highway Traffic Safety Administration 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE. Washington, DC 20590

Final Draft Report (09/16/03-09/30/07)

14. Sponsoring Agency Code

15. Supplementary Notes

16. Abstract Riders Helping Riders (RHR) is an instructional program designed to encourage motorcyclists to intervene to prevent drinking and riding by their motorcyclist peers. The program is based on focus group research which found that riders consider themselves to be united by an interest in riding, and willing to help other riders in need, but that a sense of individualism limits the extent to which riders are willing to intervene in drinking and riding. RHR is intended to convince motorcyclists that an impaired rider needs their help, and that they are in the best position to provide help. The program provides a "toolkit" of techniques for separating drinking from riding, discouraging riders from becoming impaired, recognizing impairment, and discouraging impaired riders from riding. An optional role-playing module is included. At the end of class, students are asked to sign a pledge to do their best to help an impaired rider live to ride another day. RHR was developed with the assistance of instructors from the South Carolina Rider Education Program and pilot tested by instructors of Georgia's Department of Driver Services, Motorcycle Safety Program.

17. Key Words 18. Distribution Statement Motorcycle, alcohol, impaired riding, peer intervention 19 Security Classif. (of this report) 20. Security Classif. (of this page) 21 No. of Pages 22. Price

Unclassified Unclassified

Form DOT F 1700.7 (8/72) Reproduction of completed page authorized

Page 3: Riders Helping Riders - National Highway Traffic Safety Administration · At the end of class, students are asked to sign a pledge to do their best to help an impaired rider live

Table of Contents Introduction....................................................................................................................................................... 1

Reasons To Help............................................................................................................................................... 2

How To Help..................................................................................................................................................... 6

A. Separate Drinking and Riding.............................................................................................................. 6

B. Provide Alternatives to Drinking......................................................................................................... 6

C. Recognize Impairment ........................................................................................................................... 1

Observe Drinking.................................................................................................................................... 1

Signs of Impairment................................................................................................................................ 1

D. Discourage Impaired Riding................................................................................................................. 2

Get Help ........................................................................................................................................ 2

Find Friends ........................................................................................................................................ 3

Convince the Rider.................................................................................................................................. 3

Provide Alternatives............................................................................................................................... 4

Prevent Impaired Riding ....................................................................................................................... 4

Promising To Help........................................................................................................................................... 6

Take the Pledge........................................................................................................................................ 6

Role Playing Exercises ..................................................................................................................................... 7

Scenario 1. At the Park ................................................................................................................... 8

Scenario 2. After the Game............................................................................................................ 8

Scenario 3. At the Rally .................................................................................................................. 8

Scenario 4. In the Parking Lot ....................................................................................................... 8

Appendix 1 – Your BAC Guide ..................................................................................................................... 9

A. Slight Impairment ................................................................................................................................... 9

B. Moderate Impairment ............................................................................................................................ 9

C. By the Numbers..................................................................................................................................... 10

D. Summary................................................................................................................................................. 12


Page 4: Riders Helping Riders - National Highway Traffic Safety Administration · At the end of class, students are asked to sign a pledge to do their best to help an impaired rider live

Group Discussion Questions

Would you stop and help a rider you know? Why? Why not?

Would you stop and help a rider you do not know? Why? Why not?

Would you do the same for a driver of a passenger car?



Motorcyclists are a little different than the average car driver. It takes special skills to operate a motorcycle, and riding a motorcycle provides a kind of enjoyment that you don’t get from driving a car. Motorcyclists are a minority on American roads—it’s estimated that only one in every 250 vehicles is a motorcycle. Riders tend to look out for each other, too. If you ask a motorcyclist whether he or she would stop to help another rider whose cycle was broken down on the road, the answer would probably be yes. This is often true whether they know that rider or not.

Riders also tend to hang out together, whether at rallies, in formal clubs, or just a few friends who get together to ride. Sometimes when motorcyclists get together, there’s alcohol present. Most riders agree that riding after drinking is a bad idea, yet more than 1,500 people are killed every year doing just that.

The purpose of Riders Helping Riders is to encourage you, as a motorcyclist, to do what you can to prevent other riders from drinking and riding. Riders Helping Riders is intended to get you to help a rider who is in danger of riding after drinking, in the same way you might help any other rider who was in a bad situation.


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Why do riders need to help other riders when it comes to drinking and riding? Is it really a problem? Figure 1 shows that the number of riders killed each year in motorcycle crashes has increased every year since 1997 (a 115% increase). That increase is probably partly caused by an increase in riding, although there’s no sure way to know exactly how much riding has increased. One thing is for certain though, more people are dying, and that means more people are losing their friends and loved ones in motorcycle crashes.

Figure 1.Fatal Motorcycle Crashes

How much of this problem is caused by drinking and riding? Of the 4,553 motorcycle fatalities in 2005, 1,587 involved riders with alcohol in their system. By looking at Figure 2, you can see that the percentage of fatal crashes involving alcohol is higher for motorcycles (34%) than for any other type of vehicle (for example, 26% for passenger cars).


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Figure 2. Alcohol Involvement in Fatal Crashes by Vehicle Type

Most riders agree that it takes more skill to ride a motorcycle than it does to drive a car, and it doesn’t take much alcohol to start interfering with your ability to ride. Figure 3 shows the percentage of fatal crashes that involved blood alcohol concentrations (BACs) below .08. The percentage of riders killed at these lower alcohol levels is nearly twice that for passenger vehicles (7% versus 4%).

Figure 3. Low Alcohol Levels in Fatal Crashes by Vehicle Type

The blood alcohol level of .08 is important to mention because all States have enacted laws defining that level as illegal per se based on studies of impairment. That is, .08 is the level at which you are deemed to be intoxicated even if you don’t show any outward signs of impairment. This is what some people refer to as


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the “legal limit.” If you are found to be driving or riding above this level you will be charged with operating a vehicle while impaired by alcohol and, in many States, you lose your license automatically. The State doesn’t need to prove you were impaired because your blood alcohol level was above the legal limit. It’s very important for you to understand that people who ride with alcohol levels below .08 aren’t necessarily unimpaired simply because they are below this level. Impairment starts as soon as they start to drink. It’s also important for you to understand that people with blood alcohol levels below .08 can be charged with operating a vehicle while impaired. Many people mistakenly believe that as long as they aren’t over the “legal limit” that they don’t have to worry about being stopped. The fact is if they have alcohol in their system and a police officer believes that their driving (or riding) has been affected by that alcohol, they can be charged with operating a vehicle while impaired.

Some people believe it should be left up to the drinking rider to decide whether he or she is capable of riding safely. They feel that drinking riders should take personal responsibility for their own actions. The problem with this is that drinking riders are incapable of judging their own impairment. People who’ve been drinking will often say they’re “OK to ride.” But remember, when people are drinking, good judgment is the first thing to go, including the judgment to know how impaired they are. If they’re lucky enough to make it home without crashing or being arrested, they usually wake up the next morning and wonder how they ever could have thought that they were sober enough to ride (or drive). This is why the slogan “Friends Don’t Let Friends Drive Drunk” is used to try to reduce impaired driving. If friends don’t let friends drive drunk, shouldn’t it also be true that friends don’t let friends ride drunk?

Some people decide whether a friend can ride safely based on whether that person is visibly intoxicated. If the friend is slurring words, and can’t walk a straight line, they know he or she can’t ride safely. The trouble with this thinking is that someone who is so obviously impaired by alcohol is long past the point of being unsafe. By focusing on people who are showing obvious signs of severe impairment, we miss the people who are less impaired but still unsafe to ride a motorcycle.

We’ve talked about the fact that drinking and riding is a serious problem… And we’ve talked about how drinking riders need help to keep from riding while impaired by alcohol… And we’ve talked about the fact that riders tend to stick together, and help each other out when they can… It only makes sense, then, that riders are the best people to make sure that their fellow riders don’t end up riding when they’re impaired by alcohol.


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Breakout Discussion Questions

What does Figure 1 – Fatal Motorcycle Crashes tell us?

What does Figure 2 – Alcohol Involvement in Fatal Crashes by Vehicle Type tell us?

What does Figure 3 – Low Alcohol Levels in Fatal Crashes by Vehicle Type tell us?

Have you ever driven or ridden after drinking because you thought you were OK, then the next day realized how impaired you really were? What does this mean when it comes to letting people decide if they can ride safely?

What’s the difference between being impaired, visibly intoxicated, and over the limit?



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In this section of Riders Helping Riders, we’ll talk about things you can do to help keep people from riding after drinking alcohol. You can think of this as a toolkit with different tools for different situations. Not everyone will use every tool. For example, some people are not in a position to make plans for groups of people. Some people may be better at talking to people they don’t know than others. Learn all the tools, though, so you’ll be prepared to use the ones that might work when the time comes. A. Separate Drinking and Riding

The best way to prevent drinking and riding is to not have alcohol and motorcycles in the same place at the same time. There are ways that you can do this as part of a large group of people or when getting together with just a few friends. Here are a few suggestions:

• Plan group rides to go to places that don’t focus on drinking. For example, go to restaurants, parks, and other establishments rather than bars.

• Establish a group policy that group rides won’t involve drinking.

• When hosting get-togethers that include riders, don’t provide alcohol. Understand that providing alcohol, especially large amounts of alcohol (e.g., kegs), tends to cause many people to drink more than they normally would.

B. Provide Alternatives to Drinking

If alcohol will be available, you may be able to reduce the consumption of alcohol by giving people something else to do other than drink alcohol. For example, these might include:

• Nonalcoholic beverages – especially if people will be hot and thirsty.

• Food – Food doesn’t just help prevent impairment by giving people something to do. Hungry people who can’t eat sometimes drink more than they normally would—providing food prevents this. Food also slows the absorption of alcohol by the body, which keeps people from feeling the effects of alcohol all at once.

• Activities – people with nothing to do tend to drink more. People with nothing in their handsbut a drink tend to drink faster. Activities such as games, group sports, and dancing get people to put down their drinks and do something else.


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C. Recognize Impairment

To prevent people from riding while impaired, you first have to be able to recognize that they are impaired. Observe Drinking

One way to understand someone’s level of impairment is to know how much he or she has had to drink. You may be in a position to know exactly how many drinks a person has consumed, for example, if the person is sitting at a table with you at a restaurant while he or she drinks. It would be hard, if not impossible, to do this with every person in a large group, but sometimes there are certain people who you know need more attention than others. Even without counting drinks, it’s possible to understand roughly how much someone has had to drink. For example: Joe brings a six-pack of a particular brand of beer and no one else drinks it but Joe. If you see that the six-pack is gone it’s a pretty safe bet that Joe drank the six-pack all by himself. Another example: if there was a full case of beer with five people drinking from it and you see only four beers left, you know that the group drank twenty beers. That’s an average of four beers per person. If you only had one, then the average for the others is five.

Signs of Impairment

We’ve talked about how alcohol can impair riders at low levels long before they stagger, slur their words, or show other signs we think of as being intoxicated. Research has shown that there are certain things that people tend to do at these lower alcohol levels. By learning these signs, we can recognize when people are affected by alcohol. Then, we can see that they don’t ride that way and try to keep them from drinking more, thus preventing them from getting to the point where they are staggering and slurring.

Appendix 1 of this document is “Your BAC Guide.” It provides you with guidelines on how to recognize signs of impairment in people who have been drinking, and understanding how impaired they may be. The guide is summarized below:

Signs of Moderate Impairment

To help you recognize those who are moderately impaired, look for changes in their behavior. For example, they will begin to:

talk louder than normal

stand closer than normal

gesture more with their hands and body when talking

be more sexually suggestive in their conversations

make more physical contact with others

say things that seem rude

withdraw from others, going away from the crowd to be by themselves


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To help recognize people who are moderately impaired, look for changes in their appearance. Some examples are:

showing signs of being warm; for example, having a flushed or sweating face, or removing or loosening clothing

a reddening of the eyes

a “rumpled” or unkempt appearance

a silly or smug look on their face

reclining - laying down or leaning against walls

To recognize people who are moderately impaired, look for changes in their coordination. They will:

show poor dexterity – having difficulty manipulating small objects

begin slouching – not standing up straight

use deliberate speech – not slurring, but needing to work extra hard to get the words out

Signs of Severe Impairment

To help recognize people who are severely impaired, look for changes in their behavior, like:

showing disregard for common rules of behavior

becoming hostile

using profanity

showing signs of confusion

To help recognize people who are severely impaired, look for changes in their appearance. They will begin to:

Look sloppy


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To help recognize people, who are severely impaired, look for changes in their coordination. They will begin to:

Fumble with things

Stumble when walking

Show poor perception

Talk with slurred speech

Signs of Riding Impaired

Research has also shown that there are signs of impairment that are visible in the way someone rides a motorcycle. Some of these are listed below.

Excellent Predictors of Impairment While Riding

Drifting during a turn or curve

Difficulty with a dismount

Difficulty with balance at a stop

Difficulty with negotiating a turn smoothly (e.g., unsteady sudden corrections, late braking, improper lean angle)

Inattention to surroundings

Inappropriate or unusual behavior (disorderly conduct, etc.)


Good Predictors of Impairment While Riding

Erratic movement while going straight

Operating without lights at night


Following too closely


Riding against traffic (wrong way)

D. Discourage Impaired Riding

You may find yourself in a situation where a rider is about to get on a motorcycle and ride away, and you can tell he or she shouldn’t be riding. Here are a few hints on how to deal with this situation.

Get Help

If you can find several people to join with you in your attempt to convince the impaired rider not to ride, the chances of being successful are much greater.


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Find Friends

You would probably feel uncomfortable approaching a rider you don’t know to suggest that they should not drink, or not ride. However, if the rider is with friends you can talk to them – point out the signs you see that the rider is impaired, and suggest that they should look out for their friend by intervening in his or her drinking and riding.

At bars, restaurants, and rallies where alcohol is served by someone like a bartender, you can approach that person and point out a rider who shouldn’t be served any more alcohol.

Convince the Rider

If you end up talking to someone who wants to ride after becoming impaired by alcohol, it will be helpful to have some reasons to suggest why he or she should not ride. Here are some things a drinking rider might say, and some things you can say to drinking riders:

“I can ride like this, no problem.” Riding a motorcycle is complicated. It’s easy to make mistakes when you’ve been drinking and, compared to a car, the consequences of a mistake are liable to be more severe because you don’t have much protection on a motorcycle.

“I know I can drink X-number of drinks before I’m over the legal limit and I haven’t had that much.” First, systems for knowing how much alcohol is in your blood are only guidelines; you can’t depend on them to know whether you’re just below or over a certain level. Secondly, when people talk about the “legal limit,” they mean the level at which you’re deemed to be impaired for legal purposes. You can be below that level and still be charged with drinking and riding if police see behavior that makes them think you’re impaired. Furthermore, a person’s ability to ride safely is reduced before they reach that level, so even if you think you’re legal it doesn’t mean you’re safe.

“I’m not drunk, I feel fine.” Maybe they feel safe to ride but after they’ve been drinking a while they’ll have lost the good judgment to tell how impaired they really are. Because you’re looking at them from the outside, you’re a better judge.

“I’m not going to get caught.” Police are out there looking for drinking drivers and riders. There could actually be sobriety checkpoints (roadblocks) out there. If they get pulled over and taken to jail, their motorcycle will either be left where it is (and possibly stolen) or towed by the police (and possibly damaged). If they’re charged with drinking and riding they could lose their license. Most States can suspend your driver’s license for a first offense – could they get by without a license? Getting stopped for drinking and driving (or riding) is expensive. It could cost them thousands of dollars. Many people pay over $10,000 in fines and fees from a single drinking-and-driving offense. In some States, their motorcycle could be impounded if they’re stopped for drinking and riding. Is it really worth the risk?


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I’m just going down the street – the worst that could happen is I drop the motorcycle and get a little road rash.” With all the time and money they have invested in their motorcycles, they really don’t want to risk riding impaired – just dropping their motorcycles in a parking lot could cause scratches and dents that are ugly and expensive to repair.

“So what if I crash, everybody has to die sometime.” They might not die. They might have to go through life with an incapacitating or disfiguring injury. They might end up in a hospital for years, unable to walk, talk, or feed themselves. This creates a hardship for the rider, and his or her friends and family who have to help take care of him or her.

“I heard that you’re better off being drunk if you crash because alcohol makes you more relaxed, and that makes you less likely to be injured.” That’s not true. Research shows that having alcohol in your body results in worse injuries for a given amount of trauma.

“If something bad happens I’m only hurting myself.” Most people have friends and family who care about them and who would be hurt if something bad happened to them. Most people have someone who depends on them, emotionally and/or financially. What happens to a family when a parent dies, or is put out of work by an injury? What happens to a family when a member must pay $10,000 in fines and fees for a drinking-and-riding offense?

Provide Alternatives

To keep people from riding while impaired, it will help you to have some alternatives available.

Have a place for riders to stay. If you have a get-together somewhere, make arrangements for a hotel room or a spare bed in case someone needs to stay over.

Have a secure place to keep a motorcycle overnight. Riders will be more likely to get a ride home if they know their motorcycles will be safe. Meeting at a place with a garage or a secure off-street area makes it easier for riders to agree to leave their motorcycles until the next day.

Have transportation available for the motorcycle and rider. Have a truck, van, or motorcycle trailer available for group rides or at places where riders might drink. Be prepared to give both the rider and the motorcycle a ride home if necessary.

Prevent Impaired Riding

If all else fails and an impaired rider insists on riding, you may have to prevent them from doing so. This is not the kind of situation anyone wants to be in, but it’s worth it to protect a fellow rider from arrest, injury, or death. Riders may even thank you the next morning when they realize that you really helped them.


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Breakout Discussion Questions

What’s the best way to keep people from drinking when they will be riding?

What are some signs that a drinker is becoming moderately impaired?

What are some things you can say to convince someone who is impaired that they shouldn’t ride?


If a group of riders were planning ahead, they would get people to hand over their keys before drinking. Then, it would be as easy as refusing to give the keys back to impaired riders. If you didn’t get the keys ahead of time, it still may be possible to get the keys from the impaired rider.

Stall for time. If you can keep impaired riders off the road, and not drinking, they will become less impaired as the alcohol leaves their system. Providing food and nonalcoholic drinks won’t make a person sober up faster, but it is a good way to buy time and give a rider something to do besides drink. Engaging a rider in an activity can help, too.

Having police standing by when an impaired rider tries to leave will probably convince them that it would be a good idea to stick around.

It’s not a good idea to attempt to disable the motorcycle. It’s possible that the motorcycle won’t be completely disabled, but made unsafe instead. For example, an impaired rider may not notice, or may not care, that the air has been let out of the tires until the bike goes down while rounding the first turn.


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Group Discussion Questions

What will you do to stop your wife, husband, boyfriend, girlfriend, brother, sister, son, or daughter from drinking and riding?

How about your best friend?

How about someone you don’t know well? Orhave just met?

How about someone you don’t know at all?



The purpose of Riders Helping Riders is to get you to understand that you can, and should, do what you can to help prevent your fellow riders from riding while impaired by alcohol. There may be people that will ride impaired despite your best efforts. There may be some riders that you can’t convince, or others you can’t reach because you don’t know them and can’t get their friends to help. There is only so much you can do, especially for riders you don’t know. However, if everyone does what they can, we can make a difference in the number of people who are arrested, injured, or killed due to drinking and riding. This section of Riders Helping Riders is about what you will do to help riders avoid drinking and riding.

Take the Pledge

You will be given a card that you can carry with you. It contains a list of the keys to preventing impaired riding, reasons you can give other riders for not riding after drinking, and a list of signs of moderate impairment. On the back of the card is a pledge to do what you can to prevent impaired riding and a place to sign if you agree to take that pledge.


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The following role-playing exercises are intended to help you put Riders Helping Riders concepts into practice. They also show how well you have learned the concepts of this program. Each of the following exercises is designed to be done with two players. Names of characters are given to simplify describing the scene—all characters can be played by students of either gender. If you are intervening in drinking and riding, you should use the concepts learned in class. If you are the subject of the intervention, you should put up a reasonable, realistic amount of resistance to provide a challenge for the person intervening. You should act as realistically as possible. Drinking riders should act neither more, nor less impaired than the scenario calls for. Those intervening should do as much as they reasonably can to intervene but not more than they would in real life. At the end of each scene the class will critique the intervention attempt. Base your critiques on how well the intervener handled the situation, how realistic the role playing was, and what alternatives, techniques, or arguments might have been used. Take the role-playing exercises seriously. These scenes are intended to give you practice handling serious situations, and you will not learn from them unless you take them seriously.


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Players: Tony and Jill

A group of friends has ridden to a state park for a cookout. The state park is about an hour away from town. One person brought a pickup truck full of supplies, including a cooler full of beer. Tony has watched Jill drink three beers in the hour they’ve been there. Jill is on her way to the cooler to get another beer. Tony thinks it would be a good idea to say something before Jill drinks so much she can’t be reasoned with.

Players: Joe and Steve

Joe is getting ready to ride home after watching a football game at Steve’s house. Joe has been drinking at Steve’s house for about three hours. He drank a six-pack of beer in that time. Joe has seen a chart that shows that he would be legally impaired with four drinks in his system and has heard that the body burns about a drink an hour. Joe has done the math and figures he’s not “legally” drunk so he’s not worried about driving home.

Steve has been keeping an eye on Joe. He’s seen some signs that Joe is feeling the effects of drinking. Joe is cursing more than usual and starting to act a little rude, which isn’t like him.

Steve is suggesting that Joe shouldn’t ride after drinking and Joe is arguing that he should.

Players: Alice and George

Alice is at a rally, waiting in line at a stand that serves food and beer. George and another rider are standing in front of her in line, talking. It is obvious that they are friends. The other rider appears to have had a lot to drink. The other rider buys a beer and leaves. Alice approaches George to find out if he knows the other rider, to find out if the other rider is planning on riding anytime soon, and to suggest that he shouldn’t be riding and should probably stop drinking. Begin the role playing at the point just after the other rider has left with his beer.

Players: Jack and Hal

Jack is pulling into a parking lot at a local bar just as Hal is getting ready to leave. Hal’s been drinking for a while and it’s pretty obvious. Hal loses his balance for a second while backing out of the space and falls over, dropping the motorcycle. Jack thinks someone should talk Hal out of riding and it looks like he’s the only one around to do it. The scene should start after Hal has picked up the motorcycle.


Scenario 1. At the Park

Scenario 2. After the Game

Scenario 3. At the Rally

Scenario 4. In the Parking Lot


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You may have heard the term BAC. It refers to blood alcohol concentration, or how much alcohol is in the bloodstream. Police give breath tests to measure BAC to tell if a driver is impaired.

If you had a breath tester when you were watching people drink, you could measure BAC and tell whether other riders were too drunk to drive. Even better, you could tell if they were “on the way” to getting drunk and keep them from getting there.

You may not be able to give a breath test, but you can still check a guest’s BAC:

B - Behavior - How They Act.

A - Appearance - How They Look.

C - Coordination - How They Move.

This booklet gives you the ABC’s of BAC. It will help you tell when people are beginning to become impaired by alcohol. That way, even if they don’t know what kind of shape they’re in, you will.

A. Slight Impairment

Any amount of alcohol can affect people. Most people become more relaxed, outgoing, and generally enjoy themselves more. That is one of the main reasons people drink.

At this level, the riding ability of most people will probably be slightly affected. After one or two drinks they may get a little clumsy or their judgment may become questionable.

B. Moderate Impairment

People who are moderately impaired aren’t necessarily drunk, but they are definitely on the way. They will show it in their behavior, appearance, and coordination. They will show it in their riding, too. If this happens, they can be arrested even if their BAC is below the legal limit. At this level, they are more likely to make mistakes that could result in a crash.

If you see even one of the following signs the chances are very good that you are looking at someone who is well on the way to getting drunk. This is the time to start taking precautions to see that this drinker does not continue drinking and become severely impaired.


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How do they act — toward you and others? Look for the following signs:

Loudness — Loud or somewhat domineering conversation.

Closeness — Talking right into someone’s face.

Expansiveness — Exaggerated gestures, letting the hands and arms do the talking.

Suggestiveness — Suggestive language, mild profanity.

Physical Contact — Hugging, touching, or caressing. Touching,poking, or thumping people while talking to them.

Rudeness — Lack of inhibition, rudeness, doing things that don’t quite fit the company or the occasion.

Withdrawal — Not speaking to others, going into another room alone.

Of course, for every one of these acts, there is somebody who does it without ever having touched a drop. That’s why it helps to see how people behave before they start drinking.


When people are moderately impaired they often have a certain look about them.

Warm — Sweating, rosy face, may loosen clothing (tie off, sleeves rolled up, shoes off).

Red eyed — Eyes look red, bloodshot, or tired (heavy eyelids).

Rumpled — Clothes askew, hair mussed.

Silly — They may have a cute, silly, or self-satisfied glow about them.

Reclining — Unusually relaxed posture, spreading out in chair.


People who are moderately impaired may begin to have trouble coordinating the movement of their hands, arms, body, or mouth. They start to have trouble with:

Poor dexterity — Begin to have trouble writing clearly or undoing buttons, picking up change off the table.

Slouching — They may slouch or tend to lean on things when they are talking.

Deliberate speech — They have to make a real effort to speak clearly.

By the Numbers

Any one of these signs may point to somebody who is moderately impaired. But, if you count six or more of these signs in the same person, they are likely more than moderately impaired.


Page 21: Riders Helping Riders - National Highway Traffic Safety Administration · At the end of class, students are asked to sign a pledge to do their best to help an impaired rider live


C. Severe Impairment

This means drunk. Anyone who drives when they are at this level is breaking the law and is certainly in no shape to ride a motorcycle.

A real falling-down drunk is obvious to anyone. But, signs of severe impairment can be hard to spot in the early stages. There are those people who can be very drunk without showing it. Here are the signs of severe impairment you are most likely to see. One of these signs means the person is very likely drunk. Many of the signs are the same as those shown when people are moderately impaired, but to a greater extent.


Social Disregard — Letting go, being completely uninhibited (e.g., dancing without a partner, looking through cabinets, making sexual advances, urinating outdoors).

Hostility — Being rude or hostile. Pushing, cursing, shouting.

Profanity — Lewd, strong profanity.

Confusion — Forgetful, completely addled. They forget what they have been talking about, what someone else just said, or the fact that they just lit up a cigarette when they had another one burning.


Sloppy — Clothing rumpled or askew, hair mussed.


Fumbling — Shaky hands, fumbling with objects (e.g. pencils, cigarettes, lighters); writing becomes a scrawl.

Stumbling — Stumbling, using hands as outriggers to keep from falling; bumping into people.

Poor perception — Misjudging distance or depths. Setting a drink down hard on the table or on the edge of the table. Missing the ashtray, toilet, or other targets.

Slurred Speech — Speech is slurred and even incoherent.


Page 22: Riders Helping Riders - National Highway Traffic Safety Administration · At the end of class, students are asked to sign a pledge to do their best to help an impaired rider live


D. Summary







Physical contact





Red eyed


Silly (smug)



Poor dexterity


Deliberate speech



Social disregard









Poor perception

Slurred speech

This guide to recognizing signs of impairment has been adapted from “Host and Server Determination of Alcohol Intoxication Level” by A. James McKnight and Paul R. Marques, National Pubic Services Research Institute, June 1990.


Page 23: Riders Helping Riders - National Highway Traffic Safety Administration · At the end of class, students are asked to sign a pledge to do their best to help an impaired rider live
Page 24: Riders Helping Riders - National Highway Traffic Safety Administration · At the end of class, students are asked to sign a pledge to do their best to help an impaired rider live

DOT HS 810 908August 2007