RICP Final Presentation

RICP Internship Course Presentation By: Nyasa Jackson

Transcript of RICP Final Presentation

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RICP Internship Course Presentation

By: Nyasa Jackson

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Who is Jane Street?

• Jane Street Entertainment is a full-fledged production company based in New York City. It is the brainchild of television production veterans Linda Lea and Donna Macletchie, whose credits include together include Cousins Undercover and Queer Eye for the Straight Guy.

• Jane Street specializes in producing quality food, fashion, and lifestyle reality TV programming. They have produced six of the highest-rated programs on Food Network, including Chopped, Rachel vs. Guy Kids Cook-Off, and Food Network Star.

• The culture at Jane is very relaxed. You won’t see anyone in a suit and tie, jeans and sneakers is the norm. It was a culture shock for me, as my previous internships were in corporate environments. However, it was very easy for me to adapt to their method of doing things.

• One of the best aspects of working at Jane is the free snacks and drinks! We keep a stock of organic snacks and beverages at all times. You may even see a bottle of wine in the fridge!

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Jane Shows

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Jane Street Sizzle Reel

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Typical Day at Jane…

• After interns arrive and settle in, we make sure that the snack area and beverages are stocked for the day. We eat breakfast, check our emails, etc.

• If we have unfinished work from the day before, we usually continue that. If we don’t have any assigned work, we ask (through email or in person) if anyone needs assistance with anything.

• Someone may ask us to go on a run (errand, i.e. pick up paychecks for the accountant) or help them with something they are working on. We just go with the flow and do what is asked of us for that particular day.

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Why I Chose to Work at Jane…

• I chose this internship because it was the exact opportunity I needed to start a career in television production. I was looking for an opportunity that would allow me to explore various aspects of the industry.

• Jane has allowed me to gain experience and assist with Development, Casting, Production, Post-Production, & Accounting.

• The employee that helped in hiring me is a JMS Grad and Rutgers Alum!

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My Proudest Accomplishment…

• My proudest accomplishment was the day we shot a pilot for a show in development. I was asked to go buy two cases of water for the day. I had to carry these two cases of water, one on my shoulder and one in my hand for two blocks back to the set. Probably one of the most challenging things I’ve ever had to do in my life. And I didn’t receive praise for it. No one congratulated me for making it back with both.

• Yet, I felt proud because I was doing something that was bigger than myself. Although it was a small task, it is a necessary one and was just as important. There were more errands that I was required to run but what I appreciate most is that I was willing to do it. I didn’t complain because you have to pay your dues.

• Because of that day, Donna and Linda (executives) know who I am now and they can actually see me. They now say hello! I recognized that the little thing that I do isn’t in vain and they are appreciated.

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My Greatest Challenge…

• My greatest challenge was struggling to find my place within the organization. I was the last fall intern to start working, as everyone else started in August.

• As a result, I felt out of place for a while because I hadn’t had the time to establish relationships and my place within the organization like my peers.

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Academic Preparation…

• If I could give credit to any class that I believe assisted me in this internship it would be the RICP Internship Course.

• It forced me to create goals for myself, long-term and short-term, which I hadn’t taken the time to do.

• The structure of the course helped me to make the most of my experience and document my journey.

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Skills I’ve Gained & Strengthened…

• Time Management: Aiming to get to work consistently early.

• Navigational : Learning how to travel through New York through running errands.

• Interpersonal: Interacting/Building Relationships with fellow interns, Jane employees, & freelancers, etc.

• Career Related: Transcribing, Experience with Casting Talent for Shows, etc.

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Expectations: Beginning & Ending…

• I can’t say that I went into this experience with a plan. Essentially, my overall goal was to learn as much as I could about the television production world.

• I had no relevant experience and Jane Street serves as my introduction and induction into the industry.

• Now that I have completed this internship I am intrigued and wish to continue to learn, grow, and gain the skills necessary to maintain a career in television production.

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What I’ve Learned…

• I have learned that freelancing is the name of the game. There are only a handful of employees that work at Jane full-time.

• Everyone else is hired on a per show basis. So once a show has wrapped and all the work is done, the office becomes very empty and very quiet.

• It is also important to build relationships. Two of the full-time Jane executives stressed this during our intern lunch.

• You have to connect with people because you never know what opportunity may come because of that relationship. Networking is key.

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What Would I Do Differently?

• If I could have done anything differently I would’ve started the internship in August instead of September, after school started.

• Doing this would’ve allowed the opportunity to establish myself and I would felt comfortable in my role by the time the semester began.

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Short Term

• Successfully complete my internship at Jane Street and the RICP course.

• Continue interning with RVision for the Spring Semester

• Graduate in May!

Long Term• Start and sustain a career in the entertainment


• Action Plan: *Email Director of RVision expressing my interest in formally interning.

• *Contact the JMS internship coordinator and arrange to receive credit through the department.

• *Seek opportunities that promote my growth and development.

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The End!