Richmond Dispatch.(Richmond, VA) 1885-11-19. · 2017-12-20 · ahile the captain left the wheel,...

I RILLED OFF THE CAPES. Sn***, tr****'* «r is* iir«i itu.. *r in* Bmi.1i khi* l's.(tle-f. Il'hl'sdrlphla l*ra- In a dark, dingy room in the bold ol the Hrituth ship Oaehiar, wbi-h rea alongside the billast-wbarf ui fl >"th Cs ni (fen yesterday morning and cast oT ber moeitiiff-lines. a young seaman named .latins Killy is confined upon the charge of muiiiiy etd silling ihe first mate, John Ross. Ile ia beauly osaiiBcb d and closely guamc I. A*eoe* an Ibo strip bad been ma le mat to thc wharf ( aptam Telfer, mi*tcr of thc e**- se), host-tied a tugboat ind088*8 te tIii** fit). Ile went at once to the offloB of the British Consul, on -Locust Itreet, abe.te Fourth, and reported the cir¬ cumstances etteading Ur* *W*ta of the mate. The homicide occurred la*t Saturday alie i noon, about twenty-four mille from the Ba**san fsjsss nm greater aasr* her of tho ercw were at WStb in IBS tigging, a hilo a few vt Among the latter numb., wat Kelli, who is a (-tout, vening liishiuiii of a eui ly disj'O'itiitn. KoBS, ihe lir-tmato. was a Scote hiuan, about twenty-seven years of age. Ile was inild-tcmticred. well educated, and a ci oat Ut onie with most of the crew. Thc mate ordered Kelly ls go and assi-t the ether M'lintu in makiie iaiL Tho latter muled away sulkily, and utadi au in¬ sulting re ply ti the o!. er. wh'-h thc latter repeated. A nuarrel Wlowi-I. ami the two aaan engaged la i Hgbt 1 bey were aluin-hips «t tbs lune and Rots wa* very 0*088 lo the starboard rail, wbi h only rei,hes about two fet 1 above the deik. IHKI.IP IN lc THU IX IAN. The BRM* e lim hid. but broke I few Seconds lalor, when Kelly struck Rees a itii'gmg blow on ihe forehead, ino la¬ ing Lim dear over the rail into the sea. lust anil v there was a gieat commotion on boaial. Ihe inJsefl hu:ried down fn rn alofi ls the side ot the venal. ahile the captain left the wheel, wiled * life-j icsnver. ami threw it to Roes, who had n-cn le the surface io tbe webe of thc sh p. which wa* sailing Bl n lil* knot iate. 'I he mali < nu! I not wini, ar.d failed to catch the life-buoy thrown la hun. De uttered ne cry, and ap¬ peared to ht ii,mi slide. Before a boat could be lowe led he had gone down for tho Issi time. "Abeu Captain Telfer was sa'islied that the man tm- drowned be at once I-oed Kt iii to fie placed in irons. 'I bc-ailer j io?-sted, raying that h did not intend to kill K..-s or io kftocif lum oi ei l-oai J. Tue Captain would not listen to his appeals, and the sailor was conducted below and locked .ip in the natron* apartment In now occupies. Ile Bitterly repents tba fatal blow he hit the mate, and eu ry time he is visited dei dares that he bl 1 nu intenti rn of cauabg Robb's death, since bteincar* cetatmn be ha* slept veiy little, and does i.e.t eal very heartily. Me ii ex- ttti'uli kBSRHia to know what will be done wilh him. aid'iiieries the SOC ul mate on ibu point whenever the itter visits him. M.KM'* Ss' ARR f.-Ti.r-s ('(iNCt'.t!.- Ml\ i. All bul t».'° 0|" tne isip'i' raw loft th. ve-il hort.,' afu'r s,*(' amu . at the balla.-t-whurf taaS*9* to th"" '*>'. who remained did .?"* }f [Jj Fttti'i'iis engaged in linloaau.,/ vtfi-el that they bad a prisoner heh. K' They talked with the landsmen Bbout tho fight and the losing sf the mate, but said thc man who bad knocked him overboard bl i been put asl.ute lt Lewes, Del., ead locked up there Captain Telfer was abo very reticent upon ihe aubjoct and refused to talk about it. In order that nobody might board the vt il he would not | crmit a ladder to be thrown orel the side. A I'rt.s reporter, however, lucceed* ed in gettirg on board thc ship and learned tbe story as related from mem¬ bers of tbe crew. Kelly will be taken In f re the British Consul to-tiny for a bearing. It is thought that he will bi -mt to England for trial, as Um homicide occurred out¬ side of American water*. John Ross, the mate, ia well connect¬ ed in Bcotland. Hi* parents live in (irit-m.'ck. a few miles from Glasgow. He has a brother, who is said to be an eminent dentist in Edinburgh* TWO WEEKS IS A PEST-HOUSE. I'I. t til tan* Sunl lor llnillui-r* l.o Mil,lim ll lt t ns lllsuiin*!*. [Rea v mk Itel Birt ] Tbe story of Miss Angeline N. Rion n's experiences in the small-pot. bo-pital cn Hlsckwcll's Island, as toM yesterday before Judge Ingrabam, ol' Hie Superior Court, anil a jury, was not very much unlike the Story published six years »go, when tbe startling Incidents on which it is based occurred. Possibly Ihe frc"|iient threads of silver now per¬ ceptible in her hair may be the result ol the cnj "surcs, extreme nervousneti!, and fright she was subjected te then. Mi.-s I'rown, who is a Boris! at No. NO Sixth avenue, is a yoting woman still, but a more nervous witness is rarely nen in a court-room. At tunes ebe bioko.n.wn utterly, ami between her sobs and tears was almost hysteri¬ cal. Neilhtr the Court nor her COBB* Bel could restrain ber, and any inter¬ ruption threw her oil'tho track. She charges iTs. Allied S. Purdy ard Al¬ fred K. M. Purdy, whom she called to Bee ber when she wits ill in November, 1ST1.', with having iinpropei ly diagnosed her case, snd through reporting her to the bea th authorities as sutlcring from amall-pox, caused ber removal to the amall-pox hospital on ItlackweU'i* Island. She sues for $10,000 damages. In their answer the I'rs. Purdy de¬ clare that she was slithering from varioloid and that l»r. Lockwood, of tbe heath department, ordered her re¬ moval to the small-pox hospital, pSB> Buaiu to tbe prov isintu of the sanitary code in regard lo contagious diseases. Mit-sis. ira Shafer and M. J. Mamu appeared for Miss Brown, and Messrs. Hanns. L. Stetson and Richard ft, Stevenson for tbe Hrs. Purely. Vl.-KAl'lM-s IN VAIN. "How can 1 tell the story v " BbU Miss llrown, in answer to Mr. Marrin. t-b* »ttetiipted, however, to tell il. Hu doctor* had told ber, she said, that she had smkll-pox and moat go to the small pox hospital. Bb**1 begged not to bi taken there, but her physicians wen inexorable. She telegraphed to -Iosep! J. Mania, her fi lend, to come to hei rescue. He did come, but all bis m tercetsions were in vgm. The aiubu lance came after her. *' And you went without further com plaint:" ashed ber counsel at thu point in her narration. ' Complaints, wire 88*8888,*' BBS BR Bwrred ; " the ram poured down almosi in bucketful! and th* wind blow fu rioutdy, and yet I had to go. Dr. Lock wood tole! me ir I did not go he woule force me to jo. What could 1 do? Oh, it wes territ'c :" Mi-s Brews proceeded with her nar ratmn. told ot the tribulations am1 perils of her gurney by ambulance am: tugboat; how on thc first night she diei not tile*], g muk ; how she wa* left al! alone in a larg* dark room ; how no om. eenie ne»r lo give herr medicine oi eec vi luther abe was dead or alive. Shi Slid thv nit; ilmo-rt ixaatic mi .tit ai Ibonahi-he was in a big prison and bad been shut Wa in a pest-house to die. MIT SMAI.I,-I'OX. 44 Have I trot the small-pox » " sho f-kcd Hr. bowen, who felt her paine arid loeiked at her tongue and examined ibe eruptions on ber skin with a uitg- l Ht iig-irl**S. '. That's what I am trying to find out," sb* says was the Doctor's reply la he r Anxious inquiry. Dr. Kowen then went away, aciorrl- ing to her story, and returned a.ain wubin two or three hours. " He said,'' Miss Hrown contiou*d. 44 when he returned, 4 Why. M ss Rrown, wliat kind of a doctor sent you he re .' I lobl him ' a big doctor.' He saiel. ' He- can't be much of a doctor.' I takt, . Be le n Inp cnn.' Thc l>e>ctor repeatetl, . 1 can't ste how bc sent you be re.' " " What elid Dr. How-en Bay was the mattel with you t " asked e-emn-el. " le -/elna or rash. Dr.. .laneway . Iso came to sec me*, and said I should i e tel hate been sent to the hospital. BBB Ul'sl.M'SS I.V.I! UKI,. In thc Conine of her further testimony Mi-- Hunt ri staled that sho remained; i:i the bct-pital from Notcmbcr Isth to December Td, being too ill to leave earlier, ami em thc tjoeetaonaf elamages -he- said lhat thc profits from her fa tai- i - brui bri fi mn |2,000 to 19.000 a tcr.r, but fill oh* after she was taken to pital. Mr. Joseph J. Murrin was examin-d ami eorreiboratcd ihe teetimOBjrof Miss Hre.wn in lelstiim te> his visit to her em the day she OHM tahoe lo the hospita] i.i.d to her pleadings with the d nol to take her away. CAROL I.. him: e.f Itnmiisiiln III. I BfBBf ami Mmrt- tiiiiii.hil.. Ronaaaaia ia n country hering an cs. limeted area of is.,;ii7 English square miles end :i population of about 5,376.- tKiO. lt waa created politically br the trlon of the two principalities of Walle¬ t-hie and Moldavia, in 1861. When w:ir broke' out between Russia and'fur- kej, in April, ls77. Roumani guaren- iied to L'lssia the free passage of Rus¬ sian military thro igh thc country. <»n blay 21, 1877, taking advantage of lui'Mt's being at war with a much itronger power, rtaumania declared it- :-(li independent of the Ottoman Kin- and Joined forces with those of l'v the treaty of Berlin, signed the independence of Rotiinania waaeonnru?00 ure. [lustia Inly 13, 1" Carol I., the- King, was born AprU j'. 1839. He is son of the lab.- I'1'",1' Karl ol Hohen/ollern-Sigiiiaringeii. ,n February, 1866, Prince Alexander l, hu. then ruler of Roumania, tva Forced to abdicate bj a revolution, and -liortly after thc present King was elected Prince Carol I. by an almost ananimoaa vote. <>n May 2J, I860, he accepted hie election, ile was pro- rlaimeel King on March L'G, 1881. Cared 1. was married on November 15, 1860, to thc Princess Elizabeth von Neuwieel. Ile is a cellared and aide man. At bis accession Roumania wys in a wretched condition exceedingly poor, ignorant, without provision fur public education, and split into factions. Thc virtual unanimity of bis call to bc its leader gare him the opportunity to bee! difference! between hi< subjects and thus to prepare Roumania to ahare in the progresa of tbe ase. Ita present position among the entailer Powera of Europe as a nation conaiderably a 1- tai'.ed in civilisation is large!*/ due to the j:ood atstesmenahip of Card I.. whose wisdom in aiding with Russls in the war of 1877.*78 was. strikingly manifested. I lire* lilli en loos Hollis. Btunarek Tribune. Three Philadelphia belles attra. ted considerable attention on last evening's east-bound passenger train. They had been to California, had visited the Ra¬ tional Park, snd were tu rosie home. While in the park Um young ladies manufactured dresses of leaves end mosses which they gathered from the "b irs and bi nobs along the route. The dreeseawere most artUUcally matte, and were ea beautiful as novel. The plan ei i-i'lisiructiOB was thc same ti- that used m thc construction of paper dresses. Thc groundwork, or foundation, was cloth, and the leaves and mosses were artistically sewed upon the same. The leaves were thc most beautiful or- nauients, every tint of the autumn for- csts being represented. The drtUWea were* made nuder an agreement between the young laelics that the novel cos¬ tumes bhould be worn at the Brat ball given al their home in the Keystone State. Hut the dresses were too beau¬ tiful to remain in their trunks. The temptation to appear in them and create a .sensation was too great to be resisted, and yesterday BBOfaJag they donned them and took particular pains to ap¬ pear on the platform at every station in order that their genius and art might lc appreciated. A YER'S AG! K CURE ls warranted to cure leter and Ague, In¬ termittent or Chill lever, Kenntteut fever, Dumb Ague, Bilious lever. lS'tigtie (ur " Bieak-Ume" Keven. Liver ' "in|,la!ut, ami ul! e_C0eee arising from Viilariiil (.ol¬ sons. ¦.Ham-ek's. s. OL, July 8, ism. "for etgn'.ecn month* I suilensl willi OhiiiBBtul Paver,havlna eblUoevarj oib*i dat. Afl--r tri. lng various ieuie.1 ct ive.m.. in, .1 lo cure. I iiHi-,1 a iH.ttlet of AV KU'S A4il'Kl'l'HK.Bud hate mv,i,-, lm.1 » chill. Bowta IIaki-bk." IKSf AK KI> Hr DH. J. Q, AYKIt * io.. l.eiWKl.l.. BJ \s,^ Sold by all UrutcKlst*. L)e a*t_ttl] the lillie l A*I> CIVIL Ett.lttjt.KB. CP. K. BURG WYN, Ju ll. C. E., . M. Ab. Hoe-. O. K. A KC 11 IT KIT AND t'lVIL KNiilNhKK, I'ltic* No. SOV-i ea*t Mali, surest. lt:< I. mond, Va.-*ftao* and Si* cir.eatii.ii* | , J, and Arenllectiiral LtsssjDS *x*cuted. I*articular attention Slven to th* best ruetboelB of sanitary ralnsie. l_tid*t*si>tiiK a ¦..lei-lslty. liefer- euc* Invited to Holly wt "J aud Calvary ceutleile*, *«. --»j* -**1O lilli *%*.*-'- »T,nE GRAPE-CLUE, SAl.-MUSC^TELLE. K A NATURAL Si rh-litll du i'll I' mid Dyspepsia Curr. IN AMERICA. Ide ervstalllrerl sall*, as extrarte.1 fro-it tmiiei-*nd fiult.a limit won;'.i'm jin si net front Nature* laboratory. Have lt, ni your Ii« mes unil ravel. ¦* specific for t lie fug*.'.!. tuMtrj, or worn-out. lt cures sle-k Ues.l- ae-li*. dysM'l* ..».stew arl.-aird l-owel-coin- .>« the iver le. :, hes 'hj action.ronntaracla tha rf In i'i,:.- VHier esa.1 Mir e-xcfsslve ns.- oi (.icoiioie lev. rages. Bad prevent! tba Absorption of mitisria. Hiip)>t!estlie«v*toin Ute WBUl rii** fin.'. rBIMIIS at mri LONDON SAL - MUSCATELLE CO, london. ENGLAND. Hewar* "f Imitations. The genuine In "blue wispi-rsi only." Be Sand for c'i'-ii'ar* to () KVAS'n- VlTl'H. e,ei.1,1,1 \ nu -ri. -un ManBgWTi Poit- Bfl ¦. Boa ieee, Nett v, ort etty, Mention th s pap* r. Hub-Aaeiits for HAL-MU8CATKL1 owlna drugi sta: I'. Botrerta U Ibu K Dupuy, *.'. i BroaJ j. ss., emmi. Third and Mams " " i .. i, Brook aud Koush -; I'" v Wi e o |. Mn.n: Il M. KbelM ..- Co. ..;. vv. Lan * Mo¬ il,.ii v. mis ra H. - nt, 8 franklin; a. a, Hcott T ..¦' 'ii ¦'. Broad: IX* nu .v Minor,..,, ra a r I-ISSOI I I Iel*.** PAH I'M .(till I I'S. '.', Hu .'itios i.. t a., November ia, 18*8. I'lli: CO-PARTNENStllP IIERE- I ..Ill exlsl .; 1-lM' ii s. tv. 11: v\ . un eil m;i.I's i.. -ni-: \i>, tin¬ ier lb* linn and style uf TRAVERS -Ni- vu ,'. co., la tins dBi dis oivi .| ie mina il e m- M lil. Ail i- soi lats i's* tbeeald tiim ti |i i ii-i- r- tl,un im- [. vii;t oil inH W 1 UA\ KKH all Hi"*- in ll to said firm will ms k< settlement wli i him, is I.v iihi. en,en! h. pd to ;.'. se il,, hush .-'. tv. i ii w EU -. C. U. BNBA1'. Mr. s. vt. TRAVKItH, my late partner, Ita vina pureba*. >i ol me bij fm are loter- r. ei coo.i-wiii in iii, popular ind vu- i: ll '-.H-s e>r- lll ii e.lian-. nil " > a I . '-lui tn. ni and bira to .i iii'ence i. mI pmi onri « of ni} friends ii ,1 Ihe pu til lc, C. ii. HNKAO. lin li Boa 1), VA.. Sove ni!..! is, 1--*.. HbvIdk purrba' i ol my late Vii. C. 41. .-Nh VD fUtlil it il Ni.- PT. I Will ron Ilime Ihe l-l III I I.I Kit Hi 'HINE.-M .i ii ii.'nrf c.¦!..'... i. .1 bj Travers, Knead t o tiller tin ll rm-oa mc and st] le ..f s. iv. Thai BM i rr'., "i .. ic So. li IHhocl ne Ml p s. Vt 'll..*. Hi. i,m.,m. \ a., November I l-s ,. no ie 21.28,1 -.:¦- i -I-..;. ; ENDORSED BY TUT WORLD, (¦ii. ¦iv kk.i rn: /././. '**i r> K i /. O I! i U- 'fi- FH i ZOO; ri |. ' * r a o oi .- d S BU . HERMAN a.-' ll I ni BMr" ll 1 Tl -I Killi ft a ii i ri rb. hl.i: I! T t Kr Kil B's I. DOUBLE DISTILLATION 0] OE THK III 1 e. Ii IMA*, li, irs re thia tbe Only l | Kfflclent placed before tbe public fo . "I. f l .-; I.- .;,. lil. ,n ..I,te. to .i l',|. '"'oe. Cramps, Diarrhoea, to. Tbe blghi si ebaract, i of il..-* ma .ee-n equalled. Wt reier with plea be follow (ii boobs, Arcbb shop of li 111- iioie. sara i l ba' e Irli d "Dr. J lernian Bltteia" and Hud .; i" ml Tonie and Ai, .. er, I latte cn ul pie ns-no In ree Dr. Pelzold'a Oei uian Bitten ne of rare mi W'NI.IM il. .1 V ¦astor Of Wo'f.-r-'r. el I. .tl. ein.i.i, B mole. Dr. miitos ft, ;i,own phyi re w mn bl* rs to !-. lint Hi tl ie tm lug ir v ra, t ,e af th lhat i ter re commended any ari c e lor medi- .imi purpose* bul with some in constrained lo say thal "Dr. Pel ' lei limn Bitters" lg un ewin ul pr. lon ii- un Appetiser, and will relieve if not most but form of Dyspepala, and a .lie* of the bell Tonic* I Im -e evil ThisCireat Medicine for sale by ai; Drug- rials, Oro, .-rs. and dealer* generally. Price. ice. nnd II per bottle, em i -v- ,. Min ii, menu for BJcnn.1. UH IM PETZOLD A ".. proprle tors, B e Bd. * mvia-Tii.ThAHuly J . MS. mah iii v i m a om No 18 KLBVCNTIt STHKEl Kn iiMi.Mi. Va.,No ember 10,1885. I I AM NOW READY TO RECEIVE 1 si Vi I- TAXI H foi ii I- .-,. PI VE I'l lt e"I.N'I', will be added to all bilbinnpBld ,i, Decembi r lat. uolO-101 B. O. TINSLEY, A. T. M I IMM 141.. OH ev : m oin E i MONET TO I.KM'. W* I'llV I Sol 'I'i, "lil V tO l"lirl n 1. ni stab al lott rates sud ehaige*. Interview* or corrcsponden llclle .11 buBlnee* eonfldeni ll. B.I A t- PIN d CO., c.. i: ciVei !t. al l-:«t!ite A ula waxes saved. .ji b Tn :i surer of Blcbmood etty pub] tbe ililli,tt mg not oe: " SA I V.I V Nil- Ol ll 1 NO, 18 l.'.r V \ ,. I.I "Hu iisioMk, Va..November 10, 1885. \ ..) am now ready lo receive ntate 1 .or III* vein 1--.-,, Kin- |m-1 relit. Will ll" lull!,.! to nil bills un ta ld on December Ul. "B, li. 1 - l.r A. i. Ki terring io ibe above, l have io say i but 1 nm prepared l" furnish to lax-payers Hie slA'Il S TAX-UKI 'El VABLE Cul li Ns willi which they cnn arrange with me to paj their taxes, Tbe tax-payer is al bo l:ine on! Ol pock*) n.ore limn Hie dace Ol ix-bill and al Ihe nd "i the ncc proceedings, which i will conduct wlthoui ebarge to bim, 1 a ll] return bim a n rceutage ol bl* tiex. WILLIAM L. lluN ALL. no IS-tDel vu Milli sire, t, IMPORTANT TO TAX-PAYERS.-* -I AU tHx-pHti l-s wlahlog lo sa,to a larg-. periM'UtaKeof their taxes can do so by Cull¬ ing on nie. 1 bate made arrangements by which 1 can furnish tlicin ll I n. .¦..s.siuy eoupoua at uo risk or ceist to tlicinsc) vis. . _ W. W. O09BY. JR., oe 8-tNo20 No. 18 ahafer* Building. w BBB1IB1B. 00D & C0WARD1N, have removed tuelr office to NO. 401 KA8T MAIN STREET. Jr lB-*od) JOHN MAHONY, DENTIMT. (formerly Wayt A Mahony.) Omni B35 Main street, between Sixth ant Heventh, Richmond, Va. oe 1-eod Hem hy C. Jon s.s. D. D. H. Ea, P, Wrioht, d. d. s DRS. JONES A WRIGHT, MENTAL Or'KlCE. .IU*. Main 0T8B8T, bast. Oftlu* boura: 8 A. M. to 8 1'. M. isp lfe.ixkdl tAWKUTA HEBB. 1W. MLllTS A SON,. -4* Pt'BNIBUINO CN DEM-' TAB.uta 1606 xast Main etaaai (under mi. Cliarle* lintel). Bl'RIAL-CAKEH. 8HKOlM>8, and KIT- NERAL CONVBYANCBB furuis'ieil at all boura. Telegraph order* attended to day oi UlKirt. Tel. ( No. 44S. Jy IS JJ.BINFORDASUTH- . Ett.ABD.PUBNlfUUNU* IMilKIAKKIts. 7.4 i.vsi Main MTsrrr tvettteen Hevciitb sud Eiglitli. |i«v*b largu BMkt.iiii.eiit of sullen l's. w,mn amt MK- TAI I li' lAsKlls. CAMEa, and ClAiTH e auk Elis, at low .aieas, Country amt telrgrapii orders promptly at- ter ,1. I ll. .'., V Ol 1. Ubi. BP S l.t ,\1e.,.V JO.sKI'II W.TaUBE, OOKNBB 1 Hut AND BKOAD STRBBTB, KrciiMoNu, Va., KrUNiSIIINe. I'NULKTAKER. Kvi-ivllniin flrst-i-'sas In f aline aud at reaaouahl* rate*. TtleBnn'hi*order<i;iveD prouipl alt.-it.yu. Tel.-p... i-s No., 871. ere*-**. ACITIOR nAtfcW^-*nir* .mr.; ^_ art A^\^W Hy N. W. How*. Heal r>tatc Auctlonrcr, No. 4 KlcrentU .trreU *fL\\ECl TOW* -ANI) ''OMM'-Ssl-'X- KR'S HALE or HrVENTEEN VALUABLE UHR OM WEST RIIOAU HTRKEET. Ann or A CHCICE CORNER LOT on wtur prank lin BTRRRT. A KAKL CBARCR BOB PAYINO ir; vi.-I'M! Asexc'-utor of ihe la>: ¦ ll and 1*01 of tin' ale Bdward Mayo and art log ns I.- 11 Couti Ol l: 'i.i. 1"1 Ui th" 8Ult ol Si M*»0 exec¬ uter .. Mayo and ".¦ eotered on Novembnr 7. MM. I «» sell be pabUe mi'! oa.oa Iii* pi.-ni:*.-* r. kik-crivi.y, on iiii RS11A1. Bot y BBU8 l«, i .'. bi 4 o'eli cit P. M.. tb* Mlowlna VKRTf DB- M RA Bl.I-., KbTATR MS Ul* onler mn:.s.i below.lo '. ui 'ii.-- -kv ) N LOTS on th* -.'. *. da of Broad itrei t hegtnnlng at lb* ol i um,-en -ne.' and 'routing lo i:j :i I! (. ol nv fee! vt ul- 'Ile IC o s t, drpoi oi I hi Rici mon lubarg Mini pol.te Ki road '.v. gd. iii" I EN l.'.i.-* on U ra Broad streel lo* "I Ht hu 'I sir-' t inn! Ima ag i.i tether ¦J.'.hl.l'.'f.-I lit 1 ' ¦.' f-et « .'.- Ita .' -t trill) lidlt '. il ll i.¦.' i" s th* a lela - ol biddi ta; mill Si I. Tb* VERV HANUH K LOT * i.i.ti il . inr- sen sm. e.-. 88 4-13 1.18 7-J8 ." lo an iii,i. i - buiid- ,\ ol ms prop fe 's now in flr-tt banda. ls In the iif. .1 Uni "I 111 I"*-' ei.. bon la saiu o grow *:oa.ii:y la vu r. Whoever bay* al Hil .net. i om* i" Ihe sale i* w III cv you. e ,: (.ne heir I I if i-i. ive and>. -ni- r with Inti I. si Billi .1, Bl 'I "r ail ca ,i nt Hie oin min ppm ia*vr:Baie*to 1.1, l-l 111 ot ml in the sui ol Ma o'* Wo. "I o| I.,!', il 1 V: tl, dl'Ci iel. ul d .-ii* enii C'.iiiii '-s'o: ei a*aforesaid, Ik mr (it ts" ne nu City or Ku h'i Nh. i". Vt a .... Ks h. ii.Ai.Miu. A-. 11* -i v ¦- - :.. Maio ash Ai -.. lui is evsis. i. I'."-njsn: ni n. Herr] clerk of aaldeourt, j thal Hie bond n... 1 ii c.: (. lit Hie deci "in 1 11.1..r Not en ber 7 is-6, ba* b*e n Olvi ii ender my h ind tie* ioi b il iy or .vi.- rn lier no ll 'MIN M. HERBY. H] .1. I bom].Brown ... ''".. Ililli Istille Agl Ills, uni Vii-* "Ie -ls, il i i itreet. A L'CTION SALE OF I SVO-STORY i 1 RICK-ANIM-it wu-: nu -¦:¦: and LARGE OT, No. S1.1 Nulli K iii ll ¦¦ BEET M AK'i.v BTU .'.KT. Hy lg it of thi i. .. Lc !. ucl lon, en 'I .. iii . ulses on i III KS|i\ t. Sot SKI R 19. 1885, .1 P, M. the i..- P Til- el k ta tv Ik. Wi ll 'li. tn ioi real. god aoataioa i re. in-. ll lion's 60 feet, uhd ll "S on il il line Property In tbi* section rents al paying is: tine third cash h ;. nd tv Ive n ei addi i. se* i,ii d ly dipelo ., si J. THOMPSON BRI .f. N i'll . ol', t oncers. I. il. L. HI Ll 1.1 I I .leers, 111 t. ICTION SALL l~>F A NICE WI) 2\ 1>1 BIKAHLK TU i- HUCK l-v. LLINil UN I RSI -lill Kl* BB- iv i I N li-A"! ANli Ll ii-il -.::) Vt t- s ,| 1.1|, f hy lt' ie Idtl "ll till ell 'J HI liSI'.\ 1 Net I.Ml.KC I'i tl. Bl i i: P. M., Ibal NICE BRICK |.\t UM. N". otilainilig four r.. Ihe lol ik go lt al.'iui 120 reel " I i- ei n ide. ii'-: I ide known al ll. URTA] I". 17 lilli Bj (ol.1l/e W. .'a. iu .','on, Jr., No. 86 Nunn h'reet. T J A ND?*'MI'. I'-A R I. I! AN'I) i 1 ( HAM HI tl Fl KNI n B I l.\h s-iniw-CAMi -sint i.s. I 1 A ll!: I.- ,-.. ... .ti AL1 HON. ll -I w ;,i i.i"" Ioi 'mehi of 1 URNI M lal.. tn hra" h t [si Ml v.AI.'.il' CHAMBER Htrn i- vt ni. MARBI i'i' HlUJ-B 'ARD Wai.'. WA KURI v, ai ni i i: ah:-o' mn PARLOR -ii ri: ARI" OCNOE, 1.1 Ll..' », i:i.i .- - ind ala. i Aim K :.i.r- Pl s. MAT- l III S-l.-s V, AI.M 1 ANJJ M till ii JANY SOI AS A VU cn tins WAI m i EXTENSION-TABLE. OFFICE* DI I 1 lui ii.Kl I CK B-ROOT BHOW-C 18 nett Ill- J.J l'INi. r.* 8TI IVKH, n gelher ttllli hiiin.i othei gooda i in sold Bl .".-'s eu ia bom 1 walnt't brph parlorbuite, i ri '-ku ooh pal:.' ii --ii ip: 1 marble-top tai le, 1 sol.v 1 CARPET. QEOROE Vf. M V, ii. no 10 *i By E. B. Cook. Aoctloue .. iii Mhtli sn, et. / <ONTINUED8AI E0 I il, STOCK V o* I PRNITI RI AT No. I.Asl' I'.r.n.t n Bl Kl.Li. T .-I'.-W al io o ie pe * stork of Fl RN .li Ki: uh-..,I. Bad ii* in- sale la posi¬ tive ll atloi I* an unusual opportu hooaeke per* aud tbe trade, S. PROHKA PO 18 I: i \l ("11 ul f I BB AGE A NI' i A u - iv. ro-OA*i mu.eui in:', one car of EN 11; v LARdK CAKBAOE "h. car ol ('Helli. LA KO KbANKHPi i vc il H ii tile inion land Al eui uni ra -ii -. " oia sharp. I. Pow i li-- e. luce Alic mi niul salon Moid,ant. no 10-11 WARI a. Vi YI7ANTED, OCCUPANTS, Willi vi board or without, for turk*-: OH 1 ( I ll N n 1- ROOMS, i,-.t tn tt.-i ha |{, ,. A. K itei'.ihv to movi h.-,u Kourth Pres¬ byterian church, of which hi I* pastor. No, eil ISl Mil,li -lie. t. La* l'.l-l!« IV AN. I.B. A PARTNERSHIP v 1 ni somi itebllshed buslne** AC'UV B PAKTNLK bi u party u. I*ali an, and can furnish mom r, v ron munlcailons strictly confldi ntlal. .'. i CAPITAL, ear* of /<- PO 1:'-1"_Ki. Ill: W'AMMi, A NI RSE, EITHER v 1 lored, to go -.. | Vii Gea ii: "hu- go bi ral wagea a at No -1. north Hfihslreel, W'ANTKh, A Kid [ABLE V0 V V U VN Ai .I VIM'KH WITH lill. it Bl HINE8H nt h lair salary. GOI 1 lill 1" le H. W. Ll MPK1N. i'"K'-lw_ ... ya< 'ANTED, A TAILORESS TO WORK IN MYHTuRE-oae that bas h. i n ii-, il t" worklug ta ina R i. \i>wm. i'll* ll Ninth sj W'ANTll'..Till. OWNER OP A vi LARGE RRB1 DENCE, d. simMy I" cab il nish** to renl lb* hons.- unfurnished and io ti.kt- board in ilea "f rent, H flll'linli his ou n roeimi niel ie Die innis- rt nt flee rorgood lu h le-1 ".! i lor I tv 11 ado'.'.a. Addie** if.. E. h., cue ..:;.¦.-. t_tm i- 117ANTED, A So. 1C00K; ALSO, fl A (iiii.u \t ll il ll- sK-Sl.K- VANT. A pp'j at cinnri lleecli uni Grote kv . lille._,.. 'ANTED, A WHITE HOI -.'- SI.KV AN 1. Mils! one Well mended. Apply at n i casi nain tit. .li lOBIld A M. ho 17-11 \\* ANTED.-LA H'i AGENTS v v . h.. t* lab t" eeova** for a Uno at l-a- die i. anil Clilldn n a Iiiuiislilii; ih.,. I, IPal ..ll lo even boo** »i too per cent, prom should .ddreas with itamp, R IL CAMP* lihl.l. A C'(i..4bl via kt Raadeijpbs CBgo Ll. ii" i- Tn T: ItlM. s,| KA 41D »4U*D. t 4»>T.t. 1 \\ AT CU..| * 4 Lags, cat Wotto**dai *v*atng tiie lSib ii iii.,! on Molo .treal i lust i.nd s,-,-,,.,,I air. .-¦- I.ti'Vs GOLD WATCH, willi Hie null.- ..Jolla' on the coe ihe tin,hi w il h.- liherallv retiariei OD eiainitlt nt No lu Barth lill ii site -I, Number ol watch, ll no i V B 00K AND JOB PRINTING HEATLY UONE AT TH* PiaTAXUJ. nUI*XIR«-ROQBS.J \jmart-r.^ -¦. .* AtlTIOl **.E.B** Isar*. riy Hu ti "ii A Co., Um,! Kata!* Aiucnt* and Auctioneers, HOB east Mala street, ArrnoN vSau-Tof that two- STI'KV AND 1! tsi.tlLNT D* TAi'HED IKH'K DWELLING, sill A- ¦Hi AT THK SOUTH W Ks I' ¦. IKS'ERO* |*KV AND MAI'1-n.s -s ; mil .I'S (N'»- ei'e WI MT CAI'-, -Al Hie r-|ileatof Oin parin** iiiier,-te| we snail otf.-r for sale at public auction, oa Ihe pi em lae*, nu Tl KHDAY, Nov kimi rc. 'ii. l^i.V Ht ts r. m.. the PBOPBBTT located »* r.liovr. Hie DWELLING contain* .'lisht room*; city *Bt> r and calvert coin,, et lons. *nd there i* als":, frsn blieben on tiie int. Tbe I full's en [.. on ii,, north ti.l'-of cary stree! and inns baefc » rjuod dtrjitti loan nl- lev ill Hie real. 'i'Ms property ba* Im'sii recently put In K'h .1 miler iii ii (e.-i.le i ii I.le coal and '* sitr- BBted BBVIiinll) Milli rs n,|.;ilv I'liprov- sii Hie |.io|.,.ity to nra.1- ab* nee ii, v sis*, Ti fl'- line tlilnl i nsh ; balance flt. alx a ,1 iv., i-f month*. B per e-.-nt. interest added, k. .'un .1 by a d**d,*f IruBt. BUTTON 00. rn Iii_ AuciioueeiTS. r rai I, i'. mil.v. Ob.. lb si 1 state Au. iloneer*, No. il nortli Eleventh BttBOi. UXSCTJTOR'S SALE OF HOUSE. -1- HOLD AND Ki Ililli N" El UNI 1'CIIK 0| M' s. MA UV A. Il I* LC ll il it I'K CI A--KD, 7".¦ NORTTI THIRD STREET.- I alli s.i!, on Hie jin-'i ses aa abo**, oa WEDNEtiDAY, S'ovbvh.kk -..'>, 1«S5, eommcBClnt; st io1. o'elikek A. M.. tin* HOlHKlle.l.D AND KITCHEN rCRNI- TUBB ..""¦ i.¦ -iitii.-I'-U-ls. Ilmr- Nn. iriwea, Peail.rr-i ll nw*, Bed-Hpriug, 'lui.irs, Chalis l Leaf-Table, wirrena, Bu¬ reaus Nora, a/ardrob -. Carpel rig Mat- Cl,-nins, Ac, window-t*b*daa, I Clocks K ii.-be-ii Piunltore, and uuiei - cits. Immediately after the sile of rnraltur* ..o<! tb* hakmceof Hi- OR ICERI tts tn -ii o st..!.- cooslii lng >.t gag ns -;i i rds, Brno .is. lim, Corn, Potatoes, Hoap,8ta oilier ur lld. s lexi mum reis hi nc ii Mon. A ie ONE PINK COW, and a lot of tv HOD and COAL, HAY PEND, Ac Titicis: Ca*b. JOSEI'I II. il I. IlKlt I. e.ll"ir. .1 V M A. i \ Ky J. TborapmO Brown A dj.. -',,;.. Afe'isaml Auctl-i lilt BatasBaet ^FRl'STEE'SSALaToF LOTON RE- I BERVOIR STREET NEAR DOBSON S III I ll' ii kerri :. '. lat el* ruled i v i'. Koeti. tin-, ti.- lo ll.e ul,del gned irnsre. io. corded In Chancery Court, D. lt. l - i'. ,* ind ' lil ell !. lille, ri 1.1 l.'-'lir: le ."rr , he premises, on I I sI'AV, Nov km: in Bl, ls..-, A, I.I. ii N c. m.. r REAL EMTA I'K AU thal L IT mi LAND lu ii eclt) ofRichnionel, Va., and nandi d s* Corniuem -I inc of Beaervo i street fl8 7-12 !". oortfa "i |i..i,von street, theucerunning ¦:-: 1,*v:. i.:,-. h on lb *ei slr, el to feel bi -I ni"', ii . latch: betwe, ri p io sn a T. "s t'.i-'i ||- to .v.; -,?., v d| ^.,;,. .,., 1 llftel rm and il." residue ns « ie ni ce.! .1 nate 1. BROWN, Tri .1. Tit OM l .-..s Hi. ... Co. Au. "ie 11. ne I _ I ARGE, ATTRACTH E, MVP .- S.J Iii PERt D s VI.K (il IMPORTED 'Ll '",LA; H- si'! |. KNURAN \\ A I I B-COLORM, Ar*.. S Mt'l'ERI'Ht H;...M- AT Al 'TON'. AT 881 KAMI' BROAD STREET, Ino uiren- tlr, io ¦: to me, t the re.|i n inents of rm,' te i. used li linc**, we comm, acing on A '. 14. ll Bt 10, .' cfc \. v nnd : r. M so li of e.I Si INK IMPORTED OLEO- 'i: M is. sim.: ENG RA VI.Mls il l'"l.l'lv- Ihe ll t- Si ri :: ' Ul"'- I nil leif I lie ns '.. troll ,v out I lill oI ,."i-tiii,! v to e\- -. i.ii UBI 'll our Mr. Cl ' r o from the mo .- li's. The goes! were trade. A. COHEN A CO. !¦' IL ll. el. I,.. l'< s Jll.lill l's SALE. Bj oil HllDA*. Nov ur at Ho 1 PA BLOB si CARI . I v.i c.v 1 WAK Dili 'BE, MAT-RACK, i BCH "K V \, 1 Cl.. 'CK I MILS- m, CASE, CHA I BM Ac is i*. .v INHTtlS Me; CV n| H. ¦. i;. A .. .e. r, .No. -4 .V vj Al E OF STOCK OF CLoTIIIN I 4 AND 1 L'RNlBHINeJ.l>- PBIDAY 20 'i i vm. si 1" o'clock, Iv- l No. 14*41 Le»I II I NU AB r'ChNlMHINU bi Ibe tirol. li; K. B. Cook', BEAL ISTi ll IIBMKLBW, Ac H. DI LA NV & KSTATI K WIIITINO, REAL Kill ll KL I' WAMI ug to mai Iel for sa uni nm .1 ..!-.-, fl U be seal oa on. -- -1 in* I OBN-BEAL. / 4 ALLEGO UORN-MILL. tv* are ready 1 VIRGINIA Vt Hill- .''.UN'-.MK VLal market rates. PoTTS.H'l'' oe 88-Sm Lea ¦ lilt KIM, i'i ii: BEN i. HIE EXCELLENT Qk I A HM Ol HI I Y Alli -. ealled***- "IV*, GLENN." H 'li BRICK DWELLING contain uk four room* and ail oe M. ado* hi Idgeroa ate posse.*, for r.i 1 v.. 11., iii. Il in 1st of January hun r. tiODDIN, Ki Estate t«- i ..... i noie-i I'oL RENT, TIIE I'l'!.. th I i-1 un: balldlucssBB Soi ii sud IS north Twelfth street, near Minn stn el -ri amie antranc on all tides; splendid light. Will furnish power. Rent low. Ap'.Iv to yCARLES a M. ri ill.V no 10-81 1818 Main s'i-.-. .. rm: rent. t** SOB RENT, LARGE TOB ICCO h\r. roRY oii .' I'vi.-t:'y-flftu and Cary -ti,., is. Be *od tenant. .Irate possession. Apply to I I It.tiAN TCl'l'KK. Kcal K-'nl. * po 11-81 _loin east Main slr- et. I70R RENT, THK LAW-nF-BB JI PICES Nea. 1 and iBerrbanUNe s_l Milk bul illus'. l'i.«oe*eii>u ii. once. Rent moderate. A| ply to 0018-01 JAMK- LYONS. JH)R RENT, Q SMALL HOI sls IN en OD 0BDBB, IB04 Mn n street: 8 rooms. Ill.No. -"" Third streeI; ,i room*. So. isiv weat Clay stre.-t; eroouta S'O, 610 ''! Ina stie." B ->::.-. D irtb i flfi loj.-se'.- llb stree'; fl^ So. Bllnortb Henry street 4 r - ii- No. --- sou! ti Cbarrj street; .'. i io. N' 1014 west Marebail atreat j Irooma. 110.No, - Twenty- lUlh street; ¦"> n- us. 17-So. MU soul b Pint street; li 17.No. 81 i' ¦!.. street: I room*, '-7 So, 1108 Cbattin strael i o a Ai .. I stn t; 4 ru ima, STORKS, FACTORIES, ant WARE IK I'-. - J.TH0MP80N BROWN A CO., til. Si KslM' \ no I- il No. lill Mt n sir.-- -t. For rent, at isoo, tiiatjb JT ,!..*iral',e DWI INO si nortneist BJ cornel BroeidBUd TwauTtb itre*t, eootaln- mg sixteen roorui with modarn lroprove- n ttitii four rooiiii. nil io perfect order. Ti.e location and si/.*..f im* property rendel it Bailable tor 'a aiat- dun. l»iuiillug-ti"ii*e. ll. BELDON TAI l.cK Ri'iil btat*Ag*al and Auctlene*r, _ poll 170R RENT, THAT DESIRABLE J| 1 DWELLING No. ter north B*veatli aaa slieet lu m.. n I- raiiklin omi UlBOB - 1 i-sM-ssion ni ones. Altin-, to APpKRitON A <'0. lt-al Estate Ageuts.Ac. c.. ia 11 ta 17 leasa._ i;i'l: RENT, THAT DISIRA-_| F BLY-LOCATED RESIDENCE 818 BB north likililti slieet. eoiitalnlng III ru ,ml besidesdetacbedkilaben with two rooma Has Bal been lamicd and put In eoodre- palr. Apply to JolIB r. lioDDlS. Bibi BstatB A Hunk Eieteulli slreels. tio li iamUI Ar4vn4i»n*Lrr*i.r«4nr* i»*v*. Br Knrman Topper, Real Eilale Agent and Auctioneer, 1016 Malu atreet. TRUSTEES'SALK OF 11001 AT- TRACTIYBTENBMKNTS, SlTUATEIl ON MPTII BETWEEN Po RP KB AND HA I NB RI POE ST Ki; KI'S. IN TH K CI IV OK MANCHESTER -Hy virtu* of a deed of trust dated March 14. I 118. from Leopold Spic* and wife to the BOdetBtgnod trustees rocrile (I In the o|--rk's oillccof rho HiisIIiiks Court of the atty Of Mauchesle-r. In U.K. volume t. pnife iii. to secure Ihe payment Of rerlaln Binnu Of monet there,ii m--ti- iiotetl ami dsnvoll Lavinie ia>en med* lo ihe i*} n ont ih<-i"-or.aii<i befog required by the nrlietlctarlt-H iherein secured ho lOdo we Miall se-ll hy auction, on the prom mes BS Tin'RsiiAv. tfovrniaaasa, ihbs. nt 4 o'clock P. M. 'all Hutt certain LOT Or PA IH 'KU i >K LA NU, ly lim aud OelUg lUtb* elly of Mauebeolei, fromm.' together 148 reel oi lb.rib ai lr or kiftb street, be* in. .-u lot 1.1 inni Bainbridge streete b*gin* Oli-gal a poini i h rt.t olt efet el from il.». in ref BalBDtldgi sirea-t. and rn n ttl nie ni a northwardly dlrectloa on Bald Kitti ii* f. et. ii,. m.- in a weatwardly direction, bel reen isirnilel lines, 186 feet looa alley ll reel . I propel islatelv hoon paloted put ni e.Mkt. riler ami vteld* a Uno reatal an.f together wita .vin nen.-ter propel ty generally, bas been great!} *ohan t nine since the pull lng do* ti of the track of I'.* sire. I-, anni.way. Inveato ti ml Hi Tm"- ne ti. ii raab; Ih* betane* in six and twelve montba, il p.-r cenL lu- tereal ai u .1 ro Hie deferred notes, uni mu..' k. (Uri .1 iva trusi !.¦¦ K. SI I I'KKUtNU. Pl'ltviAN TIPPER, J. B. WINTER* no t rm By w. ll.' a co.. Beal it* an) AueUOoeere, lill Mil in sin-, t, ( «ommissio"ners* auction V^ SA el r tn li 4IRAIILE VACANT i"is iiti.c (.in., i.i mi. KSTATB Of P \ Kl K DENNI vi. i'l..'K vsl'.n ON I ll- tv rt HIDE i'K >l\ Ml STKEI I' Ll ll KIN LOUISIANA \NI» DENNY el ki is, In pars ince of ad eoofl ie la che omi ii n If* i, Denn ng and d on the I-' .1 ty ol July, lull Ute undersign* sp ,- al co io pre rn lees on iii BOAT, N ''iiKK-.mii. clock c. VI. TWO V ll'ANT I.' 'i's :, < logethl r til ''-I :\1 '" :. -- .ii ti i- weal » d nf 81x1 tn., ii Louisiana and Denn a parl ol Ihe of R moi viii".'.- ..r s. rnay »eeiu tn e of I». '- me (hird i-...o. .ti ,i instal tis: Ih* pun deft mi n it men I aod V ijiill .- .il (ll I'ilN DI SLOP, J K V. DANIEL. S| on, io. W 11. -, s A I SI", v., l .WI" VI Pl t s. I t Di SMS,. AM, a SHAN ls i\ III I'll IN" t RI i , op P. li li 1 Bel am In II. Barry, clerk of said court, ii r i.i ii, ti Hie b mi rs >utri d said ul Jul* 1. I*-:,, ins n -. "i du i given. n nullor my hand - day of lt. v. 1885. I I.N.I WIIN ll. BERRY. ny i rank D. ll n I Co Koiii Ellet* Auctioneer*. So. .; north Eleventh *trca-t. ai tin e will h. on M< iNDAY, Nov i ni ck 28, 1885, Bl I - :. P. M.. on PHOPER1 t .1. .I ii -a "linc" ll on nut "i sa "-. ll INK li HILL. UEOK ,i ii¦¦ ri Kt i. v HIM Ma ( COMMISSION ER'S SALE Ol i IV I v t> IXITS ON THIRTIETH Kt:. I'W'EENN tNi'-. -1 iiii- H B a. ( ni ni IO P. M.. ' .ii". a u lau.. ! S .LT.".'- Hi. I t i.. .us. '' A I. 1881: I, John M of t i . nab "il Vlr- ilic of m.ri I al 'iio M ty Crawford Han Crawford hil III ii d, mik axecMted :t bond .-. Ci lui "i. only uv n.e. Ji'HN M. SPKK 'E. m. 17 Bj k. B. Chaffin I Re il tte Auction....nt. No. l i. itreet. TRUSTEES1 Al CTION SALE OF * A 0UTTAOE IND TWO ACRES OP LANI' ON MECHANICSVILLE TORN- P Kl AL. il TWO A NU ii IK LL Ot'AR¬ TI-, lt Ml li - Vs I' OB i HI'. il V OK ItlCHMOND. -ll} ¦. mi" of les ol trusl dttteel Ht ptei '¦> r fl 1 --4 n '.; de '. H* " io- ni v ('.i.i! ;o I), B, iii. page ii », ki,.i al "f the beneilciaty lo- faull having been I ut o' oi e of be note* sueun .le "ll tie J-f. .11 sa-s. ".Il FRIDAY, Not; 20, 1--". lt s M.. the Ki: IL ESTA! ilddeed.a h. n - e ei parcel .f L INO, li ii.ui"...- ' .!. on, "llIl'V "I ll s-'iiie ol Virginia, al oul wo and .rn th* I* "t the Mcchidi turnpike, at the pola! on said tam¬ er* omen the road ie tann DOW owned hy Mr. i..ce tv un Jr., igl WO ArlC'-s. , of sui,, aud h. ay n ii. for ll! lue September fl -»-.¦¦ -p'.-mlM-r 6, 1886, a* to -. pte in her ii. 1**7. a* to ?- le). Hep- temix to|84fl niel any balance on term* to be Bunouuced al Bl e. CHAPMAN W. MORRIS, K. B. CHAFFIN, Trust* s. p.. li. cn irria a Co, Am tloneere, I,,, ii FRESH TOMOO"! M EA L. Hiting added to our PLOUB-MILL tb* most porfket lnacliitiery for UBIRDINU CORN, vie ni nt iou* iou le tnt- »uperlor quality of oar ME AL. This ena nt once I*, r**B*mlae6' by its sharp or granola! feeling, which PKM I.NTS T11K HBP.AU PROM IIKINO ILA KU OK CLAMMY, and the entire abBBOOa of bran Insures the ituiht pale ta bl* linter. OROCEKS can get their DAILY HL'PPLV frohi our WSfOO* at the Lowest Market Price. D ioi lop & McCance. TKI KITloNEN -. M. BO I URE, 4'BRENT. Ar. j imk: lime:: lime::: Just received ami for sale cheap. 3.nco barrels FHKSH ROCKLAND Ll.VIK, i barrel* FRESH (HO PP MA RI ROHENDALECEMENT 1 100 laurels tr KEMI CALCINED PLAS. TER, ino barres pulsh hiooinson Mar¬ ule-Di XT. mJMO, BAVAGI FIRE-MUCK, and CLAY. LATHS, CATI LK-HAIK, Ac. WARNER MOORE. Pool Si", ei. ea nih sin .-t snath Sid* .. .<- lt. Corn-Meal Lump and (.round Plaster, bttiuae, ana nata, wc *i> Ai'lTIOR RALRR-rnlnr* Day*. Hy Prank d. Hill .* Co., Real Estate Auetinnecrs, 6 north Eleventh street. ".VLEoANT FolK-STOKY STOCK' I * BUICK RE8IDENCE, Bo. 40! Kwi MAIN. KKTWKKN POL UTH AND Pl V I'll HTKPKTS. AUIOININO TIIK Wnu|i ,* OOWARDlN PLATS, AT AUOflON.-Oo WKUNKsuAY. n,,v susan M. lana, ul 4 o'clock P. M.. on Ute premises, w-. will ofter Ihe v.iy v alnahlo and dealrable PK"- PKKTV localed a* ulm ve. rh* heros* - of Ihe inns! *iil*tuni al anti rotor reeelilences non- on th-- in-irke'. I' wa* bull! of Ihe very ix-at materials, and :* BOW Iii good e ider. Iii. re an- Iwentr-tWO In Hie bott**, thirteen of wb 'li have Bro* pliice* and marble mantels. I mil him eloaela, poa tr1*8. Se aod a modern Improvement*, two m the width of the Iioiim-. Mot k-brll a stahl-. and carrtaga-hou**, mid *pa tm is. In.- nan Inns., occupies fe.-i. and ihe « bole lol front* 90x100 This pto; .oil I- 1 for a phi sh lau or pre'. .ur tn il..- of ( in n v. rein,. .1 un 1 se eel in Iichboi i,.*--i. Triel¬ mon, v -.n be number or ream al fl i- r t. Pat: pl. hs. call "ii the n I-HANK D. HILL .1 C .*.-. '! 1 I" -. ll K "i Bj quarti sat McCurdy, BealEati rVR\ STEE'S SALe"oF SOUSI \v L LOT ON BOI rill 1ST Ci BRO ti- t n T*\'i N ii I'll lillis, itii i's AT Iiii.!'' Al UTI ON. Vs tubal tinah in e c. ita n d asl from W. U. ll. Parker. ulipa -I pur I. ll k«l tl e. ii, en Hie ii. >. above lil >. Tl at 4 - tin* . . 11 to pay nfl ll IRV V o<- la Trustee 'J'!: I ST I K"s > M.K ()] ll I VNU \ NI tl ) R s,| III Kl V 1 C s a M wife tol lt iJ ii it li Ki t nuuw n at I o i. couta in ss poi Hem eif th< tin n' Spec I rt, M '.. .. LWRM i WI i'll I vt il ii - MPMS. .i. I. ami t ie -I '- mini ii p.irt of 1 V|| 1 tl A Kl lac* v. ii-lltiKSI t - IN i A ll!-Cl Kl- tt \i,i. -,' CA Rr, V Ni -. ii .vt n ii ii- Keir Un ii rest. For I a*h for pni'ilil¬ li Oe i rsl liled and lei-. ,i, p-i esd I l i doola a t: FRANK I' il IL DO ll Au III UAH IT KU III SM lUllta DUILADELPniA, l.l»'ll-.e:/|gft MOND ARD SORFOLR ¦TRAMBHIP COMPART. Appointed ri K8D t Y md r Kii'AV al ia M., a'-1 everj BU N ll 6 A. M. ' a sui I- r lavs Itearu- 11:10 V. Vt.; f.,r Su lill 5 P. M. .-iituriUy. Freigm i0. wived dally HUI P. M. raTin&erlni*^ Ueneral PBBHWKer^^,c*LfflUH^00' '*"' ne IO*. O NLi ONE 1>«»LLAR .** - [ NORFOLK, PORTSMOCTH AND Nr.v>- 1'i'Ki S Bl AN DON LY DIRE 1' ll' I l'K WI TRANSFER OK CU tNUEOl? ANY KIN.'. ,-t. ol. IA -Ti. tMKOAT itl. , Vi ES-Kl vim; FOR NORKOLK FORTSMol Ul NEW- pi 'Kl B NEWS, (it RI ti. »N t IMES-KIVEK LAM'i m.* DIKE! connects ai iely WU ll Al HHOKE OF VIROINIA OLU pi BALT1MORR, AM' Tile Nuki ll tr I'KK'-ii'iN AT NK ttl 'i Uti *j NEWS WITH STE*. All 'i.VlAC FOK -"Mil iil-li.i.H; Ail I.AKI-M'.N I WITH ITLAN'l ANn U V.NViI.l.l. HA ILK i.» FOR WAVERL1 AM' ALL STATION I, ORLY. ALL-WATER K ii IK. IAMES kin iii HIT oki'VI roi BIBI I JAMESTOWN, LL i'll'..' a CHEAPl -l K .i i'K. RATKS Ml CH Lt IB i .1 IN CHARGED BY AN. OTHER ROUTE. ,- Air. TO NORFOLK, Sl-NO LIM. l. WA'i-1 ANDING PALL- '.i Q 85c, lo 81. d-elaaa Uckelg ii .: .oner. PIM8T-CLA8M VU ALS un EUROPEAN IN. Theelegautly rei.n .. .iel Ti* rte ARIEL, (carry, i.4 t State* M Z. C. GIFFORD. Uominaoder, i. imoud every MoNUA*i. WEDNESDA1 ANO KB at 7 A M. (STREET-CARS CON NE l s Fl LL TIME) for abova-i i saar* rivlog. kt Norfolk ut fi P. M. Kc ¦teamer leave. Noi H * aud Newport* Now* od alteraa te i1b>b, ^ at Rici mom! about 4 1*. M.^ii tlekataon*aleonsteamer Oarta-rs Agency. 1000 Mbiu street. Bug- *a«e checked thro STATE-ROOMS ENGAGED FOK DAY ejK RIGHT, F Kt; ie hit. Freight received tla'.iv f..r Norfolk, Porta- meutn, sinitrSrie ii. Hampton.aod Waeerly, Va.; Washington, U. C.: Kewber*. Waau- lugtou. aiidTarboro N, D.; all ¦tallon*oa Atmntic and i>air.ii> railroad, Beabeatrd aud Kiianoko railroad Norfolk Southern in, and Eastern North Carolina ra..y also, for Eastern Shore of VIinjin t. aud all regular landluga on Jaime river, at LOWEST RATKS, and through bills'.asued. L. B. TATUM. Super'.nte*denL oe 30 No. 1109 Maluitrtjet and Rockbtt*. OLD DOMINION STRAJf-*** SHIP COM PAN,. FOK NK\t YOKE. Steamer* leaveRlchmood KVKRYTCES- DAY. PKiUAi .and RI N|..\V Steamer iv Bew Y k for Kiciwuotil KVKlii Hisli.O, THCKSUAY, »ud SATURDAY ai i p. M. I*B*bi ugi r arriiin uodatloaa uniurpaaaed. t t n faro to New v oi'.. Inch ami berth), 2m ticket*. HS; .teeraga wi", label-tonce, 17: without ¦anstateoee, I*. pr. .tut feitiardod amt Ihroogh bin* of ladingtasned for point* bown.'. N.-*- York. :'. m. Manifest cloned ousalliug-day* ou* hour before departure.* leuvihg I: nid by the -like and (I: :. .. at a.15 A. M. (lui Nevvport'a N* I .-. Rictiinoud atiil Petersburg mi lat 11:80A M.ou Mi NDATH TtJERDAYS, WEDNESDAYS. Tlil'KM'AY'B and SAT! KUAVS will :, alie eoiiiieet.ons al NORFOLK with th* (teRin^r*. leaving t boa* day*, S vll.i.Ne.H THIS WEKK. ROANOKE, Captain Colin, SUNDAY, .Not. mlar IMO. al lo o'clock A. M. i LD DOMINION, Captain Silli'H. TUES¬ DAY. No, ember 17l!i, at a o'elevk P. M. V* YANDEE. Captain Hi'i.i'Uiiw. FRI* iiAY, *r..v*r>.fc*r ..'. tu. *t a ..viork P. M. GEO HOE W. ALLKN A CO. Anent*. Wo. 1301 Mt "(1 klisa-t aud uo 1| Company* wharf, Roe a* ila, V M BS 11. Ri) iii UBI*. KKTLMONH, FRKHKRICKSIC I:- B£p«m)BACBAII.ROAD nie eommeiiring MiVi.tfHrR lt i*s* essterr standard t issi - «i00 A. M.. leave* rn, ri ¦-¦.rot . . dally ,- .. Ju,..- ¦ ricki 11:07 A. V ly exc-pl -sin,.!. 'i:.0 p. " ly. Weeper from lac| 10:88 A M lo .tai Yoi .;S8 1*. M i .' I bara, Mill B P, M « ASHLAND KAINS. HAUY Kv 4:00 P. M., ac Kt re. land nt B M P. M. 7:60 A. M I at 0:41 rt vt. 8*5A. M .'.»!. B P. M. .' t v KICIIMONO INP \l BCHED1 I IN y KEE,'I M TWO DAli.t v . BICHMi SI v Leave I * ll >- t M J ii 4.1 VI ¦¦ I" M L-i ftoi.E e kj V '.' P.M.Mt 10 USA. M t 7:10 t t- ? '. I 1:181 , M Al K . . I t , i; vi v.-vn k 011- \ IL- J WAY, I i.i: wk i. 7 I t. M V and Si 4;00 P. M. J - v.. AUK -it A. M. Pram \. v ll'." 'A 820 P. M. 1 Old I -. P V' OIOIIMONP INP DANVILLE" Lt RAILRU ID Cl II'ANT, rilLI'l I.i N . Issy LE \ 8:00 A. M. t i, I 15 I'. :.: t .i 2:45 P. M..(Yorfc M 7 1" A ¦' i ALL IIM'iNH. 7 A '.: I- 8:41 A M * -,' ta, New ti Vies- r m. - 'I ii iv ri Orrie : 1 - sud i tu. : road li liol. Vu* "~" ¦ tt'OHTKH t| Hot.. HtA-i lr ATLANTIC UCBMOND AND PETERSBURG RAIL! ROAD TIME i t I V 1 ' lbt;5 iiBtni TRAINS SOI I'HW MID. .. U-ave Al *°- Hlebn 15 A.M. A lal U. 18A.B. ll - V M. 'd-t'i ira o. *i 4* P.B I -I i' U H ii P.B. « r '.. to ira odai'n. il P.M. ll 01 P, M TRAINS S .. I.. Al rsburg i. 4 4. *4:SS A.M. 54- A. M. Eos' 18. 17 I" A M O', A. M \ '-' u. 1 | V M lu S A N 15. 1-' IB P. M I P. B. A 17 *5; P. M .Dally. tDally i. tar). HTOi'iiNi.-i'l. V Nisi, 40 If and 44 nuke nat - \ iBitopeonlj ob signal ai * «> and IB slop. trslla ami Mencbosler. N'.*. si, st a and se slop at ail ital * ll LLMAN-t AR BEBVICB. On traill- So, 40 and 4 ira be¬ tween Washington and Cbs i ou trains No to 42.4*. and 4 ali belw.. n w i- 1t. em train* No*. 47 and 4- sleep -; I Iv*cen New York and Ia' [float THE ONLY ALL-BAIL, BOLTE 1 .1- Eul.K. I.BAVK. AKK1VB. RlchBr. A 1 A M. N irl aft. - »' *. J il P, M. Ni m Norfolk...! 7:00 A.M. Klchm'd 1 lt * sl Norfolk.. "10:00 t.ti ii hm d r. M. Ni*. 4s and 15 make Bloae ' and fi...u In. rHie.Lynchburg , vte*ti-in point* aud ¦ * Norfolk ead Weetara railroad J. R. E K S I. t. Bnr-r-rlntcuilent Of Traiuipo, 11 T. M. Eb n io., n Oin nra I PawinfTri Ag*nl h. li.tA- Ti V . ' k'UMONP, PREPERICKSBURU AND POTOMAC RAILROAD. niBOCGH ALL.BAIL PABT-BBEIGBl USE To AN.' PROM BAI i.v; 1.1111.ADEI.I'H'.A, SI W YOHE. AND KABTI RN VNH WEST¬ ERN C1TI KS ONLY TWELVB HOURS Rll'llMONi' AND BAI r MOB EACH DIKE' riON. Correspondiiu v n,.e* ll "' ataaa rsoli.ta. Tbroosb Wit*, ttl ,.",'¦*",. " lott 'Alt-. 0-A TA I J* i t-v..:. lt

Transcript of Richmond Dispatch.(Richmond, VA) 1885-11-19. · 2017-12-20 · ahile the captain left the wheel,...

Page 1: Richmond Dispatch.(Richmond, VA) 1885-11-19. · 2017-12-20 · ahile the captain left the wheel, wiled * life-j icsnver. ami threw itto Roes, ... J. Mania, her fi lend, to come to


RILLED OFF THE CAPES.Sn***, tr****'* «r is* iir«i itu.. *r in*

Bmi.1i khi* l's.(tle-f.

Il'hl'sdrlphla l*ra-

In a dark, dingy room in the bold olthe Hrituth ship Oaehiar, wbi-h reaalongside the billast-wbarf ui fl >"thCs ni (fen yesterday morning and cast oTber moeitiiff-lines. a young seamannamed .latins Killy is confined uponthe charge of muiiiiy etd silling ihefirst mate, John Ross. Ile ia beaulyosaiiBcb d and closely guamc I. A*eoe*an Ibo strip bad been ma le mat to thcwharf ( aptam Telfer, mi*tcr of thc e**-se), host-tied a tugboat ind088*8 te tIii**fit). Ile went at once to the offloB ofthe British Consul, on -Locust Itreet,abe.te Fourth, and reported the cir¬

cumstances etteading Ur* *W*ta of themate.

The homicide occurred la*t Saturdayalie i noon, about twenty-four mille fromthe Ba**san fsjsss nmgreater aasr*her of tho ercw were at WStb in IBStigging, a hilo a few vt

Among the latter numb., wat Kelli,who is a (-tout, vening liishiuiii of a

eui ly disj'O'itiitn. KoBS, ihe lir-tmato.was a Scote hiuan, about twenty-sevenyears of age. Ile was inild-tcmticred.well educated, and a ci oat Ut onie withmost of the crew. Thc mate orderedKelly ls go and assi-t the etherM'lintu in makiie iaiL Tho lattermuled away sulkily, and utadi au in¬sulting re ply ti the o!. er. wh'-h thclatter repeated. A nuarrel Wlowi-I.ami the two aaan engaged la i Hgbt1 bey were aluin-hips «t tbs lune andRots wa* very 0*088 lo thestarboard rail, wbi h only rei,hesabout two fet 1 above the deik.


The BRM* e lim hid. but broke I fewSeconds lalor, when Kelly struck Reesa itii'gmg blow on ihe forehead, ino la¬

ing Lim dear over the rail into the sea.

lust anil v there was a gieat commotionon boaial. Ihe inJsefl hu:ried downfn rn alofi ls the side ot the venal.ahile the captain left the wheel, wiled* life-j icsnver. ami threw it to Roes,who had n-cn le the surface io tbe webeof thc sh p. which wa* sailing Bl n lil*knot iate. 'I he mali < nu! I not wini,

ar.d failed to catch the life-buoy thrownla hun. De uttered ne cry, and ap¬peared to ht ii,mi slide. Before a boatcould be lowe led he had gone down fortho Issi time.

"Abeu Captain Telfer was sa'isliedthat the man tm- drowned be at once

I-oed Kt iii to fie placed in irons.'I bc-ailer j io?-sted, raying that h didnot intend to kill K..-s or io kftocif lumoi ei l-oai J. Tue Captain would notlisten to his appeals, and the sailor wasconducted below and locked .ip in thenatron* apartment In now occupies. IleBitterly repents tba fatal blow he hitthe mate, and eu ry time he is visiteddeidares that he bl 1 nu intenti rn ofcauabg Robb's death, since bteincar*cetatmn be ha* slept veiy little, anddoes i.e.t eal very heartily. Me ii ex-

ttti'uli kBSRHia to know what will bedone wilh him. aid'iiieries the SOC ulmate on ibu point whenever the ittervisits him.M.KM'* Ss' ARR f.-Ti.r-s ('(iNCt'.t!.-

Ml\ i.

All bul t».'° 0|" tne isip'i' raw loftth. ve-il hort.,' afu'r s,*(' amu . at

the balla.-t-whurf taaS*9* to th"" '*>'. who remained did .?"* }f [JjFttti'i'iis engaged in linloaau.,/vtfi-el that they bad a prisoner heh. K'

They talked with the landsmenBbout tho fight and the losingsf the mate, but said thc man

who bad knocked him overboard bl ibeen put asl.ute lt Lewes, Del., eadlocked up there Captain Telfer was

abo very reticent upon ihe aubjoct andrefused to talk about it. In order thatnobody might board the vt il he wouldnot | crmit a ladder to be thrown orelthe side.A I'rt.s reporter, however, lucceed*

ed in gettirg on board thc ship andlearned tbe story as related from mem¬bers of tbe crew.

Kelly will be taken In f re the BritishConsul to-tiny for a bearing. It is

thought that he will bi -mt to Englandfor trial, as Um homicide occurred out¬side of American water*.

John Ross, the mate, ia well connect¬ed in Bcotland. Hi* parents live in(irit-m.'ck. a few miles from Glasgow.He has a brother, who is said to be an

eminent dentist in Edinburgh*

TWO WEEKS IS A PEST-HOUSE.I'I. t til tan* Sunl lor llnillui-r* l.o Mil,lim ll

lt t ns lllsuiin*!*.

[Rea v mk Itel Birt ]Tbe story of Miss Angeline N.

Rion n's experiences in the cn Hlsckwcll's Island, as toMyesterday before Judge Ingrabam, ol'Hie Superior Court, anil a jury, was not

very much unlike theStorypublished six

years »go, when tbe startling Incidentson which it is based occurred. PossiblyIhe frc"|iient threads of silver now per¬ceptible in her hair may be the resultol the cnj "surcs, extreme nervousneti!,and fright she was subjected te then.

Mi.-s I'rown, who is a Boris! at No.NO Sixth avenue, is a yoting womanstill, but a more nervous witness israrely nen in a court-room. At tunes

ebe bioko.n.wn utterly, ami betweenher sobs and tears was almost hysteri¬cal. Neilhtr the Court nor her COBB*Bel could restrain ber, and any inter¬ruption threw her oil'tho track. Shecharges iTs. Allied S. Purdy ard Al¬fred K. M. Purdy, whom she called toBee ber when she wits ill in November,1ST1.', with having iinpropei ly diagnosedher case, snd through reporting her to

the bea th authorities as sutlcring fromamall-pox, caused ber removal to theamall-pox hospital on ItlackweU'i*Island. She sues for $10,000 damages.

In their answer the I'rs. Purdy de¬clare that she was slithering fromvarioloid and that l»r. Lockwood, oftbe heath department, ordered her re¬

moval to the small-pox hospital, pSB>Buaiu to tbe prov isintu of the sanitarycode in regard lo contagious diseases.Mit-sis. ira Shafer and M. J. Mamuappeared for Miss Brown, and Messrs.Hanns. L. Stetson and Richard ft,Stevenson for tbe Hrs. Purely.

Vl.-KAl'lM-s IN VAIN.

"How can 1 tell the story v " BbUMiss llrown, in answer to Mr. Marrin.t-b* »ttetiipted, however, to tell il. Hudoctor* had told ber, she said, that shehad smkll-pox and moat go to the smallpox hospital. Bb**1 begged not to bitaken there, but her physicians wen

inexorable. She telegraphed to -Iosep!J. Mania, her fi lend, to come to heirescue. He did come, but all bis mtercetsions were in vgm. The aiubulance came after her.

*' And you went without further complaint:" ashed ber counsel at thupoint in her narration.

' Complaints, wire 88*8888,*' BBS BRBwrred ; " the ram poured down almosiin bucketful! and th* wind blow furioutdy, and yet I had to go. Dr. Lockwood tole! me ir I did not go he wouleforce me to jo. What could 1 do? Oh,it wes territ'c :"

Mi-s Brews proceeded with her narratmn. told ot the tribulations am1perils of her gurney by ambulance am:tugboat; how on thc first night she dieinot tile*], g muk ; how she wa* left al!alone in a larg* dark room ; how no om.eenie ne»r lo give herr medicine oieec vi luther abe was dead or alive. ShiSlid thv nit; ilmo-rt ixaatic mi .tit ai

Ibonahi-he was in a big prison and badbeen shut Wa in a pest-house to die.

MIT SMAI.I,-I'OX.44 Have I trot the small-pox » " sho

f-kcd Hr. bowen, who felt her painearid loeiked at her tongue and examinedibe eruptions on ber skin with a uitg-l Ht iig-irl**S.

'. That's what I am trying to findout," sb* says was the Doctor's replyla he r Anxious inquiry.

Dr. Kowen then went away, aciorrl-ing to her story, and returned a.ainwubin two or three hours.

" He said,'' Miss Hrown contiou*d.44 when he returned, 4 Why. M ss

Rrown, wliat kind of a doctor sent youhe re .' I lobl him ' a big doctor.' Hesaiel. ' He- can't be much of a doctor.'I takt, . Be le n Inp cnn.' Thc l>e>ctorrepeatetl, . 1 can't ste how bc sent yoube re.' "

" What elid Dr. How-en Bay was themattel with you t " asked e-emn-el.

" le-/elna or rash. Dr.. .laneway. Iso came to sec me*, and said I shouldi e tel hate been sent to the hospital.

BBB Ul'sl.M'SS I.V.I! UKI,.

In thc Conine of her further testimonyMi-- Hunt ri staled that sho remained;i:i the bct-pital from Notcmbcr Isth toDecember Td, being too ill to leaveearlier, ami em thc tjoeetaonaf elamages-he- said lhat thc profits from her fa tai-

i - brui bri fi mn |2,000 to 19.000 a

tcr.r, but fill oh* after she was taken to

pital.Mr. Joseph J. Murrin was examin-d

ami eorreiboratcd ihe teetimOBjrof MissHre.wn in lelstiim te> his visit to her em

the day she OHM tahoe lo the hospita]i.i.d to her pleadings with the dnol to take her away.


him: e.f Itnmiisiiln III. I BfBBf ami Mmrt-


Ronaaaaia ia n country hering an cs.

limeted area of is.,;ii7 English squaremiles end :i population of about 5,376.-tKiO. lt waa created politically br thetrlon of the two principalities of Walle¬

t-hie and Moldavia, in 1861. Whenw:ir broke' out between Russia and'fur-

kej, in April, ls77. Roumani guaren-iied to L'lssia the free passage of Rus¬sian military thro igh thc country. <»n

blay 21, 1877, taking advantage oflui'Mt's being at war with a muchitronger power, rtaumania declared it-:-(li independent of the Ottoman Kin-

and Joined forces with those ofl'v the treaty of Berlin, signed

the independence ofRotiinania waaeonnru?00

ure.[lustiaInly 13, 1"

Carol I., the- King, was born AprUj'. 1839. He is son of the lab.- I'1'",1'Karl ol Hohen/ollern-Sigiiiaringeii. ,n

February, 1866, Prince Alexanderl, hu. then ruler of Roumania, tva

Forced to abdicate bj a revolution, and-liortly after thc present King was

elected Prince Carol I. by an almostananimoaa vote. <>n May 2J, I860, heaccepted hie election, ile was pro-rlaimeel King on March L'G, 1881.Cared 1. was married on November 15,1860, to thc Princess Elizabeth von

Neuwieel.Ile is a cellared and aide man. At

bis accession Roumania wys in a

wretched condition exceedingly poor,ignorant, without provision fur publiceducation, and split into factions. Thcvirtual unanimity of bis call to bc itsleader gare him the opportunity to bee!difference! between hi< subjects andthus to prepare Roumania to ahare inthe progresa of tbe ase. Ita presentposition among the entailer Powera of

Europe as a nation conaiderably a 1-tai'.ed in civilisation is large!*/ due tothe j:ood atstesmenahip of Card I..whose wisdom in aiding with Russls inthe war of 1877.*78 was. strikinglymanifested.

I lire* lilli en loos Hollis.Btunarek Tribune.

Three Philadelphia belles attra. tedconsiderable attention on last evening'seast-bound passenger train. They hadbeen to California, had visited the Ra¬tional Park, snd were tu rosie home.While in the park Um young ladiesmanufactured dresses of leaves endmosses which they gathered from the"b irs and bi nobs along the route. Thedreeseawere most artUUcally matte, andwere ea beautiful as novel. The planei i-i'lisiructiOB was thc same ti- thatused m thc construction of paper dresses.Thc groundwork, or foundation, was

cloth, and the leaves and mosses

were artistically sewed upon the same.

The leaves were thc most beautiful or-

nauients, every tint of the autumn for-csts being represented. The drtUWeawere* made nuder an agreement betweenthe young laelics that the novel cos¬

tumes bhould be worn at the Brat ballgiven al their home in the KeystoneState. Hut the dresses were too beau¬tiful to remain in their trunks. Thetemptation to appear in them and createa .sensation was too great to be resisted,and yesterday BBOfaJag they donnedthem and took particular pains to ap¬pear on the platform at every station inorder that their genius and art might lcappreciated.

A YER'S AG! K CUREls warranted to cure leter and Ague, In¬

termittent or Chill lever, Kenntteut fever,Dumb Ague, Bilious lever. lS'tigtie (ur" Bieak-Ume" Keven. Liver ' "in|,la!ut,ami ul! e_C0eee arising from Viilariiil (.ol¬sons.

¦.Ham-ek's. s. OL, July 8, ism."for etgn'.ecn month* I suilensl willi

OhiiiBBtul Paver,havlna eblUoevarj oib*idat. Afl--r tri. lng various ieuie.1 ct, .1 lo cure. I iiHi-,1 a iH.ttlet of AV KU'SA4il'Kl'l'HK.Bud hate mv,i,-, lm.1 »chill. Bowta IIaki-bk."


DH. J. Q, AYKIt * io.. l.eiWKl.l.. BJ \s,^

Sold by all UrutcKlst*.L)e a*t_ttl]

the lillie l A*I> CIVIL Ett.lttjt.KB.

CP. K. BURGWYN, Ju ll. C. E.,. M. Ab. Hoe-. O. K. A KC 11 ITKIT AND

t'lVIL KNiilNhKK, I'ltic* No. SOV-i ea*tMali, surest. lt:< I. mond, Va.-*ftao* andSi* cir.eatii.ii* | , J, and ArenllectiiralLtsssjDS *x*cuted. I*articular attention

Slven to th* best ruetboelB of sanitaryralnsie. l_tid*t*si>tiiK a ¦..lei-lslty. liefer-

euc* Invited to Holly wt "J aud Calvaryceutleile*, *«. --»j*

-**1O lilli *%*.*-'-




A NATURALSirh-litlldu i'll I' mid

Dyspepsia Curr.IN AMERICA.

Ide ervstalllrerl sall*, as extrarte.1 fro-ittmiiei-*nd fiult.a limit won;'.i'm jin si net

front Nature* laboratory. Have lt, ni yourIi« mes unil ravel. ¦* specific for t lie fug*.'.!.tuMtrj, or worn-out. lt cures sle-k Ues.l-ae-li*. dysM'l* ..».stew arl.-aird l-owel-coin-

.>« theiver le. :, hes 'hj action.ronntaracla tha

rf In i'i,:.- VHier esa.1 Mir e-xcfsslvens.- oi (.icoiioie lev. rages. Bad prevent! tbaAbsorption of mitisria. Hiip)>t!estlie«v*toinUte WBUl rii** fin.'.

rBIMIIS at mri


Hewar* "f Imitations. The genuine In"blue wispi-rsi only."Be Sand for c'i'-ii'ar* to () KVAS'n-

VlTl'H. e,ei.1,1,1 \ nu -ri. -un ManBgWTi Poit-Bfl ¦. Boa ieee, Nett v, ort etty,Mention th s pap* r.Hub-Aaeiits for HAL-MU8CATKL1

owlna drugi sta: I'. Botrerta UIbu K Dupuy, *.'. i BroaJ

j. ss., emmi. Third and Mams " "

i .. i, Brook aud Koush -; I'" v Wie o |. Mn.n: Il M. KbelM ..- Co.

..;. vv. Lan * Mo¬il,.ii v. mis ra H. - nt, 8franklin; a. a, Hcott T ..¦' 'ii ¦'.Broad: IX* nu .v Minor,..,,ra a


I-ISSOI I I Iel*.** .« PAH I'M.(till I I'S.

'.',Hu .'itios i.. t a., November ia, 18*8.

I'lli: CO-PARTNENStllP IIERE-I ..Ill exlsl .; 1-lM' ii s. tv.

11: v\ . un eil m;i.I's i.. -ni-: \i>, tin¬ier lb* linn and style ufTRAVERS -Ni- vu

,'. co., la tins dBi dis oivi .| ie mina il e m-M lil.Ail i- soi lats i's* tbeeald

tiim ti |i i ii-i- r- tl,un im- [. vii;t oilinH W 1 UA\ KKH all Hi"*- in llto said firm will ms k< settlement wli i him,is I.v iihi. en,en! h. pd to;.'. se il,, hush .-'. tv. i ii w EU -.

C. U. BNBA1'.Mr. s. vt. TRAVKItH, my late partner,

Itavina pureba*. >i ol me bij fm are loter-r. ei coo.i-wiii in iii, popular

ind vu- i: ll '-.H-s e>r-lll ii e.lian-. nil " > a

I . '-lui tn. ni and bira to.i iii'ence i. mI pmi onri « of ni} friendsii ,1 Ihe pu til lc, C. ii. HNKAO.lin li Boa 1), VA.. Sove ni!..! is, 1--*..

HbvIdk purrba' i ol my lateVii. C. 41. .-Nh VD fUtlil

it il Ni.- PT. I Willron Ilime Ihe l-l III I I.I Kit Hi 'HINE.-M.i ii ii.'nrf c.¦!..'... i. .1 bj Travers, Knead to tiller tin llrm-oamc and st] le ..f s.

iv. Thai BM i rr'., "i .. ic IHhocl ne Ml p s. Vt 'll..*.Hi. i,m.,m. \ a., November I l-s ,.

no ie 21.28,1 -.:¦- i -I-..;. ;


¦iv kk.i rn: /././. '**ir> >¦ K i /. O I! i U-'fi- FH i ZOO; ri |.' * r a o oi .- d S

BU .

HERMANa.-' llI niBMr" ll 1 Tl -I Killift a ii i ri rb.hl.i: I! T t KrKil B's


irs re thia tbeOnly l | Kfflclentplaced before tbe public fo .

"I. f l .-; I.- .;,. lil. ,n..I,te. to .i l',|.'"'oe. Cramps, Diarrhoea, to.Tbe blghi si ebaract, i of il..-* ma

.ee-n equalled. Wt reier with pleabe follow

(ii boobs, Arcbb shop of li 111-iioie. sara i l ba' e Irli d "Dr. Jlernian Bltteia" and Hud .; i"

ml Tonie and Ai, .. er,

I latte cn ul pie ns-no In reeDr. Pelzold'a Oei uian Bittenne of rare mi

W'NI.IM il. .1 V¦astor Of Wo'f.-r-'r. el I. .tl. ein.i.i, Bmole.

Dr. miitos ft,;i,own phyi re w mnbl* rs to !-. lint Hi tl ietm lug ir v ra, t ,e af th lhati ter re commended any ari c e lor medi-.imi purpose* bul with somein constrained lo say thal "Dr. Pel '

lei limn Bitters" lg un ewin ul pr.lon ii- un Appetiser, and will relieve if not

most but form of Dyspepala, and a.lie* of the bell Tonic* I Im -e evil

ThisCireat Medicine for sale by ai; Drug-rials, Oro, .-rs. and dealer* generally. nnd II per bottle, em i -v- ,. Min ii,menu for BJcnn.1. UH IM PETZOLD A".. proprle tors, B e Bd.

* mvia-Tii.ThAHuly

J . MS.

mah iii v i m a omNo 18 KLBVCNTIt STHKEl

Kn iiMi.Mi. Va.,No ember 10,1885. I

I AM NOW READY TO RECEIVE1 si Vi I- TAXI H foi ii I- .-,. PIVEI'l lt e"I.N'I', will be added to all bilbinnpBld,i, Decembi r lat.uolO-101 B. O. TINSLEY, A. T.

MI IMM 141..

OH ev : m oin E i


W* I'llV I Sol 'I'i, "lil V tO l"lirln 1. ni stab al lott rates sud

ehaige*. Interview* or corrcspondenllclle .11 buBlnee* eonfldeni

ll. B.I A t- PIN d CO.,c.. i: ciVei !t. al l-:«t!ite A ula

waxes saved..ji b Tn :i surer of Blcbmood etty pub]

tbe ililli,tt mg not oe:" S A I V.I V Nil- Ol ll 1

NO, 18 l.'.r V \ ,. I.I

"Hu iisioMk, Va..November 10, 1885. \..) am now ready lo receive ntate 1

.or III* vein 1--.-,, Kin- |m-1 relit. Will ll"lull!,.! to nil bills unta ld on December Ul.

"B, li. 1 - l.r A. i.Ki terring io ibe above, l have io say i but

1 nm prepared l" furnish to lax-payers HieslA'Il S TAX-UKI 'El VABLE Cul li Nswilli which they cnn arrange with me topaj their taxes, Tbe tax-payer is al bol:ine on! Ol pock*) n.ore limn Hie dace Ol

ix-bill and al Ihe nd "i the nccproceedings, which i will conduct wlthouiebarge to bim, 1 a ll] return bim an rceutage ol bl* tiex.

WILLIAM L. lluN IS-tDel vu Milli sire, t,

IMPORTANT TO TAX-PAYERS.-*-I AU tHx-pHti l-s wlahlog lo sa,to a larg-.periM'UtaKeof their taxes can do so by Cull¬ing on nie.

1 bate made arrangements by which 1can furnish tlicin ll I n. .¦..s.siuy eoupoua atuo risk or ceist to tlicinsc) vis. .

_W. W. O09BY. JR.,

oe 8-tNo20 No. 18 ahafer* Building.


00D & C0WARD1N,have removed tuelr office to

NO. 401 KA8T MAIN STREET.Jr lB-*od)


(formerly Wayt A Mahony.)Omni B35 Main street, between Sixth

ant Heventh, Richmond, Va. oe 1-eod

Hem hy C. Jon s.s. D. D. H.Ea, P, Wrioht, d. d. s


.IU*. Main 0T8B8T, bast.Oftlu* boura: 8 A. M. to 8 1'. M.

isp lfe.ixkdl



TAB.uta1606 xast Main etaaai (under mi. Cliarle*

lintel).Bl'RIAL-CAKEH. 8HKOlM>8, and KIT-

NERAL CONVBYANCBB furuis'ieil at allboura. Telegraph order* attended to day oiUlKirt. Tel. ( No. 44S. Jy IS

JJ.BINFORDASUTH-. Ett.ABD.PUBNlfUUNU*IMilKIAKKIts. 7.4 i.vsi Main MTsrrrtvettteen Hevciitb sud Eiglitli. |i«v*b larguBMkt.iiii.eiit of sullen l's. w,mn amt MK-TAI I li' lAsKlls. CAMEa, and ClAiTHe auk Elis, at low .aieas,Country amt telrgrapii orders promptly at-

ter ,1. I ll. .'., V Ol 1. Ubi. BP S l.t ,\1e.,.V



Kvi-ivllniin flrst-i-'sas In f aline aud atreaaouahl* rate*. TtleBnn'hi*order<i;iveDprouipl alt.-it.yu. Tel.-p... i-s No., 871.ere*-**.

ACITIOR nAtfcW^-*nir* .mr.;^_art A^\^W

Hy N. W. How*.

Heal r>tatc Auctlonrcr,

No. 4 KlcrentU .trreU

*fL\\ECl TOW* -ANI) ''OMM'-Ssl-'X-KR'S HALE






wtur prank lin BTRRRT.


Asexc'-utor of ihe la>: ¦ ll and 1*01of tin' ale Bdward Mayo and art log ns

I.- 11 CoutiOl l: 'i.i. 1"1 Ui th" 8Ult ol Si M*»0 exec¬

uter .. Mayo and ".¦ eoteredon Novembnr 7. MM. I «» sell be pabUemi'! oa.oa Iii* pi.-ni:*.-* r. kik-crivi.y, on

iiii RS11A1. Bot y BBU8 l«, i .'.bi 4 o'eli cit P. M.. tb* Mlowlna VKRTf DB-M RA Bl.I-., KbTATR MS Ul* onlermn:.s.i below.lo '.

ui 'ii.-- -kv ) N LOTS on th* -.'. *. daof Broad itrei t hegtnnlng at lb*ol i um,-en -ne.' and 'routing loi:j :i I! (. ol nvfee! vt ul- 'Ile IC o s t,

drpoi oi I hi Rici mon lubargMini pol.te Ki road '.v.

gd. iii" I EN l.'.i.-* on U -¦ ra

Broad streel lo* "IHt hu 'I sir-' t inn! Ima ag i.i tether¦J.'.hl.l'.'f.-I lit 1 ' ¦.' f-et« .'.- Ita .' -t

trill) lidlt '. il ll i.¦.' i" s th*a lela - ol biddi ta; mill

Si I. Tb* VERV HANUH K LOT *i.i.ti il . inr-sen sm. e.-. 88 4-13 1.18 7-J8 ." lo aniii,i. i - buiid-

,\ ol ms prop fe 's now in flr-tt In the iif. .1 Uni "I 111 I"*-' ei..

bon la saiu o grow *:oa.ii:y lavu r.Whoever bay* al Hil

.net.i om* i" Ihe sale i* w III cv you.

e ,: (.ne heir I I .¦ ifi-i. ive and>. -ni- rwithInti I. si Billi .1, Bl 'I "r ailca ,i nt Hie oin min ppm ia*vr:Baie*to

1.1, l-l 111 otml in the sui ol Ma o'*

Wo."I o| I.,!', il 1 V: tl, dl'Ci iel. ul d

.-ii* enii C'.iiiii '-s'o: ei a*aforesaid,

Ik mr (it ts" ne nu City orKu h'i Nh. i". Vt a .... Ks h.ii.Ai.Miu. A-. 11* -i v ¦- - :.. Maio ashAi -.. lui is evsis.

i. I'."-njsn: ni n. Herr] clerk of aaldeourt,j thal Hie bond n... 1 ii

c.:(. lit Hie deci "in 111.1..r Not en ber 7 is-6, ba* b*e n

Olvi ii ender my h ind tie* ioi b il iy rn lierno ll 'MIN M. HERBY.

H] .1. I bom].Brown ... ''"..Ililli Istille Agl Ills,uni Vii-* "Ie -ls,

il i i itreet.

A L'CTION SALE OF I SVO-STORYi 1 RICK-ANIM-it wu-: nu -¦:¦: andLARGE OT, No. S1.1 Nulli K iii

"¦ ll ¦¦ BEET M AK'i.v BTU .'.KT.Hy lg it of thi i. ..

Lc !. ucl lon, en 'I .. iii . ulses oni III KS|i\ t. Sot SKI R 19. 1885,

.1 P, M. the i..- P Til-el k ta tv Ik. Wi ll 'li.

tn ioi real. god aoataioa ire. in-.

ll lion's 60 feet, uhd ll "S on il il line

Property In tbi* section rents al payingis: tine third cash h

;. nd tv Ive n ei addi i. se*i,ii d ly dipelo ., si

J. THOMPSON BRI .f. N i'll. ol', t oncers.

I. il. L. HILl 1.1 I I .leers,


t. ICTION SALL l~>F A NICE WI)2\ 1>1 BIKAHLK TU i- HUCKl-v. LLINil UN I RSI -lill Kl* BB-iv i I N li-A"! ANli Ll ii-il -.::)Vt t- s ,| 1.1|, f hy lt' ie Idtl "ll tillell

'J HI liSI'.\ 1 Net I.Ml.KC I'i tl.Bl i i: P. M., Ibal NICE BRICK|.\t UM. N".otilainilig four r..

Ihe lol ik go lt al.'iui 120 reel "

I i- ei n ide.ii'-: I ide known al

ll. URTA]I".17 lilli

Bj (ol.1l/e W. .'a.iu .','on, Jr.,

No. 86 Nunn h'reet.

T J A ND?*'MI'. I'-A R I. <» I! AN'I)i 1 ( HAM HI tl Fl KNI n B I l.\h

s-iniw-CAMi -sint i.s.I 1 A ll!: I.- ,-.. ... .ti AL1 HON.

ll -I w;,i i.i"" Ioi

'mehi of 1 URNI M hra"

h t [si Ml v.AI.'.il' CHAMBERHtrn i- vt ni.


v, ai ni i i: ah:-o' mn PARLOR -ii ri:ARI" OCNOE,

1.1 Ll..' », i:i.i .- - ind ala.

i Aim K :.i.r- Pl s. MAT-l III S-l.-s

V, AI.M 1 ANJJ M till ii JANY SOI AS A VUcn tins


1 lui ii.Kl I CK B-ROOT BHOW-C 18nett

Ill- J.J l'INi. r.* 8TI IVKH,n gelher ttllli hiiin.i othei gooda

i in sold Bl .".-'s eu ia bom

1 walnt't brph parlorbuite,i ri '-ku ooh pal:.' ii --ii ip:1 marble-top tai le,1 sol.v 1 CARPET.

QEOROE Vf. M V, 10 *i

By E. B. Cook. Aoctloue ..

iii Mhtli sn, et.

/ <ONTINUED8AI E0 I il, STOCKV o* I PRNITI RI AT No. I.Asl'I'.r.n.t n Bl Kl.Li. T .-I'.-W al io o

ie pe * stork of Fl RN .li Ki:

uh-..,I. Bad ii* in- sale la posi¬tive ll atloi I* an unusual opportuhooaeke per* aud tbe trade,


\l ("11 ul f IBBAGEA NI' i A u - iv. ro-OA*i

mu.eui in:', one car of EN 11; v LARdKCAKBAOE "h. car ol ('Helli. LA KO

KbANKHPi i vc il H ii tile inion landAl eui uni ra -ii *¦ -. " "¦ oia sharp. I.Pow i li-- e. luce Alic mi niul

salon Moid,ant. no 10-11



YI7ANTED, OCCUPANTS, Willivi board or without, for turk*-: OH

1 ( I ll N n 1- ROOMS, i,-.t tn tt.-i ha |{, ,.

A. K itei'.ihv to movi h.-,u Kourth Pres¬byterian church, of which hi I* pastor. No,eil ISl Mil,li -lie. t. La* l'.l-l!«

IV AN. I.B. A PARTNERSHIPv 1 ni somi itebllshed buslne**AC'UV B PAKTNLK bi u party u.

I*ali an, and can furnish mom r, vron munlcailons strictly confldi ntlal. .'. i

CAPITAL, ear* of /<-PO 1:'-1"_Ki. Ill:W'AMMi, A NI RSE, EITHER

v 1 lored, to go -.. |Vii Gea ii: "hu- go bi ral wagea a

at No -1. north Hfihslreel,

W'ANTKh, A Kid [ABLE V0V V U VN Ai .I VIM'KH WITH it Bl HINE8H nt h lair salary.GOI 1 lill 1" le

H. W. Ll MPK1N.i'"K'-lw_ ... ya<'ANTED, A TAILORESS TOWORK IN MYHTuRE-oae that bas

h. i n ii-, il t" worklug ta inaR i. \i>wm.

i'll* ll Ninth sjW'ANTll'..Till. OWNER OP Avi LARGE RRB1DENCE, d. simMy I"

cab il nish** to renl lb* hons.- unfurnishedand io ti.kt- board in ilea "f rent, Hflll'linli his ou n roeimi niel ie Die innis-rt nt flee rorgood lu h le-1 ".! i lor I tv 11 ado'.'.a.Addie** if.. E. h., cue ..:;.¦.-.

t_tm i-

117ANTED, A So. 1C00K; ALSO,fl A (iiii.u \t ll il ll- sK-Sl.K-VANT. A pp'j at cinnri lleecli uni Grotekv . lille._,..

'ANTED, A WHITE HOI -.'-SI.KV AN 1. Mils! one Well

mended. Apply at n i casi naintit. .li lOBIld A M. ho 17-11

\\* ANTED.-LA H'i AGENTSv v . h.. t* lab t" eeova** for a Uno at l-a-

die i. anil Clilldn n a Iiiuiislilii; ih.,. I, IPal..ll lo even boo** »i too per cent, promshould .ddreas with itamp, R IL CAMP*lihl.l. A C'(i..4bl via kt RaadeijpbsCBgo Ll. ii" i- Tn T:

ItlM. s,| KA 41D »4U*D.t 4»>T.t. *» 1 l» \\ AT CU..|* 4 Lags, cat Wotto**dai *v*atng tiielSib ii iii.,! on Molo .treal ilust i.nd s,-,-,,.,,I air. .-¦- I.ti'Vs GOLDWATCH, willi Hie null.- ..Jolla' on thecoe ihe tin,hi w il h.- liherallv retiarieiOD eiainitlt nt No lu Barth lill ii site -I,Number ol watch, ll no i




\jmart-r.^ -¦. .*

AtlTIOl **.E.B** Isar*.

riy Hu ti "ii A Co.,Um,! Kata!* Aiucnt* and Auctioneers,

HOB east Mala street,

ArrnoN vSau-Tof that two-STI'KV AND 1! tsi.tlLNT D*

TAi'HED IKH'K DWELLING, sill A-¦Hi AT THK SOUTH W Ks I' ¦. IKS'ERO*|*KV AND MAI'1-n.s -s ; mil .I'S (N'»-ei'e WI MT CAI'-, -Al Hie r-|ileatof Oin

parin** iiiier,-te| we snail otf.-r for sale at

public auction, oa Ihe piem lae*, nuTl KHDAY, Nov kimi rc. 'ii. l^i.V

Ht ts r. m.. the PBOPBBTT located »*

r.liovr.Hie DWELLING contain* .'lisht room*;

city *Bt> r and calvert coin,, et lons. *ndthere i* als":, frsn <¦ blieben on tiie int. TbeL« I full's en [.. on ii,, north ti.l'-of carystree! and inns baefc » rjuod dtrjitti loan nl-lev ill Hie real.'i'Ms property ba* Im'sii recently put In

K'h .1 miler iii ii (e.-i.le i ii I.le coal and '* sitr-BBted BBVIiinll) Milli rs n,|.;ilv I'liprov-

sii Hie |.io|.,.ity to nra.1-ab* nee ii, v sis*,

Ti fl'- line tlilnl i nsh ; balance flt. alxa ,1 iv., i-f month*. B per e-.-nt. interestadded, k. .'un .1 by a d**d,*f IruBt.

BUTTON 00.rn Iii_ AuciioueeiTS.

r rai I, i'. mil.v. si 1 state Au. iloneer*,

No. il nortli Eleventh BttBOi.

UXSCTJTOR'S SALE OF HOUSE.-1- HOLD AND Ki Ililli N" El UNI 1'CIIK0| M' s. MA UV A. Il I* LC ll il it I'KCI A--KD, 7".¦ NORTTI THIRD STREET.-I alli s.i!, on Hie jin-'i ses aa abo**, oa

WEDNEtiDAY, S'ovbvh.kk -..'>, 1«S5,eommcBClnt; st io1. o'elikek A. M.. tin*HOlHKlle.l.D AND KITCHEN rCRNI-

TUBB ..""¦ i.¦ -iitii.-I'-U-ls. Ilmr-Nn. iriwea, Peail.rr-i ll nw*, Bed-Hpriug,'lui.irs, Chalis l Leaf-Table, wirrena, Bu¬reaus Nora, a/ardrob -. Carpel rig Mat-

Cl,-nins, Ac, window-t*b*daa, IClocks K ii.-be-ii Piunltore, and uuiei -

cits.Immediately after the sile of rnraltur*

..o<! tb* hakmceof Hi- OR ICERI ttstn -ii o st..!.- cooslii lng >.t gag ns

-;i i rds, Brno .is.

lim, Corn, Potatoes, Hoap,8taoilier ur lld. s lexi mum reis hi nc ii Mon.A ie ONE PINK COW, and a lot of

tv HOD and COAL, HAY PEND, AcTiticis: Ca*b.

JOSEI'I II. il I. IlKltI. e.ll"ir.

.1 V M A. i \

Ky J. TborapmO Brown A dj..-',,;.. Afe'isaml Auctl-i

lilt BatasBaet


S III I ll' ii kerri :. '. lat el*ruled i v i'. Koeti. tin-,

ti.- lo ll.e ul,del gned irnsre. io.

corded In Chancery Court, D. lt.l - i'. ,* ind'lil ell !. lille, ri 1.1 l.'-'lir: le ."rr ,

he premises, onI I sI'AV, Nov km: in Bl, ls..-,

A, I.I. ii N c. m..r REALEMTA I'K AU thal L IT

mi LAND lu ii eclt) ofRichnionel, Va., andnandi d s* Corniuem

-I inc of Beaervo i street fl8 7-12!". oortfa "i |i..i,von street, theucerunning

¦:-: 1,*v:. i.:,-. h on lb *ei slr, el to feelbi -I ni"', ii . latch: betwe, ri p

io sn aT. "s t'.i-'i ||- to .v.; -,?., v d| ^.,;,. .,., 1

llftel rm and il." residue ns «ie ni ce.! .1 nate 1. BROWN, Tri

.1. TitOM l .-..s Hi. ... .¦ Co. Au. "ie I



S.J Iii PERt D s VI.K (il IMPORTED'Ll '",LA; H- si'! |. KNURAN

\\ A I I B-COLORM, Ar*.. S Mt'l'ERI'HtH;...M- AT Al 'TON'. AT 881 KAMI'BROAD STREET, Ino uiren-tlr, io ¦: to me, t the re.|i n inents of rm,'

te i. used li linc**, we

comm, acing onA '. 14. ll

Bt 10, .' cfc \. v nnd : r. Mso li of e.I Si INK IMPORTED OLEO-'i: M is. sim.: ENG RA VI.Mls

il l'"l.l'lv-Ihe ll t- Si ri :: '

Ul"'- I nilleif I liens '..

troll,v out I

lill oI ,."i-tiii,! v to e\--. i.ii

UBI 'llour

Mr. Cl ' r o

from the mo.- li's.

The goes! weretrade.

A. COHEN A CO.!¦' IL ll. el. I,.. l'<

sJll.lill l's SALE.


HllDA*. Nov ur

at Ho1 PABLOB si

CARI .I v.i c.v1 WAK Dili 'BE,MAT-RACK,


"K V \,1 Cl.. 'CKI MILS- m, CASE,CHA I BM Ac is i*. .v INHTtlSMe; CV n|

H. ¦. i;. A .. .e. r,.No. -4 .V


PBIDAY 20 'i i vm.

si 1" o'clock, Iv- l No. 14*41Le»I II I NU AB

r'ChNlMHINU bi

Ibe; K. B. Cook',




WAMI ug tomai Iel for sa

uni nm .1..!-.-, fl U be seal oa

on. -- -1 in*

I OBN-BEAL./ 4 ALLEGO* are ready 1

VIRGINIA Vt Hill- .''.UN'-.MK VLalmarket rates. PoTTS.H'l''oe 88-Sm Lea

¦ lilt KIM,

i'i ii: BEN i. HIE EXCELLENT QkI A HM Ol HI I Y Alli -. ealled***-"IV*, GLENN." H 'li BRICK DWELLINGcontain uk four room* and ail oe

M. ado* hi Idgeroaate posse.*,

for r.i 1v.. 11., iii. Il in 1st of January

hun r. tiODDIN,Ki Estate t«-

i ..... inoie-iI'oL RENT, TIIE I'l'!.. thI i-1 un: balldlucssBBSoi ii sud IS north Twelfth street, nearMinn stn el -ri amie antrancon all tides; splendid light. Will furnishpower. Rent low. Ap'.Iv to

yCARLES a M. ri ill.Vno 10-81 1818 Main s'i-.-. ..

rm: rent. t**

SOB RENT, LARGE TOB ICCO h\r.roRY oii .' I'vi.-t:'y-flftu and Cary-ti,., is. Be *od tenant..Irate possession. Apply to

I I It.tiAN TCl'l'KK.Kcal K-'nl. *

po 11-81 _loin east Main slr- et.

I70R RENT, THK LAW-nF-BBJI PICES Nea. 1 and iBerrbanUNe s_l

Milk bul illus'. l'i.«oe*eii>u ii.

once. Rent moderate. A| ply to0018-01 JAMK- LYONS.


IB04 Mn n street: 8 rooms.Ill.No. -"" Third streeI; ,i room*.

So. isiv weat Clay stre.-t; erooutaS'O, 610 ''! Ina stie." B ->::.-.

D irtb i flfi loj.-se'.- llb stree';

fl^ So. Bllnortb Henry street 4 r

- ii- No. --- sou! ti Cbarrj street; .'. iio. N' 1014 west Marebail atreat j Irooma.110.No, - Twenty- lUlh street; ¦"> n- us.

17-So. MU soulb Pint street; li17.No. 81 i' ¦!.. street: I room*,'-7 So, 1108 Cbattin strael i o a

Ai .. I stn t; 4 ru ima,STORKS, FACTORIES, ant WARE

IK I'-. -

J.TH0MP80N BROWN A CO.,til. Si KslM' \

no I- il No. lill Mt n sir.-- -t.

For rent, at isoo, tiiatjbJT ,!..*iral',e DWI INO si nortneist BJcornel BroeidBUd TwauTtb itre*t, eootaln-mg sixteen roorui with modarn lroprove-

n ttitii four rooiiii. nilio perfect order. Ti.e location and si/.*..fim* property rendel it Bailable tor 'a aiat-dun. l»iuiillug-ti"ii*e.

ll. BELDON TAI l.cKRi'iil btat*Ag*al and Auctlene*r,


170R RENT, THAT DESIRABLE J|1 DWELLING No. ter north B*veatli aaaslieet lu m.. n I- raiiklin omi UlBOB -

1 i-sM-ssion ni ones. Altin-, toAPpKRitON A <'0.

lt-al Estate Ageuts.Ac.c.. ia 11 ta 17 leasa._

i;i'l: RENT, THAT DISIRA-_|F BLY-LOCATED RESIDENCE 818BBnorth likililti slieet. eoiitalnlng III ru ,mlbesidesdetacbedkilaben with two roomaHas Bal been lamicd and put In eoodre-palr. Apply to JolIB r. lioDDlS.

Bibi BstatB AHunk Eieteulli slreels.

tio li iamUI

Ar4vn4i»n*Lrr*i.r«4nr* i»*v*.

Br Knrman Topper,Real Eilale Agentand Auctioneer,

1016 Malu atreet.


ON MPTII BETWEEN Po RP KB ANDHA I NB RI POE ST Ki; KI'S. IN TH K CI IVOK MANCHESTER -Hy virtu* of a deed oftrust dated March 14. I 118. from LeopoldSpic* and wife to the BOdetBtgnod trusteesrocrile (I In the o|--rk's oillccof rho HiisIIiiksCourt of the atty Of Mauchesle-r. In U.K.volume t. pnife iii. to secure Ihe paymentOf rerlaln Binnu Of monet there,ii m--ti-iiotetl ami dsnvoll Lavinie ia>en med* loihe i*} n ont ih<-i"-or.aii<i befog required bythe nrlietlctarlt-H iherein secured ho lOdowe Miall se-ll hy auction, on the prom mesBS

Tin'RsiiAv. tfovrniaaasa, ihbs.nt 4 o'clock P. M. 'all Hutt certain LOT OrPA IH 'KU i >K LA NU, ly lim aud OelUg lUtb*elly of Mauebeolei, fromm.' together 148reel oi lb.rib ai lr or kiftb street, be*in. .-u lot 1.1 inni Bainbridge streete b*gin*Oli-gal a poini i h rt.t olt efet el from il.».in ref BalBDtldgi sirea-t. and rn n ttl nie ni a

northwardly dlrectloa on Bald Kittiii* f. et. ii,. m.- in a weatwardly direction,bel reen isirnilel lines, 186 feet looa alleyll reel .

I propel islatelv hoon palotedput ni e.Mkt. riler ami vteld* a Uno reatalan.f together wita .vin nen.-ter propel tygenerally, bas been great!} *ohant nine since the pull lngdo* ti of the track ofI'.* sire. I-, anni.way. Inveatoti ml HiTm"- ne ti. ii raab; Ih* betane* in

six and twelve montba, il p.-r cenL lu-tereal ai u .1 ro Hie deferred notes, unimu..' k. (Uri .1 iva trusi !.¦¦


no t rm

By w. ll.' a co..Beal it* an) AueUOoeere,

lill Mil in sin-, t,

( «ommissio"ners* auctionV^ SA el r tn li 4IRAIILE VACANTi"is iiti.c (.in., i.i mi. KSTATB OfP \ Kl K DENNI vi. i'l..'K vsl'.n ONI ll- tv rt HIDE i'K >l\ Ml STKEI I'Ll ll KIN LOUISIANA \NI» DENNYel ki is, In pars ince of ad eoofl iela che omi

ii n If* i, Denn ng and'¦ d on the I-' .1 ty ol July, lull

Ute undersign* sp ,- al coio pre rn lees

oniii BOAT, N ''iiKK-.mii.

clock c. VI. TWO V ll'ANT I.' 'i's:, < logethl r til ''-I :\1 '" :.

-- .ii ti i- weal » d nf 81x1tn., ii Louisiana and Denn aparl ol Ihe <¦ of R moi

viii".'.- ..r s. rnay »eeiutn e of

I». '- me (hirdi-...o. .ti ,i instal

tis: Ih* pundeft mi n it men

I aodV ijiill .- .il (ll


S| on, io.W 11. -, s A I

SI", v., l .WI" VI Pl t s. I t

Di SMS,. AM, a SHAN ls i\III I'll IN" t RI i , op

P. li li

1 Bel am In II. Barry, clerk of said court,ii r i.i ii, ti Hie b mi rs >utri d

saidul Jul* 1. I*-:,, ins n -. "i du i given.n nullor my hand - day of

lt. v. 1885. I I.N.I WIIN ll. BERRY.

ny i rank D. ll n I CoKoiii Ellet* Auctioneer*.

So. .; north Eleventh *trca-t.

aitin e willh. on

M< iNDAY, Nov i ni ck 28, 1885,Bl I - :. P. M.. onPHOPER1 t .1. -¦ .I ii -a

"linc" ll on nut "i sa "-.

ll INK li HILL.UEOK ,i ii¦¦


Kt i.v




a. ( ni

ni IO P. M..

' .ii".



lau.. !S

.LT.".'- Hi. '¦ I t i.. .us.


A I. 1881:I, John M of t

i. nab "il Vlr-

ilic of

m.ri I al 'iio M tyCrawford

Han Crawfordhil III

ii d, mik axecMted :t bond.-. Ci lui "i.

onlyuv n.e. Ji'HN M. SPKK 'E.

m. 17

Bj k. B. Chaffin IRe il tte Auction....nt.No. l i. itreet.

TRUSTEES1 Al CTION SALE OF* A 0UTTAOE IND TWO ACRES OPLANI' ON MECHANICSVILLE TORN-P Kl AL. il TWO A NU ii IK LL Ot'AR¬TI-, lt Ml li - Vs I' OB i HI'. il V OKItlCHMOND. -ll} ¦. mi" of :¦ les ol trusldttteel Ht ptei '¦> r fl 1 --4 n '.; de '. H* i«

" io- ni v ('.i.i! ;o I), B, iii. page ii »,ki,.i al "f the beneilciaty lo-faull having been I ut o'oi e of be note* sueun

.le "ll tie J-f. .11 sa-s. ".Il

FRIDAY, Not; 20, 1--".lt s M.. the Ki: IL ESTA!

ilddeed.ah. n - e ei parcel .f L INO,li ii.ui"...- ' .!. on,

"llIl'V "I lls-'iiie ol Virginia, al oul wo and

.rn th* I* "t the Mcchiditurnpike, at the pola! on said tam¬

er* omen the roadie tann DOW owned hy Mr.

i..ce tv un Jr., igl WO ArlC'-s., of sui,, aud

h. ay n ii. for ll! lue September fl-»-.¦¦ -¦ -p'.-mlM-r 6, 1886, a* to

-. pte inher ii. 1**7. a* to ?- le). Hep-temix to|84fl niel any balanceon term* to be Bunouuced al Bl e.


Trust* s.p.. li. cn irria a Co, Am tloneere,

I,,, ii


M EA L.Hiting added to our PLOUB-MILL tb*

most porfket lnacliitiery for UBIRDINUCORN, vie ni nt iou* iou le tnt- »uperlorquality of oar

ME AL.This ena nt once I*, r**B*mlae6' by its

sharp or granola! feeling, which


and the entire abBBOOa of bran Insures theituiht paleta bl* linter.OROCEKS can get their DAILY HL'PPLV

frohi our WSfOO* at the

Lowest Market Price.

Dioilop & McCance.TKI KITloNEN -. M. BO I


j imk: lime:: lime:::Just received ami for sale cheap.

3.nco barrels FHKSH ROCKLAND Ll.VIK,i barrel* FRESH (HO PP MA RI


TER,ino barres pulsh hiooinson Mar¬

ule-Di XT.mJMO,


WARNER MOORE.Pool Si", ei. ea nih sin .-t snath Sid* .. .<- lt.Corn-Meal Lump and (.round Plaster,bttiuae, ana nata, wc *i>

Ai'lTIOR RALRR-rnlnr* Day*.Hy Prank d. Hill .* Co.,

Real Estate Auetinnecrs,6 north Eleventh street.


WKUNKsuAY. n,,v susan M. lana,ul 4 o'clock P. M.. on Ute premises, w-. willofter Ihe v.iy v alnahlo and dealrable PK"-PKKTV localed a* ulm ve. rh* heros* -

of Ihe inns! *iil*tuni al anti rotorreeelilences non- on th-- in-irke'. I' wa*

bull! of Ihe very ix-at materials, and :* BOWIii good e ider. Iii. re an- Iwentr-tWOIn Hie bott**, thirteen of wb 'li have Bro*pliice* and marble mantels. Imil him eloaela, poatr1*8. Se aod amodern Improvement*, two mthe width of the Iioiim-. Mot k-brll a stahl-.and carrtaga-hou**, mid *patm is. In.- nan Inns., occupiesfe.-i. and ihe « bole lol front* 90x100

This pto; .oil I- 1 for a

phi sh lau or pre'..ur tn il..- of (

in n v. rein,. .1 un 1se eel in Iichboi i,.*--i.Triel¬

mon, v -.n benumber or ream al fl i- r t.Pat:

pl. hs. call "ii the n

I-HANK D. HILL .1 C.*.-. '! 1 I" -. ll K "i

Bj quarti sat McCurdy,BealEati

rVR\ STEE'S SALe"oF SOUSI \vL LOT ON BOI rill 1ST CiBRO ti- t n T*\'i N ii I'll lillis, itii i'sAT Iiii.!'' Al UTION. Vs tubaltinah .¦ in e c. ita n d asl from W.

U. ll. Parker.ulipa -I pur

I. '¦ ll k«l tl e.

ii, en Hie ii. >. above lil >.

Tlat 4 - tin* .

. 11

to pay nfl

ll IRV Vo<- la Trustee

'J'!: I ST I K"s > M.K ()] llI VNU \NI tl ) R s,| III Kl V1 C s a

Mwife tol


iJ ii it

li Ki tnuuw n

at I oi.

coutain ss poi Hem eif th<tin n'Spec

I rt, M

'.. ..

LWRM i WI i'llI

vt il ii -



I. ami

tie -I '-

mini ii p.irt of1 V||1 tl A Kl lac*v. ii-lltiKSI t - IN

i A ll!-Cl Kl- tt \i,i. -,' CA Rr, V Ni-. ii .vt n ii ii-

Keir Unii

rest. For Ia*h for pni'ilil¬li Oe

i rsl liled andlei-. ,i,

p-i esdI

li doola a t:

FRANK I' il ILDO ll Au




Appointed ri K8D t Ymd r Kii'AV al ia M., a'-1 everj BU Nll 6 A. M.

' a sui I- r lavs Itearu-11:10 V. Vt.; f.,r Su

lill 5 P. M. .-iituriUy. Freigm i0.wived dally HUI P. M.

raTin&erlni*^Ueneral PBBHWKer^^,c*LfflUH^00' '*"'

ne IO*.



,-t. ol.

IA -Ti. tMKOAT itl., Vi ES-Kl vim;


connects ai ielyWU ll Al


tr I'KK'-ii'iNAT NK ttl 'i Uti *jNEWS WITH STE*.

All 'i.VlAC FOK -"Mil iil-li.i.H;Ail I.AKI-M'.N I WITH ITLAN'l ANn



IAMES kin iii HIToki'VI roi BIBI I

JAMESTOWN, LL i'll'..' a


,- Air. TO NORFOLK, Sl-NO LIM. l.WA'i-1 ANDING PALL- '.i Q 85c, lo 81.

d-elaaa Uckelg ii .: .oner.


Theelegautly rei.n .. .iel Ti* rteARIEL,

(carry, i.4 t State* MZ. C. GIFFORD. Uominaoder,

i. imoud everyMoNUA*i. WEDNESDA1 ANO KBat 7 A M. (STREET-CARS CONNE l s

Fl LL TIME) for abova-i i saar*rivlog. kt Norfolk ut fi P. M. Kc

¦teamer leave. Noi H *

aud Newport* Now* od alteraate i1b>b,^ at Rici mom! about 4 1*. M.^ii tlekataon*aleonsteamerOarta-rs Agency. 1000 Mbiu street. Bug-*a«e checked throSTATE-ROOMS ENGAGED FOK DAY

ejK RIGHT,F Kt; ie hit.

Freight received tla'.iv f..r Norfolk, Porta-meutn, sinitrSrie ii. Hampton.aod Waeerly,Va.; Washington, U. C.: Kewber*. Waau-lugtou. aiidTarboro N, D.; all ¦tallon*oaAtmntic and i>air.ii> railroad, Beabeatrdaud Kiianoko railroad Norfolk Southernin, and Eastern North Carolinara..y also, for Eastern Shore of VIinjin t.aud all regular landluga on Jaime river, atLOWEST RATKS, and through bills'.asued.

L. B. TATUM. Super'.nte*denLoe 30 No. 1109 Maluitrtjet and Rockbtt*.


Steamer* leaveRlchmood KVKRYTCES-DAY. PKiUAi .and RI N|..\VSteamer iv Bew Y -¦ k for Kiciwuotil

KVKlii Hisli.O, THCKSUAY, »udSATURDAY ai i p. M.

I*B*bi ugi r arriiin uodatloaa uniurpaaaed.t t n faro to New v oi'.. Inch

ami berth), 2m ticket*. HS;.teeraga wi", label-tonce, 17: without¦anstateoee, I*.

pr. .tut feitiardod amt Ihroogh bin* ofladingtasned for point* bown.'. N.-*- York.

:'. m.Manifest cloned ousalliug-day* ou* hour

before* leuvihg I: nid by the

-like and (I: :. .. at a.15 A. M.(lui Nevvport'a N* I .-. Rictiinoudatiil Petersburg mi lat 11:80A M.ouMi NDATH TtJERDAYS, WEDNESDAYS.Tlil'KM'AY'B and SAT! KUAVS will:, alie eoiiiieet.ons al NORFOLK with th*(teRin^r*. leaving t boa* day*,

S vll.i.Ne.H THIS WEKK.ROANOKE, Captain Colin, SUNDAY,

.Not. mlar IMO. al lo o'clock A. M.i LD DOMINION, Captain Silli'H. TUES¬

DAY. No, ember 17l!i, at a o'elevk P. M.V* YANDEE. Captain Hi'i.i'Uiiw. FRI*

iiAY, *r..v*r>.fc*r ..'. tu. *t a ..viork P. M.GEOHOE W. ALLKN A CO. Anent*.

Wo. 1301 Mt "(1 klisa-t auduo 1| Company* wharf, Roea* ila,


BS 11. Ri) iii UBI*.

KKTLMONH, FRKHKRICKSIC I:-B£p«m)BACBAII.ROADnie eommeiiring MiVi.tfHrR lt i*s*essterr standard t issi -

«i00 A. M.. leave* rn, ri ¦-¦.rot . .dally ,- ..Ju,..- ¦

ricki11:07 A. V

ly exc-pl -sin,.!.

'i:.0 p. "

ly. Weeper from lac|

10:88 A Mlo .taiYoi

.;S8 1*. Mi .' I

bara, Mill

B P, M «


4:00 P. M., acKt nt B

'¦ M P. M.

7:60 A. MI at 0:41 rt vt.

8*5A. M

.'.»!. BP. M.

.' t v



TWO DAli.t v .




ll >- t M Jii

4.1 |« VI¦¦ I" M

L-i ftoi.E e kj V '.'

P.M.Mt10 USA. M t

7:10 t t-

? '.


1:181 ,M

Al K ..


, i; vi v.-vn k

011- \ IL-J WAY, I

i.i: wk i.7 I t. M

Vand Si

4;00 P. M. J- v..

AUK-it A. M. Pram

\. v

ll'." 'A

820 P. M. 1 Old I

-. P V'


. Issy

LE \

8:00 A. M.




15 I'. :.:



2:45 P. M..(Yorfc


7 1" A ¦'


ALL IIM'iNH.7 A '.:


8:41 A M


ta, New tiVies-

r m.-

'I ii iv ri Orrie : 1 -sudi tu. : road

li liol. Vu*"~" ¦ tt'OHTKHt|

Hot.. HtA-ilr


ROAD TIME i tI V 1 '

lbt;5 iiBtniTRAINS SOI I'HW MID.

.. U-ave Al*°- Hlebn

15 A.M.A lal U.18A.B. ll - V M. 'd-t'i ira o.

*i 4* P.B I -I i' UH ii P.B. « r '.. to ira odai'n.

il P.M. ll 01 P, M


rsburg i.

4 4. *4:SS A.M. 54- A. M. Eos'18. 17 I" A M O', A. M \ '-' u.

1 | V M lu S A N15. 1-' IB P. M I <» P. B. A17 *5; P. M

.Dally. tDally i. tar).HTOi'iiNi.-i'l. V

Nisi, 40 If and 44 nuke nat - \

iBitopeonlj ob signal ai * «>and IB slop.trslla ami Mencbosler. N'.*. si, st aand se slop at ail ital *

ll LLMAN-t AR BEBVICB.On traill- So, 40 and 4 ira be¬

tween Washington and Cbs i outrains No to 42.4*. and 4 alibelw.. n w i- 1t.em train* No*. 47 and 4- sleep -; IIv*cen New York and Ia' [floatTHE ONLY ALL-BAIL, BOLTE 1 '¦ .1-


RlchBr. A 1 A M. N irl aft. - »' *.J il P, M. Ni m

Norfolk...! 7:00 A.M. Klchm'd 1 lt * slNorfolk.. "10:00 t.ti ii hm d r. M.Ni*. 4s and 15 make Bloae '

and fi...u In. rHie.Lynchburg ,

vte*ti-in point* aud ¦ *

Norfolk ead Weetara railroadJ. R. E K S I. t.

Bnr-r-rlntcuilent Of Traiuipo, 11T. M. Eb n io., n Oin nra I PawinfTri Ag*nlh. li.tA- Ti V. '






EACH DIKE' riON.Correspondiiu v n,.e* ll "' ataaa

rsoli.ta. Tbroosb Wit*, ttl ,.",'¦*",. "lott 'Alt-. 0-A TA I

J* i t-v..:.
