Richard Garrison a Rumor of War

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  • 7/24/2019 Richard Garrison a Rumor of War


    Richard Garrison

    US History Comprehensive

    Dr. Jonathan Bryant

    03 December 201

    ! R"mor o# $ar

    %hi&ip Cap"to served as a &ie"tenant in the United States 'arin Corps d"rin(

    one most (r"esome) destr"ctive *ars o# the 20thcent"ry. !s tryin( as Cap"to+s

    ordea& *as his story *as more common than *hat sho"&d have been end"red. His

    story is one o# disi&&"sionment) an(er) con#"sion) and in the end a sense o#

    acceptance. $hi&e his trib"&ations ran(e over severa& years the t"rnin( point *o"&d

    occ"r *hen he is p&aced on tria& by the mi&itary d"e to the cond"ct o# his men d"rin(

    a search mission.

    ,he sit"ation that &ed "p to the tria& invo&ves the search o# a -no*n C /iet

    Con( vi&&a(e. ,hree yo"n( mi&itary a(ed men *ere #o"nd in the vi&&a(e carryin(

    #a&se identication *ith #or(ed a(es. !#ter bein( interro(ated) the vi&&a(ers *ere &et

    (o d"e to a &ac- o# evidence o# Comm"nist activity. ater the yo"n(est o# the three

    men *o"&d ret"rn and in#orm Cro*e that the other t*o *ere in #act C. Hence) a

    mission *as carried o"t to capt"re the s"spects. Cap"to and the other components

    o# his o"tt *ere "nder press"re #rom their commanders to become more

    a((ressive and b"i&d a body co"nt. ,he stress o# an insensitive chain o# command

    and a (ro*in( hate created an environment #or sense&ess -i&&in(. !#ter enterin( the

    vi&&e) the t*o yo"n( men made a r"n #or it and *ere prompt&y shot *hi&e 4eein(.

    %erhaps it *as d"e to the #o( o# *ar) b"t Cap"to co"&dn+t he&p b"t notice the yo"n(

    a(e o# the s"spects.

    ,he 'arine Corps *ere 5"ic- to brin( "p char(es #or (ross ne(&i(ence and

    m"rder a(ainst Cap"to and his s5"ad &eaders. Ho*ever) Cap"to *o"&d not be

    convicted o# m"rder as perhaps the 6"ry "nderstood the #o( o# *ar. ,hey "nderstood

    that the orders (iven to Cap"to contradicted *hat they *ere bein( char(ed #or. ,he

    6"ry seemed to "nderstand the hypocrisy o# the *ho&e ordea&.

    7t is easi&y "nderstood that the tria& *as "n#air to Cap"to. ,he Uni#orm Code

    o# 'i&itary J"stice *as "sed as a mechanism #or dis(r"nt&ed o8cers to cover their

    trac-s and Cap"to *as a&most an "n#ort"nate scape(oat.

    ,hro"(ho"t the boo- Cap"to ana&y9es the treatment o# the ietnamese

    peop&e. :ne can "nderstand ho* con#"sed and #ri(ht#"& the So"th ietnamese #e&t

    to*ards !merican mi&itary operations. S"pposed&y the United States *ere to stem

    the tide o# a((ressive Comm"nist ins"rrection and s"stain democratic instit"tions)

    b"t instead #o"nd themse&ves victims o# br"ta& cross e;amination) napa&m bombs)

    crossre) reta&iation) and other vario"s *ar crimes. Some instances &ead to a&&

  • 7/24/2019 Richard Garrison a Rumor of War


    ietnamese peop&e bein( vie*ed as hosti&e< there#ore Cap"to artic"&ates that the

    ietnamese be(in to seem &ess h"man and more e;pendab&e.