Rhythm Rules 6 Essential Exercises to Improve Your Groove - Copy

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Transcript of Rhythm Rules 6 Essential Exercises to Improve Your Groove - Copy

  • 8/19/2019 Rhythm Rules 6 Essential Exercises to Improve Your Groove - Copy


    the standards we were working on “with the metronome on two and four,” to get a better sense of

    swing. Huh? I had never thought of that before. Getting locked in suddenly became much more

    challenging, but also more fun. It got my groove playing to the next level and my feel got better too.

     As my musical tastes, abilities, and perspective evolved, I wanted to be able to manipulate time

    better, so I started practicing my groove playing with the metronome pulsing the dotted quarter-note

    and the dotted eighth-note. Now that was a real challenge! It really helped me internalize time, “feel”

    a phrase better and generally be more aware of spacing while getting locked in. Let’s explore some

    variations on this simple concept and dissect the benefits of these new time keeping methods.

    Fig. 1 is a fairly straight-ahead strumming idea with the metronome marking beats 2 and 4. There is

    suddenly twice as much space between pulses and therefore twice as much room for error—don’t

    get discouraged if you have a hard time locking this groove in. To get a good sense of the spacing,

    try playing straight eighth-notes while muting the strings until you feel really locked in. Then, move

    on to the strummed chord progression and notice how different your groove feels against the new

    pulse. The “two and four” pulse is like an internal backbeat to your own groove. Ideally, you want to

    get to the point where you don’t have to listen for beats 2 and 4, and where you don’t “hear” it either.

    If you are exactly locked in, your sound will take over the beeping of the metronome.

    Each musical example will have two (or three) different sound clips. In this first one, you will hear the

    example played first with a quarter-note pulse and then with a dotted quarter-note pulse. Again, get

    those eighth-notes going first, then try the progression. Obviously the metronome now falls ondifferent spots, but it shouldn’t take long before you internalize the “original” tempo and predict

    where those dotted quarter-note beats will fall. As the four-measure chord progression loops around,

    the pulses will fall in different places until you loop it all three times. On the fourth time, the dotted

    quarter-note pulse will line back up with the “1” of the phrase. Apply this same idea to all of the rest

    of the examples.