RGNF - Biomass Assessment: I Conejos Peak …...107 30'0"W 107 22'30"W 107 15'0"W 107 7'30"W 107...

106°15'0"W 106°20'0"W 106°25'0"W 106°30'0"W 106°35'0"W 106°40'0"W 37°35'0"N 37°35'0"N 37°30'0"N 37°30'0"N 37°25'0"N 37°25'0"N 37°20'0"N 37°20'0"N 37°15'0"N 37°15'0"N 37°10'0"N 37°10'0"N 37°5'0"N 37°5'0"N 37°0'0"N 37°0'0"N 36°55'0"N 36°55'0"N 106.25° W 106.3333° W 106.4167° W 106.5° W 106.5833° W 106.6667° W 37.5833° N 37.5833° N 37.5° N 37.5° N 37.4167° N 37.4167° N 37.3333° N 37.3333° N 37.25° N 37.25° N 37.1667° N 37.1667° N 37.0833° N 37.0833° N 37° N 37° N 36.9167° N 36.9167° N District Boundary Habitat Structural Stages 2T; 3A; 3B; 3C 4A; 4B; 4C 0 5 10 15 2.5 Miles I 11/ RGNF Biomass Supply Assessment Methodology B i om ass q uanti ty e sti m ate s for the RGNF are b asedon the i r G I S d ata l aye rs andF ore st Manage m e nt P l an Manage m e nt ( F MP ) uni ts. To ge t a re al i sti c i m p ressi on of m ate ri al that m ay be av ai l ab l e we cond u cted the fol owi ng asse ssm e nt: We starte d by showi ng al F MP uni ts that al owed si l v i cu l tu ral ac ti v i ti es wi thi n the i r m anagem ent p re sc ri p ti ons. T he se uni ts i ncl ude: 4 . 21 , 4 . 3 , 5 . 1 , 5 . 13 , and 5 . 41 . A ssumi ng that si gni fi c ant new road c onstru c ti on w as unl i ke l y we cl i pped al are as that were m ore than 0 . 25 mi l es from an e xi sti ng road . We the n rem ov ed a 10 foot bu fe r from e ac h si de of ri p ari an are as. Then we e xc l uded al te rrai n > 30% sl op e. The fi nal sc re e n consi ste d of rem ov i ng al are as that had p rev i ou s si l v i cu l tu ral ac ti v i ti es that c re ate d young, sm al di am e te r seed l i ng, sap l i ng stand s. T he se re ge ne rati on cu t ac ti v i ti es i ncl uded cl e arc u ts, p atch cl e ar cu ts and ov e rstory rem ov al cu ts. We the n sorte d the rem ai ni ng fore ste d are as by d om i nant tre e sp eci es and wi l dl i fe hab i tat stru c tu re stage ( H SS) . Si nce the v ast m aj ori ty of hab i tat stru c tu re stage s and tre e si ze cl asse s are cl ose l y c orre l ate d we di d not fu rthe r re fi ne the sorts wi th si ze cl ass c ate gori e s. See the tab l e bel ow to i nte rp re t tre e sp eci e s, hab i tat stru c tu re stage and tre e si ze cl asse s. T ree sp eci es c od e s: ABCO = Abi es concol or ( Whi te fi r) , AB L A = Abi es l asi ocarp a ( Subal pi ne fi r) , P I AR = P i nu s ari stad a ( B ri stl econe pi ne) , P I CO = P i nu s c ontorta, ( L od gep ol e pi ne) , P I E D = P i nu s edu l i s ( P i ñon pi ne) , P I E N = P i cea engel m anni ( E ngel em ann sp ru ce) , P I F L = P i nu s fl e xi l i s ( L i mber pi ne) , P I PO = P i nu s p ond erosa ( Pond erosa pi ne) , POAN = Popu l ou s angu sti fol i a ( Narrow l e af cottonwood ) , POTR = Popu l ace trem u l oi d es, P S ME = P seudotsuga m enzi e si ( Dougl as fi r) . T ree si ze cl asse s run from ; E ( e stab l i shed seed l i ngs 0 . 0 - 0 . 9 d b h/ d rc) , S ( sm al 1 - 4 . 9 d b h) M ( medi um 5 - 8 . 9 d b h) , L ( l arge 9 - 15 . 9 d b h) and V ( v e ry l arge 16+ d b h) . F or the pu rp ose s of thi s asse ssm e nt we equ ate d tre e si ze cl asse s to hab i tat stru c tu re stage as di sp l aye d i n the tab l e bel ow. Wildlife Structural Stage and Tree Size Class T ree sp eci es and hab i tat stru c tu ral stage w as sorte d and di sp l aye d by i nd i v i dual range r di stri ct to p rov i de the i ni ti al sp ati al di stri bu ti on of bi om ass ori gi nati ng on the RGNF . F or the pu rp ose s of thi s se c ti on of the asse ssm e nt bi om ass i s d efi ned as cel u l osi c m ate ri al s, d ead or al i v e, that wi l be rem ov ed from the fore st or agri cu l tu ral b yp rod u c ts that are u se d i n som e p roc e ss that conv e rts the m i nto b oard s, hou se l ogs, fi rewood , bi ofue l s, bi o c har, el e c tri c al e ne rgy, p el e ts, ani m al beddi ng, e rosi on w ad d l e s, com p ost and ye t to be dev el oped end p rod u c ts. B i om ass yi el ds were d eterm i ned b ased on stand e xam i nform ati on and l i ke l y si l v i cu l tu ral p re sc ri p ti ons foc u se don i m p rov i ng standandw ate rshe dhe al th. T hi s p rov i d es a cl ose ap p roxi m ati on of anti ci p ated bi om ass rem ov al by tre e sp eci es and hab i tat stru c tu ral stage s. Habitat Structural Stage % Canopy Cover Tree Size Class 2T na E 3A < 40 M 3B 40 - 70 M 3C > 70 M 4A < 40 L 4B 40 - 70 L 4C > 70 L RGNF - Biomass Assessment: Conejos Peak Ranger District W X Y Z Ø 11/17/2014

Transcript of RGNF - Biomass Assessment: I Conejos Peak …...107 30'0"W 107 22'30"W 107 15'0"W 107 7'30"W 107...

Page 1: RGNF - Biomass Assessment: I Conejos Peak …...107 30'0"W 107 22'30"W 107 15'0"W 107 7'30"W 107 0'0"W 106 52'30"W 106 45'0"W 106 37'30"W 106 30'0"W 106 22'30"W 38 0'0"N 37 52'30"N






































106.25° W106.3333° W106.4167° W106.5° W106.5833° W106.6667° W37


° N


33° N






67° N


67° N


33° N


33° N


° N


° N


67° N


67° N


33° N


33° N

37° N

37° N


67° N


67° N

District BoundaryHabitat Structural Stages

2T; 3A; 3B; 3C4A; 4B; 4C

0 5 10 152.5 Miles



RGNF Biomass Supply Assessment


Biom ass q uantity estim ates for the RGNF are b ase d on their GIS d ata layers and Forest Managem ent Plan Managem ent (FMP) units. T o get a realistic im p ression of m aterial that m ay b e availab le we cond ucte d the following assessm ent: We starte d b y showing all FMP units that allowe d silvicultural activities within their m anagem ent p rescrip tions. T hese units includ e: 4.21, 4.3, 5.11, 5.13, and 5.41. Assum ing that significant new road construction was unlikely we clip p e d all areas that were m ore than 0.25 m iles from an existing road . We then rem oved a 100 foot b uffer from each sid e of rip arian areas. T hen we exclud e d all terrain >30% slop e. T he final screen consiste d of rem oving all areas that had p revious silvicultural activities that create d young, sm all d iam eter see d ling, sap ling stand s. T hese regeneration cut activities includ e d clearcuts, p atch clear cuts and overstory rem oval cuts. We then sorted the rem aining foreste d areas b y d om inant tree sp e cies and wild life hab itat structure stage (H S S). Since the vast m ajority of hab itat structure stages and tree size classes are closely correlate d we d id not further refine the sorts with size class categories. S ee the tab le b elow to interp ret tree sp e cies, hab itat structure stage and tree size classes. T ree sp e cies cod es: ABCO = Ab ies concolor (White fir), ABLA = Ab ies lasiocarp a (Sub alp ine fir), PIAR = Pinus aristad a (Bristle cone p ine), PICO = Pinus contorta, (Lod gep ole p ine), PIED = Pinus ed ulis ( Piñon p ine), PIEN = Picea engelm annii (Engelem ann sp ruce), PIFL = Pinus flexilis (Lim b er p ine), PIPO = Pinus p ond erosa (Pond erosa p ine), POAN = Pop ulous angustifolia (Narrowleaf cottonwood ), POTR = Pop ulace trem uloid es, PSME = Pseud otsuga m enziesii ( Douglas fir). T ree size classes run from ; E (estab lishe d see d lings 0.0-0.9”d b h/d rc), S (sm all 1-4.9” d b h) M (m ed ium 5-8.9” d b h), L (large 9-15.9” d b h) and V (very large 16+” d b h). For the p urp oses of this assessm ent we eq uate d tree size classes to hab itat structure stage as d isp laye d in the tab le b elow. Wildlife Structural Stage and Tree Size Class

T ree sp e cies and hab itat structural stage was sorte d and d isp laye d b y ind ivid ual ranger d istrict to p rovid e the initial sp atial d istrib ution of b iom ass originating on the RGNF.

For the p urp oses of this section of the assessm ent b iom ass is d efine d as cellulosic m aterials, d ead or alive, that will b e rem oved from the forest or agricultural b yp rod ucts that are used in som e p rocess that converts them into b oard s, house logs, firewood , b iofuels, b io char, electrical energy, p ellets, anim al b e d d ing, erosion wad d les, com p ost and yet to b e d evelop e d end p rod ucts.

Biom ass yield s were d eterm ine d b ase d on stand exam inform ation and likely silvicultural p rescrip tions focuse d on im p roving stand and watershe d health. T his p rovid es a close ap p roxim ation of anticip ate d b iom ass rem oval b y tree sp e cies and hab itat structural stages.

Habitat Structural Stage

% Canopy Cover

Tree Size Class

2T na E 3A <40 M 3B 40-70 M 3C >70 M 4A <40 L 4B 40-70 L 4C >70 L

RGNF - Biomass Assessment:Conejos Peak Ranger District



Page 2: RGNF - Biomass Assessment: I Conejos Peak …...107 30'0"W 107 22'30"W 107 15'0"W 107 7'30"W 107 0'0"W 106 52'30"W 106 45'0"W 106 37'30"W 106 30'0"W 106 22'30"W 38 0'0"N 37 52'30"N
























106.375° W106.5° W106.625° W106.75° W106.875° W107° W107.125° W107.25° W107.375° W107.5° W

38° N


5° N


5° N


° N


° N


5° N


5° N






5° N


5° N

District BoundaryHabitat Structural Stages

2T; 3A; 3B; 3C4A; 4B; 4CWest Fork Fire Complex

0 10 20 30 40 505Miles



RGNF Biomass Supply Assessment


Biom ass q uantity estim ates for the RGNF are b ase d on their GIS d ata layers and Forest Managem ent Plan Managem ent (FMP) units. T o get a realistic im p ression of m aterial that m ay b e availab le we cond ucte d the following assessm ent: We starte d b y showing all FMP units that allowe d silvicultural activities within their m anagem ent p rescrip tions. T hese units includ e: 4.21, 4.3, 5.11, 5.13, and 5.41. Assum ing that significant new road construction was unlikely we clip p e d all areas that were m ore than 0.25 m iles from an existing road . We then rem oved a 100 foot b uffer from each sid e of rip arian areas. T hen we exclud e d all terrain >30% slop e. T he final screen consiste d of rem oving all areas that had p revious silvicultural activities that create d young, sm all d iam eter see d ling, sap ling stand s. T hese regeneration cut activities includ e d clearcuts, p atch clear cuts and overstory rem oval cuts. We then sorted the rem aining foreste d areas b y d om inant tree sp e cies and wild life hab itat structure stage (H S S). Since the vast m ajority of hab itat structure stages and tree size classes are closely correlate d we d id not further refine the sorts with size class categories. S ee the tab le b elow to interp ret tree sp e cies, hab itat structure stage and tree size classes. T ree sp e cies cod es: ABCO = Ab ies concolor (White fir), ABLA = Ab ies lasiocarp a (Sub alp ine fir), PIAR = Pinus aristad a (Bristle cone p ine), PICO = Pinus contorta, (Lod gep ole p ine), PIED = Pinus ed ulis ( Piñon p ine), PIEN = Picea engelm annii (Engelem ann sp ruce), PIFL = Pinus flexilis (Lim b er p ine), PIPO = Pinus p ond erosa (Pond erosa p ine), POAN = Pop ulous angustifolia (Narrowleaf cottonwood ), POTR = Pop ulace trem uloid es, PSME = Pseud otsuga m enziesii ( Douglas fir). T ree size classes run from ; E (estab lishe d see d lings 0.0-0.9”d b h/d rc), S (sm all 1-4.9” d b h) M (m ed ium 5-8.9” d b h), L (large 9-15.9” d b h) and V (very large 16+” d b h). For the p urp oses of this assessm ent we eq uate d tree size classes to hab itat structure stage as d isp laye d in the tab le b elow. Wildlife Structural Stage and Tree Size Class

T ree sp e cies and hab itat structural stage was sorte d and d isp laye d b y ind ivid ual ranger d istrict to p rovid e the initial sp atial d istrib ution of b iom ass originating on the RGNF.

For the p urp oses of this section of the assessm ent b iom ass is d efine d as cellulosic m aterials, d ead or alive, that will b e rem oved from the forest or agricultural b yp rod ucts that are used in som e p rocess that converts them into b oard s, house logs, firewood , b iofuels, b io char, electrical energy, p ellets, anim al b e d d ing, erosion wad d les, com p ost and yet to b e d evelop e d end p rod ucts.

Biom ass yield s were d eterm ine d b ase d on stand exam inform ation and likely silvicultural p rescrip tions focuse d on im p roving stand and watershe d health. T his p rovid es a close ap p roxim ation of anticip ate d b iom ass rem oval b y tree sp e cies and hab itat structural stages.

Habitat Structural Stage

% Canopy Cover

Tree Size Class

2T na E 3A <40 M 3B 40-70 M 3C >70 M 4A <40 L 4B 40-70 L 4C >70 L



RGNF - Biomass Assessment:Divide Ranger District

Page 3: RGNF - Biomass Assessment: I Conejos Peak …...107 30'0"W 107 22'30"W 107 15'0"W 107 7'30"W 107 0'0"W 106 52'30"W 106 45'0"W 106 37'30"W 106 30'0"W 106 22'30"W 38 0'0"N 37 52'30"N






















105.625° W105.75° W105.875° W106° W106.125° W106.25° W106.375° W106.5° W106.625° W106.75° W106.875° W38




5° N


° N


° N


5° N


5° N

38° N

38° N


5° N


5° N

District BoundaryHabitat Structural Stages

2T; 3A; 3B; 3C4A; 4B; 4C

0 10 20 30 40 505 Miles



RGNF Biomass Supply Assessment


Biom ass q uantity estim ates for the RGNF are b ase d on their GIS d ata layers and Forest Managem ent Plan Managem ent (FMP) units. T o get a realistic im p ression of m aterial that m ay b e availab le we cond ucte d the following assessm ent: We starte d b y showing all FMP units that allowe d silvicultural activities within their m anagem ent p rescrip tions. T hese units includ e: 4.21, 4.3, 5.11, 5.13, and 5.41. Assum ing that significant new road construction was unlikely we clip p e d all areas that were m ore than 0.25 m iles from an existing road . We then rem oved a 100 foot b uffer from each sid e of rip arian areas. T hen we exclud e d all terrain >30% slop e. T he final screen consiste d of rem oving all areas that had p revious silvicultural activities that create d young, sm all d iam eter see d ling, sap ling stand s. T hese regeneration cut activities includ e d clearcuts, p atch clear cuts and overstory rem oval cuts. We then sorted the rem aining foreste d areas b y d om inant tree sp e cies and wild life hab itat structure stage (H S S). Since the vast m ajority of hab itat structure stages and tree size classes are closely correlate d we d id not further refine the sorts with size class categories. S ee the tab le b elow to interp ret tree sp e cies, hab itat structure stage and tree size classes. T ree sp e cies cod es: ABCO = Ab ies concolor (White fir), ABLA = Ab ies lasiocarp a (Sub alp ine fir), PIAR = Pinus aristad a (Bristle cone p ine), PICO = Pinus contorta, (Lod gep ole p ine), PIED = Pinus ed ulis ( Piñon p ine), PIEN = Picea engelm annii (Engelem ann sp ruce), PIFL = Pinus flexilis (Lim b er p ine), PIPO = Pinus p ond erosa (Pond erosa p ine), POAN = Pop ulous angustifolia (Narrowleaf cottonwood ), POTR = Pop ulace trem uloid es, PSME = Pseud otsuga m enziesii ( Douglas fir). T ree size classes run from ; E (estab lishe d see d lings 0.0-0.9”d b h/d rc), S (sm all 1-4.9” d b h) M (m ed ium 5-8.9” d b h), L (large 9-15.9” d b h) and V (very large 16+” d b h). For the p urp oses of this assessm ent we eq uate d tree size classes to hab itat structure stage as d isp laye d in the tab le b elow. Wildlife Structural Stage and Tree Size Class

T ree sp e cies and hab itat structural stage was sorte d and d isp laye d b y ind ivid ual ranger d istrict to p rovid e the initial sp atial d istrib ution of b iom ass originating on the RGNF.

For the p urp oses of this section of the assessm ent b iom ass is d efine d as cellulosic m aterials, d ead or alive, that will b e rem oved from the forest or agricultural b yp rod ucts that are used in som e p rocess that converts them into b oard s, house logs, firewood , b iofuels, b io char, electrical energy, p ellets, anim al b e d d ing, erosion wad d les, com p ost and yet to b e d evelop e d end p rod ucts.

Biom ass yield s were d eterm ine d b ase d on stand exam inform ation and likely silvicultural p rescrip tions focuse d on im p roving stand and watershe d health. T his p rovid es a close ap p roxim ation of anticip ate d b iom ass rem oval b y tree sp e cies and hab itat structural stages.

Habitat Structural Stage

% Canopy Cover

Tree Size Class

2T na E 3A <40 M 3B 40-70 M 3C >70 M 4A <40 L 4B 40-70 L 4C >70 L



I£RGNF - Biomass Assessment:

Saguache Ranger District

Page 4: RGNF - Biomass Assessment: I Conejos Peak …...107 30'0"W 107 22'30"W 107 15'0"W 107 7'30"W 107 0'0"W 106 52'30"W 106 45'0"W 106 37'30"W 106 30'0"W 106 22'30"W 38 0'0"N 37 52'30"N









El Paso




La PlataLas






Ouray Pueblo





ArribaSan Juan

Taos Union



La Jara



0 10 20 30 40 505Miles


_̂ Possible Staging Sites

Proximity Distances (35miles for each with theexception of the SeedPark, 50 miles)

Rio Grande National ForestDistricts

Conejos Peak RangerDistrict

Divide Ranger District

Saguache RangerDistrict

CCF x Acres

0 - 660

661 - 1,966

1,967 - 4,388

4,389 - 12,998

Biomass Proximity

ColoradoNew Mexico
