RFP for Office Relocation Project Final - ccgov.net

K:\Active Projects\Courthouse Annex\Task Force\Architectural\RFP for Office Relocation Project_Final.docx REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS Architectural Services Campbell County Office Relocation Project – Phase I Courthouse and Courthouse Annex I. Purpose Campbell County Public Works, acting through the Board of County Commissioners, is requesting proposals from Architectural firms to provide professional services for the Campbell County Office Relocation Phase I Project. The intended outcome of the project is to develop schematic design and cost estimates for various Department/entity office and program relocations in the Courthouse and new Courthouse Annex (Formerly the Cloud Peak Energy office building). The project will also look at security and access control for the 2 nd floor of the Courthouse (court system). Project cost estimates will be provided to allow the County to adequately budget for the remodel projects. The overall project will be broken into three phases; Phase I is for Schematic Design and cost estimate, Phase II will be full Design Development, Construction Documents and Bidding. Phase III will be Construction Administration. Commissioner approval will be required before moving from Phase I to Phase II of the project. If Phase I is approved, Phase II scope will be fully developed, and a new fee proposal will be submitted. Contract will be amended to include the Phase II scope. II. Background In late 2018, the Campbell County Commissioners purchased the Cloud Peak Energy Building (referred to as the Courthouse Annex) located at 505 S. Gillette Avenue, across from the Courthouse. Purchase of the building will allow the Commissioners to move forward with relocating several Departments and offices to better serve the needs of the County and citizens, and to provide unallocated space for future needs. The Courthouse Annex building is set up as a square donut, with hallways down the center of the donut and offices on both sides. This layout works well for a single entity but could pose issues with suiting the agencies to allow access and security. The County Commissioners appointed a Courthouse Annex Task Force in early 2019 and charged it with developing a long-term vision document. The Task Force had several goals, including securing the second floor of the Courthouse for “court-related” entities only, relocating “legal-related” departments and entities into the Courthouse Annex, expanding the Commissioner’s Office to allow for more conference space, office space and storage, finding a permanent home for County Extension and CC Health coach, and providing public meeting rooms to replace those that may be lost if the branch library is housed in the George Amos Memorial Building (GAMB). These goals result in moving several departments and entities. To better understand the current and future needs of departments and entities, a survey was sent out to Departments asking them about their space needs

Transcript of RFP for Office Relocation Project Final - ccgov.net

K:\Active Projects\Courthouse Annex\Task Force\Architectural\RFP for Office Relocation Project_Final.docx


Architectural Services

Campbell County Office Relocation Project – Phase I

Courthouse and Courthouse Annex

I. Purpose

Campbell County Public Works, acting through the Board of County Commissioners, is requesting proposals from

Architectural firms to provide professional services for the Campbell County Office Relocation Phase I Project.

The intended outcome of the project is to develop schematic design and cost estimates for various

Department/entity office and program relocations in the Courthouse and new Courthouse Annex (Formerly the

Cloud Peak Energy office building). The project will also look at security and access control for the 2nd floor of the

Courthouse (court system). Project cost estimates will be provided to allow the County to adequately budget for

the remodel projects. The overall project will be broken into three phases; Phase I is for Schematic Design and

cost estimate, Phase II will be full Design Development, Construction Documents and Bidding. Phase III will be

Construction Administration. Commissioner approval will be required before moving from Phase I to Phase II of

the project. If Phase I is approved, Phase II scope will be fully developed, and a new fee proposal will be

submitted. Contract will be amended to include the Phase II scope.

II. Background

In late 2018, the Campbell County Commissioners purchased the Cloud Peak Energy Building (referred to as the

Courthouse Annex) located at 505 S. Gillette Avenue, across from the Courthouse. Purchase of the building will

allow the Commissioners to move forward with relocating several Departments and offices to better serve the

needs of the County and citizens, and to provide unallocated space for future needs.

The Courthouse Annex building is set up as a square donut, with hallways down the center of the donut and

offices on both sides. This layout works well for a single entity but could pose issues with suiting the agencies to

allow access and security.

The County Commissioners appointed a Courthouse Annex Task Force in early 2019 and charged it with

developing a long-term vision document. The Task Force had several goals, including securing the second floor

of the Courthouse for “court-related” entities only, relocating “legal-related” departments and entities into the

Courthouse Annex, expanding the Commissioner’s Office to allow for more conference space, office space and

storage, finding a permanent home for County Extension and CC Health coach, and providing public meeting

rooms to replace those that may be lost if the branch library is housed in the George Amos Memorial Building


These goals result in moving several departments and entities. To better understand the current and future

needs of departments and entities, a survey was sent out to Departments asking them about their space needs

K:\Active Projects\Courthouse Annex\Task Force\Architectural\RFP for Office Relocation Project_Final.docx

and preference for location. The survey results are included in the long-term vision document which is included

in the Appendix of this RFP for reference.

In addition, discussion ensued regarding the potential to put a branch library in downtown Gillette. The most

logical place for the branch library is the George Amos Memorial Building (GAMB) located adjacent to and north

of the Courthouse. Converting GAMB back into a library will require the relocation of the County Extension

office. The GAMB remodel for the branch library is not part of the scope of this study but is related in the need

to relocate County Extension and the Campbell County Health Coach from the facility. The study of moving

County Extension to another location is not part of the scope of this study.

Overall, the long-term vision calls for potentially moving ten (10) Departments/entities and a potential to move

and co-locate three (3) other entities. The chart that follows shows the preliminary vision for locations of these

entities, all subject to change after the schematic design is completed.

Potential Department/Entity Office Moves

III. General Proposal Requirements

Submit in the order shown below, using a maximum of twenty (20) single-sided pages. Note that the cover

letter does not count towards page limit.

1. Provide a representative list (up to 10) of similar projects, complete with details of the scope and outcome.

Emphasis should be placed on projects involving governmental office planning and/or design. Local or

Wyoming experience is a plus but is not required to be considered for this project

2. List key personnel assigned to the Project and their experience on projects of similar size and scope

3. Provide a comprehensive list of owner references on past projects of similar size and scope

4. Demonstrate your understanding of the Project by discussing your proposed sequence of work and ideas

you feel will bring the most value to the County. A demonstration of your understanding of local zoning and

building requirements will be a plus. A demonstration of your knowledge of the local construction market

and pricing trends is critical for success in your budgetary cost estimate. Knowledge of the use of the 2018

ICC Existing Building Code is a plus

Department or Entity Existing LocationCurrent Space

Approx. (SF)Proposed Location Comments

Commissioner's Office Courthouse Main Floor 2220 Courthouse Main Floor Expand into existing HR/Risk office

Attorney's Office Courthouse Basement 6670 Courthouse Annex 2nd Floor County Attorney request

Juvenile Probation Courthouse Basement 4510 Courthouse Annex Main Floor Requested by the Director

Juvenile Diversion Courthouse Basement 726 Courthouse Annex 2nd Floor Move with County Attorney

HR/Risk Office Courthouse Main Floor 1500 Courthouse Basement Move to existing County Attorney space

County Extension GAMB Basement 4270 Old FS #1/Old R&B Better public access and service

Adult Treatment Court Courthouse 2nd Floor 1450 Courthouse Annex Main Floor More space + conference room and RR

Guardian Ad Litem Old Fire Station #1 1537 Courthouse Annex Main Floor Requested by the Director

CC Health Coach GAMB Upstairs 70 Courthouse Basement Security and access an issue

Conservation District Private Office N/A Old FS #1/Old R&B Potential to co-locate services

NRCS Private Office N/A Old FS #1/Old R&B Potential to co-locate services

Farm Services Private Office N/A Old FS #1/Old R&B Potential to co-locate services

Public Defenders Courthouse 2nd Floor 2125 Courthouse Annex Main Floor Requested by the Director

Not in RFP Scope

Courthouse Annex Task Force - Staffing and Space

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5. Provide a proposed schedule for Phase I of the project, complete with dates for delivery of schematic design

reports and other milestones for each of the three Tasks

6. Provide (in a separate hard copy - mailed) a Fee Proposal for the Phase I project. Fees shall be broken out by

Tasks 1.1 through 1.3 shown below. The Fee Proposal may be modified once the agreed upon scope of work

is finalized

7. Provide a copy of your standard professional services contract, complete with any boiler-plate language

IV. Phase I Scope of Services

The successful firm will be charged with completing the following scope of services for the Project.

Task 1.1 – Schematic Design (Courthouse Annex)

This task will involve the following items:

1.1a Preliminary Scoping Session

o Gather information

o Site tours

o Solidify schedules and timelines

o Initial meetings with up to six (6) departments/entities

1.1b Field verify accuracy of owner-provided CAD floor plan documents and make changes as necessary

1.1c Space programming for departments/entities slated to relocate to Courthouse Annex

1.1d Final Scoping Session

o Meet with departments/entities to go over space programming

o Gather any further information required

1.1e Develop options for suites to allow separate departments/entities to co-locate in facility while

maintaining security and access for the public

1.1f Courthouse Annex entrance options

o Should entrances remain as is or does it make sense to move one or more?

o Are more entrances required to allow suites to function correctly?

o Design of entrance features to clearly delineate them as entrances (Awnings, signage, etc.)

1.1g Annex elevator options

o Only existing elevator is in SE corner of building. Does it make sense to add another elsewhere?

1.1h Courthouse and Courthouse Annex Connectivity Options

o Future sky bridge feasibility, options and costs. Explore the potential to connect the second floor

of the Courthouse with the 2nd floor of the Courthouse Annex with an enclosed sky bridge

o At-grade crosswalk from Courthouse to Courthouse Annex, with flashing strobe lights. City has

used these in several areas in town. Develop options and costs

1.1j Schematic floor plans, sections, elevations and documents as appropriate

o Utilizing space programming data, develop floor plans and/or designate existing office spaces as

required to fit the needs of the departments/entities slated to relocate to Courthouse Annex

o Identify required modifications/upgrades to existing HVAC, electrical, plumbing and IT systems

1.1k Courthouse Annex building, zoning and site analysis

o Building Code requirements

K:\Active Projects\Courthouse Annex\Task Force\Architectural\RFP for Office Relocation Project_Final.docx

1.1m Schematic Design Cost Estimates

o Broken out to show basic remodel, HVAC, electrical, plumbing, entrance options, elevator

options, and sky bridge options, design development, construction documents, bidding,

construction administration and owner costs. Sample cost estimate sheet located in Appendix.

1.1n Schematic Summary

o Document outlining finishes, materials, equipment, etc.

1.1p Presentation of Courthouse Annex Schematic Design to Task Force and Commissioners

Task 1.1 deliverables will be a schematic design report containing programming, suiting options, entrance

options, elevator options, connectivity options, schematic floor plans (PDF and DWG), building/zoning/site

analysis, schematic cost estimates and schematic summary.

Task 1.2 – Schematic Design (Courthouse)

This task will involve the following items:

1.2a Preliminary Scoping Session (can be concurrent with Courthouse Annex scoping session)

o Gather information

o Site tours

o Solidify schedules and timelines

o Initial meetings with up to three (3) departments/entities

1.2b Field verify accuracy of CAD floor plan documents and make changes as necessary

1.2c Space programming for departments/entities slated to relocate. Use 20-25-year planning period

1.2d Final Scoping Session

o Meet with departments/entities to go over space programming

o Gather any further information required

1.2e Schematic floor plans, sections, elevations and documents as appropriate

o Utilizing space programming data, develop floor plans and/or remodel options to fit the needs

of the departments/entities slated to relocate

o Develop schematic layout(s) for three (3) public meeting rooms in basement of Courthouse

1.2f Concepts for providing after-hours access to the public for use of new meeting rooms

1.2g Courthouse building, zoning and site analysis

o Building Code requirements

1.2h Schematic Design cost estimates. Sample cost estimate sheet located in Appendix

1.2j Schematic Summary

o Document outlining finishes, materials, equipment, etc.

1.2k Presentation of Courthouse Schematic Design to Task Force and Commissioners (Can be concurrent with

Courthouse Annex presentation)

Task 1.2 deliverables will be a schematic design report containing programming, schematic floor plans (PDF

and DWG), building/zoning/site analysis, schematic cost estimates and schematic summary.

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Task 1.3 – Security and Access Control (Courthouse 2nd Floor)

This task will involve the following items:

1.3a Preliminary Scoping Session

o Gather information

o Site tours

o Solidify schedules and timelines

o Initial meetings with Court Security, Courthouse Security Committee, District Court, and Circuit


1.3b Investigate options for providing single-location access to 2nd floor of Courthouse (court system).

Current thought is to allow public access to 2nd floor only through the Courthouse lobby and provide

limited employee access from stairwells in other locations. Exhibit located in the Long Term Vision

document in the Appendix

1.3c Schematic floor plans, sections, elevations and documents as appropriate

o Develop concepts for providing access control to Circuit and District Court sides of the 2nd floor

1.3d Final Scoping Session

o Meet with Court Security, Courthouse Security Committee, District Court and Circuit Court to

discuss options

o Gather any further information required

1.3e Courthouse Building Analysis

o Building Code requirements

o Access and Egress

1.3f Schematic Design Cost Estimates. Sample cost estimate sheet located in Appendix

1.3g Schematic Summary

o Document outlining finishes, materials, equipment, etc.

1.3h Presentation of Security and Access Control Schematic Design to Task Force and Commissioners (Can be

concurrent with Courthouse Annex and Courthouse presentation)

Task 1.3 deliverables will be a schematic design report containing programming, schematic floor plans (PDF

and DWG), building analysis, schematic cost estimates for the remodel, and schematic summary

V. County Responsibilities

1. Make available to successful firm all existing plans, specifications, studies, reports and other data on file to

assist in the successful completion of the Project

2. Assign a Project Manager to coordinate the communications between the County and the successful firm

3. Respond to all questions in a timely manner

4. Immediately advise the successful firm of any new developments which have the potential to impact the


5. Select firm using a qualifications-based selection process. Scope modifications and fee negotiation with the

most qualified firm will ensue, and if a fee deemed equitable to both parties cannot be agreed upon, the

next most qualified firm will be contacted, and negotiation will ensue. This will continue until such time a

qualified firm is under contract.

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VI. RFP Questions

Please direct any questions, need for additional information, clarification of the RFP, or requests to tour the

existing facilities to Clark Melinkovich, P.E., at (307) 685-8061 or [email protected].

Office hours are Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (MDT).

VII. Proposal Submittal

Proposals are due to Public Works on June 20, 2019 by 3:00 p.m. Proposals shall be submitted electronically, in

PDF format, via email to [email protected]. It is up to the submitting firm to ensure the proposal was received

and successfully opened.

VIII. Anticipated Schedule

The qualification statements will be evaluated and selected by a committee, and a recommendation to award a

contract will be made to the Commissioners. The County reserves the right to reject any or all proposals and to

select without interviews. Our anticipated schedule is as follows, subject to change:

• Advertise RFP: May 24, 29, 31

• Proposals due to Public Works: June 20, 2019

• Award approval by County Commissioners: July 16, 2019

IX. Incurring Costs

Campbell County is not liable for any cost incurred by proposers prior to entering into a definitive agreement for

services. No property interest, of any nature, shall accrue until a definitive agreement has been executed by

both parties.

X. Sovereign Immunity

Campbell County does not waive its sovereign immunity or governmental immunity by soliciting this RFP or by

entering into a definitive agreement, and fully retains all immunities and defenses provided by law regarding any

action based on this RFP or definitive agreement.

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• Sample cost estimate worksheets

• Long Term Vision Document

Sample Cost Estimate Worksheet – Courthouse Annex

Item Option 1 Cost Option 2 Cost Option 3 Cost


Basic Remodel -$ -$ -$

HVAC -$ -$ -$

Electrical -$ -$ -$

Plumbing -$ -$ -$

IT -$ -$ -$

Entrance Change -$ -$ -$

Elevator Option -$ -$ -$

Sky Bridge -$ -$ -$

Total Construction -$ -$ -$


Design Dev (DD) -$ -$ -$

Constr. Doc (CD) -$ -$ -$

Bidding -$ -$ -$

Constr. Admin (CA) -$ -$ -$

Total Design Costs -$ -$ -$


Testing/Inspection -$ -$ -$

Other Owner Costs -$ -$ -$

Total Owner Costs -$ -$ -$

Total Cost -$ -$ -$

Option 1 includes:

Option 2 includes:

Option 3 includes:

Schematic Cost Estimate - Courthouse Annex

K:\Active Projects\Courthouse Annex\Task Force\Architectural\RFP for Office Relocation Project_Final.docx

Sample Cost Estimate Worksheet – Courthouse

Item Option 1 Cost Option 2 Cost Option 3 Cost


Basic Remodel -$ -$ -$

HVAC -$ -$ -$

Electrical -$ -$ -$

Plumbing -$ -$ -$

IT -$ -$ -$

Meeting Rm Access -$ -$ -$

Sky Bridge -$ -$ -$

Total Construction -$ -$ -$


Design Dev (DD) -$ -$ -$

Constr. Doc (CD) -$ -$ -$

Bidding -$ -$ -$

Constr. Admin (CA) -$ -$ -$

Total Design Costs -$ -$ -$


Testing/Inspection -$ -$ -$

Other Owner Costs -$ -$ -$

Total Owner Costs -$ -$ -$

Total Cost -$ -$ -$

Option 1 includes:

Option 2 includes:

Option 3 includes:

Schematic Cost Estimate - Courthouse

K:\Active Projects\Courthouse Annex\Task Force\Architectural\RFP for Office Relocation Project_Final.docx

Sample Cost Estimate Worksheet – Courthouse Security and Access Control

Item Option 1 Cost Option 2 Cost Option 3 Cost


Basic Remodel -$ -$ -$

HVAC -$ -$ -$

Electrical -$ -$ -$

Plumbing -$ -$ -$

IT -$ -$ -$

Total Construction -$ -$ -$


Design Dev (DD) -$ -$ -$

Constr. Doc (CD) -$ -$ -$

Bidding -$ -$ -$

Constr. Admin (CA) -$ -$ -$

Total Design Costs -$ -$ -$


Testing/Inspection -$ -$ -$

Other Owner Costs -$ -$ -$

Total Owner Costs -$ -$ -$

Total Cost -$ -$ -$

Option 1 includes:

Option 2 includes:

Option 3 includes:

Schematic Cost Estimate - Courthouse Security/Access Control



TERM VISION REPORT The graphic above depicts quite well the

challenges of moving entities from one location

to another, and the resulting conflict that

generally ensues by backfilling of voided space.

A high-level vision for the most efficient

and appropriate location for County

departments and outside entities to best

serve the citizens. Vision includes the

Courthouse Annex (formerly the Cloud

Peak Office building), the Courthouse, and

old Fire Station #1 on Rohan and Old Road

and Bridge on 4-J Road.

1 | P a g e

ContentsContentsContentsContents Long Term Vision........................................................................................................................................... 3

Background and Summary ........................................................................................................................ 3

Potential Department/Entity Office Moves .............................................................................................. 4

Courthouse Annex Assignment (see attached exhibits) ........................................................................... 4

Courthouse Annex 2nd Floor: ................................................................................................................. 5

Courthouse Annex Main Floor .............................................................................................................. 5

Courthouse Annex Basement ............................................................................................................... 5

Courthouse Office Relocations (See attached exhibits) ........................................................................... 5

Courthouse 2nd Floor: ............................................................................................................................ 5

Courthouse Main Floor ......................................................................................................................... 5

Courthouse Basement .......................................................................................................................... 5

Old Fire Station #1/Old Road and Bridge Assignments ............................................................................ 6

General Discussion Items .......................................................................................................................... 6

1. Commissioner’s Office: ................................................................................................................. 6

2. County Attorney ............................................................................................................................ 6

3. Juvenile Probation......................................................................................................................... 6

4. Juvenile Diversion: ........................................................................................................................ 7

5. HR/Risk .......................................................................................................................................... 7

6. County Extension .......................................................................................................................... 7

7. Adult Treatment ............................................................................................................................ 7

8. Guardian Ad Litem ........................................................................................................................ 7

9. Campbell County Health Coach .................................................................................................... 7

10. Conservation District ................................................................................................................. 8

11. Public Defenders ....................................................................................................................... 8

Draft Action Items (In rough order) .......................................................................................................... 8

Other Items ............................................................................................................................................... 9

Appendix ..................................................................................................................................................... 10

Space needs survey results ......................................................................................................... 10

Courthouse Basement Layout ..................................................................................................... 10

Courthouse Main Floor Layout ................................................................................................... 10

Courthouse Second Floor Layout ................................................................................................ 10

Courthouse Second Floor Access ................................................................................................ 10

2 | P a g e

Courthouse Annex Main Floor Layout ........................................................................................ 10

Courthouse Annex Second Floor Layout ..................................................................................... 10

3 | P a g e

Long Term VisionLong Term VisionLong Term VisionLong Term Vision

Background and SummaryBackground and SummaryBackground and SummaryBackground and Summary

In late 2018, the Campbell County Commissioners purchased the Cloud Peak Energy Building located at

505 S. Gillette Avenue, across from the Courthouse. Purchase of the building will allow the

Commissioners to move forward with relocating several Departments and offices to increase security,

provide for better efficiency, better serve the needs of the County and citizens, and to provide

unallocated space for future needs.

The County Commissioners appointed a Courthouse Annex Task Force in early 2019 and charged it with

developing a long-term vision document. Task Force members included:

Robert Maul - Commissioner

Mark Christensen - Commissioner

Carol Seeger - Deputy County Attorney

Phil Harvey - ITS Director

William Beastrom - Facilities Manager

Robert Palmer - Commissioner’s Administrative Director

Tina Honeycutt - Human Resources Risk Management Specialist

Kevin King - Public Works Executive Director

Major goals of the Task Force include the following:

• Secure the second floor of the Courthouse for Circuit and District Court only

• Develop long term access and security for second floor of Courthouse

• Move “legal-related” departments and entities into the Courthouse Annex

• Expand the Commissioner’s Office to allow for more conference space, office space and storage

• Find a permanent and efficient home for County Extension and the CC Health Coach, allowing

the opportunity for GAMB to become a branch library

• Provide public meeting rooms to make up for those lost if GAMB becomes branch library

To gauge the desire/need for entities to relocate to fit the task force goals, a survey was sent out to

various departments asking them about their space needs and preference for location.

Four questions were asked in the survey:

• Do you have a need or desire to move your Department to a new location?

• Is your current total office space adequate for existing and anticipated future needs?

• If you had a choice, would you prefer to locate in the Courthouse or Courthouse Annex?

• Would lack of a connected “sky-bridge” between buildings sway your decision?

The results of the survey are shown in the appendix of this document.

4 | P a g e

Concurrently, discussion ensued regarding the potential to develop a branch library in downtown

Gillette. The most logical place for the branch library is the George Amos Memorial Building (GAMB)

located adjacent to and north of the Courthouse. GAMB was the first Campbell County library

constructed in 1941. Converting GAMB back into a library will require the relocation of the County

Extension office and Campbell County Health Coach. The Task Force has developed an RFP for an

architectural feasibility study for locating the branch library in GAMB.

The Task Force would like to investigate the potential of moving County Extension into the old Fire

Station #1 building and potentially co-locating with NRCS, County Conservation, and Farm Services. We

feel this co-location of services would provide a very efficient one-stop shop for County residents.

The Task Force has developed an RFP for an architectural schematic design study for the Courthouse and

Courthouse Annex. The study will develop schematic options and cost estimates for the Commissioners

to consider. A look at the old Fire Station #1 and/or the old Road & Bridge will be in a separate RFP.

Overall, the long-term vision calls for moving several Departments/entities. The chart that follows shows

the preliminary vision for locations of these entities, subject to change after the schematic design study

is completed.

Potential Department/Entity Office MovesPotential Department/Entity Office MovesPotential Department/Entity Office MovesPotential Department/Entity Office Moves

Courthouse Annex AssignmentCourthouse Annex AssignmentCourthouse Annex AssignmentCourthouse Annex Assignment (see attached exhibits)(see attached exhibits)(see attached exhibits)(see attached exhibits)

The draft long term vision for the Courthouse Annex calls for several Departments/entities locating to

the facility. The vision is to utilize the Main and 2nd floors initially, and to leave the basement as

unallocated. Draft layout shows we should have unallocated space left on the 2nd floor.

Department or Entity Existing LocationCurrent Space

Approx. (SF)Proposed Location Comments

Commissioner's Office Courthouse Main Floor 2220 Courthouse Main Floor Expand into existing HR/Risk office

Attorney's Office Courthouse Basement 6670 Courthouse Annex 2nd Floor County Attorney request

Juvenile Probation Courthouse Basement 4510 Courthouse Annex Main Floor Requested by the Director

Juvenile Diversion Courthouse Basement 726 Courthouse Annex 2nd Floor Move with County Attorney

HR/Risk Office Courthouse Main Floor 1500 Courthouse Basement Move to existing County Attorney space

County Extension GAMB Basement 4270 Old FS #1/Old R&B Better public access and service

Adult Treatment Court Courthouse 2nd Floor 1450 Courthouse Annex Main Floor More space + conference room and RR

Guardian Ad Litem Old Fire Station #1 1537 Courthouse Annex Main Floor Requested by the Director

CC Health Coach GAMB Upstairs 70 Courthouse Basement Security and access an issue

Conservation District Private Office N/A Old FS #1/Old R&B Potential to co-locate services

NRCS Private Office N/A Old FS #1/Old R&B Potential to co-locate services

Farm Services Private Office N/A Old FS #1/Old R&B Potential to co-locate services

Public Defenders Courthouse 2nd Floor 2125 Courthouse Annex Main Floor Requested by the Director

Courthouse Annex Task Force - Staffing and Space

5 | P a g e

Courthouse Annex Courthouse Annex Courthouse Annex Courthouse Annex 2222ndndndnd Floor:Floor:Floor:Floor:

• County Attorney

• Juvenile Diversion

• 11-12 unallocated office spaces remain based on current staffing levels

• Will need to look at access and security since stairwells access 2nd floor in several locations

• Future access to sky-bridge would allow direct access to 2nd floor of Courthouse

Courthouse Annex Courthouse Annex Courthouse Annex Courthouse Annex Main Main Main Main FloorFloorFloorFloor

• Guardian Ad Litem

• Adult Treatment

• Public Defenders

• Juvenile Probation

• A shared copy room and break room can be utilized by all entities

• A few unallocated office spaces may remain

Courthouse Annex Courthouse Annex Courthouse Annex Courthouse Annex BasementBasementBasementBasement

• Left unallocated for now. Could be developed into meeting rooms, offices, or storage space in

the future.

Courthouse Office Relocations (See attached exhibits)Courthouse Office Relocations (See attached exhibits)Courthouse Office Relocations (See attached exhibits)Courthouse Office Relocations (See attached exhibits)

The draft long term vision for the Courthouse calls for several Departments/entities to relocate within

the building or move from the building. The vision is to move all entities from the 2nd floor that are not

fully “court-related” so security can be put in to place. This will also free up space for future expansion

of the court system. The plan also calls for new public meeting room in the basement to replace those

that will be lost at GAMB due to the branch library. Draft layout shows we should have unallocated

space left on the 2nd floor and basement.

Courthouse Courthouse Courthouse Courthouse 2222ndndndnd Floor:Floor:Floor:Floor:

• Adult Treatment Court will move to Courthouse Annex

• Public Defenders will move to Courthouse Annex

• Unallocated space can be used to expand the court system and will allow security measures with

controlled access to occur

Courthouse Courthouse Courthouse Courthouse Main Main Main Main FloorFloorFloorFloor

• HR/Risk will move to the basement

• Commissioner’s Office will expand into HR/Risk space

Courthouse Courthouse Courthouse Courthouse BasementBasementBasementBasement

• County Attorney will move to Courthouse Annex

• HR/Risk will occupy office space left by County Attorney move

• New public meeting rooms will be constructed adjacent to new HR/Risk office

• Juvenile Diversion will move to Courthouse Annex

• Juvenile Probation could move to Courthouse Annex if they choose

6 | P a g e

Old Fire Station #1Old Fire Station #1Old Fire Station #1Old Fire Station #1/Old Road and Bridge/Old Road and Bridge/Old Road and Bridge/Old Road and Bridge AssignmentAssignmentAssignmentAssignmentssss

Plans to turn GAMB back into a branch library cause the need for County Extension and the Health

Coach to move. One thought was to move Extension to the basement of the Courthouse Annex, but the

Task Force feels that the downtown location for Extension is not the best. The Task Force has also

reached out to the Conservation District as the County currently pays their rent at a private office

building. Conservation is currently co-located with two federal agencies; NRCS and Farm Services. The

three programs have synergy and allow some one-stop shopping for citizens. Given the synergy, and the

additional public convenience that could be realized if County Extension were added to the mix, the Task

Force would like to explore an extensive remodel of the old Fire Station #1 or Road and Bridge facility to

allow all four entities to co-locate. The federal agencies have strict rules regarding office spaces and how

this space is procured, and these rules would need to be met for them to consider a move. In this

scenario, NRCS and Farm Services would lease office space from the County. The advantages of a co-

location concept would include:

• Public meeting rooms and restroom facilities could be shared by all entities

• Would provide the public with one-stop shopping

• Larger area available for parking larger vehicles and horse trailers

• Old Road and Bridge has ample paved parking and room to allow four separate suites with

separate entrances while sharing common meeting rooms and restrooms.

General General General General Discussion ItemsDiscussion ItemsDiscussion ItemsDiscussion Items

1. Commissioner’s Office:Commissioner’s Office:Commissioner’s Office:Commissioner’s Office: The Department has been short of space for some time and has inquired

about expansion into the existing HR/Risk space. Moving HR/Risk to the basement of the

Courthouse would allow this expansion. The extra space will allow dedicated office space for

each of the County Commissioners, a second conference room, and additional storage. Access to

the new space would be made directly from the Commission Chambers as well as the existing

hallway. The Department currently occupies about 2200 square feet (excluding Chambers) and

would pick up an additional 1500.

2. County AttorneyCounty AttorneyCounty AttorneyCounty Attorney: Currently, the Department occupies about 6700 square feet of space in the

basement of the Courthouse. They need more space for offices and are very short on storage.

Locating to the 2nd floor of the Courthouse Annex should set them up for long term success,

allowing for more staffing, substantial storage, access-controlled security, and space to allow

other law-related offices if needed. With potential courtroom expansions in the future, a sky

bridge would allow the opportunity for judicial offices to relocate as well. They are currently

budgeted for 28 FTE. Co-locating on the 2nd floor with Juvenile Diversion will still result in about

eleven (11) unallocated offices for future expansion or other legal-related entities. Long term

storage needs may also be met in the basement of the Annex.

3. Juvenile ProbationJuvenile ProbationJuvenile ProbationJuvenile Probation: Currently, the Department occupies about 4500 square feet in the basement

of the Courthouse. Their current office needs are fine, but they lack a large conference room for

meetings and training. Moving to the Courthouse Annex would result in a much smaller space

but appears to allow an office for each staff member, a large conference room, restrooms in the

hallway of the suite, and access to the Courtyard.

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4. Juvenile Diversion:Juvenile Diversion:Juvenile Diversion:Juvenile Diversion: Currently, the entity occupies about 725 square feet with four office spaces in

the basement of the Courthouse, across the hall from the County Attorney. They will be located

on the 2nd floor of the Courthouse Annex with the County Attorney.

5. HR/RiskHR/RiskHR/RiskHR/Risk: Currently, the Department occupies about 1500 square feet on the first floor of the

Courthouse. They are short office space and storage space. Also, they provide periodic training

in GAMB and thus are forced to transport training materials back and forth between the two

buildings. The draft plan is to move them to the basement of the Courthouse in the present

County Attorney’s space. This would result in about 3300 square feet of office/storage space

and would place them adjacent to three proposed meeting rooms. This plan also allows for the

relocation of the Campbell County Health coach into the suite, affording security and

convenience for the health coach and County staff.

6. County ExtensionCounty ExtensionCounty ExtensionCounty Extension: Currently, the program occupies about 4300 square feet in the basement of

GAMB and utilize another 4300 square feet of public meeting space upstairs on a regular basis.

They report they are short in office space and storage space, and do not have a conference

room for their staff meetings. Several potential options exist, including:

a. Remodel old Fire Station #1 and co-locate with Conservation, NRCS and Farm Services.

The current square footage of Fire Station #1 is about 8000 square feet. A schematic

study will reveal if existing space can be efficiently utilized or if an addition will be


b. Remodel the old Road and Bridge and have them co-locate with the entities listed above

c. Remodel old Fire Station #1 and utilize the entire 8000 square feet. The existing

apparatus bays could be used for their meeting/activity rooms

d. The final option would be to use the basement of the Courthouse Annex. This space is

about 9000 square feet, has offices and break room, and space to create their

meeting/activity rooms. Due to downtown location, this option is the least preferred

7. Adult TreatmentAdult TreatmentAdult TreatmentAdult Treatment: Moving to the Courthouse Annex would allow for adequate office space, a

conference room, a dedicated restroom for samples, and an entrance directly off the east side

of the building. The ability to secure the rest of the building and maintain after-hours access

would be required. The move would free up space on the second floor of the Courthouse for

future court-related expansion.

8. Guardian Ad LitemGuardian Ad LitemGuardian Ad LitemGuardian Ad Litem: They currently occupy three offices and a conference room in the old Fire

Station #1 building. Moving to the Courthouse Annex would allow adequate office and storage

space and would free up the old Fire Station #1 for the Extension Office, Conservation District,

NRCS, Farm Services or other.

9. Campbell County Health CoCampbell County Health CoCampbell County Health CoCampbell County Health Coachachachach: The health coach is currently located in the GAMB, main level, on

the back. The small office (70 square feet) is cramped and poorly located. The coach has

requested a move for winter comfort and year-round security. A move to a suite in the

Courthouse basement would meet these conditions and be convenient for County staff.

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10. Conservation DistrictConservation DistrictConservation DistrictConservation District: The District is currently co-located with NRCS and is forced to shut down

whenever a Federal Government shut-down occurs. At least two (2) options exist, including:

a. Remodel old Fire Station #1 and co-locate with the entities listed under County

Extension above. They require approximately 2700 square feet of space per their

request. NRCS and Farm Services are co-located, and we do not have adequate

information regarding their current space

b. Remodel the old Road and Bridge and co-locate with other entities listed above

11. Public DefendersPublic DefendersPublic DefendersPublic Defenders: Currently, the Public Defender’s Office occupies about 2100 square feet on the

2nd floor of the Courthouse, across the hall from the Circuit Court offices. The Office has

requested to be moved to the Courthouse Annex. The move would provide adequate office and

storage space and would free up their existing space on the second floor of the Courthouse for

future court expansion.

DrafDrafDrafDraft Action Items (In rough order)t Action Items (In rough order)t Action Items (In rough order)t Action Items (In rough order)

Task # Task Complete?

1 Develop RFP for branch library study

2 Commissioner approval of RFP for branch library feasibility study

3 Develop RFP for County Office Relocation Schematic Design study

4 Commissioner approval of RFP for Office Relocation project

5 Final presentation of Long-Term Vision document to Commissioners

6 Contract with architect 1 for branch library feasibility study

7 Contract with architect 2 for Office Relocation Schematic Design study

8 Contract with architect 3 for Old Fire Station #1/Old Road and Bridge study

9 Architect 1 present branch library feasibility study to Commissioners

10 Architect 1 present branch library feasibility study to Library Board

11 Contract with architect 1 for full design of branch library

12 Architect 2 present schematic design study to Commissioners

13 Contract with architect 2 for design of Annex, Courthouse and/or FS #1

14 Architect 3 present Old Fire Station #1/Old Road and Bridge study

15 Contract with Architect 3 for full design of Old Fire Station #1/R&B

16 Bid Annex, Courthouse, FS #1 project(s)

17 Construct Courthouse Annex remodel project

18 Move entities/departments to Courthouse Annex

19 Construct Courthouse basement remodel for HR and meeting rooms

20 Move HR/Risk to basement

21 Move Health Coach to basement

22 Construct remodel of old HR/Risk space for Commissioners

23 Move Commissioners into remodeled space

24 Construct Fire Station #1/Old Road and Bridge project

25 Move County Extension to Fire Station #1

26 Construct branch library remodel

27 Set up branch library

28 Develop Plans for Courthouse 2nd Floor security

29 Construct new 2nd floor Courthouse security improvements

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Other ItemsOther ItemsOther ItemsOther Items

Other items related to moves in departments include:

• If a new courtroom is approved, remodel the old Public Defenders space for Circuit Court staff

• Move Circuit Court staff to new space

• Remodel old Circuit Court space into new courtroom

• If concept and funding is approved, develop a skybridge between the Courthouse Annex and


• If needed, expand District Court staff into old Adult Treatment space on second floor of


• Develop vision for the old Road and Bridge facility (if not already complete)

• Discuss VFW space with Commissioners to determine their thoughts

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Space needs survey resultsSpace needs survey resultsSpace needs survey resultsSpace needs survey results

Courthouse Basement LayoutCourthouse Basement LayoutCourthouse Basement LayoutCourthouse Basement Layout

Courthouse Main Floor LayoutCourthouse Main Floor LayoutCourthouse Main Floor LayoutCourthouse Main Floor Layout

Courthouse Second Floor LayoutCourthouse Second Floor LayoutCourthouse Second Floor LayoutCourthouse Second Floor Layout

Courthouse Second Floor Access Courthouse Second Floor Access Courthouse Second Floor Access Courthouse Second Floor Access

Courthouse Annex Main Floor LayoutCourthouse Annex Main Floor LayoutCourthouse Annex Main Floor LayoutCourthouse Annex Main Floor Layout

Courthouse Annex Second Floor LayoutCourthouse Annex Second Floor LayoutCourthouse Annex Second Floor LayoutCourthouse Annex Second Floor Layout

Department or Entity Need or Desire to Move?Current Space adequate for existing

and future?Preference for relocation location?

Would lack of "sky-bridge" between

the Courthouse and Annex deter

your decision to move?


Commissioner's Office NoNo, need more office space, another

conference room, and storage space

Existing with expansion into HR/Risk

areaN/A Discussion with Administrative Director Palmer

Attorney's Office YES on both

No. Storage and office is layout a major

issue and also need Victim Witness

Coordinator meeting space

Courthouse Annex No County Attorney Ron Wirthwein responded

Juvenile Probation YES on both

Space is adequate but they lack a large

conference room for meeting and

training. Staff meetings are held in their

lobby and often get interupted by

people coming in.

Courthouse or Courthouse Annex.

They would like to get out of the

basement and have windows

No Director Lyon responded

HR/Risk Office Need, YesNo. HR needs more room for both

offices and filing

Does not like GAMB due to potential

for noise. Could move to Courthouse

Annex but worries about trips across

the street. Public Works suite an

option if PW were to move

Did not answer but expressed

concern over making frequent trips

across the street

Director Charlotte Terry reponded

County Extension Yes and Yes

No. Pesticide testing office situation is

not adequate, need space for

Horticulturist and UW Extension

Educators, need more storage space,

need a conference room and breakroom

Courthouse AnnexNo. Parking and especially after

hours is more of our concernMichelle Pierce responded

Adult Treatment Court Need No, Desire Yes

No. Current staff is 3.5 and they expect

to grow to 5 FT in the next few years.

Need a private restroom to collect

samples. Need a conference room to

seat 20 people

Near the Courthouse but not

necessarily in the Courthouse

Not a deal breaker but would be

much safer for employees and clientsCoordinator Chad Beeman responded

Guardian Ad Litem Yes on both Yes Courthouse AnnexThe bridge would be awesome but

does not sway our opinionJoe Belcher responded

Health Coach Desire, Yes

Space adequate but would prefer about

double the space if possible. Heat an

issue in winter and safety a concern.

Courthouse Annex or in the

basement of GAMBNo Health Educator Reba Borden responded

Conservation District

Yes, they would consider a new

location. Being co-located with NRCS,

during government shut downs they

are required to vacate the premises.

Currently adequate but no additional

space to grow or for storage.

Courthouse Annex. It provides

parking and they need room for stock

trailers to park

No District Manager Jennifer Hinkhouse responded

Public Defenders Yes on both

The split office location is not the best

and we would like to be together in one


Courthouse Annex No Jeff Coombs responded

Courthouse Annex Task Force - Survey Results