R_FB60 Zakat Retention One Way Matching

Account payable FB60 - Zakat Retention for One Way Matching TOPIC OBJECTIVES Business Process Procedure Overview Background For some Contractual vendors the Zakat Department in KSA requires retaining 10% of the total amount of the invoice. Once the vendor completes his work and submits Zakat certificate the retained amount will be released to the vendor. By default the retained amount (10%) will be blocked, as “Z” and the payment method used for such transaction is “Z” type payment method. Scenario You want to enter a vendor invoice for a contractual vendor. Prerequisites Vendor master, defined payment blocks and payment methods. In this example we use payment term Z001. This is form is defined as installment payment. For every vendor invoice entered with this payment term an invoice amount will be divided into partial amounts with different due dates. PROCEDURAL STEPS Menu Path Accounting Financial Accounting Accounts Payable Document entry FB60 – Invoice. Transaction Code FB60 Last changed on: 06/10/22 Version: Final SAP 4.6C Work Instruction Page: 1 of 13


SAP R_FB60 Zakat Retention One Way Matching

Transcript of R_FB60 Zakat Retention One Way Matching

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Account payable

FB60 - Zakat Retention for One Way Matching


Business Process Procedure OverviewBackgroundFor some Contractual vendors the Zakat Department in KSA requires retaining 10% of the total amount of the invoice. Once the vendor completes his work and submits Zakat certificate the retained amount will be released to the vendor. By default the retained amount (10%) will be blocked, as “Z” and the payment method used for such transaction is “Z” type payment method.

ScenarioYou want to enter a vendor invoice for a contractual vendor.

PrerequisitesVendor master, defined payment blocks and payment methods. In this example we use payment term Z001. This is form is defined as installment payment. For every vendor invoice entered with this payment term an invoice amount will be divided into partial amounts with different due dates.


Menu Path Accounting Financial Accounting Accounts Payable Document entry FB60 – Invoice.

Transaction Code FB60

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Account payable


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Account payable

Perform the following steps of how to enter vendor invoice for a contractual vendor using the information below:

Menu path: Accounting Financial Accounting Accounts Payable Document entry FB60 – Invoice.

SAP Easy Access

1. Double Click on FB60 – Invoice.

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Account payable

Enter vendor invoice: Company code 1200

2. Update the following required and optional fields:

Field Name Description Values

Vendor Code identifying the vendor account Example: 100125

Invoice date Invoice date Example: 02102002

Reference Additional document description Example: Zakat Retention

Amount Invoice Amount Example: 10000

Text Additional document description Example: this invoice will be broken down into two OI one for

G/L acct GL account number Example: 430001

Amount doc.curr. Amount of the line item Example: *

Cost center Code identifying an organizational unit to which costs or assets are assigned

Example: 1201000

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Account payable

3. Click <tab button> Payment to enter payment data.

Enter vendor invoice: Company code 1200

4. Update the following required and optional fields:

Field Name Description Values

BaselineDt Date for calculation of invoice due date

Example: 04102002

Payment terms Enter here the required payment term

Example: Z001

5. Click Simulate Button to simulate the posting. The system will display document overivew.

Document Overview

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Account payable

The invoice has been entered with payment term Z001. This payment term had been defined as installment payment 90/10, so the system automatically broke down the total invoice amount of 10.000 SAR into two partial amounts.

6. Click Save Button to post the invoice.

7. You can display vendor line items to see the results of your posting. Follow the menu path:

SAP Easy Access

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Account payable

8. Double Click on FBL1N – Display / Change line Items.

Vendor Line Item Display

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Account payable

9. Update the following required and optional fields:

Field Name Description Values

Vendor account Enter required vendor account number Example: 100125

10. Click Execute Button to display the line items.

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Account payable

Vendor Line Item Display

As on the screen above, you can see, that previously posted vendor document consists of two line items.

11. Double click on the first line item (1.000 SAR):

Display Document: Line Item 003

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Account payable

Please notice that for this line item (10% of the total invoice amount) the system automatically defined payment terms Z003 and a baseline date 04 Jan 2011. Also, the item is blocked for payment – payment block Z and payment method Z.

12. Press Back Button .

Vendor Line Item Display

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Account payable

13. Double click on the second line item (9.000 SAR):

Display Document: Line Item 002

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Account payable

The line item is free for payment and the baseline date is the same one as for the original invoice. Payment term has been automatically changed by the system from Z001 to Z002.

14. Press Back Button .

Vendor Line Item Display

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Account payable

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