REX Operation

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There is good reason for the citizens of the U.S. to be concerned about the upcoming Jade Helm 15 military exercises in many States this summer. Since it is unconstitutional to have military on the streets and private property of the United States...the Governors of the various States involved should negate this activity. There is plenty of Federal property for military exercises to be practiced.

Transcript of REX Operation

Miami Herald wrote: Some of President Reagan's top advisers have operated a virtual parallel government outside the traditional Cabinet departments and agencies almost from the day Reagan took office, congressional investigators and administration officials have concluded. Reagan did know of or approve at least some of the actions of the secret group, according to previous accounts by aides, friends and high-ranking foreign officials.You should really read the whole Herald article linked, it is fascinating. They suggest that the secret group that set up Rex 84 was organized before the 1980 elections, and actively sabotaged Carters campaign, such as the theft of briefing books shortly before a debate.The reporter for the Herald wrote that he expected Rex 84 to be a primary topic during the Congressional Hearings with Oliver North, though as the transcript at the beginning of this article shows, that is not the case.There are a few things to put in perspective here, the first being how easy it would have been to institute martial law, even before legislation like the Patriot Act and the enactment of Continuity of Government by George Bush during the 9/11 attacks.The second that the `Deep State' behind Rex 84 operated to some extent without the knowledge or consent of the President.Some food for thought: if this is how seriously the `Deep State' took their operations in Central America, what type of planning is going on behind the scenes today? How has Rex 84 grown in the last two decades, and will they put such an operation into effect if civil unrest becomes widespread, possibly due to further, grander NSA revelations or perhaps a war of aggression against Iran?It is no use being afraid of operations such as Rex 84, it simply means that activism should be directed intelligently. The focus should be on mass education and `starving the beast', also known as `voting with your wallet'. In the future I will have some grand `solutions' page I can link to instead of vague conclusion paragraphs such as this one.Keep on informing yourself of information such as Rex 84 and then inform others.