REWARDS AND PUNISHMENTS GIVEN BY THE TEACHER TO MOTIVATE STUDENTS IN LEARNING ENGLISH AT UPT SMP NEGERI 2 BARANTI (A Descriptive Qualitative Research) A THESIS Submitted to the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Makassar Muhammadiyah University in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Education in English Department RIDHASARI 105351128116 ENGLISH EDUCATION DEPARTMENT FACULTY OF TEACHER TRAINING AND EDUCATION MUHAMMADIYAH UNIVERSITY OF MAKASSAR 2021





(A Descriptive Qualitative Research)


Submitted to the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Makassar

Muhammadiyah University in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the

Degree of Education in English Department







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Makassar, November 2020

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Makassar, 5 Februari 2021

Yang Membuat Pernyataan



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Saya yang bertanda tangan dibawah ini:


NIM : 105351128116

Jurusan : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Judul skripsi : Rewards and Punishments Given by the Teacher to Motivate

Students in Learning English at UPT SMP Negeri 2 Baranti

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Makassar, 5 Februari 2021

Yang Membuat Perjanjian





Do not be afraid about failing, just try to show the best you can.


This work is dedicated to:

My beloved parents (Kasmawati and Baharuddin) who always unburden their

affection give advice up to the writer finished in arranging this thesis.

My siblings (Rezky & Mila) and my future husband (Alif Saputra) who have

helped and supported the writer in doing the thesis.

All my classmates are high fliers 016.



Ridha Sari. 2021. Rewards and Punishments Given by the Teacher to Motivate

Students in Learning English at UPT SMP Negeri 2 Baranti (A Descriptive

Qualitative Research). Thesis of English Education Department. The Faculity of

Teacher Training and Education, Muhammadiyah University of Makassar.

Supervised by St. Asriati AM and Andi Bulkis Maghfirah M.

This study intended to investigate (1) The kinds of Reward used by teacher

to motivate the students in learning English at UPT SMP Negeri 2 Baranti, (2)

The kinds of punishment used by teacherto motivate the students in learning

English at UPT SMP Negeri 2 Baranti, (3) The obstacles faced by teacher in

motivating students using reward and punishment. This study used a descriptive

qualitative method. One of English teacher who teaches in the 8th grade was a

participant in this study. The data obtained through an interview consisting of 27

questions, 14 questions about reward and 13 questions about punishment. The

Data analysis was carried out by reducing the data, then presenting the data, and after that drawing conclusions and verification.

The results have shown that the kinds of reward used by teacher are praise,

respect, and sign of appreciation. The kinds of punishment used by teacher are

punishment by action, punishment by word, and corporal punishment. In addition,

the obstacles faced by teacher in applying reward were the provision of rewards

which causes social jealousy for students who do not get rewarded and reward in

the form of material, it was feared that students always hoped for rewards in

learning. The obstacles that faced by teachers in giving punishment weregiving

punishments can cause social jealousy and punishment in the form of physical

beatings is not allowed because it is against the issue of Human Rights (HAM).

Keywords: Motivation, Rewards, Punishmnets, Learning English.



Ridha Sari. 2021. Imbalan dan Hukuman yang diberikan Guru untuk

Memotivasi Siswa dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris di UPT SMP Negeri 2

Baranti (Penelitian Kualitatif Deskriptif). Skripsi. Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa

Inggris. Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan. Universitas Muhammadiyah

Makassar. Pembimbing I St. Asriati AM dan Pembimbing II Andi Bulkis

Maghfirah M.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui (1) Jenis-jenis hadiah yang

digunakan guru untuk memotivasi siswanya dalam pembelajaran bahasa Inggris di

UPT SMP Negeri 2 Baranti, (2) Jenis-jenis hukuman yang digunakan guru untuk

memotivasi siswanya dalam pembelajaran bahasa Inggris di UPT SMP Negeri 2

Baranti, (3) Hambatan yang dihadapi guru dalam memotivasi siswa dengan

menggunakan hadiah dan hukuman. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode

deskriptif. Satu dari guru bahasa Inggris yang mengajar di kelas 8 menjadi peserta

dalam penelitian ini. Data diperoleh melalui wawancara yang terdiri dari 27

pertanyaan, 14 pertanyaan tentang hadiah dan 13 pertanyaan tentang hukuman.

Analisis data dilakukan dengan mereduksi data, kemudian menyajikan data, dan

setelah itu menarik kesimpulan dan verifikasi.

Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jenis hadiah yang digunakan guru

adalah pujian, penghargaan, dan tanda penghargaan. Jenis hukuman yang

digunakan guru adalah hukuman dengan tindakan, hukuman dengan ucapan, dan

hukuman fisik. Selain itu, kendala yang dihadapi guru dalam menerapkan reward

adalah pemberian reward yang menimbulkan kecemburuan sosial bagi siswa yang

tidak mendapatkan reward dan reward berupa materi, dikhawatirkan siswa selalu mengharapkan reward dalam pembelajaran. Kendala yang dihadapi guru dalam

memberikan sanksi adalah dapat menimbulkan kecemburuan sosial dan hukuman

pemukulan fisik tidak diperbolehkan karena bertentangan dengan masalah Hak

Asasi Manusia (HAM).

Kata Kunci: Motivasi, Hadiah, Hukuman, Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris.



Assalamulaaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

Alhamdulillah Wa Syukurilah, no other word decent for express to Allah

SWT, the almighty god, who provided direction, grace and health to complete the

writing of this thesis under the title “Rewards and Punishments Given by the

Teacher to Motivate Students in Learning English at UPT SMP Negeri 2 Baranti”

as a prerequisite for the English Education Department Degree of Bachelor

Education. Do not forget to deliver the prophet Muhammad SAW to Salawat and

Salam as dressed to the final and preferred messenger.

In conducting the study and writing of this thesis, the researcher knows

many people have made use of their useful ideas, encourangement, assistance, and

suggestions for the completion of this thesis. Therefore, the researcher would like

to recognize them:

1. Prof. Dr. H. Ambo Asse, M.Ag, the Rector of Muhammadiyah University of

Makassar period 2020-2024.

2. Prof. Dr. H. Abd. Rahman Rahim, S.E., M.M, the Rector of Muhammadiyah

University of Makassar period 2016-2020.

3. Erwin Akib, M.Pd., Ph.D, the Dean of Teacher Training and Education


4. Ummi Khaerati Syam, S.Pd., M.Pd, the Head of English Education

Department of FKIP UNISMUH Makassar.


5. The high respect and deep gratitude to my consultants Dr. St. Asriati AM,

S.Pd., M.Hum as the first consultant and Andi Bulkis Maghfirah, S.Pd., M.Pd

as the second consultant who gave the writer guidance, correction and overall

support since the preliminary stage of manuscript until the completion of this


6. Thanks to all the lectures given by FKIP UNISMUH Makassar, in particular

lectures from the English Department who have provided a lot of knowledge

during the study period.

7. Both my parents who have provided various kinds of assistance both in prayer,

motivation, morally and materially.

8. All parties that cannot be mentioned one by one who have helped to complete

this research.

The researcher definitely realizes that there are so many flaws and

weaknesses in this study. Therefore, the resracher hopes that all parties will be

able to make constructive criticisms and suggestions in order to make this study

more perfect. However, researchers still hope that this thesis would be beneficial

to all those who read it.

Wassalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

Makassar, 15 November 2020





COVER ................................................................................................................... i

LEMBAR PENGESAHAN .................................................................................. ii

APPROVAL SHEET ........................................................................................... iii

COUNSELLING SHEET .................................................................................... iv

BERITA ACARA PERUBAHAN JUDUL ....................................................... vii

SURAT PERNYATAAN ................................................................................... viii

SURAT PERJANJIAN ........................................................................................ ix

MOTTO ................................................................................................................. x

DEDICATION ....................................................................................................... x

ABSTRACT .......................................................................................................... xi

ACKNOWLEDGMENT.................................................................................... xiii

TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................................... xv

LIST OF FIGURE............................................................................................. xvii

LIST OF APPENDICES.................................................................................. xviii

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION...........................................................................1

A. Background ............................................................................................... 1

B. Problem Statement .................................................................................... 3

C. Research Objectives .................................................................................. 4

D. Significant of the Research ....................................................................... 4

E. The Scope of the Research .................................................................................. 5

CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE................................. 6

A. Previous Related Research Findings ......................................................... 6


B. The Concept of Reward ............................................................................ 9

C. The Concept of Punishments .................................................................. 16

D. The Concept of Motivation ..................................................................... 23

E. Conceptual Framework ........................................................................... 30

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ........................................... 31

A. Research Design...................................................................................... 31

B. Research Participant................................................................................ 31

C. Instrument ............................................................................................... 31

D. Procedure of Collecting Data ................................................................. 32

E. Technique of Analysis Data ................................................................... 33

CHAPTER IV FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION .............................................. 35

A. Findings................................................................................................... 35

B. Discussion ............................................................................................... 59

CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ...................................... 67

A. Conclusion .............................................................................................. 67

B. Suggestion ............................................................................................... 68

BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................... 69





Figure 2.1 : Conceptual Framework



Appendix I : Interview Questions about Rewards

Appendix II :Interview Questions about Punishments

Appendix III :Interview Transcript about Rewards

Appendix IV : Interview Transcript about Punishments

Appendix V : Documentation




A. Background

English is a very important language for people to learn in their mother

tongue, since the status of English is a global language. As a foreign language,

English is used as a means to interact with individuals and others around the

world. The position of English in our lives, for example, is very broad when

someone tries to apply for a job. One of the qualifications required is proficiency

in English, or at least they can interact with others in English.

In Indonesia, learning English has been extended from elementary to

university level. It is a lesson that learning English is really important. The

teaching of English to young students is somewhat different from that of adult

students. Young people have their own way of studying. They want to play and

have fun learning. They will reflect on that as they appreciate the learning process.

Conversely, because they do not like it, they just mess around and do not

concentrate on studying.

The emphasis of young students is not too long. A young student will only

be able to concentrate within 20 minutes, feel bored, and their attention will be

disrupted. When that occurs, students will do other things throughout the learning

process, such as chatting as the teacher discusses. Some even sleep and always

wander around the classroom looking for fun. As a result, students are not inspired

to study and become indifferent. Therefore, the content is not well received from


the teacher.

Some Indonesian students are lazy in studying English because they find it

difficult to learn English. The disparity in grammar, writing and meaning leads

students to believe that English is complicated, even though it is enjoyable and

very important for us to understand. This may be attributed to a lack of inspiration

for students. The issue of student motivation in learning comes not only from the

students themselves, but also from the teachers themselves. Some teachers do not

know, and it is hard to get up.

According to Mulyasa (2003), motivation is the motivating force or puller

that triggers action against a specific target. Students are going to work and they

have a high motivation. With the motivation of the students, they would be

compelled to study. As a result, a teacher has a very important role to play in

student encouragement. Teachers need to build a situation that will boost students'

desire for further learning so that learning experiences can be accomplished. One

of the ways teachers generally do is to provide students with rewards and

punishments. Rewards and punishments are some of the instructional resources

that are helpful for encouraging students to develop or strengthen the successes

that are or have been made that can enhance student learning interests, so they can

be an opportunity to improve learning skills and achievements.

The reward is a variant of the word in English that is exactly the same as

the award. It is just the reward has the sense of encouragement or reimbursement

for doing something. In other words, the reward is a prize that has been won.

Around the same time, deterrence is a means of directing actions to suit the


overall behavior. The aim of rewards is to encourage students to be more

interested in attempting to increase their achievement. In comparison, offering

prizes can help students more happy and the deeds or work they have done can

make them feel happy. In addition, offering prizes will help students more good

when the actions or work they have done are rewarded such that the sensation of

having to replicate them occurs. Djiwandono (2008) on the other hand, the object

of punishment is to discourage bad behaviour and to remind students not to do

something wrong. Punishment has the goal of modifying or correcting student

failures in such a manner that desire emerges to prevent punishment.

Knowing about the rewards and punishments that the teacher gives for

learning English is a very critical factor. This will be a guide for those who would

apply rewards and punishments to inspire students to learn English. They will

know the sorts of rewards and punishments that are applied in raising students'

motivation to learn, and they will know what challenges the teacher will face in

their application.

Therefore, the researcher need to do for collecting the data information

and look for kinds of rewards and punishments used by teachers and also find the

obstacles in motivating students in learning English by implementing rewards and


B. Problem Statements

Based on the statement above, the problem statements are as follow:

1. What kinds of rewards used by the teacher to motivate students in

learning English at UPT SMP Negeri 2 Baranti?


2. What kinds of punishment used by the teacher to motivate the students in

learning English at UPT SMP Negeri 2 Baranti?

3. What are the obstacles faced by the teacher in motivating students using

reward and punishment?

C. Research Objectives

Based on the problem statements above, the objectives of the research were as


1. To find out kinds of reward used by the teacher to motivate the students

in learning English at UPT SMP Negeri 2 Baranti.

2. To find out kinds of punishment used by the teacher to motivate the

students in learning English at UPT SMP Negeri 2 Baranti.

3. To find out the obstacles faced by the teacher in motivating students

using reward and punishment.

D. Significant of the Research

The significant of this research are as follows:

1. Theoretically

This study may be a reference point for such related research in the


2. Practically

a. This analysis was intended to provide the reader with knowledge on

rewards and punishments.

b. This study has provided the researcher with insight into the

motivation of students to learn English by applying rewards and



E. The scope of the Research

In this study the researcher reflected on the kinds of rewards and

punishments, as well as the obstacles faced by the eighth grade English teacher at

UPT SMP Negeri 2 Baranti.




A. Previous Related Research Findings

There are some previous related findings of this research are:

1. Fitra (2016) in her journal entitles “The Use of Positive Rewards and

Punishments in Managing Classrooms by An English Teacher at Mts

Jabal Noer Geluran Taman-Sidoarjo. She concluded that positive rewards

and punishments could make the students more controlled, accountable,

and inspired in learning English. The result indicates that the teacher

often used token reinforces as a kind of positive reward and fine/ penalty

as a positive punishment in handling classroom. In enforcing positive

rewards and punishments, the teacher follows certain categories of

successful implementation, such as equal, timely, immediate, and so on.

As a consequence of positive rewards and punishments, the research

indicates that there are multiple benefits for students and the learning


2. Putri & Refnaldi (2020) in their jornal entitles “Rewards and

Punishments given by the Teacher in Teaching English as Foreign

Language in Indonesian Context”. They concluded that common types of

spoken awards offered to teachers in SMP N 17 Kota Padang are a type

of praise. Thus, the typical form of spoken punishment that SMP N 17

Kota Padang teaches is the type of use of non-verbal cues. In addition,


there have been many explanations for offering spoken prizes to teachers

in the EFL classroom, such as to improve student passion for learning,

increase student motivation, increase student morale and increase student

interest. In the meantime, there have been many explanations for offering

spoken punishments teacher in the EFL classroom, such as modifying

student behaviour, enhancing student behavior, student skills, to make

students reluctant to commit the same errors, to rebuke students to be

more diligent while teaching, and to raise student understanding of

classroom cleanliness.

3. Irawati & An Fauzia (2016) in their journal entitles “The Use of

Reward and Punishment to Increase Young Learners’ Motivation in

Learning English as Foreign Language Adapted to Indonesian Context”.

It can be concluded that motivation plays an important role in teaching

young learners English. Motivation is something that students need to be

excited about studying a language. Teachers should use reward and

punishment to improve students' incentive to learn. By giving rewards,

students can concentrate on the learning process and making students

fight with other students to get rewards in the classroom. Punishment

often helps other students take caution to make an error in the classroom.

It is hoped that the learning goal will be accomplished by students by the

use of reward and punishment.

4. Yanti (2016) in her research entitles “The Implementation of Rewards

and Punishment in The Classroom at English Education Department


(EED) of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY)”. This

analysis has two goals. It first seeks to demonstrate how the lecturers are

performing rewards and punishments in the classroom. Second, the goal

is to know the reasons why the lecturers are providing reward and

punishment. The result shows that the reward offered by lecturers is a

constructive reinforcement to students who are performing a well-to-do

learning experience. EED UMY is rewarded for helping students think

differently, for inspiring students, for making students feel valued, for

building students' interests and for maintaining a good atmosphere.

Punishment is offered by lecturers at EED UMY to organize the class in

order to make the student more focused on what is being discussed.

Based on previous research results, the researcher found that his

study has similarities with previous researchers. Similarity is the use of

reward and punishment. There are also differences. In previous studies,

reward and punishment were used to managing class, the use of rewards

and punishment as foreign language adapted to Indonesian context, and

the implementation of rewards and punishment at University, whereas

this thesis emphasizes to know the use of rewards and punishments

offered by teachers to motivate students in learning English at UPT SMP

Negeri 2 Baranti where we can find out about the kinds of rewards and

punishments applied by the teacher and the obstacles faced in their


We may also infer that rewards and punishments give students and


the learning environment certain outcomes. Rewards help teacher in

managing classroom, increase student motivation, students can concentrate

on the learning process, making students fight with other students to get

rewards in the classroom and make students feel valued. Although

punishment enhancing student behavior, student skills, to make students

reluctant to commit the same errors, and organize the class. As a result,

rewards and punishments have a greater effect on students in studying


B. The Concept of Reward

1. Definition of Reward

As a competent teacher, of course, you must have a way for students

to get excited about the learning experience. One of the ways this is done is to

apply rewards. Reward is a form of reward or remuneration granted to an

individual or a community for a good behaviour, an advantage or

accomplishment, a commitment or a satisfactory result of a given task.

According to Djamarah (2008), the reward is to offer something to another

person as an award or a souvenir. Depending on the giver, the prize may be

anything. The kind of award offered is often matched to the extent of the

action taken. In the meanwhile, according to Slameto (2010), the

compensation is an award that the teacher offers to students as a present when

the student has performed well and has successfully carried out the teacher's


Purwanto (2011) said that reward is a mechanism for teaching


children because then children feel happy when their acts or work are

rewarded. In line with this, Hamalik (2009) argues that reward has the

purpose of rising or bringing attention, that reward is merely a mechanism to

generate interest, not a target. Rewards can also be said to be a motivation

provided to students by teachers (Sardirman, 2007). The nature of the

motivation that is owned would make students serious about studying in order

to accomplish the desired achievement. The teacher's aim of giving a gift is to

allow the child to be more involved in the attempts made to strengthen or

reinforce the successes that have been accomplished. By giving rewards,

students can display success and positive behavior so that they can be

imitated by their peers.

Purwanto (2007) said that the reward is an educational mechanism

that helps to make students more involved in their attempts to develop and

strengthen the successes they have accomplished. If there are justifiable

causes, so that the award does not lose its value to the beneficiary. In the

world of education, Suwarto (2011) argues that there are three important

functions or goals of reward;

a. Strengthening motivation in order to achieve achievement;

b. Give a sign for someone who has more abilities;

c. It is Universal.

The reward is thus the stage of educating students in the learning

process in the form of giving gifts to increase the motivation of students to

accomplish learning goals. This makes students feel happy and they want to


keep doing it. In the other hand, this is often capable of arousing the interest

of other students to be able to collect presents from the teacher so that they

are inspired to learn.

2. Kinds of Reward

According to Djamarah (2008), there are four kinds of rewards,

depending on the kind of rewards awarded, namely:

a. Praise

Praise is one of the best ways to be praised. Praise can be in the form

of words, such as: fine, nice, outstanding, and so on. Besides praise in the

form of words, praise may also be in the form of a gesture or a symbol,

for example by displaying the thumb (thumb), touching the student's

back, clap the hands, and so on.

b. Respect

There are two kinds of rewards in the form of respect, the first in

the form of a kind of coronation, in which the child who earns respect is

revealed and seen in front of peers, even one kindergarten, or even in

front of the student's parents. The second respect comes in the way of

offering the power to do something for example, the student who gets the

highest score when focusing on specific problems is selected as the

leader of the discussion group.

c. Gift

The gift alluded to here is a reward in the form of goods. Gifts

offered can be in the form of school items, such as pencils, rulers,


comics, erasers, and so on. Rewards in the form of gifts are often referred

to as material rewards.

d. Sign of Appreciation

Rewards are often considered symbolic rewards in the sense of a

sign of appreciation. The sign of appreciation is not measured in terms of

the price and usefulness of the said objects, but rather it is assessed in

terms of its impression or usefulness. There are generally letters of

appreciation, trophies, points, medal necklaces, and so on.

3. The Principle of Giving Reward

According to Mahsun (2006), there are several criteria that must be

met before awarding prizes or awards are made, including as follows:

a. Goal congruence (objective suitability). Any public agency must

have a mission to accomplish. In the meantime, every person in the

organisation has individual priorities that are often not in line with

corporate objectives. Thus, rewards must be developed as a middle

ground so that organizational objectives can be accomplished

without compromising individual objectives and, conversely,

individual objectives can be achieved without sacrificing

organizational objectives.

b. Equity (justice). Rewards must be distributed proportionately, taking

into account the contribution of each person and party. Therefore,

whoever makes a high effort will also receive a high reward. In the

other side, who gives a minor contribution, the reward would also be



c. Equality (evenness). Rewards must be allocated equally to all

persons (individuals/groups) who have dedicated their capital to


d. Needs. The distribution of rewards should take into account the level

of the main requirements of the individual/group. Rewards of a

financial type do not necessarily satisfy the needs of the


According to Abbas (2017) certain values should be considered by the

teacher in giving rewards. They are the:

a. The judgment is based on the actions, not the perpetrator.

b. Giving a reward must be limited. It can not be a tool that is used

indefinitely. This mechanism is sufficient to work only up to the

stage of habit development. If the mechanism of habituation is found

necessary, the gift-giving process must be discontinued.

c. Discussed the deal. Each student is asked about the prize he likes,

and here we are expected to be wise and patient in dialoguing the

prize and being able to give understanding to students that not all

wishes can be met.

d. The process is systematic, not the results. The process is more

important than the outcome. The learning process is an attempt taken

by students to produce the highest outcomes. Although the

performance that will be reached later cannot be used as a


benchmark for progress.

4. The Examples of Applying Rewards

a. The teacher offers motivating words such as, "It seems like your

writing is fine. If you keep practicing, it will be much better".

b. The teacher nods as a sign of enjoyment and acknowledges the

child's reaction. Giving Work can also be a reward. For example,"So

on I will give you a little more difficult problem, Ali. Number 3

seems a little too easy for you to do".

c. Provide points or prizes that are enjoyable and helpful to them. For

example pencils, pens, confectionery, or other foods.

d. Giving confidence so that children can feel recognized and valued.

e. Give a grin, a gaze, and a hand on the shoulder.

f. Students are excluded from assignments, typically granted to

students with high grades, so that they no longer need to be given

assignments as a means of recognition.

5. The Obstacles Faced in Applying Rewards

Based on the results of Nurmisdaramayani (2017) in her study, the

obstacles faced in applying rewards in the learning process at MTs Al- Banna

Pulau Banyak are as follows:

a. Internal constraints, namely the teacher's lack of knowledge in

regulating the provision of rewards and punishments, resulting in

students wondering why rewards should be given in the learning

process. When the researcher was in a class that carried out the


learning process, the researcher saw that one of the teachers gave a

pen to a student on the grounds that the student was diligent in

writing, even though at that time not only one student was diligent in

writing, there were also several students who do the same thing

during class time, this results in other students protesting at the

teacher. After researching it, it turned out that the teacher did not

understand the implementation of the reward he was given, because

the teacher who taught at MTs Al-Banna Pulau Banyak was not in

accordance with their respective majors.

b. The implementation has not been applied fairly. For example, at MTs

Al-Banna Pulau Banyak Tanjung Pura there are still teachers who

reward students who prioritize social closeness, meaning that

because the teacher is close to their parents, the teacher pays even

more attention to these students. This also results in a sense of social

jealousy in students who get rewarded and students who do not get

rewarded; there are even students who think that their friends who

get rewarded should not have to get rewarded.

c. Funding is the biggest barrier to the granting of prizes to Al-Banna

Pulau Banyak. Typically, on the basis of an arrangement between the

institution, the headmaster, and the teachers at the school, the money

is taken from the school treasury and so it must be given to the

homeroom teacher to be given a reward. In this case, the homeroom

teacher becomes a determinant and a manager for handling the


money to be able to offer the prizes enough for one semester.

Sometimes they even have to use personal money to give rewards to

students who excel.

Based on the findings of Mursalim (2019) in his thesis, he found the

obstacles that teachers face in applying rewards at Al-Falah Islamic High

School as follows:

a. Rewards in the form of goods or materials can not be made at any

time because they entail expenses or money, excluding rewards in

the form of appreciation, applause, and additional value. This type of

incentive can be offered at any time, and it does not cost any money.

b. Giving prizes in the form of material, it is feared that students will

still wish for rewards or learning and do something positive only to

get material rewards. This will only make the student's learning

target hopeful to gain a reward.

c. Provision of rewards also creates social envy for students who are

not rewarded. He figured that his friend was praised while he was

willing to do the same thing.

d. The last obstacle is that students who excel and gain rewards will be

more excited about studying, while students who do not achieve and

who do not receive a prize are lazier to study.

C. The Concept of Punishments

1. Definition of Punishments

As a reward, punishment is also an important thing that teachers offer


to students. According to Mursal (2004), punishment is a misery that is

knowingly and purposefully passed out to others with the purpose of restoring

or shielding oneself from physical and moral failure in order to prevent

violation. The form of punishment is adjusted to the extent of the

infringement committed. Around the same time, though the teacher should be

careful not to create resentment and disrupt the students. Punishment is

provided to students under acceptable limits and is still in the form of

learning. The object of punishment is to discourage bad behaviour and to

remind students not to do what is not permitted (Djiwandono, 2008).

According to Mangkunegara (2000), punishment is a threat of

punishment aimed at enhancing the behavior of the criminal, maintaining the

relevant laws and supplying the offender with lessons. Meanwhile,

Ivancevich, Konopaske, and Matteson (2006) "punishment is defined as the

act of posing unwelcome or undesirable consequences as a result of such

behaviour''. Punishment is a result of bad conduct that has a different

function, one of which is to punish. Suwarto (2011) is as follows:

a. Limiting your actions. Punishment stops unexpected activity from


b. This is instructional.

c. Strengthen incentive to prevent unpredictable actions.

2. Kinds of Punishment

Ermayanti (2008), the kinds of punishment split into four parts. They are:

a. Punishment by Sign.


This form of punishment is provided to students by transmitting

signals by imitations or pantomimes, such as eyesight, facial expression,

limb movement, and so on. This signal punishment is typically used for

minor infringements that are of a defensive nature against student acts or

conduct. However this gesture is a representation of the need for action

which is not pleasing to other people's hearts or in other words, to


b. Punishment by action

Punishments for this act shall be imposed on students by offering

tasks or depriving them of fun, for example by giving a large amount of

homework, sending students to the counseling teacher, transferring their

seats, removing students from the classroom. It is better, though for an

instructor to recall. If the student who is being expelled is a naughty

student, the act of expelling the student is meaningless to him and will

make him happier.

c. Punishment by Word

This punishment was laid down by word to the students. Four of

the types of punishment are:

1) Offer advice or words of a positive sort. In this case, students

who commit infringement are advised and made conscious that

they should not repeat the incorrect action again.

2) Reprimand and warning. A warning can only be given to

students who have only committed infringements once or twice.


However if he/she commits infringements again or even

repeatedly, a warning is given to the student.

3) A threat. That means that the teacher gives words that make

students feel frightened to stop doing the wrong thing. This

threat is a preventive or constructive punishment until a student

commits an offense or an error.

d. Corporal Punishment

Corporal punishment is a punishment implemented by injuring the

student body, such as: pinching, dragging the earlobe, clapping, etc. This

corporal punishment cannot be justified when seen from a pedagogical

point of view, because:

1) Typically, this punishment is offered while the teacher is really

angry, so that often there is less thought.

2) The development of student contempt towards teachers.

3) There are also disputes between the parents of the students and

the teachers.

It is clear that corporal punishment, which is detrimental to students,

is not acceptable in the field of education, since such punishment does

not allow students to behave according to their conscience. So that the

students are just good at fake, and though the students are impatient to

face school punishment, the student will quit or leave school. Corporal

punishment can also be carried out on the following grounds:

1) In very necessary situations, educators may use corporal


punishment, do not use it frequently and must consider the

problem and its harm.

2) The punishment should be small and not dangerous.

3) Do not punish students in hazardous parts of the body, such as

head, face, etc.

4) This punishment shall be applied only to students who are

considered to be old enough at least 10 years of age.

3. The Principles of Punishment

According to Abbas (2017), punishing students of school can not be

performed unilaterally in compliance with one's wishes. Here are some of the

concepts for offering punishment:

a. Trusted students first handed down a punishment

The best approach that needs to be prioritized is to offer students

trust. Giving student’s confidence means not cornering them with their

mistakes. Instead, we understand that we know they have no intention of

making that mistake. They are just getting an error outside influence.

b. Punishing without emotion

Parents and teachers commit the most common mistakes when they

punish students with emotion. Also desires are the primary source of a

tendency to hurt others. In this condition, the true objective of discipline,

which needs knowledge, so that students can no longer make errors,

becomes futile. Punishment was decided upon. Discussing the rules and

fines for students has a very significant significance for students.


Besides, it is just a reminder to respect others and it is respected by the


c. Punishment must be educational

Punishment must be educational, such as memorization or

additional assignments that are expected to result in positive changes.

4. The Examples of Applying Punishment

a. The teacher looks at students with cynical eyes and threats.

b. Cleaning up the classroom or school area.

c. Score reduction, usually for students who do not or are late in

collecting assignments or making noise in class.

d. Offer homework or extra tasks.

e. Post-school arrest, this penalty can only is enforced if the student is

assisted by a teacher or another adult.

f. Stand in front of the classroom.

g. Replacing the role of the teacher in explaining or reinforcing what

the teacher has explained.

5. The Obstacles Faced in Applying Punishment

Based on the findings of Nurmisdaramayani (2017) in her study, the

obstacles faced in applying punishment at MTs Al-Banna Pulau Banyak are

as follows:

a. Weak affirmation from teachers to supervise students. This is

because the teachers assume that the responsibility for monitoring

the teaching and learning process is as if it were only the


responsibility of the teacher who is on duty on a certain day, when

the teacher is not on duty on that day, other teachers will not

participate in supervising students, especially during the Sunnah

prayer hours or fardhu takes place.

b. Sometimes there is a misunderstanding between the parents of the

student and the teacher in giving punishment, there are still some

parents who object if their child is given punishment at school. This

makes parents assume that education in these schools is always

applied with violence.

c. Another obstacle is caused by the teachers who sometimes cannot

adjust the attitude they should apply to students, this causes some

students to underestimate the teacher. If this is the condition, then the

teacher will receive a warning from the headmaster and look for

solutions to solve the problem together.

Based on the results of Mursalim (2019) in his study, he discovered

the obstacles that teachers encounter in applying punishment at Al-Falah

Islamic High School as follows:

a. If the punishment given is too harsh, the student will be angry with

the teacher and even no longer like the teacher's lesson.

b. Giving punishment can also cause to social jealousy. For example, if

there are students who violate and the teacher immediately gives

punishment, whereas if there are friends who commit violations but

do not get punishment. This could happen because of the teacher's


factor that did not see first hand how the real thing happened. It is

even more dangerous if there are teachers who are sometimes not

willing to accept complaints from students who report their friends,

so that the giving of punishment is not in accordance with what it

should be.

c. Punishment in the form of physical beatings is not allowed because it

is against the issue of Human Rights (HAM). The school principal

has also often conveyed that punishment in the form of physical

beatings is no longer permitted except for a little pinching or

twitching which does not cause any marks of beating.

D. The Concept of Motivation

1. Definition of Motivation

Motivation is an easy term, but difficult to describe. Motivation has a

very significant role to play in performance. All we do has to be inspired as a

motivator so that it can be successful. Without inspiration, activities we do

will not work as much as learning a foreign language. Motivation is the most

important thing that needs to be held. The incentive that could inspire him to

learn a foreign language. Considering that foreign languages are not the

language of our world, the level of complexity is higher than knowing one's

own language. Motivation is thus perceived to be an essential factor along

with the desire to excel in mastering the target language. It is necessary to

know the concept of motivation, form, source, and function of motivation to

understand what motivation is.


There are many motivational definitions by several psychologists. The

term incentive is derived from the word motive, which means something that

causes a person to act to do something (Purwanto, 2011). In addition, Pintrich

& Schunk (2008) claimed that the term inspiration is derived from the Latin

word "move" (move) from which the target director operation is introduced

and maintained. According to Harmer (2007), "Motivation is some kind of

internal drive which pushes someone to do things to achieve something".

Moreover, Kea (2008) explains motivation as a result of cognitive and

implicit forces that stimulate and energize people to continuously do things to

accomplish a predetermined goal. These considerations can be seen from the

point of view of internal and external dimensions, such as the strength of the

motivation, the reward of reaching the goal and the aspirations of others.

Brown (2007) said motivation is the degree to which you make decisions

about the goals to be pursued and the commitment you can make to achieve

the goal.

Based on the following understanding, it can be inferred that

inspiration is a feeling shared by someone who inspires him/her to do

something. Motivation is thus the most important factor for anyone to attain

achievement, such as success in learning foreign languages. In school

learning, teachers must know whether or not their students are inspired.

Teachers often have an important role to play in inspiring students to learn so

that learning objectives can be effective.


2. Types of Motivation

Motivation is categorized into two types; intrinsic motivation and

extrinsic motivation.

a. Intrinsic Motivation

Santrock (2004) claimed that an intrinsic motivation requires an

inner drive to do things out of a need for reinforcement or a sensation

from inside. For example, a person is studying English because he/she

likes or enjoys learning English.

Based on Taufik (2007), Wants, Expectancy, and Interest are the

factors that affect the underlying motivation. The need for internal

motivation is that someone completes an action (activity) on the basis of

both biological and psychological needs. Besides that it is a wish of

achievement for him to be happy with the outcomes that have been

passed. At the end, interest is a feeling of affection for something without

compulsion or order.

This interest comes from the heart because of a certain desire. It

says that the intrinsic motivation is the urge that comes from the person.

If he has an intrinsic factor, he is going to be excited about learning. If

people like to learn a foreign language, they would be inspired to learn

for themselves.

Brown also divided the intrinsic motivation into two categories,

namely integrative motivation and instrumental motivation.

1) Integrative Motivation


According to Gilakjani, Leong, & Sabouri (2012), the word

"integrative motivation" applies to language learning for the personal

purpose and cultural comprehension of L2, that is, the learner's

desire to learn a language is to be part of the target language group.

Integrative encouragement is utilized as learners desire to

incorporate themselves into the community of the second language

group to identify themselves and to become part of society.

According to Gilakjani, Leong, & Sabouri (2012), the term

"integrative motivation" refers to language learning for the personal

purpose and cultural understanding of L2, that is to say, the learner's

desire to learn a language is to be part of the target language

community. Integrative motivation is used when learners wish to

integrate themselves into the culture of the second language group,

to identify themselves and to become part of society. For instance,

immigration or marriage. In the other hand, Chalak & Kassian

(2010) claims that the integrative motive is the desire to learn a

second language/foreign language in order to communicate with

people of a second language society and to blend in with their


2) Instrumental Motivation

Culhane (2004) argued that instrumental motivation concerns

an individual's primary concern for language development, apart

from social objectives in the acquisition of second language.


Instrumental motivation is seen as a motivation that arises from the

need to learn L2 for functional or external reasons (Gilakjani, Leong,

& Sabouri, 2012).

b. Extrinsic Motivation

Harmer (2007) points out that the extrinsic motivation is the

consequence of some number of external causes, such as the desire to

pass a test, the expectation of a financial reward or the prospect of

potential travel. Harmer said that external motivation has several external


1) The Goal

According to Harmer (2007), Goal is one of the world's major

sources of motivation. What students often feel they are learning is

provided by an upcoming examination, and this appreciation is no

surprise to note that teachers often find their exam classes more

committed than other groups that have nothing definite to do. Some

students have some expectations when they study English, such as

having a decent score in the final test. The purpose they want to

learn English is that they want to get a good job and continue their

studies abroad.

2) The society

We live in "Outside any classroom, there are attitudes to

language learning and the English language in particular"(Harmer,

2007). The students want to learn English because of their society.


For example, they learn English because they want to get prestige

from society.

3) The people around us

In addition to the culture of the world around them, students'

attitudes to language learning can be highly affected by people who

are close to them (Harmer, 2007). Learning English is really

common to people around the world. Often people want to learn

English and they are assured that they will learn English.

4) Curiosity

We should not underestimate the inherent interest of a

student. At the beginning of a term or course, most students have at

least a little curiosity in who their current instructor is and what it

would be like to be in their classes. As students start English for the

first time most people (to some extent) are interested in seeing what

it is like. This initial inspiration is very valuable. Without it, having a

class on the field and establishing a friendship would be a lot more

complicated (Harmer, 2007).

3. The Function of Motivation

The performance of the teaching and learning process is determined

by the desire of the student to learn. Teachers as learners need to inspire

students to learn to accomplish their goals. Wina Sanjaya (2010) suggests two

motivating roles in the learning process, namely:

a. Encourage students to move


The action of all is triggered by an unconscious impulse called

motivation. The scale of a person's passion for work is primarily

determined by the size of the person's motivation. Enthusiasm of students

in finishing teaching tasks on time and trying to get a good score, so

students have a strong desire to learn.

b. As a guide

The action displayed by each person is intended to fulfill their

needs or to accomplish predetermined objectives. Motivation

consequently serves as the driving force for effort and achievement.

There would be positive outcomes from the presence of good motivation

in learning.

In addition, according to Winarsih (2009), there are three motivational

functions, namely:

1) Encouraging people to behave. In this case, motivation is the driving

force of each action done.

2) Determine the course of action and what you want to do. In this way,

inspiration will include instructions and tasks that must be carried out

by the purpose.

3) Choosing the acts. Determining what steps should be taken to

accomplish the objectives.


4. Conceptual Framework

Figure 2.1: Conceptual Framework

The conceptual framework formed the basis of this research. It

showed that in the learning English process, the teacher applied rewards and

punishments to students and then the researcher did interview the teacher.

From the Interview, the researcher found the kinds of rewards and punishment

used by the teacher to motivate the students in learning English and the

obstacles faced by the teacher in motivating students using rewards and


Learning English

Rewards and



Kinds of reward used by teacher

Kinds of punishment used by teacher

The obstacles faced by teacher




A. Research Design

The method used in this analysis was a descriptive qualitative method.

Using this approach, this study described the kinds of rewards and

punishments that teachers use to motivate students to learn English and the

obstacles that teachers face in motivating students to use rewards and

punishments. Wu & Volker (2009) state that a descriptive qualitative design is

used to provide a description and analysis of beliefs, meanings in context-specific

contexts and behaviors. Qualitative analysis is designed to investigate the

processes that occur around humans. The reality is that, according to the facts,

without any engineering.

B. Research Participant

The research was conducted at UPT SMP Negeri 2 Baranti. It is located in

Sidenreng Rappang. One of English teacher who teaches in the 8th

grade was a

participant in this study.

C. Instrument

In carrying out this research, researchers used several instruments, namely:

1. Interview guidelines

The interview guide is used as a researcher's guide when interviewing

a teacher. Interviews were conducted to know the kinds of reward and

punishment used by the teacher to motivate students and to know the


obstacles faced by the teacher using rewards and punishment. Researchers

used interview guide during the interview process with the teacher. The

numbers of questions given to the teacher were 27 questions, 14 questions

about reward and 13 questions about punishment. Interviews were conducted

in Indonesian language.

2. Recording device

The researcher used a voice recorder from hand phone to record the

voice of both the interviewer and interviewee and also used a camera from

hand phone to take a picture to be used as documentation.

D. Procedure of Collecting Data

In order to collect the data, the researcher used the interview in collecting

data. According to Moleong (2005) cited by Haris Herdiansyah interview is

conversations have a particular intent. Interview is a dialogue between two

individuals, respectively the interviewer and the interviewee, with the intention of

finding or digging information for a specific reason. The interview was conducted

by meeting personally with the teacher at UPT SMP 2 Baranti. The researcher

gave 27 questions, 14 questions about reward and 13 questions about punishment.

In order to gather interview results, the researcher carried out those procedures,

which were:

1. Prepared the interview guidelines that want to be asked to the teacher

2. Then, the researcher began asking questions to the teacher based on

interview guidelines and also recording it.

3. Finally, the researcher transcribes the result of interview.


E. Technique of Analysis Data

According to Creswell (2007), the data analysis includes the compilation

of open data on the basis of the general question and the analysis of the

participants' knowledge. Research analysis is a very important aspect of the

research process and the analysis of this data can increase knowledge of the

research issue. Data processing is a method of reducing the scale of the data

gathered to make sense of it. The aim of this process is to examine the data to

explain the kinds of reward and punishments used by the teacher and the obstacles

to learning English encountered by the teacher.

Sugiyono (2010) claimed that an interpretation of the data is required by

the researcher, but some steps require data reduction, data display, conclusion and


1. The Data Reduction

The first step in the study of qualitative data was to reduce data. Data

reduction involves summarizing, choosing simple things, focusing on

essential things, searching for themes and patterns (Sugiyono, 2014). First,

the researcher was collected data on rewards and punishments to motivate

students to learn English through interviews. Then, researcher transcribed the

results. The irrelevant data on research questions had to be discarded. The

data are irrelevant, not in relation to the research focus, but in relation to the


2. Data display

The data display is in this second step. In this context, only the


relevant data were obtained by the researcher. After having previously

reduced and selected the data that were the subject of the study, the data

presented. The researcher analyzed the data and provided the narration of the

data. All of the data are derived from the interview.

3. Conclusion and verification

After the data was displayed and reduced, the researcher concluded

the data. The conclusion is the final step. The researcher inferred the results

of the research findings. The conclusion was aimed at explaining and

referring to research questions and previous assumptions about this research.




This chapter consists of two main sections. The first section presents the

findings on each statement aspects to answer the problem statements about the

kinds of rewards and punishment used by the teacher to motivate the students in

learning English and the obstacles faced by the teacher in motivating students

using rewards and punishments. While the second section presents the

discussions on findings from the interviews.

A. Findings

The interview was done in order to answer the first, second and the third

problem statement. The Interview questions consisted of 27 questions. There are

14 questions about reward and 13 questions about punishment. The researcher

did the interview at the English teacher who teaches in class eight of UPT SMP

Negeri 2 Baranti on Wednesday, October 21, 2020 from 09.00- 10.00 am and on

Friday, October 23, 2020 from 10.00- 10.30 am.

1. The Kinds of Reward used by the Teacher to Motivate the Students

in Learning English

The researcher asked questions about examples of the kinds of

reward based on the theory in chapter 2. The researcher gave 7 questions

related to the kinds of reward. The following are the results of the interview

about the kinds of reward that is used by teacher to motivate students in

learning English at UPT SMP Negeri 2 Baranti.


a. Praise

Based on interview, the teacher gives a reward in the form of

praise. There are two kinds of praise given, namely in the form of words

and a gesture. Examples of praise in the form of words that the teacher

gave such as Yes, good, excellent, and very good, while praise through

gestures, the teacher gave a thumbs up and applause. As shown in the

table below:



Have you ever given praise in words? How about examples of

praise you gave?

(Pernakah Ibu memberikan pujian berupa kata-kata?

Bagaimana contoh pujian yang Ibu berikan?).

Yes. Good, excellent, very good good. I think that is the usual

given. (Ya. Good , excelent, very good bagus. Saya kira itu yang




Do you also give praise through body gestures? What are

examples of praise given?

(Apakah Ibu juga memberikan pujian melalui gesture tubuh?

Bagaimana contoh pujian yang diberikan?).

Yes give it thumbs up, it can also be applause.

(Ya Berikan jempol yah, bisa applause).

b. Respect

The researcher found that the respect in the form of coronation

and giving the power to do something. The teacher showed the students


in front of their classmates and also announced it at a morning

ceremony so that all of them are seen by member of school. The

teachers usually take is choosing a discussion group leader with

consideration. As shown in the table below:



If there are students who succeed, do you declare it and show it to

classmates or even to one school?

(Jika ada siswa yang berprestasi, apakah Ibu mengumumkannya

dan menampilkannya di hadapan teman kelasnya atau bahkan

dalam satu sekolah?)

Yes, sometimes. If indeed the children have good achievements,

they will be displayed even in the ceremony, and they can be

given directions so that they can imitate their friends who


(Iya biasa kalo memang anak-anak itu berprestasi ditampilkan

bahkan di dalam apel pun ditampilkan dan bisa diberi apa

namanya arahan kepada anak supaya bisa mencontohi teman nya

ini yang berprestasi).



Are there certain considerations in choosing a discussion group

leader or did you just choose him randomly?

(Adakah pertimbangan tertentu dalam memilih ketua kelompok

diskusi atau Ibu hanya memilihnya secara acak?).

I think to choose a group leader, of course I choose the one who

can teach his friends or those who are more than his friends .


(Saya kira untuk memilih ketua kelompok tentu Ibu pilih yang

bisa mengajar temannya yang lebih dari temannya itu).

c. Gift

From the interview, it was also known that the teacher did not

use gifts as a kind of reward given to students. The teacher only gives

praise in the form of words or through gestures and gives points. As

shown in the table below:



What about offering reward in the form of goods to students in

learning English have you ever given them?

(Bagaimana dengan memberikan hadiah berupa barang kepada

siswa dalam pembelajaran bahasa Inggris, apakah Ibu pernah


So far, I remember that I have never given anything to learn

English. When the task is completed or there is work completed,

the reward is in the form of words, or body gestures such as

thumbs up, good, nice, excellent, giving points, and score. That

is the reward that is often given in learning.

(Untuk selama ini saya ingat belum pernah saya berikan barang

dalam pembelajaran bahasa Inggris apabila tugasnya selesai

atau ada pekerjaan yang diselesaikan cuman rewardnya itu

berupa kata-kata, atau gesture tubuh seperti jempol, bagus,

good, excellent, pemberian poin, nilai itu yang sering dilakukan


untuk memberikan reward dalam pembelajaran).

d. Sign of Appreciation

The teacher also gave praise in the form of a sign of

appreciation. The teacher never gives student a charter as sign of

appreciation but if there is a competition in English, the student ever

given charter from the school. The sign of appreciation usually given

are giving point and plus sign. The teacher gives the assignment then

promises students who can do the assignment well will be given point

or a plus sign in the attendance list. As shown in the table below:



Have you ever given a reward in the form of a charter?

(Pernakah Ibu memberikan hadiah berupa piagam?).

For myself, I never gave it, but from school there was. It is

usually given when there is a competition.

(Kalo Ibu sendiri tidak pernah memberikan kalo dari sekolah

ada kalo perlombaan).



Have you ever given a point system to students who succeed?

(Apakah Ibu pernah memberikan sistem poin pada siswa


Yes, usually when students are given assignments in class, I

promise if anyone can do it then I give them a point or a plus

sign in their absence.

(Biasa, biasa kalau di dalam kelas diberi tugas saya janji kalau


ada yang bisa kerja ini saya berikan Point atau apa tanda plus

di absennya seperti itu).

Therefore, from the result of the interview, the researcher

classified and found that the kinds of reward used by the teacher in

motivating students are praise, respect, and sign of appreciation.

2. The Kinds of Punishment used by the Teacher to Motivate the

Students in Learning English

The researcher asked questions about examples of the kinds of

punishment based on the theory in Chapter 2. The researcher gave 7

questions related to the kinds of punishment. The following are the results of

the interview about the kinds of punishment that is used by the teacher to

motivate students in learning English at UPT SMP Negeri 2 Baranti.

a. Punishment by Sign

From the research results, we know that teacher often give a sign

as punishment to students by gesture of the body and through facial

expressions. As shown in the table below:



Have you ever given punishment through body gestures or

facial expressions to students?

(Apakah Ibu pernah memberi hukuman melalui gesture tubuh

atau raut muka kepada siswa?)

I often give facial expressions, and scolding with words.

(Raut muka sering, kata-kata sering memarahi gitu).


b. Punishment by Action

From the interview results, the researcher found that the teacher

also gave punishment in the form of action. An example of the action

given was taking students to the counseling teacher. The teacher gave a

punishment if studying students just play around in the classroom so

they are expelled and then reported to the counseling teacher to be given

follow-up there and also the teacher giving additional assignments to

students. When students are given the task of memorizing five words,

and when the time arrives to ask the teacher, the students are not yet

memorized or ready, the teacher applies more memorization. As shown

in the table below:



Have you ever reported students to the Counseling Guidance

(BK) teacher or took them out of the classroom during learning?

If so, what deeds did he do?

(Pernakah Ibu melaporkan siswa ke guru Bimbingan Konseling

(BK) atau mengeluarkannya dari kelas pada saat

pembelajaran? Jika iya perbuatan apa yang dia perbuat?).

Yes, I have. If while studying he was just playing around in

class. I took it out and then reported it to the BK teacher to be

given a follow-up there.

(Pernah kalau sementara belajar dia hanya main-main di

dalam kelas tentu dikeluarkan kemudian dilapor kepada guru

BK untuk diberikan tindak lanjut di sana).




What about offering a lot of extra assignments as punishment,

did you do that?

(Bagiamana dengan memberikan tugas tambahan yang cukup

banyak sebagai hukuman, apakah Ibu melakukannya?)

Yes, sometimes. Students are told to memorize words, for

example, they are told to memorize 5 words. If he / she is not

memorized or not ready then the teacher adds words to


(Oh biasa disuruh menghafal, menghafal seumpamanya disuruh

menghafal 5 kata-kata tidak tidak hafal atau belum siap

ditambah lagi).

c. Punishment by Word

Punishment by word also use by the teacher. The kinds of

punishment is in the form of the words used, namely reprimand, advice,

and threats. The teacher threatens that students who do not finish doing

the task will be added again or students are threatened with standing in

front of the class. Besides that, the teacher is also providing advice to

students. If students eat during the learning process, sleep in class, and

make a fuss when the teacher explains, the teacher will be reprimanded

first if they have been reprimanded many times and it is still like that,

they will be immediately expelled. As shown in the table below:




Have you ever threatened a student who committed an offense?

What is an example?

(Pernakah Ibu memberi ancaman kepada siswa yang

melakukan pelanggran? Apa contohnya?)

Yes, I have threatened it. Examples of my threat words are

those who do not finish their assignments then add more or

usually stand in front of the class if they do not finish their


(Iya pernah itulah di ancam Siapa yang tidak selesai tugasnya

ditambah lagi atau biasa juga contohnyabisa berdiri di depan

kelas bisa itu kalau tidak selesai tugasnya).



Do you also give advice to students when they commit offense?

(Apakah Ibu memberikan nasehat juga kepada siswa apabila

melakukan pelanggaran?)

Yes I give advice. I advise him if he offense.

(Iyye diberikan nasehat, dinasehati kalau dia melanggar).



What punishment do you give students if :

(Apa hukuman yang Ibu berikan kepada siswa jika :)

a. Eat during the learning process. (Makan saat proses

pembelajaran berlangsung).

Reprimand (Teguran).

b. Sleep during the learning process. (Tidur pada saat proses



Reprimand (Teguran).

c. Making a fuss when the teacher explains. (Melakukan

keributan pada saat Ibu menjelaskan).

Reprimand. If the student has been reprimanded many

times and still ignores it. (Teguran, kalau sudah ditegur

berkali-kali, mengabaikannya itulah langsung


d. Corporal Punishment

The researcher found that corporal punishment was also

imposed by the teacher but it was very rarely enforced and it was just a

light pinching. As shown in the table below:



What about corporal punishment, Do you give it to students

too? What the example?

(Bagaimana dengan hukuman fisik? Apakah Ibu juga

memberikannya kepada siswa? Seperti apa contohnya?)

Rarely. Even if I give corporal punishment only pinch a little.

(Yah jarang, jarang sekali itupun cubit-cubit sedikit).

Therefore, from the results of the interview, the researcher

classified and found that the kinds of punishment used by the teacher in

motivating students are punishment by sign, punishment by action,

punishment by word, and corporal punishmet


3. The Obstacles Faced by the Teacher in Motivating Students Using

Rewards and Punishments.

a. The Obstacles Faced by the Teacher in Motivating Students

Using Rewards

The researcher asked questions about the obstacles faced by

teacher using reward based on the theory in Chapter 2. The researcher

gave 7 questions related to the obstacles faced by teacher in motivating

students using rewards. The following are the results of the interview

about the obstacles faced by teacher in motivating students using reward

at UPTSMP 2 Baranti.

1) Internal constrains

From the interview results, the researcher found that internal

constraints are not an obstacle in applying rewards. This is because

the teacher can know when the reward should be given to students.

As found in the interview, the teacher still gives rewards to students

who excel even though they have previously committed violations

and also the teacher has no difficulty in choosing which students

deserve to be rewarded. As shown in the table:


If there are students who also commit offenses and then do

good things or succeed, do you offer rewards as well?

(Jika ada siswa yang sering melakukan pelanggaran

kemudian melakukan hal yang baik atau berprestasi, apakah

Ibu juga memberikan hadiah?).


A: I think it is necessary even though students often commit

offenses before. So it is hoped that by giving rewards

students will be motivated. Then, teacher gives advice so that

students can change and not offense discipline in school. I

think so.

(Saya kira perlu juga ya jangan dilihat itu darisering

melakukan pelanggaran jadi perlu juga supaya sebagai

motivasi kepada siswa tersebut diberikan reward kemudian

diberi nasehat agar bisa merubah apa yang pernah

dilakukan yang melanggar kedisiplinan tata tertib di

sekolah, Saya kira itu).



Is it difficult for you to determine which student should be


(Apakah Ibu kesulitan menentukan siswa manakah yang

patut diberikan hadiah?

I do not think so. It is not difficult just to see their

personality and those who are diligent in doing their

assignments, who are diligent in completing assigned tasks. I

don not think, it is difficult to determine who will be


(Saya kira tidak, tidak sulit tinggal di liat kepribadiannya

dengan kerajinannya, rajin mengerjakan tugas, rajin

menyelesaikan tugas-tugas yang diberikan. Saya kira tidak


2) It was not enforced equally

From the results of the interview, the researcher also found

that in giving rewards, the teacher applied it fairly regardless of

social closeness. So, this is not an obstacle for teachers to apply

rewards. As shown in the table:



If you give rewards to students, is it applied fairly without

prioritizing social closeness?

(Jika Ibu memberikan hadiah kepada siswa, apakah itu

diterapkan secara adil tanpa memprioritaskan kedekatan


It is done fairly without prioritizing social closeness.

(Secara adil, tidak memprioritaskan dengan hubungan social

atau tidak).

3) Funding

From the results of the interview, the researcher also found that

funding is not a problem for teachers in implementing rewards,

teachers are only afraid that students expect the goods and from

schools provide funding for students who are rewarded. As shown in

the table:

sulit untuk menentukan siapa-siapa yang mau diberikan

reward keliatan sendiri).




Giving rewards in the form of goods definitely requires funds

from both the school and the related teacher. Is it that one of

the reasons why you are not giving rewards in the form of


(Pemberian hadiah berupa barang Bu pasti memerlukan

dana baik dari sekolah maupun guru yang bersangkutan.

Apakah hal itu menjadi salah satu kendala Ibu sehingga

tidak memberikan hadiah berupa barang?)

No. Actually it is not a constraint from funding but students

will get used to it and only expect that goods. The goods are

expected and prioritized over the knowledge.

(Bukan, bukan dari kendala dana sebenarnya nanti juga apa

yah kebiasan siswa mau diberikan, siapa tau hanya

mengharapkan barangnya itu, ilmunya dia nomor duakan

tapi barangnya yang diutamakan. Saya kira apa namanya

nanti kebiasaan begitu hanya mengharapkan saja barang).



According to you, should there be special funding from

schools related to giving rewards in the form of goods to


(Menurut Ibu, apakah seharusnya ada pendanaan khusus

dari sekolah terkait pemberian hadiah berupa barang ke


The school does prepare funds but as a whole. If there are


competitions, the headmaster promises the prizes to the

students. If students win 1st, 2nd, 3rd place, they are usually

given money or dictionaries or books using school funds.

(Kalau sekolah itu biasa memang menyiapkan tapi

keseluruhan bukan apa, Kalau ada perlombaan perlombaan

biasa kepala sekolah menjanji hadiah-hadiah itu kepada

siswa kalau ada perlombaan dia dapat juara 1, 2, 3, biasa

diberikan berupa uang atau kamus atau buku dari sekolah,

dana sekolah).

4) Rewards in the form of goods or materials can not be made

at any time because they entail expenses or money.

From the results of the interview, this obstacle was not found

for teachers at UPT SMP Negeri 2 Baranti because the teacher never

gave gifts in the form of goods. This is not due to the funding factor.

As shown in the table:



What about offering reward in the form of goods to students in

learning English have you ever given them?

(Bagaimana dengan memberikan hadiah berupa barang

kepada siswa dalam pembelajaran bahasa Inggris, apakah Ibu

pernah memberikan?).

So far, I remember that I have never given anything to learn



(Untuk selama ini saya ingat belum pernah saya berikan

barang dalam pembelajaran bahasa Inggris.

5) Giving prizes in the form of material, it is feared that

students will still wish for rewads or learning and do

something positive only to get material rewards.

From the interview results, this obstacle became the teacher's

concern. As in the questions posed in the interview, that the reason

the teacher never gave gifts in the form of items was because the

teacher's fear of the student's habit of just getting the items was not

aimed at getting the knowledge. If this happens, it is possible that

the knowledge gained will quickly be forgotten. As shown in the




Giving rewards in the form of goods definitely requires

funds from both the school and the related teacher. Is it that

one of the reasons why you are not giving rewards in the

form ofgoods?

(Pemberian hadiah berupa barang Bu pasti memerlukan

dana baik dari sekolah maupun guru yang bersangkutan.

Apakah hal itu menjadi salah satu kendala Ibu sehingga

tidak memberikan hadiah berupa barang?).

No. Actually it is not a constraint from funding but students

will get used to it and only expect that goods. The goods are


expected and prioritized over the knowledge.

(Bukan, bukan dari kendala dana sebenarnya nanti juga

apa yah kebiasan siswa mau diberikan, siapa tau hanya

mengharapkan barangnya itu, ilmunya dia nomor duakan

tapi barangnya yang diutamakan. Saya kira apa namanya

nanti kebiasaan begitu hanya mengharapkan saja barang).

6) Provision of rewards creates social envy for students who are

not rewarded.

From the interview results, it was also found that the existence

of rewards sometimes creates social jealousy towards students who

are not given the reward even though they also do the same thing.

As shown in the table:



Have there been students who felt jealous of other students

and protested because their friend received a reward but he

was not given it even though he felt he was doing the same


(Pernakah ada siswa Bu yang cemburu kepada siswa lain

dan protes karena temannya mendapat hadiah tapi dia tidak

diberikan padahal dia merasa melakukan hal yang sama?).

Obviously his friend was jealous that his teacher was unfair.

Some students are given and other students are not given.I

think there has been but maybe because I was wrong or


something so he protested and said "I do this too, my job is

good too". That is if I am wrong, but if he protests then his

assignment or job is not the same. I can give reasons to the

students why they do not give it. I also have my own


(Jelas temannya cemburu kalau memang gurunya tidak adil.

Ada yang diberikan reward lantas yang lain tidak

diberikan. Saya kira pernah-pernah ada tapi mungkin

karena Ibu keliru atau bagaimana jadi dia biasa protes

“saya juga begini bu, saya juga pekerjaan saya juga

bagus”. Biasa kalau ibu keliru yah diberikan juga karena

kalau memang Ibu keliru tapi kalau memang dia protes

lantas tidak sama dengan yang diberikan reward itu

tugasnya atau pekerjaannya tidak sama memang

adapenilaian Ibu sendiri tentu saya juga bisa berikan


7) The students who excel and gain rewards will be more

excited about studying, while students who do not achieve

and do not receive a reward are lazier to study.

From the research results, it was found that the above

obstacles were not found in UPT SMP Negeri 2 Baranti. Students

who do not get the reward are even more excited not to be lazy. As


shown in the table:



Are students who have not achieved and do not get rewarded

eager to get rewards too or do they become lazy?

(Apakah siswa yang belum berprestasi dan tidak

mendapatkan hadiah bersemangat untuk mendapatkan

hadiah juga atau mereka menjadi malas?

He was getting excited. They also want to be like their other

friends to get rewards too.

(Artinya dia semakin bersemangat yah, ayo kita apa

namanya berpacu seperti yang yang lain itu yang mendapat

reward itu supaya kita juga dapat reward).

Thus, the researcher can conclude that the obstacle found by

teachers in implementing reward at UPT SMP Negeri 2 Baranti is

the provision of rewards which causes social jealousy for students

who do not get rewarded. In addition, another obstacle that was

found was reward in the form of material, it was feared that students

always hoped for rewards in learning and did something good just to

get material rewards.

b. The Obstacles Faced by the Teacher in Motivating Students

Using Punishment

The researcher asked questions about the obstacles faced by

teacher using punishment based on the theory in Chapter 2. The


researcher gave 6 questions related to the obstacles faced by teacher in

motivating students using punishments. The following are the results of

the interview about the obstacles faced by teacher in motivating

students using punishment at UPTSMP 2 Baranti.

1) Weak affirmation from teachers to supervise students

From the interview results, this obstacle was not found. Other

teachers also help to supervise students during punishment. As

shown in the table:



Does the teacher help in disciplining and supervising

students as long as students are given punishment?

(Apakah dari pihak guru membantu Ibu dalam menertibkan

dan mengawasi siswa selama siswa diberikan hukuman?).



2) Sometimes there is a misunderstanding between the parents

of the student and the teacher in giving punishment, there

are still some parents who object if their child is given

punishment at school.

Based on the results of the interview, it can be concluded that

so far the teacher has never received a complaint from the parents

of the students during the punishment. As shown in the table:




Have you ever received a complaint from a student's parents

for giving punishment?

(Pernahkah Ibu mendapat komplen dari orangtua siswa

dalam memberikan hukuman?).


(Tidak pernah juga).

3) The teachers sometimes cannot adjust the attitude they

should apply to students so that the teacher will receive a

warning from the headmaster.

Based on the results of the interview, this obstacle was not

found in the teacher. The teacher never received a warning from the

principal. This happens because the teacher in giving punishment is

not severe physical punishment.

4) If the punishment given is too harsh, the student will be



Have you ever received a warning from the headmaster

while giving punishment? Why did it happen?

(Pernahkah Ibu mendapat teguran dari pihak guru atau

kepala sekolah selama pemberian hukuman? Kenapa itu


No because it is a fair punishment.

(Tidak karena itu hukuman yang wajar).


angry with the teacher and even no longer like the teacher's


Based on interview, this obstacle was also not found. No

student who has been given punishment then he is angry of teacher

and does not even take the lesson. As shown in the table:



Are there students who are angry and even dislike you for

giving punishment?

(Apakah ada siswa yang marah bahkan tidak menyukai

ibunya karena memberikan hukuman?)

I do not think so. I never gave punishment and then student

went home or did not attend lessons. Students still follow the

learning process.

(Saya kira tidak, saya tidak pernah memberi hukuman dan

kemudian siswa pulang atau tidak menghadiri pelajaran.

Siswa tetap mengikuti proses pembelajaran).

5) Giving punishment can cause to social jealousy

Based on the results of the interview, it was found that giving

punishment can lead to social jealousy for students. This is because

there are students who violate and then the teacher gives

punishment, while there are also students who commit violations but

because the teacher does not see it, they are not given punishment

either. This resulted in student protests to the teacher. As shown in


the table:



Have there been any students who felt jealous and protested

because a friend had committed an offense and you did not

give punishment, but when he did, you gave him


(Pernakah ada siswa yang merasa cemburu dan protes

karena misalnya pernah ada temannya melakukan

pelanggaran tapi Ibu tidak memberikan hukuman namun

ketika dia melanggar Ibu memberikannya hukuman?).

Ever. If I do not see it and do not know that this student has

committed an offense. When I only punished students who I

knew offense, the students usually protested and said "why

was not he punished when he violated?" and that is because

I do not see it.

(Pernah, kalau memang ibu tidak liat, tidak mengetahui

bahwa ini melanggar sedangkan yang dihukum yang itu

diketahui atau ditahu bahwa melanggar biasa anak-anak

protes “kenapa si A tidak dihukum waktu melanggar”

padahal kita tidak liat itu pelanggarannya dulu).

6) Punishment in the form of physical beatings is not allowed

because it is against the issue of Human Rights (HAM).

Based on the interview results, this is also an obstacle for the


teacher because giving too heavy a physical punishment is not

allowed. It violates human rights. So, even if you are forced to give

physical punishment, please do it in a less severe manner, such as

standing in front of the class or running in the field. As shown in the




Usually if students are only reprimanded, advised, or given

small punishment, the students still commit offense. How

about giving harsh corporal punishment to have a deterrent

effect on students? Why you do not apply it?

(Kan biasanya Bu kalau siswa Cuma ditegur, dinasehati,

atau diberikan hukuman yang ringan, siswa masih tetap

melakukan pelanggaran. Bagaimana dengan memberikan

hukuman fisik yang cukup keras agar memunculkan efek

jera kepada siswa? Mengapa Ibu tidak menerapkannya?)

It violates Human Rights. Corporal punishment should not

be given to students with severe punishment. It would

violate the law. It is enough to be given advice. If it does not

change, students are ordered to stand, dry in the sun, and

run. Students running frogs are also a form of corporal


(Itu melanggar Hak Asasi Manusia tidak boleh diberikan

hukuman fisik kepada anak-anak yang lebih berat yah

karena memang itu pelanggaran memang kalau ini ada


undang-undangnya tidak boleh untuk hukuman fisik, cukup

nasehat kalau memang tidak berubah, berdiri, dijemur, di

kasih lari itu hukuman fisik juga itu kalau dikasih lari


Therefore, the researcher can conclude that the obstacle found

by teachers in applying punishment at UPT SMP Negeri 2 Baranti is

giving punishment can cause social jealousy. In addition, punishment

in the form of physical beatings is not allowed because it is against

the issue of Human Rights (HAM).

B. Discussion

1. The Kinds of Rewards Used by the Teacher to Motivate the Students

in Learning English

According to Djamarah (2008), there are four kinds of rewards based

on the form of rewards given, namely praise, respect, gifts, and sign of

appreciation. Based on the results of the interview, researchers only found

three kinds of rewards used by the teacher. There were praise, respect, and

sign of appreciation. The teacher did not give gift to students.

Praise is divided into two, namely praise in the form of words and

praise through gestures. From the results of the interview, the researcher

found that praise in the form of words and gestures was used by the English

teacher who taught in eighth grade. Examples of praise in the form of words

that the teacher gave such as Yes, good, excelent, and very good, while praise


through gestures, the teacher gave a thumbs up and applause.

There are two kinds of rewards in the form of respect, the first is

coronation. From the interview results, the researcher found that the

coronation was given by the teacher to students as a form of praise. The

teacher showed the students in front of their classmates and also announced it

at a morning ceremony so that all of them are seen by member of school and

students are given directions by teacher to imitate their friends who

achievement. The second respect is in the form of giving the power to do

something. From the results of the interview, the teacher also gave praise in

the form of giving the power to do something. An example of a form that

teachers usually take is choosing a discussion group leader with

consideration. It was not chosen randomly but that could guide or teach his

friends and also who could better than other students.

The sign of appreciation is not assessed in terms of price and

usefulness of the said items, but rather a token of appreciation which is

assessed in terms of its impression or usefulness. From the results of the

interview, the researcher found that the teacher also gave praise in the form of

a sign of appreciation. The sign of appreciation usually takes the form of

points and plus signs. The teacher gives the assignment then promises

students who can do the assignment well will be given a point or a plus sign

in the attendance list. From the interview results we also know that a sign of

appreciation in the form of a charter was never given by teacher, but from the

school it has served it. It is usually given when there is a competition.


Reward in kinds of goods is not given to students by the teacher. If

students achievement or complete assignments well, the teacher just gives

reward in the form of words or body gestures, such as thumbs up, good, nice,

excellent, and points. According to the teacher, offering rewards in the form

of goods to students may not be really necessary because there are students

more competent than their teachers. It is enough to offer praise.

2. The Kinds of Punishments Used by the Teacher to Motivate the

Students in Learning English

According to Ermayanti (2008), the kinds of punishment are

Punishment by Sign, Punishment by action, Punishment by Word, and

Corporal punishment. Based on interview, the teacher found four kinds of

punishment. From the research results, the researcher found that the teacher

gave a sign as punishment to students. This kind of punishment is given to

students by gesture of the body and through facial expressions.

From the interview results, the researcher found that the teacher also

gave punishment in the form of action. An example of the action given was

taking students to the counseling teacher. The teacher gave a punishment if

studying students just play around in the classroom so they are expelled and

then reported to the counseling teacher to be given follow-up thereand also

the teacher giving additional assignments to students. When students are

given the task of memorizing five words, and when the time arrives to ask the

teacher, the students are not yet memorized or ready, the teacher applies more



The researcher also found punishment by word used by the teacher.

The kinds of punishment is in the form of the words used, namely reprimand,

advice and threats. The teacher threatens that students who do not finish

doing the task will be added again or students are threatened with standing in

front of the class. Besides that, the teacher is also providing advice to

students. If students eat during the learning process, sleep in class, and make

a fuss when the teacher explains, the teacher will reprimanded first if they

have been reprimanded many times and it is still like that, they will be

immediately expelled.

From the results of the interview, the researcher found that corporal

punishment was also imposed by the teacher but it was very rarely enforced

and it was just a light pinching, and running in the field. Corporal punishment

is given by the teacher if it is absolutely necessary. If a student who commits

a violation is immune even after being given corporal punishment, he still

does not stop committing the offense. If it is not from himself to change, it

will be useless by giving corporal punishment. It is better to give punishment

in the form of words of advice, if it does not change again then it will be sent

to the counseling teacher and finally the parents are called to school.

3. The Obstacles Faced by the Teacher in Motivating Students Using

Reward and Punishment

a. The Obstacles Faced by the Teacher in Motivating Students

Using Reward

Based on theory chapter two Nurmisdaramayani (2017) in her


thesis, the obstacles faced in applying rewards at MTs Al-Banna Pulau

Banyak are internal constraints, it has not been applied fairly, and

Funding. While based on the findings of Mursalim (2019) in his thesis,

he discovered the obstacles faced by teachers in applying rewards at Al-

Falah Islamic high are rewards in the form of good so materials requires

costs or funds, students always hope for rewards or learning and do

something good just to get material rewards, caused social jealousy for

students who do not get rewards, students who are not achieving and who

do not get a reward are increasingly lazy to learn.

From the results of the interview, the researcher found that the

teacher gives reward to students who used to commit offenses but then

achievement. The teacher does not give rewards only to students who

previously performed but also to students who often offense and then

achievement in order to become motivation for him to always succeed.

The teacher has no difficulty in determining which students

should be rewarded. It can be seen from his personality and his diligence

in completing the task. Furthermore, the teacher also gives rewards fairly

regardless of their social closeness to these students and also tudents who

do not get the reward are even more excited not to be lazy.

Moreover, the researcher found that the issue of funding is not the

reason why the teacher does not offer rewards in the form of goods to

students, but the teacher is only afraid of the students' habit of having to

be offered goods and only hopes that the goods are not the desired


information. In addition, the school also offers funding for high-

achieving students, such as when there is a match, the headmaster offers

to give prizes to students who take 1st, 2

nd, and 3

rdplace. Examples of

rewards typically offered in the form of money, dictionaries and books.

Therefore, the obstacle faced by teachers at UPT SMP Negeri 2

Baranti were reward in the form of material, it was feared that students

always hoped for rewards in learning and did something good just to get

material rewards and also the provision of rewards which causes social

jealousy for students who do not get rewarded.

b. The Obstacles Faced by the Teacher in Motivating Students

Using Punishment

Based on theory in chapter two, the findings of Nurmisdaramayani

(2017) in her thesis, the obstacles faced in applying punishment at MTs

Al-Banna Pulau Banyak are weak affirmation from teachers to supervise

students, misunderstanding between parents and teachers in giving

punishment, the teachers who sometimes have not been able to adapt the

attitude should apply to students evenwith other teachers. While

according to Mursalim (2019) in his thesis, he discovered the obstacles

faced by teachers in applying punishment at Al- Falah Islamic high

school are if the punishment given is too harsh, the student will be angry

with the teacher and even no longer like the teacher's lesson. Giving

punishment can also cause social jealousy, Punishment in the form of

physical beatings is not allowed because it would conflict with human


rights issues and there is a lack of cooperation between teachers and


From the interview results, we can see that the other teacher also

help in disciplining and supervising students who receive punishment.

The teacher has never received a complaint from the parents of the

students during the punishment. In addition, teachers rarely apply

corporal punishment so that the actions of the teacher do not receive a

warning from other teachers and headmaster.

In the interview process, the researcher asked the teacher are there

an angry student that even hated the teacher after giving a punishment

and showing outstanding his discussion to the teacher and the researches

found that no student shows a public discussion of the teacher, they

continue following the learning after a punishment. The teacher does not

know what to be abused but says the student to stays in the classroom

when learning.

The teacher also sometimes makes mistakes in applying

punishment, there have been students who commit offense and then the

teacher gives punishment but in the past there were other student who do

offense, the teacher did not give punishment. This made students who get

punishment protest because the teacher gave him punishment. This

happened because of the teacher's ignorance when other student offense

so he was not punished. In addition, students did not pay attention to

what the teacher says when only being reprimanded will repeat the


offense again and giving punishments that are too harsh is not allowed

for violating human rights. It is enough to provide punishment in the

form of advice or light physical punishment.





Based on the result of the research, it can be concluded that the researcher

found the kinds of reward and punishment used by teacher to motivate the

students in learning English at UPT SMP NEGERI 2 Baranti and the obstacles

faced by the teacher in motivating students using rewards and punishments

1. The kinds of rewardused by teacher to motivate the students in learning

English are praise, respects, and sign of appreciation.

2. The kinds the punishment used by teacher to motivate the students in

learning English are punishment by sign, punishment by action,

punishment by word, and corporal punishment.

3. The obstacles faced by the teacher in motivating students using reward

weret he provision of rewards which causes social jealousy for students

who do not get rewarded and reward in the form of material, it was feared

that students always hoped for rewards in learning. The obstacles that

faced by teachers in giving punishment were giving punishments can

cause social jealousy and punishment in the form of physical beatings is

not allowed because it is against the issue of Human Rights (HAM).



Based on the result of the study, the researcher proposed some suggestion

as follows:

1. The teacher must be more careful in providing rewards and punishments

2. For future researchers, the result of this research can be used as

additional references for the next research. The researcher also hopes that

the next researcher will continue this study by conducting the further




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Appendix I

Interview Questions about Rewards

1. Have you ever given praise in words? How about examples of praise you

gave? (Pernakah Ibu memberikan pujian berupa kata-kata? Bagaimana

contoh pujian yang ibu berikan? ).

2. Do you also give praise through body gestures? What are examples of praise

given? (Apakah Ibu juga memberikan pujian melalui gestur tubuh?

Bagaimana contoh pujian yang diberikan?).

3. If there are students who succeed, do you declare it and show it to classmates

or even to one school? (Jika ada siswa yang berprestasi, apakah Ibu

mengumumkannya dan menampilkannya di hadapan teman kelasnya atau

bahkan dalam satu sekolah?).

4. Are there certain considerations in choosing a discussion group leader or did

you just choose him randomly? (Adakah pertimbangan tertentu dalam

memilih ketua kelompok diskusi atau Ibu hanya memilihnya secara acak?).

5. Have you ever given a reward in the form of a charter? (Pernakah Ibu

memberikan hadiah berupa piagam?).

6. Have you ever given a point system to students who succeed?

(Apakah Ibu pernah memberikan sistem poin pada siswa berprestasi?).

7. What about offering reward in the form of goods to students in learning

English have you ever given them? (Bagaimana dengan memberikan hadiah

berupa barang kepada siswa dalam pembelajaran bahasa Inggris, apakah

Ibu pernah memberikan?).

8. Giving rewards in the form of goods definitely requires funds from both the

school and the related teacher. Is it that one of the reasons why you are not

giving rewards in the form of goods? (Pemberian hadiah berupa barang Bu

pasti memerlukanpendanaan baik dari sekolah maupun guru yang

bersangkutan. Apakah hal itu menjadi salah satu kendala Ibu sehingga tidak

memberikan hadiah berupa barang?).

9. According to you, should there be special funding from schools related to

giving rewards in the form of goods to students? (Menurut Ibu, apakah

seharusnya ada pendanaan khusus dari sekolah terkait pemberian hadiah

berupa barang ke siswa?).

10. If there are students who also commit offenses and then do good things or

succeed, do you offer rewards as well? (Jika ada siswa yang sering

melakukan pelanggaran kemudian melakukan hal yang baik atau berprestasi,

apakah Ibu juga meberikan hadiah?).

11. If you give rewards to students, is it applied fairly without prioritizing social

closeness? (Jika Ibu memberikan hadiah kepada siswa, apakah itu diterapkan

secara adil tanpa memprioritaskan kedekatan sosial?).

12. Is it difficult for you to determine which student should be rewarded?

(Apakah Ibu kesulitan menentukan siswa manakah yang patut diberikan


13. Have there been students who felt jealous of other students and protested

because their friend received a reward but he was not given it even though he

felt he was doing the same thing? (Pernakah ada siswa Bu yang cemburu

kepada siswa lain dan protes karena temannya mendapat hadiah tapi dia

tidak diberikan padahal dia merasa melakukan hal yang sama?).

14. Are students who have not achieved and do not get rewarded eager to get

rewards too or do they become lazy? (Apakah siswa yang belum berprestasi

dan tidak mendapatkan hadiah bersemangat untuk mendapatkan hadiah juga

atau mereka menjadi malas?).

Appendix II

Interview Questions about Punishment

1. Have you ever given punishment through body gestures or facial expressions

to students? (Apakah Ibu pernah memberi hukuman melalui gesture tubuh

atau raut muka kepada siswa?).

2. Have you ever reported students to the Counseling Guidance (BK) teacher or

took them out of the classroom during learning? If so, what deeds did he do?

(Pernakah Ibu melaporkan siswa ke guru Bimbingan Konseling (BK) atau

mengeluarkannya dari kelas pada saat pembelajaran? Jika iya perbuatan

apa yang dia perbuat?).

3. What about offering a lot of extra assignments as punishment, did you do

that? (Bagiamana dengan memberikan tugas tambahan yang cukup banyak

sebagai hukuman, apakah Ibu melakukannya?).

4. Have you ever threatened a student who committed an offense? What is an

example? (Pernakah Ibu memberi ancaman kepada siswa yang melakukan

pelanggran? Apa contohnya?).

5. Do you also give to students when they commit offense (Apakah Ibu

memberikan nasehat juga kepada siswa apabila melakukan pelanggaran?).

6. What about corporal punishment? Do you give it to students too? What the

example? Bagaimana dengan hukuman fisik? Apakah Ibu juga

memberikannya kepada siswa? Seperti apa contohnya?).

7. What punishment do you give students if: (Hukuman apa yang Ibu berikan

kepada siswa jika: )

a. Eat during the learning process. (Makan saat proses pembelajaran


b. Sleep during the learning process. (Tidur pada saat proses


c. Making a fuss when the teacher explains. (Melakukan keributan pada

saat Ibu menjelaskan).

8. Have you ever received a warning from the headmaster while giving

punishment? Why did it happen? (Pernakah Ibu mendapat teguran dari pihak

kepala sekolah selama pemberian hukuman? Kenapa itu terjadi?

9. Have you ever received a complaint from a student's parents for giving

punishment? (Pernahkah Ibu mendapat teguran dari pihak guru atau kepala

sekolah selama pemberian hukuman? kenapa itu terjadi?Pernahkah Ibu

mendapat komplen dari orangtua siswa dalam memberikan hukuman?).

10. Does the teacher help in disciplining and supervising students as long as

students are given punishment? (Apakah dari pihak guru membantu Ibu

dalam menertibkan dan mengawasi siswa selama siswa diberikan


11. Are there students who are angry and even dislike you for giving punishment?

(Apakah ada siswa yang marah bahkan tidak menyukai Ibunya karena

memberikan hukuman?)

12. Have there been any students who felt jealous and protested because a friend

had committed an offense and you did not give punishment, but when he did,

you gave him punishment? (Pernakah ada siswa yang merasa cemburu dan

protest karena misalnya pernah ada temannya melakukan pelanggaran tapi

Ibu tidak memberikan hukuman namun ketika dia melanggar Ibu

memberikannya hukuman?).

13. Usually if students are only reprimanded, advised, or given small punishment,

the students still commit offense. How about giving harsh corporal

punishment to have a deterrent effect on students? Why you do not apply it?

(Kan biasanya Bu kalau siswa cuma ditegur, dinasehati, atau diberikan

hukuman yang ringan, siswa masih tetap melakukan pelanggaran.

Bagaimana dengan memberikan hukuman fisik yang cukup keras agar

memunculkan efek jera kepada siswa? Mengapa Ibu tidak menerapkannya?)

Appendix III

Interview Transcript about Reward


Time : Wednesday, October 212020, 09.00- 10.00

Friday, October 232020, 10.00-10.30

1. Q:


Have you ever given praise in words? How about examples of

praise you gave?

(Pernakah Ibu memberikan pujian berupa kata-kata? Bagaimana

contoh pujian yang Ibu berikan?).

Yes. Good, excellent, very good good. I think that is the usual

given. (Ya. Good , excelent, very good bagus. Saya kira itu yang


2. Q:


Do you also give praise through body gestures? What are examples

of praise given?

(Apakah Ibu juga memberikan pujian melalui gesture tubuh?

Bagaimana contoh pujian yang diberikan?).

Yes Give it thumbs up, it can also be applause.

(Ya Berikan jempol yah, bisa applause).

3. Q:

If there are students who succeed, do you declare it and show it to

classmates or even to one school?

(Jika ada siswa yang berprestasi, apakah Ibu mengumumkannya

dan menampilkannya di hadapan teman kelasnya atau bahkan

dalam satu sekolah?)


Ye, sometimes. If indeed the children have good achievements, they

will be displayed even in the ceremony, and they can be given

directions so that they can imitate their friends who achievement.

(Iya biasa kalo memang anak-anak itu berprestasi ditampilkan

bahkan di dalam apel pun ditampilkan dan bisa diberi apa namanya

arahan kepada anak supaya bisa mencontohi teman nya ini yang


4 Q:


Are there certain considerations in choosing a discussion group

leader or did you just choose him randomly?

(Adakah pertimbangan tertentu dalam memilih ketua kelompok

diskusi atau Ibu hanya memilihnya secara acak?).

I think to choose a group leader, of course I choose the one who can

teach his friends or those who are more than his friends .

(Saya kira untuk memilih ketua kelompok tentu Ibu pilih yang bisa

mengajar temannya yang lebih dari temannya itu).

5 Q:


Have you ever given a reward in the form of a charter?

(Pernakah Ibu memberikan hadiah berupa piagam?).

For my self, I never gave it, but from school there was. It is usually

given when there is a competition.

(Kalo Ibu sendiri tidak pernah memberikan kalo dari sekolah ada

kalo perlombaan).

6. Q:

Have you ever given a point system to students who succeed?

(Apakah Ibu pernah memberikan sistem poin pada siswa



Yes, usually when students are given assignments in class, I

promise if anyone can do it then I give them a point or a plus sign in

their absence.

(Biasa, biasa kalau di dalam kelas diberi tugas saya janji kalau ada

yang bisa kerja ini saya berikan Point atau apa tanda plus di

absennya seperti itu).

7. Q:


What about offering reward in the form of goods to students in

learning English have you ever given them?

(Bagaimana dengan memberikan hadiah berupa barang kepada

siswa dalam pembelajaran bahasa Inggris, apakah Ibu pernah


So far, I remember that I have never given anything to learn

English. When the task is completed or there is work completed, the

reward is in the form of words, or body gestures such as thumbs up,

good, nice, excellent, giving points, and score. That is the reward

that is often given in learning.

(Untuk selama ini saya ingat belum pernah saya berikan barang

dalam pembelajaran bahasa inggris apabila tugasnya selesai atau

ada pekerjaan yang diselesaikan cuman rewardnya itu berupa kata-

kata, atau gesture tubuh seperti jempol, bagus, good, excellent,

pemberian poin, nilai itu yang sering dilakukan untuk memberikan

reward dalam pembelajaran).

8. Q:


Giving rewards in the form of goods definitely requires funds from

both the school and the related teacher. Is it that one of the reasons

why you are not giving rewards in the form of goods?

(Pemberian hadiah berupa barang Bu pasti memerlukan dana baik

dari sekolah maupun guru yang bersangkutan. Apakah hal itu

menjadi salah satu kendala Ibu sehingga tidak memberikan hadiah

berupa barang?).

No. Actually it is not a constraint from funding but students will get

used to it and only expect that goods. The goods are expected and

prioritized over the knowledge.

(Bukan, bukan dari kendala dana sebenarnya nanti juga apa yah

kebiasan siswa mau diberikan, siapa tau hanya mengharapkan

barangnya itu, ilmunya dia nomor duakan tapi barangnya yang

diutamakan. Saya kira apa namanya nanti kebiasaan begitu hanya

mengharapkan saja barang).

9. Q:


According to you, should there be special funding from schools

related to giving rewards in the form of goods to students?

(Menurut Ibu, apakah seharusnya ada pendanaan khusus dari

sekolah terkait pemberian hadiah berupa barang ke siswa?)

The school does prepare funds but as a whole. If there are

competitions, the headmaster promises the prizes to the students. If

students win 1st, 2nd, 3rd place, they are usually given money or

dictionaries or books using school funds.

(Kalau sekolah itu biasa memang menyiapkan tapi keseluruhan

bukan apa, Kalau ada perlombaan perlombaan biasa kepala

sekolah menjanji hadiah-hadiah itu kepada siswa kalau ada

perlombaan dia dapat juara 1, 2, 3, biasa diberikan berupa uang

atau kamus atau buku dari sekolah, dana sekolah).

10. Q:


If there are students who also commit offenses and then do good

things or succeed, do you offer rewards as well?

(Jika ada siswa yang sering melakukan pelanggaran kemudian

melakukan hal yang baik atau berprestasi, apakah Ibu juga

memberikan hadiah?).

I think it is necessary even though students often commit offenses

before. So it is hoped that by giving rewards students will be

motivated. Then, teacher gives advice so that students can change

and not offense discipline in school. I think so.

(Saya kira perlu juga ya jangan dilihat itu darisering melakukan

pelanggaran jadi perlu juga supaya sebagai motivasi kepada siswa

tersebut diberikan reward kemudian diberi nasehat agar bisa

merubah apa yang pernah dilakukan yang melanggar kedisiplinan

tata tertib di sekolah, Saya kira itu).

11. Q:

If you give rewards to students, is it applied fairly without

prioritizing social closeness?

(Jika Ibu memberikan hadiah kepada siswa, apakah itu diterapkan

secara adil tanpa memprioritaskan kedekatan sosial?).

A: It is done fairly without prioritizing social closeness.

(Secara adil, tidak memprioritaskan dengan hubungan social atau


12. Q:


Is it difficult for you to determine which student should be


(Apakah Ibu kesulitan menentukan siswa manakah yang patut

diberikan hadiah?

I do not think so. It is not difficult just to see their personality and

those who are diligent in doing their assignments, who are diligent

in completing assigned tasks. I do not think, it is difficult to

determine who will be rewarded.

(Saya kira tidak, tidak sulit tinggal di liat kepribadiannya dengan

kerajinannya, rajin mengerjakan tugas, rajin menyelesaikan tugas-

tugas yang diberikan. Saya kira tidak sulit untuk menentukan siapa-

siapa yang mau diberikan reward keliatan sendiri).

13. Q:


Have there been students who felt jealous of other students and

protested because their friend received a reward but he was not

given it even though he felt he was doing the same thing?

(Pernakah ada siswa Bu yang cemburu kepada siswa lain dan

protes karena temannya mendapat hadiah tapi dia tidak diberikan

padahal dia merasa melakukan hal yang sama?).

Obviously his friend was jealous that his teacher was unfair. Some

students are given and other students are not given. I think there has

been but maybe because I was wrong or something so he protested

and said "I do this too, my job is good too". That is if I am wrong,

but if he protests then his assignment or job is not the same, I can

give reasons to the students why they do not give it. I also have my

own judgment.

(Jelas temannya cemburu kalau memang gurunya tidak adil. Ada

yang diberikan reward lantas yang lain tidak diberikan. Saya kira

pernah-pernah ada tapi mungkin karena Ibu keliru atau bagaimana

jadi dia biasa protes “saya juga begini bu, saya juga pekerjaan

saya juga bagus”. Biasa kalau ibu keliru yah diberikan juga karena

kalau memang Ibu keliru tapi kalau memang dia protes lantas tidak

sama dengan yang diberikan reward itu tugasnya atau

pekerjaannya tidak sama memang adapenilaian Ibu sendiri tentu

saya juga bisa berikan alasan).

14. Q:


Are students who have not achieved and do not get rewarded eager

to get rewards too or do they become lazy?

(Apakah siswa yang belum berprestasi dan tidak mendapatkan

hadiah bersemangat untuk mendapatkan hadiah juga atau mereka

menjadi malas?

He was getting excited. They also want to be like their other friends

to get rewards too.

(Artinya dia semakin bersemangat yah, ayo kita apa namanya

berpacu seperti yang yang lain itu yang mendapat reward itu supaya

kita juga dapat reward).

Appendix IV

Interview Transcript about Punishment


Time : Wednesday, October 212020, 09.00- 10.00

Friday, October 232020, 10.00-10.30




Have you ever given punishment through body gestures or facial

expressions to students?

(Apakah Ibu pernah memberi hukuman melalui gesture tubuh

atau raut muka kepada siswa?)

I often give facial expressions, and scolding with words.

(Raut muka sering, kata-kata sering memarahi gitu).

2. Q:


Have you ever reported students to the Counseling Guidance

(BK) teacher or took them out of the classroom during learning?

If so, what deeds did he do?

(Pernakah Ibu melaporkan siswa ke guru Bimbingan Konseling

(BK) atau mengeluarkannya dari kelas pada saat pembelajaran?

Jika iya perbuatan apa yang dia perbuat?).

Yes, I have. If while studying he was just playing around in class.

I took it out and then reported it to the BK teacher to be given a

follow-up there.

(Pernah kalau sementara belajar dia hanya main-main di dalam

kelas tentu dikeluarkan kemudian dilapor kepada guru BK untuk

diberikan tindak lanjut di sana).

3. Q:


What about offering a lot of extra assignments as punishment, did

you do that?

(Bagiamana dengan memberikan tugas tambahan yang cukup

banyak sebagai hukuman, apakah Ibu melakukannya?)

Yes, sometimes. Students are told to memorize words, for

example, they are told to memorize 5 words. If he / she is not

memorized or not ready then the teacher adds words to


(Oh biasa disuruh menghafal, menghafal seumpamanya disuruh

menghafal 5 kata-kata tidak tidak hafal atau belum siap

ditambah lagi).

4. Q:


Have you ever threatened a student who committed an offense?

What is an example?

(Pernakah Ibu memberi ancaman kepada siswa yang melakukan

pelanggran? Apa contohnya?)

Yes, I have threatened it. Examples of my threat words are those

who do not finish their assignments then add more or usually

stand in front of the class if they do not finish their assignments.

(Iya pernah itulah di ancam Siapa yang tidak selesai tugasnya

ditambah lagi atau biasa juga contohnyabisa berdiri di depan

kelas bisa itu kalau tidak selesai tugasnya).



Do you also give advice to students when they commit offense?

(Apakah ibu memberikan nasehat juga kepada siswa apabila


melakukan pelanggaran?)

Yes I give advice, I advise him if he offense.

(Iyye diberikan nasehat, dinasehati kalau dia melanggar).




What about corporal punishment, Do you give it to students too?

What the example?

(Bagaimana dengan hukuman fisik? Apakah Ibu juga

memberikannya kepada siswa? Seperti apa contohnya?)

Rarely. Even then if given corporal punishment only pinch a


(Yah jarang, jarang sekali itupun cubit-cubit sedikit).

7. Q:


What punishment do you give students if :

(Apa hukuman yang Ibu berikan kepada siswa jika :)

a. Eat during the learning process. (Makan saat proses

pembelajaran berlangsung).

Reprimand (Teguran).

b. Sleep during the learning process. (Tidur pada saat proses


Reprimand (Teguran).

c. Making a fuss when the teacher explains. (Melakukan

keributan pada saat Ibu menjelaskan).

Reprimand. If the student has been reprimanded many times

and still ignores it. (Teguran, kalau sudah ditegur berkali-

kali, mengabaikannya itulah langsung dikeluarkan).

8. Q:


Have you ever received a warning from the headmaster while

giving punishment? Why did it happen?)

(Pernahkah Ibu mendapat teguran dari pihak guru atau kepala

sekolah selama pemberian hukuman? Kenapa itu terjadi?

No because it is a fair punishment.

(Tidak karena itu hukuman yang wajar).

9. Q:


Have you ever received a complaint from a student's parents for

giving punishment?

(Pernahkah Ibu mendapat komplen dari orangtua siswa dalam

memberikan hukuman?).


(Tidak pernah juga).

10. Q:


Does the teacher help in disciplining and supervising students as

long as students are given punishment?

(Apakah dari pihak guru membantu Ibu dalam menertibkan dan

mengawasi siswa selama siswa diberikan hukuman?).



11. Q:


Are there students who are angry and even dislike you for giving


(Apakah ada siswa yang marah bahkan tidak menyukai Ibu

karena memberikan hukuman?)

I do not think so, I never gave punishment and then student went

home or did not attend lessons. Students still follow the learning


(Saya kira tidak, saya tidak pernah memberi hukuman dan

kemudian siswa pulang atau tidak menghadiri pelajaran. Siswa

tetap mengikuti proses pembelajaran).

12. Q:


Have there been any students who felt jealous and protested

because a friend had committed an offense and you did not give

punishment, but when he did, you gave him punishment?

(Pernakah ada siswa yang merasa cemburu dan protes karena

misalnya pernah ada temannya melakukan pelanggaran tapi Ibu

tidak memberikan hukuman namun ketika dia melanggar Ibu

memberikannya hukuman?).

Ever. If I do not see it and do not know that this student has

committed an offense. When I only punished students who I

knew offense, the students usually protested and said "why was

not he punished when he violated?" and that is because I do not

see it.

(Ah pernah, kalau memang ibu tidak liat, tidak mengetahui

bahwa ini melanggar sedangkan yang dihukum yang itu

diketahui atau ditahu bahwa melanggar biasa anak-anak protes

“ kenapa si A tidak dihukum waktu melanggar” padahal kita

tidak liat itu pelanggarannya dulu).

13. Q: Usually if students are only reprimanded, advised, or given small


punishment, the students still commit offense. How about giving

harsh corporal punishment to have a deterrent effect on students?

Why you do not apply it?

(Kan biasanya Bu kalau siswa Cuma ditegur, dinasehati, atau

diberikan hukuman yang ringan, siswa masih tetap melakukan

pelanggaran. Bagaimana dengan memberikan hukuman fisik

yang cukup keras agar memunculkan efek jera kepada siswa?

Mengapa Ibu tidak menerapkannya?)

It violates Human Rights. Corporal punishment should not be

given to students with severe punishment. It would violate the

law. It is enough to be given advice. If it does not change,

students are ordered to stand, dry in the sun, and run. Students

running frogs are also a form of corporal punishment.

(Itu melanggar Hak Asasi Manusia tidak boleh diberikan

hukuman fisik kepada anak-anak yang lebih berat yah karena

memang itu pelanggaran memang kalau ini ada undang-

undangnya tidak boleh untuk hukuman fisik, cukup nasehat kalau

memang tidak berubah, berdiri, dijemur, di kasih lari itu

hukuman fisik juga itu kalau dikasih lari katak.)

Appendix V


Interview session with the teacher

Take a picture after conducting the interview


Ridha Sari was born in Benteng, November, 14th


She has one brother and one sister. Her father's name is

Baharuddin and her mother's name is Kasmawati. She

graduated her elementary school in 2010 at SDN 7

Benteng. She continued her study at SMPN 1

Pancarijang and graduated in 2013. Then, she continued

her study at SMAN 1 Pancarijang and graduated in 2016. In the 2016, she was

continued her study at the University and at that year she was accepted at

Makassar Muhammadiyah University as a student of English Education

Department. At the end of her study, she could finish her thesis with the title

“Rewards and Punishments Given by the Teacher to Motivate Students in

Learning English at UPT SMP 2 Baranti”. (A Descriptive Research).