Revista Liceo Inglés No. 15

1 Anécdotas Halloween Family Trees AGOSTO 2011 - MARZO 2012 No. 15 15


Revista Liceo Inglés Edición No. 15

Transcript of Revista Liceo Inglés No. 15

  • 1Ancdotas


    Family Trees



    TO 2


    - M


    ZO 2





    Kilmetro 5 Va Cerritos Entrada #17 - PereiraPBX 3205563 FAX 3204830

  • 2Happiness

    First Day



    StaffDireccin General

    Diane Zauscher

    Direccin Administrativa

    Jos William Zuluaga Arias


    Lina Mara Escobar Londoo


    Alexandra Garavito Villada Sandra Juliana Grajales Vsquez

    Diseo y diagramacin

    Sandra Juliana Grajales Vsquez

    Edicin Agosto 2011 - Marzo 2012700 EjemplaresDistribucin Gratuita

    [email protected]

    Copyright 2012Fundacin Liceo Ingls

    Artculos 6

    Ancdotas 34

    Actividades y Eventos 26

    Personal del Colegio 39

    Editorial 4

    Ex-alumnos 35


    English Week





    Family Trees



    TO 2


    - M


    ZO 2





  • 3Happiness

    First Day



    StaffDireccin General

    Diane Zauscher

    Direccin Administrativa

    Jos William Zuluaga Arias


    Lina Mara Escobar Londoo


    Alexandra Garavito Villada Sandra Juliana Grajales Vsquez

    Diseo y diagramacin

    Sandra Juliana Grajales Vsquez

    Edicin Agosto 2011 - Marzo 2012700 EjemplaresDistribucin Gratuita

    [email protected]

    Copyright 2012Fundacin Liceo Ingls

    Artculos 6

    Ancdotas 34

    Actividades y Eventos 26

    Personal del Colegio 39

    Editorial 4

    Ex-alumnos 35


    English Week





    Family Trees



    TO 2


    - M


    ZO 2





  • La Fundacin liceo Ingls posee una trayectoria de liderazgo en educacin bilinge en Risaralda de ms de 25 aos. Durante su historia, siempre se ha destacado por ofrecer un servicio educativo de alta calidad.

    Hace unos aos nuestro colegio decidi buscar la acreditacin de SACS con el fin de vincular a la institucin a una organizacin cuya labor fuera la de orientar el proceso de mejoramiento continuo de la educacin y as garantizar el cumplimiento de los estndares de calidad.

    Al cumplir con todos los requisitos solicitados por esta organizacin, con gran orgullo hace 5 aos logramos alcanzar tan anhelada meta. Fue un momento de gran satisfaccin como tambin lo fue el recibir la renovacin de la misma, durante este ao escolar. El reconocimiento internacional es muy significativo ya que es la manera de demostrar claramente que nuestra institucin est comprometida con el mejoramiento continuo en todos los procesos y con los principios que nos rigen.

    Debemos sentirnos muy felices y orgullosos de este reconocimiento y mucho ms comprometidos a continuar hacia el camino de la excelencia.


    SACS/CASI (Southern Association of Colleges and Schools/ Council on Accreditation and School Improvement) ya forma parte de AdvancEd, el lder global en promover la excelencia educativa a travs de acreditacin y mejora de colegios. Es una organizacin comprometida con la educacin centrada en el aprendizaje de los estudiantes. Ha acreditado a ms de 27.000 instituciones pblicas y privadas en 69 pases y sirve a millones de estudiantes y docentes.

    Cuando se escucha SACS se piensa en la educacin bilinge, pero SACS no acredita el ingls. Funcionar como un colegio bilinge, si es una caracterstica de un colegio acreditado, pero SACS acredita otros factores. Cada colegio para ser acreditado, debe cumplir con estndares de calidad. Adems de completar una autoevaluacin exhaustiva, recibe visitas de expertos en la educacin que verifican todos los aspectos de una institucin.

    Revisan la filosofa, la misin y visin para ver como sirven de gua de todo nuestro proyecto educativo.

    Confirman que el Gobierno Escolar sea eficiente y democrtico.

    Rectifican la calidad de los programas, la metodologa de la enseanza y aprendizaje, los sistemas de seguimiento y evaluacin de los educandos, adems de los servicios complementarios y personal de apoyo.

    Examinan los medios de comunicacin y las relaciones dentro de la comunidad.

    Confirman que el colegio cuenta con los recursos fsicos y financieros necesarios para sostener el proyecto, y aseguran que hay un buen manejo de presupuesto.

    Comprueban que todo el personal docente sea profesional y altamente calificado.

    Finalmente, se aseguran del compromiso del colegio con el mejoramiento continuo como un objetivo primordial de la institucin.

    Estos son los puntos claves que los expertos confirmaron cuando visitaron a la Fundacin Liceo Ingls, y por eso hemos mantenido nuestra acreditacin.

    El Liceo Ingls escogi la acreditacin de SACS porque compartimos su filosofa y su razn de ser. La acreditacin adems brinda tranquilidad a los padres de familia, porque ofrece completa garanta de que realmente somos lo que decimos.

    Es muy satisfactorio al cerrar el ao de celebracin de nuestro vigsimo quinto aniversario, observar que el Liceo Ingls ha renovado y ratificado su propsito de ser la mejor institucin de educacin bilinge de la regin y uno de los mejores en el pas. Un colegio en el cual nuestros nios y jvenes encuentren no solo la mejor educacin basada en los ms altos estndares, sino tambin, calidad humana y como lo expresa nuestro himno, su segunda casa.

    LICE0 INGLES has shown leadership in bilingual education in Risaralda for more than 25 years. During its history, it has always distinguished itself for offering a high quality educational service.

    Some years ago our school decided to pursue SACS accreditation to join an organization that would guide us in the process of educational improvement so that we could guarantee that we were meeting highquality standards.

    It was a proud moment to reach the goal five years ago. It was an equally proud moment to have the accreditation renewed this year. This international recognition is very meaningful because it proves that our institution is committed to our principles and the continuous improvement of our institution.

    We should feel very happy and proud of this recognition, and even more committed to continuing on our path toward excellence.


    SACS/CASI (Southern Association of Colleges and Schools/ Council on Accreditation and School Improvement) is now part of AdvancEd, the global leader in advancing education excellence through accreditation and school improvement. It has accredited more than 27,000 public and private schools and universities in 69 different countriesand serves millions of students and teachers.

    When people hear "SACS," they think of bilingual education, but SACS does not accredit English. Being a bilingual school is a characteristic of an accredited school, but SACS accredits other factors. Each school, in order to be accredited, must meet quality standards. Along with completing an exhaustive self-evaluation, it receives visits from experts in education who verify all the aspects of the institution.

    They review the philosophy, the mission and vision to see that they serve as a guide for our educational goals.

    They confirm that the school government is efficient and democratic.

    They verify the quality of the programs, the methodology of the teaching and learning, the systems of assess-ment and evaluation of the learners, in addition to the complementary services and support personal.

    They examine commu-nication and relations within the community.

    They confirm that the school has the physical and financial resources necessary to maintain itself, and assure that the budget is managed properly.

    They verify that all the teaching personnel are qualified and professional.

    Finally, they make sure that the school is committed to continuous improvement as a fundamental belief of the institution. These are the key points that the experts confirmed when they visited the Foundation Liceo Ingles, and for that reason we have maintained our accreditation.

    The Fundacin Liceo Ingls chose the SACS accreditation because we share its philosophy and its mission. The accreditation allows parents to feel confident about theschool because it guarantees that we are what we say we are.

    Its very satisfying that as we close the celebration of our twenty-fifth anniversary year, we can see that the LiceoIngls has renewed and ratified its purpose of being the best bilingual institution in the region and one of the best in the country a school where children find not only the best education based on high academic standards, but also human warmth, and, as expressed on our school anthem, a second home.

    colegio acreditado, pero SACS acredita otros factores. Cada colegio para ser acreditado, debe cumplir con estndares de calidad. Adems de completar una autoevaluacin exhaustiva, recibe visitas de expertos en la educacin que verifican todos los aspectos de una institucin.

    Estos son los puntos claves que los expertos confirmaron cuando visitaron a la Fundacin Liceo Ingls, y por eso

    El Liceo Ingls escogi la acreditacin de SACS porque compartimos su filosofa y su razn de ser. La acreditacin adems brinda tranquilidad a los padres de familia, porque ofrece completa garanta de que realmente somos lo que decimos.

    Es muy satisfactorio al cerrar el ao de celebracin de nuestro vigsimo quinto aniversario, observar que el Liceo Ingls ha renovado y ratificado su propsito de ser la mejor institucin de educacin bilinge de la regin y uno de los mejores en el pas. Un colegio en el cual nuestros nios y jvenes encuentren no solo la mejor educacin basada en los ms altos estndares, sino tambin, calidad humana y como lo expresa nuestro himno, su segunda casa.

    LICE0 INGLES has shown leadership in bilingual education in Risaralda for more than 25 years. During its history, it has always distinguished itself for offering a high quality educational service.

    Some years ago our school decided to pursue SACS accreditation to join an organization that would guide us in the process of educational improvement so that we could guarantee that we were meeting highquality standards.

    It was a proud moment to reach the goal five years ago. It was an equally proud moment to have the

    in order to be accredited, must meet quality standards. Along with completing an exhaustive selfevaluation, it receives visits from experts in education who verify all the aspects of the institution.

    They review the philosophy, the mission and vision to see that they serve as a guide for our educational

    They confirm that the school government is efficient and democratic.

    and even more committed to continuing on our path

    SACS/CASI (Southern Association of Colleges and Schools/ Council on Accreditation and School

    is now part of AdvancEd, the global leader in advancing education excellence through accreditation and school improvement. It has accredited more than 27,000 public and private schools and universities in 69 different countriesand serves

    When people hear "SACS," they think of bilingual education, but SACS does not accredit English. Being a bilingual school is a characteristic of an accredited school, but SACS accredits other factors. Each school, in order to be accredited, must meet quality

    They confirm that the school has the physical and financial resources necessary resources necessary to maintain itself, and assure that the budget is managed properly.

    a bilingual school is a characteristic of an accredited school, but SACS accredits other factors. Each school, in order to be accredited, must meet quality standards. Along with completing an exhaustive selfevaluation, it receives visits from experts in education who verify all the aspects of the institution.

    They review the philosophy, the mission and vision to see that they serve as a guide for our educational

    and democratic. They confirm that the school government is efficient and democratic.

    Debemos sentirnos muy felices y orgullosos de este reconocimiento y mucho ms comprometidos a

    El Liceo Ingls escogi la acreditacin de SACS porque compartimos su filosofa y su razn de ser. La porque compartimos su filosofa y su razn de ser. La

    La Fundacin liceo Ingls posee una trayectoria de liderazgo en educacin bilinge en Risaralda de ms de 25 aos. Durante su historia, siempre se ha destacado por ofrecer un servicio educativo de alta calidad.

    Hace unos aos nuestro colegio decidi buscar la acreditacin de SACS con el fin de vincular a la institucin a una organizacin cuya labor fuera la de orientar el proceso de mejoramiento continuo de la educacin y as garantizar el cumplimiento de los

    Al cumplir con todos los requisitos solicitados por esta organizacin, con gran orgullo hace 5 aos logramos alcanzar tan anhelada meta. Fue un momento de gran satisfaccin como tambin lo fue el recibir la renovacin de la misma, durante este ao escolar. El reconocimiento internacional es muy significativo ya que es la manera de demostrar claramente que nuestra institucin est comprometida con el mejoramiento continuo en todos los procesos y con los principios que

    Debemos sentirnos muy felices y orgullosos de este

    Escrito por / Written by:Diane Zauscher


  • 5Edi



    La Fundacin liceo Ingls posee una trayectoria de liderazgo en educacin bilinge en Risaralda de ms de 25 aos. Durante su historia, siempre se ha destacado por ofrecer un servicio educativo de alta calidad.

    Hace unos aos nuestro colegio decidi buscar la acreditacin de SACS con el fin de vincular a la institucin a una organizacin cuya labor fuera la de orientar el proceso de mejoramiento continuo de la educacin y as garantizar el cumplimiento de los estndares de calidad.

    Al cumplir con todos los requisitos solicitados por esta organizacin, con gran orgullo hace 5 aos logramos alcanzar tan anhelada meta. Fue un momento de gran satisfaccin como tambin lo fue el recibir la renovacin de la misma, durante este ao escolar. El reconocimiento internacional es muy significativo ya que es la manera de demostrar claramente que nuestra institucin est comprometida con el mejoramiento continuo en todos los procesos y con los principios que nos rigen.

    Debemos sentirnos muy felices y orgullosos de este reconocimiento y mucho ms comprometidos a continuar hacia el camino de la excelencia.


    SACS/CASI (Southern Association of Colleges and Schools/ Council on Accreditation and School Improvement) ya forma parte de AdvancEd, el lder global en promover la excelencia educativa a travs de acreditacin y mejora de colegios. Es una organizacin comprometida con la educacin centrada en el aprendizaje de los estudiantes. Ha acreditado a ms de 27.000 instituciones pblicas y privadas en 69 pases y sirve a millones de estudiantes y docentes.

    Cuando se escucha SACS se piensa en la educacin bilinge, pero SACS no acredita el ingls. Funcionar como un colegio bilinge, si es una caracterstica de un colegio acreditado, pero SACS acredita otros factores. Cada colegio para ser acreditado, debe cumplir con estndares de calidad. Adems de completar una autoevaluacin exhaustiva, recibe visitas de expertos en la educacin que verifican todos los aspectos de una institucin.

    Revisan la filosofa, la misin y visin para ver como sirven de gua de todo nuestro proyecto educativo.

    Confirman que el Gobierno Escolar sea eficiente y democrtico.

    Rectifican la calidad de los programas, la metodologa de la enseanza y aprendizaje, los sistemas de seguimiento y evaluacin de los educandos, adems de los servicios complementarios y personal de apoyo.

    Examinan los medios de comunicacin y las relaciones dentro de la comunidad.

    Confirman que el colegio cuenta con los recursos fsicos y financieros necesarios para sostener el proyecto, y aseguran que hay un buen manejo de presupuesto.

    Comprueban que todo el personal docente sea profesional y altamente calificado.

    Finalmente, se aseguran del compromiso del colegio con el mejoramiento continuo como un objetivo primordial de la institucin.

    Estos son los puntos claves que los expertos confirmaron cuando visitaron a la Fundacin Liceo Ingls, y por eso hemos mantenido nuestra acreditacin.

    El Liceo Ingls escogi la acreditacin de SACS porque compartimos su filosofa y su razn de ser. La acreditacin adems brinda tranquilidad a los padres de familia, porque ofrece completa garanta de que realmente somos lo que decimos.

    Es muy satisfactorio al cerrar el ao de celebracin de nuestro vigsimo quinto aniversario, observar que el Liceo Ingls ha renovado y ratificado su propsito de ser la mejor institucin de educacin bilinge de la regin y uno de los mejores en el pas. Un colegio en el cual nuestros nios y jvenes encuentren no solo la mejor educacin basada en los ms altos estndares, sino tambin, calidad humana y como lo expresa nuestro himno, su segunda casa.

    LICE0 INGLES has shown leadership in bilingual education in Risaralda for more than 25 years. During its history, it has always distinguished itself for offering a high quality educational service.

    Some years ago our school decided to pursue SACS accreditation to join an organization that would guide us in the process of educational improvement so that we could guarantee that we were meeting highquality standards.

    It was a proud moment to reach the goal five years ago. It was an equally proud moment to have the accreditation renewed this year. This international recognition is very meaningful because it proves that our institution is committed to our principles and the continuous improvement of our institution.

    We should feel very happy and proud of this recognition, and even more committed to continuing on our path toward excellence.


    SACS/CASI (Southern Association of Colleges and Schools/ Council on Accreditation and School Improvement) is now part of AdvancEd, the global leader in advancing education excellence through accreditation and school improvement. It has accredited more than 27,000 public and private schools and universities in 69 different countriesand serves millions of students and teachers.

    When people hear "SACS," they think of bilingual education, but SACS does not accredit English. Being a bilingual school is a characteristic of an accredited school, but SACS accredits other factors. Each school, in order to be accredited, must meet quality standards. Along with completing an exhaustive self-evaluation, it receives visits from experts in education who verify all the aspects of the institution.

    They review the philosophy, the mission and vision to see that they serve as a guide for our educational goals.

    They confirm that the school government is efficient and democratic.

    They verify the quality of the programs, the methodology of the teaching and learning, the systems of assess-ment and evaluation of the learners, in addition to the complementary services and support personal.

    They examine commu-nication and relations within the community.

    They confirm that the school has the physical and financial resources necessary to maintain itself, and assure that the budget is managed properly.

    They verify that all the teaching personnel are qualified and professional.

    Finally, they make sure that the school is committed to continuous improvement as a fundamental belief of the institution. These are the key points that the experts confirmed when they visited the Foundation Liceo Ingles, and for that reason we have maintained our accreditation.

    The Fundacin Liceo Ingls chose the SACS accreditation because we share its philosophy and its mission. The accreditation allows parents to feel confident about theschool because it guarantees that we are what we say we are.

    Its very satisfying that as we close the celebration of our twenty-fifth anniversary year, we can see that the LiceoIngls has renewed and ratified its purpose of being the best bilingual institution in the region and one of the best in the country a school where children find not only the best education based on high academic standards, but also human warmth, and, as expressed on our school anthem, a second home.

    colegio acreditado, pero SACS acredita otros factores. Cada colegio para ser acreditado, debe cumplir con estndares de calidad. Adems de completar una autoevaluacin exhaustiva, recibe visitas de expertos en la educacin que verifican todos los aspectos de una institucin.

    Estos son los puntos claves que los expertos confirmaron cuando visitaron a la Fundacin Liceo Ingls, y por eso

    El Liceo Ingls escogi la acreditacin de SACS porque compartimos su filosofa y su razn de ser. La acreditacin adems brinda tranquilidad a los padres de familia, porque ofrece completa garanta de que realmente somos lo que decimos.

    Es muy satisfactorio al cerrar el ao de celebracin de nuestro vigsimo quinto aniversario, observar que el Liceo Ingls ha renovado y ratificado su propsito de ser la mejor institucin de educacin bilinge de la regin y uno de los mejores en el pas. Un colegio en el cual nuestros nios y jvenes encuentren no solo la mejor educacin basada en los ms altos estndares, sino tambin, calidad humana y como lo expresa nuestro himno, su segunda casa.

    LICE0 INGLES has shown leadership in bilingual education in Risaralda for more than 25 years. During its history, it has always distinguished itself for offering a high quality educational service.

    Some years ago our school decided to pursue SACS accreditation to join an organization that would guide us in the process of educational improvement so that we could guarantee that we were meeting highquality standards.

    It was a proud moment to reach the goal five years ago. It was an equally proud moment to have the

    in order to be accredited, must meet quality standards. Along with completing an exhaustive selfevaluation, it receives visits from experts in education who verify all the aspects of the institution.

    They review the philosophy, the mission and vision to see that they serve as a guide for our educational

    They confirm that the school government is efficient and democratic.

    and even more committed to continuing on our path

    SACS/CASI (Southern Association of Colleges and Schools/ Council on Accreditation and School

    is now part of AdvancEd, the global leader in advancing education excellence through accreditation and school improvement. It has accredited more than 27,000 public and private schools and universities in 69 different countriesand serves

    When people hear "SACS," they think of bilingual education, but SACS does not accredit English. Being a bilingual school is a characteristic of an accredited school, but SACS accredits other factors. Each school, in order to be accredited, must meet quality

    They confirm that the school has the physical and financial resources necessary resources necessary to maintain itself, and assure that the budget is managed properly.

    a bilingual school is a characteristic of an accredited school, but SACS accredits other factors. Each school, in order to be accredited, must meet quality standards. Along with completing an exhaustive selfevaluation, it receives visits from experts in education who verify all the aspects of the institution.

    They review the philosophy, the mission and vision to see that they serve as a guide for our educational

    and democratic. They confirm that the school government is efficient and democratic.

    Debemos sentirnos muy felices y orgullosos de este reconocimiento y mucho ms comprometidos a

    El Liceo Ingls escogi la acreditacin de SACS porque compartimos su filosofa y su razn de ser. La porque compartimos su filosofa y su razn de ser. La

    La Fundacin liceo Ingls posee una trayectoria de liderazgo en educacin bilinge en Risaralda de ms de 25 aos. Durante su historia, siempre se ha destacado por ofrecer un servicio educativo de alta calidad.

    Hace unos aos nuestro colegio decidi buscar la acreditacin de SACS con el fin de vincular a la institucin a una organizacin cuya labor fuera la de orientar el proceso de mejoramiento continuo de la educacin y as garantizar el cumplimiento de los

    Al cumplir con todos los requisitos solicitados por esta organizacin, con gran orgullo hace 5 aos logramos alcanzar tan anhelada meta. Fue un momento de gran satisfaccin como tambin lo fue el recibir la renovacin de la misma, durante este ao escolar. El reconocimiento internacional es muy significativo ya que es la manera de demostrar claramente que nuestra institucin est comprometida con el mejoramiento continuo en todos los procesos y con los principios que

    Debemos sentirnos muy felices y orgullosos de este

    Escrito por / Written by:Diane Zauscher


  • El Sistema de Gestion de Calidad ISO 9001:2008 establecido por la Fundacin Liceo Ingls se ha mantenido gracias al liderazgo y compromiso de sus lderes de proceso. El colegio se est preparando para su recertificacin en el mes de agosto de 2012. La visita SACS nos corrobor una vez ms la importancia de su implementacin, destacando la organizacin de los procesos, la claridad en los procedimientos, el control y seguimiento que se realiza principalmente al proceso de Formacin del Estudiante a travs de la planeacin diaria y de unidades, evaluacin de profesores, refuerzos de los estudiantes, entre otros.

    El sistema exige una permanente revisin de su POLITICA DE CALIDAD, de su propsito, objetivos de calidad y mejora continua. Por ello es de vital importancia que sta sea entendida por todos los padres de familia, estudiantes, personal administrativo y docente. Los invitamos a estudiarla:

    Una institucin educativa acreditada

    por SACS/CASI

    Quines somos?

    Escrito por / Written by:Luisa Liliana Velsquez Restrepo

    Jefe Departamento de Recursos Humanos

  • 7Art



    El Sistema de Gestion de Calidad ISO 9001:2008 establecido por la Fundacin Liceo Ingls se ha mantenido gracias al liderazgo y compromiso de sus lderes de proceso. El colegio se est preparando para su recertificacin en el mes de agosto de 2012. La visita SACS nos corrobor una vez ms la importancia de su implementacin, destacando la organizacin de los procesos, la claridad en los procedimientos, el control y seguimiento que se realiza principalmente al proceso de Formacin del Estudiante a travs de la planeacin diaria y de unidades, evaluacin de profesores, refuerzos de los estudiantes, entre otros.

    El sistema exige una permanente revisin de su POLITICA DE CALIDAD, de su propsito, objetivos de calidad y mejora continua. Por ello es de vital importancia que sta sea entendida por todos los padres de familia, estudiantes, personal administrativo y docente. Los invitamos a estudiarla:

    Una institucin educativa acreditada

    por SACS/CASI

    Quines somos?

    Escrito por / Written by:Luisa Liliana Velsquez Restrepo

    Jefe Departamento de Recursos Humanos

  • Roller Coasters By: Gianmarco Restrepo

    I love roller coasters.They are big, high

    And fast.I smell popcorn, hotdogs, cotton candy,

    Ice cream and energy drinks.I hear people, cars

    Airplanes and motorcycles.The feeling of riding a roller coaster

    Is scary, fun, happyAnd fast.

    My stomach feels like it goes to my throat.

    The OceanBy: Santiago Alvarez

    When I go to the ocean, I am happy and excited

    I put all my things in the sand And I relax.

    I put on my coconut sunblockI go to see the big and blue ocean

    Sometimes it looks brightAt night, when there is a thunderstorm

    It looks dark.When there is a sunset

    It looks red.I see fishes jumping

    Seaweed and clean air.I smell salty air.

    Sometimes the ocean is glass and it is calm.Sometimes its dirty

    I hate that.One time I saw crabs, jellyfish, and corals

    At the same time.When I close my eyes

    I hear the waves crashingI hear the seagulls cryingAnd I feel the soft sand

    Under my feet.

    Something I LoveBy: Juan Felipe RamirezTrees of cookies and cream

    Houses of vanillaAnd orange

    A big, big pool ofMixed berries ice creamI was traveling to Miami

    In an airplane made of chocolate.I was hungry

    And I started to eat the airplaneThirty minutes later,

    The place where I was sittingWas already eaten

    By me.Then, I fell downAnd I landed in

    Grandmas house.

    ZombiesBy: Sebastian Lemus

    I like zombiesBecause they seem tall.

    They are alwaysUgly.

    They like to killAnd they look very

    They smell pretty badAnd sweaty Like a pig.

    When you talk to themThey talk like they are crying

    They feel very warmLike meat

    And bloody sweat.They feel like a cold rock

    And taste like rotten meat.

    Limerick Poems

    The French PoodleBy: Said Tellez

    There was an annoying French poodle.He always needed a big noodle.

    His name was SpikeHe rode a red Bike

    His hair looked like a big snoodle.

    ShootBy: Carlos Felipe PereaI want to shoot at the sunWith a big, beautiful gun.

    I want to play,But I need to pay.

    I always want to have fun.

    Girl From JapanBy: Marcela Gomez

    There was a girl from Japan.She was in love with a man.

    She ate candy barsAnd drove funny cars

    And always sat in the sand.

    My Limerick PoemBy: Gabriela Borrero

    The girl who came to my houseShe had a little pet mouse.

    She lost her left shoe.She didnt know what to do,

    So she covered her foot with her blouse.

    Free Verse Poems

    Rhyming Couplets

    The SeaBy: Matthew Singer

    I like to go to the sea, and somebody gives me a kiss.

    It is the vacation of romance It fills my heart with bliss.

    Her name is Sofia,She is from Spain

    After meeting her,I will never be the same.

    My Grandpas Weird BeardBy: Said Tellez

    My grandpa touches his beardAnd I always think its weird.

    He reads me a book,During that time I look.

    Escrito por / Written by:Gene Marie Chagaris

    Docente Primaria

    Sometimes the ocean is glass and it is calm.

    One time I saw crabs, jellyfish, and corals

    I hear the waves crashingI hear the seagulls crying

    Then, I fell downAnd I landed in

    Grandmas house.

    By: Sebastian Lemus

    I like zombiesBecause they seem tall.

    Sometimes the ocean is glass and it is calm.

    One time I saw crabs, jellyfish, and corals

    Then, I fell downAnd I landed in

    Grandmas house.

    ZombiesBy: Sebastian Lemus

    I like zombiesBecause they seem tall.

    At the same time.When I close my eyes

    I hear the waves crashingI hear the seagulls cryingAnd I feel the soft sand

    I hear the waves crashingI hear the seagulls cryingAnd I feel the soft sand

    Under my feet.

    I hear the seagulls cryingAnd I feel the soft sand

    Under my feet.Under my feet.

    I put all my things in the sand And I relax.

    I put on my coconut sunblockI go to see the big and blue ocean

    Sometimes it looks brightAt night, when there is a thunderstorm

    It looks dark.When there is a sunset

    It looks red.I see fishes jumping

    Seaweed and clean air.I smell salty air.

    Sometimes the ocean is glass and it is calm.

    I put on my coconut sunblockI go to see the big and blue ocean

    Sometimes it looks brightAt night, when there is a thunderstorm

    It looks dark.When there is a sunset

    It looks red.I see fishes jumping

    Seaweed and clean air.

    I go to see the big and blue oceanSometimes it looks bright

    At night, when there is a thunderstormIt looks dark.

    When there is a sunset

    At night, when there is a thunderstorm

    And I started to eat the airplaneThirty minutes later,

    The place where I was sittingWas already eaten

    The place where I was sittingWas already eaten

    By me.Then, I fell down

    By me.Then, I fell downAnd I landed in

    One time I saw crabs, jellyfish, and coralsAt the same time.

    When I close my eyesI hear the waves crashingI hear the seagulls cryingAnd I feel the soft sand

    I hear the seagulls cryingAnd I feel the soft sand

    Under my feet.

    The place where I was sittingWas already eaten

    By me.Then, I fell down

    In an airplane made of chocolate.I was hungry

    And I started to eat the airplaneThirty minutes later,

    The place where I was sittingWas already eaten

    At night, when there is a thunderstorm

    excitedI put all my things in the sand

    And I relax.I put on my coconut sunblock

    I go to see the big and blue oceanSometimes it looks bright

    At night, when there is a thunderstormIt looks dark.

    When there is a sunsetIt looks red.

    I see fishes jumpingSeaweed and clean air.

    I smell salty air.Sometimes the ocean is glass and it is calm.

    Sometimes its dirty

    I go to see the big and blue oceanSometimes it looks bright

    At night, when there is a thunderstormIt looks dark.

    When there is a sunsetIt looks red.

    I see fishes jumpingSeaweed and clean air.

    And bloody sweat.They feel like a cold rock

    And taste like rotten meat.

    They feel very warmLike meat

    They smell pretty badAnd sweaty Like a pig.

    When you talk to themThey talk like they are crying

    And they look veryThey smell pretty bad

    When you talk to themThey talk like they are crying

    They feel very warmLike meat

    And bloody sweat.They feel like a cold rock

    And taste like rotten meat.

    They smell pretty badAnd sweaty

    When you talk to them

    And bloody sweat.

    Because they seem tall.They are always

    Ugly.They like to kill

    And they look veryThey smell pretty bad

    When you talk to themThey talk like they are crying

    They feel very warm

    They smell pretty badAnd sweaty Like a pig.

    When you talk to themThey talk like they are crying

    They feel very warmLike meat

    And bloody sweat.And bloody sweat.They feel like a cold rock

    And taste like rotten meat.

    They feel very warmLike meatLike meat

    And bloody sweat.

    And taste like rotten meat.

    And bloody sweat.They feel like a cold rock

    And taste like rotten meat.

    They smell pretty bad

    When you talk to themThey talk like they are crying

    They smell pretty badAnd sweaty Like a pig.

    When you talk to themThey talk like they are crying

    And sweaty And sweaty Like a pig.

    When you talk to themLike a pig.

    When you talk to them

    And sweaty

    They are always

    They like to killAnd they look very

    They smell pretty bad

    They like to killAnd they look very

    They smell pretty bad

    They like to killAnd they look very

    They smell pretty badAnd they look very

    They feel very warm

    And taste like rotten meat.

    And bloody sweat.They feel like a cold rock

    And taste like rotten meat.

    They smell pretty bad

    When you talk to themThey talk like they are crying

    They smell pretty badAnd they look very

    And sweaty Like a pig.

    When you talk to them

    And sweaty And sweaty Like a pig.

    When you talk to them

    They are always

    They like to killAnd they look very

    They smell pretty bad

    They like to killAnd they look veryAnd they look very

    They feel like a cold rockAnd taste like rotten meat.They feel like a cold rock

    And taste like rotten meat.

    When I go to the ocean, I am happy and excited

    I put all my things in the sand And I relax.

    I put on my coconut sunblockI go to see the big and blue ocean

    I see fishes jumpingSeaweed and clean air.

    I smell salty air.Sometimes the ocean is glass and it is calm.

    Sometimes its dirtyI hate that.

    One time I saw crabs, jellyfish, and coralsAt the same time.

    I was traveling to MiamiIn an airplane made of chocolate.

    I was hungryAnd I started to eat the airplane

    Thirty minutes later,The place where I was sitting

    Was already eaten

    When I close my eyesI hear the waves crashing

    Sometimes it looks brightAt night, when there is a thunderstorm

    When there is a sunsetIt looks red.

    During English Week, the elementary team asked students to write poems and create dramas or presentations. It was nice because each class had something different to share during the week.

    These are some poems written by fifth grade students.

    Durante la Semana de Ingls, los profesores de primaria pidieron a los estudiantes escribir poemas y crear dramas o presentaciones. Fue muy agradable porque cada grupo tena algo diferente para compartir durante la semana.

    Estos son algunos poemas escritos por estudiantes de grado quinto.

  • 9Art



    Roller Coasters By: Gianmarco Restrepo

    I love roller coasters.They are big, high

    And fast.I smell popcorn, hotdogs, cotton candy,

    Ice cream and energy drinks.I hear people, cars

    Airplanes and motorcycles.The feeling of riding a roller coaster

    Is scary, fun, happyAnd fast.

    My stomach feels like it goes to my throat.

    The OceanBy: Santiago Alvarez

    When I go to the ocean, I am happy and excited

    I put all my things in the sand And I relax.

    I put on my coconut sunblockI go to see the big and blue ocean

    Sometimes it looks brightAt night, when there is a thunderstorm

    It looks dark.When there is a sunset

    It looks red.I see fishes jumping

    Seaweed and clean air.I smell salty air.

    Sometimes the ocean is glass and it is calm.Sometimes its dirty

    I hate that.One time I saw crabs, jellyfish, and corals

    At the same time.When I close my eyes

    I hear the waves crashingI hear the seagulls cryingAnd I feel the soft sand

    Under my feet.

    Something I LoveBy: Juan Felipe RamirezTrees of cookies and cream

    Houses of vanillaAnd orange

    A big, big pool ofMixed berries ice creamI was traveling to Miami

    In an airplane made of chocolate.I was hungry

    And I started to eat the airplaneThirty minutes later,

    The place where I was sittingWas already eaten

    By me.Then, I fell downAnd I landed in

    Grandmas house.

    ZombiesBy: Sebastian Lemus

    I like zombiesBecause they seem tall.

    They are alwaysUgly.

    They like to killAnd they look very

    They smell pretty badAnd sweaty Like a pig.

    When you talk to themThey talk like they are crying

    They feel very warmLike meat

    And bloody sweat.They feel like a cold rock

    And taste like rotten meat.

    Limerick Poems

    The French PoodleBy: Said Tellez

    There was an annoying French poodle.He always needed a big noodle.

    His name was SpikeHe rode a red Bike

    His hair looked like a big snoodle.

    ShootBy: Carlos Felipe PereaI want to shoot at the sunWith a big, beautiful gun.

    I want to play,But I need to pay.

    I always want to have fun.

    Girl From JapanBy: Marcela Gomez

    There was a girl from Japan.She was in love with a man.

    She ate candy barsAnd drove funny cars

    And always sat in the sand.

    My Limerick PoemBy: Gabriela Borrero

    The girl who came to my houseShe had a little pet mouse.

    She lost her left shoe.She didnt know what to do,

    So she covered her foot with her blouse.

    Free Verse Poems

    Rhyming Couplets

    The SeaBy: Matthew Singer

    I like to go to the sea, and somebody gives me a kiss.

    It is the vacation of romance It fills my heart with bliss.

    Her name is Sofia,She is from Spain

    After meeting her,I will never be the same.

    My Grandpas Weird BeardBy: Said Tellez

    My grandpa touches his beardAnd I always think its weird.

    He reads me a book,During that time I look.

    Escrito por / Written by:Gene Marie Chagaris

    Docente Primaria

    Sometimes the ocean is glass and it is calm.

    One time I saw crabs, jellyfish, and corals

    I hear the waves crashingI hear the seagulls crying

    Then, I fell downAnd I landed in

    Grandmas house.

    By: Sebastian Lemus

    I like zombiesBecause they seem tall.

    Sometimes the ocean is glass and it is calm.

    One time I saw crabs, jellyfish, and corals

    Then, I fell downAnd I landed in

    Grandmas house.

    ZombiesBy: Sebastian Lemus

    I like zombiesBecause they seem tall.

    At the same time.When I close my eyes

    I hear the waves crashingI hear the seagulls cryingAnd I feel the soft sand

    I hear the waves crashingI hear the seagulls cryingAnd I feel the soft sand

    Under my feet.

    I hear the seagulls cryingAnd I feel the soft sand

    Under my feet.Under my feet.

    I put all my things in the sand And I relax.

    I put on my coconut sunblockI go to see the big and blue ocean

    Sometimes it looks brightAt night, when there is a thunderstorm

    It looks dark.When there is a sunset

    It looks red.I see fishes jumping

    Seaweed and clean air.I smell salty air.

    Sometimes the ocean is glass and it is calm.

    I put on my coconut sunblockI go to see the big and blue ocean

    Sometimes it looks brightAt night, when there is a thunderstorm

    It looks dark.When there is a sunset

    It looks red.I see fishes jumping

    Seaweed and clean air.

    I go to see the big and blue oceanSometimes it looks bright

    At night, when there is a thunderstormIt looks dark.

    When there is a sunset

    At night, when there is a thunderstorm

    And I started to eat the airplaneThirty minutes later,

    The place where I was sittingWas already eaten

    The place where I was sittingWas already eaten

    By me.Then, I fell down

    By me.Then, I fell downAnd I landed in

    One time I saw crabs, jellyfish, and coralsAt the same time.

    When I close my eyesI hear the waves crashingI hear the seagulls cryingAnd I feel the soft sand

    I hear the seagulls cryingAnd I feel the soft sand

    Under my feet.

    The place where I was sittingWas already eaten

    By me.Then, I fell down

    In an airplane made of chocolate.I was hungry

    And I started to eat the airplaneThirty minutes later,

    The place where I was sittingWas already eaten

    At night, when there is a thunderstorm

    excitedI put all my things in the sand

    And I relax.I put on my coconut sunblock

    I go to see the big and blue oceanSometimes it looks bright

    At night, when there is a thunderstormIt looks dark.

    When there is a sunsetIt looks red.

    I see fishes jumpingSeaweed and clean air.

    I smell salty air.Sometimes the ocean is glass and it is calm.

    Sometimes its dirty

    I go to see the big and blue oceanSometimes it looks bright

    At night, when there is a thunderstormIt looks dark.

    When there is a sunsetIt looks red.

    I see fishes jumpingSeaweed and clean air.

    And bloody sweat.They feel like a cold rock

    And taste like rotten meat.

    They feel very warmLike meat

    They smell pretty badAnd sweaty Like a pig.

    When you talk to themThey talk like they are crying

    And they look veryThey smell pretty bad

    When you talk to themThey talk like they are crying

    They feel very warmLike meat

    And bloody sweat.They feel like a cold rock

    And taste like rotten meat.

    They smell pretty badAnd sweaty

    When you talk to them

    And bloody sweat.

    Because they seem tall.They are always

    Ugly.They like to kill

    And they look veryThey smell pretty bad

    When you talk to themThey talk like they are crying

    They feel very warm

    They smell pretty badAnd sweaty Like a pig.

    When you talk to themThey talk like they are crying

    They feel very warmLike meat

    And bloody sweat.And bloody sweat.They feel like a cold rock

    And taste like rotten meat.

    They feel very warmLike meatLike meat

    And bloody sweat.

    And taste like rotten meat.

    And bloody sweat.They feel like a cold rock

    And taste like rotten meat.

    They smell pretty bad

    When you talk to themThey talk like they are crying

    They smell pretty badAnd sweaty Like a pig.

    When you talk to themThey talk like they are crying

    And sweaty And sweaty Like a pig.

    When you talk to themLike a pig.

    When you talk to them

    And sweaty

    They are always

    They like to killAnd they look very

    They smell pretty bad

    They like to killAnd they look very

    They smell pretty bad

    They like to killAnd they look very

    They smell pretty badAnd they look very

    They feel very warm

    And taste like rotten meat.

    And bloody sweat.They feel like a cold rock

    And taste like rotten meat.

    They smell pretty bad

    When you talk to themThey talk like they are crying

    They smell pretty badAnd they look very

    And sweaty Like a pig.

    When you talk to them

    And sweaty And sweaty Like a pig.

    When you talk to them

    They are always

    They like to killAnd they look very

    They smell pretty bad

    They like to killAnd they look veryAnd they look very

    They feel like a cold rockAnd taste like rotten meat.They feel like a cold rock

    And taste like rotten meat.

    When I go to the ocean, I am happy and excited

    I put all my things in the sand And I relax.

    I put on my coconut sunblockI go to see the big and blue ocean

    I see fishes jumpingSeaweed and clean air.

    I smell salty air.Sometimes the ocean is glass and it is calm.

    Sometimes its dirtyI hate that.

    One time I saw crabs, jellyfish, and coralsAt the same time.

    I was traveling to MiamiIn an airplane made of chocolate.

    I was hungryAnd I started to eat the airplane

    Thirty minutes later,The place where I was sitting

    Was already eaten

    When I close my eyesI hear the waves crashing

    Sometimes it looks brightAt night, when there is a thunderstorm

    When there is a sunsetIt looks red.

    During English Week, the elementary team asked students to write poems and create dramas or presentations. It was nice because each class had something different to share during the week.

    These are some poems written by fifth grade students.

    Durante la Semana de Ingls, los profesores de primaria pidieron a los estudiantes escribir poemas y crear dramas o presentaciones. Fue muy agradable porque cada grupo tena algo diferente para compartir durante la semana.

    Estos son algunos poemas escritos por estudiantes de grado quinto.

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    As a social studies project, my class made family trees. The students had to include at least 10 pictures of family members on a poster that represented their family.

    On September 8, the students brought their family trees and presented them to the class and to their parents. The presentations were a success. The students and parents did an excellent job with the posters and the students did a great job discussing their families.

    Throughout the process the students learned many things about their famlies and lots of new words in English. After the presentations the family tree posters were posted on the wall

    heading to the Pre-K section of our school. Many students, faculty members, and parents said a great many things about the projects. Congratulations 2A students and parents!

    Como un proyecto de Ciencias Sociales, mi grupo diseo sus propios rboles genealgicos. Los estudiantes tuvieron que incluir al menos 10 fotografas de familiares en una cartelera que representaba sus familias.

    El 8 de septiembre, trajeron al colegio sus rboles genealgicos y los presentaron a sus compaeros y

    a padres de familia. Las presentaciones fueron todo un xito.

    Tanto estudiantes como padres hicieron un excelente trabajo con las carteleras y los nios hicieron hermosas

    presentaciones de sus familias.

    Durante todo el proceso los alumnos aprendieron muchas cosas sobre sus familias y un montn de nuevas palabras en ingls. Despus de las presentaciones pegamos las carteleras con los rboles genealgicos en las paredes aledaas al nivel de preescolar del colegio.

    Muchos estudiantes, profesores y padres de familia hicieron buenos comentarios acerca de los proyectos.

    Felicitaciones a los estudiantes y padres de familia del grado 2A!

    As a social studies project, my class made family trees. The

    English week was a great success this year! Our school was bursting with creative and dynamic activities which focused on developing and improving our English abilities. We sang rhyme songs in third grade. We had Shakespeare, Mark Twain, and Charles Dickens theatre skits in sixth grades. Second and fifth grades produced very some funny video commercials. We had our traditional annual spelling bee. In high school there were amazing displays of culture from different English-speaking countries to visit. All throughout the halls were beautiful exhibits displaying poetry from all grades.

    In 3A we explored different styles and genres of poetry. The funny poems were definitely our favorites. Our class was inspired by the poet Shel Silverstein who is well known for his comedic style.

    We worked on the writing process of poetry and had a lot of fun developing our very own poems. Here are a few pieces from our poetry exhibit.

    La Semana de Ingls fue todo un xito! Nuestro colegio se llen de actividades creativas y dinmicas enfocadas en desarrollar y mejorar nuestras habilidades en ingls. Cantamos rimas y poemas lricas en los grados terceros. Tuvimos presentaciones de teatro de Shakespeare, Mark Twain, y Charles Dickens en los grados sextos. Los grupos de quinto y segundo produjeron comerciales en video muy divertidos. Tuvimos nuestro Spelling Bee anual. En secundaria crearon exhibiciones de la cultura dediferentes pases de habla inglesa. Tambin en los corredores exhibimos hermosas muestras de poesa hechas por cada grado.

    En tercero A, exploramos muchos estilos y diferentes gneros de poesa. Definitivamente los poemas cmicos fueron nuestros favoritos. Nuestro saln se inspir mucho por el poeta Shel Silverstein, quien es reconocido por su estilo cmico.

    Trabajamos mucho el proceso de escribir poesa y nos divertimos elaborando nuestros propios poemas. Aqu hay algunos ejemplos de los trabajos que realizamos para nuestra exhibicin de poemas.

    En tercero A, exploramos muchos estilos y diferentes gneros de poesa. Definitivamente los poemas

    Trabajamos mucho el proceso de escribir poesa y nos divertimos elaborando nuestros propios poemas. Aqu hay algunos ejemplos de los trabajos que realizamos para nuestra exhibicin

    Escrito por / Written by:

    Docente PrimariaDocente Primaria

    Escrito por / Written by:

  • 11




    As a social studies project, my class made family trees. The students had to include at least 10 pictures of family members on a poster that represented their family.

    On September 8, the students brought their family trees and presented them to the class and to their parents. The presentations were a success. The students and parents did an excellent job with the posters and the students did a great job discussing their families.

    Throughout the process the students learned many things about their famlies and lots of new words in English. After the presentations the family tree posters were posted on the wall

    heading to the Pre-K section of our school. Many students, faculty members, and parents said a great many things about the projects. Congratulations 2A students and parents!

    Como un proyecto de Ciencias Sociales, mi grupo diseo sus propios rboles genealgicos. Los estudiantes tuvieron que incluir al menos 10 fotografas de familiares en una cartelera que representaba sus familias.

    El 8 de septiembre, trajeron al colegio sus rboles genealgicos y los presentaron a sus compaeros y

    a padres de familia. Las presentaciones fueron todo un xito.

    Tanto estudiantes como padres hicieron un excelente trabajo con las carteleras y los nios hicieron hermosas

    presentaciones de sus familias.

    Durante todo el proceso los alumnos aprendieron muchas cosas sobre sus familias y un montn de nuevas palabras en ingls. Despus de las presentaciones pegamos las carteleras con los rboles genealgicos en las paredes aledaas al nivel de preescolar del colegio.

    Muchos estudiantes, profesores y padres de familia hicieron buenos comentarios acerca de los proyectos.

    Felicitaciones a los estudiantes y padres de familia del grado 2A!

    As a social studies project, my class made family trees. The

    English week was a great success this year! Our school was bursting with creative and dynamic activities which focused on developing and improving our English abilities. We sang rhyme songs in third grade. We had Shakespeare, Mark Twain, and Charles Dickens theatre skits in sixth grades. Second and fifth grades produced very some funny video commercials. We had our traditional annual spelling bee. In high school there were amazing displays of culture from different English-speaking countries to visit. All throughout the halls were beautiful exhibits displaying poetry from all grades.

    In 3A we explored different styles and genres of poetry. The funny poems were definitely our favorites. Our class was inspired by the poet Shel Silverstein who is well known for his comedic style.

    We worked on the writing process of poetry and had a lot of fun developing our very own poems. Here are a few pieces from our poetry exhibit.

    La Semana de Ingls fue todo un xito! Nuestro colegio se llen de actividades creativas y dinmicas enfocadas en desarrollar y mejorar nuestras habilidades en ingls. Cantamos rimas y poemas lricas en los grados terceros. Tuvimos presentaciones de teatro de Shakespeare, Mark Twain, y Charles Dickens en los grados sextos. Los grupos de quinto y segundo produjeron comerciales en video muy divertidos. Tuvimos nuestro Spelling Bee anual. En secundaria crearon exhibiciones de la cultura dediferentes pases de habla inglesa. Tambin en los corredores exhibimos hermosas muestras de poesa hechas por cada grado.

    En tercero A, exploramos muchos estilos y diferentes gneros de poesa. Definitivamente los poemas cmicos fueron nuestros favoritos. Nuestro saln se inspir mucho por el poeta Shel Silverstein, quien es reconocido por su estilo cmico.

    Trabajamos mucho el proceso de escribir poesa y nos divertimos elaborando nuestros propios poemas. Aqu hay algunos ejemplos de los trabajos que realizamos para nuestra exhibicin de poemas.

    En tercero A, exploramos muchos estilos y diferentes gneros de poesa. Definitivamente los poemas

    Trabajamos mucho el proceso de escribir poesa y nos divertimos elaborando nuestros propios poemas. Aqu hay algunos ejemplos de los trabajos que realizamos para nuestra exhibicin

    Escrito por / Written by:

    Docente PrimariaDocente Primaria

    Escrito por / Written by:

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    Docente Preescolar

    Senior 2012 - Personero

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    Docente Preescolar

    Senior 2012 - Personero

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    Primer da de clasesCon gran entusiasmo el 9 de agosto de 2011, el personal

    docente recibi a los estudiantes en su primer da de clases del ao escolar 2011 2012. Nos complaci ver caras nuevas y estudiantes con deseos de iniciar sus clases.

    Open HouseAsamblea de

    Cumpleaos de PereiraLos das 16, 17 y 18 de agosto de 2011, se realiz la actividad de Open House de los tres niveles. Los Open House tienen como principal objetivo dar a conocer a

    los padres de familia, el personal docente y los programas y proyectos que se desarrollaran durante el

    ao escolar que inicia.

    Con motivo de la celebracin de los 148 aos de fundacin de Pereira, los estudiantes realizaron diversas actividades enfocadas a exaltar nuestro sentido ciudadano y amor por

    nuestra querida ciudad.

    Eleccin del Gobierno EscolarComo parte del proyecto educativo de cada institucin, el Liceo Ingls inicia con las campaas para la eleccin del Gobierno Escolar, las cuales culminan con la eleccin de

    sus representantes mediante una actividad desarrollada con los estudiantes de Primaria y Secundaria.

  • 27




    Primer da de clasesCon gran entusiasmo el 9 de agosto de 2011, el personal

    docente recibi a los estudiantes en su primer da de clases del ao escolar 2011 2012. Nos complaci ver caras nuevas y estudiantes con deseos de iniciar sus clases.

    Open HouseAsamblea de

    Cumpleaos de PereiraLos das 16, 17 y 18 de agosto de 2011, se realiz la actividad de Open House de los tres niveles. Los Open House tienen como principal objetivo dar a conocer a

    los padres de familia, el personal docente y los programas y proyectos que se desarrollaran durante el

    ao escolar que inicia.

    Con motivo de la celebracin de los 148 aos de fundacin de Pereira, los estudiantes realizaron diversas actividades enfocadas a exaltar nuestro sentido ciudadano y amor por

    nuestra querida ciudad.

    Eleccin del Gobierno EscolarComo parte del proyecto educativo de cada institucin, el Liceo Ingls inicia con las campaas para la eleccin del Gobierno Escolar, las cuales culminan con la eleccin de

    sus representantes mediante una actividad desarrollada con los estudiantes de Primaria y Secundaria.

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    Family Trees



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    Kilmetro 5 Va Cerritos Entrada #17 - PereiraPBX 3205563 FAX 3204830