Revised Tilden Relocation Update

Revised Tilden Relocation: 2/25/09 - 1 - Revised Tilden Relocation Update March 2009


Revised Tilden Relocation Update. March 2009. Agenda. Situation Overview Significant Facilities Issues Engagement/Outreach Relocation Factors Tilden Relocation plan Financial Implications Next Steps Appendix. - 1 -. Situation Overview. Tilden Enrollment*. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Revised Tilden Relocation Update

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Revised Tilden Relocation Update

March 2009

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•Situation Overview

•Significant Facilities Issues


•Relocation Factors

•Tilden Relocation plan

•Financial Implications

•Next Steps



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• Tilden includes 16 PreK-3rd grade SDC programs

• The K-3 SDC to General Education student ratio is 64% to 36%

• The PreK-3 SDC to General Education student ratio is 79% to 21%

• 2007-2008: Tilden went through a redesign process, primarily to rebalance the SDC and General Education populations and enhance the educational program

• Spring 2008: At the end of the redesign phase, major facilities issues were identified at the Tilden (John Swett) site that resulted in significant repair and relocation needs

Situation Overview

*Based on 08-09 California Department of Education CBEDS data**Based on SPED department data

PreK SDC students K-3 SDC students K-3 Gen. Ed. students Total

93** 80 45 125

Tilden Enrollment*

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Situation Overview (con’t)• Spring 2008: Cabinet decision to vacate Lower Tilden due to

multiple significant facilities issues

• Spring 2008: Agreement to review long-term solution in Fall 2008

• Some facilities issues will remain irresolvable (terrain, high moisture)

• December 2008: Board approval for staff to engage with Tilden community and review relocation options for 09-10

• February 17th, 2009: First Reading of Restructuring of Instructional Program & Redesignation of Facilities Housing at Tilden School presented by staff to Board Teaching & Learning Committee

• February 18th, 2009: First Reading of Restructuring of Instructional Program & Redesignation of Facilities Housing at Tilden School presented by staff to Board Facilities Committee

Today: Board decision on Revised Tilden Relocation Plan

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Significant Facilities Issues

Facilities Issues Possible Solutions

Difficult terrain and very challenging accessibility issues for special needs students

Given terrain, not be able to make site accessible

Need to repair fire alarm and PA systems

PA system completed Fall 2008; repairs to fire alarm systems in progress

Forest location conducive to continuous high moisture and potential for mold and faster deterioration of buildings

Irresolvable due to location and external environment.

Lack of barrier or fencing to off-site premises

Cost prohibitive because of uneven difficult terrain

Renovate Upper Tilden due to above issues

Would include new floors, painting, fencing, restroom restoration, heater installation, fire & alarm system. Cost prohibitive - estimated costs of $1M

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Significant Facilities Issues: Current Use of Tilden

LOWER TILDEN Vacated in Spring 2008 as a result of facilities issues

UPPER TILDEN Vacated prior to redesign process as a result of facilities issues MIDDLE TILDEN

Currently occupied by students and staff

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Engagement/Outreach• March – May 2008: 5 meetings regarding Tilden facilities issues

• 3/12, 4/8, 4/23: included principal, Facilities, SPED, School Portfolio Management, NExO, Cabinet members

• 5/20, 5/30: included principal, Facilities, SPED, School Portfolio Management, NExO, Cabinet members, parents, teachers

• October 2008 – February 2009: 4 Tilden Subcommittee meetings • 10/13, 11/10, 1/8, 2/5: Included teachers, parents, principals, Facilities,

SPED, School Portfolio Management, NExOs, Cabinet members

• June 2008 – February 2009: Community/Parent Communications • June 2008 and December 2008: Parent letters sent home, Parent

newsletter (Dec.)• 1/13: Parent/community meeting at Tilden• Ongoing close collaboration with Subcommittee parent leaders

• February 2009: Tilden Teacher/SPED meeting in February

• January – February 2009: Campus Walkthroughs• Facilities walkthroughs at Tilden and four relocation sites• Programmatic walkthroughs at Tilden by relocation site principals• Programmatic walkthroughs by Tilden parent leaders at four relocation sites

(still being completed)

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Relocation Factors

Factor Description

Needs of students: Continuum of service at each location

Best grouping of programs that would offer a continuation of services for students (i.e. K-5 program instead of K-2 only); IEPs to determine level of services required for students at relocation sites

SPED/General Education balancing

Ratio of Special Education students vs. General Education students at relocation site

Site Capacity Space available at relocation site

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Tilden Relocation Proposal Considerations

• Relocation consists of placement of 16 Tilden SDC programs and assignments for 61 general education students

• No one location could house all programs based on facility constraints

• Tried to place in clusters at as few sites as possible

• Created a continuum of services for students in relocation plan that is currently not planned or available at Tilden site

• Tried to hold parent and teacher vision as much as possible

• Need to rebalance current ratio of SDC and General Education student population

• Adherence to the Code of Federal Regulations on Least Restrictive Environments, Extra curricular activities and California Code of Education 3053 *

* Federal Regulation Codes 34 CFR 300.114, 34 CFR 300.117 , California Code of Education 3053 ; included in appendix

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Tilden Relocation proposal

Notes: The infant DHH (Deaf Hard of Hearing) class will be moved to Franklin for an infant - 5th grade continuum; Students in integrated 1-3 classes at Tilden will be placed in appropriate programs based on IEP needs

SH = Severely HandicappedLE = Language Enrichment

Bella Vista Brookfield Burckhalter Garfield Howard MarkhamCurrent programs 1-3 SH SDC K-5 Learning Center Model PreK Autism SDC K-5 Inclusion PreK SH SDC 1/2 LE SDC

1/2 LE SDC K-2 Autism SDC K-2 Autism SDC K-2 Autism SDC 4/5 SH SDC2/3 LE SDC 1st-3rd SH SDC 3-5 Autism SDC 3-5 Autism SDC

3-5 Autism SDC (new class) PreK LE 4/5 NSH SDC4/5 SH SDC

PreK LE SDC PreK Autism SDC PreK SH SDC PreK AUT PreK Autism SDC PreK LE K LE SDC K-2 Autism SDC K-2 AUT PreK Autism SDC K LE

PreK SH SDC PreK LE K-2 Autism SDC Integrated K (6 students-No room need) K SH SDC

Total programs with additions


K-5 Learning Center ModelPreK Autism SDCK-2 Autism SDC (2 classes)3-5 Autism SDCPreK SH SDC1-3 SH SDC4/5 SH SDC

PreK Autism SDC K-2 Autism SDC 3-5 Autism SDCPreK SH SDC

K-5 Inclusion PreK AUT K-2 AUT

PreK Autism SDC (2 classes)K-2 Autism SDC (2 classes)3-5 Autism SDCPreK LEIntegrated KPreK SH SDC (integrated with CDC in morning)K SH SDC

Prek LE K LE 1/2 LE 4/5 SH SDC

Rationale Create continuum of PreK -3 Language Enrichment program (currently 1-3)

Create continuum of PreK-5 Autism program (currently K-2); Create continuum of PreK - 5 SH program (currently 1-5)

Continuum of service for AUT programs. Additionally the 3 Prek programs can work together to help change programs for children based on their needs assessment.

Create continuous PreK - 2 AUT SDC program in partnership with CDC

Create continuum of PreK - 5 Autism program (currently K-5) and enable collaboration/PLCs between same grade level Autism teachers and lower/higher grade level collaboration as well; PreK LE and Integrated K are both high-functioning classes with most going into General Ed

Create PreK-2 LE SDC continuum

Facilities Need 2 classrooms 3 classrooms 1 classroom 2 classrooms 3 classrooms 2 classroomsCurrent SPED Resources Speech therapy,

Occupational and Physical Therapy, SPED nurse

Speech therapy, Occupational and Physical Therapy, SPED nurse

Speech therapy, Occupational and Physical Therapy, SPED nurse

Speech therapy, Occupational and Physical Therapy, SPED nurse

% SDC students 9% 12% 11% 2% 15% 7%

Proposed Additions from Tilden

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Financial Implications

School Work Needed Estimated Cost Projected Funding Source

Bella Vista Moves for two programs, installation of outside phone lines


Measure B

Brookfield Moves for four programs; extended blue painted curb, convert part of yard to staff parking; Full modernization may address additional facilities needs based on parent feedback


Burckhalter Move for one program $10,000*

Howard Moves for 3 programs + integrated classroom


Garfield Move for two programs $10,000*

Markham Move for two programs $10,000*

Total estimated costs = $80,000

*Estimates subject to revision after detailed walkthrough by Facilities week of March 2nd

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• Contingent upon approval by Board of Revised Tilden Relocation Plan

• Next Steps:

• Communication to parents regarding outcome

• Special Education Tilden teachers notified by March 13th

• Facilities timeline and process for moves

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Code of Federal Regulations 34 CFR 300.114, 34 CFR 300.117 , California Code of Education


• Least Restrictive Environment: 34 CFR 300.114– Students must be educated to the maximum extent appropriate with non-disabled

peers. To establish a school with a disproportionate special education population would illegally limit the student's access to age appropriate grade level peers. This could be construed to limit a special education student's social and emotional development and access to general education curriculum.

• Extra curricular activities 34 CFR 300.117 – Students in special education must participate with non-disabled in extra-

curricular activities to the maximum extent appropriate. A disproportionate number of special education students on a campus inherently places a limit on a special education student's opportunities to participate in extracurricular activities with non-disabled peers.

• California Code of Education 3053– Special education and special day classes shall be located to promote maximum

appropriate interaction with general education programs (California Education Code 3053(4))

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Enrollment Information

Tilden Elementary Enrollment*K 1st 2nd 3rd Total

SDC 46 17 12 5 80Non-SDC 18 12 7 8 45Total 64 29 19 13 125

*Based on 08-09 California Department of Education CBEDS data


Non-SDC SDC Total Fac Cap Fac. Avail % SDC

102 Bella Vista 462 31 493 596 103 6%103 Brookfield 377 28 405 577 172 7%105 Burckhalter 151 11 162 235 73 7%166 Howard 207 25 232 426 194 11%138 Markham 410 18 428 534 106 4%118 Garfield 682 5 687 768 81 1%


Non-SDC SDC Tilden SDC additions (K-3) Total Fac CapFac. Avail % SDC

102 Bella Vista 472 31 14 517 596 79 9%103 Brookfield 379 28 26 433 577 144 12%105 Burckhalter 147 11 8 166 235 69 11%166 Howard 189 25 8 222 426 204 15%118 Garfield 685 5 12 702 768 66 2%138 Markham 414 18 12 444 534 90 7%

08-09 CBEDS Enrollment

09-10 Projections

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Facilities Walkthrough Checklist PreK – 5th grade accessible playgrounds Handicapped accessible Handicapped parking Bus accessibility Office/space for SPED services (i.e. speech therapy,

occupational therapy, nurse and other Special Education services)

Bathroom inside or in close proximity to rooms Connected to the main building's fire alarm and PA system Outside phone lines Heat