Reviews for The Music of Business

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I have to say it was the first "how to do business" book I have ever managed to finish - or indeed get beyond the first chapter!

Larry ElliotThe GuardianMusicBusinessTheof

Early Praise for The Music of Business

There are five good reasons why you should read this book. First, it is very well written and produced. The style is informal yet precise, articulate without being too academic. I can see MBA students and managing directors getting pleasure from reading this book.

Second, it really is imaginative and different, looking at familiar issues from a very different perspective.

Third, the author is very unusual in that he is well informed about two often very disparate areas (i.e. real business and music), which he links together brilliantly. Few people have the depth of knowledge or insight into these worlds as much as Peter Cook.

Fourth, what he covers is important. He brings a very fresh approach to some fundamentally important issues in business. Rarely are business books such a good read.

Fifth, you can treat the book as a tapas meal, as dim sum or as a full feast. Some may enjoy dipping into it, others enjoy the whole book at a full sitting.Professor Adrian Furnham, University College London From University College

The Music of Business is a highly enjoyable read that eases you through the four themes of the book: Strategy, Creativity, Innovation and Leadership. Quite the opposite of a dull textbook that will just sit on your bookshelf.

Jon BeamanSenior Director Pfizer Research From Pharmaceutical R&

An engaging and accessible look at business issues through a musical lens - no MBA required!Dominic BrownFinance Director The Halcyon GalleryFrom the art

Trevor B Lee, International headhunterThe many perhaps I hadn't - before reading "The Music of Business" - quite appreciated how the mainstream business community could learn from the evolution of popular music since the 1960s.

Before that date we had 'the industrial era' driven by process and labour intensive production. Typically a command and control culture. Think now of a classical orchestral music score with a conductor (CEO) and the orchestra (workers). Little chance here of innovation or creativity!

Scroll on a few years and start to draw similar comparisons with jazz and rock. You will see where we are headed here in terms of leadership, strategy and overall business development.

Peter Cook's multi-faceted career across popular music, high tech corporates, academia and consultancy enables him to present, through "The Music of Business", a unique and compelling perspective.

It is one of a very few books that I would recommend be in every aspiring leader's reference library.

As a bonus it is a hugely enjoyable read with insights generously given by masters of one universe to aspiring ones of another that would do well to read, digest and learn.

Totally inspirational.

From Thomas Edisons heir

Peter Cook offers a unique melange of insights on innovation, strategy, and creativity in "The Music of Business." As a musician, science enthusiast, and former business executive in the world of big pharma, Peter brings fresh intersections to his discussions. My own experiences as a musician with 16 years of formal musical training (piano and harpsichord) resonated as I found translations to the business world, where I've now spent some 25+ years.

One of the best parts of the book for me, oddly, were the charts. I particularly liked the graphics about conflict on p. 64, and flow on p. 68. I've read a great deal about both topics over the years, but these charts are keepers. As well, I enjoyed the vivacious quotes, many from famous musicians in Peter's circle. The quotes underscore a sort of living paradox that peppers "The Music of Business" from start to finish. Paradoxes are especially gripping today, as we find our world is increasingly filled with them.

For example, I've always found it odd that Thomas Edison, who became deaf in his left ear at @16 years old, was the man who brought us recorded sound and the record. He sometimes "listened" to music by placing his hands or even his head onto vibrating surfaces. As managers and leaders, we often find ourselves in similarly peculiar positions as we navigate strategy, or the innovation process. Three quotes I particularly liked for their Edisonian qualities are...

- "Anytime I have an idea, I'll make sure that I put it down, so that when we do sit down to write an album, I don't have to dream it all out of thin air. I don't have to be creative on the spur of the moment, or spontaneously artistic. I just take advantage of whenever creativity strikes." - Neil Peart, of Rush (p 106)

- "To reach mastery in improvisation paradoxically requires intensive detailed preparation. What looks like a seamless performance is the result of many hours of preparation, and Prince is meticulous in this respect." Peter Cook (p 134)

- "The creative leader utilises the tension between opposites whilst maintaining a focus on the goal." Peter Cook (p 84)

In the business world, we find the doers and the followers, the inspirational and the mundane - sometimes all on the same project team. So we find ourselves navigate paradox and opposing forces all the time. And we must do it seamlessly. Peter comments that sad, somewhat downbeat lyrics when wrapped in songs written with a major key can leave us feeling happy and uplifted even though the underlying words offer a more sombre reality. Executives must take this notion to heart. He notes the Beatles were masters of contrasting sad lyrics with happy melodies (ie Nowhere Man, Hey Jude) and I would add Bruce Springsteen and Steely Dan to this list as well. Finding the bright spots in muddy soup is a crucial skill for every innovator, and every person responsible for breathing something new into the world.

Sarah Miller Caldicott Author, Midnight Lunch

I had Peter Cook's book Sex, Leadership and RocknRoll" and liked the way you could dip in and out of the book or go to an interesting topic without trying to navigate through a mesh of pseudo-science and over engineered verbiage. The concept is simple but the substance is there. His latest book, thankfully, is just as interesting and accessible.

OK, so it helps if you like music a bit. If that really isn't your bag, then fine. I find the analogies work well and occasionally you get a moment that not only makes clear sense, it is also easy to remember because of the music link. As well as being a great refresher and source of some new thinking, it has also provided the added benefit of prompting me to dig out my old record collection!In the CityMarc Don Francesco, Head of Group Marketing, Towergate Insurance

In the kitchenPhil Hawthorn,Author Can Men Cook?The sub title of the book sums it up, really. "Business excellence fused with music". Metaphor and analogy do make concepts easier to comprehend, I feel. Peter has taken his ability to do this fusion to another level in his latest offering. MBA academe can be a little dry and even yawn inducing. By adding in Britney Spears along side Professor Charles Handy - (you just know they would get on) - you do get to smile alongside your learning. Not a bad way to think...This is a business book you can read, not just dip into.

In the FT

Alex WatsonLloyds Register

In the Navy

The Music of Business is a really enjoyable read. Great Insights in how to approach 21st century business challenges, using lessons from the world of rock music. Its funny and thought provoking whilst absolutely hammering home the messages of strategy, collaboration, and project

From Wigan PierI like Peter's writing style it's simple and easy to read and digest whilst being informative. He is the master of using music as an effective business metaphor and I have used many of them in my own business presentations to great effect. Most management books concentrate on leaders such as Steve Jobs or companies like South West Airlines and sporting stories as metaphors. Peter gives you more tools to work with and he also broadens your understanding of leadership, innovation, creativity and strategy through music and business theory.

All in all it's a fun read that's thought provoking and inspiring it is a book that established leaders and managers would find useful and is a must as part of a business students reading material. I would also say that if you just wanted a good read this book has some great musical and business stories that will make you go wow I didn't know that or that's interesting and some will just make you smile.

I have been a fan of Peter's for several years and have read his books and attended seminars and keynote speeches he has given. In the past couple of years I have had the pleasure of collaborating with him and he is now a friend, mentor and colleague. I am looking forward to his next book and further explorations in light of the current economic crisis the lack of trust in many organisations and their leaders and Howard Goodall's "History of Music". Is a "Remix" needed in business theory and its application for a modern world? Now there's a challenge for you Mr Cook.

Thomas Hughes Head of Organisation Development, Wigan Council

Peter provides some very thought provoking moments on management and leadership using some unexpected musical metaphors and lessons. Amongst my highlights, I love that The Darkness are Queen without disco and that this relates to the fact that Companies can learn parallel lessons by adopting a mindset that looks to the future whilst respecting cultural signifiers of the past. Clever and conscience pricking stuff. Well done.

Stephen Bourne, Commercial Manager, Janssen-Cilag Ltd, A Johnson and Johnson Company

Not so much a sticking plaster, but a life support

All the way from San Francisco

Vince Francis aka The Cycling Bassist Bay Area, San

I've put off writing a review for over a month, but I love this book and find it applicable in several ways. The existing reviews do it much justice, as the book brings several positive and relevant elements to the table. I really like Lois Cartwright's review, for example, because she cites five good (and brief) reasons for reading the book, and nails each one.

I would add (or augment) three elements to Ms. Cartwright's list. First, the simple structure and style of the book lends itself very well to note taking and summary. For me, this keeps the book's lessons immediately accessible. The complete list of major points is memorizable, especially when drawing out the principles with a Mind Map (for example). It can get fun just playing with the ideas and possible outline structure.

Second, the book seems just as relevant to understanding the music industry as it is to understanding business and corporate, team-based environments. I appreciate learning more about many of my favorite bands (Beatles, Led Zeppelin, and several more). Mr. Cook presents valid and valuable business insights in a context, not in an ivory tower vacuum, and that makes his work accessible and shareable.

Third, the book helps me to function even better as a gigging instrumentalist within a band myself. I really appreciated getting further insight into the distinctions between creativity and innovation, for example.

Mr. Cook not only educates and informs, he inspires creative application. Thank you very much!!

A book of management lessons drawn from the world of music. Original and great fun to read. Peter Cook lubricates dry management theory in the most original way.

This book is not just another book on business, it is original and fun to read due to the author's unique ability to teach and illustrate management theory through combining academic thinking with case studies from the world of music.Praise for The Music of Business from BauerManagerHP Enterprise Services

If you spent much of your youth enjoying pop and rock musicbut much of your post youth working in business organisations (and if like me, bemused by some of the behaviour patterns in the latter), then you will find this entertaining book both thought provoking and insightful.By way ofa series of related articles, Peter analyses the world of business organisations through the use of rock/pop lyrics, and fascinating music anecdotesand observations.The result is a set ofuseful frameworkswhich help us understand how successful organisations function intoday's dysfunctional world.Keith BatesOrganisation Development ConsultantPraise from the world of HR and

Peter Cook has a smart angle here - Clever links to lessons from music and NOT the music industry makes you think creatively about how we do this thing we call business.

Perry Timms Chartered MCIPD

Director of OD, The Big Lottery Fund

Talkin bout The Music of Business

Praise from New York, New YorkPeter Cook has orchestrated a wonderful merger of two worlds: business innovation and rock music. Using an intriguing medley of interviews, anecdotes, advice and insights from legendary musical performers and great business leaders, Peter has found inspiration from both worlds that informs each. And in the process he has achieved something truly unique in business innovation: a book that is at once note-worthy AND tremendously fun to read!

Bryan Mattimore, Author, Idea Stormers, How to Lead and Inspire Creative Breakthroughs

Oh Vienna !The Music of Business is a business management book that is stimulating and without complication. In this book, Peter Cook weaves his experiences from the music industry and business management into a useful and entertaining guide to simple business practices. Simple yet fundamentally sound!

Richard McCulloughQuality Management SpecialistThe United Nations, Vienna, Austria

Building Leadership Excellence, you have done it. You've raised the bar and our expectations, now it's going to be achallengeto take us with you inyour next promised book. The Music of Business has cultivated and brought the four important issues the business world has been talking about since economicturbulence started in 2008. You'vebrought under one roofthe main attributes that arerequired to build a successful and sustained business; i.e Strategy, Creativity, Innovation and Leadership. I think you have narrated the story through the eyes of RocknRoll, which I think would capture the minds of not just "Business Leaders" but "Political Leaders". I liked the way you've connectedthe dots between Music and Business, with openness and simplicity, something different from the norm. Wonder how many CEO's & Politicianswould have the "balls" to read it?Also, this is not just a book, but a Pandoras box of business, which has captured the teachings of other gurus and well "acclaimed" leadership know it all. Business is much easier understoodwhen one can see it through a differentanalogy.The stage is set, have no FEAR......

Japhet Simon, Carillion

Buzzin FlyIn his latest book, The Music of Business, aptly subtitled Business excellence fused with music Peter Cook has created a collection of wonderful bite-size articles that look at how to best manage a business using examples of success and failure from the world of music.

The Music of Business is divided into four main areas of business: Strategy, Creativity, Innovation and Leadership. There is a plethora of business books that simply regurgitate a few simple truths about such business management in a dull matter-of-fact way that resemble a distant learning approach to academic writing. But with its unique take on the subject, Peter Cook's The Music of Business is informative, easy to read and above all very entertaining. It employs a `whistle while you work' mentality. Make something enjoyable and it becomes easier; and this book succeeds in making learning fun!

On finishing The Music of Business I put the book down and smiled, happy with the business knowledge I had gained and the rock and pop music journey I had driven. This is a wonderful book, full of amusing stories and interesting business insights. Business and music is once again intertwined in such a way that makes Peter Cook's approach to business writing interesting, fun and very informative in equal measures.

Terry Lane Director, Buzzin Fly and Buzzin Media

Band AidFirstly in terms of transparency I would like to inform you that I know the author Peter Cook. In actual fact he was my tutor for a course on creativity some years back for the MBA with the OU. The energy Peter had in teaching/ coaching was infectious. As an innovation / creativity junkie joining Peter was an absolute joy and it was an experience that I will remember for a long time. It was a couple of months ago that I discovered that Peter had a twitter account and was preparing to launch a book!

Peter's passion is rock music and he uses this as a metaphor to many issues facing business today. I also like how Peter addresses the problem that many creative types can have in trying to gain traction of an idea. if the idea doesn't gain traction do they try again or just fade into the background?

Peter discusses resilience really well in the book. He gives a great example of personal loss in a tour that falls into disarray with Peter left financial worse off. The book gives Peter's learning for this and how this can be applied to business.

I've always found the music metaphor easier to attach with in business rather than the well rehearsed/used sporting metaphor. As someone who has played in orchestras and choirs I have witnessed some great moments of a united team in perfect harmony with a shared goal. The interesting piece that Peter talks about are the different forms (punk, rock etc.) to make this music.

I did find that Peter's book missed a little on not explaining the difference between music creators (the artists) and the channels (the music labels). Modern business can now have disintermediation where artists can speak directly to their audiences and often build tribes of niches. Clearly the BIG music business is akin to many BIG businesses and their risk avoidance when it comes to innovating is clear to see in delivering sound alike music I hope Peter follows this up in a new book.

Overall I really enjoyed the book. Its a nice read and a different take on the usual business books. Peters voice in print is like his teaching style and akin to his music energetic. Mike Baldwin, Senior Manager Global Health Outcomes Novartis

An absolutely great book, very readable considering it's not a novel. Peter drew really good parallel between music and business models and it wasn't difficult to understand when things went well and went they didn't.

A good page turner, with lots of comparisons andThis book was a great buy and worth reading time and again.From Amazon came to this book with some hesitation, not being a fan of titles that claim we can learn about leadership by applying lessons from Shakespeare, the Iraq War or Baseball. It is narrow minded of me I know, we can learn from anywhere, but these types of titles are often rattled off with little thought. Not so this one, Peter is deeply embedded in both domains and has created an enjoyable application of music's conventions to those of business. Khurshed DehnugaraAn absolutely great book, very readable considering it's not a novel. Peter drew really good parallel between music and business models and it wasn't difficult to understand when things went well and went they didn't. A good page turner, with lots of comparisons and case studies. This book was a great buy and worth reading time and again. Chilli SpiceThis book adds to the earlier Sex, Leadership and Rock'n'Roll, again bringing business insight and practical ideas that personally I have found to be very useful. An interesting and fun approach to practical business. With the earlier book this will be on my bookshelf as a great dip-in business resource for the years ahead. Tim

A Bulletin on The Music of Business

"Original, perceptive, effective and amusing... Peter Cook's unique take on the parallel universes of Business and Rock music never fails to stimulate, inspire and entertain. There are more ideas in here than in a dozen self-help manuals.... and even if you DON'T get to Number One, you'll have a damned good laugh trying.

Richard Strange, Founder of the Doctors of Madness, Musician, Actor, Writer, Curator and Bon

This book is a great tool for people in businessHarvey Goldsmith CBEFrom The Boss

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