Review Opiomelanins synthesis and properties

Histol Histopathol (2001 ) 16: 931-935 001: 10.14670/HH-16.931 Histology and Histopathology Cellular and Molecular Biology Review Opiomelanins synthesis and properties M.A. Rosei Dipartimento di Scienze Bi ochimiche, Un iversita degli St udi "La Sapienza", Roma, It al y Summary . Opiomelanins repr ese nt a new cl ass of sy nth eti c pi gme nt s pro du ced by the tyros in ase-catalyzed ox id a ti on of opioid pepti des and other tyr os in e amin otenninal peptid es. In contrast with dopamela nin , these polymers are full y so lubl e in hydrophilic medi a, du e to the prese nce of th e peptide moiety. Opiomelanins show paramagne ti m as demonstrated by th e E PR spectrum id entical to th at of dopamelanin . Th e pr ese nce of th e amin oacidic chain linked to th e melaninic moiety, influ ences the el ec tron transfe r properti es of o pi omelanins i.e . the ability to ox idize NADH . Like dopamelanin Tyr- Gl y- melanin exhi b it s thi s behav iour whereas leuenkmelanin does not show a ny oxidi z in g potentia l. Opiomelanins UV- Vi s spe ctrum is cha ra cterized by an absorption ba nd at 330 nm whi ch di sa pp ea rs upon acid hydrolys is, H 2 0 2 tr ea tm e nt a nd und er simulated olar illuminati on. Opiomelanin ex hibit a flu orescence e mi ssion pea ked at 440 a nd 520 nm if excited at 330 nm. These flu orescence band s are du e to th e o li gomeric units a nd hi gh molec ul ar weig ht units, respectively. Wh en o pi o id peptides are a ll owed to rea ct with tyro s in ase in th e presence of an excess of cyste in e, cys teinyldopaenkephalins are synth es i ze d. Th ese pe ptid es ar e furth e rl y o xidi ze d giving rise to ph eoopiomelanin s. Reactive oxygen species also are abl e to oxidize non e nz ymatica ll y bo th enk ephalins and cyste in yld opae nke ph alins, produ c in g th e co rr esponding melanin pi gme nt s. Key words: Mela nin s, Opiomelanin s, Enk e ph a lin s Introduction Melanins are amorphous pigme nt ed polymers occurring in a ll li v in g orga ni sms ( ic olaus, 1968; Prot a, 1992). The pi gme nt s are no rm all y sy nth esize d e ith er by aut o-oxidati on of catechoJs or by tyros in ase -c at alyzed oxida ti on of tyros in e or dop a. The first step of th e Offprin t requests to: Prof. Maria An na Rosei , Dipart imento di Scienze Biochimiche, Un iversita degli Studi "La Sapienza", Piazzale A. Moro, 5, 0 01 85 Roma , It aly . Fax 06 / 4440062 . e- mail : ma r ianna.rosei @ uni Maso n-Raper pa thw ay e nt a il s th e fo rm a ti o n o f dopaquinone, a hi g hl y reactive co mp o und th at undergoes an inte rn al cyc li za ti on, giv in g ri se to dopac hr ome and th ereaf ter to dihydroxyindole th at is polyme ri zed to eumelanin ( Pr ota, 1988) . In th e presence of cyste in e, dopaquinone produc es cys teinyldopa which yields ph eomelanin, through th e inte rm e di ate production of benzo thi az in e derivatives (Prota, 1992) (Fi g. 1). During th e past years, our group wa engaged in s tud ying novel pathw ays for melanin pro ducti on involving enzy mes a nd s ub s tr ates differe nt from th ose already known. R ega rding a dditi onal enzymes we showed th at, in th e pr ese nce of H 2 0 2 , lipoxygenase a nd xanthine oxidase as we ll as cytochrome c, can fo rm e um elanins a nd ph eomelanins in vitro (Rosei et a !. , 1994a, ] 998a,b; Mosca et a!. , 1996; Fo pp oli et a!. , 1997; Bl arz in o et a!. , 1999). As rega rd s additio nal s ub s tr ates, we have fo und th at the tyros in ase-cata ly zed oxida ti on of tetrahydroiso- quinolines (TIQs) and o pi o id peptides produces melanin- like pigmented polymers, named TIQm elanins a nd o pi omelanin s, respectively (Rosei et a!. , 1992; Rosei and Mosca 1995; Mo sca et a!. , 1998 ). TIQs are e nd oge nous compounds fo rm ed by th e Pi ctet-Spengler addition of catecholamines with an aliphati c or aromatic a ld ehyde a nd acting on dopamine re ce pt ors ( Di etri ch and Erwin , 1980). Opioid peptides fo rm th e we ll - kn own group of neurotrans mitt ers and neurohormones sharing the co mm on feature of an amino-t erminal tyros in e residue esse nti al fo r rece ptor binding (Roda et a!. , 1986). In th e prese nt paper th e results o bt ain ed abo ut o pi omelanins sy nth es i and prope rti es are re wi eved. Tyrosinase-catalyzed oxidation of opioid peptides When leue nk e ph alin ( Fi g. 2) reacts in vitro with tyros in ase a dopachrome-like spectrum with maxima at 305 a nd 470 nm rapidly appears. The kine ti c of thi s reac ti on has bee n in ves ti g at ed for a number of opio id peptides and tyros in e aminoterminal peptides, and enzyme affinit y for th e peptidic s ub strates, with few exce pti on , ha been found to be hi gher with respect to fr ee tyr os in e . Thi s is du e to th e pr ese nc e of th e carboamidic linkage th at ca n he lp radi cal fo rm a ti on on

Transcript of Review Opiomelanins synthesis and properties

Histol Histopathol (2001 ) 16: 931-935

001: 10.14670/HH-16.931

Histology and Histopathology

Cellular and Molecular Biology


Opiomelanins synthesis and properties M.A. Rosei Dipartimento di Scienze Biochimiche, Universi ta degli Studi "La Sapienza", Roma, Italy

Summary . Opi o me lanin s represe nt a new class of synthetic pigments produced by the tyros inase-ca talyzed ox id a ti o n o f o pi o id pepti des and o th e r ty ros in e aminotenninal peptides. In co ntrast with dopamelanin , these polymers are full y soluble in hydrophilic medi a, due to the presence of the peptide moiety. Opiomelanins show paramag neti m as de monstra ted by th e EPR spectrum identical to that of dopamelanin . The presence of the aminoacidic chain linked to the melaninic moiety, influ enc es th e e lec tro n tr a nsfe r pro pe rti es o f opiomelanin s i.e . the ability to ox idi ze NADH . Like dopamelanin Tyr-Gl y- melanin exhi bits thi s behav iour whereas leuenkmelanin does not show any oxidi zing po tenti a l. Opi o me lanin s UV-Vi s s pectrum is characterized by an absorption band at 330 nm whi ch disappea rs upon acid hydrolys is, H20 2 trea tment and under simulated olar illumination. Opiomelanin ex hibit a fluorescence emission pea ked at 440 and 520 nm if excited at 330 nm. These fluorescence bands are due to the oligomeric units and high molecular weight units, respectively. When opioid peptides are allowed to react with tyrosinase in the presence of an excess of cysteine, cys te in yld o pae nk eph a lin s a re sy nth es ize d . Th ese peptid es ar e furth e rl y oxidi ze d giv in g rise to pheoo piomelanin s. Reactive oxygen species also are able to oxidize non enzymaticall y both enkephalins and cysteinyldopaenkephalins, producing the corresponding melanin pigments.

Key words: Melanins, Opiomelanins, Enkephalins


Me lanin s a re amo rph o us pi g me nt ed po lyme rs occurring in all li ving organisms ( icolaus, 1968; Prota, 1992). The pigments are normally sy nthesized either by auto-oxid ation of ca techoJs or by tyrosin ase-catalyzed oxid ati on o f tyros in e or dopa. The fir st s tep of th e

Offprint requests to: Prof. Maria Anna Rosei , Dipartimento di Scienze

Biochimiche, Universita degli Studi "La Sapienza", Piazzale A. Moro, 5,

001 85 Roma , Italy . Fax 06/ 4440062 . e-mail : marianna.rosei@

Maso n-Rape r pa thw ay e nt a il s th e fo rm ati o n o f dopaquinone, a highl y reactive compound that undergoes an internal cycliza tion, giving ri se to dopachrome and th ereafte r to dih ydroxy indole th at is polymeri zed to eumelanin (Prota, 1988) . In the prese nce of cysteine, dopaquin o ne produces cys te inyldopa which yie lds pheo melanin , through th e interm edi ate production of benzothi azine derivatives (Prota, 1992) (Fig. 1).

During the past yea rs, our group wa engaged in s tud y in g novel pa thw ays fo r me la nin producti o n involving enzy mes and substrates different f rom those a lrea dy kn own . Rega rdin g additi o nal e nzy mes we showed that, in the presence of H20 2, lipoxygenase and xanthin e oxid ase as well as cytochrome c, ca n form eum elanins and pheo melanin s in vitro (Rose i et a!. , 1994a, ] 998a,b; Mosca et a!. , 1996; Foppoli et a!. , 1997; Blarzino et a!. , 1999).

As regards additional substrates, we have found that the tyros in ase -cataly ze d oxid ati on o f tetrahydro iso­quinolines (TIQs) and opioid peptides produces melanin­like pigmented pol ymers, named TIQmelanin s and opiomelanins, respectively (Rosei et a!. , 1992; Rosei and Mosca 1995; Mosca et a!. , 1998). TIQs are endogenous compounds formed by the Pictet-Spengler addition of catecholamines with an aliphatic or aromatic aldehyde and acting on dopamine receptors (Dietrich and Erwin , 1980). Opioid peptides form the well -known group of neuro tr ansmitt e rs and neuro horm ones sharin g th e common fea ture of an amino-terminal tyros ine res idue essenti al fo r receptor binding (Roda et a!. , 1986) . In the prese nt paper the results obtained about opiomelanins sy nthes i and properties are rewieved.

Tyrosinase-catalyzed oxidation of opioid peptides

Wh en leuenkephalin (Fig. 2) reacts in vitro with tyrosinase a dopachrome-like spectrum with maxima at 305 and 470 nm rapidl y appea rs. The kinetic of thi s reaction has been investigated for a number of opioid peptid es and tyros ine amin ote rmin al peptides, and enzyme affinit y for the peptidic substrates, with few exception , ha been found to be higher with respect to fr ee ty ros in e . This is du e to th e prese nc e of th e carboamidic linkage that ca n help radica l formation on


the phenolic ring, thereby facilitating tyrosinase action (Rosei et al., 1989).

HPLC analysis of leuenkephalin reaction products, coupled to electrospray ion mass spectrometry, reveals that the tyrosinase-catalyzed oxidation of the peptide generates a compound in which the tyrosine residue is converted to dopa (Rosei et al., 1989; Larsimont et al., 1994). The dopaenkephalin peptide can bind the peptidergic receptor, exhibiting a decreased activity compared with the parent tyrosine-containing peptide (Larsimont et al., 1994). Oxidation of the peptide furtherly proceeds giving rise to a brownish pigment that can be easily collected by mild acidification and centrifugation (Rosei et al., 1992).

Acid hydrolysis of the pigment produced by leuenkephalin oxidation reveals the presence of glycine, phenylalanine and leucine, in the same ratio occurring in the parent enkephalin precursor (Rosei et al., 1992). Tyrosine is not recovered because of its conversion into the melaninic portion. These new synthetic pigments presenting the melaninic portion linked to the aminoacidic structure have been called enkmelanins or opiomelanins, according to their source: i.e. whether they originate from enkephalins or opioid peptides. The same results are obtained when other peptides, such as Tyr-Gly, Tyr-Ala, Tyr-Arg or Tyr-Gly-Gly undergo

Ho NH, Tyrosine


Dopaquimrne HO


Benzaihiazine derivative


Fig. 1 Biosynthetic pathway for eu- and pheomelanins synthesis.

tyrosinase action. From our experiments it can be argued that any peptide presenting an amino terminal tyrosine residue is able to generate a peptide-melanin upon tyrosinase action. The sequence of reactions which is postulated to explain the oxidation of enkephalins and related peptides by tyrosinase follows the Mason-Raper pathway (Fig. 1).

Solubility properties of opiomelanins

A relevant characteristic of opiomelanins is their solubility. These melanopeptides differ from synthetic melanins produced from tyrosine or dopa because they are throughly soluble in hydrophilic solvents at neutral and basic pH (Rosei et al., 1992). The hydrophilicity is showed by al1 the pigments tested and is retained also in the melanins synthesized from simple dipeptides such as Tyr-Gly, Tyr-Ala, Tyr-Arg, and Tyr-Glu. This behaviour suggests that an essential role in determining the solubility has to be attributed to the terminal carboxylic group. It is noteworthy that when opiomelanins are chemically hydrolyzed in 6N HCl, the resulting pigments are very similar to dopamelanin. They are converted into black, insoluble, amorphous pigments (Rosei et al., 1994b).

In the presence of tyrosinase, products coming from opioid peptides are able to cooxidate with intermediates generated by tyrosinase oxidation of dopa, thereby forming mixed type pigments that, in contrast to dopamelanin are soluble in hydrophilic media. The easy incorporation of oxidized products from opioid peptides into dopamelanin, allows also to think that any peptide with an amino terminal tyrosine, may give rise to a long list of possible soluble synthet ic polymers by cooxidation with other products coming from tyrosinase action.

Redox properties of eumelanins and opiomelanins

It has been demonstrated that dopamelanin can

R = Gly R = Gly-Gly R = Gly-Gly-Phe-Leu R = Gly-Gly-Phe-Met R = Arg

Tyr-Gly Tyr-Gl y-Gly Leuenkephalin Metenkephalin Kyotorphin

Fig. 2. Molecular structure of various opioid peptides and tyrosine NH2- terminal peptides.


oxidize reduced nicotinamide adenin dinucleotide (NADH) in vitro (Gan et al., 1974, 1976) whereas melanoma melanin cannot (Gan et al., 1974). The oxidizing ability of dopamelanin has been ascribed to the presence of free radicals in the pigment (Sealy, 1984), responsible for the well documented Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) signal (Sarna and Sealy, 1984). Though opiomelanins show an EPR spectrum not different from that of dopamelanin, the oxidizing behaviour towards NADH differs among the various melanopeptides (Rosei e t a1.,1994b). Indeed, the presence of the peptide chain appears to influence heavely the NADH oxidizing behaviour. Both the electron transfer properties and the oxidizing potential seem to be inversely related to the chain length, so that, in contrast with tyrosine-melanin or dopamelanin, leuenkmelanin does not show any oxidizing activity. The above mentioned behaviour is in agreement with the loss of the transfer action demonstrated by melanoma melanin, formed by an ensemble of melanin and proteins which are covalently linked to the pigment moiety (Gan et al., 1974).

Opiomelanins stability and photooxidation

A s regards opiomelanins stability it has been established that the pigments are stable in the dark, in the pH range 5.5-7.0. At higher pH values or under simulated solar illumination, in the presence or in absence of H202, pigment bleaching occurs more easily than in dopamelanin. After the irradiation, opiomelanins absorption spectrum undergoes a marked modification, being the peak at 330 nm replaced by a shoulder at 280- 350 nm. The higher bleaching rate of opiomelanins compared with dopamelanin leads to hypothesize for these pigments a different polymerization degree and structure (Fig. 3) (Rosei et al., 1995a,b).

UV-Vis and fluorescence analysis of opiomelanins

The UV-Vis spectrum of the melanopeptides synthesized from leuenkephalin shows a continuous absorption pattern increasing over the range 600-230 nm (Fig. 4) (Rosei et al., 1994b). In the visible region, the leuenkmelanin spectrum is similar to that of dopamelanin, whereas in the UV domain, a peak at 330 nm can be observed. Though a clear attribution for this


Fig. 3. Structure of dihydroxyindole (DHI) and dihydroxyindolpeptide (DHI-peptide). The arrows indicate the polymerization sites.

peak is difficult to assign, the absorption can be related to the presence of the peptide chain. In fact it has been found in al1 the melanopeptides, regardless of the pH medium utilized to dissolve the pigment. As previously stated, acid hydrolysis of leuenkmelanin releases aminoacids and the resulting black, insoluble precipitate analysed by UV-Vis spectroscopy exhibits a spectrum identical to that of dopamelanin ¡.e. a continuous, monotonic increase in absorption without any characteristic band (Rosei et al., 1995b).

However .a partial attribution of this 330 absorption band has been inferred by fluorescence studies (Mosca et al., 1999).

Leuenkmelanin dissolved in acquaeous medium exhibits a characteristic emission peaked at 440 and 520 nm when excited around 330 nm, where a maximum is observed in the absorption spectrum of the soluble pigment. Kinetic measurements carried out on the tyrosinase-catalyzed oxidation of leuenkephalin demonstrate that the 440-nm fluorescence band arises in the early stages of peptide oxidation, whereas the 520 nm band appears in late stages of oxidation e.g. in the course of indolequinone units polymerization. Furthermore, molecular sieve fractionation shows that in the leuenkmelanin portion with a molecular weight lower than 10 kDa, the 440 nm band is dominant in the fluorescence spectrum. The breakdown of the polymer induced by hydrogen peroxide and light (i.e. the photobleaching of melanin pigments) causes a remarkable enhancement of the 440 nm band while the 520 nm band disappears. In conclusion, our findings suggest that the observed fluorescence contains contributions from both oligomeric units (440 nm band) and high molecular weight polymers (520 nm band) (Mosca et al., 1999).

Pheomelanins from opioid peptides

When enkephal ins are allowed to react with

wavelength (nm)

Fig. 4. Absorption spectra of different rnelanin peptides: a) dopamelanin; b) leuenkmelanin; and c) leuenkmelanin subjected to acid hydrolysis.


tyrosinase in the presence of an excess of cysteine, sulfhydryl adducts of enkephalins (cysteinyl dopaenkephalins (CDenks)) (Fig.5) are synthesized (Rosei et al., 2000). The major product is represented by 5-S-CDenk (80%) while the minor one is the isomer 2- S-CDenk (20%). The above mentioned peptides have been isolated by HPLC and identified by amino acid analysis and electrospray ion mass spectrometry. Then 5- S-isomer has been furtherly characterized. This peptide is able to bind opioid peptide receptors in bovine brain synaptosomes (Rosei et al., 2000). The binding affinity is higher for 6 than for ,u receptors but the bond strenght is 8-fold lower than that exhibited in the same conditions by leuenkephalin.

In the presence of reactive oxygen species (ROS) both enkephalins and cysteinyldopaenkephalins yield melanin pigments ¡.e. opiomelanins and pheoopio- melanins respectively (Coccia et al., 2001; Fontana et al., 2001).

Actually enkephalins and CDenks are good scavengers of superoxide anion, hydroxyl and peroxyl radicals and are able to reduce the lipid peroxidation rate induced by 2-2'-azobis-(2-amidinopropane) (ABAP). In particular the scavenger activity of the sulfhydryl derivatives of enkephalins is surprising if one considers that these peptides are more active than powerful radical scavengers such as Trolox and mannitol. Though opiomelanins and pheoopiomelanins can be also produced enzymatically (Rosei et al., 2000), the oxidative interaction between ROS and the peptides provides evidence of a non enzymatic route of formation for both species of melanopeptides (Coccia et al., 2001; Fontana et al., 2001).

Concluding remarks

At present opiomelanins and pheoopiomelanins can be considered good models for investigating melanin's


1 Cysteine

Fig. 5. Tyrosinase-catalyzed formation of CDEnks. R= CH2CH(NH2)CO- Gly-Gly-Phe-Leu.

structure and behaviour because their hydrophilicity allows spectroscopic investigations. The existence in vivo of these particular melanopeptides is at present only speculative, however their occurrence in vivo cannot be excluded; the elevated number of opioid peptides receptors in the same brain subregions in substantia nigra (Zamir et al., 1984) suggests a possible involvement of these neurotransmitters and their sulfhydryl adducts in the neuromelanization.


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Accepted April 16, 2001