Review: Final Exam Romanesque and Gothic Art. Carolingian Art 14-12 &13 Palace Chapel of...

Review: Final Exam Romanesque and Gothic Art
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Transcript of Review: Final Exam Romanesque and Gothic Art. Carolingian Art 14-12 &13 Palace Chapel of...

Review: Final Exam

Romanesque and Gothic Art

Carolingian Art

• 14-12 &13 Palace Chapel of Charlemagne, Aachen, Germany (792-805; Odo of Metz, architect)

• 14-17 Ebbo Gospels (c. 816-40): Page with St. Matthew the Evangelist.

• 14-19 Outer Cover of the Lindau Gospels: Crucifixion with Angels and Mourning Figures (c. 870-80)

14-12 Palace Chapel of Charlemagne, Aachen, Germany (792-805; Odo of Metz, architect)

14-12 Palace Chapel of Charlemagne, Aachen, Germany (792-805; Odo of Metz, architect)


• Majuscules (capitals): based on Roman inscriptions; were used for formal writing, title, headings, and the finest manuscript

• Minuscules (now called lowercase letters): used for more rapid writing and ordinary texts

• Media: vellum or parchment (made of very fine animal skins such as calf)

• Cover of gospel books: cross, crucifixion, evangelists, saints

14-17 Ebbo Gospels (c. 816-40): Page with St. Matthew the Evangelist.

14-19 Outer Cover of the Lindau Gospels: Crucifixion with Angels and Mourning Figures (c. 870-80)

French Romanesque Art

• 15-1 Reliquary statue of Saint Foy (Saint Faith) (10th-11th century)

• Abbey Church of Saint Foy, Conques (mid 11th-12th century)

• 15-6 Third Abbey Church of Saints Peter and Paul (Cluny III), Cluny, Burgundy 91088-1130; Gunzo and Hezelo, architects): reconstruction

• Terms: Benedictine order, buttress, Clunic order, crossing, portal

French Romanesque Art

• 15-1 Reliquary of Saint Foy (Saint Faith), late 9th c.

• 15-10 South portal and porch, Priory Church of saint Pierre, Moissac, c. 1115

• 14-12 Gislebertus, Last Judgment tympanum on west portal, Cathedral of saint-Lazare, Autun, Burgundy, c. 1130-45

• 15-13 Weighing of Souls, detail of Last Judgment

• 15-14 Gislebertus, the Magi Asleep, Capital from the choir

• 15-15 Virgin and Child, from the Auvergne region, late 12th century, Oak with polychromy

•15-1 Reliquary of Saint Foy (Saint Faith), late 9th c.

15-10 South portal and porch, Priory Church of Saint Pierre, Moissac, c. 1115

14-12 Gislebertus, Last Judgment tympanum on west portal,

Cathedral of saint-Lazare, Autun, Burgundy, c. 1130-45

•15-13 Weighing of Souls, detail of Last Judgment

14-12 Gislebertus, Last Judgment tympanum on west portal,

Cathedral of saint-Lazare, Autun, Burgundy, c. 1130-45

15-14 Gislebertus, the Magi Asleep, Capital from the choir

15-15 Virgin and Child, from the Auvergne region, late 12th century,

Oak with polychromy

Italian Romanesque Art

15-41 Cathedral complex, PisaCathedral (Busketos, architect; begun 1063)Bell Tower (campanile): (Bonanno, architect; begun 1174)

15-42 Wiligelmus, Creation and Fall (1106-20): relief on the west façade of the Cathedral of Modena

15-41 Cathedral complex, Pisa Cathedral (Busketos, architect; begun 1063) Bell Tower (campanile): (Bonanno, architect; begun 1174)

15-42 Wiligelmus, Creation and Fall (1106-20): relief on the west façade of the Cathedral of Modena, 1174)

French Gothic Art

• 16-2 and 7 Cathedral of Notre Dame, Chartres (c. 1134 and later); 16-12 plan

• 16-13 Nave, c. 1194-1220• North tower, 1507-13): with one of the stained glass window (16-14

Tree of Jesse, c. 1150-70)• 16-8 Royal Portal, west façade (c. 1145-55): including central

tympanum• 16-9 Jamb figures from central portal (Prophets and Ancestors of

Christ)• 16-10 South transept entrance, left portal: Saint Stephen and Theodore

(two jamb figures; c. 1210-35)• 16-16 Furrier’s shop, detail of Charlemagne Window

16-2 and 7 Cathedral of Notre Dame, Chartres (c. 1134 and later)

16-8 Royal Portal, west façade (c. 1145-55): including central tympanum

16-9 Jamb figures from central portal (Prophets and Ancestors of Christ)

16-10 South transept entrance, left portal: Saint Stephen and Theodore (two jamb figures; c. 1210-35)

16-14 Tree of Jesse, c. 1150-70

French Gothic

• 16-24 Cathedral of Notre-Dame, Reims, Rebuilding begun 1211-1260; Additional work 1406-28

• 16-25 West facade, Annunciation, c. 1245 and Visitation, c. 1230• 16-28 Nave, Reims Cathedral. Begun at least 1211; nave c. 1220;

finished for coronation of 1286• 16-29 Saint Chapelle, Paris, 1243-48; rose window 1490-95• 16-30 Interior, Saint Chapelle, Paris

16-24 Cathedral of Notre-Dame, Reims, Rebuilding begun 1211-1260; Additional work 1406-28

16-25 West facade, Annunciation, c. 1245 and Visitation, c. 1230

16-29 Saint Chapelle, Paris, 1243-48; rose window 1490-95

16-30 Interior, Saint Chapelle, Paris

French Gothic

• 16-31 Virgin and Child, from the Abbey Church of Saint Denis, 1339

• 16-33 Page with Louis IX and Queen Blanche of Castille, Moralized Bible, 1226-36

• 16-36 Jean Pucelle. Pages with Betrayal and Arrest of Chris, and Annunciation, Book of Hours of Jeanne d’Evreux, c. 1325-28

16-31 Virgin and Child, from the Abbey Church of Saint Denis, 1339H: 69 cm.

16-33 Page with Louis IX and Queen Blanche of Castille, Moralized Bible, 1226-36

16-36 Jean Pucelle. Pages with Betrayal and Arrest of Chris, and Annunciation, Book of Hours of Jeanne d’Evreux, c. 1325-28