Review Article Markers of Oxidative Stress during Diabetes...

Hindawi Publishing Corporation Journal of Biomarkers Volume 2013, Article ID 378790, 8 pages Review Article Markers of Oxidative Stress during Diabetes Mellitus Brahm Kumar Tiwari, 1 Kanti Bhooshan Pandey, 2 A. B. Abidi, 1 and Syed Ibrahim Rizvi 1,2 1 Department of Biochemistry & Biochemical Engineering, Sam Higginbotom Institute of Agriculture, Technology & Sciences, Allahabad 211007, India 2 Department of Biochemistry, University of Allahabad, Allahabad 211002, India Correspondence should be addressed to Syed Ibrahim Rizvi; [email protected] Received 7 September 2013; Accepted 7 November 2013 Academic Editor: Maria Dusinska Copyright © 2013 Brahm Kumar Tiwari et al. is is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. e prevalence of diabetes mellitus is rising all over the world. Uncontrolled state of hyperglycemia due to defects in insulin secretion/action leads to a variety of complications including peripheral vascular diseases, nephropathy, neuropathy, retinopathy, morbidity, and/or mortality. Large body of evidence suggests major role of reactive oxygen species/oxidative stress in development and progression of diabetic complications. In the present paper, we have discussed the recent researches on the biomarkers of oxidative stress during type 2 diabetes mellitus. 1. Introduction Diabetes mellitus is a group of metabolic diseases character- ized by hyperglycemia resulting from defects in insulin secre- tion and insulin action or both. e chronic hyperglycemia is associated with long-term damage, dysfunction, and failure of normal functioning of various organs, especially the eyes, kidneys, nerves, heart, and blood vessels [1, 2]. Diabetes- specific microvascular disease is a leading cause of blindness, renal failure, and nerve damage [3]. e prevalence of diabetes is rising all over the world due to population growth, aging, urbanisation, and the increase of obesity due to physical inactivity. Unlike the West, where the older are most affected, diabetes in Asian countries is compar- atively high in young to middle-aged people. All these com- plications have long-lasting adverse effects on a nation’s health and economy, especially for developing countries. As per estimate of the International Diabetes Federation (IDF), the total number of people in India with diabetes which was around 50.8 million in 2010 would be 87.0 million by 2030 [4]. Hyperglycaemia generates reactive oxygen species (ROS), which in turn cause damage to the cells in many ways. Dam- age to the cells ultimately results in secondary complications in diabetes mellitus [5, 6]. In the present paper, we have dis- cussed the markers of oxidative stress in diabetes mellitus. e involvement of ROS in the aetiology and the develop- ment of late complications have also been addressed. e re- view further examines the main toxic effects of ROS on lipid, protein, glutathione metabolism, catalase, superoxide dismu- tases, and antioxidant capacity of plasma. 2. Diabetic Complications Diabetes is a major source of morbidity, mortality, and eco- nomic cost to the society. People with diabetes showed the risk of the development of acute metabolic complications such as diabetic ketoacidosis, hyperglycaemic hyperosmolar nonketotic coma, and hypoglycaemia [7, 8]. In addition to this, diabetics are also at risk of experiencing chronic compli- cations such as coronary heart diseases, retinopathy, neph- ropathy and neuropathy, and foot ulceration [9]. A variety of factors influence the development of diabetic pathologies. Insulin resistance which develops from obesity and physical inactivity acts as substrate for genetic susceptibility [10]. Since food intake influences the amount of insulin required to meet blood glucose target goals, the food especially carbohydrate intake could contribute to the pathology of diabetes. Dietary carbohydrate influences postprandial blood glucose levels the most and is the major determinant of meal-related insulin

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Page 1: Review Article Markers of Oxidative Stress during Diabetes · with prediabetes and type diabetes mellitus. AGEs, low-density lipoprotein

Hindawi Publishing CorporationJournal of BiomarkersVolume 2013, Article ID 378790, 8 pages

Review ArticleMarkers of Oxidative Stress during Diabetes Mellitus

Brahm Kumar Tiwari,1 Kanti Bhooshan Pandey,2

A. B. Abidi,1 and Syed Ibrahim Rizvi1,2

1 Department of Biochemistry & Biochemical Engineering, Sam Higginbotom Institute of Agriculture, Technology & Sciences,Allahabad 211007, India

2Department of Biochemistry, University of Allahabad, Allahabad 211002, India

Correspondence should be addressed to Syed Ibrahim Rizvi; [email protected]

Received 7 September 2013; Accepted 7 November 2013

Academic Editor: Maria Dusinska

Copyright © 2013 Brahm Kumar Tiwari et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons AttributionLicense, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properlycited.

The prevalence of diabetes mellitus is rising all over the world. Uncontrolled state of hyperglycemia due to defects in insulinsecretion/action leads to a variety of complications including peripheral vascular diseases, nephropathy, neuropathy, retinopathy,morbidity, and/or mortality. Large body of evidence suggests major role of reactive oxygen species/oxidative stress in developmentand progression of diabetic complications. In the present paper, we have discussed the recent researches on the biomarkers ofoxidative stress during type 2 diabetes mellitus.

1. Introduction

Diabetes mellitus is a group of metabolic diseases character-ized by hyperglycemia resulting from defects in insulin secre-tion and insulin action or both.The chronic hyperglycemia isassociated with long-term damage, dysfunction, and failureof normal functioning of various organs, especially the eyes,kidneys, nerves, heart, and blood vessels [1, 2]. Diabetes-specific microvascular disease is a leading cause of blindness,renal failure, and nerve damage [3].

The prevalence of diabetes is rising all over the world dueto population growth, aging, urbanisation, and the increase ofobesity due to physical inactivity. Unlike the West, where theolder aremost affected, diabetes inAsian countries is compar-atively high in young to middle-aged people. All these com-plications have long-lasting adverse effects on a nation’shealth and economy, especially for developing countries. Asper estimate of the International Diabetes Federation (IDF),the total number of people in India with diabetes which wasaround 50.8million in 2010 would be 87.0million by 2030 [4].

Hyperglycaemia generates reactive oxygen species (ROS),which in turn cause damage to the cells in many ways. Dam-age to the cells ultimately results in secondary complicationsin diabetes mellitus [5, 6]. In the present paper, we have dis-cussed the markers of oxidative stress in diabetes mellitus.

The involvement of ROS in the aetiology and the develop-ment of late complications have also been addressed. The re-view further examines the main toxic effects of ROS on lipid,protein, glutathionemetabolism, catalase, superoxide dismu-tases, and antioxidant capacity of plasma.

2. Diabetic Complications

Diabetes is a major source of morbidity, mortality, and eco-nomic cost to the society. People with diabetes showed therisk of the development of acute metabolic complicationssuch as diabetic ketoacidosis, hyperglycaemic hyperosmolarnonketotic coma, and hypoglycaemia [7, 8]. In addition tothis, diabetics are also at risk of experiencing chronic compli-cations such as coronary heart diseases, retinopathy, neph-ropathy and neuropathy, and foot ulceration [9]. A varietyof factors influence the development of diabetic pathologies.Insulin resistance which develops from obesity and physicalinactivity acts as substrate for genetic susceptibility [10]. Sincefood intake influences the amount of insulin required tomeetblood glucose target goals, the food especially carbohydrateintake could contribute to the pathology of diabetes. Dietarycarbohydrate influences postprandial blood glucose levels themost and is the major determinant of meal-related insulin

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requirements. The intermediate- or longer-acting insulinusually covers the effects of protein and fat. It has been shownthat low carbohydrate ketogenic diet is effective in the ame-lioration of many of the deleterious consequences of diabetes[11]. It has been observed that insulin secretion declines withadvancing age, and this decline may be accelerated by geneticfactors. Insulin resistance typically precedes the onset of type2 diabetes and is commonly accompanied by other cardio-vascular risk factors: dyslipidemia, hypertension, and pro-thrombotic factors [12].

It has been estimated that expenditure of diabetic personson health is about four folds higher than that of generalhealthy population. Recent prospective studies have providedunequivocal evidence on crucial role of prolonged hypergly-caemia in the development of chronic diabetic complications[2, 6, 13].

3. Role of Oxidative Stress in Diabetes

Oxidative stress plays a pivotal role in cellular injury fromhyperglycemia. High glucose level can stimulate free radicalproduction. Weak defence system of the body becomesunable to counteract the enhanced ROS generation and as aresult condition of imbalance between ROS and their pro-tection occurs which leads to domination of the condition ofoxidative stress [14, 15]. A certain amount of oxidative stress/ROS is necessary for the normal metabolic processes sinceROS play various regulatory roles in cells [16]. ROS are pro-duced by neutrophils and macrophages during the process ofrespiratory burst in order to eliminate antigens [17].They alsoserve as stimulating signals of several genes which encodetranscription factors, differentiation, and development aswellas stimulating cell-cell adhesion, cell signalling, involvementin vasoregulation, fibroblast proliferation, and increased ex-pression of antioxidant enzymes [16, 18, 19]. However over-and/or uncontrolled production of ROS is deleterious. Due tooxidative stress the metabolic abnormalities of diabetes causemitochondrial superoxide overproduction in endothelialcells of both large and small vessels, as well as in the myocar-dium [2, 20]. Oxidative stress acts as mediator of insulin re-sistance and its progression to glucose intolerance and install-ation of diabetesmellitus, subsequently favouring the appear-ance of atherosclerotic complications, and contributes to risein many micro- and macrovascular complications [21].

Hyperglycaemia causes tissue damage through multiplemechanisms including increased flux of glucose and othersugars through the polyol pathway, increased intracellularformation of advanced glycation end products (AGEs), in-creased expression of the receptor for AGEs and its activat-ing ligands, activation of protein kinase C isoforms, and over-activity of the hexosamine pathway [22]. Atherosclerosis andcardiomyopathy in type 2 diabetes are caused in part by path-way-selective insulin resistance, which increases mitochon-drial ROS production from free fatty acids, and by inactiva-tion of antiatherosclerosis enzymes by ROS. Diabetics differsignificantly in their sensitivity to ROS. Inflammatory dam-age that characterizes type 1 diabetes is mediated at least inpart through islet ROS, and in type 2 diabetes, the high nutri-ent flux and consequent ROS production appear to medi-







Diabetic cell

Figure 1: Schematic representation of the status of oxidative stressmarkers during diabetes.MDA:malondialdehyde, AOPP:Advancedoxidation protein products, PCO: protein carbonyls, GSH: reducedglutathione, and SOD: superoxide dismutase.

ate loss of 𝛽-cell function. In insulin-sensitive tissues includ-ingmuscle, liver, and heart, high fatty-acid flux leads to oxida-tive damage, whereas noninsulin-sensitive tissues includingthe eye, kidney, and nervous system are exposed to both highcirculating glucose and fatty acid levels and, consequently,ROS-induced diabetic complications [23].

4. Oxidative Stress-InducedAlterations in Diabetes

Oxidative stress in diabetes mellitus causes several adverseeffects on the cellular physiology.This is particularly relevantand dangerous for the islet, which is among those tissues thathave the lowest levels of intrinsic antioxidant defences. Mul-tiple biochemical pathways and mechanisms of action havebeen implicated in the deleterious effects of chronic hyper-glycemia and oxidative stress on the function of vascular,retinal, and renal tissues [24–26]. Here we have described theoxidative stress-induced alterations in major biomolecules inthe cell and status of plasma antioxidant potential during type2 diabetes (Figure 1).

4.1. Lipid Peroxidation. Lipids are reported as one of the pri-mary targets of ROS. Hydroperoxides have toxic effects oncells both directly and through degradation to highly toxichydroxyl radicals. They may also react with transition met-als like iron or copper to form stable aldehydes, such asmalondialdehyde (MDA), that damage cell membranes [27].Peroxidation of lipids produces highly reactive aldehydes,including MDA, acrolein, 4-hydroxynonenal (HNE), 4-oxononenal (ONE), and isolevuglandins (IsoLGs) [28]. It hasbeen reported that peroxyl radicals can remove hydrogenfrom lipids, producing hydroperoxides that further propagatethe free-radical pathway [29]. MDA has been documented as

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a primary biomarker of free radical mediated lipid damageand oxidative stress [30].

Significant changes in lipid metabolism and structurehave been reported in diabetes, particularly in patients withvascular complications [31]. Increased level of MDA in dia-betics suggests that peroxidative injurymay be involved in thedevelopment of diabetic complications. The increase in lipidperoxidation is also an indication of decline in defencemech-anisms of enzymatic and nonenzymatic antioxidants [32].Oxidized lipids are able to produce MDA as a decompositionproduct and the mechanism is thought to involve formationof prostaglandins, like endoperoxides, from polyunsaturatedfatty acid (PUFA) with two or more double bonds [33]. In-creasedMDA level in plasma, serum, andmany others tissueshas been reported in diabetic patients [34, 35]. In 1991,Baynes, followed by Ramesh et al. in 2012 [36, 37], reportedthat lipid peroxidation in diabetes induced many secondarychronic complications including atherosclerosis and neuraldisorders. Yang et al. (2009) observed greater serum lipid per-oxidation evaluated in terms of MDA in hyperglycemic miceand proposed that the increase in lipid peroxidation exac-erbated the occurrence of myocardial infraction throughNADPH oxidase activation [38].

Lipid peroxidation of cellular structures is thought to playa key role in atherosclerosis. Significantly higher values ofthiobarbituric acid-reactive substances (TBARS) in the redblood cells aswell as in serumanddecreased erythrocyte anti-oxidant enzyme activities have been reported in diabetic con-dition [39, 40]. Increased lipid peroxidation presents a closerelationship with the high glycemic levels and oxidative stressin diabetes mellitus [35, 41]. Recently, a clinical study per-formed by Bandeira and coworkers (2012) aimed at character-izing blood oxidative stress in diabetic patients reported a sig-nificant higher lipid peroxidation which showed a close rel-ationship with high glucose levels as observed by the fastingglucose and HbA1c levels [35].

4.2. Protein Oxidation. Proteins are the important vital bio-molecules of the cell.They are involved inmany physiologicalfunctions including cell signalling and transport across thecells. Proteins are another potential target of ROS, whosestructure and function can be affected bymodification.Thereare many side chain targets for protein oxidation includingcysteine, methionine, and tyrosine. Carbonyls are the oxida-tion product of proteins and are reported as the potent bio-marker of oxidative stress [42]. They represent the stable endproduct generated upon formation of transient radical spe-cies, such as chloramines and nitrogen/carbon radicals,which are induced by oxidant stimuli. Glycation has beenreported to induce the formation of protein carbonyls, such asketoamine derivatives, thus generating reactive radicals andperpetuating a vicious cycle [43].

Increased protein carbonyl content has been reported indifferent cells and plasma of the diabetic patients [15, 42].Damage of proteins followed by accumulation of their oxida-tion products affects cellular physiology adversely. Increasedglycol- and lipooxidation are reported as one of themajor fac-tors in the accumulation of nonfunctional damaged proteins[44].

Gradinaru et al. (2013) have reported the significance ofthe oxidative and glycoxidative protein damage in subjectswith prediabetes and type 2 diabetes mellitus. AGEs, low-density lipoprotein susceptibility to oxidation (oxLDL) andnitric oxide metabolic pathway products (NOx), are docu-mented as important biomarkers for evaluating the associa-tion between diabetes and protein status in diabetic patients[45]. AGEs are formed through nonenzymatic amino-car-bonyl interactions between reducing sugars or oxidised lipidsand proteins, amino phospholipids, or nucleic acids [46].Thegeneration of AGEsmay lead to intracellularmodifications ofproteins, including those involved in the regulation of geneexpression [47]. Many studies on animals as well as on hu-mans have frequently reported the relationship between hy-perglycaemia, oxidative stress, and formation of AGEs [47–49]. AGEs are capable of modifying the circulating proteinsin the blood that have receptors forAGEs, activating them fol-lowed by inducing the production of inflammatory cytokinesand growth factors in endothelial cells [50].

Advanced oxidation protein products (AOPPs) are therecently investigated marker of protein oxidation during oxi-dative stress which represents the overall status of the proteinin the cell/tissue [51, 52]. In chronic oxidative stress, AOPPsare formed by reactions between plasma proteins and chlo-rinated oxidants. Their increased levels are reported duringtype 2 diabetes. Significant positive association betweenplasma levels of AOPPs and TBARS during diabetes indicatesthat proteins are equally targeted by ROS as the lipids [53].

Oxidation of proteins in diabetics affects many physio-logical functions [54, 55]. Increased protein carbonyls as wellas AOPPs level in diabetic patients underlie the importanceof the protein conformational changes in the pathogenesis ofdiabetic nephropathy [56]. AOPPs known as proinflamma-tory and prooxidative compounds that accumulate in agingpatients with diabetesmay play amajor role in increasing pre-valence of endothelial dysfunction and subsequent cardiovas-cular diseases. AOPPs contain abundant dityrosines whichallow crosslinking, disulfide bridges, and carbonyl groupsand are mainly formed by chlorinated oxidants, hypochloricacid and chloramines resulting from myeloperoxidase activ-ity [57]. Several studies have pointed out that AOPPs and oxi-dative stress markers increase in adult subjects with type 2diabetes with and without micro-/macrovascular complica-tions [45, 54].

4.3. Glutathione Level. Glutathione (GSH), a tripeptide, 𝛾-L-glutamyl-L-cysteinylglycine, is present in all mammalian tis-sues at 1–10mM concentrations (highest concentration inliver) as the most abundant nonprotein thiol that defendsagainst oxidative stress [58]. GSH can maintain SH groups ofproteins in a reduced state, participate in amino acid trans-port, detoxify foreign radicals, act as coenzyme in severalenzymatic reactions, and also prevent tissue damage [59]. It isan efficient antioxidant present in almost all living cells and isalso considered as a biomarker of redox imbalance at cellularlevel [60]. There are several reports that claim reduced levelof GSH in diabetes [61, 62]. Decreased GSH level may be oneof the factors in the oxidativeDNAdamage in type 2 diabetics[63].

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As a consequence of increased oxidative status, GSHshowed the frequent alteration in its concentration. PlasmaGSH/GSSG showed a significant decrease in type 2 diabetesas compared to normal [62]. Hyperlipidemia, inflammation,and altered antioxidant profiles are the usual complications indiabetes mellitus as results decreased GSH/GSSG ratio [64].Abnormal GSH status is involved in 𝛽-cell dysfunction andin the pathogenesis of long-term complications of diabetes.The dysregulation is widely implicated in disease states [65].Glutathione reductase (GSR) plays an important role throughthe reduction of GSSG to GSH and oxidation of NADPH toNAD+. GSSG is unable to perform antioxidant functions;however, GSH can be reclaimed from GSSG through the useof glutathione reductase (GSR) by the use of NADPH as acofactor. Unfortunately, this GSH system can be over-whelmed if ROS are produced in excess [66]. Uncontrolledtype 2 diabetes has severely deficient synthesis of GSH attri-buted to limited precursor availability. Dietary supplementa-tion with GSH precursor amino acids can restore GSH syn-thesis and lower oxidative stress and oxidant damage in theface of persistent hyperglycemia [67]. It has been observedthat GSH deficiency in diabetics increased their susceptibilityto melioidosis. It is hypothesized that maintenance of GSHredox state may be a new therapeutic avenue to protect dia-betic patients against some intracellular bacterial pathogens[68].

4.4. Catalase. Catalase is an antioxidative enzyme presentnearly in all living organisms. It plays an important roleagainst oxidative stress-generated complications such as dia-betes and cardiovascular diseases [69]. Catalase acts as mainregulator of hydrogen peroxide metabolism. Hydrogen per-oxide is a highly reactive small molecule formed as naturalby-product of energymetabolism. Excessive concentration ofhydrogen peroxide may cause significant damages to pro-teins,DNA,RNA, and lipids [70]. Catalase enzymatically pro-cesses hydrogen peroxide into oxygen and water and thusneutralizes it. Increased risk of diabetes has been documentedin patients with catalase deficiency. The deficiency of thisenzyme leads, in the 𝛽-cell, to an increase in oxidative stressand ultimately to a failure of this cell type. 𝛽-cells are rich inmitochondria, and thus this organelle might be a source ofROS [71].

Catalase protects pancreatic 𝛽-cells from damage byhydrogen peroxide [72]. Low catalase activities, which havebeen reported in patients with schizophrenia and atheroscle-rosis [73], are consistent with the hypothesis that long-termoxidative stress may contribute to the development of a vari-ety of late-onset disorders, such as type 2 diabetes [74]. Defici-ency of catalase increasesmitochondrial ROS and fibronectinexpression in response to free fatty acids, which were effec-tively restored by catalase overexpression orN-acetyl cysteine[75]. Low catalase activities can cause methemoglobinaemiaand hemolytic anemia which may be attributed either todeficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase or to otherunknown circumstances and also may damage heme pro-teins, cause cell death, and, together with redox active metalions, produce highly toxic hydroxyl radicals [76, 77].

Patel and coworkers [78], during investigation of hyper-glycemia-induced functional changes: superoxide, hydrogenperoxide production, mitochondrial membrane polarization,and gene expression fingerprints of related enzymes in endo-thelial cells, have reported that hyperglycemia increased hy-drogen peroxide production, hyperpolarized mitochondrialmembrane, and downregulated CAT gene expression.

4.5. Superoxide Dismutase. Superoxide dismutase (SOD) isthe antioxidant enzyme that catalyses the dismutation ofsuperoxide anion (O


−) into hydrogen peroxide and molec-ular oxygen [79, 80]. SOD plays important protective rolesagainst cellular and histological damages that are produced byROS. It facilitates the conversion of superoxide radicals intohydrogen peroxide, and in the presence of other enzymes itconverted into oxygen and water [81]. All mammalian tissuescontain three forms of SOD: Cu-Zn-SOD, Mn-SOD, and ex-tracellular EC-SOD, and each of them is a product of adistinct gene [82, 83]. Cu-Zn-SOD or SOD 1 (EC islocalized in cytosol, Mn-SOD or SOD 2 (EC in mito-chondria, and EC-SOD or SOD 3 (EC in extracellularspace [84, 85]. Superoxide reacts rapidly with nitric oxide(NO), reducing NO bioactivity and producing the oxidativeperoxynitrite radical [86]. SOD, a major defender againstsuperoxide, in the kidneys during the development ofmurinediabetic nephropathy and downregulation of renal SOD(SOD 1 and SOD 3) may play a key role in the pathogenesis ofdiabetic nephropathy [87]. Overexpression of SOD or thesupplements of antioxidants including SOD mimetics, tar-geted to overcome oxidative stress, reduce ROS, and increaseantioxidant enzymes, has been shown to prevent diabetesmellitus [88].

EC-SOD is found in the extracellular matrix of varioustissues including pancreas, skeletal muscle, and blood vessels,and is themajor extracellular scavenger of superoxide radicals[89].The higher level of EC-SOD resulted in a 6-fold increasein the total superoxide dismutase activity of the islets; there-fore, superoxide radicals secreted to the extracellular spacedoes not contribute to the 𝛽-cell destruction [90]. The ele-vated level of SOD is shown to reduce oxidative stress;decrease mitochondrial release of cytochrome C and apop-tosis in neurons; and, in mice, prevent diabetes-inducedglomerular injury, thus suggesting a major role of SOD in theregulation of apoptosis [91]. Decline in the level of SOD indiabetic tissue and blood has been reported in many studies[92–94]. Recently Kim (2013) reported that diabetic skin tis-sues express a relatively small amount of extracellular proteinand concluded that extracellular SOD is related to the alteredmetabolic state in diabetic skin, which elevates ROS produc-tion [95]. Study performed by Lucchesi and colleagues [96] toobserve the oxidative balance of diabetic rats reported dimin-ished activity of SOD and other antioxidative enzymes in inthe liver tissue.

5. Antioxidant Potential of Plasma

Antioxidant capacity of plasma is the primary measure andmarker to evaluate the status and potential of oxidative stress

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in the body. Plasma contains many compounds which func-tion against the oxidative stressors in the body thus protectingthe cell and cellular biomolecules from being damaged. Thecombined action of all the antioxidant molecules in theplasma represents the antioxidant capacity of the plasma. Pre-valence of oxidative stress is reported in all processes wherereduced/depleted plasma antioxidant potential is reportedincluding aging and hypertension [97, 98].

Increased oxidative damage as well as reduction in anti-oxidant capacity could be related to the complications in pa-tients with type 2 diabetes.The plasma antioxidant level is sig-nificantly lower in diabetic subjects with poor glycaemic con-trol than healthy subjects, while patients with good glycaemiccontrol had plasma antioxidative values similar to controls[99, 100]. Catanzaroa et al. (2013) has reported markedly re-duced biological antioxidant potential in sciatic nerve homo-genates of diabetic animals. Diabetic oxidative stress coexistswith a decrease in the antioxidant status, which can furtherincrease the deleterious effects of free radicals [101].

Study conducted by Korkmaz et al. (2013) on 22 diabeticpatients to investigate the status of markers of oxidative stressreported a significant reduced level of antioxidant power,measured in terms of ferric reducing antioxidant potential ofplasma in diabetic patients. On the basis of result obtainedfrom their study they concluded that the increase in glucoseconcentrations can lead to tissue damage by increasing oxi-dative stress [102].

Increased oxidative stress as well as reduction in antioxi-dant capacity could be related to the complications in patientswith diabetes such as oxidative DNA damage and insulinresistance [99]. Due to decrease in antioxidant potential ofplasma, complications of diabetes increase which includecardiovascular disease, nerve damage, blindness, and neph-ropathy. Thus, the increasing incidence of diabetes is a sig-nificant health concern beyond the disease itself [103].

6. Conclusion

Diabetes is a major source of morbidity, mortality, and eco-nomic cost to society. The prevalence of diabetes is risingworldwide due to population growth, aging, urbanisation,and the increase of obesity due to physical inactivity. Oxida-tive stress plays pivotal role in progression and developmentof diabetes and its complications. Therapies, consumable orbehavioural having capacity to reduces the impact of oxida-tive stress, may be beneficial to deplete diabetic associatesinterventions.

Conflict of Interests

The authors declare that they have no conflict of interests.


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