Review Article Analytical Strategies for the Determination ...

Review Article Analytical Strategies for the Determination of Arsenic in Rice Bruno E. S. Costa, 1 Luciana M. Coelho, 2 Cleide S. T. Araújo, 3 Helen C. Rezende, 4 and Nívia M. M. Coelho 1 1 Institute of Chemistry, Federal University of Uberlˆ andia, Avenida Jo˜ ao Naves de ´ Avila 2121, 38400-902 Uberlˆ andia, MG, Brazil 2 Department of Chemistry, Federal University of Goi´ as, Avenida Dr. Lamartine Pinto de Avelar 1120, 75704-020 Catal˜ ao, GO, Brazil 3 State University of Goi´ as, BR 153, No. 3105, 75132-400 An´ apolis, GO, Brazil 4 Department of Chemistry, Federal University of Goi´ as, BR 364, km 195, No. 3800, 75801-615 Jata´ ı, GO, Brazil Correspondence should be addressed to N´ ıvia M. M. Coelho; [email protected] Received 25 October 2015; Revised 16 February 2016; Accepted 18 February 2016 Academic Editor: Kamlesh Shrivas Copyright © 2016 Bruno E. S. Costa et al. is is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Arsenic is an element of concern given its toxicological significance, even at low concentrations. Food is a potential route of exposure to inorganic arsenic and in this regard arsenic in rice is associated with soil contamination, fertilizer application, and the use of arsenic-containing irrigation water. erefore, there is a need to investigate the regional rice crops with a view to future discussions on the need for possible regulatory measures. Several studies have reported high concentrations of arsenic in rice grown in soils irrigated with contaminated water; however, procedures used, including sample pretreatment and preconcentration steps, have to be followed to ensure sensitivity, accuracy, and reproducibility. Arsenic is a difficult element to measure in complex matrices, such as foods, because the matrix must be destroyed at an elevated temperature without the loss of the analyte or contamination. is review summarizes the major methods for the determination of arsenic in rice samples. e main purpose of this review is to provide an update on the recent literature concerning the strategies for the determination of arsenic and to critically discuss their advantages and weaknesses. ese difficulties are described along with recent developments aimed at overcoming these potential issues. 1. Introduction Arsenic (As) is considered to be one of the most important toxic elements because of its potential risk to human health [1]. It is carcinogenic, the inorganic form being the most harmful, and thus it merits particular attention [2–4]. Sources of arsenic in the environment can be natural or anthropogenic, since this element occurs in trace amounts in most rocks as well as in soil, water, and atmospheric dust. Once released into the environment, arsenic compounds reach water sources, such as rivers and groundwater systems, and subsequently food sources. Arsenic-contaminated soil, sediment, and sludge are the major sources of arsenic in the food chain, surface water, groundwater, and drinking water [5]. Arsenic concentrations in noncontaminated soils are typically below 10 mg/kg while in contaminated soils they can be as high as 30,000 mg/kg [6]. In the soil environment, arsenic is present mostly as the inorganic species (arsenate As(V) and arsenite As(III)). Inor- ganic arsenic species can be methylated through microbial action to give monomethylarsonic acid (MMA) and dimethy- larsinic acid (DMA). Organic and inorganic arsenic species are present in the solution phase of paddy soils and can also be assimilated by plant roots [7]. Under oxidized condition, since As(V) is the predominant form (the lesser toxic form in iAs) and can easily be sequestrated by iron oxyhydroxide, it acts as a favorable process limiting arsenic accumulation during rice cultivation [8]. On the other hand, under highly reduced conditions, As(V) is reduced to As(III), which pre- cipitates out from the solution in sulfur minerals, primarily arsenopyrite. In paddy soils, due to flooding type irrigation, anoxic condition is generated which favors the release of arsenic from soils and sediments and thereby increases the bioavailability to rice plants. Arsenic can be found as a con- taminant in drinking water and foods in the form of different Hindawi Publishing Corporation Journal of Chemistry Volume 2016, Article ID 1427154, 11 pages

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Review ArticleAnalytical Strategies for the Determination of Arsenic in Rice

Bruno E. S. Costa,1 Luciana M. Coelho,2 Cleide S. T. Araújo,3

Helen C. Rezende,4 and Nívia M. M. Coelho1

1 Institute of Chemistry, Federal University of Uberlandia, Avenida Joao Naves de Avila 2121, 38400-902 Uberlandia, MG, Brazil2Department of Chemistry, Federal University of Goias, Avenida Dr. Lamartine Pinto de Avelar 1120, 75704-020 Catalao, GO, Brazil3State University of Goias, BR 153, No. 3105, 75132-400 Anapolis, GO, Brazil4Department of Chemistry, Federal University of Goias, BR 364, km 195, No. 3800, 75801-615 Jataı, GO, Brazil

Correspondence should be addressed to Nıvia M. M. Coelho; [email protected]

Received 25 October 2015; Revised 16 February 2016; Accepted 18 February 2016

Academic Editor: Kamlesh Shrivas

Copyright © 2016 Bruno E. S. Costa et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons AttributionLicense, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properlycited.

Arsenic is an element of concern given its toxicological significance, even at low concentrations. Food is a potential route of exposureto inorganic arsenic and in this regard arsenic in rice is associated with soil contamination, fertilizer application, and the use ofarsenic-containing irrigation water.Therefore, there is a need to investigate the regional rice crops with a view to future discussionson the need for possible regulatory measures. Several studies have reported high concentrations of arsenic in rice grown in soilsirrigated with contaminated water; however, procedures used, including sample pretreatment and preconcentration steps, have tobe followed to ensure sensitivity, accuracy, and reproducibility. Arsenic is a difficult element to measure in complex matrices, suchas foods, because the matrix must be destroyed at an elevated temperature without the loss of the analyte or contamination. Thisreview summarizes the major methods for the determination of arsenic in rice samples. The main purpose of this review is toprovide an update on the recent literature concerning the strategies for the determination of arsenic and to critically discuss theiradvantages and weaknesses. These difficulties are described along with recent developments aimed at overcoming these potentialissues.

1. Introduction

Arsenic (As) is considered to be one of the most importanttoxic elements because of its potential risk to human health[1]. It is carcinogenic, the inorganic form being the mostharmful, and thus it merits particular attention [2–4].

Sources of arsenic in the environment can be natural oranthropogenic, since this element occurs in trace amounts inmost rocks as well as in soil, water, and atmospheric dust.Once released into the environment, arsenic compoundsreach water sources, such as rivers and groundwater systems,and subsequently food sources. Arsenic-contaminated soil,sediment, and sludge are the major sources of arsenic inthe food chain, surface water, groundwater, and drinkingwater [5]. Arsenic concentrations in noncontaminated soilsare typically below 10mg/kg while in contaminated soils theycan be as high as 30,000mg/kg [6].

In the soil environment, arsenic is present mostly as theinorganic species (arsenate As(V) and arsenite As(III)). Inor-ganic arsenic species can be methylated through microbialaction to givemonomethylarsonic acid (MMA) and dimethy-larsinic acid (DMA). Organic and inorganic arsenic speciesare present in the solution phase of paddy soils and can alsobe assimilated by plant roots [7]. Under oxidized condition,since As(V) is the predominant form (the lesser toxic formin iAs) and can easily be sequestrated by iron oxyhydroxide,it acts as a favorable process limiting arsenic accumulationduring rice cultivation [8]. On the other hand, under highlyreduced conditions, As(V) is reduced to As(III), which pre-cipitates out from the solution in sulfur minerals, primarilyarsenopyrite. In paddy soils, due to flooding type irrigation,anoxic condition is generated which favors the release ofarsenic from soils and sediments and thereby increases thebioavailability to rice plants. Arsenic can be found as a con-taminant in drinking water and foods in the form of different

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chemical species and this affects the assimilation pathway.Recently, published studies about the arsenic content ofdifferent food products (including drinking water), indexedin the ISI Web of Science for the period of 2010 to 2015,show that almost 32% of the papers on arsenic contaminationvia the diet relate to research on fish samples, while around29% are associated with drinking water and 39% with otherfood samples, such as rice (which accounts for 52% of thiscategory). Other foods researched were various cereals andvegetables, edible oils, wine, and beer.

Rice (Oryza sativa) is the most important grain cropworldwide, being consumed by half of the world’s population.Studies indicate that rice is a major contributor of inorganicarsenic in human diets [9–16]. Although seafood is knownto contain high levels of total arsenic, most of it is present asorganic arsenic.

The use of arsenic-containing irrigation water can leadto both long-term soil contamination with arsenic and asupply of arsenic to the crop. Rice accumulates a higheramount of arsenic than any other grain crops, largely becauseof the high availability of arsenic to plants under reducedsoil conditions [17]. Arsenic accumulates in different partsof the rice plants and the accumulation rate varies accordingto the variety. In one study, arsenic concentrations in riceplant parts were found to decrease in the following order:root > straw > husk > whole grain > husked rice [18]. Ahigher arsenic accumulation in the roots than in other partsof the plant has also been reported by other authors [19, 20].Some authors have observed the translocation of arsenic inplant systems [21, 22]. The relatively high levels of arsenic inrice are due to several factors including (1) the mobilizationand bioavailability of arsenic in the soil after the farmersflood the rice fields and (2) plant uptake of arsenic instead ofsilicon, which is used by the plant under normal conditionsto strengthen the stems and husks. Arsenic and silicon arechemically similar under the soil conditions found in floodedrice paddies and thus arsenic can be transported by the silicontransporters. As the rice plant grows, the plant incorporatesarsenic (instead of silicon) into the grain.

Reported levels of As in rice [23–27] are <0.01–2.05mg kg−1 for Bangladesh, 0.31–0.70mg kg−1 for China,0.03–0.044mg kg−1 for India,<0.10–0.76mg kg−1 for Taiwan,0.11–0.66mg kg−1 for the US, 0.03–0.47mg kg−1 for Vietnam,and 0.08–0.38mg kg−1 for Italy and Spain.

A survey of the research focused on regions with highlevels of arsenic contamination in rice within the periodcovered by this review (2010–2015) returned 335 articles. Themain aspects of this survey are highlighted in Figure 1. Moststudies relate to the USA and Bangladesh while the otherregions are China, the Indian state of West Bengal, India (asa whole), Mexico, Colombia, and Brazil.

According toWHO, themain sources of human exposureto arsenic are water and food [23]. Inorganic arsenic inwater is regulated [24, 25]; however, there is no EuropeanUnion (EU) or United States of America (USA) standard forinorganic arsenic in food products, despite the fact that foodproducts represent the main route of exposure, especiallyrice and rice-based products [26, 27]. Recently, the JECFA










t Ben









Figure 1: Regions with high levels of arsenic contamination in rice.

proposed a maximum level of 0.2mg/kg of inorganic arsenicin polished rice [28]. The European Food Safety Authority(EFSA) has reviewed the diet of the European Union popula-tion andhas recommended that dietary exposure to inorganicarsenic should be reduced. The JECFA also carried out areview and stated that dietary exposure to inorganic arsenicis worthy of considerable attention and should be reduced.Therefore, there is a need to investigate the regional rice cropswith a view to future discussions on the need for possibleregulatory measures.

Several studies have reported high concentrations ofarsenic in rice grown in soils irrigated with contaminatedwater [29–33]; however, procedures used, including samplepretreatment and preconcentration steps, have to be followedto ensure sensitivity, accuracy, and reproducibility.

Arsenic is a difficult element to measure in complexmatrices, such as foods, because thematrixmust be destroyedat an elevated temperature without the loss of the analyte orcontamination. Determination of As species is generally car-ried out using hydride-generation (HG) [34, 35], liquid chro-matography (LC) [36, 37], gas chromatography (GC) [38],and capillary electrophoresis (CE) [39, 40]. As speciation,particularly in solid samples, requires very careful samplepreparation since this element is volatile, and it is importantto avoid modification of the form and concentration of thespecies [41].

This review summarizes the major methods for thedetermination of arsenic in rice samples. The main purposeof this review is to provide an update on the recent literatureconcerning the strategies for the determination of arsenicand to critically discuss their advantages and weaknessescompared with the commonly accepted approach of com-bining nonchromatographic and spectroscopic techniques.The problems focused on involve sample preparation, aswell as changes in “species information” that occur duringthe use of various separation technologies. These difficultiesare described along with recent developments aimed atovercoming these potential issues.

2. Analytical Methodology

Analytical procedures for sample preparation are one of themost important steps in analytical methods. At this stage,

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Table 1: Sample preparation methods for determination of inorganic arsenic in rice.

Arsenic species Sample preparation Arsenic found (mgKg−1) Detection ReferenceAs total Hot plate (HNO


) — ICP-MS [44]As total Microwave digestion (HNO




) 0.046–0.315 ICP-MS [45]As inorganic Microwave digestion (HNO


) 0.029–0.121 HPLC-ICP-MSAs total Ultraclave microwave (trifluoroacetic acid/H



) 0.036–0.218 HPLC–ICPMS [46]As inorganic 0.025–0.171As total — 0.110–0.421 INAA [47]As inorganic Hot plate (water) 0.050–0.172 LC-ICP-MSAs total Microwave digestion (HNO




) 0.07–0.47 ICP-MS [48]As inorganic Microwave digestion (HNO


) 0.001–0.17 HPLC-ICP-MSAs total Microwave digestion (HNO


concentrated) <0.022–0.271 ETAAS [49]As inorganic Vortexed and ultrasound (HNO


solution) <0.030–0.147As(III) Microwave digestion (HNO


solution) <0.019–0.097As(V) — <0.030–0.076As total Hot plate (HNO


) 0.012–0.578 ICP-MS [50]As total Ultrasound (HNO


) 0.0125–0.1893 ETAAS [51]As(V) 0.0433–0.0625As total Microwave digestion (HNO




) 0.026–0.464 ICP-MS [52]As total Water bath (HNO


solution) 0.199–0.284 HPLC-ICP-MS [53]As inorganic — 0.02–0.18 LC-AFS [54]As inorganic Microwave digestion (HNO




) 0.045–0.235 HG-AFS [55]As total Microwave digestion 0.013–0.150 HPLC-ICP-MS [56]As(III) ELL (methanol-water (1 : 1)/HNO


) 0.0036–0.0311As(V) N.D–0.054

several variables must be controlled and studied to ensurethe quality and reliability of the results. In addition, thedetermination of arsenic and its species requires very carefulsample preparation, since this element is volatile, and it isimportant to avoid the modification of the chemical formin order to maintain the integrity and concentration of thespecies of interest during the sample preparation process[42, 43].

Some recent studies reported in the literature in whichtotal arsenic and/or inorganic arsenic species were deter-mined are listed in Table 1 and also detailed in the text.

Dwivedi et al. [44] evaluated the effect of the presence ofarsenic on the synthesis of essential and nonessential aminoacids in rice grains. Rice seeds were obtained and grownwith the cooperation of the Rice Research Station, Chinsurah,West Bengal, India, in a randomized block design, followingconventional agronomic practices. Sixteen rice genotypeswere selected, based on the overall contrast of the grains, from90 rice germplasms grown in three As-contaminated areasof West Bengal. All field sites were fertilized with chemicalfertilizers (N, P, and K) and a field trial was conducted overtwo years. The rice grain samples were pulverized and 0.5 gwas digested in 3mL of HNO


at 100∘C for 2 h and 120∘C for4 h, then filtered in 10mL of water, and stored at 4∘C untilthe analysis. The total As in the grain samples was quantifiedusing inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometer (ICP-MS) while the As species were determined according to theprotocol described by Zheng et al. [57]. The results of thefield tests indicated that the accumulation of As in the soil

led to its significant uptake by the rice grains and inhibitedthe synthesis of amino acids in some genotypes [44].

Carbonell-Barrachina et al. [45] analyzed Spanish ricegluten, cereals with gluten, and baby food and determined thetotal arsenic (t-As) and inorganic arsenic (i-As) using ICP-MSand high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) withICP-MS (HPLC-ICP-MS), respectively. Samples were driedin an oven at 80∘C until constant weight and then homoge-nized by grinding in a ball mill and stored in a desiccator. Forthe determination of total arsenic, 0.2 g of dried product wasplaced overnight in contact with 2mL of concentrated nitricacid. The samples were then digested in a microwave ovenwith hydrogen peroxide applying a temperature programreaching a maximum of 95∘C. A certified reference material(CRM; rice flour NIST SRM 1568a) was used to assess theprecision and accuracy of the chemical analysis. Arsenicspecies were extracted according to conditions previouslydescribed for t-As. However, HNO


(1% (w/v)) was used andthe microwave digestion was conducted without the additionof hydrogen peroxide.The digested samples were centrifugedand 900𝜇L of the filtered supernatant was mixed with 100 𝜇Lof H2


and left overnight at 4∘C. The content of inorganicarsenic was significantly higher in the Spanish rice glutenthan in the cereals with gluten, placing children with celiacdisease at high risk, since rice gluten is used as a replacementin gluten-free food products (note that rice gluten differsfrom “true gluten”).

Raber et al. [46] proposed an analytical method for quan-titatively determining inorganic arsenic in foods (including

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rice). Rice samples were ground in a centrifugal mill toa particle size of <0.25mm. The authors studied differentsample preparation methods to improve the extraction effi-ciency and the compatibility between the extract and thechromatographic separation method. Among the differentextractors studied, trifluoroacetic acid was found to be apotential reagent for the extraction of inorganic arsenic (iAs)from rice and no change in the retention time comparedwith aqueous standard solutions was noted. In the samplepreparation procedure a portion of the powdered sampleswas placed in a quartz tube, to which 5mL of 0.02mol L−1trifluoroacetic acid containing 50 𝜇L of a 30% H



solutionwas added and the suspension was sonicated for 15min. Thetubes were transferred to a Teflon rack of the Ultraclavemicrowave system which was closed. An argon pressure of4⋅106 Pa was then applied and the mixture was heated to 95∘Cover a period of 10min and this temperature was maintainedfor 60min. After cooling to room temperature 1mL aliquotsof the extracts were transferred to vials and centrifuged. Thesupernatantwas used directly for theHPLC-ICP-MS analysis.

According to Sun et al. [58], rice can easily accumulateAs and the bioavailability of As released from this foodmatrix was assessed using an in vitro gastrointestinal simula-tor. Water, monosodium arsenate (NaH



), and sodiumarsenite (NaAsO


) were used and the samples were takenfrom the stomach, intestines, and colon. The analysis wascarried out by ICP-MS and speciation was performed byHPLC. Procedures such as rice washing and cooking did notaffect the result of the rice speciation although the arseniccontent decreased in the range of 7.1 to 20.6%.

Brockman and Brown IV [47] extracted arsenic speciesfrom infant rice cereals through a hot water extractionprocedure. Deionized water was added to each tube and thesamples were maintained at 98∘C (using a hot block) for3 h. After cooling to room temperature the samples werecentrifuged for 1 h in a centrifuge filtration system. Theresultant filtered extract was diluted 1 : 25 with eluent and100 𝜇L of 30% hydrogen peroxide to oxidize the arsenite.Rice samples were analyzed for total arsenic by instrumentalneutron activation analysis (INAA) and inorganic arsenic byliquid chromatography (LC) with ICP-MS (LC-ICP-MS).

The variability observed among rice grains is anotherdietary research approach to assessing arsenic exposure.Sommella et al. [48] evaluated the total arsenic and iAs inItalian rice grains and found that they varied by geographicorigin and type. Concentrated HNO


(2.5mL) was added tothe pulverized samples and the mixture was left overnight. Inthe next step, H



was added and the samples were digestedin a microwave oven with a specific program. The sampleswere then cooled to room temperature and diluted to 50mLwith ultrapure deionized water. In the extraction procedureto investigate the speciation, 10mL of 1% (w/v) HNO


wasused and the same microwave temperature program appliedto determine the total arsenic was employed. At roomtemperature, the samples were centrifuged and 900 𝜇L ofsupernatant was mixed with 100 𝜇L of H



. The sampleswere left overnight at 4∘C before analysis. Inorganic arsenicwas quantified by HPLC coupled to ICP-MS.

Pasias et al. [49] developed three different methods forthe determination of total arsenic, total inorganic arsenic,and As(III)-As(V) in rice and rice flour food products. Forthe determination of total arsenic, 0.5 g of the homogenizedrice or rice flour samples was digested in a microwave ovenwith 5mL of concentrated HNO


. For the determinationof inorganic arsenic, 0.5 g of sample and 5mL of 1mol L−1HNO


were vortexed and ultrasonicated for 15min and thencentrifuged at 4000 rpm for 15min. In the next step 15mLof 0.1% (w/v) EDTA was added to the mixture which wasthen vortexed again and centrifuged at 4000 rpm for 15min.The supernatant was analyzed by ETAAS. Finally, for thedetermination of As(III) and As(V), 0.5 g of the samplewas digested in a microwave oven with 5mL of 1mol L−1HNO


(the highest temperature reached was only 85∘C), andthe extract was treated with 5mL 5% EDTA (w/v). As(III)was determined and As(V) was then determined from thedifference between the total inorganic As and As(III).

Phan et al. [50] investigated the potential exposure ofCambodian villagers to arsenic from their daily food con-sumption. Samples of lowland soils, paddy rice (raw andcooked), fish, and vegetables were collected from the Kan-dal, Kratie, and Kampong Cham provinces in the MekongRiver basin in Cambodia. After acid digestion, extracts wereanalyzed by ICP-MS. The results revealed that the totalconcentrations of arsenic in lowland soils and paddy ricewere significant. The samples were treated with concentratedHNO


(65%), themixturewas heated to 96∘Candmaintainedat this temperature for one hour, and after cooling 5mL ofwater was added.The extract was centrifuged and filtered andthen the total arsenic was quantified by ICP-MS.

An interesting approach to determining total arsenic andAs(V) with detection by electrothermal atomic absorptionspectrometry after cloud point extraction (ETAAS/CPE),using ultrasound for the sample preparation, was developedby Costa et al. [51]. This procedure is based on the formationof a complex of As(V) ions with molybdate in the presenceof sulfuric acid and extraction into the surfactant-rich phasewith Triton X-114. The powdered samples were sonicated for136min with a 0.5mol L−1 solution of nitric acid. For theAs(V) determination an aliquot of the extract was submittedto the CPE methodology and for the total As determinationan aliquot of the extract passed through a prereduction stepwith 1.0mL of 8 × 10−8mol L−1 KMnO


and agitation for30min was applied before the CPE methodology.

Shraim [52] evaluated the presence of various metalsincluding arsenic in rice sold in Saudi Arabia. The samplepreparation consisted of the microwave digestion of samplesthat were previously milled using an analytical hand mill.Digestion was carried out applying a specific temperatureprogram and the digestion agents used were concentratednitric acid, water, and hydrogen peroxide. After the solutionshad been digested they were diluted with water and a portionwas filtered and analyzed by ICP-MS.

A method for the determination of total arsenic andinorganic arsenic in rice using HPLC-ICP-MS has beendeveloped. Prior to analysis the samples are treated with0.28mol L−1 HNO


and heated in a water bath (95∘C) for

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90min. After cooling to room temperature, the extracts werecentrifuged at 5000 rpm for 35min at 18∘C, filtered, andanalyzed [53].

In order to relate the inorganic arsenic (iAs) content inthe rice to the As present in the soil, considering propertiessuch as pH, TOC, available P, and available Fe, rice and soilsamples were collected in a region of south China (with atypical red soil for which arsenic contamination has not beenreported) and analyzed. The rice grain samples were washedwith deionized water, air dried at room temperature, andground into fine particles. The inorganic As in the grains wasdetermined by liquid chromatography-atomic fluorescencespectrometry (LC-AFS). The results showed that the soil pHand available phosphorus were the main factors influencingthe uptake of As by rice grains. The presence of phosphorussuppresses As uptake by rice grains and competition betweenarsenic and phosphorus for transporters affects the transportfrom the soil to the roots in the rhizosphere [54].

G. Chen and T. Chen [55] carried out a study focusedon iAs in rice samples. The samples were processed toa fine powder using a small mill. A microwave reactionsystem (rated at 1200W) was used (95∘C for 30min) withan extraction solution comprised of 0.06mol L−1 HNO


and3% (w/v) H



. After cooling, the solutions were transferredto centrifuge tubes and centrifuged for 15min at roomtemperature. During digestion, As(III) was oxidized to As(V)and silica-based strong anion exchange cartridges were usedto separate the As(V) from organic As forms. Inorganic Aswas quantified by hydride-generation atomic fluorescencespectrometry (HG-AFS) after prereduction by iodide [55].

A simple procedure for the extraction of As species frompolished rice samples has been described. For arsenic speciesdetermination, sample was ground to a fine powder in ahomogenizer and 1 g was mixed with 10mL of a methanol-water (1 : 1) mixture containing 1%HNO


in a centrifuge tubeand the mixture was sonicated for 30min. The extracts werecentrifuged and stored at −4∘C prior to analysis. As specieswere previously separated byHPLCandmeasured by ICP-MS[56]. Total arsenic was extracted in a microwave oven with9mL of 70% nitric acid and 1mL of hydrogen peroxide andafter the digestion the extracts were diluted with water. Thetotal content of As was measured by ICP-MS [56].

Extraction methods involve the selective separation ofa target species from its matrix (e.g., rice). The methodol-ogy employed should ensure quantitative and reproducibleextraction without altering the species pattern by decompo-sition, chemical conversion, or insufficient extraction yield.This is especially important due to the complexity of ricesample matrices. In this context, conventional extraction,also known as heating by hot plate, is one of the traditionalmethods most widely used for sample treatment. Based onthis sample preparation strategy, several approaches havebeen used for arsenic extraction from acidic samples [44,47, 50]. The concentrated acids are the most used extractant.Water is the extractant most commonly recommended forthe more polar or ionic species of arsenic, but few studiesare reported in the literature regarding the extraction of thesespecies from water due to the low yields obtained.

In contrast with conventional extraction methods, forexample, liquid-liquid extraction (LLE), which are charac-terized by the use of high volumes of solvents and longextraction times [56], the use of microwave energy resultsin a significant reduction in the extraction time, because themicrowaves accelerate the heating rate [45, 46, 48, 49, 52,54, 55]. Other advantages of microwave-assisted extractionare high recoveries, good reproducibility, and minimal sam-ple manipulation. The most critical parameters for methodoptimization using microwave extraction procedures are theextractionmedium, appliedmicrowave power, and extractiontime [34]. Most of microwave extraction procedures involvethe use of nitric acid [46, 59–61]. Nitric acid is a strongoxidizing agent; however, its use in digestion proceduresconstitutes an important source of interference due to theformation of nitrogen oxides.

Many factors are important in the process of samplepreparation, such as the physical state of the sample, theanalyte that is determined, and the type of detection. Ingeneral, the analysis of solid samples such as rice is moredifficult since most detection methods require that theanalytes of interest are transferred to a liquid phase. Inthis context the ultrasound-assisted extraction of the analyteemerged as an efficient alternative which requires a shorttime and the use of acids in low concentration and operationconditions involving atmospheric pressure and room temper-ature [51, 62, 63]. The use of ultrasound involves the solid-liquid extraction. Sonication by ultrasound occurs in theacoustic cavitation process resulting in points with extremelyhigh temperature and pressure gradients. This phenomenonoccurs near the particle surface or in the surface itself andimproves the analyte solubility and diffusivity of solventinside the solid particles. The chemical effect of ultrasoundimproves the reactivity of some chemicals, allowing theoccurrence and also acceleration of some reactions involvedin sample digestion.

3. Arsenic Speciation

Rice is a crop plant which can absorb more arsenic thanother cereals, such as barley and wheat, as shown in astudy by Meharg and Rahman [64]. Thus, it is importantto monitor the contamination of rice with arsenic and inorder to estimate the risk to human health variations inthe toxicity, mobility and bioavailability, factors which arestrongly dependent on the chemical form inwhich the arsenicis present, must be taken into account.

For the effective diagnosis of the degree of toxicitythrough contamination by inorganic species of arsenic in rice,it is necessary to develop analytical methodologies to aidthe differentiation of these forms. Separation and detectiontechniques can be used to study the chemical speciation;however, the majority of these techniques are limited becausethey do not tend to combine an efficient separation capacitywith the sensitivity and selectivity required for detection.Hyphenated chromatographic methods, such as HPLC-ICP-MS, have become the preferred and most commonly usedapproach for this purpose. The main advantages are the high

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Table 2: Speciation of arsenic in rice using HPLC-ICP-MS.

Arsenic species Sample preparation Figures of merit Reference

As(III), As(V), DMA,MMA, AsC, and AsB Microwave digestion with 1% (v/v)HNO


LOD: 0.1–0.3 𝜇g/KgLOQ: 0.5–1.5 𝜇g/KgRecovery: 91.4–114.3%


Total As, As(III), As(V),DMA, MMA, and AsB Pressurized liquid extraction sonication Recovery: 71.8–104.5% [62]

As(III), As(V), DMA, andMMA

Microwave digestion with 10mL of2% (v/v)HNO


LOD: 0.03 𝜇g/L for total As [60]

As(III), As(V), MMA, andDMA Sonication by ultrasound probe LOD: 0.05–0.2 𝜇g/Kg

Recovery: 82–99% [63]

As(III), As(V), MMA, andDMA Extraction with 1% HNO


LOD: 0.01–0.07 𝜇g/LRecovery: 95–100% [61]

MMA, DMA, As(III), andAs(V)

Digestion of the samples usingpressurized microwave system

LOD: 0.5–1.0 𝜇g/KgRecovery: 94–98% [46]

LOD: limit of detection; LOQ: limit of quantification.

sensitivity, multielement capacity, wide linear range, andpossibility for isotope determination.

Studies reported in the literature in which arsenic specieswere determined mainly by HPLC-ICP-MS are listed inTable 2.

Kim et al. [59] determined As(III), As(V), DMA, MMA,AsB, and AsC in rice grains in samples grown in Koreaand USA using HPLC-ICP-MS. As(III) was the speciespredominantly found in the samples. The results indicatedhigh toxic effect and need for further attention.

Sanz et al. [62] held arsenic speciation analysis in samplesof rice, straw, soil, hair, and nail in regions affected by arseniccontamination in the eastern and western plains of the Gangadown andBangladesh. Arsenic species (As(III), As(V),DMA,MMA, and AsB) were determined byHPLC-ICP-MS. For thesamples of rice, the content of inorganic arsenic correspondsto 70–98% of the total arsenic content (up to 636.7mg/kg inthe samples).The authors indicate that the speciation analysisreveals itself as a powerful tool for full analytical assessmentin epidemiological studies.

Maher et al. [60] determined As(III), As(V), DMA, andMMA in rice varieties from Australia. Total arsenic wasdetermined by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrom-etry (ETAAS) after extraction with concentrated nitric acid.Inorganic arsenic and methylated species were determinedby HPLC-ICP-MS. The method was validated by comparingthe results with X-ray absorption near edge spectroscopy(XANES). The determination by XANES allows direct anal-ysis, dispensing steps prior extraction and preventing prob-lems from changes in arsenic species [60].

Sanz et al. [63] studied a procedure for the extractionof As(III), As(V), MMA, and DMA in rice samples fromSpain and India. The speciation was also performed byHPLC-ICP-MS. The total arsenic was determined by ICP-MS after digestion of the rice samples with hydrogen per-oxide and concentrated nitric acid assisted by microwave.For speciation analysis, the extraction of arsenic speciesoccurred through the enzymatic action of 𝛼-amylase andultrasonic probe sonication in a short period of time (3min).

The extraction procedure has shown more efficiency thanconventional methods, avoiding the use of highly dangerousorganic solvents. As(III) was predominantly the arsenic formfound in rice samples analyzed. These results show that riceis a bioaccumulative plant for the more toxic form of arsenic.

Sun et al. [61] performed an arsenic speciation study onproducts derived from rice, such as cereals commonly eatenat breakfast, rice crackers, and condiments used to prepareJapanese rice. Arsenic species (As(III), As(V), MMA, andDMA) were extracted from samples with 1% (v/v) HNO


and quantified by HPLC-ICP-MS. The inorganic forms wereprevalent (75.2 to 90.1%).The study provided useful informa-tion which leads to a better understanding of the distributionof arsenic species in rice products. These are importantconsiderations in the formulation of new rice-based foods.

Hyphenated chromatographic methods contribute sig-nificantly to enhancing the study of arsenic speciation, butthey are still costly and thus the development of nonchro-matographic methods is a more accessible and promisingapproach. A major challenge in speciation analysis is tomaintain the integrity of the chemical species of interestfrom the sampling to the detection stages. In nonchromato-graphic methods, selective extraction procedures using asmall volume of extractor are often required, based on theanalyte partitioning into a phase with compatible polarity.This type of extraction procedure has the advantage ofpreconcentration and the minimization of matrix effects.However, if the partitioning is not quantitative, low recoveriescan be observed.

Nonchromatographic methods offer several advantagesover the chromatographic techniques and represent a fast andinexpensive option for application in laboratories, particu-larly when applied to food and environmental samples. How-ever, many of these methods provide limited information onthe samples since most approaches have centered on a singleelement or a specific type of chemical form (i.e., free ions ororganic compounds).

In addition to the challenge of preventing interconversionof species during the extraction steps, most procedures

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Table 3: Nonchromatographic methods for speciation of arsenic in rice.

Arsenic species Sample preparation Detection Figures of merit Reference

As(III) and As(V) Assisted digestion microwave with0.14mol/LHNO


HG-AAS LOD: 1.96–3.85 ng/g [65]

As(III) and As(V) Vortex with 25mL of solution0.05mol/L (NH




HG-AFS LOD: 1.3–4.4 ng/gRecovery: 94-95% [55]

As(III) and As(V) Cloud point extraction UV-VisLOD: 1.14 𝜇g/L

Enrichment factor: 65Recovery: 95–102%


Total As and As(V) Sonication with 0.5mol/LHNO3

ETAASLOD: 10–33 ng/L

Enrichment factor: 78.3Recovery: 90.8–113.1%


Inorganic As, MMA,DMA, and AsB

0.01mol/L TMAH(tetramethylammonium hydroxide) ETAAS LOD: 15–50 ng/g [67]

Total As, As(III), andAs(V)

Assisted digestion microwave with1.0mol/LHNO


ETAASLOD: 19–30 𝜇g/KgLOQ: 57–90.3 𝜇g/KgRecovery: 92–105%


LOD: limit of detection; LOQ: limit of quantification.

end up being restricted to inorganic species, and there arefew studies using nonchromatographic procedures for deter-mination of organic arsenic species. This challenge makesnonchromatographic speciation proceduresmore promising,opening an opportunity for research aimed at improving thisfocus. Table 3 listed some studies reported in the literatureusing nonchromatographic procedures for arsenic speciationin rice samples.

Speciation is relatively easy to investigate when a propertyof a particular compound can be measured directly in thesample without interference from the other matrix compo-nents. Direct speciation analysis is generally considered to beless challenging although this is not always the case.

Studies on direct and in situ analysis are increasing dueto interest in simplifying the process of rapid substanceidentification for monitoring and quality control in thefood industry. There are very few methods available for thedetermination of the speciation in solid food samples throughdirect analysis. The use of mass spectrometry (MS), withonly a few sample preparation steps, allows the speciationof organic arsenic to be determined, with limited analyteloss. In contrast, matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization(MALDI), electrospray ionization (ESI), and desorption elec-trospray ionization (DESI), despite being associated withgreater losses, have greater tolerance in the presence ofimpurities, proving to be valuable for metal complexes [68].

Lin et al. [69] demonstrated that DESI-MS can be usedas desorption/ionization technique for the determination ofarsenic speciation (inorganic arsenic, monomethyl arsenicacid, dimethylarsinic acid, and arsenobetaine) in biologicalsamples under environmental conditions. The results wereeffective in the identification of inorganic and organic arseniccompounds. Furthermore, theDESImethod does not requiresample preparation and its use has proved to be promising forin situ speciation studies [69].

Finally, more recently, the development of speciationtechniques has been highly focused on physical methods,such as X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray powder diffraction

(XPD), and X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) [70, 71].However, it is clear that the cost of the instrumentationand the attainable sensitivity are not sufficient for routinespeciation analysis of food samples [72]. For speciation, X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) spectroscopy isa powerful tool, because it is a direct method by which wecan avoid the change of the chemical state of target elements.XANES is a nondestructive technique for identifying inor-ganic and organic arsenic species in complex environmentalsamples [73].

Manning described a procedure to evaluate the solidphase oxidation state and mineral surface binding sites inthree agricultural soil samples by fitting linear combinationsof XANES spectra derived from several synthetic and wellcharacterized As(III)- and As(V)-treated model compounds.The data showed that As(III) is either partially or completelyoxidized to As(V) when reacting with soil [74].

There is a trend toward reducing the sample preparationsteps in order to limit the interconversion of species, pro-viding more accurate results on the quantity of each speciesin the sample. However, based on this review it is clearthat there are still considerable difficulties associated withreducing the number of sample preparation steps involvedin speciation studies. Thus, in this regard, many approachesare focused on total arsenic without considering the specificchemical forms (free ions or organic compounds) and theinformation provided on the samples is consequently verylimited. It is expected that procedures for direct speciationstudies or a reduction in the number of preparation stepswill be developed in the near future, based on the use ofMALDI, ESI, DESI-MS, and X-ray, with chromatographicor nonchromatographic detection techniques. This approachcould provide the best aspects of screening methods, par-ticularly in relation to reduced handling, and involves thedirect characterization of chemical forms, contributing toimproving our understanding of the behavior of the differentchemical forms of arsenic in food samples such as rice.

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4. Conclusions

High levels of arsenic in rice grains are a potential concernin relation to human health. More information on arsenicspeciation in rice and rice-based products for consumptionis needed in order to carry out risk assessment studies oninorganic arsenic. The largest gap in our knowledge withregard to assessing inorganic arsenic consumption rates fromrice is related to the levels of arsenic species in rice and riceproducts and appropriate analytical methods for speciationof arsenic ensure the integrity of the species.

A comprehensive risk assessment must be based oninformation on the dietary status and consumption of rice,along with the calculation of the daily intake of arsenic fromthe various routes of human exposure. The most commonlyreported concern is arsenic entering the food chain, affectingfood safety. Management options for health risk preventionand agricultural sustainability should therefore focus onminimizing As inputs to soils and limiting human exposure.

This review is not exhaustive, but it highlights some ofthe important and unique aspects related to the presence ofarsenic in rice, addressed within the context of human nutri-tion. Due to the increasing consumption of rice, the availableanalytical methods need to be able to provide more detailedinformation on the chemical species present, overcomingthe barrier created by the complexity of food matrices andthe low concentrations of the analyte present. Unfortunately,the procedures for arsenic speciation studies are not yetsuitable for routine analysis and clearly the development ofsuch methods offers a great challenge for analysts aroundthe world. Thus, the search for simple strategies suitable forobtaining quantitative information regarding arsenic speciesshould be encouraged. However, these strategies require aninterdisciplinary approach in order to cover the variousaspects involved and represent a considerable challenge in theareas of toxicology and analytical chemistry.


As: ArsenicAsB: ArsenobetaineAsC: ArsenocholineAs(V): ArsenateAs(III): ArseniteCE: Capillary electrophoresisCPE: Cloud point extractionCRM: Certified reference materialDMA: Dimethylarsinic acidDESI-MS: Desorption electrospray ionization-mass

spectrometryEDTA: Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acidEFSA: European Food Safety AuthorityESI-MS: Electrospray-mass spectrometryETAAS: Electrothermal atomic absorption

spectrometryEU: European UnionGC: Gas chromatographyHG: Hydride-generation

HG-AFS: Hydride-generation atomic fluorescencespectrometry

HPLC: High performance liquid chromatographyiAs: Inorganic arsenicINAA: Instrumental neutron activation analysisICP-MS: Inductively coupled plasma-mass

spectrometerJECFA: Food and Agriculture Organization/World

Health OrganizationLC: Liquid chromatographyLC-AFS: Liquid chromatography-atomic

fluorescence spectrometryLC-ICP-MS: Liquid chromatography-inductively

coupled plasma-mass spectrometryMMA: Monomethylarsonic acidMS: Mass spectrometryMALDI: Matrix-assisted laser

desorption/ionizationUSA: United States of AmericaXRD: X-ray diffractionXPD: X-ray powder diffractionXAS: X-ray absorption spectroscopyWHO: World Health Organization.

Competing Interests

The authors declare that there are no competing interestsregarding the publication of this paper.


The authors are grateful for financial support from theBrazilian governmental agencies Conselho Nacional deDesenvolvimento Cientıfico e Tecnologico (CNPq) andCoordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nıvel Supe-rior (CAPES), theMG state government agency Fundacao deAmparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais (FAPEMIG),and the GO state government agency Fundacao de Amparo aPesquisa do Estado de Goias (FAPEG).


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