Reverend James Rodia, O. Praem. - Richard of ChichesterJan 10, 2016  · The Baptism of the Lord...

Reverend James Rodia, O. Praem.

Transcript of Reverend James Rodia, O. Praem. - Richard of ChichesterJan 10, 2016  · The Baptism of the Lord...

Page 1: Reverend James Rodia, O. Praem. - Richard of ChichesterJan 10, 2016  · The Baptism of the Lord January 10, 2016 Celebrate Baptism! Celebrate our Faith! Today we celebrate the Baptism

Reverend James Rodia, O. Praem.

Page 2: Reverend James Rodia, O. Praem. - Richard of ChichesterJan 10, 2016  · The Baptism of the Lord January 10, 2016 Celebrate Baptism! Celebrate our Faith! Today we celebrate the Baptism


The Baptism of the lord

SUNDAY January 10th

8:00 Helen Young requested by Joan & Bob Schafer

10:00 HOLY SPIRIT Vincent Smith requested by

Mary & Eric Smith

11:30 Josephine Gerace requested by daughter, Rosalie

MONDAY January 11th

8:00 Edith Scairato req. by Ted Scairato Sr and family

TUESDAY January 12th

8:00 St. Richard Memorial Society

WEDNESDAY January 13th

8:00 Nick & Millie DiDonato requested by

daughter, Joann & son-in-law, Lou

THURSDAY January 14th

8:00 Maria Porchia requested by Dora

FRIDAY January 15th

8:00 David S. Miller requested with love, Mommom

SATURDAY January 16th

8:00 Tony & Nancy Tartaglia requested by

Betty & Bernie Tartaglia

4:30pm Sam Malgieri req. by Aunt Jennie and Godson Sal


Our SANCTUARY CANDLE will be burning this week

In Loving memory of Edith Scairato requested by

Ted Scairato Sr. and family


IMO Frances Coccia requested by

Marie & Tom McKnight and family

IMO Loretta DiDonato requested by Joann & Lou

IMO Ralph Barbieri req. with love, wife and family

IMO Anthony Carrea requested by wife Anna

ILM 95th Birthday of Angelina Rose Scaruzzi requested

with love daughter, Annette Gaudio,

Grand children and Great Grandchildren

ILM Jennie Montagna love, niece Annette Guadio

IMO Frances Coccia requested by friend, Mary **

ILM William Clark requested by wife, Connie **




Dear Parishioners,

Today the Church celebrates the Solemnity of

the Baptism of Our Lord. This brings to an end the

season of Christmas. At first glance, the Baptism of the

Lord might seem an odd feast. Since the Catholic

Church teaches that the Sacrament of Baptism is nec-

essary for the remission of sins, particularly Original

Sin, why was Christ baptized? After all, He was born

without Original Sin, and He lived His entire life with-

out sinning. Therefore, He had no need of the sacra-

ment, as we do.

In submitting Himself humbly to the baptism of

St. John the Baptist, however, Christ provided the ex-

ample for the rest of us. If even He should be baptized,

though He had no need of it, how much more should

the rest of us be thankful for this sacrament, which

frees us from the darkness of sin and incorporates us

into the Church, the life of Christ on earth! His Bap-

tism, therefore, was necessary--not for Him, but for us.

Many of the Fathers of the Church, as well as

the medieval Scholastics, saw Christ's Baptism as the

institution of the sacrament. His Flesh blessed the wa-

ter, and the descent of the Holy Spirit (in the form of a

dove) and the voice of God the Father announcing that

this was His Son, in Whom He was well pleased,

marked the beginning of Christ's public ministry. Thus

his life would never be the same.

This feast is a good time for all of us to reflect

on our own faith life. Perhaps this is the time for us to

remember our own baptism, renew it and become more

involved in our parish family. So as we emerge from

the Christmas season to the rest of the year ahead of

us, may we stay close to the Lord, asking him to lead

us on the path he calls us to walk; for if we do I am

sure our life will never be the same!

God Love Ya!

Fr. Reilly

Page 3: Reverend James Rodia, O. Praem. - Richard of ChichesterJan 10, 2016  · The Baptism of the Lord January 10, 2016 Celebrate Baptism! Celebrate our Faith! Today we celebrate the Baptism

The Baptism of the Lord January 10, 2016

Celebrate Baptism!

Celebrate our Faith! Today we celebrate the Baptism of

Our Lord and the last day of the

Christmas Season. We congratulate

all families who have had a child

Baptized in the past two years. We

celebrate with all of you today at the special

blessing. Baptism, the first Sacrament that we receive,

welcomes us into the Christian Community. As a

community of Faith, it is important for us to pray for

each other throughout all of the special Sacrament mo-

ments and throughout the year.

Bits & Bytes: Baptism

Baptism is a sacrament that celebrates our faith in Christ.

Obviously, infants are in no position to make a faith deci-

sion to accept Christ's salvation. They cannot and do not

choose to become members of the church. Parents who

present their children to be baptized, therefore, accept the

responsibility for their child to learn about God and to

develop a sense of the holy through their involvement

with a faith community. The rite of baptism makes it very

clear that parents present their children to Christ and to

the church. In turn, the church blesses the parents as the

child's first Christian teachers. In reflecting on this awe-

some task, parents should remember that they have re-

ceived God's special call and God's special grace to help

to form their children in the faith.

• How do you describe the might of God?

• What does your baptism empower you to do?

A Note of Thanks Dear Parishioners,

Thank you very much for surprising me by your Christmas

gift and I am really grateful to Fr. Reilly and each and eve-

ryone of you. St. Richard’s Parish is always in my prayers

and please remember me in your prayers, too.

Thank You and may the Blessed Mother keep all of you

closer to her heart.

Sonny (St. Charles Borromeo Seminary- Theology II)

St. Richard Memorial Society

Newly enrolled:

Gabrielle Schlear

Reading Reflection Isaiah 42:1–4, 6–7

“Here is my servant whom I uphold, my chosen one with whom I am pleased.”

Acts 10:34–38

“God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and power.”

Luke 3:15–16, 21–22

“All were asking in their hearts whether John might be the Messiah.”

Sacrament Calendar

Jan. 14 First Eucharist Parent Evening of

Reflection 7-8 p.m. in the Church

(Parents only)

Feb. 20 Confirmation Preparation Session 3

9-11:30 a.m. in School Hall

Feb. 27 First Holy Communion Family

Retreat 9-11:00 a.m. in School Hall

Page 4: Reverend James Rodia, O. Praem. - Richard of ChichesterJan 10, 2016  · The Baptism of the Lord January 10, 2016 Celebrate Baptism! Celebrate our Faith! Today we celebrate the Baptism

The Baptism of the Lord January 10, 2016

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For a list of Calendar of Events throughout

the Archdiocese, please visit::

A Word from

Pope Francis

“Jesus did not need to be baptized, but the first theologians say that, with his body, with his divinity, in baptism he blessed all the waters, so that the waters would have the power to confer baptism. And then, before ascending to Heaven, Jesus told us to go into all the world to baptize. And from that day forward up until today, this has been an uninterrupted chain: they baptized their children, and their children their own, and those children� And also today this chain continues.” Homily on the feast of the Baptism of the Lord, January 12, 2014

For Christmas, every individual/family received a

book by Matthew Kelly titled Rediscover Jesus.

Additional copies are in the back of church if you did

not receive a book.

Since Christmas is the time we celebrate the birth of

the King of Peace and Savior of the World, this is a

good time to think of Jesus as an infant and then grow-

ing and preparing to spread the Gospel offering people


The title of the prologue is ARE YOU JESUS? The

end of the chapter, and every chapter, offers a prayer,

reflection and challenge to live as authentic disciples

of Jesus Christ.


Points to Ponder: Jesus wants you to carry on his


Verses to live: “Seek first the kingdom of God and his

righteousness.” (Matthew 6:33)

Question to consider: How much is the sheer busy-

ness of your life preventing you from living the life

God is calling you to live?

Prayer: Jesus, give me the courage to let down my


Page 5: Reverend James Rodia, O. Praem. - Richard of ChichesterJan 10, 2016  · The Baptism of the Lord January 10, 2016 Celebrate Baptism! Celebrate our Faith! Today we celebrate the Baptism

Pre-Cana Classes

In preparation for the sacrament of Marriage, Pre-

Cana classes are required for all couples. You must

register in advance for this class. For registration and

more information visit .

Pre-Jordan Classes

In preparation for Baptism Pre-Jordan classes are

held the third Monday of the month at 7:00 pm in the

Church. The parents of the child are required to at-

tend the class; godparents are also welcome but not

required to attend.

Please call the rectory to make arrangements for the

Baptism and to attend the class. After you have at-

tended the class and acquired certificates of eligibil-

ity for your godparents, you may then call the rectory

for an appointment to book the date of your choos-

ing. The next scheduled class is :

January 18, 2016

February 15, 2016

St. Richard’s CYO

Designer Handbag Bingo

Friday January 15, 2016 St. Richard’s Hall

Door Open at 6:00pm Early Bird Specials at 7:00pm

$25.00 in advance purchased by 1/11/16 at the door $30.00

packet includes: Coffee, Tea & Door Prizes Specials and 50/50 are sold separately

BYOB We will reserve tables of 10 or more. For more information please contact

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