Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

in English Letters



Student Number: 154214041











Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

in English Letters



Student Number: 154214041











It is kind of fun to do

the impossible

-Walt Disney-








First and foremost, I would like to thank my greatest teacher of all: God. I

know that I am here and that I am able to write all of this for a reason.

My greatest gratitude goes to my thesis advisor, Drs. Hirmawan

Wijanarka, my co-advisor Dr. Tatang Iskarna and my examiner Dr. Gabriel

Fajar Sasmita Aji who supported me and advised me through the writing process

of my undergraduate thesis with patience, critical mind, and willingness.

I would like to thank to my parents, Debora Menik Lestiowati and

Margono Andreas Kristanto, and my brothers and my sisters, Ko Candra, Ce

Erna, Ce Lia, and Ce Novi. The countless times you helped me throughout my

journey in college especially for the financial. Your encouragement when the

times got rough are much appreciated and duly noted. It was a great comfort and

relief to know that you were willing to provide everything you can give even

though I know that you have struggled a lot.

I would like to thank my beloved, Bram Putra Pratama for supporting

me spiritually throughout writing this thesis and my life in general and be there

for me. You are the most patient man that accompanies me to meet the best

version of myself. Thank you for not giving up on me and this long-distance

relationship even though world gives you a thousand reasons to give up. I love


I would to thank my best friends Siti Zulaikha Anugrahini Putri and

Oksa Putri Unjunan. Thank you for being my best friends since high school.

You always spare your time to pick up my call whenever I need it. Thank you for



the never-ending support from Semarang. I also would to thank my best friend

Tomy Waskhito for teaching me how to write this thesis correctly with the


I would to thank my Miracle Squad for coloring my college life with

laugh, tears, and a lot of unforgettable moments that I cannot describe one by one.

Thank you for this beautifully weird friendship that I never had.

To all members of Taj Mahal’s Squad that always spare their time to

accompany me from one coffee shop to another to do this thesis. Thank you for

willing to get up early in the morning to accompany me and give me never ending

support. Thank you for making it easier when everything seems impossible for


Finally, a huge thank-you to everyone who has been a part of my life

directly or indirectly supported and prayed for me along the way.

Melinda Kristiana




TITLE PAGE ........................................................................................................ ii

APPROVAL PAGE ............................................................................................. iii

ACCEPTANCE PAGE ........................................................................................ iv

STATEMENT OF ORIGINALITY .....................................................................v


MOTTO PAGE ................................................................................................... vii

DEDICATION PAGE ........................................................................................ viii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ................................................................................. ix

TABLE OF CONTENTS ..................................................................................... xi

ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................ xiii

ABSTRAK ............................................................................................................ xiv

CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION .........................................................................1

A. Background of the Study .................................................................................1

B. Problem Formulation .......................................................................................4

C. Objectives of the Study ...................................................................................5

D. Definition of Terms ........................................................................................5

CHAPTER II: REVIEW OF LITERATURE .....................................................7

A. Review of Related Studies ..............................................................................7

B. Review of Related Theories ..........................................................................11

1. Theory of Character, Characterization and Character Development .....11

2. Theory of Symbol .................................................................................13

a. How to Find Symbol ..........................................................................13

b. How to Interpret Symbol ...................................................................14

3. Theory of Plot ........................................................................................15

C. Theoretical Framework ................................................................................16

CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY ..................................................................17

A. Object of the Study ......................................................................................17

B. Approach of the Study .................................................................................18

C. Method of the Study ....................................................................................19

CHAPTER IV: ANALYSIS ...............................................................................21

A. Symbols in Life of Pi ...................................................................................21

1. Water .....................................................................................................21

2. Lifeboat .................................................................................................25

3. The Animals ..........................................................................................27

a. Zebra .................................................................................................28

b. Tiger .................................................................................................30

4. The Carnivorous Algae Island ...............................................................33

B. Symbol as Representation of Pi’s Character Development ..........................38



1. Water .....................................................................................................38

2. Lifeboat .................................................................................................41

3. The Animals ..........................................................................................43

a. Zebra .................................................................................................43

b. Tiger .................................................................................................46

4. The Carnivorous Algae Island ...............................................................48

CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION ...........................................................................53

REFERENCES .....................................................................................................55




Melinda Kristiana (2015). REVEALING PI’S CHARACTER


MARTEL’S LIFE OF PI. Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty

of Letters, Sanata Dharma University.

Life of Pi is a novel written by Yann Martell, which was first published in

2001. The novel tells about a boy named Pi who tries to survive in the middle of

the sea with a Bengal Tiger after the tragic sinking of the ship that caused him to

lose his entire family. On his way to survive, many incidents do not make any

sense in human logic that changes the Pi’s perspective to his life. That does

influence not only his perspective but also has an impact on his character


There are two objectives of the study. The first objective is to find the

symbol in the novel and its meaning. Then the second objective is to observe the

symbol in the novel represents the character development of Pi.

Library research is applied in order to find reliable theories in this study.

The researcher takes the primary data from the novel Life of Pi. The secondary

data are taken from theories related to the topic of the study, such as the theory of

character and characterization, theory of plot, and also the intrinsic element that

the researcher wants to analyze, the theory of symbol, how to find a symbol in

literary work and how to interpret symbol.

The first analysis of the study shows that there are five symbols in the

novel. They are water, a lifeboat, the animals, and the carnivorous algae island.

The meaning of each symbol is destiny, hope, ability to survive, power, and faith.

The researcher analyzes the meaning by applied the theories of symbol, how to

find symbols, and how to interpret symbols. Those meaning shaped Pi’s

characters after the tragedy of the ship sank. The symbol is classified in sequence

when they show up in the novel. The second analysis of the study shows that

those symbols represent the character development of Po. The destiny, hope,

ability to survive, power, and faith of Pi are developed after the tragedy of ship

sank. Pi grows as a tough man, confidence, brave, full of ideas, and experiences.

The characters of Pi are developed, therefore, the researcher writes before and

after of Pi’s characters.

In conclusion, the symbols in the novel represent the character

development of Pi. It can be seen in the plot of the story that shows the

development of Pi before the tragedy of ship sank and after he survived in the

middle of the Pacific Ocean for about 227 days with the tiger.

Keywords: novel, symbols, character development, Pi.




Melinda Kristiana (2015). REVEALING PI’S CHARACTER


MARTEL’S LIFE OF PI. Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty

of Letters, Sanata Dharma University.

Life of Pi adalah sebuah novel yang ditulis oleh Yann Martel yang pertama

kali diterbitkan pada tahun 2011. Novel ini mengisahkan tentang seorang anak

laki-laki bernama Pi, yang berjuang untuk bertahan hidup di tengah-tengah lautan

lepas dengan seekor harimau setelah tragedi kapal tenggelam yang menimpanya

dan menyebabkan seluruh keluarganya meninggal dunia. Dalam perjalanannya

untuk bertahan hidup, banyak sekali kejadian-kejadian yang tidak masuk akal

secara logika yang mengubah cara pandang Pi. Tidak hanya mempengaruhi cara

pandang, tetapi juga berimbas kepada perkembangan karakter dari Pi sendiri yang

pada akhirnya merubah hidupnya.

Dalam skripsi ini terdapat dua tujuan. Tujuan pertama adalah menemukan

simbol-simbol yang terdapat dalam novel dan artinya. Tujuan kedua adalah untuk

mengobservasi bahwa simbol yang ditemukan oleh peneliti merepresentasikan

perkembagan karakter dari Pi.

Studi pustaka digunakan dalam mencari teori-teori terkait dalam skripsi

ini. Penulis mengambil data pokok dari novel Life of Pi dan beberapa teori yang

bersangkutan dengan topik studi ini, seperti teori tokoh, penokohan, dan

perkembangan tokoh, teori plot dan teori tentang simbol, bagaimana cara

menentukan sebuah symbol dalam karya, dan bagaimana menginterpretasikan

sebuah simbol.

Analisis pertama dari studi ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat lima simbol

dalam novel ini. Simbol-simbol tersebut adalah air, kapal sekoci, binatang, dan

pulau alga karnivora. Arti dari setiap simbol di atas adalah takdir, harapan,

kemampuan untuk bertahan hidup, kekuatan, dan keyakinan. Peneliti

menganalisis arti dari setiap simbol dengan mengaplikasikan teori simbol,

bagaimana menemukan sebuah simbol dan bagaimana menginterpretasikan

sebuah simbol. Simbol-simbol tersebut diklasifikasikan menurut urutan mereka

muncul di dalam novel. Analisis kedua dari studi ini menunjukkan bawa simbol-

simbol tersebut merepresentasikan perkembangan karakter dari Pi. Takdir,

harapam, kemampuan untuk bertahan hidup, kekuatan dan keyakinan berkembang

setelah insiden kapal tenggelam. Pi bertumbuh menjadi laki-laki yang tangguh,

percaya diri, berani, penuh ide dan pengalaman.

Kesimpulannya, simbol dalam novel ini merepresentasikan perkembangan

karakter dari Pi. Hal itu dapat dilihat dari plot cerita yang menunjukkan

perkembangan sebelum dan sesudah insiden kapal tenggelam dan saat ia harus

bertaham hidup di tengah Lautan Pasifik selama 227 hari bersama macan tersebut.

Kata kunci: novel, symbols, character development, Pi.





A. Background of the Study

Literature has an important role in human being life because it may give the

readers pleasure and satisfaction. People deal with many literary works such as

poem, prose, music, movie, novel and many more. Those literary works have

different characters and uniqueness. Each literary work has their own identity to

introduce the real meaning of their literary works. Novel is the one example of

the literary works that give a chance for people to read and write based on their


Inside the novel there are many of intrinsic elements such as theme,

characters, characterization, plot, setting, point of view, style of language and

moral value. Sometimes, the intrinsic elements inside the literary works have a

connection to each other or influence the story or the plot. Those intrinsic

elements have their own purpose to deliver to the reader. With a lot of varieties

in language, the author has a chance to write a message or the meaning of the

story to the reader through the use of intrinsic elements. The message or the

meaning can be delivered implicit or explicit. If the meaning is delivered in an

implicit way, the author can write it clearly in their literary works, therefore, the

reader can understand it easily because it is already written on it. In a different

case, if the message or the meaning is delivered in an explicit way, the author

usually uses media to be a parable such as metaphor, symbols and the intrinsic



elements inside the story too. Therefore, from that parable, the reader can make

some assumption to guess the purpose or the meaning of that literary work. In

this study, the researcher chooses a novel by Yann Martel to be analyzed and

reveal the hidden meaning of the symbols and how it influences the character

development of the main character.

Yann Martel creates a personalization between the author and the reader

therefore; the readers can be drawn to understand the story of the novel. Yann

Martel’s first book is, The Facts Behind the Helsinki Roccamatios, is the

collection of some short stories with illness as the theme. Yann Martel won the

Man Booker for Fiction in 2002 for his second novel, Life of Pi. The novel is an

epic survival story with a religious theme. Martel increasingly tests the limit of

the readers’ faith by the symbols inside the story.

The novel that the researcher wants to analyze is Life of Pi. It was written by

Yann Martel and published in 2001. The novel tells the story of Piscine Molitor

Patel or Pi, the main character, and his life journey. Pi was born in Pondicherry.

The moment when France handed Pondicherry back to India in 1954, the town

decided to make a commemoration and his father decided to build a zoo and

hotel in that area. He is a child of a zookeeper and botanist in that area and he

was raised as Hindu. Time flies, long-term bad politics affects the business in

India and caused a crisis. Based on his father’s consideration about his business

and family, he decided to bring his family and business moved to Canada. The

storyline of the novel focuses on Pi’s survival after the tragic sinking of a cargo

ship and his family died. In the novel, Martell described that Pi survived from the



wreck with the animals: a hyena, a zebra, a female orangutan and a royal Bengal

tiger. Pi and those animals tried so hard to survive, until in the end only Pi and

the tiger were left. This moment is the beginning of the story of the novel Life of


In this research, the researcher will analyze the symbols that are contained in

this novel and they represent the character development of Pi. There are five

occurrences that symbolize the character development of Pi. The first one is the

connection between Pi and water and the first place. The second one is when a

lifeboat saves his life from the tragedy of ship sank. The third one is the

interaction between Pi and the suffering zebra, it is explained how the suffering

zebra represent the character development of Pi. The forth is interaction between

Pi and Richard Parker or the Bengal Tiger from being hostile to finally being

able to live side-by-side and the other animals in the lifeboat. The last but not

least is Pi with the imaginary carnivorous algae island that is founded in the

middle of the Pacific Ocean with full or meerkats. The definition of symbol is

explained by Fadaee in his article.

According to Fadaee,

“Symbol is something used for, or regarded as, representing something else.

More specifically, a symbol is a word, phrase, or other expression having a

complex of associated meanings; in this sense, a symbol is vied as having

values different from those of whatever is being symbolized . . . . Many

poets have used the rose as a symbol of youth and beauty (a flag is a piece of

cloth which stands for or is a symbol of a nation"(Fadaee, 2010, pp. 20).

Through this study, the researcher wants to observe the symbols that are

mentioned inside the novel to reveal Pi’s character development. The main

reason why the researcher chooses this literary is that many symbols that have a



hidden meaning and they represent the character development of the main

character. According to the novel, what happens after the tragedy is not that

convincing. People keep wondering about the truth. It is interesting to find out

the meaning of each symbol therefore the researcher can reveal anything behind

the symbols. In other words, it is investigating an invisible meaning about the

novel. Another reason is the researcher wants to highlight how deeper the

character development in the novel through the symbols instead of depicted in

the real terms.

This topic is worth to study because how the symbols are symbolized

something is important. Symbolism helps to create the meaning and emotion in

the literary work. The symbols in the work arouse the readers’ imagination in the

higher level. The emotion and the meaning that found in the literary work affect

the storyline. The emotion and the meaning can make the story is deeper and

significance. This analysis aims to explain the meaning of the symbols inside the

novel and how they present inside the story and represent Pi’s character


B. Problem Formulation

To be able to understand how the symbols influence the character

development of Pi, two problems were formulated as follows.

1. What are the symbols presented in the Life of Pi?

2. How do the symbols represent development of the character?



C. Objectives of the Study

This research aims to explain the relation between the symbols that appear

and the development of the main character itself. The researcher believes that the

characterization of Pi is represented by the symbols inside the novel. This

research has two objectives. The first objective is the researcher’s needing to find

the symbols used in the novel. This aims to reveal how the symbols are

represented in the movie and to give understanding about the meaning of the

symbols. The researcher is required to describe in detail about the symbols inside

the novel. The second objective is explaining how the symbols represent the

character development of Pi.

D. Definitions of Terms

A work of literature has any relation between one elements to the other. The

writer focuses in the symbols and character development of the main character.

The writer uses the title: Revealing Pi’s Character Development through the Use

of Symbols in Yann Martel’s “Life of Pi”.

The first term is symbol. M.H Abrams in his book A Glossary of Literary

Terms stated that symbol is anything, which signifies something; in this sense all

words are symbols. In literature discussion, however, the term "symbol" is

applied only to a word or phrase that signifies an object or event which in its turn

signifies something, or has a range of reference, beyond itself (Abrams, 1999).



The second term is character development. According to Perrine,

characters development is divided into two types; the static character remains

essentially the same person from the beginning of the story to the end while

developing or dynamic character undergoes some distinct change of character,

personality, or outlook (Perrine, 2006, pp. 164-165).





A. Object of the Study

The object of the study is a novel titled Life of Pi by Yann Martel. Life of Pi

is written and published in 2001. This novel has its own movie, which is directed

by Ang Lee in 2012. The novel has sold more than ten millions copies worldwide

even though, this novel has rejected by five London publishing houses before

being accepted by Knopf Canada. Life of Pi won the 2003 Boeke Prize, a South

African novel award. In 2004, it won the Asian Pacific American Award for

Literature in best adult fiction for years 2001–2003.

Yann Martel categorized this novel as a fantasy comedy. Through his

writing, Yann Martel subdivided this novel into three parts. The first part tells

about how Pi reminisces his childhood in India. Pi’s father owns a zoo in

Pondicherry and how Pi gets his full name as a tribute to the swimming pool in


In the second part, it tells about the beginning of Pi’s family aboard

Tsimtsum, a Japanese freighter that is transporting animals from their zoo to

North America. A few days out of port from Manila, the ships encounters a

storm and sinks. In this part, it also tells about how Pi survives in the lifeboat

with some animals. This is the vital part because everything explained in this

part. In the middle of his journey, Pi found many accidents that changed his

perspective in life. For example, he saw his animals tried to kill each other to



survive and in the middle of nowhere he found a mysterious island that full of


In the third plot explains when Pi told to the Japanese Ministry of Transport

about everything that happened to him. Pi tried to tell him the tale but they

rejected it and did not believe it. Pi then offers them another story in which he is

adrift on the lifeboat with people not animals. In the end of the story, Pi asks

them which one the story that they really enjoy and they said the story with the


B. Approach of the Study

The most important thing while people are analyzing a literary work is

applying the most appropriate approach. Since a literary work shows us a lot of

symbols and the hidden meaning of it that influence the character development

of the main character, the researcher decides to use the New Criticism approach

in this research. The researcher uses New Criticism to do close reading and

analyze the symbols that represent character development in the story. According

to Lois Tyson, new criticism is a literary criticism that uses the authorial purpose

to define the meaning of literary work, the intentional fallacy of the fact in an

author’s intentional meaning, new criticism focuses on the text itself to find out

the meaning (Tyson, 2001, pp. 38-39). In the other words, new criticism focuses

on the author purposes to understand the meaning from literary work.

New Criticism developed as a reaction to the older philological and literary

history schools of the US North, which, influenced by nineteenth-century

German scholarship, focused on the history and meaning of individual words and



their relation to foreign and ancient languages, comparative sources, and the

biographical circumstances of the authors.

What New Critics seek in their studies of poetic form is a set of "organic"

relationships of literary elements (images, symbols, tropes, features of genre

and style, settings, and tones), whose over- all unity often depends on

ambiguity, paradox, or irony (The Norton Anthology of Theory and

Criticism., 2001).

New Criticism approach is the suitable approach for this reason because this

study is actually dealing with the relation between the symbols and development

of Pi’s character. This approach helps the writer to answer the question in the

problem formulation section. By applying this approach the writer can reveal the

reasons behind the character development of Pi, what makes Pi likes it or not has

to be someone new to survive in this tough world.

C. Method of the Study

Library research is applied in this research by the researcher since all of the

sources and data are gathered from several books in the library and online

platforms. The primary source in this research is the novel Life of Pi by Yann

Martel. The other sources for this research is theory of character and

characterization and theory of symbols, which are collected from some online

books, or e-books. The library research here is used to gather as much the

relevant data and information as possible.

The researcher took some steps to conduct this study. The first step was

watching the movie Life of Pi and then started to read the novel, which was

people knew that the novel was more specific than the movie itself. The research



also tried to collect the information from the online sources such as related text

or articles or even the review of the novel. After all the data were collected, it

was examined and divided according to the problem formulation. The second

step was collecting the theories to help the researcher to answer the problem

formulation. The third step was starting to analyze what symbols were contained

in the novel and the character development of Pi. The fourth step was revealing

how the symbols represent the character development of Pi. After analyzed and

revealed the character development through the symbols, the researcher started to

conclude the journey of character development through the used of symbols

inside the novel.





A. Review of Related Studies

Many researchers have analyzed about symbols in the novel. In this part, the

researcher compares this study with two undergraduate theses from Nimastama

Chrisshanti and Theresia Catur Pustakareti and two journals from Elaheh Fadaee and

Dr. S.B. Radhika Bai.

The first study is from Yoewono in his thesis The Messages Revealed through the

Main Character’s way to survive in Yann Martel’s Life of Pi. Pi has several dominant

characteristics as the main character in this novel. He is intelligent, open-minded,

spiritual, and has strong determination. Those characters of Pi help him to survive

three crises: the shipwreck, his casting away on a lifeboat for 227 days, and being

alone with a Bengal tiger which is always hungry. According to Yoewono:

He survives through several ways: by recognizing and using his strength which is

made possible by his intelligence; by being realistic about situation which is

facilitated by his open-mindness; and by adopting positive attitude which us

facilitated by his spirituality and strong determination (Yoewono, 2008, pp. 26-


From the quotation above, it can be conclude that Pi can survive of the tragedy

because the tragedy shaped his character. As the time goes by, the character of Pi is

developed and it is represented by the symbols in his environment. Yoewono

considers religion as a key point to the novel, but unlike this undergraduate thesis,

Yoewono does not focus on the symbols that represent the character development of

Pi. Yoewono focuses mainly on the plot of the story. Meanwhile, this undergraduate

thesis focuses on Pi‟s character development through the use of symbols.



The second related study is a research by Theresia Catur Pustakareti, entitled

“Symbols Reflecting the Development of the Main Character in Jim Meenaghan’s

Chasing Maverick” in 2017. In this thesis, she explains about the character

development of Jay Moriarty trough the symbols. The character is the important part

and he is dominant from the beginning until the end of the story. The research based

on two problems formulation. The first problem formulation is what the

developments, which occurred in the character of Jay Moriarty in Jim Meenaghan‟s

Chasing Mavericks. The second problem formulation is what of the symbols of the

letter, the surfboard, and the title of the novel symbolizes and reflects Jay‟s


In order to analyze the solutions to the problem formulations, the research uses

New Criticism as the theory for this study. New Criticism is an explication to analyze

the character through the close reading and basically it is verbal.

“It can be concluded that New Criticism is the approach to analyze the literary text

in Chasing Mavericks and to identify the relation between the symbols and the

main character‟s development” (Pustakareti, 2017, pp.19).

The conclusion of the research explains about how the symbols are reflecting

Jay‟s character development in the novel. The development that occurred in the novel

is firstly Jay is someone who is afraid of something even with surfing. However, in

the end, Jay turns into someone who was going to ride the great waves he was

dreaming about. He is change from nothing to daredevil that brave to face his fears.

The writer classifies the symbols to answer number two. The first symbol is letter

that has two meanings. However, to conclude those two meanings, the real meaning

of the letter is Jay‟s fear. The second symbol is surfboard that represents Jay‟s

destiny, which is surfing and portrays a device for Jay to achieve his vision. The last



symbol is the title Chasing Mavericks that also have two meanings. The first meaning

is describes of the Jay‟s desire to catch the deadly wave called Mavericks. The second

meaning of the title is his dream. The Jay‟s dream is to conquer the Mavericks.

The similarity of this thesis with the other study is the focus on the same topic

which is the character development through the use of symbol inside the novel. Even

though the researchers use different object and different story, the focus of the

research is the same which is character development trough the use of symbol.

The next review is about the journal article that the researcher uses in this thesis.

The first journal article comes from Elaheh Fadaee from Islamic Azad University of

Bandar Abbas, Iran on 2011. The title of the journal is “Symbols, metaphors, and

similes in literature: A case study of “Animal Farm””. In this journal, Fadaee

discusses about figures speech specifically symbol, metaphor, and simile have an

important role as their figurative meaning beside their literary meaning.

This journal article aims to find out the effect of using figures of speech on the

writer‟s style on writing and the understanding for the reader in the George Orwell‟s

„Animal Farm‟. Figurative speech are the imaginative tool in literature that have

functions to make the works more interesting and having the explicit hidden meaning

that makes the addressee curios about the work itself. The author wants to explain to

the reader about the meaning through the use of figures of speech implicit and

indirect. Therefore, the author does not explain the use of figure speech clearly. In this

journal, the Fadaee does not explain the types of figures of speech in short, however

he explains one by one in a specific way. For example he explains the metaphor and

the many types of metaphors.



The result of this research, he prefers to use data that settled in table. Elaheh

Fadaee explains the result of his research as briefly, succinct, and pungent.

Here, in order to find out types of symbols, metaphors and similes in George

Orwell's „Animal Farm‟, the data were settled Table 1 and frequency (f), relative

frequency (Rf) and percentage of relative frequency (P.Rf) are calculated for each

type. These types are on the basis of Newmark`s (1988b), Fromilhague`s (1995)

and Rokni`s (2009) classifications respectively. According to Table 1, it is

observed that among four types of symbols stated by Rokni, metaphoric symbols

(86.9%) are used a lot, because they explain events of the real revolutions and its

subsequent incidents in an allegorical way. Among five types of metaphor, as

dead, cliché, stock, recent and original, the amount of cliché metaphors (52.63%)

is more than the other four. Cliché metaphors have an indication that tells the

reader the word or expression is not an ordinary one. Among two types of simile,

explicit and implicit, the later (84.84%) is used more which shows that the writer

wants to talk in an implicit way (Fadaee, 2011, p. 26).

The second journal article is titled “Symbolism’ In Ted Hughes’ Poetry“. The

journal article comes from Dr.S.B. Radhika Bai from S. V. University, Tirupati. A. P.

According to Bai, symbolism in literature creates interest in readers as they find an

opportunity to get an insight of the author‟s point of view in something. In the other

words, the readers can reveal the real meaning of that literary works based on their

own mind and imagination because many symbols that have a very broad meaning. In

this journal article Bai explains about Hughes short biography briefly and his literary


The aim of this journal article is, the author reveals the meaning of the poetries

Edward James Hughes that uses so many symbols. A mythical framework, using the

lyric and dramatic monologue to illustrate the intense subject matter, marks Hughes‟s

work. Mostly, animals appear frequently throughout his works as deity, metaphor,

persona, and an icon. The aim of this journal article is to reveal the symbols in

Hughes‟s literary works and also introduce a little bit about Hughes and his style in

writing poetry.



B. Review of Related Theories

In this research, the writer will use some theories that have connection with the

topic in this thesis. In order to solve the problem in the problem formulation, these

theories support the writer‟s argument in this thesis. The writer is going to use theory

of character, characterization and character development, theory of symbol, and

theory of plot.

1. Theory of Character, Characterization and Character Development

Character is an important part in the story because without any character, the

story will contain ambiguity and have no plot because the authors did not have any

object to be told. Character comes to mean an individual, named personality, in

literature or in life.

Characters are the persons represented in a dramatic or narrative work, who

are interpreted by the reader as being endowed with particular moral,

intellectual, and emotional qualities by inferences from what the persons say

and their distinctive ways of saying it the dialogue and from what they do –

the action. (Abrams, 2012, p.46)

In the A New Handbook of Literary Terms by David Mikics, Henry James stated

that character is being a part of the plot inside the story. It means, the character itself

is something that makes the story alive and it creates the moral value and also the

purpose of the story. The character shows some choices that probably are being

chosen or avoided by human being. It can be analyzed by the action of the main

character itself (Mikics, 2007).

The characterization is an author’s method to reveal the characters inside the

story by telling it directly or indirectly to the reader. Based on the article titled

Literary Elements Characterization by Francis Bacon, characterization is divided into

two ways. The first one is direct characterization that means the author is telling the



character of the reader through the information inside the story. The author explains

clearly how the characters look like and the personality towards something. The

reader can also get the point directly and make a conclusion about the character of the

main character in that story.

The second way is indirect characterization. In this method, the author shows the

character in action and lets the reader imagine about the characterization of the main

character. In the other words, the characters will be shown explicit. The readers must

then rely on their own knowledge and experience to interpret the characters (Bacon,


Character development appears in two types. They are a static and dynamic

character. “ Static character is the type of character that does not change from the

beginning until the end of the story while the type of character who can change in the

story is called a dynamic character” (Perrine, 2006, pp. 164). The developing or

dynamic character is opposite to static character. A dynamic character is more

complex because it displays significant differences of behaviors in some events.

The change in the character meet three conditions: (1) it must be consistent with

the individual’s characterization as dramatized in the story; (2) it must be sufficiently

motivated by the circumstances in which the character is placed; (3) it must be offer

sufficient time for the change to take place and still be believable (Perrine, 2009,

pp.165). According to that statement, it can be conclude that the character should not

be static and there must developed.



2. Theory of Symbol

M.H Abrams defines the symbols as anything, which signifies something. The

symbols are applied to a word, object, or the event that signifies another hidden

meaning (2009. p.392). As the statement above, it can be conclude that symbol has

more than one meaning. A symbol may appear in literary works to define the deeper

meaning of the work itself. The symbol can be conventional or public which means in

general people is already know about the other meaning of that symbols. The symbol

can be private or personal symbols which means the symbols have another meaning

that people does not familiar with. It needs to be analyzed with a close reading.

Samuel Taylor Coleridge in his Statesman’s Manual (1832) stated that symbol is

part of reality that makes that reality is easier to be understood. It means that symbol

has an important role in the literary works to help the reader more understand about

the author’s purpose. This is a method for the author to attract the reader’s attention in

a good way. The author wants to make the reader do the close reading to get the point

of some literary works. Therefore, literary works is not only to be enjoyed but also to

be understood (Coleridge, 1832, pp. 40).

a. How to Find Symbol

The researcher sometimes has a difficulty to find symbols in literary work. It is

because the researcher is not pointing out which one that has to be a symbol. The

researcher also cannot analyze when the symbol appears during the important

moment. However, there are clues that the researcher can employ to find a symbol in

literary work.

According to Robert Stanton (1965, pp. 31-32) there are three clues that make the

researcher can decide the symbols in literary work. The first one is symbols that



appear during an important moment. The researcher requires being able to analyze

during the important moment, what is the thing that being influential in that moment.

The second one is repetition. The symbol repeated several times reminds the

researcher of some constant element in the story. In this point, an author repeats or

resembles certain things. The author also can make it obvious in describing that thing

more than other thing in the novel. The author also can mention it in the title and he

makes its detail repeated (Stanton, 1965).

Another theory is stated by Mary Rohrberger and Samuel H. Woods, Jr. They

explain that when people write a story, the author has to understand how to make the

symbol clear for the reader and do not confuse them. In literary work, the author can

describe the symbol through emphasis, repetition, implication or recurring patterns

that can help the readers to find the symbols in the literary work that the author writes

(Rohrberger & Woods, 1971, pp. 15–17).

In conclusion, both theories have one similarity. It is stated that the way the readers

find a symbol can be seen in two ways. The first one when the thing appears during

an important moments and being influential. The second one is repetition. When

author mentions that thing on repeats and describe it more detail than the other things,

the reader must be more sensitive to find the symbol in the literary work.

b. How to Interpret Symbol

The symbol can be analyzed from two angles: of the person who uses it or of the

one who discovers it (Gagiu, 2015). In the first case, the symbol is a rhetorical means,

as it is used for the indirect transmission of general meanings. In the second situation,

the symbol is the instrument of an action of psychological identification or of mystical

revelation, being subject to deciphering in order to identify, beyond appearances, a

profound sense. So, it can be said that the symbol exists through the relation that is



established between the concrete object (image and meaning) and the abstract

meaning reference is made to.

Among symbolic systems, the language has a special place, at least out of two

reasons: “Firstly, it is almost wholly based on pure or arbitrary convention. The

second special feature of language is far more important. Language alone is able to

relate its symbols to every part and every sort of human experience” (Robins, 1968:


According to Fyre, the word symbol means any unit of any literary structure that

can be isolated for critical attention (Frye, 1957, p.71). Frye, in his Anatomy of

criticism asserts that when we are reading, we focus our attention for two directions at

once. One direction is outward, in which we go outside with our reading, from the

writers to the things they mean in the text. The second direction is the inward in

which we try to appreciate and analyze the meaning from the word. Here Frye brings

this notion to bring the concept symbol for the surface because in both cases readers

deal with symbols. These two types of understanding take place simultaneously in all

reading. However, the verbal structure may be classified according to whether the

final direction of meaning is outward or inward.

3. Theory of Plot

M.H Abrams in his book A Glossary of Literary Terms, 7th

edition stated that, “plot

is constituted by its events and actions, as these are rendered and ordered toward

achieving particular artistic and emotional effects” (Abrams, 1999, pp. 224). That

means from the description above, it is simple because the character in a work

performs the events or actions and it reflects their moral, dispositional qualities. In

another words a plot is an organized story. The theory of plot helps the researcher to

analyze the important moment in the story.

According to German novelist, Gustav Ferytag, he created a pyramid to explain the

basic of plot. Plot is divided into five parts. The first one is Exposition. This part



explains the setting is set, characters, introduced and situation established. Exposition

falls at the beginning of the story. The second one is Rising Action. This part is

usually introduces the conflict which events complicate of intensify the conflict. The

third one is Climax. This part explains the transition from rising action to falling

action. The fourth is Falling Action. This part occurs after the climax, when the

problem of the story resolves. The last but not least is Denouement. This part

explains about the resolutions and conclusion (Freytag & MacEwan, 1895).

C. Theoretical Framework

There are three theories that the researcher applies in this thesis. All of these are

here to help the researcher to answer and analyze the problem formulation, which

have been formulated in the first chapter.

The first theory is theory of character, characterization and character development.

This theory is used to reveal and describe the entire characteristics of Pi from the

beginning until the end in this story. This theory also helps the researcher to analyze

the character development of Pi. The second theory is about symbol. This theory

reveals the hidden meaning of the symbols that the researcher wants to discuss in this

thesis; therefore, it will not be an assumption. This theory helps the researcher to

analyzed and prove that the symbol have another meaning that the author wants to

deliver to the reader and it has a relation with the character development of Pi. In the

theory of symbol, the researcher also explains how to find a symbol in literary work

and how to interpret symbol. The third theory is theory of plot. This theory helps the

researcher to divide the symbols in some moments inside the story. Theory of plot

will make the researcher easier to analyze the placement of the symbols and how to

identify it.





A. Symbols in Life of Pi

As the researcher stated in the previous discussion, this part discuss the

representation of symbols in the novel Life of Pi. Due to the fact those

symbols hide the hidden meaning that the researcher has to reveal, therefore, it

is easier to understand and it does not create ambiguity. The researcher

discusses the analysis based on the problems that are formulated, the theories

that support the analysis, and the data provided in the object of the study. The

researcher identifies the symbols that can be found in the novel. The

researcher can find the author mentions things repeatedly and they resemble

certain things because those things have significance on Pi’s life story in the

novel and the researcher can find those things are employed as the symbols in

the novel and develop it with the addition of information from the author. In

the following discussion, the researcher explains symbols that are found in the


1. Water

In part one, the novel tells the reader about the background of Pi and his

family that live in Pondicherry. The author tries to reveal Pi’s name at the

beginning. The history behind Pi’s name is interesting to be known because it

is not a regular name that everyone can accept. Pi does not get the name from

his parents but he gets his name from his father’s earliest business contacts

named Francis Adirubasamy or Pi calls him Mamaji.



I called him Mamaji, mama being the Tamil word for uncle and ji being a

suffix used in India to indicate respect and affection. When he was a

young man, long before I was born, Mamaji was a champion competitive

swimmer, the champion of all South India (Martel, 2001, pp.8).

As an introduction of Mamaji, it can be seen that Mamaji has a strong

relation with water. Pi’s full name comes from a famous and beautiful

swimming pool in Paris “I named after a swimming pool” (Martel, 2001,

pp.8). In the novel, the swimming pool is described as a great swimming pool

with the very clear water.

But no swimming pool in Mamaji’s eyes matched the glory of the Piscine

Molitor. It was the crowning aquatic glory of Paris, indeed, of the entire

civilized world. “It was a pool the gods would have delighted to swim in.

Molitor had the best competitive swimming club in Paris. There are two

pools, an indoor and an outdoor. Both were as big as small oceans. The

indoor pool always had two lanes reserved for swimmers who wanted to

do lengths. The water was so clean and clear you could have used it to

make your morning coffee. (Martel, 2001, pp.11).

That swimming pool is described as heaven in Mamaji’s eyes. His

memory to this swimming pool is too many lengths to mention because of the

clean and clear water in that swimming pool. Mamaji gave Pi that swimming

pool name in a hope that Pi’s life will be as beautiful as that pool.

The symbol of water does not stop in his name only. The symbol is

repeated in part two of the novel. In part two of the novel, the struggling of Pi

in the middle of the Pacific Ocean begins. The tragedy of the ship sink that

brings Pi’s family and their zoo to Canada changes his life.

The ship sank. It made a sound like a monstrous metallic burp. Things

bubbled at the surface and then vanished. Everything was screaming: the



sea, the wind, my heart. From the lifeboat I saw something in the water

(Martel, 2001, pp. 97).

It is mentioned in a journal that is written by Mi-yeon Eom (2014), Water

represents the origin of all possibilities, indeed the origin of the very universe,

hence its strong associations with birth, femininity, and life. Eom also

explains that water functions as a symbolic mediator that reveals human

problems and offers the possibility of healing (Eom, 2014).

According to the article above, the researcher can conclude that the water

in this novel is used as a symbol of all possibilities in life or destiny. All

possibilities come in many ways in life and it is unpredictable. Sometimes,

destiny will not always fit with human’s expectations. It talks about the origin

of life on earth.

The one example of destiny in Pi’s life is the way he was born with the

name of Piscine Molitor Patel three years after Ravi, his old brother. Pi comes

with a name of swimming pool because of Mamaji’s memory of that

extraordinary swimming pool and Pi’s father that dreamed about that

swimming pool base on Mamaji’s story.

It was the only pool that made Mamaji fall silent, his memory making too

many lengths to mention.

Mamaji remembered, Father dreamed.

That is how I got my name when I entered this world a last, welcome

addition to my family, three years after Ravi: Piscine Molitor Patel

(Martel, 2001, pp.12).



Another possibility that happens in Pi’s life is when India has a moment

that the country is in long-term bad politics that caused bad for business in

the mid-1970s. India is on crisis and it gives bad impact for the zoo that

owned by Pi’s father. Due to the worry of his father has, they decide to move

with hope for a better life.

But worry he did. Any business is risky business, and none more so that

small b business the one that risks the shirt on its back. A zoo is a cultural

institution. Like a public library, like a museum it is at the service of

popular education and science (Martel, 2001, pp.78)

Due to the moment that happens in Pi’s family, he brought all the family

members moved to Canada by ship. Pi’s father brought the animals in his zoo

too. Pi’s father had a plan to sell the zoo in India but Americans zoo would

pay higher. However, Pi and Ravi did not want to move because Pi thought

that moving a zoo is like moving a city and how it can be possible.

Considering that animals dispense with clothes, footwear, linen, furniture,

kitchenware, toiletries; that nationality means nothing to them; that they

care not a jot for passport, money, employment prospects, schools, cost of

housing healthcare facilities-considering, in short, their lightness of being,

it’s amazing how hard it is to move them. Moving a zoo is like moving a

city (Martel, 2001, pp.88)

The researcher concludes that the first symbol is water because of active

elements in Pi’s journey. As the theory said, the symbol has mentioned

repeatedly in the story, and it appears during the vital moment. It can be seen

when water becomes the base of Pi’s name, and the tragedy of the ship sank

in the middle of the Pacific Ocean that makes Pi has to survive. Until the end

of the story, the survival of Pi happens above the water. The researcher

interprets the symbol by concluding one source to another source in general.



2. Lifeboat

In the novel, Pi survived from the tragedy because of the lifeboat. The

crew of the ship throws in the lifeboat when the ship sinks in the middle of

the Pacific Ocean. In the time Pi knows that something wrong with the ship

because there is water that enters the ship, he ran and tries to find the crew

but they just hold him and walks into the lifeboat and talk a few words that Pi

does not know. Pi thinks that everything will be okay and his family will be

safe too. However, Pi starts to have doubt when the crew throws him into the


One of the men interrupted me by thrusting a life jacket into my arms and

shouting something in Chinese. I noticed an orange-whistle dangling

from the life jacket. The men were nodding vigorously at me. When they

took hold of me and lifted me in their strong arms, I thought nothing of

it. I thought they were helping me I was so full of trust in them that I felt

grateful as they carried me in the air. Only when they threw me

overboard did I begin to have doubts (Martel, 2001, pp.105).

According to Merriam Webster, the definition of a word lifeboat is a

sturdy buoyant boat (such as one carried by a ship) for use in an emergency

and especially in saving lives at sea (https://www.merriam- Due to the definition above, the researcher

conclude that saving lives in the emergency situation create a chance to be

saved from the danger that might be happen. In another word that chance is to

survive or it is a hope to life longer.

That conclusion is supported by the research findings of Moodley (2016).

In her research, Moodley argued that the arbitrary symbolism of the lifeboat



is one of hope, the promise of life, and the connection with the land. In the

novel, the lifeboat does not sink and the element keeps him alive. Pi can see

all inside the ship is disappear, drown into the Pacific Ocean. Pi thinks about

his family that might bring him hope. Hope that he is not the only one who

survived in the Pacific Ocean with some animals inside his lifeboat

(Moodley, 2016).

I watched the ship as it disappeared with much burbling and belching.

Lights flickered and went out. I looked about for my family, for survivors,

for another lifeboat, for anything that might bring me hope. There was

nothing. Only rain, marauding waves of black ocean and the flotsam of

tragedy (Martel, 2001, pp.107).

The meaning of lifeboat is a hope is strengthened with the statement of Pi

when he is about to leave the lifeboat. Pi realizes that living in the lifeboat

with a tiger is giving him a little chance to live. He is surrounded by the

anxiety. However he realizes that it could be more impossible leaving the

lifeboat and survive instead of stay on it.

I considered jumping overboard and swimming away, but my body refused

to move. I was hundreds of miles from landfall, if not over a thousand

miles. I couldn’t swim such a distance, even with a lifebuoy. What would I

eat? What would I drink? How would I keep the sharks away? How would

I keep warm? How would I know which way to go? There was not a

shadow of doubt about the matter: to leave the lifeboat meant certain death

(Martel, 2001, pp.147).

In the novel, it is explained there is nothing Pi can see expect sea and the

sky. He looks around and imagines what is out there. Pi still tries to find

another lifeboat but there is none. Seeing another lifeboat in his lonely

situation brings him hope. Some things floated in the water but that is not a



lifeboat. There are some things that floated in the water but that is not


I looked about. Nothing but sea and sky. The same when we were at the

top of swell. The sea briefly imitated every land feature- every hill, every

valley, every plain. Accelerated geotectonics. Around the world in eighty

swells. But nowhere on it could I find my family. Things floated in the

water but none that brought me hope. I could see no other lifeboats

(Martel, 2001, pp.110).

The researcher makes the lifeboat become a symbol because the boat

appears during the critical moment of Pi’s journey. The lifeboat is the only

hope for Pi to survive until the end of his journey. Pi did many changing in

that lifeboat to survive. Pi has to put on one’s thinking cap to get the comfort

angle for him and the best place for him to take shelter. The reason why Pi

reorganizes the lifeboat is not only to get the best place to take a rest but also

to make him safe from the animals. A lot of moments happen in the lifeboat

until the hardest one when Pi sees the animals die. That lifeboat is being a

silent witness for the Pi’s journey wade through the Pacific Ocean.

3. The Animals

The researcher makes the lifeboat become a symbol because the boat

appears during the critical moment. In the novel, Martel tells the reader that

Pi is trapped in the raft with four wild animals. Those animals are zebra,

Orangutan that named Orange Juice, hyena, and the last one is the Bengal

Tiger named Richard Parker. The researcher analyzes two of four those wild

animals, which are the zebra and the tiger. Since the zebra is the first animal

that Pi describes with suffering and pain, just like what he feels after the



tragedy of the ship sank. The tiger is the animal who stays with him until he

is saved. The tiger plays an integral part in Pi’s journey because that animal

spends a lot of time with Pi from the beginning until the end of his journey

wade through the Pacific Ocean. The strong bond between Pi and the animals,

especially the zebra and the tiger, can be seen when the author describes what

Pi feels about those two animals. The characteristic of the animals also

reflects Pi’s characters.

However, the conversation between the Maritime Department

representations in the Japanese Ministry of Transport, the story of those

animals is not believable since the animals and humans are different in both

spiritually and physically. The representation symbolizes human into an

animal does not make any sense. That is why the animal symbolism in Yann

Martel Life of Pi are analyzed one by one to make this analysis more

understandable and acceptable.

a. Zebra

In Pi’s story, he describes the animals that are trapped with him is an

injured zebra. In his story, Pi tells that he is surprised enough because the

zebra is still alive. Meanwhile, there is a 450-pound carnivore in the lifeboat.

The zebra has badly broken a rear leg and it lay near the stern and his sight

expressing a terror.

I was surprised to see that the zebra was still alive. It lay near the stern,

where it had fallen, listless, but its stomach was still panting and its eyes

were still moving, expressing terror. It was on its side, facing me, its head

and neck awkwardly propped against the boat’s side has badly



broken a rear leg (Martel, 2001, pp.109)

Base on the story that Pi tells to the people from the Maritime Department,

the zebra described as an injured sailor. The pain makes the zebra suffer so

much. It can be seen when the zebra just lay quietly in the place where it had

fallen. However, the zebra does not lose his hope to stay alive. It can be seen

when the zebra’s eyes are still moving to watch out the carnivore that tries to

eat the zebra.

Zebra has excellent hearing and eyesight and are capable of running at

speeds of up to 40 miles per hour and their bodies are well adapted to their

surroundings ( According to that

characteristic of zebra, their survival ability is high. In the every condition,

they can survive as far as their habitats are concerned. (Animal Corner, n.d.)

The high ability to live in zebra, it can be seen clearly in this novel. It

reflects the Pi’s ability to live in the middle of the Pacific Ocean alone with

the wild animals in his lifeboats. It can be seen when Pi never ran out of ideas

to survive he watches the hyena’s movement so it cannot attack him. Pi

watches and learns and then Pi takes action to make him alive.

I was hoping the hyena would stay under the tarpaulin. I was

disappointed. Nearly immediately it leapt over the zebra and onto the

stern bench again. There it turned on itself a few minutes, whimpering

and hesitating. I wondered what it was going to do next. The answer

came quickly: it brought its head low and ran around the zebra in a circle,

transforming the stern bench, the side benches and the cross bench just

beyond the tarpaulin into a twenty-five-foot indoor track. It did one lap-

two-three-four-five-and onwards, non-stop, till I lost count. And the



whole time, lap after lap, it went yip yip yip yip yip in a high-pitched

way. My reaction, once again, was very slow (Martel, 2001, pp.114).

As people know, zebra lives in wild nature with the predators. Zebras are

courageous animals and are not afraid to confront predators. Their instinct is

powerful and this is just like a human being. They try to develop by seeing

their surroundings and blending in. The human react when there are problems

in their life, they learn how to develop and listen, trust their instinct and

intuition to guide them to safety.

b. Tiger

The second animal that the researcher wants to discuss is the Bengal

Tiger. In the story, Pi has a strong bond with that wild animal. In the first

place, Pi tries to save that tiger from the tragedy of the ship. Pi helps the tiger

to swim to the lifeboat and then Pi realizes that he invite the dangerous animal

that can threaten his life.

“Hold on tight, I’ll pull you in. Don’t let go. Pull with your eyes while I

pull with my hands. In a few seconds you’ll be aboard and we’ll be

together. Wait a second. Together? We’ll be together? Have I gone


I woke up to what I was doing. I yanked on the rope (Martel, 2001,


After the tiger reaches the lifeboat and pulls himself aboard, Pi has to

face the fact that he spares a space with the wild animal in his lifeboat. Pi

arranges the strategy to still alive and the tiger will not attack him or he will be

the next goat for the tiger. Pi divides the lifeboat into two parts; the main



lifeboat and the raft. Therefore, Pi will not die early because the tiger attacks


In the novel, Pi describes that the tiger is an aggressive nature and has the

vitality to make the enemy feel anxious because the tiger will be the greater

predator in the lifeboat. It can be explained from what the hyena feel when the

hyena is about to attack the zebra. The hyena will not presumptuously step

over the tiger.

“Super alpha is watching me-I better not move“? I don’t know.

… the hyena had confined itself to such and absurdly small space behind

the zebra and why it had waited so long before killing it. It was fear of

the greater beast ad fear of touching the greater beast’s food (Martel,

2001, pp.136)

Beside of being the great predator in the lifeboat, the tiger also has the

different character with the hyena. Both of those animals are the predator but

the way they kill their prey is different. In the novel, explain that the hyena kill

the zebra in the disgusting way. Whereas, the tiger kill the prey without a

sound and move like straightly jump to the prey. “But it happened practically

in silence. The hyena died neither whining nor whimpering, and Richard

Parker killed without a sound” (Martel, 2001, pp.150).

In this case, it can be seen in the Yann Martel’s novel Life of Pi the tiger

means strange or power, consideration, and position that how Pi describes it

like him. Pi explains that the tiger is the last animal that survives with him

even though it's full of danger to live with that predator. However, the tiger

shows its power when the hyena tries to attack the zebra but it has to spend a



few days because the hyena feels anxious about the great predator in the


Pi describes the tiger when their eyes meet in the lifeboat after the tiger kills

the hyena. Pi tries to look the tiger straight in the eyes and wish that he could

describe as what he sees on the tiger and what he feels about it. The great

reflection of himself showed in that wild animal. Even though, Pi cannot lie

that fear of the tiger still control him.

I beheld Richard Parker from the angel that showed him off to greatest

effect: from the back, half-raised, with his head turned. The stance had

something of a pose to it, as if it were an intentional, even affected,

display of mighty art. And what art, what might (Martel, 2001, pp. 151).

According to that statement, Pi describes how the mighty of the tiger that

shown in the tiger appearance, the power or strange can be felt to someone who

see it and connected with it. The power of Pi influences the tiger indirectly. I

had an effect on Richard Parker. At the very first blow of the whistle he

cringed and he snarled (Martel, 2001, pp.165). Pi tries to tame the tiger with

the circus trainer tricks. At that moment, Pi shows his power above the great

predator in the lifeboat. Pi proves that he is not only human that full of fear due

to the tiger but also he can manage his fear upon the tiger. Pi can control the

tiger’s behavior. Pi realizes that tame him is the best way to make peace

between the tiger and him. It is not about the tiger or him but it is about the

tiger and him.

I had to tame him. It was at the moment that I realized this necessity. It

was not a question of him or me, but of him and me. We were, literally



and figuratively, in the same boat. We would live—or we would die—

together (Martel, 2001, pp. 164).

4. The Carnivorous Algae Island

The story of Pi does not stop in how Pi survives with the four wild animals

in the lifeboat until the tiger is the last animal that can survive. The survival of

Pi is full of the story that cannot be understood by human logic. In the middle

of his journey, Pi finds trees at first and it becomes a forest. Pi does not believe

it and he is certain that it is an illusion.

In the near distance I saw trees. I did not react. I was certain it was an

illusion that a few blinks would make disappear.

The trees remained. In fact, they grew to be a forest. They were part of a

low-lying island. I pushed myself up. I continued to disbelieve my eyes

(Martel, 2001, pp. 256).

According to Carl Gustav Jung in Psychology and Alchemy, the meaning

of island as a symbol has different varies. Carl Gustav Jung writes island are

the one of the most treasured motifs both in myth and literature. Jung’s quote

shows that it has amazing intuitive grasp of island significance: the island is

both beautiful and dangerous. He also writes that the island can be incredibly

scenic but their detachment from the mainland may create a feeling of

entrapment (Böcklin, 2014).

Based on the explanation above, the island can a trap for Pi’s faith

between his basic needs physically and spiritually. In other words, the island is

an entrapment for Pi because the existence of the island is a faith test for Pi. Pi



gets the basic needs from the island but not for his soul. It is like physical

comfort and spiritual death.

The carnivorous algae island in this story is symbolizing the faith of Pi.

The way Pi finds the island and he shouts to the tiger that they are saved

physically. It is explained that Pi thinks they are saved because the island

contains much nutrition. The green color in the island becomes the color that

he loved and it can replace the nutrients that are lost from the body of Pi after

lingering in the middle of the sea. In the novel, the excitement of Pi defeats his

curiosity about the island. That explanation can be concluded that his faith or

his religion gives him convenience, food, safety and sometimes give him a


“Richard parker! Land! Land! We are saved!” I shouted.

The smell of vegetation was extraordinarily strong. As for the greenness, it

was so fresh and soothing that strength and comfort seemed to be

physically pouring into my system through my eyes (Martel, 2001, pp.258-


Pi describes the island contains many things that can save his life and the

tiger. In the novel, Pi explains that the island has no soil but it is full of algae.

How it can be possible an island without soil but algae and its edges. Pi tells

that the algae are something that he can eat after the food for a can in the

lifeboat. The taste of the algae makes Pi amazed because after a long time,

finally, he can eat something good, not that delicious but good enough. Pi’s

basic needs feel fulfill due to that island after a week of malnourishment. This

is how his religion gives him convenience.



I bit into it. My chops were in for a shock. The inner tube was bitterly

salty-but the outer was not only edible, it was delicious. My tongue began

to tremble as if it were finger flipping through a dictionary, trying to find a

long-forgotten word. It found it, and my eyes closed with pleasure at

hearing it: sweet. Not as in good, but as in sugary. Turtles and fish are

many things, but they are never, ever sugary. The algae had a light

sweetness that outdid in delight even the sap of our maple trees here in

Canada (Martel, 2001, pp.259).

Besides the fulfillment of his basic needs, the researcher explains that

Pi’s spiritually and physically must be balance. Pi mentions that green are his

favorite color, the color of Islam (pp.257). When he was child, Pi went to many

worship places because of his curiosity. Once he said to Mr. Kumar that religion

saved him due to Pi felt like religion was too close to his heart, however Mr.

Kumar did not believe it (pp.27). The innocent Pi went to many worship places

and tried to talk to the people who had there. He said that he has been a Hindu

all his life (pp.49).

Pi experienced acculturation due to his school is at St. Joseph’s School

and then he moved to Petit Séminaire, the best private English-medium

secondary school in Pondicherry. Even though Pi was born in Hindu’s family, it

does not make Pi has to spend his school life only in the Hindu’s School. It

gradually affects the mindset of Pi. It is proven in the critical situation, Pi always

calls four holy names; which are Jesus, Mary, Muhammad and Vishnu on repeat

(pp. 150).

In this case, the island does not give him a convenience only but also a

purpose or temptation. After Pi stayed on that island for a few nights, he started



to find something strange with that island. All his thoughts about how good the

island is wrong. He founds a human tooth.

A human tooth.

A molar, to be exact. The surface stained green and finely pierced with


The feeling of horror came slowly. I had time to pick at the other fruit.

Each contained a tooth.

One a canine.

Another a premolar.

Here an incisor.

There another molar.

Thirty-two teeth. A complete human set. Not one tooth missing.

Understanding dawned upon me.

I did not scream. I think only in movies is horror vocal. I simply

shuddered and left the tree (Martel, 2001, pp. 280-281).

Pi thinks about the teeth and trying to find a conclusion from all of it. In

the night, Pi wants to prove his thought. He went down from a tree and tried to

put his feet on the ground and then it felt burned. Now Pi can conclude that the

island is carnivorous because, in the night, the water becomes the dangerous

chemical acid that makes the fish dead there. In this case, Pi has to sacrifice his

comfort on that island or his fate will end like the owner of the tooth. It is

leading in spiritual death.

The researcher concludes the carnivorous algae island as the symbol

because that island has the longest chapter on the novel. In the novel, the island

is described in chapter 52. The author describes the detail of the island and the

occurrence that happens on the island. The island has a strange history, and it

happens to human before Pi. The researcher believes that the island has a

specific meaning, and it has to be revealed. It is like in the theory of symbol part



how to find a symbol explains that the symbol resembles certain things, and it

happens during a critical moments. The island appeared when Pi had


All the symbols are taken by the close reading of the researcher to the

novel. The researcher arranges them in a sequence which part they show up in

the novel. The researcher can conclude that the object becomes a symbol

because it appears on a critical moment, and it has something to be revealed. The

researcher interprets a symbol by reading some sources and concludes it.



B. Symbols as the Representation of Pi’s Character Development

The researcher will discuss the character development of Pi in this

chapter. In the previous discussion, the researcher reveals the meaning of the

symbols that have been found in the novel because it has a strong relation to

Pi’s journey. The symbols have various meaning. The researcher identifies

the character of Pi and then find out how Pi is developed. The development

that happens in Pi’s character can be seen through the symbols.

1. Water

In the previous discussion, the water is symbolizing his destiny.

Start from his name that taken by the name of the swimming pool and

then he ended up in the middle of the Pacific Ocean after the tragedy. In

these symbols, the character of Pi is developed as time goes by. The

destiny demands him to change therefore Pi can stand on his own feet

to face reality.

Destiny does not make Pi live peacefully with that name. There is a

struggle behind that name. The name of Pi is considered different from

others. Pi has to prove himself because, in his mid-school life, his

friends always mocking on his name. Pi’s friends likened his name to a

negative connotation. Pi’s friends spelled his name carelessly and

create an improper meaning.



The words would waft across the yard to my ears, unprovoked,

uncalled for: “Where’s Pissing? I’ve got to go. “ Or: “ You’re

facing the wall. Are you Pissing?” Or something of the sort, I

would freeze or the contrary, pursue my activity, pretending not to

have heard. The sound would disappear, but the hurt would linger,

like the smell of piss long after it has evaporated. (Martel, 2001,


Pi tired of hearing all the taunts of his friends due to Piscine

Molitor Patel’s name. Pi has a plan to change the situations; therefore,

the God of fortune can beside with him occasionally. However, Pi tries

something new in his secondary school in the very first class and very

first meeting. The teacher starts to call the students’ name Pi starts to

write his name and explain it.

My name is

Piscine Molitor Patel known to all as

I doubled underline the first two letters of my given name.

Pi patel

For good measure I added

and I drew a large circle, which I then sliced in two with a diameter

to evoke that basic lesson of geometry (Martel, 2001, pp. 22-23).

It can be seen the development of Pi. At first, Pi becomes a boy

with no sound because of his name and then destiny shaped him

become someone who braves to prove that Pi cannot be someone who

always can be harassed continuously. Pi tries to prove that his name is

something worth because it means a lot. Pi relates his name with the

geometry lessons and makes the moment of silence in class including

his teacher.

The development of Pi can be seen also in his journey after the

tragedy. Destiny made him live in the middle of the Pacific Ocean for a



long time. After the tragedy, Pi has to live with the wild animals in the

lifeboat. Pi has no food, no clothes, and no preparation for that. One

time he wants to give up but the destiny says no. The elements allowed

me to go on living. The lifeboat did not sink (Martel, 2001, pp.107).

Pi has been through a lot of feeling after the tragedy. Pi feels alone,

empty, and he cannot imagine what is next in the night. However, he

realizes that the complaint of the situation will not save him. In this

case, it can be seen that his character is developed from someone who

has no hope becomes someone tougher. He has to save his life.

I slept all morning. I was roused by anxiety. That tide of food,

water and rest that flowed through my weakened system, bringing

me a new lease of life, also brought me the strength to see how

desperate my situation was. I awoke to the reality of Richard

Parker. There was a tiger in the lifeboat. I could hardly believe it,

yet I knew I had to. And I had to save myself (Martel, 2001,


The one example of his action that proves Pi is being someone

tougher is when he tries to find a way to keep him busy. Pi has some

activities like writing a diary, fishing, general inspection of the lifeboat

and many more. Instead of bemoaning the situation, Pi chooses to be

more productive during the day. Pi becomes someone tougher than


I kept myself busy. That was one key to my survival. On the

lifeboat, even on a raft, there’s always something that needs doing.

An average day for me, in such a notion can be applied to a

castaway, went like this: …(Martel, 2001, pp. 190).

According to the discussion above, the characters of Pi before the

tragedy of the ship sank are innocent, afraid, and cannot stand for



himself. However, after the tragedy, the characters of Pi are developed

to become tough, brave, and he can survive in the lifeboat by himself.

In other word, he can stand for himself because destiny shaped his


2. The lifeboat

In the previous discussion, the lifeboat is symbolizing hope, the

promise of life. Based on the definition of the lifeboat in literary works

that means hope or the promise of life, in this novel the lifeboat

influence the character development of Pi especially on his hope,

enthusiastic to survive, or his willingness to be safe. It can be seen

when Pi loses his hope in the middle of the sea after the tragedy. He

realizes that he lives with the wild animals gives him a little chance to

survive and it full of fears.

I looked about. Nothing but sea and sky. The same when we were

at the top of a swell. The sea briefly imitated every land feature-

every hill, every valley, every plain, accelerated geotectonics.

Around the world in eighty swells. But nowhere on it could I find

my family. Things floated in the water but none that brought me

hope. I could see no other lifeboats (Martel, 2001, pp.110).

He had lost his hope for a while until he thought that leaving the

lifeboat may be would be a good idea. After that he understand that

leaving the lifeboat is not a good idea and it is impossible for him to

survive out there from the lifeboat. He finds his spirits and hope again

after that. In his mind, give up on the situation does not make him stay




I was giving up. I would have given up – if a choice hadn’t made

itself heard in my heart. The voice said, ”I will not die. I refuse it. I

will make it through this nightmare. I will beat the odds, as great as

they are. I have survived so far, miraculously. Now I will turn

miracle into routine. The amazing will be seen everyday. I will put

in all the hard work necessary. Yes, so long as God is with me, I

will not die. Amen (Martel, 2001, pp.148).”

The action of Pi that can be proof if he is developing is when he

has an idea to recreate safe access for him. It is because he cannot

shares the place with the tiger peacefully and he aware of the threat that

has to be faced. When it comes to the tiger makes a move it will always

become a terror for Pi. Therefore, Pi tries to make something for his


Starts from that idea, Pi tries to apply it little by little. Pi collects

the things in the lifeboat and builds a raft (pp. 148). Pi has to make a

raft to save himself from the tiger’s attack. Based from the things that

he finds in the lifeboat, he makes a space for himself and the tiger.

However, Pi still makes it tethered with a rope (pp.153).

According to the statement that Pi makes the lifeboat and the raft

connects each other, it can be explain that Pi cannot away from the

lifeboat. Pi still need it because the lifeboat is his hope. The things that

he needs are still inside the lifeboat including the tiger. This is

explained that even though Pi needs another space from the lifeboat but

still he cannot let the lifeboat go. The great dependence on life looks

real by this situation. Due to the fact that compared to the raft, the

lifeboat now seemed a heaven of comfort and security (pp.155).



According to the discussion above, the researcher can conclude the

characteristic of Pi at first. Pi is described often to express his sadness

and his loneliness, lamenting his fate and does nothing, hopeless, and

thinks to leave the lifeboat. However, after he learns the angle of the

lifeboat and reorganizes the lifeboat, Pi becomes someone that full of

hope to live, full of ideas, confidence, brave to face a storm right on his

face, and he realizes leave the lifeboat means death.

3. The Animals

The animals also have an influence on the character development of

Pi. The animals that have been discussed in the previous point have

meanings for Pi and his journey. The animals that will be discussed at

this point are the zebra and the tiger. The researcher takes the example

of those two animals because the zebra and the tiger have an important

impact on Pi and it reflects Pi’s character.

a. Zebra

In the previous discussion, the zebra is symbolizing Pi’s ability

to live. The researcher can conclude the meaning of that symbol

because the researcher analyzes the basic character of the zebra and

then it is connected with Pi’s character. However, it has one point

where it is shown that Pi’s ability to live develops as time goes by.

Pi is not being the same person from the beginning until the end of

the story.



At first, it can be seen the nervousness of Pi in his journey when

he faces the hyena. Pi sees the hyena attacks the zebra and indicates

the braveness of zebra to protect itself from hyena even though the

zebra is in a bad injury. The ability to live of the zebra is high

because the zebra does not give up that easily. The zebra still has a

defense for itself without showing the sign that the zebra is

suffering. The nervousness of Pi can be seen at the moment when

he sees the zebra’s feel and what happens next when they surround

by two predators.

The zebra’s broken leg was missing. The hyena had bitten it off

and dragged it to the stern, behind the zebra. A flap of skin hung

limply over the raw stump. Blood was still dripping. The victim

bore its suffering patiently, without showy remonstrations. A

slow constant grinding of its teeth was the only visible sign of

distress (Martel, 2001, pp.120).

Pi is eaten up by the anxiety because he surrounds by two

predators especially the hyena. The hyena can attack him every

time the hyena is being active again. Pi is afraid when the darkness

comes because it is hard for him to see when it comes to dark.

Many things that scared him and makes he does not believe with

his ability because of the mindset that he cannot defend himself

from the hyena.

As evening approached, my anxiety grew. Everything about the

end of the day scared me. At night a ship would have difficulty

seeing me. At night the hyena might become active again and

maybe Orange Juice too (Martel, 2001, pp. 118).



Nevertheless, there is the moment when the concept of Pi’s

surviving starts to change as time goes by. Pi’s ability to live is

being strong than before. The anger envelops Pi’s soul after he

watches the hyena kill the zebra. There is a willingness to do

something to the hyena although Pi ends up does nothing.

Shock, revulsion and anger surged through me. I felt intense

hatred for the hyena. I thought of doing something to kill it. But

I did nothing. And my outrage was short-lived. I must be honest

about that (Martel, 2001, pp.120).

After that, Pi is being someone who has the strong

determination to survive. Pi tries to defend himself from a hyena

and the tiger. Pi learns how make himself away from the danger.

Although sometimes Pi is getting tired of the situation and all he

can do is crying. However, it does not give him a chance to give up

and die in that situation. Due to the fact that when his life is

threatened, the sense of empathy is blunted by a terrible, selfish

hunger for a survival (pp.120).

According to the explanation above, the researcher concludes

the characteristic of Pi at first. He is anxiety, feels terrors, and

cannot be calm because he surrounds by the two wild animals.

However, after he saw hyena kills the zebra, the anxiety of Pi is

gone. He has a strong determination to survive.



b. Tiger

In the previous discussion, the tiger is symbolizing strange or

power, consideration, and position that how Pi describes it like

him. As time passing by, the power inside Pi develops stronger

than before. In the novel, it describes that the tiger hides under the

tarpaulin and he does not show up for Pi and the other three

animals. The tiger does not involve the accident between the hyena

and the zebra or the hyena and the orangutan. It is like the animal

world law run the rules in one group of the animals there is always

one the stronger male that becomes a leader. If there is another

male in the group until both of the males have to fight each other to

be part of the group. The hyena and the tiger, both of them are


The characters of the tiger like the silences, savageness, and the

enlightenments that Pi described can be interpret as extension of

the changes Pi characters when he is at the lifeboat. As it is said

that the tiger has completely hiding at first time it aboard in the

lifeboat. For the enlightenment that Pi can learn from the tiger

when both of them are alone, stresses of hopeless of Pi’s situation

at sea. Pi often expresses his lack of hope during his survival. Pi

does not have family and he only has the tiger to accompany him.

Pi’s world has turns out upside down and all he can feel is



disappointment and sorrow. Pi is alone and orphan, in the middle of

the Pacific, and an adult tiger in front of him (pp.107).

I began to wait. My thoughts swung wildly. I was either fixed on

practical details of immediate survival or transfixed by pain,

weeping silently, my mouth open and y hands at my head

(Martel, 2001, p.111).

The suffer, pain, and the incident that happens in lifeboat has to

influence the development of Pi’s character. The sense of lost

anything, not only his family but also the animals has an effect that

makes Pi feels he suffer more multiplied in every single day in the

lifeboat. Moreover, Pi feels a constant need to secure any of the

surviving creatures, including the tiger.

At first, when Pi finds himself on the lifeboat with the tiger, the

fear does not leave him until the end of the journey. The feeling of

terror follows him every day. However, the existence of the tiger

gives him strength. Pi can find his strength to not give up to his life

and still survived. At least, Pi does not wade through the sea alone.

Some of us give up on life with only a resigned sigh. Others

fight a little, then lose hope. Still others-and I am one of those-

never give up. we fight and fight and fight. We fight no matter

the cost of battle, the losses we take, the improbability of

success. We fight to the very end. It’s not a question of courage.

It’s something constitutional, an inability to let go. It may be

nothing more than life-hungry stupidity (Martel, 2001, pp.148).

The bravery to be survived that becomes a new purpose for Pi,

as evidenced in his character, the presence of the tiger serves as

Pi’s faith and hope. It influences his feeling to it and gratitude. In



fact, without the presence of the tiger, Pi maybe die soon after the

death of the zebra and orangutan. Furthermore, Pi expresses his

gratitude for the tiger by admitting that a part of him does not want

him to die and keep survive.

“I love you!” The words burst out pure and unfettered, infinite.

The feeling flooded my chest. “Truly I do. I love you, Richard

Parker. If I didn’t have you now, I don’t know what I would do.

I don’t think I would make it. No, I wouldn’t. I would die of

hopelessness. Don’t give up, Richard Parker, don’t give up. I’ll

get you to land, I promise, I promise!” (Martel, 2001, pp. 236).

According to the explanation above, the researcher can conclude

the characteristic of Pi before. He is powerless, weak, afraid, and

always looking sad. However, as time goes by, the character of Pi

is developing after saw the hyena and the zebra fight. The

enlightenment brings a new Pi. Pi becomes brave, someone that has

purposes, gratitude, and the most important part Pi believes in

himself and his power until the end of his survival.

4. The Carnivorous Algae Island

In the previous discussion, the carnivorous algae island is

symbolizing faith of Pi. The journey of Pi across the sea makes some

changes on himself. One of the changes that can be seen is his faith.

Since Pi could lose his faith than many accidents happen in his journey.

Pi feels depress, angry, sad, and many more. However, mixed feelings

are not always bad. Pi without realizing it took him in a better way.



The innocent of Pi has a small talk with his teacher when he is in

the Pondicherry. That small talk is about religion and it makes Pi

curious about that. The faith of Pi sometimes becomes a question for

the reader. In the first part, it is explained that the doubt in religion is

useful for a while.

I’ll be honest about it. It is not atheists who get stuck in my craw,

but agnostics. Doubt is useful for a while. We must all pass through

the garden of Gethsemane. If Christ played with doubt, so must we.

If Christ spent an anguished night in prayer, if He burst out from

the Cross, “ My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” then

surely we are also permitted doubt. But we must move on. To

chose doubt as a philosophy of life is akin to choosing immobility

as a means of transportation (Martel, 2001, pp.28).

Pi was born as Hindu. All his life is Hindu and also his family. Pi

feels like home when he is at the temple. Pi is Hindu because of the

faith inside his soul. It is explained in the novel that his heart

commands him. He is aware of Presence, not personal the way we

usually feel presence, but nothing larger (pp. 48).

However, Pi learns three religions. Pi is practicing Hindu, Christian

and Muslim. One day his secret is known by his father because his

father and Pi meets those three wise men, not only one. The fate that

makes Pi wants to love God by the three religions. It is not a crime to

learn three religions but it cannot be true that Pi has three religions. Pi

states that all religions are true and he just want to love God (pp.69).

In the novel, before he finds the island, he is about to die. Pi writes

in his last page of his diary that he will not survive until the end of the



day. He is certain that he will die on that day. The hopes of Pi is lost,

even he has God to save him, he still not sure about that.

In the middle of his hopelessness, he finds the island that gives him

nutrition after the malnutrition that he suffered. The island gives him

what he needs physically but not spiritually. The island does not make

his soul feel peace at all. The island gives him satisfaction at first but

not for the last. Knowing that the island is carnivorous because it

contains a dangerous chemical acid in the night.

The fact above makes Pi has to fight his faith to the island and he

has to leave the island before he dies. Pi realizes that stay on that island

does not make him better but it is dangerous for his life. He has to

refuse that his physical needs because all his need has to balance

between spiritual and physical. Since the needs for his physically not

necessarily good for his soul too

By the time morning came, my grim decision was taken. I preferred

to set off and perish in search of my own kind than to live a lonely

half-life of physical comfort and spiritual death on this murderous

island (Martel, 2001, pp. 285).

Pi’s faith develops after that. He realizes that he has turned back to

God. As he knows that as long as he is with God, he will be saved. Pi is

weary with his situation, everything gets messed up but he knows that

life will not leave him. Start from many beliefs he learned, and then the

tragedy of the ship sank makes him lose his hope and then he finds the

island but it turns out becomes dangerous for him and then he decides

to leave that island. Many journeys in that Pi that makes his faith up



and down but at last, he should turn back to God because what he needs

is on God.

I grew weary of my situation, as pointless as the weather. But life

would not leave me. The rest of this story is nothing but grief, ache,

and endurance. …It was natural that, bereft and desperate as I was,

in the throes of unremitting suffering, I should turn to God (Martel,

2001, pp.283-284).

Pi’s faith is getting stronger after the tragedy. It can be seen in his

house now. When the author explains his house condition that his house

is a temple with a picture of Ganesha hangs in the wall. There is a

picture of Virgin Mary of Guadalupe and then next to it is black-robed

Kaaba. After that on his television set is a brass statue Shiva as

Nataraja. However, the center of all is Ganesha in the larger frame,

smiling and blue-skinned, Krishna playing the flute. A Hindu symbol is

representing the male and female energies of the universe. In his office

there is a brass Ganesha sitting cross-legged next to the computer and

wooden Christ on the Cross-from Brazil on the wall. There is a book on

the beside table is a Bible (pp. 46).

In the end, Pi still becomes someone who wants to love God. He

believes that loving God can be through many ways not only one

religion. He becomes someone who braves to spread diversity. It can be

seen at his house there are many signs from different religions. It is

different from before when he was a child and three wise men met his

father and said that Pi went to church, mosque, and temple. The



innocent of Pi develops becomes someone who has a strong stance in

loving God.

According to the explanation above. The Pi’s before is someone

that full of doubt, not opinionated, afraid, and hiding from reality.

However, after it, Pi becomes someone opinionated; he is not afraid to

embrace his love for God in many ways. He becomes someone with no

doubt about the way he worships God anymore.





This part concludes all the analyses of the undergraduate thesis. After the

researcher did a close reading and extensive analysis in Life of Pi, a conclusion

can be made. The researcher concludes that this novel contains symbols that can

be analyzed, and each symbol has a different meaning. The meaning of the

symbol represents the main character inside the novel.

In this research, there are two questions or problem that the researcher has

answered. The first question relates to the meaning of symbols that found in the

novel. After analyzing through the approach and all the theories, the research

discovers findings from the novel. The researcher discovers that symbols in the

novel Life of Pi have their own meaning. The meaning of the symbol influences

the character development of Pi. Through the theory of symbol and how to find

the symbol, the researcher decides to take the water, a lifeboat, the animals, and

the carnivorous algae island are the objects that become a symbol. Those symbols

symbolize Pi’s destiny, hope, ability to survive, power and his faith. The meaning

of the symbol represents the characters of Pi that can be develop as time passing

by. Through the theory of plot, the researcher can find the symbol coherently and

arrange it from beginning until the end.

The second question revolves around the character development of Pi as

the main character through the use of symbol. Through the theory of characters

and characterization, the researcher observes the character development of Pi



from the beginning. Before the tragedy Pi is describes as innocent, afraid,

hopeless, cannot stand for himself, doubtful, and he is not confidence with his

power. However, it can be seen on his development that Pi grows become

someone tougher because his situation shaped him like that. Surviving in the

middle of Pacific Ocean alone with the tiger in his lifeboat gives him a lot of life

lesson and gives him power and confidence. He becomes a man with full of ideas

for reorganizing his lifeboat to survive. The tragedy of surviving in the middle of

Pacific Ocean stuck in his mind and he is growing up as the sweet man who

loving God through many ways. He is a shy man because life teaches him to not

show off what the most precious for him. Due to the fact that a realization that the

founding principle of existence is what we call love. Pi learns that he has not lose

a hope in life because when the time is right, everything will be a great lesson that

Pi can take. That character development, represented by the symbols that already

described above.

As the closing statement, literary work contains many elements and it has

connection with each other. The symbols inside the novel relates to the changing

of character of Pi. The character development of Pi is supported by the element

inside the novel. The use of symbol is not only to embellish a literary work but

also engage the reader to analyze the real meaning of that symbol and the relation

with another element inside the novel.




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