Revealing flows in the local economy through visualisations

BARTE R @marklochrie @marklochrie


It is well known by now, that the world has suffered an economic downturn. This has led many governments and organisations to invest resources into researching varying strategies to combat such problem. For some time now, governments have been promoting growth by encouraging local spending; we have witnessed this through ‘shop local’ campaigns and local currencies. We introduce BARTER a moBile sociAl netwoRking supporTing local Ethical tRading system to tackle this issue, at it’s core an information system that encompasses technology, social media and business analytics are brought together to engage customers, traders and citizens to spend locally by featuring the intrinsic and extrinsic motivations of trading local. After situating BARTER at the heart of the community (with varying traders in and around Lancaster, UK) for some time, this presentation is a follow on from a “BARTER Visualisations” design concept, reporting on the progression and recent developments in the project. Whilst these systems are in place within the community, further research is being conducted to evaluate if revealing and transforming transaction data in a playful and informative manner will help citizens better understand the flow of money in the local economy.

Transcript of Revealing flows in the local economy through visualisations

Page 1: Revealing flows in the local economy through visualisations




Page 2: Revealing flows in the local economy through visualisations
Page 3: Revealing flows in the local economy through visualisations

The Problem

Page 4: Revealing flows in the local economy through visualisations

The Problem

Page 5: Revealing flows in the local economy through visualisations

What is BARTER?

Page 6: Revealing flows in the local economy through visualisations

Video - see notes

Page 7: Revealing flows in the local economy through visualisations


is B




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Page 11: Revealing flows in the local economy through visualisations

BARTER Customers

Page 12: Revealing flows in the local economy through visualisations
Page 13: Revealing flows in the local economy through visualisations

BARTER: promoting local spending behaviour

"Convince us'': an argument for the morality of persuasion

BARTER: a technological strategy for local wealth generation

Wicked persuasion: a designerly approach

Visualising the flow of a local economy to encourage inter- community trading: adding bits to BARTER



Page 14: Revealing flows in the local economy through visualisations

Visualising the importance of inter-trading

Page 15: Revealing flows in the local economy through visualisations


(business to business)

Page 16: Revealing flows in the local economy through visualisations

Chains, Loops & Recycled Money

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Page 18: Revealing flows in the local economy through visualisations
Page 19: Revealing flows in the local economy through visualisations

OD Map - revealing flow

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Page 21: Revealing flows in the local economy through visualisations

Questions? @marklochrie