Rev. Wonjae Choi - Supply Pastor - Flourtown Pres Energizers Gathering and Sharing as a Community of...

Rev. Wonjae Choi - Supply Pastor Rev. James R. Bell - Pastor Emeritus Carol Evans - Director of Music 215.233.3223 Matthew 16: 13—19; Exodus 3: 1—14; John 14: 1—7; John 6: 32—40; Isaiah 41: 8—13; John 10: 11—18; John 15: 1—12

Transcript of Rev. Wonjae Choi - Supply Pastor - Flourtown Pres Energizers Gathering and Sharing as a Community of...

Rev. Wonjae Choi - Supply Pastor Rev. James R. Bell - Pastor Emeritus

Carol Evans - Director of Music


Matthew 16: 13—19; Exodus 3: 1—14; John 14: 1—7; John 6: 32—40; Isaiah 41: 8—13; John 10: 11—18;

John 15: 1—12

August 18, 2013 Thirteenth Sunday After Pentecost 10:00 a.m.

EnergizersEnergizersEnergizersEnergizers Gathering and Sharing as a Community of Faith

*Opening SongOpening SongOpening SongOpening Song “We Worship YouWe Worship YouWe Worship YouWe Worship You”

(Verse) Lord you are good and your mercy endureth forever Lord you are good and your mercy endureth forever People from every nation and tongue from generation to generation.

(Refrain) We worship you hallelujah- hallelujah We worship you for who you are We worship you hallelujah- hallelujah We worship you for who you are and you are good. (Repeat Verse and Refrain)

Call to Worship From Heb. 11:29-12:2 (Steven)

Leader: We have come from many different places from north, south, east and west People: We have come from different countries across the globe to gather here in this place and worship God. Leader: Some of us have been active in our churches for a long time People: Others of us are new to the Christian faith Leader: Many of us are still struggling with exactly what we believe People: and how we should share that with others Leader: But we are grateful, O God of all times and places, that no matter where we are People: you are always there with us. Leader: We praise you because You Are Who You Are. People: You are as close as our inmost thoughts and yet more awesome than the entire universe. Leader: We praise you that Jesus is the Christ, the Holy One, (Lawrence) People: and that he calls upon us to be the Church, to bind up the broken hearted, and to set the captive free. Leader: As we experience this time together, we ask for your blessing. Men: Guide our thoughts, so they would be of you. Women: Guide our words, so they would speak of your love. Youth: Guide our actions, so they would reflect your care for others. All: Guide our lives, so they would be living sacrifices. Leader: Throughout these days of worship, study, fellowship, and service may we grow closer to you and to each other. May we learn more about who you are. People: And through knowing you, may we come to understand more about who we are and who you call us to be. Amen.

*SongSongSongSong “Prince of PeacePrince of PeacePrince of PeacePrince of Peace”

(Verse 1) (Verse 2) (Side A) (Side B) (Side A) (Side B) You are holy (You are holy) I will follow (I will follow) You are mighty (You are mighty) I will listen (I will listen) You are worthy (You are worthy) I will love You (I will love You) Worthy of praise (Worthy of praise) All of my days (All of my days) (Verse 3) (Verse 4) You're the Lord of lords You’re the living God You're the king of kings You’re my saving grace You are mighty God You will reign forever Lord of everything You are ancient of days You're Emmanuel You are Alpha, Omega You're the Great I am Beginning and End You're the Prince of Peace You’re my Savior, Messiah Who is the lamb Redeemer and friend You’re my Prince of Peace And I will live my life for You *Call to Confession (Morgan)

Leader: In spite of God’s love for us and gift of love to us, we often act in destructive and hateful ways. We close our hearts to God and one another. Together, let us confess our sin

*Prayer of Confession (Unison)

God of the journey, you led your people through the wilderness by day and by night, and you led them across the Red Sea and the River Jordan to a land of milk and honey. But as each of us goes through the journey of life we don’t always trust that you know where we are going. Too often we put our faith in our own judgment instead of yours. We prefer to chart our own courses and choose our own paths instead of committing to the road you have in mind for us. We worry that we won’t have what it takes to get there, or that we will fall exhausted along the way. Forgive us for our shortsightedness. Help us to trust that you have a plan for us and that you will give us everything that we need. In the name of our redeemer we pray, Amen.

*Assurance of Pardon (Matthew) Leader: Hear the good news! Our God is not one who stands by at a distance. The Lord walks with us every day. What’s more, our Savior goes before us preparing a place for each of us for when we arrive. Even when we lack faith or put our hopes else where, God never stops loving us, and welcomes home every repentant heart. Trust in the Lord and know that God is Good! People: In Jesus Christ we are forgiven!

*Gloria Patri Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost 579

As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be,

world without end. Amen. Amen.

*Passing of the Peace (Annie) Leader: The joy of redemption is something to be shared in words and in actions. May the peace of Christ be with you! People: And also with you. Leader: Let us share the peace of Christ with one another.

Scripture Reading Exodus 3: 1—14 Sermon Molly Bauer

Scripture Reading John 10: 11—18 Sermon Aryssa Burrs Litany (Unison) We are one flock, led by one shepherd and our ability to thrive in the world is connected to our ability to stick together and listen to the shepherd’s voice. Our flock is not all the same. It is filled with sheep of different colors, shapes, sizes, and histories. Yet, through Christ, we all belong. As members of the same flock we are called, not to just tolerate one another, but to actively love one another as Christ loves us. Because Jesus our shepherd knows each of us by name we are called to know one another by name and listen with our ears, our minds, and our hearts to each other’s stories. For as the Scriptures say, If we do not love our neighbor whom we can see we cannot love God, whom we cannot see.

*SongSongSongSong “Here I Am To WorshipHere I Am To WorshipHere I Am To WorshipHere I Am To Worship”

(Verse 1) Light of the world, You stepped down into darkness. Opened my eyes - let me see. Beauty that made this heart adore you - hope of a life spent with you. (Refrain) Here I am to worship, Here I am to bow down, Here I am to say that you're my God, You're altogether lovely, Altogether worthy, Altogether wonderful to me.

(Verse 2) King of all days, Oh so highly exalted - Glorious in heaven above. Humbly you came to the earth you created. All for love's sake became poor. (Refrain)

(Verse 3) I'll never know how much it cost to see my sin upon that cross. I'll never know how much it cost to see my sin upon that cross. (Refrain)

Offering (Hannah) In response to all God has done for each of us, and for the world, let us give from our abundance. With joy and thanksgiving, let us share our offerings. Ushers (Vicky, Jack, Evan, Matthew) Offertory “Fantasiestuck, Movement #1” Robert Schumann Molly Flanagan, French Horn Solo *Doxology Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; 592

Praise God, all creatures here below; Praise God above, ye heavenly host;

Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.

*Prayer of Dedication (Sarah)

Leader: Giver of all good gifts, receive these offerings as a symbol of our devotion to you and as a sign of our commitment to serve your children who are in need. Bless these gifts so they would be a blessing. Guide their use so that their impact would be multiplied. Inspire us in our continued service throughout the world, so that we might participate in the coming of your kingdom. For it is in the name of Christ our Shepherd that we pray. Amen.

Prayers of Intercession and The Lord’s Prayer

Leader: God of every nation and race, we pause to remember your people (Joshua) throughout the world, the sheep of your own flock and our sisters and brothers. We lift up people who are living in places of war and violence. May they be granted safety today, and that the work of peacemakers and peacekeepers would lead to justice and peace for every tomorrow. In your loving kindness, People: Lord, hear our prayer. Leader: We pray for those who are stuck in cycles of poverty-- for the homeless (Evan) and the destitute here in this country and across the globe. May you increase our awareness to your children in need, so that we would be inspired to walk with all those on the path to interdependence and prosperity. In your loving kindness People: Lord, hear our prayer. Leader: We pray for the sick today, and those who suffer in body, mind, and spirit. (Ben) Grant them strength for another day, and peace that passes understanding. We also pray for those who work to heal the afflicted. Guide their hands, hearts, and minds as they provide healing and comfort to all in their care. In your loving kindness People: Lord, hear our prayer. Leader: We pray for the Church, O God, the body of Christ on earth. We pray not (Marie) only for our own denomination of the Presbyterian Church USA, but for the church throughout the world. Guide us, through the power of the Holy Spirit, so we would be a force for peace and justice, an agent of change, and a beacon of light for the world to see. In your loving kindness, People: Lord hear our prayer. Leader: All these things, O God, we pray in the saving name of Jesus Christ, (Jack) our Savior and Shepherd who taught us to say, praying together…

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be

done, on earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our

debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from

evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

(This version contains “debts” but say the one that makes you comfortable.)

*Closing SongClosing SongClosing SongClosing Song “I AMI AMI AMI AM”

(Leader) Come along, I'll walk you through the world And we will sing a different song All along you have unfurled But I will hold you from now on (Refrain) I am in the sun, I am in the shade I am in the light that love has made I am in the cold, I am in the warm I am in the center of your storm I am in the fire, I am in the flood I am in the marrow and the blood When you cannot stand...I am (Leader) I saw the day when you had lost your way I saw the sun sinking low I saw the night, remember how you cried But don't you know you're not alone No, you're not alone (Refrain)

*Benediction *Postlude

*Please stand as you are able.

Welcome 2013 Presbyterian Triennium Youth Evan Joyce—Abington Presbyterian Morgan Musser—Deep Run Presbyterian Jack Edwards—Carmel Presbyterian Annie Kamsi—First Pres Germantown Sarah Heintz—Carmel Presbyterian Marie Kamsi—First Pres Germantown Steven Heintz—Carmel Presbyterian Matthew Reisse—First Pres Germantown Hannah Mudge—Carmel Presbyterian Molly Bauer—Flourtown Presbyterian Vicky Stabler—Exchange Student Germany Aryssa Burrs—Flourtown Presbyterian Ben Musser—Deep Run Presbyterian Lawrence Green—Germantown Community

Joshua De Souza—Old Pine Presbyterian

Summer Potluck - Today: Please join us for our summer potluck immediately following worship today. We look forward to continuing fellowship with you in Taylor Hall. Beacon deadline 9/1: The Fall Beacon is underway! Please submit your articles and updates to Sheba ([email protected]) no later than Sunday, September 1. Can you host an international student for 2-3 weeks? Anton (16) from Sweden is looking for a host family. He enjoys photography, cooking, badminton, skiing, music, and computer games. His English is excellent, he is fully insured, and will have his own pocket money. Please contact Local Coordinator, Sheila Buckley, [email protected] or 215.242.5026. More info at the CIEE website; to explore hosting an international student, go to

Calendar for August 18—August 24 Today: Worship at 10:00 a.m. | Mon—Fri VBS @ West Kensington Ministries from 1:00 p.m.—3:30 p.m. | Monday: Worship & Music Committee at 7:30 p.m. (Lib) | Tuesday: Personnel Committee at 7:30pm (Lib) | Wednesday: Prayer Breakfast at 7:30 a.m. (Lib) | Thursday: No Events | Friday: FPCS Playgroup 10-11:30 a.m. | Saturday: Al Westrum Memorial Service 10:30am Greeting, 11:30am Memorial Service, 1pm Reception The Philadelphia Cricket Club in Chestnut Hill

Please send all announcements to [email protected]

by Tuesday at noon for inclusion in the Sunday bulletin.

Welcome to the First Presbyterian Church in Springfield! We are a welcoming congregation that seeks to cultivate and nurture disciples of Jesus Christ in a community of learning, healing, and sharing. It is our prayer that this will be a meaningful time of challenge and encouragement. Wherever you may be on your faith journey, there is a place for you to participate here.

Childcare is available for children up to three years old in the Nursery.

Today’s greeters: Joanne Fritz and Jan Wilson. Ushers: Ross Miller, Diane Miller, Bob and Mary Baltzersen, and Amy Godshall.

The greeters and ushers are available for your assistance and to answer any questions about our church. If you would like more information about the ministry and activities of our church, please visit our website Flowers are given today by John and Anna Petersen in loving memory of their parents, John and Marjorie Petersen and Anna Mutch.