Return to School Pl…  · Web viewREGINA CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. RETURN TO SCHOOL. 2020-2021. August...

Know, Love, Serve Then the wind ceased, and there was a dead calm. He said to them, "Why are you afraid? Have you still no faith?" ~ Mark 4:39-40 REGINA CATHOLIC SCHOOLS RETURN TO SCHOOL 2020-2021 August 20, 2020 Division plans will evolve as required by emerging health risk assessments.

Transcript of Return to School Pl…  · Web viewREGINA CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. RETURN TO SCHOOL. 2020-2021. August...

Page 1: Return to School Pl…  · Web viewREGINA CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. RETURN TO SCHOOL. 2020-2021. August 20, 2020. Division plans will evolve as required by emerging health risk assessments.

Know, Love, Serve

Then the wind ceased, and there was a dead calm. He said to them, "Why are you afraid? Have you still no faith?" ~ Mark 4:39-40


2020-2021August 20, 2020

Division plans will evolve as required by emerging health risk assessments.

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Government Guidelines:..........................................................................................................................1

School Operational Considerations...............................................................................................................

Arrival and Departure to School..........................................................................................................2

Main Office/Visitors.............................................................................................................................3

Recesses/Breaks and Mealtime...........................................................................................................3

Assemblies, Liturgies, Staff Meetings..................................................................................................4



Staff or Community Meetings/Collaboration:..................................................................................4

Washroom Procedures/Cleaning Protocols.........................................................................................4


Wellness/ Hygiene.........................................................................................................................................

Staff and Student Wellness..................................................................................................................5

Human Resources................................................................................................................................5

Employee Assistance Program.............................................................................................................5


Cleaning Protocols and Education.......................................................................................................6


Administrative Procedures for Isolation Room Protocol.....................................................................7

Social-Emotional Supports and Wellness.............................................................................................8

Student Supplies and Learning Materials Safety Protocols................................................................10

Classroom Configurations..................................................................................................................11

Hallway Traffic Flow and Common Areas..........................................................................................11

Nutrition and Food Programs............................................................................................................11

Nutrition Programs (Elementary Schools)......................................................................................11

Food Services (High School)...........................................................................................................12

Students with Intensive Needs..........................................................................................................13

Specialized Therapy...........................................................................................................................13


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FNMI Support Personnel...................................................................................................................14

Extracurricular Activities and Intramurals..........................................................................................14

High school and Elementary Extracurricular Planning...................................................................14

ACADEMIC PROGRAM CONSIDERATIONS......................................................................................................

Elementary Programming..................................................................................................................15

Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten Programming............................................................................17

English Additional Language (EAL) Programs.....................................................................................19

Contingency Plans for Elementary Instruction...................................................................................19

Assessment, Grading, and Reporting.................................................................................................20

High School Programming.................................................................................................................20

Fine Arts Programming......................................................................................................................23





Visual Art.......................................................................................................................................25


Physical Education.............................................................................................................................25

Practical and Applied Arts (PAA)........................................................................................................26

Contingency Plans..............................................................................................................................27

Assessment, Grading, and Reporting.................................................................................................28

COMMUNICATION AND PARENT/COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT....................................................................

RCSD Communication Plan................................................................................................................28


Community Joint Use/Facilities.........................................................................................................29

RESOURCES AND APPENDICES.......................................................................................................................



Appendix A: Disinfecting and Cleaning of Technology..................................................................30

Page 5: Return to School Pl…  · Web viewREGINA CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. RETURN TO SCHOOL. 2020-2021. August 20, 2020. Division plans will evolve as required by emerging health risk assessments.

Introduction:Regina Catholic Schools (RCSD) is committed to working closely with the Ministry of Education and the Saskatchewan Health Authority (SHA) to ensure that all guidelines of the Chief Medical Health Officer and the Re-Open Saskatchewan Plan are implemented to reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission during the 2020-2021 school year. This includes working closely with Regina Medical Health Officers, Dr. Maurice Hennink and Dr. Tania Diener, for support and guidance in our local plans and participation in an August 4th, 2020, meeting with Regina Public Health to work through challenges and concerns and to seek support and guidance.

RCSD will continue to provide students quality educational opportunities that are faith-based, student-centered, and results oriented. We will work collaboratively with our employee groups honouring provincial and local contracts while providing flexible and fluid protocols, procedures, and delivery models to address COVID-19 concerns.

Government Guidelines: The Government of Saskatchewan released its Primary and Secondary Educational Institution Guidelines June 18, 2020. The Primary and Secondary Guidelines inform and support the Government of Saskatchewan’s June 9th, 2020 announcement that in-class learning will resume in 2020—2021 with the following considerations:

There will be no voluntary learning in fall 2020. Regular assessment, grading and reporting practices as well as attendance processes will resume as per the Regina Catholic School Division (RCSD) guidelines.

All curriculum will be taught by RCSD teachers. RCSD will leverage learning from remote learning to make pedagogical shifts – accessing

blended instructional approaches and/or on-line learning as appropriate. Administration and teachers will promote physical distancing and make accommodations for

students and staff who may be immune compromised. All teachers will be physically present in schools even when remotely instructing. Administration teams at all RCSD schools will create operational plans for the school day (arrival,

recess, lunch, extracurricular, departure) as well as physical distancing/hygiene/disinfecting procedures. All staff, students, and parents will be informed and trained in these procedures.

The full Saskatchewan curriculum will be delivered. Student–teacher contact time will be prioritized, regardless of delivery methods. The instructional focus will be on outcomes and an interdisciplinary approach will be used to

emphasize the anticipated gaps in literacy and numeracy. The focus will be on efficient and targeted learning opportunities and approaches to flexible

learning spaces to promote physical distancing. Relationships and connections in response to trauma will be a priority with opportunities for

students to interact with staff. Procedures and protocols will be developed to limit physical contact such as utilizing staggered

recess/lunch/class transitions and the modification of room spaces to encourage physical separation.


Page 6: Return to School Pl…  · Web viewREGINA CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. RETURN TO SCHOOL. 2020-2021. August 20, 2020. Division plans will evolve as required by emerging health risk assessments.

Efforts will be made in scheduling to minimize the number of teachers in contact with groups of students within a day and to limit the interaction of students with other groups of students.

Contingency plans will be developed to support learning should there be a stoppage in face-to-face delivery.

Safe and orderly environments have always been a primary consideration for operational plans. RCSD will follow the guidelines and recommendations of the Chief Medical Health Officer to reduce the risk of transmission of COVID-19. With support from division personnel, every school will develop safety and emergency plans specific to COVID-19 appropriate for the school community (staff, students, parents), the facility, and its playground/outdoor spaces. Planning for the reopening of schools will be led by school division personnel and will occur throughout the month of August.

School-based administration will work within the planning framework for two days in August as part of the Catholic Leadership Annual Summer Seminar (CLASS) to finalize each school’s safety plans and prepare for the training of teachers August 31 – September 2 as part of the division’s institute days. Students will arrive September 8 utilizing staggered starts for Pre-Kindergarten through grade 12 to provide small group orientation sessions for classroom cohorts to accommodate the education pieces around safety for students and parents.

Arrival and Departure to SchoolCurrent start and end times will be retained as per each school’s bell schedule. Schools will develop site-specific plans to promote physical distancing and reduce the risk of infection for the following:

Outdoor Spaces/Playgroundso Playground divided into grade and/or classroom specific areas – i.e.: primary, secondary.o Plans for use of fields, blacktop spaces (school and community use) – staging areas for

arrival in the morning.o Rules and schedules for use of play structures.

Facilities will clean prior to start of day – plans will include access and protocols for safe play and cleaning/disinfecting.

Education and training for all students and families. Busing Arrival/Departure Protocols

o Busing arrival and departure protocols for students. Parent or Guardian Drop-off/Student Arrival

o Consideration for parking marshal.o Safety plans for student safety patrol and appropriate spacing. o Drop-off procedures: schools will identify the drop-off location and drop-off rules to

minimize parent or guardian interaction with other staff and students. Student Access to Building - Ingress

o Assignment of doors, as many as possible (assigned to classrooms), reducing contacts with door handles.

o Considerations for spacing markers outside and inside.


School Operational Considerations

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o Considerations for footwear/boot-rack protocols with new safety considerations.o Staff support in monitoring and training students on new procedures.o Appropriate signage.

Student Exit of Building - Egresso Training for appropriate boot-rack, spacing, exit protocols.o Parent or guardian pickups occur outside – consideration for assigned waiting areas to

limit parental interaction with students and staff.

Main Office/Visitors Registrations:

o RCSD will continue to follow current government guidelines limiting face-to-face interactions; registration applications will occur online with virtual/phone registration interviews to limit interactions inside the building.

Main Office Safety Considerations:o Locked front door – only scheduled appointments, phone for access.o Visitor wellness check and instructions.o Plexi-glass/barriers for Office Managers.o Common touch surfaces in office – cleaning/disinfecting protocols.o Hand sanitizer protocols for scheduled visitors and students.o Cleaning/disinfectant protocols for office supplies commonly accessed by multiple users

– phones, pens, clipboards, etc.o Signage – COVID-19 Self-Assessment Checklist for visitors.o Office traffic and spacing (i.e. waiting area spacing of chairs).

Form Collections:o Digital, but if paper is required, safety protocols for exchange of paper.o Decrease of paper forms – School start up forms will move to online jot forms to reduce

risk with paper handling (i.e. Health forms/Demographic/Permissions/Acceptable Use, etc.).

Recesses/Breaks and Mealtime Recesses/Breaks

o Staggered recess protocols to assigned outdoor spaces.o Teacher accompanied – buddy systems with cohort classes to allow teacher breaks and

minimize student interactions with other staff and students.o High school considerations – removing AM break and adding break time between class

blocks to increase transition time between classes to allow staggered release (30 min. of break will be offered as per The Education Act).

Lunchroom Considerationso Elementary – eating in assigned classrooms to minimize movement and surface

contacts.o High School – staggered lunch hour with designated eating areas.o Cleaning – RCSD will assign lunchtime facility support for additional cleaning/

disinfecting.o Staggered lunch times with recess/instructional times to reduce numbers within

building and/or on playgrounds.


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Other Considerations:o Cleaning protocols – desks/tables, garbage removal.o Ingress/egress to assigned eating areas.o Supervision.

Assemblies, Liturgies, Staff MeetingsAssemblies:

Assemblies and gatherings will be limited to small cohort/class groups:o Large assemblies/meetings will occur virtually to limit interactions of students.o If gatherings (meetings) occur, they will access large open spaces (galleries/gyms) to

allow for physical distancing. Cleaning/disinfecting protocols for meeting rooms – tables, doorknobs, handrails, etc. Appropriate hand hygiene prior to entering meeting room and upon departure.

Liturgies: Classroom based options:

o Recorded and shared in classrooms at a set time or at time that is convenient for each classroom.

o Classroom liturgies led by the classroom teacher; created by an assigned teacher (volunteer sheet) and administered by the teacher.

Outside Liturgical leaders (i.e. CEC staff, parish workers, priests) will be dependent on Saskatchewan Health Authority guidelines and the Re-Open Saskatchewan Phase 4 and Phase 5 guidelines.

Staff or Community Meetings/Collaboration: School personnel will adhere to SHA guidelines when planning staff meetings. All meetings will promote physical distancing between participants, adhering to recommended

numbers for the space and/or will occur virtually (MS Teams). Small group meetings with grade group cohorts can occur with appropriate safety measures. Considerations for collaborative planning – face-to-face interactions will be limited until

restrictions lifted; recommended virtual unless it is within family of classrooms. Teacher work area and staff room considerations – physical distancing, touch surface

cleaning/disinfecting, assigned work desks, photocopy and supply considerations. CSCC Meetings may be accommodated virtually or face-to-face following the SHA guidelines.

Washroom Procedures/Cleaning Protocols Assigned washroom locations for pods/classroom cohorts of students. Staggered and/or scheduled times for classrooms. Increased cleaning/disinfecting by caretaking staff – morning, noon, end of day. Use of paper towels as opposed to hand dryers. Limited number of students in the washroom. Signage for washrooms – guidelines and student training considerations.


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Transportation Parents will be asked to transport their own children where possible. Students will be assigned seats on buses, and a record of the seating plan will be kept. Cleaning and disinfecting of buses or other vehicles used to transport students between each

run. Drivers and students in grades four through eight will be required to wear a mask. No travel for extracurricular activities is permitted at this time.


ff and Student WellnessProfessional development for staff will be provided prior to the arrival of students to support COVID-19 preventative practices and trauma informed practices. All RCSD staff will have completed Respect in Education and will be trained in transmission mitigations strategies. Education will be provided to staff and students specific to infection reduction, personal hygiene practices and cleaning and disinfecting procedures such as, but not limited to the following:

Proper technique for frequent handwashing – using soap and water. Posting of signage to support frequent and proper hand hygiene. Protocols for touch surface cleaning – student desks/tables, tablet/device surfaces, learning

materials, etc. Consideration for adequate hand hygiene stations, hand sanitizer, and disinfecting products.

Human ResourcesRCSD’s Administrative Application COVID-19 - Staff Safe Return to Work provides guidelines for precautions and procedures. The protocols provided in the administrative application will be adjusted as necessary following the direction of the Chief Medical Health Officer of Saskatchewan.

RCSD will work closely with facilities personnel providing training for safe cleaning and the expectations regarding additional cleaning as per the guidelines of the SHA and the provincial government and in compliance with Occupational Health and Safety. RCSD will supply schools with the appropriate school supplies for custodians and instructional staff (i.e. hand sanitizer, wipes, disinfectant and cleaning products, gloves, masks as required).

RCSD will ensure that all protocols and procedures for employees are within the expectations of provincial and local contract agreements. Appropriate education and training for new procedures and protocols will be provided for all employee groups – school-based administrators, instructional staff (teachers and substitute teachers), professional support staff and para-professional support staff, and facilities personnel.

Employee Assistance ProgramRCSD will continue to support all employees with its Employee Assistance Program. Updates appear on the Human Resources website for all staff to access.


Wellness/ Hygiene

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o Homewood Health Employee Family Assistance 1-800-663-1142o Homewood Health ECourses o Mobile Device APP information o Catholic Family Services – 306-525-0521 [email protected] o STF Members – Members Family Assistance Plan offered by ComPsych 1-833-485-4245 or 1-

800-667-7762. o Mental Health – 1-306-786-0558o Canada Crisis Line: 1-800-668-6868 o SaskHealth Hotline: 811o o 211 Saskatchewan

Protection Masks and temperature checks are not required according to the SHA guidelines but if there is

unavoidable mass movement and contact that does not allow physical distancing, masks will be utilized.

Staff and students who are at high risk will be provided protective barriers and, in some cases, as per the Duty to Accommodate Process, other personal protective equipment or supports may be provided.

All school personnel – staff and students will comply with the guidelines for self-isolating and/or self- monitoring. Self-isolation will occur at home.

Adequate disinfectant and hand sanitizer as well as cleaning products and supplies will be readily available in all facilities.

Visitors – all visitors will comply with guidelines for wellness and be familiar with the safety protocols (hand washing, limited access to school and school community).

Signage will promote the monitoring of health and protocols/procedure for staff, students, or visitors who begin to feel unwell.

Cleaning Protocols and Education RCSD will develop and provide training resources for staff (including full time, part time, and

substitutes), students and parents. RCSD, in conjunction with schools and in compliance with the SHA will develop appropriate

signage. RCSD will continue to provide stakeholders with up to date communications to support COVID-

19 protocols.

Illness All staff and students who are feeling unwell and/or exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19 will remain home. Should a staff member or student become unwell at schools, they will leave the facility immediately or be placed in a designated self-isolation area.

All schools will identify an appropriate location within the site as the isolation area.In consultation with the Superintendent, each school shall:

a. set up a designated isolation room in the school;b. ensure that appropriately sized medical face masks, face shields and hand sanitizer are

readily available in all classrooms in the school;


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c. keep accurate and up-to-date records of attendance and seating arrangements to support public health investigation and contact tracing;

d. establish standardized procedures for cleaning and disinfecting classrooms and high touch surfaces and student work stations, including designating the employees who shall be responsible for these tasks, noting that all requirements associated with the increased cleaning and disinfection of facilities including common areas will be completed by custodial staff throughout the day; and,

e. establish standardized procedures for the disposal of PPE equipment. Staff will be trained and will have protocols posted for the appropriate response to a student

who is exhibiting COVID-19 symptoms. Sign-in protocols will be readily available to support contact tracing. Staff/student schedules will be readily available to support contact tracing. RCSD in consultation with the local Regina Medical Officer will develop a division Administrative

Application for Illness in Care.

Administrative Procedures for Isolation Room Protocol 1. In consultation with the Superintendent, each school shall plan to have two spaces as isolation

rooms.2. Plush or upholstered furniture will not be present in these rooms. Furniture should be non-

porous and easy to clean. 3. Hand sanitizer will be available in each room. 4. A garbage can with a plastic bag will be in each room.5. Each isolation room should have disinfectant supplies and paper towels. 6. There should be dedicated staff members for isolation rooms. Staff members designated to

provide care in the isolation rooms should have a spare set of clothes at school.If, while at a school, a staff member identifies a student exhibiting one or more of the symptoms of COVID-19 (as set out in Appendix A), a staff member shall:

a. immediately remove the student from the classroom to a designated isolation area:i. in a respectful manner that protects the privacy of the student; and,

ii. in a manner that is as safe as possible for the staff members and other students and staff.

b. notify the principal or designate.7. Students are to be monitored by a staff member when in isolation.8. In all interactions with the student, staff members shall:

a. maintain physical distancing from the student as much as possible;b. wear a medical mask and face shield, if a face shield is available;c. avoid contact with the student's respiratory secretions;d. provide the student with a face shield (if available) and request the student to wear

it;e. provide the student with a face mask, if the student is not wearing one, and request

the student to wear it provided the student is not in respiratory distress;f. wash their hands adequately with soap and water or use hand sanitizer before and

after attending to the student; and,g. dispose of disposable PPE and arrange for non-disposable PPE (i.e., face shield) to

be cleaned and disinfected.

9. Isolation rooms will be thoroughly cleaned by a caretaker after each use.


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Caring for those referred to the Isolation Room:

The principal or designate shall, as soon as reasonably possible:a. call parents or caregivers to pick up and remove their child from the school to a location

where the child may self-isolate, and instruct them to call 811 as soon as possible;b. arrange for the cleaning and disinfection of the isolation room as soon as reasonably

possible, the student’s classroom and, in particular, the student’s desk and surrounding desks and any other common touch items in the classroom and/or other school facility (i.e., washroom) to which the student would have had access that school-day by custodial staff; and,

c. advise the Director or designate. Upon the office receiving a notification of a person with illness in the school, the designated isolation person staff member will don their PPE (mask, gloves, face shield) as per protocols, and go to the locale of the ill person to accompany the ill person to the isolation room.

If a case of COVID-19 is confirmed by the Saskatchewan Health Authority (SHA), the Director or designate will arrange for any other steps that may be required by SHA Public Health.

Any and all communications regarding the student or further action that might need to be taken by the staff, students or school must be done only by or with the approval of the Director or designate in consultation with Public Health. Once a responsible adult for the ill person arrives, that person will be encouraged to call 811 for an assessment or seek further advice from a healthcare provider on behalf of the ill person for further follow up.

After Caring for the Ill Person:

Each isolation room will be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected after each use. If a staff member’s clothing becomes soiled with bodily fluids, the clothing should be removed

and placed in a plastic bag, sealing the bag by tying it, and taking the sealed bag for laundering. Upon arrival at home, the clothing will be washed in a washing machine and dried in a dryer. The sealed bag is emptied directly into the washing machine without touching the soiled

clothes. The plastic transport bag is then disposed in the garbage. Hand hygiene is performed. Disinfect any surfaces that met with hands, clothing or bag, and let air dry.

Social-Emotional Supports and WellnessRCSD will leverage the expertise of its Consultants, Counsellors, Family Support Coordinators, Community School Coordinators, Addictions Resource Support, as well as the Mental Health Building Capacity Team to provide supports for staff, students and families who may be experiencing anxiety or distress as related to COVID-19 concerns. To that end, RCSD has created a blueprint for planning and support around mental health and wellness.


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To support targeted instruction of hygiene and social and emotional learning content for our students, RCSD has adjusted local curricular minutes to enhance physical and emotional health and wellness through an interdisciplinary approach. Additionally, RCSD will continue to develop Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) through school-wide culture/climate and classroom practices including, but not limited to the following:

Tier 1 focus in the classroom will include emphasis on the importance of morning meetings to set the tone for learning and build in emotional literacy.

Check-ins throughout the day. Exit strategies to continue building classroom community and developing character traits.

RCSD will be making decisions on potential curricular resources and professional development opportunities to support staff, students, and parents. These include:

Professional Development: o School division recordings – Behaviour Consultant- “Social-Emotional Wellness upon Return

to School”o Kevin Cameron Guidelines (NACTATR)o Trauma Informed Resilient Schools (TIRS) – Starr Commonwealtho Character Strong – webinars

Classroom Resources o Go Zen – 10 licenses purchased for elementary school counsellors for classroom use (anxiety

and emotional regulation modules)o Character Strong curriculum – elementary and secondary


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o Kids Have Stress Tooo Zones of Regulationo Conscious Disciplineo Mind Up o Second Step

Student Supplies and Learning Materials Safety ProtocolsProtocols for individual student supplies – required supply lists, and protocols for bringing materials into schools by students (backpacks, school supplies) as well as storage and or containment will be developed at each school as appropriate for the age level of students and the local context. Expectations for supplies and protocols will be communicated with families in August, prior to the start of school.

Protocols for the appropriate cleaning/disinfecting of shared materials will be developed at each school site and in compliance with RCSD’s Return to Work Plan. Schools will develop, and teachers will be provided, student training on cleaning/disinfecting procedures and protocols on the following:

Student Deviceso Clean hands before and after using devices.o Posted protocols and assigned devices in each classroom for shared devices.o Cleaning/disinfecting products will be readily available. o Students will be trained in appropriate procedures and teachers will consider age

appropriate cues/signage and student supports for cleaning.o See Appendix A for full cleaning details.

Classroom Centers – Resource Materials and Manipulativeso No large classroom or school community sharing.o Materials considerations: numbered bags for each child or cohort group.o Established cleaning protocols:

Disinfecting Student hand hygiene before and after play

o Reconsider materials – easily cleaned.o Cleaning teams for surface cleaning and common spaces – pencil sharpeners, tables.o Student training for new cleaning and use protocols.o Considerations for classroom furniture/learning materials/supplies.o Maximize space and promote physical distancing.

Reduce touch surfaces (essential materials only) Storage of personal items (student bagged outerwear and backpacks) and

individual learning supplies Extra student supplies stored in bags/containers No shared buckets of crayons, glue, scissors, etc. Supplies should stay in desks, if available

Textbookso Assigned; kept in student desks.o Encouraged use of digital resources at home to reduce transport and contact.


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o Specific procedures for student’s collection and storage of textbooks.o Regular cleaning/disinfecting protocols.

Learning kitso Same guidelines as centre materials and manipulatives.o Guidelines developed for interdisciplinary kits by ILS.o Tech Tubs/Bots – cleaning protocols developed by ILS and IT.

Classroom ConfigurationsSchools will consider their class sizes and physical space and make considerations for the following:

Maximize space to physically separate students and/or limit large group interactions. Minimize the number of teachers and support staff working within a classroom (reduce the

number of classrooms a prep teacher covers). Limit movement and interaction between classrooms. Minimalist classrooms – removal of shared/community furniture to reduce touch surfaces. Increased use of Thera bands and desk-based items for self-regulation. Breakout rooms as classrooms to maximize space. Establish schedules/protocols for shared space that requires cleaning. Clear desk cleaning protocols – students and facilities. Floor markings/signage. Front facing instruction for students.

Hallway Traffic Flow and Common Areas Schools will develop procedures and protocols for hallway traffic and the use of common areas including:

Maintain distancing as much as possible. Consideration for directional markers and spacing markers. Limit movement through halls. Schedules and assigned washrooms and change rooms. Use of the outdoors as much as possible. Protocols for boot racks that limits physical interactions. Water fountains – considerations to reduce use (promote water bottles) and cleaning.

Nutrition and Food ProgramsNutrition and food programs are an essential service for many of our students who experience food scarcity, which impacts physical and emotional well-being, as well as student achievement. To ensure the safe continuation of nutrition and food programs, the school division will work with nutrition workers and school-based administration to put in place protocols to reduce the risk of spread. Additionally, RCSD will follow the Re-Open Saskatchewan Workplace Food and Accommodations Guidelines and Re-Open Saskatchewan Restaurant Guidelines.

Nutrition Programs (Elementary Schools) Proper hand hygiene must be practiced before and after eating. Adhere to SHA guidelines and protocols for safety.


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Staff will use appropriate food handling protocols as per the SHA guidelines. Begin the year with bagged lunches rather than hot lunches (at least one month). School-supplied food should be delivered directly to the classroom. Students should eat lunches in their classrooms. No self-serve or family-style meal service; no common food items. Food will be served in individual portions to each child by a designated staff member. Students should not be involved in the preparation, distribution or clean-up--STAFF ONLY. Encourage foods that are pre-packaged for snacks (yogurt, applesauce, granola bars, etc.). No muffin programs or other donations from outside of school. All utensils and plates would need to be distributed or pre-packaged. No communal use of salt & pepper, condiments, etc. All dishes, pots, utensils, etc. MUST be disinfected. Discontinue or limit the amount of special lunches (Healthy Hunger) to keep kids safe; they must

all be individually packaged. Early training and reminder of food safety protocols (PD for Nutrition Workers). Increased cleaning protocols. Packaging costs- wrap, bowls/covers, disposable. Any food contact surfaces, including water fountains/dispensing equipment, must be disinfected

with a product safe for food surfaces or immediately rinsed following disinfection. Garbage bins will be emptied frequently.

Food Services (High School) Proper hand hygiene must be practiced before and after eating. Adhere to SHA guidelines and protocols for safety. Staff and students will follow all food safety protocols as per the SHA guidelines. Note: Food

Studies and Commercial Cooking courses may involve students participating in the preparation and service of food in the school cafeteria. The precautions taken must follow the direction of the Chief Medical Health Officer and Re-Open Saskatchewan, including the Restaurant and Licensed Establishments Guidelines as applicable for each school site.

No self-serve or family-style meal service; there should be no common food items. Staff to prepare, distribute food, and clean-up as much as possible. No donations from outside organizations or people. All utensils and plates would need to be distributed or pre-packaged. No communal use salt & pepper, condiments, etc. All dishes, pots, utensils, etc. MUST be disinfected. Early training and reminder of food safety protocols (PD for Nutrition Workers). Increased cleaning protocols. Packaging costs- wrap, bowls/covers, disposable. Any food contact surfaces, including water fountains/dispensing equipment, must be disinfected

with a product safe for food surfaces or immediately rinsed following disinfection. Garbage bins should be emptied frequently.

Students with Intensive NeedsRCSD will work with the specialized personnel to devise safety protocols, which ensure the safety of staff and students in intensive needs programs. The school division will provide training for staff, provide the


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appropriate personal protective equipment as recommended by the SHA guidelines and work with facilities for enhanced cleaning/disinfecting protocols.

The school division will provide protocols around the following:

Use and cleaning of specialized equipment. Training and support for teachers and support staff. Personal protective equipment: gowns, face shields, hand sanitizer, masks (Procedure masks) if

required as per SHA guidelines or the Duty to Accommodate process for staff and students. Include safety goals as part of the IIP. Consideration for sensory needs. Safety around learning centres – plexiglass/barriers for u-shape horse. Protocols for transition back to learning environments with training for parents and students.

Specialized TherapyUpdated assessments may be required. Specialized supports such as speech-language pathologists, psychologists and Family Support Coordinators, professional assessments and unique transitions that cannot be provided virtually may be provided face-to-face following all safety protocols and precautions with consideration to the directions by the professional governing body of the staff providing support. This will be done following all safety protocols, where appropriate including but not limited to the following:

Tracking and limiting the number of support professionals working with a group of students within a building.

Protocols for student program delivery models.

Speech and Language Pathologist (SLP)

Flexible in-person or remote services for students with established goal areas.o Referrals based on remote or in-person observation/parent and teacher questionnaires.o In person assessment at discretion of SLPs as needed – in school/alternate site if

required.o Reduced active caseload numbers.

Registered Psychologist - Student Assessments may need to be updated.

Number of assessments will be reduced based on the following:o Need for post-graduation programing.o Specialized Funding.o Additional Programing.o Assessments completed at the Division Office when possible.

FNMI Support PersonnelOur schools often access Elders and Knowledge Keepers to support Truth and Reconciliation Calls to Action, and Indigenous Ways of Knowing and Being. As part of RCSD’s safety protocols:

Elders and Knowledge Keepers who are scheduled with specific schools with a set schedule are welcome in schools.


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Additional Elder and Knowledge Keeper requests will not be taken for the first six weeks. Any other guests can be scheduled once guests are welcome in buildings.

Extracurricular Activities and Intramurals RCSD recognizes that extracurricular activities are a critical part of a school's culture and identity. RCSD will continue to follow the recommendations of the Re-Open Saskatchewan plan and the guidelines for Primary and Secondary Education as they pertain to extracurricular activities and the Government of Saskatchewan guidelines for indoor and outdoor activities.

High school and Elementary Extracurricular Planning All extracurricular activities will follow the current guidelines of the Government of

Saskatchewan, Chief Medical Health Officer in terms of hygiene protocols, physical distancing, and participant numbers.

High school athletics will follow guidelines as outlined by the Government of Saskatchewan, Chief Medical Health Office and the Re-Open Saskatchewan Guidelines for Indoor and Outdoor Activities and will work with the Saskatchewan High Schools Athletic Association (SHSAA) and the Regina High School Athletic Association (RHSAA), to ensure all practice and competition and related safety protocols are in place.

Intramural Activities – will follow the Re-Open Saskatchewan Guidelines for Indoor and Outdoor Activities.


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Elementary ProgrammingRCSD recognizes that the stoppage of curricular instruction due to the March 20 school closures may result in learning gaps. Return to school plans must include curricular and academic program considerations to support learning gaps, especially in the foundational learnings of literacy and numeracy.

To promote safety and to encourage targeted allocation of instructional minutes in an interdisciplinary approach, elementary administrators will reduce the number of staff working within classrooms. The Teachers’ LINC contract provides 240 minutes/week of preparation time. Efforts will be made to limit a prep teacher to a small number of cohort classrooms and where possible, to employ block scheduling models to reduce the number of interactions in a day by support personnel. When learning supports require pull in or push in supports, appropriate preventive measures will be put in place (i.e. proper hygiene, physical distancing - shields/barriers).

Each classroom will be a cohort and will stay together at staggered breaks and lunch hours and as much as possible throughout the day. Where physical distancing cannot be maintained masks will be worn by staff and students grades four through eight.

Additional minutes have been added to health education to support physical and emotional wellness and provide education around safety protocols/c. Elementary schools will utilize an interdisciplinary approach to target literacy and numeracy. For example, minutes have been reallocated from Arts Education to support literacy and numeracy via an interdisciplinary approach with potential to use art therapy to promote health and wellness. PAA/Career Education are integrated into digital citizenship via religion, and core French will be integrated into literacy.

In language-based programs, such as French Immersion and English as an Additional Language, the emphasis will be on oral language. The interdisciplinary approach is foundational to the French Immersion curricula and will continue to be emphasized to accelerate potential language gaps as a result of the closure of schools. Contingency plans for a return to remote learning will focus on digital resources and teacher platforms that can continue language reinforcement and development even when students and teachers are not face-to-face.

Staggered Entries

Education and support for health and wellness will be our first priority when schools re-open. We want to provide an opportunity for staff and students to settle into their new routines and procedures. In an effort to support this we have identified the week of September 8-14 as transition days. Students will be divided alphabetically on those days to reduce the number of students in the classrooms.

• Sept. 8 & 10 – Families with last names A-K attend

• Sept. 9 & 11 – Families with last names L -Z attend

• Sept. 14 – Full capacity programming commences



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Family Back Pack & drop-off Classroom Visit - August 31 to September 4: Families will have a scheduled time to bring their child into the school and meet the teacher, and tour the classroom briefly.

Use of Teacher Librarians to Support Learning/Considerations for Safety

Elementary schools are assigned a Teacher Librarian (TL) based upon population. The TL is integral part of the literacy support team and will be a valuable resource to support classroom teachers as they gather early assessment data and devise instructional plans to support student learning. In consideration of limiting the numbers of instructional personnel with cohorts of students, the following guidelines for scheduling have been devised:

Schedule is based on 50% teaching (prep for three teachers). One teacher (see sample: teacher 3) – based on data this classroom receives all the library

collaboration time. This limits the number of classrooms and students the TL interacts with throughout the day.

The whole Day 3 afternoon was typically marked as TL library collaboration to support PD and TL meetings. However, there will be no pullout PD for the foreseeable future, so it won’t be an issue for them to not have the whole Day 3 afternoon for TL library time.

Protocols for safe book exchange and the use of the library space include the following:

Book Exchange:o no handling of books.o Genre table displays and the “blind date” book search methods.

Increased book talks to promote books and provide summaries. Procedures for sign out – wand touching, shelving protocols, disinfecting. Tables and seating will need to be reconfigured and maybe and markers for seating.


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Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten ProgrammingGuidelines for early learning considerations will be fluid and will be monitored throughout the year to align with the directions from the Chief Medical Health Officer (CMHO) and Re-Open Saskatchewan. In addition, RCSD will work with the Ministry of Education’s Early Year Branches to implement all plans throughout three potential scenarios of instructional delivery – face-to-face instruction, hybrid model (face-to-face with remote), or full remote learning. Home Visits will not be scheduled.

Parent in School The guidelines for parent involvement will include;

Encourage pickup and drop-off of students outside of the building unless there is a need for the parent or guardian to enter the school.

If parents or guardians must enter the school, they should pass the COVID screening tool, maintain physical distancing from staff and other children and be reminded to practice diligent hand hygiene.

After the student’s first day of Pre-Kindergarten or Kindergarten, ask families to drop children off outside at the school entrance to be picked up by the Teacher or Education Support Professional (ESP).Depending on the current direction from the Chief Medical Health Officer and Re-Open Saskatchewan, this may need to be adjusted to occur outdoors and a virtual tour of the classroom can be shared with parents via home-school connections.

Scheduled Family DaysMay be hosted virtually or in-person in a safe space one day a month from October to December with limited four families in attendance at one time. This safe environment will follow the safety protocols and direction of the Chief Medical Health Officer and Re-Open Saskatchewan at that time. Duration and occurrence of Family Days for the rest of the school year will be determined at the school level by the administrator and educator.

September and October family day will move to a virtual family day. The family day format will be re-evaluated for November and December 2020.

Staggered Entries Pre-Kindergarten: Small groups of students attend one day over the course of 4 days during the

week of September 21- 24th with all students in attendance September 28 th. Some flexibility will be needed based on students’ needs upon re-entry.

o September 8-10 + Sept 14-17 (7 days intake)o September 21-24 staggered o September 28 – class cohort in school.

Kindergarten: Small groups of students attend one day over the course of 4 days with all students in attendance on September 14th. Some flexibility will be needed based on students’ needs upon re-entry.

o September 8-11 – Kindergarten will be invited to attend a ½ orientation – invited by school.

o September 14th – class cohort in school.


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Safety Protocols: Staff will help younger children learn about physical distancing and minimizing physical contact

using a variety of strategies i.e. games, social stories, and activities. Encourage physical distant greetings such as ‘air fives’ and waves, peace signs, winks, and signing 'hello' rather than hugs or handshakes. Maintaining physical distance is less practical and the focus should be on minimizing physical contact instead.

Students and staff will build hand hygiene into the daily routines and follow the protocols in ECERS:

o upon entry to a room.o before snack/lunch.o after snack/lunch.o after use of the toilet.o after shared materials.

Scheduled snack time allowing for small groups, social distance seating, before and after disinfecting of tables and chairs.

Communicate to parents at the beginning of the year on the language that will be used with students for minimizing physical contact (e.g., ‘air five’, stay in your bubble, etc.).

Students will stay within classrooms as much as possible and avoid other areas of the school. Identified physical structures will be utilized maintaining personal space (e.g., carpet squares,

small hoops, etc.), Communicate to parents that children may at times encounter one another and this will

continue to be stressed throughout the program for the health and safety of children and staff. School messaging to include “reduce the risk of transmission of COVID-19”.

Staff members assigned to PreK/Kindergarten programs will remain with the group throughout the day, whenever possible.

Frequent cleaning and disinfection are important to mitigate risk. Schedules for frequent cleaning will be created as well as protocols for cleaning, as needed. Disinfection of commonly contacted areas must be increased.

All learning materials will be disinfected/washed daily before offering to children or placing in learning centers. The number of materials in learning centers must be limited.

Items/objects that cannot be effectively cleaned/disinfected daily or between uses, should be removed for the time being. Examples are hard to clean surfaces, machine washable items, “soft items" such as dress-up clothes, plush toys.

Classroom activities and recess times should not include equipment that might be touched by multiple students. Due to the increased cleaning required, it is best to decrease the number of toys/equipment available to children.  

Remove toys and other items that cannot be easily cleaned and disinfected. This will include sand toys, water tables and sensory bins.

Indoor shared spaces and structures that cannot be cleaned and disinfected between groups, should not be used. 

Use storage bins, bags, baskets, or buckets to cycle out toys or manipulatives (i.e., loose parts) so they are only used by the same group/student one day and cleaned/ rinsed at end of day.  

Provide individual buckets for children to store their own materials for learning.   Look for ways to open or restrict areas in the classroom space or outdoor environment,

controlling the surfaces/materials that will be touched/manipulated in a time period. i.e. pylons to map out a space for big body play.  


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Plan for reduced physical contact activities. Where possible, avoid activities that require clustering around an item or small area.  

Incorporate more individual activities or activities that encourage more space between students and staff.  

Plan for ways to physical distance during whole group discussions and morning gatherings i.e. shapes made of cloth to define personal space and where children can sit during discussions, carpet samples to define personal space and assigning seating.  

Consider variations in scheduling or room arrangements to accommodate social distancing and cleaning between groups. 

Where possible, remove or reduce play with toys that encourage group play in close proximity or increase the likelihood of physical contact. Keep toys that encourage individual play. 

Strategically limit the number of touch points per day on electronic devices.  Adult led small groups when transitioning for recess, washrooms, gym, library, beginning and

end of school day.  

English Additional Language (EAL) ProgramsAs with other itinerant teacher positions, consideration will be to reduce the number of teachers within a classroom over a block of time and for safety:

First six weeks – EAL teachers only provide pull-out support within classroom cohorts Pull-out:

o Occur in a larger space.o Smaller space – 2-3 students per group.o Small space – EAL teachers may need a plexiglass divider.o Frequent handwashing, cleaning in between groups, hand sanitizer in room for

students. Push-in can start after six weeks, depending on safety recommendations at that time.

Contingency Plans for Elementary InstructionRCSD will support all students and has three delivery models for instruction dependent on the fluid state of COVID transmission and the directions of the Government of Saskatchewan. RCSD will support students and families who are not ready to return to school. Parents who choose to home school will be supported through Home-based education or Regina Learning Online. As communicated in the June 26, 2020 memo, the Minister of Education has stated that classroom teachers will not be expected to assume double-teaching responsibilities for students who choose not to return to school in the fall. RCSD will work with families to provide assurance children will be returning to safe classrooms.

Schools will reopen with a plan for face-to-face instruction with mitigation strategies. Should transmission in the community increase, and at the direction of the Chief Medical Health Officer, a hybrid model (face-to-face and remote learning) will be employed. The third model, based upon a mandated school closure, would be a transition to full remote learning. All instruction and assessment will be provided by teachers in each of the three scenarios.

Students who are immunocompromised or have other medical considerations will be supported through the Duty to Accommodate process. RCSD Student Services will initiate the Student Duty to


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Accommodate process in collaboration with parents and doctors for students requiring accommodations due to health and medical concerns. RCSD Learning Online will support any fulltime remote learning needs of students as part of this process.

In addition, teachers will continue to be supported with professional development in Microsoft Teams, Flipgrid, SeeSaw and MyBlueprint. Students will be introduced to these platforms early in the school year and teachers will be provided with the appropriate professional development to manage these platforms. Should there be a need to return to remote learning, the curriculum will continue to be delivered via these remote platforms either by alternating face-to-face with remote learning (a hybrid model) or 100% remote delivery.

Assessment, Grading, and ReportingTeachers will continue to take attendance and provide learning opportunities for all students. They will utilize a variety of assessment products, conversations, and observations to triangulate student-learning data to make professional judgements regarding student progress. Outcomes-based reporting will continue to follow the school division guidelines and be reported in the Students Achieve gradebook. Learning portfolios will continue to be shared with home to demonstrate and celebrate learning with an emphasis on digital portfolios to promote the safe exchange of learning products.

Division assessment plans will be followed for the 2020-2021 school year. These plans include two opportunities for three-way conferences, November and March, which depending on the SHA guidelines at the time, may be done virtually. Additionally, the school division will continue with providing an open gradebook portal for parents and two report card periods – January 2021 and June 2021.

High School ProgrammingRCSD will support all students. Teachers will prepare for three scenarios for instruction dependent on the fluid state of COVID-19 in the provincial and local context and in compliance with the direction of the Government of Saskatchewan and the Saskatchewan Health Authority.

Scenario one will be face-to-face instruction leveraging mitigation strategies to reduce the transmission of COVID-19. Masks will be worn when 6 feet of distancing cannot be maintained and when moving through common spaces.

Scenario two is a hybrid model with alternating face-to-face instruction and remote learning. Scenario three is complete remote instruction in the event of a classroom or school closure.

Regina Catholic Schools will work with families to provide assurance children will be returning to safe classrooms. Students who are not ready to return to face-to-face instruction or have compromised immune systems or medical considerations will access Regina Learning Online.


RCSD High Schools have large populations moving around narrow hallways (750 – 1000 students) with a limited number of classrooms to accommodate 100 percent student attendance. Traditionally, high schools schedule five 64 minutes classes/day for the required 320 minutes of instructional time. Early bird and lunch hour classes accommodate band and choral scheduling.

Feedback from parents and students regarding the Supplemental Learning Period provided the following insights: students crave relationship and contacts. Some students thrive on the arts, others PAA’s, others


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math/science, etc.; students missed social interaction with teachers and peers. Regina Catholic Schools is committed to providing meaningful learning opportunities for all students which adhere to SHA guidelines. This may require blended models of instruction to address specific curricular areas.

RCSD considered the following “Big Ideas” when creating scenarios for the return to high schools:

How do we reduce the number of bodies in our schools to ensure physical distancing and reduce student contacts? How do we reduce student-student contact and contact surfaces?

How do we minimize the number of teachers working with groups of students? How do we maximize face-to-face contact and social interactions to support mental health and

student engagement? How do we make our students and staff feel safe in the return to face-to-face format?

RCSD Learning Online will be used for students not ready to return to school and to help keep face-to-face class sizes below the maximum capacity.

Return to School – Block Schedule for Scenario 1 – Face to Face Instruction

All Regina Catholic High Schools will return to school utilizing an adaptation of the traditional five course/ two semester schedule. The block schedule will consist of four learning blocks or quarterly terms consisting of three periods each. The first two learning periods will be 128 minutes each with scheduled break/transition times and a staggered lunch. The last learning period of the day will be 64 minutes. This will allow tutorial/EAL and learning resource support for students, appropriate scaffolding of learning over a maximized learning block, and support for Advanced Placement programming, while still limiting movement between classes, limiting the number of student-student contacts, and minimizing the number of teachers working with students.

Administrators will make every effort to reschedule students into these three learning periods to make the cohort group as small as possible.


*Dates adjusted to reflect Sept. 8 start date:

Time Block 1 – 44 DaysSept. 8 – Nov. 12

Block 2 - 44 DaysNov. 13 – Jan. 27

Block 3 – 44 DaysFeb. 1 – April 20

Block 4 – 45 DaysApril 21 – June 24

8:45 – 10:58

128 minutes

Semester OnePeriod 1

Semester OnePeriod 3

Semester TwoPeriod 1

Semester TwoPeriod 3

11:03 – 2:05128 minutes

Semester OnePeriod 2

Semester OnePeriod 4

Semester Two Period 2

Semester TwoPeriod 4

Lunch 90 and 10 level courses – 11:36 – 12:30 20 and 30 level courses 12:30 – 1:24 *Staggered 54 minute lunch within the block2:10 – 3:1464 minutes

Semester OnePeriod 5

Semester OnePeriod 5

Semester TwoPeriod 5

Semester TwoPeriod 5

*Each high school will adjust the bell schedule as it pertains to the existing start times. Early bird and lunch hour non-semester programming will be determined based upon student cohort schedules.


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*Lunch is scheduled within the second learning period and staggered for 90/10 level and 20/30 level courses. There will be no 15-minute nutrition break, but teachers will allow staggered washroom breaks within the blocks. 5 minutes of transition time between the blocks and the time added to the 30 minute lunch amount to 30 minutes total of breaks in am and pm to align with the Education Act.


A three-period day instead of five reduces the movement of students between classes, thus reducing the traffic and physical distancing concerns in hallways throughout the day. Masks will be worn when 6 feet of distancing cannot be maintained.

A reduced number of courses within the day narrows the instructional focus for students who are returning to school after many months away, which is supportive of learning and mental health and wellness. Yet, three courses/day creates some variation, shortens the learning period which increases student engagement and supports overall mental health of staff and students.

The quarterly terms allow for pre-requisite course scheduling. Grade 9 and 10 students will be cohorted as much as reasonably possible in the three

periods/day. Grade 11 and 12 students frequently book study hours or tutorials to work in period five. Scheduling to accommodate Advanced Placement programming, practical and applied arts, arts

education, fine arts programming, and French immersion relies on cohorting groups of students to accommodate non-semester courses and rotations. Further efforts will be made at the school level to adjust student timetables to encourage additional student grouping thus limiting the number of student-to-student interactions within a block.

The most concerning time for traffic is lunch hour, which accommodates student supports and specialized programming. This model allows a staggered lunch by grade groups which controls traffic and mitigates risk in common spaces such as lunchrooms and cafeterias.

This model provides 320 instructional minutes/day but keeps the amount of time within each block appropriate for student engagement.

Teachers will receive their contractual preparation time within the semester as scheduled in the defined blocks.

Final exams will be scheduled between the blocks. This schedule accommodates staffing considerations for teachers assigned to other high schools

or Regina Learning Online. This schedule allows the flexibility to return to the traditional five period day in semester two

(Option B), should it be appropriate regarding the state of COVID-19 within the provincial and local context.

All courses will have remote access contingency plans (OneNote, MS Teams, Moodle) which will have synchronous and asynchronous capabilities to accommodate a quick transition to a scenario two - hybrid model or scenario 3 - full remote learning.

Considerations for cleaning, disinfecting, supervision and movement will be part of the high school supervision and safety plans.

School start up orientation day will focus on educating students about COVID-19 transmission and the new safety protocols.

OPTION B – Should the risk of COVID-19 within the provincial and local context change, there is a possibility of returning to the five course/semester after Block Two and commencing February 1, 2021. If this option is employed, the schedule will be adjusted to accommodate staggered lunches and breaks.


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*Each high school will adjust the bell schedule as it pertains to the existing start times. Early bird and lunch hour non-semester programming will be determined based upon student cohort schedules and determined by each high school.


High school will resume Tuesday, Sept. 8. Traditionally high school students come back to orientation where safety rules/expectations are outlined, and homeroom locker and schedule assignments are distributed. In light of the abrupt closure of schools in March and the potential trauma within our school community as a result of the current state of COVID-19, there is a need for a progressive plan that provides health and safety education and nurtures a trauma-informed approach to return to school. Consequently, the first four days of school will look different.

Sept 8 – Grades 9-12 Orientation Group 1 – Adjusted day schedule for students with the last name A-K.

Sept. 9 – Grades 9-12 Orientation Group 2 – Adjusted day schedule for students with the last name L-Z.

Sept. 10 – Group 1 Full day Schedule with A-K.

Sept. 11 – Group 2 Full Day Schedule with L -Z.

Sept. 14 – Full capacity programming commences.

Fine Arts Programming RCSD is committed to continue to provide quality fine arts education which adhere to the SHA guidelines to reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission. As outlined in the Government of Saskatchewan’s Re-Open Saskatchewan’s Performing Arts Guidelines, “The COVID-19 virus is spread between individuals from exposure to droplets and aerosols generated in an individual's respiratory system (mouth, nose, throat, lungs, etc.). Droplets are created when talking, singing, playing instruments that require air to be blown into them, and through activities that require physical exertion, resulting in heavier breathing. The greater the force that droplets are expelled from the respiratory system, the greater the distance they can travel.”

Band  RCSD will continue to offer band within the guidelines of the SHA and the recommendations of the Chief Medical Health Officer as well as the Saskatchewan Band Association regarding safe instruction and return to small group performance.

Elementary band will continue to operate as an enhancement of the arts education program with considerations for small group or sectional instruction and blended delivery models.


Period 1 8:45 – 9:49Period 2 9:54– 10:58

Period 3 11’s & 12’sLunch for 9’s & 10’s

11:03– 12:07

Period 3 for 9’s & 10’sLunch for 11’s & 12’s

12:12 – 1:16

Period 4 1:21 – 2:25Period 5 2:30 – 3:34

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Instruction will focus on music theory, posture, and care and cleaning of an instrument in accordance with safety guidelines.

Performance and lessons will resume virtually and in group sizes that adhere to 2 metre space guidelines.

Area band transport of elementary schools to a central location for full orchestral band will not be offered at this time. Allotted instructional minutes for band will remain and be offered on site.

High school band and jazz band will continue to be offered as curricular courses. Smart Music and Breezin’ Thru programs will support band virtual instruction in a blended

instructional model. All band instruction will be in adherence to Re-Open Saskatchewan guidelines.

o Musicians, regardless of the type of instrument, must remain two metres from each other. For woodwind and brass instruments, this distance should be measured from the end of the instrument.

o Instruments, drumsticks/mallets, music stands, and other items must not be shared between participants, unless cleaned and disinfected between uses. Items that cannot be disinfected (e.g. sheet music) must not be shared.

o Instruments should be cleaned and maintained at home or off site. A designated area can be established where onsite cleaning or maintenance is necessary; however, the area must be used individually and cleaned/disinfected after each use.

o While 70 per cent isopropyl alcohol can often be used for disinfecting instruments, musicians should consult manufacturers or other professionals to ensure they are not damaged.

o The conductor should maintain a minimum distance of four metres from performersChoirRCSD will continue to offer choral programming and vocal jazz programming at the high schools within the guidelines of the SHA and the recommendations of the Chief Medical Health Officer. RCSD recognizes that singing is a high-risk activity. Focus will be on theory instruction and small group sectional rehearsals. RCSD will invest in software programming to accommodate virtual choral singing.

All choir instruction will follow the recommendations of the Chief Medical Health Officer:

Choirs are not permitted to hold public performances at this time. Choir rehearsals or practices are not recommended at this time due to the known, increased risk

of spreading COVID-19. However, if choir organizers and participants choose to practice or rehearse, all participants must wear a non-medical or procedure mask and maintain at least two metres of separation from other participants. If a mask is not worn, there must be four metres of separation from other participants.

Choir participants must face forward. Appropriate eye protection or a face shield is recommended for conductors or other

participants facing the choir. The conductor should maintain a minimum distance of four metres from singers.

Physical Distancing Considerations Reorganize to allow for smaller ensembles and social interaction. If possible, utilize other

available classrooms for sectionals or group rehearsals where physical distancing is achievable.


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Student rotations and cohort grouping when small sectional singing is allowed with considerations for safety.

Technology considerations for remote and virtual singing with pre-recorded audio. Drama Drama will continue to be offered in elementary as an arts education strand and for credit at the high school level. Safety considerations will be to have small or individual group improvisation, storytelling, and spoken word performances. These will be virtual performances with an emphasis on physical distancing and hygiene.

MusicMusic will continue to be offered in elementary as an arts education strand and for credit at the high school level. Safety considerations will include small group instruction, physical distancing protocols; student provided instruments and proper handling cleaning protocols, as well as an emphasis on music theory and music appreciation.  

Visual ArtVisual art will continue to be offered in elementary as an arts education strand and for credit at the high school level. Safety protocols around physical distancing and use of materials will be developed for activities in multi-purpose and art rooms.

DanceDance will continue to be offered within the arts education strand but with a focus on online dance sessions for blended instructional opportunities. Physical distancing and safety considerations like physical education protocols will be developed regarding instruction, small group or solo performance.

Physical Education RCSD recognizes that during the COVID-19 outbreak, we all need to do our part to keep staff and students safe and healthy so we can stop the spread of COVID-19. Our goal is to provide a safe learning environment for all our staff and students. We are actively placing students’ well-being and healthy development as priority in our return to school planning. In planning for the return of physical Education, we will work with our schools to ensure the following areas are addressed and supported.

Focus on Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility:

What considerations need to be in place to ensure Physical Education and Health are accessible and inclusive for all?

Focus on Well-being:

How do we support student learning and well-being across the school day?

Focus on Trauma Informed Approaches:

How do we support health, wellbeing and recovery through use of a trauma informed approach?


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Instructional Considerations Physical Education (PE):

In-school learning Equipment & Gear: How do we ensure healthy equipment management? How do we ensure

students have suitable gear for PE? Space: Where can PE be taught? Activities: What types of activities can be taught?

Health Education (HE):

How do we ensure we are responsive to student needs through the health curriculum as a pathway toward creating more effective education?

Practical and Applied Arts (PAA) PAA Classroom Guidelines

RCSD recognizes that during the COVID-19 outbreak, we all need to do our part to keep staff and students safe and healthy so we can stop the spread of COVID-19. Our goal is to provide a safe learning environment for all our staff and students.

Protecting Staff and Students in the Classroom:

Wash your hands often with soap and water or hand sanitizer. Avoid high-touch areas, where possible, or ensure you clean your hands afterwards. Washable materials should be washed frequently and not shared with other students. Staff and students should maintain proper hygiene routines throughout the day. Sneeze and

cough into your sleeve. Use a tissue, discard immediately, and wash your hands. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth. Avoid contact with people who are sick. Stay home if you are sick.

In the Classroom, maintain physical distancing

Minimize contact with other students and staff. Establish cohorts. Add floor markings and barriers to manage traffic flow and physical distancing. Restrict the number of people to an assigned work area. Control site movement (by limiting the potential for students to gather). Minimize the number of people using each piece of equipment in instances where sharing

equipment cannot be avoided. Arrange by consistent cohort groups. Limit unnecessary on-site interaction between outside service providers and students. Deliveries

may have to be picked up at a designated outside delivery point.

Classroom Cleaning Procedures Provide access to soap and water or alcohol-based hand sanitizer. Have all staff and students wash their hands thoroughly with soap and water before entering

and when leaving the classroom/cooking space. Disinfect work areas at the end of class. Disinfect work areas and commonly touched surfaces at the end of each class.


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Disinfect shared equipment (where sharing of equipment cannot be avoided). Post proper hygiene instructions in English and/or French. Introduce more fresh air by increasing the ventilation system’s air intake or opening doors and

windows. Avoid central recirculation where possible.

Shared Tools Cleaning Procedures

Spray cleaning solution 2-3 times directly on the paper towel. Wipe contact points of the tool with the paper towel. Make sure there is no extra moisture left on the tools. Use the paper towel to carry the tool and place it in its storage spot. Toss the paper towel directly into the garbage. Wash your hands.

Considerations for the use of Masks

RCSD will follow the recommendations of the SHA and the guidelines for working in proximity. Currently, personal protective equipment such as masks/shields for staff and students except in instances where there is a Duty to Accommodate. Cohort groups will be utilized to mitigate transmission risks.

Food Studies and Commercial Cooking Considerations

RCSD will continue to offer these PAA courses. Within the context of Commercial Cooking and Food Studies, students learn about food safety in the preparation and storage of food, and Commercial Cooking may involve students participating in the preparation and service of the school cafeteria. All recommendations of the Chief Medical Health Officer and Re-Open Saskatchewan, including the Restaurant and Licensed Establishments Guidelines will be followed.

Contingency PlansRCSD currently offers all high school courses required for a credit pathway towards graduation via RCSD Learning Online. Teachers in specialty areas such as the PAA, Physical Education, and Fine Arts education and French immersion programming will be contracted to develop these courses for online delivery via the Moodle platform.

All teachers will plan for the 2020-2021 with three scenarios in mind: full time face-to-face instruction incorporating blended instructional models, hybrid – alternating face-to-face with remote learning opportunities, full remote learning. Much has been gleaned from the Supplemental Learning Period and teachers will be provided access and training for the following platforms: Moodle, OneNote, Microsoft Teams. These platforms will support blended instruction and if necessary, students and teachers can quickly convert to a hybrid model of face to face/remote learning or 100% remote learning should a school close. No teacher will be expected to instruct face-to-face and remotely simultaneously. Specialized therapies, professional assessments and unique transitions that can’t be provided virtually may be provided face-to-face.

Assessment, Grading, and ReportingTeachers will continue to take attendance and provide learning opportunities for all students. They will utilize a variety of assessment products, conversations, and observations to triangulate student-learning data to make professional judgements regrading student progress. Outcomes-based reporting for high


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school assessment will continue following the school division assessment, grading, and reporting guidelines and recorded in the MySchoolSask gradebook.

Division assessment plans will be followed for the 2020-2021 school year. These plans include two opportunities for three-way conferences, October and April, which depending on the SHA guidelines at the time, may be done virtually. Additionally, the school division will continue with providing and open gradebook portal for students and parents and two report card periods – January 2021 and June 2021.

RCSD recognizes that during the COVID-19 outbreak, we all need to inform and involve our parents in our return to school planning. Parents and community stakeholders will play an important role in our return to school planning. There must be a comfort level for all parents and stakeholders.

RCSD Communication Plan RPT documents are shared with parents. Schools planning documents are shared with parents. Division survey was shared with parents and on our website for all stakeholders at the

conclusion of the supplemental learning period. Information gathered will inform division planning for Return to School 2020.

RCSD will meet with Catholic Parents Advisory Committee (CPAC) prior to the start of the 2020-21 school year. We will share our return to school plan and look for feedback.

RCSD will meet with our Catholic School Community Councils (CSCC) prior to the start of the 2020-21 school year. We will share our return to school plan and look for feedback.

RCSD will provide an opportunity for parents and students to enter the school prior to the start of the school year. Parents and students will have the opportunity to see changes made to the school and school procedures/routines.

TransitionsMuch has been learned since March 20, 2020. RCSD has a purposeful approach and planning to allow smooth transition from grade level to grade level and through three different scenarios of instructional delivery (face-to-face, hybrid model, remote learning) based upon the local context and SHA guidelines regarding COVID-19.

RCSD will continue to create transition opportunities for students and families in the following scenarios:

Pre-kindergarten and Kindergarten. School to school transfers and transitions. Elementary to high school.

Considerations for smooth transitions will include:

Online applications and virtual registration meetings. Virtual school tours and parent information meetings.



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Virtual meetings with parents regarding programming (IIP’s). Student and parent training/education regarding safety protocols and operational procedures. Continuation with the school division’s attendance practices. Continuation of school division assessment, grading, and reporting practices.

Community Joint Use/FacilitiesThe school division will continue to work with P3 facilities and our Regina Public partners, as well as with the City of Regina around the SHA guidelines to examine access and safety protocols around joint use agreements and community booking protocols.


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Resources: Community-Based Measures to Mitigate the Spread of Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) in Canada:

COVID-19 Pandemic Return to School Physical and Health Education Guidelines:

PE Kit Guidelines:   Recess Project Statement:

Re-Open Saskatchewan Plan/COVID-19

Risk mitigation tool for child and youth settings operating during the COVID-19 pandemic: Sick Kids Report: Appendices: 

Appendix A:  Disinfecting and Cleaning of Technology Introduction RCSD has strong 21st Century learning practices embedded into all areas of the curriculum. Technology is used on many occasions throughout the day in schools. It is important that students and staff be mindful of proper cleaning and safety guidelines for cleaning and storing devices. The school and staffs will follow the guidelines outlined to create procedures that work in their schools and classrooms.

Disinfecting and Cleaning of Devices For disinfecting electronics, a CDC-recommended disinfectant is an alcohol solution consisting of 70% isopropyl alcohol and 30% water. For cleaning, a mild soap and water solution should be used.



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Do not use cleaners that contain bleach, peroxides or ammonia.

Cleaning Guidelines The following procedures can be used on electronic devices including printer and copier control panels and trays, laptops, desktop keyboards and mice, monitor, android tablets, classroom phones, audio enhancement mics, projector remotes, as well as tech tub and cart locks, handles and doors. 1. Wear disposable gloves when cleaning and disinfecting surfaces. 2. Turn off the device for cleaning whenever possible and disconnect AC power. Remove batteries

from items like wireless keyboards. 3. Disconnect any external devices (i.e. cables, USB drives, etc.). 4. Moisten a microfiber cloth with the recommended mixture. Do not use fibrous materials, such as

paper towels or toilet paper. The cloth should be moist, but not dripping wet.5. Do not spray any liquids directly onto the product. 6. Gently wipe the moistened cloth on the surfaces to be cleaned. Do not allow any moisture to

drip into areas like keyboards, display panels or USB ports, as moisture entering the inside of an electronic product can cause extensive damage to the device.

7. Start with the display or printer control panel (if applicable) and end with any flexible cables, like power, keyboard and USB cables.

8. When cleaning a display screen or printer control panel, carefully wipe in one direction, moving from the top of the display to the bottom.

9. Ensure surfaces have completely air-dried before turning the device on after cleaning. No moisture should be visible on the surfaces of the product before it is powered on.

10. Gloves should be discarded after each cleaning. Wash hands immediately after gloves are removed.