Return of the Incredible Machine Contraptions

Return of the Incredible Machine Contraptions: FAQ/Walkthrough by Lord Seth Version 1.06, Last Updated 2005-08-20 View/Download Original File Hosted by GameFAQs Return to Return of the Incredible Machine Contraptions (PC) FAQs & Guides Liked this FAQ? Click to recommend it to other GameFAQs users. The Return of The Incredible Machine: Contraptions FAQ by Lord Seth Contact me at: [email protected] When to contact me: If you just want to drop by a little "Thank you!" for my guide If you can't understand part of the guide and need clarification If you find an error in the guide If you want to make a suggestion for the guide If you want to ask permission to put the guide on your site. It's possible I won't give permission, and if so, you have to respect that. If you have another good reason. Don't send SPAM or otherwise pointless messages to me about this guide. In fact, don't send SPAM or otherwise pointless messages to me, period. WARNING: Before you look at any of the solutions, PLEASE try your very best to solve the puzzle yourself. If you solve a puzzle by looking up the solution, you just don't get the same satisfaction. Try your utmost to figure out how to solve it before turning to this guide. Table of Contents: I. Intro II. Version History III. FAQ IV. The Parts i. Balls ii. Walls iii. Large Pipes iv. Barriers & Inclines v. Pool Parts vi. Ropes and Rope-Related Parts vii. Things That Go Boom! viii. Electrical Items ix. Laser-Related Parts x. Belts & Belt-Related Parts

Transcript of Return of the Incredible Machine Contraptions

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Return of the Incredible Machine Contraptions: FAQ/Walkthrough by Lord SethVersion 1.06, Last Updated 2005-08-20 View/Download Original File

Hosted by GameFAQsReturn to Return of the Incredible Machine Contraptions (PC) FAQs & Guides

Liked this FAQ? Click to recommend it to other GameFAQs users. The Return of The Incredible Machine: Contraptions FAQby Lord Seth

Contact me at: [email protected] to contact me:If you just want to drop by a little "Thank you!" for my guideIf you can't understand part of the guide and need clarificationIf you find an error in the guideIf you want to make a suggestion for the guideIf you want to ask permission to put the guide on your site. It's possible I won't give permission, and if so, you have to respect that. If you have another good reason. Don't send SPAM or otherwise pointless messages to me about this guide. In fact, don't send SPAM or otherwise pointless messages to me, period.

WARNING: Before you look at any of the solutions, PLEASE try your very best to solve the puzzle yourself. If you solve a puzzle by looking up the solution, you just don't get the same satisfaction. Try your utmost to figure out how to solve it before turning to this guide.

Table of Contents:I. IntroII. Version HistoryIII. FAQ

IV. The Partsi. Ballsii. Wallsiii. Large Pipesiv. Barriers & Inclinesv. Pool Partsvi. Ropes and Rope-Related Partsvii. Things That Go Boom!viii. Electrical Items ix. Laser-Related Partsx. Belts & Belt-Related Partsxi. Miscellaneous Parts

V. Walkthroughi. Tutorialii. Easyiii. Mediumiv. Difficultv. Expert

VI. Thanks/Legal Stuff

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I. Intro

Yes, here I am, once again, to do another FAQ for a game in The Incredible Machine Series, the previous one being one of The Incredible Toon Machine. Huzzah! Since these games certainly deserve FAQs, here's another one! It's my personal opinion that every game deserves at least one FAQ, which is why I wrote this one. Hopefully it will help people who are stuck on a certain puzzle.

My personal favorite Incredible Machine game was probably The Incredible Machine 3. It seemed the most creative. It added all sorts of new parts, while the later games (like this one) really didn't. It's true The Incredible Toon Machine was perhaps even more creative, but that game's difficulty level was a bit too high and it had a mere 100 puzzles. However, The Incredible Machine 3 already has an FAQ, so I figured, why not do one for this game?

Like my The Incredible Toon Machine FAQ, this is a guide for the Macintosh version of the game. However, I am very confident that the PC version has few differences, if any, so this should work for that also.

II. Version History

1.06: Noticed a mistake in the version history (which I have fixed). Also fixed a few small mistakes, like typos. Hey, what can I say, I'm a perfectionist. Oh, the margins of the file were a bit off before; instead of going to 79 characters, it would cut off at about 56. The margins being smaller made the file have more lines. This has been fixed. Also, at the end of the last puzzle, previously I said something about how I might write a guide to The Incredible Machine: Even More Contraptions. As I've already written one for it, that has been adjusted. Finally, to "streamline" my guides for games in The Incredible Machine series, I added a "What To Do:" just before what you should do in each puzzle. (8/20/05)

1.04: Found a mistake where I didn't put the "What Happens" in Tutorial #8. Okay, it's just a Tutorial, and the "What Happens" part was really short, but

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hey, we want this guide to be complete, right? Oh, I also found one typo. (4/4/05)

1.03: Fixed up a few typos and caught a mistake where I didn't put "What Happens" in Tutorial #14. (2/25/05)

1.02: I gave permission for this guide to be allowed on a site other than GameFAQs, so I updated the "allowed sites" list. I also fixed a few mistakes in the guide. (11/20/04)

1.01: Some of the spacing between the puzzles wasn't quite right, so I fixed that. I also spell-checked this again and found a few errors, and fixed them. Changed a few other small things in the guide. (11/14/04)

1.00: Gee, if I had known how easy and quick it is to do walkthrough for the Tutorial levels, I would've done them before submitting version 0.83. Anyway, I finished those up and added them, even though the game flat-out tells you what to do on them. (11/10/04)

0.83: Gee, I wasn't kidding when I said to expect an update coming up. I have school off today, so I finished the Expert puzzles. Now all I have to do is write up solutions to the Tutorial puzzles, which shouldn't be too hard. (11/9/04)

0.68: Removed smart quotes from the document, which were making some apostrophes and quotation marks look screwed up. Realized I had skipped the "What Happens" section in KITTY IN A CAGE and fixed it. I'm about 2/3 through the Expert puzzles, so expect a more major update coming up. (11/8/04)

0.67: First release. Includes walkthrough for all levels except Tutorial and Expert. Also includes FAQ and Part Guide. The Expert and Tutorial puzzles will be added in a later release. (30/10/2004)


Q: I found an error on your guide. Should I-

A: Tell me about it? Of course! I want this guide to be as perfect as possible. If you found even a small grammar mistake, tell me about it!

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Q: I need help on something, and it isn't included in your guide! What do I do?

A: That depends. If you're having trouble with a puzzle that I haven't done yet, I'm working on it, so just wait until I update it. It takes a while to write these things, you know. If you have a question about something else, make sure it isn't covered in the guide, and then e-mail me about it.

Q: I solved a puzzle and forgot how to do it. How can I see the official solution again?

A: Go to "Build Contraptions" and then choose to Load a contraption. Choose "Contraption type" and then go to whatever difficulty it's in. Now choose to load the contraption and you'll see the official solution! Note that you can, of course, only do this after solving the puzzle.

Q: I have the Macintosh version, and if I try to go to another application and come back into here while in Full Screen mode, I get this "You cannot switch out of full screen. Your screen display size is too small." message. I tried clicking "OKAY", but nothing happened! What do I do?

A: I don't know if this has happened to anyone else, or if it also happens on Windows, but if your screen resolution size isn't large enough, you'll get this message. Here's how I do it. Note that you need to be using Mac OS X for this to work. Basically, if you leave the program and come back in, that message appears. Click "OKAY". Now, it's true nothing happens. But now press Control, Alt, and Escape all at the same time. The "Force Quit Applications" window will pop up. DON'T make anything quit. Instead, just close the window. The message should disappear and you can go back to playing the game.

IV. The Parts

I don't even know why I included this section, as information on the parts is in the Tutorial and you can even find information about them by either selecting "Help" and clicking on them or clicking on the magnifying glass that's shown when you select them. But, hey, it makes my guide more complete.

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i. Balls

All of the balls are functionally the same. They're affected by gravity and will move if something strong enough hits them. The difference is the size, weight, and bounciness. Since you can tell their size fairly easy, I'll list them by bounciness and weight to demonstrate them.

Bounciness, least bouncy to most bouncy: Pinball, Baseball, Bowling Ball, Soccer Ball, Basketball-Tennis Ball (tie), Super Ball.

It's worthwhile pointing out that the Super Ball is the ONLY ball that actually GAINS height with its bounces. I'm pretty sure that's scientifically impossible, but then again, so is alligators floating in the air...

Now for weight:

Pinball, Bowling Ball, Basketball-Soccer Ball (tie), Baseball, Tennis Ball.

The Super Ball is not included because its weight is not important, as it never stops bouncing.

There is, however, one Ball left, the Programmable Ball. Because it can be changed in so many ways, it is impossible to list its weight or bounciness.

ii. Walls

(Red) Brick Wall: This is pretty slippery, but not very slippery. Explosions will affect it.

Yellow Brick Wall: This is more slippery than a normal Brick Wall, and also can be exploded.

Cinder Block Wall: Not very slippery, and explosions affect it.

Greco-Roman Wall: This is pretty slippery and explosions won't affect it.

Wood Wall: Not very slippery, explosions will affect it.

Log Wall: Not very slippery, explosions will affect it.

Caution Wall: This wall is very slippery and isn't affected by explosives.

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Grass Floor: Not very slippery, explosives will affect it.

Sand Wall: Not very slippery, and explosions won't affect it.

Pipe Wall: Slippery and unaffected by explosives.

Curved Pipe Wall: This can be used to "connect" Pipe Walls or other walls. Unaffected by explosives.

Well, that was a big waste of time, wasn't it?

iii. Large Pipes

Large Pipe: These can be stretched out far and things can be put inside them. If something enters one end, it will exit the other end.

T-Connector: This can connect different segments of pipe together. If something enters through the top, it exits through the bottom, and vice versa. If it enters through the left, it exits through the right, and vice versa.

Large Curved Pipes: These can be used to change the direction of a pipe. Since they can be rotated, if I tell you to put one on the puzzle, I'll explain how it should be oriented. For example, an "up-right" Large Curved Pipe will be one with its exits being up and the other one to the right.

Accelerator Tube: These speed up an object that enters them. It also can change its direction.

Note that if an item enters a pipe, it is actually unaffected by gravity as long as it's only in a if it enters a Curved Pipe that moves upward, they'll exit the upward end.

iv. Barriers & Inclines

All the barriers (Lattice, Scaffold, Wooden, and Archway) are functionally the same. They can't be blown up and objects can go through them. They can, however, bounce off of them.

Inclines: You can use these to change the speed or direction of something if it's sliding/rolling. If something is moving upward and encounters an Incline, it can change its direction. If something is moving to the left and encounters

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an incline sloping down that way, it speeds up. No inclines are affected by explosives.

v. Pool Parts

Pool Table Wall: These are usually used to complete a pool table. Of course, what would a pool table be without...

Pool Table Pocket: These can be rotated into eight different angles. If anything enters them, it's gone.

Pool Cue: If something hits the red end, the white end will push forward anything near it. This can actually be put inside of walls, as long as the wall doesn't touch the red section.

Pool Ball: I could've put this in the Ball section, but it's so different than the rest there's no point. Unlike the other balls, this is unaffected by gravity. It stays in place until something moves it. You can change it to look like any pool ball if you want.

vi. Ropes and Rope-Related parts

Rope is one of the most important items in the game, because it can be used in so many different ways. Here are some "rope related" parts.

Rope: Well, what did you expect? You can use this to connect items, to either pull on them or hold them down. It can be cut by either Tin Snips or Trimmers.

Teeter-Totter: If something hits the upper side from above, or the lower side from below, this flips. This can make things be catapulted upward OR can move things. If the Teeter-Totter is connected to something with Rope, it can also affect that. Ropes can also be used to pull on the Teeter-Totters, changing their direction. Teeter-Totters are unaffected by gravity.

Tipsy Trailer: Basically the same as a Teeter-Totter. They're so similar, in fact, that I refer to it as a Teeter-Totter.

Steel Cable: Basically the same as Rope, except it's a little harder to cut. Only Tin Snips can cut it.

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Pulleys: This can be used to change the direction of the rope, which is often necessary. For example, the Lava Lamp needs to be pulled downward to turn on. But suppose you can only pull on it upward (say, with its Balloon). If you put a Pulley beneath the Lava Lamp, then put the Rope THROUGH it while connecting the Balloon to the Lava Lamp, the Lava Lamp will turn on. They're unaffected by gravity.

Boat Cleat: This can be used to prevent things from flying away or falling down. If a Bucket is tied to it, the Bucket can't fall all the way. This can also be used to alter the way something falls. For example, if a Balloon is to the right of it and they're connected, the Balloon, rather than floating simply upward, will float upward and towards the Boat Cleat, ending up being above it. They're unaffected by gravity.

Tin Snips: These will cut either Rope or Steel Cable. To make them cut, something needs to hit their back side (or their "middle"). If a Balloon or Blimp hits one, it's popped. Unaffected by gravity.

Hedge Trimmers: I call these "Trimmers" for short. They're the same as Tin Snips, only they can only cut Rope. Unaffected by gravity.

Captain Z Super Phazer: I call this a "Phazer" for short. If you tie it to something behind the Phazer, and that thing pulls on the Phazer from behind, directly upward, or directly downward, the Phazer will fire. You can program it to shoot up to 99 shots. The shots will light things or move them around. I'm sounding like a broken record here, but this is unaffected by gravity.

Bucket: Buckets are interesting. You can put things into them to make them heavier. If you connect a bucket, via Pulleys, to another Bucket and one gets heavier due to something going into it, that Bucket will lower while the other goes up. This can also be used to pull on things if you connect them with Rope.

Leaky Bucket: This is very similar to a Bucket. The only difference is that this can be programmed to leak, making it lighter. Note that a Leaky Bucket is

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as heavy as a Bucket before it leaks.

Laundry Basket: You can tie Ropes to this to make it work the same as the Bucket. The difference, of course, is that it can trap things rather than hold them.

Trans-Roto-Matic: If a Rope pulls on this, it's activated. It can also be activated if the "springy" side is hit by something. If activated, it does two things: 1) It can push things with its springy side and 2) If you connect a Belt to it, it'll turn the Belt. Unaffected by gravity.

vii. Things That Go Boom!

These are things that explode, or that help things explode or light.

Flashlight: If something hits the switch on this, it turns on. By itself it can turn on Solar Panels. With a Magnifying Glass it can light things. Flashlights are unaffected by gravity.

Lava Lamp: Similar to the Flashlight in that it can light things. If it gets a tug via rope from the bottom of it, it lights up. You'll often have to use Pulleys to make sure the tug is from the bottom. It can also turn on Solar Panels. Lava Lamps are unaffected by gravity.

Magnifying Glass: You need this is you want to light something with a Flashlight or Lava Lamp. It can also be used with a Candle or Flint Rocks. Just put it between the Flashlight (or whatever it is you're using) and it will light the thing in front of them. Note that the glass you can see on the Magnifying Glass must be facing the light source. Magnifying Glasses can light Candles, Cannons, Rockets, Fireworks, Missiles, Dynamite, and Aladdin's Lamps. Magnifying Glasses are unaffected by Gravity.

Candle: If this is lit, and the lit part of it encounters something that can be lit, it lights it. For example, if a lit candle encounters a Rocket's fuse, it lights it. Candles can also be used in conjunction with a Magnifying Glass to light things. Finally, Candles can turn on Solar Panels. If a lit Candle encounters a Balloon or Blimp, it pops it. Finally, if a lit Candle is under a

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Coffee Pot, it activates it.

Aladdin's Lamp: I call this the "Lamp" for short. It's very similar to the Candle. It can do all the things the Candle can do. The only difference is that only one side is lit and that's it a little bigger.

Flint & Tinder: I call these "Flint Rocks", personally. If one of the Rocks is hit, it activates and produces a flame, which is able to light things. It can be used with a Magnifying Glass (though it can light things on its own) and can turn on Solar Panels. Flint Rocks are unaffected by gravity.

Match-on-a-Spring: I call these "Matches" for short. You can attach Rope to these. If it feels a tug, it activates and a lit Match pops out, which can light things. It can also be used with Magnifying Glasses, but is able to light things on its own. Matches are unaffected by gravity.

Cannons: These can be rotated into six directions. It can be facing to the right or left and can be horizontal, facing almost straight upward, or in-between those two. If the fuse is lit, it fires a Pinball. Cannons are unaffected by gravity.

Dynamite: If its fuse is lit, it blows up.

Rockets: If the Rocket's fuse is lit, it is launched and moves in the direction it is facing. Its lit fuse can be used to light things.

Fireworks: These are very similar to Rockets, only they can only face up. They also explode when they go far enough up or hit something after launched.

Missiles: The same as Rockets, BUT if it hits something after being launched, it explodes.

Nitroglycerine: If something touches this, or it falls far enough, this tube explodes.

Remote Control/Remote Control Explosives: I call the Remote Control Explosives "explosives" for short. This is a two-part item. If something activates the Remote Control, the Explosives go off. The Remote Control can be activated either by something hitting its upper side or by it feeling a pull downward if it's connected with Rope.

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viii. Electrical items

These are either items that supply electricity or can be plugged in. None are affected by gravity. Note that Electric Motors and Generators are included in the "Belt" section. Also note that something has to be close enough to the outlet to be plugged in.

Can Opener: If given power, it opens a can. If Curie sees the can, she moves toward it.

Mixer: If plugged in and powered, this mixes whatever it is that's in it.

Fan: If plugged in and powered, this blows in the direction it's facing. This can moved objects or rotate Pinwheels.

Vacuum: If plugged in and powered, this will suck items underneath it toward it.

Toaster: Two things are required to make this work. First, the switch on its side must be pushed down on. Second, it must be given power. You can change what kind of toast it gives. The more burnt the toast is, the longer it takes for it to come out. The Toast that pops out can hit things and move them upward.

Electrical Outlet: If something's plugged into this, it automatically gets power.

Electric Switch & Outlet: I personally call this the Electric(al) Switch. Same as the Electric Outlet, except that the switch needs to be flipped. The switch can be set to down, so that it needs to be flipped upward to work. Note that if the switch is flipped power is supplied, but flipping the switch back turns it off.

Solar Panel: If light is shined on this, it activates and supplies power to things plugged into it.

Laser-Activated Plug: This can be set to various different colors. It gives

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power if and only if the little black "box" on it is hit by a laser that is the same color as the plug.

The Lasers: These are Red, Green, and Blue. Unless you're dealing with Laser-Activated Plugs, it really doesn't matter which color you use. And that brings us to our next section...

ix. Laser-Related Parts

Okay, so there are only three parts in this. Too bad.

Laser Mixer: These are important in levels where you have to use Laser-Activated Plugs that aren't Red, Green, or Blue. They can also be used to change where horizontally or vertically a laser is moving. If two or more lasers enter this, the laser will send out the color that is those colors combined. For example, all three colors send out a white laser, and blue and red will send out purple.

Mirrors: The can reflect a laser's direction. Since it's difficult to explain which way mirrors should be facing, I'll just say where to put them or where they need to be reflecting the laser. I'm pretty sure you're smart enough to figure out which way it should face.

Laser Detector: If a laser strikes the black sphere on it, the green light turns on. If a laser strikes it and is ever disrupted, the red light will turn on until the laser goes back.

x. Belts & Belt-Related Parts

Belts are a bit like Ropes. They can affect a lot of things. If you get a Belt to rotate, it can do helpful things. Note that all of these parts are unaffected by gravity.

Belts: Like Ropes, these can be connected to various things. UNLIKE Ropes, they have a limited range.

Electric Motor: If powered, this will rotate a Belt.

Generator: If connected to a Belt, and the Belt is rotated, this will supply energy.

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Mouse Motor: You'll see these a lot. The Mouse will run if something hits the Motor. It will rotate Belts connected to it when that happens. Mice are scared of Curie Cat, so if Curie is close it will run without being hit by something.

Mandrill Motor: If a Rope is connected to this and pulled, Pavlov Mandrill will try to move towards it, rotating any Belts that are attached to it. You can also bop him on the head with things, but that won't accomplish anything unless it's a requirement of the puzzle.

Conveyer Belt: This is what Belts are usually used for. Whatever direction the Belt is rotating will be the direction the Conveyer Belt will move (well, the top of it anyway). Conveyer Belts are used to move things around. The bottom side moves also, so it can move Balloons.

Tiny Gears and Gears: I personally prefer to call Tiny Gears "Small Gears" and Gears "Large Gears". These can be connected to each other with Belts, or put adjacent to each other. If one Gear turns, it will turn all Gears adjacent to it. Here's an interesting tidbit: If a Large Gear spins and makes an adjacent Small Gear spin, the Small Gear spins faster than normal. If a Small Gear moves a Large Gear, the Large Gear moved slower than normal. Adjacent gears will change the direction the Belts are rotating in. Gears are usually used to either change the direction Belts are rotating in OR span gaps, as Belts have a limited range.

Pinwheels: If air is blown onto this, it spins. Attach a Belt to it to make the Belt rotate. Pinwheels can be flipped to make the Belt rotate in the opposite direction.

Roto-Trans Converter: The opposite of a Trans-Roto-Matic. If a Belt and Rope are connecting to it and the Belt is moving, it will pull on the Rope.

Jack-in-the-Box: If connected to a rotating Belt, Jack will pop out of his Box. This will move things on top of it. Jack-in-the-Boxes can be rotated to change which direction Jack pops out of the Box.

xi. Miscellaneous Parts

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These are parts that are used, but don't really fit into any specific category.

Thumb Tack: This can be used as a platform. But if a Hot Air Balloon, Balloon, or Blimp touches the pointy side, it pops.

Balloon: Balloons will move upward. They actually are a lot like "backwards Buckets". That is, they act like Buckets, except instead of falling down, they move upward. Anti-Gravity Pads have a reverse impact on them. Balloons can be tied down using Rope and can be popped by a variety of things, such as Thumb Tacks, Trimmers, Lasers, and explosions.

Hot Air Balloon: Like normal Balloons, this can be tied down using Rope. Unlike Normal Balloons, it isn't quite as easily popped (Lasers and Candles don't pop it, for example). If the candle in it is lit, it floats upward, provided it isn't tied down.

Blimps: If a Blimp is in range of an explosion, it goes down in flames. While doing so, it can light other things and temporarily activate Solar Panels. If it encounters other Blimps while doing so, they go down in flames also. Blimps ordinarily move in a straight line. If they encounter a straight surface, they turn around and move backward. If they hit a non-straight surface, they turn around and move diagonally.

Egg Timer: I call this a Timer for short. If something hits the knob on top of it, it starts counting down. When it reaches 0, it pushes forward whatever is in front of it. The time it takes to do so can be adjusted. Timers are unaffected by gravity.

Bike Pump: If something hits this, it blows out air for a short amount of time. This can be used to rotate Pinwheels or move items. These are unaffected by gravity.

Anti-Gravity Pads: This reverses gravity's effect on things that are affected by gravity. Balloons are moved downward by these, and the other parts that normally fall downward will go upward. Note that if something gets far enough

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away from an Anti-Gravity Pad (off-screen) the Anti-Gravity Pad will stop affecting it and the item will fall downward, and the Anti-Gravity Pad will begin affecting it once again, and the cycle will continue. Anti-Gravity Pads are unaffected by gravity; if anything, gravity is affected by them!

Springboard: If something falls onto these, it will start to bounce higher and higher. Springboards are unaffected by gravity.

Pinball Bumpers: If something hits this, it'll be bounced away. Pinball Bumpers are unaffected by gravity.

Pinball Flippers: If something lands on this, it'll flip it upward. It's unaffected by gravity.

Boxing Glove: This is like a Pool Cue, except it only has one use. If something hits the smaller side of it, it will hit anything in front of it, making that move or increasing its speed. Boxing Gloves are unaffected by gravity.

Mel's House: If Mel walks by one of these, he'll enter it. A lot of puzzles require you to get Mel home. These are unaffected by gravity.

Mouse Hole: These are to Newton what the houses are to Mel. If Newton goes by one, he enters it. They're unaffected by gravity.

Cheese: If Newton sees Cheese, he'll run toward it. If he gets to Cheese, he'll stop and start nibbling on it.

Newton Mouse: "Newton" for short, this mouse will run towards Cheese and will run away from Curie. If he passes by a Mouse Hole, he enters it.

Curie Cat: Curie for short, there are three things that attract Curie: Newton, Fish Tanks, and opened Cans. If something hits Curie she'll move a little in the opposite direction of whatever it was that hit her.

Fish Tank: If anything ever hits this, it breaks. It will attract Curie. It will attract Curie from a larger distance if it's broken. Fish Tanks are unaffected by gravity.

Alligator: His full name is Edison Alligator, but we'll just call him "the Alligator". He's a bit like a platform, but if something other than Mel or

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Newton goes onto his mouth, he flips it into the air. If Mel or Newton is unfortunate enough to be on his mouth, he eats them. He's not affected by gravity.

Mel Schlemming: Mel isn't very bright. If he's headed in a direction, he'll mindlessly move in that direction, even if it means walking off a cliff or into an Alligator. I'm a little reminded of Lemmings...hey, maybe that's where his last name comes from. Mel "SchLEMMING"! Anyway, if Mel walks into something and can't continue on in that direction, he'll turn around and go in the other direction. Mel can move a few things around if he touches them. If Mel falls too far, he'll fall asleep. Mel has two settings: Stand, Walk, and Run. If he's in Stand and something hits him, he'll change to Walk. If Mel goes by one of his homes, he'll enter it.

Boxes: These can be changed into the five different kinds: Glass (also known as "Aquariums"), Wooden, Wicker, Metal, or Cardboard. They're unaffected by gravity and vary in size.

Message Computer: Also known as "Terminals" or "Computer Terminals", if something lands on the keyboard the monitor will display a character, which can be changed. These are usually used to give "hidden messages". They're unaffected by gravity.

V. Walkthrough

A few things to explain before we go through this.

First off, parts whose name are capitalized are there to show you that those are parts you have to place in the puzzle. If you put a part in the puzzle, I'll mention it. It may get a bit tedious when I keep writing out "with a Rope" or "with a Belt", but it's more thorough that way.

Secondly, the "What Happens" part is there in case you're having trouble figuring out what I'm saying you should do. So it's a bit of a "double reference".

i. Tutorial

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I don't know why I even bothered explaining how to do the Tutorial puzzles, especially when the game's hints flat-out tell you exactly how to do it. Well, it makes the guide complete, so I figure I should include it.


Okay, no offense, but if you can't figure THIS one out, you probably shouldn't play this game. But I might as well give the solution to make this complete.

What To Do: Put a SUPER BALL underneath the 8-Ball.

What Happens: The Super Ball bounces and hits the 8-Ball, sending it off the screen.


What To Do: Use a horizontal YELLOW BRICK WALL to fill up the first gap the Bowling Ball has to cross. Use an INCLINE to fill up the second.

What Happens: The two Bowling Balls slide down into the box.


What To Do: Put a CONVEYER BELT just underneath the Basketball. Put a GEAR next to the right Gear and put another Gear next to the second Gear. Use a BELT to connect the third Gear to the Conveyer Belt.

What Happens: The Mouse Motors are hit. They start up, moving the Basketballs into the piped area.


What To Do: Put a "/" TEETER-TOTTER underneath the Pinball, with its upper side underneath it. Put another "/" TEETER-TOTTER under the Bowling Ball, with its lower side underneath the Bowling Ball. Connect the upper ends of both Teeter-Totters with a ROPE.

What Happens: The Pinballs land on the Teeter-Totters, flipping the other Teeter-Totters, and sending the Bowling Balls into the baskets.

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What To Do: Put a PULLEY beneath the Teeter-Totters (it should be about in the middle of them). Attach ROPE to the upper end of the left Teeter-Totter, put it through the Pulley, and attach it to the lower end of the other Teeter-Totter.

What Happens: The Soccer Ball flips the Teeter-Totter, moving the Basketball to the right. The Basketball flips the Teeter-Totter, sending the Soccer Ball into the right Box before bouncing back to the left and falling into its box.


What To Do: Put a TENNIS BALL above the Electric Switch. Plug the CAN OPENER into one of the plugs and the FAN into the other.

What Happens: The Tennis Ball flips the switch, and all of the appliances turn on.


What To Do: Put the SUPER BALL underneath the right Electric Switch. Put the BASEBALL above the right side of the Toaster. Put the TENNIS BALL above the left Electric Switch.

What Happens: The Baseball puts the Bread in the Toaster and the Tennis Ball flips the switch, turning the Toaster and Can Opener on. Meanwhile, the Super Ball bounces until it flips the switch, turning the Fan and Mixer on.


What To Do: Put the ELECTRICAL OUTLET underneath the right Conveyer Belt and plug the ELECTRIC MOTOR into it, then connect the Electric Motor to the Conveyer Belt with a BELT.

What Happens: The Electric Motors turn on and activate the Conveyer Belts, moving the Bowling Balls into the "pit".

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What To Do: Plug the CAN OPENER into the right Generator. Put a BASEBALL above the right Mouse Motor and connect it to the Generator with a BELT.

What Happens: Both Mouse Motors are hit and start. They turn on the Generator, turning on the Blender and Can Opener.


What To Do: Connect the Lava Lamp to the upper part of the Teeter-Totter with STEEL CABLE. Put the SOCCER BALL above the Flashlight.

What Happens: The Flashlight shines on the Solar Panel, activating it and turning the Electric Motor on. The Baseball is moved to the left, falls onto the Inclines and then onto the Teeter-Totter, flipping it and turning the Lava Lamp on.


What To Do: Put a MAGNIFYING GLASS in front of the Flashlight.

What Happens: The Flashlight lights Aladdin's Lamp. It slides down and lights the Candle, pushing it to the left. The Candle lights the second Aladdin's Lamp.


What To Do: Put a BOWLING BALL above the upper end of the Teeter-Totter. Use ROPE to connect that end to the Match.

What Happens: The Bowling Ball flips the switch, activating the Match. It then hits the Flint Rocks, lighting them also.


What To Do: Put a FLASHLIGHT to the right of both Magnifying Glasses. Put NITROGLYCERINE at the top of the three boxes on the right side of the screen. Put the other NITROGLYCERINE above the 8-Ball. Put the PINBALL above the lower Flashlight.

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What Happens: The three right Nitroglycerine blow up, and you can observe their effect on the walls. The left Nitroglycerine blows up, sending the 8-Ball onto the Flashlight and lighting one Dynamite. The Pinball activates the bottom Flashlight, lighting the Dynamite.


What To Do: Put the SOCCER BALL above the right Remote Control. Put the BOWLING BALL above the higher part of the Teeter-Totter. Connect the higher part of the Teeter-Totter to the left Remote Control with ROPE.

What Happens: The Soccer Ball hits the Remote Control, triggering it. The Bowling Ball flips the Teeter-Totter, which pulls on the other Remote Control, triggering it. Both Explosives then explode. Well, what did you EXPECT explosives to do?


What To Do: Put a PINBALL just above the lowest Flashlight. Put a ROCKET above the Caution floor that's to the right of the lower Magnifying Glass.

What Happens: The Pinball turns on the Flashlight, lighting the bottom Rocket, which gets off the top of the screen just before the other Rockets stop it.


What To Do: Put the three FIREWORKS above the upper Pipe floor.

What Happens: The Candle is lit and slides to the right. It lights all three Fireworks and's the verb for what Fireworks do? Well, whatever it is, they do that.


What To Do: Put a horizontal CAUTION WALL above the Log Wall and Greco-Roman Walls. It should connect with the two. Put a TENNIS BALL above the Flashlight.

What Happens: The Flashlight lights the middle Missile. The Missile launches, lighting the other Missiles, and they also launch.

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What To Do: Put a CANNON to the right of the left-most Flashlight/Magnifying Glass. Put a BASEBALL above the left side of the Teeter-Totter. Connect the lower part of the Teeter-Totter to the Match with ROPE.

What Happens: The upper two Cannons are fired by the Flashlights. The lower one is fired when the Match is activated due to the Baseball flipping the Teeter-Totter.


What To Do: Use a BELT to connect the Pinwheel and Conveyer Belt. Put NEWTON above the Electric Switch.

What Happens: Newton turns on the Fan, which spins the Pinwheel. This activates the Conveyer Belt, which moves the Baseball to the right, into the Steel Cage.


What To Do: Put a PINBALL above the Bike Pump. Plug a MIXER into the Generator. Connect the Generator and Pinwheel with a BELT.

What Happens: The Pinball hits the Bike Pump, which blows on the Pinwheel. The Pinwheel activates the Generator, which turns on the Mixer.


What To Do: Attach ROPE to the purple Balloon, put it through the Pulleys, and connect it to the big-nosed Balloon (or whatever it's called. Put a downwards-facing THUMB TACK just above the happy face Balloon. Put a Brick floor below the Nitroglycerine.

What Happens: The big-nosed Balloon keeps the purple Balloon from floating into the Trimmers. The Happy Face Balloon is popped by the Thumb Tack. The Nitroglycerine falls but is blocked by the Brick floor, so it doesn't blow up the big-nosed Balloon.


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What To Do: Put a BLIMP to the left of the upper Flint Rocks, facing right. Put a right-facing THUMB TACK behind it.

What Happens: Two Blimps bump the Flint Rocks and then are popped by the Thumb Tacks. The other two Blimps encounter the lit Flint Rocks and go down in flames.


What To Do: Put a right-facing BLIMP to the left of the Flint Rocks. Put TRIMMERS below the Pinball. Put a PINBALL above the right side of the Teeter-Totter.

What Happens: The middle Hot Air Balloon is lit by the Flashlight and is freed when the Trimmers cut the Rope. The Blimp bumps the Flint Rocks, launching the left Hot Air Balloon. The last Hot Air Balloon is launched when the Pinball hits the Teeter-Totter and activates the Match.


What To Do: Put an ANTI-GRAVITY PAD underneath the Balloons and Bowling Balls that doesn't have an anti-Gravity Pad beneath them.

What Happens: The Anti-Gravity Pads push the Bowling Balls into the red brick boxes and pull the Balloons into the yellow brick boxes.


What To Do: Put a SPRINGBOARD below the right Baseball. Put a right-facing JACK-IN-THE-BOX underneath the Bowling Ball and connect it to the Mouse Motor with a BELT.

What Happens: The Baseballs hit the Mouse Motors, which start the Jack-in-the-Boxes. The Jack-in-the-Boxes activate, sending the Bowling Balls into the cages.


What To Do: There are two ways to do this puzzle: The easy way and the more interesting way. I'll give the easy way, as usual. If you want the interesting

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way, follow the Hints. Just put a PINBALL BUMPER in the gap in the middle of the screen.

What Happens: If the Pinball ever comes near the hole, the Bumper will bump it out, so it'll never fall off the screen.


What To Do: Put a right-facing BOXING GLOVE to the left of the Purple Balloon.

What Happens: The Balls hit the Boxing Gloves, which push the Balloons off the screen.


What To Do: Plug a CAN OPENER into one Electric Switch and the MIXER into another Electric Switch.

What Happens: The Electric Switches turn on, turning on all the appliances.


What To Do: Plug a TOASTER into the left Electrical Outlet. Put a BASEBALL above the Toaster's switch.

What Happens: The bread goes into the Toaster when the balls hit their switches. The toast comes popping up, knocking the 8-Ball off the screen.


What To Do: Use an ACCELERATOR TUBE to bridge the gap in the left pipes. Attach a right-up LARGE CURVED PIPE to the right pipe.

What Happens: The Bowling Balls go into their pipes and are shot out. They hit the Inclines and fall into the Steel Cages.


What To Do: Put a right-facing TIMER to the left of the right-most Pinball. Set it so that the Timer will activate instantaneously. Put a BASEBALL above the upper Timer.

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What Happens: The right Timer will push the Pinball onto the Remote Control, detonating the Explosives. Then the other two Timers will push the remaining Pinballs off the screen.


What To Do: Put a SOCCER BALL beneath the Incline.

What Happens: The two Soccer Balls land on the Message Machines and then roll to the right, turning on the other Message Machines.


What To Do: Put a upper-left POOL TABLE POCKET in the upper-left part of the Pool Table. Put a POOL CUE to the left of the Tennis Ball. Put a POOL BALL (let's make it a Cue Ball, just to make it seem more "natural") to the left of the Pool Cue. As with the other Pool puzzles, you may have to move things around a little to get them to work.

What Happens: The Cue Ball is sent to the right, where it hits the Pool Balls and sends the 15-Ball into the upper left Corner Pocket.


What To Do: Put a right-facing COFFEE POT above the Flint Rocks. Put FLINT ROCKS beneath the other Coffee Pot. Put a MOUSE MOTOR to the left of the right Flint Rocks and connect it to the Jack-in-the-box with a BELT. Put a BASEBALL above the left Flint Rocks.

What Happens: The Baseballs hit the Flint Rocks, activating the Coffee Pots. The left Coffee Pot blows the Hot Air Balloon off the screen and the Mouse Motor turns on the Jack-in-the-box.


What To Do: Plug the three LASERS into the Electric Switches and Electrical Outlet. Put a SUPER BALL underneath the left Electric Switch.

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What Happens: The two Electric Switches are flipped, turning all the Lasers on.


What To Do: Put a GREEN LASER-ACTIVATED PLUG above the Green Laser and to the left of the Mixer. Plug a BLUE LASER into it and have the Blue Laser face the Blue Laser-Activated Plug.

What Happens: The Red Laser turns on the Green Laser, which turns on the Blue Laser, which turns on the Mixer.


What To Do: Plug a right-facing BLUE LASER and GREEN LASER into the bottom Electrical Outlet. Put a LASER MIXER in front of them and have it point towards the Blue/Green Laser-Activated Plug.

What Happens: The Lasers combine in the Laser Mixers and activate the Laser-Activated Plugs, turning all the Can Openers on.


What To Do: Put a MIRROR in front of the Blue Laser so it'll reflect into the Mirror below and into the Mixer.

What Happens: The lasers reflect into the Laser Mixer, which emits a White laser, turning on the Mixer.


What To Do: Put a LASER DETECTOR in front of the Green Laser. Plug a LASER into the remaining Electrical Outlet and have it face the lowest Laser Detector.

What Happens: All the Lasers turn on and shoot lasers into the Laser Detectors, turning on the Green Lights.


What To Do: Put a ROTO-TRANS CONVERTER to the left of the Mouse Motor and connect the two with a BELT. Put a TRANS-ROTO-MATIC to the left of the Pulley

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and attach ROPE to it. Put the Rope through the Pulley and connect it to the Roto-Trans Converter. Connect the Trans-Roto-Matic to the Conveyer Belt with a BELT.

What Happens: The Mouse Motors activate the Conveyer Belts via the Roto-Trans Converter and Trans-Roto-Matic. The Conveyer Belts move the Pinballs into the Aquariums.


What To Do: Put a LEAKY BUCKET underneath the right Pulley. Attach ROPE to it, put it through the Pulley, and connect it to the Buckets.

What Happens: The Leaky Buckets fall down, pulling the Buckets up into the yellow bricks.


What To Do: Put TIN SNIPS underneath the Baseball and TRIMMERS beneath the Pinball.

What Happens: The balls hit the Tin Snips and Trimmers, breaking the Rope and making the Buckets and Leaky Buckets fall into the Baskets.


What To Do: Put a FISH TANK to the left of the lower Cats and put a TENNIS BALL above it.

What Happens: The right-most Curie sees the Fish Tank and goes after it. She flips the Teeter-Totter, breaking the Fish Tank and attracting the upper Curie. Meanwhile, the other Fish Tank breaks, the the Curies follow it and go into the pipes. The last Curie moves forward due to the Baseball hitting her.


What To Do: Put CURIE behind the Newton that's on the platform without a Curie or Cheese. Put CHEESE on the lowest Platform.

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What Happens: The highest Newton goes after the Cheese, then eats it. The second-highest Newton and the Newton underneath that Newton run from Curie and fall onto the platform with the Cheese, and eat it. The two bottom Newtons see the Cheese and run after it, then eat it.


What To Do: Put CHEESE to the right of the lower Mouse Hole.

What Happens: Both Newtons see the Cheese and run towards it. They then enter their Mouse Holes.


What To Do: Put a LAUNDRY BASKET underneath the right Mandrill Motor and connect the two with ROPE. Connect the Mandrill Motor to the Conveyer Belt above it with a BELT.

What Happens: The Mandrill Motors activate and move the Bowling Balls into the Wooden Crates.


What To Do: Put a MEL to the left of the lower "normal" house and program him to run. Put a different MEL to the right of the lower log house and program him to run. Instead of flipping him, just to make this puzzle more "correct", put a CAUTION WALL behind him.

What Happens: Two Mels run right into their houses. The other two Mels run away, hit the Caution Wall, turn around, and then run into their houses.


What To Do: Put a left-facing ALLIGATOR to the right of the bottom of the bottom Incline.

What Happens: The Pinball rolls down, hits the Alligator, and it bounces it into the Aquarium.


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What To Do: Put CHEESE above the bottom Electric Switch.

What Happens: The Cheese flips the switch. Both Newtons run towards the Cheese and are sucked up by the Vacuums.


What To Do: Put a PROGRAMMABLE BALL below the highest Electric Switch and set its Elasticity to the highest it can be. (alternatively, you can set its Density to the lowest it can be and it'll float up rather than bounce). Put a PROGRAMMABLE BALL in front of the Red Ball and set its Mass and Friction to the highest they can be. Put a PROGRAMMABLE BALL to the right of the bottom Boxing Glove. Plug the MIXER into the lower Electric Switch.

What Happens: The Red Ball can't hit the Boxing Glove because the Programmable Ball you placed in its path stops it. The Programmable Ball near the Fan bounces and flips the switch. The remaining Programmable Balls turn on the Mixer and hit the lower Boxing Glove.

ii. Easy


What To Do: Connect the match and the lower section of the Teeter-Totter using ROPE and put the BASKETBALL in the area underneath the Mouse Motor.

What Happens: The Teeter-Totter flips, both activating the Timer and bringing out the match. The Candle goes by the match and is lit, then launches the Rocket. The Rocket hits the Basketball, which hits the Mouse Motor, sending the pinball into the corner pocket.


What To Do: Attach a LARGE PIPE to the right of the curved pipe and stretch it so it will make Mel fall to the lower part of the screen. Put an Anti-Gravity Pad underneath the PIPE WALL that's serving as a "barrier" for Mel. Place an INCLINE far above it. You may have to do some moving of the Incline or

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Anti-Gravity Pad to get them to work.

What Happens: Mel falls into the Large Pipe and comes out. He continues walking and comes to the Anti-Gravity Pad. It levitates him upward, and the Incline sends him over the "wall" and into his house.


What To Do: Put CHEESE to the far right of Newton, but close enough so he sees it. Put the REMOVE CONTROL just underneath Newton and the EXPLOSIVES underneath the floor to the right of Newton. Make sure it's far enough from Newton so that it doesn't blow him to the left. Place CHEESE on the ledge underneath the Dynamite and put CHEESE on the far right of the middle yellow path. It needs to be far right so that Newton doesn't stop and eat it. Lastly, put CHEESE above the red floor that's above the Mouse Hole.

What Happens: Newton triggers the Explosives and runs towards the cheese. He falls down and runs left to the cheese. He falls down and runs towards the cheese BUT because the cheese is so close to the edge he overshoots it and falls down. He runs towards the cheese and away from Curie and ends up in his mouse hole.


What To Do: Place a HOT AIR BALLOON in the middle of the "pipe ring", above the Match. Put an ELECTRICAL OUTLET with its switch in the downward position above the Candle. Plug in a BLUE LASER to the Outlet, facing towards the Hot Air Balloon. Lastly, attach the Hot Air Balloon to the Match.

What Happens: The candle flicks the switch and turns on the laser. The laser lights the Hot Air Balloon and the match is released. The candle hits the match and is lit.


What To Do: Place a JACK-IN-THE-BOX to the right of the yellow incline (it should be lined up with the bottom of it). Place a YELLOW BRICK INCLINE (the

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smallest it can be) next to that yellow incline, and then place two more (smallest they can be) YELLOW BRICK INCLINES to the right of the Jack-in-the-Box. Connect the Mouse Motor to the Jack-in-the-Box with a BELT. Be sure that the Jack-in-the-Box is facing left, or else it will send the Basketball in the opposite direction it should go. Finally, put the last YELLOW BRICK INCLINE (stretched out to length two) to the left of the basket so that the Basketball won't bounce away from it.

What Happens: The basketball hits the Mouse Motor and lands on the Jack-in-the-Box. The jack comes out of the box and sends the Basketball into the basket.


What To Do: Place a BOXING GLOVE to the right of the Pinball and put an EGG TIMER to the right of the Baseball.

What Happens: The Bowling Ball hits the Boxing Glove, moving the Pinball. The Pinball hits the other Bowling Ball, which lands on the Timer and sends the Baseball moving. It hits the Tennis Ball, which ends up in the aquarium.


What To Do: Put the PINBALL above the Toaster (a little to the right of it). Place a "/" TEETER-TOTTER underneath the Toaster, its right side sticking out from beneath the platform the Toaster is on. Put the LAVA LAMP next to the SOLAR PANEL and connect the Lava Lamp and top of the Teeter-Totter with a ROPE.

What Happens: The Pinball puts the toast into the toaster and hits the Teeter-Totter. This turns on the Lava Lamp and the the bread turns into toast.


What To Do: Put a CONVEYER BELT underneath the lowest Pinball. Connect it to the Electric Motor with a BELT. Put a FLASHLIGHT in front of the Magnifying Glass and put a BOXING GLOVE to the right of the middle Pinball.

What Happens: The Pinball hits the Boxing Glove, moving the other Pinball. It flips the switch and the Electric Motor moves the third Pinball onto the

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Flashlight, firing the cannon.


What To Do: Connect the Electric Motor to the Conveyer Belt with a BELT. Put an ANTI-GRAVITY PAD to the left of the one already on the screen. Put some INCLINES above the Anti-Gravity Pads so that they'll move the ball towards the Large Pipe. Put a left-up LARGE CURVED PIPE underneath the right Accelerator Tube, and an down-left LARGE CURVED PIPE above it.

What Happens: The Conveyer Belt moves the ball right. The anti-gravity pads move it upward and into the pipe. It finally goes into the curved pipe and exits, hitting the aquarium.


What To Do: Put an ANTI-GRAVITY PAD underneath the Bowling Ball and a BIKE PUMP to the left of the Basketball. Put another BIKE PUMP to the left of the Balloon. Put the last BIKE PUMP to the right of the TENNIS BALL. Put TWO GEARS underneath the rightmost Bike Pump, TWO GEARS far underneath the second-rightmost Bike Pump, and TWO GEARS under the second-leftmost Bike Pump. Connect the Mouse Motor with the rightmost Gear with BELT, then connect the Gear next to that Gear with the next one with more BELTS, and so on until you connect the leftmost Gear to the Generator.

What Happens: The Bowling Ball moves the ball above it to the right. This begins a chain reaction where the balls or balloon hit the bike pumps, moving the next ball/balloon over. Finally the Mouse Motor is hit, which starts up the Generator and activates the Fan.


What To Do: Easy one. Put a facing-up THUMB TACK just underneath each of the Balloons, and then an ANTI-GRAVITY PAD under each of the Thumb Tacks.

What Happens: The Balloons fall onto the Thumb Tacks, popping them.

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What To Do: Take the CINDER BLOCK WALLS and put them in front of the three right Blimps. The three walls should be of length two.

What Happens: The right blimps hit the walls and move back, essentially caging them in. Meanwhile, the other blimps move right and enter the hanger.


What To Do: Put a PHAZER above the left part of the Teeter-Totter, facing the Hot Air Balloon (or rather, the candle in the Hot Air Balloon). Connect it to the upper part of the Teeter-Totter with ROPE. Put an INCLINE sloping up to the right above the Hot Air Balloon, and put a THUMB TACK facing downward above the hole on the bottom of the screen. The Thumb Tack needs to be where the Hot Air Balloon will travel, so see where it goes before placing the Thumb Tack.

What Happens: Mel flips the Teeter-Totter, triggering the Phazer. The Hot Air Balloon is lit and moves upward and encounters the Thumb Tack. It pops and the laundry basket falls off the screen.


What To Do: Put the LEAKY BUCKET a good deal underneath the floor that's underneath the left Pulley. Set it so that it doesn't leak at all. Connect ROPE to it, put the Rope through the Pulleys, and then connect it to the Bucket. Put an ANTI-GRAVITY PAD underneath the ball an INCLINE of length two far above it. The Incline should be sloping upward to the right.

What Happens: The ball moves upward and because of the incline turns right. It triggers the explosives and lands in the Bucket. The Bucket moves downward and lands on the trimmers, releasing the Balloon and popping it.


What To Do: This one is hard to do an exact walkthrough for, so I'll just say what you need to do. Make sure the two balls will trigger the two REMOTE CONTROLS and have the REMOTE CONTROLLED EXPLOSIVES above the brick floor

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that's above the containers. Have the ANTI-GRAVITY PAD be in the gap that's to the right of the aquarium, and put the SPRINGBOARD wherever you need to.

What Happens: The baseball rolls over the Trap Door and the pinball falls in. This achieves the separation necessary. The balls land on the Remote Controls, breaking the walls above their containers, and continue on their way until they reach there.


What To Do: Put a LASER MIXER underneath the Laser-Activated Plug. Put two MIRRORS underneath it, lined up with the topmost mirrors. Plug ELECTRIC MOTORS into the plug and connect them to the Conveyer Belts with BELTS.

What Happens: The Lasers go through the mirrors and end up mixing in the Laser Mixer. The Electric Motors move the Rockets to the right and left, and the lasers ignite them.


What To Do: Use an INCLINE to fill in the incline gap. Line up the LASER with the fuses of the Fireworks and plug it into the ELECTRICAL OUTLET. Put FLINT ROCKS underneath the rightmost Fireworks.

What Happens: The Laser pops the balloons and lights five Fireworks. Mel walks over and hits the Flint Rocks, lighting the last one.


What To Do: Simple. Place ANTI-GRAVITY PADS underneath all of the balls and INCLINES sloping upward to the left above them all.

What Happens: The Balls all move up because of the Anti-Gravity Pads, hit the inclines, move left, and fall into their respective containers.


What To Do: Put three adjacent GEARS underneath each of the Conveyer Belts,

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except for the top one, which only needs two. Connect the Electric Motor with a BELT to the middle bottom Gear. Of the gears in the "second row", connect one to the Conveyer Belt with a BELT and the other to the middle gear in the row above it. Of that row, connect one gear to the Conveyer Belt above it and the other to a gear in the top row. Lastly, connect the one remaining gear to the top Conveyer Belt. Now put a Balloon underneath the switch.

What Happens: The Electric Motor starts up and turns all the gears. The gears move the balls into their boxes.


What To Do: Put a "\" TEETER-TOTTER underneath the Basketball. Put an ANTI-GRAVITY PAD at the bottom of the "room" to the right of it and place a down-to-right LARGE CURVED PIPE connected to the Pipe Accelerator.

What Happens: The Teeter-Totter flips the Basketball, which goes through the pipes and triggers the explosives, allowing the Soccer Ball to enter the basket.


What To Do: Put CHEESE on top of the platform that's to the left of the platform Newton is on. Put TRIMMERS above the Laundry Basket, on its rope. Put a REMOTE CONTROL underneath the gap between the platform with the Cheese on it and the platform with Newton on it and the EXPLOSIVES above the rightmost red brick floor.

What Happens: Newton triggers the Remote Control, which allows the Pinball to move all the way up and go to the left. It hits the Trimmers, which release the Laundry Basket on Newton.


What To Do: First, put the CAUTION WALL underneath the Baseball. Place a MIRROR below and to the left of the bottom-left Mirror. Put the GREEN LASER and RED LASER to the right of the Green Laser-Activated Plug, facing the left mirrors and plugged in.

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What Happens: The vial explodes, making the Baseball flip the switch. The lasers end up activating the Green Laser-Activated Plug, which turns on the lasers, which turns on the mixer.


What To Do: Pretty easy. In the places where the Balloon needs to go downward, place ANTI-GRAVITY PADS. When the Balloon needs to change direction, use the INCLINES.

What Happens: The Balloon goes through the whole "maze" and due to the Anti-Gravity Pad at the end it hits the Thumb Tack.


What To Do: Plug the ELECTRIC MOTOR into the plug at the right. Connect it to the Roto-Trans Converter with a BELT. Connect the Trans-Roto-Matic to the Gear and place another GEAR next to that Gear. Connect the new Gear to the Generator with a BELT, and put a CAN OPENER underneath the Generator, plugged in.

What Happens: Newton flips the switch, and the Electric Motor turns on. Via the Roto-Trans Converter and Trans-Roto-Matic (and the Gears) the Generator starts up. The Can Opener is turned on, and Curie sees it. Curie goes after the Can Opener and falls into the cage.


What To Do: Connect the Leaky Bucket through the Pulley to the Match, via ROPE. Put a FIREWORKS underneath the CAN OPENER and a LAVA LAMP to the right of the Magnifying Glass. Place a CANNON facing to the left on the match. The Cannon should be facing a little upward. Put an ANTI-GRAVITY PAD under Curie. Connect the bottom part of the Teeter-Totter to the Pulley, and then the Lava Lamp.

What Happens: The match comes out and lights the Cannon. The Cannonball is fired and ends up landing on the Teeter-Totter, which turns on the Lava Lamp,

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firing the Fireworks and turning on the Can Opener. Curie meanwhile is at the top and sees the Can Opener, and goes after it.


What To Do: Use two INCLINES to connect the upper Yellow floor with the Yellow floor just below it. The Inclines should be as small as they can be and should be connected. Plug the RED LASER into the upper plug, pointing downward at the Laser-Activated Plug. Connect the MOUSE MOTOR to the Generator with a BELT. Connect the lower part of the Teeter-Totter with the Match using ROPE.

What Happens: The Pinball flips the switch, turning on the Can Opener. It lands on the Teeter-Totter, turning on the Mixer and Coffee Pot.


What To Do: Use a "\" Teeter-Totter to bridge the gap at the lowest log floor. Connect the upper part of it with the upper part of the Teeter-Totter above it using ROPE. Put an ACCELERATOR TUBE at the bottom left of the screen.

What Happens: Mel walks left over the Teeter-Totter, flipping the other Teeter-Totter. He is sent upward due to the Accelerator Tube, walks right, and comes to his house.


What To Do: Put a MAGNIFYING GLASS to the right of the Flashlight and put a CANNON facing to the right (it should be horizontal) to the right of the Magnifying Glass. Place a CANNON facing to to the left (it needs to be facing high upwards). Put a BALLOON at the upper right of the screen and connect it to the match with ROPE.

What Happens: The lower Cannon fires and the Pinball fires the other Cannon, blowing up the explosives and Blimps.


What To Do: Place a MATCH-ON-A-SPRING near the fuse of each Missile, their

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pink side facing towards the center. Put a "/" TEETER-TOTTER above the middle floor (just to the left of the inclines). Connect ROPE to the top end and put it through the Pulley just above it, and then to the right match. Attach ROPE to the other end, put it through the bottom Pulley, then the upper Pulley, and lastly attach it to the match. Finally, put a BOWLING BALL above the Teeter-Totter.

What Happens: The Bowling Ball flips the Teeter-Totter, causing the two matches to be released, igniting the missiles and blowing them up.


What To Do: Put a "/" TEETER-TOTTER underneath the Bowling Ball, with the upper side underneath the Bowling Ball. Attach ROPE to the upper side and connect it to the Remote Control.

What Happens: The Bowling Ball flips the Teeter-Totter, triggering the explosives and freeing the Soccer Ball.


What To Do: Put the FIREWORKS just left of the bottom Dynamite and put FLINT ROCKS underneath the Fireworks. Put an ACCELERATOR TUBE (facing upward) just underneath the bottom part of the T-Connector. Put a left-up LARGE CURVED PIPE underneath the Accelerator Tube and a down-right LARGE CURVED PIPE above the T-Connector. Connect a left-down LARGE CURVED PIPE to it, and put an up-right LARGE CURVED PIPE far below it

What Happens: The Pinball hits the Pinball Bumper and goes into the pipes. It falls from the upper pipe down to the lower one and emerges into the area where the Flint Rocks are. It moves over and hits them, setting off the Fireworks and in turn setting off the dynamite, blowing Mel away.


What To Do: Put an ANTI-GRAVITY PAD just to the left of the alligator. Place NITROGLYCERINE in the same "room" as the Pinball. Put the POOL CUE underneath the Baseball with its red side on the side of the Baseball.

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What Happens: Newton triggers the explosives and releases Curie. He scurries right but is stopped by the Anti-Gravity Pad. Curie goes after him but falls through the Trap Door onto the Remote Control. The Pool Cue knocks Curie off the screen and sends the Pinball to the left, revealing the message.


What To Do: Put an up-right LARGE CURVED PIPE just beneath Newton and attach a left-up LARGE CURVED PIPE to it. The two pipes should thus connect to the upper-right pipe. Place a right-down LARGE CURVED PIPE attached to the right of the upper-left Accelerator Tube. Put the Remote Control in the middle of the screen (or anywhere as long as it doesn't interfere with Newton's journey) and put the EXPLOSIVES to the right of the wall next to the Mouse Hole. Place CHEESE just above the Remote Control.

What Happens: The Cheese triggers the Remove Control, removing the wall. Newton goes through the pipes and lands where the Explosives were and enters the Mouse Hole.


What To Do: Tricky one. Place a "\" TEETER-TOTTER so that the lower side is beneath Curie and the upper side is beneath the Pinball. Put a MOUSE MOTOR just to the right of the gap to the upper right of Curie Cat. Place a CONVEYER BELT on the red floor that's underneath the gap. Finally, place a right-facing TIMER to the left of Newton.

What Happens: The Teeter-Totter flips Curie to the right. The mouse sees it and starts running, causing the Conveyer Belt to send Curie to the right. Meanwhile the Pinball has hit the Timer and sent Newton to the right. Curie sees Newton and goes after him. Newton runs right and Curie falls down the gap. Newton triggers the Timer, which pushes Curie into the grass corner.


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What To Do: Place DYNAMITE between the wooden floors that's underneath the Bucket. Put a "/" TEETER-TOTTER to the right of the match (it doesn't really matter where, as long as it doesn't interfere with the puzzle) and connect it to the match with ROPE. Put a BALLOON underneath it. Connect the Mandrill Motor to a GEAR with a BELT and put another GEAR next to it. Place two more GEARS (adjoined) closer to the Generator and one of those Gears to the Generator with a BELT. Connect the two remaining Gears with a BELT.

What Happens: The Balloon flips the Teeter-Totter, igniting the Dynamite. The Bucket falls and Pavlov starts running. This turns on the Generator, which turns on the Can Opener.


Man, when I was younger and I was playing this level in The Incredible Machine 3, it took me forever to solve. But now I can do it easily, and so can you if you follow this guide.

What To Do: Put a MOUSE MOTOR to the left of the Inclines underneath the Missile. Put two adjoined GEARS above and to the right of it. Connect one to the Mouse Motor with a BELT and the other to the Roto-Trans Converter with another BELT. Use two INCLINES stretched out as far as they can go to bridge the gap between the lower Inclines and the brick wall. Connect the Roto-Trans Converter to the match with ROPE.

What Happens: The Missile disturbs the mouse, which releases the match. The Missile is lit by the Match and hits the fish tank.


What To Do: Place a "\" TEETER-TOTTER underneath the Baseball. Place an INCLINE of width two in the corner to the left of the lower Teeter-Totter. Place an INCLINE to the right of the baseball and connect the upper part of both Teeter-Totters with ROPE.

What Happens: The upper incline prevents the baseball from rolling off the Teeter-Totter. Meanwhile, the Bowling Ball falls and flips the Teeter-Totter,

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flipping the Teeter-Totter the Baseball is on, and bonking Pavlov on the head.


What To Do: Put the ANTI-GRAVITY PADS along the bottom of the floor, but make sure none affect the Candle at the moment. Put a BALLOON underneath the Candle. Attach ROPE to the Balloon, put it through the Pulley, and attach it to the match.

What Happens: The Candle pushes the Balloon down and opens the match. The match pops the Balloon and lights the Candle. The Anti-Gravity Pads move the Candle along its way so that it finally lights the dynamite.


What To Do: This puzzle is easy if you take it one step at a time. Place a SPRINGBOARD underneath the pinball. Connect an up-right LARGE CURVED PIPE with the curved pipe already on the screen and put an ACCELERATOR TUBE above the right large curved pipe. Put a HEDGE TRIMMERS underneath and to the right of the Balloon. Place an ANTI-GRAVITY PAD underneath the lower left incline.

What Happens: The pinball bounces up and moves right. It goes through the pipes and ends up hitting the Trimmers and cutting the rope. The Balloon moves left and is pulled downward, then moves left and flies upward, flipping the switch and turning on the Mixer.


What To Do: Put a MAGNIFYING GLASS to the left of the Dynamite and a LAVA LAMP to the left of the Magnifying Glass. Connect the Lava Lamp to the Bucket with ROPE. Put an up-left LARGE CURVED PIPE underneath the pipe on the screen and attach an ACCELERATOR TUBE to the left part of the large curved pipe.

What Happens: The dynamite is lit and the Bowling Ball moves right. It enters the pipes and hits the Mouse Motor.

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What To Do: Put a "\" TEETER-TOTTER underneath the switch underneath the Pinball. Attach the upper part of it to the Remote Control with ROPE. Put a MANDRILL MOTOR just to the right of the Remote Control. Put a PULLEY far underneath the Pavlov Motor (make sure it's beneath the Teeter-Totter). Attach a ROPE to the lower part of the Teeter-Totter, put it through the Pulley, and then attach it to the Mandrill Motor. Connect the Mandrill Motor to the Generator near it with a BELT. Put a MOUSE MOTOR next to the explosives and attach it to the Generator with a BELT.

What Happens: The pinball flips the Teeter-Totter, which turns on the explosives AND makes Pavlov run. These two events let the Generators turn and the Mixers

iii. Medium


As with many puzzles involving Lasers, this puzzle will probably take several tweaks to accomplish.

What To Do: Plug in a RED LASER into the Electrical Outlet, facing right. Plug a GREEN LASER and BLUE LASER into the Red Laser-Activated Plug and have them both face right. Put a LASER MIXER in front of them. Connect the Electric Motor to the Conveyer Belt using a BELT. Place an ANTI-GRAVITY PAD underneath the Hot-Air Balloon.

What Happens: The Red Laser activates the Red Laser-Activated Plug. The two other Lasers mix to form green-blue and turn on the Electric Motor. The ball moves left and releases the Hot Air Balloon. The ball then reacts to the Anti-Gravity Pad (or does the Anti-Gravity Pad react to the ball?) and pushes the Balloon up. It encounters the Laser and lights, then flies off the screen.


What To Do: Place a BUCKET to a little above and just to the right of the Bucket already on the screen. Put a BALLOON underneath the log platform.

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Connect the Mandrill Motor to the Jack-in-the-Box with a BELT. Put NEWTON to the left of Curie (far enough away so that Curie can't catch him) and put a left-facing ALLIGATOR just to the left of the bottom of the sand platform.

What Happens: The Bucket knocks the other Bucket off the ledge, starting up the Mandrill Motor. The Jack-in-the-Box sends Mel flying, and he hits the Balloon, then falls. He'll wander on the Balloon a little but will fall down. Since Curie was moved left by chasing Newton, Mel will walk into her and then turn around, entering his Cabin.


What To Do: Easy. Put an ELECTRICAL OUTLET somewhere on the screen and plug the FAN into it. Put the PINWHEEL in front of the Fan and put a GEAR adjacent to a gear close to the Pinwheel, then connect the Gear and Pinwheel with a BELT. Put the JACK-IN-THE-BOX somewhere on the screen and point the remaining GEAR adjacent to a Gear close to the new Jack-in-the-Box. Connect the new Gear to the Jack-in-the-Box with a BELT.

What Happens: The Fan spins the pinwheel, which turns all the gears and opens all the Jack-in-the-Boxes.


What To Do: Put a SPRINGBOARD underneath the Pinball and TRIMMERS above the Leaky Bucket. Put a left-facing BOXING GLOVE to the right of the Balloon and put a right-facing BIKE PUMP underneath the lower part of the Teeter-Totter. Put a PINWHEEL to the right of the BIKE PUMP and connect it to the Conveyer Belt with a BELT.

What Happens: The Pinball hits the Trimmers and triggers the explosives. Mel is blown out of his prison and hits the Boxing Glove, flipping the Teeter-Totter. The Bike Pump makes the Pinwheel spin, and the Pinball hits Pavlov on the head.

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What To Do: Put NITROGLYCERINE above the top-most Blimps, about in the middle. Put a left-facing BOXING GLOVE to the right of the Balloon and a BLIMP to the right of the Boxing Glove. To make sure there's enough time for the Nitroglycerine to hit, making the Blimp face right OR put it far to the right.

What Happens: The Nitroglycerine should barely squeeze between the two Blimps. It hits the bottom, allowing the Balloon to go free. AFTER that happens, the Blimp hits the Boxing Glove and the Balloon is freed.


What To Do: Put the T-CONNECTOR between the three pipes in the middle of the screen, to the left of the T-Connector already on the screen. Put a down-right LARGE CURVED PIPE far above the bottom left-up Large Curved Pipe. Put an ACCELERATOR TUBE just to the right of it. Put a left-down LARGE CURVED PIPE above the left T-Connector. Lastly, put a down-right LARGE CURVED PIPE attached to the upper-right down-left Large Curved Pipe.

What Happens: The ball goes through the pipes and falls off the bottom of the screen. Sorry that's not very descriptive, but otherwise it would be a real pain to type. It's my FAQ, so shut up.


This puzzle took me forever to figure out when I first got this game. I just couldn't figure out how to start it. However, now I know. I forgot about the other way to move the Trans-Roto-Matic. Argh...

What To Do: First off, place a TRANS-ROTO-MATIC just to the left of the match. Its "springy" side should be facing the side the Bowling Ball is on. Connect it to the Teeter-Totter with a ROPE and connect the Trans-Roto-Matic to the Conveyer Belt near it with a BELT. Put a right-facing MISSILE on the log platform to the right of the match. Put a right-facing BOXING GLOVE to the left of Curie. Put a JACK-IN-THE-BOX underneath the lower part of the other Teeter-Totter and connect it to the MOUSE MOTOR. Connect the MANDRILL MOTOR to

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the Conveyer Belt with a BELT and put a TRIMMERS underneath the left Balloon.

What Happens: The Bowling Ball moves up and hits the Trans-Roto-Matic, making it move. THAT was what stumped me...but anyway, this lights the Missile and moves the pinball into the pipes. It hits the Boxing Glove and Curie is moved to the right. The Mouse Motor starts up, and the Jack-in-the-Box turns on the Mandrill Motor, moving the pinball to the right and cutting the rope. This frees the Balloons and they float out the hole created by the Missile.


What To Do: Put an ANTI-GRAVITY PAD underneath the pinball and an ACCELERATOR TUBE to the right of the down-right pipe that's above the pinball. Use two more ACCELERATOR TUBES to bridge the gap between the right Accelerator Tube and the Large Curved Pipe to the right. Put an ACCELERATOR TUBE to the left of the up-left LARGE CURVED PIPE next to the Missile. Put a down-left LARGE CURVED PIPE above the right-up Large Curved Pipe. Put a HOT AIR BALLOON to the right of the Magnifying Glass. Put a MATCH beneath the Missile and connect it to the HOT AIR BALLOON with ROPE.

What Happens: The pinball goes through the pipes and finally ends up turning on the Flashlight. This lights the Hot Air Balloon, opening the Match and launching the Missile.


What To Do: Put an up-left LARGE CURVED PIPE underneath the baseball and a down-left LARGE CURVED PIPE above the other Large Curved Pipe. The new Large Curved Pipe should have its left edge next to the red brick incline. Put a TRIMMERS underneath the Balloon, and a FLASHLIGHT and MAGNIFYING GLASS to the left of the Cannon. Place a down-left LARGE CURVED PIP above the Remote Control.

What Happens: The baseball enters the pipes and emerges from the last one. It rolls down the incline and hits the Trimmers, cutting the Rope and sending the

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Balloon upward. It knocks the Baseball to the right, turning on the Flashlight and making the Cannon fire. The cannon enters the Large Curved Pipe and exits, triggering the Remote Control, and letting Newton get the Cheese.


What To Do: Put a TRIMMERS below the Pinball, on the Rope holding down the left-most Balloon. Put another TRIMMERS below the Balloon to the right of that one. This one should be much lower than the other. Put a CANDLE on the Conveyer Belt and a MAGNIFYING GLASS and LAVA LAMP to the left of it. Put a PULLEY underneath the Lava Lamp and connect the lower part of the Teeter-Totter, with ROPE, to the Lava Lamp, being sure to go through the Pulley. Put an ELECTRICAL SWITCH near the floor in the middle of all the Balloons. Plug the GENERATOR into it (it may have to be a bit away from the Switch) and connect it to the Conveyer Belt with a BELT. The placement of the Switch and Electric Motor will be the tricky part of this puzzle.

What Happens: The first two Balloons are released and are popped, but the first one turns on the Lava Lamp, lighting the Candle. The Pinball flips the switch and the Electric Motor sends the Candle to the right, popping the two remaining Balloons.


What To Do: Place a down-right LARGE CURVED PIPE far above the Anti-Gravity Pad. Connect it to a LARGE PIPE and ACCELERATOR TUBE. They should stop just short of being in front of the yellow wall that's to the right of the Electric Motor. Put a FLASHLIGHT next to the Magnifying Glass. Put a MIRROR underneath the right mirror but also to the right of the Laser. Connect the upper part of the Teeter-Totter and the Match with ROPE. Put a CONVEYER BELT underneath the Rocket and connect it to the Electric Motor with a BELT.

What Happens: The Pinball flips the switch. The Laser goes through the mirrors and activates the Laser-Activated Plug, and the Rocket moves to the right. Meanwhile, the Pinball has encountered the Anti-Gravity Pad and moves up into

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the pipes. It leaves the pipes and enters the Large Curved Pipe to the right. It falls out, flips the Teeter-Totter, activating the Match. The Coffee Pot then blows the Bowling Ball to the left, turning on the Flashlight, and launching the Rocket.


What To Do: Put a DYNAMITE above the Bucket.

What Happens: The Dynamite lowers the Bucket. It hits the Teeter-Totter and launches the Fireworks. Okay, okay, so that was pretty cheap, but it worked, right?


What To Do: Put a TIMER to the right of the Missile and put a BOWLING BALL above it. Put a "/" TEETER-TOTTER with its lower end underneath the Baseball. Put a PULLEY to the right of the Trans-Roto-Matic. Attach ROPE to the Trans-Roto-Matic, put it through the Pulley, and then connect it to the lower part of the Teeter-Totter.

What Happens: The Bowling Ball starts the Timer, which pushes the Missile to the right. The Bowling Ball then moves right and puts the baseball onto the Teeter-Totter. This makes the Trans-Roto-Matic push Mel, and he activates the Flint Rocks, making the Missile launch just in time to destroy the Blimps.


What To Do: Put a left-facing TIMER underneath the Candle. It should be a little to the right of it so that after activating it the Candle falls to the left. Plug the ELECTRIC MOTOR into the Electrical Outlet. Put a ROTO-TRANS CONVERTER next to it and connect the two with a BELT. Put a MATCH to the left of the Timer and connect it to the Roto-Trans Converter with ROPE. Take the four INCLINES and make them all sloping down to the right. Make them as small as they can be. Have the highest one have its upper edge next to the caution

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wall and connect the other ones to it. Next to the bottom one, put the CAUTION WALL and stretch it out horizontally enough so that it reaches the bottom caution floor.

What Happens: The Candle starts the Timer and falls to its left. Meanwhile the Electric Motor has opened the Match and the Candle is lit. The Timer pushes the Candle to the right. The Candle gets momentum from the steep incline and moves right, lighting all the Fireworks.


What To Do: Put DYNAMITE in the "box" below the Dynamite, and put NITROGLYCERINE in the MIDDLE of the "box" below the new Dynamite. Put an ANTI-GRAVITY PAD beneath the striped ball. Put the GEAR next to the Large Gear. Put the GENERATOR to the right of the Mouse Motor. Connect the the Mouse Motor to the left-most Gear with a BELT. Using BELTS, connect the right-most Gear to the Conveyer Belt and the middle Gear to the Generator. Plug a right-facing FAN into the Generator. Use a BELT to connect the Pinwheel and Conveyer Belt. Use two small INCLINES to bridge the gap between the left Incline and the Sand Wall. Place two ANTI-GRAVITY PADS just to the right of the Sand Wall, just above the sand floor.

What Happens: The Anti-Gravity Pad moves the ball upwards. The incline makes it move left. It starts up the Mouse Motor. This makes the Timer blow up the Nitroglycerine and the Dynamite, and also starts the Pinwheel up. Meanwhile the striped ball has encountered the Anti-Gravity Pads and has moved up, then right. It falls into where the Dynamite used to be and lands on the Conveyer Belt, which moves it into the Bucket.


What To Do: Put an ANTI-GRAVITY PAD in the area underneath the right pinball. They should be adjacent and to the right. Put a MOUSE MOTOR to the right of the upper Explosives and connect it to the Conveyer Belt with a BELT.

What Happens: The Anti-Gravity Pads move the Pinball upward. It hits the Remote Control, triggering the explosives. This makes the Mouse Motor run,

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moving the other Pinball to the left and it hits the Remote Control, triggering the other explosives. The soccer ball then falls into the middle pocket.


What To Do: Put a GENERATOR above the upper Mouse Motor, Plug a FAN into the Generator and have it face the Balloon. Put an ANTI-GRAVITY PAD in the area underneath the Cheese. Put a GENERATOR to the upper right of the lower Mouse Motor and plug a CAN OPENER into it. Connect it to the lower Mouse Motor with a BELT.

What Happens: The lower Newton moves left and goes upward, hitting the Mouse Motor. It makes the Can Opener run, and Curie goes after it. She bounces and the upper Newton runs away from her. He hits the upper Mouse Motor, turning on the Fan, and sending the Balloon into the Thumb Tack.


What To Do: Put a FLASHLIGHT underneath the Pinball. Put a MIRROR above the sensor, lined up with the Red Laser. Put a LAVA LAMP above the Solar Panel and put a PULLEY underneath it. Attach ROPE to the Hot Air Balloon, put it through the Pulley, and connect it to the Lava Lamp.

What Happens: The Pinball turns on the Flashlight and sets off one of the Explosives. The Candle gets lit and lights the Hot Air Balloon and detonates the other Explosive. The Hot Air Balloon turns on the Solar Panel, so the Laser turns on and is reflected onto the Laser Sensor.


What To Do: Put an ELECTRICAL SWITCH underneath Newton and plug a right-facing LASER into it. Put a CANNON above the Rocket, with its fuse in the rocket's path. The Cannon should be pointing to the left, as far upward as it can. Run the puzzle and look where the Baseball goes. Put a MOUSE MOTOR above where it

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first lands and put a CONVEYER BELT to its left. Connect the two with a BELT.

What Happens: Newton triggers the switch, and the Laser ignites the Rocket. It in turn ignites the Cannon, which sends its Pinball into the upper bucket. It hits the Trimmers, and the other Bucket hits the Remote Control. The ball is blown to the right and hits the Mouse Motor, then rolls onto the Conveyer Belt. It's moved left, off the screen.


What To Do: Put a MOUSE MOTOR in the gap on the lower brick wall. Connect it to one of the Gears with a BELT. Put a ROTO-TRANS CONVERTER to the right of the Gears and connect the remaining Gear to it with a BELT. Attach ROPE to the Roto-Trans Converter, put it through the Pulley, and connect it to the match. Put an ANTI-GRAVITY PAD just to the right of the lowest incline. Use a stretched-out INCLINE to bridge the gap between the Anti-Gravity Pad and the Incline to its right. See the red brick platform above of where you put the Inclines? Use the two remaining INCLINES to connect it to the platform above and to the right of it. Have one incline be of width two and the other of width four. Put a right-facing TIMER on the left platform. Make sure the delay is set to the longest possible.

What Happens: The tennis ball rolls left and activates the Mouse Motor, which starts the Coffee. The tennis ball encounters the Anti-Gravity Pad and moves upward. It activates the Timer and rolls to the right a little, but then returns. By now the Timer is ready and pushes the ball to the right. It activates the Toaster by hitting it and flipping the switch.


What To Do: Put an ANTI-GRAVITY PAD at the bottom of the screen, underneath the Pinball. Put a left-up LARGE CURVED PIPE just to the right of the right pipe platform. Put an ACCELERATOR TUBE above the new Large Curved Pipe. Connect the upper part of the Teeter-Totter to the Match with a ROPE. Lastly, put a BLIMP, facing right, between the Leaky Bucket and Teeter-Totter.

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What Happens: The Pinball is moved up and hits the Incline. It rolls left and is moved over the gap by the Anti-Gravity Pad. It enters the bottom Large Curved Pipe and emerges out of the upper Large Curved Pipe. It rolls right and lands on the Leaky Bucket. This opens the Match, which sets the Blimp on fire. The Blimp falls downward, lighting the Solar Panel, and starting the Mixer.


What To Do: Put a TIMER to the right of the Soccer Ball, facing it. Put an incline of width one (sloping down to the right) above and to the left of the Timer. Put a "\" TEETER-TOTTER to the left of the Basketball. Connect the upper part of the Teeter-Totter to the Lava Lamp with a ROPE. Put the SOLAR PANEL to the left of the Lava Lamp, and plug a left-facing LASER into it. Put a MIRROR in front of the Laser and a HOT AIR BALLOON to the right of the lower Mirror. Put the ELECTRIC SWITCH/OUTLET far above the Hot Air Balloon and plug the ELECTRIC MOTOR into it. Lastly, connect the Electric Motor to the Conveyer Belt with a BELT.

What Happens: The Nitroglycerine sends the Basketball to the left, and it flips the Teeter-Totter, turning on the Laser. The laser hits the mirror and goes down, towards the other mirror. It bounces off of that mirror and the Hot Air Balloon is lit. It moves up, flips the switch, and the Pinball (with the help of the Incline) hits the Timer, sending the Soccer Ball off the screen.


What To Do: Put a "/" TEETER-TOTTER underneath the Baseball. Put a FLASHLIGHT and MAGNIFYING GLASS to the right of the Cannon. Finally, put a right-facing BOXING GLOVE on the platform that's to the left of the Fish Tank.

What Happens: The Pinball flips the Baseball into the air and it turns on the Flashlight, lighting the Cannon. The Cannonball hits the Boxing Glove, breaking the Fish Tank.

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What To Do: Put a POOL CUE between the Pinball and the Blimp. Put an ANTI-GRAVITY PAD in the "hole" between the double-caution floor (that is, where there are the two caution floors adjoined) and the Caution Wall. Put an INCLINE of width two to the right of the Anti-Gravity Pad, sloping down to the left. Place an INCLINE (stretched as far as it can go) at the top of the Caution Wall and have it slope upwards to the left. Put a "/" TEETER-TOTTER underneath the upper Leaky Bucket and connect its upper part to the upper Remote Control with ROPE.

What Happens: The Pool Cue sends the Pinball to the right. The Anti-Gravity Pad will move it upward and then it will move left because of the Incline. It flips the Teeter-Totter, setting off both bombs.


What To Do: Put a SOLAR PANEL to the right of the Lava Lamp and plug the RED LASER and BLUE LASER into it. The two should be lined up with the mirrors to the right. Put DYNAMITE in front of the Bowling Ball. Put a LASER MIXER in front of the Laser-Activated Plug. Put a BIKE PUMP to the left of the Pinwheel, facing it. Put a ROTO-TRANS CONVERTER above the Pinwheel and connect the two with a BELT, then connect the Roto-Trans Converter to the Lava Lamp with ROPE.

What Happens: The Pinball breaks the aquarium, but then moves right and hits the Bike Pump, starting up the Pinwheel. This turns the Lava Lamp on, turning on the Lasers. The upper Laser blows up the Dynamite, getting rid of the Bowling Ball. After the Bowling Ball is gone, the lasers will reach the mirrors and turn downwards into the Laser Mixer, turning on the Vacuum.


What To Do: Put a BOXING GLOVE between the Pinball and Bowling Ball. Put a MOUSE MOTOR in the gap between the caution floors. Use a CONVEYER BELT (stretched out all the way) to fill the gap to the left of the bottom caution floor. Put a ROTO-TRANS CONVERTER underneath the Mouse Motor and connect them

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with a BELT. Put a TRANS-ROTO-MATIC above and to the right of the Conveyer Belt and connect it to the Roto-Trans Converter with ROPE and to the Conveyer Belt with a BELT. Lastly, put a SPRINGBOARD in the gap at the right end of the bottom caution floor.

What Happens: The Bowling Ball rolls right, drops, then goes left. It starts the Mouse Motor and falls onto the Conveyer Belt. The Mouse Motor, via the Roto-Trans Converter and Trans-Roto-Matic, move the Bowling Ball to the right when it gets onto the Conveyer Belt. It comes to the Springboard and starts bouncing. It may bounce around for a while, but it should eventually enter the cage.


What To Do: Put a left-facing TIMER to the right of the Pinball. Put a "/" TEETER-TOTTER in the space to the left of the left Explosives. Connect the upper part of the Teeter-Totter to the lower Remote Control with a ROPE. Finally, put an ANTI-GRAVITY PAD to the left of the Pinball.

What Happens: Mel turns on the Timer and continues right. He blows up one set of Explosives by running on the Teeter-Totter, and the Timer pushes the Pinball onto the Anti-Gravity Pad, and the Pinball eventually hits the other Remote Control, blowing up the other explosives. Mel now runs right and enters his house.


What To Do: Put an ACCELERATOR TUBE above the Large Curved Pipe. Put a left-facing TIMER to the right of the Candle. Run the puzzle and see where the Pinball goes after activating the Timer. Place the MOUSE MOTOR somewhere in there, but make sure the Pinball doesn't bounce back from the Mouse Motor and hit the Candle. Anyway, connect the Mouse Motor to the Jack-in-the-Box with a BELT. Put a TEETER-TOTTER with its lower end above the Jack-in-the-Box. Put a MANDRILL MOTOR above it and connect the upper part of the Teeter-Totter to the Mandrill Motor with ROPE. Connect the Mandrill Motor to the Generator with a

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What Happens: The Pinball goes into the pipe and is thrust to the right. It turns on the Timer AND hits the Mouse Motor. The end result of the Mouse Motor being turned on is that the laser hits the Candle and it's lit. By this time the Timer will pushes it to the right, igniting the Missile, and knocking Mel off his platform.


What To Do: Put a REMOTE CONTROL in the wooden "corner" near the top and put the EXPLOSIVES over the wooden area at the top left. Put another REMOTE CONTROL in the other "wooden corner" on the second floor and the EXPLOSIVES on the wooden part on the right. Use a CAUTION WALL to make a floor underneath the caution floor beneath the second explosives. Put a right-facing TIMER (set to instantaneous reaction) to the left of the Bowling Ball.

What Happens: Mel walks right and then walks onto the Remote Control. It triggers the explosives. He continues left and falls down the new gap, moves right, then triggers the other Remote Control. He continues right and falls down the new gap, turns left, and pushes the Pinball to the left. It activates the Timer and pushes the Bowling Ball to the right. The Bowling Ball opens the Trap Door, so Mel falls into it and enters his house.


What To Do: Put the two ANTI-GRAVITY PADS in the gaps between the sand floors. Put a right-facing TIMER to the left of the right Pinball. Put a down-right LARGE CURVED PIPE to the left of the Lava Lamp. Connect ROPE to the Lava Lamp, put it through the Pulley, and connect it to the lower part of the Teeter-Totter.

What Happens: The Anti-Gravity Pad sends the Pinball upwards. It enters the Bucket, which falls down and activates the Timer. The Timer sends the other Pinball to the right onto the Anti-Gravity Pad. It enters the pipe, falls out, enters the other pipe, and falls onto the Teeter-Totter, turning on the Lava

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What To Do: Put FLINT ROCKS to the right of the TIMER and put the COFFEE POT above them. Put a ROTO-TRANS CONVERTER beneath the Mouse Motor and connect the two with a BELT. Put a MATCH at the fuse of the Cannon and connect it to the Roto-Trans Converter with ROPE. Put a left-up LARGE CURVED PIPE to the right of the Cannon. Place an ACCELERATOR TUBE above the Large Curved Pipe and place a down-left LARGE CURVED PIPE above the Accelerator Tube.

What Happens: The Timer activates the Flint Rocks, so the Coffee Pot starts up. This makes the Mouse Motor run, activating the Match and igniting the Cannon. The Cannon fires and the Pinball goes into the pipes and emerges, hitting the Nitroglycerine.


What To Do: Put a REMOTE CONTROL underneath the baseball and put the EXPLOSIVES between the floor above the Hot Air Balloon and the floor above that floor. Put DYNAMITE to the right of the Bowling Ball and put a BUCKET on the Incline to the right of the Hot Air Balloon. Put FLINT ROCKS underneath the Hot Air Balloon and put TRIMMERS underneath the Bowling Ball and are on the Rope. the Hot Air Balloon down.

What Happens: The Explosives blow up the floor above the Hot Air Balloon and the floor above that floor. The Bucket activates the Flint Rocks, and the Hot Air Balloon moves upward. This lights the Match, which in turn lights the Dynamite, blowing up the floor and sending the Bowling Ball to the left. The Bowling Ball hits the Trimmers, cutting the Rope and letting the Balloon fly off the top of the screen.


What To Do: Take a CONVEYER BELT and stretch it out as far as you can. Put it

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just above the Soccer Ball and move it as far left as you can without it not preventing the Soccer Ball from moving upward. Now move it up two spaces. Put a stretched out INCLINE just to the left of the Conveyer Belt. The Incline should be sloping down to the right. Now move the Incline four spaces left and two spaces up. Put a PINBALL below the lower part of the Teeter-Totter. Attach ROPE to the upper part of the Teeter-Totter, put it through the upper Pulley, then the lower one, and then connect it to the Lava Lamp. Put a MAGNIFYING GLASS to the right of the Lava Lamp. Plug an ELECTRIC MOTOR into the Solar Panel (it should be below the Solar Panel). Connect the ELECTRIC MOTOR with the Conveyer Belt with a BELT.

What Happens: The Pinball turns on the Lava Lamp. The candle will be moving up and down a bunch (when it's far enough off the screen the Anti-Gravity Pad will stop working on it and it'll fall, triggering the Anti-Gravity Pad again), and it will be a little closer to being lit each time it comes by the Magnifying Glass. Once it's lit, it'll turn on the Solar Panel and Electric Motor, moving the Pinball into the caution box.


What To Do: Put a "/" TEETER-TOTTER underneath the baseball and connect its lower end to the Phazer with ROPE. Put FLINT ROCKS underneath the Fireworks. Put the BOAT CLEAT a little above the floor that's underneath the Flint Rocks. Connect the Boat Cleat to the Hot Air Balloon with a ROPE. This puzzle will probably take some fine-tuning with the placement of the Flint Rocks and Boat Cleats.

What Happens: The baseball turns on the Phazer and the Hot Air Balloon veers to the left because it's tied down. It hits the Flint Rocks, which light the Fireworks.


What To Do: Put a BOAT CLEAT underneath each of the Nitroglycerine tubes and

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attach each to the Bucket that's to the right of it with ROPE. Put an ANTI-GRAVITY PAD at the bottom of the screen, partly under the Caution Wall. Use the WOOD WALL to make a floor to bridge the gap between the wooden floor and the Anti-Gravity Pad. Put an INCLINE above the Anti-Gravity Pad.

What Happens: The Buckets all stop the Nitroglycerine from harming Mel. He runs right and encounters the Anti-Gravity Pad, which sends him upward. The Incline moves him left and he enters his House.


What To Do: Put a BALLOON to the right of the PHAZER and connect them with ROPE. Put FLINT ROCKS in front of the Phazer. They should be above and a little to the right of the Missile's fuse, and be low enough to affect the upper Blimp. Put a MISSILE on the lower platform, facing right.

What Happens: The Phazer shoots the Flint Rocks. The Blimp encounters them and goes down in flames. It lights both Missiles, destroying the other Blimps.


What To Do: Put an upside-down ROTO-TRANS CONVERTER to the right of the Mouse Motor. Connect the two with a BELT. Put a PHAZER underneath it and to the left of the Dynamite. Connect the ROTO-TRANS CONVERTER to the Phazer with ROPE. Connect the Bucket to the Mandrill Motor with ROPE, and connect the Mandrill Motor to the other Roto-Trans Converter with a BELT. Connect the Roto-Trans Converter to the lower part of the Teeter-Totter with ROPE. Put two adjoined GEARS between the Generator and Mouse Motor. Connect one to the Mouse Motor and the other to the Generator, both with BELTS.

What Happens: The Phazer shoots the Dynamite. This makes the Mouse Motor run the Generator and turns on the Mandrill Motor. It pulls the Teeter-Totter up, making Mel go right. He turns on the Toaster and the Toast comes up.


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What To Do: Put CURIE above Mel and put a left-facing NEWTON where the Hint is pointing. Now place NITROGLYCERINE in the indentation that's underneath and to the left of the Newton you just placed.

What Happens: Newton runs from Curie. This part's a bit confusing, but it ends up with Mel getting to the right edge of the platform. He falls, then uses Newton to climb up to the upper platform. He continues left, falls, then goes right. He falls into the hole made by the Nitroglycerine and enters his house.


What To Do: Put FLINT ROCKS below the Rocket and an ANTI-GRAVITY PAD beneath the Balloon. Connect the Teeter-Totter to the Lava Lamp with a ROPE. Put a LASER MIXER in front of the Laser so that it will reach the Laser-Activated Plug. Plug an ELECTRIC MOTOR into the outlet and put a ROTO-TRANS CONVERTER below it. Connect the two with a BELT and put a PULLEY below the Phazer. Attach a ROPE to the Roto-Trans Converter, put it through the Pulley, and connect it to the Phazer.

What Happens: The Balloon flips the Teeter-Totter, turning the Lava Lamp on. This turns the Laser on and it goes into the Laser Mixer, which sends the laser into the Laser-Activated Plug. The Electric Motor turns on the Phazer, which hits the Flint Rocks and launches the Rocket.


What To Do: Put a FLASHLIGHT and MAGNIFYING GLASS to the left of the Hot Air Balloon. Put an ELECTRICAL SWITCH high above the Hot Air Balloon, with the switch down. Plug an ELECTRIC MOTOR into it. Take two GEARS and put them in the space between the Electric Motor and the Conveyer Belt. Connect one Gear to the Electric Motor, and the other to the Conveyer Belt the Candle is on using BELTS.

What Happens: The Pinball turns on the Flashlight. It lights the Hot Air Balloon, which moves upward, and then lights the Candle. The Hot Air Balloon

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flips the switch and turns on the Electric Motor, which moves the lit candle to the right, setting off the Fireworks.


What To Do: Put an ANTI-GRAVITY PAD beneath the Soccer Ball. Put a FLASHLIGHT to the left of the Solar Panel. Put a "\" TEETER-TOTTER underneath the Baseball. Put the TIN SNIPS on the Steel Cable holding the Hot Air Balloon to the ground. Plug one LASER into the Electric Switch and have it point down at the Cannon's fuse. Make sure it's to the left of the Electric Switch. Plug the other LASER into the Solar Panel and have it face the Hot Air Balloon. Put a BIKE PUMP to the right of the Pinwheel.

What Happens: The Soccer Ball moves upward and pushes the Basket onto the Teeter-Totter. The flipped Teeter-Totter sends the baseball to the right, and it hits the Bike Pump. The Bowling Ball moves to the right and turns on the Blue Laser, then moves right because of the Pinball Bumper hits the Tin Snips, releasing the Hot Air Balloon. The Cannon launches its Pinball, which hits the Flashlight and makes the Laser light the Hot Air Balloon.


What To Do: Put TIN SNIPS on the Steel Cable and put a "/" TEETER-TOTTER just underneath them. Put a FLASHLIGHT to the left (and a little lower than) the Pinball. Put a MAGNIFYING GLASS to the Flashlight's right. Put the TRIMMERS on the rope holding the Balloon down. Put the POOL CUE between the Balloon and Soccer. The Pool Cue should be diagonal, its red side facing the Balloon. Put an up-left LARGE CURVED PIPE above and to the right of the Springboard. Connect an ACCELERATOR TUBE to its left side and connect a right-up LARGE CURVED PIPE to the Accelerator Tube's right side. Put a down-right LARGE CURVED PIPE a bit above it and connect an ACCELERATOR TUBE to its right. The bottom of the Accelerator Tube should barely touch the the corner of the yellow brick wall and yellow brick platform. Put a THUMB TACK a little above the right-most yellow wall (or something else to stop the Soccer Ball from going too far).

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What Happens: The Pinball turns on the Flashlight and launches the Hot Air Balloon. The Hot Air Balloon flips the Teeter-Totter, releasing the Bucket. The Bucket hits the Trimmers and releases the Balloon, which makes the Soccer Ball go to the left. It enters the pipes, is thrust out of the left one, enters the one above it, then exits the Accelerator Tube. It rolls up the incline, hits the Thumb Tack, then falls into the wooden crate.


What To Do: Put a "/" TEETER-TOTTER underneath the Baseball. Put a PULLEY underneath the Lava Lamp. Attach ROPE to the Lava Lamp, put it through the Pulley, and connect it to the lower part of the Teeter-Totter. Put a stretched out CONVEYER BELT underneath the Pinball. Put a MOUSE MOTOR above the lower part of the Teeter-Totter and connect the two with a BELT. Put a MOUSE MOTOR just to the left of the Conveyer Belt the Pinball is on and connect it to the Conveyer Belt the top Mel is on with a BELT. Put a MOUSE MOTOR underneath and to the right of the Conveyer Belt the upper Mel is on. Connect the Mouse Motor to the lower Conveyer Belt with a BELT. Take a CONVEYER BELT, stretch it out as far as you can, and put it just to the right of the platform the houses are on. Put a MOUSE MOTOR to the right of that Conveyer Belt. DO NOT CONNECT THEM.

What Happens: The Teeter-Totter flips, turning on the Lava Lamp and starting the Mouse Motor. The Pinball moves right, hitting the other Mouse Motor. Mel is moved right and hits the third Mouse Motor, moving the other Mel to the right. The two Mels continue right and fall. They land on the Conveyer Belt, walk right, encounter the Mouse Motor, then go to the left and enter their houses.


What To Do: Put an up-right LARGE CURVED PIPE below the Pinball and a left-up LARGE CURVED PIPE next to it. Put an ACCELERATOR TUBE just above that Large

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Curved Pipe and put a down-right LARGE CURVED PIPE far above it. Put a left-down LARGE CURVED PIPE next to that one. Far below it put an up-right LARGE CURVED PIPE (note that it may not line up perfectly with the above pipe) and connect a left-up LARGE CURVED PIPE to it. Put an ACCELERATOR TUBE above that pipe and far above it put a down-right LARGE CURVED PIPE. Connect a left-down LARGE CURVED PIPE to it. Below the T-Connector put an up-right LARGE CURVED PIPE and connect a left-up LARGE CURVED PIPE. Put an ACCELERATOR TUBE above it and put a down-left LARGE CURVED PIPE above that. The new Large Curved Pipe should be connected to the T-Connector.

What Happens: The Pinball falls into the pipes and is thrown upward into the down-right pipe. It falls down into the up-right pipe and is thrown upward into the down-right pipe. It falls down into the T-Connector. It then falls into the lower pipe and ends up entering the right side of the T-Connector, then falls out the left side and falls off the screen.


Ugh. I hate this puzzle. Still, it is a good puzzle to put at the end of the Medium puzzles. The tricky part is that you have to place things very carefully.

What To Do: Put an ACCELERATOR TUBE below the Pinball and a PINBALL BUMPER to the lower left of the computer. Put another PINBALL BUMPER, this time far above and a little to the right of the right flipper. Put an ACCELERATOR TUBE at the bottom of the Wood Incline that's to the right. Put a PINBALL BUMPER above the glass box, just below the highest log platform. It should be just to the left of the Log Incline that's to the right of the log platform.

What Happens: The Pinball falls into the Accelerator Tube and is thrown upward. It hits the Terminal, then the lower Pinball Bumper. It moves up and hits the upper one, goes back to it, hits it again, and then is moved right. It ends up in the right Accelerator Tube and is thrust upward. It hits the Pinball Bumper and is bounced back. It goes into the Accelerator Tube again, then bursts out again. This time it hits the Pinball Bumper but stays in that

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area, then enters the Wicker Basket. If that didn't work, try rearranging the parts some. This level takes a lot of trial and error.

iv. Difficult


What To Do: Connect the LASER to the Generator. The Laser should be facing down towards the Candle. Put a TIMER to the left of the Candle and an ANTI-GRAVITY PAD level with the caution floor. Put an up-left LARGE CURVED PIPE below the Pinball, with its left exit lined up with the upper Large Curved Pipe's right exit. There should be enough space between them to put a Mouse Motor. Place a MOUSE MOTOR underneath the gap between the two of them. Place a down-left LARGE CURVED PIPE just to the right of the bottom Large Curved Pipe. Take the BRICK WALL and put it next to the upper caution floor. Stretch it out horizontally to the left. Put DYNAMITE above the Anti-Gravity Pad. Lastly, connect the Mouse Motor and Generator with a BELT.

What Happens: The Anti-Gravity Pad moves the Dynamite up, but it's halted by the brick floor. Meanwhile, the Pinball enters the pipe. It emerges from its left side. It slides over the Mouse Motor (which starts up the Generator, lighting the Candle) and into the next pipe. It falls down and goes through the pipes to land on the Timer. The Timer pushes the Candle to the right, lighting the Dynamite and blowing up the brick wall. The Candle then moves right and lights all the Fireworks.


What To Do: Put a ROCKET underneath the left part of the Teeter-Totter. Put a PULLEY underneath the Phazer. Use ROPE to connect the lower part of the Teeter-Totter with the Phazer, making sure to go through the Pulley. Put a MAGNIFYING GLASS and FLASHLIGHT to the right of the Fireworks. Lastly, put a MISSILE on the ledge above the Flint Rocks.

What Happens: Newton flips the Teeter-Totter, and the match lights the Rocket.

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The Rocket makes the Phazer shoot the Flint Rocks and light the Missile. The Missile destroys the Blimps and blows up the ledge the Pinball is on. The Pinball hits the Remote Control, which sends the tennis ball to the right, where it falls onto the Flashlight and lights the Fireworks.


What To Do: Put a right-facing FLASHLIGHT underneath the Baseball, a MAGNIFYING GLASS to the right of the Flashlight, and a CANDLE to the right of the Magnifying Glass. Place a left-facing Blimp a bit to the right of the Candle. Now for the tricky part. Put a SPRINGBOARD just to the left of the caution floor the fourth Fish Tank is on. (that is, the fourth Fish Tank the Pinball breaks). Put an INCLINE of length one sloping down to the left just above the Springboard, then move it two spaces up. Place an INCLINE of length two just to the right of the Incline you just placed. Place two connected INCLINES of width one just underneath the right side of the caution platform the third Fish Tank is on. The right end of the Inclines should stop just short of the caution platform to the right.

What Happens: The Blimp encounters the lit Candle and goes down in flames, lighting the Cannon. The Pinball breaks the first four Fish Tanks with ease, then lands on the Springboard. The Inclines move it to the right. It breaks the remaining two Fish Tanks, and Curie follows them, moving right off the screen. (pun intended)


What To Do: Put a SPRINGBOARD underneath Newton and an ANTI-GRAVITY PAD at the bottom of the left side of the "room" Newton is in. Put the BOXING GLOVE to the right of the Cheese.

What Happens: Newton bounces until he hits the Pinball Bumper. He's thrown to the left and moves up because of the Anti-Gravity Pad. He hits the Boxing Glove, sending the Cheese to the left, and letting the other mice eat.

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What To Do: Put an ANTI-GRAVITY PAD underneath the left-most Pinball. Plug an ELECTRIC MOTOR into the right-most socket and connect it to the Conveyer Belt with a BELT. Plug a RED LASER into the other Electrical Switch and have it face down towards Aladdin's Lamp. Put an INCLINE underneath the highest Pinball, sloping down to the left. Put a right-facing CANNON to the left of the pipe. This Cannon should be facing as far up as possible (it barely squeezes in there). Put a SPRINGBOARD underneath the Teeter-Totter. Plug the BLUE LASER into the Solar Panel. Have it face down and have it be above the Laser-Activated Plug. Plug an ELECTRIC MOTOR into the Laser-Activated Plug and connect it to the Conveyer Belt with a BELT. Connect the Match and Roto-Trans Converter with a ROPE.

What Happens: One Pinball rolls down the Incline and flips the switch, making the Laser light the Lamp. The other Pinball moves upward and flips the other switch, sending the Lamp to the right and lighting the Cannon. The Pinball falls into the pipe and bounces on the Springboard, flipping the Teeter-Totter. It turns on the Lava Lamp, which turns on the Blue Laser. This turns on the Laser-Activated Plug, so the Electric Motor moves the remaining Pinball to the left. It hits Mel, who moves and hits the Mouse Motor. Through the Roto-Trans Converter, the match is released, and the Coffee Pot is heated.


What To Do: Put NEWTON on the ledge that's to the left of Curie. Put a POOL CUE between the Tennis Balls and Pinball, the white end facing the Pinball. Put a "\" TEETER-TOTTER underneath the Bowling Ball and TRIMMERS on the Rope above the Bucket.

What Happens: Curie goes after Newton. Meanwhile, the Tennis Balls hit the Pool Cue and send the Pinball to the right. The Pinball flips the Teeter-Totter and the Bowling Ball lands on the other Teeter-Totter, setting off the Explosives. Meanwhile, Curie has landed on the Inclines and has slid

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over, onto the Bucket. The Explosives, um, explode, sending the Bowling Ball to the right, hitting the Trimmers and cutting the Rope, sending Curie off the bottom of the screen.


What To Do: Put a left-facing PHAZER to the right of Newton and put a BALLOON to the right of it. Connect the two with STEEL CABLE. Connect an up-right LARGE CURVED PIPE to the left of the Accelerator Tube and a left-up LARGE CURVED PIPE to its right. Place an ACCELERATOR TUBE to the right of the down-right LARGE CURVED PIPE that's in the middle of the screen. Plug an ELECTRIC MOTOR to the Electric Switch and connect it to the Conveyer Belt with a BELT. Finally, put a YELLOW BRICK WALL to the right of the cage (but not so far right that it will interfere with Newton's pipe journey).

What Happens: The Phazer hits the Dynamite and blows it up. Newton runs left to the Cheese and falls into the pipes. He finally emerges from the right-most Large Curved Pipe and flips the switch. The Electric Motor moves Curie Cat to the left. The Anti-Gravity Pad moves her upward, and she's moved left by the Inclines. She hits the Yellow Brick Wall and falls into the cage.


What To Do: Put the REMOTE CONTROL on the left exit of the right Large Curved Pipe and the Explosives next to the Grass Wall. Put an up-left LARGE CURVED PIPE underneath the left Bowling Ball, and use an ACCELERATOR TUBE to connect it to the left right-up Large Curved Pipe. Use a down-left LARGE CURVED PIPE to connect that Large Curved Pipe to the Large Pipe. Place a right-down LARGE CURVED PIPE to the left of the Large Pipe. Put a MAGNIFYING GLASS to the right of the Flashlight and a CANNON to the right of the Magnifying Glass. Keep the Cannon at the same angle as it comes into the puzzle at.

What Happens: The right Bowling Ball triggers the explosives. The left Bowling Ball turns on the Flashlight, lighting the Cannon and sending the Pinball onto the Boxing Glove, popping the Balloon.

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What To Do: Put a MIRROR above the Green Laser and another MIRROR to the far right of that Mirror, underneath the Laser Mixer. Place a MIRROR underneath the first Mirror you placed, to the right of the Blue Laser. The placement of this mirror is tricky because it needs to reach the same Mirror as the Green Laser. If you can't get it to work, try moving the original Mirror around a little. Anyway, plug a RED LASER into the right Electrical Outlet and have it face upward, into the Laser Mixer. Place the last MIRROR above the Laser Mixer and to the right of the Laser-Activated Panel (yes, it will go through the Balloon). Put NITROGLYCERINE just to the right of the Green Laser. Plug the VACUUM into the Laser-Activated Plug, its vacuum side above the Incline. Put a MOUSE MOTOR underneath the Bucket, a CONVEYER BELT underneath the Pinball, and connect the two with a BELT.

What Happens: The three Lasers all enter the Laser Mixer, producing a white laser. This pops the Balloon, lowing the Bucket and making the Mouse Motor run, sending the Pinball off the screen. Meanwhile the Vacuum sucks the Baseball onto the Incline, and it rolls right into the Cardboard Box.


What To Do: Put a down-facing THUMB TACK above the left Balloon. Put an INCLINE underneath the Basketball, sloping downward to the left. Put a down-right LARGE CURVED PIPE above the Anti-Gravity Pad (make it as low as it can be) and put an ACCELERATOR TUBE to the right of it. Put a TIMER to the left of the Nitroglycerine and a left-down LARGE CURVED PIPE above it.

What Happens: The Incline makes the Bowling Ball move left and onto the Anti-Gravity Pad. It enters the pipe, then exits and enters the other one. It lands on the Timer, which pushes the Nitroglycerine and blows up the right Balloon. This releases the left Balloon, which hits the Thumb Tack and goes POP!


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Darn mirror puzzles...they're so darn HARD to explain. I will assume, of course, that you're smart enough to figure out which way each Mirror should face.

What To Do: Put a PINBALL above the right Electric Switch. Put a MIRROR above the Mirror that the Green laser first hits, and have it be to the right of the right-most Mirror that is above the Laser Mixer. Put a MIRROR underneath the right-most Mirror, a MIRROR to the left of the right-most Mirror, and a MIRROR above the the Mirror you just placed and to the right of the highest Mirror. Put a MIRROR to the far right of the Red Laser, a MIRROR far above that Mirror, and a MIRROR to the left of that Mirror and above the left-most Mirror.

What Happens: The Lasers reflect in their Mirrors and all enter the Laser Mixer. This turns on the Electric Motor, which sends the Coffee Pot to the right and off the screen. If a Mirror halts the Coffee Pot, try to move it out of the way.


What To Do: Put CHEESE on the platform to the right of Newton. Put the REMOTE CONTROL just above the log floor that's below the right Bucket and the EXPLOSIVES above the log floor that's to the right of the Bowling Ball. Put a RED LASER-ACTIVATED PLUG close to the Conveyer Belt and plug an ELECTRIC MOTOR into it. Connect it to the Conveyer Belt using a BELT. Use the two MIRRORS to reflect the laser so that it hits the Red Laser-Activated Plug.

What Happens: Newton runs into the Bucket and it falls onto the Remote Control, removing the floor obstacle. The other Bucket moves upward and flips the switch. The Red Laser shoots a laser onto the mirror and it's reflected to the Red Laser-Activated Plug, which activates the Electric Motor, sending the Bowling Ball left, then into the Cardboard Box.


What To Do: Connect the MOUSE MOTOR to a ROTO-TRANS CONVERTER with a BELT. Put a TRANS-ROTO-MATIC at the very top of the screen and connect it to the

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Roto-Trans Converter with a BELT. Place a GEAR to the left of the Trans-Roto-Matic and connect them with a BELT. Move the Gear as far to the left as you can and still have the Belt connect them. Place two more GEARS to the left of that Gear, adjacent. Connect the last Gear to the Conveyer Belt with a BELT. Place MEL just to the right of the Flint Rocks and have him face them, then set him to Run.

What Happens: Mel lights the Flint Rocks and starts the Mouse Motor. The Mouse Motor moves the Baseball to the right, and it moves the Balloon downward. Meanwhile the Fireworks have launched, igniting the Rockets and sending them off the screen while the Balloon is still being held down by the Baseball.


I used to get totally stuck on this puzzle. Why? Because I didn't figure out where to place the Accelerator Tube to make the puzzle work. But hey, I'm about to tell you where it should be!

What To Do: Put an ACCELERATOR TUBE (facing left) between the Flint Rocks and the Fireworks. Connect a left-up LARGE CURVED PIPE to it. Put a CONVEYER BELT just underneath the Baseball, then move it one space down. Make sure the right edge of the Conveyer Belt is as close as possible to the Toaster. Put a MOUSE MOTOR to the right of the upper Balloon and use a BELT to connect it to the Conveyer Belt. Plug a right-facing FAN into the left ELECTRICAL SWITCH. Lastly, put TRIMMERS above the Jack-in-the-Box.

What Happens: The Bowling Ball enters the pipes and hits the Mouse Motor, then comes back and hits the Flint Rocks. The Mouse Motor pops open the Jack-in-the-Box, releasing the Balloon. It flips the switch and the Fan sends the other Balloon onto the Mouse Motor, The baseball then puts the bread into the Toaster. Earlier on, the Fireworks flipped the switch, so the Toaster spits out some Toast. Hmmm...bread goes in, toast comes out. I wonder where the bread goes...


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What To Do: Plug the CAN OPENER into the Outlet and put CHEESE on the platform to the right of Newton. Place a REMOTE CONTROL between the two Inclines at the upper-right of the screen, and put the Explosives underneath the Flashlight. Place a left-facing CANNON (it should be horizontal) to the left of the Magnifying Glass.

What Happens: Newton and Curie both go after their favorite foods, setting off the Cannons. Both Pinballs hit the Remote Controls, causing both to be blown off the screen.


What To Do: Put a REMOTE CONTROL to the right of the platform that's above and a little to the right of the Timer and put its EXPLOSIVES between in the left part of the brick floors that are above the cage. Place another REMOTE CONTROL to the right of the Incline beneath the Pinball. Put its EXPLOSIVES just to the right of the other Explosives. Put FLINT ROCKS underneath the Rocket and an ANTI-GRAVITY PAD in the space that's just to the left of the bottom Cheese. Plug an ELECTRIC MOTOR into the Electrical Switch and connect it to the Conveyer Belt with a BELT.

What Happens: Newton runs right towards the Cheese. Meanwhile, the two Remote Controls are hit by the Pinball and their Explosives, er, explode. The Pinball hits activates the Timer and pushes the Pinball to the right, activating the Flint Rocks. The Rocket ignites and launches, flipping the switch and activating the Conveyer Belt and sending the Cheese to the right. Meanwhile, Newton has run right towards the other Cheese and encountered the Anti-Gravity Pad, which pushes him up and he ends up moving left and falling into the Cage. The Cheese that was on the Conveyer Belt pushes the center Cheese to the right, where it undergoes the same process Newton does, and falls into the cage.


What To Do: Put a MIRROR to the right of the Laser that will reflect it upward

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and hit the Fuse on the Cannon. Place another MIRROR, this time above that Mirror, that will reflect the laser to the Rocket's fuse. Place CHEESE on the platform to the right of Newton. Connect the lower part of the Teeter-Totter to the Balloon with ROPE. Put an ANTI-GRAVITY PAD underneath the Cheese. Put a SPRINGBOARD at the bottom of the Incline. Put a right-facing TIMER at the left side of the screen, about level with the Mouse Hole. You may have to toy around with the timing until you get it right.

What Happens: A lot of stuff happens at once. 1) Newton goes for the Cheese, lands on the Teeter-Totter, and is flipped right onto the Springboard. 2) The laser activates both the Cannon and the Rocket. 3) The Cannon fires. The Pinball hits the Mouse Motor (sending the Rocket off the screen) and due to the Anti-Gravity Pads moves right and activates the Timer, sending Newton to his Mouse Hole.


What To Do: Put a PULLEY above and a little to the right of the Bucket. Put the REMOTE CONTROL just underneath the Pinball with its EXPLOSIVES in the hanger, to the right of the Bucket. Put a MATCH underneath the Missile. Attach ROPE to the Match, put it through the Pulley, and connect it to the Bucket.

What Happens: The Explosives go off, clearing the way for the Blimp and knocking the Bucket away. It activates the Match, and the Missile is launched and destroys the brick area above it. The Blimp, with no obstacles now, enters the hanger.


What To Do: Put a BALLOON above the left-most Pulley. Put a MATCH to the right of the Pulley. Attach ROPE to the Match, put it through the Pulley, and connect it to the Balloon. Put an ANTI-GRAVITY PAD in the gap at the lower-right hand corner of the screen. Place an INCLINE above it and put a ROTO-TRANS CONVERTER above the Mouse Motor. Connect the two with a BELT. Lastly, connect the Lava Lamp and Roto-Trans Converter with ROPE.

What Happens: The Balloon activates the Match, which lights the Candle. The

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Candle slides over to the Anti-Gravity Pad, then moves left because of the Incline. It lands on the Mouse Motor, which turns on the Lava Lamp via the Roto-Trans Converter.


What To Do: Put a MOUSE MOTOR underneath the tennis ball and a CONVEYER BELT just underneath the Missile, connecting the two with a BELT. Put a PINBALL just above the right Bucket. See the gap to the left of the lower Bucket? Place two Anti-Gravity Pads there.

What Happens: The Bucket lowers and sets off the Explosives and Dynamites. Meanwhile the Missile is moved forward and slides left. The Anti-Gravity Pads and the Incline move it to the right. It lands where the Match is, is ignited, and blows up the Blimp.


What To Do: Put a "\" TEETER-TOTTER underneath the Basketball. Put an INCLINE underneath the left Baseball and to the left of the Teeter-Totter. Put a BIKE PUMP above the Basketball. It should be to the left of the "gap" in the wall. Put a PINWHEEL above the Fish Tank and connect it to the Conveyer Belt. Put an EGG TIMER underneath the right side of the Fish Tank, just above the floor. Put three adjacent GEARS to the left of the Mouse Motor and connect the Mouse Motor to the middle one with a BELT. Connect one of the others using a BELT to the Conveyer Belt Curie is on. Put a ROTO-TRANS CONVERTER to the left of the Gears and connect the remaining Gear to it with a BELT. Put DYNAMITE in the area between the two red brick floors and put a MATCH next to it. Connect the Match, via ROPE, to the Roto-Trans Converter.

What Happens: The Baseball falls and flips the Teeter-Totter. The Basketball hits the Bike Pump, which starts the Pinwheel and moves the upper Baseball. It slides right and breaks the Fish Tank, then hits the Timer. It rolls back and

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the Timer pushes it forward, and it hits the Mouse Motor. The Mouse Motor both opens the Match (blowing up the Dynamite) and sends Curie to the right, making her fall into the cardboard box.


What To Do: Put CHEESE on the platform to the right of Newton. Put a left-facing BIKE PUMP to the right of the Pinwheel, above the Remote Control. Put a MATCH underneath the Coffee Pot and put a ROTO-TRANS CONVERTER close to the Pinwheel. Connect the Roto-Trans Converter to the Pinwheel with a BELT and to the Math with a ROPE.

What Happens: Newton runs towards the Cheese and activates the Bike Pump. The Pinwheel spins, releasing the Match and making the coffee brew.


What To Do: Put three TEETER-TOTTERS in the area to the left. Put a PHAZER just to the right of Mel so it's facing the Balloon, a PHAZER facing the gap between the Wooden Barriers, and a PHAZER that's facing just above the Wooden Barriers. Put DYNAMITE on the platform in the upper-right and NITROGLYCERINE in the middle of the platform to the right of the middle Phazer. Attach the upper parts of each of the Teeter-Totters to the Phazers and put an ANTI-GRAVITY PAD in the gap just to the left of the house.

What Happens: Mel is moved upward and moved to the left. He walks along the Teeter-Totters, activating the Phazers and blowing up the Dynamite, Nitroglycerine, and Balloon. He then walks right and is moved upward by the other Anti-Gravity Pad. With his path now clear of obstacles, Mel walks until he reaches his home.


What To Do: Put a MOUSE MOTOR underneath the Balloon and connect it to the Conveyer Belt with a BELT. Put TRIMMERS on the Rope holding the Balloon down, next to the Incline. Put a PULLEY below the Lava Lamp. Connect the Lava Lamp

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to the lower part of the Teeter-Totter with ROPE, being sure to go through the Pulley. Plug a TOASTER into the Solar Panel

What Happens: The Blimp pushes the Balloon into the Thumb Tack, making Newton fall onto the Mouse Motor. The Tennis Ball turns on the Flashlight and hits the Trimmers, releasing the Hot Air Balloon. The Hot Air Balloon flips the Teeter-Totter, turning on the Lava Lamp and hitting the Toaster. The Toast pops up, flipping the switch and turning on the Can Opener.


What To Do: Put a HOT AIR BALLOON about midway between the Laundry Basket and the Teeter-Totter, then connect it to the Laundry Basket with a ROPE. Put FLINT ROCKS a little underneath and to the right of the Dynamite. Put an ALLIGATOR underneath Curie Cat. Put a GENERATOR to the right of the Mouse Motor and connect them with a BELT. Plug a LASER into the Generator and have it face the Hot Air Balloon.

What Happens: The Alligator flips Curie onto the Mouse Motor. The Laser makes the Hot Air Balloon, which brings the Laundry Basket up AND hits the Teeter-Totter, activating the Flint Rocks and blowing up the Dynamite. Meanwhile, Curie has slid off the Mouse Motor and has chased after Newton. Newton runs away from Curie and right into his Mouse Hole.


What To Do: Put an ACCELERATOR TUBE underneath the third-to-left Mel and put a down-left LARGE CURVED PIPE far above it (that is, at the top of the screen). Put a PIPE WALL to the left of that Mel.

What Happens: When Mel touches the Nitroglycerine, he's thrown up against the Pipe Wall, then falls into the Accelerator Tube. He's thrust upward into the Large Curved Pipe, exits, and enters his house.


What To Do: Plug a LASER into the right Electrical Switch and have it face the

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Mirror. Plug an ELECTRIC MOTOR into the Laser-Activated Plug and connect it to the Gear with a BELT. Put the Electric Motor just to the right of Mel. Put an ANTI-GRAVITY PAD in the "gap" above the Remote Control and to the left of the Flint Rocks.

What Happens: The Red Laser is activated and it enters the Laser Mixer. The Anti-Gravity Pad levitates the Tennis Ball upward, but when it gets high enough the Anti-Gravity Pad stops and the Tennis Ball falls just far enough to flip the switch, making the Blue laser join the Red laser in the Laser Mixer. This turns on the Electric Motor, which detonates the Explosives. Now Mel can walk left, fall, walk right, and then hit the Flint Rocks, setting off the Fireworks.


What To Do: Put an ANTI-GRAVITY PAD underneath the Incline that's underneath the Conveyer Belt. Put a BOXING GLOVE between the Pinball and Bowling Ball, and plug a LASER (facing left the Hot Air Balloon) into the Electrical Switch. Put the PINBALL FLIPPER in the "log corner" that's to the left of the Bowling Ball and a CONVEYER BELT (smallest it can be) under the upper Pinball. Put a MOUSE MOTOR to the left of the Conveyer Belt and connect them with a BELT.

What Happens: All the Balloons end up in the upper-right corner because of the Anti-Gravity Pad. Meanwhile, the Pinball hits the Boxing Glove, sending the Bowling Ball onto the Pinball Flipper. It hits the Bowling Ball upward and it hits the Mouse Motor. The Pinball moves to the right and flips the switch, sending the Hot Air Balloon up and activating the Phazer. The Phazer will shoot a lot of times, popping each Balloon.


What To Do: Put the SUPER BALL underneath the Electrical Switch and the ARCHWAY underneath the Super Ball. Place a "\" TEETER-TOTTER above the Solar Panel with its lower edge being above the Basket. Put FLINT ROCKS underneath

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the higher end of the Teeter-Totter. Plug a downward-facing RED LASER into the Electrical Switch and put a MIRROR underneath it and to the left of the Hot Air Balloon. Place another MIRROR to the right of the Hot Air Balloon that will reflect the laser downward. Put a LASER MIXER underneath the Laser-Activated Plug. Plug the GREEN LASER into the Solar Panel, facing right. Put a MIRROR to its right and underneath the Laser Mixer. This last bit is tricky. You have to position a MIRROR below the Mirror to the right of the Hot Air Balloon. This Mirror should reflect the red laser into the Mirror underneath the Laser Mixer. The hard part is positioning the Mirror so that it works but also so that it doesn't stop the Green laser from reaching the Mirror below the Laser Mixer. You may have to move some of the other Mirrors around to get it to work.

What Happens: The Super Ball turns the first Can Opener on, along with the Red Laser, which lights the Hot Air Balloon. The Bucket being pulled up flips the Teeter-Totter, activating the Flint Rocks and turning the Solar Panel on. This turns on the second Can Opener and the Green Laser. The two lasers converge in the Laser Mixer, turning on the last Can Opener.


This puzzle can seem absolutely maddening if you don't know something: If a pulse from a Phazer enters a pipe and the pipe curves, it WILL actually emerge!

What To Do: Okay, first of all, take the WOODEN WALL and put it underneath the Nitroglycerine. Now, it should be horizontal and as small as possible, and should be as low on the screen as it can be. Put a left-down LARGE CURVED PIPE in the upper-right corner of the screen, to the right of the Phazer. Put a LARGE PIPE beneath it and stretch it out. At the very bottom of the pipe (the bottom right of the screen) put an up-left LARGE CURVED PIPE. Its exit should be horizontal with the Balloon to the left. Now for the hard part. Put a FLASHLIGHT underneath the right bucket and a MAGNIFYING GLASS to its right. Place a right-facing CANNON to the right of the Magnifying Glass. The Cannon

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should be facing upward as high as it can. You'll probably have to move the three around some to get it to work right. Put an ELECTRICAL SWITCH in the "corner" to the upper left of the Nitroglycerine. Plug a LASER into it, facing up. Put a MIRROR far above the Laser, and a MIRROR to the right of that Mirror, above the Dynamite.

What Happens: The Nitroglycerine will fall onto the wooden floor, blowing up the Wooden Wall to its right. The Phazer will shoot its beam, which will enter the Large Curved Pipe and then exit the other one. The Large Curved Pipe will hit the Balloon, popping it. This lowers the Bucket onto the Flashlight, which lights the Cannon. The Cannon shoots a Pinball to the right, and it clears the wall and falls down. It flips the switch on the Electrical Outlet, and the Laser turns on. It fires a laser at the Mirror above it, and it's then reflected to the other Mirror, and then onto the Dynamite. The Dynamite explodes, pushing the Basketball to the right, starting the Mouse Motor, and opening the Jack-in-the-Box.


What To Do: Put a LARGE GEAR to the right of the Mouse Motor, a LARGE GEAR adjacent to that Gear, and a SMALL GEAR adjacent to the second Large Gear. Connect the Small Gear to the Conveyer Belt and the first Large Gear to the Mouse Motor, both times using BELTS. Put a BLUE LASER-ACTIVATED PLUG to the left of the Teeter-Totter, lined up with the Blue Laser. Plug a BLUE LASER in the Laser-Activated Plug. It should be to the left of the Laser-Activated Plug and facing it. Plug another BLUE LASER into the Laser-Activated Plug, this time underneath and facing downward. Put a MIRROR underneath that Laser so that it will reflect and hit the fuses of the Rocket and Missile.

What Happens: The Bowling Ball hits the Mouse Motor, which sends the other Bowling Ball rolling up the incline. It is moved upward by the Anti-Gravity Pad, then moves the Balloon to the right. The Balloon flips the Teeter-Totter and for just an instant the Blue Laser will reach the Laser-Activated Plug.

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Now a very interesting thing happens. This activates the Laser to the left of the Plug, and it sends its laser into the plug. In other words, it powers itself! Neat, huh? Anyway, the other laser hits the Mirror, breaks the Balloon, and fires the Missile, then the Rocket, letting the rocket off the top of the screen.


I hate Pool puzzles so much...but at least they're nice enough to give you a hint in them. As with many actual pool games, it all starts with the Cue Ball.

What To Do: Basically, the solution is simple, and yet not simple. What you have to do is have the POOL CUE facing diagonally at the Cue Ball. The Pool Cue should be upward and to the right of the Cue Ball, with its white end facing it. Put the TENNIS BALL above the red side of the Pool Cue. This will probably take some trial and error.

What Happens: The Tennis Ball hits the Pool Cue. The Cue Ball hits the 2 Ball, which goes into the middle pocket. The Cue Ball then, due to complicated pool physics that I am not privy to, goes off to the right and hits the 3 Ball, sending it into the upper left corner pocket.


What To Do: Put a MOUSE MOTOR just above the right side of the red brick box Newton is in (2/3 of it should next to the brick floor) and move it six spaces up. Put a CONVEYER BELT just to the left of it, stretched out all the way. The Conveyer Belt should be touching the bottom half of the Mouse Motor. Connect the two with a BELT. The next part takes carefully positioning. Put a "\" TEETER-TOTTER to the lower left of the Conveyer Belt. Put a MATCH next to the Cannon's fuse and put a PULLEY to the left of it. Connect the Match and the upper end of the Teeter-Totter with ROPE, being sure to go through the Pulley. Put a REMOTE CONTROL to the lower left of the Teeter-Totter and put the EXPLOSIVES above the left side of the top of the box Newton is in. Put an

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ANTI-GRAVITY PAD in the "gap" underneath the Electric Switch and plug a MIXER into the Switch.

What Happens: Curie falls onto the Mouse Motor and slides onto the Conveyer Belt. The Belt moves her left, onto the Teeter-Totter. She flips it, letting the Match light the Cannon. Curie slides left, lands on the Remote Control, and slides left some more. She slides onto the Anti-Gravity Pad (a lot of sliding going on, eh?) and is moved upward. This flips the switch, turning the Mixer on. Curie finally slides back to the right, falls into the box Newton is in, and eats him.


What To Do: Put the REMOTE CONTROL in the middle of the screen and put its EXPLOSIVES below the Rocket. Put a CANDLE above the Remote Control (the "correct" place to put it is at the bottom of the room with all the Inclines, but that takes too long). Put an INCLINE underneath the left Tennis Ball. Take a PIPE WALL and stretch it out horizontally, then put it underneath the Fireworks, with just barely enough room for the Rocket to squeeze through. Put FLINT ROCKS underneath the Incline at the lower left.

What Happens: The Remote Control is triggered and the Explosives release the Rocket and it falls. Meanwhile the Tennis Ball falls to the left and hits the Flint Rocks. The Flint Rocks light the Rocket, and it zooms right, setting off all the Fireworks.


This puzzle has two separate parts, so I'll divide this into those two parts.

What To Do: Part 1: Put an ACCELERATOR TUBE just to the left of the right exit of the Large Curved Pipe. The Accelerator Tube should be facing TOWARDS the Large Curved Pipe. Connect the Trans-Roto-Matic to the Generator with a BELT, and plug a RED LASER and BLUE LASER into the Generator, both facing towards the

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Laser Mixer. Put a MIRROR underneath the Laser Mixer so that it'll reflect into the Laser-Activated Plug. Part 2: Put a MAGNIFYING GLASS between the Flashlight and Rocket. Put TRIMMERS a little above and to the right of the Flashlight so that it'll encompass the Rope, then put the BASEBALL above the right edge of the Flashlight. Lastly, plug the GREEN LASER into the Electrical Switch and have it face the Hot Air Balloon.

What Happens: Part 1: The Soccer Ball falls into the Large Curved Pipe and hits the Trans-Roto-Matic while doing so, moving the Generator a little. This makes the Lasers fire for a little while, supplying a little power to the Toaster. The Soccer Ball then comes out and goes back in again, hitting the Trans-Roto-Matic both times. Each time this happens, a little more power goes to the Toaster, and eventually it'll make toast.Part 2: The Baseball activates the Flashlight and rolls left, hitting the Trimmers and cutting the Rope. The Rocket is lit and turns on the Laser, which lights the Hot Air Balloon, which is then launched.


What To Do: Put a TRAP DOOR underneath the Candle and an ACCELERATOR TUBE underneath the Baseball. Plug a left-facing GREEN LASER into the Electrical Switch and put a COFFEE POT above the Candle. Plug a left-facing FAN into the Laser-Activated Plug. Use a BELT to connect the Pinwheel and Roto-Trans Converter. Put the MATCH next to the Cannon's fuse and connect it to the Roto-Trans Converter with a ROPE. You may want to, however, put the Rope through a PULLEY to make it work.

What Happens: The Baseball is thrown upward by the Tube and flips the switch, turning on the Laser. This1) Lights the Candle, which activates the Coffee Pot, blowing the Cage onto Curie2) Turns on the Fan, spinning the Pinwheel, and via the Roto-Trans Converter activating the Match and firing the Cannon.


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What To Do: Put a "\" TEETER-TOTTER underneath Newton and a PINBALL over the upper side of the Teeter-Totter. Put a left-facing CURIE on the far right side of the highest yellow floor. Put a CHEESE in the "room" underneath the highest Curie and NITROGLYCERINE just to the right of the Cheese.

What Happens: The Pinball flips Newton into the air. He runs from Curie, then runs to the Cheese. However, this makes him hit the Nitroglycerine, blowing a hole in the floor. He falls down, runs from Curie, and enters his Mouse Hole.


What To Do: Simple, straightforward puzzle. Put TRIMMERS to the left of the Phazer. Plug a RED LASER into the Electrical Switch and have it point downward into the Red Laser-Activated Plug. Plug a BLUE LASER into the Red Laser-Activated Plug and have it point towards the Blue Laser-Activated Plug. Plug a GREEN LASER into the Blue Laser-Activated Plug and have it point at the Hot Air Balloon. Okay, okay, so you can skip the step with the Green Laser, but doesn't this look like a more "clean" solution? Anyway, Put a LAVA LAMP and MAGNIFYING GLASS to the left of the Cannon. Connect the Lava Lamp to the Hot Air Balloon with ROPE, being sure to go through the Pulleys. Finally, put TRIMMERS underneath the remaining Balloon.

What Happens: Mel flips the Teeter-Totter, and the Phazer hits the Trimmers, releasing the Balloon. It flips the switch, starting off a "laser chain reaction" that results in the Hot Air Balloon being lit. It moves upward, turning on the Lava Lamp and making the Cannon fire. The Cannonball ends up going onto the Anti-Gravity Pad, where it hits the Trimmers, releasing the Balloon, and effectively popping it.


What To Do: Put the five TENNIS BALLS in the area to the right of the Tennis Ball already on the screen. Put a SPRINGBOARD underneath the Nitroglycerine. Lastly, put a SPRINGBOARD in the lower left corner of the screen.

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What Happens: The Nitroglycerine hits the Springboard, bounces, and blows up the obstructing Cinder Block Wall. Meanwhile the Remote Control is hit and the Explosives send the Tennis Balls to the right, the last one hitting the Remote Control. This destroys the other Explosives and the surrounding Nitroglycerine. The remaining Nitroglycerine falls, bounces up, and destroys the remaining floor. Mel falls onto the Springboard, moves right, and the puzzle is solved.


What, are you kidding me? This puzzle is a cinch! Then again, there are some distractions...

What To Do: Put a SPRINGBOARD underneath the Nitroglycerine and plug a right-facing FAN into the Solar Panel.

What Happens: The Nitroglycerine bounces higher and higher, and ends up hitting the Blimp when it comes close enough. The Blimp goes down in flames and activates the Solar Panel. The Fan moves the purple Balloon pop, and the Smiley Face Balloon flies off the top of the screen.


I. Hate. This. Puzzle. Okay. I. Know. That. I'm. Not. Using. Proper. Sentences. And. That. This. Is. Getting. Annoying. So. I'll. Stop. Anyway, as this puzzle is on par with some of the Expert levels, it does make sense to end Difficult with it. Okay, here we go.

What To Do: Put FLINT ROCKS underneath the Rocket. Put a PINBALL FLIPPER to the right of the upper Tennis Ball, above the Electrical Switch. Put a TOASTER underneath and to the left of the Tennis Ball and set it to Burnt (or whatever the heck that's called). Put a MOUSE MOTOR to the right of it. Put a SMALL GEAR just to the right of the Mouse Motor and a LARGE GEAR just to the right of that Gear. Place a CONVEYER BELT underneath the Tennis Ball. Connect the Mouse Motor to the Small Gear and the Large Gear to the Conveyer Belt, both times using BELTS. Plug a left-facing LASER into the Electrical Switch. To its

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left, put a BLUE LASER-ACTIVATED PLUG and plug the Toaster into it. Put a BIKE PUMP to the left of the upper Tennis Ball. It needs to be right enough so it affects the Tennis Ball, but left enough so that Mel will hit it when the Toast hits him.

What Happens: The Tennis Ball puts the Toast in the Toaster and starts the Mouse Motor. The Mouse Motor starts the Conveyer Belt and the Baseball rolls to the right slowly. It flips the switch, and the Blue Laser hits the Laser-Activated Plug. The toast pops up just when Mel gets there, and he hits the Bike Pump, blowing the Tennis Ball to the right. It hits the Pinball Bumper, which sends it slamming into the Flint Rocks, firing the Rocket.

v. Expert


Interesting that the first level in Expert is easier than the final level in Difficult. At least in my opinion, anyway.

What To Do: Plug a LASER into the upper-right Electrical Outlet and have it face towards the Candle. Use two MIRRORS to redirect the Green laser into the Green Laser-Activated Plug. Plug a left-facing FAN into the Green Laser-Activated Plug. Plug a CAN OPENER into the Green Laser-Activated Plug. The Can Opener needs to be just above the Green Laser-Activated Plug. Put a LARGE GEAR and SMALL GEAR a little above the Anti-Gravity Pad. Connect the Large Gear to the Mandrill Motor with a BELT, and the Small Gear to the Conveyer Belt using a BELT.

What Happens: The Red laser lights the Candle. Meanwhile, the Green laser turns on the Fan and Can Opener. The Fan makes Pavlov run and the Can Opener attracts Curie. Pavlov moves the Baseball to the right. It goes onto the Springboard and bounces, hitting the Mouse Motor. The Mouse Motor moves the Candle to the left. It will float around a little, but it will end up hitting the Tin Snips, and sending the Laundry Basket onto Curie Cat.


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What To Do: Put a "/" TEETER-TOTTER above the second-to-left wall. Its upper end should be above the Bike Pump and its lower end should be above the area between the two walls. Put a BALLOON underneath the lower end of the Teeter-Totter. Put a BALLOON just to the left of the Trans-Roto-Matic. Put an ANTI-GRAVITY PAD just above the Pulley that's underneath the Balloon a little to the left of the Happy Face Balloon. Lastly, put a (facing the Coffee Pot) to the left of the Coffee Pot.

What Happens: The left-most Balloon floats upward and flips the Teeter-Totter, activating the Bike Pump. The other Balloon hits the Trans-Roto-Matic, which pulls the Basket to the right. The Basket lands on the Timer, which pushes the Coffee Pot to the right. The Coffee Pot flips the Teeter-Totter, making the Phazer fire. Because the Balloon tied to the Happy Face Balloon is in front of it due to the Anti-Gravity Pad, it pops, and the Happy Face Balloon flies off the top of the screen.


What To Do: Put a BALLOON to the left of the Bucket and tie it to the lower side of the bottom Teeter-Totter with ROPE. Put a COFFEE POT on the "shelf" to the lower right of the Laundry Basket. Put a MATCH on its lower side (that is, the Match should actually be ON it) and tie it to the upper end of the bottom Teeter-Totter with ROPE.

What Happens: The Balloon flips the Teeter-Totter. This releases the Match, which activates the Coffee Pot, blowing the Laundry Basket to the left, onto Curie.


What To Do: Connect a LARGE PIPE (smallest possible) to the up-right Large Curved Pipe. Connect a left-down LARGE CURVED PIPE to it, an up-right LARGE CURVED PIPE to that, and a left-up LARGE CURVED PIPE to that last one. Plug a BLUE LASER and a RED LASER into the Electrical Outlet, facing up. Plug an

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ELECTRIC MOTOR into the Laser-Activated Plug and connect it to the Conveyer Belt with a BELT. Put a TRANS-ROTO-MATIC above the lower Conveyer Belt and use ROPE to attach it to the lower end of the Teeter-Totter. Connect it to the lower Conveyer Belt with a BELT. Lastly, put an ANTI-GRAVITY PAD underneath Mel.

What Happens: The lasers mix and activate that Electric Motor. It moves the Pinball to the left, flipping the Teeter-Totter and activating the Trans-Roto-Matic. The Trans-Roto-Matic moves the Pinball to the right, blowing up the Explosives. Mel is moved upward by the Anti-Gravity Pad and enters the Pipes. He exits them and enters his house.


What To Do: Connect the Mouse Motor to the Generator with a BELT and plug a right-facing FAN into the Laser-Activated Plug. Put DYNAMITE just to the right of the Balloon that's to the left of the Red Laser. Put a right-facing MISSILE on the caution platform near the bottom of the screen.

What Happens: The Mouse Motor starts the Generator, and the Lasers fire. THe Red Laser blows up the Dynamite, taking the middle Blimp with it. The middle Blimp goes down in flames and lights the Missile. The Missile blows up the right Blimp. This clears the path for the lasers enough so that it turns the Fan on, sending the Balloon straight into the Nitroglycerine.


What To Do: Take the WOOD WALL and use it to fill the gap between the two Wood Inclines. Put a FLASHLIGHT to the left of the Solar Panel and plug an ELECTRIC MOTOR into it. Connect the Electric Motor to the Roto-Trans Converter with a BELT. Put the TRANS-ROTO-MATIC just to the left of the left Roto-Trans Converter and connect it to the right Roto-Trans Converter with ROPE. Connect the Trans-Roto-Matic to the Roto-Trans Converter with a BELT. Put TRIMMERS underneath the Solar Panel.

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What Happens: The Pinball rolls down the inclines and lands on the Flashlight, then continues rolling to the right and hits the Trimmers, releasing the Hot Air Balloon. Meanwhile, the Electric Motor activates the Roto-Trans Converter, which activates the Trans-Roto-Matic, which activates the other Roto-Trans Converter, which opens the Match and makes the Hot Air Balloon fly off the screen.


What To Do: Put an INCLINE underneath the Green Ball. Put a ROCKET above the Flint Rocks. Put two ANTI-GRAVITY PADS to the left of the top of the Remote Control. They should be as far right as they can be without interfering with the Rocket's path upward. Put a MOUSE MOTOR underneath the Dynamite. Put a CONVEYER BELT (stretched out as far as possible) just underneath the Baseball. Use two GEARS and two BELTS to bridge the gap between the Conveyer Belt and Mouse Motor. Put a left-up LARGE CURVED PIPE just to the right of the Conveyer Belt and put an ACCELERATOR TUBE above it. Put an INCLINE of smallest length (sloping up to the right) as high above the Accelerator Tube as you can without it interfering with the Rocket's path.

What Happens: The green ball rolls left because of the Incline and hits the Flint Rocks, launching the Rocket. The Rocket hits the Large Curved Pipe and moves to the left. Because it's early in its path, the Anti-Gravity Pads don't stop it, so it lights the Dynamite. The Mouse Motor moves and the Baseball goes into the pipes. It's launched out, hits the Incline, and moves right. The Anti-Gravity Pads keep it upward and it enters the pipe. It blows up the Explosives when it hits the Remote Control, and the Vacuum sucks up Newton.


What To Do: Put a SPRINGBOARD underneath the left Pinball and a right-facing JACK-IN-THE-BOX underneath the other. Connect the Electric Motor and Jack-in-the-Box with a BELT. Put an ANTI-GRAVITY PAD to the right of the Remote Control. Put a BOXING GLOVE to the right of the Bowling Ball.

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What Happens: The Pinball bounces and turns the Electric Motor on and off. It eventually opens the Jack-in-the-Box, sending the Pinball to the right. It activates the Remote Control, destroying the Explosives and the wall next to them. The Anti-Gravity Pad moves it upward and it hits the Boxing Glove, sending the Bowling Ball to the left. It falls and hits the Pool Cue, sending the Cue Ball to the right. It hits the 8 Ball, sinking it.


What To Do: Put an ANTI-GRAVITY PAD to the left of the left-most Yellow Brick Incline. Just to the left of the Accelerator Tube, put a down-right LARGE CURVED PIPE. Connect a LARGE CURVED PIPE to the right of the Accelerator Tube and stretch it out as far as it can go. Put a horizontal CAUTION WALL above the left-most Yellow Brick Incline. You'll have to experiment some to decide how big it needs to be and where it needs to be placed. Anyway, put a FLASHLIGHT and MAGNIFYING GLASS to the left of the Fireworks. Plug an ELECTRIC MOTOR into the Electric Switch and put a JACK-IN-THE-BOX underneath the Bucket, then connect the two with a BELT. Put a MATCH underneath the Missile. Attach ROPE to the Match, put it through the Pulley, and then attach it to the Bucket. Lastly, put FLINT ROCKS underneath the Rocket.

What Happens: The Pinball falls down, flipping the switch. The Electric Motor makes the Jack-in-the-box move the Bucket, activating the Match and lighting the Missile. Meanwhile, the Pinball hits the Caution Wall and drops down, turning on the Flashlight, which lights the Fireworks. It then falls to the left, is moved upward by the Anti-Gravity Pad, and enters the pipe. It's thrust to the right and enters the Large Curved Pipe. Finally, it exits the Large Curved Pipe, drops down, and hits the Flint Rocks, launching the Rocket.


What To Do: Put two ANTI-GRAVITY PADS in the gap to the left of Newton. Put CHEESE on the ledge to the left of that gap. Put CHEESE on the "floating" platform to the upper left of the Anti-Gravity Pad in the middle of the

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screen. Put CHEESE on the platform just to the right of the Anti-Gravity Pad, and CHEESE on the platform above that one. Place a left-facing TIMER to the right of the Pinball and put CHEESE to the upper right of the Timer. Plug an ELECTRIC MOTOR into the Electric Switch (it needs to be to the upper right of it). Put a SMALL GEAR and a LARGE GEAR just underneath the Electric Motor. Connect the Electric Motor to the Small Gear with a BELT, and connect the Large Gear to the Conveyer Belt with a BELT. Lastly, put CHEESE to the left of the Mouse Hole.

What Happens: Newton runs to the left, towards the Cheese, and is moved upward. He moves right, falls, moves right, is moved upward, and moves right again. He falls onto the Timer and then falls to the left. He sees the Cheese and runs towards it, then falls again, and ends up on the Conveyer Belt. The Timer will then push the Pinball to the left, flipping the switch. Newton is moved far left, and is bumped off the Bumper and behind Curie. He sees the Cheese next to his Mouse Hole and enters it.


First of all, ignore the Rocket. It's just a decoy. Anyway, as to what you should do...

What To Do: Put an INCLINE (smallest possible, sloping down to the right) underneath the Pinball. Put an ANTI-GRAVITY PAD in the corner just to the left of the Teeter-Totter. Put DYNAMITE above the Remote Control Explosives. Put an INCLINE of width two next to the Incline that's to the left of the Remote Control Explosives. It should be connected to the upper right end of the Incline already on the screen. Now, put a PULLEY above the Leaky Bucket and a PULLEY above the Laundry Basket. Attach ROPE to the Laundry Basket, put it through both Pulleys, and connect it to the Leaky Bucket.

What Happens: The Pinball moves to the right. It hits the Incline and is then moved left (is it just me, or are these descriptions full of "moves left" and "moves right"?). It flips the Teeter-Totter, then the Anti-Gravity Pad moves

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it up. It moves to the right and hits the Incline again. It falls onto the Teeter-Totter, flipping it, and activating the Remote Control. The Explosives are blown up, and the Leaky Bucket falls, lifting up the Laundry Basket. Newton is freed and eats the Cheese.


What To Do: See the "gap" that's to the left of the wall that's to the left of the Springboard? Put an ANTI-GRAVITY PAD there. Put a FLASHLIGHT and MAGNIFYING GLASS to the left of the Cannon. Put a left-facing TIMER to the right of the left Pinball. Lastly, put a right-facing BOXING GLOVE (or Pool Cue) to the lower right of the Pinwheel.

What Happens: The Pinball moves left, over the Jack-in-the-box due to the Anti-Gravity Pad. It hits the Timer and then falls down and rolls over to the Anti-Gravity Pad. It ends up being stalled there due to the Incline. By this time the Timer will have pushed the other Pinball to the left. It lands on the Flashlight, firing the Cannon. The Pinball hits the Boxing Glove, which hits the other Pinball to the left. It bounces upward because of the Springboard and turns on the Fan, spinning the Pinwheel, and activating the Jack-in-the-box.


Oh, boy, is this a tricky one.

What To Do: Put a left-facing TIMER underneath the Soccer Ball. See that little indentation underneath the wooden floor? Put an ANTI-GRAVITY PAD there, then move it to the bottom of the screen and one space right. Put a GRASS INCLINE in the bottom-left corner. Far above the Anti-Gravity Pad, put an incline (sloping upwards to the right) of width one in the upper-left corner of the Sand Wall. Connect an incline of width three to it. Put a CONVEYER BELT above the Mouse Motor. Place a LARGE GEAR adjacent to the Small Gear and put another LARGE GEAR adjacent to that one. Put an adjoined LARGE GEAR and SMALL GEAR just to the upper right of the lamp. Connect the left Conveyer Belt to

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the left-most Gear with a BELT. Connect the Mouse Motor to the Large Gear that's next to that Gear with a BELT. Connect the remaining Large Gear to with the left Small Gear with a BELT. Connect the remaining Gear to the right Conveyer Belt with a BELT. Put a SPRINGBOARD in the corner that's above the lamp. Put a MATCH in front of the lamp and connect it to the Teeter-Totter with STEEL CABLE. You see those "shelves" to the right? The Conveyer Belt is one one. Put two INCLINES of width one (sloping down to the right) at the bottom left of the two left shelves (not counting the very top one). Lastly, put an INCLINE of width one in the corner that's above the Springboard.

What Happens: The Timer pushes the Pinball to the left. It's levitated upward by the Anti-Gravity Pad. It falls down, moves right, is levitated upward, moves right, then moves left. The Mouse Motor turns on the two Conveyer Belts. The Tennis Ball is moved right and bounces onto the Springboard. It's bounced upward and is moved right. It falls onto one of the shelves and then falls left. Because of the Inclines and Conveyer Belt, it'll eventually hit the Teeter-Totter, activating the Match, and lighting the lamp.


What To Do: Talk about your easy Expert puzzles! Put a BALLOON above the Thumb Tack and attach ROPE to it. Put the Rope through the Pulley and connect it to the Match. Put a ROCKET, facing up, to the left of the Balloon (it needs to be left enough so that it isn't stopped by the floor overhead). Put two right-facing ROCKETS on the ledges above the Rocket you placed. Put a horizontal, left-facing CANNON right underneath the gap between the lower Candle and the Rocket to the left of it. Put the REMOTE CONTROL at the bottom of the gap to the left of the bottom Rocket and put the EXPLOSIVES between the walls separating Mel and his house.

What Happens: The Balloon opens the Match, lighting up the first Rocket. It ignites the next Rocket, which, while going up, ignites the two remaining Rockets. The upper Rocket lights the upper Candle, and the lower Rocket ignites the Cannon and lower Candle. The Cannon shoots out a Pinball, which

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lands on the Remote Control, detonating the explosives and letting Mel get home.


The hard thing about this level is knowing exactly how to get Mel past each part.

What To Do: Put a right-facing BLIMP beneath Mel. Its right edge should be just below him. Place four BALLOONS to the left of the Balloon on the screen and tie them down with ROPES and BOAT CLEATS. Put a HOT AIR BALLOON to the left of the left-most Balloon. They should all be able to barely squeeze in there. Now, use two "/" TEETER-TOTTERS to help "bridge the gap" between the right and left sand floors. Use two upside-down THUMB TACKS to bridge the rest of the gap.

What Happens: The Blimp brings Mel to the right. He walks across the Hot Air Balloon and Balloons and then falls to the right. He walks left, over the Teeter-Totters and Thumb Tacks, and enters his house.


My apologies if my explanation of this puzzle seems a bit unorganized, but hey, this is probably the most unorganized puzzle of the bunch.

What To Do: Put a MOUSE MOTOR underneath the Tennis Ball and connect it to one of the Small Gears with a BELT. Put a CONVEYER BELT just underneath the Baseball. Use BELTS to connect the Large Gear to the Conveyer Belt and the other Small Gear to the Generator. Plug a GREEN LASER into the lower Green Laser-Activated Plug and have it face right, towards the Mirror. Put a LASER MIXER to the right of the Green/Blue Laser-Activated Plug, facing it. Plug a BLUE LASER into the Electrical Outlet and have it face that Laser Mixer (yes, they are currently separated by wall). Plug a BLUE LASER into the upper Green Laser-Activated Plug, facing downward into the Laser Mixer. Plug a left-facing

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RED LASER into the Green/Blue Laser-Activated Plug, facing the Mirror to its right. Plug a GREEN LASER into the Blue Laser-Activated Plug, facing the right Green Laser-Activated Plug. Be sure, of course, to make sure that the placement of these lasers does not interfere with the puzzle.

What Happens: The Mouse Motor moves the Baseball to the right, and it rolls onto the Mirrors, temporarily stopping the Green Laser and letting the Red one through. During that period of time, the Green Laser sets off the upper Green Laser-Activated Plug. The Green & Blue Lasers plugged into it enter the Laser Mixer and activate the Blue/Green Laser-Activated Plug. The left-facing Red Laser plugged into activates and is reflected into the Red Laser-Activated Plug. This in turn turns on the Blue Laser, which turns on the Blue Laser-Activated Plug. THAT turns on the Green Laser in it, which turns on the lower Green Laser-Activated Plug. That, in turn, turns on the Green Laser plugged into it, which is reflected through the mirrors and enters the Laser Mixer that's next to the Blue/Green Laser-Activated Plug. Since the Blue Laser plugged into the Electric Switch will always be shooting into that, it turns on the Blue/Green Laser-Activated Plug. It should be noted that this all happens very quickly. Anyway, now that that's on, basically that loop keeps going, in essence keeping itself powered. Since all of the Laser-Activated Plugs are powered (except for the upper Green one) the downward-facing Red Laser plugged into the Blue/Green Laser-Activated Plug, the Blue Laser plugged into the lower Green Laser-Activated Plug, and the left-facing Green Laser plugged into the Blue Laser-Activated Plug will all activate and end up entering the upper-right Laser Mixer. They all mix, turning on the White Laser-Activated Plug, and finally, FINALLY, turning on that Can Opener.


What To Do: Put an ANTI-GRAVITY PAD just underneath Mel (its left edge should be just to the left of the left Caution Wall), then move it down two spaces and one space to the right. Put another ANTI-GRAVITY PAD just to the right of it. Plug a FAN into the left Electric Switch. The Fan should be facing right

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and be below the Electric Switch. Put a PINWHEEL in front of the Fan. Put a ROTO-TRANS CONVERTER close to the Pinwheel, but make sure the side you attach the Rope to it underneath the top of the Remote Control. Now connect the Pinwheel to the Roto-Trans Converter with a BELT and connect the Remote Control to the Roto-Trans Converter with a ROPE. Put a FLASHLIGHT underneath the Explosives and put a MAGNIFYING GLASS and CANNON to its left. The Magnifying Glass and Cannon will have to be spaced a bit out from the Flashlight. The Cannon should be facing to the left and facing upward as high as it can. Put a FLASHLIGHT and MAGNIFYING GLASS to the right of the Hot Air Balloon. Put TIN SNIPS above the Hot Air Balloon.

What Happens: Mel moves upward because of the Anti-Gravity Pads. He flips the switch, causing the Explosives to explode. He falls down to the right of the Anti-Gravity Pads. He walks left, then turns and walks right after hitting the Anti-Gravity Pads. He activates the right Flashlight, lighting the Cannon. The Pinball hits the Flashlight, lighting the Hot Air Balloon, which hits the Tin Snips, releasing the Balloon, which enters the Laundry Basket.


What To Do: Put a CONVEYER BELT just underneath the right Baseball. Put a FLASHLIGHT to the left of the Conveyer Belt and a MAGNIFYING GLASS to the left of the Flashlight. Put a MOUSE MOTOR in the gap between Newton and the Cheese and connect it to the Conveyer Belt with a BELT. Plug a left-facing FAN into the bottom Electrical Switch. Put a left-facing ACCELERATOR TUBE just to the left of the Soccer Ball. Attach a right-up LARGE CURVED PIPE to it and a down-right LARGE CURVED PIPE to that one. Plug an ELECTRIC MOTOR into the upper Electric Outlet and connect it to the Jack-in-the-Box with a BELT. Attach ROPE to the lower end of the Teeter-Totter, put it through the Pulley, and then connect it to the Lava Lamp. Put a MAGNIFYING GLASS to the left of the Lava Lamp. Put a left-facing CANNON (facing as far up as possible) to the left of the Magnifying Glass. Lastly, use ROPE to connect the upper Teeter-Totter to the Match.

What Happens: Newton runs right, activating the Mouse Motor. The Baseball is

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moved to the right and turns on the Flashlight, which blows up the Dynamite. The Baseball flips the Teeter-Totter, detonating the Explosives and turning the Fan on. The Soccer Ball enters the pipes and is thrown to the right, where it flips the switch, turning on the Electric Motor. Jack pops out of his box, turning the Lava Lamp on, which lights the Cannon. The Pinball hits the Teeter-Totter, lighting the Missile and proving that in a contest of Missile vs. Blimp, the Missile always wins.


Before you go crazy trying to get Mel to flip the switch to turn on a blue laser so you can turn the Electric Motor on, take a good look at it. It's facing the wrong way! Trying to solve the puzzle that way is a waste of time. If only I had seen that when *I* started this level...

What To Do: Anyway, here's the actual solution, or at least mine. Put a POOL CUE to the lower left of the Bowling Ball. Its white edge should be facing the Bowling Ball. Put a BLIMP to the right of the bottom of the Pool Cue. Put an ACCELERATOR TUBE (facing up) underneath the down-right Large Curved Pipe. Put a FLASHLIGHT beneath the other end of the Pipe and put a MAGNIFYING GLASS to the left of it.

What Happens: The Blimp hits the Pool Cue, which hits the Bowling Ball. The Bowling Ball moves to the right and enters the Accelerator Tube. It's thrown up into the Large Curved Pipe. It comes out of the other Large Curved Pipe and turns on the Flashlight, which lights the Dynamite. The Tennis Ball falls down, off the screen.


What To Do: Put a CONVEYER BELT underneath the upper Tennis Ball and connect it to the Mouse Motor with a BELT. Make the Conveyer Belt as small as possible. Put a FLASHLIGHT to the left of the Solar Panel. Plug a RED LASER and a GREEN LASER into the Solar Panel, both facing right. Put a LASER MIXER in front of them, pointing at the Laser-Activated Panel. Put a "/"

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TEETER-TOTTER above the Super Ball, with its lower edge above it. Connect the lower edge with ROPE to the lower edge of the other Teeter-Totter. Put a CONVEYER BELT above Mel. Plug a FAN into the Electric Switch and put a PINWHEEL in front of it. Connect the Pinwheel to the Roto-Trans Converter with a BELT. Put a TRANS-ROTO-MATIC in the upper left corner of the "room" the Coffee Pot is in and connect it to the Roto-Trans Converter with Rope. Connect the Trans-Roto-Matic to the Conveyer Belt the Coffee Pot is on. Put FLINT ROCKS to the lower left of the Coffee Pot.

What Happens: The Mouse Motor moves the Tennis Ball onto the Flashlight, activating the Solar Panel. The Red and Green lasers mix in the Laser Mixer, starting the Mixer. Meanwhile, the Super Ball has hit the Teeter-Totter, flipping the other Teeter-Totter and the Basketball hits the Remote Control. The Baseball is blown to the right (the Conveyer Belt above Mel is to prevent him from stopping it) and flips the switch. The Fan rotates the Pinwheel, and via the Roto-Trans Converter and Trans-Roto-Matic, the Coffee Pot is moved onto the Flint Rocks. In doing so, it activates the Flint Rocks, activating itself.


What To Do: Put a PULLEY underneath the Remote Control. Attach ROPE to the lower end of the left Teeter-Totter, put it through the Pulley, and connect it to the Remote Control. Plug a RED LASER and BLUE LASER into the Electrical Switch, both facing towards the Laser Mixer. Use two MIRRORS to reflect the laser from the Laser Mixer onto the Purple Laser-Activated Plug. Plug a right-facing FAN into the Laser-Activated Plug and put a PINWHEEL to the far right of it. Connect the Pinwheel to the Conveyer Belt with a BELT.

What Happens: Curie sees Newton and moves right. She flips the Teeter-Totter, triggering the Explosives. The Basketball flips the switch and turns on the two Lasers, which combine in the Laser Mixer. The new laser comes out, reflects through the mirrors, and activates the Laser-Activated Plug. The Fan spins the Pinwheel, which turns on the Conveyer Belt. The Pinball moves left and hits the Tennis Ball, which flips the Teeter-Totter, activating the Match,

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and setting off the Fireworks.


What To Do: Put a LEAKY BUCKET in the area below the left Pulley (it should be lower than the Caution floor Newton is on). Attach ROPE to it, put it through the two Pulleys, then connect it to the other Leaky Bucket. Put an ACCELERATOR TUBE just underneath the Basketball. Put TRIMMERS to the left of the Rope holding the Bucket up. Put a "/" TEETER-TOTTER above the Trimmers, with its upper side above the Trimmers and its lower side above the Basketball. Plug a CAN OPENER into the Electrical Switch. Use GEARS and BELTS to connect the Mandrill Motor to the Conveyer Belt. Put a right-facing TIMER to the left of the Bowling Ball.

What Happens: The Bowling Ball is thrust upward and flips the Teeter-Totter, which makes the Trimmers cut the Rope. The Bucket flips the switch and turns on the Can Opener. Curie sees the open can and goes towards it, flipping the Teeter-Totter and making Pavlov move. The Conveyer Belt moves the Tennis Ball to the right. It hits the Timer, which pushes the Bowling Ball to the right. It lands on the Leaky Bucket. The added weight moves it down, and raises the other Leaky Bucket above the scaffold.


What To Do: Put a right-facing BIKE PUMP above Mel. Plug a RED LASER and GREEN LASER (both facing right) into the Electrical Switch nearby. Put a LASER MIXER in front of the two. Put a MIRROR in front of the Laser Mixer so the laser will reflect upward, then put a MIRROR above that mirror so that it'll reflect to the right. Now put a MIRROR to the right of that Mirror and above the Laser-Activated Switch. Note that you don't use either of the already-on-the-screen Mirrors. Plug an ELECTRIC MOTOR into the Laser-Activated Plug and connect it to the Conveyer Belt near it with a BELT. Put a ROTO-TRANS CONVERTER underneath the Mandrill Motor and connect the two with a BELT. Put a

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TRANS-ROTO-MATIC above the Conveyer Belt that has the Baseball on it. Connect it to the Roto-Trans Converter with ROPE. Connect the Trans-Roto-Matic to the Conveyer Belt with a BELT.

What Happens: Mel is levitated upward and hits the Bike Pump. It blows the Soccer Ball to the right, which flips the switch. The two lasers mix in the Laser Mixer, and then are reflected by the Mirrors so that the yellow laser enters the Laser-Activated Plug. The Electric Motor moves the ball to the right, where it flips the Teeter-Totter and starts up the Mandrill Motor. The Mandrill Motor activates the Roto-Trans Converter, which in turn starts moving the Trans-Roto-Matic. The Trans-Roto-Matic turns on the Conveyer Belt, which moves the Basketball to the right, flipping the switch, and turning on the Fan.


For such a simple-looking puzzle, this is definitely tough...

What To Do: Put an ELECTRICAL SWITCH underneath the left Leaky Bucket. Plug an ELECTRIC MOTOR into it and put a JACK-IN-THE-BOX below the lower end of the Teeter-Totter. Connect the two with a BELT. Put the REMOTE CONTROL above the upper end of the Teeter-Totter and put the EXPLOSIVES above the Yellow Brick Wall that's to the right of the lower Pipe Wall. Use ROPE to connect the Remote Control to the upper end of the Teeter-Totter. Put a left-facing TIMER to the right of the Bowling Ball and place a TENNIS BALL above it. Lastly, put a TENNIS BALL above the right Leaky Bucket.

What Happens: One Tennis Ball falls into the right Leaky Bucket while the other activates the Timer. Meanwhile, the right Leaky Bucket falls and flips the switch. The Jack-in-the-box flips the Teeter-Totter, triggering the Explosives. By this time the Timer will be done counting and will give the Bowling Ball a push. The Leaky Bucket will no longer be blocking its way, so it rolls down. By this time the left Leaky Bucket will have lost a good amount of the stuff in it, so it will move upward, as the other Leaky Bucket is

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heavier due to the Tennis Ball in it. With the Leaky Bucket no longer in the way, the Bowling Ball rolls into the Steel Cage.


Was there ever a Geography I? Well, anyway...

What To Do: Put a right-facing COFFEE POT on the caution platform to the lower left of the Balloon. Put a MATCH underneath it. Attach ROPE to the bottom of the Teeter-Totter, put it through the Pulley, and connect it to the Match. Connect a horizontal CAUTION WALL to the bottom of the vertical Yellow Brick Wall that's just to the right of the Pinball. Put NITROGLYCERINE on it, just to the right of the before-mentioned Yellow Brick Wall. Plug an ELECTRIC MOTOR into the Electric Switch and connect the Electric Motor to the Generator with a BELT. Put a left-up LARGE CURVED PIPE just to the right of the Accelerator Tube. Put an ANTI-GRAVITY PAD underneath the Accelerator Tube, with one part of it underneath the Conveyer Belt. Put a CONVEYER BELT just above and to the right of the upper Pinball (it should be level with the highest part of the vertical Yellow Brick Wall) and connect it to the Mouse Motor with a BELT.

What Happens: The Teeter-Totter flips, opening the Match and having the Coffee Pot blow the Balloon away, activating the Phazer. The Phazer hits the Nitroglycerine, which blows up the Yellow Brick Walls and the other Nitroglycerine, making the Pinball turn on the Electric Motor. This activates the Generator and turns on the Fan, blowing Newton to the right. He turns on all the computers and goes into the Accelerator Tube. He comes out the Large Curved Pipe, goes to the left because of the Incline, and is then levitated by the Anti-Gravity Pad. He lands on the Conveyer Belt, which moves him left, right into the Wooden Crate.


What To Do: Put a right-facing ACCELERATOR TUBE just to the left of the Incline. Attach a right-up LARGE CURVED PIPE to it. Put the REMOTE CONTROL to

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the lower left of the Flashlight and the EXPLOSIVES to the upper left of the Bowling Ball. Put NITROGLYCERINE to the left of the Basketball. Put NITROGLYCERINE to the left of the Baseball. Plug a BLUE LASER into the Solar Panel and have it face upward, towards the Mirror. Plug a RED LASER into the Generator and have it face downward. Put a MIRROR far below it (the Mirror should be between the Green Laser and Laser Mixer). Put a MOUSE MOTOR a bit above the Trap Door and connect it to the Generator with a BELT.

What Happens: Several things are happening at once. First, the left Nitroglycerine blows up the floor. The right Nitroglycerine also blows up the floor. These clear the way for the lasers. The Baseball may get hurtled to the down, but all it does it either block the Green laser OR fall down to the right of the Mirror, but it shouldn't block the laser because the laser is high enough. Meanwhile, the Bowling Ball has entered the Pipes and is catapulted to the right. It hits the Mouse Motor (activating the Generator and having the Red laser enter the Laser Mixer), and then falls into the Trap Door. You may have to move the Mouse Motor around some to make this work. The Bowling Ball then turns on the Flashlight (turning on the Blue Laser) and hits the Remote Control, blowing up the Explosives and clearing the way for the Blue Laser. The Lasers are reflected by the Mirrors and the two enter the Laser Mixer, exiting as a Purple laser, and turning on the Mixer.


Personally, I think "Mel's Vacation" is the actual ultimate Schlemming puzzle. But anyway...

What To Do: Put an ANTI-GRAVITY PAD underneath the Mirror. Put a REMOTE CONTROL underneath the Bucket and put the Explosives to the left of Mel. Put a MOUSE MOTOR just underneath the Candle with the Candle barely touching it, then move the Mouse Motor one square down (so that its bottom is roughly level with the Accelerator Tube's top). Put a right-facing ROCKET on the upper log platform, with its fuse sticking off of the platform. Put a SOLAR PANEL to the right of it and plug a LASER into the Solar Panel, facing the Laser Detector.

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Put a JACK-IN-THE-BOX underneath the lower part of the upper Teeter-Totter and connect it to the Mouse Motor with a BELT. Put a CONVEYER BELT just to the left of the log platform that's to the right of the upper Teeter-Totter. Stretch it out as far as you can. Lastly, put a SPRINGBOARD just to the left of the log platform that's just to the left of the Teeter-Totter.

What Happens: The Candle falls onto the Mouse Motor and starts it, then falls into the Accelerator Tube. The Mouse Motor makes the Jack-in-the-Box pop out and flip the Teeter-Totter. Meanwhile, Mel walks left, bumps into the Explosives, then walks right. Just then, the Bucket falls onto the Remote Control and detonates the Explosives, but it shouldn't harm Mel as long as they weren't too close. Mel flips the Teeter-Totter, opening the Match and lighting the Candle. The Candle lights the Rocket's fuse, and the Rocket launches to the right. It's halted by the small Log Wall, but its fuse does turn on the Solar Panel. The Blue Laser plugged into it turns on and hits the Laser Sensor. Since both lasers are affecting it, it doesn't matter if one of them is blocked. Anyway, Mel encounters the Anti-Gravity Pad and is moved upward. He walks on the platform, then the Conveyer Belt, then goes over the Teeter-Totter. The Springboard bounces him onto the upper platform. He walks right, and the Anti-Gravity Pad lifts him over the gap. He'll break the laser, but it doesn't matter because the other laser is keeping the laser detector on! The Bucket didn't fall and stop his path because it was halted by the Remote Control, so Mel enters his house. Phew! Maybe this WAS the Ultimate Schlemming after all...


What To Do: Attach ROPE to the Bucket, put it through the Pulley, and connect it to the Phazer. Put TRIMMERS to the left of the Phazer, on the Rope. Put a BOXING GLOVE to the left of the Pinball. You'll notice there are two "gaps" on the upper Yellow Brick platforms/Inclines. Beneath the left, put a right-facing BIKE PUMP. Beneath the right gap, put a left-facing bike pump. Put a PINWHEEL between the two and connect it to the Generator with a BELT.

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Plug a LASER into the right side of the Generator, facing downward at the Missile's fuse.

What Happens: The Bucket turns on the Phazer, which hits the Trimmers. This releases the Balloon, which hits the Boxing Glove. The Boxing Glove pushes the Pinball and Baseball to the right. The Baseball bounces over the first gap and falls into the second, hitting the left Bike Pump. The Pinball, however, falls through the first gap and hits the right Bike Pump. The two Bike Pumps spin the Pinwheel, activating the Generator and turning on the Laser just long enough to light the Missile, which blows up the Blimp.


What To Do: Tough one. Put a "/" TEETER-TOTTER underneath the Pinball (it should be a little above the other Teeter-Totter). Connect the upper side of the right Teeter-Totter to the Lava Lamp with ROPE. Put a MAGNIFYING GLASS and HOT AIR BALLOON to the right of the Lava Lamp. Attach ROPE to the Hot Air Balloon, put it through the Pulleys, and connect it to the Laundry Basket. Connect the lower end of the two Teeter-Totters with ROPE. Lastly, put a right-facing BLIMP a little to the left of the Match.

What Happens: The Pinball is what starts everything. It flips the Teeter-Totter, which does two things: It activates the Match and turns on the Lava Lamp. The Lava Lamp lights the Hot Air Balloon, which moves upwards, pulling the Laundry Basket off of Mel. Meanwhile, the Blimp you placed has hit the Match and gone down in flames, lighting the Cannon. The Cannon fires, and its Pinball is thrust to the left. Because of the two Inclines, it flips the switch and turns on the Laser, destroying the Balloon. The Blimp hits Mel, who walks to the right...right onto the Blimp, which carries him off the side of the screen. If this doesn't happen, you may have to move some of the parts around a little.


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How I hate this level. Still, Sierra is still decent enough to give you one hint: As with many versions of actual Pool, it starts with the Cue Ball. Oh, and note that when I say "center" I mean either the horizontal or vertical center of the pool ball. For example, "above and a little to the left of the center of the 8-Ball" would mean the Pool Cue is above that ball, but a little to its left side.

What To Do: The official solution is probably the easiest one to explain. Basically, put a downwards-facing POOL CUE above the 14-Ball, with the Pool Cue being a above the left side of it. (note: The way a Pool Cue is "facing" is the direction the white side is facing) Put another downwards-facing POOL CUE above the 11-Ball, the Pool Cue being a little to the right of the ball's center. Put a left-facing POOL CUE to the right of the Cue Ball, the Pool Cue being a little lower than its center. Put another left-facing POOL CUE to the right of the 3-ball, facing roughly its center. Put an INCLINE to the right of the Pool Cue that's to the right of the Cue Ball, and put the TENNIS BALL on it. You'll probably have to move the parts around some to get this to work.

What Happens: The Tennis Ball hits the Pool Cue, which hits the Cue Ball. The Cue Ball is sent to the left and also a upward, and it pushes the 9-Ball into its hole. The Cue Ball then rebounds to and hits the "middle" Pool Cue, pushing the 11-Ball into its hole. The Pool Cue also pushes the 1-Ball to the right, which hits the 10-Ball and sends it into its hole. Meanwhile, the Pool Ball hits the 2-Ball, which hits the lower-right Pool Cue, which sends the 14-Ball into its hole. The 2-Ball then moves upward, hitting the 13-Ball into its hole, and then hits the final Pool Cue, sending the 3-Ball into its hole. This puzzle is one of the reasons I never play Pool...


What To Do: Put a SPRINGBOARD underneath the Dynamite and the ELECTRIC SWITCH above it. Plug a right-facing LASER into the Electric Switch. Put CANDLE to

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the lower left of the Bowling Ball. Put a MIRROR to the right of the Laser so that it'll reflect onto the Candle. Put a SPRINGBOARD to the upper right of the Basketball. This puzzle will probably take some moving around to solve. If necessary, flip the switch.

What Happens: The Dynamite starts bouncing. It turns on the Laser, which lights the Candle. It may turn the Laser off, but the Candle should get lit if you arranged them correctly. Anyway, the Dynamite hits the upper Incline and is moved to the right. It's lit by the Dynamite and blows up. The Bowling Ball is blown to the right and lands on the Springboard. It bounces on it until it reaches the top and rolls to the left. The Basketball then activates the Remote Control, blowing up the Explosives and moving the Mice off the screen.


What To Do: Start the puzzle and see where the Pinball lands. Put an ALLIGATOR there. Plug a FAN into the right outlet and have it face left. Put a PINWHEEL to the far left of the fan (just to the right of the wall to the left of the fan). Put a CONVEYER BELT underneath the Basketball and connect it to the Pinwheel with a BELT. Put a CONVEYER BELT underneath the Tennis Ball and stretch it out as far as it can go, then connect it to the Mouse Motor with a BELT. Make sure its left side touches the wall. Now make the Conveyer Belt as small as possible without making it too far away from the Mouse Motor for the Belt to reach. Put an ANTI-GRAVITY PAD just to the right of the Conveyer Belt. Plug a downwards-facing LASER into the left Electric Switch. Lastly, put a PINBALL in the "room" underneath the right-most Nitroglycerine.

What Happens: The Pinball falls and the Alligator flips it to the right. It flips the switch and the Fan turns the Pinwheel, moving the Basketball onto the Mouse Motor. The Mouse runs, moving the Tennis Ball to the right. The Anti-Gravity Pad moves it upward, and it flips the switch. The laser blows up the Dynamite, and the Nitroglycerine falls. The Nitroglycerine blows up, letting the Pinball fall downward, and breaking the laser beam.

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What To Do: This level has several decoys in it, and the trick is to avoid them. Put a left-facing COFFEE POT in the "room" above the Nitroglycerine. Put a MATCH underneath it and connect it to the Bucket. Put a PINWHEEL to the upper right of the Coffee Pot and put a CONVEYER BELT underneath the Basketball. Connect the two with a BELT.

What Happens: The Nitroglycerine blows up the floor, so the Bucket falls, releasing the Match. The Match activates and the Coffee Pot blows on the Pinwheel. The Pinwheel rotates, moving the Basketball to the left, into the Accelerator Tube, and off the top of the screen.


What To Do: Put NEWTON above the upper-left Mouse Motor. Put two LARGE GEARS just to the left of the Gear connected to the Conveyer Belt. Connect the left-most Gear to the Mouse Motor with a BELT. Put a LARGE GEAR and SMALL GEAR (both adjacent to each other) near the lowest Mouse Motor. Connect the Mouse Motor to the larger Gear and the Conveyer Belt to the smaller Gear, both times using BELTS. Put a JACK-IN-THE-BOX underneath the Bucket. Put a SMALL GEAR next to the Gear near the Bucket. Put a SMALL GEAR just to the left of the Large Gear near the Bucket. Connect the Small Gear to the Mouse Motor and the Large Gear to the Jack-in-the-Box, both times using BELTS.

What Happens: The Mouse Motor moves the Bowling Ball to the right. It hits the middle Mouse Motor (starting up the Jack-in-the-Box) and also flips the Teeter-Totter, sending Curie Cat onto the right Conveyer Belt. The Mouse Motors move the Conveyer Belts, sending Curie to the left and into the hole. Meanwhile, the Jack-in-the-Box pops out, and the Bucket is thrown to the right. This lowers the Laundry Basket, right onto Curie.


What To Do: They actually changed the name of this level. When it was originally in The Incredible Machine 3, it was titled "TIM2 CONTEST CHAMPION!" or something like that. Supposedly there was some contest in The Incredible Machine 2 on who could make the best puzzle, and these two people won, and

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this is their puzzle. But they removed the part that said that this time around, and changed the name. This was the last level in The Incredible Machine 3, and you can easily see why they selected this level for that purpose. Now how about we get started?

What To Do: The official solution is as good as any, which is what I'll give. You'll notice there's a wooden "ceiling" above Mel. Put three LARGE GEARS just underneath it, above the Conveyer Belt. None of these three should be adjacent to the Large Gear already on the screen. Connect the center Gear to the lower Mouse Motor with a BELT. Put a JACK-IN-THE-BOX in the gap between the Conveyer Belt and Alligator, having it face to the right. With BELTS, connect the left Gear to the Conveyer Belt and the right Gear to the Jack-in-the-box. Put two LARGE GEARS just to the right of the Large Gear that was already on the screen at the beginning of the puzzle. Connect the right one to the Generator and the middle one to the Mouse Motor using two BELTS. There's a Small Gear already on the screen. Put two more SMALL GEARS to its right and connect the right-most Small Gear to the left-most of the Large Gears Gears you placed with a BELT. Put CHEESE above the left side of the Mouse Motor. Connect the right Electric Motor to the right-most Conveyer Belt with a BELT. Connect the left Electric Motor to the other Conveyer Belt with a BELT. Plug a VACUUM into the Electric Switch, having it face right. Put a BASEBALL above the Electric Switch. At the top of the screen, above the highest Alligator, put a LARGE GEAR. Put another LARGE GEAR just to the left of it, and a SMALL GEAR just to the left of the Large Gear. Connect the right-most Large Gear to the Pinwheel with a BELT, and the Small Gear to the Conveyer Belt with a BELT. Put a "/" TEETER-TOTTER to the left of the upper Conveyer Belt, with its right edge above the Conveyer Belt.

What Happens: The Baseball flips the switch, which turns on the Vacuum and right Electric Motor. Meanwhile, the left Mouse Motor starts running due to the Cheese, turning on the Generator and moving the left Conveyer Belt. With the Generator activated, the Fan spins the Pinwheel, moving the upper Conveyer

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Belt. Furthermore, the left Electric Motor moves the Conveyer Belt the Baseball is now on, which moves the Baseball to the left, onto the Mouse Motor. Meanwhile, Mel is walking to the right. He walks over the Mouse Motor, which starts up the Jack-in-the-Box and the Conveyer Belt. The Conveyer Belt moves Mel onto the Jack-in-the-Box, which springs him over the Alligator just before he walks into its jaws. Mel lands on the Springboard, and is bounced upward. The Vacuum sucks him onto the Conveyer Belt, which moves him to the left. Mel falls onto the next Conveyer Belt, which also moves him left. He's dazed for a few moments, but recovers and walks right. He walks into the Conveyer Belt and turns around. He walks over the Cheese and Baseball, and falls onto the Springboard. He bounces on it and hits the Conveyer Belt, which moves him onto the Gears. He walks to the left, off of the Gears and falls. The Springboard bounces him upward again, and he ends up on the Gears again. He walks left, but this time turns around and walks onto the Springboard. He bounces on it and hits the Conveyer Belt, which moves him to the left. He walks onto the Springboard, which bounces him up to the Incline, and he's moved to the right. He lands on the Teeter-Totter, and walks to the right over it. He ends up on the Conveyer Belt, which pushes him over the Alligator. He gets onto the final Springboard, which pushes him upward. He hits the Incline and is moved to the right onto the Grass Floor. He then walks to the right, and enters his house. Some vacation...


This puzzle took me forever to solve...but I finally did it, only to find that the official solution was much better, which is what I'll give.

What To Do: Plug a right-facing FAN into the Electric Switch. Note that the Fan should be ABOVE the Electric Switch and just to the right of the Tennis Ball. Put a ROCKET above the Flint Rocks. Put a GENERATOR to the lower right of the Electric Switch and plug the LASER into it (the Laser should be facing downward). Put three adjacent LARGE GEARS above the Blimp. Place another three adjacent LARGE GEARS to the upper right of the Mouse Motor. With a BELT,

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connect the Mouse Motor to the middle of the second group of Gears. Connect the Gear just to the right of that Gear to the highest Small Gear with a BELT, and connect the lowest Small Gear to the Conveyer Belt with a BELT. Connect the right-most of the gears above the Blimp to the left-most of the other group of three Gears with a BELT. Connect the right-most of the above-the-blimp Gears to the Generator with a BELT.

What Happens: The Tennis Ball flips the switch and activates the Flint Rocks. The Fan pushes the Baseball into the Nitroglycerine, and then onto the Mouse Motor. The Mouse Motor moves the Fireworks to the left and turns on the Generator. The Laser lights the Dynamite. Just then, the Rocket takes off and moves the Dynamite to the right when it's in the process of exploding. The Dynamite blows up while near the Blimp, so the Blimp goes down in flames, lighting the Fireworks.


What To Do: Put TRIMMERS above the Candle, on the Rope holding the Balloon down. Put a "/" TEETER-TOTTER above the Balloon. Connect the Teeter-Totter's lower side to the Match with ROPE. Put a BLUE LASER-ACTIVATED PLUG a bit to the right of the Balloon and plug an ELECTRIC MOTOR into it. Put two adjacent GEARS in the area between the Electric Motor and the Conveyer Belt. Connect one Gear to the Electric Motor with a BELT and the other to the Conveyer Belt with a BELT. Put a right-facing DYNAMITE between the two Brick floors that are between the Bowling Ball and Basket. Put a MISSILE on the Brick platform to the right of the Basket. Put an INCLINE of width three just to the right of the Mouse Motor (it should be sloping down to the right). Put a SPRINGBOARD in the gap between the new Incline and the steep Incline. Put an ANTI-GRAVITY PAD in the gap to the right of the steep Incline and put NITROGLYCERINE above it. Put an ELECTRIC SWITCH to the right of the Anti-Gravity Pad and plug a downwards-facing LASER into it. Use two MIRRORS to reflect the laser into the Laser-Activated Plug.

What Happens: The Nitroglycerine is levitated upward and it blows up the

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Yellow Brick barrier. Meanwhile, the Candle bounces upward until it hits the Trimmers. The Trimmers release the Balloon, which flips the Teeter-Totter, releasing the Match. Meanwhile, the Candle has been moved to the right due to the Trimmers and is on the Incline. It slides to the right and is lit by the Match. The Candle lights the Missile on its way. The Missile launches, lights the Dynamite, and blows up the upper Dynamite, clearing a path for the Candle. The lower Dynamite explodes, letting the Bowling Ball fall into the Basket. Meanwhile, the Candle continues sliding to the right, and bounces to the right due to the Springboard. It's levitated a little by the Anti-Gravity Pad, but continues right and flips the switch, turning on the Laser. This turns on the Electric Motor, which starts the Conveyer Belt. The Candle slides back to the left and the Anti-Gravity Pad moves it upward. It hits the Conveyer Belt and is moved to the left, falling into the Wooden Crate.


Gee, how did this level even end up in Expert? I think it might be able to pass for a Medium puzzle. But anyway...

What To Do: Put an ANTI-GRAVITY PAD underneath the Mouse Motor. Put an ANTI-GRAVITY PAD at the bottom of the steep sloping down to the left Incline (it should just fit). Put a LARGE GEAR just to the left of the Jack-in-the-Box. Put another LARGE GEAR just to the right of that Large Gear, and a SMALL GEAR just to the right of THAT Large Gear. Use a MOUSE MOTOR, JACK-IN-THE-BOX, and SMALL GEAR to bridge the gap in the middle-right side of the screen.

What Happens: Mel walks right and falls. He walks up the Incline, and then when he reaches the Mouse Motor the Anti-Gravity Pad moves him up. Mel walks left onto the other Anti-Gravity Pad, which moves him upward. Now he moves to the right. He'll walk over the Mouse Motor, Jack-in-the-Box, and Small Gear and then fall. He then walks left, over the Jack-in-the-Box and the Gears. He falls off of the Gears, continues walking left, and ends up in the Wooden

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It's so nice that the last and second-to-last puzzles have the best music in the game...though I personally liked the original lyrics of this song more (in The Incredible Machine 3). At the beginning, they didn't do that echoing of "The Incredible Machine" and instead had some better lyrics. But as to the actual PUZZLE...

Anyway, the level's name fits it. As you probably figured out, the only way you can get the Balloon popped is to make it get up to the area where there are three Small Gears adjacent to each other. The hard part? Getting the Balloon there and blowing up the Nitroglycerine to clear the path.

This puzzle has a lot of connecting using Belts, so just this once I'm not going to do my usual "connect with a BELT" thing. Instead, I'll capitalize CONNECT so it stands out.

What To Do: Attach ROPE to the upper end of the Teeter-Totter and put it through the Pulleys, then connect it to the Mandrill Motor. Now, there's a group of three Small Gears that are to the right of the bottom Electric Switch. Put a PINBALL above and a little to the left of the highest of the three. Put a MOUSE MOTOR to the right of the Teeter-Totter and CONNECT it to the lowest Conveyer Belt. Put a BOWLING BALL above the Mouse Motor. Now for the tricky "connecting" part. CONNECT the Electric Motor to the middle of the three Small Gears that are above it. Now, there are two groups of two Small Gears below the Electric Motor. CONNECT the upper Gear of the left group to the left-most Gear of the group of three Gears. CONNECT the lower of the two Gears to the left-most Gear in the bottom three. CONNECT the highest of those three Gears to the lower of the Gears above it. Put a CONVEYER BELT (smallest it can be) just underneath the Bowling Ball. CONNECT it to the higher of the two Small Gears. Put a CONVEYER BELT above the bottom Electric Switch. Plug a right-facing ELECTRIC MOTOR into the upper Electric Switch. CONNECT it to the

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Small Gear to its right (the Small Gear is just to the left of a Large Gear). Put a CONVEYER BELT just underneath the Dynamite and CONNECT it to the Large Gear that's adjacent to the Small Gear. There's a "gap" in the Caution Wall that's below those Gears (I mean the Caution Wall that's above the highest Bowling Ball, not the Caution Wall below it). Put a CONVEYER BELT in it, stretching it out as far as it can go in it (it should be of width two). CONNECT that Conveyer Belt to to to the left Gear in the group of two Gears underneath the Conveyer Belt the Dynamite is on. There's a Large Gear just to the right of that Gear. CONNECT it to the middle Small Gear in the group of three Small Gears at the top of the screen. Of that group of three Small Gears, CONNECT the left one to the left Small Gear in the group of two Small Gears that's to the left of the Mandrill Motor. CONNECT the other Small Gear in that group to the Mandrill Motor. There are two Large Gears beneath those two. CONNECT the right of the two Large Gears to the remaining Conveyer Belt and CONNECT the other one to the right-most of the three upper Small Gears. Put a JACK-IN-THE-BOX just underneath the right Pinball, and put an ANTI-GRAVITY PAD just to the right of the lower Yellow Brick platform.

What Happens: Several things happen at once. First, the Pinball falls to the left and flips the Teeter-Totter, turning on the Mandrill Motor. This moves the right-most Conveyer Belt and the Conveyer Belt to the upper left of the upper Bowling Ball. The lower Bowling Ball activates the Mouse Motor, which moves the Balloon to the right. The Leaky Bucket falls downward, flipping the top two switches, but not hitting the bottom due to the Conveyer Belt blocking its way. The two Electric Motors turn on, moving the Dynamite to the right and blowing up the Nitroglycerine AND turning on the Conveyer Belt the Bowling Ball is on, moving it to the right. Due to the Conveyer Belts, the Balloon is moved to the right, upward, then left, upward again, right, and then upward (it's stopped by the Anti-Gravity Pad), right into the rotating Gears.


The final level of The Return of The Incredible Machine: Contraptions is

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actually not that hard. Still, the level is interesting, considering that while you have all of those different parts available, the majority are completely useless. However, I think they should've made the last level a little more memorable. Then again, not counting Mel's Vacation, this probably is the best of the bunch to be the final level. I just wish they had made the final level be a bit more like a "final level". Anyway, here's my solution.

What To Do: Put a BIKE PUMP to the upper right of the Bike Pump on the screen. Put a PINWHEEL to the right of them. Put a GENERATOR to the upper right of the Pinwheel and connect them with a BELT. Plug a LASER into the Generator and have it face the Cannon's fuse. Lastly, put a BALLOON underneath the lower Bike Pump.

What Happens: The Balloon touches both Bike Pumps, and both make the Pinwheel spin. It activates the Generator, and the Laser is turned on for JUST long enough to light the Cannon, and fire it. Congratulations, you won! And this guide is finished! Be sure to also check out my guide to The Incredible Machine: Even More Contraptions!

VI. Thanks/Legal Stuff

Thanks to GameFAQs for posting this (and if this is ever posted anywhere else, thanks to them for posting it, also).

Thanks to Sierra for making this game. However, if any Sierra employees are reading this, hear my plea. PLEASE MAKE MORE INCREDIBLE MACHINE GAMES!

Thanks to the people on GameFAQs who wrote guides for "The Incredible Machine 3", especially King Kool. Some of the puzzles in this game are from that game, and had I not been able to look up the answers to those puzzles in their guides, I may not have been able to finish The Return of The Incredible Machine: Contraptions, and thus wouldn't have written this guide.

Now for the legal stuff. You can't copy this and put it anywhere else without my permission. If you do put it somewhere, you must keep it UNALTERED. You

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also should preferably keep up with any updates I put out. At present, only these websites can show this

Copyright 2004, 2005 Lord Seth.

Return of the Incredible Machine Contraptions: FAQ/Walkthrough by Lord SethVersion 1.06, Last Updated 2005-08-20 View/Download Original File

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