Retrofit and the Revolving Loan guarantee fund A Welsh perspective Dewi Llwyd Evans Community...

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Transcript of Retrofit and the Revolving Loan guarantee fund A Welsh perspective Dewi Llwyd Evans Community...

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  • Retrofit and the Revolving Loan guarantee fund A Welsh perspective Dewi Llwyd Evans Community Initiatives Manager
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  • Cymdeithas Tai Eryris journey into retrofit The ARBED programme in Wales The Welsh Revolving Loan Guarantee Fund and progress to date Some thoughts on why WLRGF is even more important today than it was when we started Empowered procurement and regeneration
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  • Our Area of Operation A wonderful area to live and work in culturally rich, a beautiful landscape and coastline, strong sense of community But.. Low GDP, some of the lowest wages in the UK, pockets of deprivation, peripherality, outward migration of young people..
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  • Ein Cenhadaeth Our Mission Gwella Bywydau, Datblygu Cymunedau Cynaliadwy, Hybur Gymraeg Improving Lives, Developing Sustainable Communities, Promoting the Welsh Language
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  • Cymdeithas Tai Eryri Social economy business with 1800 properties across Anglesey and Gwynedd Social economy business with 1800 properties across Anglesey and Gwynedd Reducing Carbon theme in our Corporate plan Reducing Carbon theme in our Corporate plan Measuring our ecological footprint: operations, housing, tenants Measuring our ecological footprint: operations, housing, tenants Pilot Schemes on new build and retrofit Pilot Schemes on new build and retrofit Board Commitment Board Commitment 2m retrofit investment 2m retrofit investment 12m to reach Welsh Housing Quality Standard 12m to reach Welsh Housing Quality Standard
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  • Eithinog Pilot: Bangor First social housing in Wales built to Code Level 4
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  • Trem y Mor, Trefor (retrofit)
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  • The ARBED Programme in Wales An integrated approach to retrofit Reducing climate change Reducing climate change Eradicating fuel poverty Eradicating fuel poverty Economic development & regeneration Economic development & regeneration Solar PV, solar thermal, Wall insulation, Heat pumps installations targeted to regeneration areas 30m available to social landlords
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  • CTEs ARBED programme Target Hard to heat homes (i.e solid walls, off gas, coal fires & storage heaters) Renewable energy Create jobs, training placements & upskill our existing contractors especially with PV Partnership with local authority, private sector, Dulas,local contractors The second largest award in Wales 2.5m
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  • Paneli Photofoltaic Solar Photovoltaic 258
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  • Insiwleiddio waliau allanol External wall insulation 73
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  • O dn glo. From solid fuel. .i bwmp gwres .to air source heat pump 33
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  • Solar dr poeth Solar thermal 86
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  • Regeneration outcomes 16 Companies contracted 14 in our operating area 15 Work placements for unemployed young people 2 Full time jobs & 4 apprenticeships 6 Local companies achieving MCS accreditation 1 Monitoring officer KTP project with Bangor University
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  • Dylan Williams Aelod o gweithlu CTE sydd nawr gyda achrediad MCS i ffitio paneli solar Part of the CTE workteam who now have MCS accreditation to fit solar panels
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  • The journey to the RLGF Strategic discussion with our partners how to avoid boom and bust? Create the right environment for sustainable growth and business how to avoid boom and bust? Create the right environment for sustainable growth and business Dulas working with Radian ERDF project The GESB Model The Value of networking presentation to Community Housing Cymru and Welsh Government presentation to Community Housing Cymru and Welsh Government
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  • The coalition of the willing 7 RSLs agreed to undertake a pilot project to set up the Welsh RLGF based on FIT PV income 10k contribution and 100 roofs each Welsh Government Housing department provided revenue funding for feasibility Managed by Community Housing Cymru with full support of its Council GESB contracted to develop the business case
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  • Welsh Revolving Guarantee Fund Model Pvs in Homes Guarantee fund RSLs Bank 700 PV installations 700 PV installations 7 million loan 7 million loan 5% first loss guarantee 5% first loss guarantee 300K in guarantee fund 300K in guarantee fund
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  • Welsh RLGF Progress to date Meetings with financiers over 30 different institutions targeted and 2 offers one from a charitable trust for the guarantee fund one from a charitable trust for the guarantee fund One from a bank- for the whole amount One from a bank- for the whole amount Positive reaction from European commission and a willingness to support the project its got legs!
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  • Welsh RLGF- the challenges The best rate weve been offered is 6% Non secured off balance sheet great for those with high gearing not so attractive to others Non secured off balance sheet great for those with high gearing not so attractive to others Targeting the right people in banks Renewable energy teams and RSL business teams- do they talk to each other? Renewable energy teams and RSL business teams- do they talk to each other? External factors Eurozone and Greece Led to the withdrawal of our main offer Led to the withdrawal of our main offer The PV FIT shambles
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  • Welsh RLGF where now? We carry on the model is sound and tested Learn from Eastern Europe truer to that model- longer paybacks and a range of energy efficiency cant rely on FIT RLGF can reach the parts and households that Green Deal and FIT wont reach Rural areas off gas- cost of external wall insulations- and associated works Regeneration outcomes
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  • Empowered Procurement i2is Can Do Toolkits
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  • Diolch yn fawr! Thank you! Dewi Llwyd Evans Cymdeithas Tai Eryri Ty Silyn Penygroes Gwynedd LL54 6LY [email protected] [email protected] 01286 882453 I2i Can Do Toolkit