Kevin Stolarick


Page 1: RETENTION INCENTIVE COMMITTEE FINAL Ontario (and its Regions)-17- February 2009-18- February 2009 Ontario-19-

Kevin Stolarick

Page 2: RETENTION INCENTIVE COMMITTEE FINAL Ontario (and its Regions)-17- February 2009-18- February 2009 Ontario-19-

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1. Project Background2. Report Highlights3. Benchmarking Ontario4. And Its Regions5. Q&A

Brief Overview

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-2- February 2009

Ontario Government asked Roger Martin and Richard Florida to…

• Undertake a study of the changing composition of Ontario’s economy and workforce

• Examine historical changes and projected future trends affecting Ontario

• Provide recommendations to the Province on how to ensure Ontario’s economy and people remain globally competitive and prosperous

Ontario Budget, March 2008

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This Work Was Completed by....

-4- February 2009

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Ontario’s distinctive advantage can be created through actions on four fronts

-5- February 2009

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-6- February 2009

Share of creativity-oriented jobs is increasing

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-7- February 2009

New jobs will be in creativity-oriented and routine-oriented service occupations

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Ontario has less creative content than US peers in 36 of 41 clustered industries

-8- February 2009

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-9- February 2009

Nearly 80 percent of jobs in Canada are in services industries

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Unemployment is higher in routine-oriented occupations especially in early 90s recession

-10- February 2009

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-11- February 2009

Workers draw on three sets of skills

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Ontario under values increases in analytical and social intelligence skills

-12- February 2009

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Returns to investment are highest for early childhood development

-13- February 2009

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Workers in creativity-oriented occupations are concentrated in small number of city regions

-14- February 2009

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Harness the potential of the mega-region and connect the disconnected parts of Ontario

-15- February 2009

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Ontario’s distinctive advantage can be created through actions on four fronts

-16- February 2009

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Benchmarking Ontario (and its Regions)

-17- February 2009

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-18- February 2009

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-19- February 2009

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“A high technology base is both a necessary condition for and a result of a region having a strong creative economy.

Being known as a "high-tech" region helps to attract the creative workforce, which, in turn, generates new technologies making the region even more high-tech.”

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• High Technology:–Concentration of high-tech

companies–Growth of high-tech companies–Tech-Pole (North American)

• Innovation:–# of patented innovations per

1,000 people–Growth in patented innovations

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-22- February 2009

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“The concentration of people in the Creative and Super Creative Classes, has a stronger relationship with economic growth.

Creative people don't just cluster where the jobs are. They cluster in places that are centers of creativity and also where they like to live.

Places need a people climate -- or a creativity climate -- as well as a business climate.”

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• Talent Index (Bachelors Degree and above)

• % Super Creative (scientists,engineers, artists, musicians, designers)

• % Knowledge Workers(super creative + professionals)

• Brain Drain/Gain Index (BDGI)

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-25- February 2009

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“Diversity has become a politically charged buzzword. To some it is an ideal and rallying cry, to others a Trojan-horse concept that has brought us affirmative action and other liberal abominations.

Creative Class people use the word often, but not to press any political hot buttons. Diversity is simply something they value in all its manifestations.”

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• Mosiac Index(% foreign born)

• Gay/Lesbian Index(% gay & lesbian population)

• Boho Index(% culturally creative)

• % Visible Minority• % Interracial Marriage

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-28- February 2009

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Territory Assets

“What Creative people look for in communities are abundant high-quality amenities and experiences, an openness to diversity of all kinds, and above all else the opportunity to validate their identities as creative people.

Places are valued for authenticity and uniqueness … Authenticity comes from several aspects of a community … It comes from the mix … Authenticity is the opposite of generic.”

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Territory Assets (Quality of Place)• Economy/Growth• Housing• Culture• Climate• Education• Healthcare• Recreation• Dis-amenities

– Crime, Weather

• Transportation– Connectedness

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Benchmarking Ontario’s 15 Metro Areas (CMAs)

-31- February 2009

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Benchmarking – St. Catharines - Niagara

-32- February 2009

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St. Catharines - Niagara

-33- February 2009

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St. Catharines - Niagara

-34- February 2009

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St. Catharines - Niagara

-35- February 2009

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St. Catharines - Niagara

-36- February 2009

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-37- April 23, 2009

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Thank YouKevin [email protected]

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-40- February 2009

Ontario in the creative age

• The promise and the challenge of the creative age

• Realizing the promise of the creative age

• Agenda for Ontario’s creative age

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-41- February 2009

Ontario in the creative age

• The promise and the challenge of the creative age

• Realizing the promise of the creative age

• Agenda for Ontario’s creative age

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-42- February 2009

Earnings rise with increases in occupations’analytical skills

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Earnings rise more with increases in occupations’ social intelligence skills

-43- February 2009

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Earnings do not rise with increases in physical skills

-44- February 2009

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Clustered industries draw more on creativity-oriented occupations than dispersed industries

-45- February 2009

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Creativity-oriented occupations in clustered industries generate highest earnings

-46- February 2009

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Wage differences are much less prevalent in Ontario than in peer states

-47- February 2009

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Ontario out performs US peers on Tolerance but under performs on Talent and Technology

-48- February 2009

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Ontario in the creative age

-49- February 2009

• The promise and the challenge of the creative age

• Realizing the promise of the creative age

• Agenda for Ontario’s creative age

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Ontario’s distinctive advantage can be created through actions on four fronts

-50- February 2009

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Harness the creative potential of Ontarians

• Increased creativity in all jobs

• Be the world’s first jurisdiction where creativity-oriented occupations account for half of all jobs

• Strengthen creativity skills through our education system

• Market Ontario as a creative province

• Make diversity a cornerstone of economic prosperity

-51- February 2009

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Broaden our talent base

-52- February 2009

• Make Ontario the talent province

• Strengthen our managerial capacity

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Establish new social safety nets

-53- February 2009

• Make early childhood development a high priority

• Invest in skills development for recent immigrants

• Consider wage insurance for longer tenure workers

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Build province-wide geographic advantage

-54- February 2009

• Make the mega-region as strong as it can be

• Invest in connectivity