Results from Quiz, Decision and Mood Board


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Transcript of Results from Quiz, Decision and Mood Board

Page 1: Results from Quiz, Decision and Mood Board

Results from quiz, decision and Mood Board

By Evie Theodore

Page 2: Results from Quiz, Decision and Mood Board

QuizI designed a quiz on www.surveymonkey.comI then distributed it to ten different people, asking them questions on what they would like out of a standard music magazine. For example the price.

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Question 1

From analysing the data shown on the pie chart from the results of my questionnaire, I am able to see that the majority of the group were willing to pay the maximum fee of £2.01 to £2.50. This is beneficial to my construction of a magazine as I will now be aware of how much an average person would be willing to spend which has now given me an idea of how much money I should charge for my magazine in order to attract readers and make a profit.

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Question 2

From analysing the data shown on the pie chart from the results of my questionnaire, I am able to see that the majority of the group at 80%, were more likely to purchase a magazine if there was some kind of promotion such as a free prize or the chance to win something with the magazine. This has shown me that in order to attract customers there must be something additional involved to get people’s attention and to persuade them to buy the product.

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Question 3

From analysing the data shown on the pie chart from the results of my questionnaire, I am able to see that the majority of the group at 70% liked to receive subscription plans within their magazines along with special plans. This could be beneficial knowledge to me when constructing my own magazine as I will be able to think about additional things to include to make the product seem professional and welcoming to readers when they look at it as it will offer them the chance to become more closely associated with the magazine if they were interested in subscribing. The special offer on subscription may also persuade someone to buy a plan.

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Question 4

From analysing the data shown on the pie chart from the results of my questionnaire, I am able to see that there is no determining result to look at as there was a 50% result of a light colour scheme and a 50% vote for a dark colour scheme.In order to appeal to both groups I will try to make the colour scheme in between light and dark so that everyone will be able to enjoy the colours.

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Question 5

From analysing the data shown on the pie chart from the results of my questionnaire, I am able to see that the majority of the group at 44.4% wanted a mixture of a neat but filled front cover for a magazine. I find that this is probably the best way to appeal to most people’s tastes as a balance should be able to fit in a lot of interesting pictures and coverlines etc. without it becoming cluttered or messy.

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Question 6

From analysing the data shown on the pie chart from the results of my questionnaire, I am able to see that the majority of the group at 88.8% wanted the magazine to be informally written in a casual register. This is perhaps because as the question states, it is a ‘casual, everyday style’ which would be easier for a target audience to understand and relate to. From these results I have decided to write in a Casual register instead of a Formal or Consultative register despite the 11.1% vote in it’s favour, as the majority of people, both from the questionnaire group and a general target audience, will not appreciate the impersonal feel, however a something such as an Intimate register would be too casual and inappropriate.

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Question 7

From analysing the data shown on the pie chart from the results of my questionnaire, I am able to see that the majority of the group at 50%, said that they would like a mix of Interviews, Reviews and Quiz’s in a magazine. This will benefit my construction of my own magazine as it will enable me to understand what people would like to get out of a magazine and what they enjoy the most. A mix is the most fair way to enable everyone within a target audience to feel as though they can get what they want when buying the product. However 30% did say that they would like more Interviews and it would be unconventional to include more quiz’s than interviews with musicians as it would defeat the purpose of the product which to inform readers of musical artists and their work. Therefore, although there will be a mix of all three options, there will maybe be more of one thing e.g. interviews than other things.

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Decision• What music genre and why?

• I have chosen to do a rock music magazine because I would like to use instruments and models to highlight that it is a music magazine.

• Who is your target audience and why?

• My target audience will be for anyone who is thirteen and above and enjoys rock music. This is because for younger children who cant read or be able to understand the content will not benefit from the magazine.

• What research have you done to provide evidence of your decision?

• I have taken a look at numerous magazine and I have made the decision based on the display of the rock music magazines that I have seen as they appear to be bright, interesting and full of information. Based on my questionnaire, the overall majority (44%) said that they would like a majority spread of a full and spaced out front cover, which I believe I will be able to produce to a better standard if it is a rock genre music magazine. For example I will be able to include props such as guitars and excessive makeup to create a stereotype of a typical Goth that would listen to rock music. Also the backgrounds that I am thinking about e.g. graffiti wall backdrops, will create and urban/ underground feel.

• The type of acts that I will be able to create to include in the magazine will be easy to make an image for e.g. Goth. I will make a rock band/ musician to feature in the magazine as it will make it appear more realistic. I will also construct an interview and story to go with the main headline. In my questionnaire 50% of people said that they would like a mix of

• How much will the magazine cost?

• Based on the results from my questionnaire (the majority of 40%)and the appropriate price to make a profit from the magazine, I have decided to set the price at £2.50.

• Colour Scheme

• From analysing the data on the pie chart in question 4 , I am able to see that there is no determining result to look at as there was a 50% result of a light colour scheme and a 50% vote for a dark colour scheme.

In order to appeal to both groups I will try to make the colour scheme in between light and dark so that everyone will be able to enjoy the colours. For example I could use primary colours such as red, yellow and blue , but in a darker tone and use black and white to give a neutral blend.

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LIIAR• Language• I will chose a casual register to relate to the target audience of people from the age of 13 and over as it will appeal to them and

anyone of a younger age may not understand or relate to the content or style of writing• Institution.• I would chose the Bauer Media Group to publish the magazine as they already own two successful rock magazines such as

Kerrang and Q. In my research I have found that they sell over 38 million of its magazine titles per week and operate in over 16 countries worldwide. This would benefit my magazine as it could launch it globally and attract readers around the world and sell many copies

• Ideology:• The ideology of the magazine will be to promote new and current rock bands and their music and advertise concerts and

festivals. There is not a particular message or moral value reflected within the magazine.• Audience:• The target audience is males and females from the age range of 13 and above as some of the content e.g. certain musicians,

will be un-relatable to anyone of a younger age. Also the themes may not be relevant or comprehendible by a younger audience. The reason the audience is open to both genders is that the content of the magazine and the genre can be enjoyed by both genders so therefore does not need to exclude a certain one.

• Representation:• My magazine will aim to represent both a male and female audience as it is not specifically targeted at either. This will be done

by creating articles that include both genders and representing them within images throughout the magazine. The stereotypes that will probably be represented most will be Goths and Punks through the images of the models and Mise en scene. For example:

• -Clothing: Gothic models will be wearing dark clothing e.g. black with typical footwear e.g. Underground Creeper shoes to represent the stereotype of how Goths dress as they prefer dark clothes that reflect their personalities.

• -Makeup: Gothic models will have heavy eyeliner and mascara to emphasise their eyes in order to emphasise them and the emotionless expression they may have to create the stereotype that Goths don’t have feelings or emotions. Female models will have dark red lipstick to stand out from the black to create some colour in contrast with the make up they will wear tomake their faces pale. This will also represent the stereotype that Goths don’t like to be in the sunlight as they prefer darkness.

• -Location: There will be simple backdrops e.g. a plain dark red brick wall which doesn’t take away the focus of the model and doesn’t serve as a distraction but is able to set a scene e.g. an alley way or just a normal street to give the illusion that Goths do are not particularly interesting or exciting because of their lack of emotion. There will be nobody in the background either.This will all highlight the fact that Goths are ‘outcasts’ and do not seek to be in fun situations with the rest of society.