Rest And Renewal Why He Gave Us The Sabbath

Rest and Renewal 1 Running head: REST AND RENEWAL Rest and Renewal: Why He Gave Us the Sabbath Melody Jill Avery Cazort, Ph.D. Regent University


After “getting away from it all,” have you ever looked at a problem differently and thought of a wonderful solution? Taking a break has to be one of the easiest things that God intends for us to do. So, why don’t we do it? Why do people need it? After the article answers this, some advice follows in how to begin relaxing and develop it as a habit. Rest provides many benefits that leaders need to lead an organization and, with a break, we can feel regeneration in our work. Leaders, as human beings, can refurbish themselves and perform better for the organization after high-quality rest. While resting, leaders can dream, think, sleep, or just spend time with loved ones--including God. So, put your feet up as this article demonstrates why God initiated the Sabbath for our rest and renewal.

Transcript of Rest And Renewal Why He Gave Us The Sabbath

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Running head: REST AND RENEWAL

Rest and Renewal: Why He Gave Us the Sabbath

Melody Jill Avery Cazort, Ph.D.

Regent University

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Rest and Renewal: Why He gave us the Sabbath

After “getting away from it all,” have you ever looked at a problem differently and

thought of a wonderful solution? Taking a break has to be one of the easiest things that God

intends for us to do. So, why don’t we do it? Why do people need it? After the article answers

this, some advice follows in how to begin relaxing and develop it as a habit. Rest provides many

benefits that leaders need to lead an organization and, with a break, we can feel regeneration in

our work. Leaders, as human beings, can refurbish themselves and perform better for the

organization after high-quality rest. While resting, leaders can dream, think, sleep, or just spend

time with loved ones--including God. So, put your feet up as this article demonstrates why God

initiated the Sabbath for our rest and renewal.

Why it is Hard to Take it Easy

It seems that society has wrapped firmly around what they are doing. This wrap is so

tight that it does not allow free time and even constricts sleeping hours. Instead of looking

forward to vacationing, people avoid planning for it. This section looks at trends that block

people from resting.


Wirzba proclaimed that people in today’s world are excessively busy and obsessed with

frantic schedules and a fast pace (2005). The consequences from this busyness include anxiety

and fretfulness. These habitual behaviors and feelings rob people of celebrating life, friends,

neighbors, along with the simple pleasures that we can derive from life.

Blanchard (1994) also claimed that most typical Americans cheat themselves out of other

benefits. The populace cannot relax and have created a mania for doing things. The nation

fruitlessly tries to finish more tasks in less time, feeling like they should function similar to a

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machine. Doing things and achievement have become obsessions in our culture. In order to reach

their goals, it is common for people to give up connecting with others and enjoying life. Their

outcomes may be success of monetary sorts, but the price is a disengaged marriage or family life

with hardly any friends.

Another price that people pay is rationalizing that we do not have time to take a day off

during the week. This frequently cheats people out of rest. It seems that making impossible

schedules without relaxing overwhelms people instead of actually accomplishing their goals.

What is wrong with us? Whatever happened to sitting on the front porch on Sunday afternoon

with our family and a happy puppy for hours? If you don’t do this on Sundays, this is another

opportunity cost—not for business--for visiting with the neighbors!

Why Do People Need Rest?

This section demonstrates how rest can help leadership, which can eventually aid the

whole organization. Taking time out prevents problems from budding out into larger dilemmas.

Our bodies need respite for their health and healing restoration to avoid sickness. Breathing

space can bring transformation, regeneration, or rejuvenation for people, as well as several other


Followers, Leaders, and their Organizations

Rest and time away from employment can help avert ailments. Burning the midnight oil

and rest deficiency can contribute to burnout, a common epidemic of this era (Maslach & Leiter,

1997). When burnout happens, it costs the organization in absenteeism, health benefits, workers

compensation, work quality, and other ways. A job situation without relief can cause employees

to feel overloaded or tired. Some employees sense a loss of control. Staff members often feel that

their rewards are inadequate and that they suffer inequality in the workplace. However, leaders

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can help minimize these workload mismatches. The company’s management has to be sincere

and become involved, as these are organizational issues. Although leaders can minimize burnout

with support and a positive climate, preventing burnout altogether serves much better. To guard

against this kind of exhaustion, leaders should invest in their staff by engaging them in their

work, hiring more staff to share the load, and setting conflict resolution procedures for these

followers. The goal here is a productive staff on a long-term basis, which in turn aids the

organization as a whole.

To also aid company operations, Cooper (2001) claimed that taking brief breaks and

pauses during the day facilitates the staff to excel in today’s stressful business. Employees

missing normal morning or afternoon breaks diminishes their energy levels. On the contrary, a

calm pause or replenishing energy during an interval promotes a clear mind and maintains vigor.

Methods such as one-minute pauses with relaxed breathing, , a laugh, a change of view, a snack,

changing one’s posture, or even moments of idleness aid in rejuvenation and recovery. These

leisure activities encourage vivaciousness, creativity, simple pleasures, and a higher, calmer

energy. Consequently, these refreshers can actually accelerate the pace of work and lessen

fatigue. In this, the organization benefits.

Most of these ideas encouraging rest for refreshing seem to link to the human body.

Physical needs do relate to the rest that we need, as the next paragraph explains.

Health Reasons

Pickett (1999) explained that without time away from work, stress could be physically

harmful in the long term. Using exercise during a break actually heightens alertness and power,

according to Cooper (2001). Physical movement, even in brief or occasional moments, provides

energy as well as a clearer mind. A refreshment of a drink of water also signals the body’s

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metabolism to retain energy and attentiveness. A good laugh even spurs multiple biochemical

effects such as more creativity and energy, and lightens tension. Without time away, stress can

be overwhelming and these brief moments can rejuvenate and renew employees for an improved


After working from a frenzied calendar, slowing down is crucial in reducing stress

(Miller and Doucet, 2002). Overextending and trying to be the fabulous leader can only lead to

aggravation. To protect from frustration, professionals should take intermissions and times of

cessation. One way is turning off all electronic communications and allowing a few minutes for

meditation. This idleness can act as a turning point, as the next paragraph explains.

A Good Break Can Cause Transformation

McKinnon (2003) recommended taking an annual day off, calling it a “sick day” (p. 52).

Although it is not a medical illness requiring a doctor, it is taking the time to rest, slow down and

nurture the inner self, which can turn a person into a more contented and industrious individual.

This is not a day to work on something around the house; those other days off are for that. If this

day overflows into others, the magic of it disappears. So reserving it for that exclusive day aids

an individual in becoming more productive upon their return to the job.

These days off are not intended to spin into a “Thelma and Louise” movie. However, it

sounds as if these annual breaks could bring serve as mental health days and bring some fun back

into our lives. Even elementary schools provide recesses! Moreover, wouldn’t a day off be

motivating as something to look forward to? Speaking of looking forward to a special day, the

next focus is on the Sabbath.

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Sunday Benefits

In Exodus 20:8-11 (New American Standard Bible), God says to "Remember the Sabbath

day, to keep it holy.” The last verses instruct us to toil on the other six days but for that seventh

day, we shall not labor or request anyone else around us to work. In recognizing this, a weekly

lull can truly influence our lives in a positive way. Wirzba described how his grandfather rested

on the Sabbath and how it helped with framing the grandfather’s attitude and focus (2005).

Sundays brought inspiration and permitted the grandparent to welcome life with care and

pleasure. Although it was not financially wise for a business to lose a day’s work, this day was

for church, gathering as a family or community, to refresh with friendship and hospitality. In

other words, it was well worth the monetary sacrifices. Later in life, Wirzba realized the

profound meaning of it all, that measuring success in life is not in our strife. Victory and

happiness can happen together with resting on Sunday. This time allows one to reflect upon the

purposes of living and rejoicing the normal, societal, and spiritual ideals that make life more


Wirzba (2005) describes the lifetime memories that he gained from his grandfather taking

Sunday out from work to be with family. Therefore, what can get you in gear toward these

benefits Perhaps the realization that the family is growing up fast and you are missing great

moments that you can never replace. Many benefits can derive from Sundays, besides the

buffets, so you just have to make a reservation on Sundays and get out there to find yours.

Free Advice to Start Reaping Benefits

People rationalize not to rest for many reasons. However, most of the ideas presented

here about resting are easy and take minimal time. These concepts weaken most excuses for

stopping to rejuvenate. One small step toward receiving these benefits is to begin using small bits

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of time for simple, quick refreshment. Wirzba (2005) claimed that his grandfather found “little

pockets of time” to receive the blessings of life and somebody's company. As the grandfather

did, a few moments feeding treats to the animals or a short walk suffices for refreshment.

Another suggestion is spending time with a grandchild that is unplanned, just to let them know

they are not a burden but an additional pleasure in your life, a gift that Wirzba’s grandfather gave

him for life.

Otherwise, if your problem still seems to be the common feeling that there are not enough

hours in your day, then acquire another hour. That extra time has other benefits too. Getting up

earlier and acquiring more time in the morning allows for a more tranquil departure to work

(Blanchard, 1994). This manner of starting out the day tends to make the rest of the day follow in

the same vein; a peaceful morning sways toward a calm day. Another suggestion for reaching

total relaxation is to reserve some reflection time on your planner. In leaving a blank space on

the calendar schedule, it allows time to reconnect. Blanchard recommended planning for daily

reflective time, for meditation through activities such as “reading, walking, running, meditating,

or praying” (p. 34). All of these tips can bring rest benefits and restoration, making a difference

in living life to the fullest.


In learning about this overlooked activity, resting, the benefits of renewal are extremely

significant. Rest can minimize negative factors that can hurt us and maximize the positive

aspects that can help us. One major benefit is preventing problems, such as burnout. Other

advantages of renewal include health reasons, self-energizing, new perspectives, and even the

potential to transform lives. If we do not take care of our body, how can we expect it to take care

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of us? In essence, rest can help take care of the human body, which makes for better leaders or

followers, toward a better organization.

If we will acknowledge the benefits that we can obtain from rest, perhaps then we will

understand how great the need truly is for letting up on our hectic schedules. After all, God did

not make us to be the machines that we have turned out to be today. He made us human beings

that, with rest and renewal, we can start each new morning with a fresh outlook on our problems

and challenge that day.

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Blanchard, K. (1994, March). In America, rest doesn't come easy. Emergency Librarian, 21(4),

34. Retrieved January 22, 2009, from Academic Search Complete database.

Cooper, R. K. (2001). Excelling under pressure: Increasing your energy for leadership and

innovation in a world of stress, change and unprecedented opportunities. Strategy &

Leadership, 29(4), 15-20. Retrieved January 28, 2009, from ABI/INFORM

Global database.

Maslach, C. and Leiter, M. P. (1997). The truth about burnout: How organization cause personal

stress and what to do about it. San Francisco: Jossey Bass.

McKinnon, A. (2003, May 12). The Magic of a 'Sick Day'. Maclean's, 116 (19), 52. Retrieved

January 22, 2009, from Academic Search Complete database.

Miller, S. W. and Thomas A Doucet, T. A. (2002). Get the right balance. Journal of

Accountancy, 194(1), 49-52. Retrieved January 28, 2009, from ABI/INFORM

Global database.

Pickett, K.H. (1999). The manager's guide to internal control: Diary of a control

freak. Management Decision, 37(2), 93-215. Retrieved January 28, 2009, from

ABI/INFORM Global database.

Wirzba, N. (2005, July 12). Time out: a Sabbath sensibility. Christian Century. 122(14), 24-28.