Responsible Tourism in Veneto




Transcript of Responsible Tourism in Veneto

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Industry and Craft Section

Tourism Section









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Page 3: Responsible Tourism in Veneto

the rich collaboration between the worlds of the cooperative system and the hospitality sector finds the keystone in the importance of the individual. the cooperative is a venture in which the human element triumphs over the financial one and the financial gain doesn’t represent the last and primary goal, but an efficiency necessity. the tourist activities, after all, are pressured in a more marked way by the request to offer a relevant human part in strict connection to the element of environmental and structural offer.

In tune with the policies managed from the Assessorato to tourism in charge, the contribution of the department for the Economy and Development, takes the following path:

a) study of the current tendencies in the venetian economy and society to evaluate and appreciate the qualitative and quantitative contribution of cooperatives and social ventures to the various aspects of the tourist economy;

b) definition of supporting policies for virtuous business dynamics;

c) incentive to business excellence by rewarding mechanisms, communication actions, activation of transferring processes in strict synergy with universities and research centres;

d) promotion of innovation in its various forms, elevation of competitiveness, diffusion of opportunities connected to national and international chains and to community organisation;

e) strengthening of collaboration policies and integration in geographic, thematic and functional networks, experimentation of districts for a responsible tourist economy.

these series of actions is framed in general policies for cooperation and the social business, constantly examined by the regional Council.

the first edition of the responsible tourism in veneto Guidebook is the result, experimental and temporary, of a task to know and divulge the rich potential of a reality in constant increase and at the same time the signal of a definite will of the veneto region to select and match with the processes useful to a re-launch of a harmonious economic and social growth. In this order we hope that this proposal will be received and discussed and can be a catalyst to new ventures shared with all the companies in the territory.

tourism deeply marks the identity and essence of the veneto at the beginning of the new millennium. Its patrimony of natural resources, environmental qualities, beautiful landscapes, historical character, popular traditions, experienced craftsmanship, artistic excellences, cultural atmospheres, typical food productions, creativity in events and shows together with a welcoming atmosphere attracts an ever growing number of visitors from both traditional areas and new. In the current difficult climate, the number of annual visitors is more than 60 million. the perceived quality of life together with the strong values that this part of the Italian north-east evoke attract visitors of all ages, social class, cultural tradition and origin.

pulled by the weight of the demand, the offer of services for tourism is ever-growing to meet this demand whilst renewing its processes and re-qualifying itself. With changes in the market, new careers become available and existing solid economic activities are re-interpreted and adjusted to cater for the impulse of tourism.

the contribution of tourism, in its most complete meaning, offers a very important contribution both in terms of income and occupation to such an extent that it is irreplaceable. the variety of people involved, the rapidly changing international background and the more attentive ways of many visitors mean a more attentive study of the whole system that is offered. It is with this regard that veneto region and Unioncamere are encouraging actions and projects that can shed more light on the contribution that closer collaboration in this sector can give.

In the pilot project of the research that produced this guidebook, the priority field of action specified was the one of responsible tourism, that is carried out following the principles of social and economic justice and fully respecting the environment and traditional culture.. the viewpoint is the one of the importance of the local community and its right to decide in matters on eco-friendly and socially responsible tourism in its territory.

It’s by now clear to all operators in this field that there is more than one definition of responsible tourism. It is therefore unreasonable to use these various definitions such as: “informed tourism”, “cultural tourism”, “community tourism”, “eco-tourism”, “responsible tourism”, “ethical tourism” etc as and when the need arises or opportunity sees fit.

rather than concentrating on the definition, this guide seeks to offer a tangible vision of the new scenarios regarding tourism in the veneto and hopefully start a virtuous circle of knowledge and action involving new business realities with innovative ideas and shared experiences, helping them to become established and to flourish.

marialuisa Coppola /


Assessor to Economy and Development,research and Innovationregione del veneto //


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tourism represents one of the main economical activities in the veneto, which is making an effort on the implementation of innovative policies and procedures in order to promote tourism and improve the territory’s competitiveness. the veneto, with more than 60 million bed-nights pey year, is confirmed as the first destination in Italy for tourists.

One of the most important challenges concerns accessibility. people with motor, sensorial, cognitive or food disabilities are tourists that should receive the best of welcomes.this is why it is essential – first of all – to improve information regarding the services offered, enabling tourists to make the best possible choice.

By the regional law 11. Art. 43, the veneto region adheres to the values sanctioned in the OnU Convention about the rights of disabled people that, at Art.30 comma 1, quotes: “the states member recognize the right of disabled people to take part, on an equal basis and with other people, to cultural life and they choose all measures in order to guarantee that disabled people; (b) have access to tv programs, film, theatrical performances and other cultural activities, in accessible format; (c) have access to places of cultural activity, such as theatres, museums, cinemas, libraries and touristic services, and, as much as possible, the access to monuments and important sites for national culture”.

thanks to the excellence project “developing an accessible and social tourism” adopted in 2010, we can represent the objective reality of accessibility, to improve services and their use by our tourists: this was the base to start a direct collaboration with the ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities, with some organizations of the European Union (parliament and Commission), with the World tourism Organization of the United nations and, finally, with new York’s mayor’s Office for Disadvantaged people.

these international relationships allow us to develop a system of high quality and accessible destinations to support our tourists.

these ventures are opening the venetian territory to a market of about 140 million disabled people just in Europe: a great potential for our enterprises, considering that every one of these tourists is accompaniedtravels, producing an important multiplying effect.

this important strategy is giving to the word “accessibility” the important significance of an opportunity: of work and income for enterprises, of jobs for new architects and designers, who must design user-friendly and usable spaces for everyone (refuting the common belief that an accessible structure has to appear like a hospital), of jobs for tour operators, that can see an increase in the number of visitors , because the proposal is dedicated to the tourist himself, not simply to disabled people.

marino Finozzi /

Assessor to tourism and Foreign traderegione del veneto //


Page 5: Responsible Tourism in Veneto

tourism can be defined as that collection of multi-purpose activities and services concerned with the temporary and usually cyclical transfer of individuals from their normal place of residence to anywhere else for the purposes of entertainment, rest and relaxation, culture, well-being and sport. It is expressed by the organisation of free-time and refers primarily to those societies that are regarded as economically advanced.

International flows in tourism are currently maintaining continuous and solid growth, according to statistics from UnWtO - the United nations World tourism Organisation. All the world macro areas show positive variations in the number of visitors, particularly in the Americas, Asia and the pacific, followed by the middle-East and Europe and then Africa. Europe is confirmed as the most visited continent in the world, especially northern Europe and the mediterranean. Italy is in 5th. place for the number of foreign visitors and in 6th. place for the income generated, thus considerably increasing the amount that foreign visitors spend in Italy.

the veneto is in first place in Italy and 4th. in Europe for the number of visitors (over 15 million) and the number of bed-nights (61 million). the target is to reach 20 million visitors by 2020. tourism, especially foreign, is now a consolidated and precious resource for our region, particularly in this period of economic uncertainty and fierce competition, mainly from abroad. the decline of tourism by Italians within Italy, caused by the erosion of spending power due to the economic crisis, accompanied by a strong foreign demand are the distinctive phenomena of recent trends in tourism, both in the veneto and other regions of the peninsula. the strong level of international accessibility of our region has, however, enabled us to benefit from the expanding momentum of world tourism and to improve performance, both in terms of numbers of visitors and numbers of bed-nights. the positive trend has continued from the beginning of the century and has only been interrupted by the events of 9/11 and the international financial crisis of 2008.

In the current negative economic situation, Italian companies have looked for innovative solutions, often looking to their pricing policies and promotional activities both via traditional channels and via the internet. the result has often been the regaining and maintenance of positions held in foreign markets.

Amongst these are principally those companies operating in the cities of art, where the numbers of foreign visitors remain high, owing to the attractive “assets” offered and where, though being smaller scale, the market (especially foreign) is not yet saturated. this is thanks to the historical, geographical and cultural resources on a national level which unite the uniqueness and excellence of the offer, favouring an equilibrium between quality and cost, of which the consumer is very conscious. An important role is also played by the higher visibility on the web, providing a competitive edge with regard to the competition from abroad.

the Institution of the Chambers of Commerce provides an important ability in the improvement of the local dimension of tourism within the global picture. It is both a point of reference and an impulse for local companies, giving them possibilities for improvement and growth in a supply-chain that is qualified, growing and highly diversified. It is a provider of business models for the promotion of tourist destinations and the companies involved.

Fernando Zilio /

president of Unioncamere del veneto //


Page 6: Responsible Tourism in Veneto

veneto region and Unioncamere veneto, in implementation of the l.r. February 3, 1998 n. 3, art. 8, have created over time, through framework agreements yearly, a genuine policy for the information to pmI, dedicating a particular organizational and financial effort to the development of small and medium enterprises in veneto as cooperative.

Hand in hand with the updating of strategies and tools of business management and with an ever deeper knowledge of constraints and opportunities posed by the country and abroad, they have progressively accepted a number of issues related to innovation and process product, the incubation of new businesses (especially youth and women), the impact of ICt on small and micro-enterprises, social responsibility, environmental sustainability, the evolution in the relationship with financial and credit world , the potential of workers buyouts in ensuring business continuity and employment levels and the hybridization between the logic of profit and no-profit organizations.

participation in several European projects on pmI and on social enterprise has provided more fuel to the effort - shared with other players in the area - in order to achieve a more appropriate analysis of the dynamics at work in economy and society, and so have a effective directory of knowledge and practices.

the pilot project on responsible tourism is therefore not an isolated episode, but is part of a range of actions and initiatives to reaffirm the role of the public as a promoter and guarantor of responsible economy, in view of centrality of the person and the community and the right to be leaders in sustainable development and socially responsible for its own territory.

the exercise, that this first guide documents, constitutes a test for desirable future applications to other specific areas.

to a recognition of cooperatives and social ventures active in various spheres of the tourism economy, followed at first the distribution of a questionnaire and a series of customized contacts, which allowed to rough out a detailed profile for every entity.

the approximately fifty companies identified is not the full total of social venetian cooperatives and companies active in the tourist field; yet it represents a symbolic section, in geographical distribution and in the variety of services offered. An interesting element is the penchant to business integration “intra” and “extra” between different competences and functions.

Even if from the huge amount of information collected, only the essential for the contact with public have been selected to present them in a lively and captivating typographical form, cognition and connection patrimony matured will be the precious foundation for further processing in order to implement a strong collaboration with ventures and organisations involved.

the positive cooperation among different regional structures verified in this occasion lets one see with hope the advancements of this operation, necessarily in progress, assuring people who want to join the first group of participant ventures and will find an organic and active representative, more careful to the project goals and to the use of the actions than to the strict procedural subdivision of proficiencies.

the project /


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responsible tourism in veneto /


Page 8: Responsible Tourism in Veneto

legend 3

provincia di Belluno 5 Cadore 7 la Fiorita 9 latteria di Frontin 11 latteria di sedico 12 latteria s. Antonio di tortal 13 provincia di padova 15

Angoli di mondo 17 Città 19 Corte del Gusto 21 la mente Comune 22 Khorakhanè 23 la rosa Blu 25 Gruppo pleiadi 27 Osteria di Fuori porta 28 viaggi e miraggi 29

provincia di rovigo 31

Attivamente 33 35 turismo e Cultura 37

provincia di treviso 41

la maggiolina 43 Cooperativa Agricola produttori Castellana 44 topinambur 45 Cantina produttori Fregona 46 solidarietà 47

provincia di venezia 49

Cantine riviera del Brenta 51 Domus Clugiae 53 Cooperativa Ducale 54 le vie 55 limosa 57 portabagagli del porto di venezia 58 mariclea 59 move in venice 60 Cooperativa san marco - pescatori di Burano 61 Cooperativa venezia 1907 62 rio terà dei pensieri 63 Uniamo - Goldin 65

provincia di verona 67

Azalea 69 Centro di lavoro san Giovanni Calabria 71 Beta 73 Cantina sociale valpolicella Classico di san pietro in Cariano 74 monteverde 75 panta rei 77 planet viaggi responsabili 79

provincia di vicenza 81

Archeidos 83 Biosphaera 85 I Berici 87 la piccionaia 89 nuovi Orizzonti 91 primavera ’85 93 Cooperativa agricola Bassanese 96 Working out 97

Company name 99

Credits 101



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legend /

Field of activity //

traditional agriculture production





Arts and culture

sport and leisure

tour operator

Information and tourism promotion

Education to new lifestyles

pets allowed

Fundamental features //

social cooperative, type “A”

social cooperative, type “B”


non-cooperative social business


production / marketing / use of biological products

Utilization of materials and ethical techniques


participation in fair trade chains



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Cadore /

piazza 1° gennaio 1819, 732040 valle di Cadore (Bl)tel. 0435 [email protected]

Activities //


Bar lA tAppAvia O.m. Olivio, 24valle di CadoreOpen tuesday, Wednesday, thursday and sunday 9:30 / 20:00 Friday and saturday from 9.30 to 24.00. 50-60 seats.Event hall (180 seats).

Accomodation two flats within the complex of palazzo lazzaris - Costantini in perarolo di Cadore, a small mountain town. In total 3 bedrooms, with 9 beds in total. Each flat has a tv and wi-fi.Unguarded parking.Flat “of menadàs” (price euro 60 / day).Flat “of Zater” (price euro 90 / day).via regina margherita, 2nd32010 perarolo di Cadore (Bl)tel. 0435 501410mobile 366 5609102 (luca valmassoi)[email protected] structure is part of the Consortium le mat -

sport and leisure

ski camp for children - in santo stefano di Cadore, with ski lift. there are organized courses with the masters of the ski school of camp and snowboard park in town Casera razzo laggio di Cadore.

Information and tourism promotion

management of the museum in tambre d’Alpagoat Hotel All’Alba - via tambruz32010 tambre d’Alpago (Bl)tel. 0437 439700management of the library in tambre d’Alpagovia De le tesure, 332010 tambre d’Alpago (Bl)tel. 0437 49009fax 0437 [email protected]

management of the museum “vittorino Cazzetta” selva di Cadorevia 4 novembre, 5132020 selva di Cadore (Bl)tel. 0437 [email protected] realization with Archeogiocando,, of educational laboratories in museums:- Archaeological museum “vittorino Cazzetta” selva di Cadore;- Archaeological museum Cadorino, piazza tiziano, 2, 32044 pieve di Cadore, tel. 0435

32262, Ethnographic museum of stone and stone masons, via Iv October, Castellavazzo

32010, mobile 333 1974653,

Identity //

to create jobs, to be part of a regional project of integrated economy and welfare of the community: these are the areas where the social cooperative Cadore has been operating since 2008. Collective services for the local people and community, activities to promote the quality of the mountain with a virtuous use of scarce resources. this way of doing social business and sustainable economy is linked to the implementation of projects directed towards the market such as the promotion of tourism in the Community, together with appropriate behaviour, the modern use of values such as brotherhood, which is essential in the process of building an economy that looks to the well-being in its integrity.Collaboration with Italian and German tour operators who deal with sustainable tourism.

UnI En IsO 9001 Certification




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la Fiorita /

via toschian, 1432030 Cesiomaggiore (Bl)tel. 0439 438448mobile 349

Activities //

traditional agriculture production

traditional products of the Belluno Dolomites, including:- sponcio corn, proposed as cornmeal for semi-integral stone-ground polenta, ready-

made polenta, corn pasta, cookies and crackers;- Belluno barley; proposed as a product husked stone for soups, coffee substitute, flour

for dough, pasta, biscuits and beer produced by the pedavena Beer Factory;- spelt or Great Alpine spelt; integral proposed for soups, whole wheat flour, pasta and

biscuits;- local varieties of beans, like the famous Gialet bean of val Belluna (slow Food

presidium), the Bean of lamon I.G.p., the Bala red Bean and Bonel Bean;- “Cesiomaggiore potato” in different varieties suitable for various culinary uses.

the sale of fresh fruit and seasonal vegetables (home delivery available) and handicrafts of various kind, such as pasta, cookies, cakes, drinks, teas, jams etc., made in collaboration with local handicraft workshops.Enhancement and promotion of the area, organizing events for local agricultural products, opportunities for training and information aimed at farmers, with local, national and international projects related to agriculture and rural tourism.

Identity //

the Agricultural Cooperative “la Fiorita”, founded in 1977, aims at the social and economic improvement of farmers operating in mountainous areas of the valleys of Belluno, the promotion of the territory and the enhancement of its traditional food specialties.

the Cooperative has always combined the concepts of aggregation between producers, environmental protection, eco-friend agricultural production and combines the values of tradition and innovation, in every stage of production, processing and distribution.

the cooperative implements labour inclusion of disadvantaged people in agriculture.

production and marketing of local agro-biodiversity products, biologically certified and collaboration with associations for the protection and enhancement of agriculture, such as slow Food.

It’s the producer of the Belluno valley lamon Bean (European denomination: I.G.p.), wine I.G.t. “vineyards of the Dolomites”, and various products “slow Food”, “paper Quality Belluno Dolomites national park” and “road of Cheeses and Flavours of the Belluno Dolomites”.

sales point (Open from tuesday to sunday from 8.30 to 12.30 and from 15.00 to 19.00)BICIGrIll BUsCHElocalità Busche di Cesiomaggiore (Bl)tel. 0439 391477mobile 320 [email protected]




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latteria di sedico /

via san Felice, 432036 sedico (Bl)tel. 0437 [email protected]

On-site sales point, open monday to Friday from 8.00 to 12.30 and from 17.00 to 19.00, saturday from 8.00 to 12.30 and from 15.30 to 19.00, closed on sunday.

Activities //

traditional agriculture production

production using traditional methods of typical dairy products: schiz, fresh ricotta, smoked soft or dried ricotta, butter, mascarpone, Gresal cheese, Casel sedico, noal, spicy cheese, pressed, soft to table, caciotta, low-fat cheese, prapavei, rustego and plain or fruit yogurt.

Identity //

the dairy began in 1922 and has been kneading milk supplied by agricultural holdings in sedico. Excellent quality milk is transformed with craft systems obtaining remarkable appreciation of the products from its customers.

latteria di Frontin /

via Frontin, 6432028 trichiana (Bl)tel. 0437 [email protected]

On-site sales point. timetable: monday, thursday, Friday and saturday from 9.00 to 12.30; on Wednesday from 9.00 to 12.30 and from 17.30 to 19.00. Closed on tuesday and on sunday.

Activities //

traditional agriculture production

traditional agricoltural productions: full-cream or light dairy cheese of different levels of maturing, pramaor cheese (tender and made with full-cream milk), Fior delle Dolomiti, Frontinella, pianezze, caciotte, spicy caciotte, sweet milk cheese, pushed cheese, melere cheese to be grilled, schiz, butter, ricotta and mascarpone cheese.the dairy is member of the Cheese road Association and of Dolomite Consortium Belluno.

Identity //

Frontin dairy began on 5 June 1930 as ternary dairy. In 1988 it became a cooperative. today it counts about ten associates and kneads around 16 quintals of milk every day, directly collected from the farms. the products, healthy, natural and genuine, are still kneaded in the traditional way.



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punto vendita presso la sede, aperto lunedì, mercoledì, venerdì e sabatodalle 16.00 alle 19.00


On-site sales point, open on monday, Wednesday, Friday and saturday from 16.00 to 19.00.

latteria di s. Antonio di tortal /

via s. Antonio tortal, 10832028 trichiana (Bl)mobile 338 [email protected]

Activities //

traditional agriculture production

traditional production of typical dairy products: 60 days dairy cheese, butter and ricotta. the cooperative collects only milk produced locally and therefore can assure the quality coming from animals fed naturally and traditionally.

Identity //

the social Dairy Cooperative s. Antonio tortal is a small cooperative built on the base of the village dairy, established in 1932.this cooperative is ideal for small consumers who want to taste traditionally kneaded cheeses which they can buy from the cooperative shop.




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Angoli di mondo /

riviera tito livio, 4635123 padovatel. 049 [email protected]

Activities //

Education of new lifestyles

management of four shops selling Fair trade products:

/ Bottega del mondoriviera tito livio, 46 - 35123 padovatel. 049 [email protected] hours: monday 15.30 to 19.30; tuesday to saturday 10.00 to 13.00; 15.30 to 19.30; thursday 10.00 to 19.30.

/ Bottega del mondovia Jacopo da montagnana, 17- 35132 padovatel. 049 [email protected] hours: monday 15.30 to 19.30; tuesday to saturday 9.00 to 12.30; 15.30 to 19.30.

/ Bottega del mondovia Barroccio dal Borgo, 10 - 35124 padovatel. 049 [email protected] hours: tuesday to saturday 9.00 to 12.30; 15.30 to 19.30.

/ magazzino ingrosso e al dettagliovia martiri della libertà, 14 - 35027 noventa padovana (pD)tel. 049 [email protected] hours: thursday 15.30 to 19:00; saturday: 9.00 to 12.30.

Catering / restaurant pizzeria EquoBar Daltrocanto via Bartolomeo Cristofori, 12 - 35137 padovatel. 049 [email protected] (seats 55 guests, 80 including the garden area in summer months. lunches from tuesday to sunday from 12.00 to 15.00 (not in summer) Dinner from tuesday to sunday 19.00 to midnight - Closed mondays).the restaurant Daltrocanto uses organic and fair trade products.It uses environmentally friendly crockery and biological detergents with low environmental impact. It offers special menus for people with allergies or food intolerances.

theme nights with local cuisine for the promotion of environmental friendly lifestyles.Catering and banqueting.

Identity //

AnGOlI DI mOnDO, social Cooperative Onlus, was born in 1985 in padua to promote the employment of people experiencing social difficulties; it works closely with the Association Angoli del mondo tra i popoli OnlUs.the main activities are:- promotion and sale of Fair trade products;- Collection, sorting and selling clothes, used furniture and objects;- management of eco-centers;- promotion of responsible Consumption for efficient use of resources and a better

environment;- Organic food, solidarity and zero kilometer.

It’s a member of Altromercato, Altreconomia, Federsolidarietà and registered at AGICEs (Guaranteed Fair trade Association).

It operates in the padua area networking with public and private entities to implement ways of working for people in situations of physical, mental and social discomforts.

prato della valle



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Città sO.lA.rE. /via del Commissario, 4235124 padovatel. 049 [email protected] / /

Activities //

Accommodation, with management of specialized structures in social tourism:

/ Casa a Colori (28 bedrooms, 66 beds); games for childrenvia del Commissario, 4235124 padovatel. 049 680332 [email protected]

/ Casa a Colori venezia (11 bedrooms, 25 beds) meeting roomvia dei Frati, 130031 Dolo (vE)tel. 041 [email protected]

/ Casa valentini terrani (29 bedrooms, 51 beds)via Giusto de’ menabuoi, 6435132 padovatel. 049 8646500 [email protected]

/ Ostello a Colori (10 bedrooms, 56 beds)via Giare, 16930034 Giare di mira (vE)mobile 348 [email protected]


/ restaurant Osteria del Frate dalla manica larga (inside Casa a Colori venezia)via dei Frati, 130031 Dolo (vE)tel. 041 [email protected](40 + 20 seats in the outdoor terrace, open for lunch and dinner every day)

Information and tourism promotion

the cooperative provides guide services and tourist visit to groups and school groups.

Identity //

since 1997 CItY sO.lA.rE. has been s dedicated to providing employment and social integration of Italian and foreign citizens, through different activities in production structures, labour and services in the sector of the environment, small maintenance building, mechanical and electrical assemblies. It promotes reception services with the management of specialized structures for social tourism, groups and families.

Casa a Colori is a temporary model of social Housing: it combines the tourist and social reception, promoting tourism made of human relationships and social cohesion, sharing of ideas, experiences and cultures.

C.s. offers a new idea of dining with the “Osteria del Frate dalla manica larga”, a warm and generous place in which you can taste the flavour and the atmosphere of the ancient venetian countryside, but also with a living room for discussion and a stage for musical and theatrical events.

the cooperative CItY sO.lA.rE. is part of the Cooperative Group equal Co.rtEsupports the campaign the Cubic Circle to allocate funds to contrast homelessness through the projects of the Foundation la Casa Onlus.

santa Giustina



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Corte del Gusto /

via Conselvana, 5735020 Due Carrare (pD)tel. 049 [email protected]

Activities //

traditional agriculture production

Fresh beef and products containing beef, and chicken meat and products made from poultry meat.Direct sale of meat and wine products (from tuesday to saturday 9.00-12.30 and 15.30 to 19.30; closed on sundays and mondays).

Identity //

since 2009, the consortium associates zoo-technical enterprise and wine production. It is one of the farms included in the Campagna Amica Foundation, started in 2008 to provide initiatives aimed at fully reflecting the value and dignity of Italian agriculture, making evident its key role for environmental protection, traditions and culture, health, food security, equity, access to food at a fair price, for social and work aspects.

the Consortium performs voluntary labeling of beef and has acquired certification Qv.

la mente Comune /

via Alvise Cornaro, 135128 padovamobile 347 [email protected]

Activities //


Fixing up, rent and sale of bikes and accessories (from monday to Friday, 9.00-14.00 and 14.30-19.30; closed on saturday and on sunday).training, re-cycling and needlecraft workshops, creative craftmanship.

Education of new lifestyles promotion of money saving and self-production practices, by re-using recyclable materials, diffusion and exchanging of experiences and tasks.Contribution to reduce waste by using objects and materials that normally would be buried in an incinerator or put in a dump.Organization of artistic and cultural events and exhibitions to diffuse themes linked to up-cycling and eco-friendly mobility.

Identity //

social promotion Association since 2009, cooperative since 2014, mente Comune was founded to give space, instruments and support to people who want to actively contribute to auto-production of what is needed, using re-cycled material, picked up in the streets or in waste disposal chains. this allows to save travel and manpower used in processing industry and also to reduce incineration and the resulting pollution.mente Comune create opportunities of in-depth analysis and discussions about the environment, culture, arts and craftsmanship, open to collaboration with others association and authorities.

I l G u s t o d i M a n g i a r e S a n o

On-site sales point.



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Khorakhanè /

via Brustolon, 335031 Abano terme (pD)[email protected]

Activities //

Arts and culture

promoting art, music and culture of variuos kind.

Education of new lifestyles Active participation of young people in public life, the diffusion of new consumer and production lifestyles, promotion of intercultural knowledge, environmental protection, active citizenship, social integration, defence of human rights.

Organization of cultural promotion events, including “A rule of Art”, an event to promote artistic handicraft and the summer Festival “so Far so Good”, which proposes music concerts, art exhibitions, meetings with authors.

Craftsmanship/handicraft production of creative crafts, especially furniture and design products mainly made from re-cycled and reused materials, sold directly in the workshop.

traditional agriculture production Activities of social farming, with implementation of an organic vegetable social garden made up of 18 plots, assigned by call to local citizens, an organic vegetable garden and an area dedicated to aromatic and medicinal herbs.


Bar inside the lab with a small kitchen where food is prepared using mainly organic and fair trade products. All the furniture is made of re-cycled materials (pallets).

Identity //

the Cultural Association Khorakhanè was founded in 2004 in Abano terme, by a group of young men, to create cultural events and social gatherings.Over the years the association has grown remarkably not only in the number of participants – nowadays they are about 50 young people aged between 20 and 30 years old - but also in social and cultural impact in the veneto region, thanks to the creation of regional events, projects and collaboration with many third party organizations at local, regional and national level.

In 2015 it created the “I’m” cultural workshop that offers cultural and artistic services to different subjects of the community (youths, disadvantaged, public agencies, private entities and non-profit organisations, families etc.), combining both the needs of the market and the principles of equity, environmental sustainability and equal opportunities.

It consists of three areas: co-working (space conception and design), area events (dedicated to creation of art, music, cultural studies, aggregation and social integration) and workshop (building structures, furniture and staging). “I’m” is just one action of the project “new Energies” Khorakhanè Association, made in partnership with the Cooperative new Ideas, sponsored by the City of Abano terme and the veneto region.

the association is non-partisan, non-denominational and no-profit.

Abano terme



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la rosa Blu /

piazza selvatico, 535030 veggiano (pD)tel. 049 9004509mobile 348 [email protected]

Activities //


management of 2 holiday houses and 1 hotel:

/ Casa per Ferie “villa Bacchiani”, pozza di Fassa (tn)/ Casa per Ferie “villa Borromeo”, pesaro (pU)/ rtA “la rosa Blu Hotel”, Alba Adriatica (tE)

Cateringmanagement of restaurants and bar in holiday houses and hotels, open to public. / management punto ristoro parco Brentellavia pelosa, 74/cQuartiere 6 Ovest35143 padovatel. 049 8716915

Information and tourism promotion

/ Agency Accessible and Aided tourismin collaboration with Inail in rovigo, near to Acli provinciali di rovigo piazzetta Gabriele D’Annunzio 33/A.Open: monday and tuesday 9.00-13.00; 15-18.30; Wednesday 9.00-13.00; thursday 9.00-13.00; 15.00-18.00; Friday 9.00-13.00.

tour Operator

/ travel and tourism agency “Freetime and social service la rosa Blu”

In location, tel. 049 9004509 e 049 8642564.

Identity //

“la rosa Blu” was born as an association in 1995, became a scarl cooperative since 2000, social cooperative since 2002, and grew as a social cooperative A and B since 2011 for the development of tourism and social services.

la rosa Blu is today a reference in accessible travel and stays for disadvantaged people and over all for assisted sojourns, promoting social tourism and working integration by the direct management of holiday house and hotel, and supplying professional cleaning services.

“la rosa Blu” takes part in conventions and seminars on the theme of tourism and promotes experimental projects intended to mold in collaboration with Universities, Corporations and public and private Institutes.

Free time activities involve more than 2000 people, including groups, families and disabled people coming from every part of Italy.

Colli Euganei



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Osteria di Fuori porta /

via tiziano Aspetti, 7/A35132 padovatel. 049 [email protected]

Activities //


tavern with kitchen.production and sale of products almost exclusively organic and biodynamic.Organization and promotion of events related to the main activities.You can have a complete lunch or a lunch on the go: from monday to Friday from 12.30 to 15.00. set menu with drink and coffee at euro 12.

Cocktails and dinner: from monday to thursday from 19.00 to 23.00; Friday and saturday from 19.00 to midnight; sunday from 19.00 to 23.00. Closed on saturday and sunday lunch. lunches by prior reservation only on saturday and sunday.

traditional agriculture production

Distribution and sale of organic agricultural products.

Identity //

the “Osteria di Fuori porta”, started up in 2011, is managed by the cooperative society “I dodici mesi”, that wants to spread the culture of fair trade, through ethical and political choices: the cooperative is structured on an equal footing, without hierarchies, with shared responsibilities; Externally, attention is paid to the promotion and use of organic agricultural products as much as possible by using wherever possible, products that are local, seasonal, coming from a minimum supply chain and obtained in respect of people and the environment.

the partners believe it is important to promote self-production and self-repair, a conscientious or responsible consumption and the spread of the concept of decrease active and voluntary. they consider as fundamental, relationships and knowledge, that increase the joy and the pleasure of the enjoyment of food and drinks.

Gruppo pleiadi /

via marconi, 13035010 Cadoneghe (padova)tel. 049 701778mobile 346 [email protected] /

Activities //

Arts and culture

scientific divulgation with interactive educational activities and exhibitions.pleiadi Group deals with science at 360°, with educational workshops, exhibitions, digital planetarium, exhibits, events and birthdays. Care in particular is given to teacher training, design and management of itinerant interactive exhibits, organizing events, the preparation of educational workshops for primary schools and high schools.

Identity //

the pleiadi group was founded in 2009 by Alessio scaboro and lucio Biondaro, two graduates in physics, today directors and co-ordinators of the activities. After various experiences in the world of scientific communication, they decided to create a reality that would meet the needs identified, both in the academic world and in public, in terms of “opportunity and tools” to know.

Over the years it has established a structure that has within itself a wide range of scientific expertise, and has gradually developed a strong network of collaboration with researchers, national and international museums (including, most recently, the Copernicus science Center in Warsaw).

the group now has 10 stationary components and a collaborative network of 7 more people.In one year, about 65,000 people use the services of scientific animation.the Group has entered into the channels of promotion Kid pass and Bimbolab.



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viaggi e miraggi /

via trieste, 435121 padova pDtel. 049 [email protected]


tour Operator

Open from monday to Friday, 9.00-18.00; on saturday 9.30-12.30.It offers travel-plans in Italy and abroad in a chain of responsible tourism and of fair and ethical trading.

Identity //

viaggi e miraggi is a social cooperative which has been working from 2000 as a tour operator. the initial idea was born when travelling and experiencing projects linked to the fair and ethical trading: creating a social company that overturns the tourism standards and works on a direct contact with the grass roots of the locations visited, with people and associations directly involved in developing projects.

today the cooperative works in 4 continents, collaborating with more than 100 local communities from north to south of the world, supporting more that 200 social projects and, as spin-off, thousands of people. the cooperative gave life to an Italian net of responsible tourism with contact people, supporters and projects in 8 Italian districts: piemonte, lombardia, toscana, marche, Abruzzo, Campania, Calabria, sicilia, a consortium de facto that includes more than 100 in physical and legal associates, joining clients, contacts people, workers, projects and volunteers.

the cooperative is associated to Ctm Altromercato, and participated by Banca popolare Etica.the cooperative presented as project leader its own development project for incoming tourism in Italy at the call “Business networks for tourism”(D.m. 8/1/2013).



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rEspOnsIBlE tOUrIsm In vEnEtO

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Attivamente /

via milite Ignoto, 5145019 taglio di po (rO)mobile 333 [email protected]/attiva

Activities //


management of “rifugio natura Delta po” in the area of the po Delta, venetopiazza san rocco, 145019 taglio di po - località Gorino sullam (rO)mobile 340

the facility operates under the b/b all year. It has 30 beds in rooms from 2 to 6 people, with bathroom ensuite. two rooms are equipped for disabled people. the price per person ranges from euro15 (for groups) to euro 23. the property is barrier-free.

Arts and culture promoting social responsibility initiatives, educational proposal on interculture, peace, diversity and disability, globalization, north-south relationships in the world, equal opportunities, environment, renewable energy. training for operators, for adults and children on the issues, with specific projects and actions, entertainment activities, organizing festivals or cultural events on various issues for the promotion of a culture of shared responsibility, hospitality, access for young people, integration of social and educational services.

Identity //

the goal shared by the members of the cooperative, established in 2007, is to respond with professionalism and expertise to local needs (institutions, businesses, non-profit organizations, etc.), with people in mind.

the main objective is to work promoting a culture of acceptance, starting from the differences as a value. In fact, they share the awareness that all differences in gender, age, ethnic origin, ability, become a valuable resource that unites and brings people together.

the style is that of participation, encouraging the general public. From this comes the commitment to activate and place into a network resources of the territory, building job opportunities, communication and relationships. the main research projects on which the cooperative is currently involved are: accessible tourism and tourism for all, agriculture and social livestock rearing, job placement, incubation and start-ups.



Ca’ vendramin


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CO.sE.DEl.pO /via A. moro, 345012 Ariano nel polesine (rO)

sede operativa (unità locale)via G. matteotti, 4045012 Ariano nel polesine (rO)Francesco Beltrame, mobile 329 4248555mara santarato: mobile 340 [email protected]

It runs through the visitor Centers in the Delta del po regional park, educational tours and itineraries with educational institutions and journalists.It designs and produces, in collaboration with public and private partners, initiatives and touristic events (cultural and gastronomic) to promote the territory of the po Delta and the po territory in general.

It guarantees organizational, operational and logistical support to authorities and companies in the organization and participation in touristic and food and wine trade fairs.

Identity //

the company, established in 2002, consists of nine members qualified as nature guides under current regulations and it also uses other professionals for specific tasks.

the ten years of experience and the pursuit of ever new ideas in its line of business make it possible to put to use and coordinate diverse skills and experiences: guides, naturalists, biologists, ornithologists and botanists, “interpreters” of an area that you can not only “explain”, but must first be “told” and then “shared” in the experience of emotions.

this approach, aimed at enhancing a responsible use of the great natural heritage of the park of the po Delta, is present in all the tourist activities of, from educational visits, nature trips, to the organization of themed or personalised tours.

the inclusion of disadvantaged people in the productive and economic activity in tourism is carried out through other cooperative societies associated with the Consortium Deltapoolservice.

It’s included in the promotional circuit veneto regional park of the po Delta.

Ariano nel polesine

Activities //

Arts and culture It manages the visitors Centers in Delta del po regional park, including the cultural tourist center “san Basilio”, located on the ancient via popilia and on the ancient coastline, that is an important archaeological site of paleoveneti, Greek and Etruscan settlements, up to and including the roman period.

the museo della Bonifica Ca’ vendramin is an important key to understanding the po Delta, an area below sea level that needs daily human intervention for the control and regulation of the water.

visitor Centres or other sites in the park are important notes of historical and cultural heritage, such as the museum of the Court of Ca’ Cappello and the Honey museum of Ca’ Cappellino or areas of great natural value, such as the Coastal Botanical Gardens of veneto porto Caleri. Other areas can be defined as real “outdoor museums”, such as the po river-beds, fossilized dunes providing testimony of ancient coastlines, floodplains and fishing valleys that tell of ancient crafts, representing small ethnographic museums.the network of these sites is the great “museo Diffuso” of the park of the po Delta.

Information and tourism promotion

provides tourist, cultural, educational and training services, mainly related to the specific characteristics of the territory of the river po and, in particular, of the po Delta.

the technical and operational capacity of the cooperative is completed by coordinated services of tourist accommodation, catering and transport, provided by Deltapoolservice, a consortium of 40 companies operating in the field of tourism, in which is a founding member.

It designs and implements tourism and educational proposals, aimed at both school and adult groups for different purposes, about tourist-cultural itineraries (naturalistic, historical, archaeological or themed).It provides training courses and lectures in environmental and cultural materials, themed workshops and classroom activities.



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turismo & Cultura /

piazzale san Bartolomeo, 1845100 rovigotel. 0425 [email protected]

Activities //


planning, coordination and direction:- Amolara guest house (with access to nearby “septem maria” museum and restaurant) località Capitello, 11 45011 Adria (rO) tel. 0426 943035 [email protected] Eco-museum “mulino al pizzon” via pizzon, 945 45025 Fratta polesine (rO) mobile 340 3505771 [email protected]

Every local is architecturally barrier-free.

Arts and culture management and/or supply of educational services, guided tours available for “Grandi Fiumi” museum and “torri del Castello” in rovigo, “matteotti’s house” museum and eco-museum “mulino al pizzon” in Fratta polesine, “delle Acque” museum in Crespino, “septem maria” museum in Adria, “Centuriazione romana” museum in villadose, “della Giostra e dello spettacolo popolare” museum in Bergatino, historical garden of Cà Dolfin marchiori in lendinara, roverella palace (headquarters for “Accademia dei Concordi” picture gallery, “seminario vescovile” and for some of the most important art exhibitions), roncale palace and church “Beata vergine del soccorso” (la rotonda) in rovigo, Archeological national museum in Adria and in Fratta polesine.

plus, environmental education services and guided tours at regional park “Delta del po veneto” offered.planning and arrangement of itineraries and journeys linked to culture, history, environment, regional and culinary traditions.

sport and leisure

planning of cycling tourism trips along the new Adige-po way and also of CtG walk along the tracks of polesana countryside.

Information and tourism promotion

- IAt point (Information, Acceptance for tourists) piazza risorgimento, 7 45026 lendinara (rO) tel. 0425 642389 [email protected] timetable: from tuesday to Friday: 9.30-12.30; 14.30-17.45; saturday: 9.30-12.30; 15.30-18.30; sunday and Holidays: 15.30-18.30

- Info-point torre Grimani, a.k.a torre mozza piazza matteotti 45100 rovigo

management of events connected to sponsorship for culture and history of polesine, also through local historical commemorations, meetings and animated tours in agreement with City Councils, Foundations and schools.Examples are “Il mercato della Centuriazione romana” in villadose, “Arriva Garibaldi” in lendinara and “Fratta Carbonara” in Fratta polesine, Youth conventions and summer Campus in rosolina mare.

Education of new lifestyles We also offer theoretical and practical activities in order to better understand and protect the territory, focusing particularly on the vocation of areas (e.g. “parco in Città”, “Fiabe al Castello” and treasure Hunts inside City Centres); creative workshops about art, beauty and re-cycling; entertainment activities for children and families with the use of theatre and music; walks and bike tours along rivers (“A scuola lungo i Fiumi” project).




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turismo & Cultura /

piazzale san Bartolomeo, 1845100 rovigotel. 0425 [email protected]

Identity //

Cooperative “turismo e Cultura” was founded in 1984 by managers of CtG (Italian for “Youth touristic Center). At the time they were sponsors for three different cooperatives working in the district of rovigo: “rovigoti” group in rovigo, “Folklore Delta” group in taglio di po and “po life” group in Guarda veneta.

“turismo e Cultura” has a thirty years experience, now consisting of a team of highly motivated young people, that put together different experiences in territory analysis, fruition skills for cultural heritage and environment, management models for museums and monuments management, educational activities for every school of history, art and environmental education, with particular attention for training new professionals in the field of social, cultural, sustainable and accessible tourism.

the Cooperative is made up of different sections: museums and monuments management, publishing, music and theatre, library direction in collaboration with City Councils and Foundations, educational projects and entertainment for schools and free time, gadget manufacturing, welcome and hospitality.

In 1995 “turismo e Cultura” promoted CeDi project (italian for “Didactics for cultural heritage and environment Center”) with the aim of organizing the different types of management, fruition and quality-welcome process in the territory, planning and professional counseling in connection with all the above-mentioned activities.

In 1995 “turismo e Cultura” won “sviluppo economico del veneto” prize in the tourism section, promoted by the regional Chamber of Commerce. In 1999 it won the European prize for environment “Henry Ford Conservation Award”.

EmAs certification

villa Badoer



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la maggiolina / Cooperativa Agricola produttori Castellana /

via molinare, 131030 Castello di Godego tvtel. 0423 [email protected]

Activities //


management of bar and restaurant-pizzeria in the sports centre (150 seats).In winter time the venue is open from tuesday to Friday from 6.00 to midnight; saturday and sunday from 15.00 to midnight.In summer time from monday to sunday from 10.00 to midnight.

sport and leisure lA mAGGIOlInA is a sports centre offering a variety of services and sporting activities: five-a-side football, gym&fitness “plAnEt GYm”, beach volley, volleyball, basket, dance, skating, ice rink, psychomotor activity, a games room - “Il Grillo parlante”, meetings, conventions, art exhibitions, swimming courses, scuba diving courses, aquatic gym, archery, sport camp in summer and much more.

sporting centre lA mAGGIOlInA is: 3 beach volley fields, 3 five-a-side football pitches (in synthetic grass, covered and heated), 2 summer swimming pools, large garden, gym, weight and fitness hall, game rooms, ice rink.

Identity //

the sporting company CEntrO spOrtIvO lA mAGGIOlInA has been working since 1997 to promote competitive sporting practice and recreational activity, as a moment of socialization, tutelage and well-being.

some autistic children from Agorà cooperative work as waiters in the restaurant-pizzeria, in an autonomy project.

via Don Ernesto Bordignon31033 Castelfranco veneto tvtel. 0423 [email protected]

Activities //

traditional agriculture production

production and marketing of vegetables.

Identity //

Active since 1977.

On-site sales point, open monday, tuesday, thursday, Friday and saturday from 8.30 to 13.00 and from 15.30 to 19.30; Wednesday from 8.30 to 13.00.sunday closed.



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topinambur /

via 33° reggimento Artiglieria, 2431100 trevisomobile 366 6350159mobile 342 [email protected]

Activities //

traditional agriculture production

Biological cultivation and sale of seasonal point open on tuesday and Friday from 9.00 to 13.00 and from 15.30 to 19.00; on thursday from 15.30 to 19.00; on saturday from 9.00 to 13.00.Online and telephone reservations for guided tours.

Education of new lifestyles researches, tastings and workshops for adults, in order to recognize within the agricultural enterprise a place of culture, an opportunity to read again our own culinary habits and to consume with more critical instruments.

Educational farm that greets adults and children in a rural environment and offers them an opportunity to approach, through playing and rural working, a model of agriculture beyond standards. topinambur suggests seasonable vegetables as essential allies for good health, allowing to meet in 4 hectares, nearby the residential area, a surprising biodiversity.

Identity //

the social and agricultural cooperative topinambur, member of venetian social Biofarms, was born in treviso in 2010 for two main reasons.the first need is starting a clean and productive activity in an urban context, respectful towards the health of customers and workers and aimed to cultivate high quality vegetables without using substances dangerous for health, environment and territory.the second reason is the need of helping “solidarietà”, the nearby social cooperative born in ’80’s for rehabilitation of disabled people, with an innovative model of social enterprise which may integrate virtuously with already existing activities.

Cantina produttori Fregona /

via Castagnola, 5031010 Fregona tvmobile 349 8653646 – [email protected]

On-site sales point.

On-site sales point. Opening hours: monday, Wednesday and Friday 15:00 to 18:00; saturday 15.30 to 18.30.

Activities //

traditional agriculture production

production and marketing of torchiato Fregona. Outside normal opening hours you can always visit the centre by reservation.Guided tours of caves and wine cellars.

Identity //

the Fregona piera Dolza torchiato was founded in 2012 by a team of traditional producers of the Consortium torchiato Fregona, now reorganized as the Cantina produttori Fregona s.c.a., cooperative established to manage the recently built production centre located in the same town that gives its name to the wine. the seven founding members have as their objective the promotion of this excellence of Italian wine through the enhancement of the brand - nationally and internationally -, together with the enhancement of its history and its territory.

the traditional handwork remains a strong point in the production of this wine along with its limited and defined territorial context. the small-scale production will be expanded in the coming years while preserving the quality and historical integrity of the wine.

the cooperative is inserted in the circuits: strada del prosecco, movimento turismo del vino, Altamarca.



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villa maser - Asolo

solidarietà /

via 33° reggimento Artiglieria, 2431100 trevisotel. 0422

Activites //


/ Ostello solidarietà (solidarity Hostel )

sleeping accommodation for 17 people.via Fossaggera 4/d31100 [email protected]

the management of a solidarity Hostel, open all year (next upgrade of the accommodation from 17 to 25 beds).

Booking at +39 0422 234631, from monday to Friday, 08.00-12.30 and 14.30-17.30; or call +39 338 2078143, on the following days and times :Winter (from October to march) from monday to Friday, 17.30-22.00;saturday, sunday and non-working days, all day long;summer (from April to september) from monday to Friday, 17.30-23.00;saturday, sunday and non-working days, all day long Air conditioning, children’s games.

Daily prices for overnight stay, electricity, hot and cold water, heating and taxes included: single bedroom euro 20, twin bedroom euro 35, triple bedroom euro 45, quadruple euro 60.Children under 12 euro 5.tourist tax not included (euro 1/day/person)Breakfast not included in the overnight stay: price euro 3.


Daily workshops of many activities such as knitting, needlecraft, clay sculpting, fabric painting, typography, photo-composition and printing for disabled guests. the semi-finished products are sent directly to the factories that commissioned them, whilst the hand-made products made during the workshop are sold directly by the Cooperative.

Identity //

the Cooperative was founded in 1982 by families that chose to dedicate their energies and resources for the creation of a social supportive and welcoming community for disadvantaged people (no family, disability or other difficulties).

solidarietà has also given itself the objective of divulging the ideas from which it is based on, values of cooperation, voluntary work, family and social networks, but never forgetting everyone’s need to share “special” moments of celebration. therefore the cooperative promotes activities in collaboration with schools by organizing events and parties in its premises.

the principal event is the strawberry Festival, that takes place every year at the end of April, and during this celebration various concerts, stage shows, poetry contests and art exhibitions take place. During the year, the solidarity Association Don p. Chiavacci organizes meetings with people who are well-respected for the ethical and human value of their actions.



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rEspOnsIBlE tOUrIsm In vEnEtO

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riviera del Brenta

Cantine riviera del Brenta /

via Brentabassa, 3030031 Dolo (vE)tel. e fax 041

Activities //

traditional agriculture production

production and marketing of traditional wine.

Catering management of a local for catering for 50 people (100 with summer garden) with tastings of the consortium product such as wines, dairy products and meat products.the winery offers guided tastings of various wines, whilst the wine bar is stocked with a wide selection of wines from various regions.

the large dining room and summer garden permit meetings and nights dedicated to wine tasting, accompanied with traditional venetian dishes.

Identity //

the result of many efforts, the “Cantina sociale di Dolo” was founded in 1947, for the crushing of grapes and the marketing of wine.

today, it has taken the name of “Cantine riviera del Brenta”, the heart of the new DOC.the winery, surrounded by greenery and located along the Brenta riviera, one of the most beautiful areas of the province of venice, is about 2 km from the centre of Dolo, and 200 meters from the ferry and is right on the tourist cycle-path of the Brenta riviera.

the “Wine of the riviera del Brenta” welcomes in a simple and friendly atmosphere, individuals and groups who want to discover those aspects of rural, cultural and gastronomic heritage linked to the wines of this area.

the winery also promotes sommelier courses, meetings and wine tasting evenings, combining traditional hospitality with the cult of gastronomy, typical of the riviera del Brenta.

IsO 9000 Certification

On-site sales point:monday to 15.00 from 19.00; tuesday to saturday from 8.30 to 12.30 and from 15.00 to 19.00.

sales point of Oriago:via veneto 34/E30034 Oriago di mira vEtel. 041 472692monday to saturday from 8.30 to 12.30 and from 15.30 to 19.30; Wednesday afternoon closed.

sales point of padova:via Giovanni D’Alemagna 2/A35134 padovatel. 049 613598monday to saturday at 8:30 to 12:30 and 15:30 to 19:30; Wednesday afternoon closed.



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Domus Clugiae / Cooperativa Ducale /

Calle luccarini, 82530015 Chioggiatel. 041 5500973fax 041 [email protected]

Activities //


/ Ostello Domus Clugiae

management of the Hostel Domus Clugiae, structure owned by the City of Chioggia, from the social cooperative Egolabor, which deals with employment of disadvantaged people.

the hotel has 20 rooms with en suite bathrooms, 2 adapted for disabled guests. All rooms are air conditioned; the wi-fi covers the entire residence and it’s free; you can park for free in the courtyard or in the calli with permission supplied by the hotel; the breakfast service is included in the price.

Daily price per person between 25 and 45 euro.the hostel has a bike rental facility.the hotel offers information for a visit (for groups) of the city by providing a booklet created by the cooperative.

Identity //

Founded in 2004, when Egolabor wished to bring to a traditional residence, situated in the heart of Chioggia, its ten-year educational experience of affirmation of the absolute value and dignity of every person they come into contact with. the Domus Clugiae identifies itself in the educational project of the volunteer association “Opera Baldo” and it has as its logo a boat driven by Carmen Baldo embracing some of the many children in her care.

this woman, until the 1970s, tirelessly ferried orphans to her house, located in vigo, on the Isle morin, where she offered everyone a chance to grow up under her motherly care. the hostel is part of the “Brenta-Adige slow experience” network, headed by limosa tour Operators, with the aim of creating a range of cultural and nature stays with high added value and to increase the number of visitors out of season.

Isola nuova del tronchetto, 2330135 veneziatel. 041 5238835tel. 041 [email protected]

Activities //


transport of passengers by water taxis and motor launches.Cruises, tours and events in the lagoon.

Identity //

Operating in the venetian lagoon since 1969 with a fleet of boats of various sizes for passenger transport, themed itineraries and special services, including privately organised events.



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riviera del Brenta


le vie /

via sant’Eliodoro, 3930020 Altino (ve)mobile 329 [email protected]

Activities //


the structure has an availability of 100 seats indoor and 30 more outdoor.It is open everyday at lunch (except on tuesday), on Friday and saturday evening.

the restaurant offers tastings of local specialities and dishes of the season.It suggests proposes various menus for business meetings (lunch break and business events), ceremonies, tourists (light lunches, especially for walkers and cyclists).It privileges vegetarian dishes.

the kitchen uses products from biological agriculture and from ethical and fair trade sources.

Arts and culture

planning and management of some cultural activities with others organizations in the area, with a prerogative interest on accomodation capacity and the developements related to the opening of a new museum in Altino.

Information and tourism promotion Information point about the territory, slow tourism and cultural ventures. sale of a selection of books (environment, archeology, cycle-tourism and local history), ethnic and ethical handicraft.

trips through the surroundings (by bike and on boat, with guide and rent included).Available for rent - 50 bikes (also for children) and related accessories (helmets, child seats, ecc).

Identity //

the project “le vie” was founded in 2008 from an idea by social cooperative Qualità and its aim is to develop a new lifestyle for Altino and its territory, activating its human, social and economic resources.

products, ventures and suggestions promote a model of sustainability in this lifestyle. For example, it produces its own electricity from renewable sources. “le vie” is inserted in the slow tourism network of the eastern veneto, in European project Cooproute, developing projects of the rural tourism pIA-r Basso piave and accessible tourism.



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limosa / portabagagli del porto di venezia /

via Angelo toffoli, 530175 venezia margheratel. 041 932003fax 041 5384743mobile 329 [email protected] / [email protected] /

Activities //

tour Operator

the cooperative, through its activities travel agency and tour operator, is focused on the market of high level cultural and naturalistic visitors, mainly international, for all visitors to the venetian lagoon and the surrounding areas (Brenta riviera and Eastern veneto).limosa is first in line of two business networks which gather 30 companies of the local touristic chain together. With the projects “north lagoon slow experience” and “Brenta-Adige slow experience”, the two business networks are classified as top ranked in rankings promoted by a report of the Chamber of Commerce regarding Expo 2015.

Arts and culture

Conception and management of touristic trails, excursions, holidays and educational-recreational activities for children, adults and families with particular attention to environmental and cultural sustainability.the trails are studied and personalised in order to evaluate landscapes, to support contact with nature, to experience the charm of both the famous places and the less well known ones, to come in contact with local culture, traditions, wine, food and the ancient knowledge of a particular and wonderful territory.venice and its lagoon, the Brenta riviera and the laggon of Caorle, with their artistic, environmental and architectural beauties are the main destinations.

Identity //

the slow venice brand was born from the passion of sharing and experiencing limosa’s culture and territory, a venture of environmental guide that since 1987 proposes excursions, cultural, and naturalistic holidays. As a tour operator limosa follows slow tourism guidelines, characterized by authenticity and sustainability principles, in a close relationship with elements of local traditions and culture. the competence of the experts is fed by shared passions: working together, combining and appraising different flairs, having many interests and values of identity in common. their ambition is offering excellence, discovering experiences, with reciprocal satisfaction in visiting beautiful yet fragile places with respect.

UnI IsO 14064-1:2006 Certification

marittima - Fabbricato 10330135 veneziatel. 041 [email protected]

Activities //


luggage handling.loading of naval supplies.terminal and operational areas preparation.passenger assistance.

Identity //

the cooperative performs the services of loading-unloading, luggage storage, assistance to passengers and loading of supplies and equipment on board ships moored in the docks of the cruise port of venice.

started in 1937, the corporate structure over the years has undergone several transformations: from group “portabagagli” to Cooperative limited liability and later, from the 90s, Cooperative society. In the years it has been able to cope with the increasing cruise traffic of venice airport without detriment to the quality standard of service provided, on the contrary developing a professional competence internationally recognized by leading industry players.

In 2013, the cooperative registered a patent for a new prototype conveyor belt to unload and load luggage for cruise ships. the cooperative intends to continue on this path, patented equipment for the entire supply chain cycle luggage ship-terminal.

IsO 9001:2008 and OHsAs 18001:2007 Certifications



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move in venice /

via vienna, 1530013 Cavallino treporti vEmobile 340 [email protected]

Activities //


transport service by motorboat launches in the venice lagoon.

Identity //

the cooperative is one of the partners of the tourism consortium Consornavity, dealing with the promotion of its members’ services through contacts with local travel agencies.


mariclea /

via dei pioppi, 3430020 Eraclea mare (vE)tel. 0421 [email protected]

Activities //

sport and leisure

management of a touristic port for motor-boats and sailing of sailing Club FIv and sailing schoolOrganisation of regattas and sailing events.

Identity //

mariclea Club began in a beautiful oasis at the end of ‘60s, thanks to the idea of ten friends. In 1985 it changed from being family run to a cooperative, which gave it a new impulse and assured continuous growth of the club and its offer of navigation services over the years.

the dock, with its headquarters and offices, meeting area and solarium terrace, offers first-rate services and facilities, representing a valuable and suggestive touristic landing place in the upper Adriatic sea, in an unspoilt corner of the venetian lagoon at Eraclea. mariclea Club is a member of the Asso marinas- Italian Association of tourist ports.



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Cooperativa san marco /pescatori di Burano /

Cooperativa venezia 1907 /

via terranova, 21530142 Burano veneziatel. 041

Activities //

traditional agriculture production

traditional fishing in the lagoon, breeding clams.

sport and leisure

Excursions fishing tourism for various audiences in lagoon and sea.

Identity //

the cooperative “san marco pescatori Burano”, created in 1896, is composed of 90 fishermen. It manages the sale of the product caught at the fish market tronchetto of venice.

It’s the owner of 150 acres for clams breeding in the northern lagoon of venice, offers services of icing, storage and bagging of the product caught by the members and organizes fishing tourism excursions all year long.

stazione Ferroviaria santa lucia30121 veneziatel. 041 [email protected]

Activities //


luggage transfer, ground and on the water, by using boats, vans, hand and trucks in the city centre, harbour and airport of venice.

Identity //

set up on 1st July 1907 by 27 associates in order to offer a luggage service at the railway station of venice santa lucia and linked to the evolution of the national railway, the luggage service Cooperative later obtained the assignment of many other services, such as cleaning, goods-handling and the management of the luggage storage.

IsO 9001:2008 Certification



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rio terà dei pensieri /

santa Croce 49530135 veneziatel. 041 [email protected]

Activities //

traditional agriculture production

management of an organic garden in the women’s prison of Giudecca in venice. the garden is grown organically (certified), and the products are offered for sale once a week in front of the institute.

Craftsmanship/handicraft management of a cosmetic laboratory within the women’s prison of Giudecca. Here high quality handmade beauty products are manufactured, based on old venetian apothecaries and enriched by natural extracts from the garden. there are two different lines of cosmetics: rtdp Classical and Eco-Biological, as well as several lines of customized courtesy for hotels.

Handling two laboratories for screen printing and the recovery and reuse of pvC in the male prison of santa maria maggiore in venice. In the screen printing workshop, shopper bags and t-shirts are printed by hand, both for their own design and on behalf of others. the laboratory of re-use of pvC and re-cycled materials comes from the experience in production of leather bags and accessories and produces unique and original objects, sold under the brand “malefatte”.

Identity //

the social Cooperative “rio terà dei pensieri”, founded in 1994, counts among its members both prisoners and non. the activities started to offer people an alternative to the jail, mostly for re-socialization and drawing on the resources of the volunteer.Currently the cooperative works within the two penitentiary Institutes of venice. the activities have been launched from the features of the places in which they were entered, and with particular attention to the relationship with the environment: the city of venice. prisoners, then, also working members of the cooperative, assisted by teachers, staff and volunteers, now produce screenprinted items, bags and leather, creating lines of cosmetics and grow organic vegetables. their work is sold through both retail and on public and private commissions.

In Campo santo stefano in venice, the Cooperative has a kiosk for direct sales of its products in which prisoners are employed: an opportunity to discuss directly with the public by promoting a message of quality and solidarity.

social cooperative type “B” for the work inclusion of prisoners.

Biological certifications for the cosmetic products.

Direct sale points.Kiosk “Ex Edicola” Campo s. stefano, veneziamobile 331 6514319From monday to saturday 14.00 - 19.00pvC bags and accessories, t-shirts, cotton shopping bags, cosmetics

Bench vegetablesFondamenta delle Convertite (in front of “Casa di reclusione Donne” - home imprisonment women)Giudecca 712, veneziaWednesday 9.00 - 12.00Organic products, cosmetics

E-shoptel. 041 978233 [email protected] monday to thursday 9.30 - 17.00



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san Giorgio maggiore


Uniamo - Goldin /

Castello 381730122 veneziatel. 041 [email protected]/it/uniamo-goldin/uniamo-goldin.html

Activities //


/ Fantàsia restaurant(54 seats indoor+ 16 outdoor) open at lunch and dinner, from tuesday to sundayCastello 391130122 veneziatel. 041 5228038

management of “ristoro Fantàsia”, culinary and social reference for all patients of rare illnesses from venice or elsewhere. It also refers to anyone with specific culinary needs (e.g. celiac disease or genetic metabolic illnesses) and particular requirements, both physical or mental.

Accomodation / Fantàsia apartmentbeds 4booking mobile 340 4769379

management of “Appartamento Fantàsia”, close to the famous piazza san marco in venice.

A place dedicated to greet patients with rare illnesses, their relatives or helpers staying in the city. Fully-furnished flat with two double bedrooms, bathroom, kitchen, turret, living room with tv and A/C. Apartment located at 4th floor with no access to elevator, as in the tradition of venetian historical and urban architecture.

Identity //

thanks to the generous and liberal charitable contribution from mrs Goldin, social venture named “UnIAmO- Goldin” was established in november 2009 by the will of some board-members from “UnIAmO Federazione Italiana malattie rare”.UnIAmO promotes, develops and handles social projects in the district. the first sector of action is social tourism, also because of the touristic vocation of venice and its lagoon area.

so Fantàsia borns, it is a place open to everyone and in particular to patients with rare illnesses and their families.

Fantàsia is also a social project of working integration and education for disabled or underprivileged people. It is an example of good practice that can be extended elsewhere, as shown by “UnIAmO Federazione Italiana malattie rare onlus” (project-promoter) and its linked associations.



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Azalea /via Walter Fleming, 1337026 settimo di pescantina vrtel. 045 [email protected]

Activities //

Catering management of the restaurant Hotel Gran Can (70-100 seats, open monday to saturday for lunch and on Friday and saturday night for dinner).

management of the self-service bar-restaurant Aretè (180 seats), monday to Friday hours 7.30-17.00via sommacampagna 63H37137 veronatel. 045 8082464mobile 340 [email protected]


/ Hotel Gran Canvia Gianantonio Campostrini 6037029 pedemonte di s. pietro in Cariano vrtel. 045 7701911management of the Hotel Gran Can, 2 stars: 26 rooms, 56 beds in total, 20 of which are suitable for guests with permanent disabilities. price per person from 26 to 60 euro. Air conditioning.


Creative workshop Azalea Home inside the Hotel Gran Can.We produce: lampshades decorated with buttons that come from unsold stock; lampshades made from wool yarn; pillows knitted and crocheted made of wool and cotton.the inspirations come from the design world and are simplified so that they can be made by hand and maintain a low cost without losing the characteristics of originality.

Identity //

Azalea, social cooperative type A, started in 1992 for the management of health and social services, education and inclusion of disadvantaged people, carries out various activities of prevention, education, rehabilitation and personal care both at home and at residential structures.

since 1995, Azalea has been operating tourist-hotel facilities in valpolicella, an area interesting for its historical and geographical environment in general, but especially for its food and wine.

the special peculiarity of these structures is that, in addition to traditional customers (tourists, business travellers, foreign students), the services are also used by elderly and/or psychophysical disabled, self-sufficient or partially self-sufficient. Everything is handled with specialized staff in a welcoming, friendly and supportive ambient. Azalea has also developed over the years various tourist proposals: from naturalistic tourism to environmental education to wine and food itineraries.

It is part of the verona Consortium tuttintorno, in valpolicella Wine route, in the Circuit le mat, in networks of collaborations with both cooperative and profit enterprises.regarding the laboratory Azalea Home, the goal is “to do” as a moment of personal satisfaction and recognition of its own value. Another important aspect is the creation of excellent products, desired and bought for their unique features and craftsmanship.

the cooperative operates in the design for access to regional and community funds for tourism and accessible tourism.

In the pipeline is the the development of on-line sales of valpolicella wine, to employ people with disabilities in packaging and shipping.




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Centro di lavoro san Giovanni Calabria /

via Gardesane, 212località Basson37139 veronatel. 045 [email protected]

Activities //

traditional agriculture production

social agriculture, with the production of medicinal herbs and the sale of derivative products.


management of bar-restaurant with 60 seats.


/ rifugio novezzina- (6 rooms, 49 beds)- Botanical Garden of monte Baldo- Astronomical Observatory of monte Baldo “A. Gelodi”

via General Graziani, 1037020 Ferrara di monte Baldo (verona)tel. 045 6247288mobile 345

management of refuge-hostel novezzina with 49 beds. It’s located at 1,235 meters above sea level, on the eastern side of mount Baldo, in novezzina locations in the City of Ferrara di monte Baldo (vr). the refuge has dorms with more beds (mostly bunk beds) and a double room. It’s equipped with facilities (even for people with disabilities) and showers. the property is accessible to all, with no architectural barriers.

the refuge has the following services: room for educational activities related to the annex Botanical Garden, conference room with projection system and sound system, room with bar service and catering kitchen, wi-fi in the hotel and in the plaza outside. prices 2014 (except sheets and towels): full board euro 38; half board euro 32; b&b euro18. sheets for sale to euro 7.

Information and tourism promotion

Organization of events and promotion of natural and historical themed of the natural park of monte Baldo Botanical Garden, with teaching museum complex at the refuge novezzina and Astronomical Observatory of monte Baldo A. Gelodi.

Identity //

the pourpose of the cooperative, founded in 1975 thanks to Don Antonio mazzi, is to create a working environment for the development and the integration into working life of people with difficulties in job placement by combining the aims of the mission with their business ability. Over the years, the experience and legislative developments have led the cooperative to be a social enterprise in the community, able to compete in the market and so be a reliable partner in the active labour market policies.

Among the many services provided by the cooperative there are: call centre management, design, installation and maintenance of green areas and gardens, enhancement of public green areas, conservation and environmental recovery even in wooded areas, maintenance and care of mountain trails, replanting of trees, supply and rental of plants for setting up stands and conference rooms, security guard services in museums and monuments, catering activities.

the cooperative is included in the veneto Consortium lake Garda and in the network of “prodotto del Baldo” brand.

the cooperative is listed at F.I.p.p.O. Federazione Italiana produttori piante Ofificinali. It’s conducting a procedure for the Organic Certification with soil and Health.




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via valpolicella, 6137029 san pietro in Cariano (vr)tel. 045

Beta /

via vassanelli, 1137012 Bussolengo vrtel. 045 [email protected]/coop_beta.asp

Activities //


/ trattoria Bar Betavia Cesarina, 1637066 sommacampagna vrtel. 045 [email protected] of a bar/restaurant catering for 50 people. Closed sundays. the bar is open from 7.00 to 23.00.It offers home-cooked food and a selection of local wines. It offers at both lunch and dinner a complete meal with set menu.

Identity //

the BEtA s.C.s. had, as promoter and development environment, the Cooperative prestatori d’Opera a.r.l., founded in 1984, from which it results regarding to principles and activities and to which it refers as “social group”, although remaining a legally separate entity.

since 1994, it manages a restaurant. It’s associated with the Consortium sol.Co. verona, and the national Consortium for Cooperation of social solidarity Gino matterelli (CGm). It is a member of the pact of Association “Collabora 22” about social Cooperatives type B present in Ulss 22 and adjacent to promoting social cooperation, employment of disadvantaged people and the management of contracts with public and private entities.

Cantina sociale valpolicella Classicodi san pietro in Cariano /

Activities //

traditional agriculture production

production and on-site sales point (monday to Friday, 9.00-12.30 and 15.30-19.00; on saturday 9.00-12.30 and 15.00-18.00) and on-line of red, white and rosé wine, and also of olive oil, grappa and honey

Identity //

the cooperative was born in 1945 in the area of the ancient “pagus Arusnatium“. In v century a.C. the place was occupied from “Arusnati”, an ancient population dedicated to agriculture. since then they have produced a wine that roman poets, such as Columella, virgilio or plinio the Old, called “retino-wine”.

san pietro in Cariano is full of roman vestiges, as the funeral stele of Arria Aquileia, the Corrubbio’s chimaera, that furnished proof of the contact among the Arusnate civilization and the Etruscan tradition; and also some graves rich of funeral supplies, now in Wien. the important residential area during the venetian domination, was the location of the valpolicella’s curacy.

the vicar was a noble from verona delegated to rule the administration and the justice; the emblems of vicars who succeeded during the time are – even now- on the facade of the old city Hall. History has bestowed a rich legacy of artistic assets, of churches and wonderful villas (as santa sofia, designed by palladio for marcantonio serego), all in beautiful places, surrounded by a panorama of vineyard, cypresses and cherry-trees, called “verona’s garden”.

the cooperative has an IsO 9001:2008 certification.

On-site sales point and on-line.



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monteverde /

via Conca delle perle, 137030 Badia Calavena vrtel. 045 [email protected]

Activities //

Craftsmanship/handicraft In craftsmanship and creativity workshops, disadvantaged people actively participate in party objects, messages and gifts for weddings, baptisms, anniversaries, graduation and others ceremonies. In particular, the close collaboration with fair trade and development groups the cooperative to follow international ethical purposes. these proposals are aimed at both those people who want to give solidarity to their custom event, and to companies that want to give solidarity to their customers, suppliers or co-workers during Christmas or convivial events, such as social dinners.

the laboratory for the restoration of furniture was born In 2005 in order to consider working activity as an important educational and rehabilitative instrument: the chance to get direct contact with wood, unique raw material, is open for some young people who can follow step by step its manufacturing, the production/restoring of objects, learning both the art and the craft.since 2007 a part of the workshop branch in Fra’ Granzotto street is used as place of hand-made production and trade of party objects, gifts: a favoured working activity to reveal innate personality and creativity in every young person hosted in the Cooperative.

Arts and culture

Event organisation.

Identity //

social Cooperative monteverde was founded in 1986 in san Zeno di Colognola ai Colli by a group of conscientious objectors and workers that believed in equal dignity and rights for everyone, in order to prepare young disabled people of val d’Illasi to integrate themselves in the working world by an educational path to recovery.

since 1995 monteverde has decided to focus only on providing with educational and social services. Workshop activities are kept as central in physical and social rehabilitation of disadvantaged young people.

the cooperative, indeed, always considered young peoples’ working activity as a preferential tool for being known as “active subject” in a society often obsessed by production and work.

In 2011 the administrative branch, C.E.O.D and furniture restoring workshop moved to Badia Calavena (verona) district, at the foot of san pietro mountain.

shop (from monday to Friday, from 8.30 to 12.00 and from 14.30 to 18.00; saturday from 9.00 to 12.00)via Fra’ Claudio Granzotto, 237039 tregnago vrtel. 045 [email protected]





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panta rei /

via vassanelli, 2537012 Bussolengo (vr)tel. 045 [email protected]

Activities //


/ Housing Community-restaurant-House for vacations“la Groletta”via Groletta, 137010 rivoli veronese (vr)tel. 045 6703275ristorantelagroletta@gmail.comwww.ristorantelagroletta.itthe restaurant is open: from monday to thursday 12.00 – 15.00; from Friday to sunday 12.00 – 15.00 and 19.00 – 22.30

management of the restaurant “la Groletta” with 120 seats, a few steps from lake Garda and monte Baldo. the restaurant with garden and swimming pool for guests, and a large park with a playground for children. the restaurant is accessible for people with disabilities and is equipped to offer a menu for celiac and gluten intolerant people.


management of the holiday home, inside the structure “la Groletta”, equipped with 24 beds with the possibility of adding a third bed.the structure has two rooms with services for disabled and a full bathroom for disabled people on the ground floor.

Identity //

the social Cooperative “panta rei” comes from a long history of collaboration with the Department of mental Health of the Asl 22. the users and their families saw themselves engaged in therapeutic-rehabilitation projects aimed to social reintegration and improvement of the quality of life of people with mental disorders.

the developed fields of activities are various: a laundry-ironing, a centre for digital printing and graphical design, maintenance of green spaces, the building maintenance, catering and hotel accommodation.

In all these fields the Cooperative offers its customers a quality product, the result of the attention focuses on the work of the members and the re-definition of the relationship between subject and work, where it suits the needs and abilities of the worker and not only the productivity and competitiveness in themselves.

strategies are being studied and will be adopted through a working group made up by all members of the cooperative, with the aid of a study of graphics and communication, for the renewal of the corporate image (website, social network, etc.) to implement new communication strategies and better train new members of the cooperative through targeted meetings and the acquisition of specific technical skills in the field of hotel accommodation, and growth in terms of rehabilitation for members operators.




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planet viaggi responsabili /via vasco de Gama, 12A37138 veronatel. 045

Activities //

tour operator

Air ticketing services, organization of trips for individuals, nGO operators and associations.

Education of new lifestyles

locally, organization of meetings and cultural evenings for in-depth analysis and awareness.

Identity //

“planet viaggi responsabili” was created with the aim of promoting and developing responsible tourism with a view to meeting, dialogue, exchange and solidarity among peoples. In 1999 the tour operator began to organize the first trips of “responsible tourism” in Central America and the Caribbean, combining the experience gained in over 10 years working in international cooperation with the technical competence of tour operators. today, more than 45 countries are available.

trips are often accompanied and almost always in the case of groups. Although the guide is not a professional guide, they serve primarily as a cultural mediator and point of reference for the group. Another constant is the use for the overnight stay of local bed and breakfasts, private homes, hostels, trying as much as possible accommodation run by local realities.

It can happen – especially when the trip includes a stay of a few days in indigenous communities – to stay overnight in conditions not always very comfortable: it requires in this case a bit of adaptability; for example you can not always guarantee en-suite bathroom or hot water all day; the accompanying person is still able to explain all the details before the trip.

Often the inside traveling use local public transport buses or organizations referents. the food is often managed through a group fund. some trips are operated entirely with a common pot (food and also accommodation, local guides, transport); these are highlighted in the catalogue as “travels with common pot”. We always travel in small groups - 10/12 people at most - to limit the impacts on host communities. In some cases a portion of the share is directly used to finance a project of cooperation and local development.

But the journey is always in itself a local development project. It requires a capacity for adaptation probably superior to that of a “traditional” trip: it is indicated in the characteristics of each trip in a scale ranging from low (*) to medium (**) to high (***).In the countries visited in the southern hemisphere, it supports the development of solidarity projects related to tourism.

the tour operator is a member of AItr, the Italian Association for responsible tourism, and is a promoter of the definition of a standard on responsible tourism.

Besides:- Head of responsible tourism of the District of social Economy of verona (DEs) and

a member of El sèlese;- one of the founders of EArtH, european network for responsible tourism;- promoter of “rotte locali”, network of responsible tourism in the verona area;- the headquarters of the association is also the territorial reference in veneto for

AItr;- startup, with the association AmEntelibera, a business segment devoted to the

organization of tourist trips accessible to individuals and groups of travelers with disabilities or special needs.

Adheres to various projects on responsible tourism in collaboration with different realities including the University of verona and the network le mat. recently participated in an EU announcement on Accessible tourism, in collaboration with the veneto region, Ciset, village for All, AItr, Earth, and cooperatives AmEntelibera and Diesis.



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rEspOnsIBlE tOUrIsm In vEnEtO


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Altopiano di Asiago

Archeidos /

via A. Dal pozzo, 536010 rotzo (vI)mobile 388 [email protected]

Activities //


managing a restaurant with 40 seats near the Archaeological park of the Altopiano di Asiago 7 Comuni. With prior reservation, the restaurant is open at any time of the week, lunch and dinner. the restaurant is accessible to people with motor or sensory disabilities; it takes into account of the needs of people suffering from food allergies or intolerances and it uses, but not exclusively, for the preparation of food, organic or fair trade products.

Arts and culture Archeidos has been active for more than a decade in the management of educational, cultural and tourist services at some important cultural realities of the Altopiano dei 7 Comuni. In particular, it works at Castelletto di rotzo, at the Archaeological park of Bostel,, where it offers many activities for visitors and schoolchildren on a field trip, during all seasons of the year.moreover, Archeidos acquired the management of cultural services at the Archaeological museum of seven towns in Castelletto di rotzo (500 m. from the park), opened in July 2012. the main users of the cooperative are schoolchildren.

Information and tourism promotion

Enhancement of historical, ethnographic and environmental Altopiano dei 7 Comuni, through:- guided tours to places of the Great War;- guided tours to the petroglyphs of val d’Assa;- excursions to places linked to the origin Cimbric Altopiano and its old crafts;- accompanied excursions by donkeys and horses;- conferences about archeology, history, Cimbrian traditions (ancient crafts, fairytales

and legends);- seminars and courses of experimental archeology.

Identity //

the main purpose of the cooperative Archeidos, born in 2012, is to promote cultural tourism aimed at those who want to know the historical and archaeological heritage and natural beauty of the Altopiano in a complete way, in all its wonderful aspects, paying particular attention to schools, to introduce young people to the knowledge and understanding of the territory, in order to encourage a conscious attitude of protection and enhancement.

Among the different instruments for the promotion of its activities, the cooperative also uses educational proposals for schools.



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Biosphaera s.c.s. /

via maddalena, 20località parco del Buso della rana36030 monte di malo vImobile 347 1300994mobile 347

locanda mareggelocalità maregge 137021 Bosco Chiesanuova vrtel. 045 7050063mobile 340 [email protected] day: thursday; Air conditioning: nO; pets allowed: YEs; average price: euro 20; total beds: 70, of which 50 indoors and 20 outdoors.

Activites //

Arts and culture

Environmental education, international adventure travel, nature walks and historical (WWI), scientific proposals for schools in collaboration with museums (museum Zannato montecchio maggiore, vicenza nature museum of Archaeology, rete museale Alto vicentino, mUsE of trento) and other partners (provincial laboratory for Environmental Education in vicenza, AppA trento, ArpA Friuli - venezia Giulia, etc.).

Information and tourism promotion

Activities to promote the content and values of sustainable development, natural and environmental sensitivity, protection and enhancement of the environment and the landscape.Design and distribution of educational and teaching material in relation to the different areas of intervention and research developed by the cooperative.promotion of the host territory with the enhancement of the historical, cultural, traditional and natural aspects.Guide and accompaniment to the direct knowledge of the territory.promotion of Accessible, sustainable and responsible tourism services.Identification, management, organization of exhibitions, trails, paths or educational areas.Organization of information campaigns and sensitization about environmental education and nature.

Organization and management of activities and tourist services for public and private entities, individuals, children, families, adults, including the management of tourism and travel agencies.

sport and leisure

Hiking by donkey, hiking courses.promotion of bike-tourism (project lemmelemme) to promote and enhance the environmental protected areas, rural areas and to connect points of interest from the pedemontana to the plain. the activity takes place thanks to a pool consisting of 30 bicycles from cycle-trekking Orbea plus accessory equipment (helmets and materials management) and, thanks to some partners, 30 mountain bike pedal assisted Agogs. there is also a van with trailer for the transport of bicycles.

Identity //

the social cooperative Biosphaera operating since 2006 in veneto, trentino and Friuli areas, in the sector of sustainable tourism, education and teaching and services to the area, having as common thread nature and its preservation.

It provides services related to the natural environment, with a strong scientific feature, and with the aim of promoting awareness and knowledge in order to conserve the natural environment. It’s active in the context of sustainable and responsible tourism in all its activities and it observes the principles codified in this context.

the members are naturalist guides enabled for professional accompaniment walking, cycling, riding on donkeys etc. members AIGAE (Italian Association of Environmental Guides). It also makes use of external collaboration of tour guides and other professionals. the activity is deeply integrated with public and private entities that carry out activities and promoting tourism in the territory.the cooperative is in partnership with local structures (restaurants, shops, tourist offices) with which it proposes events related to the territory. It’s also initiating proposals of mountain-therapy and Accessible tourism.



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I Berici /

via Del Grande, 836100 vicenzamobile 347

Activities //

traditional agriculture production

social agriculture through the management of two social farms: “the pachamama” in via Cobalchini 5, locations marsan in marostica (vI) and “Il Campo dell’Allodola”, Bertesina 270 (front nostra Famiglia) to Bertesina, of “Fuori di Zucca”, shop of organic food and fair trade, which also makes home deliveries through musso Express service.

Arts and culture

Collaboration with museums (such as the Archaeological museum of vicenza) and, in addition to the guided tour, organization of events including nights of analysis of naturalistic, archaeological, fair trade, solidarity, local ethnography and history topics, and the “Archeology Day “, spring meeting in collaboration with the Archaeological naturalistic museum of santa Corona, City of Arcugnano.programs of environmental education through: laboratory experimentation (when they control the variables and intervene on them), experience (when you activate or cause what you want to observe), guided exploration (we investigate and observe phenomena that occur independently from us).

sport and leisure

nature walks ideal for families with a choice of different pathways: natural (lake and hills), botanical (useful plants and garden), archaeological (piles and rock tombs) and ethnographic (mills, quarries and boats).trekking (accompanied by donkeys) for adults and families.

Education of new lifestyles the cooperative is concerned with sustainable tourism through multiple initiatives. In collaboration with Biosphaera and the Association of tour Guides vicenza, it proposes the project Exploring veneto: a series of excursions that aim to raise awareness of the nature and the territory, in particular the pedemontana and vicenza prealps.

Identity //

since 2006 the cooperative has enhanced and promoted culture, natural wealth and traditions. It works in the province of vicenza and through nature promotes human development and social integration, educates to know and respect the environment, offers a sustainable tourist land use.

since november 2013, it has managed a store of organic, local and social farming food. All activities are organised by specialized guides: natural, historical, donkey rides, sailing. the proposed activities are focused on total respect for the sites, searching for new facts of environment and nature, for the enhancement of even the smallest places, for the discovery of new ideas.

particularly important is the development of projects of social farm.

shop “Fuori di Zucca”via Del Grande, 836100 vicenzatel. 0444 [email protected] hours: monday and Wednesday from 16.00 to 19.30; tuesday thursday and Friday from 9.00 to 12.30 and from 16.00 to 19.30;saturday from 9.00 to 12.30; sunday closed.



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villa la rotonda

teatro Olimpico

la piccionaia /

stradella piancoli, 636100 vicenzatel. 0444 [email protected]

Activities //

Arts and culture

Organization of theatre, workshops, performance events and cultural of theatrical spaces.

/ teatro AstraContra’ delle Barche, 5536100 vicenzatel. 0444 323725 /

/ B55 - polo giovaniContra’ delle Barche, 5536100 vicenzatel. 0444 526142 (from monday to Friday 15.00 – 19.00)[email protected]

/ teatro villa dei leoniriviera silvio trentin, 330034 mira (vE)tel. 041 4266545 /

/ teatro di miranovia vittoria, 7530035 mirano (vE)tel. 041 [email protected]

Identity //

“la piccionaia - I Carrara” social Cooperative is a teatro stabile of Innovation, an organization recognized by the ministry of Heritage and Cultural Activities. the structure was established from the historical family of Carrara, who founded the cooperative in 1975.

since then the structure has evolved, articulated in business terms and opening artistically to contemporary, to the relationship with the land and the development of new languages for the young. they are a network of professionals united by the project to build and spread the culture of the theatre with special attention to the new generations, creating performances, workshops, performance events and cultural projects that tell the contemporary reality, its tensions, its complexity.

the mission is to draw a necessary theatre through cultural projects: a place of cultural and civic growth that engage concretely sharing, comparing, practice, reflection and emotion.



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nuovi Orizzonti /

c/o villa rossivia Europa36014 santorso (vI)tel. 0445 [email protected]

Activities //

traditional agriculture production

Horticulture and floriculture.


management of Chiosco rossi, locally built and activated in 1995 in order to respond in a more appropriate way to the visitors of the Oasis, mainly on the weekends, when the Oasi rossi is open to families, groups and associations.

sport and leisure

management of Oasi rossi, a recreational area of meetings, animation, creativity, leisure and contact with nature.

It’s a green area of over 100,000 square meters, equipped with play areas, inflatable games (saturday, sunday and holidays), toy train (saturday, sunday and holidays), picnic areas, lawns, toilets, restaurant. Other proposals of the Oasi: the Garden, the Chiosco rossi, the Community, the Garden of tropical Butterflies.

Identity //

the Cooperative nuovi Orizzonti was founded in 1980 by a group of parents of teens welcomed by AnFFAs (schio), with the aim of offering them a chance of social and job integration.

through its various activities, the cooperative has tried, in recent years, to achieve its social objective. At present, it involves about 40 people with work, of which half are in distress or have a disability. With them is planned a project of job placement that, depending on each case, will be training with a view to permanent employment at the Cooperative itself.

Over the years, moreover, the Cooperative in santorso designed and gradually built an Oasis (Oasi rossi) that combines recreation, outdoor walks in contact with nature, educational and social initiatives which have become provincial and national common heritage and moments of aggregation.

through the creation and management of this area, which combines the park of villa rossi, and the catering business (restaurant, bars and bruschetteria), the cooperative has expanded possibilities for social and job integration of people with disability and discomfort occupied and involved.




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sport and leisure

project “Up & Down”, in collaboration with the Association “In viaggio con te”, aimed at sustainable tourism with particular attention to the problems of autism. the project, approved by the tourism Department of the regione veneto, consists of the start of a dedicated web platform, to enable families, groups or individuals who have charge of a person with autistic or Down syndrome or other psychophysical disabilities to be able to enjoy a travel experience which is pleasant, safe and assisted. the customized travel proposals are handled by the social Cooperative “primavera ‘85” team, in collaboration with a dedicated tour operator.

project “Bericando”, in collaboration with the regione veneto and Confcooperative veneto, Association Fiab vicenza – tuttinbici, Association CicloEtica, towns of the riviera Berica. It aims to promote cycling on the monti Berici and Euganean from vicenza to noventa vicentina through actions that promote the territory from the point of view of culture and food. these actions will be developed through pathways of social inclusion of the disabled guests of “primavera ‘85”, activating a network involving local manufacturers, the pro-loco, the hotel industry, the world of sports associations, cultural and voluntary sectors, the social cooperation.

the main points are:- rail station of vicenza, with set-up and management, within the nearby Bike park, an information point equipped with bicycle rental and a small workshop for technical assistance for those with their own forms of transport.- Ex rail station of longare, with equipped space provided with a column for “bike-repair” and bar barrier-free, for fast food made from local and organic produce, for cyclists and other users. rent a bike for special disabilities (tricycles, tandems, hand-bikes, e-bikes).the presence of the two service points and distribution and collection of rental bikes will help Italian and foreign tourists who arrive in vicenza by train or other public transportation to easily visit the historic centre of vicenza and providing the starting point for palladian itineraries and the discovery of the natural heritage of the area.A van equipped to carry wheelchairs, people and bicycles will be present to cover the whole route and can intervene in minutes in case of emergency.

the structure will also provide, on request, tour guides (expert cyclists who know the area) and / or professional educators, able to accompany and help to overcome any problems due to disability.


primavera ’85 /

via Iv novembre, 2336050 sovizzo (vI)tel. 0444 [email protected]

Activities //


project “Alternative Jewellery”, designed to train people with psycho-physical and psychic disabilities in the production of jewelry, favours the development of manual skills and facilitates insertion in the territorial employment context. With the initial support of some businessmen, all the equipment of the laboratory, including the raw material, was donated by gold companies and has thus initiated a workshop where all the processes are performed manually.

With the employment of a master artist and a designer came a breakthrough, that resulted in the creation of collections that have been a big success and that have caught the attention of many in the industry. the additional step has been to gather around this laboratory the know-how of some of the oldest companies around vicenza, to ensure that the experience gained over decades of work would not be lost due to the severe crisis that has hit the sector and, at the same time, create a meeting point between the old and new generations, opening the laboratory to the participation of multiple subjects and allowing at the same time, to achieve the essential goal of social inclusion.

project “rwanda Jewellery” recovery of the rwandan ancestral technique of intertwining of plant fibers (the ububoshyi bu’uruhindu), revisited in contemporary design. thanks to the impulse of the service clubs involved in the project of solidarity san marco, oriented particularly to the rwandan women, had started the Atelier rwanda, with the intention of starting from human resources, materials, patterns and technical specifications of that territory to innovate and diversify crafts, elevating simple materials to a high symbolic and commercial value, and creating unique and original jewelry.

In 2012 the meeting with “primavera ‘85” social Cooperative, which was already operating in jewellery, led to the birth of a collaboration and thus the creation of a line of jewellry, synthesis of the rwandan tradition and the Italian design.

management of the shop “la Bottega di maruso”, where you can find on display and for sale artifacts made by users, volunteers and operators in different laboratories.



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shop “la Bottega di maruso” (from monday to Friday 16.00-18.45; saturday 9.00-12.00)at Casa roncolato.

“la Bottega di maruso”at Casa roncolatovia Iv novembre, 2336050 sovizzo (vI)tel. 0444 376449

Bassano del Grappa

primavera ’85 /

Identity //

“primavera ’85” was born in Altavilla vicentina in 1985 through the work of volunteers and parents of disabled people, with the support of the municipal Administrations of Altavilla vicentina and sovizzo.

“primavera ‘85” is designed to pursue the general interest of the community to promote human and social integration of citizens through the management of social and health services, education, training and collaboration with the forces of economic-productive land.

IsO 9001:2008 Certification

Cooperativa Agricola Bassanese /

via del mercato, 536061 Bassano del Grappa (vI)tel. 0424 [email protected]

Activities //

traditional agriculture production

At the vegetable market of Bassano del Grappa, sale of local products: monday, Wednesday and Friday from 17.00 to 18.30.participation in promotional events for local of products to agritourism companies.

Identity //

Active since 1971, now has 42 member producers, 10 more givers, 2 employees.It’s the local reference for Campagna Amica (Coldiretti) markets.



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Bassano del Grappa

villa Capra

Working Out /

via Cogo, 11136061 Bassano del Grappa (vI)tel. 0424 [email protected]

Activities //


management of the collective dining hall in Alpenise holiday house. possibility of dining with the products from biological agriculture and local producers, with guaranteed authenticity, typicality and territoriality of the products provided from the ethical purchasing group GasBas, managed from the cooperative itself.

Accomodation management of the Alpenise Casa natura holiday house in s.Giovanni, around Colli Alti, Col Fenilon, monte Grappa massif (vI). Group stays can be half-day. Full day or more days, with the possibility of choosing between different options: complete self-management (the group self-manages the food and the activities), integrated management (the food or the activities organized are at the expense of the house supervisors) and total management (the food and the activities organized are all at the expense of the house supervisors). Capacity of 3 rooms, for 30 beds. playground.

Education of new lifestyles

the project GasBas (Ethical purchase Group Bassano) offers to disadvantaged people a protective work opportunity, addressed in particular to people with social-physical complaints, offering ng a service responding to the needs of the local community. It’s a service of purchasing and delivering of the grocery shopping, at home or on work site, to the GasBas associates. the grocery shopping is delivered by an operator or a volunteer with a person followed by the services.

the initiative creates a new solution to the social distress through the meeting of two needs: one of the citizen, with his need of shopping in a relationship background, freeing time for themselves and important things, as social and family life, and of more purchasing power with the same quality of the product; on the other side, there’s a relationship need purposed by the service, that ease the crossing of all the fears linked to the dissimilarity by the meeting and the creation of relationships among the disadvantaged and non-disadvantaged people.

Identity //

Working Out is a type B social cooperative and was founded in 2000. During the years, the cooperative developed and experimented working paths as rehabilitation and social integration vehicle, appropriately funded in a project perspective focused on the person, in a different way from the traditional therapeutic path.

Building these paths of progressive independence, well supported by partnerships and synergies of participation with the social and territorial stakeholders, it makes the possible the discovery and the regard of everyone involved in open dialogue and reciprocal exchange.

All these social processes, gradually followed and accompanied by motivated staff, wanted to promote a culture of treatment, reception and reciprocity, where all the subjects enjoy equal opportunities and dignity, developing a relationship useful for everyone.



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provincia di Belluno Cadore sCs Cooperativa agricola la Fiorita - società cooperativa agricola latteria di Frontin società agricola cooperativa latteria di sedico società agricola cooperativa latteria di s. Antonio di tortal società agricola cooperativa provincia di padova

Angoli di mondo cooperativa sociale società cooperativa sociale Città sO.lA.rE. Consorzio Corte del Gusto Associazione la mente Comune / reFuture società cooperativa sociale Khorakhanè Cooperativa sociale la rosa Blu a r.l. Gruppo pleiadi società cooperativa sociale I dodici mesi società cooperativa / Osteria di fuori porta viaggi e miraggi - società cooperativa sociale - OnlUs

provincia di rovigo

Attivamente - cooperativa sociale - la cooperativa del parco - società cooperativa turismo e cultura - società cooperativa

provincia di treviso

Centro sportivo la maggiolina società cooperativa sociale Cooperativa agricola produttori Castellana - società cooperativa agricola topinambur società cooperativa agricola sociale Cantina produttori Fregona sCA Cooperativa sociale solidarietà - OnlUs

provincia di venezia

Cantine riviera del Brenta società cooperativa Egolabor società cooperativa sociale / Domus Clugiae Cooperativa Ducale fra Gondolieri di venezia - società cooperativa a r.l. Qualità cooperativa sociale a r.l. / le vie limosa soc. coop. portabagagli del porto di venezia - società cooperativa mariclea Club società cooperativa move in venice società cooperativa società cooperativa san marco - pescatori di Burano società cooperativa venezia 1907 rio terà dei pensieri società cooperativa sociale Uniamo - Goldin impresa sociale

provincia di verona

Azalea cooperativa sociale a r.l. Cooperativa sociale Centro di lavoro san Giovanni Calabria Beta società cooperativa sociale Cantina sociale valpolicella Classico di san pietro in Cariano - società cooperativa agricola monteverde cooperativa sociale di solidarietà - OnlUs Cooperativa sociale panta rei planet viaggi responsabili

provincia di vicenza

Archeidos società cooperativa rsn - ricerche e studi naturalistici Biosphaera società cooperativa sociale I Berici società cooperativa sociale la piccionaia sCs Cooperativa sociale nuovi Orizzonti primavera ‘85 cooperativa sociale Cooperativa agricola Bassanese società cooperativa agricola Working out società cooperativa sociale

Company name /

10099 100

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Credits /

the pilot-project “responsible tourism in veneto” is an initiative of the “regione del veneto” regional government and the Chambers of Commerce of the veneto region, in accordance with regional law (3rd. February 1998, art. 8) regarding the policy on information for small and medium size businesses.

Editorial co-ordination byIndustry and Handy-craft sectionpalazzo Grandi stazioni Fondamenta santa luciaCannaregio 2330121 venezia - Itel. +39 041 279.5810 .5815fax +39 041 [email protected]

ImAGEsluciano sivieropadova terme Euganee Convention & visitors Bureau photographic archive/ Gabrio tomelleriprovincia di padova provincial government Giovanni matteo Cudinvitamine+


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Industry and Craft Section

Tourism Section









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