Response Level 1 6.0

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  • 8/14/2019 Response Level 1 6.0


    _____________________________________Response Level 1 Training Workbook

  • 8/14/2019 Response Level 1 6.0


    _____________________________________Response Level 1 Training Workbook

    Response Level 1 Training Guide

    Contact Information

    In addition to this training guide and the Workspace software help menu, followingare other resources available to support your implementation of Workspace.

    Sales Support: 866.496.4949Technical Support: 800.856.0732Customer Support Home Page: Downloads: Training Information: Training Videos: Community: www.eicommunity.comUsers Guide:

    Software Versions

    This workbook is for the following software:

    Response 6.0

    Workspace 8.5

    ExamView 7.0

    2009 eInstruction Corporation


  • 8/14/2019 Response Level 1 6.0


    _____________________________________Response Level 1 Training Workbook

    Module 1: Setting Up Response


    This session is designed for the beginner who has never used Response.Participants will set up the Response receiver and use Cricket RF and PRS RF pads.They will also create a Response database with class and student information to usewhen launching Response lessons.


    After completing this module, participants will be able to:

    Navigate the buttons on the Cricket RF and PRS RF

    Navigate the Response window

    Create, name, and save a new Response database

    Detect the Response receiver

    Configure PRS RF clickers

    Create a class by following steps in the class wizard Auto-populate student and clicker IDs in the class roster

    Enter and edit student demographic information in the class roster manually

    Import a .csv file with a class list

    Customize and set preferences in the software


    Cricket RFThe Cricket can answer true/false and multiple-choice questions (up to 6 answerchoices depending on the delivery mode). Because the Cricket does not have anLCD display, there are various status lights to show connection and answertransmission.


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    Fill in the blanks:

    1. Battery Status: The greenBattery LED will blink slowly whenthe battery is low and should bereplaced by 2 _________ batteries.

    2. Connection Status: The greenConnect LED will blink fastindicating you need to enter a JoinCode. Once connected, this LED willblink __________________.

    3. Connected / Answer Received:LED will be green for _____________seconds if connected or the answerresponse was received.

    4. Not Connected / Answer NOTReceived: LED will be _________ for 2seconds if your Cricket did notconnect or the answer response was noreceived.

    In both cases try again to connect orsend your answer.

    5. Answer Choices: True/false and multiple choice up to ________ answer







    PRS RF ClickersThe PRS RF clickers can answer true/false, multiple-choice, multiple correct, series,numeric, and short answer questions.

    Fill in the blanks:

    1. Turn the pad on or off using the ___________________________.


    Cricket response pad

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    After a short period of inactivity, the response pad goes to sleep. Activatethe pad by pressing any button.

    2. Use the ______________ buttons to navigate the questions when testing in Self-Paced mode.

    3. The color of the send/enter button is __________________________.

    4. Use _______________________ to clear a character in the input field.

    5. The _______________________ button is used to display the setup menu or stopauto-scan.

    6. Use the ___________________ button to access special characters such as the /(fraction) and (space).

    The letters A E can be used in conjunction with the scroll buttons to submitshort answers when in Alpha Mode.


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    CPS Pulse ClickerThe CPS Pulse clickers can answer true/false, yes/no, numeric, and multiple-choicequestions (up to 10 answer choices depending on the delivery mode), and shortanswer (up to 20 characters).

    Fill in the blanks:

    1. Turn the clicker on or off by pressing the __________button.

    As the Pulse powers up, eInstruction and yourclickers Serial number appear on the Pulse Screen.The Greeting displays and Pulse begins searching for aClass to join.

    2. The __________ and __________ arrow buttons are


    Students use this function during Student Paceddelivery mode and Student Practice delivery mode.This function allows students to move backwards orforwards to questions, check their answers, or answerany skipped questions.

    3. The __________ button is a question search function.

    Students can use this during the Student Paceddelivery mode and Student Practice delivery mode. Just press the

    jump/search button, input a question number, press send, and it will go tothat question on the LCD screen. Or, press and holdto search for next unanswered question.

    4. Use the __________ and __________ buttons to answer True/False or Yes/Noquestions.

    The A button is used for true or yes. The B button is used for false or no.

    5. Make a numeric response positive or negative by pressing the __________button.

    You can press this key at any point while entering a numeric response. Ittoggles the negative symbol on and off.

    6. Create equations by entering symbols into your response with the __________button.You can include the following symbols: (decimal), / (division operator),(space), * (multiplication operator), + (plus operator), - (minus operator), (),=, x, y, , , , , |, , (comma), @, and .


    PRS clicker

    CPS Pulse

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    _____________________________________Response Level 1 Training Workbook

    Response Window Tour

    1. Select Database - A Response database is a file with a file extensionof .prs. This file is where you save your class information, lessons andquestions, standards, and student performance data for sessions alreadyadministered. The system is set up with a default database, so you can startusing it right away. You also have the option of creating your own database ifyou share your computer with other instructors.

    2. Setup My Hardware This opens the eInstruction Device Manager,where you can setup and troubleshoot the receiver, enable the instructorclicker, or configure clickers.

    3. Create A New Class - Though Response comes with a premade class,you may use the New Class Wizard to create additional classes. It walks youthrough every step required to set up your class, from naming it to creatingor importing the class roster.

    4. Collect Responses -There are a variety of ways of collecting yourstudents' responses in your database such asking questions on the fly, usingPowerPoint, Self-Pacedtesting, or Homeworkcollection.

    5. Manage My Data This is where you will manage your classes, classrosters, session data, class attendance, and class gradebooks. In addition,you can do the following:

    Create and manage your lessons and the questions in each lesson Import standards for your state


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    Set up answer keys Analyze and compile your data into a variety of useful reports

    6. Simple View: This button will allow you to collapse theResponse window to only show the Collect Responses and Manage My Data

    buttons. This feature is useful once you have initially set-up your system.












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    _____________________________________Response Level 1 Training Workbook

    Response Receiver

    Along with the PRS RF or Cricket clickers, you will needthe USB Response Receiver. The Response Receiver usesradio frequency (RF) technology. All responses inputtedinto the clickers are transmitted to the receiver andrecorded in the Response database.

    Response Receiver Set UpEach Response radio frequency receiver supports up to 2047 clickers. Up to 4receivers can be set up on a computer. The receivers can accept signals from thePRS RF and the Cricket up to 150 feet away. When the Response Receiver isconnected to the computer, it is automatically detected.

    1. Make sure the Response software isinstalled first. Plug in the ResponseReceiver to an available USB port on

    your computer.

    2. Your operating system may run a wizardthe first time the receiver is connected.Follow the steps in this wizard tocomplete the installation.

    3. Open Response from your desktopicon.

    4. Response will automatically detect your receiver and display it on theResponse main screen.

    Manually Detect Receiver

    1. Open Response from the desktopicon. The Response main screenappears.

    2. Select Setup My Hardware. TheeInstruction Device Manager opens.

    3. The Response receiver icon should

    appear with a green check mark. Thecheck mark shows the receiver isconnected.

    4. If the Receiver icon doesnt appear, click the Options menu and DiscoverDevices. If the Response receiver appears with a red X, right-click theResponse receiver icon and click Connect. The Response receiver will thenbe connected.


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    _____________________________________Response Level 1 Training Workbook

    Configuring Clickers

    Depending on your requirements, the PRS RF clicker may need to be configured.Only PRS RF clickers can be configured. By default, PRS RF clickers are configuredas Normal.


    Factory default Generally used in a university setting when the student owns the clicker or

    when the clicker is the property of the student for the school term The student enters his or her student ID one time only. The student ID is

    stored in the PRS RF clicker's memory and is transmitted with each answer toensure the student receives credit for the response.


    Requires initial configuration Typically used when the school owns the clickers and multiple classes sharethe clickers

    Because the students share the clickers, the student IDs are not rememberedby the clicker and therefore it prompts for the student ID each time it ispowered on.

    Also may also be used in case a student forgets to bring their clicker to class.


    Requires initial configuration The Instructor clicker is used by the teacher to send commands to the

    session and to remotely control it from anywhere in the room

    Check for UnderstandingBased on the information above, which configuration best meets your classroomneeds and why?










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    _____________________________________Response Level 1 Training Workbook

    Normal ConfigurationAs mentioned above, the PRS RF clickers are configured as normal by default. Youwill configure clickers as Normal in case you need to delete student IDs frompreviously used clickers or change back to default from another configuration suchas Loaner.

    1. Select Setup My Hardware from the mainscreen.

    2. Right-click the Response Receiver icon,and select Properties.

    3. Click on the Configure Clickers tab.

    4. Choose Normal from the Clicker Type dropdown menu.

    5. Click on the Setup button to display theFeedback instructions.

    6. Turn on your PRS RF clicker.

    7. Input the number or letter (the channel) that appears at the end of the line.

    In this case, it is the letter . The channel may vary on each setup.

    8. Once you see Normal on the 2nd line, press the key to join.

    9. If you see Join ID followed by a number that means that you havesuccessfully configured your clicker.


    Scanning classes

    Please wait1

    Scanning foundA


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    _____________________________________Response Level 1 Training Workbook

    Loaner ConfigurationIf you are configuring your clickers as Loaner, you are facing one of the followingtwo scenarios:

    You own a set of clickers that will be used by multiple sets of students, andyou want the students to be able to use whatever clicker they pick up at the

    beginning of class. All students in your class(es) have purchased a clicker, and you want a few

    spares in case they forget to bring their clickers.

    1. Select Setup My Hardware from the mainscreen.

    2. Right-click the Response Receiver icon,then select Properties.

    3. Click the Configure Clickers tab.

    4. Choose Loaner from the Clicker Typedrop down menu.

    5. Click on the Setup button to display theFeedback instructions.

    6. Turn on PRS RF clicker.

    7. Input the number or letter (the channel) that appears at the end of the line.In this case, it is the letter . The channel may vary on each Setup.

    8. Once you see Loaner on the 2nd line, press the key to join.


    Scanning classes

    Please wait1

    Scanning foundA


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    9. If you see Join ID followed by a number, that means that you havesuccessfully configured your clicker.

    Instructor ConfigurationA PRS RF clicker configured as an Instructor clicker isused to remotely control a Response session. Forexample, an Instructor clicker allows you to start andstop a question from anywhere in the classroom.

    1. Select Setup My Hardware from the mainscreen.

    2. Right-click the Response Receiver icon, then select Properties.

    3. Click the Configure Clickers tab.

    4. Choose the Clicker Type Instructor from the drop down menu.

    5. Click on the Setup button to display the Feedback instructions.

    6. Turn on your PRS RF clicker.

    7. Input the number or letter (the channel) that appears at the end of the line.In this case, it is the number . The channel may vary on each setup.

    8. Once you see Instructor on the 2nd line, press the key to join.

    9. If you see Join ID followed by a number, that means that you havesuccessfully configured your clicker.

    10. When the Instructor clicker has been configured, highlight the Instructor

    Clicker Setup button in the Navigation Pane.

    11. Click on the Enable Instructor Clicker checkbox.

    12. Enter the Radio (Clicker) ID of the Instructor orMaestro clicker (Cricket) in the text box.

    Test System


    Scanning found7Instructor

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    _____________________________________Response Level 1 Training Workbook

    The Test System option tests both your receiver and clickers. It determines whethera signal from a clicker has been received.

    1. Select Setup My Hardware from the main screen.

    2. Right-click the Response Receiver icon,

    then select Properties.3.4. Click the Test System tab.

    5. Click on the Start Receiver button.Response starts the RF receiver and displaysan instruction banner above the list window.

    6. Enter the Radio (Clicker) ID of theInstructor or Maestro clicker (Cricket) in thetext box.

    Note: If the banner does not display, eitherthe RF receiver is not connected or detected. Verify that the receiver isproperly installed.

    Test the clickers

    1. Power on the clickers (Cricket and/or PRS RF) you want to test.

    2. A code pair will appear, such as . PRS RF users use the first number(8) to join TestSystem. Cricket users use the second number (43) tojoin.

    Note: PRS RF clickers use single digit codes to join the channel while Cricketsuse double digit codes.

    3. All clickers: press any button to simulate a response. PRS RF users mustpress to submit responses.

    4. When a signal is received from a clicker, the clicker and its identifyinginformation will be listed in the window.

    Creating a Class

    The New Class Wizard takes you through each step in the process of setting up yourclass and class roster. Additional directions can be found on each page of thewizard.


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    _____________________________________Response Level 1 Training Workbook

    1. Select Create A New Class from themain screen and the New Class Wizardwill open.

    Note: Additional directions are providedon each page of the New Class Wizard

    2. Click on Next to pass the first page andbegin defining your class.

    3. Enter Class Information:

    Class Name:This is the onlyrequired information for a class.Identify the class bygiving it a unique name.Note: Throughout the New ClassWizard, this symbol indicates arequired field. You cannot move to thenext page until all required fields arefilled in.

    Semester: Semester during which youteach your class.

    Meeting Time: The time during whichyour class meets.

    Room: Room number of your class. Building: Building where you teach your class. Instructor: Name of the instructor that teaches this class.

    1. Click on theNext

    button to continue.

    2. Enter Subjects/Sections:This is an optional class setting. It is used when aninstructor has multiple subjects or sections of thesame students.

    1) Click on the checkbox to activate this UseSubject/Sections option.

    2) Give each Subject or Section a unique name.3) Click on the Add button to add the new

    Subject or Section for the class to the list.

    4) If you want to delete a Subject or Section,select it in the list and click on the Deletebutton.

    1. Click on the Next button to continue.

    2. Select Clicker Type(s):Identify the clicker(s) that will be used by the students in this class. You canhave a mixed environment where PRS RF and Cricket are used together. All



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    responses are received by the same receiver and recorded in the samesoftware.

    3. Click on the Next button to continue.

    4. Enter Broadcast Name. The Broadcast Name is the name of the class that

    will appear on the PRS RFs LCD display during theinitial auto-scan. It is the name by which the students will identify this class inorder to join it.

    Note: This can be no more than 10 characters andmay not include punctuations or symbols.

    5. Enter System Type. System Type is based onthe configuration of the clickers being used in theclass: Normal, Closed, or Loaner.

    Note: If you are concerned that students are not entering a correct student IDinto their RF clickers, you can select theIgnore StudentID From PRS RFClickeroption to suppress that identification from being sent with eachtransmission. However, a student record with the correct student ID and clickerID must already be in place before students join the class if you are going touse this option.

    6. Click on the Next button to continue.

    7. The last step of the new class wizard is to addstudents. This will be covered in the next section,so for now click skip.

    8. Click on the Next button to continue.

    9. Click the Finish button and you will be taken backto the main screen.

    Create a Roster

    There are three methods of adding students to the roster.

    Auto-populate roster The first time a student joins a class with their

    clicker, their student IDs (PRS RF only) and clicker IDs (all clicker types) areadded to the roster automatically. Student names and other student profileinformation can be added at a later time.

    Manually enter students into the roster Enter students into the rostermanually, one at a time.

    Import Roster Import the roster from a variety of formats as long as theimport file is in csv format.


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    _____________________________________Response Level 1 Training Workbook

    Tip: For the PRS RF clickers, use the auto-populate function to add the clicker andstudent IDs and then add the student names manually or by importing a roster incsv format. For the Cricket, the auto-populate function can only be used topopulate the clicker IDs, but not the student IDs.

    Check for UnderstandingBased on the information above, which configuration best meets your classroomneeds and why?













    Auto-Populate RosterIn order to auto-populate the roster with student IDs (PRS RF only) and clicker IDs(both clickers), join and quit a session. No responses are necessary.

    1. Select Collect Responses from the main screen.

    2. The Collect Responses-New Session dialog box will appear with thefollowing fields:

    Name: The defaultname is the class namefollowed by the date and


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    time at which the session is initiating. This of course can be customizedas seen here.

    Class: You should have already created a class so you now have twoclasses in the drop down menu. Select your New Customized class to thatwe may build the roster.

    Subject/Section: Select the Subject or Section, if appropriate.

    Lesson Type: Select Participation as the Type of Session you are goingto run.

    Select Impromptu as the Lesson Type.

    3. Click on the OKbutton to accept the settings.

    4. Click OKto dismiss the Impromptu Options and display the SessionToolbar.

    5. Have students turn on all clickersand join the class by entering the

    join code character(s) within thebrackets < >.

    6. On the PRS rf clicker, press after the class name is displayed to join theclass. On the Cricket clickers, enter the join code and press the enter button.

    7. Click on to End Session.

    8. Choose End the Class to return to the main screen.

    9. Select Manage My Data from themain screen.

    10. When the Manage My Data windowappears, select the class from theclasses pane.

    11. Select the Roster tab from theroster pane.


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    12. All new students added to a roster will first go to the Pending List untilapproved by the instructor at which time, the student(s) will be moved to theOfficial Roster.

    Note:TheAlert column is provided to show any issues like duplicate studentIDs or blank student IDs, etc. You should resolve these issues before thenext session to ensure data integrity.

    13. Use one of the following two icons either to move students individually to theOfficial Roster or to move the entire roster.


    Roster Pane


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    - Move the selected student records from the Pending List to theOfficial Roster.

    - Moves all the student records from the Pending List to the OfficialRoster. It will not move a record into the Official Roster if it is aduplicate of a record already in the Roster.

    14. Use one of the following two icons either to move students individually to theOfficial Roster or to move the entire roster.

    Manually enter students into the roster

    1. From the main screen, navigate tothe Manage My Data > Classes> Response tab.

    2. Double click a student from theOfficial Roster or click NewStudent.

    3. Enter the required information,such as Student ID and ClickerID.

    Note: For PRS RF clickers, the clicker and student ID fields will already bepopulated because the auto-populate method should be used.To find the Clicker/Radio ID on the Cricket RF,look on the white label on the back.

    4. Enter Students First Name and LastName along with any other information youwould like to record.

    5. Click on Save to record the studentinformation into the roster.

    6. To edit another student, highlight theirname in the bottom window and change theinformation, followed by the Save button.

    7. To add a new student, click New.

    8. When finished, click close.

    Import a roster using a csv fileThe roster for your class can come from a variety of sources. As long as it is from anexisting Response class or is in a .csvfile format, a roster from just about anysource can be accommodated and imported into Response.


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    There are three classifications of imported rosters. These categories are based onthe amount of manipulation the file requires before it can be imported

    A roster from an existing class - nomanipulation required.

    A roster from Blackboard, PRS WebRegistration, PRS v4.xx, or aResponse v5 roster from anotherinstallation - no manipulationrequired.

    A roster in a CSV file format, but not from any of the sources listed above -requires some manipulation.

    1. Click on in the Manage My Data window.

    2. Select Import custom non-Response Roster (csv).

    Note: The only required field in the imported roster is the Student ID, but itis also a good idea to include the First and Last Name. The .csv file mustinclude a heading (ex: First Name, Last Name, Student ID) for each columnotherwise it will not be recognized. See example roster below.




    Ben Affleck 1

    Jennifer Aniston 2

    Drew Barrymore 3

    Halle Berry 4

    Cate Blanchett 5

    Jackie Chan 6

    Bill Cosby 7

    Courtney Cox 8

    Penelope Cruz 9

    Matt Damon 10

    3. Click on the Browse button to select

    the .csvfile.

    4. Navigate to the location of the rosterfile you want to import, select it andclick on the Open button.

    5. Indicate how the imported roster isparsed. Most are comma-separated.


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    6. Click on the Next button to continue.

    7. Select merge to retain the information in theexisting roster such as the Clicker ID and StudentID. It is recommended that you Merge with

    current Roster by Student ID since it is usuallya required field in most registration applications.

    8. Click on the Next button to match the rosterfields.

    9. Remove the Custom Fields that are of nouse to you. To remove unnecessary fields,highlight and click .

    Note: The fields are deleted only from thelist and not from your original file.

    10. Use the arrows to the right of the RosterField column to line up the Roster Fieldswith the Custom Fields. The Roster Fieldswith asterisks musthave a match with aCustom Field.

    11. Click on the Finish button to exit the Import Roster Wizard.

    Global Preferences

    1. Navigate to Manage My Data > Edit.

    2. Select Global Preferences from the drop down list.

    3. System Preferences

    Font: You can change thesize of the Session ToolbarFont Size by clicking on theincrease and decreasebuttons. This will affect thesize of the numeric characters

    of the Timer, the ResponseCounter, and the JoinedCounter and the alphanumericcharacters in the class Nameand the Join Code. It will notaffect the display of theinformation on the Session Status Bar.


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    Language: Response supports 48 different languages, including English. Ifyour System Language setting is one of the supported languages, Responsewill display in that language by default. If you want to view the list ofsupported languages or choose a specific language from the list, clear theUse System Language checkbox to activate the language list. Scroll the listand click on your language preference to select it.

    Customer ID: The Customer ID is a value used in an IR installation, whereeach of the IR clickers in a Class Pack are programmed with a unique ID thatis recognized by only one PRS Response system - the system whoseCustomer ID matches the one that was used to program the IR clickers.

    Note: If you changed any of these System settings and you want to changeone of them back to the original setting, click on the associated Set ToDefault button.

    1. Backup PreferencesResponse creates a copy, referred to as a Backup, of your database wheneverthe database is opened. This setting screen allows you to establish:

    where you want the backup to be located how many copies of the database are to be saved before Response

    overwrites them

    Backup Directory: By default, theBackup directory is designated as theInterwrite Response/backupfolder. We strongly recommend thatyou change the Backup directory to alocation on your network, or to athumb drive.

    Number of Backups: The defaultnumber of backups, the rollover cycle,is 5. This means that five separatecopies will be made of your database before it is overwritten. In the backupdirectory you designate, if you have a database named Default.prs, the firstbackup will be named Default_1.prs, the second Default_2.prs, the thirdDefault_3.prs, and so on. The number of backup copies you designate for yourrollover cycle may depend on the amount of space you have available for theirstorage.

    When to Backup: By Default when you start Respomse it automaticallycreates a copy of this database. You can specify to create a back up file whenthe software opens or closes. If you select another database, Response opens itand automatically creates a backup copy of the newly opened database.

    What do I do if I lose my database? If you lose your database, or it becomescorrupted, copy the latest backup into your Interwrite Response/databasefolder. Start up Response and click on the Open button. Navigate to where you


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    copied the backup database, select it, and click on the Open button. Responsewill switch to the newly restored database.

    1. Gradebook PreferencesUse this section to indicate your preferencesfor the configuration of the gradebooks for

    your classes. Specify whether you want letteror number grades and how many gradelevels you prefer. For each grade level youcan define a plus and a minus value and, ifyou really want to get creative, a color tomake it easy to see at a glance how the classis doing.

    2. Response Area PreferencesThe Response Area can be set up todisplay when you are collectingresponses during a session. It provides a

    visual way to track and identify thestudents who are participating in thesession and to verify their responseshave been received. The Response Areacan display as an Attendee List, or as aResponse Grid. You can set up both andtoggle between the two. Displaying theResponse Area is optional. It is typicallyused in an environment where IR clickersand/or Crickets are being used.

    3. Chart PreferencesResponse Colors: Different colors are used tovisually identify the breakdown of answers asCorrect, Incorrect, or Invalid. Each colorcategory shows the actual color assignmentand its RGB formula. Click on the Set toDefault button to reassign the original colorselections.Chart Fonts: These preference settings referto the text at the top of the chart and to thenumbers that identify the X and Y axiscoordinates.Chart Colors:This option will allow youto change the background color of theresponse chart.


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    4. Directories PreferencesThese settings indicate your preference regarding data sharing and thepreferred location for your exported rosters and sessions.Data Sharing: If you want to share your data and make it available to otherswho use the computer, click on the checkbox. The Interwrite Responsedirectories will be re-created in the Program Files directory, which is an open

    access directory that is available to all who have access on the computer.Export: Indicate the location you want your Roster, Session and Lesson exportsto default to.

    Module 2:Instant Classroom Interactivity


    This session is designed for the beginner who has only used Response to set up adatabase and classes. Participants will learn how to use the Participation Impromptumode of delivering questions on the fly to bring interactivity to their existinglessons.


    After completing this module, participants will be able to:

    Launch an Impromptu session in the Participation mode

    Change delivery options for different instructional uses

    Familiarize themselves with the Session Toolbar

    Set Session Toolbar Preferences

    Create an answer key

    Launch an Impromptu session in the Self-Paced and Homework mode

    Generate reports to analyze student performance data


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    Participation: Impromptu

    Use this feature to ask questions during a lesson in coordination with existingquestions fromtextbooks, multimedia presentations, or any other non-Response source. Screencaptures of the desktop are automatically taken and saved as part of the sessiondata.

    Starting a Participation SessionYou will collect responses during a session. Asession is a meeting of the students in a classfor the purpose of collecting their answers toquestions.

    1. Select Collect Responses from mainscreen.

    2. The Collect Responses-New Sessiondialog box will appear with the followingfields:

    Name: The default name is the class name followed by the date and timeat which the Session is initiating. This of course can be customized asseen here.

    Class: Select your new classthat you created earlier. This

    class should already have yourlist of students, roster.

    Subject/Section: Select theSubject or Section, if appropriate.

    Lesson Type: SelectParticipation as the Type ofSession you are going to run.

    Select Impromptu as theLesson Type.

    4. Click on the OKbutton to accept the settings.

    5. Now you will see the Impromptu Options. You can choose to prompt theseoptions for every question by checking offPrompt Every Question.

    Question Name: This field is automatically filledwith text such as Impromptu 1,2, etc. You maychange it if you choose to remember the contextof the question for reporting purposes.


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    Question Type: Choose a Question Type from the drop-down list. Answer Series: Arrange the answers in the correct order. All of the

    answer choices are included in the correct answer, which is a stringwith the answer choices in the correct order, e.g., DBCA or4361725.

    Multiple Choice, Single Correct: Choose one correct answer from

    the answer choices. Multiple Choice, Multiple Correct: Choose all of the answers that

    are correct from the list of choices. (PRS RF only) Numeric: Enter the numeric answer using the numeric Input Keys.

    The answer can be up to 11 numeric characters plus the minus signor the decimal point. (PRS RF only)

    Short Answer: Type the correct answer using the input keys. Theanswer can be no more than 11 characters long. (PRS RF only)

    Survey: A Survey Question is asking for an opinion. There is nocorrect answer. Question must be posed in multiple choice format

    True/False: True/False Questions have two answer choices, True or

    False. Cricket and PRS RF clickers have a T button and an F button. Points: Indicate the number of points students will be awarded for acorrect answer.

    Choices: Select the number of answer choices you want to define for thisquestion.

    Choice Type: Lettered or numbered answer options are available forMultiple Choice,Answer Series and SurveyQuestion Types.

    Chances: Indicate how many times students can change their answers tothe question within the allotted time. Answers transmitted after all thechances have been taken will be ignored.

    Timer: Indicate the amount of time students will have to respond to thisquestion.

    Correct Answer: The correct answer can be inputted into this field. It isgenerally left blank during an Impromptu question. If you choose not toset the correct answer when creating the question, you may do so later inthe Manage My Data section of the Response software.

    6. Select OKto accept the Impromptu options. The Session Toolbar appears.

    See Tour of Session Toolbar on the next page.








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    Use the chart on the next page to fill in the blanks.


    Session Toolbar ActivityUse the table on the next page to label the toolbar icons.

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    Session Toolbar-Icon Descriptions


    Tool Name Tool Description


    A handy tool when you need to see the full screen; clickon it to collapse the toolbar. Click again to expand it.


    A handy tool when you need to see the full screen; clickon it to collapse the toolbar. Click again to expand it.

    Start Timer Students cannot send their answers to the question untilyou click on this tool to start the timer.

    Pause Timer Click on this tool to pause the timer. Answers sent whilethe timer is paused will not be accepted.

    Stop Timer When everyone has responded to the question (theResponses counter will show the same number as theJoined List), you can click on this tool to stop the timer.


    Each time you click on this tool the amount of time onthe timer will decrease. You can change the incrementfrom Preferences.

    Timer The timer displays the total time allotted for thequestion. It will begin counting down as soon as you clickon the Start Timer tool. When the timer reaches thelast 10 seconds, a slider with a purple ball displays. Theball begins to drop as the timer counts down the final 10seconds. When time has expired, Response will notaccept any more transmissions from thestudents' clickers.


    Each time you click on this tool the amount of time onthe timer will increase. You can change the incrementfrom Preferences.

    Number ofStudentResponses

    The label on this button is a counter and shows thenumber of answers received. You can compare it to theJoined List counter on the RF Status Toolbar to determinewhen everyone has answered the question. In addition,you can click on this button to view the Session Datawindow, which is also accessed from the Manage Datasection of Response.

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    Switch toLessonMode

    When you click on this tool, the SelectLesson dialogwill display. Click on the lesson you want to run in thissession.

    Switch to


    When you switch to ExamView Mode, a dialog box is

    displayed that allows you to load your ExamViewquestions.

    Switch toImpromptuMode

    Click on this tool to switch to Impromptu Mode and addan impromptu question to the session. The ImpromptuOptions dialog will display where you can set theQuestion Properties for your Impromptu Question.


    The Show Response Chart tool is available only when theAutomatically Show ChartPreferences option (SessionPreferences Menu) is not selected. Click on this toolwhen you are ready to show the polling results for the

    question just asked.


    Click on this tool to display the Session Preferencesoptions menu.


    Click on this tool to display this context-sensitive Help.

    End Session Click on this tool to end the session and display theWhat do you want to do? dialog.

    Check for UnderstandingWhich of the above buttons are of most importance in Impromptu mode?









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    Session Toolbar Preferences The Preferences menu is divided up into eight sections that deal with eightdifferent aspects of the Session presentation environment.


    Automatically Start Question: Automatically starts the question, so that youdo not need to press the Start button to begin the response cycle.

    Automatically Advance Question: As soon as the Response Chart is closed,Response displays the next question in the lesson.

    Automatically Show Chart: When this Preferences option is selected, theResponse Chart will pop up either when the timer expires, or when you click onthe Stop Timer tool.


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    Icon Size Small Icons / Large Icons: By default the Session Toolbar tools are

    represented by small icons. Click on the Large Icons radio button to make theicons larger.

    Instructor Window

    Show Instructor Window: Shows the answers in real time, as they are beingreceived in Response, using the Session Data dialog.

    Question Anonymous: Select this Preferences option when you want to collect and

    record data without the students' identification. Show If Correct on Clickers: When selected, the message Correct or

    Incorrectwill appear on each student's PRS RF clicker LCD display after theanswer has been processed.

    Response Area Enable Response Area: Displays the Response Area. The Response Area is

    configured in Global Preferences. Click on the radio button that represents thetype of Response Area you want to display, the Response Gridor theAttendeeList. An additional option attaches the selected Response Area display to theSession Toolbar. If you prefer to move the Response Area to another location onthe screen, uncheck the option. The Response Area will display in its own dialog.

    Competition:This option will add two additional bars to the session toolbar,Fastest Time and Leaderboard. Fastest time will display the students withfastest time and what their time was. The Leaderboard will rank the top 5students as they complete the questions.

    Timer Show Animation: By default, animation is enabled. When the timer counts

    down to 10 seconds, the slider and ball display and the ball begins to drop. Sound: An air horn alerts students that the timer is about to expire. It sounds

    when the timer counts down to 10 seconds and the animated ball begins to drop.You can also ass your own sound file (.wav or .mp3), by clicking on the radiobutton, then drop down arrow.

    Enable Timer: When the timer is showing, you can change the increment valueof the timer increase and decrease controls by clicking on the spinner arrows toincrease or decrease the increment value.

    Status Show Question Status: The Question Status Bar is the portion of the Session

    Toolbar that displays the settings from the New Sessiondialog, the questionsettings, and the timer status.

    Show RF Status: The RF Status Bar is the yellow status bar that displaysacross the bottom of the Session Toolbar when an RF class is running.

    Transparency When the focus is not on the Session Toolbar it becomes transparent to the level

    of transparency established with this setting. The higher the setting, the more


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    transparent the Session Toolbar becomes. If you do not want the toolbar tobecome transparent, clear the checkbox.

    Joining the ClassWhen you see the Session Toolbar with the Yellow RF Status bar with the Join Code,students can turn on their clickers and join.

    1. Turn on the clickers.

    2. Enter theJoin Code within the brackets < > and press the send key. PRSRF users should wait until the class name is displayed on the clicker screenbefore pressing the send key.

    Respond to a Question

    1. Pose a question for students toanswer. This question could comefrom any of your existing lessonmaterials or even could be createdon the fly.

    2. Enter the response using theclicker.

    3. Press send to send the response to the receiver.

    4. After all responses have been collected, press or let the timer reach 0to stop the question. If set in the options, the response chart willautomatically appear (set by default).

    5. Because the question was entered on the fly, the correct answer is not

    set. Click to bring up the Question Properties window and markthe correct answer.


    Scanning found1 ECON

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    6. The correct answer in the Response Chart window changes from red togreen.

    Response Chart-Icon Descriptions


    Tool Name Tool Description


    Use to make changes to the question's properties afteryou have reviewed response distribution. You can alsoaccess the partial credit option from here.

    Show Session Data

    Display the Session Data window where you will see anumber of different views of the response data.



    Display responses in a vertical chart.


    Display responses in a horizontal chart.

    Pie Chart Display responses in a pie chart.


    Display responses in a histogram format. This chart isonly available for numeric question types.

    Bin Values

    Display the frequency of each individual correctresponse choice in a bin in the response chart. Thisoption is available only for multiple correct/multiplechoice question types.

    Top 5Values

    Display the top five most frequent responses to thequestion. This option is available for multiple


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    correct/multiple choice, numeric and answer seriesquestions.

    All Values

    Display all the Response Choices or Response Choicesets that were transmitted. This option is available for

    Multiple Correct/Multiple Choice, Numeric and AnswerSeries Questions.


    Display a cross section of the data in this question andthe data in a previously polled question.


    Display a side-by-side comparison between the currentquestion and another question you select from thepopup dialog.

    Return toOriginalQuestion

    Use this tool to return to a display of the currentquestion after you have compared it with anotherquestion, or set up a data slice.

    Ending a SessionOnce you are finished polling your students, you can end your current session andview the data.

    1. Click on the End Session button on the session toolbar.

    2. You will then be prompted to eitherchange the session type/subject, or toend the class. If you select End the

    Class, all clickers will be disconnectedfrom the class, and you then return tothe main Response screen.

    3. To view data from your session, click on the Manage My Data button .

    4. Click on the Classes button, and then select the class you wish to reviewsession data.

    5. Click on the Sessions

    tab, and then doubleclick on the sessionthat you would like toreview.

    6. For more information on reviewing, editing, and reports for a session, seeModule 6: Managing Data and Reports.


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    PracticeDevelop a question with answer choices using any of the templates below. Thentake turns using the question by engaging the Impromptu delivery mode. Here are afew different ideas depending upon what equipment you have available:

    Use the trainers system to engage with all participants taking turns beingthe teacher and student.

    Use the systems you purchased and divide them around the room for smallgroups to practice.

    MC 4 Question:




    Answer A: ______________________________________________________________

    Answer B: ______________________________________________________________

    Answer C: ______________________________________________________________

    Answer D: ______________________________________________________________

    T/F or Y/N Question:




    Answer A: TRUE or YES

    Answer B: FALSE or NO

    Numeric Question:



    Numeric Answer: _______________________________________________________



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    See the reports section of this guide for step-by-step directions on how to generate,print, and export reports. Look at this report following the Participation: Impromptusection of delivery.

    Session Summary by Student The Session Summary by Student lists the report type, session name, class, class

    average, clicker ID numbers, student names, student IDs, number of correct toattempted answers, and percentage of correct to attempted answers for allstudents selected in the report.














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    Self-Paced: Impromptu

    The Self-Paced Impromptu can be used as a supplement to worksheets and otherinstructional materials you have in hardcopy. You can create an answer key inResponse, distribute hard copies to the students, and have them respond for aquick grade using Self-Paced mode.

    Creating an Answer KeyWhen you create an answer key, please have a hard copy of the course materialwith you, preferably one that has the correct answers indicated. You should makethis answer key before you present it to your students.

    1. Begin by going into the Manage My Data section of the Response Software.

    2. Click on the Answer Key button in the left window pane.

    3. Click New Answer Key in the menuoptions. The New Answer Key Wizardwill appear.

    4. Enter the Answer Key Name. (See thenext page for sample questions andanswers to use)

    5. Change the Number of Tests to 2. Thisfeature is available for creating multiple versions of an answer key.

    6. Click on the Next button to continue. The Enter Test Information window



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    7. Enter Test Information.

    Test #: Each Test Key is numbered or lettered to students may specifywhich version of the test they are taking.

    Question Type: Select a Question Type from the drop down list(Answer Series, Multiple Choice, Numeric, Short Answer, Survey,True/False)

    Points: Indicate the number of points each question is worth. Choice Type: For multiple choice, answer series and surveyquestion

    types the choices may be lettered or numbered. You may define up to 5lettered answer choices, while you can define up to 10 numbered answerchoices.

    Chances: Indicate how many times students can change their answers tothe question within the allotted time. Answers transmitted after all thechances have been taken will be ignored.

    Specify the Correct Answer.

    1. Click on the Save button. The question will be listed in the pane below thequestion profile pane. The question number displayed in the profile pane'stitle bar is automatically incremented so you can go to the next questionafter clicking save.

    2. When you have entered all the questions that will be included in this test key,click on the Next button to begin setting up the next test key.

    3. When you have finished setting up all of your test keys, they will be displayedin the Confirm pane. Click on the Finish button when you have reviewedyour test keys.


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    Editing a Question in the Test Key:

    1. Highlight the answer key in the Manage My Data section of Response.

    2. Double-clickon the question you want to edit.

    The Edit Test window appears.

    3. Select the test number which you wish to editand click OK.

    4. Select the question which you wish to edit. It is redisplayed in theQuestion profile pane.

    5. Make your changes to the question profile and click on the Save button tosave the edits to the question. The question profile pane is still in Edit Mode.

    6. Click on the Add button to change from Edit Mode toAdd Mode, so you canadd additional questions to the test key.

    7. Click Delete to delete a question, and clickOKto return to the previousmenu.

    Sample Citizenship Test Questions*Correct answers are marked.


    1. How many stripes are there on the U.S. flag?

    A. 10B. 13 *C. 50

    2. Who is the chief justice of the Supreme Court today?1. George W. Bush2. Alberto Gonzales3. Thomas Jefferson4. John G. Roberts Jr. *

    3. In what year was the Constitution written?A. 1776B. 1787 *C. 1876D. 1812

    4. Which of these is guaranteed by the First Amendment?A. Freedom of the press *


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    B. Right to bear armsC. Right to happiness

    5. How many Supreme Court justices are there?Numeric-Answer = 9 *

    6. The first 10 amendments to the Constitution called The Preamble.TrueFalse *

    7. When was the Declaration of Independence adopted?A. July 4, 1776 *B. July 4, 1787C. July 4, 1812


    1. When was the Declaration of Independence adopted?A. July 4, 1776 *B. July 4, 1787C. July 4, 1812

    2. How many Supreme Court justices are there?Numeric-Answer = 9

    3. Who is the chief justice of the Supreme Court today?1. George W. Bush2. Alberto Gonzales3. Thomas Jefferson4. John G. Roberts Jr. *

    4. In what year was the Constitution written?A. 1776B. 1787 *C. 1876D. 1812

    5. How many stripes are there on the U.S. flag?A. 10


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    B. 13 *C. 50

    6. The first 10 amendments to the Constitution called The Preamble.True

    False *

    7. Which of these is guaranteed by the First Amendment?A. Freedom of the press *B. Right to bear armsC. Right to happiness

    Starting a Self-Paced Session

    1. Select Collect Responses from main screen.

    2. The Collect Responses-New Sessiondialog box will appear. Enter a namefor the session.

    3. Selectyour class that you createdearlier.

    4. Select the Subject or Section, ifappropriate.

    5. Select Self-Paced as the Type ofSession you are going to run.

    6. Select the answer key created in the previous section.

    7. Select Impromptu as the Lesson Type.

    8. Click on the OKbutton to accept the settings.

    9. Now you will see the Impromptu Options window.Most of these fields can be ignored when running a Self-Paced mode with an Answer Key. The onlyrecommended option for this mode is the Timer.Indicate the amount of time students will need tocomplete their test/quiz.


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    10.The Session Toolbar will appear giving you the information needed to join theclass.

    11. Once you see the frequency available on the yellow RF Status Bar, students mayturn on their clickers andjoin the session.

    12. After they have joined the session, they may need to specify a test number, ifdelivering multiple tests simultaneously.

    13. Use the down arrow on the clicker to advance to the next question and the uparrow to go to a previous question. Be sure to press enter on the clicker to savethe answer before going to the next question.

    14. After all students have submitted their answers, click theend button on thesession toolbar to end the session.

    Homework: ImpromptuThe Homework Impromptu mode allows students to use their clickers at home torecord their answers for paper-based assignments. This feature can also be usedon field trips to capture responses to oral questions. Data that is inputted into thePRS RF is stored on its memory and can be uploaded to Response at a convenienttime. Note that this feature is only available with PRS RF.

    Completing the Homework Assignment

    1. Turn on the clickers.

    2. As the clickers begin to scan, press the asterisks and you willsee Scanning done. No classes found.

    3. Push the twice and stop once you see Setup menuHomework 1.

    4. Press Enter .

    5. Press Enter again until you see HMW: Enter test #.

    6. Enter the Test # and press Enter.

    7. Push one time to go to the first question. It should say H01.

    8. Type the response and press Enter. The clicker will verifythe answer was saved.

    9. Push one time to go to the next question, repeating this process until allquestions have been answered.


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    Scanning found ECON

    Setup menuHomework 1 A

    Homework 1 A Send

    _____________________________________Response Level 1 Training Workbook

    10. Once the assignment is completed, turn off the clicker. All responses arestored on the clicker and can be downloaded at a later time.

    Collect Homework Responses from the Clickers

    1. Select Collect Responses from main screen.

    2. The Collect Responses-New Sessiondialog box will appear. Enter aname for the session.

    3. Selectyour class that you createdearlier.

    4. Select the Subject or Section, ifappropriate.

    5. Select Homeworkas the Type ofSession you are going to run.

    6. Select the answer key created in the previous section.

    7. Select Impromptu as the Lesson Type.

    8. Click on the OKbutton to accept the settings.

    9. Now you will see the Impromptu Options. Most of these fields can beignored when running a Homework mode with an answer key. The only

    recommended option for this mode is the Timer.

    10.The Session Toolbar willappear giving you theinformation needed to jointhe class.

    11. Once you see the frequency available on the yellow RF Status Bar, turn onthe clickers.

    12. After collecting the responses of the homework assignment, you may endthe session.



    Once you see your class on

    the 2nd line, press thePress to continue.

    Press to send allresponses.

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    See the reports section of this guide for step-by-step directions on how to generate,print, and export reports. Look at this report following the Self-Paced section ofdelivery.

    Session Details by Student

    The Session Details by Student lists the report type, session name, class, classaverage, clicker ID numbers, student names, student IDs, number of correct toattempted answers, and percentage of correct to attempted answers for allstudents selected in the report.

    This report displays the all responses for each student before moving on to thenext student. It is a great tool to use when focusing on one student at a time.


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    Module 3:Creating Content in Response


    This session is designed for the beginner who has only used Response to set up adatabase and classes. Participants will create lessons and use the Question Editor tocreate their own content within Response and deliver lessons in various modes


    After completing this module, participants will be able to:

    Create folders, subfolders, and lessons

    Import and export lessons

    Create questions using the question editor and set question options

    Edit questions to make and save changes

    Copy and paste questions for repeated use

    Rearrange the order of questions within a lesson

    Start a session in Participation mode

    Folders and Lessons

    Lessons are organized in the lesson tree in much the same way folders areorganized in directories. The organized lessons are containers for the questions thatare asked during a session. The Lessons Toolbar displays when the Lessonsbutton in the navigation pane is selected.


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    The lesson side (navigation pane) gives a view of all folders and lessons in theselected database.

    The question side (data pane) lists all of the questions associated with the lessonhighlighted.

    Creating Lessons and Folders

    1. Highlight the Lessons folder in the Navigation Pane.

    2. Click on the tool in the Lessons Toolbar orby right clicking on the Lessons folder.



    Pane Data Pane

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    3. Type in the name that you would like to assign your New Folder.

    4. Click OKto return to the Manage My Data window.

    5. Highlight the lesson you just created and repeat step 2-4 to convert thelesson you just created into a folder.

    Note: When you insert a lesson in another lesson, it converts the parentlesson to a folder.

    Editing LessonsThe only thing you can edit about a lesson is its name.

    1. Click on the Edit Lesson tool in the LessonsToolbar or by right clicking on the lesson itself.

    2. The lesson's name appears in a rename text box.Make your changes to the name of the lesson.

    3. Press the Enter key to save the edited name.

    Deleting Lessons

    1. Click on the Lesson you want to delete.

    2. Click on the Delete Lesson tool in the Lessons Toolbar or by right clickingon the Lesson itself.

    3. You will be asked to confirm the deletion. The lesson and all the questions init will be removed from the Lesson Tree.

    Importing Lessons

    Lessons can be imported from a variety of sources, such as lessons that have beenexported from PRS or from other Response installations; publisher-supplied lessonsfrom Pearson, or from Bedford, Freeman, Worth; Blackboard 6.0 Specification datfiles; or image files. When you import lessons from any of the sources listed in theLesson Import Wizard, you can manage those lessons using the Response Question


    1. Select the position in the Lesson Tree where you want the imported lessonfile(s) to be located.

    2. Click on the Import Lesson tool.


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    3. Click on the down arrow to displaythe list of lesson sources. Select alesson source from the list.

    4. Notice that the file type of thelesson source you chose is

    displayed in the label above theSelect Files box. Click on theBrowse button and navigate tothe location of the lesson files youwant to import.

    5. If you chose the Response Database option, navigate to the Responsedatabase that contains the lesson you want to import, open it, and click onthe Next button. For all other selections, click on the Import button toimport the lesson files into the Response Lesson Tree.








    Exporting LessonsAn exported Response lesson can be moved to another Response installation onanother system. Response saves exported lessons in an .xml file.

    1. Select the lesson you want to export.

    2. Click on the Export Lessontool on the Lesson Toolbar.The Export Lesson Wizardwill display.

    3. The name of the file selectedfor export appears in theFile Name field.


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    4. Click on the down arrow to display the default Export Directory. Werecommend you save the exported file there.

    5. Click on the Export button to create the exported lesson file. You will benotified that the file was saved to the location specified.


    1. Create enoughfolders to organizelessons associatedwith the content youteach.

    2. Create severallessons inside thefolders created in the

    previous section.Think of lessons youmight actually usefor the units youteach.


    After you create a lesson, you can populate the lesson with questions. You createquestions by using the Response Question Editor.

    1. Select the lesson to which the questions will be added.

    2. Click on the New Question icon under the Questions heading.

    3. The Question Editor window will appear. This Question Editor gives youthe tools you need to create and edit the questions for your lessons.

    Question Editor


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    Editing ToolsThese tools are grouped by function in the toolbar across the top of the Question


    Cut, Copy, Paste, and Insert Graphic Undo and Redo

    Spellcheck Insert equation (using the built-in Equation Editor) Font and font attributes Alignment Indents, lists, foreground color and highlight color

    Question PropertiesThe Question Editor provides a list of properties that you will apply to eachquestion you define here. Properties determine how the question will be displayedand scored when it is presented during the session. The question properties arelisted down the left side of the Question Editorwindow.

    Name: Enter the name of the question.The name you enter in this field willappear in the Name column of theQuestions pane in the Manage MyData window, so it should be a namethat will help you readily recognize thequestion without having to view it in theQuestion Editor.


    Question Properties

    Navigation Tools

    Type response choices here.

    Type the question here.

    Editing Tools

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    Type: Choose a Question Type from the drop-down list. Answer Series: Arrange the answers in the correct order. All of the

    answer choices are included in the correct answer, which is a stringwith the answer choices in the correct order, e.g., DBCA or 4361725.(PRS RF only)

    Multiple Choice, Single Correct: Choose the correct answer fromthe answer choices.

    Multiple Choice, Multiple Correct: Choose all of the answers thatare correct from the list of choices. (PRS RF only)

    Numeric: Enter the numeric answer using the numeric input keys.The answer can be up to 11 numeric characters plus the minus sign orthe decimal point. (PRS RF only)

    Short Answer: Type the correct answer using the input keys. The

    answer can be no more than 11 characters long. (PRS RF only)

    Survey: A survey question is asking for an opinion. There is no correctanswer.

    No Response: Gives you the opportunity to use the Question Editorto create Questions, as well as content, for presentation.

    True/False: True/False questions have two answer choices, True orFalse. Cricket and PRS RF clickers have a T button and an F button.

    Choice Type: Lettered or numbered answer options are available for

    Multiple Choice,Answer Series and SurveyQuestion Types.

    Choices: Select the number of answer choices you want to define for thisquestion. Click on the Hide checkbox if those answer choices are going to bepresented during the session by a means other than Response.

    Timer: Indicate the amount of time students will have to respond to thisquestion.

    Points: Indicate the number of points students will be awarded for a correctanswer.

    Partial Credit: This setting allows you to assign partial credit for otheracceptable answer choices or a combination of acceptable answer choices.

    Chances: Indicate how many times students can change their answers tothe question within the allotted time. Answers transmitted after all thechances have been taken will be ignored.


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    Make Correct: This setting is tied to Multiple Choice question types, wheremore than one answer is correct, or all of the answer choices are correct(Multiple Correct Multiple Choice). If the student meets the requirementselected for this question, he will be given full credit and marked correct.

    Answer: The Answer field displays only whenAnswer Series or Short Answer

    is the selected question type. The answer for an Answer Series questionshould be a character string with no spaces, e.g., DBCA or 43621725. Theanswer for a Short Answer question can contain up to 11 alphanumericcharacters.

    Single/Low-High: These fields display only when the Question Type isNumeric. If the numeric question has only one numeric value as the correctanswer, that answer should be entered in the Low/Single field. If the correctnumeric answer falls within a numeric range, the low value and the highvalue that define the range should be entered in their respective fields.

    Layout: Select the layout that displays the question and its answer choices

    to best advantage.

    Edit Standards: After downloading your state standards you may alignstandards to each question that you create.

    Navigation ToolsThe Navigation Tools are located in the bottom, right-hand corner.

    Help: Additional assistance on this page.

    Previous and Next buttons: Move back and forth through the questions inthe lesson New Question button: Save and advance to a new Question Editor page. Save button: Save your changes and take you back to the Manage My Data

    window. Cancel: Exit the Question Editor without saving your changes.

    Crafting the Question and its Response Choices

    1. Choose a Question Type from the Question Properties.

    2. Type the question in the question box.

    2. Type the answers in the answer box(es)

    3. Select the correct answer.

    4. Click to Save and Move to Next Question.

    5. Repeat steps 1-5 to add additional questions to the lesson.


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    Reorder Questions

    1. Select the question that you want to move.

    2. Use the Move Up and Move Down buttons to rearrange thequestions in the lesson, so they will be in the order you want to present themduring a session. When you select the first question or the last question in thelesson, you can only move the question in one direction. The othermove button is grayed out.

    Print a Response Lesson

    1. From the Manage My Data window, select the Reports button.2. Select Response Lesson from the navigation pane.

    3. Select the lesson you would like to use from the Select Lesson dropdown box.

    4. Choose the type of report you would like to print from the ChooseReport Type drop down box.

    5. Click on Create Report.6. A printable version of your lesson will appear in a new window. You

    can either print or save your Response lesson (.rtf, .html, .pdf)from this window.






    Starting a Response Lesson Session

    1. Click on the CollectResponses button todisplay the Collect

    Responses - NewSession dialog.

    2. Select the Class.

    3. Select the Subject orSection, if appropriate.


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    4. Select Participation as the Type of Session you are going to run.

    5. Select Response Lesson as the LessonType.

    6. Click on the OKbutton to accept thesettings.

    7. Highlight the lesson you would like to launchfrom the Select Lesson window.

    8. Click OKto see the question and the SessionToolbar.

    9. Join the class using the standard joining methods.

    10. Start the question by clicking .

    11. End the question by clicking .

    12. Click to advance to the next question.

    13. After the lesson is over, end the session.


    See the reports section of this guide for step-by-step directions on how to generate,print, and export reports.

    Session Summary by QuestionThis report shows an abbreviated version of the question, the correct answer, and abreakdown of the percentage of the class answers for each of the answer choices.

    Check for Understanding


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    _____________________________________Response Level 1 Training Workbook

    Describe a scenario where the Session Summary by Question report would beneeded.












    Module 4:

    eInstruction Product Suite Integration


    This session is designed for the beginner who has only used Response to set up adatabase andclasses. Participants will create tests with the ExamView Test Generator usingcontent from the

    ExamView Learning Series or a textbook question bank. They will open the tests inResponse to deliver them with clickers and view student performance data usingResponse reports.

    This session will also explore using Response in Interwrite Workspace, utilizing newor existing questions, along with ExamView content.


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    What is the ExamView Assessment Suite?

    The ExamView Assessment Suite is a family of software products that createsassessment questions and tests for K-12 classrooms, universities, and corporations.

    The ExamView Assessment Suite is comprised of the Test Generator, TestManager, and Test Player.

    Test Generator: Create and manage tests, quizzes, and worksheetsusing content from question banks.

    Test Manager: View reports of test results and manage a classgradebook.

    Test Player: Take tests that have been placed on a local area network(LAN).

    The ExamView Assessment Suite can save you hours of work each week andsignificantly improve how you create and administer tests, worksheets, andstudy guides, resulting in improved student learning and more accurate

    student progress assessment.

    What is the ExamView Learning Series?

    The ExamView Learning Series consists of 22 grade-level products that containmore than 9,500 test questions (or test items).

    With the added variations from dynamic content (questions that utilizevariable ranges rather than static values to automatically produce multiplequestions that test the same concept), the ExamView Learning Seriescontains more than 350,000 questions in Math, Science, Social Studies, andReading.

    All ExamView Learning Series questions are high-interest and age- andgrade-appropriate.

    Cross-curricular reading selections include questions designed to assesshigher-order thinking skills.

    Use the ExamView Learning Series with the ExamView Test Generatortoproduce standards-aligned study guides and formative assessmentsdelivered through CPS, on paper, or the LAN.

    The ExamView Learning Series saves time and helps improve studentperformance.

    Rather than spend valuable time analyzing standards and creating questionsaligned to those standards, you can use the ExamView Learning Series to focus onaddressing specific student and classroom learning needs.


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    Question Selection Methods

    QuickTest WizardThis is the fastest and easiest of the seven methods available for building a test inExamView Test Generator. To create a test, quiz, or worksheet, choose questionsfrom selected question banks according to the question type and they will berandomly selected to create a test.

    Select RandomlySimilar to the QuickTest Wizard in that it randomly chooses questions from thequestion banks loaded on your computer based on the number of questions youchoose for each question type (i.e. multiple choice, numeric, etc.).

    Select From a ListAn easy way to select questions if you already know which questions you want touse from a question bank. You need to be familiar with the question bank items oruse the sort feature to find the questions best suited to your needs.

    Select While ViewingLets you view the questions on the screen and choose which ones you want toinclude on a test. As a result, you can preview questions easily before you add themto a test.

    Select By StandardA powerful tool that allows you to quickly create benchmark tests to help youdetermine which objectives students have mastered and which objectives they stillneed to study and practice. It lets you choose questions based on learningobjective, national standard, state standard, or local standard.

    Select By CriteriaSelect questions based on data in any of the question information fields. It allowsyou to create a wide variety of tests quickly from broad knowledge (using theDifficulty field) to general concepts (using the Topic field) to specific skills mastery(using the State