Respiratory Diseases

Disorders of the respiratory system

Transcript of Respiratory Diseases

  • 1.Disorders of the respiratory system

2. Respiratory infections
Infections of the respiratory tract can occur in:
The upper respiratory tract
The lower respiratory tract
Organisms capable of infecting respiratory structures include:
viruses: the majority of upper respiratory tract infections are caused by viruses as rhinovirus and parainfluenza virus.
Depending on the organism and extent of infection, the symptoms can range from mild to severe and even life threatening.
3. The respiratory tract is protected by a number of very effective defense mechanisms.
For an organism to reach the lower respiratory tract, theorganism must be particularly virulentand present in very large numbers or the host defense barriersmust be weakened.
Factors that might weaken the respiratory defense barriers:

  • Cigarette smoking, which can paralyze the cilia lining the cells of the respiratory passages and impair removal of secretions, particles and microorganisms.

4. The presence of a respiratory pathogen such as the cold or influenza virus .