Resource Book 1

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  • 5/7/2018 Resource Book 1


  • 5/7/2018 Resource Book 1


    English in 20 minutes a day

    ResourceB ookStage 1-6

  • 5/7/2018 Resource Book 1


    Englisli in 20 Minutes a DayFirst edition 2004The Reader's Digest. London

    Autorl:Trida AspinallRawdon WyattAnthony Robinson

    Produs pentru Reader's Digestde Aldridge Press, Londondesign: Bridge Creative Services

    Redactori:Robyn AltonCathy FerreiraCharlotte RolfeCopyright 2005 Editura Reader's Digest, Bucuresti,

    pentru edltia romana

    Reader's Digest $ 1 logoul Pegassunt marcl Tnregistrate aleThe Reader's Digest Association, Inc.,Pleasantville, New York, USA.

    Design:Dennis HowlettFiona McColGeoffrey Wadsley

    Descrierea CIP a BibUotecil Natlonale a Roman.ieiEnglish in 20 minutes a day. - Bucuresti : Reader's Digest, 2005ISBN 973-87048-5-5811.111

    Consultant design:Tony Cobb

    Redactor iJustra~ii:Jessica Baker-Pike

    concept code IE 0131/G Selectle fotografii:Louise Edgeworth

    Tiparul: Off idne Grafiche Novara 1901 SPA, ItaJia 2005 Desenatori:Roger FarringtonLouise HiltonDarren LingardMark McLaughlinGeoff WardGary Wing

    Fotografi:John AldridgePrank Noon

  • 5/7/2018 Resource Book 1



    Introduction 4In trod ucere

    6 . D . . : ? { ~ r ._ K ~ l . _ _._ . . ._ _. . . . . . , , . _ . ._ _ . _ _ , . ._. ._ ._ . . . . . . .. . . . . 2 "Rezolvarile exercitiilorGrammar Bank 23Gramatica

    Y - Q I _ 9 _ ] I } : ! t . E , D . g E ? h - R 2 . ! r ! 9 _ D . t ? I J. ._ . . " _. ._ . _ , , ._.1 .2Mini-dictionar englez-romanw _ Q x . g _ . ! ? _ _ ? : n ~ J ~ Q . !I ! ? ! } J ? ! } : g D . g U ? . h , . _ _. ... . . 4 . .Mini-dictionar roman-englez

    I ~ . [ ~ _ g _ l } . . L < ? . L .{ .~ [ 9 ._ S ._ _ _ ,. . _ _ _ _ . . 5_ Verbe neregulate! 2 . I i ! J s . .b : b Q } . .~~j.~.?DJ~Los l .Y . _ . _. .. .. .,_ , . . . .. . . . . . . .,_ . . .2 .9Glosar britanic-arnerican6 ! I l ~ J i . .~?I! . ! 2 J _ i E s . _ b.g ! g ? .9 E Y . . . . ._ . . ._ . ._ . _ , , _ . . _ .__ . . J_Glosar amertcan-britanic! \~ k . ~ Q '? ' { J~ . g g ~ m . ~ D j : ~ . .._ . _ . . . _ . . . . .. ._ . . . . ._ __ _. .Multumlri 64

  • 5/7/2018 Resource Book 1



    (E QL OS IR EA M A TE RIA LU _L .ll.1 AU):

  • 5/7/2018 Resource Book 1


    (STAGE '1 : LESSON 15 is a telephone call,IIIc 2d 3a 4b 5eIIA Excuse meB How do you do?C How are you?D Fine. thanksE Nice to see you

    III Manchester 2 Vietnam3 Toronto 4 Macedonia5 Kigali 6 China

    B Name.l Address .IPhone I email 0 Job';Company.lC Name./ Address ./Phone I email .I job ./Company 0D Name.l Address .IPhone I email 0 Job.lCompany./E Name./ Address ./Phone I email .I job ./Company 0F Name.l Address.lphone! email 0 Job 0Company 0

    Hollywood2 (a small town in)Minnesota3 'Hi there,' 'How are you?'4 drive5 big

    F JI wake up 2 get up3 have 4 get dressed5 have 6 Jeave 7 walk8 go 9 start 10 fj rushII have 12 watch 13 playII2 walks 3 starts 4finishes 5 watches 6plays

    A nsw er K ey

    2 I don't walk to the busstop,3 r don't start work at nine4 I don't finish work at fiveor six.5 I don't watch television,6 I don't play on thecomputerIIModel answer:I wake up at six fifteen (6.15).I get dressed. Then 1 havebreakfast. Ieave the house atseven o'clock (7,00) and I goto work. 1 finish work at f iveo'clock (5.00). In the eveningsI watch television.~'STAGE-mLESSON'4111

    Stephen: fatherMarie and George:grandparentsDavid, brotherRosa and Gemma: cousinsMartin: uncleJanet: auntSusan: grandmotherlulie: mother

    2 am 3 is 4 is 5 are6 are112 I am not the only daughterin my family.3 Gemma is not the sameage as me,4 Her name is not Rosa.5 We are not a family.6 They are not mygrandparents.

    Model answer:I have two brothers and onesister.My mother'S name is Beata.I live with my family(BREAKTHROUGH1V,11aA Switzerland B ChinaC United States D Greece

    2 bungalow 3 block of flats

    4 semi-detached 5 terracedhouseof lat detached house,bungalowIIA David 8 Brian C MarieD SusanII1.1 2)( 3)( 4./rII dining room 2 study3 garden 4 bathroom, hall5 living room 6 veranda7 pond 8 kitchenIIIt's in t li e d r iv e .

    2 He drinks b e e r3 She gives her f i o w e r s4 She's f i n e (A bit tired).5 She asks them to s i t d o w n .6 They're playing in t l i e

    g a r d e n .7 t h e b ab y

    2 I'm 3 He's5 They're

    2(2) 3(1) 4(2) 5(1)6 (2)


    A student B hairdresserC sales assistant D pilotE taxi driverIItaxi driver; hairdresser. pilot;sales assistant studentIII hairdresser 2 student3 sales assistant 4 pilot5 taxi driver

    Speaker 2 likes reading boSpeaker 3 l ikes the other sSpeaker 4 likes visiting othcountries.Speaker 5 likes working atnight.IISPEAKER 2: I have to studyand read lots of booksSPEAKER 3: 1 have to be poto customers.SPEAKER 4: I have to be vertit to do this job.

    SPEAKER 5: I don't have towork for anybody.Model answer:I have to start work at 7.30I don't have to work at nigh(STAGE 1: LESSON 7IIForm AFirst name: EmilySurname: P a r r i S HStreet: I7 O r c ha rc l S tr ee tTown j City: IpswiGMCounty: S u f f o l kPost code: IP7 3BHTelephone 01473 453527Email address; -Period of cover: 1 '5. 10.2003

    5.5 (May) .2004Area to be visited; Austral ia

    N ew Y o r k , H ong Kong

    2231 42516272 81II2d 3e 4a 5c

    STAG~LESs6N 8

    Qualifications; degree,certificate2 job bus driverQualifications- (PSV)licence;Skills; drivi ng3 lob: travel representativQualifications; 0;Skills; speaking a foreiglanguage (Spanish, Italand English)

    English in 20 minutes a da

  • 5/7/2018 Resource Book 1


    Answer Key4 lob: personal secretaryQualifications; certificate(in office management)Skills: computing, wordprocessing5 Job; fashion designerQualifications: diplomaSkills; designingiiiSkills: c a nqualifications: h av e g o!

    I has got 2 can 3 can4 Have (you) got 5 havegot 6 can, has got

    Model answers;I can dr.ive a c a r .I have got a l ic en c eI can s p e a k Spanisf i .I haven't got a university degree.j am an experienced driver.STAGE 1: LE SS QN _9..~fJJe 2a 3b 4c 5d


    I Peter 2 Yoshiko3 Carlos 4 Peter5 Yoshiko 6 Peter7 Yoshiko 8 Carlos9 Yoshiko 10 CarlosSTAGE 1 LESSON 10

    Ih 2j 31 4a 5c 6b7e 8g 9d IOifJI father 2 mother3 grandfather 4 uncle5 son 6 sisterIIHe drives a taxi.

    2 She cuts hair.3 He flies planes4 She studies. I She readsbooks.IIhave 2 is 3 don't 4 is5 has 6 drive 7 can 8 is

    6 English in 20 minutes a day

    Iam his boss.2 Hurry up! We are late.3 What is the time?4 He is my brother.5 They are older than me.6 Where is the taxi?

    I qualification 2 skill3 skill 4 skill5 qualification6 qualificationl~~E1:LESSON11~fJ Iphoto C

    Can you work part-time? Y!!SAvailable to work Monday"Friday Ye s Weekends Ye sNights Ye sIf successful when can youstart work? l st AUg/lS!Do you have any holidaysbooked? Y esAre you in full- timeeducation? Y!!S1start college in Oc tober nextyear.Work experienceBoat attendant: I work for myf a t ~ e r who is the manager of ab o a ! hire company. I help toclean the boats and Isometimes look after thecus tomers .

    I Bristol2 London3 She cuts hair4 Diploma in Hairdressing4 Neil's Hair Salon

    2 Someone is visiting herdaughter tonight.3 Someone's car is ready.4 Someone is ill.5 Someone wants to find ahouse6 Someone can't see thedoctor today.

    2 family (mother)3 Andy's Garage4 friend (Karen)5 PDQ delivery service6 Fiona Woods

    Blour 2 your 3 my4 his 5 its 6 her

    Model answers:Don't forget!stamps

    2 A very happy birthday(Mum)Much love(your name)3 Your friend Susan phoned.Call her as soon aspossible.

    current2 J.D. lanes3 Two4 2711.925 200.00

    traveller's chequesbank managerforeign currencycash machinebusiness advisercheque bookcredit cardsecurity cameraIII cash 2 traveller'scheques 3 traveller'scheques 4 cash5 traveller's cheques6 cash 7 traveller'schequesIIDate: 15t~ August 20 05Pay E li z ab e t h B la k e1 50 00f i J t ~ pounds onlyFeli(it~ B l a k e

    Date: 15/8/05Notes 20Notes 10Total CashCheques

    60.0020.0080.0032.50112.00224.50OTALPaid in by;

    F e li ci ty B la k e

    Ie 2d 3e 4a ~b

    IIId 2e 31 4b s a 6c

    2b 3d 4a

    A is to a close friend.A to say thank you.B to accept a (wedding)invitation.DThanks for a delicious meallast night. What a wonderfulcook y ou a re!What about dinner at theMango Restaurant 0 1 1Sa turday? 1could pick you upat six from your house and w ecould go to a club afterwardsLei m e knowB e . s t wisfi!!S.Harry

    fIHeight and shape; big, small,fat, thin. medium-build. tall.Colour: blond. dark, grey,black. brownGeneral appearance: bald,pretty, fit. long (hair), curly(hair)IIIC 28 3F 4A ~D6E

    3f 4d 5b 6e

    2 but 3 and5 but 6 and

    I brown, grey 2 fat

  • 5/7/2018 Resource Book 1


    3 brother4 good-lookingModel answer:5 I've got brown eyes and

    short dark hair,6 I'm medium-build.7 I'm in my thirties.

    fISpeaker .1 : job, sport, hol idaysSpeaker 2: job; familySpeaker 3: where they live;animals

    Model answers:2 enjoys, doesn't like3 great. h orn ble4 like, don't like5 don't mind, hate6 nice, horribleaModel answers:I I don' t l ike footbal l.2 I like watching videos.3 I enjoy my job.4 I hate getting up early,5 1 think holidays are


    fISergii's letter: don't mind,don't like, fantastic, enjoy,great, don't like, like.Kirsty's letter: How nice, verypleased, love, l ike, don'tenjoy, great, don't enjoy.

    Sergii likes London I England/ reading Engl ish books Italking on the internetSergi i doesn't l ike Tal linn Igoing to pubs and dubsKirsty likes living at home Iliving in London / seeingfriends I playing music I herjob,Kirsty doesn't like working atweekends.

    A nsw er K ey

    2 miss 3 want5 want 6 hope

    ] because 2 so 3 so4 so 5 because

    . _ .. ~ -'-~:.S TA GE 1 : LESSO~t~11 ; ' / , .IIbusiness, university

    2 good with people, likes tohelp (customers), can workhard and get on with otherstaff

    3 It's a great place to workand the staff are happy.II

    polite: problem; manager;want; long.

    a,an2 a, an, The, the, the3 the,a4 a, a, the5 a, theDModel answers:

    J try not to get angry. / Iryto understand theproblem,

    2 I tell the manager. / I stayand finish the work

    My father: a, c, e,2 My grandmother b. d. h.3 My brother i, j,4 My uncle Harry: f. g.

    I misses 2 goes 3 likes4 brings 5 doesn't mind /does not mind 6 gets7 hasaModel answer:My favourite relative is my

    c o u s i n . I like him because F i e ' sa n i n te re st i n g p e r so n . My cousinlives ill Rio. He is ! w e ! 1 t ~ - f i v ey e a r s old. I see him everyw e e k e n d . He has d a r k hair andb r o w n eyes. I think he's a greats t o r y t e l l e r ,

    IIThey are students at theGreenwood languageschool

    2 I t's in Brighton.3 Mrs King / Her landlady

    wants her home at sixo'clock,

    4 They go to the beach.5 They think she is a difficult

    woman.IIPeter wants to go to thebeach before it gets dark.

    2 Carlos' girl friend comesfrom Spain,

    3 Peter knows whereYoshiko l ives.

    4 They knock on the door.5 Mrs King opens the door.6 She says Yoshiko is too

    busy to see them.7 Peter thinks that Mrs

    King is rude.8 Carlos thinks that Mrs

    King is busy,9 Carlos thinks Peter is in

    love with Yoshiko.10 Peter is worried about


    IIFirst names: Glnria l a n eFamily name: MayoAddress 7 Longmarket. CapeTown 800 I , South AfricaTelephone number 021348675Email address:g.mayo@iafrica .comYour date of birth: 12/4/84Your age in years on 1stSeptem ber 2005 21 y e a r sYour sex: F e m a l eNationality: South A f r i w n

    If 2g 3d 4b 5a6c 7eIIthin, worried

    2 bald, angry3 young, pretty4 fat. happy

    your; his; her: its; our; their.III are 2 go 3 Has4 look 5 do 6 tries7 think 8 gets 9 likes10 phones

    English in 20 minutes a day

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]
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    Answer Key

    Conversation IPol ite introduction, Excuseme.A question using w h e r e :Where's the post office?An answer: Oh. It's in theshopping centre,A polite ending: Ah, thankyou very much.

    2 they're 3 It's 4 Where's,It's 5 There's bit'sWI Irs 2 They're 3 There's4 They're 5 there's 6 It's

    ID 2F 3A 4G 58Ii E 7 CIII in 2 at 3 next to 4 in5 next to 6 in 7 next to

    Conversation I5 7 2 4 3 6Conversation 23 2 4 7 5 6

    I tu rn right 2 straight on3 tu rn left 4 straight on5 turn left 6 turn righto

    Go straight 0 1 ' 1 for London2 Turn l ~ f ! for Manchester.3 Turn r ight for Liverpool.4 The cafe is there on the l e f t .5 There's the phone - over

    there on the r ight6 The toi lets are stra,ig~t

    ahead.II1 theatre2 cinema3 sports hall4 Green Park5 shopping centre6 cinema

    8 English in 20 minutes a day

    aI right fi rst, left. on2 straight. Ieft. first, in3 straight, r ight

    2C 3E 4A 587G

    I False 2 False 3 True4 False 5 True 6 TrueD

    Monday, AI42 six p.m two p.m,3 500, under 16

    tT_8GE 2: LESSON 4

    Picture 1 6.00Conversation 2Picture 2: 5.15Conversation 4Picture 3: 9,00Conversation 1Picture 4: 10.30Conversation 3Picture 5 6.45Conversation 5

    &I08.452 18.103 07.154 19.455 Saturdays6 one (o'clock)7 90 minutesD

    The next bus to Oxfordleaves at nine o'clock anda rrives at half past ten,900, 10,302 The next train for Parisleaves at half past elevenand arrives at four o'clockin the afternoon.1130,4 p.m 116.00

    3 The next flight toAmsterdam leaves at 12.30and it arrives inAmsterdam at quarter totwo.1230, 1.45 p.rn. I 13 .4 5

    Greenford, 17.24, 132 1728,17.433 18.27, Swansea4 fast5 Heathrow, 7WLeft luggageLost propertyFirst classWay outTrain departuresUndergroundII

    asking about left luggage2 looking for a platform3 asking to see a ticket4 asking about lost property;; buying a train ticket6 buying something to read

    I blue 2 yellow 3 red,Central 4 blue 5 green,changeaI platform 2 trolley3 delayed 4 lost property5 ticket 6 stairs 7 lUggage

    ,S.T~G.E_~LESSON 5fI1 1122 343 284 245 426 1127 238 20.50III .16.502 2.203 32.504 3.855 $100.006 92pIII 28.002 $145

    3 32.504 $84a

    Rome2 John Green3 Monday, 10Uilune4 one way5 return6 125

    STAGE 2: LESSON 6.Dt c 2A 3D 4Bf.II is posting2 is looking3 are drinking4 are talking5 is pushing

    I Speaker 22 Speaker 13 Speaker 34 Speaker 4

    My name i s . Helen Wilcox Iwork for Eastern Airlines andI am a pilot The company has23 pilots but only three arewomen. Immy job,The companyUs buyj[ lg)twonew planes s o a ; themoment, l e a m le:rninwto flyill rnbojets. It i s . di fficu It but ICam working)hard and, mostimportantly, I love itl

    second sign2 first sign3 third sign4 second sign5 second sign6 f irst sign

    departure lounge2 boarding pass

  • 5/7/2018 Resource Book 1


    3 arrivals hall4 Customs5 meeting point6 gate

    IE 28 3D 4C 5A

    BA 2602, gate A 192 LH 3367,gate B253 OS 3117,16304 Paris, A 375 KL 3914, gate A226 B17

    DMay 21, MondayMay 22: TuesdayMay 23:WednesdayMay 24 ThursdayMay 25: FridayMay 26: SaturdayMay 27 Sunday

    REBECCA: Iparty 2 to thevet 3 tennis 4 threeTIM: Iparty 2 some clothes

    3 tennis

    are going2 are flying3 are hiring4 are staying5 are meeting6 are comingIIA 2 B 5 C 4 01 E 3DI is swimming 2 is having3 are meeting 4 is going5 is going 6 are havingdinner


    He is thei r teacher for thisterm.

    2 They are asking each otherquestions.3 She thinks the sea is toocold for swirnrrung.

    A nsw er K ey4 They go to the beach5 Peter asks Yoshiko how herlandlady is today I abouther landlady.

    I sitting 2 swimming3 asking 4 playing5 shopping 6 eating

    2d 3f 4a 5c 6a8d 9g lOb

    4 gate

    2 morning4 afternoon

    I Where is ".? 2 They are3 '" cannot ,,_ 4 It is51 am,,,II

    I am 2 fly 3 am going4 are leaving 5 to driveIIla False Ib True2a False 2b True3a True 3b False4a False 4b False4c False 4d TrueSTAGE2: LESSON11-.

    zo o2 botanical gardens3 art gallery4 museum5 cathedral6 market11IA 2C 38 4C 5A6B

    Id 2b 3e 4f 5a 6c

    II] sightseeing 2 buildings3 tour 4 excursion5 tourist(S tAGE 2: LESSON 12

    Across,I Crete 5 New York6 Spain 8 AustraliaOow.nI China 2 Tokyo 3 London7 Italy

    I Miyamatsu 2 Gijon3 Kyoto 4 Edinburgh5 knife 6 salmonIIisland, silver, hour, light,knife, friend, some, straight,comb, love, Brighton, chalk,walk, castle, sign, know

    Check in2 Go through passportcontrol3 Do some duty freeshopping4 Go to departure gate5 Board aeroplanefJ1 toothpaste 2 hairbrush3 alarm clock 4 book5 socks

    I A departures2 B airport information3 C check-in4 A departures5 C check-in

    I ticket 2 boarding3 departure 4 attendant5 security1 .1r c 2D 3A 4B2 The flight to Los Angelesleaves at sixteen hundredhours.

    3 The flight to Zurich leaat sixteen thir ty hours4 The flight to New Yorkleaves at sixteen forty-f5 The flight to Paris isdelayed.6 The flight to Rome leavat seventeen fiftyD

    I tickets 2 Malaga 3passport 4 baggage 5handSTAGE2: LESSON1

    2 population 3 cities4 village 5 towns6 (where you live) city / toVillage11Speaker II Hans 2 Amsterdam3 700,000 4 Van Goghmuseum 5 boatSpeaker 2I Martha 2 Cape Town3 3 million 4 market stalold castle 5 on footII

    Is there2 Are there3 Is there4 Are there5 Are thereIII in the north2 west of3 north-east4 in the south-west5 in the north-west

    Edinburgh; I t's in Scotlan400; 500,000 I castle2 festival I fly 2 drive3 train

    fIA 2 or 4 B I or 3C 1or 3 0 2 or 4

    Iv' 2v' 3v' 4v' 50

    English in 20 minutes a da y

  • 5/7/2018 Resource Book 1


    Answer Key

    1.1 2.1 3.1 4.1 5.16.1 7.1 8 She is also verypolite to the caller.IIModel answer:A: May I speak to HelenParker. please'!B: I 'm sorry, but she's awaytoday.A: When is she available?B: I'm afraid I don't know. Ican find out for you.A : OK. ] " 1 1 wait.B: She's in tomorrow.A: Can she call me. please?B: Yes.Could I take yourname and number?It; It's (your name andnumber).B :. Could you repeat thatplease?A: Yes, it's (your name andnumber)B: Thank you very muchMr/Ms (your surname)Goodbye.

    ST~GE ~: LI~S~ON 151

    'Good morning. Can 1 helpyou?''Yes, please. I want a t icket toRome.''Certainly, sir What's yourname?''lohn Green. That's G-R-E-E-N.''OK. Mr Green. When do youwant to fly?''On Monday, lune the tenth.''The best f light is BA2747.That leaves at 1530.''15.30'1 That's great.'

    I Where's the post office'!2 Can I help you?3 He's flying to Paristomorrow.4 How much is a returnticket"5 That 's Tom's mobilephone, isn't it?6 That sign says: Danger!7 It's only another forty"eightmiles to Bristol.

    10 English in 20 minutes a day

    8 Do you want an ice cream?Ido.

    Across4 two 6 weight 8 some9 sea 10 rightDownI know 2 wait 3 write4 there 5 no 7 hear9 sun

    Do you know what yourweight is?2 Iwant to buy some flowersfor my mother.3 They are going to write tome about the [ob,4 Please stay here while Ilook for him5 He's my son and I Joveh imvery much.6 The post office is overthere.

    Conversation IICanada 2 big 3 Ottawa4 USA I United States5 English and FrenchConversation 2I Singapore 2 island3 Singapore 4 Malaysia5 English and Chinese

    is as big as2 is not as big as3 is almost as big as4 not as big as

    What is the capita]?Reykiavlk2 How big is it?

    103,000 sq km3 What language do theyspeak? Icelandic4 What currency do theyuse? krona5 What is the populat ion?

    289,000IIIe 2d 3f 4a 5b 6g7c

    STAGE 2: ,=_i~S_SO!":J~fIIA 2D 38 4E 5C

    Conversation I: Let me see.Conversation 2: Let's have alook ...Conversation 3, Hold on amoment.Conversation 4: Now thenConversation 5: Just asecond.

    I delayed 2 running3 plenty 4 Leave 5 misse let~,E 2: LESSON 18,1IIIE 2A 3C 48 50IISpeaker ]. 5, 8Speaker 2: I, 4Speaker 3: 3, 7Speaker 4: 2, 9SpeakerS: 6, 10

    I ride 2 go 3 drives / goes4 sailing 5 ride 6 flyIISpeaker 1 oftenSpeaker 3: neverSpeaker 4, alwaysSpeaker S:sometimes, neverST~GE,2: LESSON 19. .False 2 True 3 False

    4 False 5 TrueIIYoshiko

    2 Mrs King3 She wants her to find anew family to stay with.4 He is at the station.5 She is at the stat ion6 She is with a young man-he is her son


    IE 2D 3F4C5A68

    If 2c 3g 4a 5h 6i7 i 8 d 9 e to bIII sightseeing 2 attraction3 tour 4 putting 5 home6 plenty 7 population8 f ind out 9 always10 delayed

    Are there any goodrestaurants here?2 London is in the south ofEngland.3 The post office? It 's inBridge Street.4 Look! The man is runningtowards the bridge.5 Sorry, I can't come - I amplaying tennis with Jane.6 Is there a train to Londonthis evening? !Are thereany trains to London thisevening?7 Wales is not as big asEngland.8 I am having a partytomorrow.9 Yoshiko is phoning Peter!Yoshiko is talking to Peter.iOAre you going out tonight,Carlos?

    You can't buy tickets unti lfour o'clock.2 'What time's the flight?'she asked

  • 5/7/2018 Resource Book 1


    STAGEf3-:'ijtESSON 1

    A apples B grapesC bananas D melonE oranges F roses

    A Can I f i e / V you?B : Yes, p l e a s e , How much arethe apples?A: They're 2, 10a kilo,madam,B : Two kilos, pleaseA: Anything else?B : What about the grapes?H ow m ud l are they?A The black ones are 2.25 akilo and the white are175, Very sweet, they areFrom South Africa.B : Yes, a k il o of black grapesthen, and f o u r largeoranges,A: Right you are The largeoranges are 40 p e ~ c e eachIs that OK?B : Fine, thanks, Now I justwant s o m e flowers. Roses, Ithink. Yes, a bunch ofroses, please,A The red or the yellow?B: Oh, red, please, They'relovely,A: Right. twelve beautiful. redroses for the lady at 4,50,I s th at everything?B: Yes, that's al l . thanks,A: That's 1255. madam,Twenty pounds, thanks and 7.4 5 c ha ng e,B: Thanks,A: Have a nice day!IIThey are 2.10 a kilo,

    2 The black grapes are 2,25a kilo and the white grapesare 1.75,3 The large oranges are 40pence each.

    4 The roses are 4.50 fortwelve,

    How much are they?Is that OK?Is that everything?

    A nsw er K ey

    ~es lno questions 3, 5, 6wli- questions I. 2. 4aI How 2 What 3 Where4 Who 5Why 6 When

  • 5/7/2018 Resource Book 1


    Answer Key

    I rent 2 hire 3 rent4 hire 5 rent 6 hireS T A G E 3: LES~ B

    IB 20 3C 4A

    Speaker \: ordering tennisrackets for the sports shopSpeaker 2: orderingvegetables (carrots andcabbages) for thesupermarketSpeaker 3: ordering a book forhis wifeSpeaker 4; ordering flowersfor her daughter's weddingbouquetIII many 2 much 3 many4 much 5 many 6 manyo

    How much a r e thoseflowers?2 Does he eat meat?3 I want a new pair o f shoes.4 He can drive a car now.5 Hurry up! It 's time to go.6 Were you in school today?7 What's the matter with

    Y O M ?8 I w a s ill last week,

    I True 2 False 3 True4 Don't know 5 False6 False 7 True 8 True

    Mrs King wants Yoshiko tofind a new family to Jivewith.2 Someone has taken someof her money3 She meets him in the park,near the lake.4 He is at the station5 He needs a lot of money.III Mrs King's son, Harry2 into the shopping centre3 the lift

    12 English in 20 minutes a day

    4 a bag5 a newspaper and a bottleof mineral water6 Peter7 to see if she is safe8 Yoshiko

    3 it 4 me

    I lift 2 customer 3 bag4 hurt 5 safe 6 It happens7 in danger 8 ground floor

    Ii 2j 3g 4b 5h 6a7 d 8 e 9 c 10 IIISize: medium dress, size eightshoesWeight: 59 kilos, heavy, onehundred poundsHeight: five feet ten inches,1.7 metres, tallIII size 2 kilo 3 takeaway4 dick 5 visit 6 hire7 rent 8 flatoI Do 2 Does 3 Do 4 Does

    I How many 2 How much3 How much 4 How manyIIIe 21 3b 4c ~d 6a

    S T A G E 3: LES~Ql\Iihl1~IIA: on the phoneB: onlineC: in a supermarketD: at a market stallE: in a shopping centreIIId 2b 3a 4c

    ] b 2a 3d 4c

    I False 2 True 3 False4 Doesn't say 5 False6 Doesn't say 7 True8 True

    2A 3D 48

    2e 3a 4b 5c

    2a 3b 4c 5d

    I Would you like 2 I 'd l ike3 would like 4 wouldn't l ike5 would like 6 Would youlike

    t c 2A 38II1 Hotel 8 2 Hotel C3 Hotel AIImini-bar, safety notice,laundry bag, room servicemenu

    I conditioning 2 swimming3 towels 4 bar 5 porter6 serviceIIIb 2d 3e 4a 5f 6cBI sh irts 2 trousers3 15.00 4 socks. underwear5 express 635.50DI chambermaid (1 ) 2 key (1 )3 call (2) 4 dining (I)5 balcony (2)

    IIFamily name: MentonFirst names; FrancoisTitle; MrHome address; 1677 WilsonAvenue, Toronto, Ontario,T 3L lAS

    Home phone number, 8668339876Nationality: CanadianNext destination; Aberdeen

    one night2 this afternoon3 to visit his daughter4 his passport5 no6 the third f loor

    I second 2 fourth 3 fifth4 seventh 5 ninth 6 tenthDCan I help you

    2 have a reservation3 room4 fourth5 registration6 room key7 enjoy your stay

    S TA GE 3: L ES SO N 1~iI C 2E 3F 4B 5A6H 7G 80II1 E 2C 38 4A 5D

    Model answers:yes

    2 lair3 restaurant. coffee shop4 The door key doesn't workvery well. There is no hotwater in the morning. Thebedside light is broken.The coffee shop isn't openin the evening, Therestaurant is expensive,. .he bil l is correct,

  • 5/7/2018 Resource Book 1


    She booked a single room,not a double.She only made oneinternational phone call.She had three bottles ofwater from the mini-barShe asks the receptionist toorder a taxi

    I True 2 True 3 False4 False 5 True 6 False7 True 8 FalseDand. butIII or 2 although 3 because4 Although ., or 6 because

    fJA perfume: The Perfume

    Warehouse, Robinson'sDepartment Store

    B sweater: The SweaterShop, Robinson'sDepartment Store

    C necklace: Carter's FineJewellery, Robinson'sDepartment Store

    D packet of biscuits; FreshcoSupermarket

    E baguet te: Jane's CoffeeShop

    F trainers: Best Shoes, TheAmerican Sports ShoeCompany, Robinson'sDepartment Store,Sportswear J nte rnationa 1

    G sunglasses: SungJassesUnlimited, Robinson'sDepartment Store

    Deluxe Dry Cleaning2 The Sweater Shop3 Jane's Coffee Shop4 Robinson's Department

    Store5 Freshco SupermarketIIII regular 2 foreign3 extreme 4 express5 double 6 freeII

    She is getting a suitcleaned.

    A nsw er K ey2 She is buying a sweater.3 She is having something to

    eat and drink.4 She is looking for the

    menswear department5 She is looking for biscuits

    STAGE3:tIiEssb'ffi1'71iIISALESASSISTANT:Do youneedeny help?

    CUSTOMER: Ye s. ja ct ua lly . Iboughttheseieansla~week and they're toosmall.

    SALES ASSISTANT:on . that'sapity Do you want toexchange themor do youwant a refund?

    CUSTOMER: Have you go~asize twelve?SALES ASSISTANT;I think so.

    Let me see. Yes. Here weare. Would you like to trythemon?


    changing rooms.are overthere.

    CUSTOMER:Thank you.

    SALES ASSISTANT,Howare thejeans?

    CUSTOMER: Fine. They fitreally well.

    SALESASSISTANT:Good. Yes,they look very nice on you.So that's iusta straightexchange then Have yougot the receipt?


    Now let me put therninabag for you.

    CUSTOMER: Thanks.IIThe jeans are too small.

    2 She suggests an exchangeor a refund.

    3 She wants an exchange.4 She asks for a size twelve.5 They fit really well.6 She needs the receipt.IIId 2f 3e 4a 5c 6b

    aI exchange 2 refund3 receipt 4 jeans 5 fit

    5 STAGE3.jSSON 18fJgift .tcontents: perfume andsweatervalue: 35weight 400 grarnrnesDI customs declaration 2 gift3 parcel 4 letter., contents

    2 postcard

    I Hel lo, Jane. Howare you?2 Mr Dowling is my~uncle.3 He's taking his sweateroff

    because it is hot.4 Why)s the key)n the

    door?., Why~are you crying?6 We knowit's a long way to


    fill in this customsdeclaration2 tick the box next to gift3 say what's in the parcel4 put 35 in there5 stick the stamps on the

    parcel6 leave it with me

    to the shopping centre2 Mrs King's son, Harry3 a bag4 a newspaper and a bottle

    of mineral waterfIB, C, D,A, E

    Picture A: 2Picture B: IPicture C '5

    Picture D; 3Picture E: 4D1 to 2 to 3 for 4 abou

    I get out 2 pick up3 speaks to 4 go back5 come in

    Ii 2k 3b 4c 5i7d 8a 9f 109 III12 hfJI dozen 2 sea view 3 nmade 4 noisy ., exchan6 letter 7 refund 8 stam9 receipt 10 fitI I shoppi ng centre 12 b

    3 Althou6 or

    I pick up 2 go to 3 getof 4 speak to

    English in 20 minutes a da

  • 5/7/2018 Resource Book 1


    Answer KeySTAGE- 1 : LE.9N 1IItD 28 3C 4A

    lob and relationship2 Relationship andnationality

    3 How they look andrelationship4 lob and nationality5 How they look and job6 Relationship and how theylookIIAre t l i e s e your shoes here?

    2 please bring me t h o s eplates.3 Is r(lis computer workingproperly now?4 T!1isis upside-down I

    5 Is that car supposed to beparked there?6 Are ! l i o s e plants dead?

    I That 2 this and that3 this 4 that's

    IIIndividual answersI A short dress 2 A short-sleeved blouse 3 A longskirt 4 A striped tie5 A long-sleeved shirt6 A checked jacket

    Mum: skirtDad; tie. trainersJohn: jeans, dark red i-shirtSally: light green i-shirt.Jacket

    2 yours 3 his 4 his5 our / ours 6 your I yours7 her I hers 8 my

    I your 2 his 3 yours4 mine 5 whose 6 her

    14 English in 20 minutes a day

    D182D3C4AfIt newer 2 faster 3 moreeconomical 4 cheaper5 more reliable 6 moreexciting 7 more friendly

    I c o r r e a 2 eas;;et' = = eas ier3 MOT e Fast = faster4 c o r r e ~ t 5 ~ = = morepolite

    DI April 2 Italian 3 19974 Computer 5 136 French 7 19968 Business 9 197510 Japanese II 200212 International

    Robert iephany2 Robert Tephany3 james Hanley4 Jennifer Lee5 James Hanley!Ias old as

    2 as many qualifications as3 as many languages as4 as much experience asIIII Mr Hanley2 Ms Lee3 Mriephany4 Mr Tephany5 Mr Hanley6 Ms TephanyaIc 2a 3f 4e 5d 6b.~B.BEAKTHROUGH7 .A basketball B hockeyC horse racing D athleticsEgolf F motorbike racingfJI basketball 2 horse racing3 athletics 4 motorbikeracing 5 hockey 6 golf

    I team 2 race 3 score4 winner 5 game 6 playersDAcross;3 players 5 fans7 goalkeeper 10 pitchDown:I ball 2 whistle 4 referee6 goal 8 lights 9 red

    four2 good3 snowboarding, ice hockey4 outdoors5 at the High Peakcafe!restaurant6 at the (ice) rinkaI referee 2 winter 3 racket4 lose '5 dub. .rian 2 Tony 3 Matt 1fJIBrian 2 Brian 3 Matt4 Matt 5 Brian 6 Brian7 Matt 8 Tony

    la 2b 3c 4a 5c

    ~SIAGE 4:_~E~SON6}1What time do you wakeup?

    2 When do you get up?3 Who do you phone afterbreakfast?4 How do you get to work?5 How far is it from yourhome to your office?6 Where is your office?7 What do you have forlunch?8 Why do you go to thepark?

    11I What about you?2 And you?3 Don't you?4 How about you?5 Don't you agree?IIIndividual answers

    STA~E 4i LE~"ON7. .working 2 fixing 3 eating4 showing 5 typing6 doing 7 having 8 talkingIII Polly 2 Rick 3 joanne4 Rob 5 Doreen 6 Ian7 janet 8 SimonDI is typing 2 is talking3 is having 4 is working5 is showing 6 is eating7 is doing 8 is fixingII

    Polly. are you listening?2 Simon, where are yougoing?3 Rob, what are you reading?4 Rick, why are you lookingout of the window?5 What are you looking at?6 What are they doing?

    I What are you watching?2 What are you doing?3 What are you listening to?4 What are you reading?5 Where are you going?6 Why are you laughing?

    . .thin 2 bald 3 long4 dark 5 short 6 young7 small 8 redThe word in the shadedcolumn is l iandsome,I forties 2 a bit 3 hair4 friendly 5 smart 6 eatingout 7 handsome

  • 5/7/2018 Resource Book 1


    There are four people in myoffice, apart from me, First ofall there's Pat. the secretary.She's in her l a te twen t ie s . butshe looks really young. almostlike a teenager, She's tall, andshe's got long. blond hair Thenthere's Geoff. our accountsmanager, He's in his late-thirties. thin with med i um-l e n i J t h hair and he always looksworried There's also Anita,She's the sales manager -very ambitious, She's slimand she's got cur l~ black hair.Last but not least. there's Ian,the boss. She's in her fortiesand she's quite a characterShe's got this amazing re d hairthat comes over her fyes, She'salways very casually dressed,which is quite unusual for aboss, I suppose.

    Appearance: blond, slim,small, handsome, big, tallMood or personality: happy,nice, generous, kind, boring,funnyaModel answer:I'm short and I 've got dark,curly hair.I'm a happy person and myfriends say I 'm funny' I likewalking and playing tennis,. .Yoshiko is upset becauseshe can't find Mrs King.

    2 Yoshiko thinks the menwho are chasing Mrs King'sson have got her,3 They are at Mrs King's!Yoshiko's house,4 He wants to speak to MrsKing5 She wants them to bringher some money.

    I Yoshiko 2 Carlos3 Peter 4 Reg 5 Peter6 Yoshiko 7 Peter 8 Reg9 Carlos 10 PeterIIThere's no need to speak l i k ethat,

    Answer KeyI 'm a student, remember, justl i k e you.lie on the beach l i k e

    Ie 2c 3d 4j 5g 6i7f 8h 9b lOaIIIb 2a 3c 4d 50bIII go 2 there 3 applicants4 interviewer 5 start orbegin 6 pair 7 have or take8 How 9 Whose 10 drive

    I Come 2 this! that3 long 4 cheaperIII T h e s e are my children,Olivia and Claudia.21sthis your briefcase?3 You can use my computer,I'm 1 1 0 t u . s i l l ! ] it at themoment4 You must be mor e w r e fu i infuture.5 My brother is much taller

    l l i a l l me....6 in tact, he's th e tallestperson I know.7 She doesn't speak Englishas w e l l as me.

    8 He doesn't have as / n O l n yqualifications as theothers .9 What time do ~ouge! up inthe morning?10Be quieti rm watc~ i /1gte levision.

    . .en C, Frank A. Danny Breally ambitious2 quite adventurous3 so polite4 very cheerful5 a bit spoilt6 so talkative7 very impatient8 very popular


    3 shy5 quiet

    2 generous4 hard-working

    : STAG~: LESSONi12. .ndividual answersI collecting stamps2 painting3 horse riding4 swimming5 gardening6 playing football

    I swimming2 collecting stamps3 playing football4 painting

    Grantham Golf Club2 Waterways Fishing Club3 Spring Valley CommunityOrchestra4 Passmore Walking GroupIIIndividual answers

    J e 2d 3a 4c 50bBREAKTHROUGH 8III living room 2 bedroom3 kitchen 4 bathroom5 study 6 cellar! basement7 attic 8 veranda9 balcony10 The dining room is not inthe house.III bathroom 2 kitchen3 living room 4 bedroom5 attic 6 basement! cellarIICollect the dirty clothesfrom the laundry basket

    2 Wash the clothes in thewashing machine.3 Hang the clothes on theclothesline to dry

    4 Iron the clothes.5 Put the clean clothesthe drawer

    Kitchenbowl, tap, spoon, table,cooker, teapot, shelves, ssink, dishwasher, chairsLiving roomtable, shelves, sofa, TV,cushions, photos, rug, chaI bedrooms 2 windows3 shelves 4 kitchen5 washing 6 bathroom7 shower 8 attic

    I Brian 2 Sam 3 leann4 Boris 5 Clare 6 LizfIBrian watched a play.

    2 Sam played football.3 Joanne cleaned the ho4 Boris studied for hiscomputer exam.5 Clare decorated thebedroom,6 Liz repaired her car,

    Ie 2f 3g 4a 5c 6d7h 8bDModel answers,2 On Sunday I had lunchwith my mother.3 On my birthday I sawnew play and had dinnwith friends.4 During my last holidaywas always on the bea5 Last year I travelled toChina.

    I meals 2 pool 3 beac4 balcony 5 gardens6 drink 7 bedrooms 8

    English in 20 m~nutes a_d

  • 5/7/2018 Resource Book 1


    Answer KeyIII The bedrooms were verysmall.

    2 The beds wereuncom forta ble,4 The food wasn't nice,5There was no variety offood.6The beach was dirty

    8The weather was bad.IOThe swimming pool wasvery small.II It rained every day.12The hateI staff were notpolite.

    I was 2 were 3slept4 were 5 was 6 were7 spoke 8 promised 9 do10 deseri bed I J was12 was 13 rained 14 hadI 5 were 16 shouted

    I false 2 true 3 false4 false 5 true 6 false7 true 8 falseSTAGE 4 : LESSQ.~i1t

    1 internet 2 twenty-one 3brother 4 competition5 twelve 6 supermarket7 customers 8 house9 garden 10 restaurantsII champagne 12 teaE llCharlie Rickman u se d t o l i v ein a 16-room mansion, butnow he . j i v e s in a caravan.

    2 He u s e d to e a t in expensiverestaurants, but now hec o o k s his own meals.

    3 He u s e d t o e a ! lobster anddrink champagne fordinner, but now he catstoast and d r i n k s tea.

    4 He l A se d t o g o to the theatre,but now he can't a f f o r d . thetickets, so he r e ~ d s booksinstead.5 He w ; e d . to s p e l 1 d hours onthe telephone talking tohis friends. but now he

    w r i t e s to them instead.6 He u se d t o h av e lots offriends, but he doesn't ~ C l v emany friends any more.

    16 English in 20 minutes a day

    7 He u se d t o r e la x as much aspossible, but now he w o r k sup to twelve hours a day.

    Individual answersSTAG~ 4'lLE;ON 16II1 Speaker 42 Speaker I3 Speaker 34 Speaker 25 Speaker 56 Speaker 67 Speaker 88 Speaker 7II2 Have you ever won3 Have you ever met. .4 Have you ever eaten .5 Have you ever learnt. .6 Have you ever been.7 Have you ever flown .aIndividual answers

    . .3 b2 c7 d5 e6 fl~4Ic 215 3a 4b 5d6 f 7 eII1 get on with 2 take over3 get off 4 look for5 Come in

    I go away 2 coming back3 go out 4 get out 5 geton 6 going back 7 fall off

    I used to smoke2 used to drink3 used to drink4 used to eat5 used to dance6 used to be

    IIJAMES:Who's t~~t over there?By the door?BECKYBrian Clack. He's mycousin. Why do you ask?JAMES:Well. I just found t l i e s ekeys on the floor. I think hedropped them. Did youprepare all tM s foodyourself?

    BECKY:Most of it. yes. But Ibought quite a lot ready-prepared from t h Q t newsupermarket t n a t has justopened down the road.JAMES:Mm Well, you've donea great job.BECKY:Thanks Tfi tse littlepastries are deliciousHave you tried one?JAMES:Not yet. Mm. you'reright. They aren't bad, arethey? Well, I 'd better givet h e s e keys back to Brian.See you later!

    I b 2c 3b 4a 5caJENNY:Hi. What's your name?STEVE'Oh, hi. My name'sSteve. What's ~ou r name?JENNY:'m Jenny. Have you

    come to England for aholiday?STEVE:No, I'm here onbusiness. My company hasan office not far from here.JENNY: re you on your own?STEVE:No, I'm with my wife.She's over there.JENNY:s she the t l l l l womanwith the long hair?STEVE:.That's her Ase youhere on your own?JENNY:No, I'm with myhusband. He's I n C l ! manwith the blue jacket overthere. Wfiel1did you arrive

    in England?STEVE:We a r r i v e d two daysagoJENNY: see, and h o w long areyou are here altogether?STEVE:Just a week.lENNY:Ihope you n C l v e a greattime.

    IIThey are going to look forMrs King.

    2 He wants money.3 Yoshiko doesn't give himenough money.4 He agrees to get the mansome more money.5 They are going to see whocomes to get the parcel.

    ic 28 3E 4D 5A6fIIOh dearlOh no!What a mess:Oh look' Thank goodness!Quick!

    .~STAGE 4~L_ESS9.~]gQ;_~IIl h 2g 3c 4d 5j 6i7b 8a 9f 10eIII talkative 2 polite3 cheerful 4 shopping5 swimmingII1 eating in restaurants2 watching television3 playing golf4 using the internet5 travellingIII fixed 2 gone 3 colleague4 get on 5 played

    This film isn' t C IS g o o d C IS theone! saw last week2 This computer is much

    1 I 1 0 r e e x p e n s iv e than myoIdone.3 I Iffwe phoned my motheryesterday4 When I was young, I u s e d tof ight with my brothers allthe time.5 Have y o u e v e r been to theUSA?rIJ b 2d 3e 4a5e

  • 5/7/2018 Resource Book 1


    , STAGE 5: LESSON 1

    I Hurry up!2 Come in.3 Wake up!4 Takea seat.5 Passthe salt6 Have a biscuit.

    Please help me with thissuitcase.! Help me withthis suitcase, please2 Could you show me howthis photocopier works?3 Would you pass me a pairof scissors?4 Could you open the door?5 Would you mind gettingme a cup of coffee?II

    2, 6, 3, 4, I, 5IIIe 2a 3d 4f 5c6b

    STAGE 5: LESSON 21 1EI

    no parking2 no right turn3 no bicycles4 no entry5 no left turn6 no overtaking7 pedestrians only8 no horns

    They look at and discuss; noparking, no bicycles, noovertaking, no entry, no rightturn.

    2 Don't cross the road here.3 Don't smoke in here.4 Don't touch the paintings.5 Do not go into this room.6 Never pullout into theroad without checking yourmirror first.

    Please don't touch thecomputer.

    A nsw er K ey2 Would you mind nottalking to me like that?3 Please would you mind notopening the window?4 l'm sorry, but would youmind not interrupting me?5 Please don't open thisdoor.

    plug I' socket I' powerbutton.l CD tray I' playbutton I' volume controlI'stop button.l speaker)(II2,4, 1,3

    2 turn 3 Press 4 Open5 Press 6 put 7 close Ipush 8 Press 9 TurnIII Open I Lift 2 Put 3 Close4 Press 5 Take I Remove

    l d 2c 3a 4e 5b

    STAGE 5jiIESSON 4fII Turn, heating 2 Wear,clothes 3 Make, sandwich4 Take, holiday 5 Ask, boss6 Look, job

    book, plane seating plan,check in desk, water,sandwich (light meal),comfortable clothing (shirtand trousers)

    I Buy 2 Repeat 3 Read4 Listen. watch 5 Eat6 Talk


    JG 28 3H 40 5A6C 7F 8E

    II' 2.1 31' 4.1 5)(6)( 7)( 8)(IIfil ing cabinet, fax machine,desk tidy, water cooler,bulletin board, wastepaperbasketIIworkstation, water cooler,office chair, computer screen,bulletin board, filing cabinet,desk, briefcase, table (any 3of these)1'1Id 2e 3a 4f 5b 6caI photocopier 2 computer3 diary 4 fil ing cabinet5 letter scale 6 (laser)printer

    fI2 should go I ought to go3 should ask / ought to ask4 should take I ought to take5 should go I ought to go6 shouldn't use7 shouldn't spendIIIe 2b 3g 4h 5e6f 7a 8da

    I'm tired2 I'm bored.3 Idon't feel very well.4 I'm hungry.5 This hat is really old.6 I'm getting too fat.

    DI earpiece 2 hands-free kit3 charger 4 call key

    Ib 2b 3b 4a 5ae c 7a 8bIIdon't have to go

    2 must read

    3 don't have to water4 mustn't cross5 mustn't forget6 must study

    I must tel l 2 have to be3 mustn't leave 4 don't hto eat 5 must make6 have to have 7 mustn't8 don't have to pay

    I slowly 2 quietly3 carefully 4 daily5 suddenlyEI2 beautifully 3 quietly4 fluently 5 suddenly6 angrily

    I aeroplane 2 library3 computer 4 train5 cinema

    EIbatteries I' camera I'books I' postcards )( cashsun cream .I traveller'Scheques I' Walkman .Irolls of film I' medicine XII2 any 3 some 4 some5 some 6 some 7 any8 some 9 some

    I some 2 some 3 any4 any 5 any 6 someIII some money 2 any egg3 some paper 4 any stam5 some waterIII something 2 anyone3 anything 4 something5 anything 6 someone

    English in 20 minutes a day

  • 5/7/2018 Resource Book 1


    Answer Key

    3They go back to pick up 4some of Yoshlko's things.

    2 The front door is open.3 The house is in a terrible 5mess. 64 Harry King.5 The telephone rings.

    7I False 2 False 3 True 4True 5 True 6 True 7False 8 True 9 True 10False

    I don't know if it was him ornot.We went to see if Yoshiko'sroom was all r ight.STAGE 5: LESSON ,1O~,J _ ~ '1 , . .. . .

    Ic 2 f 3a 4 h 5 b6d 71 6 8eIIIa 2b 3b 4c 5a6cIII mumble 2 Read 3 drive4 Drink 5 arrive 6 Have7 cross 8 pass 9 make10 chargeDI any 2 some 3 any4 some 5 some 6 any

    1 quickly 2 slowly3 angrily 4 well 5 late6 calmly 7 early 8 happily9 suddenly 10 loudly

    la 2f 3e 4d 5b 6c

    2 Three quarters 3 Half4 Neither 5 All

    False S o m e of the speakershad to start thei rpresentations late.2 False. Ol le of the

    18 English in 20 minutes a day

    presentations was toolong.False Most of thepresentations were boring.False. B o t h of themthought L iz Taylor'spresentation was good.TrueFalse. The directorsanswered I l o l l e of thedelegates' questions.False. Most of thedelegates missed the finalworkshop.

    S TrueaS o m e of the speakers .. .Most of the presentationsSally Jenkins and I o t~ agreethatThe directors answered n O l l eof the questions ._.M o s t of the delegates . .STAG~..: LESON 1_? ]IICountable: minute eggorange mistake applefriendUncountable, milk moneyluggage food riceUncountable nouns are notsaid in the plural.

    There isn't m u ( f J milk left2 ./3 She hasn't got man~friends4 They made many mistakesin the report.5 There weren't mal lY peopleat the party6 ./7 How m U C H rice would youlike?II

    There aren't mal lY (or a lo t o f )people there .there are always a lo t o f (ormaMU ) things to do .I don't get m U C H (or a l o t o f )free time during.This is a bit annoying,because there are some (or alo t o f or ma l l ! ; ! ) good shops.

    they don't pay me very m u c hmoney .j have managed to save a l o t o f(or s o m e ) money for myholidaya1 f z e 3b 4e 5d6a

    I some water 2 manyfriends 3 some broken glass4 much money 5 lots ofthings

    parking meter, letterbox, litterbin, pedestrian crossing. busstop, road sign, traffic l ights,cycle path, road works, noentry, phone box

    fire2 road works3 accident4 bus broken down5 traffic Ights out6 new roundabout beingbuilt

    2 traffic5 crossroads

    2a 31 4e 5c 6d

    look it up in a dict ionary Ilook in a dictionary

    2 look at .3 ask5 write

    IF 2E 3C 4D >86A

    A If you run, you might catchit.B If you take a couple ofaspirin, it should getbetterC If you give it some water, itshould revive.D If you call an engineer, hemight fix it for youE If you take him to the vet.he should be all righta10 2E 3B 4A 5CSTAGE 5: LESSON141

    A Gizmo washing powderB Jamaica - the ultimateholiday experienceC Greenback InternationalBank

    D Shanghai HouseRestaurantE Cheapies supermarket

    26 3E 4C 5A

    2h 3i 4a 5g7e a r 9c 10d

    If you go to Greasy Joe's,you'll eat traditionalBritish food.2 If I see Pam, I 'll give heryour best wishes3 If you lend me 100, I'llreturn it tomorrow.4 If you're late tomorrow, I'l lbe really angry5 If Tony doesn't work hard,he'l l fail the test.6 If you don't wake up ontime, you'll miss the train

    Ie 21 3f 4h 5j 6b7g 8c 9d lOa

  • 5/7/2018 Resource Book 1


    2 is sliced 3 is spooned4 is spread 5 is grated6 sprinkled 7 are rinsed8 are chopped 9 is baked

    I eaten 2 drunk 3 used4 made 5 sold 6 shown7 sent 8 grown

    2 g) a re e a t e n in japan,3 c) a re s o l d in greengrocers.4 e) is d r u n k at weddings or onother special occasions5 d) a re g ro w n in tropicalcountries.6 hI a r e s e n t all over the world.7 a) is m a d e from cereals suchas wheat or corn,8 b) a r e u s e d to season food,STAGE 5: LESSON f sr c 2A 3D 48 5E2 is being repaired3 is being cleaned4 is being conducted5 is being taken

    2 is being repaired 3 isbeing built 4 is beingreplaced 5 are being played6 are being shown 7 arebeing watched 8 is beingdemolishedD4, 3, 6, I, 5, 2

    2 being decorated3 is being put in4 is being used5 is being installed6 are being cleaned7 is being repaired8 is being removed

    A nsw er K ey

    2 Susanna 3 Brendan4 Susanna 5 Thomas6 Molly 7 Molly 8 BrendanII2 with 3 about 4 for5 of 6 at 7 from 8 of9 for 10 from

    2 in, at, on 3 as 4 with, to5 of, of 6 to

    2a 3i 4d 5j 6h8g ge JOb

    2 back 3 for 4 about 5 to8 about 9 for

    3 True6 True9 True

    I to 2 to 3 up 4 for5 in 6 to

    He lives on the other sideof town,2 He wants him to knowabout the mess at MrsKing's house,3 They go to the beach4 He puts a bag into therubbish bin.5 He takes the bag and goesoff in a car,

    Brendan, Susanna, Molly,Thomas, John

    2i 3a 4g 5c 6j8e 9h lOb

    He must have been lookingfor something,Peter, you must believe us.

    DIB 2E 3A 4F 5C6D

    2f 3a 4g 5e7d 8b

    1 peel 2 phone 3 at themoment 4 Bake 5 if6 currently 7 any 8 Mix9 half 10 shouldIIThe office is beingdecorated.

    2 The computer is beingrepaired,3 The sitting room is beingcleaned.

    4 A house is being built.III for 2 with 3 back4 about 5 of 6 up

    2 B, C,At

    Conversation I:D id 1I0U s p eall your money last night?Conversation 2: Oh dear, w1I0U l a t e for work? D id it g o ODIe 2g 3b 4f 5d7eDplay I Yes, I did (No, [didn't)

    2 teach I Yes,they did. (Nthey didn't)3 city I Yes, itwas, (No, itwasn't)4 youngest I Yes, I was. (1 wasn't.)

    5 ride I Yes, 1 did. (No, Ididn't)6 help I Yes, j did. (No, Ididn't.)

    Model answers:Yes, [ did Iwent to aconcert

    2 No, I wasn't. 1 got to woon time every day,3 No, I didn't. 1 relaxed awatched T V .4 Yes, I did. 1went toAustralia5 Yes, Iwas. I enjoyedschool very much.' S T A G E 6: LESSOr:[""gDIb 2e 3a 4d

    2 Where 3 Why5 Who

    Why, buy2 Where (or How). hear3 When, buy4 How, pay5 Did, have6 Were, happy

    English in 20 minutes a day

  • 5/7/2018 Resource Book 1


    Answer KeyIIIe 2d 3a 4b 5f 6c

    Model answers:Iwent out for a meal withsome friends.

    2 I was at home reading agood book.3 I talked to my boyfriend forabout an hour.4 I started learning Englishfour years ago.5 I felt very happy yesterday

    I at home 2 at a restaurant3 at the office 4 at a concert5 at the sports centre6 in a car

    Iwas relaxing / watching2 was enjoying 3 wasworking 4 was listening5 was playing 6 was drivingI listening

    Id 2c 3e 4b 5aIIPicture BII1 was watching2 was wearing 3 washolding 4 Was he wearing5 was looking

    Model answers;I Iwas waiting for a train.2 j was playing football withsome friends3 Iwas preparing apresentation for work.4 1was applying for a newjob.5 I was getting ready tomove to a new house.~GE 6: LES~ON 4

    when he saw a UFO,2 when it suddenly caughtfire3 the phone rang.

    20 English in 20 minutes a day

    4 when a dog ran in front ofher car.5 somebody tried to stealhis wallet.

    Model answers:Iwas taking a shower whenthere was a knock on thedoor.2 While I was eating lunch. itstarted to rain.3 Iwas watching televisionwhen my girlfriend arrived,4 While I was trying to sleep,the phone kept ringing.5 Iwas walking home when Isaw the accident.

    2 good 3 poor5 fair 6 poor8good

    I b 2 c (or d) 3 e4 c (or d)5 a

    oA Sculpture GardenB Museum of Modern AItC City MuseumD Natural History MuseumE Science and DiscoveryCentreF Motor Museum

    I Motor Museum2 City Museum3 Museum of Modern Art4 Science and DiscoveryCentre

    1 famous 2 designed3 opened 4 round5 collection b best7 pictures 8 take 9 downIIITrue 2 False 3 True4 TrueIII glass 2 gold 3 wood4 stone 5 silver b day

    1119.30 25.00 310.30 44.30 5 4.50 euros 6 sixteen7 restaurant 8 shop 93110 five minutes

    E, B,A, D,CDI First / First of all 2 met3 then 4 told 5 showed6 After that 7 met8 Next 9 went10 eventually II startednModel answers;What's your name?

    2 Where do you live?3 Have you got (Do youhave) any children?4 What does your wife(partner) do?5 Have you got (do youhave) any hobbies? (Whatdo you like doing in yourspare/free time?)DModel answers:First of all, Imet the boss. MsMillerAfter that, her secretaryexplained how to use thecomputer.Then, 1went to lunch withsome of the others in theofficeNext, Ms Miller explainedwhat my duties wereFinally. I went home at f iveo'clock.

    I two days ago 2 yesterdaymorning 3 last week4 last night 5 this morning6 Last month 7 two weeksago

    IIl ike: I'm mad about shopping.It was fantasticdislike It was terrible, Shehated it

    1 Last week 2 1\\10 days ago3 Yesterday morning4 Last night 5 This morningaModel answers:I had a hoJiday last year.Iwent shopping yesterdaymorning.I used the internet a fewminutes ago.Iwent to the cinema lastweekIwent to the theatre threeweeks agoIwent to a gallery last month.Isaw a sporting event twodays ago.Iwatched television lastnightIate in a cafe this morning.

    l S 1 ~ G . l = 6: LESSON 7I didn't have to 2 had to3 should have 4 shouldn'thaveIIt c 2a 3d 4bIII s h oul dn ' t have eaten2 should have left 3 had towork 4 shouldn't have spent5 didn't have to take6 should have told

    Model answers:I had to work overtimebecause there was a lot ofwork to do.

    2 j should have playedtennis because j need toget some exercise.3 I shouldn't have made somuch noise because itupset the neighbours.4 I didn't have to cook ameal because my friendtook me out for dinner.

  • 5/7/2018 Resource Book 1


    STAGE 6, I.!ESSON aZ:;II2 , . 1 3vf 4vf 6vfDI going to slow 2 going tohit 3 going to cross4 going to pull out 5 goingto overtake 6 going to loseD

    He's going to drop thebooks.

    2 They're going to catch thebus.

    3 She's going to make aphone cal l

    4 She's going to have a baby.5 It's going to be a wet day.6 They're going to eat


    It's going to be a beautifulday.

    2 It's going to be really hot.3 It's going to be cold4 It's goi ng to be a wet day,5 It's going to snow.

    anewspapers andmagazines

    2 back to Mrs King's house3 Mrs King4 to London5 because she has caused so

    much trouble

    C, B,A, D, E

    I got a w ay but they're afterme.

    2 I suggest we try to stopthem g e t t i n g in.

    3 G e t o f f me!II1Yoshiko 2 Mrs King3 Harry 4 Yoshiko 5 Harry6 Peter 7 Peter 8 Mrs King

    A nsw er K ey~fAGE 6: LESSON 10aIf 2e 3d 4c 5a 6b

    Ic 2a 3d 4bII] was taking, rang 2 werewatching 3 going to turn4 went shopping 5 caught

    I hospital 2 picnic3 cinema 4 computer, off ice5 public holiday6 speed limit 7 exams8 concert 9 holidayIIId 2e 3f 4g 5a 6b7c

    First of all Then After thatThen Next eventuallyfinally

    STAGE 6: ilESSON 11

    1,4,6IIModel answers:First I'm going to do someshopping.Then I'm going to play golfI'm also going to the theatreon Saturday night.After that, I'm going to relaxand take it easy .II

    What are you going to doon Saturday?

    2 Which one are you goingto see?

    3 Why are you going to seeit?

    4 Who are you going to seeit with?

    5 Where are you going tomeet her?

    6 When are you going tomeet her?

    7 Are you going to inviteme?

    Ib 2c 3a

    STAGE 6: LESSON~~2

    return f rom Athens: 11june

    2 take james out: 5 june3 fly to Athens: 7 june4 day off (public holiday) J 2june5 make speech at office

    party: 17 june6 go to London: 4 June7 meet Mr Hamilton: 3 June8 presentation to Sophos

    Education: 1 0 lu n eIIIe 2a s r 4b 51 5 6d7c

    aMonday: meet my brother forlunchTuesday: presentation at workWednesday: go shoppingFriday: day offSaturday and Sunday: awayfor the weekendWednesday: off ice picnicFriday: concertSaturday and Sunday: work inthe garden

    Today I'm meeting my brotherfor lunch.Tomorrow I'm giving apresentation at work.This Wednesday I'm goingshopping.This Friday I'm having the dayoff.This weekend I'm going away.Next Wednesday I'm going togo to the office picnic.Next Friday I'm going to aconcert.Next weekend I'm working inthe garden.

    BREAKTH ROUG j " : ( 1 2 ~ , ~ " .

    I B 2C 3E 4A 5F6D&I1 stage 2 audience 3Barriers 5 guitar 6 drums7 speakers

    IISpeaker I playSpeaker 2: comedy showSpeaker 3: balletSpeaker 4: pop concertSpeaker 5: magic showSpeaker 6: jazz concert

    R om e o a n d J u / i e t2 23rd March3 G4 l O / l l5 18506 730aIe 2d 3a 4c 5b

    I window 2 telephone li3 security guard 4 chair5 some coins 6 a noteII2 were cut 3 was tied4 was opened 5 was use6 were stolen 7 was left8 were called 9 was takeII2 Gue rn iw was painted b

    Picasso in 1937.3 Radium was discovered

    Marie Curie.4 The Nobel Peace Prize

    won by Nelson Mandela1993.aMount Everest was firstclimbed by EdmundHillary and Tenzing Noin 1953.

    2 L o r d o f t h e R J n g s was wriby J R R Tolkien

    3 A b b ey R O t! d and R e v o l v e rwere recorded by theBeatles.

    4 The Microsoft corporat iowas set up by Bill Gate

    5 The 2002 World Cup wawon by Braail .

    English In 20 minutes a da

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    A n sw er K eyb S U M / lo w e r s was painted byVincent van Gogh7 President john F . Kennedywas kil led by Lee HarveyOswald in 1963.STAGE 6: LESSON1. 1 - 1 ,

    IE 2A 3C 46 50fJConversat ion I. 6Conversation 2, CConversation 3, A

    1 Go through 2 walk along3 left 4 Go down 5 goacross 6 right

    walk through look atcome from go upwalk along come into

    2 across 3 through 4 into5 up bout 7 along 8 to9 on 10 inSTAGE 6: LE~S9f'.! 1?J1

    EMMA: 1,4,7,8TOM, 2, 3, 5, 6II1 False 2 False 3 True4 True 5 False 6 TrueII2 said (he) was working3 needed4 said (that he) was gettingon5 said (that I) hated6 said (that 1 ) was arguing7 said (he) was

    2 lohn said that he got 011well with his new boss.3 He said he needed aholiday.4 Emma said she wasenjoying her new job verymuch.5 They said they were tootired to go to the cinema.

    22 English in 20 minutes a day

    2 I am working late.3 I am learning Russian.4 We really like the new busservice.5 I speak a l ittle French andsome Dutch

    Before he became Duringhis time eventually hebecame After forty yearsAfter this, Chaplin decidedHe finally died

    2 True 3 Trues True 6 False

    4 During7 moved10 after

    I for, during 2 During3 during 4 for 5 for6 During

    DIA 2 3C 40 ':;B

    2 He told me to make him acup of tea.3 He asked me to give him ahand.4 He asked me to lend himsome cash.5 He ordered me to shut up.6 He asked me where thenearest bank is.7 He ordered me to sit downand payattention.8 He told me to send a faxto Mr Williams.

    I b polite 2c impolite3a very polite 4b polite5c impolite 6a very polite

    Ib 2 g 3e 4f 5c 6d7aIII look after 2 pay back3 find out 4 give up5 put off 6 pick up

    I want to listen to moremusic.2 I'm going to give upsmoking.3 I want to look after my carbetter4 I'm going to find out abouttaking swimming lessons.5 I'm going to pay back themoney I borrowed from mybrother.STAGE 6: LESSON 19

    Mrs King's son, Harry2 He has been attacked bythe robbers.3 He says he will go back toAustralia.4 She's hears something atthe back of the house5 Her husband, John, is notdead as she thought

    I John King 2 John King3 Karl Kray 4 Peter5 Peter 6 Karl Kray 7 Peter8 Yoshiko 9 Yoshiko10 Peter

    I robbers 2 lie down3 Yoshiko 4 home5 money 6 police 7 lost8 Australia 9 help 10 bankJ I followed 12 adventure

    2 g 3e 4d 5c 6a8h2g 3a 4c 5d 6e

    2 is enjoying

    I give up 2 broke down,look after 3 borrowed somemoney from, pay (me) back4 find out 5 listen to6 put off

    If 2c 3e 4g':;a 6b7h 8d

  • 5/7/2018 Resource Book 1


    G ram m ar B ank

    Adjectives 2 8Adverbs 3 2Adverbs of frequency 2 6an y 2 7 , 3 2Apostrophe '5 (possessive) 2 8b e 2 3c a l l 2 4d o 2 6Comparative adjectives 2 8Comparisons with a s . . , a s 2 6Conditional sentences with i f 3 2Contractions (short forms) 2 4Countable / uncountable nouns 2 7could 2 4Determiners a , a ll , t f t e 2 4

    tn is / t f w l , t f t e se / t h o se 2 8lJad to 3 4have 2 3n a v e go t 2 4How m ud i ? How mImi,!? 27Imperatives 3 1Linking words

    a l1d , but . b ec a us e , s o 2 4o r, al!hOtlg~ 2 7Multi-word verbs 30, 35

    mus t 3 1Numbers 2 5Ordinal numbers 2 5oug~ t to 3 1Passive 3 3 , 3 4Plurals (nouns) 25Possessive adjectives 2 4Possessive pronouns 2 8Prepositions 2 5after adiectives 3 3aFterverbs 3 3

    Pronouns 2 4 , 2 7QualiFying words

    quite, a b it , v er y, r ea ll y, 50 2 9Questions 2 6 , 3 3

    Yes / N o 2 6W(l- 2 6

    Question tags 2 7Questions: word order 2 9Reported speech 3 5s~o,dd 3 1should n a v e 3 4some 3 2Superlative adjectives 2 8to o 2 7u s e d to 3 0Verb tensesFuture with g oin g to 3 4Past continuous 3 4Past simple 2 9Present continuous 2 5Present perfect 3 0Present simple 2 3

    Present simple tense(Timpul prezent sirnpiu]Acest t imp se folose$te pentru a vorbidespre stari general valabile, obiceiuri, si-tuatii permanente $i adevaruri eterne. Inpropozitii simple, precum cele mentions-te mai [os. un pronume personal (ex. I. you,h e, w e) sau un substantiv este urmat deverb si de restul propozitiei.I w alk t o w ork. - ! \ I ! e rg p e jo s la serviciu.Austral ia is a vi g c ou ntry . - Australia este 0

    tard m a r eAffirmative form (Forma alirrnatlva)

    Majoritatea verbelor adauga -5 sau -85 lapersoana a trela singular, cand suntfolosite cu he , s h e , it.

    ~ : } s t a r t / f i l 1 i s hThey

    He }Sh e . st ~rt s / f in ish esIt

    work at 9 .00 .

    Verbe uzuale care adauga -S:a s k -+ a s k sge t -+ g e t sn o p e -+ n a p e sk l 1 0 w -+ k n o w slike -+ likesl i v e -+ livesw i l n t -+ WlllltSVerbe Ie care se term ina In -55, -0, - e h , - s l iadauga -esd o -+ d o e sg o -+ g o e smiss -+ m i s s e st ea c h - + te a c f, esw a s h -+ w a S h e sw a t C h -+ w a t c ~ e sVerbeJe care se terrruna In -y schirnbaforma In -ies:c ry -+ c r i e sf i l j -+ f i i e stf!1 -+ tries2 Negative form (Forma negatlva)Se pune d o n ': ( d o 1 1 0 t ) sau d o es n' t ( do es 1 7 0 t )Tnfata verbului

    Y o u }W eT h e y s tart w ork at 9 .0

    d O I 1 ' t


    1f d o e s 11 'I.LESSONLESSON

    Verbs to be and to have(Verbele to h a v e si to & e )Aceste verbe formeaza prezentul simpdupa cum urrneazaI Affirmative form (Forma afirrnatiI l

    1Y o u haveW e JH e wHe 1 f ' w o b"lhu,.Stie f ha sIt

    amYo u }e i l f eThey EnglishHe 1Sh e f ISIt2 Negative form (Forma negativa)

    You }W e dO l1 'rh l lveTliey a sister.He } d " , , " " , , 'lieIt

    am 1 1 0 tY o u }e ~ re 1 1 0 tThey Englisli.He } " , , '~eItAceste verbe sunt foarte uzuale Inengleza Sunt folosite ln propozltli simdupa cum se arata aici, dar si ca verbeauxiliare Tnpropozitii mai complexe


    English in 20 minutes a da y-

  • 5/7/2018 Resource Book 1


    G ram m ar B an kContractions or short forms{Contragerile S8U formele scurte)Verbul to b e este freevent folosit In formasa scurta, mai ales In engleza vorbita .Affirmative Negative(Afirmativ) (Negativ)I'm I'm n o tY o u ' r eW e ' r eT l l e y ' r eHe'sS ~ e ' sIt's

    Y ou 'r e n o t ! Y ou a r e n ' tW e 'r e n o t 1 W e a r e n ' tT ~ e ~ ' r e no t 1T h e y arcn'tHe's n o t 1 H e isn 'tS~e'sn o l !h e isn,'tIt's n o t ! It isn't

    La forma negativa nu exista nici 0dllerenta de sens Intre formele scurteSe folosese ambele constructiiS h e isn't m!,f c o u s in , " " S h e's not m y c ou s i a ,

    LESSON 5C an I c ou ldC a n este folosit tmpreuna cu un alt verbpentru a exprima capacitatea de a faceceva.S h e w n s w i m ~n d s h e w n p l a y tenn is. - Stie s a

    T n o a t e S i stir s a j o a ce tenis,I G a n ' t c o m e t o H ie m e e t i n g o n F ri d a y . - N u p o t

    v en i v in e r i l a I nt a 1 n i r e,C a 1 1 lie u s e a c o m p u t e r ? - EI ~ t i e sil { o l o s e a s c i i

    U ll c a l c u l a t o r ?Can este folosit si pentru a face 0 simpiacerere,C a n I o p e n t l i e w i n d o w ? - P o t sil clesrnide r e a s t r a ?C o u l d este folosit pentru cererile mai poll-ticoase, deseori rnsottt de cuvantul p l e a s e ,C o u l d I h ~ v e a c o ff ee ? - A li p u !e a s ii - m i d a ti 0 c o ; f e ~ ?P l ea s e c o u ld ! , f o u s p e ~ k m o r e s l o w l~ ? - Ali p u . t e a

    v e r b : mai r ar . v ii r oq .LESSON 7

    Have go t I has go tAtunci cand h ~ v e g o t sau h a s qo t suntfolosite pentru a exprima posesia, setoloseste forma scurtaAffirmative(Afirmativ)I 've g o tY o u 'v e g otW e ' v e gotT h e y'v e g o tHe's go tShe'sg o tIt's g o t

    Negative(Negativ)I a v e M 't g o tY o u l i a ve n 't g otW e h ~ v e l 1 ' t go !T ~ e y ~ a v e n 'I g o tHe h a s n ' I g o tS h e h a s n 't g otIt ~as l l ' t g o t

    Asking questions (Interogativul)Observati care este ordinea cuvintelor lainterogativ pentru h a v e g o t ! h a s g o tHave y o u g o t a c a r ? - N m a~ i n i j ?H a s fi e g o t a l i c en c e? - A re p e r m i s de ( o n d u e e r e ?

    LESSON 8

    24 English in 20 minutes a da y

    Possessive adjectives(Adjectlvele posesive)m y , you r , h is I h e r , its, eur, the irAdjectivele posesive se forrneaza pornindde la pronumele personate.

    Possessive adjective(Adjectiv posesiv)

    Pronoun(Pronume)SingularI~ o ! !h es l i eitPlural:w ey o ut h e ~

    m yy o u rM sl i e ritso u ryOH rt ~e i r

    Adjectivele posesive se acorda cupersoana (sau obiectu I) care posedaobiectul pe care TIdescriu

    ~( I'v e q ot a n e w csr.) 1 d r r v e my c a r to w o r k .(Am 0 m a $in d 1 10 ud .) M e r g eli m a$ ina /Ilea 1 61 e r v i c i u .( M ~ w = o g { o r w a l ks .( V e r i i m e l a u u n c i ii n e. ) S c o t c a in e le l o r l a p l i m b a r c .~(W e l i v e in H o ng K o n g n ow . ) T l i i s [s o u r new a d d r e s s .( L o w i m In H o n l 1 K o n g a w m ) A c e a s t a e s t e

    n o u a nOast fa a d r e s a .Retineti laptul ca adjectlvul posesiv its nuare apostrot.I t's (cu apostrof) este forma scurts a luiit is.

    LESSON 12Linking words (Conjunctiile)Conjunct lile sunt folosite pentru a legapropozttli.I a n dFolosim a n d pentru a lega douapropozitii asernanatoare.H e i s t a l l a n d h e 's g o t s ~o rt , c u r ly h a i r . - E I e s t e

    T n a l ! ~ia re p a r s m r t , c a r l i o n l ~ t _I l i v e an d w o r k il l T o r o n t o . - L o w / e s c $i / u e r e z

    T n T o r o n t o ,S ~ e i s t{lirfy-two a ~d s h e h as t h re e c l ii .l d re l l. -

    Ea ( l r e t r e i z e G ! ~i o i d e ( l n i $i a r e trei G O p i i .2 b u tFolosim b u t cand dorim sa callflcarninformatia din prima propozltieWe a re r o tH sixty, ru t w e a re v e r! , f fi t I - A m a n d o i

    a ve m ~ a i z ec i d e a n i , d a r n e simlim { o ar te b in e !I w o d l 50 h o u r , a w ee k , b u t I dO l l 't w o r ~ o nFrida~s,- L u c r e z 50 d e o r e p e s ii pt am a n a ,d a r ~ u l u c r e z in z i l e J e d e vineri .

    M y m o t l ie r , tl fl O n e d ,b u t I w a s n ' t at h O ll i e , - M a m aa s ( . m a t , d a r e ~ Il U e r a m a c a s a

    LESSON 14

    3 b e c a u s eFolosim b e c a u s e cand dorim sa exprimammotivul unei anumite actlunl.I s e e h im e ve r ~ d a ~ b ec au se w e w o rk i l l . t f lC s a m e

    o f fi c e, - T I v a d i.~f i e c a r e zi pe l l t ru c5 l u c r i i mIn a c e / a .$ i V i r o u ,

    I d o n ' t e a t p r a w ~ s b e c a u se t l i e y m a k e m e i ll . -N Ii m a n a ne c r e ve ti p er U n < c a fmi f a .c r ii u

    4 soFolosim 50 pentru a exprirna consecintaunei anumite actiuni,I'm f r e e at t w o o 'd o c k , s o w e c a n m e e t t n c n - S u n t

    l i b e r la o ra doud , a ~ a al ftC p u !e m l n ta ln i atune!.I'm s o r r y , I d o n '! k n o w tlie a d d re ss , s o i c a n '!

    f l e l p y o u . - 1mi p a r e r a u , nu ~ t i u a d r e s a , l1$acd nu p o t s a te aiu! . LESSON 16Determiners (Articoleie)Ia,anA (sau a n lnaintea vocalelor a , e . i, 0, u)este folosit cu un substantiv sau con-structie substantivala ca sa ne referim laun obiect sau 0 persoana Tnmod nedefi-nit sau tara a-l I i menttonat lnainte.W e l i v e i n lit o l d h o u se - L o w lm T M t r - o w s t ' ! w c h e ,T h e y r ]( lV e ~ 't g o t a ca r. - Ei nIl a u ma:;iltii.Este de asemenea folosit cand ne referimla 0 rneserie. class sau categorieHe's t1 s a le s a ss i s t a n t - EI e s t e a g en t d e v il n z if ri .M y c a r ' s a H o n d a . - M a ~ i n ~ m e a e s t e 0 H o n d a .A si a n nu sefolosesceusubstantive laplural.He's g o t b l u e e y e s . - A re o e h j a/bastri,2 th eT ~ e este folosit cu un substantlv ca sa nereferim la un obiect sau persoans Tnmoddefinit.T l i e ta l l m a l l . in t h e p h o to is m y f a tn e r , - M r b a tu l

    i n a . l t dl'fj f o t o g r a f i e e s t e t a t5 1 / li eu .He's t he d ir e ct o r o f o u r c o m p a n y , - EI e s t e

    d ir ec to m l c om p a n ie i n o a st r eT ~ e poate fi folosit cu substantive la plural.1 l ik e t h e p a r k s i ll L on d on . - T m i p la e p a rw r i l e

    d in L o n d r a ,T ~ e r o a ds a r e v e r y b u s y at f i v e o 'd oc k. - Dru-

    m u r i l e s u n t [oane t 1 l 1l om e r a te l a o r a cinci,Atentie la constructil fixe, precurn.I h a t e gOI 'ng t o t h e d m ti s t I t h e d o c to r . - Uriis[s a m e r 9 I d e n list 1 I .a d o c t o rL e t ' s g o to tn e c i n e m a 1 tn e t h ea tr e , - H:ii s a

    m e r g em l a c i n e m a 1 .l a tealmS ~e 's a t s c ho o l 1 u n i v e rs i t y . - Ea e s t c la s w a l a !

    la Iln iv c r s i tate ,M y l 1 ' 1 o t f l e r is ill. S h e ' s i n l i o s p i t a i - M a m a m ea

    {sle & o l n a v d . Este l a s p it a l .LESSON 17

  • 5/7/2018 Resource Book 1


    Prepositions [Prepozltlile)Prepozitllle sunt cuvinte folosite pentru alega un substantiv (sau pronume etc.) derestul propozitiei. Deseori sunt folositepentru a descrie locul unde se afla cevasau p en tru a e xp lic a unde se aflaobiectele tn relatle unul cu altul.

    o p p o s i t eL D - un ex t t o


    UM n d e r .b e l o w

    a b o v e UUb e l i i n dL F in f r o nt o fU-U-ue t w e e n

    Retineti ca uneori se folosesc prepozitiidiferite In diverse tari de l imba englezaIt 's 0/1 Fifll! A v e n u e , (US)It's in O x fo rd S tr ee t, (UK)Prepozitiile apar de asemenea frecvent Tnconstructii fixe precum.M!j b r o t h e r is Il! u n i v e r s i t ! j - F ra te l e m e u e s t e l a

    M n i v e r s i t a t e ,I' m o n h o li da ! j t h i s w e e k . - S ap ta m a n a a ce a s t a

    s u n t I n v ac a n t a .We a r e a t h o m e t h i s e v e n i n g , - I n s e a m a e e a s t a

    s u n / e m a c a s l l ,LESSON 1

    Gram m ar B ankOrdinal numbers(Numeralele ordinalelMajoritatea numeraJelor ordinale se for"r neaza prin adauga rea terminatiei -tfl lanumeralul cardinal. Totusl, exista anumi-te exceptii. f i r s t (pnrnul). s e c o n d (al doilea).t h i r d (al tretlea). Urrnatoarea lista arataforma Tn cifre Si in litere a numeralelorcardinale si a celor ordinals.I o n e 1 s t f i r s t2 t w o 2 n d s e c o n d3 t h r e e 3 r d t h i r d4 f o u r 4tli f o u r t h5 f i v e 5 t l 1 f i f t h6 s ix 6 t l 1 s i x t l i7 s e v e n 7 t l 1 s e v e n t l 18 e i g H t 8U i e i g n t h9 l 1 i n e 9 t l i n i n t h10 t e r l 10tl1 t e l l t h11 e l e v e t l 1 1 1 1 1 e l e v e n t h12 t w e l v e 1 2 t h t w e l f t f l13 t h i r t e e n 1 3 th t h ir t e e n t h14 f o u r t e e n 1 4 th f o u r t e e n t h15 f i f t e e n 1 5 t h f i f t e e n t h16 s i x t e e n 1 6 t h s i x t e e n t l i17 , ev e n t e en 17tl1 s e v en i e en t h18 e i g h t e e n 18tl1 e i g l i t e e l 1 ! h19 n i n e t e e n 1 9 t h n i n e t e e n t l i20 t w e l l t ~ 2 0 1 1 1 t w e n t i e t h21 t w e n t ! j - o n e 21s1 t W f n t l } - f i r s t22 t w e l 1 t l } - tw o 2 2 n d t w e l l t ! j - s e w n d23 t l l ' e n t l } - t h r e e 2 3 r d t w e n l r / - I n i r d30 tflirtl} 3 0 t l i t h i r t i e t n40 f o r t I } 4 0 t h f o r t i e t h50 f i f t y 5 0 t { 1 f i f t i e t hFolosim numeralele ordinale pentru a expri-ma date sau pentru a ne orienta pe strada.3 0, 5 , 2 0 05 : t h e t h i r t i e t h o f M ~ y 2 0 0 5.MIJ b ir tf ld~~ is o n tfie Y l i n tf l o f S e p /e m b er . - Ziua

    m e a d e I 1C ! st e ree st e p e 1 1 0u a s ep te m b ri e.It 's t f i e f i f t h t u rn in g o n tfle r i g ht . - E st e a c i n ec a

    s tr a do . l a s ti ln g aNota. DateJe pot fi scrise :;;i s puse diferitIn diverse tari de l imbs engleza.zi I luna !an (UK)luna I zi!n (US) LESSON 2Plurals (Pluralele)Majoritatea substan t ivelor in englezator rneaza pluralul adaugand -5.s n o p ---7 s n o p st r a i n ---7 t r a i n sc i n e m a ---7 c i n e m a sSubstantivele care se terrnina tn - e h , - S h ,-s sau -x adaug a -ss,w a f c 1 1 ---7 wat [ f l e sb m s h ---7 b r u s f w sb u s ---7 b u s e sb o x ---7 b o x e s

    Substantivele care se term ina tntr-oconsoana + y adauga - i e s .f a m i l y ---7 f a m i l i e sw u n t r w ---7 c o u n t r i e sUnele exceptii trecvente sunt.m a n ---7 m e nw o m a r l ---7 w o m e nc f l i l d ---7 c l i i l d r e np e r s o n ---7 p e o p l eUnele substantive nu au forma de pluAcestea sunt numite substantive nenmarabile. Unele exemple frecvente sum i l k w a t e r b r e a d


    , Present continuous tense(Timpul prezent continuu)1 Talking about the present

    (Cand exprirnarn prezentul)Folosim acest timp verbal pentru adescrie 0 actiune care se lntampla acsau 0 actlune care a Tnceput dar nu sterminat Inca,S ~ e i s m a ~ in g a t e le p{ lO n e ca ll . - E a d a U I1 tTimpul prezent continuu s e I or rn e a zaverbul auxiliar to b e + verbul de conjugaterrninatia " i n g .He i s c a rr y in g a s u it c as e . - E l c a rd UI 1 g e a m aT h e w a re b u yi n g their t i c k e ts . - E i isi c u m p a

    b U e t e .Exista anumite constructil temporalecare le folosim frecvent eu timpul precontinuu. precum n o w (acurn). a t tliem o m e n t (Tn momentul de fatalIm c o o k i n g d i n n e r n o w . - G a t e s c c i n a O lHe is r ea d in g t i l e n ew s p a p er at th e m o m e l 1 tE I c i te $ te z ia r u l in m O l 1 1 e l' lt u l d e f a t o ..Formam negativul prin plasarea partilei n o t rntre verbul auxiliar t o b e si verde conjugat cu terminatia - i n gHe is n o t c a rr l J in g a s u it c as e . - EI rlU c a r il

    g e a m a l 1 / a n .T he y a re n o t b u y i n g t h e i r t i c k et s . - Ei rlU l

    c u m p o .r a b i l et e .I a m 1 1 0 t c o o k in g d i n ne r n o w - N u g a te s .; c in aH e is n o t r ea d i. ng tfte n e w s p a p e r at t ft e m a m

    - E I n u e it e st e ziarui I n m o m e n ! u / d e M aFormam interogativul prin inversareaordinn dintre verbul auxiliar to b e ;;isubiectul verbului de coniugat.Is h e c a r ry in g a s M i tc a s e ? - C a r a e l Ull @ e a m aA r e t f J e ~ b u y in g t he ir t ic k e t s? -lsi c u . m p a r a e iI s s h e e a ti ng f l e r d in n er ? - Miil1(ll1ca e a d eNota. In engleza, verbele care se refesirnturi nu sunt folosite la forma connua. De exernplul o v e . l i k e , n a t eI l i k e ~ im , . / 1 a m l i k i n g 1 1 i m . X

    English in 20 minutes a da

  • 5/7/2018 Resource Book 1


    G ram m ar B ankRetlne~i! Pentru stari general valabile. obi-ceiuri, situatii permanents 5i adevarurieterne folosim timpul prezent sirnplu.I g o t o w o r k 6 y v u s _ - M e r g la s e r v i d u c u

    alltovrmd,I live i11 L a s A ng e l e s , - L o c u ieseYn L o s A n g e l e s .I / o ve s w im m i ng , -1mi p l O l e e s a r n o ! ,Pentru 0 actiune care are loc acum saupentru 0 perioada scurta de timp,folosim timpul prezent contlnuuI'm w a i t i n g f o r t ~ e 93 b u s_ - Ntepl

    a u l o b u z u l 93.LESSON 6

    2 Talking about the future(Cand exprimarn vtitorul)

    Folosim prezentul continuu sl candexprirnarn intentii. plan uri si hotarar!pentru viitor. Facem aceasta atunei candstirn data sau ora cand urrneaza sa facemun anumit lucruI m g o i n g o n 11Ol ida~n e x t w e ek _ - p le e T n

    v a e a n l a s ap td m a n a v i i t o a r e _T l U y a r e b u ~ i.n g a n ew c a r in l u /y . - U rm e a zi ls a $ i (Um pe r e 0 m a si n a n ou ii T il hll ie .He i s fU lV ing a p a r t y o n h i s v i r t h da y. - In te n n o -

    n e a z i l s i f d e a 0 o et r e c e e d e z iu a lui.LESSON 8

    Asking questions(Formarea tntrebartlor)Is t h er e ? A re I n er e ? Do y ou h av e? si H a v e Y O M@ o t? sunt constructii loarte utile pentru apune lntrebari In multe situatii.

    ] 1 5 there? ~iAre there?Aceste construct: i sunt folosite pentru aafla daca ceva exista sau pentru a aflanoi informatii despre ceva Forma desingu lar este Is t h e r e ?I') t h e r e a t (t re e s t a r / i o te / n ea rb y? - E x i s t i f u 11

    ~ o t e / M !rei s t e l e In apropiere?Is t l l e r e a f li gh t " t o N e w Y o r k o n S u n d a y ? - E s t etill 2 60 r ca tre N ew Y o r .k d u r n in i ca ?

    Is t h e r e a n ~ o ne w fw s p e a ~ s E n @ l i sl i ? - V o r v e $ ! eci n e v a e n g l ez a ?

    Forma de plural este A re t h er e ? FolosimdeterminantuI nehotarat a n y cand punernaceasta construct ie la lntercgattv.A r e t l i e r e an y c i n e m a s i n fliis ( o w n ? - SUi ' l l

    ci n e m ~ t o g r a f e T n IAcest r a { !A re t l i e re ( ln y t a x i s a va il a bl e ? - S un ! taxi u r i

    d is p o n iv i . l e ?A re th er e a ny s li o e s h op s in this s t r e et ? - S u n !

    m a g a z i n e d e p a n t o f t p e a c ea s t ii stnida?

    26 English in 20 minutes a day

    2 Do you have? si Have you got?Aceste constructii sunt folosite pentru atntreba despre posesie. Ambeletnsearnna acelasi lucru, desi D o Y O M n a v e ?este mai poli ticos, iar H av e y o u g o t ? estemai lrecvent In engleza vorbita.H av e y o u g o l t~ e b lu e s h o e s in size38? - Aveli

    p c m t o fi i a l 6a : ;t ri m i f r i m e a 38?H a ve t l i e ~ g o t a n e w w r ? - A u ei 0 m a " } i m l

    n o w i ?D o ~ o u h a ve t ic k et s f o r t o ni g h t 's s h ow ? - A v e H

    b i/e te p en /r IA s pe cta co lu l d in s e a r a ~ G e a s ! a ?Has h e g o t b r o w n ~ air? - A r e eI p i fr c a s ta r li u ?

    LESSON 13

    Making comparisonswith a s , . . a s(Comparativul de egalitate a s a s )

    Constructia a s . .. adlectiv . _ a s este Iolcsitapentru a exprima egalitatea.T h e ( r e ei s a s l a s t h e h o u s e , - C op a c u l e s ! e la

    f e l d e r nC l lt c a :; i G l A s a .T l i e m t< sc u m is O lS i n te re st in g a s t i l e a rt g a l l e ry .

    - M Uleul e st e la f e l d e iI 1 t e r e s a n t w @ a l e r iad e a r t a

    Ccnstructia poate Ii folosita Si la formanegative pentru a arata inegalltatea.T ! 1 e t re e is n o t a s t a ll a s t h . e h ou se , - C o r a w l n u

    e s t e la te l d e Tna l ! C C l $ i C r l s a ,T h e m u s e u m is n ot a s i n t e r e s t in g a s tn e Clrt

    g al l e ry . - M u z e u l n u e s t e la fe l d e in t e r e s a n !e a g a le r i a de a r t i ' i .

    LESSON 16

    Adverbs of frequency(Adverbele de timp)

    Adverbele sunt cuvinte care lunctioneazaca modificatoare ale verbului Ele descriucum, cand 5i unde se Intarnpla ceva.Multe adverbe se terrniria In -I W h a p p i l y ,s lo w ly , s u dd e n ly , I ju id d y _ Exista tnsa multeexceptl i: f a s t , o f t e n , j u s t. s oo n , a lr ea d y.Adverbele de timp arata cat de des seintampla ceva. Adverbul este de obtceiasezat tntre subject si verb.I s u a l l y h a ve ( o f f e e f o r b r e a k fa s t , - D e o f i e e i

    v ea u . c a f e a l a miwl a e j u n .M y f a t M e r a l w a y s w e a r s a t i e . - T a t a p o a r t i f

    I nto td e aM n a ( ra v at if ,T h e y . rl e v e r g o to the c in em a _ - Ei nu s e d u e

    l1iciodatii l a e ir lc m a t o gr a {.LESSON 18

    Questions (Intrebanle)Exists doua feluri principale de lntrebari.Yes! No questions (lntrebari cu da I nulLa aceste tntrebari se raspunde cu dasau cu nu. Tntrebarea lncepe eu unauxil iar (de ex. Clln sau d o )A. C a l l I l 1 e l p y ou ? - P o t s a te ajut?B: Y e s , y o u WI1. - D~, p o t i A : Do y o u ' i f l l trail1 t i c ~ e !s ? - V i n d e l i b i / e t c de

    t r e n ?S : Yes , I d o . - D a , V il n d .A : C a n ~ o u c o m e t o d in ne r o n Sa lurda~? -

    P o ( i v e n i .I a e i n a s a m b i i t i l ?S: No, I'm s o r r y , I ( a n ' t - Nu, fmi p a r e r a u ,rl U p o l .

    A: D o ~O t l w o r k i' 1 a~ o f f ic e ? - Lucrezi T n t r - u l 1b i r m O

    B: N o. [ d on '! . - Nu, nu l u c r e z .wh- questions (lntrebari cu wn-)Cand folosim aceste tntrebarl avemnevoie de mai multe tnforrnatii.Ele tncep cu un cuvant tntroductiv.(de ex, W h e n , wi \ o , W F l C l l , W/ ie re , How ).A : H o w m u c h a r e t~ e g ra p es ? - Ccit c o s t a

    s t r u q u r i i ?B: T h e y ' r e 2 a k i l o - 2 l i r e k i 1 o g r ~ m l ! l .A : W l i e l1 a r e y o u g oin g 1 0 L O l 1 do .n ? - Gind

    p l e e i la L a ri d ra?B : ['m g oin g lliis a ft e rn oo n. - Pice d u p i i - a m i " o u aa e e a S l a ,

    A Wlio is s n e ? - C in e e s t e e a ?B : S h e ' s m y sist er_ - E st e s o ra m e a .A: W hat a re y ou d o i n g ? - C e fa ct?B: I'm w a td iil 1g TV - Mif M il III televizorA W here is t h e o ff i c e ? - U n d e e s t e b i r o u l ?B: If's in tliat b u . i l d i n g a C TO S St h e s t r e e t . - Este

    in d i id irea d e v iz a viLESSON 1

    Auxiliaryverb: do / doe s(Verbul auxiltar d o j d o e s )Folosim verbul auxiliar d o pentru a lormaconsrructil negative si interogative latimpul prezent sirnpluQUestions (Intrebari)

    1 }o u .w et l i e ~

    D o like f o o ! v a l P

    D o e sl e a v e f ro m p /l lt to r m 2?

  • 5/7/2018 Resource Book 1


    Negative sentences (Propozitii negative). , }e d o n ' t l i k e f o o t b a l l .T h e yH e }S h eIt

    lp e a k E n g l i s Hd o e s n ' t J l e a ve f r o m p la tf o rm 2 .

    LESSON 3Determiner: any (Determinantul aJ1y)Determinantul aJ1~se ro loseste in tn trebaripentru a afla daca ceva exista sau n u.Setoloseste de asemenea in constructnegative.A : Hsve y o u q a t ,m ~ a pp le s? - Ave t i m e r e ?B : N o , I'm s o r r y , w e h av e n '! q at ! A f I y a p p l e s

    to d a y - Im i p a r e r a u , 'lH a ve rn m e re a sta zi .A : T F ie re i s n 't a n y t e a l e ft iJ 1 t h e p o t . - N u m a i

    e c ea i 1 1 1 W l1 a .B: Ca l l I m ak e s o m e m or e ? - Sa m a i p re g tT te s cl 1 i $ t e c e a i ?

    LESSON 4Question tags (Intrebarlle disjunctive)Intrebarile disjunctlve (de ex. i s n ' t if ? saud o t F l e ~ ? ) se adauga la starsltul unei pro-pozitli pentru a 0 transtorrna tn tntrebare.It's h o t t o d a y , i s n ' t i t? - E c a l d a s t a z i , n ,! -! a $ a?o propozitie aftrrnativa este urrnata de 0lntrebare disjunctiva negativa, iar 0propozitie negative de 0 tntrebaredisjunctiva afirmativa.T l i a t c a r' s v e r y e xp e ns iv e , i S l l ' t i t ? - M a s i J 1 a e s t e

    f o a r l e s w m p a . n u - i asa?Y o u a re n ' t h a p p y f r e r e , a re y o u ? - N u e $ t i f e r i d t

    a i e i . 1 1u -i a $ ( ] ?La Intrebarile disjunctive asteptarn deobicei un raspuns In conformitate cupropozitla in i t tala .A: H e ' s t l i e n ew m a na ge r, i S J 1 ' 1 h e ? - EI e s t e

    n ou ! d ir e c t o r, n u - i a ~a ?B : Y es . h e is. - Da . e l e s t e ,A: Y o u ' r e 1 10 t g o il 1q a w a ~ t l i i s w ee ke n d. a re

    y o u ? - N u i es i 1 11 a c e s t w e e k e n d , I1 U -i a $ a ?B: No, I'm sta~ingat M o m e . - Nu, s t a u a(( ]SaNota. Pronumele din Tntrebareadisjunctive trebuie Tntotdeauna sa seacorde cu subiectul propozitiei.H e ' s v e r y p o l i t e , iS I1 'tne? - E I e s te f o ar te

    p o l i t i c o s , n u - i a s a ?W e a r e qoil1q t f l e r e b y c a r , M e n ' t w e? - M e r q e m

    a e o l a c u m a sir l a , n u - i asa?I'm s ee ing y o u o n T f r ! l r s d a y , a r e l 1 ' t I? - T e v ti d

    j o i, l 1 u- i a s a ?S h e M a s n ' t g o t a j o b , h a s s h e ? - E a 11 U a r e 0

    s i u j b t i , n u - i i l s a ?LESSON 6

    G ram m ar B ankHow much / How many?(+ substantive numarabtle I nenumarabile)H ow m u c f ! se foloseste cu substantivenenumarabile (care nu au plural).H ow m uc h m o n e y l 1 a v e y o u g o t ? - car d e m u l l i

    b a n i a i ' !H o w m a l l y se toloseste cu substantivenumarablle (care au plural).I Countable nouns(Substantive nurnarabilejMajoritatea substantivslor din englezssunt nurnarabile si au forma de plural.n o u s e --l> h o u s e sa p p l e --ol a p p l e sc a r --ol c a r s2 Uncountable nouns(Substantive nenumarabl Ie)Unele substantive sunt mereu sau aproa-pe mereu folosite numai la singular. Elesunt numite substantive nenumarablle.Giteva exemple frecvente sunt:te a m e a !c . o f f e e c h e e s em i l kw a t e r m o n e yj u i c e t i m eb r e a d w o r k

    LESSON 8Pronouns (Pronurnele]Daca pronumele este complementul unuiverb tntr-o propozitie, el are 0 formadlferlta. Pronumele ~ou (singular siplural) Si i t nu se schirnbaSubject pronoun(Pronumesubiect)Iyo uf res h eitw et n e y

    Object pronoun(Pronumecomplement)m ey o uh imf l e ri tu st f r e m

    Remarcatl pronumele subiect sicomplement din aceste exernple,CaJ1o u s e e f r im in t h is P H o tO ? - pori s a - I v e z i

    T n a c e a s ti f f o ta g r a f ie ?C ar r o t s ? N o t f l a n k y o u , Id o n ' t l i k e t h e m . -

    M o r w v i ? N u , m u / t u m e s c . N u - r n i p l a c .C an y o u n e l p u s , p l e a s e ? W e 'r e l o o k in g fo r th e

    s t a ti o l1 . - N e p [ , t e l i a j u t a . v a r o g ? C a u l a mqara.

    C o u l d y o u d o s o m e t h i n g fo r m e ? - por i s a fa dc e v a p e n t r u m i l l e ?

    LESSON 9

    Linking words (Conjunctiile)Conjunctii le se folosesc pentru a legapropozitii.I becau s eFolosirn b e c a u s e cand exprimarn cauzaa ce va .Slie n ee d s a t a xi t o t f l e a ir po r t b e ca u se t h e h o t

    b u s is f u ll . - Are n e v o i e d e u n t a xi p en tr ua e r op o r t p e n tr u c a ( Ju w b u z u / h o te lu l u i e s t e p

    Iw a n t 1 0 c he d? o u t 1 1 0 W b e c a u s e I l ea v e e a rl yt h e m o r n i n g . - vreau s a p la te sc n ot a a cu mc a d p l e e m i fi rl c d im i n ca /a d ev re m e .

    S l i e t a k e s t h e t r a i l l 10 w o r k b e c a u s e S{lC d o e s n 'l i k e to d r i v e il 1 t ra ff ic . - Ea ia t r e l 1 u l p a n as e r v i c i u f ii l 1 dc ri 1 1u -i p la ce s ri w l 1 d u c d Ina g ! o m e r a r i c .

    2 o rFolosirn o r cand aratarn ca exista 0alternativaW o u ld y o u l i k e c o f f e e o r t e a ? - V r e i w t e a s a u

    c e a i ?I w a l l t a r o o m w it h a snower o r a b tu h . - Vrea

    o c a m e r a w d U $ s a u C IA baie .S l i e w a .l 1 ts t o g o t o t fl e c i n e m a o r a w ~c e r t . -

    N r e a s a " "w a rg a la c i lJ e M < H l t o q r a fs a u la UMc o n c e r t .

    3 aJ t floug ftA l t h o u g h tnsearnna .desl. chiar daca".A l t l i o u g h iI's v e r y d if fi cu l t, s h e e n jo !J s l ea rn in g

    E n g li s ~ . - C h i a r d a d ! e s l e i o a n e g r e u , e i 7f a c e p l i i c c r e s a I I 1 V e r e e l 1 g l e z a .A l t ~ o u g l i m y c a r i s o l d , it r u n S r e a l l y w e l l . -C h iat d a c a r n a ~i1 a m e a e s t e v e e M e , m e r g ef o a r te b in e

    T he y a r e h a p p y a ! ! h o u gf l t h e y a r e p o o r . - S u nf e r i c i l i d e $ i s u n! s a r ac i.


    TooFolosim to o + adject iv pentru a spuneceva are 0 calitate mai mult decat estenecesar sau acceptabil.T he j e a n s a r e to o s m a l l . - Slugii s U .n t p re a mTi l e fiat is t o o e xp en si v e. - A p a r t a m e n t u I e s t e

    p re a s w r np .T n e w e a t l i e r is to o e o ld . - V re m e a e st e p re r e


    English in 20 minutes a day----- - ~

  • 5/7/2018 Resource Book 1


    Grammar Bank

    Determiners (Deterrninantii demon-strativl] th is , th at, th es e ~i thoseFolosim this, t h a t , t h e s e si t h o s e pentru aarata ceva. Thi s si t h e s e se retera la lucruricare sunt aproape de vorbitor. T h a t sit f l O s e se refers la lucruri care sunt departede v orbitor. T his si t h a t sunt la singular.These~i t { l O s e sunt la pluralThi s b a n a n a is d e l i c io u s. - A c el l s ta b a n a nd esle

    d e J i c i o a s d .T he s e a p p l e s a r e g re e n . - A u s t e m e r e s u n! v e r z i .C a n I h a v e t h a t c a k e o v e r t n e r e ? - 1 m i d a t i

    p rd jiW r a a ce ea d e a eo lo ?T h os e c a k e s i~t h e w in d o w l o o k g o od , -

    P r a j i t u r i/ e a c e l e a d i~ v it r in if a r a td b ine .T h e w o m a n o ve r t f l e r e i s h is w if e , - A c e a f e n 1e ie

    e s te s o ti a lui.Tliis, t n a t, t h e se si t h o s e pot f i folosite caadjective cand tnsotesc substantive, sauca pronurne cand nu tnsotescsubstantive. Cand este dar la ce nerefer im putern spuneT h i s is m i l l e . ( T h i s b o o k is m i n e . )T hat is b e 'l ti ti fl ll ( T li a t p i c tu r e is 6 e a l l t i f u l , )

    LESSON 1Possessive forms(Formele posesive)] Possessive adjectives

    (Adjectivele posesive)Adjectivele posesive apar tnaintea unuisubstantiv. Ele arata cui apartine unanum itobiect.M y c a t i s v e r y f a t, - P i s i c a m e a e st e f o ~ r te g ra sa .TIi~t is hi s c o m p u te r . - A e e / a e s r e m l c u la to r u l l u i .T he y g o t o t i l e i r h o u se b y l l i e s e a e v e r y s u m m e r

    - Ei s e d u e la c a s a l o r d e p e mallil m a r i i in/ l a a r e v ar a .

    W e w a s h O ll r c a r o n c e a w ee k , - N e s p iH amm a s i n l l 0 d a t a p e s a p t d m a n a ,

    Singular Pluralm y o w 'y o u r y o u rh is t h e i rh e rits2 Possessive pronouns

    (Pronumele posesive)Folosim pronumele posesive fara unsubstantiv cand este dar din contextdespre ce substantiv este yorba.D on ' l v r i n g a n u m b r e l l a - y o u c a n u s e m in e .

    - N u - / i a d l l c e u m b r e l a t a - a p o t i l% si p ea m e a .

    28 English in 20 minutes a da y

    Is I n a t y O ll r c oa t, o r is t h .e v lu e o ll e y ou rs ? -A s t a e st e h a i n a t a ., s a u ( e a a lb a s t r d ?

    T h e v la (~ s h o e s a re f li s. - P a n to fi i n e g r i s u n! a