Research project

Grade eight Omanis students' performance in TIMSS Introduction: TIMSS is a shortcut for "The International Mathematics and Science Study". It was first conducted in 1995 and it is held regularly every four years. Forty-five countries were participating in the first session. The study is conducted under the auspices of the International Association for Evaluation of Educational Achievement (EIA).It is based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. The study objects to compare students' achievement in math and science in the different educational systems ,and to provide information and statistics on the performance of the students. In addition, it evaluates the effectiveness of curricula, and courses and their teaching methods applied. The study is applied to a sample of schools and they take an experimental test a year before they undergo to the real test, and it is applied for Forth & Eighth grade students. Thisproposal is about grade eight Omanis students' performance in TIMSS. We want to know the factors that affect students' achievement. Also, it studies the effectiveness of the educational system in their scores. We hoped to make some changes in the factors which could


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Transcript of Research project

Page 1: Research project

Grade eight Omanis students' performance in TIMSS

Introduction: TIMSS is a shortcut for "The International Mathematics and Science Study". It was first conducted in 1995 and it is held regularly every four years. Forty-five countries were participating in the first session. The study is conducted under the auspices of the International Association for Evaluation of Educational Achievement (EIA).It is based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. The study objects to compare students' achievement in math and science in the different educational systems ,and to provide information and statistics on the performance of the students. In addition, it evaluates the effectiveness of curricula, and courses and their teaching methods applied. The study is applied to a sample of schools and they take an experimental test a year before they undergo to the real test, and it is applied for Forth & Eighth grade students.Thisproposal is about grade eight Omanis students' performance in TIMSS. We want to know the factors that affect students' achievement. Also, it studies the effectiveness of the educational system in their scores. We hoped to make some changes in the factors which could affect their achievement; especially, the curricula.

Research Question:Why did students in private schools achieve more than those in public schools?

Hypothesis:Private schools' students achieved more than public schools' students.

Variables:- Dependent: Performance.- Independent: Educational system (private schools and public schools).


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Grade eight Omanis students' performance in TIMSS

We will get the list of the schools that participated in TIMSS in 2007 in Oman. Also, we will choose randomly three classes from private and three from public as well, and teachers who taught these classes with some educational experts from the ministry.

Data collections:- Interviews:

1) With (teachers) to find out which subject that obstructed the students' achievement in TIMSS. Also, to know the level of the test and the variation of the questions if it fits with the curricula the students have had.

2) With (educational specialists from MOE) about the Quality of our curricula and if it was one of the factors that affected the students' score in TIMSS.(We will use audio recorder to record the interviews).

- Questionnaire: for (the students in the sample) to ask them about the most difficult questions and parts in the test and if there were any type of questions they were unaccustomed. Later, we will analyze the questionnaire to benefit from the students' answers.

Literature review:

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Grade eight Omanis students' performance in TIMSS

1- The development of curriculum frameworks for mathematics and science was an essential first step in the Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS). The frameworks have served as guides for the design of the achievement testing component of TIMSS, and as the foundation upon which the curriculum analysis component of the study is based. This study was like a foundation for this program and it discuss the design of the test with the type of questions. (Robitaille, David, 1993, Curriculum Frameworks for Mathematics and Science. TIMSS Monograph No. 1.)

2- Another research reveals that boys achieved more scores in mathematics than girls. So that gender can be a confounding variable in this study. The Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) offers a unique opportunity to examine some of the issues related to gender differences in mathematics achievement in an international context. TIMSS report of 8th grade mathematics achievement revealed few significant differences in mean achievement by gender; differences that did exist, however, tended to favor males(Fierros, Edward Garcia, 1999, Examining Gender Differences in Mathematics Achievement on the Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS), Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (Montreal, Quebec, Canada, April 19-23, 1999).

3- Results from the Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMMS) have recently captured the attention of the United States and once again focused the nation on matters of mathematics teaching and learning. In general, the TIMSS results indicate a pervasive and intolerable mediocrity in mathematics teaching and learning in the middle grades and beyond. At Grades 7 and 8 and also at Grade 12, U.S. students achieve poorly in mathematics compared to students in much of the rest of the world. Even the 12th-grade students who take advanced mathematics courses performed substantially below students in most other nations. The results also suggest that the demands made by the U.S. school mathematics curriculum and mathematics classroom instruction are not as challenging as in other countries(Silver, Edward A,1998, Improving Mathematics in Middle School: Lessons from TIMSS and Related Research, U.S. Government Printing Office, Superintendent of Documents, Mail Stop: SSOP, Washington, DC 20402-9328)

4- The Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) is the largest, most comprehensive, and most rigorous international comparison of education ever undertaken. During the 1995 school year, the study tested the mathematics and science knowledge of a half-million students from 41 nations at five different grade levels. In addition to tests and questionnaires, the TIMSS included a curriculum analysis, videotaped observations of mathematics classrooms, and case studies of policy issues (Peak, Lois,1996, Pursuing Excellence: A Study of U.S. Eighth-Grade Mathematics and Science Teaching, Learning, Curriculum, and Achievement in International Context. Initial Findings from the Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS),

5- A research Studied the interpretation of mathematics in terms of algorithmic or coherent views of 1,287 teachers from 12 countries using responses to items from the Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS). Teachers from four high-achieving Asian countries were more likely to see mathematics as algorithmic than were teachers from four European countries (Philippou, George N.; Christou, Constantinos, 1999, Teachers' Conceptions of Mathematics and Students' Achievement: A Cross-Cultural Study Based on Results from TIMSS, Studies in Educational Evaluation, v25 n4 p379-98 1999)

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Grade eight Omanis students' performance in TIMSS




3- Robitaille, David, 1993, Curriculum Frameworks for Mathematics and Science. TIMSS Monograph No. 1.

4- Fierros, Edward Garcia, 1999, Examining Gender Differences in Mathematics Achievement on the Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS), Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (Montreal, Quebec, Canada, April 19-23, 1999).

5- Silver, Edward A,1998, Improving Mathematics in Middle School: Lessons from TIMSS and Related Research, U.S. Government Printing Office, Superintendent of Documents, Mail Stop: SSOP, Washington, DC 20402-9328

6- Peak, Lois,1996, Pursuing Excellence: A Study of U.S. Eighth-Grade Mathematics and Science Teaching, Learning, Curriculum, and Achievement in International Context. Initial Findings from the Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS),

7- (Philippou, George N.; Christou, Constantinos, 1999, Teachers' Conceptions of Mathematics and Students' Achievement: A Cross-Cultural Study Based on Results from TIMSS, Studies in Educational Evaluation, v25 n4 p379-98 1999)