RESEARCH OpenAccess … Journal(with Dae-Jin Jung in... ·...

Jung et al. EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing (2015) 2015:40 DOI 10.1186/s13640-015-0096-z RESEARCH Open Access Recaptured video detection based on sensor pattern noise Dae-Jin Jung, Dai-Kyung Hyun and Heung-Kyu Lee * Abstract With the advances in digital camcorders, video recapturing (screen camcording), which is also called camcorder theft, is becoming a significant problem. Nevertheless, little research on recaptured video detection has been undertaken. In this paper, an automated method for the detection of recaptured videos is proposed based on the shot-based sensor pattern noise (SPN). The SPN, which is considered to be the fingerprint of digital imaging sensors, is used due to its identifiable attribute. Furthermore, the differences between the production processes of the original videos and recaptured videos are analyzed, and this results in the shot-based method being proposed. Moreover, the SPN merging and high-frequency map are derived in order to overcome the low quality of the shot-based SPN. Empirical evidence from a large database of test video, including compressed and scaled video, indicates that superior performance of the proposed method. Keywords: Recaptured video, Screencast, Camcorder theft,Sensor pattern noise, Recapture, Digital forensics 1 Introduction With greater accessibility to the Internet than ever before, a significant amount of information is being shared online. Furthermore, many people are now able to communicate with each other through the Internet without the limita- tions of the time and space. The advantages of the Internet has improved the quality of life; however, the increased use of the Internet has also resulted in many misuses. The most common misuse is copyright infringement. Various types of digital content have been uploaded by pirates, and they have spread quickly through illegal pathways. Among these types, pirated movies have resulted in sig- nificant problems in the film industry worldwide. Most illegal copies are pirated by video recapturing, which includes screencasting and screen camcording. Screen- casting, which is also known as video screen capture, is a digital recording of the output from a computer screen; however, it is not a common video recapturing technique because direct access to the machine that is playing the movie is required. In contrast, screen camcording, which is the most common method of video recapturing, records a movie that is being projected on a movie screen. It only *Correspondence: [email protected] School of Computing, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), 291 Daehak-Ro, Yusong-Gu, Daejon, South Korea, 34141 requires a single camcorder to pirate a movie in a movie theater. The most significant problem of pirated movies recap- tured by camcorders is that the illegal copies appear on the Internet just a few hours after a film’s release and before the legal DVDs become available. Only one camcorder is needed to copy a movie and to trigger massive unautho- rized reproductions and distribution of millions of illegal copies of the movie. The annual amount of revenue loss caused by these illegal copies has reached US$ 6.1 billion, and approximately 90 % of these illegal copies are pirated via video recapturing [1]. For this reason, many movie associations including the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) and the Federation Against Copyright Theft (FACT) refer to this act as camcorder theft, which is a type of content theft, and they consider it to be the most significant problem facing the film industry in the modern era. In order to mitigate the amount of unauthorized recap- turing activities, most countries have enacted statutes that prohibit unauthorized recording in motion picture exhi- bition facilities, and they have conducted anti-recapturing campaigns including public education/training and re- ward programs for identifying illegal recorders. With these efforts, the frequency of illegal recapturing has © 2015 Jung et al. Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made.

Transcript of RESEARCH OpenAccess … Journal(with Dae-Jin Jung in... ·...

Jung et al. EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing (2015) 2015:40 DOI 10.1186/s13640-015-0096-z

RESEARCH Open Access

Recaptured video detection based onsensor pattern noiseDae-Jin Jung, Dai-Kyung Hyun and Heung-Kyu Lee*


With the advances in digital camcorders, video recapturing (screen camcording), which is also called camcorder theft,is becoming a significant problem. Nevertheless, little research on recaptured video detection has been undertaken.In this paper, an automated method for the detection of recaptured videos is proposed based on the shot-basedsensor pattern noise (SPN). The SPN, which is considered to be the fingerprint of digital imaging sensors, is used dueto its identifiable attribute. Furthermore, the differences between the production processes of the original videos andrecaptured videos are analyzed, and this results in the shot-based method being proposed. Moreover, the SPNmerging and high-frequency map are derived in order to overcome the low quality of the shot-based SPN. Empiricalevidence from a large database of test video, including compressed and scaled video, indicates that superiorperformance of the proposed method.

Keywords: Recaptured video, Screencast, Camcorder theft,Sensor pattern noise, Recapture, Digital forensics

1 IntroductionWith greater accessibility to the Internet than ever before,a significant amount of information is being shared online.Furthermore, many people are now able to communicatewith each other through the Internet without the limita-tions of the time and space. The advantages of the Internethas improved the quality of life; however, the increaseduse of the Internet has also resulted in many misuses. Themost common misuse is copyright infringement. Varioustypes of digital content have been uploaded by pirates,and they have spread quickly through illegal pathways.Among these types, pirated movies have resulted in sig-nificant problems in the film industry worldwide. Mostillegal copies are pirated by video recapturing, whichincludes screencasting and screen camcording. Screen-casting, which is also known as video screen capture, isa digital recording of the output from a computer screen;however, it is not a common video recapturing techniquebecause direct access to the machine that is playing themovie is required. In contrast, screen camcording, whichis themost commonmethod of video recapturing, recordsa movie that is being projected on a movie screen. It only

*Correspondence: [email protected] of Computing, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology(KAIST), 291 Daehak-Ro, Yusong-Gu, Daejon, South Korea, 34141

requires a single camcorder to pirate a movie in a movietheater.The most significant problem of pirated movies recap-

tured by camcorders is that the illegal copies appear on theInternet just a few hours after a film’s release and beforethe legal DVDs become available. Only one camcorder isneeded to copy a movie and to trigger massive unautho-rized reproductions and distribution of millions of illegalcopies of the movie. The annual amount of revenue losscaused by these illegal copies has reached US$ 6.1 billion,and approximately 90 % of these illegal copies are piratedvia video recapturing [1]. For this reason, many movieassociations including the Motion Picture Association ofAmerica (MPAA) and the Federation Against CopyrightTheft (FACT) refer to this act as camcorder theft, whichis a type of content theft, and they consider it to be themost significant problem facing the film industry in themodern era.In order to mitigate the amount of unauthorized recap-

turing activities, most countries have enacted statutes thatprohibit unauthorized recording in motion picture exhi-bition facilities, and they have conducted anti-recapturingcampaigns including public education/training and re-ward programs for identifying illegal recorders. Withthese efforts, the frequency of illegal recapturing has

© 2015 Jung et al. Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalLicense (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in anymedium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commonslicense, and indicate if changes were made.

Jung et al. EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing (2015) 2015:40 Page 2 of 14

decreased; however, the very nature of the digitalized con-tent allows one successful recapture in any theater inthe world to become significant through duplication anddistribution of the recaptured video. As a result, videorecapturing remains one of the most significant threats tothe film industry worldwide.A key problem with catching pirated and bootlegged

copies of movies is that it requires significant amountsof man-hours to manually inspect the downloaded con-tent. Furthermore, with high-end camcorders and theincreasing quality of camcording, the quality of the recap-tured videos is improving, which contrasts with theearly recaptured videos that were easily detected by thenaked eye. The increase in the quality of the recap-tured videos has accelerated the revenue loss in filmindustries.In order to counter camcorder theft, we present an auto-

mated recaptured video detection method that is basedon the characteristics of sensor pattern noise (SPN). Theproposed method is based on the recaptured video beingrecorded by a single digital camcorder. In the experi-ments, 400 recaptured videos were used to verify theperformance of the proposed method. Originally, videorecapturing included screen camcording, and screencast-ing, among othermethods. However, this study focuses onthe detection of screen camcording.The remainder of this paper is organized as follows.

Section 2 discusses the related work in recaptured contentdetection. Section 3 presents the preliminary understand-ing and approach to detecting recaptured videos. Theproposed method is presented in Section 4. The experi-mental results and conclusion are presented in Sections 5and 6, respectively.

2 Related workIn order to counter content recapturing, various tech-niques have been investigated. These techniques can beclassified into four categories. The first category is relatedto camcorder recapture resilient watermarking. Variouswatermarking schemes that are robust to analog-digitalconversion attack have been proposed [2–5]. In partic-ular, Lee et al.’s method estimates the position of thecamcorder piracy through geometric distortion estima-tion based on the auto-correlation function [2]. However,the watermark degrades the quality of the original videoand the watermark needs to be inserted before the filmscreening.The second category involves video recapturing preven-

tion. Yamada et al. have undertaken a number of studies[6–8]. In these studies, an infrared light is projected onthe theater screen to contaminate the video content of therecaptured videos. Furthermore, the real-time warningsystem is provided using reflected infrared light. However,a significant installation cost is required and the infrared

light is blocked by IR-cut or IR-absorb filters inside digitalcamcorders. Furthermore, the real-time warning systemsuffered from poor detection results when the pirate waspositioned in a diagonal (5°) seat.The third category is recaptured image detection. The

support vector machine (SVM) classifier is the most fre-quently used means of recaptured image detection. Caoet al. proposed a method of identifying the images recap-tured from LCD screens [9]. They extracted 155 features(local binary patterns, multi-scale wavelet statistics, andcolor features) from a single image. Gao et al. presented ageneral model for image recapturing [10] and 166 features(specularity, surface gradient, color histogram, chromatic-ity, contrast, and blurriness) were used to identify therecaptured images.The fourth category includes studies on the recaptured

video detection. Only a small number of studies have beenundertaken in recaptured video detection. Image featuresare not used; instead, geometry, global jitter, ghostingartifact, and SPN are used. Wang et al. proposed a re-projected video detection method that utilizes geometricparameters [11]. This method estimates the skew withinthe intrinsic matrix introduced by the recapturing cam-corder. If the estimated skew is not zero, the video is deter-mined to be a recaptured one. However, the robustness ofthis method decreases as the recapturing camcorder planeapproaches a configuration parallel to the cinema screen.Moreover, validation in real sequences (a single 42-framesegment) was limited. Visentini-Scarzanella et al. pro-posed a recaptured video detection method using scenejitter [12]. The recaptured video is assumed to containuniform jitter that is caused by handheld camcorders.The model for the uniform additive jitter noise is trainedand used in identifying recaptured videos. However, therecapturing process is typically undertaken using a tripod,which provides stability and reduces jitter. In addition, theexperimental results exhibited a high false positive ration(FPR) (30 %). Bestagini et al. proposed a video recapturedetectionmethod based on ghosting artifact analyses [13].The ghosting artifact is modeled for the analyses, andthe specific conditions where the ghosting artifact doesnot have periodicity are targeted. However, the videosthat have undergone inter-frame interpolation (includingframe rate change) would exhibit a high FPR. Jung et al.proposed a recaptured video detection method usingthe shot-based SPN [14]. The shot-based SPNs are esti-mated and examined to identify the recaptured videos.Warshall’s algorithm [15] is adopted to resolve the low-quality problem of the shot-based SPN; however, noneof the techniques that enhances the quality of esti-mated SPNs is used. As a result, this scheme is lim-ited in detection accuracy. The proposed method isbased on this study and deals with the limitation of thismethod.

Jung et al. EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing (2015) 2015:40 Page 3 of 14

3 Approach to detecting recaptured videosThis section presents our approach to detectingrecaptured videos. First, we discuss some preliminaryknowledge. Afterwards, we describe the video recapturingprocess and the properties of the recaptured videos.Then, we give our assumptions of the recaptured videos.Finally, the approach to identifying the recapturedvideos is deduced based on the suggested assumptions.

3.1 Preliminary understandings3.1.1 ShotA shot, which is recorded by one camera, is a basic tempo-ral unit in a film. The term “shot” can refer to two differentparts in the filmmaking process: first, in production, ashot is the moment from when the camera starts record-ing until the moment it stops. Second, in film editing, ashot is the continuous footage or sequence between twoedits or cuts. The second definition of a shot is used in thispaper because it is more suitable for the proposedmethod.When one shot ends and another begins, it is called a “shotchange.” Shot changes can be detected using shot changedetectors [16].

3.1.2 Sensor pattern noise (SPN)Digital recording devices such as digital cameras anddigital camcorders adopt various types of digital imagesensors, e.g., a charge-coupled device (CCD), complemen-tary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS), and a junctionfield-effect transistor (JFET). The digital image sensorconsists of numerous photon detectors that convert pho-toelectrons into electrical signals using the photoelectriceffect. The strength of the electrical signal is affected bythe sensitivity of the photon detectors to light. The lightsensitivity of the photon detectors varies slightly depend-ing on the imperfections created during the manufactur-ing process of the silicon that forms the photon detectors.This difference in light sensitivity of each pixel generatesuncorrelated multiplicative pattern noise. Consequently,every digital sensor casts a unique sensor pattern noise(SPN) onto images (frames) it takes. The SPN acts as asensor fingerprint that identifies a source digital imagingdevice. Using the identifiable attribute of SPN, source dig-ital camera (camcorder) identification methods have beenproposed [17–19]. In order to identify the source digitalcamera, the fine quality of the reference SPN is estimatedfrom uniform images, e.g., blue sky images. Then, the testSPN is estimated from the test image. If the correlationvalue calculated using the reference SPN and test SPN ishigher than a specified threshold, the digital camera isdetermined to be the source camera of the test image.

3.2 Video recapturing modelThe video recapturing process can be modeled throughexpanding the general image recapturingmodel presented

by Gao et al. [10]. Figure 1 depicts the overall process ofthe original video shooting and recapturing. The videorecapturing process includes three steps: the first capture(scene shooting), the display on a medium m (includingthe beam projector and the LCD screen), and the recap-ture. Assume that N1 camcorders (c(1,1), . . . , c(1,N1)) andN2 camcorders (c(2,1), . . . , c(2,N2)) are set up for the firstcapture and the recapture, respectively. Then, the shot(first capture) s(x), which captures the real scene radianceR(x) using the ith (i = 1, . . . ,N1) camcorder c(1,i) of thefirst camcorder set, is described as follows:

s(x) = f(1,i)(R(x)), (1)

where f(1,i) denotes the camera response function (CRF)of the camcorder c(1,i). The term “shot” is used insteadof “frame” because each frame belonging to one shot hascommon properties. After the first capture, s(x) under-goes various post-processing P1, and then the shot s(x) iscompleted.

s(x) = P1(s(x)) = P1(f(1,i)(R(x))) (2)

The post-processing P1 includes geometric operations,A/D conversion, frame rate change, recompression,inserting computer graphics (CGs), and so on. The shotscreened on the medium m, which includes the beamprojector and wide screen in the example of Fig. 1b, isexpressed as follows:

sm(x) = fm(s(x)). (3)

The recaptured shot S(x), which is recorded using thejth (j = 1, . . . ,N2) digital camcorder c(2,j) of the secondcamcorder set, is written as follows:

S(x) = f(2,j)(Pm(sm(x)α(x) + E(x)(1 − α(x)))), (4)

where f(2,j), Pm, E, and α denote the CRF of the camcorderc(2,j), the geometric processing, which includes rotation,shearing, and translation that occurs from the piracycamera positioning during recapturing, the radiance ofthe recapture environments, and the weight factor of E,respectively. The recaptured shot s2(x) also undergoespost-processing P2, which only includes simple operationssuch as cropping, scaling, and recompression to reducethe file size for uploading. Then, the final recaptured shotis acquired as follows:

S(x) = P2(S(x)). (5)

3.3 Assumptions of recaptured videosBased on the video recapturing model, the assumptions ofthe recaptured videos are condensed into lists below.

A. Recaptured videos are recorded by digitalcamcorders.

Jung et al. EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing (2015) 2015:40 Page 4 of 14

(a) (b)Fig. 1 An example of the video recapturing process in a theater. a Scene shooting and original video frames and b original videoprojection/recapturing and recaptured video frames

B. A single recaptured video is recorded by a singledigital camcorder.

C. Recaptured videos undergo minimal post-processing.

From the listed assumptions of the recaptured videos,the shot-based analysis method is proposed as a favor-able solution for detecting recaptured videos. Because theCRF signal of the recapturing camcorder remains clearlyin recaptured shots and every recaptured shot is recordedusing a single camcorder, the recaptured videos can bedetected by verifying the coherence of the CRFs that areestimated from each shot.In this context, SPN is suggested as the suitable fea-

ture for the recaptured video detection. SPN is the bestsolution for identifying a digital recording device and itusually withstands video processing. The shot-based SPNsestimated from each shot in a recaptured video are corre-lated to each other because every shot is recorded usingthe same digital camcorder and undergoes minimal post-processing. In contrast, the shot-based SPN estimatedfrom each shot in an original video could not be cor-related to each other. Furthermore, analog cameras donot leave SPN on the video frames. Even if only digi-tal camcorders were used in the original video shooting,the source camcorder for each shot would vary. Finally,the heavy post-processing in the original videos makes theshot-based SPNs decorrelated.

4 ProposedmethodIn this section, the recaptured video detection method isdescribed in detail. Figure 2 depicts the proposed method,which is divided into three steps. First, the input videois divided into shots in the shot division step. Then, theshot-based SPNs are estimated from the divided shots.Finally, the input video is determined to be a recapturedvideo or an original video using correlation-based SPNmerging. In the last step, each pixel in the estimatedSPN is examined using a high-frequency map (HFM)to exclude the high-frequency components from theestimated SPN.

4.1 Shot divisionOnce an input video is selected, it is divided into mul-tiple shots using the shot change detector. An accurateshot change detector is important because incorrect shotchange declarations can affect the results of the proposedmethod. Figure 3 depicts two different shot change detec-tion errors in original videos. If a shot change is missed,as depicted in Fig. 3a, two actual successive shots aredeclared to be a single shot. The declared shot in Fig. 3amight have two different source camcorders. It results ina mixture of two SPNs and it can be correlated to anySPN that is estimated from a shot recorded by the sourcecamcorders of those shots. As a result, it increases thefalse positive ratio (FPR) in the calculation of the SPN cor-relation. In contrast, the false shot change alarm in theoriginal video does not have an enormous effect on theresult of the proposed method. The actual single shot isdivided into two different shots in Fig. 3b. It only increasesthe count of the correlation calculation and shortens thelength of the falsely divided shots. In addition, a wrongshot change declaration in the recaptured video does nothave an enormous effect on the result of the proposedmethod because every shot in the recaptured video isassumed to be recorded by an identical digital camcorder.Therefore, the performance of the shot change detectorneeds to be tuned in order to minimize the missed shotchanges.From the various shot detection techniques available,

the histogram comparison is used. The histogram com-parison is discriminant, easy to compute, and mostlyinsensitive to translational, rotational, and zooming shots[16, 20]. In the proposed method, two detectors (one forintensity and the other for hue) are used in order to min-imize the missed shot changes. The detail of the shotchange detectors is described as follows:

SDp =G−1∑q=0

|Hp(q) − Hp+1(q)|, (6)

where Hp(q) denotes a histogram value for the pth frame,with q being one of G (256 for intensity and 360 for hue)

Jung et al. EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing (2015) 2015:40 Page 5 of 14

Fig. 2 An overview of the proposed recaptured video detection method

possible levels of the histogram. SDp, which is the criterionfor the shot change, is the sum of the absolute differencesbetween the histograms derived from the pth frame andthe (p+1)th frame. In order to utilize SDp for shot changedetection with any frame size, SDp is normalized using theframe size. If the normalized SDp is greater than a giventhreshold, the shot change is declared. As a result, the con-secutive frames between two successive shot changes aredeclared as one shot.

4.2 SPN estimationIn this step, the shot-based SPN is estimated from eachshot. Before the estimation, inappropriate shots for theestimation including dark shots and short-length shotsare excluded. Each shot-based SPN is estimated usingthe maximum likelihood estimation method based on theSPN model [18, 19]. Assuming that the shot is composedof d grayscale frames (I1, I2, . . . , Id), the detailed SPNestimation process is as follows:

K =∑d

n=1WnIn∑dn=1 (In)2

, (7)

where K,Wn, and In represent the estimated SPN, a noiseframe and a noiseless frame that correspond to the nthframe In, respectively. Each noise frame, which is usedin the SPN estimation, is obtained by filtering the frameusing a wavelet-based Wiener filter [21]. After the SPNestimation, the codec noise that is generated by the videocodec is removed. Normally, the videos are transformedusing the differential pulse-code modulation block dis-crete cosine transform and it produces block artifactsin each video frame [19]. These block artifacts shouldbe removed prior to the correlation calculation betweenestimated shot-based SPNs because they make uncorre-lated pairs of SPNs correlated. These artifacts are periodicwith a 16×16 block size and have a high energy in thefrequency domain. They are removed using the Wienerfilter in the frequency domain after zeroing out the meansof rows and columns of the estimated shot-based SPN[18, 19]. The codec noise-free SPN is denoted by SPN.

4.3 Correlation-based SPNmerging using high-frequencymap

In this step, every shot-based SPN, which was estimated inthe previous step, is examined to make the final decision.

(a) (b)Fig. 3 Shot change detection errors. a False negative shot change detection and b false positive shot change detection

Jung et al. EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing (2015) 2015:40 Page 6 of 14

However, each estimated shot-based SPN is low in qualityso that the wrong decisionmight be driven at the decision-making step. To resolve the low-quality problem of theestimated shot-based SPN, Warshall’s algorithm was usedin Jung et al.’s method [14]. However,Warshall’s algorithmonly helped the erroneously uncorrelated shot-based SPNpairs to be linked to each other. Furthermore, none of thetechniques that enhanced the quality of the estimated SPNwas used.In the proposed method, correlation-based SPN merg-

ing and a HFM are used to resolve the low-quality prob-lem of the estimated shot-based SPN. A better qualityof SPN, which minimizes the false decisions of the pro-posed method, can be obtained using correlation-basedSPN merging. Furthermore, HFM helps to remove theregions that might have a detrimental effect on the SPNmerging and the correlation calculation.

4.3.1 High-frequencymap (HFM)The estimated shot-based SPNs are investigated to deter-mine whether they are correlated with each other usingcorrelation-based SPNmerging. However, estimated shot-based SPNs have low quality. The low quality of theestimated SPN influences the correlation calculation andSPN merging. If SPNi is the shot-based SPN estimatedfrom the ith shot Shoti (i = 1, . . . ,NS), then it is expressedas follows:

SPNi = SPNi + �i, (8)

where SPNi and �i denote the ideal SPN and the com-posite error, which is caused during the SPN estimationprocess, corresponding to SPNi, respectively. The lowerenergy of�i results in better quality of SPNi; furthermore,the lower variance of the sequence �i[x, y] for each pixel(x, y) provides the better quality of the merged SPN.Thus, both a better quality of the merged SPN and a lowfalse negative correlation can be achieved if high-energyregions in �i are suppressed. High-energy regions in �iare typically introduced by high-frequency componentssuch as the strong edges in the video frames. Therefore,the high-frequency components need to be excluded fromthe estimated SPN. If only the high-quality regions in theSPNs are selected before the SPN merging, high quality ofthe merged SPN is guaranteed.Li proposed an approach to attenuating the influ-

ence of the high-frequency components on the estimatedSPNs [22]. Li’s method improved the accuracy of thesource camera identification by assigning weighting fac-tors inversely proportional to the magnitude of the testSPN components. However, this method was designed forthe source digital camera identification using fine qual-ity of reference SPN. Furthermore, two different SPNsstill can be correlated after Li’s method is applied if they

have correlated high-frequency components in the sameposition.Based on the above observation, we propose a HFM,

which is a Boolean matrix that has the same framesize as the estimated SPN, to determine whether anypixel of the estimated SPN is contaminated by a high-frequency component. The high-frequency componentsin the scene leave relatively high absolute pixel valuesbecause denoising filters are applied in the noise estima-tion. Figure 4 depicts the histogram difference caused byhigh-frequency components. Figure 4a, which is a his-togram that is calculated from each pixel value of a high-quality SPN, presents a small variance; Fig. 4b, which isa histogram that is calculated from each pixel value ofa low-quality SPN contaminated by the high-frequencycomponents, presents a relatively large variance. There-fore, high absolute values are filtered to remove thehigh-frequency components in the estimated SPN. How-ever, it is not desirable to set a fixed pixel threshold toremove high-valued pixels because the pixel values in theestimated SPN vary depending on the recording environ-ment. A normal distribution fitting is used to avoid thefixed thresholding. Afterward, the SPN is standardizedusing the mean and variance of the estimated normal dis-tribution model. Moreover, a certain portion of the HFMis marked by thresholding the standardized SPN. TheHFM is calculated as follows:

HFM[ x, y]={1,

∣∣SPNZ[x, y]∣∣ > zα

0,∣∣SPNZ[x, y]

∣∣ ≤ zα, (9)

where SPNZ is the standardized SPN using the estimatedmodel and zα is the critical point of the standard normaldistribution (1 = high-frequency component, 0 = cleanSPN).After the HFM is created, it is refined by removing the

erroneously detected parts. Since high-frequency com-ponents are normally connected and grouped together,the connected pixel groups that are extremely small arepruned. The HFM is morphologically dilated and eroded,then the eight-way connected components with sizedsmaller than a specified percent (0.01 % in the proposedmethod) of the frame size are converted to zero.The HFM indicates the high-frequency components so

that the relative regions in the estimated SPN are removedusing HFM, as follows:

SPN = SPN · ¬HFM, (10)

where SPN, ·, and ¬ denote the high-frequency-component-free SPN, the pair-wise multiplication, andBoolean negation operation, respectively. Figure 5 exhibitsan example of an HFM calculated from a single frame.

Jung et al. EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing (2015) 2015:40 Page 7 of 14

−5 −4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5

x 10−3








3.5x 10






n vs. xoutPRNU


−5 −4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5

x 10−3








14x 10






n vs. xoutPRNU

(b)Fig. 4 SPN histograms. a An estimated high-quality SPN and b an estimated SPN contaminated by high-frequency components

4.3.2 Correlation-based SPNmergingIn order to determine whether a given video is recapturedor not, the estimated shot-based SPN is investigated. IfN shots are selected from the given video, then N shot-based SPNs are estimated and the corresponding HFMsare applied. Let SPNi be a shot-based SPN estimatedfrom the ith shot Shoti (i = 1, . . . ,N). Two differentshot-based SPNs shall be correlated if the correspond-ing shots are recorded by the identical digital camcorder.In order to verify this, the correlations between the esti-mated shot-based SPNs are measured. The correlation

between SPNi and SPNj (i �= j) is measured by calculat-ing the peak-to-correlation energy (PCE) value betweenthem. The PCE is described as follows:


) = Corr(SPNi, SPNj

)[ucenter, vcenter]2∑

u,v Corr(SPNi, SPNj

)[u, v]2



where Corr(·, ·)[u, v] represents the value of the normal-ized cross-correlation (NCC) surface that is calculated

(a) (b)

(c) (d)Fig. 5 An HFM example. a A single frame; b SPN estimated from a; c HFM corresponding to (a) using Zα (α = 0.005); d refined HFM

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between the SPN pair at the position of (u, v). The centercoordinate of the correlation plane was used in the PCEcalculation rather than using the peak coordinate becausethe coordinate offset of each shot is synchronized in therecaptured video, while it might not be in the originalvideo. If the PCE value is greater than a given thresh-old T, then two shots Shoti and Shotj are determined tohave been recorded using the identical digital camcorder.Otherwise, Shoti and Shotj are determined to have beenrecorded using two different digital camcorders.The input video is declared to be a recaptured video

if every possible pair of the estimated shot-based SPNspresents greater PCE values than the threshold T. How-ever, the low-quality problem of the estimated shot-basedSPN still remains. The low quality of the estimated SPNsincreases the false negative correlations. To minimizethe false negative correlation, the correlation-based SPNmerging is used. The SPN merging increases the numberof frames in the SPN estimation of the merged SPN; anda large number of frames produce a small variance of theestimated SPN [17, 18].The correlation-based SPN merging on a given shot-

based SPN array is divided into 4 steps (refer to Fig. 2):(1) iterate steps 2 to 4 until the size of the shot-basedSPN array does not change; (2) the HFM of each shot-based SPN is estimated; (3) the PCE value of every pair inthe shot-based SPN array is calculated using HFM; (4-1)if a correlated pair is found, it is merged using HFM; (4-2) the shot-based SPN array is updated by replacing thecorrelated pair with the newly merged SPN.In the SPN merging step, the HFMs are used. Let SPNi

and SPNj be merged into SPNM, then each pixel in SPNMis computed as follows:



Ave(SPNi[ x, y] , SPNj[ x, y] ), HFMi[ x, y]= 0 ∧ HFMj[ x, y]= 0SPNj[ x, y] , HFMi[ x, y]= 1 ∧ HFMj[ x, y]= 0SPNi[ x, y] , HFMi[ x, y]= 0 ∧ HFMj[ x, y]= 1

0, otherwise



where Ave(·, ·), HFMi, HFMj, SPNi, and SPNj denote anaveraging operation based on the number of frames thatare used in the SPN estimation (including SPN merg-ing), the HFMs and the high-frequency-component-freeSPNs that correspond to SPNi and SPNj, respectively.The final decision is made after the correlation-based SPNmerging process is finished. If the final output is a sin-gle merged SPN, then the input video is declared to be arecaptured video. Otherwise, the input video is declaredto be an original video.Finally, we analyze the computational complexity of the

proposed method. Let Fs, NT , NTS, and NS denote themaximum value between the row and column sizes ofa test video, the total length of the video frames, the

sum of the frame lengths of selected shots, and the num-ber of selected shots. The shot division step is processedin time O

(Fs2 · NT

)and the SPN estimation step is in

time O(Fs2 · NTS

) + O(Fs2 log Fs · TS

)by assuming that

the size of the wavelet filter is negligible compared to Fs[23]. Computing the NCC takes O

(Fs2 log Fs

)by a fast

Fourier transform; thus, the computational complexityof correlation-based SPN merging is O

(Fs2 log Fs · NS3


Since NT ≥ TTS � NS, the computational complexity ofthe proposed method can be expressed as below.

O(Fs2 log Fs · NT


5 Experimental resultsIn this section, the performance of the proposed methodis evaluated. The specific settings for the experiments arealso provided. Furthermore, the results of the experimentsare presented and analyzed.

5.1 Experiment settingsFor the experiments, 130 original videos were used.Most of the videos were originally shot partially or com-pletely using digital camcorders [24]. The original videolist includes Attack on Titan (TV animation), Game ofThrones (season 3), Homeland (seasons 1 and 2), TheOffice (season 7), and Sherlock (seasons 1 and 2). Sevendigital camcorders (refer to Table 1 for specifications)were used to recapture the original videos. In total, 400videos were created via recapturing. The original videoswith a resolution of 1280 × 720 were collected, and thevideo recaptures were conducted with the same resolutionconditions. In the high-definition (HD) resolution videos,the robustness of the proposed method was tested at dif-ferent video quality factors (QFs) and scaling factors (SFs).The recaptured videos were recompressed with QFs of100, 90, 80, 70, and 60. In addition, they were resized withSFs of 80 and 60 and recompressed with QFs of 100 and80. As a result, a total of 3600 recaptured videos were cre-ated for the experiments. In the shot division step, the 20longest shots (NS = 20) were selected from each test videofor the SPN estimation step. Each selected shot had more

Table 1 Specifications of the cameras used in the experiments

Brand Model Base resolution FPS

Samsung HMX-H205BD 1920 × 1080 60

Samsung NX300 1280 × 720 30

Sony HDR-CX550 1920 × 1080 30

Olympus PEN Mini 1280 × 720 30

Cannon EOS-M 1920 × 1080 30

Panasonic GX1 1280 × 720 30

Nikon J2 1280 × 720 60

Jung et al. EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing (2015) 2015:40 Page 9 of 14

than 100 frames in general and the average shot length ofthe selected shots was approximately 130.An auditorium was selected for the video recapturing.

The auditorium was approximately 18 m wide and 21 mlong, and it had 286 fixed seats. The width of the screenin the auditorium was approximately 4 m, and the videoclips projected using an NEC PA600X projector on thescreen were displayed at a size of 4 × 2.25 m in the hor-izontal and vertical directions, respectively. Because theauditorium had its own slope between the seating rowsand the zooming of the digital camcorders was restricted,four seats, which are indicated using red dashed circles inFig. 6, were selected for the recapturing in order to havethe entire projected video screen within the camera angle.Furthermore, every light source (except the beam projec-tor) was blocked in order to simulate amovie theater; thus,the average luminance was 0.2 LUX while the recaptur-ing was conducted. The camcorders were also mountedon tripods for the recapturing.In the experiments, several modified decision-making

measures of the SPN merging were tested. The proposedSPNmerging uses a strict criteria that declares a detectiononly if a singlemerged SPN remains after the SPNmergingiterations stop. However, two or more SPNs will remainif one or more shot-based SPNs that have extremelylow quality are included. In order to take this case intoaccount, the modified measures that tolerate remainingk additional SPNs, which were never merged, except asingle merged SPN. Three different k values (0 originalcriteria, 1, and 2) were used in the tests. Furthermore, inorder to demonstrate the performance of the proposed

method, it was compared with two recaptured imagedetection methods (Cao and Kot’s method [9], Gao etal.’s method [10]) and three recaptured video detectionmethods (Wang and Farid’s method [11], Bestagini et al.’smethod [13], and Jung et al.’s method [14]). In orderto apply the recaptured image detection methods to theobtained videos, every I frame was extracted from the NSshots that were used in testing the proposed method. Werandomly selected 80 % of the extracted frames for train-ing and the remaining for testing. Furthermore, those NSshots were used to examine the above listed recapturedvideo detection methods. The parameters for Wang andFarid’s method were set as follows: the number of pointsfor featurematching was 32 and the number of fundamen-tal matrices for skew estimation was 5. In Bestagini et al.’smethod, two detectors for two different video recordingenvironments were proposed. Therefore, the detector thatfits our test environment (video frame rate �= camcorderframe rate) was tested.

5.2 HFM experimentTo evaluate the performance of the proposed HFM, weconducted an experiment. The PCE values that were cal-culated from each pair of the shot-based SPNs were ana-lyzed. Since 20 shots were selected from each test video,190 PCE values were calculated per a test video. In thistest, six values (0.0005, 0.001, 0.005, 0.01, 0.05, and 0.1)were used for α, which is the parameter of the HFM. Fur-thermore, Li’s method [22] was benchmarked. Model 5,which presented the best results in source digital cam-era identification, was used in the experiment. Figure 7

Fig. 6 Test theater environment

Jung et al. EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing (2015) 2015:40 Page 10 of 14

Fig. 7 The 1.5 IQR of the HFM test (the PCE values were calculated from pairs of SPNs)

presents the PCE values from both the original video andthe recaptured video (including the recompressed andscaled video) using 1.5 interquartile range (IQR) boxplots.As Fig. 7 describes, a wide overlapping range was exhib-ited in the PCE values between the original video and therecaptured video when no post-processing was applied.The overlapping range caused a significant number offalse positive SPN correlations. However, the overlappingrange was significantly narrowed after the techniques thatdegrade the influence of the high-frequency componentswere applied. This indicates that the number of false posi-tive SPN correlations decreased. Li’s method was effectivein attenuating the influence of high-frequency compo-nents. However, the attenuation in the pixel values of thehigh-frequency components still creates a false positivecorrelation. Since the proposed HFM changes the pixelvalues with the high-frequency components to zero, therange of the overlap is narrower than that of Li’s method.The increment of α value did not have a significant effecton the test results because the majority of the detectedpixels in the HFM was filtered by post-processing. Therange of the overlap was minimized where α was 0.005.Therefore, we used 0.005 for the HFM parameter α in thefollowing experiments. Furthermore, Li’s method was not

tested in the rest of the experiments because Li’s methodcannot be applied to SPN merging.

5.3 Quality factor experimentIn general, the recaptured videos are recompressedin order to reduce their file size before the onlinedistribution. For this reason, we tested the robustnessto compression. The recaptured videos were compressedusing various quality factors (QFs) while other compres-sion attributes, including the resolution and frame rate,were not changed. The range of QFs for the test was setfrom QF100 to QF60 with a step size of 10. The ffdshowH.264 codec and TMPGEnc 4.0 Xpress video encoderwere used to recompress the test videos. In addition, weused the variable key frame interval, which was the defaultsetting. The parameter α of the HFM was set to 0.005.The test results are presented in Fig. 8. First, Jung

et al.’s method [14] exhibited steep slopes in the receiveroperating characteristic (ROC) curves; these slopes werecaused by a few low-quality SPNs. Several low correla-tions between shot-based SPNs were compensated forusing Warshall’s algorithm, but the limitation of the lowquality of the shot-based SPN was not. Bestagini et al.’smethod [13] presented constant test results while the QFs

Jung et al. EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing (2015) 2015:40 Page 11 of 14

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

(e)Fig. 8 Quality factor experiment results. a QF100, b QF90, c QF80, d QF70, and e QF60

Jung et al. EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing (2015) 2015:40 Page 12 of 14

decreased. However, the detection results were not satis-factory. The frame rate change, which was used to unitevarious shots in the original video production, might haveproduced false positive detection. The proposed methodwithout the HFM produced slightly better results thanJung et al.’s; however, it also did not provide satisfactorydetection results. In contrast, the proposed method withtheHFMexhibited a high level of detection ratios. Overall,the every recaptured video detection method that utilizedthe SPN exhibited a decreasing detection ratio as the QFdecreased.The recompression lowers the quality of the estimated

shot-based SPN and results in low correlation valuesbetween the shot-based SPNs. Furthermore, the severequality degradation of the shot-based SPN disturbs theSPN merging and makes the shot-based SPN uncorre-lated even to the high-quality SPN. In the high QF tests(Fig. 8a–c) with the strict criteria (k = 0), most misseddetections resulted from the low correlations between themerged SPN and several shot-based SPNs that had theseverely degraded quality due to the recompression. How-ever, with a less strict criteria (k = 1, 2), the detection ratioincreased because the number of the shots that under-went the severe quality degradation was small. In contrast,in the low QF tests (Fig. 8d–e), most missed detectionsarose from the failure of the SPN merging because thequality of most of the estimated shot-based SPNs washeavily degraded. The proposed method presented a lowdetection ratio in the QF60 test. However, in general,QF60 is not a common quality factor that is used in videocompression due to the severe visual quality degradation.Thus, the low detection ratio in theQF60 test is acceptableconsidering that QF60 is a rare compression parameter forrecaptured videos.Table 2 presents the test results for Cao and Kot’s

method, Gao et al.’s method, and Wang and Farid’s

method. The test results of these methods could not bepresented in graph form; thus, we compared the proposedmethod by fixing the false positive ratio. In addition, wealso included the test results for Bestagini et al.’s methodand Jung et al.’s method at a zero false positive ratio.The table demonstrates that the proposed method out-performed the other methods, except in the QF60 testwhere Gao et al.’s method outperformed the proposedmethod.

5.4 Scaling factor experimentThe recaptured videos were scaled using various scalingfactors (SFs). Because up-scaling is rare for videos, onlySFs lower than 100 (%) were tested. SFs lower than 60were excluded in the experiment considering that the res-olution of the original recaptured videos was 1280 × 720.Normally, the video quality is also adjusted when the scal-ing is adjusted; thus, the experiments for QF80, which isa common default recompression quality factor, were alsoconducted.The detailed settings of recompression followed the

quality factor experiment except for the QF and SF.Figure 9 presents the experiment results for the scaledtest videos. The proposed method (k = 2) with theHFM outperformed the other methods. The proposedmethod exhibited good results for QF80 and SF0.8,which are common parameters for video scaling. Table 3presents the test results compared with Cao and Kot’smethod, Gao et al.’s method, Wang and Farid’s method,Bestagini et al.’s method, and Jung et al.’s method.The table demonstrates that the proposed method out-performed the other methods at every SF level. Thecompared methods that did not utilize the SPN exhib-ited a constant detection ratio while the QF and SFdecreased.

Table 2 Detection result at different levels of video quality factors

QF100 QF90 QF80 QF70 QF60


Proposed (k = 0)

1.00 0.00 0.99 0.00 0.98 0.00 0.93 0.00 0.61 0.00

1.00 0.01 1.00 0.01 1.00 0.01 0.95 0.01 0.69 0.01

1.00 0.03 1.00 0.03 1.00 0.03 0.98 0.03 0.80 0.03

Proposed (k = 2)

1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.99 0.00 0.97 0.00 0.75 0.00

1.00 0.01 1.00 0.01 1.00 0.01 0.99 0.01 0.84 0.01

1.00 0.03 1.00 0.03 1.00 0.03 1.00 0.03 0.90 0.03

Wang and Farid [11] 0.82 0.35 0.83 0.35 0.94 0.35 0.89 0.35 0.87 0.35

Bestagini et al. [13] 0.58 0.00 0.58 0.00 0.59 0.00 0.60 0.00 0.61 0.00

Jung et al. [14] 0.48 0.00 0.38 0.00 0.35 0.00 0.22 0.00 0.16 0.00

Cao and Kot [9] 0.78 0.27 0.78 0.27 0.77 0.27 0.78 0.27 0.76 0.27

Gao et al. [10] 0.94 0.33 0.96 0.33 0.98 0.33 0.98 0.33 0.99 0.33

[9] and [10] are image-based recapturing detection methods included here for reference only. Correlations between frames are not used here in our comparison

Jung et al. EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing (2015) 2015:40 Page 13 of 14

(a) (b)

(c) (d)Fig. 9 Scaling factor experiment results. a SF80, b SF60, c SF80 with QF80, and d SF80 with QF80

Table 3 Detection result at different levels of scaling factors

SF80 SF80 (QF80) SF60 SF60 (QF80)


Proposed (k = 0)

0.99 0.00 0.95 0.00 0.98 0.00 0.92 0.00

1.00 0.01 0.97 0.01 0.99 0.01 0.94 0.01

1.00 0.03 0.98 0.03 1.00 0.03 0.97 0.03

Proposed (k = 2)

1.00 0.00 0.99 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.96 0.00

1.00 0.01 1.00 0.01 1.00 0.01 0.98 0.01

1.00 0.03 1.00 0.03 1.00 0.03 0.99 0.03

Wang and Farid [11] 0.84 0.35 0.86 0.35 0.86 0.35 0.92 0.35

Bestagini et al. [13] 0.61 0.00 0.60 0.00 0.62 0.00 0.61 0.00

Jung et al. [14] 0.26 0.00 0.23 0.00 0.18 0.00 0.16 0.00

Cao and Kot [9] 0.77 0.27 0.78 0.27 0.78 0.27 0.78 0.27

Gao et al. [10] 0.98 0.32 0.97 0.32 0.98 0.33 0.97 0.33

[9] and [10] are image-based recapturing detection methods included here for reference only. Correlations between frames are not used here in our comparison

Jung et al. EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing (2015) 2015:40 Page 14 of 14

6 ConclusionsThis paper investigated a recaptured video detectionmethod. The proposed method operates automatically fora given video and does not use additional informationsuch as watermarks. The proposed method is based onthe SPN, which is the unique fingerprint of digital imag-ing sensors. The proposed method consists of three steps:first, the video is divided into shots; second, the shot-based SPN is estimated from the divided shots; and third,the video is determined to be a recaptured video or notusing the correlation-based SPN merging. Furthermore,an HFMwas used to exclude the low-quality regions in theestimated SPNs during the SPN correlation calculationand merging processes. We demonstrated the superiorperformance of the proposed method by comparing thetest results for various quality factors and scaling factorswith other recaptured content detection methods. How-ever, the proposed method remains weak against severevideo compression. The next research focus will includeconsiderations of this weakness.

Competing interestsThe authors declare that they have no competing interests.

AcknowledgementsThis research project was supported by Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism(MCST) and from Korea Copyright Commission in 2015.

Received: 16 December 2014 Accepted: 26 November 2015

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